Y The, Wilson Advdttctf. 1. . Wilson Advance. i ' i -.' - Tii.c i AiTEIlTI5t?fd ItATX3.TTn - i PUBLISHED AT . ' One Square 1 time. One Piqnare 1 motith. Oar Square 3 ta6nth. One Square C momhs....:w ...l3B,0rf 1 ,fl' 'nfa3 0T One Squire 13 months u?iVaWT.ia i:vDsTM,grAT;cK ;ttf" cotimv vthv crop's, axo n.vnrs ' w.riIsCItPT? H ATES. T ihorl dtvloctioiia mal I r Urrer p Transient Advertisements inserted rear NO. 3 .you. 11. tj.'X'Molitns, ... . 1.0 Couts per Una. Xocnl 3cinrtiricnt.. -t - - Editor. Mrs. J. J. Moss, who lived neat J03-PHU3 JA-iiELS, ' " jl - x ysiitr a rv E3Xi$ q.71 ISTF. ' . . ; Kyir.n'n, Daakd & Co Guano. - q- - - r r- ! . V m .Valentines day Mo'. d ' . Clover seel at H laud's. MrJohn W. '.nr..-.i1M ly of this place 5 its teaching t he Khjsu.u band. - GiiA.n seed at Rowland's. V" v The to wri' of Plymouth is almost to- tally ilc stroyed by fire. ' " Fo!i anything in th-i Ding lin;; go to , Petcock A. Havgrave's.. -";-'..' 5.030 papers of. "garden seed al llowl:iid':. .SkgauS, coking ami chiving touavco at l'oaenck & Hargrves. ' Senator Ransom has accepted an in vitation to dvliver the annual address at Xh-3 University. . . , A1.1. kir.ds of Held and -garden seed at UutvUikTs. ()!. . V,'. Stanfnn. of.llii coiinty; in llsit Ih- kill-'d r .-I.'.- !.he ollii-r (I iv which net in n o'v-er .2:) 1 I'M ot uik. Ca3 00 ve;ir3. r4Uo leaves a hiiiband, four, children,' and many friends to mourn their loss. Last Friday Ttlght scrae person or Go l Fur 1 n in 'j. ; Mr. II, Davis, of 'iiitakcrf Mill. 'Xas-h co'mty, made lust year witli one horse and ou'c hand; besides himself 17 bales of cotton, i) birrels of corn loO busUel-s of potatoes, and... bad Hi acres in enufas and acres , in water melons all of Which ''these iwo men tended. tnliiu, Xash cour-.ty, 27 C, Died : Jann tcrsou9 broke off two planks of M-. II iji.il, lO'Jl. MIZV 'JO J cm 3.. Oo v V.lorr?' r ,t o u r o r t on.I ntrrpii and scattered tbiim's around, prett)' promiscuously. A padlodk, a darting knife, a coffee not and a lid to a por ?elain kettle ore the only things that were stolen. This .was a "dastardly act and if the lascals can be 'found punishment should be jQ jted , out ; to them. Our police.tnen should, fkeep iffelf eyes open f for such rogues who arc ever on the alert for a good cbance to steal. Cotton Weigher, At a meetins ot the Town , Commis sioners held last Friday night Mr. Ed. ward Waters was elected cotton weigh er for the eusu n.; two years in accor dance .with the act just passed by the Legislature. . Abscorolel iVilh tier Money. Mi. McGowan. who came lo Wilson a few ydars ao iQjiotk in C. ZJames" sho c shop, boarded- with Mr, ; AVm. NoMer; It was rurqored. before Mr. Nolley died'taV they were too ihti mutei PreUjrsoon after Mr. aSolley's death Mefirowan" married his j widow, and influenced her toitdl her property here and rcovc ' to ' Scotland Neck where tbe boubt a lot, and being dis saitsnedWhhont the cash in his bands he acain induced her to sell her lot for about $70(W $800t Harinj the cash jTiIvved hll'the furniture to the de PROHI1HTIO.V. .. I The Retail-License Qnestion in Wilsoi County. mn2. L,arrv Ierry llale. t.rry Hoykin, Jas. T. Tloykin, 't. J. D. Pate, Wiley Barnes. John A. Clark. J. 31. W mboarrf. W. E. : L . ! F.-irmer. IV. II. Henfrow. Jonathan Monday the County - Commission- j Thomson Jr., J. A. Tynes, Hilliard ers uiei in me vuun tiouse in niu , rjaws n-ivi.l Wi inn. Wrnn Wmwi IIoii3i in j l a. ijaii.i nuiuiiPt itmicn n Dlace and their first action was to nassl&rd. Jordan Horn. M. T. Peek?, mioses a law whic'i would if carried into ' Dew, Ja. T, Wigpjins. Carney Forbes. effect' be viUually a prohibitory Valf f V; J-: " l'Se Irvin , o V I Kadford and K. limes. - liquor law. Seo Commissioners meet- Tbert v,eT, no olher bn8ineSS he mg.) imsiaw, as wui oe seen. board afl1nurned to mcet lhe firstMon. reading it, would have pot an enectual ; . mfai, 1 al r 1 ir r rr I i p a n a o i it VLr 5 1 oAn fAnntt' 1 ! and, the friends aud advocates of pro- ; - ( ol. 1.. L. i1 jVcws-Oli.