1 -.. - I I ' I : v -- ; ' - : i .' i . -'.-v' ;,- v. - ..;; : . :'K ..'..-.-.! j- , " ' . I AlIIIOHAi-OUli'Hf ! Tin Vn.so: ADVASCK.'thJ larg est wceklv ne spaircr published in vr(i, t'..iriili'n:i. is miblished Inclay of eatllbwwk, at two dollars per .;,.a- t. ,iii!n. f .loaded I doned. The Kxeeoti4Jewiinttw U4utfK, and cast them upon our j should call a regular old-fasluoned shore to further degrade the white j delegated Deinoeratic Convention, lalHr of the country. The storm of and those delegates shou d, hioy. wratlifid fury howeVcr which has j ig aside all tavontismek taeni n; wnL e in advance, postage wrathliil lury however wine ,srr- , pri!i.)wnsu!Wt-riber ran have . lmVst lVom the learful slope of the j the nomination ol WUlmt it delivered at iluir houses by our threatens to overwhelm this honest! capable men. - - , , Wo shull eharsre extra for adver- ' tiseincnts to oeeupy any ieeial - . sit ion ected it is ect a rarrior without extra charge. . -. m .' , . .... , , - ! ti, TWislature which h ele Wo have no club rates, rnce oi color omul pariy, vwioe mmi. -, 4 , x subscription the same to alj whether take8 iave well iigh .wrecked, our : at ,the (next election is to eject a iH SSentsn civilization. So mote it . Unite, Mate, . ' ...i.r of insert ons L.. - highly unuortaiit that we e itll r-IHJT.lll' 1 In . - - . . i. il'nf will he continuod until forbid'and ' - - ' Demomat to represent us n. that Preparing for Battle. - Wy. . " s.... r-ws,l column' oxet. under! . . t - ; ... ,. Other matters ot vital importance tin- head of "Home Itfcius.f' lor wmm -ou-s m !..-!. . .-- - , will cojne -e charge tn -cem.. a -mie mf eavu I ncj inn' ' iim.iuwii.!. . . - 'j:,. u-WiL-C T1U IIUM1H (Hid.) ' . . - , i k . i its, and AVilson emiuty, canuoi ui wwl4 -- educate .them up to its intellrent exercise, it was not the i-eial Government, but the &fa?eHiat grw-the electh e-yfranchise 4y wse uectoesfThe FJfteMith Aieml- uUit by 'the HUitA was iiidiaens; to enable th Inegioes votel Bavs JmSre Cool V in tlnj jfork be fore mentlunedj jjjThe i)itit uti n of the United States confers tin riffht to vote iurmi no one. fliat right conies to thy titsns 4 the.- Liuted btates, when mey possv.su at all, under State laics, and an a grantif State mirreujntyi according, to yonrresusomng,-ios me to:da FOB s-E- h. a. .ro..,wi.iriid MISCBLLANEO US. ( MISCEUjANEO us. tract has expired will he -charged j quite encouraging. l.ut the recent regular transient rates for the ins.er-ni;H.t jugs of the Anti rrohibitioii " AdSrtilJer wl... havj contractsfstate O.n.inittee, and the IJepubli will not he alloweilto ebccewl their Lau state' Commiftee, seem to have space or to insert anytl4ing not in tbe ,H:0;ramlnc. of a united Transient advertisements are pay- f onslaught upon the Democracy able in advance. Contract adver-, 11i11i.1,t of the New -York. ing conflict have lK-en sounded, and j , in a ew weeks, the nosiue uni. will meet lace to lace upon tical hat t Ie held. At one time the who fill see to it , that Halifax, Kdgecbuilte and the; other eastern counties are not turned over to ne m ui) before the Legbkture. JgxcjYejbav..oCtliP Stafa ttu;da, ie up ut u c r cate the colored .man. But . now, as the election ot ia la, from aU lnun a-nd lWziiig. I - , V. i i " L 4- Parties ordering their ; advertise ; " - ........... than a rename, stea,iiat , i piospeci ui a i""j)u"" "- - . gro ru Ie. Welsee no reason why the Denio- tifK-iiieiits; arc payable quarterly. No divert iseiiK-nt will, be inserted on. first page at any price. Our ! readers Will confer a favor when answering advertisements to .mention this paper. i ( )tituary notices not exceeding fif teen lines iusertedufree of charge. For every 4ine over that tiumber ten cents will be charged. Resolutions of Thanks, Tributes of Itespect, Lodge and Society Notices are charged only half rates. " Announcement and recommen dation of candidates for ottice will be charged for at regular advertising rate. 1 ''.''. -. '-., '-. :'--.' " ; ' CoioniunicationK V ou. interesting topics, and news items solicited.' Corimiiinications should be written only on one side of tin paper, and the name of the writer should ac company 'the communication, not for publication biitas a guarantee of good laith. . - i - ' ' ' ' All communications should be ad- dresseil to ' TdKElnTon. ThneH 'writing' from Kaleigh, says "it is intended that the nominations by the Anti rrohibitioii Convention shall be such that they will be in dorsed by the Jleirtiblican State Con vention, which jneets here, June l'.lth, and thus establish the lileral andiiideijendeiit inovement in North Carolina." U-ratic 'party should not le sweess- - .. .; ie Ua lul in the coining camiiiuii. right course is pursued, and