, i ; t Tall 3; 7as AJvai?3 Publishing Company 'LET AL5. THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S.' JbiepWut Danle'i Manager FRIDAY, JIARCII. 17,1 1882., Tilt Wilson Advance. ---r Tv"n0V Friday, Manh 17th, 15&2 ; ' I POETHYv 91 T-W9 ! I Jt- :t 1 .LI I -TT" IS IT WORTHWHILE! 13 It wprth whils to jotlt a brother, Bearing his load on t ho rough road ofjlife? ! - . : I it worth while that we Jeer at each other t: . ;. ; " In blackness of heart we war to the , - k&if? ej4it us all iri our pitiful strife. God pity xis all as. we Jostle ; each : : ofher: r Gm pardon lis all for the triumph .- V6 feel - ! When . fellow goes down 'neath ; pd on the heather, Pldrced tothe'i heart. " Words v- keener than steel, And I mightier far for woe and hi ar for - ..weal. . , , ; '.'.. WerJ It; not well, in this brief little Jonrney " L . Onlover the Isthmus, down into the tjdo,: .O' . ;.. - We give; him a fish instead of a ser- .p'ent,: :- , j . Ere folding the hands to be and . afjide ' '-.'' ' Forever and aye in dust at his elde ? Lookiat the roses saluting each. other; I.oqk at the herds all at peace on the 1 plain - L Mail, Sand man only makes war on his brother, . And laughs in his heart at his peril v a ad pain Hhsvujtid by the beasta that go down on r u it ain. vorth while that we battle to Humble Some poor fellow down Into the dut ? ; i Gd jiity us all I ;Time ou will tum ble . ' ' . i: , Alnfu together, ; like .leaves, in a gut lluajbli, indeed, down into the dust. . JuaqtHi Jliurr. , 'r- , - ' i - - ; j""-""- rt .- t. - ii.xr srsrr irr tt.t- - LOYE BY POST. y About a yar ago ft party of gentlo- uren s v iuj; umtii 11.1 , ni..y:v Hi i ) -.1 , , , ; , Ar A x III kJ!-rt.i-n -4- cunty,'f a., took a notion thap they would move out an ent and grow -. H '- S " P to lxal,tRad had reen tnere out a sao rt time before thev formed the rtcquain-! tancis of a "wiro-walker" whose name whx Rond. The aoq'nainta-ncQ ripened into friendship, an 1 Bond w:w t o !frseir ith his nev-ftund Vrienids that he xranted them to giv him" a ,(j!eM?2l4 wWeethetr.t. This wais an ewy thing fr them to do, and they r-wamTMriJoJ a young lady in the Oreea I i 11 neighborhood. Now , ! comes ie romantic part of the story. ' )Nft evening after IMiss Annie Nieli- oUon ikd1 finished rtiilkinir the tfiws -aad hadl, rinsed out tha strainer rag ua. nHrtg ji ny me aoor lacing 10 urjr j he KWtja letter. This was not an un- j wsuftl ocj?nrrence but the letter was a ; - MOat litkoxneetHd . one.. It was from ! i m'i- t , . ; . 1- iL.i nr i exas inenu . iniormnig nee vuai tiiP.T' hI fiv-tn hfr awn.v Hinl that her lever by proxy wanted to know if he eoald write to her. 8 ho could'nt re .fussKUch ft modest request and an swered him ye. , Rond wrote to her immediately on receiving pernnnsion. je likei. her ciiirography and the smack j or j her letter, iietnougnc ne trould I )ike her better and aked an exchange of picturers. Again rM. could n)Ot refuse. ; I le was in a heaven' of Wiisl at jthp sight of hi fair Venus and a; 6He? made j a proposal of mar riage. H!ie had made a precedentand it wou i no (1 violate it and again eho could not refuse. " - . Fehrnary 18 wadset for the time of culminating' their happinas by the hly botvd off wedlock. Those who knew ot, the loA-eiitTair said it waj all a joke, Ikit Uondl meant business. lAt .Kri4av evening one week; ago a strango.i- called at the house where Miss Nilholson resided. It-waa ; her Adonl. j H saw the goddess of his heart's idolatry; he took in the situa tion aud was pleaded aye fascinated, . harmcdi I lie left! her with a promise to call at the appointel time, when the uv-trrla!re.nuDtials would be cele- bra ted ast Thursday evening .he time and the happy mar consummated. " .