J. K CKY MOUNT. N. O.! 31 ks. J. E HARDY, Proprietress. liOAlM) SI,.r)0 I'Ell DAY. ; GOOD roonis and attentive servants. Hack meets all trains. Jan20tf. nrncELL house I - ; WILMINGTON. X.-C,,- RECENTLY refitted and under entire new i management: Terms $'2J0 to $:,00 Per dav. ' 1-0 . Ii. L. PEKRY. Proprietor. CARRIAGE. New KiumIsksINkw Puices: GRIFFIN &MUERAY. GoltUWo St., Wi)sw. X. C. e b :bila.:m:i:r,e, 14CIMAIN STREET, NORFOLK VA.i Agent for the! sale of 27. JStttterie k A Co'g, cerebrated Patterns, New Spring Styles received, Send for catalogue Also, opening no w-ypring goods daily.i Percales Cambric: Madras .Oinglrdin in great rvariety, Sample sent on application. ADDRESS . -! The W ilson Advance. Wilson, Friday, April 14ti, 1882. E. 13. J31iniire9 Manufacturers of If'airiasrc. BtJ?si,. Carts, U'anfoiis. Miu'iie.ss, and all kinds of Will b' hold :tt the IowM pos'lblfl flnr, e Jiow on li:tiid n men and velxcl iocfc ,o , prici nr nt low a tli lowrot. iirr and call on uabrfoin buy.nj. : lii-f;ielirjii jrnMaltlrd m rrerj . o:ip. Ipp:tirins nvnlly and. jirtun pt ljr attended to Mnrch 10 3m - NORFOLK, VA. in everyriety- W. PISE S WALNUT MANTELS; No. 49 Light Street,!- BA SLTI MORE'. M. T. JIOVK K. M. XADAFj MO YE & NADAL. Wholesale and Retail i DRUGGIST, WILSON, X. c. Dealers in Drugs, medicines, Dye StufT's, Perfumery, Stationery, I'atent medicines, and Chem- icalsalo keep FINE CICtARS; CIG ARKTTEH CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Ture inncsWiixkei, IZum, Gin, Ap ple (imbl'Venci Jirandi for medi cinal purposes. Proprietors and manufacturers of VOM A .V' S, V III ION D, N El 1 1 A I A i I X K , ' K-MAIA-: 1'ir.LS, JAPAN KSK TOOTH- . AC'lIK DUOI'S, INDIAN ('ON , .St'MI'TION AND COUGH . ki:mijdy, &i State agents for 41 Dobyn's Sure Cure for Cula rrln Neuralgia and Headache." BfesyPrescriptlons . carefully com pounded dav or night. MOYJj V: NADAL, Oct 28tf 1 Wilson, X. C. W. AV. EDWARDS' SALE AND . ; EXCHANGE STABLES Cor. Goldsboro niid Barnes Sts. Wilson, K, C. Having, just returned with a f ne and well selected lot of J am now prepared to fill any order fnmi $75 to $200 in the way of vstock. Any person in want of a xcod i . ST or mule will find it io their ad vantage to examine my stock before buying elsewhere . Reairning thanks fr pat patronage and seeking a con linuunce if the saihe. J ami Very Respect fully, - W EDWARDS, At Sugc h lEdward's old stand.. Take iNct ice:!.. Any person desiring a odd family or driving horse, can buy him atmyStables under a guarantcb. I FARMERS TAKE NOTICE WREiN. . WHITEHURST tt CO. Norfolk, Virginia. ' ; Patentees and Sole Manufacturer! of THE GOLD PLOW, I SfalI9'eep Wiv Him To-igIil. J&E ----- t i mi i rn iirmin'irYT"ir,ti . hijzjx m AXD D amond Cotton Plow "NVJilch have no equal. TKIAL. Give them a V-.-...- : mw i FOR SALE BY ' , j Wells,r BaileyT & Co. J D Wells & Co eS ' Mm I Wilson," N. C. ' i Tolsnot, N. C. SometimeH I believe the little oues say the best tluugg after alL I knew a little family in Detroit wlio are hen rt-Urokeu an d " sal tlib S.vtur tl ay night. There were three lastlSatur Uav, but to-dav only two are lejjTt. The tie that bouud them more ilosely than that which the .clergy ma i drew ha?: lately leen loosenei, aijd the light of their live went out with the red whiter roii only -the