f ? 2 1 W'ilsox, ?Friiav, " April 7th, 16 J0SEPHU3 DANIELS, - Editor. juiex to IVew-AitvertJcmeut.' Oh rist mm 1 v. V. S. Ajil(',i-.sou. I'livslc a i.-K. liiittlc. Jewelry. fii (i. (Jrady. Vant4Ml, P:-Jnjriter & (V)., (Jr n I OixMiiirj:. lulim Meyer. ('row. : ', . II. Itfrs: C.i ll. AVainwriht is in tow n. , A fine lt of Hats at AVarren'& liar- IH s.'j . '; ' v,- ' , -: :? 7 . ; liuythe- Cox Cotton t.-.t and, tJU atK'Kt. Planter the ... iii j , , , ,. led watches and clacks m.ide :il v lt,tmranvpi. i ... , ., ,., . : .Mr. h. Js. .Jordan is spend -ng a-. few davs in town. . i If vou want a iroodluie -o to vv. ' rei r:u iies. j your; SpHngiSuits;- U v ' 5 7' ' v j ntatione; v Pol- everything in the line go U llargiave's. : jM-i-o.-one ihi, hiMi i -iiii ixua wiute : Lm-efit Oil at Haigrave's. j Warren ' harnes lia ve a nice line' iif(;eT Furnishing (lord-. , . j jwfc.m:-ocuiii iiargiae s. (jii to Wairen &'. I Same i'for your n;ce lre.s (ipeds and Trii'iniing-. .Mr, Myer Straus h ft last Wednes day, lor tioUlsbomliLs future home. . f i Warren. & Iiarm".; have a 1 o' Ctitd , .... .r..u,,r iu.es oi.ppers - . HIJ .71 T . ci:. : Go to Ilargraye's and gel one of K san Forbtes, Miss A; A. Fortis, Kat thdie eh-gant -Library or ll.ill lamp-i. I man Fl wers Miss Frankv Gcer, Jas. M r. ). R. 'lay ton Uufvei-.-Kilist held services in the Court House Weilnes d.iy liighW . . 7 ,. ' Mr. l; (Ettinger an-fve l here last Weduesjd&y and will make 'Wilson his homelu tUeffuture.- . 7m4ttV 'JViMHlerbilt e6ntted Hiucide on -"Sunday last by shooting himnU'throngh (lie heart. ; TM Episcopal Cjavention iiMcinTarhoro May "10th, and tinue in se ;sioiilive davs. will c:)!l- We , were presen ted with a neat combination pen cum? bv very Move It 'ad"al who have them for sale at lOcts each, y ;f j ()iirjtm";ig;i is Itrgo anil attrae .tiw, and oii- friends lV,m the"Coun try nei'd have 110 trouble now in find ing our oihee. I ' ; Waync County hath done wlmt she 'u! l sir-; sen! it.ie eoiiVji-.ts to the he a! Penitentiary this wvek. Halifax so sent oife. ' Mx-dpvernof Ilolden was strick-i en .Wi-:n paratvsis at 'his home 111 i:i Pah'igh Sui.'ilay morning, - but now improving. - li i:n.is of a1. 1 -de.eripfions and la:n; findings such as cliuuney :, burners, tupods shaded globes at II 11-igraye's-Dnig Store. U 'Key. Mr. Cole of iJYwky Mount has -been in town several days this week bel)ii!g Mr. (iiiiin in a iirotraCted meeting at the Methodist" Church. IIju. J. Ji Davis Inn- accepted the j iuvita-tuni'to deliver the Annual Ad-.-lres Ik1 fore the Franklin Literary S we : Lv, 1 1 r 11 e r's ; 2 h d I8Si School, ou MaV The E uster ( Vlcbration of the Sun dav SohiMl of St. .TiniothvN Chureh will be held 0:1 Krister Sand iy. The lVae'e'isIon will move into the Church' at 4 P. M. : Ta Sifting-; asks "how are the pea bKissonis in our gardens f Thev arc eating them in. New IJ m ii"." Allmav-i eat jx-a blossoms who want them but a fo. ui w.'eau wait for peas. 7 Tia Anv'AxrR P.iblishiug Rune is inileetl a jaibHshing house in name and in truth. Besides the Advance Ave print Zious Landniaik, The Wal. son S f tings, and ...the Wilson Xtws, Mr. T. II. Selbyleftuilast Tuesday night for. Western eitie to purchase stork, lie will j open a Livery anil Sale Stable when he returns in the building recently'; occupied by-B. 11. Tyson. ; " , ;..' M r. C. T. Willis Proprietor of the -.Main on a Ojiera.I louse has had paint