- ; ,, I J - I " 1 - . i: : ; - ; v .- h " - i- . -v- - - v;-. . ! THE WILCOX ADVANCE. '.j ,-. nTTg TT "VT" .",;;. --' A f. .." -Sv ; f--fi- : 1 , TIIK WILSON .UiVAMK. ' . f II 1 .: ; I I i. ..!! ' A ' 'li ! . ! I . . : ' . I - . 1 .1 - -: . i ' Sdi-senti-nox Katks r.v advance JWMoney cat be sent liy Mnncy Order or Registered Letter at-our Risk. ' : THE ADYASjCE (.'LEANINGS. ! TTie culture eii' jute is )vn ;i booh, in Pamlico county. A boy at ( Charlotte killed hiin elf eating cherries. Si.iiMiliel.il liMl a f Il.MM0 . tire l.iieselay.el last week. -.;;' j Tin House of Kepieseiifative.-,s will ailjoiini .'iNy. K'tli. f While in Texas Oscar Wilde ac quired the title of Colonel.. i An Ohio lawyer has Item barred lor stealing sheep. I The corner stone of Kiitstou liege will 1m- laid ;August J'MU. j The remains I of Jellei soii hot he removed from Montic-t-llo. VOI, 12. ' LET AL' THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S. AND TRUTH'S Geo I. Scney said: "If any one asks, yon why I gave so much money to the Wesleyan Femaleh College, of Georgia, Jell them it was to honor ihy mother, to vvbom, under God, I owe more than all the world leside. I admire the? South ern women. There are possibili ties in 'the Sotliorn wonien not equaled anywliere else on earth." An at tract ire youiiff Xew York he iress, who estimates that her af f'eetioiis have. been smashed to the extent of -7.',000, lias brought suit I for breach of promise of marriage ! for that amount against a voiiiik j millionaire of the same city. It wi'M may strike the reailertlr.it New ; York tfirls are rating their att'ee- dis . ) The di'crcsiscv in ,tlui jiulilie dc-bt j tioiis pretty hiijh, and that young during May js,: . cver 10)000;0M. ! men had letter keep aw ay from A c olored mill died in WHmiiig- '' .'itli a 7ri,00() afleetions, un- tim Thursday' evening from sun-j It-ss lu'y inean business. stroke. J 'The Wiliiston Lender not oil' the foll.ijwiiig whieh we jironouiice good: ".lames A. Davis, of Oxford, has i (m-eli Vic; doc ry. She h is an per dav. . ' i ' i The Canadian .,' Oeorgia liluebeard mini's iiiid killed 'enra pleted and- Will . . V i printer m two vvi Mr. lStainlaci-k lictatiou of the Scotland Xecii sn I w:in( to mar income ot" -(i.'JTO bec-u alllicfed for six years and just found out his ailment. He savs ! six.years ago he voted the Demo jovcrninent, w I i 1 I . A . : ' f. 1 .. 1 11 ... 1 : li ,1 m-g.u to .ue .. ... ciouiu ...us next ; ticket and he has been sick month. .....v. ir.. t... ....f i.- . nil .-Ml.v. J 41.1.- Illll.NC'll owns a lillliclic-d -year mnlcr Dr. Moft's t reatmi'iit had seven wives! taken a thivc' ply sugar coated an!i I'roliiliitioii Liberal Iteptibliean JThe new eodie .' has heeii con,, j anv-oHice-we can get pill, and is now The Closing Scene. J is.---- f - T - t ; - WIL.SOX, X. C, FRIDAY IIJI.A' 7, IS 82. . ! ; "'v; H'- ' : xo J 1'atks oV AiVKin isi c: c no I u-i, ( )ih I iit':rt ion, - - SI.cn'i " One Month. - - - i.Mi ' " Three Month's, -: - .V.i( " f Six onths: - - s."0 " ' One Year,, vi-;- -' I ..on 1iIht.iI li-eounts will !e Made for Larger AvlvortiM-un-nts and for Contrac ts l.y the Year, .t'ash nui-t a.vonij:ny all vV.iver-; tienicnts unless gijWt 'reference i-giv-n. .f :'' Ciiiifrnii Executed at 12:40. lie Die WitliOUl 11 Struggle. The Body to be Ilis Farewell Prayer and verses Buried iu the Jail lor Safe Keeping. His Brain Foiiud to be in ' Normal Condition. r. S. Jail, W asuington June .'U)4-9:4" A. M. ) (iuiteau was 'very restless during most of the latter not sleeping more into a sounder si haustion. lie rosi after o'clock, heartily at C:.'5. took his breakfast calmly 'reposing in the arms of the Molt ly crowd. .las. H. Khepiard, Esq., a former resident, of Wilson, now one of the leading lawyers of Washington, X. (!., has been nominated for Judge of the First Judicial District. Mr. Sheppard only about ."