otherlnight. The father w a l-.ulroad man, fwho.se duties . ciUl him away trom home nearly three-fourths of the time. It was hi habit, whenever hie was about to start lor home, to telegraph his Mife apprising her of the fact. In thee telegrams he never .t'a-ULMl to mention the name of the litth? four-year-old, and the ? dispatches ifsually ran sis follows : i uf ell Arthur I sliall sleep, with him to-night.' . . J ' The baby-boy was very prqud of these 'telegrams, which his mother would read over and over, to him, ami he considered the ."teledraf" a great institution. The other night when the fever : had done itsj work aud the mother was sobbing oit her anguish, the little one turned calmly in his bed and said: i uJ)on't ky, mama; I s'all s'eep wiv Dod, 'oo know, S,eud l)oda teledraf and tell Him I s'all s'eei) wiv Him to night." ' ; ;" ' ' ' ' lint the message' went straight Up There without the clicking of wires or the rustle of wing-. ? Ma n tifi? TonniiTra "WITH THE OLD RELIABLE PA CIFIC A CID VHOSPHA T iiv- ID to be the best FVrtilir. nlnnwi rtn tlio morb-of K- tVin hi PnTmaM .- en t j . , , - .... uani.i, uv A Ol UICIC,; I1VI oiy m u uson county put atUouang counties. We only ask 50 pound MllUJi vf UlALr ;() 1 I f). IlPr tnn Anrl u-ill ulaiit Kw ha Jrlanfunv .-;!; sold in our market; even those at 450 middling per ton. We could give huindreds of certificates from the best men fn the couutyi but our Phof phata bengso well known to our Fanners and having "been tried tor many yearw,and xii every instance giving more than satisfaction, we deem it unnecessary. Give us a call beforo buying and we will prove all we say. . ! J. L, WEAVER & CO. SENDY0URORDERSF0JI JEWELRY ..-:!' ... TO ' ARTHUR i C. FREEMAN 1865 Sycamore Stfeet, Petersburg v GE AYE STORES' of every - description, niadu n The Scnuty of fiIesroac8i. P anos HAM Organs Best Equipped School IN-NORTH CAROLINA r So Says a disinterested Rrofesionat ixiK'rt,of large and sui-cessful e.iel ience, employed by our State to visi- aiu I address all cur-new white State Normal Seools. in!rfViri-i.f tn. v.n j Wisoa Ciits tolite (FOR ROTH SEXES.1! Mnctly Non-Kcetarian. : Able and ex rerienced Faculty, Extensive Libmr. ana Api.aratus. . Siiacious Ruildintr Healthy Location, j A Pleasant Edu eitional Home. -Modemess, Practical ?f.sv!' and Thoroughness,, our lottot Alilitary Discipline, for Boys, Pivrenta Discipline-Jor Girls. entire avi:ua(;k; kxvkxsk, $170 l he Institute is the seat of one of the -'.--" ""Uitti S IK4ns Monday, Kept. - Iwl. A Idrpss fnrC!it.W., 1 fc. II A SHELL, AM., Principal Wilson, X. d ol1lojfo Music House. GENERAL AGEKTS FOR Chickerinfc A Son SteiflT, iMathushek, Arfon and Southern '"Jem Pianos, and Jlason & Hamlin, Shoninger and Pelobet & Co's., Orgvns. Win. A. BARBitEY, Agent. WILSON, N. a v Goethe was in coniany with a mother and her" daughter, . and the latter, being reproved for some; fault, blushed and hurst into tears! lie said: 'How beautiful your reproach has made your daughter. The! crim son hue, and those silvery tears be come her better "than any ornament of gold or pearls. These may be hung on the neck of any woinaji; hut those are never seen disconnected with moral purity. A full blown rose besprinkled with the purest dew is not so beautiful as this child blush ing beneath her parent's displeasure, and shedding tears of sorrow at her fault. A blush is the sign which na ture hangs out to show whose- chasti ty and honor dwell." 