r 1 THE WILSON ADVANCE. THE Vfc i Prnt.isiiEiv. Every Friday - J Wilsox,,1 North Carom xa , :BT: . - Sl l-KIITIOX RATES IX AdVaXC')' . One'Ycar, Postage Paul, '. '-"' $2.1 Six Months, " - il!t Three Months, " ' -'...;'. ... f'Money can he sunt by Mone Order or Registered .letter at ot KISK. THE ADVANCE GLEANINGS r lit ii ' a . a By The Ad vance Punishing Company T:w.m prrVrai " .nomh i.ou. WAMCE. i ti - "2.1. - is.00 LET AL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY 60DS, AND TRUTH'S.' JosepKus Daniels Manager WlliSOX, C, IfMDAY, MAY 5, 1882. VOL. 12.- XO. I l hciv wt-re .fifty deaths in Win nan jmih small jiox last week. The Georgia State Press Associ .itioi) meets M .Ait-junta -May 10th. , senator Ma hone, of Virginia,' in sail I to lie worth oVer,wl,(M0,000. Mr. Blajuc, of Maine, is going to rusticate over in Euro)M. fnrawhile. TifeiVare ""(JlMMMM) wort h of im provements now going up in Macon G;Tu - ' The bill of excentions up, which Guiteau's counsel Ik we their notion ii a new trial eaine tip Wfo-e the justices of the Supreme Cnrt of tin- District of Columbia,! siting in bane, Monday, but the argiinent was postponed fill Mav Srli. .' U ' I i Ihe General Convention V the Christian church meets in qua li en nia I session, sit Morrisville, on Fri day lM'fore the first Sunday in Hay. It rcpresntsronfenMiccsiii Virpijiia, North Carolina, Georgia and Ala bama. .1 ! v Rheumatic Recovery. AslIEVILLKj X. i All-?. 2.".. ijwi. II. II. WjARNEU & Co.; Sirs I take great pleasure in stating that I lave Iteen Entirely cured ol rheu matism by the use of your Safe Kidney and Liver cure. - N. P. CllKDKsTER. TRAEGDY II YAKCEYYILLE, KORTH " CAROLINA. A Heart-Rending Scene. Snow fell to ,f inches at Vernon Sunday. ; Texas contains 'J7i.'VUi siiuair ives ample range for mires-, n iii.'ii , i I III cow liov. It is talked that :i narrow gilagc laihoad isto Ik built, from Pelers- blll ie depth or. six . The Right Worthy Grand Lodge .Mills, Vn., on nHhe Inde.ciideiif Order of Odd I ir'ellovVs w ill meet I in Wilmington May Hth, which falls on Tuesday, lei ng tlie first time this iinoorlant lusty lias met in '.Wilmington, since IV.,. Greenslioro 'utriot: That was j a most heart rending scene at si Johns. Florida, hist week. The Meamer Sail ford took fire, the ltow ltluiost ashore and the stern swinjj in- the stream. - The passengers w re fathered on the stern; the flames lielimd them, when two ehihlreii, panie stricken, turn and rush back into the saloon. The mothers dared the flames mid Our. friend hwrished with their innocents, and -Z !' 1 j y;TJ,om: wb"h;i'' nil?J later two bla k'enea for,8 re dm- . iwvtii I. -ii i . traveled t liroii Chatham, savs f I. t . . , . ' !! tU '"' fh W 'HU ! t-' eoiinty will malie wheat enol, U'ed from the rm,., each clasp,,,- a. t:.. . . ..i ll I.:.. i - - ..-. Iiw, ,.w.w,, ,,,,,,, ,,,, ..K XW o,,. i , (1 li.4A w.Iim.,,1 vlian-c. aeration, he says 'flic; ma 1 do- nieaiiders abroad in' ' Maw anything like H ( icorgia. The. mad do-sei'lus to Is a nnvin- institution. A woman in Texas has sued a railroad company for dam-; ages for killing her liiisband. A couiile reeeiiilv Hlivorced in Los ; Without ex- i oor eiiarreil remains u,i,t ,u' mv,r : "Kansas Wheat. . ". Lynehhnrg, Va.; April 2l. To day a sliM-king tragedy iM:cnred at Yaiicey.ville. . North Carolina, re sulting in the instant killing of Na thaniel .lohnson and probalily fatal shooting of (ieorge AVilliainson, Jr., and wounding of Postmaster. Felix Roane. The a flair is said to have originated last Saturday l'tveeii l'oane aiil Colonel (leorge William son, formerly a meinler of the North Carolina Legislatui e, when the latter jestingly twitted the for mer with having accepted a com mission from a. Republican Admin istration. Uoane, it seems, took oflence. at this ; but no ditliculty oc curredat the time. This morning a j difficulty- im-i-u red v between Roane . and Colonel AN'illianison, sniiM)seil J to have grown out of the alsive inci- the eommittee Angejos, Cal., .repented, made up. and were re married the next da. . In igadicf CelieralO'. II. Dockery is looming, up as the Republican candidate for Congrcssman-at-large. . ; -.-.!.- (iuiteaii isgeltingiiervoiis. 'ar den CriM-ker says he acts "like a .badly scared individual."; tie has ' caused i - Ralph Waldo Kinoi'sou. t he most, origin-;,!; and powerful imellect among New Fiiglanil men of U-ters is dead. The Norlli Staff says Judge Rvnuui will piiIiall. be uominated by I he Republicans for Supreme ( 'oiii l luilge. i. ' The inajorit v on eonw'nh rinse Hie ( larfiehl-expenses . favor an s.",iMM appropriation, of I which Bliss, is to get 2o, (KM). This is regarded as yerv excessive in Washington and the minority o jswf it in a coininoii sense way. Maeon ' Telegrapli : During the late tornado a Wilkinson county man tied his wife to n stump witha rojM" to keep her f rom iM-ing blown away. The wind died out anil hIih came near ls'ing dmwneil by 'the rain In-fore he could recollect where he had tied her. i! a . - j j . At Lake City, Colorado, Tlmrsday April 27th, one hundred masked men over lowered the guard and took from jail ( I eb. lletts and Jim Rrowul wh; shot, and killed Sheiff ('amjill'll while atempting to arrest them. Vrhe mob. hung the two men, lo(Ji oflheni dving game. I . jdent. Later in the day Nat. John son, ne!hew of Colonel (leorge Wil- AN KNOUMor YIELD 'PUEDK'TKF J liaiiisoii, was sent lor while engagei1 i .ii-m.KS. on his farm, near Vanceyville, ami PexasVliiis Ih'cii so imiilia with I II.;! marriage o Pj iiiee Leopold .,. niagiVieen t land domain ! in tlje to rrinces-t Windsor, w ilh great Mary Ainu Sjtodgi wa. drug- phi i. ! Ai cai- ?5i- WiliNe, , I 'aliins' 1 liver ;t he (ircen-sliorip Tliiusilay, I lelen took hJare at Tliuisday! : -pi jl iiTth, pomp. 