TiIEjWH?QNAT)yANCE. ,rrr,A FaibAV. Fehruarv 17. 188-2 II 1U"V1 ,- . . -.. , , 1 r 1 lijical Department. JOSEPH US DANIELS, Editor. I:iii4 txy rcv Advertisements. Notice.! Jas. K. Clark. ! T, tli"? Public C. T. Willis. ; 'j'.n iir 1 ) t .-v 1 1 u n i pt y I)u tnpty . j yM i:il;Xotic. M. T. Moye. -yy Tom-- Lanier! tfr Royster. Jinportaru notice. r.ii. jarman. - T iiistkvs of the Peace.-A. G.IfrooU. ; Knipire I'jasterMiil.s. J. II. Blossom ' .V i .va:i.-. ; -' Spring 'and'. Summer Suits: Warren A l'nrne.. , . . ;.' ' .-. ro. D!u(kc.7 Freeman, Lloyd, Mason ,v Iiryd". - ' To the subscribers of the Wilson Cot ton Mills.?-II. C. Moss. . , T!r.irlay Cotton 11 cents. '.l 'ii'l Shot" cigars at MeC-raws. Mine1 meat at Young & Gorham's (;aHT;:i and Held seed at Hargrave'd For. She purest medicines go to Ifarf ir rave's: Wilson Court begins l9t Monday in H'Mninv beans at Young & Gor- Ch tf;is, chufi-, chufaij at Ilar- L in r jth's warranted garden seed at llargr.ive's.. . ". ' .11 ?1, white and; yellow onion sets at liarrave's. : , ;, ; - Iaad watches and clocks made alu e at Ciua'Cii ivelli'. ' A fiill .-line of lamoi -'and lamp roods . at llanrruve's. ..:M'iye it Xa l.il's 1 rug store wilt be o o:i n..t Sunday. -1' .. Mis.4.May -Harnes ivas returned Jio.'ne fr om a viiit to Tari.-oro.: Only ",e.Jui.ie a.i i ed "a It' M ivt t'Niiii.; r :it,le g-r I . I sy Mr.jj:,: F. McDu iiel isbuildin a line rcjsid Mict' on Nash Street. M rs;. A . X . 1 )a 1 1 i e 1 antl Miss Tillie Mclntyr have returned to Wilson. r ):. W. S. (iilbort vyill bo absent fro n Freno.it on business for t x weeks. '" - it ! i t-.." i - v .-' i -- i - .;'. -;':yir North Carojiiia St,at Ufe 1 si- s'lraiuv; toramt'.iy lias decided to wind ut i itsfiHiairs, Mr, .Ii- -residence Spring sts HC M Tavlor is building a o:l the corner.of IJarnes and eJts-.. . , '. ' -.ii-'-. - . All kill iy of machines, needles, and oil, at Wiii. A. ii irbrey's seA ing m&- chin j and niusic house. ! V X"(tat rist but at a living profit a new lot f dry good-i, shoes, notions, 'Ac, at -.Warren A Jinnies'. - Mr. W. II. .Morris will build four or five ii;!W stores oil Tarboro Street, and have tiiBjii completed by the fall. : ' I'owel A Htibinson's barber shop is bf iiig en larged , to -: give .them; more roouijfor t ii.'i rinc reading custom. Mr. A. Hra:i':i.is preparing to build on Nash Street, fit is 4 said he will build tlx? tine.t residence in town. Hey. Jos. K. .'Carter will preAch at Rocky Mount Wednesday Feb. 22nd, ami the1 fallowing- Suntia3' at Tarboro. 1 ' r ' .- - ."- The Misses Til lery have n roved to Wils;i a:id opetietl a dress making estabji shn'ient in the house opposite the lvi.-e.rul C hurch. .- . , .." . -..-' ISrwi !i:g madh ines up; Or i from ?2K gi-.ik ir mi i up; Pianos from 200 Hp, at v m. .A- Wiir.ir.ey's chiii! and music house. sowing ma- Nash poii rt next week. We hope to be on iKiivl soa to give those who have not pai Ujc their paper an op portunity Oi" doing so. ; Frm and reliable garden see l are the only ones to buy Moye & Nadal koep no otnler kind as they, carry no old stock fronf year to year. A glance iitthe Graded- School yes-'' terda'y revealed the '; remarkable fact that there w i but ohe absence, and hiit a single trdy in the while school. Just received at Warren & Barnes' a new lot odry goods, shoes, -notions, tc, whici they are selling very low as cheap as they can be bought else where. ' .- ? ' ' - i ' JtrViI.lis e.T.Tte I an entrance foMamona Opera House in the. rear which will be-used by actors, and which will also be a good way of.'es cape in case of tiro. t . - itev. J. II. Giiinn, will preach at Barefoot's Cliapel Sunday in or nilig, audio the Methodist church at . this place Sunday night on the relation of ttie pew tq the pulpit. v v. Y I). . 1 liickiipv is makini' , preparaticrjis to build; a residence on Nash Street next to Dr. Rutlin's. Rumor says Douglas : contemplates alertly quitting single cu. seJness." W. J. Churchwell, watchmaker and Jeweler, Jorth side Tarboro Street, where may be found watches, jewel ry, silver-plated ware, spectacles, tc.' Alsoj musical instruments repaired. Thie llirectors of the Vilson Cotton Mills have postponed the selection of a iti n.itil all t ie preliminaries are -arranged.'