---r-t HLr Y llViN According to advertisem public meeting; Wilcox, FiurtAY,1 Atiglt?t 12, 11. Local eJii'tiiiiii. I0SEPHUS DANIELS, TKkNoTI( i:!-"" local advertise ment of less than; ten lines in length will be inserted' on this--page except in first column. We will not deviate from this rule for anybody. Pliarinnccmif ai Association. tied its hither,1 we are confident that . : , ... iiiisgiorvwui aoiae over our tauer- v: v .cnt-.pub- . ;The delegation At. the meeting drthe:nacjt;. ... ; ' anciy v,ross aA o., ; . t ' T! .V,,.I il, . .-. r- tlw ( V i ni TV, u rni HI.UH i.o A P1:LT111 111 Tlll-i' fl" x l- ' . 1 - -.f IJ A ..,.1,1 : 4. . . YUr. OT II . I m 1 . 111 11 IV .i VLI V - V- "-"' nv, v.-uwm(ur- l Hcuiiimtuiniu " " i J.O MIC If 1C11A3 Ul tliv; ICIIUUI il l's' , ' . . . . ii If r - i . -i .4 i .. 1.. rm. Tli . "1 ' ' ' - . ' i .1 i . . . I ! " -14 , - . I ; sioners met mine uiun uouse :ion-city jeswnm.T ;iv" . i proper to sav, we wisn-io project into ; Mr. Editor: . , j-.ugusav orancnes. dav,-August 8thj to revise the.vtaxTist ! dresses Of welcome .by JohiiS.i .Long. societv-abroiJder aud deeper current of' " , - - i Normal School, at a.srequireIJiy:iav. -xxaK i U. Cajps! Jsq., and i 11.; leauows- were, ap-; ,MiUCati0nal interest; .to bestow upon Al " ,m7."?"' Li"" " f-yr aua paid pitrtnn nmn ! irfnirite and Wo4 while the response! ;.itx-. , rwW mMioral sind lihoml nl- or's townlnp, .Niih Cmnty; T. A . Wiidrsrarten iv t in the place 01 v. u. imiis, aistrict .No. r'v uioii?ii"--"H Jit,i; m. imwiui, ui i ture. We wis! to aoeten in the peo- V , V. . hnd can ccmbine l, ana several jwrriHfv ves allowcHlto i y nson,-uuu i Me t'J r;atem v4iroina ana iremia ; ' v i. Uvftian in the Priauirv: j list their tax for the prevent veaf. Jir. n m. 1 1. iTreeu, ine jeauiiij; urug-1 tlWWIrtg.trKit : their . own sehonl H V v uu , . , She is xK dimifted, ; i - gist of - llmington,- .were able,' euw un(i th:it they can cherblt.with ; pride, ''ma. i os i ieiffui ri'Nvhetever - (juentaii l to the. pomt. eterday's.; .,,.,1 ...rutlo'it witii . Just praise. We tre,cniject 01 uie m( -enng oneii , maK-i I CowaTiliy. ;. session was taken :ui chief y with routine business: ul-Shdi . J Editor. While, the southnl !uiU Fast Mali train on .Sunday v.nigitt wasr' passing thfOugli Toisnot r'lhi'y . rowardlv wretch threw a stone thoreat, inflict-. h)g a.. very painful blow upon the mouth of Mr. Willie Morris, the en gineer who -was rupmfcg-vihc, train. The nean i'rtetra(jr of thi cowanl- I iV'i. should be -fern ted out, and lie - . , , sbouid be punis-iuM ti' tm; lull extenf A large lot of turnipneed of alikjnils ,Cft 1 1 U . "f ? 5 lluta Iiaga turnip seed at Rowland next Sunday at- "liitf Aug"-Kt Town ('reck. ? . t i Ut JowJauilV: Pead wi'tchf and ckfjks iru le alive rH rhtirehwells'; . N'oM 1H A" M'p A r!?in?r Prohibi tHMiand t wifk :1, We return thanks to thp managers : tin invitation to attend the dress hrttrconiDlimtarv to the: As.-ociation of lnUl. Also to the 'ewbefne Drug g'sts fora ticket to tliOt excursion to lAlorelied given k'niplt'.hejitary to the .Plutfiaaecufcal Association. . 1 I t . s i -.-w : : f le open next Sunday, August. I4th. Tin? l.Kard of State Canvassers will meet at HllciglT' Tuesday :Aug. ijth. Hev. J. H4 (tiiion is 'conducting a urotrsLctedr ioetiinr 5 ai, KarefofiiTni chapei. i 1 . r.i ." Jj . ranch., Hadley A- Karih'dr are ' hav ing the hack rooms of ''their. stores re Inodelleil. j , ; ,t .. Mr. ( ). Ci . Joneft notifies ' the ; public hat he has lot a note . against 4 S. ; Vf 'lark for 7.". i The county of Haywood so far is the r'idy county which gives a prohibition majority 21. f Branch,'! ladlt,V t I'ariTier ir3 hav ing a large m'v airy warehouse Ituilt nPar theil'. stores. Mr. i'eter IJynuni of Pitt county, raised a woter melon which weighed 48 pounds. Who can beat it? TheXewbern(; District (nrerence is in session at (rlmnd?s t'hapel, (ireene County, ln Cloj presiding; Tanner now proposes to fast ninety- five -days'. 'Mart proposes Iviit'Ood dls j)oses. . When will the fWf itll be dead? : V- ? tr. J. V." Tilaekwell offl'r. ids Eesi denee uu the" corner i)f (Ireen and Pine streets for sale on m-wmnjKxlatihg terms. :KelV his tidveftsV!tient. it is astonishing how those lace trimmings' fire elliugat E: O- Xoe A-C-b'si Ht'O lporeljalesjust recejvrd:-f Come and make your selection r? Mi Mr. S. 11. Farmer has hm'.' h's store next dor to the Advaxck ottice - re moilelled. It will be occupied by Mr. 1.. Edwards, who carried oa, business here last fall. -: i Mr. T. J. Meachaln, of Hhiclc 'Creek, ofl'ers his valuable-houfte and 44ft and firm for sale. Jtead'his advertisement in another column. AtlriiKdn.' t UibKtlo .'