CARRIAGES. If ir Firm new INtw STYLES I A w Prices. GRIFFIN & MURRAY. Oottbr ft 5. C. .hti;M Cirmni. oorrie" Carta, Wagon. Harness, And Ml Winai 01 ridinr Vehicle. ? ' Wfcieh (will be sold at the lowest poesHle hand a nice aad select sieea o rices are as low aWlowest. are and call before buj.a j. uefactloa iaaraated. ?.r' mm, Repairing aeailr and, ' promly atteaded - f -t ' ' ' ' lit ' IN EYERrViRlETY V. PIHEiWTunJT tUtlTELSj GEORGE 0. STEVENS. klo. 49 Light Street - nALiiwuniti S. A. STEVENS & CO., NjpitrOLK.TA. T6 largest itablishraeat in the PiicH are rnaranceed a low aa SfWim. arr rradea of furnitnra and carpering Vi.nwi. tn the trada. W inTIt ' PU Of CS W W- p - ; . orrenpondence ; from 'purchasers Wjrtnej will find it to their interest, i '". ' f -1 Our hoiix is well known iu North Caro lina, as we liara durln tha past aevei.teeo tars dona a Jaijre Carolina trade. Order solicited1" 4 S.A.STEVENS&CO. NORFOLK. VA. nr. o 'o a i e n d o. o. . n ; i W V I ATTORNEY AT LAW Ttaltlpboro and Enfield. N. C. tSTl will hereafter be at Battleboro on Friday and 8aturdayof each week, .Bma Will UV Ijln lv ncrw vtia puu.x. -Nanh and Edgecombe counties. On rery other day will b in my ' office at Enfield, t W?Zm lf4tHfllfsI. M. tlf jee s mm n- pf - . r-: : . .. . m - Having fwsared the services of a food tailor a man of years of experi ence in the BusinessI am now pre pared to do all kinds.of work in, the bt boHnible manner. J A. large variety oiiaiiiicn nvi, and goods selected from these Bam- ptfB win ue yiuncu iui.,.-.' made to order. MAKING, CUTTING, REPAIRING AND CLEANING DONE AT ; SIIORT NOTICE. ' lam also prepared to f i T-e-a YHr-T9.TSnLir any old i jdothes, and I can make an old suit of clothes look like new ones. j j ' T R Y M E! i : Soliciting your patronage, l am j X Respectfully Yours, r " - J. R. CLEMENTS, Merchant Tailor, Tarboro Street, ver E. N. Mercer's Store. JOt. 14 3 mo.J M.T. MOTS B. M. BADAL MQYE & . NADAL. " AVholesaVeind iWtail DRUGGISTS, ; WIIiSON, N. c. Dealers ii Drugs, medicines, Dye Btuffs, t Perfumery, Stationery, 5 Patent medicine, and Chem icals also keep CIGARETTES CHEWING. AND SMOKING- TOBACCO; Ir ynety Whikty, Jlumy Gin, Ap pU and IVeneh Brandy for mtdi-' cmai purpot$. . .. Proprietors and manufacturers of WOMAN'S FRIEND, NEURAIiOIXB, FIJ , MALE PILLS, JAPANESE TOOTp- ' ACHR rB018, INDI A!! COX- , ' : SUMPTION AND COUGH Jj BEMBDY, AC. RUte agents for "Dobyn's Sure Cure fix Catarrh, Neuralgia and Headache." . i . iim is -i isii jSJ-Preftcriptlons carefully com ' pounded day or night. V . JUUIZi et AUA1j, 0t2tf Wilson, N. C. - 20,000 Mt Trees. 20,000 fjfuit trees still ,on hand for Winter and Spring planting. Tn Oc tober and November we shipped about' ftO.OOO; The remainder will be sold abroad if not wanted at home. "We sell low ,to our neighbors as well as to tlioe )wnoj pay freights and take risk in shipvinffl. Catalogues mailed on application. Address, , lit W, AVlSTKROOK A CO .TrJn. S&UTH MISCELLANEOUS. r TALBOTT & SOSS j Shockoe Machine RICHMOND. YA Manufaetiirrra uf Portable ami Stationary Rrijrine and Boiler, Saw Mill. jOrn and Wheat Mill, Shafting, Handera and Pulley Tiirhlnc Water Wheel. Tobacco actor? W.hinfrv. Wrouirht Iron fork-., liras ami Iron Castings Machinery ol every desciip GINNING X TIIJlE.SUiJy u ma vmi-x.n A bFEUlAl. X. Repairing Promptly ami Carefully Dona Talbot? s Patent Spark Arrerter. Tlie IsTrnllon ot'lh Ajfe. It dew not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with anlnj