'."I ' . -i, - HI ' .. . " ' " - .-v.. - ,.-. :. - - , ; : : - .; , '".. " -,::;.-;.: : Y -' V, w . V ;.-:; , '..:.-.!.: ; The Wiite ApyATsCEi!- . XeariBaltieboro, January 12th., in ' Graded chVol continues to in- I'liiiikv T inn irv 0 183 w -mi year, -ur. jl.. l. iiamuion. "1 I" . "V ' ,u;v i uinp , januap jj, its.. f Hft ft widmV aud two childre pupils having been revived since the Ihe Wibun Graded School. !'0S?Hyi OANiELS, Q t to mourn his Jiws. I .Harried, Iditflr. i- -XoTi't Tollisuiiro insertion iar Iii tiiVxiellm(list-Church, at Bc-tWlj itt county, N. C, We lnesd Jari- i holidays, many-of thesd roTiiing- from other counties.- The! school is now represented ' bv 'Wilson. Kdi'ef.-iniVi.V w-' l-'Xawli, l?ittv BejiufA)rt,.- Johnit6n, Car teret,. Alexander and Jones. At the Sectional XeiTS. GOLDSBOHO. Pitt imry 11th,, 31 r. T last meeting the Board of Trustees ! l.w.-l a . . .1 r r . m. i . . It' I'ulloek of' uuuiionai neicner, ..mss lorene Camev. ?na Sutton, who : was expected' to .'.'Iii.. Y: i ' . .t 1,!? .-. t.mc,-i'uvf,i avuiuree, eoij. Jirfso-.i, F. Scribes; Jas T Cobb. l Tre VsJ 11? r . vv " ' vw"' ta ; f ,v.-.J .:u.,-:f Vm. 1) ivi:so:i t C. furor. " . : ; ( relatives in New BerneJ ; ; iirW.MlhJ: iivQn''ii .-L - ' - " - J '.' '.; JUG; ConhorrIi.', !iaslbecn;aWnt (V . ' J'-.. I- ,, .'.'' 'I VosUy laud. ' iv ' tlus week in Itajeih, d(i prufessionai ' T,..i, . hi u mi i mi i;isi iiiLriii iron ifiniuini vteXWii muMse.1 1 in their, adver-1 V: " ';n 1?, J lh . , ,y lday I-: 31.'. j x j j X l v A xti'ex t n d b ds t wShl ! M ""on has the reputation of beinS , . - - I J -. . . . " l . " - "I 1 irkVi I j-B I . . 1 . I ' A f ' . nielJ, .at .the lost! " - .- H -' 1! - "wsihiui uhu a reiuiy teacner, ;1 r coll et' and re.! viUkn enmnmoniin: V. Th (;HU:ne!s at the Post itn )t K'! I f collect and reT! w iib.icr.tl')ns uue'tnid proper. Ti e v f av ri se szi e n ts. ;.; - ' ! J " : ": ; ' . il.-I)'! .SAirifrin. il 1 1. Th nlinson. -1 a v I 1 i;')iiu treej (col ) . e following1 officers were installed at the.; last regular mating of the Wilson Kiveampment No.'lG, I.O'.O.F: J J Barefrjotj C. I; U T Stevens, II. J: J K Farmer, S. WitW-l Wootten. "J. W.; A 1 leilbroner, Seribe; D Tom- having Hpent several vears in a'-hiarhlv suceessful school In Rhode' Island un der the very shadow of Brown Uni versity to the learningof whose noted professors the school hall access. I. A-l, .-:-. I : -v. ! ' j ' Js Fannie: Waters is ou a visit to ' h ' . . .- . -it:. 1. K. ir.ir.es, ,f j ir-t JiiftiallSiient.-Wjlton.- Cotton iA'iil-.' H- --' ., :v ; Wiiii.s' Mia'i;a Otera. . IIwss. lfj rui . c; i-cen wood Of SI iy-" HK3Irs. J. v.. I I J .1 L: Tli "'A .1. Ki :5te ' s . Sy--C ;a;s n.irn.V f" 1 ' .; -'v ' UiY-l .S UV's. The II. W. E' I wards lot on Tarboro street,. between the stores of .1. f. j Barnes and V. 1 li .Morris, wju soir ! last Saturday at public auction, and j was.purciiased by .Mr. W. II. Morris for. 1,'.M).). cash. The dimensions, of the si-sold is 21 x T." f(.tt. and this 1 price is, we believe, the '.highest - ever IIard', i l';dd for property in Wilson. ' business. 3Iiss Amlie CIlufTm-returned home Dear Advaxce: ' It e'hls tfm the new Opera limine is already known to the numerous travelling trouies and our people will be entertained by a milch Ijeiter cla-ss of performers than have-hitherto hon ored us with; : their presence. The;OH ver'Doud.Byrqn Cmbination Compi riy Um engaged the house for the first of February. ' Adam Forepaugh's IIumpty.Dujnpty for the 9th, Collier's Banker's Daughter for the l:Jth., Col. Robinson's Ilumpty Dumpty for; the Isth., ajjd it H probable that the talent ed and popular actress, 3Iis:s Kate C-ax ton, will pay us a visit sometime during the saine month while on her southern tour. i. -. . The Grand Lodge of the order of Knights of Pythias will hold their an nual meeting in. this city on the 14th of February. I Itsjs gratifying to the friends of 1 3IrJ JTOXICE. . MY SOXi LAWRENCE, nearlv i 5t-vdhteen years old, having left hts! hon and; in v nrntietlri I hnmkf! gi ve jnotiee, hat anyone employing or f PROPOSALS f jt rt -ite f tr the u??,15 hil!n WlX r,CUr ,the fulV lTu 1 W 1 ,K co iVro-N -M 1 are in - y ill u muf.Tfr1' vit,-t 5t of 'from 10 to t 1 R0LNTiirH--)r. acres of land in and around Wilson. Jan20-2t ; N ilMn, N. C. , Titi.h1 a;nl condi Umw. of all offer TTTi ' ' l..ut be explicit same tc be mailed Af CPin r.