Tim Wilson Advance. Wiiia. Friday, : Sepie mber'i ), 18-51 Xocal Ifcpart;iicul. J8SEPHU3 DANIELS, Editor. ThurUay-vttoa 1H ceats. Nice line f ladies dress-- goods at Yuan ",,il'1'll,s l ,;l j :-ihs and clocks made alive fttChui-cliAvll . -. II.1r5r.ive kcep-i a full line of .Juind Jc-rvhiet extracts. lion's hrogans shoes for C5 cents at. Yoiiu? .i (iorham's. nd all orders for job work to the Adva.NCK Job Ohice. New goods of all kinds at L. HeU brpuer &. lo. Agents. If yoii want a good -bujrgy, buy it from (Jrilliii tt Murray.- " ft. '"; Worsted dress Goods atP Cents j!r yard atjYoung &. Gotham';.. I.arge stock of dress goods at Li Hriibro'i.er Rro. Agents. Just examine those nobby suits at h, JiiiiJu'oit4'itt iin. Aeils. l,ooo Worth of boots and shos just 1 re-ived at Young .fc Oeriiani'.-j. j Fresh; gilt-edge butter, and'; tJte rue groceries at Joe iMcOrav '-i, Kemember thuse line Irinunlogs l 'style t Warren A: Harnes' W OvercolM which must be sold at Home pricT t LI HtMlbroner it liru. Ajrrnts. A fine assnrtnient of la lies' misses And ehiltimn'slioes at L Ilcilbroner A Hro. Agents, L Heilbronr A-lro. Agents, have tJ-lading clotiun osta'.)lis!nnent in Wilson.: Tobacco, .Snuff, Cigars, Mineral Wnter, Ture Medicinal Li iiiofs it Rowland's. Ariflin t Murray have Just received a ewr-load if 40 buggies which they will Hl c! fcip. - i -t Oriiiin A- Mnrray have just received 2n top bfiggius whic'i they will sell very 1 iw. j Hess!:fuil lineof hand and machine iwadA gents tine shoes at L. Ilsilbroar A 'ltro. Agents. Examine L. ITeilbroner & liro. Agents, clotliing beTore buying else where. .. If you war.t an excellent hair brush, go to llargraves' and get one of thofe I'enetrators. A largo asor lir.crd of the Grcd rear Rubber combs just received at ' I ar graves' i'ri.g Store. Warren A- Barnes oj Gned a full lino of Mile's sh'ies yet;?nlay., They arc th Wttn the market. Ptro hundred dollars to nny one who will produce a sewing mavhino , equal t the 4,Xew Davis."- ' Xext Monday is the day of Atonc 'rrent, and tiip stores of Je-wish citizens will be closed iu'eons '(lUt'iK'e. Hlack hish'nens! bl;-k c.vhmorns! . hlnck cashmeres! all pr'.cr- ; a;;d (n;ali y nt L. ileilbroner t Dro. Agents. Thftpr'ottuwt suits of youths, boys . 4 'children's clothing you. ever saw Rt L. I le'ilbrouer i ltro. Agents. L. II. Fulelior is now opening his fall tock. of go(ds. He keeps a well assorted stock and sells cheap. .Give him a call. The "New Davis" Sewing Machine will do twenty varieties of work more than any other machine, all without basting. V Hilk and !atin dress trimmings and fringes, and cords and tassels, all of th latest novelties, at.L. Ileilbroner S Rro. Agents. Atkinson, Cobb v Co., pay the hifrhest market price for cotton. When you have any to sell they are the men to carry it to them if you want to get Rood prices. Just received at Hargrave's Drug Htore a large supply of the American standard writing" fluid also an, . asortment of colored ink.s, carmine violet, blue, green, vc. To every purchaser of a dollar pack age of fThedfordV .Liver Itegulator W. ilargrnve, wilj present an ele gant map of the United States, which of itself is worth three: times the price of the medicine. Scinififirt American savs: "Owing apparently to its feed motion the i ''Ihivis'f machine possesses an aston-1 iHhing power of passing over seams mm oiner irregularities aiui accim plishes with the greatest ease are-: markabje