th- tube. ' . It will not choke up and reqenrea no elranlnj. : , It rtqnires no direct uampt-n io u vyw ed when raisiajc Eteam ldanner belnfc ob- jrct ionable, ai they may be lelt open ano allow the sparks io escape. . It rrnuires,ho wate to exiinusn aparit. which, by condensation, destroys the dratt. Briidcs. w lien water is ued if neKlrtNl, the efficiency U destroyed by eTaporanon f the water, and the boiler is kept in a flhhy condition. ! u .'i , simple ana auraoie ano can w icwu it ran rx attacitea to any uner. No planter ahoald be without one of hem. Insurance companies insure gins and barns where the Ialbott auine and Spark ATrehtem are neu i p;ui as chare d for water or horse power. eoryvnd for liiustraieu circiuara nu price list Rt.nch ribu.e: Odldi'horo, 3. C. J. A Hauser.. General Mauazer. T. A. Grainier LocalManajfei. ... -. ; nol4-U Gc. II. Griffin, Jr. Agent for Wil "PCash. 'and Franklin counties, at Wilson, N.C. i '' AM ESTABLISIIED IN 1793. Pre-Eminent Among Southern boording schools for bovs in age, numbers and area of pat ronage. Messing club J of a m ile from Karracks for young men or -smpi means. The 176th session begins Jan- tmrv 11th. 1882. For catalogue giving full particulars address - j ; Maj. R. BINGHAM, Supt. Dec.23-tf. I . Best Equipped Scliool IN NORTH CAROLINA. So Says a disinteresteI rrofessiona Export, of large anu supeessiui expe ience, employed by our Statei to visit and address all our new white State Normal Scoob?, in reference to the Rill fl II I I I Wilson wmm i (FOR BOTH SEXES.) Strictly Non-S;ctarian. Able and ex perienced Faculty Extensive Librar. and Apparatus. Spacious Building Health v Location.; A Pleasant Edu cational Home. iVioderness, Practical ness, and Thoroughness,, our Mottoes Military , Discipline for Boy , Parenta Discipline for Girls. XNTIRB AVERAGE EXPENSES, $170 - PER YEAR. The Institute is the seat of one of the New State Normal Schools. , Fall session opens Monday," Sept. 5th 18S1. Address for Catalogue, S. HASSELL, A. M., Principal ; Wilson, N. C. WILMIKGTON &WEL11DNRR CO CONDENSEl) SCHEDULE. 'Dated Jan.! Ist.f 1882. GOING SOUTH, No.48, Daily Jo. 40. Daily. Leave Weldon 3 37 p in, 15 p m Arriye Rocky Mounts 09 p m, 7 23 p m Arrive Tarboro 1 eave Tarboro R 25 p m, 8 2Tpm 9 00 a m, 9 00 a m Arrive Wilson Arrive Geldsboro7 Arrive Warsaw 5 48 p m, 7 35 p m '6 42 p ni, 8 19 pm 7 50 p in. 9 04 pm, Arrive Burgaw Arrive Wilmington 9 65 p iu, 1050 pm CHUNG SOUTH. No. 47, Daily. No. 43 Daily. Leave Wilmington ti 40 a m, G 15 pm 7 2ta m 7 Oopm 8 41 a m 8 2pm 9 48am 954pm Arrive liurgaw Arrive Warsuw Arrive (Joldsbord Arrive Wilson 10 43 am 10 50pm Arrive Rocky Mount 11 23 a m 11 41pm Arrive Tarboro LeaveTarboro 8 25 p m 9 00am 1 10 am 3 00 pm Arrive Weldon 12 50, p m 1 15 a m leaves Rocky! Mourit Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. tljoaves Tarboro Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays. ' Train No. 43 North will stop only at Rocky Point,! Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mount Olive, Dudley, Golds boro, Wilson, Rockfy Mount, Enfield and Halifax. i i Train No. 40 South .will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, GoIdsboroand Magnolia. , ; Train No.47 make close connection at Weklon for all points North daily All rail' via.1 ''Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Ray Line. Train No. 45 runs via Richmond and Washington, and makes close connec tion daily to Richmond, and except: Saturday nights for all points north of Richmond, ! : Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. .AH trains run solid between Wil mington and.- Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen. Supt, A POPE, General Passenger Agent. (jy . ; BINGE SCHOOL i Aft ,f6e ! fteoVeretf dinpeptc. billious of frr. -victims of ferr ind, and tear, the nter- curuvl dweased patient . bow .they recorerd kealthj cherful spirit and xood adpetito l hey will tellrou' by akini SIMilON'S LIVER REGULA- 10 tl. i : i 'The Ctaeapeet, Ireat, an Best Favmlly 91edieine im the WarldL. Tor DYSPEPSIA. COXSTI PATIO V. Jaandice. Billious attacks, SICK HKADACUE, Colic. De- dresion of Spiriu. SOL'Ii STOMACU, Heart i i Ttis ooriralled Sonthern Remedy Is warranted aot to contain a sinele particle Of .llEBt't'BV or any lajurions mineral nhatatice, bacis ' ' i conumc those Sonthern Roots and Herbs, which ao all-wise Providence hss placed ia countries where Li Tel Iiseases most prevail, , ' It will cure nil DIaeawee caused by Xe ranyeinent of I he Lirer and : ASovrelsv. ' i The SYMPTOMS of Livt-r Complaints ra bit-. ter or bad iat i:i the mouth: P.-viu in lhe Back. Sides or Joints, often mistaken Cor Kheuinatism : iqi;k xcKnj4t ii Tossof Appetite. Bowels Alternately costive and lax; Headarh, Iss of Memory, with a painful sensation of havtnr failed to do somelbiac which ouhl to havi Seen done;. XscbiUty, Low Aplriti. i - " ' I I A tsick yellow appe trancn of the SMo and eyes, . a dry Cough often mistaKen for Consumption. homeumes many ol the symptom surd the dis ease, at others v?ry lew; but the Liver, che largest cr(sa in body, is g-eneraJly the seat of the disease if not rernlail in time, rrcit su Jenuj, wretehed . eess and liA'J.'la will ensiw. I CAUTION. As there are number of tntiuticm offered to the public, we would cautiion". the community to bay no Holders of Prepared SIMMON'S L.1VKK It KG UL.ATOK unless in white w. aprra, has the red letter M. and alorttxr in froht. and is made by J. H. XI ILI.X Ac CO. We hire tasted its rirtne. pcrsonallv. aud know that for' Dyspepsia, Biliiousnes. and Tbrobbin g Head- Ache, it is best mwuciue Hie world ever saw We have triad forty other medicines before Sim mom Liver K'tulator. but none ol tnem cave as more than a temporary relief : bat the Iterulator not only relied but cured hi." act; Ttlcgrapk and Mftewjer, Macon, tio. j j : MANUFACTUKEDONLY BY I. tl. A CO, PHILAliELPIIIA, PA. SOLD BY ALL druggists AND SPERMATORRHEA. oal Xmlaaiona and Zmpoteney by the only true way-, rl : Direct Application to the principal Sees of the Disease, acting by Absorption, aad exertlac Itz speelSc iafloeneo on the Seminal Vesicles: jao- -ulatoiT Ducts, Prostata Gland, aad UreiLr TlSo as of the Remedy is stteaded with no pa!a or lacoo venienoe, aad does not Interfere with the ordinary pursuit of life; it is jTiIekly dissoWedssd soon ab rorbed, prodacln; liaiBedlaWsootiUna sad rector rtive effect npa the sesaal and oervess orcsnisa i toss wreuked I ram self -abuse aad excess, stopnlnx oe drain from the cyeteai, restoriof tv. mlndto ealtfa aadseund memory. reaoviae ther CimiufS r f Sight, Mervous DebiUty, Oonfueioa ot Ideas. Aversion to Society, eta. eti.. aad the apsearaaee M prsmure old a asaally accotnpanyuia- this ipso vi- It has hin dsraiaat for i nwmt has stood the test 1 ria-or. where Caim, This modeef treat, very eeveee eases, aad Is nowaprononnoed raceeea. , XruraaretOBiach pre scribed la these troubles, and, as assay bear wiU bmw,wiwiii utue