(t fnn Ml! C j llr. !a?l-t? retary, under msiI, as 1IUOJII UUUUil IlllllOt 3 G. FORAGEl bfiieeiof Wilson Cotton Mills. I WiLson, X. C, Jan. IS, 1SS2. AT A MEETPNG of Boanl of direc- t irsdf Wilson Cotton Mills, the first) r. JAMKS K; CLARK, See'y installment of " percent on the capitaL ihoiv, Jim.tth, '-t., a y stock was ordered to be paid, 'on or before 1st of February IS2; J A3Ih E, CLAUK, ; . yecretitry $nd Treasurer ;J MPitTIXG of BOAUDof HEALTH, ";'''"',.''" '"'"-' ' ' - 1 - 3I.vyor'h Okficp:, Wilson, X. C, J;a. IGtiij 13-. IN THE ABSENCE OteA CH Al R- '. F. M. Ayco'k ,.-E'eeutor.s. tteas at "' .V)V'" 'a L'ni.-e's. t Oil 11 ceiits. Hut ra yarly peas at Hair- grave's. h.iiir at ; Warren '& vqv Pi!!s at Rowland's; i: gar.lcMj, peas go to T here was s?me excitement in town last ThurMlay nigjit at the burning of , I'-i- lutim.- bar-room and gmn-pry on-Nash street, ju-t over theailtrsid. ,3Ir. La-: mi say.- iie lostHtiet w'eeufthree a ad rive hundred dollars in ciush, Jbe- Kidcs-are-ter portion of his 'st'jtffc noiusuraneo. ; last night from an en relatives ended visit to u 'T . it ton s'.ld Hjfe our streets tliis week l ( c it iind clocks nia le alive. -.'s! "-i f' 'i 1 of Al Hi'; v .V ,N.idar ' 'liar. - o: ju- "TVO 111:4 ;r.ir'den iv A fid! 4 at ll v; mi V "!)tt; Store -will be open il e v E 1 9 1 e r 'ts v i ?e . i 31essrs W. ILG.it A. L. Scott have opened' a bottling factory in the brick oiiiiding in the' rear of L. Edwanl's store. We understand ithey have purchased alb necessary apparatus for bottling ber, ale, and fluid extracts. Tiiey are now; at work bottlingringer me. ' r 1 n S2rJ- jut re- ( ' irr i vay's 1 I'ills jf.)r saleby 1, kr?'i vo J a full -sM PI1 v - ' ' t 'V v' r. -as, ,,T-1. luU 1 i m-: i hi- t .f;:'J;lH j-anin n Ia f "i garden peas ff choice lienors foi it I largrave's-. . ."Ir.tUiH "hibw oil the . Tarboro tliiliJy. L m eat '.'convenience :-ie otlirei-ats and otn rs:- lor i.ei ) hit Warreif .v ' l''ar;es,, i Wi 1 ;vards v ill. receive 5 :'p -s aa j- mules next if Air. of )l,1-b'Tro. has ItiT.s- wek.. 'busily en- j(!'iamw. , ; j ... ': ' . 1'; '!'': i I'te V I r a-.i-r.. - riVi:;:-: 'n.vii ', t i ;v.i H tyjje p;.i-"e. 1'iaaca' aiivl .s'tiv.et; Si itl (;.era! W.-ljso;ds.'.fin-t trails 1)s"4.!uit a.Tsrst- i ! t' fie I'ost Ofiice Kd I tellable rTur :'i .AibianaL-s. ' ' Dedicatloa ofA Nevv CjiictcJi. very nice one, an n the dedicatory ser vices-will attract quite a crtiwd. Hoy T. 11. Pritchurd, L.D., is expected to preiiclr -.the' dedication sermon. He is an able preacher and tiie &ermon, on thi interesting, occasion, iwul. doubt loss be a le.'tmod and interesting. One. . We. understand that it 13 . rumored in the adjoining section of county that there are several cases of small-pox in Wisijt:i. The fact is that tl.ere is. hot, iui- fms tiiere been a sign of small-pox in Wii-ioh in a number of years. The riimnrfi Unfounded aad isl calculated t,o wtric injury to our place j if alio. ved to go without contradiction. . riiv &';irsri-:;l3CBia3 Bank. 1- In-the balance sheet of; the. First jN'atiOiial.Bank we notsee a very sug gestive feature in regard to tae in creased business transacted I'ddring the pa-t year. The business of the bank in ISVS .was- lj77U.M;7.U4'; In 1779 it was S2.y--;; jG2.7'ln 1880 it wa- ! tl,l l,b)i.l'); and in IsSt tiie business VS.'-il, 1 l1!,,.-,.!,-,, ! "i.;nM.UK:.a.ii.uini;,vv,.v,lV..... h "in -ii, i i naa .,. r. ..., -.iv. tnot thnuttiMinoss Sb'h in treMissio:.ary! flP d 1 ; . - ; i I ;ll LU I 1 if.- , - . i r'v t . m ill:iV lliurilli! jirs. . rj.-r. rimanwooa ana .HisHistotnuMii nvt.onrl tn Mr nf i miuio o.iiuiiuoixi. are visiimg uie family of Capt Waters. krs. IL A. Foote, if Wlirrenton, who has been on a visit' to relatives in Wilson returned home thus week. Mis&Vtinic Lewis, ofjli icky .MounJ1, who has ben on a visi to Wilson, re turned home last Saturday. . i 0ur young friends, W; W gimrns, James and Ed W6odard havej return eil .ti) Horner's School, Oxford. - We were pleased to timet in town this week, Maj. J. P. JenkinSj former ly t)f Nash, wlio, with his fauiiilv,. has nune i to Wilsons ,. ltfv. J. E. Carter, and son left Tuesday; -the former on a the Western part of the' State .and nd uie inner xo enter w aice i? o:est Uoi lego. . 