ITHElWILSON ADVANCE. Prm.isKKi) lAkuv Friday At JOSKPUTS MSlS: vl Edilr anj Pn.plur. ':" - .-M X-i--! i A , iSi'KHrnijrrioa. Hate in -A"ivaXck. One Year, Postage Paid, - - - -S.(K Mix Montlis, v " - - - I .no Three Mtaiths.M " - - - . ."si Hr'MoitH.i? CHii Im' Jiant fy Money )rder or i Kegkterf l Letter at our Risk. " 1 "' -i " v"'-r" " . THE ADVANCE (JLEAMlNCiS. Gov. Holden continues to improve They to put elect i ic lights at Hell (lute. The Jews are seeking to return o Palestine. i There 4U li A;i.souic Isslges in Wayji-M1ity ' Texas w,uld make "241 like lthtsle Island. Still cs Greens! toro is to have a United States Court House. The .whipping- isist has lteen Abolished iii Virginia. The Tarlstro Episcopalians have bought a $1,000 organ. Jay Gould's income is. said to amount tt'$ riIlaf a second A tax ol r3Qrhas lieen put upon eaeh bar-room in South Carolina. The Intrtr 7Ve, a vigorous, well edited paper, is to lie enlarged. The Democratic State Conven tion -vijl meet at Kaleigh .Inly oth. There am-several bill lie fore Congress looking tor a reduction of lstage. ; The Mon-head City Hotel will le opened June 1st .by Dr. G. W. Black nail. ! An apiary has , been established in .Greensboro ami 4.' colonics of Italian Itees Lave liecit obtained, .lay. Gould has just completed ;m ius-iectiou trip" of 10,000 miles of railroad, all lielongiiig to himself. ' i Hon. i l. Dcvereauj;,- lOst., of Kaleigh, has identified himself with the LilsMal .tiia Hepflblican 'party. There: are eight .hundred, men in the Hiiitciitiaiy and on the rail roads in this State for stealing pi;; and chickens.; 1 Vance's lecture on the "Humor ous side of Politics and Politicians" is "creating a ?cii.saitoi. It is highly Kokeii of. . : I t i - - Win. Naiicej, of Kliowilte, Tenn., who killed his; nil. nil some weeks ago, has Wen count V. f apliilt d in Madison The LiWaal movement iu North Carolina is at j present y-i'y much like Vance's cat tish, and it w ill con tinue to shrink. ' Senators ftiiut, Phitt and Mt Oill have U'en aiiiminted a commit lee to investigate the afiairsof the Sixth lteveuiie; District ;' It is said that the (sale of walnut, cherry ash, and other alualle tiiulH'r will lut; the tanners ot llay wmwl count v filM'OO this year. Ail alligator's 'nest.-- was dis-, covered on Smith's cijeck, near Yil iniugtoii, a few, days ago, with forty .seveu voiing 'gatersin it. . From April lsr until October 1st it in unlawful to kill, shoot, net 01 trapiartrilgeH,.quails, doves, robins,'keys and iniH-king birds. , ' The pickM' l-ooni v' Wilson's -ot- tou factory, near jCastonia, caught tire Wednesday' a id was destroyed together wjth all the machinery 11. X. London, Jr., editor'- of the Chathani Ji'vconll was, re-elected Mayor of Pittslioro. iThe people of , that ex-elle"itt. little town are .-to Ik eongrattilati'd. It is said that Speaker Keifer cannot lie 0I1 his right side, but it is jierfectly evileut that he can Iii on the leiublican side with all the ease imaginable. Two women at I'laiiiliclil, N. .1., showed their respi'ct for their mot lief last Monday by having a roifgh and tumble tigh! at her bm ial in the cemetery. - - - i Thomas Jetl'eisoii, f the ..great author of the Declaration of In deMriideuee,; will have a ten 1 lions and dollar monument over his te j mains at Moiiticello. A- Keiituckiaii who is supMsel I to have lieen Indiind on water recently died, and requested 1 hat he lie buried in a branch whelk tlie water would eijistantly run. Hon. V". M liolibiiiH. one of tin' finest orators 1ij the Stale and one of the ablest nieii,' Ras iiectited an in vitation to deliver the annual ad dress before the two societies at tin University Comini-iiccmcutili June nSenatpr Hill I'an not recover, but is not troubled by regrets. H eaiuiot coinplaiii." Ire saiit tlie other day 't have lived- tilt y eight years, and 1 siippoK- no man eer licd lifly eight happier years. It may be lest that they lie all." V j. At a sHmi4 exhibition, Saturday iiioriiiug List, uear j)ariHiry, Stokes counts, Win. Nelson stablk-d and killed almost Instantly .lames M iU There were alwiut 100 people pies lit and the diflu ullv grew eiit of an old grudge.: At l:t account Nelson was still at large, j The friends of 'James F.Shcppaid F.8.,of IJeaufort coiintyi will ui ge Lis name tbr the nomination for bid of the tu-4 district. ,lr. S. is a RmI lawyer aiiul we hop losee him ealtel to .judicial honors. .Judge Sliejyiard sounds well. -1 Iu the Superior Court of New York, Mrs. Wriiia M. fhapiiiaii, of troldslMtio, has reoelvl tle ver tut of il,0ir.7 against the IWnix Xatkmal Uank ol tbat city tr the value ot Ih.ikIs ami slm k of tlie bank eiuiiiHen ted din ing the war n the ground that she was friendly to the ' rebellion." .... , ' '' , I . ' " .. - - . . . . ' f - - - - " , '. 9 "'" " . , "I'lieasv lies the head that a crown." A. erazv viith Voun, a-'i-d is, ;ls ;hi a: Loiifloii last Friday 'for Ihreatei tlie life of : the (Mieeir unit t - gives him uiouev. , . Mrs. Scoville is leeturilij;' iij v l oik III IM-Iirill ol uiteall. II -4' continues -her lectures she yfll awake a strong sculiiiieiif in lis country to the effect that tiuiteii should not lie hung, but burned alive. "What did you say t hecopiducto name 'was i -iiiass .mij i H no !" '-Hut it is." -Inipossijble-l it can't Im-." ''And why not, pi Uecaiise, sir, (Ilass is a lion i oli.liie tor." f Deateiiiiig ajplause fromtli r.ii lit' Xoil li seienlilii; passengers. J Allot her SiinpleUm. -A ('arolina fanner named .Martin J1IXOU-, : who luul Jllst leeeived l,SO0 for a patent car coupler invented by him, 'was roluVd Satunl:H ,'.v conlidence iiien in N. V. St Veil him right. Macon county, (Ja., has a ady 611 1 who can knock tlie cut liusmMii of a hawk with Grille ball al.'UOO itls rra de: ilid reload - U-fole he reaches t Iii ma. A lr;uiii would never I. urn ii oreiiKiasi ai ina! la Iv's house more limn miee The Ij'gislahiie of Maun is eon- .Kleiuig a law to ounish anolhJ ca- l ies who make fat:.d.mislakes, l ing incited thereto by a I'.aiigor casi , in i.