..l years old, butUc's for a number of years I enjoyed a large and energetmprae- praHico' which has fitted him to tlie judicial ermine. He is an aole lawveiv an uurnrlit man. cell scMin after he pose, and held a conversation on teligious subjects with 111 II I . At S oi saw the prisoner made a recjuest tcJ clock Hicks again, vlien lie have a bath, and be ready for the eks. will begin the puli ('oniMoiOrqtltif at, shortly. ' Three ioniinent Tc-nnessee c .lit- ors have within a lew; years' re f.trined and bej-anic farmers. ' .Very many ?of t lie- c lerks in the rostotlice Deparlment a I Wash- j ingtoii, are obljge.l l work on Sau .lav. ' -il :-: I wear . ii w- n. .11 ..II . . i. . . '' ..,.,,,,,,,, , .ju.uank ;.11Hl wjl, ,,,,,,. (o tIl(. ,.,, hl Jest some aeeidenti should occur, and eoiuii i.u.i-.i (i: kpji in i hmi narreis of Irish potato, and sold them for !Ci.no a barrel. ' i teau told him to bring his dinner in at 1 1 o'clock proi He execution OF CELMRLES JTTX.IXJS C3-XTITETjr part of the night, than 20 minutes at a time Towams morning he fell p 1'roni sheer ex a few minutes and breakfasted When the cook into the cell Gui- !t5 iitly. IN'v. Dr. Hicks,' who remained at the jail all night, w as called into the prisoner asked the reverend gentleman to go out and see the scaffold. Guifeau desired liim to arrange with the Warden to have the trap sprung as soon after llJoYloj-k as possible. He also expressed considerably anxiety i There are ill jthis country l.OOO, HHI working (oeii and 12,.S0,S(I7 iiiiich cows, other cattle, KHIm. (fraud latal, I. the State-. Mr. J. II. Hloiint, of Percjuimans was nominated for So., licitor. I1 Asheville is jo Ipc r to help the womlers of lib. have a daily news Cili:n, lell c.f the 'grandeur of the I tine Ui.lge iiioniM;iiii. i(lol.lsbort) Sn. plate placing -one draught", steame has 17 acres iint ises to turn out; "other localities rehants coulem- ,-or more light on the Neuse river to ply licvvl-eii Newbei ne and SiViithlieid. a point .about iniies above. loltlsbolo, - i . It.-, j.Mr. Arnold floii'den. ol'doldslioio I bacco which prom well. l aiiuers in, might try raisin bv himself, which Hick's should see and its appurte a proper ana safe insisted that Dr. that the seaii'old nances were all ii condition. After Gniteau haul lisMsed of thse matters he read ;l poem eomjiosed ie calls "Simplici ty, or Religious lSkby Talk." After reading it aloud sing it, but brokti which would have, appeared quite idieulons if the the weed w ithipijolit. The republicans of the sec-oii. district will -meet in Wilson -July l'.Mh at 12o'clock to nominate a can didate for i'ongress. ' Aspirant tor the nomination are as. thick ;i blackln-rries; j - , ; The. Wilitiiugton inilitaryX c-nrieii in riuivuviiie lasl 1 liius.lay Miss Hill of (Vol.lslioro was '-elect-' ed" the prejijest young liulv and jOldham of tluj Xeir South presented her w ith a 'beautiful boiiiet: i . k .. .-.-f'.l.'J.. .1 I " . u agiicuuura. c-.iiior .says: "Plant your'! IP1' ch forks under the sj.ajle cf . youv c-herrv trees, point up. Shouhl1 .your neighbor's bo if 1 1 - from the tree (hey might pre vent him froin st l iking the ground.' Mr. T. H, Ivinsbury's spech ai the laying of the' coi ner stone at Haywood's ; ichurch in Halifax! e-ouuty, 8a,tuiiday, June H4tli, is ir.i liouncecl an iible ell'ort. It was prcMluction it great literary merit i - - . ti '. . I I'ainlieo. . jfeonnty people must be double jointbd ami twisted. Read ilic . following frohi the Kinstou free 1're.sn: ;'A yoiing man in I 'am- jico c-ounf v-fell from a two story .... .