. hnve nuived t t ir stock ofgoods to their new store ' A ash and Uoldsboro nCw store i, we be st m town. ?ri;4ci Lelcr5: . A list of letters and poshli cards whollv written feiiiaining In the PcSt Oftice August lOthjll: , Thomas Atkinsi 4t Joseph Archer, Wni U, J3rurttley, Mis Maruuiri! Wvis, Thomas Eva:i, .Mary . Ellis, John - 1 - r . if;..!!1... I t,. injrDacW2xti 1 , St sl wtix&i (rt e h-s Emuta Jovnen Ed. Long,?v.R It Uak,. .yLttJr, A, tMuora Sntt ( 1'Xal'S, Juo Tdlord, Mis " Caroline IVacpck, V'm Kicks, Miss Patia A Smith, If enry -Taylor, Cyrus Whitluy Jlis .liah'eu Wjulwnfi Janics A, WU Uahv?Marga!ia Will.yiiife 1- ? i If the above letter's are not called for in four weeks they will be sent to the Dead letter Oftice. ' M C. Daniels I M. Our C0U611 Biisincs. s I 'Through the courtesy of Mr. W. E. Farmer the erhcient 'railroad Agent at this phu-ej, we learn. "that from Septem- ljerIHSOupIO this tune, lie nas snip ped from. tlusi plave 2J,o5)4 bales of cotton. This is i a gootl showing, and is indeed a brilliant: indication of the increasing prosperity of our thriving town. ' J The Ttaleigh Xi'ir-( )'). rrrr learns that Col. A. 1. Andrews, )resident of the Ufest-rn .'. C. Itoad. deposited Wvth-tlie State Treasurer S-",0,O0li in six .per" cent, mortgage bonds, being numbers f to -2i) inclusive, of si,0(o each. These are so deposited in ac cordance with "An act to provide for the sale ftht State's interest in the Wetern North Carolina Kail road, ! and for other purposes, "ratified .March 2'.), 1H0, at thtl sK-ial session Iicd. .-it Yesterday ribout noon Teon, the infant of P. 11.- and M;Kh(Kles. The-funeral services will take place at thf house to-day at 10 O'clock, a. m. Wp regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Pcnina Drake, wife of Mr. K. F. DrakCi of consuuiptipa Whuh sad event o't-ured liist fcunUay "morning at her reside'nee near Pattleboro, aged about 'SJ ywrs.- siie was a goou .wo main a deV oteil wile and her death reates a wound that tine a'one can heah t C ojuuiissjoiicis Icciins. All the Commissioners were pres ent at the meeting Monday Aug. 2nd, and the following proceedings; were en acted: . ' . Ordered that school di trict Nos. 1, 2, -i and 4 in Wilson township be. c,on solidated into one district to be distin guished as District No. 1. Also or dered that Geo. - W, Dew, Jas. A. IMveti and James w. Davis" ley 410 lointed comniittf:emen )if :,said di- irici. on the corner o streets. Their peve, me larg The revival which Jias hoe n roing on at thelNlethodist church ih "Tbisnot closed Tuesday night.- We learn that it was jrMluctive of much good. Six persons joined the church. , lW'X rO!:5l JTtJI t, , OWtW; TVT;.nriii. i, v. i mates that the aggregate water pow er of tlie State of Nortli Carolina is about :;")00 (MW hujro power. Ifthis ftntip lfr'c(i were: nihni.'d in cotton nnmul'acturhig ii y'uW. he adviuate to tiTrn I,40,0;)i),(TOii) .spindles. All tlw (Wt(m loills in tin" Vnitei States con tain not quite lhwo,ooo.. The .water iiower of tliis Statfuilone would nian- uiirttiiethtejCtiDi(rith?- etire crop Mf tbi. rnun'I tV. TiV iictuai numl e of lli-; now. running in the State loes not exceed 10(i,)0., which utilizer eas than :JTO0apu'fse pf 1l tb:it llowell Nrvsfme anil Jerry Panic's be: appOijited school committeemen in- plukce- if Wilson Parnes and 31. V. Pevle in district No li) colored. i W. Ij. Dew was elected school .t'Onj-j niitteeman,.in place of Elk'n Pell; , I'.imvan Stott was elected school com mitteeman in place of John Scott. Ordered that: the loiiowmg ases,- ment bf' tnade for the county : Pooh and Bridge expenses for 18S1, tovwit: V.)h cents ctn overy yiou . wort 11 ot prop erty .and cents on 'every, poll. . (This act was passed by the Hoard ot Magi-triites tqgftheWith .$ri Com missioners.) ! ! Tin. f'nllowiny 'ood and lawful men werttdrawjt 'according-U law as jurors for second week of Fall Term Superi or Court: Eott Scott, Thomas Stancil. James T. Keufrow, Spencer li. Dameh J'.'1 Lamm, , W . Farmer, b iii nnuu Jr. E. II. Penderi (JOldOii V aiton. Drew liatts (cO!J m i. mphii i lncaster, W. 11 Taylor, WMx beans. Martin Jlaper.