i I ; .... .'1 .1. 1 The Wilson Advance. Viiox, Fkiday, April 14th, 18S2 J. iv. LAS'CASTEII, - Editor T-'.n rwl in fliH m coii'I ci:ik mauiT. rg. Tost()lllcf at 'ii i Huli-crlptjjpn Krier:-i.W pwr. year, I . Ui.vVtTiMN 1Utb. One iu.irc. m Umr ! iki-5i c-nt fur rncli iihW,niit inrlln by 12 " mtli 12 00. I-ilx-rul dUrouuU will ba made f.ir Urgi'r :ulvprtl"finrnt aiulfjr contract by lUa CiiMUi'MrMinvi rommimlfiiion on jaier- -1- -: ' ' .i j": !r - ' X .TfEnrcs Da-n'iJ-:ls. Tartatr-i , ! - ' j r c : i ! 1 AVUsoimX. tY TII KX I B EB A IlttO VIT1IEK T. ' T!ijj?mitcraWe: tl!saatLsictio;t m . inin lit ma , ...... w - - - g t 1 1 ;iii.i);irlyjmauawiii(u it j;ouli)abe iiiIom linlonv.' Tli;it Hip?eiihnseR .- : - kt 9 however, ar. not . i nemeilia ble," tve ;i'ljirrlnMrl the -alvHates of this new V prinriph'sjif'tluV tv j great political . ...l. i. ' i .1 .: . .....- ...... i painr, v. men u iiu- iui wmiw. .uc V'-" jj- .. ' . 4 . of eac h too thoronhly pirnest, to ;ilimt WfiitT' consmprnlo' Tficfecnon to the ranks :ota newpartj:. r - -TUis lift lnn uflit7iiiily i!In;fri t (l lv the Grangers anl Green bak- sen ;inl land" - makenroselytesJ Int failing to carry a HinI 'State in hf list Piesidential electioiij they bt'iMine (lisiujattyneil, liseonragect ;n 1 ii i ally dissolved thV oianlC tioiifivs afaetor in politics. The past history of the. country furnishes t!Mrraniz3rjpar tien" upon hew,faii3j wiiat it W:as adpposed vould jb ular issmys..- Urit iir;tSeind: thej li vttvall provtHl disnntrous falurelVf AVJieji it is'reinemberedVaare tliQ i lo a ori gihateiV ail d : who eticohVa-gea t liffovni itba of a liberal party in 1 1 1 is stats, 11 0 , uc m pcra v wi a, Harei . nllow iduuelf to le deceived 4v-tji any democrat who valnex his cotm tencv, or ha anv reverence for the grand, time-honored old party, be seuucea irom nis auegiance oy sncn a m vain does the fowler upread hit net in the sight of any bird." Ui.AP,"atSi(SA new Uft1ce.oiH.1ythitiie I miij )i.se of thp jirewent at mfnistrarion has lcyw Jferiim!!. tii gviverameut td-nreaKv (iovnu ,Mutrol' of t he outhei-u States, 119 ... 'SuiithernMemocrat eaii tuirclv need to lw, further-'- warned against, this shallow device. to'divi4e and weaken us iii "the.' "coming struggle .or. party Mipreniaey. i " . A few dissatt.-ified ahihitiojis denv ' " 1 .: ! - x, . ' ;ig gn W .may eucourage uie mnnn 11 til of :i . l'bcr.it nartv. but the result . n 4.; i I X "' ...; - if aticndeil with- -any ueeess. what- session of the ?IeLiHhitarp limine rail M bytaMleriKr,-ap,pears tof be withont authority from hesul-quaf-ters. Tlie Italeigh XetcB-Obercer referriuir to the matter Ha vs. it k. quires two-thirds f the. members of lueuouneil to refn8lde the qnes- tiQiUiiaUJr.VWiiBo to le nnalterablv oniKtfWl to an pt Jr. -Ijorougli ha ve not intimated a nyhange of biftmoti ami it U A not oewveti tuat thef are likiIv la. m j W.1I0 ia4heirJonneriiledion." - f'AiT .J. 1J, TmoiiSjBtUlbor ing to convince eyeiybotly'-ffho feels an interest iii tlie matter,! that the Seaboard & Kaleigh Railroad ;otfglit to Ik lpeateil froni JtJietyia Jeuuy