wide mnje of work." r 1 .1 - , 4 t . Winter nor sunrYnor, dry nor wet weather, hard or good times or any other caujo seem to have any influ ence t Vcr Dr. Joyner's constantly in creasing practice, and he keeps busy extracting, tilling, and cleaning teeth, and making new ones. hen you need the services of a good dentist the A i) vance recommends Dr. R. Joyner. They come from the north, south, eat and west to Alley's photograph jrallery i have their pictures made,' and they always return home satisfied. We met a gentleman from Nash in town Wednesday who .bad come to town to have a picture copied. Jiy Rood work Alley & Co., are kept pret- ly neany. consi uiuy uu, ivmi uiwn .. i . il.-l .. ll..v....' in still they come. , t , ... . In mwdanee witlvthe Tt Mayor our bus maw ho uses ere oed Monday, the day set apart lor th ClO: numiinuion and, nraver m conse quenceof the death of President (iar- lrl TK. t 11 . 11 1 1 . ort ! .VI 1U 1,-Mimnr.lll place null- IM ..ii.mi v..-v.-i..v. iKiui, n Kvi"1 w l'v.Ty, Hunter, attmri?-heri ,fryicTWOrV J-'Mlk. W". H.Pkxjkr, a sod 1"S vears! land a score of others, the grand me i rh 3Smn Methohst 1V!ul KPls LMK. PENi.KKhad been a resident of i nagerio and j mu.eum features, the mrehCf' uUr town only a few months, but ' wonderful Broncho horses; the splen- Thrrnigh the wurteisy of Mr. W;r-1 during his sUy he had made some 1 did pony eircrus. tiie beautiful leaping ren we examined the large ami well- "elected lot of shoes .which Warren Rarnels hsfe on- hand. While they keep a vefy largetstock of all kinds of ry (xxis, they -seem to have made s "peeialty of srood shoes-. The stock of this firm is entirely new, all of it hav- j and calmly. He was buried in Ma WJI leen purchased within thirty days, j plewoud Cemeterv, Montlay evening, llr. Warren, who is ainId and 'expo-', Rev. H. Ciuinti conducting the fuh riencetl buyer, knows exactly what j eral 'ceremonies. In this hour of their yie people want and ha bought .it.-- sad bereavement the fimilv have our Read their advertisement. J heart fell svhipathies. I'-ersonui. '' : o were pk-isM to receive v, call n- ., . . . .. , j u-u irom vant. .v. . .riiL-ers. ; , uesoa v lr of Nashvil! J IMr. T. C. W'hitakerand wife, 1 Miss Rettie Murw, are on visil i relatives in this place. 71''.", ; to j .Messrs. John arid 'Titos. Selby are - absent i'.uXoi't hern and Western mar- ket, wMiCf- thay will .hi re has- a lot of horses ford her tables, in this place. i t 1 I'ire t I'oor House. - i.i mi-- .-1:111.4.. mv, IK.4,:i.ia- lljil,!. t.l a nre in's ?;en (useoverHi in a t.neke: ; near Cie poo.- h us.'. wiiich has ac.h tmi" been extitmu-h" 1 bv the nfor'mt I i t!ie matter at their next meeting. Advert: ied L?t;er. A list of letters and postal cards 1 11 MWil ICilKV.illil ill Lie 1 J.-l OHlce Sept. ith, lbSl. ! I'tev. 6 IJ ALton, W II DyrdJlich 1 ard Burst in. (col.) Miss Jtacdiiel 11' iri h' i ..- - 1. . ... - . Barney It B Barnes, G IT Harper, Miss Susan Johnston, John Lewis, lattieMase, W ii Price, J B lVtLma.., ' Pone oikinner, (col.) Hym rck To'idinson, Brvant T.om,.;o.i, EM Webb &j Uro., (c!). If the aboye letters are not called for in four weeks thy will be sent to the Dead Letter Ollice. 