-,. The usual accounts were allmved ahd the board -'adjourned till next Mondav when; they will revise the tax lit'and hear any objection; to the same. -. 1' -" "-. ; l vvib tfKdfh'r ?ueh WultTonal adan tage as sljalUucrease, the favorable re gard enter iained xL'r tHo , school throughout ;ihl and the adjoining States, and to do sUcli thortiusfii work a- to give all parties what they de-niand-tlle: h'fh5t education for their girls. In t Hi? wdrk We urge all friends of buni anity to cooperate. Whib; the cour?e of instruction in Eatin. Sralheynatiei. Natural Science. fjtiHlisii'. iJ n tir tale 4U'-gO!3 the standard of scholarship! will be pute as high: In French and English. Lit erature the cmi.A 1 villhe as exten sivf'iind tboroiifh. and the standard of sch()larliiliTfig:lVil-s imyl MTOOI- .Cot-le-es. tniii'eA 'w!n benfa.le 6h I1 af ter uRraffi4l Co&sidefatioif. Tf tiniu latourfIs tt Areair efforrs. it is nt posed tu arrange, for an exchange, qf nvnnibitifm niitiers with othfr insti tutions of hieh rrade of sttholarshii. h v. Of the thousands of brave and gal lant survivors ot tli.) war, residing in our State, there is perhaps not one of i them who would not gladly avail himself of an opportunity to meet his old comrades. Time and again, since the war, have efforts heen made to have a reunion of regiments' "but in every instance it proved only , a par tial succei The difficulty has been in securing cheap transportation on the various lines for small numbers or st-parafe portions of the command. I make the following suggestion for the consideration of the ex-soldiers of the State: ' I will establish On the W grounds ery fond tff chttdrel v aif of teiuhing, so is. peculiarly fitted to txmh VMii-Or fhIllror- althniitrh Pnm- petent Mid willrnz to teach the higher s one wi ' a uiv ampei inn: iat alar attention vo item of teachingj Home features of tht Department. and romrnand ene?. hihI Ikt pupils II lovv lir, .-and yield her ready ohedieuee. .She L a iflember " . 1 Si-r."- n-aUv bwlieiice. ."She b a iflember of would ito a creill bcoeht to-anv urhtKiU nth-lnen annointed Pan(1 O"'' that 'P: w'HiM be f r r.2 , , Si Plen-antly sitmded with yonf 'I hnpo at Kaleigh an oflice, in charge We were pleased to learn that Capt. Arthur Parties; a former,, resident of this place,! has 'been appointed to a position uiider l the District dovenir ment, at3N'ainoiit, ftC. Atkinson. Cobb A- Co., received yes terday tfl.boo worth of those unexcel!-i. el Zelgler shoes the best ever placed on the market. Ladie ond rMisses should call and examine them. i. ( )ur t'.ianks are due to our friend Col. I,. L. Polk. Secretary, lor a coiniili- mentary t iclUothe State Iakh lir"e'otrimence?OcoTicr-:- lutfi, and continues uutihthe iitlu -je -Mpep Won hand- ?J- "J '.' 1 "'infaireS receipt ol Snjlitereiling letier IFOIU-4ie IMSglvinananiuui of the t'JoVtd:' TohuUtrsi-- pic-nic, : Wi must de-line to oulish 1! ot a competent gentleman, whcfwHl keep eration withfl VT durintr the week of the fair a register ! ot onr next WgisratuiV: utrirested that the views of the ifMM'e' r 1 l present betaken respecting the pfoier course' to be pursued: Mr. it. c. Dixon propfVtuthat resolu tions be passed expressing the sen.se of t"hi. mrttn"-- flit? innKitifn nift- ing the appro wJ. of the farmers pres- enK 1 ' ' '1 . .:-';-'" .Mow Jovner"A"icTc' '.find "'".Toy 'nor were AimTnnfod bv t!ie lfrisidenr to draw up and present suitable resolu tions. ' ' Tf rMJe the were .-.drawing up the resolutions, nr ' T.-. . ... T ..'1 1 . ... -..,. h .ie3serc,i;ii'o, iiauiie , xa.vt vOvK-. rell and others, made a few very jier tinent reniarks--that th ; interest of the farmer's' might as well 'be'attended to by themselves as by lawyers, doc tors, ministers and merchants. The following preamble and resolu" tions were presented: Whkukas, it is proper for i the peo ple in their public- assemblages, to ex press their views of the conduct of those in office, and to award to the ! latter their approval or censuro, and HEUEAf, it appears 10 tne people that our legislature is mainly com posed of professional nien whose pyni oathies are not h common with their contituents; therefore, Jt'.'urifctff That we will hnceforth support no professional man for either TTouse'of