ja vig orous, aggressive campaign, is made on sound Democratic prinCipleib. These are uecessaiy and a gieat deal depend on .liow tlio,f will lx- carried out by those who wilUU reet the campaign. . ; .. Ransom in the Senate: The State Democratic Executive : wn AT EX-SENATOK GORDON TmKU Committee have called a convention j of IHM to meet in Ualeigh on Wednesday! f . -Tt Kx-Seuator , Gordon : was o frnin Tiiesdav t.., fw.,.NSll. H IWJ... " Julv 5th'. The ilan 'adopted iy me Committee, as t tation in the Sbi Will 111-AKC 11 -iav!2-tf Elizali I cuks. BtiilroniMs vS i vLeVh plaice f. CHiVS. AY. MlTTIT, PROP. ismffag 4 Kir St., Norfolk, ya! the to? a little out Irep:ih- W- "fff Jaxcfacturekof . aH.J Superior Cologne iragranmnu nisting periuui- , toilet and hanukercnier, sccs , 1(1 m MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS-, f Ml S4yr KEngiirvi ?Bi!ers Saw and rist Mills, X . . Shafting, Pulleys,' Hangers, FRENCH'S . , : 1 oiler t the . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ,uuuie J i . .1 l j lwnle uf'Wih.li nn.I Hi'' wu -f nuyj-lv VirginiaTonic Bitters THE ROCKY MOUNT Are niw in full and successful oierafion. ;A11 kind of maehi I I - , j v ARDERS YWANTED with the times. iiJUBOARE to iouV. ;fH ii ' V'' "f ' 11 iM'ginping Sunday, Maj l- j The undersigned solicits the U. . . ! ' f-:i .-Tfr f patronage of those desiring ta- x cures -Dyspepsia, Chills and Fet.r , and nil disorders of the liver umlv mjiu nun, . vi-uin imiiiv . ld8LM FRENCH'S muyli'i'i 3 i:ble iwmrd. Terins R. I,. ALLEY wish to ask von a few question i 1st. Do yon rind that education ' of the colored man inclines him to vote for more wjiolesonie law.s yud J phrer law-makers. . . j 2nd. Do you not nnd, on the cou trary, that thelvst Cdncnted (if the coloied people are, the chief sowers of political sedition and .the moat dangerous and turbulent - aspirants' for social equality ? ';' ; 3rtl. Do yon njt recognize f he fact .that i. lari class of agi icnltnral la- -m. Dp you imt axlnnt that, ti.e j vkKJtr ' f of paving 10 IxkXits. nesrro'is, by tiaiiiinjr and natural ,"'VX-.,U ,. . i . h. i,c iTv,-i t ..nmniPtA th iiinav- if.-, i -e :.it :.-;n "J--! T -r ... v... v,.v...r..r. t-rv alJ)railOU lUC IM'SI oi ui ..lyii'io-: Gliolera antSarrlieaMixtiif f i Vernon If von want the i4 sf Red Fpriigs 5 Protection and Life Insurance Policy tkw in nse: try thoe inaUe byJCi t ' i IN RrtV-te & Iho.. , They are .guaB.il,- Tnv KTNALIFE INSURANCE tjjed, fM' give .cMture. sy.iaetitoju, (,au . ; , .; COMP NY - Never fails to cure Diarrhea,Choh-rn i reasonable.- Morbus Tains and Cramps in the- - stomach, 25 cents a vial. I Keir.a t fH notice. a,) f..r llie w'rhr.itri! ft.& V Oor EitKiDM, ofMrniia imi Voik. Wi- ure urouar ti iuiuili u nml prixt bii U f.p,. i iiii1cm-nn of i-vi-rr .l.-s ri.( on Tlie atU nllon nf f.irm, , ,t.j r. New liiKKVMOl'XT'ITRN l'ov;w i .. 1 " lliick v iMoiuH (jiIIoii Tlfiw t reier you to niuuncr.v, m iw ;" . t i . . t . I i i ' 1 t..;!' ill.'.- .'! ' ne now nsiii" Tlieni. n hki-i are now ind ' voi ani 1 yoit wonltl nor ,ti i,,-..ic !.,.t.nt with mortgaged - security on them.' Call, for tne-JWmllc j property. W. P. Gurley, Esq., of J,hjd31nag liwdtti , i, i'.. 1' ; I llertie county, at the age oi 4, oo- Retter than lending money at 8 per FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT! is the best for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Headache,Pains,Uruises,S,('., ' 50 cents per bottkv. .: . We - inak KitKtcni , ir a s ialty of th.-s.'. Oiu; wiion llv look first lYrniiiim M h rohna F:ir of 1SS1. Thry are s.niI ly jiulgt-s to I PKKFKC'I'. CKSIVIITHIIMC REPAIRING jo. : . -i - . .1.,. , - ' J-j.l' Jill .; 1 edl .1 liegro1 is, by training it -ill inrru.nl. lTn.v vnn nnti rtbseVved that 'i ISv'vir't'ne'ot 'Hn order i 'NV ilson "in ' projMfftiou iu; the nero .ge4sj,SiijrioriJou'it4.i wfll.m'l at-J.'nlv n the;; morn INorth L. ' ' ' The following colloquy i . .... i ....I j i,Tioiiiiif-. . ill ii..,. 5c same; nam n ? " i" veiilion, says in; n i , - j- diHerent from the practice hereto- tCarojinian. -took place: tore in vogue in Lin.-, - 1,..t,,,11 aI,,i a, the K 1 , ' 1 1 ,T1 ' YX A T, 1 XT Wl KSTS OT" K A ST K tl S NORTH CAROLINA., -' j , . . ruhlished Every Friday Jlo'rning." J.iwilin llaiiick. Eililr m r J'rt,rietr. : Kuidav M.oiiNix,;, May 2, 'tsS2. 