il- U:YiV : : j - ' r-:"-l " ' :; .- -":: - : . l , . ,l - : . '-:.:: ': . " : -' : - hr';.- :::--.y . ' . -.. : ; -.' .,'; ' - ;;: - - - v ' - -. .!::. : - - . . .'!,- -: . - i . . . a v . . .-. .1 f - i'l i i, It!' TlIE W Lsf)X AfDWCE; - r .-j- if .WiVM.-J-iUi.1jV,. January isj r - 'ft- IACAMTIIIIJ THE j ADVANCE- k. v. j siiicripiion lihee : fi.'w i-r. jvur, ?i At 4M- 5'i rtit foil fK-Hiiuspqiivnt ipwriiixr lv M MOUta tl M.Xt-,-'t licoiiuw will 4m : j year. I ..I - (UtMm'?hctiuv 'iTYunmuri'ciiiioas on lotcr- flilip tojiil findiK'-.vl'iiii )"j!Cit;cl, AUCommunk'i'ilanti;ilioitUl b siddrewd ti.'. JoAki'mX'a IivNiKis, Manager i i u ... t Tl Til u 11 un v v 1. V A I AVil-on !v T - ' . - n wii? n .x. . I i;a'ii:. Tin: :jr:NTkv activity in iction i and the "rupitJ .I '"- railroad construction le.vel.ojxinent n f.compe-ting lines for the his f;w;year hie affords! a rich harvest to Jbe falr(ad-wreckeiN, ani occasiorjedlino tittle anxiety on the part of the publhf, w itli regard to the permanent establishment of eip.ii table "'fatert for (ra!isport;tion. ('oni!)!!! tious of rsiitroadJstock-gii'nbltr-, oltT-n including tjift managers of stron'g lines liave banded together to put down' .the fitocks and wreck the business of the weaker lins, withdho viaw of getting control of theii'i for speeulaJive pur posen. The disastrous -'effects.' of the "war of rates ,."0 long and pcrsistent ly waged by these railroad wreckers, liavo iiuit)idy hern yi.rded npon the : railway which ias been the object of 'attack anil all contiguous Hires, f bn't an incaicuiableiiijury- has been incli TectJy jinlUctc xip'on the- region : ':f coiintrvA thev k'rvc. And if there is .any po.wer of spciety adc(u:te lo pre sent i recurreilco or thesp disasters it ought to lie promptly : anl vigomusly . exerted I Ijt is! evident that-, tiiere is 110 power of 'royf ntion in "any pos'si-' ble provincial Or Slate legilat!on. The operations oO tluniilroa.lrwreckers cannot Ik; lihiiied by geographical lines" Anv State laAV intented to re uti ftin the beligerant would liave to ' be cnicjed'. Ifiy i dozen .or mi ore dis ; tinct legisluiufes,' and enforced by as niany J eparte aiid independent State goyerni.ent. jltr will be een , atoncejiow tsotally -inadequate- such ' legislation would be o -such an uuder- taking; ! '' '. . j . ...V " Titr; atioid Legislature, . or .the C(jjigress of tljp United States in ust b'e looked1 too : the custodian of- the rpowcrtQ be everted i The subject has already laltraeted tlie "attention of ihany tlnigiful jieVsons in .different parts bf pie cuntry5 and' petitions arei '.- pouring 5n u'pjm nicnil-ei's of Congress asking ".' for, relief ; froih the greedi ness of tlje JaV CJol'I'.ksI the Ya.ii:i iiiLts,; tlie (JlkunKTs Jintl other rail road inagnatjs. W'lictlnir.' 