.'' It is generally believed, . howler, 'that it will be situated near the deiwt. 1 To the school children. Go toillar CTc's and get one of those combina-tionitien-holdors containing pen-iold- er and natn. inch measure, meter pain, inch measure, iijieter neasure, ; blue crayon, red crayon, slate pencil,' lead1 pencil and ink eraser -au tor ten cents. r -We return thanks for an invitation . to attend' a social hop to be given at Fremont, Friday evening. February -1th., 18S2. The committee t)f invita--;' tion 'consists of J. II. Aycock, T. E. Yelyerton, (i. U Becton, J. T. Hooks and W. R. Hooks. , f ; We were pleased to meet Mr. W. N- Hanrf, of I lanff & Son, Goldsboro, vho -as in town Wednesday on bus iness connected with their extensive v trade. Mr. WmV A. -Carbrey is their agent at this place, and we are right , gla I to know that he is starting out j well. :", - ;.--..'-:-, 1 A few weeks ago a gentleman from 'Edgecombe en tered his daughter as a Pupil ih the Wilson Collegiate Ihsti tute and paid board and tuition five I . ears m advance. 'AVe are giaa io npt0 tho continued prosperity of this excellent school which we regard ai H-couij to none in theState. i I Col. Robinson's IlUiripty Dumptyl will appear at Mamona Opera H to-nteht. it fnm with th hhn.f f - nnm nnriotin,,, ,i ni .t " S.IVZ - y....i.V1l.Hllll.7 U11U n 111 Ui;UUllC39 1 l... r..n i ml ... . "u e u iiui nouse. mere will ho- juatineetius evening which will be very enjoyable to all who love to laugh. .Seethe attractive advertise ment hi another column. Communicated. T2:e5oads. v Egress and ingress to Wilson is pos itively hazardous. If a man will trav el in the direction of Toisnot or Stan tonsburg and don't fall from grace or out of his vehicle, then vou mav nut j him down for future delivery safely on uie otner sine or Jordan. A few of the deepest holes filled up with straw, old rails, or pine top9 tfiil save cursc- M-ord.s and expense. EXI'EP.IKXCK, A Correction, j Nashville, N. C-, Feb. 15, '82. Editor Advaxck: iKawin your paper last week that J. J. Sharp was j postmaster at this place. It is not true and I -hope vou will correct it. Mr. W. T. Griffin holds his ovvi). . I . " c. We gla Uy- insert the above. We know of no postmaster who is more courteous or accommodating, or who attends to his duties , more faithfully than Mr. GriSin, and we hope he may continue to hold his own for many years to come. El. . Aua2yi. -. We have been handel an analysis of Uradley's Super-Phosphato, fur nished by Chas. W.' Dabnev, Director !of the Agricultural Experiment Sta tion of the State ;of North Carolina, which shows thei deVided superwrity of this old and reliable fertilizer over all other.-. Tiie dnalvsis shows: . ,s .lu!,!o Hoik Pnosniintt 19.08 Insoluble 14 . A!Uiuo;ii.t Conmierciai vali i'ii- ferttl I.:-;-R-niiitree, li. iia.ry y -m h et , i i -1 hi .V x : 4.11 . 2.97 i bid in V.Til-o:i by .v Co., an i it iia fr a very large- ale,: every .ye.ir. it is a -useful occupation which has" far niore to do witi iieuith, happiness, lorjc iii'e, and' pleasure, than people suppose. It is ii kull-estaoiisiied fact t hat oad condltim of t he teeth is! cer tain to lead to'adh-ordered state ot the di;.;e- tive syr te n,; and produce diseases viiic:i no iiredicine ca.i remedy. The people of a eoniiOunity should feel thankful when a good dentist res i dp in their town, and can be had at small expense, and little trouble. Such the of people Wilson have in Dr. It. W. Joyner, who is a quiet, unassuming man very .skillfull in his profession, of which he is; a master. Having graduated as a physician he then studied Dental Surgery, and with a fine: mechanical skill, 4ind a natural talent for the profession., he soon per fected -himself, and has now been for a number of years in : a ' successful ajid rapidly increasing practice. ..lie has the latest and most valued improve ments in Dentistry and ean perform his work with . pase, certainty - and rapidity, while he gives comfort and satisfaction to his patrons in filling ex tracting or