-.h which it clerk put cyanide ot pot inlo a prescription instead ol citi ile of Masli, thus causing a Wouialn's death. v -.Joseph Waiston, wife and daiiL li ter, (he latter Icii years old,', w baptized in Pill count v on V liesday ol List -week by the Moi lnlili elders who have been llifesl ing 1 1 at section lor (he past twehe moiilli; during which time they have ma several converts in thai region. le 1 lie .woimons in litis section al loo smart to preach the doctiiin of plural marriage; bill ihey teai il pi ialel iiinoug thise who sho ;j. disposiliou lo fol'lnw them. V oniy wish mat llie would eoinii out publicly with their ile er i i 1 ' t . ami 1101 : iK "siiaKes injhe graN.r-4- Sliflliif Aliroiq. . '- A l.'etll-lrie.HI .'writing lo (I 'llllillgtou 't.7 lionWW aslnioj.t'i 1 s;u-s that blando Until. h gotten more substantial ajpiioiiJt Infills foi' his const it nelils than I he other l.eitiililiiait I oli"ieM(n in (lie Slab' combined since ti. war. a in I t haf he hiVs a er i'ii ideiable in Itin iii ' w ith III ' a ifninst ration. Matthew Ay tjsoii, f.b;i.s .leiinetJ., Cain Jemiett, .John "Johnson anil .linen .l011, iiye ot .the negl All A ' . . , , ringleailers in the riot at I'lyiiioiith last fall, hale" just .been 'convicted. Four w ere seiifl nced to two y'earji' imprisonment in jail and the othu- to one year.. John Ifastiiis, w hlo killed the peace officer, is si ill at large. .-. ' - - '-. ':.' Ansou couiifcv has (r.sleam grain mills, L'O w liter inills, .V. steam and water mills, ." tanneries, ,11 iisherie- t ' tiirpcuf inc disl iliery , 1.' privat tish ponds, etc., and ''! imblik bridges. P.eitie county has k sieaiii. grain ami saw ami 11 waler grain and saw mills, l'C tisherii and 1 public bridge;.'-.---iWcfi FiiniYi r iih'I MicIhi.h i The Press ( 'oii en! ion show ed i! iis.iiai goon luitgeiiit'iii 111 select nit' 1 ii tircJM'autiful tow n of Vay nesy ille'ii- the place ol meet nig lor nex-t ve:j Major .Slr'inglichb:-of lhe' Whit Sulphur Springs .sent a special in vitation 1 hall t li?' assnelat loir shoiihl meft ill the piac-. and acc Ai i I-.- .... Hie Hospitalities ot tlie aiioye lionl la 1 resort. We are rtilonncd . by .Mr. K.M Nadal. that the Hoard of Kx a ininers in i iiaunacy w in meet 11k (ioIiIsInii-o, Tuesday, .May 2-hd, fo the puiMise" of examining . such :ip plieaiits Ibr license to pr.ictici pharmacy as may appear iM'fonit Mr. Nadal is a inemlwr of th I 1 - 1 , Ml , . ioai(t ami win rake pt.-a-aire 11I furnishing any" informal ion j, parties desiring j. . ' P.ingliain scluHit at ilii was liuiheil M011d.1v of last week It seeiiis that a i-adef annoyed Hies which I. M, refuge iu racks ill the ceiling, 'i'-li'iittini'.ii l Imril them out by saturating 1 he , bro,ni iu keitisene oil, setting ir on tire am phu ing .tlie burning mop agains ... 'e. . the t-eiling. the tlie's were' all burned out as were bkew ise tin buildings w hich cist si'.'7.iMKl; . in sura nee ?l7,non. ' New and l irgt buildings will In. 'erected. at .oiici aihl the si linol w ill, open a-i ll.-lia this tall. . W e return , I hank (..? an invi tation to attend lhe 'ommiiiie 1 ' I. . . i- . .: . Ilieiu -..-icie-v 01 1 1 reel 1 .lMn Female College, May .'J.'ird. :Ml li .imi lioth. The annual sei uioii w.iil U prea hed May' i. Pt-w. Solo'. 111011 Piml, D.-D., of Caiv; tlie mis sionary seiiuoii, at S p. in. by Uv. J. J. lxClin, of Thoniasville. The ealistheiiic exercises will lt field May 24th, at S p. in. and 011 May iTdh (he gradual iiig exercises, at Ida. in.; the Jit era i.v address at VJ in. by Fabius J. p.nsliei', ; lsq., of Paleigh, and the annual Ooie ert. at 8:.JD p. 111. ; U "1 . iii WASHINGTON .? . ' Ai'tTnh . ( 'apt. Alhur 15 JoTTiNMiS. limes, ol llson, ; has le'ii sllH'eliiig with liilioiis fev-r. Mr. l. J. rCeaniv ,.of Jio-ky Mount, ; N. C h;is lteji gri uiteil a patent for i liM-d imVhanism fr saw mills; J. T. Williamson, llaleiih, N. C, a patent j for a stencil plate. .Judge, Settle of Florida, a former Norlli (';irolinian, U in Washington an applicant for the vacancy of the oiu-t of Claims. '-P.arkis is willing" lo take any otlice ijit. the disjMiKal of the parti. Kenneth Uavuoij of .North Caj- liiia, Solicitor of quite sick. Census liiillrtiu fhe Treasury, is list issued shows that there are;,7'J North Carolin- an.s resident in Florida, 17,tK resi j lent ill (irorgia, 1 ,717 resident iu , udiaiia,!i.ud !S,i)4(i resilient in Ken-1 uckv. : lieixuts I'niin 2 principal cities in he country whieli collect .'7 iK-r went, of the postal revenues, show liat the r-eipts for the quarter inded March M, ajie J.".I jier eent. I Lrger than tor . thje eorresiioiidiiig ; Postmasters'. ein mission sent : : fno. S. Potts; Pineiilie, N. C. , ; j l'lie post, ol'lice at ilallard, lam oln 1 , cd inl.v, N. C, has reid "Ividsville." wen changea to, ,1'lu is a reity,rigin. now 