-. was in o; - riage waa Avi VEst belie Episode. TL?y utood on the oorch at mid night: ak, Btveetj mine" he sighed Uily of niy.soul, dewdrops of my hap pinesM, let the intensity of our affec toa inteijsify to intenseuess, and let as live tollove, that loving wo may 1 ive in tl(e ethereal ethereality of a PRsionlesfi pasrion, puriflwl to angelie puriaeation.j' ; v "Rathdrjever, hero mine," she an swered, djepositing her wealth of goi . 4r hair upon the; Shoulder of his six dollar uMtter,'"and our lives so sweet- ly perhaps, just now, will be joined in " the suporjlative: certainty .,of conjunc tive blisslfconjuated in happy wed look.v j ." 'I3ear Heart of mine," hp rapturous- ly ex'jlHhhied, pressing her to his. new satin nUr.lU litl.b ii: rti trr" "And his is too,, too!" abruptly roke in rhyn in rthe girl's father, coming shjs boots, and giving the r'v"g m,i Ml two kicks which, lanueo fi-n out i fthe street and separation S thenceaftei-ward fell upon v-r a DO l"e ts-daung ilve. An ArkaitKaKltomance. Home tirriogo a Miss Wampton, a .beautiful young lady, and a wealthy young farmer named Rock ton" -were married. The young lady would not have been termed a j4happy bride." She had never loved Rockton, and only married him io pleased a wid owed mother, "I will obey you," said the girl, "but 1 do iW even like Mr. Itocktbn.IIe is wea!thy;iut whilo pov erty aiwavK brlu? misery; yet wealth does not always bring happiness. You know-'that I am devoted to Toin Ronemond, and that he i devoted to me; but :f you, as ; ny mother, com mand me, 1 will obey, though the ef fort cost ' me- my life ;aa well a my .happiness." The ceremony was-, performed, Roemond, who would have been the girl'H choice, left the "'neighborhood. Six months afterward Rosemond re turned and sent Mrs. Rockton a note, begging an interview. Hhe snowed the note and her answer of refusal to her hnsband. He i kissed her as a re ward of fidelity ilockton was taken sick with swaiop fever, and when about to die he said: You have been , a faithful wife. Nine women out of ten would have run away loner ago. I have always known that you loved Rosemond. I have sent for hini. I want you to marry him before? I die so that I can te the-ceremony .f' "That would not be legal," answer ed the wife,, "for J. cannot marry an other man so long'asyeu are living." "Well, but I want him here, sol can see that the ceremony is perform ed immediately after I am dead." Rosemond and a preacher was sent for. They arrived. Rockton gasped and motioned. The. marriage party approached the bed. Rockton placed the hands of the lovers together, gras ped, and died. The preacher raised his hand, and the lovers were mar ried. .Little Rock Gazette. . Naminsri T!se Baby. "I think," said: the fond mother, 'that as the baby s last ijame is Brown it would be betteil to give him some first name less common than Henry? There are cloven columns of Henry Browns in the Directory." . "Thirteen,, darling," said Mr. Brown: "I counted them yesterday. .What we want for the baby is a un- i uiue nrst name, aname inai win maice it posfible al way 4 .to to identify him. Isn't that it, deart;t?", "Certainly."; ' ..' "Well, 1 have prepUred a list froiri which. we can pick, buppope we skim over it? Let's begin with the twelve tribes of Israel . ' Are there any among them that "I think n -t.V "How would G: vou like?" ' m kd do' Oad Jrown? That would be novel, anyhow." "But too startling, perhaps." "Possibly. Thf others are all rath er com mon. Doles Ivanhoe strike you? I rather likle Ivanhoe Brown. Or, if we wanted to give him a mid dle name we culd call him Ivanhoe Alcibiades Browrl." not certain I could alwavs spell Alei- biades correctly in derclothing." " L marking his un- "Plutarch, then!?'. i'Mr Browntthat' outrageous!" "Outrageous, o ve! Plutarch!