-fivi-: !k li is l-t-tire l 'fnim ll.' ;ni!l l'cii elecrt'd -SUtc U :u d f i.iii.ic. , A ri'Ui Iriu- of "StalioivirV. Tial f'ap, 'ToiuVUap, L'-it.-r and X(te l'apcr at lo:i e-ck &iirti'jrrave"ri. . Don"t forget, llow'- nd sells good -Snuff at T0 cents per pound. ' Mr. IV. V. .!cn i . r ur lia-rd tlx lioc.;!,(.p of .1. T M-('raY aii'l has.-in In . fiDp'.'y, Mr' A. I'.. Oncal and suvcial ollu! C(nip.tttht warkincn. Til:-; Brief Mention is cut again. It iifv has 8 p-igW," 4 e'o':ims to the page. AVt- wis'u it u ihoun'lad success. . ."Misses, jennio Tliorp and Anie Tiv.vi. ;f lockyiMount n're on a visit to Wilson the guests ot G.. W. 'JJ louut Esq." . . I 'LA'iutETii's and 15nists garden seed H,good assorttneut, at Appointments on Nuslivillv Circuit. .Appointments of Jlev. J. Ti-Lyon. preacher in charge" of Nashville, cir cuit M. E, Church: for 183h- v- Ss'.iarui), 1L .Sunday at....... II A M. While (.k nd Sunday ...V....T..... 11 A. M. Saudv- Cis 2nd Simdav... ') P.M. NahviMp .:ha! Hur.day, 11 A. M. and 7 1. M. -'lfoi(l. 4ili bmiday ... ..11 A. M. luthleli('in, 4tii Sunday p. M. j had braulit only foiir 'bales j of cijtfoii tn I inaikot this seaso'u one of which was giui.ee Ai'Mhtr Editor in Ludc M,r. I). C. G. Armstrong of the Rocky iount Prowess was married last We Inesday uight l Miss Dcttie, daughter -"of Capt. J. J. Lancaster, of Ed-reoonibe, Rev. L. II. Haldwin-' of- Justieis Court. Satuuday the csisi ot Juo. II. Thomp son ' vs. ltcddick Kaiman w as tried by Jus tice Davis. The case wasou ;hat created .s'iV'rie interest, and originated in a clai.n of plaintitf. aaiiisc 4 the defendant for toll,' and bagging and ties, for two bales of cot- ... . . i - i ' run Karmai ma w i! nesses i nai. ne tn ;d at Finch's gin, and lluec at Thompson' . Whereas Thompson clainu:d to have gin ned four balesiiaiself lor Eatma.n.Thon,p ton iiiTrpduccd his cotton welgliar" and his hixdc, to etablif!! his clairti. The case being a mere questur. f fact tltf jutioe was furtunate 4n being able losatisfy himself, hy calling in wiUiescsr upon wlio.se tesiimotiy. vi.h .th; assistance of Tiioihpsou's hook, hi; decided in favor of Tliompson. Katniau appealed to the Su- peiiJ" Court. he moved hli'the furniture to the de. hibilion wcre c(v-,a2 their orVi3e to the pot at EfieU- bd 9hippel lo Wilson . . . r ,-. u ".i - T " 'Pi. 1 Commissioners. for their noble whr thev-wpre comuis to . live? llie Sett ional Xcv ; it ol If 3-0'u want noi'i'c'but new seed co' to Peacock fc Margrave'. I Ail IJuHlXL ACCtiaUlLUIl. whertherwer coming to. live? Tl.e wmm..oncr..I.,r i eir nUu,B , baViaae consistsd of two large1 trunks, j On the contrary the liqmr dealers and j . 1 nr lat number ol Harper . Monthly in n nf Avh r- i lo mrti.pv wa? cnos- r ends ort ie trahj wcre liiiimy in-:V"- ited. His wife was well satisfied that ; ccnsed at Ibis action of the CommU the money was in toe truiiK. v uen , McGowan went to set the checks he ficiating. Tlie Advaxck congratti' latfs the youthful editor upon hrs good luck.1" m Move fc Xa- Fire. TmriiSDAY hicht -February' 3rd, I Old Fields township, the kitchen of Mr. A. H. lliizlx was burned. When the family retired some fire was left in the fire-place which caught the floor' and consumed the building. Ev erything was lost. No insurance. We. sympathize wjth Mr. High in bis loSS. " . : I ' Pj-ttki'MKUY and fancv AitXies at 1'ea- co'-k it-'ilargra-ve's. . P.. A. 11 HV li 1 K J. Of S VV-: : l t V,V li'l'P tol-l us a f u day-; si tliaf. -lis ' nl.anU;-1 Inst ytar ..)"ac-',s in c 't ;i a i J had ather fd th m-jIii) it hilcss. i'.iii is h ird to Joat. . ' 3l T. 3dgCnAv has just received the finest stuck of Trench candy ever brought to Wilson. Uive-iiim a call. " i . inire ,.snd writing fluids at Peacock &, Ilar-ferav(-s. . . Ml:. 11. L. ' IPy.att. who has been cn-.di.ied'to his room . for some time .pan is, we are glad .