'this" catT )est beatToinilished by the'ostablish ' inent offt nia!inrum or a miniinuni oi . railway iratef by act-of Congress, ap pears to jbe ajmooted question. - The lunver, f Cojigress to act, under the rhutse; hf he Kederal Contitii 'tfo.ii aiittn-iz ug it to legls!atoi upon , the suhject o" regulating iutcf-Sraie coininerf , U concedetl, and a l)ill in tfoducvdt by fIr Hi:.u:an'. of Tex a' , "-was faYoraUly. considered at .the-f ast Sessjoii, init for want Of time to Ierfcct ijt, ; it I is presumed fit did not pass. j . .: -; ;:; :;:'; ;()f the j wo glasses of rates, jt n.ay be confidently aserted that all laws pre- . scribing ' rates'.' for railway transpbrtatiiii have been deinonstra- : ted ly experience to v of little pract i- vis iitilityfir anv purpose which jt' was the object of- such-; regulative. legislation Unserve.: It would be man ifestry :uitjustu fix' a rate not suiliden. ly high to pdhnit a fajr profit on the businessldoiye'under all the 'possible jgroat 'pe-Xitical excitement, the "gay contingenc'uto which railway- tnillicjand festive"; SnterViewer. is already Is8ubjfct,! 4s these eontingencies ar? 'busily at work 1'rohiinent ooliticians ever varviiTdt and often produced bv cause. le.yvil htnan 'foresight, Jf will ai oik'O f o percivi'd how irrtpossi- ble it is ftr any boify of legis.latbrs orivuorsand Itepresentatives in Congress, boardfidiil'ay iuaiiagers to provide Especially, will bt expected to keep against t,he jniustiee which inight: re-i the interviewers posted.: Milt fronV sdeh -legislation. Neither u Vtx -.rTTV--' - I r ; . , ,,v s s u I'r.Niiii.u, OuAXT has reentd .f legislators nor rail vay managers are ' tH(, . .., .. , ' . l' u"-.u ( I , -fi ,i - : r ' , i !-; the mjustice which ?-ie. permitted to' be endowed, with the. gift Of forekiyiwl-i' , r.(iri. , " 1 , lo l .1 I 'J . ! done Gen. Porter; and now vam edge, and wat would-be a just maxi-j him restored to his r:jnk in the army. ; nuln1 ellintrs for'ene cinss of c"c i:diti .-n I Gen. Pouter wns i A iw :...., ...t.i . ', : i J 1 . i ' , r .;, v ' J i -'v"-w.1 ai,u. aiHi ivitcnen Furniture. Farming In -o ddeaji unjust for, as . with Gen.. cCleliJax. and othei-1 dements, Corn, Fcllder,p!"k CaU'e" differentjclajs ofconditions, - Comnier- i cial depreiciis, bad harvests and j '.nianifoli oxe'r causes might in a'few . anv mloht at : 1. The- estalpishnient of a mininum of railway.rates by act of Congress wouia HcoRi Vimier an tne circi.m- stancbs t'iblMii()st likely to restrain in intcrorfj of .ho .o.ln.ry, and incovt.y to the stetjens eifi country these rail- eomrplaint iat been: male about the unjust uiifcriinination" of. railroads, j and perhaps, in some instances, not unjustly Init it should not 1k forgot- ton, that railroads, are entitled to re- ceiv .a $av profit from their, in vest her corpovions. iflcnt , d. vfelVas'o "r ' months redac the demauU for trans- ; 1 A $20 00 Jibliokl Prie portatioiitda pointr where tlieHarill ifriIV n, ,. . w ' n ., , . ..... :. - .1 ' e puzzieuepartmentoftheii Civorabl Circumstances, would not ! MvnUihj ivr February offer the foPnw. '-.