ClieJ LCgiilarcTwh inter ests dre not fully identificti trith those of the" agricultural classes: Jt.'solrati That we cordially recom mend the farmers throughout the State to take this matter into consid eration with rt view-tothc" formation diced christian, and no ndther of any denomination, after knowing hen would object to her influence, over their children. I atii ft Baptist my self, but have consiutred il a great and, if my school wiis lareo notif?h t jur-my me in euipioving auuirnff iui whole time, I would fifefor hdt to any 3tr We return thanks f h" an invitation to' attend the. (irand Jubilee, at Ox ford, on Tuesday,-' August 1 "th. The following is the attractive pro gramme-sent us by the Committee:..-, The "(ooil old North State" will b; sung by i f v young ladiest T f Salutatory bv it.. W. instdji? Esti. On behalf of the Railroad, 'Capt. A. 11. A. WilVmim. , r' , Orator ot the day, Hon. A. M. ad- Address hv W. IT. V. Jenkins, J-.sip, of the mtnyof all eA-soldiers in the city, t(gether with such note's of in fornotion as they desire P be ex changed wit h each otlicr t iuJi com mand will have its'o n register, and tlie -mfeiibe.rs on arrival couia reporr to the CftictV register their names and old " commands,- their present resi ;dehPei otc. These, registers will be open at all time's for the information Of the publH-f It would be a geiwral intelligence office for" all the exrsol diers and the r friends, where cards could be exc'hangwl, nsessages depos ited apd delivered ftppointmcnts for meetings made, &ei Proprammes for each day will be .publish -.41 and - dis- mid in these: the announcements;- of meetings Would be published." The f'iieap rates on nil pur railroads, secured esoeeiallv for the fair, the ac cessibility of this point to all parts of the State.-added to the fact- that the erlrwitt'he one grand ' gala occasion for the thousands who will there as semble, render it a peculiarly favora ble opportunity for a grand reunion of the ex-sokUeWof. our Statet,vwell as the organization of permanent associa tions., Bhouid , this suggestion be hon ored Jy the endorsement of any re speetatde number of our old comrades, it will be nay pieasurex to oegm at once; and eariwstly, - to , perfect stich plans as may; best afford :,fiiclHtie's fir making it a succis. ; . All who feel an interest i n't he matter will write at once to ?o? TTCS UT . i .... 14 D' l pi, ireer.i?ary, ji i t u-u ita4tfghN. Cy Rcaolced: That the orK-eedings of this meeting be forwarded to the Ai vaxck for publication,, with the re quest that the2Tai'dor6 'tfnil hh-m-1- imd Manny Jloinr copy the same, , '-. T. V. TAYLOll, Phks. W. C.Fiiuvi.uSku , r1 .., , Sectional Xevs. . tK-jf nn mat tuAiMtfa SavB Mrs. John A. -McUomfld; of TJaloirh: I had the pleasure or meet insr Mr.Twittr at Chapel Jlill. Ac cording to mv judgment, she is a nnnl- el lady, pruoent, mfMiest,' greeaoiet reiineiij nun iiiivuiguiti-. - Mrs. TH itty has . taught twenty years in the Warrenton FemttltV Col- m I. -. ! ' ' Dariug the ten years that I have,, 'taught -in WLon mv f rllW! HI been. instrumental. in bringing rlbOut ten thousand -dollars a year hi dilr town i l have expemljMl nefrrly fvery thing that I have m:de'.in improving tliC bchool, making Additions to ihy library' and apparatus,' and paying good salaries in order to secure good teachers. . . ,- The patronage of the private -t'hools in Kaleigh ha Ifttgely increard sincv the ostablishmt'nt of their .Centennial Graded School. - , Sol icitincr a continuance of the kind latronage of my friends and promis ing to trv to deserve such continuance I amTrp";'-- . i ' Yhnrs-Very Respectfully, : Syvrstku Hasskj.i.v bly located r- tm the-corner of Greene j.ntwtuw ffhn jtnMaft,ji well finished and B trl perffCt onler. Ootit garaen ? euy cuu vaie mm tne necevsary OuthouseV: TliTs iViilUfthle prtpernv wtlttiO HUtd Ml gWnHiKrating t4rnis. Appi& o - k . -, . WMISalff ., I offcf for 'sale niy tract 6r timd -hattHl in; and nearthb town a of lUaep Creek: insisting of acres cres lu aud the baLancei-ontlgt Ww to the Town; IVwellhig :2ix40, i i room?; sUuatCHlen East tlHilroaH Street, .1 horse farm eletfrttfr anl utnlor cnltiva r Hon, necessary tehahti hJsi v Xjood Orclvard, plejity f Rich Shell. Narl. Terms reasonable: Fjanstther In fomitt m apply to V- ; f 1 " . - .U '.' .