-to state, u again nt his i-itst. IIo will - be nle ised to serve air-desiring wui only got one check which was for the trunk which did not contain the money. It is supposed he kept the check for the trunk which" bad the money iu i!, not lotting her know anything about it. The trunk' which' was checked came safely, tp; Wilson, and . McGowan aud wife cauie with it. Finding that but our trunk came McGowan returns ..to Enfield,tQubunt up the trunlc which contains the m'nney. And oa the next niail his wife received a postal card from the freigiit agent telling her she bad better come and see to shipping her turmture, as McGowan had in formed him that be was going to leave for some unknown parts. Upon the re'eiptpf thi card Mrs. McGowan left Shall ice II j.ve. Cotton fVeificrs? , Me. E, Barnes, Jr., of Kountree, Barnes & Co., and II. G. Connor, Esq , are absent in Raleigh where they have gone in the irterest of the petition which has been eigned by nearly, if not quite all, ofour merchants, and by a large number of farmers who are desirous, of having theJaw creating two cotton weiiihcr for the town " ,C7 repealed. Since the above 'was written we received a telegram last night stating, that, the bill jiuthoiizinz the appoium int. of . two, cotton weighers'for the town ol H'ilson was ic pealed yesterday. ' '- ' ' . ; f for Enfield to make investigations Jolt n Plo u g hma n's Talk. For I several weeks we have been publishing John Ploughman's Talk, by . II. Spurg3on. an eminent ana learn ed divine of London! pleased to know that no?t of our sub- and wc arc liem with inter- Preface to bis Mime.'L In- Old Fields township, Sunday February 5th, by II. F, Freeman, E q.. Mr. L. A. High to Miss Mary Stone Our .best wishes are extended to this young couple. May their lfe be de void of care and trouble, and may peace and happiness ever be -allotted' to ahem in this vale of tears, .is the sin cere wish of the editor. jrk in his line. (-.s-'s -ill Mlc ;. . ' Anothiu- ear hid of Jiorses and mules to Strive on S:itfi'nly moniVug the 12th inst. Call and vx iiiiin,iy stock ' . . - " Ik II: Tvsox. If you, want a New Home Sewing Maehine. remember that I . cannot be :tt everv place at once, so write to mo :.i:d I will deliver it. Another lot on j Tie way. W. A. iarbrcy, -Acnt. . . Fare to the lit iujural Ceraaonies. ' To- enable military organizations and citizens to attend the Inaugural Ceremonies at Washington, 1). C, o:s March 4th, 1881, the following rates have been adopted, to Washington and ietunV from Goldsb'oro, fof' Military bodies in uniform $10.00; for Civil ians, $14.00. . Tarboro the same. Tickets 'gocrl goiug March 1st to the ord, and good tc return until March 10i.il. ' - : '-' Die I. . ; , : ; f . -At. ins residence, in Saratoga town ship, Wilson county, -on Timrsday, evening, February 3rd, 1881. of Pneu monia, Louis Pitt jnan, son of Theophb; lu3 and liepsey Pittuian, aged about 29 years. Toe deceased was an bon-' est, peaceable, hard working young man, attentive to bis own business and not meddlesome in the affairs of his neighbors. Cut down in tbo vigor manhood whan life to him was fullest of hope and prornise, his untimely death 'has cast a gloom " over the com munity in .which he I lived. He leaves a wife and child and several relatives a id friends' to moutu his loss, and to theuj.wc tender our heart Telt sympa thy. ' May He "who teinperei h the wind lo the shorn lamb comfort .and sus tain thorn in their sore alllictions. scribes are reading t est and profit. In the book Snunrenon says : ; in "John PloimhraaJi's Talk" I bare tried to talk for-ploughmen and cTiin mign people. Hence refined taste and dainty words have been discarded for strong, oil proverbial expressions ana hbmc'v phrases. I have aimed my blows afr the vices of tWo many, and tried to inculcate those moral! .virtues without which men are degraded and miserable. Much that needs' be said to the toil In jr masses fonld I not