furnishing sets of teeth,1 a the case may be. Therefore knowing thes,' things to bso, we advise those who need t he services of a good dent ist to consult Dr.! Joyher. Joui-miiiro in Wilson. The newspaper business is looking up in Wilson, and the Advance is glad to chronicle. .the fact. The -Wil-s.ih tiiftinyj'is the name of a sprighfly liftie weekly which made its appear ance Wednesday with IK S. Carraway as editor. The colored people, feeling the need, of a paper devoted to the in terests oT their race, will on the fourth of Jarch begin the publication of a bi-weekly paper to bo known as The Wilson Xeic, with E, Moore and S. N. Hill as editors, and J. T. Freeman, Business Manager. It is To bo a four page, twenty-four column paper, and will be printed at the Advaxcu Pub r.isHixtHou.sE.I There is but little douht that it will receive a liberal pat roimgo. ,Zibri's LaMhnark, the organ of the Primitive iiaptist church, than which there is not a more pros perous paper in the State, will short ly7 be enlarged and otherwise im proved. In this connection we are glad to note that Jits already large list labout 8,000) is being continually ad ded to. After March loth., it will be printed at this office and will then ap pear as an 8 page 40 column paper. The AnvAXcp isj not behind in the race. The-ihcreied advertising pat ronage, and new (subscriptions justify us in enlarging our paper, which will bo done about the last of March. We will then send oiit a paper second to none published iii.the State either in quality or quantity. Our advertisements-crowd out-the usual supply of reading niatter, but we feel sure that our readers will bear with us for a few weeks when we iwill be enabled to jrive them a much larger and better paper. - j - - ' '- ' '- - Sectional Tews. WHITAKERS. Deak Advaxce: The young laais ana geniiemen g;tve a concert for the benefit of the Jethodist Protestant chtirch of this phice on the 14th inst., and were gen erally patronized, as the amount of proceeds . wity show, $51.50. Among the characters were the best amateur acting we have ever had the pleasure Air. B. II. Barnes, as Ar-t Ahrii.'di4i : hi imrt lust .Dlen- di l d hiffhlv comolimented. did. and was highly lis?s .itij;iir vjuicuiH, j'ii3. iu""i and Li lie, their daughter, Miss Sue Cutchin, acted their parts with easej firmness of speech, and did honor to themselves and their comrades. Mr. Joseph Cutchin, as Caleb Hanson; J. I). Tavlor, as Harry Hanson; Ed. Wil son, as Tom Chubbs; Coffield Knight, as Dick Bustle, were nice and full of fun. Miss Gussie Dunstan, as the Yankee Girl, just carried us away witU.ftin, and did credit to herself. And the music by the band, oh, my! was more than splendid. . By request this concept will be repeated next Tuesday night for the benefit of the same object. j T Mr. It. Tyler I led to the hymenial altar this week Miss Mamie White. We extend congratulations. Mr. Charlie Barnes, formerly oi me Richmond & Danville railroad, is vis iting his brother. Mr. B. II. Barnes, of tins plaqe. MlxviltLj: Married. In this rmihi Fh nu xr. n n !K & FH iftsJS'' 11;rix2!VtorJ!?.WlzaiIouarM- , VJ ino uxvens to Miss A K1UJ " i'oiJI. 1 he ADVANCE extend congratulations and best wishes. A 7I;iiiriceiit Fnniiljr BibSc. The National Publishing Company of Philadelphia,! Chicago, St Louis and Atlanta are doing a good work in this community-by circulating among our people their magnificent IHctpriai Family Biblet. This is one of the most supe rb editions we have ever seen. -The binding is Elegant, tastaful ami eubstantial. The press work is done in the best style, and tho paper is of the finest quality. Being determined that their bibles shall not be surpassed by any other editiou in print, the publishers have added to it an j abridgment of Dr. William Smith's; great Dictionary of theBible. This lis a complete ' book in rtsdf, anl wodld make an octavo "-,.Tei;-i ,iC t... i i wiiio4 oi o er mx nuuureu pages. Its ritaiion as jthe best Bible Dic tionary is,world-ivide, and each sub fcriber to this bible thus obtains it free. ' Another promitient feature is a his tory of all the religious denominations of tiie