M - H; KY MOUNT. X. C. Mrs. J.E HARDY, Proprietress. nji vviv 1TiO i!''1 Ii.iV. - OOOD rooms and atteutive servants. JlacK meets an iram. jjaiivu. ; e b blamire, i . -I ... . : 14G MAIN STREET, NORFOLK, V A., mjiicell iiot'SE " ! Agentjioruie snic 01 Jfuiicnea cr..cejcDraica VI I Af I VflTftV. X. C i PnttortiH Niv-Stsrt'nfr St vlos rHMVrl Snrwl flrir caaa'mriiA.-' RECENTLY refitted and under entire : . Also ODeni:jIr new" Smk Vroolls .dailv. Percales Cambric: new management: 'I erms. 10 , r j . . ' ' ,. . .Madras tringnain in great .variety, sample tent on application. R. L. 1'EUIlY. I'nirift)r ADDRESS CARRIAGE. 1 .ft e w ; Firiiii ST ii!, & K w Prices. GKIWIN& MURRAY. eoldboro$U Wilson. X. G. March 10 3m 15. 13. 331aiiiix-e, NOKf OLK, VA. ", ; -r.-. . " t-iirts Va,,. Wjirnes.-, auU all kind o! v iiug vehicle.; m: WIikJj will br soldat th lowvi-l pbibl fljnr.', - uwou la.ul ;i nice una -Wt slottc r . '' ' - ' - j pn srn low a tht lowt. ure and cnl! on ti l-ftuip tny,nj ilactjn ynaniulrd iu mrjr 1 ; cte. JtrpriiriitK "ally nd. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE 1' : i WRERIRI' .WKITEHURST CO. Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of . GOLD PLOW. Tin; Wnsox Advance! Wilson, " Fkiday, April 7th, 18s2 Essay on Spriug. i 111 R INEVERmRIETYT W.PIHE& WALNUT MANTELS, 2No!49 Light Street,- 4 r.T. MOVE K.M.XAWAT, MOYE & NADAI, "Wholesale mid Rctaiiv DRUGCISTV rea'ors in Drugs, medicines, Dye . t ifl's, Perfumery, Stationerv, k I I'atont incdivimr, and Chem iealsal.-o keep i 3TIITE GIQARS, i j h i a n ett j:s n i eav i xc j a x d SMOKING TOBACCO, ; Uamonc lotton Plow -- "Which have no equal. Give them a ; TRIAL. ,! ! - .. J Spring is the -time, for sowing the city women sew shirts at forty -five cents per dozen. In the city, at so the wicked sow tares and reap fears. And everywhere in the spring time men sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. Spring is a sea son that moves people especially alKiut the 1st of May. It is the season. for. raising thiugsj The first tiling generally raised iii the sjiring is the rent.. After that) comes spring radishes 'ami greens, j Insects also come m tue - spring. The niosouito consult.4 his ledget and makes oat his, hills For the .sum inur. Earwigs lay in a fresh supply of legs. Domestic aiul household! insects resusciate themselves am crawl and bite in, their little lieds. All nature stirs. r - Sjiring als stirs' up t'fie thea trica combinations and the hienageries. The trained beasts im animals . ol all sorts and. prepare . to take the road. The train dreams oflreslj lields and pastures new, lone farni housed where lie may lirid the wo men un)rotected making strawberry shortcake. i Spring conies, every year. If brings new clothes to some and new fashions to all if theV can affont s s more MM J TflE IFB01 WITIf THE OLD RELIABLE PA CIFIC A CJD PIIORP1IA TE giv en up to be the best Fertilizer placed on the murket. by'the bet Farmers, not only iu Wilson county but adjoining counties. We only ask 50 pounds of MIDDLING COTTON per ton. And will plant by the side of any Fertilizers sold in our market; even those at 45 middling per ton. Weeouldgive huindredsof ctrtificates from the best men in the county, but our Phosphate beng so'well khown.to our Farmers and having been tried for many years,and in every instance giving more than hitisfaction, we deem it unnecessary, (five us a ejdl before buying and we will prove all w e isav. J. Lt WEAVER & CO. SEND YO U R ORDERS FOR JJE7ELRY ARTHUR C. FREEMAN; 1141 Main Street, Head Market Square, Norfolk, Va. ' DEALER IN DIAMONDS, WATC?IIES,' JEWELRY, ic. -MISCELIxko 1865 Sycamore Strw-t, Pftmb, y GRAVESTONES of every description, rnaVl tn , rangmgin prie frorAm,? wnt by mail postage paid with ., enclosed for return. Whw received they are filled imd n i . If the work oT pun-h;isers are requests tW MY tTafo'.M vtriThKiH of th roiiuirr.. I. ; - VWIKIav U Pint Imiiioiiiir O-0R--C INFALLIBLE CHILL CURE. Th'o attention of Drui,,u - V Dialers grnendly iscallrd tothi valuable medicine, w hich i wan , k fore the public and mediral r. .?." undisputed a a cure for Fever 1 Ajrue, Bilious and R5mittinir T. ! Dumb Chills. Enlarwlr.ir ,r OFFERS M t;fvl.