111 pro gress over lle Mist liiastershii 01 the : Salisbiu v btlice. This oftiee lickings to the presidential class, ir. and pays-i abiiir TL',000 ,,ei- yel Wray and Manguin have been continued as "postmasters, respec- tivel.v, at Iveidsvilh (ov. Vance has and I Hirham. jU'en a)MUiited on i;lie Itoard of Control of the Cihi-i own con.epient position, orother gressioiial Caiir.iigli Coniinittee of! w ise, I'ihumJ rt'ady and unliniiteil fa- the. llcniocratic parly i t Federal iMiildingi are ordered to Ve built at Chailotite, (iieeuslmiu, Ashville and New b lie, lU.AJNF. AM) Hl'fLMdNT. S'lia- tor I'.laine lias been lieforet iie House CominiMee ..11 Foreign affairs. His j recoid 'v hileiecretar.v of State with li and Pei'll is 1 tdlv siuirched. i 'l'h. examination, v hich lias leen i:(HitluctMl 4iierly by Peiryl'-eliiiont,; Iras l.ecn cotHbu tcd Kvil h vigor and ; nirii, and Mr' l'.J-.iiiiie has not lieeu 'le. Svitli a.ll his- h a Adj biilhing, to" deter Ml. P.elmoiit from I , 1 asking and.. lemamlng answers t i plain quest ions. Mr Pel.uont, who j is only aboiit 27 years old, has gam-; d ,m,ie a naf.oiiai jrepuiatiou bjfc his encounter w irn ,,ir. itauie, and the less ol' the co'untv Las only words of praise for y-oung Belmont w ho-. dd to Blaine "you are acoward and is bully," Tin-; J'l'ULic Pkiniinh. A new public 'printer has (teen apoinfed? f Hid' this is ;i local event iu Wash- . -. V i iugtoii that is considered ofquiteas much iuqortance ly fifteen hundred employees ajid thrice that nnmber that' are dependent iqioii them, asJ the :i i xi tit iiin t- ofa (Cabinet Otticerf inpoilaut changes ajie. exiwcted in t Ik ni inageinent ami jHisonel of tlK' iil'tue. Since the vvsir, the. public printing Ims cost the Government not less thaij fcMMinO.OOO. Thegov cinniciil orbiting office' is by far 1 the largest establishnielit of the kind in I he world, ami -A more careful iiiauateuicni of it wilihl savv more 1 hail t tuilluM iloJiars iiiiniallvtothel govern meiit.. lhe m ain reason of I lie iii nieiiw outlay ies iu t he fact gress ordering of the ofCol !he piiiiting .if voluiiirinoiis and nf- terl.v worthless documents, that -'find j lis morning was procured. She their way, by. Hie cart-loads, to the 1 stated isilivel.y that they were piilpinills. -L married .Saturday nigiit, 'but that '. , ' J . , she has hot .seen liei-;ind since PKKSIUKMT ARTHl'U S.rKTOTAI.---..,i , . .. , ,,- . , , .-.,). 1 . Snmlav forenoon. lo the lalse isr. IVesidi'iit Aril nr has not up- . 11 t n' 1 held Hi. banner of tetijilism with very great eiithiisLasin, aiufI has incurred the displeasure'' of those, w ho lament the end of tlie administration of Mi, tKiws tie h:uneeli licensed of.,. M seeniiiig debauchery and making the W hite Hons a cli;iiiel druhkeu' sal 111 r;ilia. t)n the ojlier hand itjs iclaimeil I hat i w hile Hot a total ale! stainei he has eonq etc control of his appetite, 'and that. neither he inn his eotiipanions ever go beyond tin limit of decorum. I'lIKlJKIM'lU.lfAN Majokitv.-- The - fvpiiblicaii majority in the House has lieen iucijeased .by I two votes. 'Mr. I;y nch, oored, has lieen given Hie seat occupied by General 4 . Ch ilmi i-s, of Mississippt,thus reduc ing tlie.reinN ralic volte by one, and ambling one to the I'epiililicau ote. Mr. i.ynrn is now tne oniy represent l I I . . il latie ol the cnloied race tti t 'on giiess tie only one th it has iW-eii in ! Congreol since Senai .11- Ki ll.... Mississijipi. left tin puate inoie ! than a year ago. Tim new ly seated Congressman is a nnilaKo of very light cohir, with a fa- edJv niorx .Caucasian that is ilecrd-! than African j tn hs leaiiires. lie ar gintl his own case with great ability and receiv. ed. the entire vote of the I'epuhlicaii party, and one Deuiisratic vote, Mr. Kllis, .'of liOtiisiana, and -wiis sworn in w it'i great dejinonst rat ions ol appl Hise from the I'epublicau side of the House. The I Hi 1111 s lose bril oneif t heir readiest a)ol most luiut deleters in (ienei al Chalmers. LET Af. THE ENDS i Married, Bat Mot Mated. t'I,KYKLAKl YOUTH OF FuUR 'tF.KS VF.1I)K1 'I A MISS TVV l'.N T V ' liV KX THE BLVSHIXO BlilDK A1RKSTK1 FK FKKJt RY. tin' youngest 111:111 of ,"no w" ver assuine.i the right HIM il"'".ilities which apirtam to the Hi(iou of head of tlie family is ICddie Marshall, of CleA elaiul, son of a wealthy and well known mer chant. Ohio leads in everything, and there are many rapid youths williiu its boundaries, but little Kd 4lie crowls prei-eileut tot he wall and enters uwn -the resjHinsibilities of a married life w ith cheerful ha,ste at the age. of fourteen, and if the state ments of the newly made Mrs. Mar shall arc true, he will discount all previous records and lieeome a fath- lfine his fitteentL birth day The britlej as a resulC of her own jilentifnl lack of discretion and her Ikv husband's absihci' of gNxl jrulg inent tliat should cliai aclerize a man of such assumptions,- is lidw under arrest on a charge of jierjury, sworn out by Mr. V.. H. Marshall, her unwilling father in law. The de tails ,,f the roinautu! little a ffa il ls nearly as the correspondent can asceilaui, arealMHit as lollows: An me, Ueilan, the heroine ol the ro- niaiice, six mouths iigo vas a tender 1 j . . j 1 : 1 . . i' in 1 t - ' anil iriisieu niauieu 01 - 1- .years. . oetiiyiitg Lhe new If sei'iired position as master mechanic; in ehief of the household '."ot Mr. .'Charles Pease, Marshiill's neighlior. l.eing of an attractiedispositioti,she soon form.' ed the int-imafe, aequaintaiice of Ktl- die" Marshall, whose smooth and fresh face ami rosy coiiqilexiou would indicate hi age to be alMint lyears. TLisl)on Juan, through the attrac- fionofhis- father's wealth and his f vor in Annie's .Mght, and last week I he was informed y her that tlie re i suit would n hi be apjiarent, and in order t j ;i;ive her reputation they I must .set-lire tlie services of a ininis i ster. The 1mv readily consented, ! and last Friday Annie swore out a carriage fiense, and on Saturday ! they were duly married by. a prouii dav Mr Afarsledl t'alher of the i,,.,,)'..,,,,., mv;vwi S(,,ne inkliiiir f th affair, and visiting the Pro bate ( ffiee learned that a lu-ense had been granted, lie then went Jiefore I . i : ... -I ' ' . . . 