- y j window while asleep and w as ,nol injured at alj. -1 -'-'- ; 125,(KM,(WHis the suinlhat will Ik' loiiitire.l tjo iay pensions within the next touij years. just one fourtli of the public debt. The pe nsion arrears bill was passed tocatdr the j - Vote of t he scil. lie-rs, and w ill be an expensive cainiaign fund to the IH'o.de. . ! .... il . 1 lie coinnicni-einent 'exercise-s ol H'howan r.jiptist l'enmle Institute i.ii .uiiiu-esooro lasl week were ilargely atteMi'ded. Several partie? fioni this see-tion were present and -sHke in tile highe-st terms l.-nl I.. . . . i.u.-s- ipui, in leieie-iice lo I ne e-x eie'ises anil itlie exc-elienve of the se'hool. J t - i ..." i . . . ciaiiK.i ne-f;ro iiaiueu JH-linam . was arrested in Washington e-ity for claiming jthat he .was a Se-natoi . . x ' . , . . .. jin ongresss; irom orin c :aroiin fand vas frjiiiduleiitlv deprive d o : . -.' Li . ; ins seai. ljic crop is iiici eas,ing Sbut the exec ition ; of Cuiteau . w ill we nope, najc a w holesonie etiei t Kexolredi That the present sys ftem of county 'government is base'e upon the monarchical principle, of .(.taxation v(thotit represeutatioii. i and is utterly subversive of the remarked that lit "I don't think," through this ore! iiig, not, because he attempted to down in the effort H'casion had ' been less solemn. (Juiteau then talked for some time abSmt his future. He t - . . - -..I fcM m ii " " -J.wsmi 0m mm MM III 1 1 . i m I- Ml mri Wflt iw i with the greatest interest by the; otlwfrs who .' crowded alxiut I'thci table. Alter the examination f the j eye'l, his bi-aiu Was removed ami . inspected. Then the lxdy was cut open and a thorough -and coiilplt-tel examination jnade, with the view of deteiinining all tylie physical! facts that could be of in tei4st in .connect ion with the case. The brain was found to in a formal condition and .weighed forty nine' ounc e s. The heart weighed ja little over nine' ounces: anejl was; in a healthy' condition, as weVe the" other internal .organs.' At .':."( thejiutopsy was ad journed un tilihiseyening, w he n the brain will beStakeii to the Government Me.li c-aE; Museum, 10th .st whi le- a iiliniite jifnl; critical eaininatiou will lie niade of it: The physicians' w'thv disinclined to go into the de taps in jegard to the results thus faf reaclfed. J)r, llartigan le ft the jail scion! after I o'e-l.-H-k, taking With him Gui jean's brain. Dr. Go.l.lingJ wo has maintained that Guite-au ws iiisaju-, said, when asked what! the resist-ot" the -autopsy' was,, hitve notjiing to say now." . A not her pljysiciah remarked. '-We- ai-e All A liystlander ilTo the uneducated, lion s heart was tender. Jie said, "I can go al without weep- of any great veak- ness, for principle in me is strong, but because I am nearer the other world. I hold to the idea that God inspired me." Guiteau subs(quentl.y asked that in his books all the complimentary remarks aliout President Arthur ami his administration lie eliminat Then he. presented to Dr. II . ave leen the corn lonely hours. He That he wanted him t prayer on the seat ed the books that panions of his told Dr. Hicks to offer the tirsi fold, saying that he (Guiteau) would guards to kecj At 9 eVcloe stream of pe l ights of the reiealed." - '.citizen, ami should be i Republican - Coalition ) lIat!bnn. I'was a uiemU'r of the Legislaturei tjhut passe-,1 the cMiunty j government jl i II and c-laiin to IV its author anctelrattsinan. 