'It contemplates what. may be called a limited '.Convention instead of a sort of niiiss-iiieeting. The el fect is to placeion the County Con ventions a more direct res(oiisibili-tv- than - heretofore existed. The A WKKKI.Y ltKMiM'RATlC -KEWSPA- I'i'.H dkvo'I'-ku to the MATKiu At, -J lneIiM.ls f tlic (Convention will be l.Di ation A i., 1-oi.iui, ,....'f ... w. ll im.iinie. iieiej;at:f m i.i - " The (Joiuity Conventions are to send only a definite liumber of delegates one for every, three hundred Dem jocratie votes, polled I in the preced ing gubernatorial election, and uneven- fraction in excess oH 50 votes. -The; Ten Million; Mortgage.'"; Senate i ,. . .. ,. . . ; :., (lordon. In iMiiit of usefulness and influence he has no peer in the Scmaite from the South. , Pubbcly he is not demonstrative makes,, fe w siM-eches but m a qniet wavnisin- lluence is extraordinary for a South ern man. Yes sir, ;v very , valuable manj -Valuable to the whole South, w sis to hiti own State, but his devotion to his own State is con spiciious and praiseworthy. To, sh-,; a Sehator'susefulness and inliuenci' is -not measured by the length and about! ' Tlie (roldslro ' MeienfjrY having published the-statement that Mr, Hi-;! Ii';iil rf-o-isfeii'il a iiuii-t'Tiioii niMiU I gates. tlie"lill-ind. lfMilriiixl iA' ti ll mil J Cledl n.u:-. ....1-.. . ( T,ifitif ion " I i llllis Will IIICIB.V .y.. ... I I ... , - :..: . . - , t i- ii... ' treonencv oi li s miccciicn. t ivm )7.S'de egatcs, instead oi uie i -i- v.. j. ' . i qi-..J n.iti inif ! v(ut man in Kai n ... J. 1 ...,...,1..... ia l,.n-a li..l . l k : 41 1 T a"" " r . f lllOUSiliiti JIU-HHW.-1" " "" " L I a- 1 1.. I.:..!1 , ,. " . , , ... 1. ... ' 1. 1. ; soin.i ou can t aiiinu u iw.-m- .unit. roiore uiienucii. '..-vim i ,T : :.:.' i...,-.. uremooro .cw- it "I'l ' iini'i . 'in. l"''! '-books into im head ' ne ,ixomos ic;; hwiwu,ti, ,im ..vvuf n fu''. disindined to manual lalior, grows. ' diui Vjlson. on the .liNt ,3101k addicted 'to' 'idleness' and all its 1ine divv m June' (otli day) alTiacl of -f -'This is. not, tlui Land l-ont;Wrihg-"lTiTrrr- iut"ime- f ill concomitants angtiago of sentimeait., lint l sui.UlaPt Acres'i)eiongng jib exiKwo nnse thsit will not render ,it the lass of Ijo,viU AtJauson, i!cr4alorui.Mir l .... . . . , . 1 .. ' t , , , . t .. 1" '1 rl-..... 1...- acceptable, to .those Who reaaru, a. .jrfit, an.muvvc.l! vM'P'! swnpulous' fiiTelitv.to a' sworik obli-Kvjiv failed ' to comply wi hiSeoie A J.,i:-,.;rt,t.A' i.ifitiirtiVrt f'f,i.;rfi Wiit.iMr'fn 'Sofin"-'Tl! Towh-' l4v?l lu iiiiiuiitiiii iiii v.wiiouiiui.- iniv i, .. . I , fl liirr r !IM "nil ovprstiahled ftlHlneTftimenfAii MritiMHlioinFn'gif:lie' 'lands' If .Vr. T. regard tor tlte i dootrme ot htates . Mgnts." ... ,,. ,i,: ..I......V M. .r-..ii ' I'eriiap's'vou are right that liiuch of the: aiipieheiided evil wbjtid ihe obviatect by giving the ntmrmronie control of the Stated, but that ifc just what the.wntralwing ;pnieJti)i oi itatio)al eduction i.iIq i6t,',proi.i)se.. bays duuge HMirgee., m tue aricie to which' reference n'a'ft Y)'eeii lliade so freely; ''-""Inst cad of giving the fund in gross into tlui iniinlsi of. Ma States andmakijua them its ahnouej;, tin ' nation itxelf takes Ctr.c thatj its pnrriose is fulfilled. Tt Vechre's i'is btiuntv to the people, anil not to the States." It is lMiMiWus'toiirtpp?! that the Republican party which ongiiiated thischenuv foi- its own ends will alk1 the -deta-ils i b so, worked ont n,;, defeat ,tie juaiu and ulterior purpose. , , litlii will ig bond AGES FROM 17 TO f.O CAN BE , . i v TAKEN. . ' ; . . - WiHiaii'i.s'oii; 1 AV.' ' 1 Ti'if h' "li"l l -4 -',.A.1,f i-iv'riMiif ti J -will Wl-UCITV A l lium l '-)-v be given putauasi'i' ..'giV witii sec'ii,Hf.v;,iit,1eTg'lit . ... , i! . ,.,T 111 V.I ??, ll litfrtest. , .- , . Jndvantatresof its soecial methods of ' MiY S l.SSL', '.7. M. l4W'll' Assurance, indicated bv its large and Adinliistrator. I'i.ieri'asinEr bushiess. renders its con- HjayllMt ti-. I !.. 1,1 ll.' flHNDUROEMEltr-.; pit ialsj' signed by the Chairman hie County Conventions, and delegate may have an alter whose credential must also be (thrrr, r .remarks : -Mr. r.sl put a every mortgage upon this, iiroiicrtv far be- n:,f'? i u i ;i.i.. ....i'. f ti -.';.,,..; si iHl either bv the ('hairman. Of road -now, ahd the slow possH the Convention, or of the County bilkv ofoiM-oi. i;.per;.i.es not pistil Kxeciitive (iininittw. These dele ' IV a very la.-e mo'ct-iagA'' .-.Weivi; 1,avt' l"'" 4'1 to i,st t,M' t'hi- road eojiipleted from ioldslw.ro: tire vote of the county. Another lo Salisbury, a inortglige of even new rule juohibits the chatige of any .!.00(.0(0. would be : unreasonable, ballot, until the vote is announced." and more than the .property would T'en l,".!!- Tin. in.r l'i'iii i if wimlil iiiit. V itll Ik--lSt,(KlU and the property would not puy interest on i?,KJ,000. The follows a list of the counties the number of delegates each will be entitled to in the State Con vention to assemble in Kaleigh July interest on 1 ().