JliH aiul Wilson lo lialeigli. We" uo tiee two tfble cohimttnieationa. from his iR'ii recntJyvoiuyittthe (Jrwn ville Reflector. lhe Wher'in th ltal. eigh vYeip. Obtereer. In lxitb ;of tfiee emiimui1cftVtioji Jie urges witli creat plausibility the superior advantages of his favorite mii 'IvLiul . -y""-. j'ui. nwevurt the starting point on the Williamston and, Tarlroad'fthall.bo, JESethel or Tarliowe are satisfied it ojigbt to run Turongh Wilson. TiiL'pEiiGAE?api)ofnl Cy the count er 01 i.ret'iic, riWilaon and uenoir met at Kinston lust Saturday at cue uistance of tPruttitUit Vrt the lidrand; ltailroad CbtnnaW' to eon snier audi Ditmosition iaj mifrl,t be submited for building branch una menfcru u uson and to Green vUleThe meeting was addressed wo learn, b sBef (afed Jndgo tjar riith fef tfiellostSn Syiufeto which LP rtST PriES PREPARED CHEMICALS TM.wWw4ittliiniiia OlnTcn suriOR ri:orii.vrr, ctpu i .fraaciiaa aa Ma rictd fh(ilut&j. M EXTRA f W r'nn.11 CwsMtCAU h:;e ifoi v.ort u-r rbivnGHcrmicalCo iy I e&coraC'PRCRlrwK. iljutufturr, vf Bautimomb. Powoll'a.T Top Corvo Fertn- l2r Trioaawly $35 aTon.ti.t Cone Meal. Dissolved Pone ro.sn. Ammonia J a'l Ki ji-jrad Fertiliiioj lucriaik. 1' 11 J 1 1 ' 1 COTTON JAYLOR, ELOIOTT TRY IT MO BE CONVIilCEO WI1QLE8ALE DEALERS IK in m it L w an c. v v i lmi and Market square r S3 T- V S3 ' & . -. : - :- - '1 111 m miimiii 1 1 1 fa'ninHa111 1 ii'TiT'i'''',&aHaawjaaajai unwi'imip ? m 'a 1111 I I y I I1AWJ Ud . .( Jt . -m W - uaV. at. . T i- m - .a ' sr .- - L. T . . 1 1 - i aBBjaaaajBBVBmv aaaaw w a- M I f ft IS 1 row n Fertilizer. 1011 Cnttant I mf raraat .a-- i.t.uo3:ht3. ,u trim np- tw sm ja uj- ; I wing i-Auniuiciii n nil ruiTIUOEG. annlvln.tt . .7 . t i tSrAVEsdesire to inform ihe iDeoDllTfof Kocky Mount, and i Ve"Kt "n"? but a.i'T.W row - - a. a jt . . i . - ,--,. ' hiii r. n in nr m 7in tmnnrii u r i. a' " u with . rtftWfsTiihent ln lloctv Moun Constantly on hand ev- mad ig tound of mi mttJT .t V. .,"-,0 pouada rr .. . crytbJng usually kept in such a store. aGlve usjtilfiFr-JCO i i Tnr. a -v T W-- v aaS v vTSTa-yviT ; East Side Kailroad.apr.l4tf. a t :ur' nVT u ' ; ? oontrolH the MidWndn?ai!ioal. Hie Iroio.sition made to the delegates ever, will be as it haleii in Virginia onlv to stiejicrthcn the reDiiuliean ivirtv: - I that State the republican party is strouger to day, than it was L- li..'kt-A tKf tiVkatil m m anT r: traa la. 1 - " , -' u wasL ibsiantialf th-t etikh "MS "jcrOQj. jftf ty thoownd dolfars towards 'bnildin? th f0als, without afijf guarantee as to the jo any partthj Midlandcorapany nugljit choose. This , we believe is is-regjirded "here as'aT'formtd-iWtt jcc,;iftt6rab u wie wayorany further prosecu tion of the matter ai 'present, Whether it was the fifty thonsand dollars required td.berafcor lif idx ali u, in isich eotiifty', Orbettier , it Wi,JVthftL tearttfbeiniuitimifrb? sold," which cast such a v damper upon the-, proceedings, we are not prepanJJto my & Wesoipectathlt a nother raUroad bubbles has 'burstetL uiiy, tna ano nothing more." , , .. Spring A Summer Stock Complete. I i 'i at tjfc i f I Augustus Wri ght'sl WIIOIJKALJi DEAI.KBVIX TS SHOES. liUU TBUKKS, TALIsTS LEATHER; 'fTXWXCg,' AC, ' 418 SYCAMORE STREET,, Petersburg, Virginia. ' " The Largest ? and most Complete as- APtmAtir "nnka4a Ia kA- imH 1 Vl.S. mfiuuiriii oi vnnFun iv ur luuiiu ill till city. : i'lease Call and Examine. : ? THE C. L. UPHUR; . , Of Virginia, I're -': " - U .