- i , ; '" ni ne ioruardyd to 'the win- n nnpqrtant degree, both .the opra- j ner February lathj 1SS2. Thoo who t'ions of rlilread wreckers, i and 'the i ' fur he P.rizc must send 20 its. in ' . i- : B V 1 j .silver (no postage stamps -tHkP'iS- I destructive Wars of rates which have their an.swW for wbiclfi hey iill ! booiilsO fitii in f-ntnl ' in (ho m Hi or1 r Celve ;t he March niinibiii- nf f Un mn. i I T,.T.a.Ti 1QQO Seveuai YEAiis aO. the inquiry; wa. generally niaae inrougnom o t- "Have we a j Bourlxm' : 4 anroriL'st uh? The Datftt'hin of Fnuicc, (iapp'arcl, vxis supposed to bcsoine wImto within 'our horrors, I and only awaited idontifiration. Alter cor.sid- crablt" delay and mm-lr. anxiety upon i the subject" .on', both titles jof the At- ( lantie, 'one ... iring; the title of "ltev;V was forward a- the lost Ilaunhin. But his , ..'!aim,'vo bel;(vc,nva3 never .recog nized outside of the circle bf fiis im ineiliate f!i;piorter.s,. and thd' oat Iau!ihin ik-ver has been-found. The i mountahiH had hoen mi labor, the re- ; "Tf wai "naxcVtir rUlwuh13 puis." Whether a "different ' fats awaits the ." coming jiaho.m; reniain.s lo ne seen., f ' f.r 1 x 1 ..-..-i , iievoriii .prom mem iJeuiocpats. nave r j leen kindly a.-ipjiod by oVer'anxious awl- ill-inf()nsred nwypaper eorres j ptadervt?;, to play the role of MaiIone .intiie next political cjinpaign in this State. But.: one after another they ' have dehiel the --soft inipotivhmeni" ! and the.pullic i still on the "qiii vice to know jwho is to be the recreant Dim- ocrat to ''lead the .Republican Jiosts ! lH'xt. summer. (Ten. James MLkacit, of Davidson county ! was 1 first men tioned, biit . he promptly (lisavowed anv such intention. Others have lecn nientiohed "ib ros(r but finally it was prcclaimec upon the authority of the present (Jovf rnor of Virginia, that lion. A., M. Waihu: r.r,, Kx Me!iiber ofT'ongres- frofn'tho Wil mington "District was the coining yian. But alas!.', 'The hest laid schemes Of mice and .men 'nftgang ajlcyy -, . Waddei.l promptly conies to .the front and indignantly, dvnies eiir tertaiui ng any such purpose. The public, cuiioaityj, however, has been aroused, and considerable anxiety is felt to know who will be the next to be tempted by the i glittering rize. Whoever he - inay he, :hn would do well to remember that '"aji'is not gold that glit ters," and that what Mahone has tv-'coniplislied in -Virginia,' need not bvj -hoped for in North Carolina. We have-no such issue here as that by which the Democratic party in that ' State- a.s ovei;brvnei ..' t .-- j r ; r "Thf.ile are a lust of enndidide fox the Cnited States Judgeship of the Eastern District of North Carol hka. "Judges SkvMoui:, j Moqrk, Faip- CEOTII, ItUSSEEL, AliliEiLXSoS, KXt District Attorney liADGER," and As- I si st a rit' Attorney General of the United States, and Siamu Kij! 1-. Pin i.ti rs are each anxiously hophTg to step into the shoes of the larneiited Judge, Geokok W. 'B. nooks': Tin: ixDEPEXDEiXT antiVprohibi-Hon-MAiioNE movement, is the ttle .of the new organization against jhe Democratic party hvthis? State. (tol. Wm.jJqiixstox, of Charlotte and bx S',)eaker;.Pi'.irK are! jealous of'eAvlV other, it is .-ahl, Avith regard to the leadership.! -'Both have gone to-Wash-i ngten-vi itetl the j Wlii'te ' If ouse What fQ.V ', '.