()( )(M)0,Ms i;(0.000 Ufl'- We notice that Wilson coun- and if is sensational talk of the y f h' entitltbaccording to this road's ear.iii.ir thaf amount, even arrangement, io oui .iciegaie, witli the Western North -.Carolina thrown in. ; 'tllie Newlwriie .vrisa s, how ever, "This-looks very ij llest means business in lers. and what is .liette inch like .Mr. 'uilriKMl mat- i , is alxuit to . render his Wp publish lielow the iiumjlier of Sinice the almve was in type we j votek each county m the ection see it stated that it is a mistake that j where the Advance circulates will only a limited number of delegates j l)e entitled to in the State Dejnocra will lie admitted to the Convention, tie (jonvention. Iieaufort, I lup Imt tjiat the limit referred to applies ; liu, If ; EdgecomlK', ( ; Fraukjin, 7 ; to th nuinber Of votes each county j draMville, !); Crieene, ." ; Halifax, l; The counties of Wilson aujl Nash are so nearly allied to each other in all tjiat pertains to their business relations that it is not strange, that .in political matters they pursue the same course. Tlie condition of the Den ocratic oartv in Nash' is nearly the i same as in Wilson, and v;hatw I have written in reference to Wilson county politics is -applicable tp N.ish county, and we hope our friends in I the good, old county who are ear- ! i : V... il J. .Wtl.n ne.siiv lonjiiiij; iui im- muthmui old Jett'ersoiiian pnneiples will con side our suggestions vfiiieh we make to the Wilson Democracy... MIL1IUHM HIS , vi . i 23 i . ,itmi V i no .11 H.I 'secure tlie means f schemes etlcctive. lite tailtui ot Mr. I Jest to redeem the; VVestern N. ('. Kailroiid, has always' ac,te,l soine what against, him in gaining public eonlideiuT in his ability we mean, Muoikm-, bill if the money is forthcoming, for which the mortgage is given, he will ni sian.i in necooi sui pumie imu-k- That our county Mliti;-s are in a ing in orih Carolina. v deinijrali.ed condition no one even ' To which the L,AsliVille iHtiasn ,,( Ju'niled observation can doubt, adds: "There is no objection t the aii that" hard and effective work mortgage, and if Mr.-llest can there- w b(. ,,'iivd to redeem the couii- hy si-pinelnoiiey jlo enpofe him to Uv ,,t ;n l... :i!livi'il to east. No change ; .Johnson, t : .Martin. 4 : asli, . . hasU'cn made in the matter ot send- Northampton, . ; 1'itt: ; Uiarreit, ing delegates, and each county ( 'on- i . ; Wayne, S ; and Wilson, ."i I . ... ...... .. . i ...-...... : : ' ' -" . - veiiri .ii can aci- as ..e.e.um..- ...... 0l.Uindo Hul,,s, , chainna-n' send as niany delegates as it iieems County Politics. gives notice that a meeting of the liep iblican Executive Committee- of the ' z judicial district will be ldd at Wehlon, on the 20t.h day of May, nt 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of tivinlir the time and nlaee foil hold- judicial convention to noininate idates for judge and soVusthny-., mgii can, 'veil should thev luv.bijt. feeders to his 111:1111 iiiic, it i ill l.i the Stale ami lielping' . W', wish liim -ilcces i.oads ail over the State gage and .his iiiclhrati out." . As a furt lier evidence'. that Mr. llest "means business' ilied to note that a snr posed tiraiich road - fi . v.- ir;n .. vt!1..i... Ii.. luiini i;i rmow : 1 1 m . O' i.f 'i.. i.i--. 1 " 11 I is si ij ordered, and that the charge is .'" exoecfed oierations tort liwih. rv sfi'ii is alKiiit to be 1 . may 1m-that iuorrtiv of the road. as a. 'eedi land road. maV ciiuse i'vcii if con u til's along tile line, should Color Blind. the next (lection is a truth con- j l'v-Senator Merrimon's name will .i.iild'iiny new roiuls i)i our State, (V(1(M , v ,,ij; ' !t is useless Jo de- i iM. Led'fm: (Congressman atfbrge. c ERHEI! " ' ii-.,'. ; 1" r.'.l I MEttUTISK 'To tiio Votbts of "Wilson tounty 1 lii'ougn rue sonciianoi oi man voters of this county,'! ortr 'fnyMelf as a candidate to represelt you.- in ( the next, general election t "North Carolina, and 1 do so vithoiir r. grird' to :vi 'rule of'' pai I do not flsk thr ivotiv b tioulir party but,"silUjeJi pe n de 1 1 1.. vot cs. , , . j f y o 1 1 your representative., l sij 'owrt'ludgtriefity- 'as alt1 shou'hj do 'in frrit ter ' of.- ,f'4ie--lH'0le:-'. If you elect work J'aitJiiiiliy tor the the people, and will so te von th best of thy :? 'abilit.V.'' !,'!" ' ' Yours lies wH'tfuHv. !.',! ' 1 -, i ). LA FAY 15TTK : l'H XH. UM-1-; .!!. , iiisll , v (i. ;;,.:.; i7rJn 7 ', v . i ;r."-."T"r"-",-1 "A,W. ARRIN&TON ' ' '' --ItAV tin UI ' meutsi The last amount was paid in -issi.making a total of 2,923. In Jan uary we paiu a uivmenu ?ho,uj to Mr. Uurley.in cash. Here is where the investment feature comes in. The abdve. statement is the practical result of a wise investment, of show up., conclusively protection against the uncertainty of life, and also a superior investment in a number rock and RYK. ami IDWKId.'