- Why, what do yon mean?" . . "No child of mine shall ever be naniedafter the giwd of the infernal regions!" j ' Mr. Brown explained the blunder and passed on. j What do you say then to Galileo? There is not a single Galileo Brown in the directory." "Was Galileo an Israelite?" "No, love, I think not." I thought from his name perhaps ! he came from Galilee." said Mrs Brown, thoughtfully. I Mr. Brown wasj too mnch astonish ed to try to explain. He resumed the reading of his list: ' "Pelaliah is a! Scriptural name. Would voir care ! for Pelaliah? Pelal iah Brown?" "I think not," said Mr. Brown. "It sounds like an impeachnient of the dear child'? veracity. I don't think we ought to start him in life with an insinuation that he will be a storv-teller." j . "It might notbe right. Suppose then we call him Petrarch?" "Is that a Bible name?" "No, love, not a Bible name." "To be sure not ; I was thinking of St. Peter I think, William, I should prefer an American name, of some kind if we could find one.". "Patrick Henry, for example ?" "That is Irish'i "No : vou know Patrick Henry was an American. He was a celebrated patriot ; don't yoii remember fV "Itmav seem Very stupid, but I alwavs had the idea; somehow, that there" were twins,ione named Patrick and the other Henry!" Mr. Brown concealed his feelings and turned a newileaf of his list. . "I have a few Aztec names," said he, "that belong on this Continent and that are marked by strong individual ity. Tegozomoc for instance. He Avas an Aztec king." "Was his la-t name Brown?" "I think not No, I am certain it wasn't, and there ktas Nezohualcoyoti; he was a king too." "Our child could never put such a name a that on an umbrella handle.', iT,a id & Brown. "The king pro'bablv had no umbrella, Slot ted Tail; howeverj, is a native Ameri can name, 'which'! .m ., "I don't know. Spotted Tail Brown nii?ltrsiiiswer for" ' ' 3Irs.vBr )vn suddenly flirted out of the room with a remark intimating that she was, going home to her mv)t Iter's After khe had a good cry, ir. Brown foldbd uu his list and agreed to call the ehild Thomas. Our CknitlHcnt. . i . A RaiSroad Official Interviewed. . Not every one so, cheerfully commu nicates hl3 knowledge and opinions as recently did E. L. Lowerce, Esq., cashier of the Cincinnati Southern! .....nn7 t OF.w,u vuw w w. bout n from tpe Ohio. Our represen. j tativc waited upon Mr. Toworee, and ; in reply to certain quetions the latter gcntlemarijobserved: "I was suffer ing from a very severe attack of rheu matism in myright'foot; it was in a terrible condition; the painwa- almost iirtolerable; our f. family'"'" physician waited on me without success; I scut for another well-known M. D.,but even .the twain conld do nothing? for me; 1 could not get down here to- the oftice to attend to my duties; in fact I could not put my foot under me atl all, and after nine weeks (suffering I began to erow deoerate. My friend (whom, of course you -know! for he is known by everybody), Mr. Stacy Hill, of the Mount Auburn inclined Plane Rail road Co., called U see me;1 he spoke very highly of iSt. Jacobs Oil, and recommended the remedy to me in glowing terms. I laughed at the idea ofusintra nroorietarv medicine, and set the party recommending it, (Mr. Ktacevllill, remember), being a man J of sound judgment, set me to thinking the matter over, i The next day, wnen the physicians called I dismissed them and sa'id to my self that I would let nature take it.4 course. That reso lution lasted just a day. On the follow ing morning I, in a fit of desperation, sent a servant for a bottle of t.Jacobs Oil. 1 applied that wonderful remedy, and it penetrated me sO that I thought mv foot was about to fall off, but it did not; in fact it did jpist the opposite. The next.morning the pain had entire ly left