world. . These accounts are c!ear!and comprehensive, and are full of valuable information. ' The additional niatter which ac companies the books of the bible cov ers aAvide range of subjects and is ex ceedingly valuable. An accurate and detailed 'description of the Holy Land is given, followed by an interesting description of j Jerusalem and its sacred places. The life of the Saviour and the Apos tles are also given at considerable length, and in such a' manner as to be of great service to every reader of the bible. The wanderings of the Israel ites in the wilderness are related, and t he Tabernacle and Temple are dtf scribed with grat minuteness. An other feature to which we would call particular attention is a series of scrip ture illustrations, remarkable for its completeness. It embraces a series of comprehensive' --descriptions of the mani.ers and customs of the nations of the ancieiit world, of biblical antiqui ties, scenery, natural -history, etc., etc. Then follow a laige number of chro nological . and other valuable tables designed to proniote aild facilitate the study of the sacred scriptures. These tables are so numerous that we have not space even td give their names. So full and complete is the additional matter of tills magnificent edition of the scriptures, that the most careful student of God's word, the most ex acting seeker after truth will find all his wants supplied, in this single vol ume. ! . - The book is magnificently illustra ted. It contains over 2,500 .fine en gravings, many of which are by the great artist, Gustave Dore. These engravings are genuine works of art, and were made at a cost of .pver $30, 000.". The great number and high character of these engravings -make this the most valuable art. publication of the century. Between the - Apocrypha and the New Testament is a beautifully litho graphed marriage certificate, which makes this bible an especially appro priate wedding. present. This is fol lowed by a handsome family record, consisting of .four quarto pages, finely lithographed. Jt the end oXthe vol ume is a photograph album, with" spaces for sixteen portraits. , These magnificent family bibles are superior to all others that we have seen, in the following respects: They contain the largest, and finest engrav ings. They have the richest and most durable bindings). They c.ntain the finest! paper anditlie best'printing. They are the cheapest and most com plete, and they sell faster than any other family bibles. The National Publishing Company' bibles weigh from one to three pounds more than any jother ' family bibles published in thejUnited States. Tins is proof positive that they are- more solid and substantial than arty other bibles. It proved that they are print ed on heavier paper, and bound with heavier and more durable material. They are published in German also. We cordially commend this bible to our readers, and ! hope it may find a Diace in every family." It is one of the best family bibles ever published, and no home should be without it.--The price is astonishingly low, and within the reach bf all. It is sold by subscription only, and Rev. G. A. T. Whitaker, Avho is the authorized agent fdr this section, is now canvassing for iU IX MEMOItlAM. Died, near W'hitakers, Nash Coun ty, January 7th, 1882, Faxxie Greex, youngest daughter of James II. and Mollie JY Exum, aged 4 years 7 months and 23 days. . AQer two days of intense suffering from hemorrhagic fever, the little bark was loosed from its moorings and launched . upon the boundless ocean of eternity. -Heaven is the only atmosphere in which so frail a flower could unfold without a spot or blemish, land God transplanted her there for some wise purpose which we may not question. From .the tomb where we laid her, the pall can be lifted, only by the hand of Him who robbed the grave of its terrors and brought life and immortality to light, and HisAVas the -voice which uttered the comforting U ords "Let little ones come unto me." . Dear parents and relatives you have entrusted your jwel to one who will return it to .you re-set in immortality; Mother on the fother shore Faxxie has joined, the