-,:-t a AaW ' r Of Xorth Carolina Secn A Tr FOUR GOLD MEDALSi 1881, OF XORTII CAROLIXAl SUPEltN'ISOR OF AGEXCIES, PI 1 NORFOLK YA r .-,'v.U -w. .. if..!.. Patiratail in4igy'. ?rasi . fjs.'.t Will Plant Seed Without Preparat on STKOXGJa.vd EAHI I,Y ADJUSTED. Is an Economical Machine, the quan . tity of Seetl. tq be sowed can be . irguuiim w.v? lilt? - wrews UI1- . " j ' ' s!er the brttom. It can be run as near to the ends of the rows and as jiar stuni vm hcfoiiv the liberal movement was in- au.;uratcd by- Malfone.'' t The negics and wliitv republicans, in joining the M hum: hi -vfin cut. did not cease be republicans, whii' thiv democrats bv FwM-oming lAiioxtTiJ?c6ritrilut- cd to swell thq rahks ' the republi can' party and 'find ;t eir -political status to-day to be. under : the shej. tering wingS'if a republican admin " istra'ion. u":" ; '.' ' - v." "" " Weoniiy'tlatter oiuseivcs w ith the prrsjeet'of ah eaAy K-ietory overHhe reiubi;can party 'in the coming an-i-5Sr on account of the erious diftl culfiMs kimwa to exist among leading ; republicans, ditlicnltiejs whicli have I givn rls3-t hem' animositiosculaiL natiiig in nmny instances in violent ;er;onal abase, and damaging d;v tr action, but it should be rcmemlHr e,l that it is the' lioast j of republican leail.'iM, : that ipersomil animosities "-never' piVvent ihem 'ironiVoti ng the r.-pnllicin ticket. .,f - j ' Toe maxim .."buyer underrate the strength of thc'eiieiny"; is as impor t am jn politics as it is In jvar'and one which if thd democnitic iwtyhacl Aw ays hknledj wonld have turned , m any a deteatin "thepast. Uito a glonous- yict 5rv. Ouf'nolitieal nnitn.' nnt s ai already taking steps' look ing to- aj thorough brganixationj of t !nir party. They ha amnsd their sables followers with a wnveutwn of their own color, where iindAp".th inrtuenof meart whiskef itjUruel ciuiraeter tef the negrodeveloped sc If, and ;de mqiiSt ratini : tol the "fci tia t act ion of the, most intelligent of thol members oC the. onntion, their : utter i neapacity 5 for. ; leadership or sell g()vonuuenf. They" .are read r now to be the pJiaiU-trK)Ts as heio-ti-e oj- t!U'iij w;Uil' lealei Other diseoidaut elements" will ivisiir harmonized 'ami held togeflierl'the "cohesive power of 'public plunder. T,,;;,ir!!U,Si?f StixftyiZ piibhi-au iJiyentionw teniTfinr liif heM irtifMleuMiwwt J.iucpeuueues, to allure them gradu- HIIV 1 Aco35niohiuinc i.rwim i ncr movements of Gov ernor CAMBRhof ;ttrginreoentlT. - .uuiu uave tiait(l AVash ington eity1,t his quarters n thM nave ooen kept a secret., At one or: the UoteK he was registered us "a friend of Capt. JTohk 8. Wise." ? Jarundere ne w systenj ofpplittCH for the xeer tiye of the; proud old commonwealth to trfivm.pin