1 i M. C. D.yxiki.s I'. M. Our thanks are due for a compli mentary ticket to the twefth aniusai exhibition!' the Boanoke and Tar Biyer Agricultural Societv Weldon, X.C, (Jet. 4th, 1 S3 1 Nov. 1st, I'nd, :Jrd and Our thanks are due t ) II. T. Gray, Esq., Secretary of the Pearson Me moiUal Association, for a copy of the Memorial address, delivered at ital eig'i, on the life and character ot lt:ch iiond Mumford Pearson, Chief Justice of North Carolina, by Judge It. P. Dick, on th oj-a-;on oVt'i ? uw- veiling of t've tUtute, ' erected to iiis nie nory, in Oakwoxl Cemetery, Jir.ie 8th. I !.,'. ctv Ad vei-liseiisaiita, Mr. B. ... Green we d idver tises for two tailors, j A yotuur nuinj with good reference.; advertises fur a position as clerk. Head the notice of J. li. Johnson, who has taken up two stray mule's. Connor Sc Woadard, Attorneys, pub lish ah important notice in w-day's issue. Bead it. Keal B. Greenwood's new adver tisement' which appear.? in this issue. 'Mr. 'Greenwood is a li.v-t-elass tailor, ar;d always (leases liis patrons. ,' man can do more t!ia:i tuis. We are phstsed to note the increasing patron age -Mr. fr;eenvvood is receiving- tiood work Sv iil leli! J2eifres";:; Even a p; or care-worn, weary edit or, imunM to tne "good things o:"this lite," is refreshed and cheered by a .visit to tne elegant store of At.inso:i, V'obo it Co, Iwnich is fuli of a large and well selected stock of general merchandise, which' they are -selling very low. There is no 'better tirnr L. AV.il'son thanltlii.-, and customer. are waive! onoiklv 'bv' polite, attentive and clever salesmen. We invite ' the special 'attention of our readers to the largo' and attractive advertisement in this; issue which telis of some 'of,.-the liargaius which eaii - be obtained at thi store, and if they desire to buy the best geods at low prices, we a '. "Vise the-n to: vi-it Atkinson, C jbb el d'o., before .njaking their purchases,; as you have only to. Iook to buy. At tiie resilience of ''Hughes, in Mobile, Ah'v.-j W . 1 r. Wi H i a! 1 1 son , -Es 1 . , Maj. T. J. Sept. -list., of Tarboro, to Miss Clara S. iiugiies. At t'ie restdenee of Mr. Win. ham, in Edgecombe " countv, , l ltn., Dr. G. -di. Kilkbrew, "t: ( i 07- Sept Mb Lydilie Cherry, (la-ttghter of the late V 111. Cherry1. The An vaxc:-: extends best wishes. , s. In this covin ty, September 21st, at the residence of the liride's . mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis, : Mr. L. 1). Shel tun, to MissMart.ha A. Ellis, lElder Jas, S. Woo lard oiHciating. We con gratulate them and wish them a" long life of happiness and prosperity. . At the residence of Mr. 11,1). Bice, in Ni,sn (untv Wednesday,' Sep! ; ..cm, r rj.,r(;0 simifh n .f um. . ....... .., ,.4,4, ... .... sou's successful merchants, to Miss Celestia C. Arrinton, Rev. W. - B. Jllako officiating.. The bridal party K ached Wilson Wednesday night, and a reception was tendered them at tl,ie residence of Mrs. M. E. R uintree at night at whicn a number ot : , . . 1 . , -. . x x ... . - ' 11., in- ,u 1 V'.i: i,lV"1- f " V-.,1 -v t(nd congratulations and best wishes ox - Died. W'e sympatize witli Mr. W. P. Simi)son in 1 the death of his babv which occurred last Fridav. AVe regret to learn of the death - of Re-v.'J i AirmxcToy, Pastor of thei Methodist chftrch at Beaufort, which sad event. took place Monday of this week of bilious lever. Mi;. Af.uixc ton's many frleJuN'-iii Wilson v. I'd read this notice -with unfeigned sorrow and regret. He was an excellent voting ; man, ana travt i promise ot nine a use- :' fulness. He was a son of Prof, Arring- ton, of Toisnot, ho taught sclnxil in Wilson several years ago, and was . R tavoral;, v kmnvn J .ln(l ,ikca homfor hi, lna!ur exCellent trait,, of! ehameter. warm inends by his upright, lionest. life, wlio-sorrOweil at his death, lie leaves a vifef a little daughter and relatives and friends to mourn their io.s. 1 ie was a niemner 01 tne .ietno- i dist Church, and - Ke ..died ti , 1 it 1 r" h "1 U,;V-e; Win- r m oruei iroai the ti ve difierei.t schc!.S er, aluvs clever, courteous aad p t.