1.'- '.:; .' .... Air. James. E. Clark, who has beer, absent in Niw York, Boston and other northern -cities, on business connect- d w.th the Wilson Cotton Mills! h s rk turned home. ( ' I Rev. Jno. N, Cole ami wife! were dr. tdwn tliis week visiting friends. 3tr. Cole is pastor in 'charge ot EJgcohibe L ireuit this year.- He preached a very Br-stnnd the'Mid'and R.iilroad to learn 1 man of the County Board of Health tliat the lirst installment o?" itovl rMNI I, as( 3Iayorof the town of , ijsoa i haVe arrived at Beaufort. It is to be j sue this proclamation: hoped that the people autf the press of r Tiie IJoard)f Health Aill msef in George, visit to the encouragement and assistance in their power, and not imitate the icon- duet of a prominent Western paper in giving publicity to a misrepresenta-,; tion,' and rejoicing in th imaginary ; defeat of 'the project: A5 for us, we have been able to see, and we have had some opportunities for observa tion. Thjrj gentlemen connected with the" iLidlaihd who have made Goldsbo ro their headquarters are gentlemen in every sense of the word. They seem intent-oil doing earnest and honest work, and we say give them a fair showing, nan Js oi? and fair, play is" the word. .-J' 1 . Goldboro still in the line of im provement lift a team laundry under the management of Burch Tr s. On Tuesday night last,, at the Bap tist e(hurch in this place,3fr. John E. Crow was married tq 3Iiss 3Iattie Cox, both of this city. ? We refrain from remarks on the con dition of tHc streets. the Court House. Tuesday, January 2lt!i.j at 12 In'., to take atiyn to. pro vide ariinst tb.C S jialbl'ox.' whi-.'h is raging in some sections of the State, and transact any other; business that mavi come before tiie board. . Law. of North Carolina. 180 says: "These boards shall be composed ot the phvsicians eligible to membership in the State Medfcul Society, the 3Iay or of county town, the chairinaii of the County Commissioners, and the coun tv survevor." . P. E. IHNES, it ' ' 31 ay or. PUoroSAI. 5t SITK"'bv 1st Ot -Feb.! 1NS2, when same will b imeiied. Tiie j B ard reserve the rhht to reject any 'I brail ofters. , I liy order of oard of Director. " i i liie new. Missionary. Baptist Cluir.ch-t!0seroJoil in the .Methodist cin.rch n ivocKy t MVunt will oe dedicated in this place Wednesday night, raauary 2Jth. This new church is a . . .- i f- -r - , - . A. Superb Sniuy iSibSe. t PAni-'s ho'l liiig iv-.I .i-iii i'.i i fnMl -t--;l i-l'r lO. t ".'A bi ail -aepuTtuient .of. W iisori if .the 1V1(' ia-;t four -years has increased in iabout the same ratio-' v6,o 1 Davement i :i -idvvall fromi'ig .v.i-) i ;by .B.ii'i'ies,- Tarboro t'iead, ron IS. st l.lvij ' ' A. B,b.l i.as':-, ViTs.fa, :-v. 'I'.l ': : I ' i!i ta ':i i v i -: t- if i X: : : ; iMVil W ' v i d I ii'.; rj ;'M W: JiC r - ft i- jpiis.'k'.uv the Uaiwr- - fx'.. n i ; a i y n i ay i earn. a iva uage .oy a-)- i) m i s i Att-jrn-.'.y-at- )('-. --i.. V - ; ' i ; a 1 1 r ni 'u ! v t 1 ; ; 1 jr." 1 I ' 1 I ".. : tr i !.:! ? a. i;;VKar Cj ii- -r :oj4ii's. el. - '- ' At a ineeting ,of the stockholders Of U yJ.lhty. A . Il r.ir'v-y it-'i;ij; a.so'i"- Lisi .vWvlc.,. i'.! -:';-. -.ii 1 that; t i'vo l - a'i tit i the First National Bank of llscin the t'olioWii.g ollicets yere elected to the enun yearr Pre. ident, F W Brnt;' Vice-Pre-dd -nt,;E R.euthal; Cashier,: J'ltm- 'llute-d'-isoftj i)i:e--tor : F Wr B.irnes, vVhe' Daniel, HG Vhitejtead,' F A V)o 1 ir , E itoseutlvd f J (iard uer, a.adlJas-i''t trx. Jamis 'E (!iark, E -i , s -.cx eeds ill .ate i ; A VVai i w'rt it a- a.'Uiwtor. Ah 1-the bluer n jers ivoi'i? re-iiecteJ. iurc!r.;eil and W. not toi 'iied a part- lifid.ight by our notice ( tec 1 1 j v the. ssa i ne all t he " part neiship Ayp'jiiitnsentii c2t.: fVr" IViJsoa Car- r. An.-ri.istv' Bismeyer;; was; lieen .-liuitiv-l a-!- a piiiliner in ,Mr. 15. reea- :v.v.d4 jVailoriiig itab'isii U Ve-t -'. Vvlsh- " . fir success. Read tvii-w ad . e;-tienielit in aiiotheif c)! - Tin 1 i'l.:1:,!'!' ! I V. i.i-1 ' j.l -s .nun. FiveKeiii Examiner - .talks t-ngidid'v! !il the Wilson and iv.nr "'l E. -w n m inuifc i vi. mvpriii"u ! '. t t j.i : n . J !"