the pres ence ot office-seekers? - " ' ' FACTORY MONTALANT. OPr.OIlFOLK. Capacity 30,000 Tons Pr Annum: Manufacttirera of Standanl Fertllliers and Importers of KalnK andChenijciiK IJYNUMy DANIEL & CO; AGTS. Feb 37823m NASH STEET, WT LSON, N. C. O t , : - ith l-ocoiioKE, apply inr it tnfwf I881 lade ten nound. Af"J?yott on old Una tr.it"' -ii;.l v. 4 1C35 poundW.Unt 0ttwWAWB0. , n yourViokE to universal satisfaction; the best evidence of which u h?;Trt, d il fives I can wport625 pounds of lint co.nIrii'y .?J'.want It ill? ran gef you many certificates', .7. T K k.;' f .' Used roMoir rm KE the yield rVonv.t11 U iU.ppeat!oB ever used, ilt opens and rmaliiaiiTfc."5??rr W- iVrtilii I - . k .. ?s . . . i, . - - fill rr m . .7 TUE llOGKY MOUNT jau u w a r Are new in full and snccessful operation. All kind ofmacWMadelo ';astthe plow can go i , M&An there is about IfiOO of tleEdge 4 conibc Cotton Planters " in use in .. -Wilson and adjoining counties we In t, fkinlr mA .. n A. , any fjf the many flattering tstimo nials we hum rornivwl .' w. spectfully refer to nearly all of the practical farmers in this section a lfs-tAttlMi 4ltA ..2.. 1 a. 1 a. a ket. WILSON .MARKET REPORT ItEVISED A XI. O.niuXTIn F.VEBT BtrNTJM, DANIEIt& CO rl - in 1 ni i I Cotton Uaon, North Carolina - '.v; . 2 lams j u-ivs r?, Shoulders and Sides t cswraoBipKea titles Shoulders h 4. t-f Dry Salted Sides Shoulders - . Bees wax? . Butter - . . . .u CofTee, Rio - . . . "I-argnayr 1'eaburry . " Java - J. . . " Mocha r- Corn, ier bushel i . Com II mil nar K...1 I ' K Cotton Th?s per bnnch -i ihlllllV'yun'kl.l practical Tranter on the inar- Cnch, Cadley Jt Farae r, I o " VUUUIt . Mar lA.tf -. - , ... j; .. , .. I VT!Vn!?K5sTll 0 i5(i;i6i i2i n- lojrJt raj 8fA 16 25 r 30 33 iHi ( S2 4 iSj2KS 60010 00 I frThefirni hnmir ? . . the nsWrf i , a' Sl- . lu,ff nder vne name or Jno. Selbv 4 ro this dav (i;rl.-) J?..?. . ro e MSffll; op,nff by feir dealK "53? coiumuance of the sa.nej I ninhiT, &t i Most Respectfully;." v yh61esaleGnceriesand General KEilt, on hand a laiwrf Jn' 1 and f)ffer? to thetid FiJk??.pllJr We twirTBiu you srttii 1 ; fe , totistitelling how . I . 5t irTiTf "V MED SHH1L COTTOII, how zmicli " they - make nAithct!lH11 raA 1. -! tO inTA 3 enhtiAtt t tta4n xalir., .Jt isr acre important for yoa to find out: vT7hether the thread is gtrongr and will" ciiTe you time and annoyance'? 7hether it will mn Cawinff ZlaAhirifi 9 ' Af V the eblora will match all the isasniona&ie ehadea. and work weUcadllicoods?. A joMyi.possible way to ii I .a. ii.. . . . 9 1 Or daily, ' Reaaiml Mt'horl mtic. Agents lor tlie ce'.rhratml O AC Caoi.rv r'm.U-tlf ti .i..,d ,. ,, .New. KOCKY MOUNT TpS Jw IT'. f ?.;;d!1' llocky Moiint CoUoii 1'Iow We.-make s ecialty of theV. 'Oiir''f"fi'on :tL- fi t-1 , X, Ui doubled I have - . ... ure The ton of iHwirr. ...a--2U " 1 November 1st. l&gi , land in cotton, an I rtE'TLS .',, hout nine Sa- led better, thau, wheVi hZ KXi 1 "ll 1 -tured earliirand 'ItYustains the nlant duri tiwk ,I SWAKlt Ai pleased to report most favShliSSiflfciL ember 10tht run, ,,r,o Pw,v,;.d w.i, i Ammonia, . V '"'?" C-i'Mareb ai, lsViT Sc. : C.20 iota.h; k. 6., W" -1.08 " " freeman, :( ' ':i ' ,'f-' ft i't'l -a - -. ; .