-ndeut. I; e have heard it jested ; taeir quaiiucatioi: bei ;g tint they ! lite, inlorined us that be had the tnt the c.m.r.iss.o.iers n iv; Uin laad j .-hail have obtained during the Vciont'i j lar-est stock he has ever broutrht to I posteu so as 10 Keep hunters ot the j previous to .their ; appointment, the UVilon, and that he was sidling all pre.ni.-o.,, ana We thii.K it would be i mghe -t average in scnolarsnip and i'm-inner of ladii' "-oo'is n Tna-v?!H4- weL lor tne -of:n.nis.-i4;.iers t consider i Tip S;i:oc;. ! r - Mir; x .n- i.ii-iiije. 1 no r.umbe: of nunils died this j - . - .1 - . ,. .1 .1 f : . - 1 -Six po-dtion- of lienor have been 1 exeate;: in iii'j .senooi, 10 oe nni'.i. iv boys whose eligibility nuiv igibihty niay Mititle:chea:)It was oar pie; 1 them thereto. The positions V- r"?,,,u " lu,e are as follows: Chief naUrr first mon itor, second monitor, "l,rh . fth n.onit ;r. 'lhese, nr;uen) vo,lths, audchildren, whicH i positiouaretl.-eJ.ihHl e v;h month, ; lUI a ,,Vrt .ftf,o t-e. v- weil ne U-i ).h,;er, who 1, a gera! of- i.,t,uck ,-ith lne..Cl.e ipnes- ofth Hot if. 1 n." noli o 11 .! 1 . liii. I T i I I'll I . I . . ' W 1'- i 1 from thr two hiirJust gut ' : " - , ! Hi jt.a:ixieati:ii:ia:i that he shall ! montli pre- vious to lus :-in lipt-neo thr. hl'-jle-t ; average i;i .sclioiarnhii and d'.'j'Ori-; meat. The live ulnn'tor- :tv uepurtment in tiieu- respective schools These position-are to be i.jld in 1 igl honor, and the boy.-; are encouraged to strive for them. A very beau it'l l and costly gold medai 1.5 bemg uesgned f.r thesenool t -j be worn bv -lie Chief J.c ;r -a, an en. ?g:i of Iua position. The duty o. the-e oflieers :s cfreily nionitorial: . They are to see that the ranks are well kept, ia niaiening Irohi the schooi rowin to the play grounds, and in re turning to rooms; to act as ka lers in ea!i-t!ienie and gynmatiL' exercises, and on public oeciisionsto act as mar sintis. ; IVr the following scliolastic month the following. bovs Jiave been appoin ted: Charles E. Ilaskitt, for Chief Of ficer: Edgar (Jay, 1st .Monitor; Sam. JCestbrook, i'nd Monitor; ;Jrd Monitor" to be yppoir.ted; .Charlie Wo tten, 4th Monitor; Kenneth Weaver, 5th Monitor. - w TZac Uoeky r:ioirJ Fair. It was our pleasure to attend the bar becue given oy tiie Executive Com m it tee of the lair, winch is to be-'held at Koeky Mouui, Oct, 1'stli inclu sive, it heing tiie occasion of tne reg ular meeting of the Executive Com mittee. We are glad to note that work is rapidly progressing on the fair grounds. Floral Hall :s hearing com pletion, and work will begin at once on the. Grand Stand and Judge's! stand. EwiVthirg is wi rk n j smoothly .enough, and ihe fair bios fair to be a great success' Tiie teiugs necessary tor its being the success its friends de-.-ire it to be is for the fir riers aiul others throughout-Nash, Viison and Iv.Igecombe comities to send anything they mily. have to put on exhibition. S.'