ed and placed in position a dro cur tain on which is j jainted the the ad vertisement of a gid many of our bus iness men. . -,k 1 '7- i - ' i Mr. Oscar McCullen. who has for the last two years been telegraph o erator at this place has a-4'epteil a po sition in New Berne. We are sorry to have-L McCullen leave usj but c.ongratulate him on his success in - obtaining a more lucratve positioiu Mrs. II. s: Perry, of Monroe, fills the place vacatod-by Mr. Mcthillen. For several : we?ks past our eol 'nunis have been' so ntuch crowdwl . with advertisements that we have been compelled to leave out import ant I d niatter we feel that weowe some. some, apology fo our readers for these omissjons, and feel suit that they will loar with us for a short while. We have purchased a new :"id improviMp power press which ,imnld haveieached jis a month ago hut which has been unavoidably dej Kve.d. It w.is," to have been shipped from the factory Monday and we ex lw t it to-reach lis alKiut the loth. We have iMjrfected arrangemeut-s to eiUiirge the pajier asoon as the press arrives and make itjthe largest secu . h-f pajer in the State.-- This will -enable us:to publish over.t luce 'times as much reading matter as at present. In view of this we trust that our subscribers will excuse onr shortcom ings for ; two or three weeks more when they will receive a much larger and K'tter paper for the same jiiou- ey. . -v.-- c lo un lrom tiie 31 essence r that rcl ivoinsm wax carried then Wedheyml .iy by ciainrlJhtlTlioniJi soiV, iftluinms county, ;tnd lMlil in the Insane Asyuuuv Tlw woman Jial Mrowcel her child " and Was n trial fu iiiu5ly:;, hut "her insanity be iuju'.e Hlye-Jtahlisht'd, Judpc tfhipp ordered hei' to be confined in the Av- liuu. - ;. - At the 'residence, of the 1rides father, Mr. (1. U. Ethrie,8uiid;iy the 2ml of April, Mr. L. B. JJexfhow to Mi SALLiii A. Ktiiukji:, Simon I5;:rne ,' K.-q., otticLiting. .AHhe residence of lr. Halyjioy- kin, .Mr, StkimikK lh KenfuoW t j ..lAuiuA nivuov, my. jjy. . kin oliK-iatnig. t t, "V. ' (J-Iatli 20th, 1882, ,v - ."nr-r ' " If. -Mnti.fi iV f At w-- inAnvnii ---.i- ,- ... .-. ,..ivyijii is CbniKAN. both of Wi-hbrn. . V - urn ( omtM-actov .1 AMa t!ie Directory nf. the( ot ton Mills hlife chosen a site for ' the location! of the FaetoryV ; They 'purchased t'ie land froin Mr. () Lm. seombe, on :the east side , of ..the rail ''Jyj'MMH'site "(lieene street, oi-k wu; sii ntiy i)ecoinmencel and HI he Faetni v will. vi bn?.'7 fi oiw.r.i. t:on at an e irlv date. The Dire-tors are energetic !minew men who will Ilivt'i.it in operation just, as soon as jmissjim A listof letters s inii istai earns . 1 , - 4 wholly: rrit :"ten Tenmiuing in the 'Post Oii'iee at Wilson N. '., April 5th, 1881- 'Miss .Martha IUackman (col.) A. .1. Ihirton, Mi-s..Jessie Blow, Miss ocia j v.a . ..N mi Crapps, 3Iis.s .Jennie -Cox, Benjamin 1)aYls Iiss; K. A porbl.s 4) 3Hss nines, .iiss .uary ..leiiKius, jirs. v. J. Pender, Mrs, Ajaj-yOdams, 'x If the almVe are tk failed for in 1 wc'ki Ihey wiU be sen! 1 1 the Dead letter Olliie.' ZsL C.DANIKLS. P. M. The WiluaistoN 5 &- Kalkhjii li. P. The ITarboro "Sou.thern;er'r says that work is progressing on Wil liamston unci Kaleigji rail road and Col. Mc.Al;inee, chief Fngineneer, says that eight smiles had begnil on6hljiload)f if m Imd aiirftiL ami t wi otbers ex)ected, and that over one hundred hands were iiyw; at work on the road. " ! : - i ' ' s . j , In speaking a'ioiit. meetings being held in various places 'with a view to change the roihte; he said that he as MMit d )wn hereto buiil arailroad from Williamstou to Tarlxiro; there Inid been noehange in his instmeiionsand he did not t hiiiik there would be any Counting rainy d iys, 20 day's win k has been done! on the road, and tj'u road, work done shiiws that they liuve hot been idle. The Engineer thinks! it proba ble that Work will be begun on thisend of theiine soon. 7 j The question for us is '"what is Wilson going io do about it ? If ve get the road' wf' must wake up and m ike gre iter eliort than we have yet made. , 7 liAII.UOAi) M.KKKTINii at Pk.nv IIu.L : The Citizens of Penhy Hill and vicinity being.ajtmsed . to tie necessity 'of 'jlvail Ifoad facilities througli their section met in a large and enthusiastic meeting to confer together in regard to the. Seaboard and -Paleigh railroad. On motion of CaptJas li. Thigpen, P. E. Mayo Esq was ihiidel chairman and 'li. C. AVarren secretary tapt. Thignen was eailcd on to explain the object of the meeting which, he did setting .forth, in an explicit and convincing mahner the Hiuiiv advantages to. be derived from a line through this section -AA compared with . any other roii. Col. Elias ('air being called on readi; lv responde nonded in a fewHeffectiye re- marks . On motion it was dered that the chairman appoint. a .committee-of three to drangft ttsolutioiiV expressive )f the ,setise of the meet ing Messerss F. L. Thfgien, John Walston,' nnd J.. V. JAnUr- were ap liointed,' after retiring for a time the committee otl'eredtKii folloyingiiich were.n!ianinnrsIril;Vted. Whereas we the pcople.iithe vicinity of Pen ny Hill in meeting assembled " are desirous of (Training railroarV facil ites, do n'spfH-tfulIy" request the direo tors f f!ie 'Seab(ar(Pantl Kaleigh railroad to examine the route via., Penny Hill and! Wilson to Ralegh. For we are confident that this route will be agreed upon if compared with the route via. TatlKinV We are like wise sure that if Paleigh liad the obiective iMint at first been then Tarboro might have had a branch road,. while the main line wouhl have passed througli; fins section for the following-reasons. ,-"- ; 1st. This is the shortest and cheats est route to Paleigh. L'nd, This route will be free from that competition! which must ol neces sitv exist in a line that has all the necessary transpotation iacilifcies by railroad and w ater. V , i 3rd, TlieiQ Nnot at letter agricul-; tural section in psortlt: Carolina thauj thei proposed 'route eve:y foot of which is in need of railra I. j 4th, Statistics will show that the! merchants of Tatlon) do not handle as much cotton as the fanners ami merchants in hnver Ivdgecoiube and upjxu- Pitt Counties, nndpiay i$ lie remembered that this cotton is ship ped via- Washington N. C- th, - We would like to know why t lu merchants of iTarboi-o couhP not 5 hiTtheii-fwirHvM Penny Hill an Williamston chea)er than by: Wash ington when the distance, is .shorter, and traipot&itiba Jwoiilil be -niore; : s - - (th, AVe are suie that f a road by Penny Hill and Wibjon to tiie Capitat State will not pay.a handsome', divi dend then Ave cannot concei yr.of u that in, n im Mam a icrrii aim nu iiry j eountry lor your road then we offer.; that not j excelled by any in the i fit. tc'' . i - statt (jtli, If you Avant a road through' the most densely populated section then this is the line. tth. If you desire your road to go tliroiifrh a heavily -timbered country then this is the route bemg more, abundantly supplied (and. of greater variety than the" one promised bv Tarb oro, that having been culled over for m any years. 