-; iBlaclfi Crwk , o'r CONNOR a woodauu. . .. .. Wilson, ?TY b3 Tiifc iot isviLLt' "WoelsJly . ? I r '.STA14A I t - .1 Fbjhi'j ViMi.A J'leasantPiv Me. T. I. Hymttn'of Ooldsboro was in town od Tuesday. v '-;. '. .' -Tr: Jaiiies Liisroniir left "Welnes day for the Seven Springs. KCV? Mr. Hi S. Uronson returned home yVsiefday ' ' ' Mr. A. Bernstein returned honie fron Kichmond last night,- ,? . . . . ( 'pt- Saunders fo'mierly of tht O' iterrer was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Li pseomb left for Seven Springs in Wayne county on Wednesday, ' Mr. J. T. Cobb has returned from a trio to Ashviile and other western - , - - i tOW US. - ' . i. . -, : t -: i - i.. ai.: . - . j , . i m. Jfoney oi mis piace.-1 seuoou ure Mr. T. A. If ainwright has returned followilr resolutions passed by the' M. fruin a bn-iiness trio to s-everal north-? T, f tl.ij i.Lu'u,. Kir imtvlii'it. ern cities. . - - repmeutiug-Ofsmvilhs piifhty; R J V MhiU- rJy tln?l)urhani Silver Corn'ei ii . . -. i ' .-:v'rf-;"r..- - rngaii account because .Plain' Tom's v.tUsr U'lHnu all about it was in jrp? before the letter wivs received.- Write again ami write often- ; 7 ' ? The girts at KeaufWt ttre delighted with the suftfcathihg Oncol them letthcwt out of the Img. Bhe says the MJfeakers' steal up, around your w aist before fm know, itf and there's fnighty tigld stpicfz1 getting out of his reachI--.Fa r'met' & Mechanic. , . , i4 . The Kojird of Trustees" of the Graded School are going forward in their work. They are in c r.eponden d with se vend gentlemenj eiuleay)ring toseeurearit'sl class, Hipcriiitendeiit. The school will le opefhed, and we feel Assured, that the boa"rd will employ none but first class teachers. T;' ;.-tf:,;j !.: tw :-' i 1 ii; Tl.jvlV.t.i Muoliinef ia nnw wlthJ rlniu-ti frnm luv list.: This is dflfld through courtesy to ISir. Cox as it is the only .employment he ha. Ruttni it understood fiixt those light-running . t id solidly built New Home and S John Machines with others, are Am offered for sale by Wm. A. Karbrey. In these dull times when ne"rftly- ev ery one else seems tviv" - yifhing .to lo Dr. R. W-i" Joyner keeps ny4 His reputation as a ?ftrst ckv jleptist is i?fenig and persons fmie almost uaiiv roiiA ux me wjvtux. '""j'". net ti.,.,,i e"iJ..ZZT22- . " ',' The Oxford Terpsiehorean Clnh will gi ve.rt Rail ijltdghttO- which you are ill i vv-v t .- s nr. -""s - . - l, At MUitppak sunaayij j Rig August ' it Tt wayscalled at SVhItc'li"fe1iAdy;.4.erijoy able 'imttft glia " efO.W&r' very large l.u'tieii"ecyiOfilfcVIyi For sever al years the people of that secion have desired to kuow- lifjivQnany attend these meetings auU his year, .-e are iulormexlTfv,Ir. Albert FeUonf tlfey determined' to keep a count, and ac cordingly, they stationed the lollow voung nien at alt Hie roads leading to "tlio fhurivtt c( adit the people; as they dnrvv-' up.-' M"a-k l V Felton, Seth Amerson, Jesse Floor, Wiley Jones, i o-..ik. and lVib Parnes, Icon. It was ascertained by actual . count thht'tbere were "present 14:i-i white people, and 1742 colored people. -,iiiinir.r.,itor tell some good IT IT. V.IIUin'.i"!' V t . j-okfs. connected. with the counting. Xtafc Sundayililagraxsne; : f - f The number for Sept., affords jdeas- ant, instructive entertaining aim e n fi'imr runt linf not for Sunday only, .butJbr every "day in,, the. ,ve.e-k. The periodical rgKnuin iunj uu tiiitttit i but i HeVUiriankm I w i fctrictiy avoided, and all sects, and all classes of readers will peruse its pages with pleartkw anprrtrrt.jTh Leading ar t WW isenfitleo Aierieftn Renefactors, i T . fiii tt' bv Janres laurenee jmwuoiu, ii. fo have'him to extract,-, or- rill fh?r thvrt-.,.'.m ' Migrations, with teeth. After "merit wins success. -frtits ofWiUm R Astor, .j i ft. ii ..i.;.,, i Wtirm-. P0 lPV'iw 'Stt"ift,' .nrf 1 1" rewY et;., etc.- The Wallachians, cnurcncmAooroVfC,; - ttil-. Mauritius, with till l 1 1 lIllllKUiVU --j 7 The farmers in this section have about finished their crops and with tho ovceotion of the hail district is in cood coiulition and the outlook is very promising .aiid flattering?. 