.-s I'RK- ohe, first-class Company, with more 1-XRKI CilKMUtALK, f.r mkinK frr than twenty-seven millions of good, tillzcrs. . 'n,. FitKX, 11. ih ly available assets, to make good every 'contract. - FRENCH'S IndiaRubber Cement The. best in the world for mending ' broken Furniture, Toys, WoVmIt ware, Sc. 1'rico i" cents a vial. Manufactunil o'nlv bv WM. E. FRENCH.. WlmlNale Dninsit, 2(1 Sycatimne Slrvol. '-.'. I'etersliiirjf, "Vs. Agent fur Lawrfiun & M;irtiifs TOl.U Of all kiii' of nixoliinerv ilono unJcr our own muik i vl-iun, nntl mr work U euaiantrl. Wi- kt-,-11 Ir rliM-k a full I i of :ill sij-s ,,(" si,-;im nil, I wter piiVM anil culliieilioaH. : la , bras tiling" tor namo. IIV also nra a l'I.A,NIX(i MILL Ar. s-. In makiiia thin in our ineuifH! ami the nl.lc. ' ' ' "J 1 . S. K. HIUNTAIX.I h ;,.' v,h i; I W. U. TAY1.0K. V l'rou March ill y - . 1H'NKI,K. I i '' ' t'i:l tlH4 anii.MiiH-t-f nt we ak a shun' of tlie ii:it nni:is" ''"' S. K. FfUNTAlX, Man. I.;.;.. h 'Pheoonularitviof the ..Etna Life Ill s', " V.t-. T.o.i-,. nn1 lino nfwMiltar PUlftllUU V,I11 j'llll,, , ... , . v ....... lit; ii ; i 1 1 ' . TALBOTT & SONS Shbckoe Machine f-lohYters1.'! atiy-par- j ind inde Tt nieas (1 'use in v rive men b'iefct; to uv 1 shall. interest, ol increasing busfiiess, renders its con tracts particularly advantageous at tins time, (ne of the oldest and best. lUiartered in May, 1820. . W . II flRllW. At nnaw-er for Caro- linas and .Virginia, , .-, Apr- . A 1 ) K. ' K H RICHMOND, VA.. Mannfacl tii'crs of Portatili- ami stal iohai y (Cngines and r.oibr. Saw .Mills; t';ru am Whoat Afilla Shafliujr, llaiirs aniil'.ill.-V TiuliiiM' Watnr . Wli.-els. 'I'oliai-i-o Ka.-oy Mai-liineiy.W roiiuht iron 'I'oik.l'ias ami Iron ( 'nl uigs, Maitlmiory of -v,-iy ! s iiitioii. ' " ' - h GWNJ A 6' TJIli ESI 1 1 S i MA 'Hit V K A si-kuai.ty: l-mii ihsr f'ronijitlv anil ":ir-lii 1 1 v: I - .H. "- w 1 n "X !IL , . t rn Q fi o mmJ -2.7-; ffl o k ! c M pn - s" Ut- flhSi-a k-i JH x . -.1 ' r , , - ; defies coi ii- ,.,:. t 1 i coiid.it ion a.- ourselves with the llattering ve develiniiiig j .1(.tjL, that, success wi surelv iiiir lU'OpU. 1);in. on-.om. bjnuiei. It is a fact in building t)l.(t j,.:1,m-t he disputed that there i.-sensioiis and discords m the .and that many of (hose who heretofore, alliliated with the are hcconiing restless and dis hed. The.M' thiims are patent those - who have eyes to see lowever much we regret that it we believe it be the duty of ai engineer m J i,t,uest journalist to state facts as t 'commence tliov Lire. This m- intend to do. Ihlf Hie initialoj. while these things are so we think akeii. and it e can discern a silver lining in the e ndv-.inltijges ,l,n,d that . lMirteiids victory. The icndent -republican- clahs ar. , ...... . , ui will hold ...... 1. ha vi li.trtj we an- -vat, s;ltis ey of the 'pro- I to ., tun Kinstonl I .iu,i lo not iwlieve there in an abler ..... . - - . 1. . i i maiiLin the tstate, or a map who could represent us better, hotild he lie nominated we would shppnrt him Iwitii liiueh real pleasure. . Y said to (lie Mid half I were it to be built, n,.t linaishalled and drilled as thev on the evi of thi'flast election. Aaron's Rod in Politics Again. j: - . . ' Allow mi' !i bi'iot l'oiklv tn vviiii uilL ale gratified j to .victory than any 'other ; oiie .man toiial in the Advance' on'" Federal fail to sul.sciilw, .tlie tijffy thousand '-lie man who did more to lead tlieni dollars demanded..'. YV to learn, that t lu sury fact," after tliat"we s we shall see." me, gilance eternal vigilance is to lie the .price of liberfv and suci'jess in the next election lMiuiht only -with ! the ssimc i The it in their cargo, if they wouKj a successful vovsige. Democrats must jmf jilehty of make .The (Jeneral Asseinblr ' m the Southern Presbyterian Cluir, at Atlanta, (Jeorgia, May isth It-ViMMlNK an In coin. ) xo.Tit-i; ' .K ) s.vli:. h will VTfcl.). y is a Ijxefl j has passed away, and no Klisha has iiUl see what I received his liiantle. There . is now f- I no nian among them who coinbiiies so many elements of success us. the late Sheriff Winsfead, and we do not We have read of persons whose ncueve mat sucii a well-organized, visual organs were so constit uted as' alid successful canvass can lie wag to render them incapable ol distin- 'l ' them as in the last election, guishing' j'.thif ditl'ercince ltetween The time is not far distant when colors. The grVat -Uepuhlicati party .nompiatious.'must W made, and we which now doiniiiatesj this county uesite thus early to express our seems (o lie similarly altlicted., "t couvlictioiis as to what kind of men only has it failed .'