10ih, It'jyou want a line that will require less bridging ami heavv grading then w . ms;ilwlt;.1,. 1 e recommend to vour this bevond mie.stion. llti,? Ify,m want that which must !of necess::v in the no distant future lb,, an'arti.ie of commerce for trans- I'l"" lowilfUrti li Jill II IN Willi II HIilV O .i' , . .. J. Ah nmcli as the shell lime, shinned from. Virginia ami the eastern shore of our State then we have it in this route iib iiuwhaiistibie qnantities. I2thl In conelnsion if von want to - spend vour monev in a road that j will ay th largest jn-ofit and the countrv thi-oii'di wliich it i t iw feel kindly tow a Ms them, this is the line.. And;should you feel under any obligations to Turboro then give them a branch' road with the light iron that is on that art of the road. Therefore, Bksolykp, 1st. We are willing tosubserilie to the capital stock and also give the right of way tor depots, had side-track purposes free of charge. - Tsn. That a "coniniittee of six be ajpointed by the chairman t.) solicit subsection of stock, the rig'nt away etc. , -- f ' '-'.' ' " V. L. TlIKiPKN, ) .Iohn Walstiix, I Com. J. i LlTTLi:. On motion a eonnnittee consisting of .lohn Walston, 15. F. Shelton, (i. A. Stancil, .1. (1 Little, L. W, Peaspns, Jr., and V. Uarrell was ap)oiuted to t in coni'oi niity to the; foregoing res olution . with iiisf ructions to report at a meeting to! be held at this place Aj nil th, 2 j M. The Secretary w; s insti tuted to furnish a coj)y of these proceedhigsit'j the Tarlioii) uSouth eriier," Wilson AliVANf'K, and "East ern Jvetlcctoi," aiuf request tnat they be published. The meeting then ad jouriietito April, ,1th. ' li. E. MAyo, Chairman. K. C. Wakukn, Secretary.' J Section al Tc vSw PaiufieliVX. March, 30th 1882. ElJITOlI ADVANCli: . .This town distinguished for 'its in aessibilty from the cut side worh as many "commercial tourists" can testi ly, is situated; in the most highlv fa vored agricultural sextion of the State and contains labout two hundred in habitants Evidences of progress, and ilevelopinent confront you on every side and the indications are that Fairfield fs destined to become a commercial centre of ;some impo tance. The people generally arein telhgent -and genial, and noted for the princely hospitality they dispense. The sale of alcoholic liquors istrictly prohiliited. within a. radiu of five miles and in ;consequenee tiie com-' inuiuty ls-ilistnignisheil-as prominent-. iy poavvableahd. law i biding.." The people are so averse . t litigation that they fiuffer themselves to be defraud ed rather thaii invoke the majesty of law, and as a residttliere is not a resi- dent disciple otCoke in the count V. The Met!iotist church here is an on'iaint'hty'tiietow'u, and a marvel of aivliitectuil beauty, as well as a standinnnonumuent of the lilierality and sei sacrificing devotions of. its membership, i Its pulpit is ablv and acc)tably filled by liev. Win; J". W'i vho is very popular and highly steenicil because id" his earnestness, eloquence and conservation - to ' his work. The tyXyuUtlHssedvith an institu tion of learning of rare excellence, the "Fairfield