1 . 1 .! 1 . .1 . .. : .1 .nisnee 1 ecu Mini nieti an. aiuuavii Hiarging M iss Heilaii With iKrjurv, )1(.,,osin;, niat her peospeetive ,,.,. ,A .ltf:lill(Mi ilis w.l ,lia. !,.:.,- ,I..tuia.T7Jl.'nM.l- found tlie tieiglilMiihooil in Wliitli the Marsljall's live in a state of ex eiteineiit :md wonder. The family of the Ikj.v w ere not awai e t hat Le was already married, but supposed that tJie wedding :is to take place to night. ' M r. Pease's house w as visited, lull the defendant could not be found. This evening the search was jvni'Wed, and the bride was fouml at the house of Mrs. L;rwrence, on MH Vil street. On going to the jla:e the otlicer was told liy Mrs. law rence that the defendant was not there. The constat ile thought otherwise, and jiersnaded the lady, to ullow' H searf;h of t he reniises, and bl'ter an examination of all the room in the lionse the ollieer wius aloiitto depart,' but noticing a door' iii the hall under the stairway lit opened it, :iid found the fair and tienitl-iiig "defendant ensconced un. der a sl ack of feminine pai ophci na li:i- Sh'e iKy;oinpanied her. captor to j the. house fa neighlMH.w hen lail in tlie sum ot -.h lor tier apteanng ! .nh rill iii ,i rn,i,i-. I,,, iiiii.v, imi t avers that. she w as not asked by the Probate Clerk whether the other party 1o theJJceuse was twenty-one years ol d y-1 l.ot f ltnhinI S,H,l (Ilobc- l)i-mn t (tl. A Big Land Claim. j a ease is now' iK'iiding ltcfore the I eonmiissioner of the land otlicer at Witshingt'u-which involves thetjtle to I.!0,0iO in res of land in Harden county, Ohio. The property is claimed by. certain ersons resiiling in Virginia, whose title is founded upon a grant made when the land in dispute w as part of tlie -old Virgin-, ia military district." There are albut 1,.".00 farms on the tract, most of which are held only under entries. A bill has;lievh iufiiHbiced in Con- 1 ....... '.1 t. .1 ! " ' ' ftipants who have lteen in jtossfssjon -1 ..- Railroaders' Relief. The most comfortable Ticket Of lice 187 West street. New York, is presided over by Mr. C. V. V. Ward, who thus addressed one of our re presentatives recently : 'Soine months agli I had ilieiiiuatisitiiu my right arm, and was unable fo" raise it. 1 was advised by a friend to use St. .Tacob's ( bl. 1 did so, and before the second l.Mittle had ls-en exhaus ted my arm AVa-s perfectly : welL Brooklyn Eagle. T I- i. i THOU AIM'STiT, pE THY COUNTRY'S, WILSOX, CJ FM3DAY, MAY 12, 188. NOTES mm THE FABJT. TMo fence til. I I As to tlie No Fence ior Stock Law in our Stale one fat M very signifi cant and that is, it takes no step backwardj Though its progress is slow it is in ward all the time. No township r county after a trial of its workings ges LiM-Jt to the old fence, lystem. Coinniencing with Mecklenburg eoiuity, ou the' South Carolina line a few; years ago it ha gradually extended to contiguous t4)wnshimnd oiiities until qnitea large area of the Sjate is embraced wit nin us uues. noiuer iaci wor thy of notice is tlu wherever adopt ed it increases in lfvor and opular- it.y even its most k renuous oppon enfs becouiiug its m arm alvoates. Iu Anderson eoun 8.! C where it svas first mlopted A that State, not a voie can be foiid in favor of its repeal. It w ould lake an army of men to restore t lid okl fence law in Mecklenburg eouily, where it was first adopted iu otr State, and so it might be said of all These facts are worthy of exnside4tiou:j by all who favor the old feiic system. A. C. Fttvmer. Greensboro Xeti : . Dr. Ueiibow says there will beiiore trait raised within two miles tGreeusboro than the farmers can 11 size. He exhibi ted yesterday a sigolaieacLtree two feet long, on hfch there were over :J0 healthy )4uhes. The fences of llliana, it is said, if extended in a w lgle line, would reach around the world fourteen times, and their c. t is put down at $300,fM)0,000. CaiAiug this rate ot exjiense through tlie other States we should find theaost of the fences much greater thaiti the fwLole na- tional debt. 1 Fi-oni all setiortH of jthe State there comes up thfjgratifying news that never liefore win so ninch wheat planted, and in some places it is s promising that mai y fanhers say it is looking too well. The Iadvance chronicles this an widence that bet ter times are coining. : C H v A ti. The Alorti Carol! m Farmer, speaking oh the; subject f cultivating ehufas,j which are con ceded to lie the greatest things for fattening hogs known, says : The soil for ehufas should tie light and well drained. Sucli soils as are adapted for peanuts and cotton an swers well. If not already in good condition as to fertility, it will lie necessary to