.to discover, a hv distinction Vn'tweeu the African aitd Caucasian races, but itjappeais to be equally at fault with regard, to the Mongolian. Fuller the broad gc icialit.v of ex pression contained in the declara- V ', tioi otj iiideK'iideici-; tiliat all men are'lni ii fwe and epiai," whieli was notoriously inaccurati when utter ed, tin y have elevate, the negro to a olitieal eijiialTty, wijth the white lace, and still iViither.l evince; their obliviousness of all distinct ion -- of olor, by scckTing to abrogate'.' fhe social status of uur ravf, and destroy the equilibrium of society.. A fter such an exhibit ion of color blindness, it .should H'rliapstH rasion no surprise (hut the part v should. la; vor alloiviiig 'China Lo empty heiNelf UiTisC lie nominated to insure success If ilnjos not matter who the men are whether they are lawyers or far mers, whether they were prohibi tionists or autis whether they were Jarvis or Fowle men but it does matter, it is- of great of vital im portance that they lie good and true men who have the confidence of the people,, and who have those ele inenlsthat make them popular with the jHnple. ' i 1 Tlijis is of . prime 'importance lie cause a great deal depends on this election, mid if the' Democratic par ty hopes u siu-ceed it must nomi nate flic very liest men in the ranks. Again. The system of primary elections, which lias lieen so fruit ful fj struggles in the party and of indeik udentism, should lie abau- id ttbr State Schools. Pardon me for paying that your conclusions bused would lie more reasonable if on correct premises, i laisay in the first I place that appropriations fo Stab? Schools ''will ,staiid on exact ly tlie same '.ground as the aipjroiiria tions which liave Uen niadeifif late years for the improvement pt f rivers and harbors.' Not at all sii The jiower to make those aipropiSations is necessarily implied lis incident to the iexpress power f Congivss Ho regUbite couimea'ce.'', ,Judge Oooley, the ' higliest authority, on -cuustitn; tional law,' says iii'hU work u that subject, page "65,i. that "the! word eoinjnierce is not lunite! to traffic' but it comprehends naviga tion! also, "and at' page 07 he savs il. . aL i t t i iliac sucn .power . nil tne express grant of control over navigation) may le extended -to a river, Kvhich, though wholly within a State, forms with the lake into which it ljuns, a highway for inter-state oultIjece., Do -vou know of any appropriation hy Congress to oiien a stream jwhich does not lead to the ocean, thej great highway of nations T So much for the lupi-ovements of rivers anil . har ljors Hut suppose such powe Were exercised under , in express grant, would you cite one outrage o i the Constitution as :a ! precedent for a new infraction ! If so, iiccunjilish edvong liecomes right. -. Again, you ,tjut. from a false preiiiise when yon sav that, aH the general government coulerred suf- Neura'fffa, Sciatica, Lumbago, - ' Vackactib, Soreness of the Chest, Goat Quins, Sore Throat Swellings and Sprains, Barns.and Scalds, ; . I Qaneral Bodily Fains, u. , . Yooth, Ear and Headache, Frostsd fee) ' and pars, ana all other fains :'''' and Aches.' -';': -So rre parntfon hn cnrtt limls 3r. Jao t-d sn fr,aun: timple and cheap KxtMiutl lieiiit-ij A. triid fnlaas but tli rtnjlarntivtly rrtsihar tv.'.i. f 5l 'eai, ami v?ry one FufTtrint; Mii)i .in hfcYc cheap ariit posttiO prtof of its cTmiuS!" l)irwtins ia Kies'elngu8s-:,i .'( i '!. 30U)' BY AM. DKtJGGISTS AST) II :. MEDICIKE. ' A.V0GELER & CO., , ' Baltirhurr, Md., XT. H, A - '-" -,'-- - -' - ;.' . ', , -, . STAT 10 mSi nvTrH'A'ftt'irjlKA. f CiMiity of Nasli. Nicholas J. Vjinfre'ase ) ' , ; uiul others. !" 1 "'-' j Plaiutiir . I . ; : i ... ' ' ' ; , V l,: Matthew nriidv, ami orneiK. f ' j Defendants, f In iliedieiic,1! fo an onler ttcnle in the aliove entlliled .special i'oeHd: ing on .the ..inl DA of APUJ-L,: 1S.SL', tlie undersigned, .ipouitcd a Commissioner in said order, w ill ev Iose,fo ublie Kale at ihe. -CoVirtr house door, in the town otiNashville.1 ou MODAV, the .""dhDAV oLlune LSS2, a tract ol land ui tins count v, Nashville Towiishiji. adioiirmmr the lalidsof L. W. Iledgepeth and ot fiers contajinng XTrl acres, ln'iug lot No. 0, in.the; u tdrfifii vi ti- it:il e.-iKit, of John, Kyaiws, dec',1,. anmug hi lu'irs'-at-law, and lull v lesfiibel ill the recoi'd of saht "partition in, book nt pagi'S K)1 and ' following:" in the licgister's onioe of. fhi.-f ivmnty. TEHMS i)jA."i-r-(ii!i foiirtJi cash, resulne m a cfeUt of sjxioutlisAvit h interest from day ol sale. , .,, : .h.tl.r.t'NN.' "' , Coninirssionei . . l'.l'NN S: KA'i1TrR, ' vmm- - Attorneys. Mav.Vtfi 4SS2i ' -' ' , lie .likes opposi('ioi!,li ptf ' i t.io n j ; in . 1 1 1 1 1 ly r i a wii he l'Ulg.' frp v?,ii; ii,;iio:i abovi a cline o, ,'- t.u h. --: . . i -. :. -p.'