-cretary Jenkins kindly furnished us with the "following proceedings ol the meeting of the? . Executive Com mitte, witit the rei'uest that we pub lidi: Executive Co'iimittee met at 11 o'clock :'J m. Letter read by Secre tary from lion. Ketnp P. Battle con senting t deliver tiie annual address, Oct. -7. BuiKiing Con s. ui I tte rep-ortet 1 they were nrog'e-sing as rapidly as possible and hope io be ready in time for the fair.' -.-It was resolved to irsue one fn e ticket to eaci-jjof the paid upstoek; tiie owner to insert such a name he wisho:'. '!TiAt upon tiiis ticket- the 1 owner !;c a!l; vt d to' his horse or S vehicle, j tjie tick; anv imm rid, lie be allowed to- retain. 1 1 !lW!u day to day. Tnat '). .use of mis' ticicet uiiall wrk a- ioribi't:'.there.f. M"esrs. J. Thorpe, B. II. Bunn and A. W. Arringtou, appointed a i 'omnrittee t procure a l.iand of music during live Fair.' Mr. W. H. Grifhn, ai)pointe LSapei'intent of i'orage. r'tcc J. :B." A'vucclin, declined. Jno. R. ' rreen, ( hite -Keeper, vice W. 15. Jor dan, declined. Mr. Hi ll. Bunn, Fi nance Committee. Tvlessrs. II. W. Dnpree, Jno. li. (Jrcen and J. P. Daughtrey, Ccynndttee t rent Out restaurant staiis. F. J. Thorjie, A. W. Arringten and Jacob Battle, Com mittee of arrangements to assist visit ors durihg-the- Fair. ; 'Jvvooutive'iComm'ittoo adjournod to meet on' the Fair grounds at 10 o'clock Saturday Oct. 2V 1.81. The Chief-Mar.-haii anl Assistant requested to be present for consultation. .-3 l Paper finys o1 Jo lip1:' (From lao Fit-tcinirjh ' Uyi:i.eh of-Aff. Otli. 1S1.) The attendance night was a tp t e. esiiniute -our 0 1 1 i at Ca nip's sliow last umomnl to t!hA lugh us h.ave placed r.'- -on.' the builder of tne great New York Hippodro'.m, t.'ie founder of the New Yor: Aquarium aud'the orisrinator o the largest -amusement enterprises ev - er inaugurated in tin:: country. Hie performances were s. highly appreci ated, and the excitement and enthusi asm so great, tha at after packing ' four- i eople on comfovfabie! j teen -thousand pe seals, unner tne largest tents ever erected in this city, the door.-, were, clo.-e.l before eight o'clock in the face of thousands of people who were una- I ble to gain vidmission for want of j room. ! As to the rare novel features and ; quality of the entertainment, nothing I better was ever seen here, while- the 'i four circus anil hippodrome rings, pre cisely a- advertised, were all there, and in them given' the iinest spectacu lar pageants, the mo.-t bviiliant ei' formances, the most daring feats, the inost.exciting hippoilrome races, the most charming gymnastic and acro batic performances ever before pre- sentei to a I'ut.-dmrgh audience. Ine ! leat 01 tne "ureal ana omy i-.ii.iai.' winy is 'actually - hurled nearly two hundred feet through tiie air, perform ing two revolutions before aiightinu", is ansoiuteiy asnovci as it is a-tamnu- al inr, noihing we have ever yet seen in print being aide .to convey an ' 'ade- ! qnate idea of, the thrilling act, which in one mu.-t actually see 10 uiuleistand. 01 S. (; ir So ot the daring dive of the bwiatitul eraliline, the e.ui-ite K-er; and in-! mtabie equttnan rendition: of the) 1 eimminijr Katie and i-aiima Stke5, the.j horse Mettle, the famous Zulu warYi - ors and their great skill in throwing the assegais, formidable impleme nts li- wlviph tiie Prince I m fierinl nf France was slain, the thrilling Indian chase for a wife, in which the celebra - ted Maud Oswald and a whole tribe of Indian, appear, are' all, ami much i : 1 . , . i i , ir- IllOre UOlue.