manure it heavily with the best Lome made fertilizers. Pre pare the ground as for peaiiiits, ex cept the ridges. For ehufas open drills as for corn, auy distance apart from three to tour feet, drop the seed 12 to is inches apart in the drill and cover lightly with the ftsitj In alioiit two weeks, or just before, time, for tliein to come up, inn tlie drag over the rows, 'which will loosen the soil and make the seed come np better: and also retard the grass I hat is liei ginning to grow. Half bushel of ehufas, ordinary size, two to the hill; will plant aii acre. You can set th missing hills from' others where both seeds grow. They will live the same as corn. Any mode of cultivation that will keep them clean of grass and', surface loose will answer. Two or three plow ings with cultivator ought to do the work with very lit tie hand weeding. An acre that turns out Well will, it is said, fatten oiie thousand ounds of pork. Plant any time in May. ' J. M. LariMpie's Anti-Bilions Bit ters, a purely vegetable, faultless family medicine tor all diseases of the Liver and Stomach, cures sick and nervous headache, regulates tLe lsiwels, aids digestion, and is a cer ta in cure .and preventive nf" chills and fevers.' Price 2.1 cents uaet', orl a 1 sit tie. AV, E. Thomton, i - . cor. Baltimore and Harrison streets. The success ol" St. Jacobs Oil throughout the civilized worhr,';is without a parallel. Richmond Va., Stnitluru Planter and Fartmr. Deserted. Susie" Grootii might have had her pick from among the young men of I'xington, Ivy., she was handsome and rich; but she preferred; a gani bler of the llasliiest kind. He was known to her fora mouth as a stock broker, and at the eml of that brief courtship she married him. They sto'pjied at a Ijoujsville hotel on flieir biidal tour." - tie brought her a le" liionaile iu her room, and she found it bitter. He had ut an opiate in it. When she was unconscious he stole her purse ami W,00 worth of diamonds, and desi-rteil her. An Editor's Gratitude. Kci aula, ALA June U, 1S.S0. H. H. Warner h Co. : Si, To the faithful use of your Safe Kidney and Liver! Cure I attribute the per iuanent ami gratifying cure ol aain ful strictuiv of the urethra, i which, has afflicted my son ftr seven kmg years. "Every other known remedy had lieen triwl but hail failed. A. A. Wakf.k. A burglar got into the hotise of a country editor the other night. After a terrible struggle the editor sncceded in robbing him. f Apvance. THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S-" A This Wedding. i Edwards keeps a restaurant' at Monroe's Camp, or Tunuell No. 1, near the Peeo. Adair is Riackett saloon keeper. rMwards LaS ? a daughter, wL. is also tLe ltride of Adair. TLe weldiiig took place Vlandestinely jMonday evening last tLe bride returning quietly to her home after the ceremony. TLura lay Adair desired to claim his wife, hut the old man had beard of the wedding, and was waiting around the premises with a ' Winchester irL tie, which Father complicated the situation. During the day, however, the bride eluded the vigilaiM of the old geiitlemanaiid joined her hnsbaud, who was in waiting near by with a buggy, and the two star tel away ; but! the irate father-iir-law was close afterv them so close that one shot from his Winchester laid the horse in his tracks, another emliedded a bullet in tlie buggy, and two others whistled uuiMiiiifortably close to the happy couple, who star, ted to run awaj ou foot, the groom firing a salute at the old man as lje retreated. The young lady was fin ally captured, and Edwards vamos ed, and Adair j retreated witL tLe cousoling thought and determina tion to get even with tlie oLl mau through the medium of a charge against him of assault with intent to kill. San Antonio Ejure. and in Love. The Brighton Place Hotel, on the old Van Scienroad 011 Coney Island, owned by Mrs. Lena Fredericks, was . 1 . j robbed 011. Wednesday night of sil verware aud clothing worth several hundred dollars. The Grayesend Klice have arrested six persons on suspicion, and they are locked up to wait examination. - .. '-. Mrs. Fredericks is the widow of a ... - 1 pawnbroker of this city. She in4 vesteil her money iu building cot tages on Coney Island and in build-! ing the hotel. She became derang-; ed, and several mouths ago she formed a sudden and violent attach ment for Simpson, the pawnbroker. She ttecame so infatuated with him' that it is said she frequently pawn ed her jewelry so as to redeem it in two. or three days that she might have the chance of seeing him. Her visits so annoyed Mr. Siuipson that he gave his clerk instructions to tell her next time she called that he had gone to Florida, Ion ApriTlOth when she. quitted her home on the pre tence of having f o go to New York to cash a money order, she weut to Simpson's where) i she was told that he m gone, to Florida. She atoiifc weut to Jersey cty and got a ticket to follow hini,and liecame insane on the train, ami w as taken from the cars at Washington. Her friends recovered her here, and have her now in Brooklyn in a retreat. She jumped off the car iu- Brooklyn, and came hear escaping from her friends bv inmiiiiig upon another car. Her absence from the hotel was, taken advantage of to rob the hotel. . - - - : . A Singular Dilemma. The Concord tieqixter thus ; tells of tine demoralization .of a negro couple at that pjace: "One of, our colored citizens lost his good wile, altout six months