my foot, the swelling was reduc ed, and really the appearance was so different altogether from the day be fore that it actually surprised me. I applisd more of the 3t.' Jacobs Oil, and that afternoon I walked down here to the office, and was able to attend to my duties and go around as well as any one. I jet me 'say for St. Jacobs Oil that it beats railroad ti"e, and is always sure to win. Cincinnati Unyuircr. Cioue Wila a Handsosae 31an. A Burlington man recently wedded a young wife. The lady bcame en thused over .Will Carletons tale of the elopement of a ' handsome young woman with a handsomer man, and, determined to try the samo thing herself. She wrote a neat little note, stating that she bad left home--with a gentlemaiit whom she had dearly loved before she had niet her husband, and that he need not trouble himself to look for them. Then she callcsd in- her yqunger brother and went calling with him, arranging "to return and hide where she could "witness her lioge lord's disniav. when he camo to read of her flights She from her place of concealment saw him enter, saw him look air around in surprise at her absence, and finally saw him discover the note. He'opened and read it, while her heart beat high with excitement in anticipation of the breaking out she expected to hear. , y The poor fellow found the cruel missive tore it up and throw tha frag ments on the floor; and then, in a moment'b' time, drew a revolver and tired point blrtnk at his breast, and fell without a sign of life to the carpet; with a terrified scream, the woniafi was at her husbaivl's side in a moment, lifting his head, rolling him, shaking him, turning him and hunting for blood, all the time shrieking to her William to speak to' her. William lay motionless, however, and the neigh borhood, aroused by , the" shot and screams, came flocking in to learn of the excitement, when suddenly, when a score Or more had gathered the dead J leaped upfromtheflooraswellasever, ' which the wif? fainted away. She soon revived, hojvyever, and then it all came out; the yopnger brother, being in symyathy with William, had let him into the scheme, and he had chosen thnt mode of punishing his joking wife. She jokes no more, but her- husband hak compromised on a pony phieton td keep peace in the family Burlington Jlaickcya. Itsoems that Edison's electric light '.experiments have been tested at the Government Printing Office in Wash ington;. and have, proven a great suc cess. On Friday lastsCventy of them were used as a substitute for twice that number of gas lights by composi tors -at their cases. The beautiful, steady wbite light gave great satisfac tion. Each one could be extinguished or lighted at pleasure, or all could be extinguished or lighted at once. It was also noticeable that when the gas was lighted the temperature of the room roe several degrees, and when it was extinguished the room became several degrees cooler within half an hour. The expense of the seventy lights was estimated to be ten cents an hour. . THE LAST OF GUITEAU. "No one need itiiagine," said District Attorney Corkhill to-night, 'that Gui teau will hot hang on theSoth of June. He w i 1 1 . Th can n i vcrsary o f that fate ful Saturday night will find him under the dissecting knife. I hear that .Scoville has desertefl the eae and will tile no bill of exceptions. Whether he does or not is a matter of no moment at nil. The Court in hanc will gnxnt nonc-xy trial. It has practi cally 'passed already upon everj- point that could be presented in nnypossible bill of exceptions. Every word and every act of Judge Cox during the trial Was the result of a conference with ail his brethren of tho bench. There is nothing to decided now, and the assas sin will never appear in a ''court, room j again. His