-.. j . J;'V- . - AxofiiEK lEA.i)-Lock!at 'Albanv has occurred. "he Stalwarts and llalBreeds are1 try4ng; conclusions with no less perlinafity jtliau iii the nieniorahle Coxkuxg contest'. As a ,conHe(n:ence-theNew York Senate lias been unable to organize. ' Somebody mny be "reumved" j if another Gui .TE.MT should bo inspired. This is getting to boa queer country. I ' Walter I'. AVi'ixiamsox,: Esq.; the Tarbonx l'otmaj ter; that js to --be,' if he has good luck in the United States Senate, wants Governor Ja nvis impeached, - In that he appears to ' V. lAVl "Vu " lm, rne i-iemocratic larty are -behiiVd Governor Jauvis; , and he is not at all alarmed As this irt likely to ho it year ol "ill; have -an o?)pirt!initv of .iir?nfr an opportunity of airing their opinions through these veracious channels to their hearts' content. Sen- V'as sacrihceO, as1 Gen. Gkaxt admits, IO "IH'case partizanj phrenzy MIT" i-n f.r- j.: l . - il i niufuije to make 20. 00: - I ! I To the person teljing which U the soonest verse in the Old Tt,rt,.fl i w.-" , ' - v 41 iii , I 71 Tl fT I w l-i. r I . I n will give 20,00 in gold as a prize. The KS r,rize' 'ith the correct answer thereto ixoomiuxv, E:ton,; Pa. 1 - TIIE1parf! Ing. betweei C'AS., doing in'P,11?'" lfetofore exit Ing. betweon SJTtJTr'i.-r V.i ' AJ .li,: --!'xv.ivij.-w S ljl r i s li.d, Vl1!1. Uiim ?t Baniesv xTerms:! one thousand dollars .Vwim.t - iy wissovetUby mutual consent. Mr. Lneas ViU e the .lan.l.ttJ soJt . ( 14 F. LP 'AS. , .till llAil.. . . I I lit . . I ton Bagging : - - -Bacon, N"orth Carolina Hams - 15 (7c !' ll'W 12 '10. 1't, 11 CM 2) (4 40 .1 20 Vi (. 2" IS'-M 2- SHY 31 Shoulders nd Side: Western Smuketl Sides shouMers )r- Saltctl Sides s wax. J? litter (jQ'feCj. j0 Larguayre 11 it 11 l'eaburry - , Java - - - -. Mocha '" - - .- Corn, per bushel' j -Corn iiieal, ,per buslel -Cotton Ties per luncli -Kgg - - . - S') C-'; 100 80 to 10 l(K)7i- 200 20 (" 2 700 to 10 00 o to c .10121 , 121 lo 40 to 50 50 to. 75 - 40 50 75 (f, 100 - 75 to 100 . H to U S5to 10 G to- S Flour per bbl j tides Green j-)rv - - Lard - ' - - .Iolasi-e5 - - - - Syrup - - - - - - il Potatoes ;per bushel - -IVanu.tsper bushel - l't a';er bushel - - - igf?,lt:r Bt Jiice Tallow per lb - -T urn i ps, ps r b ush el L 40 , 0 Wheat, per busiiel -r.ioo to. dot) XE W 'Al)VKItriSEIENTS. THE PAltTNEBSIIlP heretofore! existing between FULGllliM A BABNES, has .been " dissolved bv mutual x-onsent. . Mr. !FULGHUM will continue the business. Ail per sons indebted to the late linn are noti ced to call at once and pay Mr. Fuighum., G. EC EG 11 CM " 1L J.BAHNES Wilson. N. C, Jan. 13th, 18S2.-4t . -4 - - . . i i - - xue'Jfax Payer oi Wilson Cuntv IN CONSEQUENCE (of the 4eath of K. 11., WINS l'E AD, late Sherilf, it becomes necessary tljatl the. State,! fccnoui,- ana County Paxes should be collected at once. All those-who have ntjr paid their Taxes for the years 1870, I8S-., i88l,are respectfully 'requested to come forward without delay and pay them. Those Avho do not -do so on before the first daf bf February, next, vill tind'the list in the hands oi c( Hectors and will be required to pay cchts. 