Academy," conducted by Prof. (J. W. Arlington, whoso-' pro found learning, experience and won derful affability of manner- eihminent ly qualifies him for "Tiie delightful of rearing- the tender thought, i . "And teaching the voung idea liow fo ".. short." The writer atiendedthe, usual reci tation :fe(ises im "Eriilay. last, and takes i)leasure in commending the "Fairfield Academy" to tiie patron age of parents ilKsirous of qualifying their children foi- the ordinary -.business and professional pursuits of life. Miss Lessie Arlington, who has been oh a protracted visit to relatives in Henderson, has returned to the delight of a host of friends, and ad- I mirers. i C.d. W. STATE OF .NORTH CAROLINA,' ! NASH COUNTY. Before the Superior OOnrt Clerk. David Hone ami Tii.-ili Hone, his vrife. Wvatt I.' I'olan , Laura M: l'olanJ, Tinali' II Poland, J-lin 1J. 4'!an.l, P..hud, " William Poland, Nicholson Po l.md, Joshua 1". Ltwis i-d M. Lewis, Plajjititlk. .;-," - . vs. Nbtice. 1 Jol n Fi-lier 4pd Mary F FWier, his wife. Samuel Kuthran and Eliza Jane Ruthrai. Iiis wife. .Defendants. In tliispei'ial ' pf-oceeding instituted on the 20th of February 182 to sell f.r partition cofwrceriTers certain real estate, lying in this county, whereof Henry Poland died, seized, possessed, the complaint has been duly filed in the office of the Supei iortCourt clerk of thi county, and the dfifendents above-named, are hereay notified to appear anil answer or de miir lo said conplaiH,;' or before th 29ih o.May lSS2; othei wi tUe relief prayed, for in tie complaint will be granted; - - Nasiville, X. C. March 6tl. 183?. . i UENJ. II SORStfY- Clerk Superior Court. E. Battle, M D. Offers his profes-sional services .to the publie. . Office opiwUe Briggs Flotel, Vilsdn,X.'C. April T-Gui line from the Albamnrl section will. i taiAXTEU j " " f a ko,ki ru??rV wbrkrr.an,of study habits to work in thf Coach Shop in Marlboro, N. C. Applv to ' ! F. JOYNEIl A CO.. 3f:irlboro, Pitt county, IN. C. ..FRENCH'S j: Superior Cologne ! i? a fragrant and la-tfnjr perfume for the toilet and handkerchief, 2octs a vial FRENCH'S VirginialonfcBit ters cures Dyspejwia, ChilE- and Fever and all disorders of the liver and 4toni "ach, '50 cents pr. bottle. FRENCH'S ITT1 ii Ui Never fails tn care IiArrhe:, Cholera Ior!)us 1'ains and .'ranips in the stomach, 25 cenjts a yial..:j FRENCH'S j ARMICA LINIMENT ! Is the bot for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Headache, TaiiH, liruises, &c, t ' 50 cents' per bottle. - j r-.rri-';:' -r. FRENCH'S India niinhpr I .pmpnt The best in the world for mending broken Furniture, Toys, Wobd warw, Ac. Price 25 cents a vial. Manufactured only by WM. E. FRENCH, j Wholesa'fe l)r-pQit, I 7. . 2;2 Sycamore .Street. iV-eniburg, tVa. . "' . : ') ' Azer.t for fawn-nee & f Martin's TOLU ROCK and KYE, and POWKblS PKK .'ARKO CHEMICALS, jf.ir '.inking! ) er tillzers. ' W in. K. FJIKXCIr. luhT, lv i w mm W Jt t-i zJ i, - .CM rXZ 4 . X- r: 3 C3 r. s i"C,o' 1 uaolsra anaDiamieaMixtflrB - - W Ti if) S 0 3 1 & - 1 , -.g &.xz s - i z r2i ".Pi '1H-l K-' t; e, S b r w. 'U - H ?r PV ri k i - o s 5;. . CS t-rzjz FO'STfcTo Piedmont Special Fertilizer. CSfW-r: give b tlicv are we'I knowiv flor officuI Analvsi jof our goo ls now offered lo tiie Planters of N.. C; tliriiuhoit t!m State (and we rfer wit'i coati Jeuce to. all who have giV n irevioits season!. 