suit well the pulpit nndlhe Sabbath ; these lowly pages may teacjh thrittancl lnrtas try all the drys'of h week, in the cottage and the workshop ;j and if eora learn these lessons I shall not repent the adoption of the rustic stjlc. Ploughman s a name I may justly claim. Every minister has put bis hand to the plough; it is his business to break up the fullow ground, and cast iu good see 1. That I have writ-r ten in a . semi-humorous vein snan ueed no apology. if thereby souud moral teaching", wins, a hearing fromf i he million. There is no " particular virtue in being seriously unreadable. sioners, and began to complain bitter ly that their "liberty" hid been taken away from them. Mr. Dl Hill, who has been retailing liquor near Stan tonsburg was refused license and great was the joy in prohibition circles, At this juncture, when everybody was on the alert to hear of others who bad failed to procure their license it was announced auth ritatively that the Commissioners had granted licenses to Hatts and Jackson in Wilson, and A. Barnes in Ulack Crock, and others perhaps, in direct violation of their ordinance, This action of the Commissioners has been spoken of very harshly, and minv have accused them of lack of back-bone and courage. It does in deed seem strange, after passing such a stringent law, which could not be misunderstood, that our Commission ers completely turned their back on thpir first resolution ; and granted the license to parties who could not com ply with- their requirements. It is not our province to judge and so wc mere ly state what is generally believed. We can only add that it behooves the Commissioners to make some ex planation to the frUbiic if they do not wish to be judged too harshly. The Advance condemns no man, but. in common with all the good citizens of the county, it desires au explanation and its columns are open to eiuier of the Commissioners for any expletaa- to mislead those who do not know th-i hab- of our Primitive Baptist Irieiids: ' , "Old Captain Stanley, who livts down in the midd e of Kentuckv, vas a good old Ilard-hiieli UapiVst, who occasionally would J tell a' story at (he-expense of so;nc of the brethren. Many years ago they were not so conspicuously orthodox on the temper ance question as tiiey ere in oiir fitne. "On one occasion," smd the caplnttv kthe bre th rei down in my rgiou were rtriit.to have a j;rahd chureh gathering, Child Burned tc DH.Dfut?i cf an Infant. County CcrMuiisior Jl&tiiwj. ? t . ''" ' ' ' A 5ttlo girl ciht rcaf ! J, da'togh. ter of Hannah Wliiams coU'who resides on thel land of Vu J. M.Jvarl in Nashvil. was burned lo death on Sunday rooming the 6thint. Hannak and her sister Esther hats tbrte children each. The women were both away from home Cooking. HaanaU at Rev. J. T. Lyon, and bUeT ox Air. J. Harpf r'a. 'the Vrl. Litxiev in stooping over the fire got so near that her clrvthcs (ook fire whea Ihe ran out to the fence some 50 yanls frtim the lvrna nnd thru back and under tho f bed and tliem fell on the floor, Esther's boy nine years old ran to ljrarpers and told his mother that Lizre 'was burnsd up. Mr. Harper hastened to the huae aud says she only breathed two or three times after his arrival. The bed was on fi e on which fciyed H infant which no doubt would sWa Uave been burned. The child clothes werebtfrus offand she was th? most ghastly sight your correspondent ever ..sswT Tb cries of th e mother, on reocbiB tosne and seeing, the charert lorm wr and all the faithful li tliA iiltflt'rAviAni.u-'prA PXneCtfitl ........ ... ... ...a.n.. w , 7 Kllll SCllirg' mv ..-. . w-. to exert themselves to entertain suit utlv a id I ,.i,;i,l Wprn imlppd heart rendering. hospitably tho visiting brethren. Tw ct J Smith Dales, infant only a few weeks of my neighbors met each other Just before the grand gathering, one of them ta.:u: "What are yon going to do?" "Well," replied the man, "I've laid hi a a gallon of lirst rate whiskey.' 