ii ssy pemaneMceo. Taera is no ft onsense about this 'reparation. Prsstlcal ob srvstion enables ns to positively guarantee that tt will five satisfaction. .During the eight years that It has been in general ass, we have tV.oasand of teeti ponials as tc ft vslae, and It to now eoneeded by the Medical Prefoewinn to be i be most rational means yet siscovercd of reaching and caring this very prevalent troable, that is wU known to bo the eaase of satold misery to se many, and upon whom quaeks prey with their useless Ccstrnms and big fees.. Tbe Kemedr is pet op in neat boxes, of three sizes. Ko. I.teaongm to last a mooihj S3 ; 27 o. 2, (satnclent to effect a per. risnent cars, asloss in severe cases,) St; Ha. S, (lat-tlag over throe months, will stop emissions aad tertoro vigor ia the worst oases,) 7. Sent by rnsii. sealed. In plain wrappers. Full DrRSCZIOKS fotr using will acoompaayXACH SOX. Hml far- Hmnlrtt I),vWn((r 7,msh- M m-nrTmtltumniy. rhlrh vwiU mhhm H th mmt Bkrpllenl that tJty eem HARRIS REMEDY CO. KT8. ttEXSIX. Mvkctafld 8lb su. St. Louis. Ma flD. RIITTg hlSPEHSABY Treat aJlChronio Diseases, aad enjoye a uUw si 1 repatat)0n throagh the curing of complicated cases. INDIsgRETIOEXPpsUPrWne. eetions of the blood, skin or bones, treated with sue fTi wat",i'1 Msrrnry or Poisonous Medicines. YOUNC MEN wbo sre snflerinafram the elects ssnmBmBnuBan4 of a disease that seats its vio IS ontnB or wisrrlaim. permsnently enrnd. SOTMaal coamltiiroa u avtiarrwi, wiiek m TmVKM a iarM a. LiM of quaatiaaa la ha imami br atiai.u Aawrlaa traaa bmbI mUmt tm u aay aUrre aa apalicaltm. , -Taraeaa aasVrlae traai alBr .kaaM r1 aMraa,V . aa4 taara iHhiag la taair eswitaga. It ! a.l a lin f CaHiwHni ilrietlT caaSaaatlal. ui iIhII ha - " i ml B. Kt TTa, i Xeeth th t, at. Letale, Me. PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS QF A TORPID LIVER. Lowe of appetlte.geuee aCDetite.T7anaaa in.u.. Pain in .heHead-with snii id 5 ?fart1Painuadar the bSouJ3 bhw , fulinejw after eatihi, with adls dlsin- MajOon to e x er ti p n ofboj y orina: yrntabilitr of temper.Jow spinta, Lose) ;i."iy:yi looted ami l-Iutte-rinsf riTlVi T-, VHo WUn,HHgK7TCjgyl Z nln'J coiorea urine. IT THZSX WAMraras AM uxheedzd. SERIOUS DISEASES WILSOOH BE DEVELOPED! I'll IT? PILLS sre wspocially adapted ta sa9e.loas) iTeote ischs change 'f,.in atatamish the auffeewr. hL.)!Vr",e ttofe mrpMo. and cause the ""J 'Jrfc "Tlea, thus the arm em Is -?wria-1ami Dy th-l. Tele AetlaMioa the Mgetlve Omaa, Rwilartheaaarenrn. dtaced. PrlcagoMU. WWsrrsy jf.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. "flT11 orff,,,s" changed te a Cuetr lihifS. ' in1,e sppiicaUon ot this Dva. It Lm.Pvnl natural color, acta Inatsntaneouslv. Bia Sjr DrucciMa, er aaul br exprest an receipt ef fl. Oftle, ?5 Murray Stu, New York. "Tr" SUSCM. at Valaall, hhauh. mm m AVIEE RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS ." I3XJi?'UJb6 fe OO., SGXorth noward St.. Baltimnr- ' . Wire ralimo; for cmecriea. lawne W. 1 ?rn' offict.eana balconies; window eiiard. t ' 5crcena,lron Bedstead. can-ttees, 4c. tepte I2m M.J.1 . V.tAVlf I t-a.JIV , who a ieeung or Ptniu ceg- The Wiisox Advance. VVilsok, Fkiday, January 20, 182. HOME AND FAR3I. ITe thar br the dIow w ' .11 thrive. V Hi mself must either hold or lrir. : The Frtfllt ofFarmiBj. Mr. W. D. Philbrick, a well-known writer and practical gardner, gives some views as to the general profits of farming in New England, which are annlicable to other sections of the