ago. Owing to the badweatherorother good cause the funeral sermon could not lie preaeiicd at the time. The services was afterward deferred' from time ' 1 ' ' ' to time, until the; brother concluded not to have, it jerforined, but re lieve his feelings by taking another wife. 1 Last. Sunday week was set as "the- wedding day, but the preacher, who had not lteen con suited, said the ceremony could 'not lie iierforined until after the funeral of wife No. I had lieen preached. The lovers were demoralized -at the situation, but the ' preacher was firm, so they compromised by hav ing the funeral that Sunday and the weilding the next. The matter was thus settled, and last Sunday the dusky lovers were made happy. The Downfall of a Magistrate. We hear of a hiagistrate in this county' who ; recently wet the ermine if he did not soil it. He was ii a courting expedition and, coming to a branch, concluded that it would tie un becouiiug in a judicial officer to "coon" the fistt log, so he undertook to walk it. He missed his fisiting, fell overboard, aiid emerged rroiu the stream with his breeches healing testimony that the water iu the liranch waa be tween knee ami waist deep. The Kepnblicans will say that the moral of this story is that mag-' istrates ought to lie elected by the lieople; but we think that the real genuine moral is that when magis trates go across water on e minds of the heart they should follow tlie example of the Sfrog iu the old song, of whom we are told tint when he weut con rt i ug Hie 1 id ride. fita tc- rillr landmark. An attemj.t to kill W. H. Van derbilt.aud Cyrus W. Fields by in fernal explosives by sending thepi through the mails, was frnstrated by the discovery-of the dangerous character of the packages before they were deliveied. IN LIGHTER VEIN.' Marvin, who married so many wv men, wkw sent to. the penitenti:ry for ten years. A painful expression shoots' over Mr. Maryin's bronzed feature-l when he retleets that if he hiwl udy settled in ltah he might now have lieen in Congress. AJU litPKOVED C0XGKF..SSI0.N.VI. RKCoKli If Congress' resilve to act upon the suggestion made by Senator ; M iller that the f m)rtnm al Ke&ml be issued as a Weekly and sent to yery family "in, the country, some iiHMlinctkm ought to be made of the content of the' Kemril. The aier is ninch too heavy and dismal iu its present condition to lw wel coiuel in the onliuary American household. Perhaps it might have a puzzle department, and if so one of the first puzzles could . take the shape of an inquiry how it hapicns that so many Congressmen ,, get rich ou five thousand dollars a year. The department of Answers' to ('ones IRindents ould lie enriched with re- fereues to letjers from office seek ers, and the' departmeht of House hold Eeoiioiny could contain, expla nations of how the ineiuliers frank their shirts home through the post office sons to get them in the family wash. As ! the general contents, destriliing 1 the business jrseMlings iu the Senate and the House, we ie- comiueud that these should lie put into the form of verse. We should treat them say, something in this fashion : Mr. Hill Introduced a bill To give John Smith a pension. -, i Mr. Bayard Talked himself tired, " But said nothing worthy of mention. This would, lie' succinct, musical and iu a degree impressive. The youngest' readers could grasp the meaning of it and it could easily 1m committed ito memory'. . . Or a scene in the House might In depicted in such terms as these : " A very able speech was made by Cox ot Minnessota , Respecting the necssity of protect ing tne itjiack voter. . 1 'Twas indignantly'' resjMuiileI to by. umitn ot Aiaiianis, Whose aboBiinahle ? ftlk ' as 'silenced by ihe Speaker's hammer. Then Atkinshn of Kansas 'rose to make an explanation. But was pufled down hy a colleague in a state of indignation. And Mr. , Alexander, in a spe ch about insurance, " Taxed the patience of his hearers prettv nearly pat endurance- After which Judge. Wh tak ' nounced the recivirocitv Treaty with Hawaii as a Rcanda'ous nionftioHity. - It would lie wlvifujlil ofcoiirsc to vary the metre as much as iwissible iu oi'tler to 'present- the inoimtoliv which w'oukl otherwise dull the in terest of the reader. After giving 'the-, proceedings- in the House a above, something, of a more spirited nature ierhaps could lie inserted into the Senate re'iorts. SnpjMise, for; example, the jiagesde voted to the' Senate should lead orl" with something of this kind r Then up rose HiniMi of Florida,. the . tiest of tlie debaters, 1 And spoke about his measure for pro tecting alligators ; i Heshowed how touristsslKsit at them without regard for reason. And asked to have it made a cpnie to kill them out of season. Then Brown he moved anieiidnient by inserting a tirief -Iause C-ompelling alligators not to operate their jaws:; " . B tHmith he up and said of hitn" w ho thought the suljet comical, That Nature, When she gave him sense, had been too economical. And Brown,! rsjoiiding Jjrierly, wished to way in this connection That Smith iiv tenanting reptiles had an eye tojteJf-protection. Then Sniithne. tiling a volume of the Messagrvaiid Reiiorts, -And Brww-n was laid upon the floor a god deal out wf sorts. . Of conrse versification of the Ciin- greMttional Rerorrl would require the services of a $ft Ismivate of rather unusual powers, If Congress shall accept " seriously the suggest ions which we make, with an earnest de sire to