'A gallon!" retorted Ins neiglb."r, with a look of doutfctirp'; ''why, I've got a bar rel; and you ara just as able to support tk Gospel as I am" . ' Tn those divs ' vou could always tell a 1Iard-shcJl by lookhigat iiim from' bctdnd: one of t he skirts of his coat w ould luuig lower than the other the ono rn Wliicc be carried his bottle. But the captain said there was one old brother down then whose denominational views couldn't be ascertained t n that way: his skirts hung even a bottle in each pocket. old died" on Monday morning. - - fniintv Coicadsioners m session ori MDiiday aud u good'y crowd in town. Hafa wot -had time tOvgeia rpntirf of their proceeding. Will do so in tinte Rjt nuxt week. . l. A considerable qoantity or collOfl passed . lliroufth. town yestirdaf and to cfav eing to Wilson. , H ! V. B. -DatclreloT leaves for Richefond in a day or twer tor buy a car loed of lmilcs; fi .TRBNTCf. ASHES. lleuv'i Losses by McrduM9FwiMf Insured. Full Particular from " our Cforrespvndent. Where tliey are as -ell known as they ar& in this f-ecllon, tfetfrhifc H rfnnessiry . . ... I to fay that the things aescnix m n:.rper . JJrtORS AbVAXCK : Oil ' WBdnCr- does not exist. - L : . i , ... tL.: Some of our best and most influential cit-day. moruiDg about 4 O clock tbefeO? izsns belorg to the rrirnitive Baptist pCOple of this old, tried and trtft UwH chmqa, amd tlwrf ivyMrtnti w sooiieiy is , their peaceful ..lam. While the're aVe some nhrbefs ot the berS, by thclcctf.c and heart fen , - iinir irv of fire ! fite ! r AIL rushtd lo t eilUl Cil who uo ioi iitc iu men .ipi""'b 7 . TtK Tionibnrg. : 77r.rs has entered oivn anew vohune auspiciously.'- The 7-i-m'x is a Welcome' visitor to this llice&nd we. wish it and . its cleter J 11 Advcr(iscrtL!tters.-' A list of letters and postal cards wholly written remaining, in the .post I cilice at -Wilson. N. C, Feb. 9lh, '81: Mrs' .Annie" lAbinson,. Uutherford Arnistroii"-. W'lv livrd 3. Cdnmbns The new fall .'hade latk l'.nv.e; (Vankcr. j livnnm: M A Davis, Abrani Farmer, sag,- Itrown, Old U -Id, and TveiVi orAv-i-i.,sl v I ocas. Win Locas col. Jno Jel. ton, Loudon iticG nil e. Bryant Moore. editor a donjf and prosperous journey. :xninab!e colors i-i John dark .lr'. '.fc Vs. ui;k-e'id pol c-ntmi excjl iiU i.i ll'.-ir -x;si-ite hesnfy. Fvery 'lady 'who wij-her : o -see ihe-. luidiy -In dre goofts itltaS hihiied in lln inost fashionable-tiv.i-of Pari:; L u Ion a-'id Xe.r Y),rk .sho) if 1 ral! at -Hne?, lLidloy A' Co's ;irill ( N :i:uinj th.v-e (.)kis. Tii'.r. jK-i sonal property of LpuH P.tt man deceased , 'will be so'lcl , at his late resilience., in Saratoga' .township, --en 'Vridaj- Fehrrwtrv 1-tli. 1881-. Aniong tlAi-'articles t be sold will be a lot .JjS urn fo-lder, cottdil seed, mule and cart, (Tittle, hos, and fannirg 'imp'le nu'iits. Farties.in need of any of tl e 'above would do well io'u'V.nd the sale. Superior at tides in universal re. uest arc alwa's coiMiterteited, and the Charity Newsome. . Miss Mollie Par kins, 11 Gordon Q uarles. Miss Mary pSbnms, G W Thorn, Joseph II lizzie. R II inneiean, i'rot m W llhamson. If the above letters and postal card a-re not. called for in 3) days they wil be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Damkls. P. M. Personals. Mr. Jno. W. Plount of Nashville was in town this week. Mr. E. G. Moore, of Battleboro was in. .Wilson one day this vr.eek. Mr. John Lane of the '-Wilmington pirates' of trade, who pick np a. livin" ! Shir, favored- us with a call Wednesday: by depredating upo. the rijhts-- of Mr. W. W. Car a way of the lialoigli oTiers, are constantly trying cheafj X-ms-Obsercer, Was in town this week, the poblic.Ly substituting ;iad1ating! Mr. J. S. Westbrook, of Faisons, -a ond falsy?ying Simmoi Liver Legu-! fornier ilsonian was in town thisweck. 'lator: but, ueware : iaivu nunc v.--vv.