1 B. II, BAKDIN, Jn.- '82.1 . Collector for Bondsmen. ..Li" TJIE, UNDERSIGNED, liave form- ea-a-eo.-partner.snip iorttie practice- of medicine. in the town of. Wilson and hnoining country Iteturning thanks 'ttheir patrons for their;- liberal pat ronage, tney solicit a continuance of the same. -Ofi'ice on Nash Street op posite the v.ourt House lately occupied by Jas. S. Woo'ixrti, Esq., wJiere one. or both inay be always i Ihiund ".when not prolessioMidy engaged. .."' C C. BEACOciK, M. D., . W. S. ANDEBSON, M. .1). Jt.n282.-ly.; pUllCELL HOUSE I ; ' WILMINGTON. N. C, liECENTLY refitted and under entire new management:. Terms $2,50 to 511.00 1'vci lav. - i liu B. L. I'ElillY. iVor-r-etor. ft ssolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing .r-'f :i 'r I ( hmr il f.-ii; I . a. . j . v.ui liiiv I , - I M . J jl il.", I John 11. Gardner.- doiiur business unaer he urm juuimj ot 1. .1. Gardner A Co., has been dissolved .by.: mutual e ;iisent. Tlie undersigned "to wi o r. all parties indebted to; the rinn w iil -sbttle, will continue" j the business at the old stand. T , - 'j . ; T. J. GAHDNER. Jan G-'Si!-3t. ' ' - ISiSOLUTION NOTICE. THE PABTNEIlkllP IIEBETO- iOre existing bet ween ATK I Nsi ) ' . OBii & CO., is thibday dissolved by luiuai coiisent. ! M. B.IATKINSON, J. II. BAKEB, J. T. t'OHJi ' HIUA'M WEBB. lun. 2nd, 1SS1. - J. . - - : : HAVING bought;: out the firm ol 4TJCINSON, COBB A CO., we desire give notice to Hilt parties indebted tb the late firm to come,- forward at once and settie with; us", and all parties holdingjclaims against the late firm v in preteut tnem to us l tor pavmenti M.B.ATKINSON, l-G-4t. W. E. W A lilt EN. gALE 'NOTICE I- F f, I AVILL sell to'the highest bidder j.t the late residence of I K. II.' WIN STEAD, deceaspfl. hp.-ir tho ', r LjVils'on, oa tlie 23rd of January 1S82, r nsou, on ine 5ru oi Jan tjhe personal propertyj be: the, deceased, consisting of i itnd Kitchen Furniture, Fa belonging to Household 4Mules and Horses. Cart.-. Wn-mns about o0 bales of Cotton. Terms' .v.h. I G.'W. BLOUNT; Dec. 30th, 18S1. , -.-: Administrator. JDMINISTBATOBS NOTICE. ' HAVING q-ualiHeil as Administra tor upon the estate, of K. H. WIN S TEAD; L hereby 5give notice to all persons indebted, to make immediate payment;- to those holding claims against the estate to present them duly authenticated: on or before Jan uary 1st, iss.,, 0? tiii notice will be ! ';- V G. W. BLOUNT, DecG0th'81-l-0-4t. :. Administrato .; N 0 T: 1 C ti. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of W ilson eountvj, rendered Jan nary 5th, .1882. 1 will sell nr t!? P,,nrf Hon-e dour in Wilson jlondav the tfth! day x.f Fehmary lS?fc, the lamls where-1 oi ei-:on Latman died .eizetl, coni?i ing of three tracts ficljoin:nsr the laiyls of;M. M. Mathews, Deal Howard; Nv llham Taylor and other, containing rnree nuntireo: acres i more or !e.. a credit oftjisrht months. Title !v 1 ; till ed tllL paynjent! of all the pur nuiny.