At- L- K lantic cof i'.boanl, epeciaKy thesj for tunately situated as, regards markets He says: As a rule the profits of farnir ing in New England are very small, and railroads have brourht articles cheaply raised at the West into com petition. New Englanders must therefore raise , those articles which will not bear long conveyance, such as fresh milk and eggs, fresh vegetables and nerishablfe fruits, or those of a bulky character. The profits of gar dening, properly conducted, are much lanrerthan those of farmincr, on ac count of the larger capital required and the greater skill needed. He states that the best vegetable gardens near Boston are worth $1,000 or more per acre. The energetic aud skillful men who work them use a floating capital ol $500 or more per acre, in vested in tools, teams, hot-beds, ma nure, etc. The laboring forco is about one man to every acre in summer, and the manure thirty cords per acre ev ery year. Under favorable circum stances the ! sales amount to over a thousand dollars per' L acre. In one rare instance a skillful manager had for six years an annual profit of $400 per acre from his whole garden of 20 acresor f,oou a year. ,;inis w?as De fore the competition from! the South somewhat reduced it. Less capital is required for small fruits than for veg etables, and 5200 or $300 per acre are regarded as very satisfactory. Cur rants, at the best, will give fifty cents from each,bush, or nearly 51,000 per acre. Much flepends on locality and markets, and constant vigilance. Hom?IaSo Perfume. "Madge"; writes: "I am very lond of perfumery, but it-is so expensive I would like to roako it myself and save the enormous profits made by the per fumer. Can you give a good recipe for cologne?" Here is one which we find in the Scientific American. Alco hol, 95 percent, one quartj oil of ce drat, nine drachms; oil of thyme, two drachms; oil of bergamot and lemon,; six drachms; oil of Portugal, four drachms; oils of neroli, vervain and rosemary, two drachms; oil of mint, two1 and a-half drachms: tincture of musk, twenty-four drops. Mix, and after standing twenty-four hours filter till clear. .'.. A KemarkaMc Sew. Mr. Walter iAing, who lives about 5 miles from Louisburg owns a very re inarkable as well as profitable sow. She is three years old, and on the 24th of Decern i)er 18S0 she gay birth to 10 pigs; again in May 1881, she gave birth to 15 pigs; and again about the middle of December just past, she gave birth to 11 fine pigs, making in all 3G pigs inside of twel ve months. Only three out of the 3G died. Louisburg Times. - a very goou aevice lor arranging a w a flowers so as to preserve them fresh, is thus described in Vick's Monthly: "It 5 A a a a foiisisis oi a piece oi corK oi about a quarter of an inch thick, circular in form, and perforated with holes like the nose of a watering-pot. The diam eter is to correspond to the size of the saucer or shallow dish with which it is to be used. The cork floating ori the top of the water supports the flowers, whose stems are inserted through; the holes. For the display of small flow ers and those having short stems this method is well adapted. ' Mr. Barnard Slocum, an actor, f tells the Richmond State, of the following sure cure for smallpox: "Take! five cents worth of cream of tartar and put it into a pint of water, stir it up and give the patient a tablespoonful of the mixture every four hours. The same dose twice a day will act as a prevent ive to persons in attendance ' upon the sick." With the above, Mr. Slocum says he has worked scores of cases in England. Edgecombe raises a bale and a third of cotton to every man, woman and child in the county, which is w orth about 45 dollars. Suppose , that we raised enough provisions to support all of our inhabitants, would w not make money? It does not cost on an average more than twenty dollars to clothe a person, so that we should have a net profit to the county of J 25 times 26,000, that is $050,00) or one seventh of the total assessed valuation of the real and personal property in the county. Tarboro Southerner. To prevent drunkenness. drink; but if you have been drinking cha more will not sober you. While you arV are shaky, nervous and distressed -have resort to Simmons' Liver lWii!' mer lator, as a tonic to arouse your torpid liver to action, enliven vnnr t?-; dissipate he blues and drive away de spondency. Nine cases out of tn it i your heavy liver that causes your dc' sire to get rid of yourself in in toxica- i tion. We know hundreds that have' tried our remedy, and it has proven.! theirsalvation, 1 WILL EXCHANGE MEAL EOR CORN, OR FLOUR FOR WHEAT S AT MY STORE In Dealer in General Merchandise, ICELS or ceo Manufactured by ISAAC A.8HEFPARD A CO., Baltlmoiw. Md. tuiu rr sa.e hi uifiO. 11. OREKX A CO., WUea. . t. A TRUS TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHEhTR . A SURE REVIVER.! J IUOK BITTEIL are kiii.-v . juiiacncttl lor al tiiacaae reqamog a certain aal et&cieat tonic; tixwiaiiy Jndiu-l)y9ppiat JmermUlmt Ftvert, Want tf'A?pctiUtLos of tirmgtL Lack cf itory,ctc. Jlarichea ilia Llood, ttreagilteBi the tiuacie,aad gives new life tolka mtvm. They act like a cliarci on tli 1 digestive orgarai,'rf moving all Jytpepiie tympiotnt, such as Tatiinj ik Foed, Ddshinj,UtaiiAtkeiimji:lun,cii. TI10 only Iron lreiaratl'jii that will not blaclcen the teetli or. criTe headaclie. Sol 1 all ruLate. "Write fvr t!e A 7. C Booh 'Z2 pp. cf useful and arecaiiyr rcad inff) ttiUfrt. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. . Beetaa.t s3 lnsBiitxianniIlr'6nntCRuiO. and Vive araaaad rad neaa 1 BlTWAIt-E Oir I3HTATIONS. BasBBaasawasswaaBasswawaaBasawaaanaananasaaaaaaaialnaaSaaBBaaB pianos and s nrgsa g Large Stock for Send For Giroulars. Haiaff & Son- ; : . . GOLDSBORO, N. C. ALFRED WILLIAMS. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO - 1 , . - ,' t Publisher, Booksellers and StnUouers, s ALL North Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private, can obtain School Books, Ac, at Raleigh at prices ab iow as ake ofeereu by any northern DKalkrs, We have the largest stock in the State and fill all orders promptly JWCOMPLETE CaTAIXJGUE . -ADDRESS A i f r e ii Wi 11 i a m & 1 ' - BOOKSELLERS, and STATIONERS. July 15-3mJ - RALEIGH, N.C. 1 J- W. BE AS LEY'S S6wing Machine and Repair Office, 105 Church Street, Norfolk' Va. i Where can be found any of the leading first-class sewing machines at BOTTOM PRJ CES. Send ft: price list or call o me before pui chasing elsewher save money. eedles, Attach ments and parts for "J . ma Machines for all makes. Old thor- "S1 repaired made to work MUM STOVES! THE BEST III THE KARKET. Fotirtaea dififerent aiaM and IIsCj. JVni tlaM with Enameled Keacrroira. Af spted U all roqulrementa, and priced to suit all ponga, . LEADING FEATURES: Couble Wocd Doofs, ttto Weod raW," Adjustable DaBr, InteTrLaatabla Anto maiic Shelf,. Brtrtlint T-oef. Cwlngiii Hearth PUU. Pwiagllig rittw-etop, .ficTetnibla) Caa Buminr Loft Croat Meoa. Doubla Skort Cor.te'n, Heavy King OoTars, niuiainated Tare Docib. Mcltol Ksob. Klokel IaneU, eta. rhequaltsl la If afrtal, la riaish, aad ta opeiUa. '' ans. Christmas Holidays v EUGENE G. HARRELL RALEIGH, N. C, ' , :o3- Se'T Ol APPLICATION. Co., as crood as when new. Good sec; nd hand machine in perfect order from $10 to $15. For fair dealing I refer to most any business house in Norfolk or Portsmouth. J. W. BEASLEY 105 Church Street, Norfolk, V. I MISCELLANEOUS. 