- "UL'der our copyrighted, engraved iable, wivii seal, signature ami stamp- of J.1L Zeiin.ec Co. . i . : - " De Uh of an estimatAe Ln&j. Mns. Howell Joyner, who fed1 pear Farmvi;ie.Pitt'coun,y, died Saturday, j'ab Mr. J. C. Meek-in?, Jr., of Tyrrell county, wa in towu a few eays t his week. Miss Ke'ceca Shields of Scotland Neck is on a vUnt the family of Mc. Ji. A. Crews B Hsiuess Notices. While in Norfolk last week we bad the pleasure of meeting Mr. Arthur C: Freeman, a popular and' enterprising jeweler of that place. Mr. Freeman bus just replenished his stock so that; be can. furnish anything in his line at the shortest "'notice. He will rake pleasure in answering communications relative to the purchase of jewelry, &cj The one thing needful to a traveller as a ood hot dinner JKticn you are passing through W eldon Mr. i. Berkley will be glad to supply you. with a ti nner fii for kings aud poten tates for only fifty cents. Lauoest book published. The edi tion ot W ebster's Unabridged Diction ary recently issued, in the quantity of matter it contains, is believed id be the largest volume published. , It will surprise miiiy readers to Know that it contains eirht tirries the amount of matter contained in the Bi ble, being sufficient to- make -75 12mo. volumes hat usually sell ' for $1 25 each ! Its vocabulary comprises over 118,000 words '-b.GOJ of which have, recently been added) , It has a new Biographical Dictionary; giving brief important facts concerning 0,700 noted persons. . There is a Memoir of Noah Webster, a brief history f the English language, Princinles of Pronunciation, Lists of 4,000 Scripture pruper names, 10,000 Ediaird A. Oldham, Esq. Our vonnar friend -Edward A. iOldrrtim, who atcended pchool in 4 Wilson several years agi, ha.; wunren a letter m air, vui. F. Gill, concerning the. proposed "Pbti M" niorial."' which was published in ,ibe New York lhral 1. of the 20th of January. We reproduce it because llr. Gill, thought of the dozt-ns of letters he had' re ceived from various sources, this Was" the best. I - '" I '' The letter reads as follows, ditctf "fV'il ir.ington. ilB,WM. F. Gill: j DearSih:-t 'Your interesting ejniinnnication o?tl?e tion they may desire to make. - i . m Feting of the board of couufY COMMISSIONERS.- , Last Monday being the rirst Monday in February the connty Commissioners met in the Court House in this race I). G. W. Ward, Jno. D. Wells. Jno. 1L Parnesr, P. A. Kovrafd arttT Wiley Leans were present. The following were' the proceedings of the board which are of interest to the . general rejrier copied- from theminites:. On motion it was carried ISy unan imous vote itel all persons appling for Retail Liquor License Irtifeafter should present a petition with the sig nature of the beads of all families liv ing within one of the pltcc where the tredeis expected to be . carried on. Said law to hold good out of incorpora ted" towns. ; And it'was further carried that those who live m incorporated towns should retail tlre ton Commissioners therein together with adjoining neighbors to ment.s (and in what church are all theirtem as good as they Miould be?) still the greater unassuming people, and-arc hfehly respect ed. Wc have noticed this becxiise we thoiisht tho 'nit'" rft orA' friends was ungrounded, I - - and1 deciUcdty uncalled fur. wtu cam to nana W1..VA. m., ..m ( . titioiigf otherwise no more to reply, alow mc t oner iao q cerPS t(y be cranted It was su-estion that there be effected the organ-! '',or ,,ceP9 ne gyalt' izarion of what uiy be called the Foe Me- also agreed that no person should moral Commit tee, coUsibj of a! member have litrensrj for less tbWC twel ve frorri nearly every St tit, - with yourself as months. ehairinati. As a member of such a commit- Ordered that J"nO. P. Bardin, J. W. tee I could very probably he able to do the Avcock'arAi Dr. A. G. Brooks be" ap- nrni" rt "mneli. or at least some, ! financial (;ood. and my node of procedure would be is follows: In the first place, 1 would ad dress a printed circular i" the freinds of j'No. 14 vointed