1 believed. Us Star Still Ascenaing; then read his favorite bcriiitural passage, the Kith c hapter of John, uul oiler prayer on his own account. Then he intended, he said, to read his poem, "Simplicity." He desir- el to bave the execution so arrang d that just av he uttered the last word the drop! should le sprung. John W. Guiteau arrived at the jail at ! o'cleK k, and was followed in a lew niinntes by Warden Crooker These two geiltlemen, with Dr. H's, had a consultition astothe disposi. s tion of the body. At tlie.nirisoner came out inro the corridor and exerc ised for fifteen minutes. I Id walked very 1 briskly, making it rather difticult for his p, ace with him. c there 'was a constant sons coming into the jail, and the kcene oiitside was like that, of a great gala occasioii. t 10:10 olclock Guiteau express- eda losire to take a Datn, ami a large tub was taken into his cell. jr. The rot inula, was at 10 oVlcx-k, and the newspaper men flocked in. There were few oihers there except the jail guards and a' squad of artillery men. EurW this morning me pus oners in that part of the jail over looking the ourt where the gallows stands wei- all removed to other quarters. ; Seventy iMiIieeinen are posted along the 'road way outside In addition to the jail guard al available men of bat tery C United States Artillery, are on duty ins de the jail. Shortly fte fore 11 o'cl.ick, Guiteau called "for paier, and ot 21) minutes was en gaged in co ying what he calls 'diis prayer upon the1 sc-a.H'ol.1." At 1 1 ci'c ock Mrs. Scoville arriv ed and ' le: sought admission. She was laboring under great excite nient. John W. Guiteau went out to see her, and peisuadcHl her to make no further attempt to gain admission 1 1:S, a. m. -While Dr. Uieks wa.s o cluck Gen. Crocker read the death ! w arrant to the iirisoner . in his cell, lie only persons present were Gen. (Rocker, Deputy Warden Rush and lit . Dr. Hicks. 12.25 t; M. The death procession has just started for the gallows. ' 12:"J5 P. M. Guiteau is now read ins; his farewell address.. The drop fell at 12:40 p. 111. 12:45 P. M. The crowd outside the jail has got word that the pris oner has been hanged, ami is -rending the air with shouts so that it is impossible to hear a voice inside the jail office. ; 12:40 P. M'. Guitean's neck w as hroken by the fall and not a move ment of the limbs or liody w as per ceptible. Death ensued - instantly. When Dr. Hicks came out of the cell he said the prisoner had not the slightest fear. "We have had a pleasant religious talk, lie feels now that his preparation is finished and he is ready for the last formali ty. He commits himself to God with the utmost confidence. I think he will show some emotion because the nervous strain is so great." Shortly before 12 o'clock Guiteau seemed to break down completely, and burst into tears and sobbed hysterically. After the death war rant was read to the prisoner by the Warden he became much more coin posed, and turning away, liegan to brush his hair, with his old ap pearance of swaggering sany frohi. At 12:25 the loud steam whistle was blown at the workhouse, w hich was near the jail. Two minutes I)r: Hicks prodiuedthe manuscript "which was prepared by the pris oner this morniig and held it be fore him while Guiteau read. While Dr. HicJiS was arranging the man uscript Guiteau jexhibiteel slight nervousness, anfl moved several times from one l'lot to the other. i He soon recovered Ids exposure, looked over the sea of upturned faces, and said: 'l 51111 now going to read to you my hjkt dying prayer." He then read ii a loud tone and with a distinct aijid delilierate voic e the following: -My dying prayer on the gallows: l-lither, now I goto Thee and the sltviour. I have finished the worll Thou gavesf nie to do and am only too happy to go to Thee. The wejrld does not yet appreciate my ljiission, but Thou knowest it; T1kh knowest Thou didst, inspire . Garfield's removal, and only good Has come from- it. Th's is the best Sevidehee tliat the 10:45 A thrown opeu later the iron gates at the end of the corridor clicked. Then War den Crocker made his appearance, and a moment biter the familiar figure of Guiteau wjis seen, his face was pallid and the muscles about hiHiimuth