dar ones who passed over before lier.and waits your com ing; Father ionr "baby" is safe in the heavenly foid arid God will care for your darling for 'He carries the lambs in His, bosom." ! ' TMh link has been forged in the furnace of affliction but it only strengthens the chain which will lead you to God, Trust in his promises and mar the tears with which you water the little mound in the garderr prove to be the mist whichr forms from the "Sun of Righteousness" a rainbow of promise spanning your hearts and telling you of a land where you may meet your love4 ones again. i L.C. II. Robert , N. iHARRieox, who de parted thisilife on Thursday night, the 9th inst., was born in Nash county on the 4th day of August 18-30. If aught can be said of his faults, volumes may i besnoltenin hisraise, for one more I . i , 1 ! generous ana seii-sacnncmg nas rureiy j lived. rowara ms near reia uoim wafching his couch, ho was observant a? ever of the iiiall courtesies which i marked consideration for them rather than nimself, even in the moment of his dissolution. ' The disciples of Soc4 raterf recalled, with a sort of pathetic! wonder at the calm and intrepid spirit of their dying master, that as the chill of the fatal hemlock was stealing to4 wanl his heart, he uncovered his fac4 to ask that Crite should acquit him of ft small debt he owed to Uvculapius;M and o the writer recalls that our bej loved ltoBEKT did npt forget in the moments of his last agony to extend his lips to receive the last seal of con-f jugal affection. So the chariot of rest come to him in the morning of life while serene and bright. And judg ing from his last words ha transport ed him to realms of endless light. , ! A Friexd. j NEW ADVEBTLSEMENTS. H OTICK. AN ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT of 10 percent on the Capital stock of WILSON COTTON MILLS is paya4 ble to the Treasurer, on or before the 1st Jarch 1882. By order of Board of Directors. JAMES E. CLARK, Secretary and Treasurer. Wilson, N. C, Feb. 14, 1881 1 To Vie Justices of tlhe Peace bf Wilson Votmty: j You are hereby notified to meet in the the Court House in the town of Wil son on the fourth Monday in July 1882, to determine whether: the In-1 ferior Court of Wilson County shall be discontinued. By order of the Board - - j A.G.iiROOKS, j Chairman of the Board of Justices of the Peace of Wilson Couhtv. i j Empire Plaster M lis, WILMINGTON, N. C. ! ! .i We ar prepared to deliver the 'tsr .on scaT.fl f esh ground puste (GYPSUM.) L ; '- i LOW RATK9 FOR LARGE LOTS. ... j - - J. It. BLOSSOM & EVANS, Feb.1sn wilmixotox, x. c. , DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ii ..... - - ), -.. HAVING qualified as Administra tor upon the. estate; of PENNIE EVANS, . I hereby give notice to al persons indebted, to make immediate payment; to those' holding claims against the estate to present theni duly authenticated on or before Feb? ruary Gth, 1S83, or this notice will be relied on to bar recovery, j . SOLOMON LAMM ! Connor &. Woodard, Attys. Admri Feb 0 tf. . I ! - Important otice j THE OLD NORTH STATE IN surance Company nowv proposes to4 return pro rata rates on all her Poli4 cies in prderto wind up the business of said Company. It is to the interest of parties holding policies in this Com pany to surrender them on these terms. J They lose nothing; and I will; re-insure them in the Liverpool, it; London fe Globe, at same rates. Al lowing a rebate for the unearned pre- miums Respectfullv, ' F. H. JARMAN. FeblTtf DOX'T FAIL i I WILLI3' MAMONA OPERA HOUSE And have 720 laughs in "ISO minute:. You will see tho flneit'show you have ever seen in the town of Wilson.1 Four Clowns are with Col. fiolini's Hijtt Duty aii icialty Compy. i , ! ! - ,; . ' -. - It is ' something seldom ! seen in small towns and COL. ROBTNSON?S HUMPTY DUMPTY AND SPECIALTY COMPANY will certainly en liven vou, and don't vou forget it. Because we always give entire satisfac tion. 