- o 03 V- wit's 00 cr t , r1. J- FC i n -i x O vv - tc o J - b "m d ri . fc 3 :. ; - .Si- 5 ' ' ''..- - ! -x C '! a it 3 .T , . : 11 5- 5' s fj" ereliant lailorin I . , , t . i ..-.f,- - t ; it,, ta, , ,1 "We take pleasure ii,! calling your attention to the handsouie.t (iMxls ever brought to Wilson. .They are I V ' .!'.-' i,.. ,. .-' .-' :y:t . LEGANT J.N pESIGN yND JJoLORlNG, u S,-i..xi j . v ; ; 1-.. .1 . .v.) t i-; 1 ' I. . i:,-A , 'f '. "i i -' . .,. t Consitiiii' of Knsrlish', French, and Austrian Wootens, West of Kmrland llroail loths, est of England Meltons, u orstfni lioatings, berges Kenwys --n 1 fr, FMiey Trowserinjrs, ie. i , Iley will be made up in the latest style. Perfect fit. . The finest fciiuinKs. anl at prices tnat tieiy competition. ! ( luii rt unity ot obtaining fine custom-made clothing for men and 1mi w oftirxil to il I who u ill embrace it. Now is the time to vet fine eiMMU ... ...... . . . . - - ." o.T ... . . . .1 j-h less eoist than can !eMial anywliere 111 the .United Mates, at ! . . . - : ! "I- rric, r of Tr Op, is- oil at 111 1.1 if 1 Greenwood & Belsmeyer. OI t. , t : ll i 1 stH.ted.ii f,llt lMMtgiit ,:g-nwlK. - the' pi-nper tirii' "vlnMr tlie'ih'-j 'A vtrtuV ii.'if.r'i ash, ''r: ' - .... -- -V , .',- t "' i.iscoiutts ana iuarkeii. .1: sim.it. profit . nil j 1; icii jirii.-h . , ; :'I3 rs j C sf T'.NLJBSS,U.,l!;Jt4!K Al:3l:' -Me-.l If v. I speliil I'oi "i. ' tj goods, and is'i f : 1 .! 1 on 'mi 4vmt ig.'j,. VS!''1" f,""ii :Ua... Mi ' .1 , ' , t Vs Ii 1 ' l t i'Tc' I'H'- i'l I' V c ' ' lie N i'iiif..!i-.'v4li!"'Trv" f ' ' A, .i-!.- iiiU. ;.ilii j 1i.l1 j. . ..1. vONK. roMK' Af.,'"; ,l! livery '-staples:: -.'- r - : '3i js r. ' Talbott's Patent Spark A-rester l iHvi iiliun 1.1'tle- . ll i1im.-s not .le-tr"V Hi'' .Iviili; tr lM-. not inii f.Ti- wiili- miiiia 'ill i:. It w ill nor 'liiik.- 'i :ih.I i.Miiin ne ei iniii.i! . , ' It 'rfiiilircs no ilin-ri iI:iiiiim i ! lie iiiim ed whi-ii niisiH stfsini il iini'fi l- illi; oliicC!i.li:ilile. lis "V ' ni;i "V. It'll oiikii mi,' -eillow the Kiiark ;',! i-fliiiM It i.'.itiirf!- im wiili'i- in i-xtii ui.-li s:irk-'; liifli. hy coiiilen-iiilinii. ilc-ihoys-1 lie drafl . - lie.-i.lcs. wln-n wsili-r is u-eil. I if neiilecl ril. I ln i-HiciiMicy i lc.t I'uV.vl by 'VaXraln if It.,- .valcr. :u.l tlie biiil.T if ki pi in a lil'liy i (ii:,liii,ii) . ll 'i simple hiid irn:il)li- n ml'vii-ii ' ri-lie.l upon. - ' - L -.n: lie nua,-!if(l l ;iny ImiU-i,' Nit ii':iiil.T siiiiiilil hi- iil',ii- fl"- "I tin-in. Iiisitniiu-i! coniiisi'nii'f i'iJbiMin: ri.i). mill banis Ih-ii- (In- 'I'lilUiJ'. lii. iiii' :in.i Spark Ari -4 r- n-.-.l .v! fillu.' Mi' as cltnrgeil fur wall i . V'l' li"'l-c p-wer. ' ' .' Smu1 for ithisti-.ilcl i;irciil:ti's ami priw list. k .- I'llOich I mice. lliri. X J-.-A li;ul r, 5i liewl Mairiir. T. .,;niiii-jfii. l!.IM-.in:iiroi. : "III 1-1 n 1 - ;.'. ' : ""'.'-. I j , , ...i -'J '-.' - 1 - - ' ' ' . 1 : , ,.' 1 ..ei i. ;'. -i"tt-v-i.i ,t! llliiMiih' Hiiririi. ' . ...' ! ; .. .j . 1 .-''... .' t I '(,- . ,; !.,, ..- , -Ha, I I , ' i .... - 1 OUIl Stock is now complete in all depaHinentH In Cloth-! , ,m ing, Hats and Shoes, we venture t, sjiy that wt? liave ua ' '' fulj and coniplete aline as anybody. I w mum mo K8 A sp 1:01 a i;r y . 1 ...'I ' . '. ':,.:- ! " '" Dry (j'oods of all ,les-riptioiis iisually kept ill a... first-class store; A line assortment of - I. ' N4k(ions, Hosier,), lovi-s. &c. We liave a barun to offer hi Canton Vjtior Mattings 1 yard wideat K's l,er yard. Our ' . 3 - , ; 4 1 HUTSIICQllUS ILWIMIMMItlUnWIU -5W.1. nniM JK X.WiM We will not weary you; with statistics telling how MESSRS. j. a P. GOATS MAKE THEIB BEST 2H-C0RB SPOOL COTTON jsr o t iiiN ( I) i a m o rid m i-e ;. ' ; :.-t '-.. 1 1 1. 1 , '! ..ii : 1 1. it' ' ill . -i.ii. - it . '.- Priee One Dollar, drives, perfect satisfaction. Iiotli as to quality and priee,made of W'ainsutta Alnslin, and best linen fronta Try , them, and if they don't lit we will take them hack. ii , . 1. ."i J5teLyon's Faking Powders, as kk! as lhirsfonl'H and 40 . . .. .Iw.ni.iir 1 ciiv. v ii, ' i 11, ; -i 1 l.,l, ,!ill jliSr Aiiotlier'lot f ; liurU-rs Idal ('ofl'ee l'ots- eeived. luy one and Jiavo 110 inoje niuddy 4'otiee. , - , - i just re- ':.-'.''';'. Bi"(Joo,l judges nroiiiiiici our "Kam". Cijir tlie best ju .tlie market for o cents. i .,, rwW' " " T.' - V'TWT- t HI ,-a a Tmt,;;! -;ilf rS'-riier Nasli aiid (joM.sl.on. Slreets, Wilson, N. Jan ti .-- ' ' , . .' ! -1 - -. ' 1 ' - - A I Ilil.l) Wll.l.I A MS. I'.Ui 1 KN K il. HAUKb;!. ALFRED W ILL I A M S & CO ; h , ?, I; i : . . 1.1' , - . !iil ;ij . t .-u I i ' i. " filai;c "Carts, "lea Carl 'Pari; V'.i .,U hi-. le'ie.