4 1 f sent by mall posta-e nai.i .u"? enclosed for return. When nr received they aru flllod ud cd. If the work is TijTm' purchaser are requested tSS MY EXPENSE u vj, -orr-.ouUenta solicited from In ,0l,kB O OR o INFALLIBLE CHILL CURE. The attention of I)ruir?iSN .u. Dealers wnpmllv J.oi r.?Y? . Rn valuable medicine, which tan IV' fore the public and medical fa rTv undisputed as a cure for Fever J Ague, Bilious and. Remittin.r p. TVnmh Thill- Fnlr.,.i ' ,r OFFERS his stock at bargains. AYedding and Engagement Rings on hand diusesA . arising from malarial a -----"-.- w w nnmu. i iii:i ii :i nri .iom'u Fir rno . . a. .i w ivivii,''. 1 i iu a Send your orders by mail and they will bo promptly flfled. - nostrum or patent humbug cl.ahr.iB iu iuic an uiwwra, uui only Mich uusc iiuiu inuiariai poisons, ; aiv n wicvjueui in r-asteni iv,. na.. Containing a very valuable preu aration of Iron, it renovates the m,Ii promotes tjie appetite and U a , V potent Alterative. Certificate of it, infallibility froni some of our W 21& 26 Union Street. Norfolk. Vlrrf.- 1 11V. Zl iUQa "iwi am li- MAXUKACTLKKRS OF CARKIAGKS, BUGGIES AND HAlS OF EVEIiY Kivn 1 C. X J??C, ! ii ' - . ' - . v v v v,1's n tilrpct Extension TonCarri. .T.n., "Snaf l r,,i. aw - . . wle ra."ey- win oo reiunded Carriages, .Jump Seat Top' l?nggies, Side-barf 2-2rlyJ Surry Wagons, : - 144J Main DEALER Street, Head Jarket' Square. Norfolk. Va. IN DIAMONDS, AYATCIIES, JEWELRY, ie. oli- Sido-7?ar Top Buggies, Panel Door ! ed only bv 9 Rockawayn, Canopy Top Phajtons, I HEN Tony Pluetons, Side-bar Open D 100" Pre par- Buggies, Dexter Buggies. J. W. BEASLEY'S Sewing Machine and! Repair Office, 105 Church 8trect, Norfolk, Va. Where can be found any of the leading .first-class sewing machines at BOTTOM PRI CES. Send for price list or call on me beforo pur chasing elsewhere and save money. Needle?, Attach ments and parts for all makes. Old Machines .thor oughly repaired and made to work - - ' . - .. k r- :' ' . . - . ..There are many kinds of iet. from the popular -alligator to the cinary, but few persons are like the New Haven, Conn., lady, who th nks a rooster the best pet- in the. world. This New Haven bird has been train ed to do several interestiiig tricks, ami to make various curious noises, so that he is regarded as1 quite Enter taining. But he had never sjen a looking-glass until a funny! exi)eri- ;ence one lay, nootrc six wcckss ago. On that occasion he was .alou in a room, and fiW upon a dressingitable. The first object that caught hik eye was a rooster in the mirror. If lift e I his command ruflied his feathers; so did the other rooster. The! lady at that moinent entered, hut htr pet did not notice her. He flew at his imaginary rival, and shatterell the ghiks to fragments, -1 oraidin: li i ni sei fneve rely But when he looked around and saw that his antagonist had disappeared, he crowed sfirilly, and hopixid over to hia mistre4ss WALKER BROS., ' E I R S AKD nflfl U F ACT URIBG CONFECTIONERS . ,, ' -- AND WHOLESALE DKALER8 IX . - - ' ; TOBACCO, CIGARS, Sni?i7S Fcb2'S2 lyj Orders Solicited and Satisfaction aMIJtred. VIRGIHIA THE BEST 13 THE HSBSET. Tourteon dlfrorwit alien and k'.ndt. Tlrt tins with Enameled KorVoir. Adapted to aU .requirements, wid .riced' to uit all purse. LSADEKG FEATURES: Pouble Wood Poors, Patent Wood GraJc. Adjustable nnmpcr. Ijitcn hr)RcaW Axit:' matic SheJf. Eroilins lioor. wirisin-r Hennh Pliitc. Swinjfir.g FJne-8toj, Keversiblc C&a Euniin Xonji .... Cross i ioce, ltible Short inters, Heavy niii- Cgvers. Illuminated 1-iro JjpoT. Nickel Knolx. Nickel Punch, etc. Unoqualcd In Hatcnol, .in r:isli, and in operr.tion. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., Ealtimoro, Rfld. FARMERS FRIEND L as good a when new. Good "sec ond hand machine in perfect order from $10 to $15. For fair dealing I refer to most any b ii siness house in Norfolk or Portsmouth ' J. W. BEASLEY 105 Church Street, Norfolk, Va. BROWN'S Ml A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHEMlR.A SURE REVIVER An 5th v . IRON ClTTEiwi .- i.:ga; v . o:j-:cnued lor til disease TOjuiring a certain and cQcient tonic ; i.s; c.k.'v Indijcstiox, Dysptjmtt, initrmittcrU Fcvtrs, TV'a)it cf Appclfte,LK4 1 isirenyJLaci of UxrgfZe, Lnriclics the blood, strcnjfiliens the iuusck-s,and rj i vCs new iitc to the nerve. They act like a charm on the digestive orjjnns, remoriiyj ad Jusprpile r jmploms, such at Tastitij tie Food, BdchinyJIdatintteRomachM-.aribvmjc: TIic only JroB Preparation that will not l)!acten the teeth cr cire headache. Soll hr all druggists. Wri'o for'tS A TIC Tloc.V C2 pp. rf useful and cl-inf rct ing) nur. BROWIf CHEITCAli CO., Balticiorc, Mil. be tilt a Iroo Bitten are p- 1 CHTX7C.I. Co. and !ir I niHVAUE OF 11TITAT10NS. Mr. James Trimble, who livef near Monterey, irgmia, went cut one moTii'.ug dnriug the last winter to look for Horaelost sheep. There had been a'Htorm, ami the Rnownritts m some places were up to his chinj. The search was kept up for hoursj and Mr. Trimble begun to fear lest the sheep had perished. At hvst, he heard u sort of bleat under a snow bank, and digging his way thtough the snow he found the lost animals. The snow had melted ; aw.i vf from their bodies and they were, as! cozy and comtVrtalle as could le in their icy i)rison: but Mr. Trimble! was obliged to work very luml for two hours before he could bring them to the surface. , i Monday night Penis McCarthy, a messenger of the American Express Company, noticed that a package addressed "Professor Gage, Cornell University, Ithaca, Y.," had pro- truding froni .it a small shoe. (Tear ing the package oiven he found the bodies ot two children a boy hliout two years old ami a girl of about.' six months dressed neatly in white and with shoes and stockings on, lying in each other's arms. A board two feet long had been placed upon them and the whole then wrapjed in pa per and expressed. Upon the board was "Coleman, 5!H Broadway. ; To be eiilletl for." The lM)dieH! were placed iiv the osesioii of the police and taken to the 3Iorguc. j , rri. i t x iircc sKeietons were iounu i by a ttchooner tn an ; island near South Australia, and by them a. loaded re volver .and a loaded gnu. A idiary fouud near sliowed that tlieyi were the remains -of a woman, her' babe ami a Chinaman, who had ! been driven front their fishery on a neigh boring islamtljy the Queensland sav age8THer liugbatia was absent, but she and the faithfidi Chinaman de fended themselves a bravely as