1 ! ' en them a fair trial in irevioits season, 'ri..... A 1 i , i in-jr met :irtjfu:lv c;tn;)-jnnle(l of thej best material, in tiie proportion shorn by ex iiisfte for the successful growth ami ?n;ftnring of tiie Cotton Crop, .and we do iMriwon, qn-Iitv:-and results consi.lered, "as to c!ie:ipne, with aiy .brand -on penence as refpusfte not tear a com it: the nrirket. 'I hey , are ofli-reit by our Aetits l . l . . " no not unuenaKe 10 compete in pnee per iin, Icrtlhzer. liuyers should con4ler tliat the freight and chafes on a ton oJ are the same :m on thoe of high value and. tor thin reason if no other Tiie Best. Are Water at .212 SubiMc Pho.sporic Keveited " 13.63 eid .90 " 4.99 Total" Avail. Phosphoric Acid 10.89 per cent. Insoluble, " " j 2.20 percent. Nitrogen, ! l.0 per tvtit. Potash, 0.9G per cent. CommkrViaiValuk Pkr Tox (2,00 Lb-). .$3S.07. (Sd.) Clias. W. Dab ney, Jr., Director. . ' For Sale by . . .. 1" Mines, lladle & Co., Wilson, I ' WELLS BA I LY,Toiwiot, 7 , , 1 GIIAS.H. KlNfi, Tarboro, And by our Agents throughout the State. ' ' y i DivnvnvTfii' Avn ai P'fi ID.. i lie iiuv uyHiuiu i in: uigcsi mi Best Sehxled; of Spring poods ever offered in Wilson. Full particu lars will appear next week. PS -Our stock of Youth's Clothing is and examine it he fore pure are offering hargains in that line. - ' r " 'i.'- '.'. 1 ':. . i ; THE Christinah Plow. 7 I (iUAPAXTKKl) t() PE TIIK BEST IX Til If iMAUKKT.. HAS. THE BEST BECOMMEX DATION. FOB- SALE BY W. S. AXIVEHSOX, WlLSOXj X. ('. pr7-tf Prolpctioa aaa I ir lu arcnee Polky . IX! THF .ETNA LIFE INSUKANX'E COMPANY. 1 Better than lending) money at S per cent, witn morta";ei security nroiertv. V. 1 - f':nriui- vJ on of ertie county, at the aro of t7. !- ityincd a ioliey of 5,01)0 uooti the ilan Of paying .10 AXXlWi, ' IXSTAtMKXTa. He has lived to complete the 10 pav- rI88, ,nakin ; ttai ofji. ;n-jan- to. Mr. Gu.rley, in caslr: Here is Vhere the investment feature comes in. The above'statcMiMMit Ls tlip practical result of a wise investment,?of : showing con clusively iroteciion against the un certainty of life,7 and j also a superior investment in a numher one, first class Company, witli more than twenty-seven millions of good, available assets, tonake good every contract. ' f- -. . : ;'-. AGESFROM 17 Td GO CAN BE . . TAKEN. V . f) . Te popularity of the! .Etna Life In urance Company, and tho peculiar 'advantages of its special methods of Assurance, indicate(hhy its largo and increasing business, renders its eon tracts particularly advantageous at this time. One of the oldest and best. Chartered in Mav, lSt0. V. H. CROW, " Manager for Cam. Unas and Virginia, Apr-7 F OR SALE. The hou.se and lot belonging toMrs. Kate J. Foy, situated jn LxJge street next to the old Battle 'Hotel, now oc-k cupied by Mr. A. G. Person. For t.Tins ainly to - i . F. A. DANIELS, (iohlsboro, N. C, Or Josephus Daniels- Wilson, N. C . NOTICE My Son Jesse Ruffin, fifteen years old, left m.v-. house about two weeks ago; All )orsons,are forbidden to hire ;r harbor him under the, penalty of the law in "siich cases ihaqe and -provided. J j - Discription color dark 'brown has a, long foot and long hands and fingers wears an old slouch hat., Information as to his whereabouts will be properly rewarded;. Address. 