- t tin.,u. iit - j ... idispsisn rlIn Da U lies nnd .Toyi-1 7....: i i0.... " , '"""""i.i; jo-wiw. n is Engraving free of charge? Vvatehes aK Rl"8 on hinfl- miasmatic poisom Send your orders by ml and they' wilf e ronv fi fied WarnJnted-! "ostrum orUtent no r i to cure all fli-on. KM t.. c,wnin t ranse from malarial poion. wkt.V , are very prevalent in Eastern r-r-ii na, x onrammg a very valuable pr,; aration of Iron, it renovates th hWr : promotes the appetite and in a muV infill ihilitir fiw.n.' . . . " laiiiiuiiiv I mm o?na nf i citizens will be furnished uimn bi,k cation, and ifit fail to give ..ffl'i" them. Usually it b r i ii clothes than people can afford to buy and fashions than they can afford td follow. Yet Spring brings with it the old clothes people have 'worn all lasf winter previous! These can be turn ed and dyed and made over, we will 24 tt 26 Union Ktroot V.,ii, tr:!-.. MAVL'KU'TT PVTJB n r,,.. . Virginia. i cniiim, nmi -.ii it. lail' to tive nxtu, MANL ACTLRLKS OF VARKIAGHS, BUCJGItS AND IIAK.NtSS OF KVF.KV K1XD ' t5 hea USed according to direcSoV; t.-.- . - ' i the raonev will h fnn.i.j " . -.. ..... iumicu, f rABBB. not say into new c'otluv semblance of the new. but into tlui FOR SALE BY Wells, Bailey & Co. J D Wells & Co o b 2-8m Wil?bn, N.C. ... , Toisnot, X. C. J W 1 inrs, U 7i hh-t Ham, (Jin, Ap-pk- and Prfiirh :jira,ulifo iti di , ,. final iu'iiL'!i. Proprietors and manufacturers of V;. MAN'S FKIKCli, NKt'ISAI,(;iXK, ri--M AI. K 1 'II. r-S.f A PA X K K 1( )(r U -A CI 1 1' iTlto 1S, 1 .V I ) I A N" (' X bl'Ml'TKi.VAMX'OHiH KKMKDV, At. ' State agents for "Dobyn's Sure Cure A.r Cularrh, -Neuralgia and Headache." B&i-Prescriptions carefully; com . ounded da'v or night.- MOYE NADA'L, t t 28if J , Wilson, N.C. ,Wiy!)WAitl)S:. 'i . SALE AND -i Exchange stabLes OT. finlfislinrnlinwl Rnnino'. j. Wilson, N C. Having just jteturned with a 1'iie and well scle?r ed lot of T K anos f sos Msm, n -- r ! - ' GENERAL HGEKTS FOR rtliif-kprinop .C- Rnn -ititflf 'Arvflincl-ilr' I1?- Uem Pianos, and Ja;on A Hamlin, Shoninjrer and Pelobet Wm. A. B AUBREY, Agent WILSON, N. C. The St. L-uis (3Io.) Post-DispatclJ at the close of a long article r savs: ! In fact St Jacobs Oil is )iishing all other remedies' out of the field, and, excellent . though some of the lini ments, formerly, offered are, the ef ficacy of St. Jacobs Oil is magical in cases of sciatica,.- rheuma tism, pleu nsy, neuralgia nerv(is headache, lumbago and scores of other disor ders ; while in the case sprains burns or injuries it is ah absolute panacea, and for general use.is better than the advice of many physicians UA word to -the wise is sufficient.'' Extension Top Carriages, Jump Seat o o , , tyPKie, Side-bar 2-2-1 y Surry Wagons, Side-7?ar Top Biiffffies. Pan! n.- d only by Roekaw ay, Canopy Tm Phatnn I HENRY 1 ony Phwtons, Sidtvbar O-en Buggies, Dexter Buggies. WALKER -BROS.. BR ERS KD Ml N UFA C TUB I.S 6 CORFECTIO N EftS 10BACCO, CIGARS, SVnpps 2iaTS: NUTS. VIHEGAS. CIDER. TET SOAPS- SC. ' ' Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. iGIlIA Aug2 4m C.SITAWnv Druggist and ChemiiL. 66 Wwt Centrt t!p" , Ooldnboro, N.'c. Feb2'321yJ JOHN CLARK, JR. & COS JffiELSlBR COOK STIVES ! l'rm I'ersoniil IIxrioiicO J. W. BEASLEY'S 1 - ' I " Sewing Machine and Repair Office, 105 Cltnrcli Strcci,. Norfolk, Va." i i ,7 9. CoinplH'll Street, New Orleans, La., 3Iarch Ifith, I SSI II. H. Warner & Co. : sirs I know from personal experience thatyoui Safe Kidney and Liver ('ure. is i good tiling ttr chronic liver difiicul ty.; ;- . :. . - - . J. Ii. McCuXXELL. Here uml TJicre. ' -i.e.