next appearance irr public 1 will be on the scaffold. WIT AND HU&1QR. For The "law Wcio Smiles. UKB A. TREE. "Mis Kate, why are you like atreeT' "Because because-i-1'm board," she spoke. . Oh, mi because you'ro woo'd " said he. "Why are you like atrea ?" she said, asked so "1 have a heart ?" he low Her answer made the young man red: "Because you're "sappy, don't vou know." "Whv are you like a tree azain ?" He scratched his head this time audd thunk, And gave it up. "I'll tell you then,"j Siie laughed, "becauue you both get trunk." . i "Once more," she asked, "why are you now - ; J A tree? M He couldn't quite perceive; "Trees lejave sometimes and make a bough, And you, can also bow and leave." Whitehall 7Kme. One of our poWceman who had been laid up With a sore hand remarked that t while Jiie had a felon a. finger he couldn'tjlay aflnger on a felon. i "Ef de roosters-should crowl now,f said a colored preacher, "ebbery time a lie Is tiltl, as dey did at Peter, you couldn't! hear yourself talk, sah," - 1 . ' M "W,hdoes a dojikej- eat thistles?'? asked an Austin teacher of one of the largest tioyz in-tha claw. t'B2cau30 he is a jlonkey, I -reckon," wa tlie prompt reply. ' t A geptleman on Court Avenue went hpme night before last so bet cloudedjthat he was amazed at match going out when he turned faucet at the wash baaiu. 1 thH ! " 1 The njian who stood in front of hi glass for two hours, getting the right color onj-his . mustache, said lie was just "dyeing to see his girl." . f An Irshman having a small picture room, sjeveral persons desired to set? it at th same time. Faith, gentle men, ''if you all go in, it will not hold you." "I neverargy agin' a success," said Artemus Ward. "When I see a rat tlesnaiX head sticking' out of a hole I bear dffto the left. and say to "my self, 'that hole belongs to that snaix"' From anexteii3ive use of St. Jacobs Oil iji the editor.s family, we are able to spealf. confidently of its great wort !i in numerous ailments and fully recom mend it as an article most desirable to have on hand in the medicine chest. Stamford (Coim.) Herald. A correspondent once asked Hor ace Greeley, if guano was good to puW on potatoes. To which he replfed, that itmiglitl)e to one whbse taste was depraved by whiskey and tobac1 co, but for himsell he would prefer gravy and butter. 'I've been to see Mrs. Tittletattle," said Mrjs. Telltale, "and tha way she ran on about you was perfectly scan dalous.'! So she's been talking., about me, has she? asked Mrs. Brown, quiet ly. ' Yej, indeed she has,' replied Mrs. Tolltale with emphasis. What a good time you two must have had, said Mrs. ; Brown, with a sweet sniile. j . A New York firm sent a lot of bills West for collection. One of them came bijick with a memorandum on it; that thej debtor was dead. Sometime afterwards the same bill got into another! lot that was forwarded to the same place, and upon the list that came back again, the name was markt ed 'still dead." Hauralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soransss of iho Chest, Scut, Quinsy, Sora Throat, Sn-cflings end Sprains, Burns and Scalds, ivu-,., - Tooth. Bar and Itecdachc, Frosted reet and Ecrc, end an other rams end Ashes. To Prorviratfon on enrfh cauals Pt. Jacobs Ou, cs .n Exteni iiemer. : A trial entoil& but ijie campa.ra.ti cin haTe cheap, ftn.if.TiatiTe pnwf of iuciaisis. ' ZJC sunernip w un jciu Direction to new tancuages. - '- SOLD Bli ALL EEUMISTS AJTD DIL4.LCE3 HTV MEBICRTE. A.VQGEIJEK. Sc. CO., i. 1 -- i t ' : MEDICAL. j f ' FOB - : " ' j J. K. Oil Alt A. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , ENFIELD, K. C. Practice ia the Counties of HljfMt, EJre- combe unci w arrcn nn in the Snurnue undi W A Mil tTson. ' Atlantic Foundry, 206 Water Street. Norfolk v, Manqfacturer of Every Description of CastiDgs, Iroji and Brass, ,Xt short Notice and Baltimore prices. No Extra Charg for Patterns ou Hand . of which I have quite an Extensive Variety. Sgrlfytett Cash frite paid for MetaU. March 10 1 yoir. tf To tlio CUizsaef WilsB and Ad jaceiil Towns. : We, the undiirsigtted, Tour attfiition U ' Leg leave to call Tho Eichmoad IriEoof Paint & Cement Would be glnd to cat-respond with vou on the Hubjeci of your wu interest, We will warrant a tijjlit Ko-jfin everr i-.wtm d win -nd you the Heat cf TcKUmoniau app!i .atiou, Respttctf$l)r(' un r.L Kcn r.Kos. MaichlCSra (Jyldnboro, N. C. To the Justices of h Peace of Wilson , County: I Yu are hereby notified to meet in the tlie Court House ifi the town of Wil son on tlie fourth? Monday in i May 18S2, todetermin( Whether the In ferior Court of WBson County shall be discontinue'd. By order of the Board. :.' A. O. liROOKS. Chairman of the Board of Justices the Peace of 'ibou County. of t Having been appointed Receiver of the lte firm of Fafmer ob Wainwright, all persons indebted to them are here by notified to come forward and inakc payment, and tose holding climv against the sme iyvill present the-n properly authenticated for adjust ment. I I J. A. TYNES. Nov. 11th, 13S1. I:. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, ' HAVING qualified as Administra tor upon the estate of PENNIE EVANS, I hereby ; give notice to all porsons indebted, ;to make immediate payment; to thdso holding claims against tlie estate to present them duly authenticate! on or before Feb ruary Gth, or this notice will be relied on to bar recoverv. SOIjOMON LAMM Connor Sc Woodard, Attvs. Adrar. Feb G tf. ..'. Fxecutorjs wYoticc. Having qualified as executor of the last will .and testament of JACOB RENTFROW, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson CJo., notice is hereby given to all per sons indebted to the estate of said de ceased to iHake iihmcdiatc payment, and to all -persons holding claims against said deceased to present them for payment on or! before the Oth day of Feb., 18S3, or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ' PERRY RENTFROW, Connor & Woodard, Aty. Ex'r. J.JOXICK. " I . .. , - j - BY VIRTUE OF -A DECK EE OFTIIK Supeiior Court of Nash. Count aypriyed by tlie lion. John A. Gilmer ii motion liettie Whitley, infant by her Guardian B II. Bnnn. The underxigned will i wil before tlie Court IltxiHe Joor in. the town of N'aidiville, on Monday, April 3rd. 1X82. One tract ofland in Nsh County-, Noilh Carolina aHjinin the land of HenrrA WhitJev and others containing one hundred and fourtoen (114) ; acres, more or le. Subject to die Dower of j Mm. Jolly IJ. Wliiilev, which has been jh-J pitrned by nulls SB id bound TerniH: One Third cash lialaice;' at eiglit iooi)ths with interest frtm da if nale at 8 per cent Title relHined till 'iirchae n-.oney L paid. IS II. BUNN, Guardian and Cooimiwioner, Mch S4t. i Y0 TIC E BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF the Superior Court of Wilson County, made on the Lth day of rebruarj- 1882, and duly approved by the Hon. John A. Gilmer.1 Judire, in a certain NOTICE r j - , - - ' . --mv&-rj Ietition pending in said Court, filed i A Truthful account of the Abe4W b'v MARY K. CREWS, in her own i tionary War with the Secesh lbebel bebalfanl BESS I EC. JOHNSON, an j unioin (Shaktwperian Style, 5 acts, IS infant, offering by her guardian, the scenes 64 pages.) ' . ' r said MARY K. CREWS, I shall stll at tlie Court House door in Wilson, i ens Monday the Jrd day of April lfehi tliat , m rd stanton- Jiyses Grant, Win iffB Wm&wlimfP Rf portion of the lot in the town of jl-:,she'rmat Ik-njanun Butler, Parson! l&ABBiySWiy I o" Tarboro Street, adjoinimr N 7AfccI.r Horace Greeley, James Fisk, i : EflUa&3atiil BEaH