- s - A. WOOD.VRn, Adm. rT -Prl I r.TTTl T O OTnri93 ' 1 IS ft- , , .. ... ; O hS - . -. alien. EXGEKlfll LE J ; Miiw k IViiitiil I AND : HEATING STOVES, GUNS cScO. ; 2s:le3 a,ricl Ca.rriage Goods. - ' ' ' " ' i. ".-.' "' ' ' :'' ; JIEaDYtMADE CLOTHING, i BOf)TS: AND" BHOES.I WE WILL SE?iNG 2? stove's (ipon the installment! plnnpart casli, halano as agreed -I m wivan examination ot .our teS'Cook jtove Circulars mailed on - - ' . " . I -. " - '- i " - - I 'r- f e.The'-M'ercIiant Tailoring ' establishment known heretofore as" B. Green wood, lias Changed its mm to G BEEN WOOD & B E L M E Y E It , Mr, iclsr ineyer having been added as a tartier iii the concern. ' , The senior partner will go nortfi 'in a few days to purchase a; I: : ,F';I N.-:E ''T .-.0-f)L--S'.: Exclusively for the Kiuie. Trade,' 'cofisjVtiiig of. Foreign .ami Domestic Suitihpfp. lrousenns, trimmings, .c., and then wilP come oat with a big advertise- ment SQTThanking the community for Jmsf 'favors and patronage, I hope that an increase oi confidence and trade-y iky bo tendered this -new firm. ' -1''.r;; A ,: ; -(:":."-:.;,; : -:.: ', jpAKB' ; : ' ;--.' ;:; CARRAVvU:Y:ElViat PILLS ' . j!" ' V '.'r . " ;; PIUOPABED ONLY By ' .' ;. '' ' ID. S. . il riIAliMA'!:i!!C-.Vl. ClIKMr.ST, ' .: '-:' :"' - " ' - f 1 - - ' - :'. . . 1, ZJ 'W"xailsoiT 1st. o- i : ; ' -: : '-.-. "' ",':'.' ' ' 1 For Sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. Price 25 cents per box. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. J . Durham, N. C. Mtanffcctarwt c tits 0rilxi and Only Strain TRADC MAMK. TOBACCO iS THE FINEST, rURHST, BEST,1 AXI) i1 MA-tt: DURHAM r.-.t ric., -7. w M, , r m - r .'": '' ': ' '" " '-'"' ' '"'. V - " ' V ; "-"" J iOpACvO' EVLR PUT t'PO a THE MARKET. ' : ' .'-j ;' .'-.:.' - ALSO ,.'" . -:. DurhamGng-Cut and TrB-lT l ?!Krare h' fir-t d Purest Goods upon tlie market. ' i X Hiey are 'Fcc fro'n lJruSA or Chemical of any kind ' Bn, lThy wnsithc Tocco, and purest rii rJpcr made. .ii , . . . . '-..-- OTHER NOW SELL MAGHINES stock. . , fsoojicati ,:. t t If i on. . Jan 20tf.l . - ' .-' ' ' : Greenwood & Belsmeyer. :,',"'.': ; d. (J been wood. CAEiPvAWAY. j Oisr claim for, merit Is based upon the Iket tliat a cbzOicl analysis proves tliat the tobacco groni in our section is better adapted to make a G OOD .PURE, satisfactory smoke than ANY Oi it 111 tobacco grown in. tbe world; and being situated fcfc the IIEAltT of this fine tobacco section, WE tiavo the PICQL of the offerings. The public ap preciate this ; hence our sales EXCEED the products of AJSL, the leading manufactories com bined. tKtme genuine unless il bears jK trczde-mark of tM Hull. MOST UXIFOltM BliAXDOf 8MOK V Durham Cigdrbttes. GENERAL MEECHANDlSE, ' lSCofnCr Xash and OoldsborO: Streets, Wilson, N' C Keep cotis-tantlv on hand a lare an t ell-solocted stock of DRY GO DS GHOCKIUES, NOTIONS. I500TS SHOfe c, T ZE1GLER SHOES A SPECIALTY. - ' ". ,!- Capt J. H. B:ctis with U3 - frioncN at our store. Soliciting patronage, which we ure Jan . " . .""'.. - ' -" -;'.;: - - --" ' , .' .'