-U!gn l' iiy'ueutf, 'yjicii abo $ "Ijhaif vay v between :'il-oa :Y.!s.d FioijepK'e'. Tii; sarvey is , liVfVKv'r.g. -mnld-. Rev: Alnheus ilA.-Cullen,! Pastor m yaare oi Wilson Circuit ha.f made the i')llow ii!g appoints on his wi?fk fofr'th present year: .. . ' ' ; ! ,' ' U . , 1st Sa.!ria;', 11 a. 3 p. -m.'-HurnJe's. ' 2nd ryaiiday, 11 Roads. . . ' , d rtanday, ll .a. p. m. Pleasant Grove. , j; ; ; 4tn Sunday, 11 i. iii; Back Horn, 3 p. m. Old Zio.i. . " j m. -Jount Zion a. m.- Baruje's t ni. JWtiehem, 8 . 1 ':'( -a Tj in,' 111')!' h fl' :p i- ! uf i rea-ifi igressiy.j! t MTvuig 1 1 r :i jn KVu-l.son, t.W at t : x'lv or -a; to. theiv tiie Hem of Geo. IK 1 .iei; ',.., iF, b are Uvl ' U n)te, mu a and ue- aiid we. re P.y clo-e at-" ; One of the.m.os remarkable features' of the bool:-trade;is the enormous sales of bibles. The demand is hlefly- for Uirjfo Illustrated Family liibles, for, strange-as it may ; secvn, there an many families who do not I possess such a bible, i M .' j ".. I'rojninent among the publishers who have rewg:iiell ti- demand - is the Natianal Ptiblishing' Company, oi Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and Atlanta,) whose super!) edition of the Sacred Seriptureswe desire to call attention;. :'- - '1 ;.-. Tha l)Hi;ling of their luignificent bi bles first claim.)' our attentions. It is rich, beautiful,- and, substantial. As. our readers well knlow, -a bible may be very showily 'boundy':nd yet put ' to getaer so tlimsily that it will come to pieces in a few years.. Although cov ered with shoyy stamps and ' appa rently. Veil bound-, the work may be done in suclj a loose and 'unsubstantial .manner that with only ordinary hand ling it will Vrack and jtijially f fall to pieces. Thi.-i bible is i niade upon ii very difierent ' plan.- )aly-the best m iterials are r.sed in its manufacture, aniPall t-iie v(rrk is done by the bestoi wr mien, aiui jthe most highly l u- : proved niachinery. Every stage of the work is carefully supervised. 1 i .would e impossible to devise a, na!i by which greater ;care coiil I be gven to the manufacture of bibles, or by wijich the interests of subscribers cquld be nio;e can fally guarded. The 'publishers-have a high reputation tpjnaim tain, 'and they are determined t -maintain; it. They realize the fact that a family' I bible, may be subjected to very .hard usage, and umst bej bound si if Stantiallya well as handsphiely. Tae add.ti ! . 1 m liter is veily rich 1 co-nplet".! fine 'ieadiiig feature i X si igjtly .'iibri'. lged edition ofi)r. Wuu Saiitii's Dictionary of the Bible;. Thi is really acoiiiplete vork in itself, and would,' make an wfayo vo'Iuiiitt pf over six iiundred jrages. " ! - Another valuable feature is. a; Histo ry of all the -existing. Denominations of the World, ;and the various! sects, both ancient and moderns These ac counts are clear,- comase 'ttnd..' cpinpre hensiye". . '. ; . a ' :. The additional niatter which iiccom panics the"l;ooks of .the bible... if ' very full and interesting. - A large pection is devoted to a collection of Scrij)ture illustratiis, consisting of a series of article; explaii ing and illustrating tiie the'manners and customs f tJie iien-' od, biblical lintiqui ties and scenery. The animals of-the. bible are carefully described, as are also the tiees, plants, ' tlowers, etc.,,referretl to in the': scrip-4 tares, eacdi being the subject of jspirit ed and life-like engravings. . The wan-1 derings in the. wiltlerness, the i taler naete and teuiote are descri'ied , with gre;f mifluteoess off!etahv-Tht?s,e e.x pianations and tle .map's and plans Jan. 18, '82. D. BARNES CROSS ROADS. Deak Advaxce: 1 i . ' The roads in this, section are in a worse condition than has been ""known for a number of years. OwingHri the long spell of wetj weather the fanners are behind in thejr work? I find ;that in Wilson and Jblinsort tfotmties more wheat has been seeded than I have ev er seen before, and the crops il I look very promising. ; The .- people in this section are oh the alert to know at vhat point near here' the Wilson Jt Florence railroad will touch.;-. Almost every man thinks the road will pass near his residence, and they search the mans with avidity to justify their de -ires,' anil, as the wish is father to th thought, every man w-itrnn an area oi -IIA'VH ,Vni!l lllUn liVUUUUllllluaif Mi.Vi road will ''rml right across my mead 'v," or "run just by the corner of my bam," etc. Our people also ; rejoice with you that w dson is to pave a cotton factory: v.'