promote the public'' interest, we shall venture to: recommend the selection of the Sweet Singer of Michigan as the first occupant of the laureate's ofuee. Another miraculous cure is repor ted front Stamford, (Vuiii. Mr. Cab- bageheatl claims to have cured his lsy of some bad habits by the lav ing on of hands. Xyraruxt Herahl. Two men' discussing the wonders of model n siieuce. Saitl one : "Isik at astronomy , uow ; men have learu- etl the distances to tlie. stars, ami with the sectroseoe Hiey have even found out the substances they are made or." VYes,s aitl the other, 'but strangest of all to me 'is how tliey found out all their names. x. y. w. . i-i.t - i ' ' : A little girl once saitl she wt.iild lie very glal to go,tt heaven, U C:vnse they have! plenty presi-ryes tliere. On U-ing cross examined she tk dow u -her catec hism, and tri ! umphaiitl.v read ;j "Why ought the saints to love God f Answer : "Be ia use He makes, preserves, ami aeejw rueui. . . r ' A fashionaWe laily witness fainted dead away while Jgiving hei testi mony, and the ths tor w ho wasuni monwl saitl it resulteil from heror set being too tight. Tlie incident was very proisrly entered ujtou the minutes of the case as "a stay in the proceedings' ! SO. 17 W hat is that, 1110I her V "It is the lrfgislatiin. my child. :"Vhat dM's it do, mother f -It ii'Mals acts p.i-iMsl by the l gislatim, my child." " - Statistics show that women om mif suicide most frequently; on Sun. day . It is ou that day that the I111 ion of Laving to wear last sea son's 'bonnet is most keenly felt. "Miserable!" '-said ' young ,Sy lnouds. "Of course Pin miseralle, and 1 can't help looking so. I'm inviteil.aiid can't refus to attend, a p;irty given by the girls a thelxurd ing m IiihiI. They're going t.i cMk the . sunNr . tlH'iusclves, and ( j shall have to eat some of the bread and cake, and I shall die in an awful agony 'he tore, morning.. 1 know 1 shall ! Preaching and Practice. . i KKO.M TIIH XIJIK KU.N ' VIA It. "I n our church de odder Sunday," said the old man, as the hall grew quiet, "our pastor warned young men agin de aw ful effects of drink, )at was k'riM't, an' . vet. two of de elders of dat same church own buildings which dey rent to siiUmui keejH-rs. ule 'pastor shed tears lnkase de heathen of India war' gwine down de w rong jiath, an' I had only to look frew de window to see .tie joys playin base ball in a vacant lot', an' a doen men taitdin aroituV a salt Min diNir. . "IV pastor spoke of de preva lence of evil in high places, tiip yet I stood, beside him when he Voted last year, anJhe put in a straight ticket. On dat ticket war candi dates who descry cd State prison Wits dan ofliec,1 but he sw altered de Iiull biziness tit si gulp. "I el pastor said dat dt love of dress Was bringin' dis keiitty- to ruin, an yet his wife sot dar w id a Ixiiiiiet on which cost eighteen ilol la i s. j ,"''-'--' . i le pastor said it w ar' a sin to .strive fur riches, an' den he tinned alMiut an' wolloja'd de congrclga- shun fur not havin' more money', to drapJuto de congregashun lo.. "lie pastor said dat a Christian must let his own conscience Is his guide, an' den he turned altout t warned om to keep away from theaters' .'in circusses an' sich. "Dc pastor spoke of de siii of greed an y it ifiw e hadn't raised his salary of l'(MI last .linnarv he was.! gwine to leave lis for aijother field. "My frciis, do you luisiinderstan my iosishuu. 1 lslieve in till dat i a true Christian lieheyc in, lint I j .have to wonder at de ineousisfeu- cies of our religuH. When a asor preaches tine ling an' practices an-1 odcr, what's an elder gwine ter do? When an elder prays dat tie world may In- made 1 tetter "an den i turn ronn. an' cheats de ey e teef out of a man on i boss tnide, w hat's a trus tee gwine to tinkf When a trus: tee gits up .in pray'r meet in' an' says.tlaf greetl an' avarice inns1 Is tlrils'ii from de heart, aii'tlen walks route an' raises de rent 'on his e tenement shanties, what's n mki' an' humble eliery Christian gwine to. hang tof Alt' lasfly,. when threP outer .live of our pot iiii' lniinlile elry day- Christians staii' up elM'ry wt'ck an' -confess tlat tley have sinned, what show has a sinner really got!''. "I tell yon dat gw iue to chiirih am titily outward ?)iov. .linin' de church doan' take! two feet olf ile distance to Jltpttcul I'rayiu and singiu an' tajkiu' may mean much. or uiilliii' at alt. Call no man il sin - ner Is kase he.doau' rent a '.'church lew . ligiiu voice. (in no . man" 'credit for r Is kase he prays in a hsitl Tue Guiteaa Group. Thai w hich undoubtedly attracts inori :il lent ion than anything else at f.'oitp's circus, 'which tats lieen show ing i u Kentucky Jbi t lie past lew weeks, are I lHA)aint ings illustrating the assassination of . Oarticld,, am) the. life -size, figures - of the .dead President and his assa.ssint Hliteail. The figures ut-re molded bv the ! artist lingers from casts taken fi-om lite, ami the figures are fat similes of the two inch'. 'That of tiuiteau i's dressed in the shabby ami torn suit which 'he were on lhe day of the ciime, and which Mr. Coup purchase.d. . Tie suit is a rusty black, evidently "ii:uly-made, worn and shrunken. The shoes arceipially shabby ami bad looking. On the breast of the figure h pnii'd his autograph, and in the right ham) i-i clutched the i.islot ' with w hich tlielee was coi'iiiiiitted The ., , ' "",l l,"""',i' "r President's figure j in a suit similar to the one Wont on the day of the shooting. The figure is .il: o .c.ii tiniii" kiiiI tlos not atrraet lhe great curiosity which the other aroused. - j on the left are five immense paint ings illustrating the crime. 