to ' assess the damuges for a nubba school house site lstacic treeK township for colored school district iirea i"'""-" - - --, literature, to the patrons of learning, and the admirers of thu: genms of E lgir Allen Ordered Jtbat Tl. G. Privett be ap pointed to serve- out thi unexpired Poe, in the State of North Carolina, mi j tern of H, Vf. Privett constable of for sub- ; Blacic ureeic lowusmp. ami with which I would rci-pcctfully call scriptionis from private parties, the request that all library organization in the State nake arrahzemenU for one or enviable reoutatiou as p L,whow a3mu'ch lionored ar? refq ctcd in January 29th, at her home-. Sho was ew York1, has retutnd home". paotLej- of Mrs. Henry M orris of 1 ! faz and was loved by all those Mr. Jona3 Oettinger, who has been Geographical Names. 700 common En ent on a visit to Baki-r-cra and flish Christia Vt htr. We j re -informed that ulish Christian Nmttes; several pages (of Proverbs. Ac. a vocabulary of Thp. next business in order was to elected a public cotton weigher which a tA v. tUa olootirm rf J. W. Barnes 6 arrantremenU for one or , ru. . . (wb3as any oHier yoah more lececngageme.7ts, (hti product ot; , suretv. man iii TIw nlte. ... , .. i . . l. .1 . J. Ul I ill 1 1 t rf . - . wheh b ; either itepoMteu wun nnsc.i .r ,( jfaters being dulv elected ns with voir. : I anv very e;rtaio thtt if every j "" weiher for "the " town came State r.'aving tnamljership in the committee , forwarJ amf presented his bond with wodld proceed in th; mauhor I suggest we j farmer as furety which was could do much toward gaining the desired ' ' " . , end. A a-member of the Philomathian j ordered to be recoriteri. ,. . . - On moliion the boaru aojourea to sooi-t7 o this eitv. I can nroinise von their . i.9n - , ; mppt Taesdav iiiorunf at co-operation-in this scheme. I have an-j n other suggestion, which I th ink I could l j ?f ' ff . . .. T;fidor were made tiuatfC1ally poss.bk if managed nght- j . fotlnwin Parties for . rrt . T T ii J . 1 i ' . i .K 1 ll lUmiiP Vlf E Ur tlipir pfforta availed little .1,7 mm.- ' -J- J ' 7 1 UIUI VMl''l "WW mwmum-m. portion of Primitive Baptists are Ilai'1 tant tb Wlmlo busiotfu portion1 of tUi cTrnitrlifr f.-irnrnr.t. hnilpsr. tpJWnerJlG Hid V ... " -j - ttmvn now ilea tn aslies. w Mr. C. IK Foy of (C. II. F. 6 Co.) and cleric were slseoing on the' se'eomt floor of Ureir establishntetft, tlie smoke? awoke them1 an' tbcf rushed out Isar- ling clothring buhttrd, bul succeeded H h saving a small portion or tne sues: contained on flrstfljor.lt Dtln'giuse Ips to attemnt savini? the honse. ' The wind was .blowing South East and the next building "caught was the one occupied by S. C'. lnce Second" door but in few' minute's the one Occu pied by T. C. Whitakcr (soin In-law of iyouf townsra'An Wm. Murray) war L completely en vefopod in frvmes and soon thercafier-the' new store (not oc cupied) also caught and1 all were burned to the ground. AH the Uuildinzs burned belonged Lto our friend and country Democratic champion TJenjimtu Askew wh6 ustf no Imiirance- 1 1 fs loss will not fall much' below 3000 Tout. ' C. H. Foy & Co. about. $4,800 Insured in 0d North State $1000 and Fire Association of l'hiladcfp'jia 300 all on stock. ; T. C; Whitaker, loss about! $t400 Insured in Old Northk State $"700 and Watertown of N. Y. $500 S. K. Koonce loss about $1,000 Insured1, All the parties are heavy looseri, but Mr. Askcws is the heaviest ' This a calamity for Trenton,' but mwUh tu pntrnrise heretofore exhibit I ted no one need" doubt but that the All kinds of seed, warranted to bo fret.li and genuine,1 at Peacock &, Hargrave's. A JVord of Adoice to Young Me n. r Gov. Jarvis, in his Inaugural' address, gives th-following excellent advice to the young mdulof the State, says he: "There is too great a tendency. I fear, among mr young men to leave lh farnn and workshops of tho country;' 6ome for Uinvloymcni ia nlifet ihey think more lin- orable