.jlr. j-Gaston Riper was-., married Thursday, January 1 2th , 1882, to 3Ii.ss 3re!inda 'Campbell, at the residence o? 3rr. Henry Atkinson, T. A. Thompson E-(p, oftlciating, and on the same day, the samceflicient justice .officiating, at the residence of the riride's. father, Jr. frvin Ferrill was ; tin i ted , in: marriage to Miss Pennie ' Atkinson',' daughter of Mr. Calvin Atkinson. - ' ' , W are glad to know -that Rev. A. MeCullen, pastorOf the 31: E. Church of this circuit will make his home in our community. ' 31o:e anotii Jan. 13, 18S2. U. WIIITAEliS. NOTICE! BY iVritTUE OF A' 'JUDGMENT of the Superior Court 1 shall self td the higheot bidder before the Court House door in tae town of Wilson, on 3Ion- tlav; the Gth day of 3Iarch, 18S2, the tract of land in Wilson county ot which WILLIE TO M LINSON, died , seized, and possessed, adjoining the lands of C. F.Finch, Jack Morris, Amos Pearson and others, containing one hundred ftnd forty-fdur acres more or lessi Terms: l-3eash on day of sale, the remainder nine mouths lrom daf .fK.ib. i-:irr insr interest -at 8 per cent The purchaser giving bond foi'. the pun-hase money, titlti retained till the Whole amount is paiu. -Li. D.TOMLINSQN, Jan 20-St 7 Administrator. ; NOTiCt. Hiving bten appointed Revdver of the bite lirniof Far iierA Wainwright, all person's i;ideltJ ty thorn are he: e by notinetltocoiye f,)rwar I and make payment, and thoo holdihg claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for adjust ment. J 1 J. A.TYNES. Nov. nth, lScUr'-tf., , fJdT When Planters ;ca:v buy a true Ammoniated Saer Imbsphate inadf cliietly ''from ; Slaughter House Mea aad. Bone for 2-Tper ton at the fatorv. ca,sh, it is folly to pay but inonev fo the high cost Fertilizers.- BaughN $2 Phosphate is ofguaranteeil s-tand- ard; Analysis oil every bag hiigie a. on circular. .. The past season in the south1 has clearly shown Planters- jhat the low cost Aminoniated Fertilizers paid bet "ii Cotton; there has never been,, in the four years of its use, an unfavor able report of its act ion, Evf ry pound of Ammonia and' Phosphor! Acid in Baugh's ?.2." Phosphate is prom4 1 y av.ailabh1 as 'plant food. '.Planters caiiu! make their own lig.ures as fot he saving tley can make b'y using t hi ' article and at the ranie time be reasonably., sureof a good crop. . " Send for circular giving full guaran teed Ana ysis. . - No 103 South St., Baltimore.. Kd. Manufacturers and Importers of Fertili zers and pertil zing Supplies. Siiaw carefully h.nifliod and I' tdriipresse.l into hales, 3 feet lo.p.ir, I 1.-2 feet wide, and I 1-0 feet thick. vei;lii!g frou 120 to ISO pounds each.' Tt-n totis can bo dl;ppeJ hi t car. i ' S i Excellent Forage l or horses, mues ami cattle, tor less than halT tlib Coit - Of liav..;- .-. ,- ) . - - - Navassa Gne 10 CD.; Dec. i)-3fn; Wilmington, N. C." HOUSE. WILSON, N. C. -.-;.";'., The Great. und Only PHARAYJVl; Premier magician and Ventriloquist ot tae. oriu. ' THREE NIGHTS VikLY, riiiir.iliiv. rridaBT, nittl Jt urdiiy. ; January 20th, 27th, and 2Sth., ;ALL NEW FEATURES. . Professor Pharazyn will introduce his wonderful mid-air suspension a FZouiins iii Mid-Air;1 Also, his Troupe of Royal mariqnette.s. 1 Change of Programme at each Per fkirmiaace. " .- !- 1. " ..-'; For Sa!ti ( That valuable farm known as th Westbrook place, imnieIiately ctl tlfj Wilmington A eldou Rallroiul! -tthU the county ro:wl leading fna Wlhtnn o Barefoot'; Mill, one mile by rail; , oad andtwoiude U count v rojinj rom Wilson. Tlw firm ha Vtarl t.onerhorse farms with suitable tenant ioaes for each and ban also th ftult rchard of . W. ' Wustbrook, with each triHs of earliest and lnst Tari-tie-iin full bcarir.gand fir-t-rhW cori litlon. There are also a " Iar'"num er of other fruit tree such as Applm, plum, we.r-bearinrr mulberry, de. f Tliefarm ixosItuatel aMoadmil of easy division into I part if desired by purchasers. The frfcit farm with n one-horse crop wi 11 be mid separately ' if desired. Tiie whole.; tnvt contains two hundrMl inMbrty-llvo aere. The etlueatioitjd and religious advantage to be eujoycd.ouglit to be Inducement to purchasers, Thy Cra le I J'ulfMt rStdu-ioI in Wilson is bj suec,ssfii opp. ration ofleringfn'e tuition toall Vvithi in the WilMrir School district. , ' Examination solicited, and for .fuit ther information enouire of G. W. BLOUNT, '-f ''" ' . "'": Wilson, N.C. V - Oit. 12th, 1 RSI i tykcr.. W. Vestbri..k will take" pb-asre In gh ing wily, inforrriation f relative to the fruit far in i Dctfl4tbi (J. W. B- WiLlIS' 1M0NA OPEHi Mrell-SBllIip plliale Hiiil -fVT SCliQQl. 