1 i ' aged IS, I'hil i.lel-Ciainiiier Topeka, K4.S.,; April -'.. Relia- j j immediately rejtaired to the village ) ' i i i o. ..wti. m l 1. ....... ,c li... ......1:4: .. . r. 41 f it 111 L nan i iiiiiMiihiuirn nil 11 vieo. imc rcjiuim 01 1111 t iiiioii'ion ii nit- 1 wheat con ahlnir the entire line di- ' WiHiainson, ,Ir., after which they f 1...! I-..:.... !....:.. .. ... i ! were seel, to go in the direction of timii. ii 1 itri t'iiiirii j. 111 1111 lutiu have lieen received here. The out ,1 look was nevet lM'tter. Cimditions; and indications are vcrv similar to 1 those ... of 1S7H; when Kansas had such a remarkable grow th of wheat. The crop luis an uiiusiially healthy dark greemrolor, and the best judg es estimate. tl)e yield all the way from 'twenty tojfortv bushels to the l the lsist olliee. hen oiiposite- Henderson's store, which adjoins the jiostofllce building, tbey ol served Roane coming in'theopposite ; direction from his dinner, armed with a double-barrelled shot-nil. Postmaster Roane, upon seeing Messrs. Johnson and Williamson, A GYHAST'S LOIG FALL. THE SENSATION QF A MAN WHO FELT THAT DEATH WAS VERY I NEAR. j inmost heart, and he kept it upnb- N0TS PROM THE FARM, hsbeu for a long time. It expressed j ; ., m t his own feeling at the time, wheu re ! covering from a deep affliction, and i he had it in his own heart for inauv acre. Some fears are e sissible damage by dry winds and Jr., warned them not to approach . .. Ii 1 111 further, but the young men paid x pressed ot 1 , - ' - .. T .. . t no heed to the caution, anil contiu- ohineh-lmg latti with a feAV r in the si'ason, but more weeks of -nod growing weather the crop will Im. entirely out of danger, ss, I to deal ii :n 'flier- Je.inii- A Southern Cyclone. ' ; ) MDNTK'ELLOi DEMOLISHED AM) A. I DUMBER OK jl'EOI'LE KILLED. Ihisin'e, Ksiii, will . ,de-' liierar.V address I efore Female College on play L!5ili.i Tlios Daiiielsof New Heine re- 'entlvicaiiialit.il King fish weighing HIMI iMMliidsl lie sent a bariell of it to Ihejiu-phan asylum. Mr.!W. li llutson, of Chathaui -oiiuty, hasi invented and lias had patented afiew corn i planter that w ill Sitve t lie labor of live men. Nat-Hill, a negro eoni-t, was killed ;by a guard al the ieiiiten liaiy U'ednt'-day April 'Jbtli, - while u theiac) o' making lp escape: MrsL Cailtield teshlies that Or way of gftriits to railroads, schools, soldiers, etc., that, deducting the iinloeated lands, est boated at .S,.'MJ(,- woo acres, i nere are i iainis now in ; existence for 7,b00,MM acres in ex- i cess of the whole area 'of lauds. i- The Augusta (Ha.) t'hroniele ih wialH state tljat iiit-iinei nt iM-ueve that suflicient j nrdaV Moid icell lessiire will, after all the denials, lie brought to bear upon the: Hon. Alexander II. Stephens toconiH-l Ins iu'eeniarice of the uomination i for Oovcruor of the State, and in ' sjiite of his reluctance! to stand. . . Wadeslmro T'uihh: Harry l lJiiil, colored, who was committed for an assault on Spencer Little, colored, last we-k, at Lih'sviHe, while In'iiig brought fojail .)londay night, under New Orleans. Anril i4. Th injured, winh alsmt noon Sat vived a piunlul wound in the count v' v of his leg. Postmaster Roane the J ued to advance, AvhereiiMin Roane i took dclilierate aim and emptied the contents of the gun in Johnson's body, killing him instantly. Roane, -then drew a '."pistol -simultaneously with young AVilliainsom, and both :1k'-;ui tiring. Williamson was ; struck full in the forehead by the i jtistol b ill, and inijst 'jirobalily fatal- Roane only re call' i 111- of Lawrence imitv".Mississirit. r nieumteiy :surreniereu niinseu ro was destroyed by a cyclone. Kv- the authorities. All of the parties cry bnisness hoiise and every resi- i to llu'- niilortunate attray were deneo Miwnt thl.. 4l..,..i;. f highlVeoniiected in North Carolina ed. IL Weathej-sby, (bounty Clerk, :,,,l in Ivillo, Va., and the trage uiid in 1.011 P.ni.M.i .K. ti. ,.,,ki;.i. nl.v ba.s caused inlejise- excitement. ............... , , ... , er of the Monticello Advocate ; Mrs, R''iuond Dispatch. Connor and chih: Butler and . Alleii an escort of four . men. . jiiimIi' l.is I A fewesejil ijuinjureiL Fifteen escae;.pist as liliey hail reai-IYeil tne I or iwenry were edgeiu' town, and has not-lieen 1 among these are Heard 4l suiee.; spencer, t ile inry j j.u.ol Mev.ra The jieople are. h in a critical llliss w as in1 I 'resit jeH.fi ! lie 1 octor.-i Senators ver called in to see the We suppose-this, setles claim IVui a ,MHI fee. Uiavartl aiitl 'ance w ho ail liecn'iiJvitvd to lecture in Wil- , Mrs. Carlye, Miss Sharp were killed. Seriously wounded Fx-SherifV Riitler, Charles (,h- ft destitute. The General Conference of thai " : : South. ,E. Church How Thret Desperate Megroes Stole a Cargo ol luingtbii for I V associat ii o detline. Reports t Vnalor Jo.4. ban, Hiiell. 1'oiiiili's, auk -lied. the beniilit of the Libra hi have liecii conipelled niie IVoiil' ( leor-ia t hat Y). lrown is a very sick from! (h jo d ami lung I. f ha! wbr ;e is threat' On tie evening 'the I M.v W !iw . nil 1,01)0,11110. Freight. who was cut, is: now condition. ' Judge Lyncb hehl Court at Min ea;)olis last Friday. Sixty men went to the jail antlj foiiiHl j their man, Frank Me M awes, who eim ! fesseil toliaving coininitted ra)H' on tour year oltl daughter ot .. I Simsiis, a proi lineiit I ciliy.euJ He stopping tit. Hair was hanged on an oak free and left five nqgnw mamiged to get .into a , .i.