4 r ?. ':;,;y A flvintr visit througU' portions o Nashville, StOney Creek, and Cooper's towr.sh'is on Saturday and , Sunday l-it T found th f-rns of botH t'Otn ..iMfl fuittoh looking verV fili ivfhich well for the farmers in those n ?"KiKwing that year readers Iraki beVfi much exercised by the" unwarranted and uncalled for attack published in a rifn.y 'ht. "Sfnvberne' i-aiTst ' Rev. tV Misses "T'tta Ivlniondson and Julia Perrv of Scotland Neck' are visiting 31 rs.' C. A. Young. J Sliss Elhe Fentress, -Who' has been on a visit to Wilson for the past few weeks, has returned honle,. . , : Mr. J . A. Clark has ! gone north We learn that while absent he will go to Maine and make itrrangemehts for procuring ice for next year. f Mr, E noseniClal left last Thurs day fof Koek ihridge Alum Springs. "From theYMiehe will go to Baltimore, New York? Poston and other markets to purchase his fall stock of goods'; Mrs4WmY fiiuis.! "Mies-Mamie and Pauline -imt, sLautme lavis. and Dell Z-ell Kuffin, escorted by Messrs. Ed; ' iJarnos, Jr., and Louis Jordan left for Beaufort on Wednes day -I r . Tltreuof (CtfTiifngfriejids, James ltountroeUhnnes and llillirtms left Mondav for Horner's schoVil Ox ford. Masters J a. S. A Ed. Woodard .iii1 Aliuu-i K irnir h'tt last WC-'ek for the same school. , Messrs.-' .. NikiaTand family; A W. Udvlanl ;anrt wife mid W. W 1 rarirrave.- arefi absent in : attendance noon the Pharmaceutical Association iii iii efon this week at IliV.ll 1 I il ' v i i . 1 " - - - - N Wiern Tt.eV will also attend tae ball gi veuomplimentary to the As sociation at Morehead by Dr. Blaek- The Cli iwa Hap. is Female Institute. V Church at this nlocerfOr imhlica tion. I d( not err in the least wherr I sav that they express the sentiment f thV Vinmunity. ' Much indignation was manifested here oyer the. article, and 'cVeA-bfedy; without egard 'to forniey mIIatiohs4,' hHvctrngl co;n demheo) the attack,, ,.''.rf.-. . v A tli meeting of the Tnenibers of the M- li. C'hureh Souths of Goldsboro sta tinii bo,i An"', nth. iftl. on motion. J. 11. rowoU was appointed Chairman mid K; l' - llowell, Secretary. ' . On lmnKivft committee .on. resolu tions was appointed . as follows: -Col. W. A. Allen j J. F. Miller, IF. H.-Itor- ienf (ieo; T-Jones, and IV. F. Korne- gav. The cmimite ottered the ioi- kving )y .tin; ('eTisk)enfion of the meetings which; on irx?on, was unan imously adopted: We, the members of the' M: E. Church South, of Goldsboro station, hee assembled, take this , occasion to say. that we have been deeply morti fied and our sense of propriety has been greatly slmcked. the publica tKih of an article in a certain newspa- pvr.of recesut date, -rhich we deem highly libelous, and greatly defama-Wrv-Of tle elnwaicter of the Kv. . IF. MYttoheV the estef nred and behaved PsKUir of the Methodist Episcopal i :h4r4-h South. : of thi -cityTlfere- AZlilb: aavri'Hei-BrRO- ly -o4" tied any- endorseaient at r y u l o. j t o a . a v. u iyi.e-ri' mty, toeli1lt)lelm'tothrowjack up oiv'h editors, of "tfiewpe iaiiasUon t hliMrtfnpraU ve -and Mlgnn slan ders, without Tlajrfr. to lirrnl tt!e-fter4- an act of justice to him, JtoV?$M s'ch(ins A Union Meeting was held at Free Cliaiiol j-hnrcb and over LUOO of- the best looking people from far aud near were in attendance airong whom J number many Of NttsHV fairest (lam- selsi .''.-- The ApVaxc'i: is a popul.Vr paper in iio ifnWJnn nf K.'isth as it'in in the whole county) and it is highly apjin ciatec by all the reading people oi im ;i wll su I'ther sections. ' J attended the God Templars pic-nic at -Red Oak to-day and fmiiui a l.i ro-K rfnwrt In ftttendaiu'e. ' "Di'T'Sant . Wifl tains 'of Hansom's Bridge, 'delv-' efoUan arHreisSK'n; prohibition, r cqn ;,iuvnl.lo inno-tk rblrh was hirlilVi.ai- prmatlJiyrall who wer nfrrtaate as to heaf ir. too memoers oi wie iAl,ro fwinA4l o . lhfrf ' tff - tiroees.3ton at t h ecii urcti ( 1 ijled ;, hp th "TTtisHy ii le tX)rnet jT.ma; inji large i i umuuiwi m ,ildtrm in tho yrnvOCf Cr H. V T!mitinir:' ' A tT)on"r fCTtrer and .inAiifrti ti ,r 4.vPrvlod-v-f UlOl DPSt that coiild he produced, ws spread,.,on tf o Imi lnKfl 11 ill tHpatetl iu rippuigth& llgUt ftutas- tictoe w hlca iasiexiuamai-aaieAiaAi 1 1 CflfflWlL P Ttil uv iSVi lle ' bit m Cfcrfjftn n Oatl And fUl edlUoDa, fur JW f rtctnla-d as lading papr t. Jba HonUx, aft Wa.aMtaJBllSlifla U ItZ DF tDMO- fQtaoUna fr u pur p1 oi loss princiMHi i ..Jb. L.I .. 1 n . 