Xi A, Mprriss JohTi D. ells, ihc;Jr Ft,frerson Davis Robert Tombs, j fctf f H H ft l 6n2Ar Daniel and others, beginning at N . A. Iexander Stephens, Pierre Beaurel V U ISm . iZfl , .uui rir criri v 'j"""" eard. Stonewall Jackson. Robert B. f T nr. leadwo sctiejsts or to- ; runHing witn saui Ftreei i ieei, men i i iiinr,hrnv ifarhai Til- ty. rretb.iiajo.tju-recM b 1 at right angle with said street 142 feet VZxi fS'i jYr "m" 'Zf' J"'""" i " , 1 u,5" . V CV 1 1 ratt, John Wilkes Booth, Harold. : JbU " wirj k line annul ieer. -wien wi juiu ii. m in - j- - i uoriinm hi wr Bpvpi,i,imi KT COmer, then Wltn jonn l).;. Inmnv; Privr. nrt Tir V'trv line, thence with; Morriss line 10 feet, cirnerinfir tFTence with said Jorriss' line 44 feet to the beginning, exclusive j of the building. Also that portion of. fsaid lot lvinir immediately back o fj the store owned by Moye A Nndal, lbeing21 feet wide by about -100 feetMnated; Booth Bui leted; MrsSur- o"cer. hor more particular ieicriDiion ! jjee the plot on file iii the office of the; : .w t- T . $1200 cash; balance on credit ofnine months interest from date at per I cent. Title retained until purdue ! paid. f 11. G. CON NUK commissioner. Feb.fT-tf. E L. HUNTER, D. D.S OFI'JCE AT ' k ' ' KNFmLD, n. c. 2-10-6U1. !VI ANSION HOrSE- XORKOLK. YA. M.S. JAMES, Proprietress, n ENLARGED, .Remodeled, Refur nished, Centrally Ijoiated, Good Ar comtmKlations, Rates Reasouable.2'Slf BOWELL A ROBINSON, I FASHIO.VAULi: BAllHKna. TAlinOKO ST., WILSON, X. C. Having opened a first-class Barbor- shop solicits the patromge of those who wish good work done. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. jJulylS-ly For Sale: A Buggy Shop with a trade of from four to six thousand dollars per vearin tha town of Black Creek. A good ' eu new busreies on hand which will Le sold. cheap. iheap.-Apply at once to Apply r W.S. ANDEIWOX, Black Creek, N. O. Nov 25, tf. notice, r'rjr In consequenco of the death of Goo. H. Gritfin.it heeomes necessary to set tle the bushnss of the firm of Griffin A Murray1. All persons indebted to said firm will please call at thoir placo of buaiueijs and settle at once. ' ; WM. MURRAY, i Surviving partner of Griffin & Mux rav. - . . '-- ' bee. 9tf, S W Seldiier. L I Q.O UR DE A L E No. 21 Roanoke Square, i NORFOLK, VA. n Orders promptly attended to and MchlO- Satisfaction Guarauteed. JAKE? N UP ASTRAY. SEVERAL MONTHS AGO ON MY farm near Wilson, I. took np astray three heifers, each about two years old; One of them was a white aud black siiotted, and another a light-red heifer, both having the name jnark crop off the right ear in the shape of a half-moon.. There was was no mark on' -tiie left ear. The third was a deep-red heifer, and was marked with a split s in the left ear, aud a staplo fork in the right. The owner can ob tain these heifers by proving property and paying the costs. Febr.tf :. -: W. T. FARMER. - THE, UNpiltSIONEI), have form ed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine in the town of Wilson and adjoining country. Returning thanks to their patrons for their liberal pat ronage; they solicit a continuance of the same..' .Office on, Nash Street op posite tho Court House latelv occupied by Jasj S. Woodard, Esq., where one, I or both, may be always found when not professionally' engaged t C. C. PEACOCK, M. D., " W. S.ANDERSON, M. D. Jan821y. R. W. JOY N E Sarj.fou lentUt, i e"Has permanently , located , !n Wilsoh, N. C. All op pc rat ion will oe hcatiy and carefully performed and Oil terms as reasoiiuble its m)rtsible Teeth' extracted without paiu. Ofllco Tarboro street next door to Post offlco Jan 3 12m. Sr. Im'i Srsit Eistrisil .' ! TUB TEAGEDY OF OR TUB . Rltenfull of JrfTe'rtntn DbtIh. Prixci pal 8cexb8 : . White House Troubles; Bull JVUII . Panic; Richmond Calico Ball; Pom wv and PriMv: Andersonvjile Ifnr r0rs; Richmond Burning; Lincoln As rtt strantried: 1MVIS JveCOnstrUCtOd. Grant's Jubilee Speech. and -Orand- j .f M'? ituu; 1 OilCC ' . , i ' PlICE. " CTH. (Send PoKtaee Stamp? iV Dr. C. W. Selden. Publisher, ! m Lexington Ave., New York City m PkixcipalChahactei: V&lffi&XZ House For Sale! v I offer my hous, with seven gocxt roonif, In the town of Black Creek feu ale. The lot U a largo one, eoutal r Iok two and oue-thlrd acres. Or.s acre In strawberries which give a g6o4 yield. Will be sold' eheapl My n-' ou furs oiling la that I am gottxji iv move. , . : . Addres, " ' ' ' : -. W. H. A N DERS'ON, ' ' ; Black Croek, N.. Nov. 23, tf. PETERSiJURO, VA, -He-DLstiller, Refiner and Wholuxr Liquor Dealer. 89 Sycamore Street, Keeps constantly on hand a full rtoc V oi liquors. Wines, Ac. Myor's roal; ile byLTH" WhUktv Elicited .kl-.'. satisfliction guarantocd. t'eh 10-3m. . K. MYERS, - TA.LBPTT & S053 .. Shockoe (Vlachine "WORKS, - HICILMOND, VA. lai)trfsctiu,-rf PurtnUle mid Utlouaey "Kii sties iinU Boilftv, Haw. Mill,"' Orn sa!. Wbat llilW, Slmftitig, Ibuic-rs and PalU Turbiim Water' Why Is. Tobacco' Fmclur MucliMicry, Wronlit hod W'ork. UriLs aii1 Irou Cwliui, Mutf.iucry of vwtj deojlj -t!on. . OINNISO 4- THRESFILVO if A CHINKS A al'ISC L LIT. Cepairiiig Promptly nd Carefully Doiio. . ' - ; ' . : Talbott's Patect Spark .Arrerter. The ItavrulleB nflhe A;e.. It do not dttfby tho draft. - It doc iiot interera' with .- anlivjf 11 lule. It will not o4ok up and ieju!r oe cUatihijt." . It" require no direct c'.amrH-ra to be tp-teed when mining Ktemii dHMincr being ob ject ioniible, as they may bo left open a ii kIIow tl:o ai ts P esc'tpo.J ' It requires no wntir to extin'jriuVh spai-vfl which, by cwuleniitMni, de!r) s tho drri. -lieMiics. wheu water )s uu;d,-if nlccted, tlio rlljciency U dot.royod by evaporative of ibe water, and tha boiler U kept lit r Bltby condition. . It U biinle iid durable aud cau be re.!J. upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should ba without one of thrui. liisuraiico oinpainVH Mill bth iru . glut, and banis where the Talbott Kiiiuii atid Spark ArrcHtm arc tii'ed at taoie ri as clmrg-d (r wal.itr hore pwer. r tx2ri"d lvt llluiTtiti3 eimilart w4 price lUt- ' T Uiancli IIotie: OokJithoro X, O,. J. i. Uuuser, Gtneral Manager. T. A. Qralngtsf Local Maiiagci . ti . " npl 4-1 2w Ge.JL Grlffln, Jr. Agcmt for Wil on, Nith, aud Frankllu oounties, At WILsoii, N.C. . , ' , Empire Plaster Mills,; WILMINGTON, X. V. We are prepared to deliver tho BEST KOVA SCOTIA FRESH GM'JKD PLASTt.V . f (OYI'SUM.) LOW RATES FOR I..AFX3U ITg. J. 11. BLOSSOM Si EVANS, FebUm WILMI.VGTOV, X. c. 1MERICAN HOUSE- a r(JllTSMOL'TH V A . MOST Convenient to nil Railroad Dv- pots and Steamboat Ijandlngs.. IUtw: First r Floor, p?r day, Hp, Second Floor, per day, SljO. North Carolina' Travel. Ls Rospt fullv Solicited. BROWN LEY SISTERS, Proy'c Feb3-'82-ly f '. PAT in nnrr of VnnrrM Safe KiAarr and I Jat fV., a, mark tw r in the iraxmnio( Hk-m irol f MaS frojn a irr.rU trepicl Iraf f r TtlQt . !u4 ijit ioratr bo:lt ot . srat xatta, a.pr'. irij r"iirr nn rp mom is VT'iT. II If it SS,. i ,.u--..ii, f .ri.i t.,.. n rl terer. ARue-MauirMl tritrr, and nil dtlBfu:. ifof Uw KkJofT. Uft rnrl frmarr frraiMi. It W an -xc-lU.-oi and nit ren-.ry f,r frmaWcd- "nc Vnraxcr. rfwrniooniiot5Uii.iri.itu.ii ant 'rrf,,hVrf f' w- up'WKai ai ipaxit uir iwini. i ini remenj, wr.icn nn uone uen vrona is pntnilBf.LAUrKST?:17.EIBOTTLKoi nfdicia pon tb murtrknud im H14 hr In-wrr'" TV-HVE F.NTS per ht. Tor TH.abet. o qmrt'forWABNER A FE DIABtTES CTRr, Ii te a PtITlVE Ken- y. H t. WAJTVE 1 4 W., nSf ir , Nt, Y , vAH rJp u .1 - m m t . , - j. m i l ' 1 'I . . - 7". V 1 i i i1. f: h ! ii M i i 1 j ' 1 V -1