moved nervously. ; Other than this there was no sign of faltering. ' ' The procession moved 'quickly to the scaffold, and Guiteau ascend ed twelve steep steps with as much steadiness as could lie -expected from a man whose arms were tightly pinioned behind him. At last Lis step faltered for a moment, but he was assisted by two officers, who vvalkeej one upon either side. Upon reaching the platform there was a slight -delay while the crowd of 2.j0 'or more spectators were pushing ami jostling through the dour leading from the rotunda to the foinetor, at 4 he lower end of In a recent call upon Mr. W. H. McAllister, Front street, gen eral agent for the sale of the Star Chew ing Tobacco, he thus speke to one of the rejxii-ters: "l was tor tured with pain- from acute Then- it was right Stheii and have nothing' "".""i"" m,u'ii't 1 i Ineel or died . 1 tried Sl..l i..,.l,.. Oil just two applications of which entirely eined me." X.f Fnu,eiseo (CaDCaU. in the cell made some tion, and h: ' last prayer. it 11 o'clock, Guiteau request as to the execu- iving made copies of his poem and other writ- He rake back now. 1'olk, the f publican Coalition c andidate ijudge. lie- for his 1 ot.s blj was leaving brought in much relish - . ' 12:05 p. m iusjiiratiou camefroin Thee, and I have set it forth n my book that all men may read and know that Thou, Father, dijlst inspire the act for which I am iow murdered. This government an nation by this act I know w ill jncur Thy eternal enmity, as did tie Jews by killing tli v man, mv Saviour. The' retri bution in that viic came quick and sharp, and 1 kn0w Thy divitie law of retribution w il strike this nation and my inurdercis'in the same way. The diabolical .spirit' of t his nat ion, its government ind its newspaiers towards me wi justify Thee in cursing them, aid 1 know that Thy divine. law of (luration is inexor able. 1 therefort' predict that this nation will go dw n in blood, and that my murderers, from the Ex ecutive to the lclnginan, will go to hell. Thy laws jare inexorable, () Thou Suireine jjjuelge. Woe unto the men that .r-violate Thy laws. Only wcejiing jancl gnashing cif teeth awaits thefin. TheAihcric.au press has a large bill to settle with the Righteous father for the vin dictiveness in, tlis matter. Nothing but blood will saitisfy them, if ml now my blood will be on them aiul this nation audits oicials. Arthur, 'the President, is avowant and an Mi grate. His ingratitude to the man that made him and saved hfs party and land from invert hrow has 110 parallel in history. Thou Kight eous l-'atlier, wil judge liim further. Thou knowest ne, but the world hath not known) me. ' Xow I go to 1 fere again his feelings overcame him and he leaned his head on the shoulder of Mr. Hicks and sohlte.l pitifully. Still he went on : "I wonder what I will do ! When 1 get to the Lorely ; " I guess that 1 will weep no more When 1 get to the Lordv, . Glory Hallehijah !" . j Por at least forty seconds after' the drop fell the lwidy hung motion less, then there was a slight motion of the shoulders and legs, due . to muscular contraction. Three min utes after the trap fell the liody was lowered lo lie examined by the phy sicians. There was a decided ac tion of the heart for fully fourteen' minutes, and the pulse 'fluttered two minutes longer. When the body had hung with feet just j touching the ground for over an half hour, it was lowered into a coflhi Whic h Was waiting for it under the scaffold. The -physicians decided that his neck had been broken, Vyiicn the body Was lowered the? black 'cap was removed and the facte exposed. The feal tires were pallid and composed. About the mouth Ihc're 'was con siderable moisture. Alter the body had lieen arranged in the coffin Warden Crocker; ascended the steps ol the- scaffold, and addressing the crow.l.iwhich was kepi liae-k from the scaffold by a line ol otjic'crs, said that those .who -desired Could pass alongside-of the scaffold! 