1 1 vifttKtLi fel r I .ni.ri"" " ' 1 . V" - votlrih In.tlwionaviui ry mnprn inf tb ladtTtda-t DWtT.Ubfl v I'd i u.ai f AKiltiM lonao whli W they belleTrd lh Ktltura oi th Whol eonntr7o depend, and wt Hsh 4liy fait I r eapfcia ly ImpoiUnt thai Ui Topl or Kntu.tay d U BnttU.ara8t!M, houid oord aUyooRt u l art npo.l ha papr bna ateadfitatl Jtfynfcatad and d- caer, and tnlfii firtwW to thth ml u lanapca. t,tUaA.ipcaI Jrtmd to Ua, hpment ana jL7roprltv the feoutb on xbti loftiTaktion ot jicato an, watch t- thO only anre bl of pfrmiwt trar- fltillllty Ind BWtHhlal p - STUtr wfl-VlV I YVM M EKCIAI. la a larf flrTH i iciY bix c6xm rxrt, r1vin i nt'Hic'ii Ii1 ' Rates. The Petershursr Railroad CouiDany mve trreatlv reducer! the liire on that road of late. We notice that "j ' You can g0 from lleanw' to Peters burg and back, for CO wnte. I From Stony Creek- to Petersnurg and back for $1.2").' Frmii Jarratt's to Petersburg and back for? 1.95. ' From .Beltield to IWrshrg md From Pleasant Hill to i-ttefsmirg-i 'mil b-.wU- for Sa.-'2."? I From Garvdburg toretersbiurt-ana back for tLCOi ' . r rom o vuioii to i-etersovi 115,4 1 ! L back for $3)0 .- ' . . . . . . j . . Si. t I ' ... com ruevr a mionvm, u i m , btgbeat literary ebaradlat tZHA.- tT t Kanenu lniereai: inn ana bocu repoita, aeoinpieta nh f .13a lt.i newa, and -wea-wrttien dltprla 1 1 on cnir rantioolca. It la weVfkah ob-4tf tlie In nawaia - aar wa b fcvika oitrbMnj ajtrli9Wf nt 1 1 h the aaftftr Fa wbicb Mvj nivfetUti'rti'eft,P paavia, V iilah aoborttoTa-ouBi aet I wo ; u L.I1111.MAM llibn th rrlMnf rim ftibaorlp ton tarma tpoai a ja f rar) ait Kor OLreiajia am yaiuwu ikkiii vr- this coan try. and from as run ku nr a r epoclaUy InUreaHBK to ktuiKkl- .Aii f hair hnmi I n Mhr Htkta. M: I. FXSItlOXAni.K BAHI1KI1. t.vkihjro st.j wneoitj x.c. I I.altair ri aava lot sh(polidisrtlt ,iatr6njofe, of.jWiose who'wlsh g(KHl w-ofk . dfne. Satfsfac- CallT, 10 pv anaa m ; ttb tMraday adition ; 5'2 par annnm. WMII, un premium, ' II . .Wraklr.wUWPJtpUwni HparlmanoapleaMutt eeoS at,pllca Ion. Llbarm 00 rinlaanatO eutnd BftcUI ny <cfmQniX ant ty rtstarad l tr, pWtoffle crdr or exprev- prepaid. Addta,, .., , ..in-, ... 1 COMMERCIAL nBMfilM dMPMV, i I)niVlLT.K.- t r: KENTUCKY. - TAMES W. LANOASTEil d 5i. if -.iT ymx hi niu vmiii iiuii.. Ji. Prnctie8 la ll tdo cotnta fpcrpV flic Interior court ol Wilsou pi.uat) aul will wive prompt attention to Imi-'Iih'Ss iifrnstcu To liim in Wilson ami adjoining countM-f . - r v I .-: af' - lilMylQ l ' - f r.ht.i..t...- i- -rrrr ttt-i ramr rr -aif" ; c,Jv. -1 " . ? ft ' - s (I J V---- "vy -w - ; all. well nlcased vitn tlKvirieur?;of th-! 4yif$FL-The- lugt-crowd of young hidles pre of fr'Am oil uertMai? T the county were looking vefu ami fair, and many a voting iaau tfent home feeling greatly relieved of a terrtbhecase of the: heart disease. I We ophie thtt Plain Tom was one of those young mn thus relieved.-) Ki. ' . .. The farmers in the Ied Oak section na .v thriffv: wide-awttke. energetic 1 . a.-.- . - j Tia.niA Mnr Mrft vtv nrouu OI their cnps. , ... Miss Ida Wilhnrrs?r vryacious lit tle beaut v of Fremimtf istm a visit to relativ.es'in hville ,. . -, Miss.I.ula Gill is on avrsrt to friends in Warrenton,' Tlte vounsf in th'rs w-tioO rontem- pktte lwwingt4t pic-Btc to -come ojiai an early date;? , -fif 6 r;, nit -Mitt Vrij 1 -k ' ' -I . tl X,fiF ! k a'.-. 'at r ?'b f " j aa . ! " !.-( "-- I to--?y.- . i,j ;? ?;; NO' MOKK rt.U .iOKK.V . , WllAiilhi; .o ',; V w ; TF. . A. . .. Affcf.sro'fluiiig.crvei in ornpflinrYntB. WO 1 f i V8 ' Tf 3 rf fife I tc - xviier bijcouiiiii.'-o v-- -I.----- - -- , rfteftal for htmxtia cfset cled ,C;orn f iieiriciivtasy 'vr,r' tATiWrH tvlralebouc; vita advimtaar ; ,;". -i -' 't A -' ' -m-""'. -a-x-V REWARD :OE fflVJa uujjiiAca U4 i- - 3. : -. v SiVthSii clrS H slenomim with ten illustndions Mauriti, frSofvojSmero j hut it eri?lyrtfcW l?,r "iii? ! f. i llJ;3tTl v A. Vc" rvfi , . a . " " 1 Kuragemeutoetll.to;trr4t? ift pur Promts eafidoe cf fhfe excel- 0 lent Institution' of learning we extract., "Sllucr, hv thoW-caaiwiigu tfn '..' -'.i;-- w?oit roainiuonfR? ,1,,!u' t thei eenrMe'aeeranee inf idm as christian cwtleJiTaiaiArai minister, fin,tv3 take rrmirreln during 1 l.- x 11 . . 1 , 4- .1 i-i ii. , TT II ! I'lOi.-lieVCi iJ.VHHai;. -. . Danieir "In suming tlfev managenMit of thiti'iie-honofea.if)irtution, temier I ed bv the boarcf of ! Tfftees, we are ! sensible of the magnitude of our work. ,wi t-K ; i tit rkfi is1 h iston its ; dis- tinguislietl prcskk'ntsy its accomplish ed instructors, and its extent e ie-u Wiristian' bartu-. ular nttVortijy artifteK -ttMrP. Kob ert O'Beiitv inclul "tferjMgl.iiy m treH'nrrflTi Ortf oftheTI orhl; there are short stories and sketchss by M. V. 