1. -liniteaii incditalingthe crime..' .. llieassasiiiatioii. f'The White House-messenger leaV ing wjth dispatches. 1. t'arfield's last look - at the ocean." 5. "Tin? triaf luinging in, the verdiet. Tu these pictures the- figures are all mu traits excipi where it is nu- necissary. TnE WILSON ADVANCE. JUatks op Advkrtisiku tn Inch, One Insertion," - 1- 1M ' " One Month, - - - JM , " Thir Months, - 1 4.0J " " Kit Months, . - 8-00 " " OneYwr, , - 15.00-: IJWral Discounts will be Mad for larger Advertisements and for ' Contract by the Yr.' ; Cash mut accompany M Adver tisements unless good reference is given. ' I THE QUIET HOUR. Selections for Sunday Reading He is a path, if any b misled-, j IU Is a rote, if any naked lie; If any chance to hunger, lit U bread; . If any be a bondman. He Is free; If nv le but k, how strtniglsHe! Tolead men life He'is, to sick men , heath; ' lo blind men lgit,iHl to tm needy I wealth; p'eHsure without loss, i tmuum w ithout tttoalth. 1 r ' - OUf 7Werr.- : " Hearer my God, to Thee. This language is the heart Hitter- ' mice of Atra. Sarah Flower Adams, who was born in Cambridge, Kng- laud, in February, lHOo, and whose history has lieen bnt very , slightly 4.110W11 to the great public, who W-e cherished her hymns as one of their moat sacred treasures for nearly half a century. Her father Was the editor of a weeklj' Cani britlge pajsu-. Her mother was a w oman of tine gifts and culture, aud she herself was the youugeat child. She was noted in early life for the taste she tnauifeated in literature, ami iu inaturer years lor the great zeal aud earnestness in her religious life. She contributed prose and verse to the ieriodicals of the day, ami her art criticisms were valued. Married at an early age, and of frail, constitution, she still, amid' many bodily sutJerings, kept her pen busy, her thoughts and writings always tending upwards. At what time and amid what circumstances' she caught the inspiration from w li ich was e vol veil that wonderful hymn which has ever since echoed round atid round the globe, is not known; but it was probably during some ieriod of ja'culjar trial, W hen her spirit was uplifted through aor row almost'tibove iu earthly Udy; " She little dreamed that her hyinu, like those of Toplady, Charlotte Elliott ami Bay Palmer, would lie heard through the ages. ' j It was first published 3n 1841, in a volume of sacred lyrics issued by a Mn" Fox, of England, just eight years before the death of the gifted; authoress, who only lived to the age of 44, and thus never knew the fame i which w;a to attach to her hymn and her name. . . The hymn soon begau to appear in various collections,- and- wa everywhere received with delight It was given the tune of "Bethany,! which became very jsipular in .this coiiiitiy. K very lHxly who linn grown i up in a Christian land knows it by heart, and in luany countries which do not float the banner of Christ is almost equally familiar. Dr. Curler, in his "Heart Life," says: Ijist year Irofa. Smith, Hitchcock and Park, as they wound their -way dowu the foot-hills of 'Mount Lebanou, came in sight of a g coupe of fifty Syriau students, standing in a line, singing in chorus. They were, students of the new College of -Beirut at Abieh,' aud they were singing in Arabic to the tune of Bethany. An the procea--sioti ditw near they caught the sub lime words: ( '"Xearer. my iod to thee I N arer to tbea I E'en though It he a cross ' That ra'seth me. Kt ll all my a"iig shall lie. Nearer, my (Jsl, to thee; N iur. my OoJ, to the, Nearer to the. "I am ! not much given to" thn weeping motsl,' said I'rof. llitch- cock, when describing the thrilling scene; 'but when we nsle through .j the ranks of those Syrian youths, I confess that my eyes were a little, tlaiiip.' ' "Whom God Hath Joined: I took up a daily paier rtne day ami saw nineteen divorces in it. I took up another and saw five. I Went to a certain church aud found there in full communion a .woman who has? two huslianda. . I visited t he house of a "leading niemlier in church ami found there a minister w ho has divorced one wife (a vir tuous woman) ami is married to. another. I kuow a minister who married a doctor to a woman for whom he bad divorced his excellent wife. This was in Clinton;' Conn.' Time wtsild fail me to particularize the cases of this sort that I know, ami I live among the best oople that there are in thia world. Theae -cases are as plenty everywhere a they are alsmt me indeL much more so in many localities. A friend writes me from California that it fa hardly safe to say "divorce," o inay'nrthe very nicct people, had twt or three hnsbands or wivo) liviiig. Xw, is not this au encour itging state of tilings . I' l "-v upmler that some ministers are tellj iufg us how ftst thc-world is growing tieTter, how the very milleiihun ia IH,ii ns? It is t I feared wecsn hanlly exert just the moral influent e thMt is n.eJel over the Mormona till tut. states are remrmed. Prof. Aiw- tin 1'hcli-s saya: Wf not half awake to the fact tnai 7" of .li voi ee ami oar toleration i t be s.s ialaevil we are doing wore to wr S?tt' uationheart fhao ,Aism. ten f4Lw-Auguat Moo in the EtgeliL j

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