-S, ailiOiI! ll.e lOUJUU liO el attractions of the magniticent show upon wnicn Mr. t ou p uiay wen ii:Ke his reputation.-- A Haul ltessifre. -It is a real pleasure io visit the store I t f r.:1li!!,r...i;.i-A- It 4r,,,,J.,,rt cj,Uv ,.r o-,. wi. aim see the j Of every tie-, irii!iiens sri lit wltieFi thev Mrt K"Hng so. asure one dav this weektomakeatourofuisoeetion .1 Z I. . a . I . . . 1 . . - ir It'll-. I il U 1 d "III I N WW and all manner (a iry goods u nu-ii men wear. ! W e .lancol v a-ualiy at the st ick of ; ladi"-' gooil.-, and t aw a great ouanti-: f- .mil V:lril'V lllit Vlllill lUit iininirn vfrv 1 111 rf :-:il:i rlV i 11 Io t lie 1 ivif. r,f 1 1 5 ly low jnnees. Jiat we ca moi partic ularize. Sr.fneeitto f-ay that 'every r thing needeil in their linecan be found at II dIbroners. Bead their new ad vertisement and give them a call. NASHVILLE. .1 IKrwr Killed In) the Joth,-jn thh Place Sunday. Mk. Editor: On SuiKlay morning 'last our, little town was thrown into a fever of ex citement by the announcement that t ie jailor, Samuel S. Sorsby, had shot and killed Spencer II. Harper, a pris oner in our jail. It seems that when the jailor went in to feed the prisoners Ilaipcr attacked him with bottles and other' utensils m the room, and that Sorsby tired on him with a single bar rel pistol, a 42 calibre Derringer, the ball striking the left cheek and rang ing through the base of the brain. Har per fell and died immediately without a struggle. A jury of inquest was called by Maj. L. M. Conyers, special Coroner, which, after a very thorough examination ol witnesses rendered -a verdict of justifi able homicide. No warrant was is sued for Sorsby and he has been about to .vn as usual.. Harper wa ; serving a six months term for living with a colored woman and had the reputation of being a bad man. He laid given the jailor some trouble before and for several days had .shown' symptoms .of insanity, but it was thought to have been assumed, and not real. B. II. Bann and Jacob Battle ap peared before the jury as counsel for Sorsby. ' Harper was a white man, and had a room to himself, the other prisoners being colored. G. NEW A I) VEBTISEMENTS. w V r 1 M 5 LJ uctive boy to lean t H - Bs-;:iic 55N3iies.'. Aj.ply at ThisOfficp. A ANTED! v A situation as clerk in a Dry Goods or jrroeery st)ie, by a young man of rive -years ex perienee in the business. Best of reference given if desired. Address F. B. It. HILLIABDSroN, .Scn10tf j Nadi countv, N. C. VV A NTED TWO T A I J.ORS. 1 desire to employ two Tailors one a coat-maker, and the other a pants maker. Good w ages, and good posi tion. Applv to . i JJ." GREENWOOD, Merchant Tailor, Sept .0 tf WILSON, N. C. Taken up Islray, I have taken up at my residence near Black Creek, two dark bay mare mules. The owner can get them by proving property and paying costs and oamaies'. J. B. JOHNSON, BLACK CREEK, N. C. HI I&iporlatil IKilicc! I shall rent, at tiie Court House door, in Wilson, on Tuesday the 20th dav of October, for the year 1KS2, the lands belonging to the minor heirs of WILLIE SIMMS, deceased. TF.KMS: Note with two approved suretier, for ' th rent and .stipulations containel in the contract, to wit: 1,000 new rails to each horse farm, ditches to be cleaned out and the farm left in good condition nt the end of tiie year. ' . S. E. : SIMMS, Guardian, .Vd-lt By Connor A Woodard, Attys. FOR SALF. ',' I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the-Court House in Wilson on. Monday the 7th., 'day of Novem- her- lssl. the house and lot situated on ; Tarboro street adjoining the lots of M. Rountrec and others, belonging to the estate of Mrs. S. E. Blount, deceased. 