'Penison and. other popular Utfam 'ixnt nme hnirable essays bv W.-CJ' Proctor: Marcus Dods,1 1.D., r. neemv, ei iefntnrt.nl c.-rtrizMvfedv ! Whrf -' fnis ft conpited Durham wtff tsfve' fivd tfttrfehea tot white Teoplearfl foWfoV eofyrod lieople. " Durham. JFtant.1 ' A correspondent i, of -. tlie i Atlanta (hittitidlon ha th' curious idea that the farther north you go tho jnorg cot ton you can raise to'fh'e; ifcre, and! cites oi a bale raisea w iriiut -u;xr . . iimstratea. i ne mpu-iuwi.. f ltc Allowing Statelorida: S6Ufh" i dant, and c6htain?. a vasi amount of (5.rVorfna4SoiftHroto mformathmand .clitertaimncnf, . The ginia' ot tSUfcfg 8 line from the illustrations are numerous, and well Gt-MtOffle; Ohfcy -fVverv Albftm; ' cj ute. A iugl copy, is siiltl for 'YetVntse'e-5SJ Kentucky 51 .- His the j ol-, ceats, annual yubscHpjiort, Vf' d ry is tjrattWheaf;of the-Southern Vilx, 'Address Frank Leslie's Pul-kititudecAusT's-vegetation to un toi i nsbiug House, V, : and "" Park . wewl and leaf, aut thaO wWit; iC " ced-J ' l'r,cer-. Ne;w. Vork.- U ii ic"ohr climate.' ' 1 EducaiioMnli' . AViUSOX 'Coi ".LrKtiiAT; iJilm'Ti:,' ' AVilsdnf K; C.f Atig: ft ASM!:.. To Tin: Pi olig: ; It affords me pleasure to be able to inform mv f'teud tinH my prospects for a 'food s&hool were never better tii-.i,i "thnv are fir the coming sessions In addition to the thoroughly com petent and satisfactory teachers w hom I enipUMfcd.'Uwt jearfM'rcf. M. M-. ii...., vi ni-ifl.V.. M. rsadal. aiYcOIi A wi W im J-lift V e . ii... ,i-.i (Ta4iurv iie.4 -WM-Fn m ary tour iwnihV .ordinkrj ttr iff corset, t -" " ' tSn-lMixi? "More'pirfbfe ihan whalorjone; aTid fo firapt9 - itself mWC readily to thfi rifdt'fe'ments uftbe lrxry. Tffis WirflcA itTrfifcTi w' Ij'J i i.i' ; ., ii --j to llrlt?i V is "O BllcCfcOr OY puiu, iil-uk .in liiuiuiv. vvia"V V. Wt we take rcWlnurin' fh-O. llobev mxt Jo tirena WheJy'c tlrit.'t'T iris I ferried; fsrnd able irmm fii nniLnimons Judgment Cfj . . . ivni i.i.. . . - ? - . . i i . -T : im.ur u:,.K khoMntcr fftT TIT rri luntt' 1 TS. TwlllVr iVU VHuu eti mstrucioi, aim t-..ri..-. v i iuinsn iiac ; " r,: , a,i- d;ctiii.fwr tatfOSithImtiW iinrpw- a hs a , AVh hQhJ0UtMg looa,1; fand rt difhcult to ? ,JS5d- ttcTk-,?ast ia its responsibilititnand va- aljue eutertahrthe oWnattat Wacher. JC? ried in ife-reuurieicntf.nd mrt: thej tiarrminbtef lat.xigttt.to die age, or fine learing and ap least eniharrassiiWit is oiir elfHon-: eommoii rights qUzen- j ance, a MethCKt and rmriand ,hlgh trast with the-wisdotn and experience. SSffMl free lectior-vrW i ret from Ji "!a . m i : vf Am imnvnnTP urn Pi'f mui?. i ci i ii-4 aa. vcr r-m KTTTrprw i. u tu miT w iui iiv ,v-.-- . . . . j ir. Deetn, eta., erc. i rtepoi-iirj y-trfr:rriX ? .1,. 4fvt.-,.t" .' vni' :ii--rtia-! ,.hi mtiil. -aTtd-trfnik? torn and several . of twem Are i)eamnu" .....Jwm to koow how ; hrf. t!,Pvnlv havfe Ufc her aerv ices.-" r. - : . ' :. 1 " well SglfmrU privneifrtl- i .. Mrs. V. U IViulleton, of Warren piccttviald- togetlver'."' Stftar frowdis-" i htif,f-aTid that-"iAiV W 1 tow, write me, August 1L: . ' heartening, thd Wottt B(tr whdoiri5f j jrfoweis ejqcuisahlei" ' CUf j "Mrs.S. 1. Twitty has been niy those, that went befxwshsUlt'tinnrlate c, Ar."Xlwfc. ivtleryrreIirA -' friend und -laborer for several years, 1 . I t K.it- . . 1. s ,1 i..-,l.n.s ill j ... . 1. : .. 1- t hi t. chi Lui: . il. . iMl- we mav labor ''imore" abuialantiy thUat; frtlrr the ehristtas - geotlejiiatt, and p,.rior the State asa go(l .dW?)- ( thev ai'l." and secure yet larger results, i ..hte'tonucnt ntnl e(fll;"!r' I narian and faithful teacher hive 1-1 ilf, iiKlceil, the hand of the .Lord liutltfL . . . ; " '.x''' : - : - ' uhT! HnsrriaA, Mrn- K. U. Twitty, T-J sf8flftfernrrcrrJtee trfOllCy Wlil.WcfLlfloa A i . renton;N.-C. ifwl to 111- .cu-i-r .T-CT T J" . : :;, t - ; ficafians of Mrs. Twitrylf? 'H;VH " i,7U X . , i fnuii VHrrlnTnt. ' . i i . . a -i,.t ; every- tironwm, wrinn, n..n. .... , --,-s- 1 i let - ffiirtinfK j S . m . 1 3 ' . - .4 rs?. il -.i iyi.w;w. - ' ' " b , .-i.i. p i.. j - -.j -fijr rTW'Tr bZCtiv iairlLiX 3 JolH 00 , "JlJi.' lj. . i. .ij,'.'- : . - t ;-"-i . '.I: ft .- ft WILSON. Xv C- t t It'll ' .1