vocations in cities aud towns; others, -more ambitious, for the supposed. e:ise and 'lorv ff professional lif-J.' Public opinion is not. altogether blameless lor this mistake, and should hastejn to correct it let t often leads these youn;; men into failures, aud failui'es-info vices. " Thb" sucbessfd f irmer or mechanic is none the less honorable, and useful than the successful lawyer or doctor; and how inconina'rably greater Is lie hi etther than he .h'o fails in the profession. I cannot forbear, in this connection, to re fer b the example of a young frwud of mine as WorSiyof imitation and to a3k yom g men to study jl, Al; hough a Son of a distinguished ex-Supreme Court Judja an'd a nephew olonc of the State's most useful Governors, he went into a workshop as a boy, worked at his trade, a id U now the master machinist of a railroa l C9m?uy. The exanmle of such men i va'uible in any community, and will give to labor the digr nity and reepect it deserves." Th3 young man, referred to by the ' Gov ernor, i.4, wc, suppoce, a son of Judge Man ly, erNewbern, who has already gained a a SKTS burnt poni ,af M r,Mh . te iiAiifirr report) RK f'tSED tO COBBCCTCDY FTSfjJ. Pt. WrusoN N. G Feb. If, ISSf. COTTON Middling .M 1 J GRAlN.-.irtifcit pfer bu8......i noh oru t . " ". oata ..: ........ . .. ...... .I....ei Jljuitcvi ttj y..--."0 f j r..a ...... ......... ...... one year from date : tor laisnot J. J. ; n?,oVx, c. Iftims per K:.v. It 1 Tl.n T V..rrrior Y .1 . I lim- I .. ...... . -J ..1. n..t.!oa any unnecessaVy ue.ay. Our sympa thies are with the losdir. li s - I I . . - - - J We 'earn from the jSoMsIkko ,e,geT that Mr. Wm. G. 3lorrisey was found dead' in Ills bed in New Hop township, where he was t'eachln school Saturday morning. The day previous he had appeared in hit usual Deaiw. and nothing is known of bis last moments, as there was no ons wiltf him during his Iavt moments. f Noted Fictitious Persons and JlIWSLUSy OJUU:ii. .. v. mi.'- -.- - ) t -v- r- -. -Brkmiii n.c,i I Piaees. and iwanv other valuable lea h through Wilson yesterday en route to i .tril of which. in; ra volame; of piece by Z M f csboro . . . fi.yjo pages, emoemsneu wilu j,vuu OTincr, or iut imt n .n..! v. .. ac- fbr forjy fys befote her death she!': ' jWn - I Engravings, go to - make up . a great wasunaleMiertocator drink any- her sister, Mrs. J. L. Home Jr, i storehouse of useful knowledge. .o.ug, ana tuat she tia uot even swat-, o ijiUl:cboro, has returned home Irrved a drink bf water, in all that coropanied by Mrs. Home. :..., 'I'",; . : ' " ' i ! ' i. ...v.. xiii, ,. ;rCa more raarveious . , . ,.1.,,,,- than TV Tn r,. -,.'. Peacock A Har-rave s peas are not bug-,. .. .......vi o uiauui nisi. -1 cat'Mi. Go alii examine them ed'your biographf . Iu relation ti my ac quiiiutanctabip with those Who knew Poc I' will write at a biter date. linrne. 1 Butter...... Tl, f11?nrr liot ff iiimr, .CllickeUa... drawn for spring 4erm- of the Superior i n- Greei,....-- "i . . K will lid'iin tia crin I t - ' LUUIs WU1WU wv. - ' dry. -Swvet Onion sets, red,' white and yellow Peac'-ck & llariravc'i:.- .. Monday in March : Jrry Nowsome, J Lard i : .a l'.Ur itntrtrin. V P. Wootten. Ran- i Peahuts, I IH'UMU. J ui.i o.., w " r. . - - . J - - . .. I rrttr. i . . w v., . T-.- T T. Wi.f-. Slrineif H,r. lOl S ' ter from you in a lew uays. l am witu ucs-w mi bmci.u.u. ....v..,. il'ipw at T regard, very -Incoiely. ! , ris. Val t armcr. col , Gi dert Parker. TitlloMf - . JiDWAKD A. OLDllAM. , Jouatuaa ww, wm. yv-, -u--ooru oicai.... ... 10tol2j 80 to 1.24 1 u ..... ----- " I flit ............... . v t..t. ...... ...... .. . . . ' Kinston1 JOxrnat: & h Grange subscriber' writes iutfthat 6nt ( hi neighbors. Mr. Jarman has a beo egg measuring "f. inches m circumrerenc and that'Mr. B. F. Herring nAs'a tWoip meashring 22 iuches. . f.vidretV ccl are tlie bet. k llargraVJ have tbcmv ., ,recock- a.

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