-..- i ... - I in now prepared to fill an- ..er ,.lwm i?70 to -JOO in; the :y of stock., j Any person in -lit of a ccod; ' M ' ' , M ae h i nes t h or o'ughly reiairod and made to w ork Whpre can lo found any of the leading fir?t-elass sewing machines at BOTTOM PRI CES. Scud for price list or call on me before pur chasing elsewhere and save nmney. Needles, Attach- rii ulc will find it to theiV ad-! "!T"u ""J- uae io example my stock fore buying (elsewhere : , Redurning thaids f r past 1 1 ronago and; sqeking a ;fon luanceof the same. ' s 1 ain Very llespectfully,! . . W, ' ..Kp WARD'S,'"" t Sugc k Kd ward's old stand. Take Notice.! Any person siring a good ianiily oi: driving rse, Can buy him at m Stables der a guarantee.; V lost Equipped School "IN NORTH CAROLINA. -.vs a b'nterested Professions : . rt, of large aiul sueeessfu 1 -expel employed by our State to visi .. 'dress all cur new white State . ami .-c(K)is,4ii reference to the IBROUN'i i . - I as good as when new. (food sec ond hand machine in perfect order from. $10 to ?1". For fuir dealing I refer to most any b usin'es s, house 'o Norfolk or Portsmouth. J. W. BEASLEY 10.) Church Street, Norfolk, Va. n n troR, hot II SEXES A 1 Non-Scetarian. Able and ex- need Faculty, Extensive Lihrar. i Apparatus. Spu-ious Building I' hy Location. A Pleasant Edu ; al Home. 3:o lerne, Practical muI ihorough Kss., our Mottoes i iry Jljpciplyje -forBovs, PurentA . 3iscipline for (iirls.: '"vE AVKKAGK EXI'KXSES," $170 VFAl YEAj:. t nstitute is the seat of one of the : ew State Normal SciuKils. sion oiens Monday, Sept.1 3th ' A Idre?s folr Catalogue, H ASSELL, A . M., Principal ; ' . YTiNon, N.cV r- ! 1 A A PERFECT GTRENGTHSNSft.A SURE! REVIVER m i n i iki n i ii taiJ IIkO. KITTKjlvj i. -. z.A diseases raiuiric!? a certain Kiilcliivivnt toule; .e5:c..a;!y. inl.jesllon, iMsptpr;.", jn.axiilteilt a!l v'nrtsi-sts.l Wri: f-r tV A rCBnri-?2 -, .p. of useful awlcnjcsinTca!-;. ing) s -nt free. HHOWX mRrVITr'At, Ct..TialtiT:iorc. Jfd. - 5 Eeoth; .t a!l I-ra Bitten mre a-fit 3- "--s Chtt?c t Ox od hve nKWAur: op ioutatioxs. 1 t It is really appalling to read the ac counts of the overflow of the Mississ ippi river and its tributaries. There is.no abatement of the floods, but rather an incrcase.and destruction and devastion are spreading far and wide. Millions of dollars worth of property have been swept away. Starvation stares thousands in the face and great want and despair hover grim and ghastly at the verge of the relentless water. Never, in the history of the. riyer, has the inundation been so ex tensive, nor the .ruin so widespread and complete. , . . . One report speaks of 250 families who are living uton rafts, that; their condition is most deplorable, f The freshet has reached dowji into the sugar growing belt and is sweep ing everything before if. Should the river rise no higher or should there be no more breaks in the Reaves, it will be weeks beforw the subsidence of the waters will permit the reoceupying of the lands in many localities.; lt is a tale of sufl'erinnd woe such fcs we have never before been called upon to record, and such as Wc hope never to be called upon again to chronicle. ununron JCfvieic. THE BEST III THE HARXET. TotuUtn dLArpnt iit and klmTt.- riva U ruiremeau, and priced to luit .11 pue. LEADI'C FEATURES: PouVIe - Wood TKwjrt, Patent Wood Onto. Adja-UMe Damper. Inter htnueablc Auf. fcatlcl?heir, Proil!n Poor, i wlrginS north-' Rate. Kwinng Hue-Stop. Revwible Cin. Burouu Lonc erow Mecc. DouWo "?liort Center.. Rcary RnR Crer. Illuminated Kire XXkts. N!kcl Knc.bs. Xiefcel I'amls ftc. ' , rnetialcd In Matenal, In Flafeh, and 'la'' '31 Wfenufacturod by ISAAC A.SHEPPARD A CO., Raltlmoro Md FARMERS FRIEND NO. U SYCAMORE STREET, PETEBSBUKO, VA., SIX-COf D for ; -Machine or Hand Use. THOMAS RUSSELL t CO so lb a;knts. FOR KALE Ity Hines, Iladley& C., M IWJ.V. N. c. JEWELllY.Ac. U 'Yomiif'i f. 1. 