-' - ; . ; '; - -. TO OUB ; ; ';' . ';; '; FR!ErSD S AiMD P ATR OiVS. I .- :. - s' Continue to lTcieve additions'nlmost daily to th d 'already ' larp:e stock.: ; .They have just received a large lot ol' l. ' Jf$6l TS) and others,: which 'an bejflg sold lower than, ever belb re. - 1 ) : - . ' - They keep BurtV, and-T. Miles Son's. Shoes, the .best m ' the) market. - ,r .. '' ' .':'" THUA'Ky. VALISES. AjD SATG rlEhS:: r ' EliADY-M AD R 1 iGLOTFli NG, , -. , -' .1 NOTION'S H0ISJ5RY l&C ;: - - ' ' . .. -.. : . - " :"...- - The Quaker fity BhirL we sell for $ 1 '0.1, die; .'bet 2hift lor :;; : the price on the market, . . m " . . ' ; Cloaks, Dolmans. &c. ' The best ladies' kid gloe ever so.!d in 'the C(Mihtv for.-$l'.t)(),.' ? : Every pair 'warranted."':; Our -st-- c?k .oi ; j rocct la 'iis'coiii'jd.ete. '.'' ' Jn shoTti everything tiiat-sh juhl he''eirr; 'iii tli "Hivsrp:Qppjar' .:; tdrd in th City. Call to see ihetuhunl they will give you bar- ains every tune Corner Nash . - - . B"l Ksak. if f3K B l.iy - rert. - n -9 . cm m ;. i xn. Jan.0 v ; Intending1 to nake a ciiaiig'e in niy business shortly, 1 would respootfilly v ask 11 indebted to me to calf andet-: ' tie at once. GOOD ;Lli!i v -" i, . - - - ' ' " - ;r";'"(j;i;TJi..tJ. oyii,;i -G 110 Y A RIET Yv ARIU YiNfi I) A I IY ; IYNUM , DANIEL & CO.," niF 111 The Fall and "Winter of 1881. . Ye desh-i to inform -on r friend's In Jlaircloth, I!aw Silk and Terry. "b ""7.vixni w iiHvc- rvrrr.a'nr v.-if, -reatest care a:.I JufL'-oent th lart and het ASSOBT.MENT OF F If ! 1 N I ? U 1 1 1 e v e r'. k t p t I v a n y 'flrni mnSw!)taare offering ;w low as it ean be sold an vwVre. ? -ty less or AllI"ll00:NIb are fillUith ft great variety of thjr.very ,at O U ll STOCK 'OF. I convplete, consi,tin of Guie and Wool Seat Bookers amP OfiS-.'diair-, Lf-bril in vkT,,Clu,IC a!?(1 VowISt fining and CJiiidrens' Chairs a;id liockerall ylcs and makes. , j 1 . . v , : Bed-Room Sets, Boreaii Sofas, Table., Bedteals, MattressesSpring nd. , Moulding J-jcture Framed, Ward robes ami Seskt, and: ""s- "--unity Aeoii in a: nrst-- as h iim tnr vt.i,n U JNj J3ER k(' n-tantly. on,hand a lar-e lot of Bewood and Jetalic Lurifcj tiT' 5vt' UU? buriJil. roU2 hre agents forgone of the- best inrba- iTvJ-v cV,uutry' a,ul t'an furnishiat.-shoit .notice any styl6-of ,TOMU r or Iouuine"trt'at prices to suit the times. , : , u e-retum thanks for tlie liberal patronape which lias been extended to u tn2r i-tr I'a-t,., and solicit a anitinuance of the tame, proini-Ma?. ' to,pare n&efforfs to uit all .who trade with us. i J 1i?TIE.'AI, Per80rns indebted l settle their accounts.. .k DEALKUir IN ' and vr HI be plcAsed to ee liis we shall racrit iby fair dea-inbi ' - -. 7 Ii and Tarbyo Streets jVL-on,;N- C 3S.;.-t"SoJiitimi;" f Wilson, N. C, Ja'n. Cth., loJ. : G. - :S4 C)X"N. C. nr, - ! patron Jm ViLon and the atljMn ur: ' . in brief, evfry- hmeiit. Cheay be J- Window shades. r i:i -? i. to txs are mmesfe4 to come fo'rww ' . T-"pi'--"-;-;;S'; - ' - : - ". ' pern ess? is ia k auis au-; nitrfre, S -e ' -