is nible, finally escaping in an iron-tank and landing on a distant group, wliore, unable to obtain any water, they died of thirst. NO. 15 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VAt, J' s- Gary, Manager. Threshing mM'TVir r J10 Han-own, mills, Stbvep.Tin ware. Hoi low varn t 1. ,, "uV;e"! Iron and Rtl. Whni.i. " 7. Vr "fy"f mw t,aung, .. ...,mjuiu niiu ivtall. Malta Doable Hteam Entrlnes. Corn fchellcrjt, Fan rarm Wagons, Aiig2tm (RY C.SIMW'ov Druggist andClieniM, Wi.WVftt Centre Kt!, Golushoro, rN.'c. iOHff CLARK, JR. & CO S BEST SIX-CORD FOR Macliino or IlandUse. :0: . TOOMAS RUSSELL & CO. SOLK AOKNTS. ; " j FOR SAI.V. 11Y Hines, Hadley&C, WILSON, N. 0. JEWELRY, Ac. Use .'Young's P. P. A'1:tKo" and mii year J. T. Youfig & Bro. IKA,KK IN FINK A TCI IKS. DIAMONDS. JKWELUY. SUA'.EU WAUB :M!imiractiirr of all kSnd of Plain field Jewelry, Mugs, Badges, ki The beat $10, cmtrir, Hiid $5,00 cloct evrrsold. JLiiKTiftn walclie at the lowt piictis. Solid Kilvt-r fpooiif, forks At, rln-aper than ever. Your order an j I id ted and will be pintipilv uttrndcil bf J. T. YOUNG & IJICO. I'ktersbubo, Va. LIVERY STABLE. tl THE LARGEST Warerooms in theSouthl 3 A jjj, .,or ex AAVHOLRSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, 913-Mam street, - - . -j : - - - 1 . Richmond, Va Oly Pirst-Clas3 Instruments, i PIANOS, Steinway, Chiekering, Hallet & Davis, Fisher, Grovensteen & Fuller; ORGANS, Mason & HamlinIiurdett, Woods, Shoninger.Erben Pipe Organs. AUTnstruments sold at lowest factory prices and fully Warranted. Cash or installment. Persons wishing information about Pianos and Organs, will please wirite to ; HVI U'.h O I rr ! niLMINU QL LLC, Feb lOthly RICHMOND, VA. From present indications they will have the last census written up and completed about .the time they " will be ready to begin another one f ; : - What kind ol robbery is not dan gerous !; A safe JobberjYof course. ler. xuiffi LIVERY STABLES THE BEST IN TOWN! THE NICEST AND NEWEST.' BUGGIES AXD UUIIIUU .IJrwmm w V I THE FINKST H0IISKS FOR HIRE 4T SELill BROS f ' - - ' JLirert Stables. We have just completed cur Stables and. now have a num ber of- fine horse ' for hire. Our terms are as reasonable R those of any first class stabiei and we guarantee to please aU our patrons. If you desire a ni-ce tnrnoat any tifue call on us and we wiil gie it to you SELBV1 BIIO'S WILSON N. C Parties in Want will please leave orders with me AT MY STORE If in want of Dry Goods, Groceries Con fectioneries &c. I make;a Specialty of Jobbing all kind Vof Go6ds. GIVE ME A CALL AND OBLIGE, 0 IMliln Dealer in General - Merchandise ai IRE HAILING I AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. 3DXJFXJR & CO, 26 North Howard StT, Baltimore. Wire raifing formeterie. lawnn, f T' deiif , offlc! and jalconics; window gnf ra , tre guard, wire" cloth, ;erc, Untr cages, sand and cal screens, iron' Becltab chain. ettee. Ac. ep2 ! ESTABLISHED 1854. Davis, Itoper & Co. Wholesale Groceries and General COMMIKSIOX MEHCHAXTS, P E T E It8 BURG, VIRGINIA. EPS on hand a large stock ol i O ro e ,t hey offer to dealers a low a m r ket this side of New York, nt for the City niilliug Company tTr to the trade the best vato d l) ol ted meal and choicest flour eit prices. ( FeblO-i

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