3 and a yr Iron and Steel, Wholesale and rail. r ' 1 loW lnFanuAVagons, A merchant, whose store is on Ala Iiama Street, in Atlanta Ga!, lujd one of the most remarkable niockingf-birds ever known. The bird's nan4 w as Billy. He could sing a great nijmber of songs', his favorites being '"The Elephants w alkedthe Rope" and "'Tis but a littlo Fadedeel Flower." Ie quently he would imitate the .shrill whiyt-le of a policeman, and cause orli cers to come running to the store But the most interesting thing con nected with .Billy was his operatic peformances before an audience of mice. The cage wbuld be placed in the middle of a certain room in the store, and the human spectators would 'lastly watch through a window. Billy would then bej?in a low, musical j wmsuc, someming like thecal! from j a tiny silver bugle. The spectator would soon see the head of a mouse j come slowly up from ix hole in the j corner of the room ; a second mouse j would appear; in Another moment out j would come a third, and so on. until sometimes a dozen micecould beseen gathered around the cage. Their ears would be standing straight up,!', and down his cage, much as a prima do na d..es on the stag tf a theatre He seemed to be conscious of the in terest taken in him. and wonltr trill ! his most exqusite melodies. At the end of each song the mice Would scamper away, to return again w hen Billy would resume his performance. A few weeks ago, Billy caught: cold,' and, in spite of all that good nursing could do, lie died. .His body .was buried under an oak, and a tombsto ie. uiK)ui me sizeoi a sjiventoiiar, marks his 1 1 t resting-place., THE. LARGEST Warerooms in the Southi 1 i- T. Young & Bro. DKAT.rit TM r FINK B'AraiKS, DIAMOXDS. JEWELRY. SILVER W ARK Mnt.ufacHiriT of all khiita of Plain Gold Jewelry, Mns, Mt. fte The bnjt $ia, cantor, and $i.O) clK evt rsold. AintTH-ati watchr at the lowt a prict. Solid wlyrr pootu. forki e., Hu aprr I linn rv-r. Yuiir oroVr art -iiciU-U and will I rmy aitrndrd bj J. T. YOUNG & BHO. PetewjBuro, Ya. Of '70.-1 f LIVERY STABLE. - Richmond, Va Oly First-Class Instruments, s ii LIVERY STA3US THE BEST IN TOWN! THE NICEST AND NEWEST BUGGIES AND THE FINEST I10KSBS FOR HIRE A.T SEZ,n BROS' ' 1 ;-,.!-. ' lottery Stable. ; ,, , ? " ", urneii, wKis, anoninger.Erbeu Pine Organs. All Instruments sold at lowest factory prices and fully Wam nted Cash or in-ta lment. Persons wishin- information about Pfanlnn will ulensf' wirito trt . . . nYLANU reo luiaiyj , . .- ' . - - We have inst comnletcd cur Stablesand now have a hur- bcr of fine horse for hirt. i f llll n.n. . . .. "l 1. fJA h?nJ?l ?5' ?herf Grovensteen & those of anv f,rRtl,. rb!.a I and we guarantee to please all our patrons. If you desire a nice turnout any tiie call on us and wi' wiil gie it to ydu ; SEMJV BRO'S. ! WILSON N. C. & IFF. RICHMOND, VA. r Tf Tnrr rwv txf n t , umoer. i-umjuek! ,nm ftp i. . ; xiumvuii with1 ml" Waii wi,l P'ease leave orders at! my store If in want of Dry Goods, Groceries Con fectionerxes &c I make a Specialty of Jobbing all kind of Goods. GIVEMEA; aVLL AND OBLIGE, i Dealer in General Merchandise ITT . 11 . TTT TTV -1 AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. DTJPUR & OO., 2 North nVard St., Balthoor. Wire nhjr for crmetrrlfi. Jawni, dn, offlH and baleonleji; rindow riiard. tre, ruard. wire Irl, . cagi-H, aaiid and45ral creeti8, iron fUAiu 'r ptff IJta Davis, Roper & Co. Wholesale Groceries and Genril PKTKR8RURG1 VIRGINIA. Jvr,. 1 h on hand a large stock ot firo i ie ,they oner to dealers as low a ym rketthis hle of New York. ent for the City milling Company l orTJr .to the trade the best wtftr ound b olted jnenl and choice flotir iowe-t prics. ,--v J FeblO-at

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