1865i,l881 Sycamore Street, Petersburg v. gravestones' of every, dweription, mada to ordar ' ranging m price from $5 up. Deairn. sent by mail postage paid with sUmb! nclosed for return. When ord.m ..f " received they are filled and forward a. If the work is nnt Kti.r.. PuirhweiVare wjquested to raturn at aio pay required unii; the w.. ir u d, - . A u a -r-- --....iMma eviicitrtt ircB all tsrt i ceiiniry. . feb 35-It CHA8. M. WAU'L lxaiiiioii r rr,tnaa ''''" J C OR-O - IRFALLIBLE CHILL CURE. The attention of Drueiriitia. e. i Dealrs generally iscalletl tothi r valuable medicine, which stan.ii 9tJ foro the public and medical fa' idtv undisputed as a Cure for 'Ft ver- tnV Affue. Rilibus and Rraittlno- r . Diimh f!hill Vnlertre ir.l. - - . 7 , d t , un an diseases arising from malarial or i miasmatic poisons. It is no quMk nostrum or patent humbug claiaiin' -to cure all diseases, hut only euch 'Ua arise frorn malMrial poisyne, 1,:.,. ......... Mi'aU.i -..-.... K ' aiv ibiaitiu 111 -sabosl 11 '- V arufl- na. Containing a very valuible prep aration of Iron, it renovate the blood j promotes the appetite and is a nioat potent Alterative. Certiflcatet of iu iniaiiiDinty irom some of our bait - citizens will be furnished upon apjdU cation, and if it fails to give tiai tion;w"heu used according to directioar j the money ill be refunded, Praoar rhrl snlvhv . , r Wsal se jr "" 1IFRY r. RTrA.'Vr.VT , Druggist and Cheniiit, " -i -''CG wraT-i r. .. uo v mt t .nnrra Mr Auf4m ! Ooldsboro, N.C. - t 1 I . . I0HN CLARK, JR. & BEST SI X - C O R D ';L FOR ' ' Machine or Hand Use- N :0: THOMAS 1 RUSSELL k CO SOLE AttKNtS. FUR SALE TtY , Hines, Hadley & C., rf. JEWELRY.ic. Use 'Young's T- T. ftlaisea' eyesight. aad- save jeer J . T. ng & Brb. FINK JKATCIJE3. DlrSMOXDS. JEWELRY, SILVER v AKK, Manufacturer of all kific? of Plalo Geld Jewelry; Rings, Baigesi g 7 The beat $10, eantor; and $',00 cloek everold. Ameriran walchei at he loweit prices. Solid ailver smmh. fork Ac., cheaper tliart -ver. Your orders are i licitrd and will be prmpily hi tended bj ' J. T. YOUNG A BkO. PfcTfcasBUKtt. Va. 1 '(uh 7t.-tt Send yoar orders for all kinds of - JEWEL 11 Y, Arthur C. Frcenfan, 144J Main Street,! Head A'arkat . . Square, Norfolk, Va. . ' I shall bo at the Weldon Fair with i full assortment of Jewelry, .Walei8 ,. demand shall be glad to 5 see n y old friends. When yon go to Yorktown call, to see me. , Itepairing promptly done. Send your orders by mail and thty- will be promptly filled. A. C. FREEMAN, Norfolk, V a. Oct.7. ly. LI VERY STABLE. LIVERY STA8LLS THE BEST IN TOWN! THE NICEST AND NEWEST ;- V. . . ..BUGGIES 1 AND THE FINEST llOWSl, . FOR HIRE IT Jittery Stables, We have just completed ouf StaMesand now have a num- . bcr of fine horse for hir. Our terms are as reasonable n , those' o f nuj firt cla stables and we guarantee to please all jOjir patrons. . ; h. you desire a Hice turnedt... ;arty ti"ie call em us and We ;wiil jrie it to von - -. j - COS SELBY BROffl. - wilsok n. a