1 : RiciiAHi) RufkixCoI, Black Creek, N. C- Mar. 31-2t T at the lowest price the c wt will allow, but we . t i . i - ix - i e I . w.aii any ami evervinmx onereu nr satt as a inferior goodi-, Tiie o:h.ea,;p;est. Raleigh, 31. C, Hjirch lOlh. per cent. i Kq'uv. to bone Phohate 23.77 - " " Ammonia 1.91 er cent, per cent er cent 38 8. Charles Street, Baltihiore, Md. ' Men's. Boys and now completeXall asmg as we FO ! - - - - .-. t - ' 1 0 X HAN D '-; 1 P I W E I S LAND I" III00TONS GUMOioof? IOO TOWS OF BONE AND 3 Q:, '. -V V. ",,'ft;wn ro"" barjmin 1 t. 'tt4 1 ';I.V'l:fi" hnsl w 5mC, I?KAIC . HITY. tnw Mvm uirmerein mis ami adjoining itiunUen. A FULL SUPPLY OF j:ijit gJ-Ahvays on hanI, which vr 111 Unsold at bottom prl-a BYN UM,' DANIEL & CO., 1- W, T. BLACKVtl.L & GO, Durham, ft. C. Unn'xctrr ef ti Origin! ar.l Ccly Oenuia A i's i Vill Blackwell's IS TUB FIX EST, PURIST, BKHT, '"AND MotJT CNiroUM BRAMUOF BAMMft TOBACCO KVKlt 1'VT CPON TMK MAliKkY. M () MiLlnTFCTtXRIJSS Off Durham Long These Goods We offer nadcraa Isolate Gaaraalct Tilt They are the finest and Purest 1 iThey consist of the linet Tobacco, and purest riee paper mtu'r. Merchant jgf-We take pleasure In calling your attention to the? Iihndumeat lt :3 Goods everbrouglit to Wilson. Tliey ar Elegant pESIGN Consisting- of English, French, f.nJ Austrian V(fK;Iens, .Went of Eng! k i Brojulchrfhs, West of England Melton, Worsted Coatings, Herge Key , " -Tricots, Fincy Trou Heringn. .Ac. Tlmy will bomatle up in the latest style. Perfect' tit. .Tho flucv Trimmings, and at pricew that defy competition. Opportunity of obtaining fine custom-made clothing forinen and hoy ' ' orded to all who will embrace it Now is tlm time to get fine goods at r; 0 : . ess cast tlian can he had anywhere hi the tlnitetl ytates, at Greenwood & Belsmeyer. (HjCH Stock for the Sprirg and iHumnp?r trade -is now rompJte, iinil we no hesitation in saying that we Jivc the mt complete lino of goods , orougnt nere. our siwk oi d u e: s s Compriwea aU the latest novcltie, anch zb KhauUtoe. Jloire, 'Smrm VfiUnjj, Hol :'. 7 Foulard, Ac., Ac. In CLO T H I NG, W have a full nrt'tinf. from. th brJin.i-r cotton an4 Hner niiiu ti tiie Cneirt Ii-ix . nal-i. Iluiket Worsted aud l!rlclii h. To thix branch of our Uuinim w have p. -I sp ciat attention thi reason, and are confident that we can mi it alni4 muy tate. Shoes! Shoes! - -' . ' ! -. - . - ;;-We liave ofar dea'trable qaality inclu-lin's saom of di VERY .BEST CUSTOM-M (: ,. Iirnisliiiig Goods Clotlii' '"aritln; Matties Oil Clothe, Crocberj, Ac, we Lt io Urg? Rfttpectfullj, Mar.24-tf. . lHf T -' CTnm o- M A WHOLES A LK DEALERS IN j HARDWARE. CUTLERY. GUNS, Ac CORN Ell MAIN ST., AND -.MA11KET l-JUARE. . 1 PEBUVIANt In tim. Thenhovc celeb for thepa.ttwo oiw Highest testimoni Is Our uLftlra for merit I bod cpod the Ckc that chemical i auaJjrli proros that the toboooo i 1," b onr Bdotloa is bottor g otltiHcd to make a C OODJUr.Ii, satl factory nmoka thaa ANY 3 OTHET. toiaoco cron ia the work! ; and lug fcitcatod la 'i the IlEAIiT of this fln tohabco M sccuon, i-. save uu riua of y tho ctorlns. Tho public ap foelato this; houoe our aalo EXCEED tho produota of AJ-"' the leading manu&ctories com- a blntd. w yor.4 equina beam tit trad'-vvrh of t)U JCtiH. (hxxls upon the market. ' T yinO JpOLOR I NG, 188 o O D ; .DurliasT; Cut and Durham Cigarette ailorin J. & D. (ETTINGER, SUCCESS)RSTO II ROSENTHAL, While IrM Front, NORFOLK. VIRGINIA. 31arch iOth, 6 moqt;.. IS! 1 if -4U 1 , t ii ... i t s 1 i m i i 1 ! 7 1' !. 1 ,. Hi A? L hi 1 n 1' .if! 1 Jj! i r 1 1. I' ll if H 1 i ; 1! -1 i li 1!;