-n":- Or how much, they make daily, neither will We presume to give an opinion as to its ijuality. It is more important for you to find outt Whether the thread is strong and will save you time and annoyance? Whether it will ruri on vour L'lla itW iM -SVMSewiiig Machine?. Whether j the colors will match all the Eashionable shades, and work well on silk goods? The only possible way to arrive at the truth is. to . USE THE THREAD YOURSELF 1 Ion will then know why it is called I'uhlislMM's.ItooltM li i- mill SJMtioiieiM, ,,,s ( it. 1.1:1, ;n, x. ., i.ln Wh Ml AN Olli; H,T()CK()F MA j CHIN !il! Y.l.M I 'LlvM I'N fsV.-V N I ) i VIVA A) SFFDS.' 1 Ci: l.o M. I),,w Law Cotton ; Primers. i V ' '-v-T" f i '. 1 'l'li'Hiias Sino i: liinii 1 .. v ' .' ''- rxr Field Pe is, Klaek, !!! Mi Veil. ft- & in EVEnmBiETr W. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS, No. 49 Light Street- i3LTI MORE. . , .f lit .-.t.A TiS'thnsVT, ;V PIi:i !n,i ,1 1 ti 1 ' .hi fo " ! ..! 1:11-' 1 .!. jV-.-'ins. ;Jiu--Hes-. :(", ui - !;. it! i :. . . ', -UV . ' 'AK Hxlra Kariy (leorfila Panii JIoi m-s ail.1 Mlll'i-h w.- j 4 Ji d ! lie it 1 0:1 S-i-ii. i h i- I... viaie vhiv..''''- ' ,Va. ;isl L lfM Inn(;r Friend Plows. ,. 1 ... 11 ' 1"" Clihiax Cotloii Plows. r. t ...-.ii!. oiii.i--.mi. 0111 1 ii 11a, 1011 l orn SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON, AAj XoitliCari'lina iS. hool, wlii-lh r Piihlie or Private,' ran olitain Helieol Ihrtiks, Ae.,'.at Kaleigh at .ric- as -Uixv as mk okkckkp l,v as "vOKi'll Kli.v KKAVMlS - Mr. j NN'e have the largest 'stock-, in t he Stale and lill all orders iMoMI"l'fc. fc' -tiiMi-i.i :ti: Catauhm-i: Ki:.vr irx AiTf.icATiiN.-j -1 . - i' .- -AiiiiKNrv; -;: i . ' ;'-"'. 'A :'1 ;-" ...'; . .... - i - "' . ; . , ;' ' ', i - '- V I I r v 1 W i 1 I i io ni m V Co, July 1V.:'.iii i;oiis,i:l1iKiis, an stationkus. . H-AS.Kl'tiH,'. C. ' ' lr mm oleel.v kejit in !(,,' is- Tv tlie most exuV-neiw ei! I't'nint'-' at Hie imve.s j'iriee'S t- 1 .,."".' ( 1.' jf. Selliy wj!j jif .011. "lajiidaH i'n .jiaie ni-ht ail.i lav,i aityud s m;) ii'L-j tiiemls. hiiit iMici wa-e.., I . - T. 1 P S K 1 1 1 ? V vv P. I M .. .1 .ii- , J Ve m e Vrl.Mi5'!N: -r.l , i. . .it ! il'fl'll :fl 'I VSOM'S iMMTeil :U ni'.t it)U St ;i hies n wel side .l"t ( l.u kel 1 U'll-e. , .,! !,.!. . -I , 1 - ' 1 1 1 : 1 1 t f ' rgans O old j-ilor 31 i 1 -j iq j I o ii se , GENERAL AGENTS FOR Mil- ll , fhiekerin;; Spa, Steitt, Matliushek, Arion and . 4 id Iii-ni (iein Piaios, and JasonA Hanilin, Shoiiin-jer and 1'eluhet & (i's.:, fh-f'ftns. i . '.-i ,-.''' . Win. Av i5 VIM5HEV; Aixeiii. fa 1 id. Cotton Plows. - oSfi'j jMnnils steel sweejis, seoot- ;rs, .hovels. tr.im shovels, &e J" "i 'a 1; Loads theeelehrated (Iray fl'lireshers and Seiaratorsf'roin ll. tfM'Ofi, ihe I est on the market. 100 Iron Ae Cultivators with all o.ii reeeiif imiiioved at taehineuts, 11j4:hi;t, dint prut and mKt economical eptiriitor in the irorld. 'liars ofl'S :iid Sides no hoth sides of eotton rjnv;at one f iine, one .furrow to elean epttnn row, two furrows to jilow out a" id -clean em n rows. . . ITllK Skixnki; KXGlXEehallenes ei:lliill isoll. ' i : .Ti"; Uirdsali and the Paxfoii en iies, liii.ii aiiN-ed first elass. lark's Seed Col ton ("'leaner takes oiifdirt, diist,inoats, lM)se trash and 'hive's il outside the l.iiildin; Our eotton si ed mill grinds the seed with iijoie in'iiiiiiial power wnen geared i(h the -gin. Write for i ireulars aih.1 in iees. it will jiay you. L, LtP.0LK& CO., KALEIGH, N. C. Cor. YOU CAN BUY IT OF: ITklW i ftlRKEV Nash and Ooldslmro ;Str'ef WILSOX, N.(L j : PAIHTS, ETf. o- New is The Time to I'jiJiiJ. The Ihwt jilai-' to buy your PAINTS, OILS, ' - '' VAicMSIII, icici snc:s, liiiLiittnix IKAI.KKS IX : FUUNITUUH DHALKIv'S AND UNDKUTAKKIiH, Nasii!sthkf.t, Wilson. N. C. .' ,, , - '. V"l,lave a large slin k of all kind.-of 1'tirnif lire and .n-e reeeivihg ijistantly addilions theii-to. Uahy ear,riag-s, Pieture frames, looiihl ingainliiflieeeliairs, vS;eiii iidless vaiii-tN. lN-pairing neatly and iruiiiit l alone.. iuay.5t f . .- 1 1 ' - " - " . p" - - r -,-'.. -, '- Wanrei & flames : 1 1 1 1 BtlI.DI.JLFILlI-S. nia12tf. s Anril 2i, 'si'. E. Battle, M D. Offers his profisional servi.-iss to the publie. Uttiee opposite liriggs Ho 1, WiLson, X. C. April 7;m Have nix nctl luWif IWs( S frcled Slock ol Spring oodtlN vwy oflrnMl in ViI.Mn. : Gents' Furnishing Goods, ' . Boring and Suniiner Clothing, "' Dress (jood.s of any Styles, Embroidery, Iaee C'ollars, tc, Hosirj', Xotions,;Gents', ladies, Misi.s and Iinys Shoes the iiKist durable and fashionable ill the market. . r S-Our slock of Men's Hovs arul Yoiillrs Clothing . is coraplcje. (all and cxainiiu il liclore Mirchasiii. as we a n; oflVriii ha rgai ns in l la I line. . 1 i

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