'HirntKIJ.TC. The Spring Session will' begin on I the 12th!day of Jaiiuarv, 18S2, nild ccynunue for tweiu-y weiks: Atten tion is pilled to the 'feillowing advan tages:' Thorupd Instruction; Practical Teacljersi Puoils Reouired to Study, m: Ctrt i v.i.ot: -io.Y. '' . ' -1- - ..." - ': 3Iinerat Water?, Superior Buildings Plenty of Substautial Food. ' K XTuition per Ked'on' in I'egular uourse with 3iusic and Board, ( In cluding Fuei,1 Lights and W:)shing) not to exceed 1 1 U.60. Special dis counts' made-.pn Tuition to. 3IinistersJ Teachers and all Persons sending more than cne scholar.- For further information apply to 7 , W. S. BARNES.' Dec. lC-tf. Machine Siol 50 75 Admission ."-.--.'- - '"! "i' Reserved S Jats - - . - t Children - ' - - . - ' -;: - Dborf open at 7 o'clock: commenee.at S Uesarved seats may be obtained, at .Hargraye's Drug Store, or at the Tick et (Jftice- after doors are opened. nrv p x c us i -ye bus i s less, A list of letters, and postal cards whoily written re -naming in the Post Oaiee'jau. il: .. Ls8.2. . . j- - .diss liaier Barnes, 3Iiss Rebecca ;... ............. i. v.,ii- iKirnes, uiicii u-uiw, uji.-.a..iuij. -. . . - ! 1 V .. I i ,l"rr.-""-" " 1 value to everv reader of tbe b b e. A topographical sketch of JCru-ak-m is given, and the cities and towns, men- a!d. y Mip!.tyi;J iaitiiiid, courteous iHi 1 .'.:;h-iebt clei4i, customers always ti!id.p!,".ivi:r.e'i.-i hh. li;i' wi-jh -th'em.- iinr;-;i ! V- i-' ik'B.V t v'A c ?t' u a v - rest j '".!f! i:;;jt v!ur:fev,ui1 fro'ii thii tiivn w j yf . u to- -its- ijepreseata-;-: iean , (-Abiraam. i.iwson, -- twin iX'itu-; '.ias ii mooiV,.'Joiui L iiiuck,-Aodur.-oa "iiite, u E"V'iiK-ers.' ' I 1 i the abave letters are1 itbt called fih i, iour 1 .i eeKs they will oe sent to tiie Ue'A Liutr Diiice. 1 ,r - M. C. D.WIKI.S P. M. :i i 1 it 'r i -t; vfl a I- iiri.arj:-uns-j t-iey aic. l I 1 i j vVe . e.r 4noW'a this -.yeek by .a. col iiiVil iiia.i oaiiieil Tony iJariver, wno iivtfs uit.i A. i. vViilia n.-, in .j,i cjitn , a iK-rleet iduel oi wliat EniTOli AdVaxci- . News items are scarce this week. We are having plenty of bad weather.." The friends of 3I.r. S. Knig.it will be pleael tojiear that h is now im proving from a recent spell of sickness. . The patronsof the Advaxce are very in nch pleased to learn it i soon to be enlarged. ! We uiett he sheriff of Pasquotank county on his Way to Goldsboro with a subject for the lunatic asylum: .Thi gentlenwn says his county is oit . of debt and their paper in worth dollar for dollar. He also says, they have .made a good crop of cottonand a fair crop of corn. .. s Captain Barry says if the weathtr is not too i ad he will have the Scotland Neck branch finished by. March 1st. : 3Iessrs. Carr Bro's. & Co., are build ing alarge shoe stereo in AVhi takers; The siierift" of J Edgecombe county handcuffed and carried Christopher fearstothe public boarding house at Tarboro; , i A goxnl many of the colored pecple' are going to Georgia to work in the turpentine business. - The people in our section are highly pleiised at . the ant iclpate'd railroad from Wilson to Fiorenc'. r NOT 1 C E ! Having '"'-qualified as executors ol (i.q i -it ; ilJ iiiid,. testament in t.l. Xtl.TV ..... - . GWiw'-'tt Griffin. Sr.. deceased, l betore the Probate -Judge Of Wilson Co., iiotice a hereby given to ail per sons indebted to the estate Of said de ceased to make' ini mediate payment, and i to- all persons holding ( claims I :... .innucijat tiroipnt them for payment on or before the 10th -day of Dec, 1882, or this . notice iwill be pleaded in bar of their recovery E. P. Griffin, . . 