41ml view the body. The crowd of spectators was formed into line and' 'passing between the scaffold and lie wall. of the jail, -viewed the Uidy,; Soine'ol the jail offic ers, two or tliive.. physi cians and Dr. Hicks stood about the coffin. John W. Guit.rau joined this company, and fanned his dead brother's face to keep jiway (lies. John ( i nil can did not go upon the scaffold, but stood during the scene just within the line of the 'officers at the bottom of the steps.r knoW; nothings renlieil i 1 eiK'it public it was thought nf the tifne of jthc'uutopsy all the physi cifins wcjiihl agi'ce that ..there were lyniiha'Sn the. bra in . a ml hardening off the etura mater. None of t hem t " , Cre to ej'X press a posiliye ojiinioii iljitil after the examination has been cilin pleted." Dr." I 'diss ' said that there were many points showing a good healthy mental and physical development. Ih'cu iNisstble for me to ti e ! ashamed of sin Ika thing 1 would have bee n. As it was. I was Consideriiig"how I could get out of it, when 1K took me in with a stea.lx g.ie.m1.! sinl: "Conie with in.'.' 'We walked alonu side l,v side, and 1 endeavored Jo Iv. sm-ial. but it w as vain; he replied only in niou eisvllables. At last e came to a epiiet, eild '-fashioned Kicking house and entered. The old man led tJre way to the cellar iiud j I followed. The lower we .went the higher m hope's- inse', and when, we' reached the ix.ttoin of my joyfuj eye-s we re greeted with the sight of a plui.ip cask, gei illy tilted forward. lie took a "eil.let ami i.nY if .1 1. the tap. The liquor within u-s ponde-d with a g.MNlg,Mlg,M., gcMiglf.' Then the old man ihrust forward flic goblet. " -'-"'Aple jack try that.' said he. u I"1' 't to my lips and ej-vained it." I was just going to Jsay That's gooel.' w hen I ri-m.mbi i ed irieiicl was pious, and said instead mat s very g,Hd.' Then he tilled the-goblet for himself 4d .hank it off with a Telishiiig-s'in ... I I -. . . "1. -1 v sunn niuif - -.s nrii.K ; is abouts,' said. I. t hinlJ ter. '"': - ;:' -. ,--' '.'. chew up a go..d nip," and. as he jWas handing it to me, the same 01. 1 --expression ol came into his-eves TIIK UriKT IKU U. Select ions tor Smnla IN'iulinir ' After Dark. , - 1! KKV. 1K. UK'. He Played Pions. T UK M 1ST. 11 K a ir n i: !' l-.Jt l i j: j A I'l.KKGVMA.N. . k. IMt askee.l. so sj aree heir. 1 had i.M lepl'oa.li high irnlo ail I. weiil- to Soutliainptoi." to re port thej 'proceedings .of the Synod f.V the 1 Sow rem villi. Miiijiii: If is a fifi't, though ,you, may iot-credit' it, tliat 1 occasionally indulge, in a 1.1 -; tl stimulant. After sitting all the mjiuniiig in a cranipi el posit ion listening .to .'much fraternal and piinus talk, 1 went olit at lejcess to stretch iny legs. I likewise felt dry. ' NVlien 1 got out of the ilnmli 1 jwalkec . a short .list a m'-e and glUiwed . iidiciously iiom under n.y scflnbrerci to see whet her.t lier a place ten- liqiMJiiiitiiirf, near by Si' fione. but "I gi.iess,' said he you c ity clergymen d.i this on the sly,' doiri your , , "!; . . "For the first fiinc- I tumbled to the fac t that lie mistook j me' lor a clergv man.' ' - "Yes, said l,vv. do. Vou.e we have very he..y: dut jes. a ml they weai iis out, ami th. 11 Iheie's the' tension of neryesS and I he J pa's toral visitation, anil so torth.' : "Ve e-s,' the old man said 7 in doubt ltd tell till now.',; 'While you're n, 1,1,,. il'i ynir le-el like taking an thing, come round. I'.ut if t we re yoii I wouldn't say nbfhin' fo the others, bee-aiise the re ain't muc h h it. and if the hull l.rooklyn Pr.-sl, li rv come." there won't he enough to go Tol.il. 1.' .'