1 II. G. CONNOR, Executor. Sep. 1(5 4t. the : eorner of Tarbor- aiid lee ,-treets n j thctoWn of Vibon. Tne lot is a de - LiraMeone,- cood garden, and goCil ! Weu of water on the premises. Ternw; reas.or.able. ! Sen 1U tf. J. F: FARMER, (OCKCADE 1881 M1RCLC W0KKS SveamprO Street, Petersburg, Va. GRAVE STONES ! of every ' cUcfipiioh, made to order, ranszin'jr in price from up.- Designs ' tellt by mail postage paid -with stamps j . fir return When Girders are ! j received they are filled and forward- ' ei. If the w ork is not satisfactory .;. nrr'chaH"? are re nested to return -j 1 ' 'MY EXPENSE- ' . .. . . , . - i n-.. t. -..nnn-.-fl mi!!. 1 I.' W-jI'K IS fiJium l . ,f . ",,rn .oondcnt3 sol'.cUed from all parts : t,f tl.e emuitry. . . t j : . . . . 1 . ..i.t. ...1. -1 1 -fTi.-n . i Mv house an'l lot situated on f 6AL-- COAL! GOAL? For ". ?nine- of p-r trnm frl-nl th - sale of o.r V""'' . liat,JoiiiJ Al) ortlrrs ru 'rusted !o him will li iv e rotnp t.-nn-n. !t wiiti m fn it Ut added. ; . . " JunSOm. NOTICE! Having nunlifiett Adiiunistratrix of Sophia Dean s,x d.ec'easwl.'. notice , is hercbv triven to all iersons indebtel to Uie decea-etl,, to .make immediate Pavment. !md nil iu.r(.ns' li.ivimr clai'.ns against the tleeesised are re- quired to present them for collection before the 10th day of September 1SH2, or this notice wilflo pleaded in bar of recovery. v S. A.TAYLOR, Administratrix. Sep 1G 4t. ' . ' DOUBLE TWIN SPRING BED. 48 Besssmor Steel Springs, for $5 00. TERRITORY FOB SALE. The best .Springs ever made. AVe arc i lit ((tnis for Oipsi-pxcolleiit sprinr ft Wil. son. Tilt, Wnyni'. Jjhncon, irmiu md 1,'ravru We will y.-ll Urrilory for rlllier coui-ty. exWm WiUon, AcMrii. J. G. RAWLES & RRO., July lS-Jlm Wilson, N. C. M. T. YDlno. J. E. X. Gonii.vM. Young & 6roriinin, DKALF.U IX cii:.i:iCAi. .tiuuc'ii .mim, TARBORO STREET, WILSON, X. C. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the lute Col. David Williams aro requested to mnke payment. Those holding Claims against deceased are requested to pre sent them to the undersigned duly au thenticated; otherwise this notice' will be pleaded in bar of recoverv. W. F. Green, ) Jesse Mercer, y Ex'rs. Named II. C. Moss, ) ttepJ :Jni L C. B. Avcock, Of 'A'iivne. V. A. Daniels, Of Wilson. AYCCCK & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, GOLDSUOUO, N. C. lWill practice; in the Court of Wilson, Wayne, Lenoir and Greene. COLLECTIONS A 'SPECIALTY. "Mr. Avcock will be at Fremont ev cry Saturday. 1 FAllMEIl & .WAINWRIGHT Founders of Brass and Iron, and Manufacturers of AGRICCLTUML IMPLli.llEXTS, at their old stand WILfiOM, NORTH CAROLIXA Manufacture and keep on hand any, and tuff larg'ifci eiocK oi IMPLEMENTS fn the SUlte for the. Farm, mada cf th best material itnd by skilled workmen All goods warranted to give salidiiction orno sale. I We will compare prices with any flrt class liott. I he petronagw received at the Iiandft of the farmers itrrd the trade in and out of the State bear? u. out in thin, foi which wo return our sincere thank ami !io, vu will merit a centiuuanCe of tlx '"jinie. FARMER & WA1NWRIGIIT, Wilson, X. C. Ap,23-Iy. Wm. A. BARBRET DEALER IN SEWING 91 AHI ES NEEDLES, OlLSfCi Tarboro Street. WILSON, N. C. PRICELIST. NEW HOME ei"o ST. JOHN, -woo it 111 1 r, IIEMING TON so m DAUNTLESS 1-K. I ) AMK Hb AX WHEELE1C& WILSON, if in 1 ..... 