1'K.uNk' A. Daxiki.s,1 j Executors Wilson, N". C, Dec Ufa 188L tf Sr, Crowe's Ernt Hi&rinl Flij! . - THR TKAUr.DY OF . - i . ... ' A It II AH l.l(tOL.M i an TifK i ItlectifiM of .1 !5Vrn Diivl ILiriu puidibsed all trf tUt '"-''"'' ; - '''--. :"' ' -.".:.: maeliiucrj belonging to the latd T, Ar W;y inrjgUt. we are now prepared td biiild neT, and re-' pair all kiutla of - M A C If I N IHI Yv We I: cop constantly on hand pipe and fi.lt Also valves of all Kinds. Spocial attention -iven to fitting tip Mill work. t WILSON, x. r Geo. n. WaiDwriEll & Co re.'. 2-tf. Jan. 18, iSSi 3lEIAILLE tinned in the.bible are also described. It is impossible to enumerate all the valuable features in a notice like th.s. imv wiiMiiuie couipieie ;ut"ci-i ivedia ot bible knowlediro,' ah'd present ! to the reader all the ..information' and explanations. he can desireV Tiii work : is titerally a 'ibra.'.v in 'itself, - and is p a li-aed iii Lo:h Engtiii and' Ger man. : '', It is inagnLficently illustrated. The litrger p'iates consist of .exquisite' steel engravings, and a jimuber ef ikipcvb designs by the greatest living j artist, GutaveDore. The additional 'natter NEW ADVERTISE3IENT3: h .r.V .' i" B... ' . .-".- ' l ' i 1.11 ' -It it."-"!- - r. ... il..- t tt ,(1 i ll. 1 ..:. Hi. i :1I. ' Citii.-) liie anivwiuiij. . , ' 1 -' v :v" V 'ra' 1 1 f l0f .f Uf- X t. ' has ta.ee pnws to breait up ground, .'a contains. twenfv-Sve. liundrxHl line ii lbllWg MUi-ft, W.;l viV-i-trnyuan soever, a dagger on oyCn the lustratious mid' tmpsi Neirlykver irt . fir nar R - '- AJ' ... tidnt aaa iel't naiuP vvluch mates, tuei ohutand object of interest! mentio.ied "f?1 Jjoper, - - -'Y;. ndgw. Behind this fnere. is an open-, jn the scripture Li shoii in this col- ?L vo.av lit. Sej4. J U;;Riker - er waiCil t!ite fatge. ;rriere.i'a lection. : ' i ! ... . --yf; WoSlen, treasurer.-... seed blanier. and drag to cover The Familv Tteeord is-leautifulr 'Pl-i'ir.yit, thei Wi itw2i; l-Olaiiier. and drag to cover The Familv i no tne seed. It requires one man and: nthegranhed: and facing it is a mag- j t wo iiorses to manage the plow, but mficcut marriage certificate, a feature theamount of w orK. it can uof w m Wiicli makes tnis bil Lvonderful magicivm,; nuiKe it pay farmers se it. viony j jirjate and. desirable JL -.:'. li L'KY MOO'T, N. C. Must J. E. HARDY, Proprietress B iAiib $1,0 J fku u.?y. GO01 rooais a.ia jatteutive servants. ;I.ik li-et-a.i traLarf. Jau-atf. , WO R003IS of (he It. W. Edmund- on hoas.' vith kitchen and garden. .Situaievi on eat cori.er of Yaace aad ' Pender streets, j&p'pfy to , 2t.J D. S, GRIFFIN.. jXKC i-'Jt Oit'S NOTICE riRAYON PORTRAITS. b ,'.;;;;. . . .'.:,.":'''. . ' Pictures of all kinds tnl.trged at short notice on reasonable tends. Sat isfaction guaranteed.. All those who wish good work, will do well, to" apply to OV address ". J. W.HAYS, ' Jan fi-lm; Toisnot,- N; C. House Por Saldf j offer my houso, with seven good rooms, in tne town jif Black Creek for sale. The lot is a large one, contain ing two and one-third acres. One acre in strawberries w hich give a good viirl ' i Will be sold cheaor My - rea- fi.r Hf.'lins' is that I am iroimr to! A Truthful account of the Abbli ti-onafy Wartwith the Secesh RebeN ri union. (ShuRespcfian Style, o acts, Vi scenes, Gi pages.), , , :' Pitijs'ciPA.b CiritACTJiHfl: ; Uj -YoriiiiU'ii IjImcomi, wiuia:ii rcwani,. Edwarl Stanton, Ulysses (JrAnt, Win. Sherman, Benjamin Butler, Parson feecher, .Iloraes Greeley, Jam ts FUk, J r; , Fe He r.n li v i s , 1 1 o I e rt To a i bs , Alexaivlcr Steph'-m, Pierre Beaure gard, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E." Lee, Humphrey Jarshal, Jack 31 by, Mrs. Davis-, '31 r-.; Lincoln,- Jrs. Su ratt, J;.h:i Wilkes Booth, Harobl, Attzer-itt and Payne, Frederick I ug-bWs,- Pompey, Prissy, and Dr. r3fary Walker. ' . . -. '-- . '- - - . Pnixcipii. Sckxkh: White II use Tr ).iides; B dl Huh Ptnic; f RU'hmo!! I Calico BU; Pom p.y and Priscy; Andersonviile Hor rors; Richmond Burning; - Lincoln As-sa.-sinat hI; Booth ' Uulleted; 3Irs Sur ratt Strangled; Davis Recon.