-,e. i oc o...., p.,.....Mii ''"'"'IlK.x caj uniioficei I j ii it miinit f I mi' tliiw " lioi lUkiu -w,lrnntl.iii ' i I : quiet until the f liiiu 'moved olV and of the Kith, while- was This body is to meet in Nashville, Tenn., on 1 he .itl of May, ami will be composed of l."2 jay delegates, from 'V.l annual conferences, repro seiil in-4,01 J travelling, o,S;." ItM-al preachers, antl a lay membership of S."i(l,Sll. In addition, there are live bishops who-preside over the. body .alternately. The Ceiieral Corifer-- AVe were playing in Hayana.JThe same people go to the theatre every night, and they demand eouatant elianges in the bill. My brother Tom was taken sick sudden ly. His ladder was up in the dome ready for "the leap for lire," "and the ieople Ikegan to clamour to have 'it done." 1 finally agreed to do it. The feat consists, after the terformanee of a variety of tricks on the ladder, in swingiug yourself into motion and jumping to a taut rojie, running from a ceiling at an incline to the wtngs. The jump was a long one, anl the house was very quiet wheu Ijliegan to swiug preparatory to taking the leap.; I threw myself ft the rojie, aiid when I was in midlair, I Raw it- was no go and that I wsU rtohe. I stt uek out desiierattdy witji my feet, in the hoe of helping mjself forward, but I only rea'hed thf rope yiih the tips of the finger with my left hand. Both feet wiere extended in sitreadeagle form, j if yon like. I ought tohavelstruek the rojie with lsith hands fairly" in tlie centre of i i . i' my body, with the pegs asro-8 the line, so as to distribute the strain of sustaining my weight over my whole Isidy. As it was, ii all fell on my left arm and my jody swept in toward the rope like a whiplash. Of course 1 let go, and theu I liegaii to tui n spirall ; like"4 .corkscrew and then go down, j I instantly realized that I miust notj fall j nil spcad out, I gathered my left . iltrm close inttf my Ixsly, pushed my heail forward and drew my legs together, strug4 gling to get into sliaie to fall on my side. I did fall just that way forty feet on a wooden stsige. My arm was driven into my side and a rib was broken. The sirm was shatter ed ami I was laid up for many - - .... months. - While I was gbidg" down in ah instant 1 saw over again, as vivid as life, every fall that I .ever wit nessed. They came up in my mind, one right after; another, like suc c.essive flashes of lightning, and I seemed to be experiencing all of them in my own! person. But worse, than every thingjelse a great ileal worse than the sljjock of arriv ing, was the terrible sliriek of agony that went up from the audience. It was like oneJ heartbreking wail, of agony. T can hear it yet, and I hear it every time I think of the. accident. ' i months. The ioem of 'The Reaper, Death,' came without effort, craystal listed into his uiind. 'The Light of tlie Stars' was composed on a serem1 and beautiful summer evening, ex atttly suggestive of the poem. The Wreck of the Hesiierns' was written the uigbt after a violent storm hail occurred, and as the poet sat smok ing his pipe the Hesems came sail ing into his mind. He went to lied but could not sleep, and wrote the celebrated verses. It hardly caused him an effort, but flowed on without let or hindrance. On a summer after noon in 1849, as he was riding on the beach, 'The Skeleton in Armor' rose .. . . - . as out ot the deep Wfore him and would not be laid. Sowing Corn for Fodder There is nothing the farmer can get as much stock food from for the amount of lalior exiended. as he can from a patch, of sowed corn for fodder. Now is a good time ' to legin preparations. . Select your groyndaml, unless rich, give it a gtswl 4iit of manure and plow it under, liet it he until the last of May or the first of June; then re- plow and harrow until the surface is thoroughly pulverized ; then sow the eorirwith a drill, alnrnt one and a half bushels, of shelled corn to tin1 acre, if voir want it for fodder alone, or, by sowing thick, the stalks will le smaller, land you will halve a lar ger quantity of blades and tops that t lie cattle will eat up cleaner. Bv j sowing thinner you 'get larger anil heavier st-.dks, and by sowiii.r ,i One of the best known of all of little. earlier and letting stand a What brought, you to prison,, my colored friend?' . "Two constables, sab, Ye.smt I mean, had intemiMT- ance anything to do with it?" ''Ves, sah, dey was lnife of cm ,lnink. I do love a fool!' said Ophicleide, "with a scornful glance at his neigh Itor. " 'You iHiinTiteiV egotist! plied Fghorn, with scathing calm ness; and the light was over tielbre the jslice could get there. ' - It was a mean man ami a Chicago artist w ho announced the exhibit ion of a magnificent piece of sculpture 'The Old Trapjicr,' and then w lien the deluded crowd paid their dimes and went into the hall .showed.lhcm a tine tooth comb tf flu' iutagc of 1S.V.I.' '; ; '! .Ratks or'JAbvKKTi Wine Inch, One Insertion, One Month, -Tlm-e Months, Six Month?, 1 One Year, - .LilHTat nUcounts will be Mtl for I Jirger Advertisements and for Contract by the Year. H; h must nceomTvanv all A1vms. Usements nnlt good referenee U given. , . the other tmiti-aiidhe Vft his own seat ami went over to the front end of the car and shot that pieiv of enstartl pie into the ear of a lieauti- tni wniow l nun Iowa, .., "People traveling somehow fid get the austerity ofthcirhome lives and form acquaintances that last thiiHigh life. Iiurainic Jttmmrrami The Story of Harder. lloV 'LAWYER V. .1. LANSING f'AMK To KILL HIS WIKE.. oN'K' of Till: MtisT KKMAKKA1U.K SToj;iKS EVER Tol.D IX A ITOl.KT RouM A WoMAN-WIlti LED HKK IU SIJAXD A LIKE- OK TOKTVKK l .M II. UK II All TO KILL IIK1J. isburgva iarty of" regularly cn-agett in smuggling i It. Yniidcrhiit has a new ainsl ! liiiu to recover y 1 i iriginat ing in hi ; tieai- An Iviiglislinian b. diamonds and -oilier flu's count it, lias bei .New York. A large who is saitl to then tlipj' eniiiiieiieetl unloading 1 he Hi'. wilh tlie Slate l ine Railroad. oinpauy. A learl'iil ails ; in '.Vustralia nont lis seal The heat in eeti tern In heal ami ; droit. F.ii ;lit pre-seVer.d They t hrew out a number II -Till It wi llllb I t - ... . i ewelrvi into i ot "i-WX. tobacco, which w ere fol i caugiit in jlovvj'd liy ;i sack of. flour, but. the. quantity of j sact buiteil oimm: and scattered h k valuable jt wtdry wa tound ciinccal- ! tloiiir iikhg the track, and being eiriiiuier.il. nuse imu.oii, tu ins fiiink, ami seized by flic ciistoiu house tillicers ia "New I York. This arrest is ex peel ml to lead to jreve- iccly any .isain has fallen. I ll ions show in- the complicity of jthe inlaiiil regions has 'other parties m the frtnitl uon the revenue. , . In Fall Riiver, .Low t ii.'iVtlie tl I Ma inolo.ved 1 1 llbreigii opi'i' A iiiiiii- tl in- tiay last Wis, each ol II and Law- iree inanul'icturin- ccn- ssachuseth ', t lici t' are . ,4.;." mitnO ami 'JU.'SXi ' dives, ! arrival ;;in New York w eek w ei'e SlHl llollan- whoni had more or less t -s - L.IL'.- Ill Don't diet o m ills, bound for Minnesota to en raising. , forge there .... I -r ci rjierc are IHIO posf'otlick'S ill I he Cnited States. i lie average lucre i -e is i.o ,e u iy. f'lit this can it is lliought the in- i:,(ki:l-'', aitnual liieeting of the of the Carolina cent nil in : limingron ol. John M. Robinson h;i tuianiiniiiislv elect etl Prcstd Senator' Vii uie at til.' ,tli Pav "th, on -Americaii cians, sayst lease; w ill I A I the lock holders u:;iilitad coinpany VpHI l'7th, Senator Hill, of 5eirgia, is, yet very tee I tie, not withstanding the many favorable re; torts which jhave lieen made regarding him. lie has been an intense sullerer, and, , al though strong IioN's.are entertain ed for his l-eeoverv, - we 'fear the worst. Repeafeil tin turiii- ojiera tions have failetl to yiadieate the disease, antlvach has left hinr jhi.. a much more precarious condition. . Tin' Masonic Cirandl . Chajitcr of the State will nu-et in Wilmington, May .'HI. The delegates, who are exieetctl to. bring their families with them,. will be the guests during their stay in Wilmington of Concord chapter No. 1, antl a round of fes tivities has bceii agreed uH)ii, in- ( 'harlot tc 1 u ii lii.l li-. .i.l. t ? ence is uie oniy law-making ImmU in the Church, ami its acts govern .throughout the connection. Since where they lay the meeting of the. Conference in l.Si.s in Atlanta, (la., two bishops have died viz: D. S. Dnggcttu-i.nl W. M. AVightman. 'Among the s important work to be done at the approaching Conference will'lie the election of Iron, three- to six new bishops, as three out of those living are fur advanced -in. life anil very feeble. The election of a mission- :irv 'su'iM'i't :ti's lii':l'iLui.!i.ii'ii',. ..1 11... not jMUcuke uuch extravagant 1(i(ly ,xpandin- work of the wiisbtlo wan , until the train in lllis ',,epnrh,.ent is not sided Ot Qum's where thy I , , 1Il!H1-that oflie could qilerjy unit ail. They larrietl , .. , - .. .. . ...," ii election ol a lusliop. lie Vtcetioii itiir. r.tiji UltL uif.4.'..tn!li' in...i.liiii i . - ; . V-, ' r : ' V i of a lM.k agent; and. :m editor inn intoig u nimuier oi sacKs aiong j consadet; te negroes they dtcitlcl the was passeitget trail ti t-a4k' vhile the mg for I he IriM-lit train nort h-lHiiind pasN. The rolt- Ikts hit ftie lraiiat Query's, and (luring thiiiijjnit tfallaHl along . the track jiutj ctillected their Unky. ihey cin ittlitto tile, house ot soon t Tin lie: ...... 11... .. ...'..iii.oi.iii .livii'll tli.A til'..l .111 j lllltllllj .111 ill nn'ii ii.i, tu, f . . 'land i, big dinner at MrJ Perry's new ince will -'deliver a !- ; Smithville liolel, which is lironiisetl eatre in Kielinnnid on - lie readv for - the ivceptioii wf the "II ii in irons Side j jjuestson the 1st of June, the -Very Politics and I oliti- j ,h,y of their expectc4l visit. ie w asningiou p.ipcrn. ..:.... .,...i...ti..1 1 ni.iiiiin.itkln VfVt'i llllll ' I nmi.itiiiu iiiiiiii,. . - Jt has costlthis gtei?nment over arrived at New York Inesday, awl a million dollars to print the the 'commissioner of 'immigration .Ibrpriviiiteclaihis jnvseiited'to ! estimates that the arrival dnriiig LollSt. ... .. , .......11 ii il i ....a .. ;il ..-.if.. KM1IMMI. I.t- nin.lll : "ini..ii ! .lll t 111 iln-j.lt, - ' the light alterwartis. Among the arrivals Tuesday werea . i... it.,.l I numlwr of .'German cigar makers, l t in - n-tii .il.l i.i.ii-j . . . i (i itatieuts, 2J.'5 til Aci'ording to -the lat- i amazing asing West i ml blH'IIStl has ro llisine ll.M in lliin are Dr.NwclI, iterl lin'ri jrapity Mfe- Fanny X'Aei I ls'eiiostmistiT t Mass, ov fifty .Vi I n.iir frs ot age. t ith r alvsH-S d Vnot likely tl I recover. - j t A w' in i Vmnty, Vic- ..:.. a t ...,.f4it ' til Kikii 1 1 1 i.m v. r. . -- i.. i w ere neiir the dejfcit ngt?iit were suWflmitlt arresfeiR itwrdj mil. ire now II 10 1 ABithtrrRiAffair.' A .SHOOTIJJO Si.:x$ Ullf'KdiU"- l k tj'i-i ihb shilifm -.ifl iii. f i ... ured liertl grtPuglou4 of troubli iiini mi . . i itetween sqne iiin tiuiniTy auljtlne u-n Uist jsatnkia.i in which ililii U at Pink lltth vho weiv vss tnwii owliuaics It Is uiidentoo ,-ivals wh caiMij,-, iey iniwh' dm fully sick inu me Xilviiig. C tosiy coiicerify sUX t abinJ 1h-1i con ne ions. .Tb. PiR,Lnt andr .ii.! Mm. Nar ,t lieview at r . v - , . mi... Monroe Wst Friday. 1 - -. were als re ,.Nyea,vuc . te and exliVuVm' ot lu a lerv practice: rt te given. '- . ! u " : v ..i ..r A tHinyenwiil fonij-" " .lioidineii mtfttMiin Geoi who have foiind 'employment here at froinl.' to 14 :per" week, ivs against alsmt Wat home. A nn merous party of iimbrelU Kkers from Frami' are also I among the. newcomers, h roin Bossig, ifTance, -i.,., ,aj4,4.ilti,it cmne a number of hK-4imtiw build- 1 tlieiwli1 ers. The Italian element is coming the II in" llllll r- iLIIII IIIIIII . ,r.. .,.......