'Reserved Seat at IIARGRAVE'S DRUG STORE. You are referred to the Press everywhere we, haye been. , ' ; SPHINGi & SUMMER SUITS. WE ARE AGENTS FOR T MERCHANT TAILORS, NEW -500 Samples of Cassimeres and suitings the latest styles and designs for Spring and Summer Goods. fits. NO FIT! NO TAKE. Call Griaa,no. 1882. f - ! - For the lcst brands of fjuano, Kainit Acid Phosphate, Lad on James T. Cobb, or Bayard Davis at "jr. X, Wearer 3 Cos. or Mcx. Green's Feed si ore. Wilson, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1882. TJ THK j Griiano guano Grna,no HINES. IIADLEY & CO. OFFER THE FOLLOWING STANDARD FERTILIZERS FOR THE SEASON OF 1882: HCHESAPEAKE, "PIEDMONT," "OBEE8 SPECIAL COMPOUND" 'EXCELLENZA," and last but not least,-"LEE'S PREPARED AGRICULTURAL LIME." I-TIIE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE US-u -2-u SFKCIAL NOTICE. ALL TAItTIES INDEBTED, ' TO the Graded School either by subsci i tion or tuition, will please call at "my office and settle, ? M. T. MOYE, It Secretary. VLi&i Crade Acid Phosphate. Containing 12 per cent Solubfe Phos phoric Acid Guaranteed Analysis -just received arid in store at Wilming ton. Special inducements offered to Wholesale Buyers. Address, " LANIER fc ROYSTER, FebC;lm Tarboro, N.C. Executor's mYoticc. Having qualified as executor ef the last will and testament of JACOB RENTFROW, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson Co., notice is hereby given to all per sons indebted, to the estate of said de ceased to make immediate payment, and to qll persons holding claims against said deceased to present them for payment on or before the Gth dav of Feb., 1S83, or this notico will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. PERRY RENTFROW, Connor &. Woodard, Atys. Kx'r. Wilson, North Carolina; ) Office Clerk Superior Court V Wilson Count v. ) February 15th, 18S2. To the Subscribers to the Capitol Stock of the Wilson Cotton Mills: You are hereby notified to meet in Court House in the town of Wilson on March 1.1, 1882, at seven o'clock, p.m., to elect the officers provided for in the pla of Incorporation, filed, in this office, and such other ofliceiB as you may think proper and to adopt by laws not! inconsistent with -aw and with the plan of Incoiporation. H. C. MOSS, Clerk, ! Superior Co.-rt of Wilso-C'-- 4 - 5. A. STEVENS 4 CO., NORFOLK. VA. The largest tablihucnt ih the Prlcan aro jfiiamneed alow as Ntv York. Ererv gralH of furnitur and cnrpriing known t Hie trnd. Wb invite a call or orrpoiHl'ncs from purchasers for they will find it to ihVir interest. ; Our honsnim vrH known in North Caro lina, a we havu during the. past seventeen yrar dona a lai?e Carelina trade. Order solicited S.A.STEVENS&C0. NORFOLK. VA. 3 4tf. TO COME TO 200'TOKIS 11 U IMS. SODTH LIN & CO. YORK, AND HAVE ON HAND We take measures and guarantee at our Store and examine. "WARREN & BARNES. Season 1882- .:''. :'":,- FRONT Q(1 P I W E I 1 ioo i BONE AND -FARMERS seenre your bargains in time. ThRWn oaV.4 I'l If I , 1 . A HITV jgM luruiers m mis ana adjoining counties. v, PI Id A FULL SUPPLY OF f . Sr Always on hand, which will Lk sold at bottom prifs-fea BY N U M. D A N I Fj: & CO . 7. T. BLACKVELL & CO. i Durham, N. C. TOBACCO lackwe Ws IB THE FIXE8T, rUP.EBT, BK8T, AXD MOAT VSIFORM BRAXDsr SUSli TOBAtVO F.V1CR TUT VPOX TMK MARKET. " ' . ' ' , - AIJ50 , ! D urharri ' Lo rig-Cut and ; '. " i " These GoodMV offr ladtr aa Abso!nte Guaraulta They are the fines and Purest Gooils upon the market. They aro free from Drugs or Chemicals of any kind. 1 jThey consist of the finest Tobacco, and purest rice paper made. Thai 5- o M Q - - v -. CD CO i.. "r- CO CO to td 9p. 3 H AN D S L A IM 6 too -4 . TOIMS OF PERUVIAN with from I I tl t. 1- . 9? 6 '' Our oUklm for merit U based vpoa tho tket that chemloaJ analjsls proros Uiatthe tobacoo 4rrow& in ow section is better adapted to soolus a O QOD,rURE, satisfactory smoko than ANT OTHER tobacoo grown In the world ; and being1 Uuflted In the HEART of this Ono tobacoo eotion.'VnS hve the X1CXL of the1 ofibrinss. Tho pnblio ap preciate this; henco our aale EXCEED the producin of AX.li the leading manufactories com bears 0 trademark of tX BvJL OB1 Durham Cigarettes, '- -'..- w w w V U. X X Oi X 'Ji'J) c .Our r gal J M CD C3 W c o ?- JK -W ' W w 0 mf

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