30 (X) 30 00 ..... 30 00 . .,. 30 0O 30 00 SINUEIt (Latest Improved) VICTOR, .. .414 30 00 28 P0 Any other Ulieup a can be hjiiglit in ihu State. If you want .1 Machine Iaw offer. nic the Ca.-h. I will deliver, luutnict :ail keep up warrant. The above prices are for covered, drop-leaf and two drawers, including tucker, Johdston Ituftler, hemmersf &c New -Firm j styles I New Trices. .! ! ! rfnTTTTUT C- Tir7TT)T) A V- VTXtll l1 111 (XMU XiJWil A. Gokhboro St., WDson. Tf. C. t.1Il..far of C.frriare?. R'K'2', Cart?, Wgifis. Harness, and all kinds of j r,?svViiStoi j ve'bavenowon uk d rt the low portT flnrw,- Uar.damce and elet:i iock o at j work. . I gZoZtoXw ri .. . . . oaiuiacuou ira-aui.c-a :n -"y-j ( cose. i:4j-.irii-o r.eaiiy juo. prcarptty atieEi.-l 13 , 'j j vi. t. dIackVeIl & CO. Ourtiam, N.C. Mini iImiii tt Pity ml tuls 9 h DURHAM TOBACCO i ackwelt's " 111 18 TIIE FINEST, PUREST, IIFJT,VNI MOST r I KOP.M UK AM) F S J.Jx ' TOBACCO. liVKH ITT rptlXTllhMKKVT-. ' ' A I SO " V M2TTJ"FOTXJIHlIS OP Durham Long Thfse (io(Ml Yfi offer under M They are the finest and Purest Goods upon the market I'hey arc frtle fMn Uru ,)r Clu-uielv tlf Vn kin i They consist ofthelinest Tob:uv Vand puret riee o- ,e) p -6 n 1 bd g d 1: 0 fTCd'- ? it. I, 4 sr On ' . or.tT II (0 -t ft.. c x D Q 0 5s r, 1 ' CO C tft :- H M - ?s S " S3 2. 3 5. &2 .''' ' S ' P3 t-r a o S3 1 rj. It t 7. - Wc respeotfull)' anhodnCG to dn'r cnstoirdTS and the public in general that we have now .-on hand anc of tiie larp:eyt btock of Clothing, Ury OoottSy lioats, Shots, A'c. 1 . . . . ' V ' ; '' - "' : '- ' : Otir Stock Of C-loililif h second to i.ont In tfic nnukct aid consists of Mens, Boys, Yoxatiis Sun c Oiiiiciron G LOTHINB. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS Of all Kinds ant? Price to suit Everybody : 0t1r stock is lafgb and .more Complete than ever, togethef: with full line of silk and satin trinirnings, liuttons and fringes. Special attention has been paid to that line, an 1 ..respectfully in vite the ladits to call and exaniine -wir stock before? -; purchasing"', elsewhere. . .. CLOAK r3, D0L3lAi AND SHAWLS. We hate the largest stock in bottom prices. BOOTS AND A t till line of : the tve!l known Hess .-SIipok;- men.?, boys and 7ouh. Erefy paif warranted. Also ii f i ill line of Ladies and Children? Baltimore? City Made. - ';' i HATS AND; :G&;S:y-: - '"' . ' . - Tlic nebbiest styles, : . i Don't you forget, we afe Sole AgenU f'ir tie-' wily Pearl SMrt and the celbfated Cofaline Cort - b(;:iele. price $1. Great inducements tomer, as We will Respectfully. L HEILBRONER & BRO Aff'ts. Our claim for merit in based uprtn tr&rt that a chemical ntdfsU rt)tte9 Utat th tobacco trt"6vn In bu"f section 13 better adapted tomalec nt.OOll.PFRi, satisfactory smofco Uin .VNY OTHER tobacco grown In the world; arid being ftt-ar.ted la the HEART of this line tobacco section, WK have the PICK of the offerings, i The public, aJV. y prcciiuo mis; licnce our soira KXCEKD the jprotluct cf KlXi the leading tr.uT.ictorirt eom blr'od. '- tjrZ'jr.fl -'ocma'a viuesi it bfan the tradencrh qr ike i?vi au l!,o!n r madtf. r.-i..iw'.-t1"'-'' .' Vv'---- tc?. i ai 1 oiler them t rock- i. SHOES, oflered to cash CUS-' not be nndersold. n 11 raam Cut and Durham Cigarettes ' J l ' - few Ms !