- .. - . I - - : i Gov. Jarvis states llkftt the State iil of Education have no ngnt l'ini tiw. iie of lkooks which fit to rtHMMiunend. He sjiys cv no school ! committee, oiiuty wirVjnteudeiit, or tesvher, is boniul hyhe recommendations of the board, Tv ,ire entirel.y t lilierty to exen-LseSheir liest jndg meut in selecting- piWr liooks for the use of the si-hoolsiinler their charge. - ' Charles and "Robert njunleifrs of the outlaw Jesse Jam alKHit tln-ee weeks ago, Avere Hr raigned for trial in St. Joseph, Mo on the LSth. and plead guilty." from the ithorities. i Kill Bradford id Cs. li'owe foil i'lulatiiiir UI :nlfoilt WiU jl-we, Clfcnles iin whp ht iinpr biM pisioi u t pid foar sias.M I Pink liowe, ihj l-'liis. Howe wer i iihots. Thelrj lini4und Piuisl it ai-e ;augem s it.i'.cr-ht .not If ali tts fired fmu' mi Bradford, -v!)nt ' t j The latter howffeA,, 1 V V ll'Uw.Ill II" " "t n V 1 I i I 1 I K 1 Vlefe I 11511 I and Vim I : by V 1. 1 tho la im V-t,t Jcei ('lit. The officials jat the company; olliee in this city received a tele gram, from their agent at Kastover, S. O., oii the W.I C. & A. R. It., giving the particulars if a terrible ;M-itident that ixu-iirred near there ' i Saturday morning, by which aiiiiin 1st of persons lost thei lives and others were fatally wounded. It apjiears that a party consisting of ailsmt twenty-live or thirty jiersohs, (embarked on the IT. j S. steamer Marion, engaged in cleaning out the Wateree River, for ja short ex cursion down that stream, Isiarding the boat at Bates' finding, nine miles lndowr the AYilnungton, Colum bia and Augiwta Railroad, at 9 a. m. The boat- moved doyn the river -about two hundred yards, when it was signalled back to the landing I to take on certain parties that had J been left.' The Isolated 1 exciusion- Iists M ere received on i board, and the boat again proceeded on her trip, and had gone a short distance I arriving at. a bend, when the cap- l(M's !kiow somctl.ing more t.ft his large timi hAil urceeded in getting his j aiid inlbienril lsnly of christians. I ,M,at in l'l lnition, and was ., .! Fj) to lSli tli Methodist Kpiscopal j tinidingat the ait liell, which he j Church in tj.is 'country "wife one. lawl jnst Houndel,a.H a signal Ut go ; - That year tljcy divided and those f-ahcad, wheu the (engineer let on iot the Southf i n States were organ- ad . terific explosion im- ized in 1S4.-) pimply adding the word S 'ncd'ataTy .spurred, bursting the Southjo disj iiguish then, , from the Ht'r killing three ladiea and branch N orfl i. The first General i two ,nM, wbose ' IkmIics have not Conference j fthe McthiHlist Kpis- ,Kn recovered, and mortally copal Cliurci Sout h met in Peters-1 'omnliiig two ladies and three men, uirgin Ma.vj lStlO and was com-1 lightly wouiiding several oth- wed of eLhtv-sk ven dele-ates i !N- - itt lsat will prove a total for the XaslinlU' '. Atlniruft; antl the Sunday-school periodicals are items of no small importance, ami much -are is -employed in finding ineji' .to suit this ctiiiiieetiolinl "work." The Nashville Alrtxtte is now the only one id" the family ofAilrocttlex under leneral Confer- Steamboat Horror. TKURIBLk KXPLOSION ON WATEREK RIVER, S. C. THE am" fthe control of the ' General ....... , ,,,, .mi, re1v- The olhers are either owned .oilml uynnr regit that tlujx- luul ; ;m(1 (.,mh.( mistaken tll'ir liosai for he went to ? oiled by annual confereiic out ( ex, or individuals conducting them ii......;..i..b..vs ... i ' .. i- . ",U"M" unmnug as church oigans hiihlui .r.uuoiie, ami ii.iom.ro ; it may beof inteivsf to many to 1 1 .1 i A. i . rm ""';"-. ' - Vi t ti parties getuV' even h At 'visit in tlcemaii ketl V pink big He and m V-ideutally in th,hitL Thursday, 'AW tJTt-lh-- to o' Vhey wei-e necordinglv senfciM-ed to melee twoi41 l iiftsiu, i matters polit ic and general. iv hanKwl 01, tlj6 it.,of ay. But .h I droiil awl li lis'l idme ii ...... .ii... .iioreu cou-w ! x .i .k : ,i it.i i cxcciu ion, win noi txriir, me t, y ji-e aw snoi actveni viiv having lieen pardoued l3 the I tifjr ; wounds are l .. l.ia Tii... ...iliired IHllI . . . . .li Til. II iM III I 111 . . - vt'ntio.iheldi.tiVKls.i-oa short tinWugo. 1 trnor. iiisiMttierrer It r.tivi V. 1: V II fro tu liineteri, r -t inferences, xvith 151 9. travelling ami ' L,.S.'i;5 local prea "hers, ami ith ,'1'7,"'S1 white inenil. rs. Dur ng the war this de iioinin; tum &uJrtvi verySerious loss 111111- ber liietnlH'rship was large ly decri'i "h tlie proiHrty of t lie church- lc fi riiis at the close, of the stmi'gk, intl the deciiiurfcil mcinlN'rii l nn h dispirited. Aud yet it will b. r st en that they have not 1eiii idh in the pat thirty sixears th e time since they toik fof in as an i Wepeudent organiza tion in '40. T be coming session of the (leneral 0 Inference Will have nmler its j urisii ietiou 30 instead of JOjinniiai itinffe tvna's; 9.S7G travel ling and local pi Wu hers instead of :527,284, showing a net iucrease, of over 5t0,IMKI mem Wrs. The General CW'"00 sni,11y sits from tweuty-ftVsir to thirty-one days, lmt an etf..rt will . . lull A m make me coming ne. ' loss. W-ibnington Star. Loiigfelloi and Ills Poetry. The la te James T. Fields, writing silioiit thi j late Henry W. Longfellow, Maitl: ' -" :.i "Yon i nnst hxik to Shakespeare for aUar-e stock of the currency of thought than Longfellow's, for lie is qnoted in VVextniinister Palace, in the Bi itixJi Parliament and in all the pupils of England, j It is because he huiaai lizen whatever he touches that his lyre h:is nothing alien to any soil I have . heard him quoted by an Ar menia o monk with a cowl, aud wing at e pp-meetings ion tlie hills of 2few i UAmpshire. ' "As l happen to know of. the birth of ma y of Longfellow's noems. let sre to vou a few of their Tbe'I'salm of Life' eune into pe on a bright Rammer morn- JclyflS38, in Cambride, as t