-truted Grant's Jubilee Sieech, and Grand OlEIBERt ; ; . v ti.c ' t, iJirjrstnnd r 1 - l r2j T Most Complete A , . y a tbo State. ; ' . Ol II-L K 1X13 OF A. , '"f iPrinting or Binding. l. W . I- O Sieech, a ransformation fcceye; Peace." ; Pucn, I cts. ( Send 'Let us havfi Postage Stamps.) Dr. C. AV. S-Idf-n, publisher, t?2 Lexington Ave., Dec, New Yjrk City. EtoFfls, Bullion & Co, Sterna I'aldUhcnt, ItALKKill, c. LTiisnjpassei Wcrir at Low ' Prises. Keep! the only reliable Stork of Legal blanks in the state i " t . PrcserTC jonr old Dookv dry luTlng 11 them Itelionnd. EDWARDS, BROUCHTON & C0M Stcarri Publishere, RALEIGH, N. C. move. Nov. 'Address, Bia-k CreeK, N.C. rOTICE ' ' li COMMISSIONERS SALE. PURSU ANT to an order of the' Su perior Court Of WiL-son County made on the 14th day rf November, 1881, in ii cause therein pending, v. herein Willie Deans and- William Hinnant, Executors afe plulntins and Baruett Deans and wife and others are de- TiTK UNDERSIGNED HAVING fendauts. e shall sol., ar tne voun oi.iilied as Executors of the last ! wili House door in ilsou oa Monday the and testa nent of LARRY NEW- btii day of Feirt.ary Ms2, the ;ioi im mumn.i""' o- " i - v' . . f . e i.. I 1 - - . lis Mauiona - Opera display a wonderteil amount ol ..Jin t tj,e dose Gf the v if 2tli, and :stn, of ventive genius this inventioiY and ; HO,ue photograph al if mrt'-nHsiri and ven-5 u e understand that many ofthe larm- j r,r jxteen portraits ' full iiOiises at iri er.s iii iMin ituu i, .!:"':, vu..v. propriaw h'.iui.uwu iu u uiuiu iirboro "I and other , very much pleased With tne pio.v , Tne. price is astonishingly low, and l and we doubt n6t i svnd rt desirous to have it patented ' within the means of every family. a - - a i - .. .. .. v.iil , f ! i 1 . : . v i . - 1 1 ' ,""iuii na.s na.a WiU,.., .,;,..-fi,! ... ..rnVcdtrdduXUSe w.J IV III il I . "V I Is - , ..,.iffi -t ... i 1i.ji ..j.. 4.nAt.- nt tiiii I I f 1 f trill: L Iff H" 1 AveddinPnSent.Udge' SHlsoa county, notice is son County () d P t i.f...t fu.. ail .nu ;i1ii,u known as " I he Ro.ve i raci a.ijoi.i-t bum, with spaces to tiie e-tate of said dewa!, to make-ing the lands of W-iH e wlttD" ! uuiu, ,w nil l'c . .,.. . ,!.. ..ii 1.1.1 .thN ;iiit.nnini?T ii) acres, more or. I llfll Ul III I 71 I ! 1 IllliUCUlULl. Bru vckl ., v w . . . -a v : ..,lrt.."- T. ..-r- Ir;.sj I Itie tract in -teaiU. -ru-WMitipi seHt them for payment,-on, or before k no xvn .as the T."Posirr ' Tract on the th day of January, 1J, or this1 which Josiah Winborne and fenovi , j notice wUl be pleaded in bar of their live, containing loO acres, more or , recovery, t : i les. Term r.vm. , , i ' - v M AYCOCK, I V . I H. F. MURRAY, . J.LrVSOME, Executors;:- IL G. CONNOR, f V .' Fremont, N.C. Jan. 2vh, 18S2-Ct. i l-tVlt-J AMMON1ATED I SUPER PHOSPHATE BALTIMORE XvAiL.pH05.AciO 8 relOX Total BoncPmos. 2-n3Q &M0KA ..' 2&Tt2X Potash 2-n2h AVE MOM! BUY FOR GASH. -. ; . Tf I.I'EVING tLp-iit ftsjon ric? ff.ni '-'vintcu the mtcUicxa tlu-cf Ianicri.. , that it'wuilud.-c..vtu-i; to buy lor.Caih thaii Cotton Of'tipi), tc bf:sr Cfu . FmST-CliSS FEHTIUZEiT 1 . -" (rivit .s.Ti t . . " direct to the I la Ut-r W $30j-rton in ear load 'Jots. Le ,;i:f.rt!k- rr ton.' No Ar;-r.ts. T 'oc onlr lo rait' pay Cash, mrt-d uri?e for r ::co. latfntis' iv. , G ra r, gt-1 i n.l k lc t a rc in itcj lo i.-it mr tiV oryfti' c i. . V Tc dto im port and nunofactuxe 'a full line of,: &r.!SUifURAL Ckemicals s-uch ft Aid I Kt&jihatc, Su!p. Atuinonia ; Ni'fitc i'-i. Ki.u'A. : AJP-C?'' cbj;t.l' ?ipaly.K f.fr?.or,'- li.M NKV,; Dirt-rt.nr of Stilijf. . j fflt . urlAa t'j'yKH jenr haff hotit'fx .- .-. ' ,110 W. Lomlr tr l St.; Dhltimoro.-r " : " .. ... ' . V ' " 'i " . : V-"- -! i - - r i - , i"-V, '; '.' i riiisi Wiu i,y tli;eH tirtentertaiiiuieut plow ol this - pattern own great bible. It sold by suosenp- iriv..ni.-.-t,l. iiewkKneraU louse, wnich and useit on Jit - Williafn's- farm, and .-tion only, and Rev. G. A.- T. Whita- - '-i! nbt -Yuju ever ue (iuiie'-iniifeeJ--at weiearn that its oiieration was all k(;T who is the authorized agent - for, 1 U)ef1MI, i'ts h ' I that the inventor desred. i - j h'r $ecksK ewv?ss5fn,H : '; . -'; v K , .-"-,'. !-.:-..-.. ! '!" :".-.-. ' - ' " - - .; - - ''" .-' '.'-.o . ' -- .4-- .:':... J-.."' . '.' - ' - ' ' . ; "'""'; i I :' ; ; .'.:-.- -"' - 1 . '-'. ', "' -''! - -:-' ' r''." I : -. t - ':' . s ! s - . 1 i , ; . ... ... j - .- , . - , - - i...-. ; ' . - . " i -f - : - 1 ;- -. ' : ' .-" ! - . .i-.-. , ij -' ...'- ' -' :

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