- - . ..mm - J -: - r ! i-.; S U- i ' '',,- I i - 4 ..." V.. ' Cr REPAIRING Of ail kind' nf msi'Linarv Jn. .... 1. ... i . r . !. keep in ,tk n Ml l,Bi r . -'nr' jm,rk -'nles-L W. fitting for -'-He-aU run a PL A N l( UIII I P'P-ul wn-cti. alaobr.. March 5 ly FIRST IN THE MARKET 1 sfjbijn;G;, goods. - . . . r V; ,.0' FARMERS ESCAPK FROM mailPBICE. All the leading brands of fiuaim are now oflered foOale fur " 00 Lhs. MIDDLING .' COTTON. GET BEST - - ' g. - j -;" j. x ax v a arriTb at tho truth ia to Z7I fient's Funiishinsr iroiils. Snri...r .....1 Jmiuncr (Nothing,. A Large and varied Line of Dress Vpf4ds,'.Embroider.jBs '-'ia: pesjulla'iufis Gloves and Noimnc I ( . , v ZfOLpHOES A, SPECIALTY; tmgpatronas.,- f e8U merit bj fair deaiing, wear . . erjr K)ectfully, Farmers Look to Tour Interest. THE OLT) RUvniWU. ' Offered for ii t" areVhe fir?. tJUi!PTHK BT KV EE in myM dJZ?MJ North Carolina oyer al other tompetitow -Them k m 2. 8Priorltr et ithan the following J? 1 "or GHANO In the m'ar- PIUTE AXD K AIXIT. ' Kt'STO-N . I'AT.tfSCO, ACID I'HOS v ' Ea3T"l5efnr TfT.o a.... : ! null their Meten rnmdeoB -antage to buy from iw. ' We can ""a it to their ad- l'eb tf Rpuhtree, Barnes. & Co. WILSON, X. C. 1j vill thea know irif it ii call J tot, cah xilti opj 4 4 4 is fit A ;r,J ;M J ' . . ,l . r: i ; araTa "j-jijsy- i t hi-" f AVE ARK AGENTS FOR Jordan ITkea Tn m ta K.. ilouse Restaurant and Hotel BOT a MEALS AT ALL OuSUi?lrWi $, PEK 1A Y I ke JoHan l!o L. W..hV r"V VIMI .OX: THE EUHOPKAN PLA!L o- hiring b.ieh, 7oT"h ?7flDi: i5" b "P-Mr 1. for t tai IohP.1j ih demand refi"tI ""d Ass ,w tufict' at ! a obi UCUAIi HOUSE, Amns k - -r -ivwf J ali- 1 1 - r ... ;s gy,TROat AZTP a O'CLOCK OKLY 80CT Broil H Jtofctrak -1 Fry f Prtrkataak, 2 "" Fry r 1.M 4 FtXl "Jr ravt ri... -.25 - ijf ... SleaofOTteia Half Fryvf JJaajf aad vl- - , . Half Frr ff sfn...! '-r!? - 11.1 ST a.. jTT,'MXl , aMl .-S f Half Ordr BtatJottoaTcW ...,...-25 inn ttrwOrsters'1:!. "-' n rw ir..... ' M . v fc ,ij .,--..-'-. l u . '.-ff -w 1 (-MaaaaaaaaW- am A. am. -Kak. BB -l. mm - . r - rw f Va I i..siERrmT rami., 'xr, !?! -J'-riSrS?fV,"..'v-. ;.:.. w4.ca.j a v in i ii si nrp vsim. - - i ar-m a. aa' t a 1 - a a r atr ti a v ia arxm. ns. w iim 9 nn rs aras .a a, . a ' -r-a- a.aa,a,, xi i m j aFii. ra r aa . i m. . ii ... .--. . - i at lowest iric.J' -" T r7;rr' "H wif.vivy- - rnte o fit vftTirr A.n i guarantee wtdm with (vflw v .i7rT r v " w 1 . .- - .. -.ioI.h ; w , ivbie,-tj i,.. V..; -'x,-" vi. ij xll. MTAKE. Call at our Store and exam in a 1 .--AiifCAfi1-- ttrs.-'.- ' ::''-7"-p- .bi-.r-:-. V i.A- - . y-r'M ARREN , & .BARNES. r . , r day from Jltol o'clock. r0-Vt Market rHuare. - W J.fi 'li3X'1ftOSA-Jt-i't s fa?:-. ' . . :,..-. i ' "' ' '",-' , , .. . , t ... . ' 1 : - - ' " ' ' . :. ".:'''' .'" . : .' .V". "!:.'-'. j; '?. .(C-.,,,''! 1 ' ' ' ; j .'.'' 1" '.'- ' : ' ' ' ' . ''- - .': -'-''- ' : " . ' f ' 7 :. ,. ;: .

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