sat tietween two windows, . !I tuXAe in the corner of his i; It d ;!3 a verse from Lu me di crets. existe iiuk. V Longfellow's shorter poems is 'Excel sior.' That one word hapjieiied to catch his eye one autumn eve in 1841 on a torn piece of newspajier, and straightway his imagination took fire at it. Taking up a piece of pajier, which happened to lie the back of a letter received that day from Charles Sumner, he crowded it with verses As first writtcti down 'Excelsior' dif fers from the jierfected and publish ed version, but it shows a rush and glow worthy of its author. The story of 'Evangeline' was first suggested to Hawthorne by a friend who wish, ed him to found a romance on it. Hawthorne did not quite coincide with the idea, and .lie handed it over to Longfellow, who saw in.it all the elemeits of a deep ami tender idyl." All his labors were congenial. He had good health, cbmieteiice, troops of friends and the foretaste of univer sal fame. His home, the historic headquarters of General Washing ton, was all hat a man of taste or a warm-hearted parent and -husband could desire. But to this paradise came-one terrible affliction in July, 1861. Mrs, Longfellow, while seated at the library table amusing two o' her children, accidentally touched a piece of lighted pajier with her dress, which was immediately in flames. Mr. Longfellow sprang to her rescue but she was so badly burned that she died the next day. The poet visibly aged under this grievous stroke. Of this grief Mr. R. H. Stoddard, in 'Poets and their Homes,' writes: "He lias known poignant sorrow Death has entered his home aud ta ken from it his dearest. That this, a sorrow ever abiding, is one from which, in a sense, he will never re cover, the years have proved. His melancholy is but dimly seen, like a smoke curling upward from a blazing fire. Yet it is present always, veil ing his cheerfulness and saddening uis smiles." i "I never heard him make but one allusion to the grept grief of his life," said ail intimate friend. "We were shaking of Schiller's line jsieiii, 'The Ring of Polycrates.' He said: 'It "Was just so with me. I was too hap py. I might fancy t he gods envied if I could fancy heat lien gods." The old 'Craigie House,' which was. Mr. Longfellow's home in Cambridge, was rich in associations. It. was. built midway in the last century by a gentleman of family antl distinction, Colonel John Vassal, whose grave stone in Cambridge liears uki, it a sculptured goblet and a sun. After the Revolutionary war the house was sold to one Thomas Tracy, who ap Iears to have been a sort of Ameri can Vathek, emulating as far as jtos sible in an uncongenial clime the magnificent doings of the Eastern Prince.' With the passing of his wealth, clouds gathered about the old house. We hear of it no more until it came into the hands of the last owner save one, Andrew Craigie. The expenses it entailed ruined him. Necessity obliged him to part with all save eight of the 200 acres origi nally included in the estate, ami after his death Mrs. Craigie was, forced to let lodging to the youth of Harvard pigmies all to her, tligh to us such intellectual giants as Everett, Wor cester, Sparks antl Longfellow were among tiiem. tn tne reduced gen tle-woman some curious torie's are WKl. uu one occasion her young jxtet lodger, entering her-, parlor in the morning, found her sitting by the jijiea window, through which innu merable canker-worms had -'crawled front the trees they were devouring onbmTeXhey had. fastened them selves to Iier dress, and hung in little writui festoons from tlie white turban on her head. Her visitor surprised and shock etl, asked - if she could do uothiug to destroy the worms. Raising her eyes from- the book she, sat calmly reading, like .In difference on a monument, she said, in tones of solemn rebuke: "Young man, have not our fellow -worms as good a right to live as wer an an swer which throws 'Uncle Toby's' bo, little fly,' quite in the shade. In 1843 the house wa liought by Mr Longfellow, and from that time, with tender love and reverent care, he has adorned and perfected it. The boose ia set back from the road lie hind a lilac hedge, blossoming in spring with purple aud white. On either gide are broad verandas, from look across to tlie Charles river and the blue hilbj of Milton Put . i . in ue longer you cau secure a knh! supply of nubbins. I . prefer thick sowing, as it shades the ground more completely, and weeds have no 'chancei at all to grow ; hence there is no iieed at all of cultivating. Cut' as sooit as it is all tasseted out well, lay in biintlles until thoroughly cured, and then shock up or haul to your barn. If you have never tried it,you will be astonished at the quantity of fishier you can raise on a small patch of ground. Besides getting a -good;.. supply of fishier chetiply, fanners will find this crop a great help during Angust. When pastures liegin to fail anil dry up, and the supply of green finnl gets short, you j can keep ; your stock growing and ..improving 'all the time by cutting aiid' feeding from j our patch of fodder. We all know that very often stock looses considerably during the the. very hot days in August, when the grass in the pas tures'' gets short, anil that, too, when it i.j most desirable to . keep them growing. A: gtssl supply of green corn grown in this way? will lie of great ls'itetit at this time. It takes but little ground ami little trouble to give it a trial, ami we know from exiierience that tried once, you will never lie without' your natch of fishier afterwards. - Information from nearly (0 conii ties of Iowji shows that.. seeding has lieen completed iil many parts Made the Girls Mail An Iowa editor has raised a hornet's nest about his ears and will pmba. bly have to leave the State, all .on aceouut of an unfortunate accident II ART! oin, Afiil IS. It is not ulleii I1i.it a iiioiv ivniaikulile storv is jiejini in a court mom than Was told by Lawyer C. J. IiHitsiii-, of Lnrcka, Nevatla, on trial for tin killing of his w ife. When he took the witness stand, the grief ill .his i ace. ni.Micu me iar and I lie sjni ta :.. u... ..l :.... i i i. i..i.. iiiiii n iMtiii; MH'iit-t', iiv in ... I I . uisiwqier, u seeins ir.... ,i,M.,:llil, ,-, ... .4 inere as n concert given ny young M-nled to sav what he Would have ladies of the city, .and the gallant to say "aUmt the tlead oiilvltiiion young editor wmte.it up in splendid I "'eurgeiu iv.iiireiiieiit of liiscimn shae. The same day hi' had visit ed a herd of short horn cattle, ow n ed by a farmer in the city, ami lit w roie up i no cattle also, i lie cross eyed foreniiUi of the olliee got tin two articles mixed as follows: -Tht saitl, His as a comtirt given last evening by six tiiiii of Storm Lake's must lx-antil'iil and interesting young, ladies was highly appreciated. They xveie elegantly dressiMl and sang in a most charming manner, winning the plaudits of the ent ire audience, Vho pronounced then, tW finest short horns in t he count ry. A .few of them are of a rich luow n color. but the majority are sjnitted broi n 'and white. Several of-the heifers were fine-bodied, -tight limbed ani mals,-and promise to prove good proiierty. of the State.! The wheat . and oat per cent., acreage is increased ami corn planting .has commenced and the acreage w ill lie from L'O to .'0 percent, larger, than- last yeur.' Large corps of all kinds, sire expect etl. The sami may ls. said to 1h the case in all thj West, while Southern grain crops are notalily large, i The Atlanta CunxtitutloH esti mates that the grain acreage of the South will an increase of from l." to 40 per cent, over last year, and that the .cotton acivage will lie aliout the same, except In the fliMsled districts, where there will ls a decrease of alNiut 20 ier cent. Col. J. T.Moieheail has on exhi bition a bunch of wheat, prtMlu'ct of one grain, winch lias fifty three heads, and is thirtysix inches high. He, also, has oats now heading which are forty incites high. TlKKll ' OF It HE. .CtlURTSHIP. I -, Quincy, Mass Airil '24. rSarah RtMlgers, aged twenty, suicided with, a pistol at the residence of a Mr. Allen, the attentions of whose sou she was receiving. No known cause. 5 ReM)rls' rroinf he Mississipiti Val ley are still very distressing. The water is receding, but immense and, in some cases, (irrecoverable havoc has lsen left ini its-wake. . "resident ' Arthur- has ,sent a message to( -ongi-ess recommending an immense appropriation of say from 25,1KK),KMJ. to r0, 000,000 for the pui'isise of leveeing ami jettying the Mississippi river once for all in ortler to do away with the annual appropriation of a million or so for Cap. Lads to finger. 'The railroad rates to the South HE Used to uk a Bov Him self. The other day a show came to Little Rock, and wa shamefully uiqiosed ufMin by Uncle Isain. While standing near the lent he saw a crowd ot low-soiritetl Imvs grieving on account. of linaucial depression iMtesyer youngsters wauicr go to der slfowf he asked. :. The Imys responded in noisy chorus. v 'Well, conic on, den. I Icj Im a chile myself, an', unlike d mos' of men, I haiiit' forgot if. ount tlese lioys ' ' he added, addressf'tig the iltMir i'i'K't.Tlif niiiii 1 ieg an counting, ami by the liinexlhe bos lnul passed in, Ison, was w alking a'roiintl talking io ;M-ijnaintaiiee frohi the planted ions. 'Here, said the.' showman, 'give me' twenty tickets. ' 'What for? Does ycr think n,e a lottery agent V , -. 'You passed in twenty Imivs. and Lwaittthe ticketsor the iiioiicn.V 'I (loan -owe -ycr no tii-ki-ts, an" I doa n owe ycr-no money. 1 didn't tell ycr ter pass the hoys in. I saitl count 'cm. I'se. always hennl that showmen is good in , il hinrt n an1 I wanted ter sat isfy myself. Yt''' say datdarwas twenty lstys. 1 4on spate your woiil, as- I ain't mo matheiticiaii. Ssen 1 take a;ht of isivs ter de cashier ob a bankoi axes hinr t rouiit "'miiT'docs tlat signify dat the cashier is gw in t r pass em into der moiiey riMitnf N, salt. Go back to ycr tent; I m-c crowd goin' in.' . ! The sltowmuh, rememlieriiig licit he had left the entrance lingua rib l. turned and 1 som xvalketl aw ay. 'sliu.-iL inn- -ilMint the siM-iahiliiy . ., of railroad travelers," said the man . " with the crutches ainla w afch M-kct ) over his eye, "I never got so well acquainted with the isscuge!s on . ...i .1:1 .1... Ln-on tin t l-'ATA I. a nam us i .uu mi- Miwaiikce antl Stf Paul Railroad. We were going at thi- rate of thirty milesaii hour, inil another train fr the other direct ion felescojiefl us. We were all thrown into cui-li o(h - . - ii -i.. ; er s society ami oronm on-' yum. sel, and for t he sake of his tla.igh b i. Then he" gave the jiir" .the histoiy of his mai l ietl life. Ever suit e l.s; t it hatl Uh'ii he w i-ctchetf - in " all . w a s. wue look io iniuor. ,o AVi JioWciTul woman fitlfy his etpiud in sii-cngtli. In n .hunk kIhJ wax iolcnt. fei-tN-ions. She i-.-i.ul...ll attacked ' him,' tivatciiing to kill linn, as lie U'lieveil at the time, meaning to carry out her threat .'She' threw stones at his heiVl, IN aired iKiiliug water on hiiu.'frii'il on , several iK Casiuns In slub linn with tliti carving knife, once at least drawing blood. She followed him into court, making. such ii ilis turbaiit-e that the jmiIicc had to re move her by force. She burst in tit his. office and lnat him over the head witji a rawhide till the blood st reaiired tlow i, his face. She . mmI his lKtle tlaiighicr will, an 'iron, poker. "I felt, like letting loose nil 1. holds," he said, and 1 drank hcavi h , tiki." Once or twice he tlijkjiilfd lo leave hen mice he Iniiight ksoii, and wik on the point of suallowin itvwhcnl.e thought of his daughter ami threw it away. H Last ' vcar mal lets givw worsi', until a night came Whvii he ditl not' ilare to sleep '-under Ihe same rtsif with her, ami called in a ncighlMir. They tied her wrists .and ankles with silk handkerchiefs "I'll kill Mill for I his, suit',' she screamed At ija.v light she promised to behave, aiitl-lhey liuliound her. At her re quest he sent mil for two Uit ties of champagne' for her to "solmr lip on." He. wandered alNiut all day. shunning his aispiaintances, trying to straighten himself up. "I could in ill lie si HI Si, any place," he said, -f could neither stand up- nor sit down had to. walk all the time." At dusk he went home. The Chinaman had finished his 'work aiul gone for ihe night. His wife came through the kitcheu .-und wild down in the cellar, as he sup' posetl, to get wl,iskeW'she often hid a IhiIIIc down there, f lien she came up he.-ssk: of going' dovvi, tow n. ""Yoif- ,?-Iieisaid. I 'm v lived for you, . ftnd veil slian't leave this hoiisi-;" ', 1 . He tried the door, it w a lneM'tl; he . turnetl arouiitl: liis wife ' "'as right io-front or him, hcrliaml. pressetl on her hip. "MUIT ? I'll kill you: "slic sircanieti. ..... fVeny tif jitfei iii'i voiisiicss ami ter ror "in' caii-ht ii something 't was a kif. h.n chair ami struck her. lb- 'sawlicrhing'athis led: (hen he fonml huiicll out - in the si,,.,..!,,-lias im. it iiicinhnilliH irt H.w In- got thin looking up at . Ihe .I nk wiiidowsof his ueighlNrt-'s Ihhiv ami deciding imt to wake ln.ii nn. TIhi.i all is blank again iii In- imiimI until a later liour,'Whcu In. a -landing in lion t of the -ImViiI ami uttering the words, "! have killed Hi V lfc." ' ' The - .iurV Were out twenty, min-. ufes. Wliel, Ilit'V vUH' 111 liii'ir verdict was "Not guilty A Lady's Hani i'oMUAT I1KTWKE?! T0 VJJitiiMA MEN l OU ITS I'OSSfcH sni.X. ' - :' ' - , ern Baptist Convention. to be held ! (jj.tl. -jal contact, so to sis ak Gi-eenvill, S. M"ay loth.- is 1 Anot tier fatal coiubaO-,1" jMissi-ssion of a wo.u.iu's hand look place in Sin re.r county, Virginia, near the Noith Carolina line, on Wcdnesilay. Two young men Rols'rt Bailey aud John Prazh'r ." , . . , , ......... ...... laiii-r "I went over an.I sat ill the lap of ,(.(, J,,,, lM.cn in love with Miss 1- A A, 1 . ...t. Ijll U1 II Imm Urn sale May 7th Sth, Oth and 10th I a corpulent lady Trom Alanitotia ! -jsjwlore Jom s the pretty and only and gtssl until the 20th. laml a gin iim T.iocagv jHiiipcu , -, mwr. Uiver nine sinits and sat. m the plug; U akctn Id. 1 he rivals bad long We see in the Xew York Spirit h a of a 1,mM.,M.r : liu rosse 1 1"' " , l'rn fvu-n,H until i- - i,o nr of, j'"- mi i i thev li aim-eiiainoril of the von tur- Mr fe" Drake 4fi ilffh sVriW, I ' - ""' h tU" ' "tU" the I4 iniiianaiKlis Intl., of a severe case j siasm that it shoved his hat, clear lietwccu them hn grown into dead- of water rhemiiatism"bv tl- nse of j dWn over his shoulders. ' '; h hate. In order to make their, St, Jacobs()il.-Cinci,.nati;r. ...rv,HHU - , . . i.y a-ile ".-it "T' "' . - - - . ! i kdi ftwll'jl iimt J l-iiAVm iki' Utl- ltiMTi.lv 1 ,.;.,,,. f L.aK ii II J V .'. - ' . 4 North Carrplina made' .!W-I.4 I " '".' " '-. V' -'" ".'7"'" t as noi iTdtiiins of whiskey hist year. i and we made ours, Ives -.entirely -; ,','4t .'V 0,,1M'r -r prmn. fc , - sS- ' ' - Ihome. . :. ; fdnelav,hight, however, whIe , , ' : , . I iiaiiey was talking to the young : ii v uoiKinini won an iiia. i ImIv, I raztir came in, ami tltey atcl oil clotlt valtst) leit his own seat j were not lojig there I h-fore sarc;nf iii and went overand s;it d'u n in a ' alhi-ioii were made and retdieil to. Itim-h basket wheif a bridal couple i 1 4" ,:;'.v " the time tremliling ... ., , terror at the w rat h v ghmccs which seemed to Wrestling With their firnt , , . , ,!Wnrnuni, , .. ' Ve mi n exchan-cd, and which lii- pic iue; Dt you siiiNiw' that ie. . dicafed that them waet toie tit-cut Tilling man would have diHtc it rouble' bctwei-u' thcitt. Finally -snrH a- thing ut .-oedinarv oc. fllailey left, and ; soon aficrwanN , ,. , r , ' , , i I'l'iizier followed him. An.; hour casmns f Do yon think if he l.:wl a,-.) wan,H rivuU mH ou UH beeii at a celebration at home Jhat ; roaL Few word 4 were exchangwl. lie would diave risen iinshioiiHly for each nmlerstsNl that he was to and gone w here those e..ple were 1 havea Kfrilggh1! for his life." Bailey . Siting hy themselves and sat down j drew Iim kiiihi iud iiuMlefor Fra in t he craitlNiTy jelly of a total ! ziVr, who,aiith ipaf ing titsible, hal stranger r t picked np n axe front the wmm! ! pile w hen he left the yoiuiff lath's "Why, one old man who pmba- rhiHtsc. The dcsjcrate struggle lJy at home led the class meeting, then ensueil, Imt finally I-'iraaLr's ami who was as uiguilicil a4 lUwnx UM, slnd he suceeedio IN LKiHTEK VEIX. LitkrAuv: "roccasioiially drop iiitoisietfy," as the man jtaitl when he fell into the wastejiasket. I want to U a funny man, ami w ith the punsters stand, au. item on my scissors' xtint, a jiastc Mit in my hand. ' Noah Welistcr.was a i-elebratdl author. He w as a quick ami ready writer, ami in one of his inspiretl moments he dashed off a dictionary. He took it to several publishers,biit they shied at it, ( saying, the style was dull, turgid, dry,. hariL, and un- j siJOid rather think not interesting, and' besides that he used too many big words. But at last Noah sm-ceeded, and the im mortal work is in f daily use, prop ping op babies atthedinuer table. in Conkling's lather, wan eating, a j Iwaining his antagonist. He is now piece of custard pie when w e m et j under airest. 6: f! 1 L.

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