.Then, we went upstairs, i he jol.I man had treated ' hie so hopit was'ja!".V ""'t i felt it afshanie to ele i ;c-,eiM 1 1 1 1 1 . tiou may smil..'. init tone: 'I've ciften he:!-..! not 1 walked a little fur- '" eonsei. nee simile. . a si'-n was there of ; '" 7:' sain i, i mink v.m u oil hoiiing and expect ing every mo- : 1..S.I.I 'til.ii.ifii- i 1'iii.iii'ii- in ' so1' away. well. tlHer, anything of flic- kind.: Still 1 kept iMl-' :l "'islake alK.iit p.e i. . . '.iU':' 1. .,l:,l i ;, !l,.,tr ' i - in ci.-'ixc ii lit ai il l .1 l l 1 Rallied The dilh'rv-uce U-tween .lav aiul night c; univcrsa.II-.-' pevp,-, i and univ c'i's ill a.Jno le.t-c ,1. and the varieties of i; allwnl a large if field ot Vinlclligelit"" i.U.-.-i al ion. - - We shall not go into !lu subieet c I iisiyi'lv , show'ing 1 1 l -. re. iu , x-.il ; inlh.elice ol I he phv -ic;:l and psve hie.al natiiresof uie ii ami the, inoil'liiylii.ii. ol this iulhieiii e. I -broad day liuhl and dark i.i lilv Thele i's one point, how e vei. t which we wish o e-all jecial alteii. tioh.- and tj.at is the , l i l l! i. hi ol lltglitjto fil l Ill'II hi 4'i!te. j Ve .say in i-iti'es. lee.iir- iial ilv in t he e-oi.ul . llici-e iv l.iil one- thing fol a child o! ...t at lliglll l.ailliT I s:.i4 111 I l.e hoU-e. Aiiot her reason is fhat ( how i ii.-i , alas! knows veiv liHl'e c hild liie iu 1 he eolilil rv . II.; klioW some! riin ol'il i.i the eil. Ih- w,-Kho;n -.n; tlie eilA . I nhl.he w as leo e.nxil age he knew nothing ol ...illliliy liie. He Il ls spent .more lh.Ul iT.lli' his life it., e (! " iu I'uio e an. Aiii.-ii.:.. .'fins h.is g.en him some experience and snhe op;ni i tunitv jl'r oheivation. lie has wal. liedjj lit.1 glow Il'i ol iii.iiiv ciiinjieii in m.inv tamilics; an talo il pain; to noli, e the el!. tlill'eieiit kinds of culture. V Almost invariably 1mis who have been allowed to loan! I i.e.: a I iii;.;JiI have come to:'iioral shipw..-. k a'pl social clesl I net i.-lis. .The . . c p. 1 ion vha Ve been where ihe.c u.t; a" - - - - w iMi'eome teliipcraliieji!. ;.v inlelle. I, and peculiar soi-j i elii es. !i--u and l" . w o:n girls whitever may-' Iri-Vr 'their c nil in e, h ej tfi.it . t U sniiej hiitg in the .str.-e-i- al diliei iTil .from i ha! w hi. h i;. cla -sonic! hing I hat apprehension, or c-real gives' lici'iise. l.os ileal demure by day will say .1 hi nigh! thi'V would bliish to n (he day light. ' I lie result ol our hi "irv a ' I 'll i thee-lear conviction that it" is' aV-i lill. lv neccssai v thai p.ire ils k i j exactly where their cllilihvii. 'y.iw Iron i Mindou.n to ".'sunrise. , .x. 1 o o.lgil! In lie allowed tit go al Lie oil the pavement of his lather's' house al'lei - Min.lov ii." It ought. ifol to lie a hard rest rfi t ion"; to I f has I.I ; : ou.u 'infill.. - . a and', Iti-ea ! I ... highl ill tlie ever, i.e . y . - s dai in i'l are ; .il r in d'6-ation ) of sefarch wias fruitless.- Mv vvhiskev , I -grew cles- pcH-;ite. .The time was passing and tli." thirst -increasing. I iii'-rease njv i'pace. I tiirni-d this."vva and tliirt, M-circel into every window and stiili'ed tin air. SliH inv. prospect-- j . - - I 1 iug,;was ;in v ain, and at. last, .lis jifriteet and Weary, I'went hac k to. e-hiuvh. lle-i iirning t o . I '.rook a clef i- ol I tli. I,jii jthati'vciiiiig I was fully compi-n sited foj-my abst inei.e e- -during Hie tYoii evident iv think I'm g man.' I said. 'We-li, ain't you?; he a-k. d." ''No,' said I-'I'iiilhe- re-port- the I '.i i w ion ille Mfyiic': "' "The old inan.elropjied inlira chair and rolled and lauh.-.l anil il lo go! Ted in the lace, a id 1 Hi iii-hi he would choke. A! l-ng, !. i in -pa row sin , W as over, ai.d he gurgled foi-ith. as he struck hi kn.-ej 'We-li; Tothink I ji a - . ila hi oil pious heloie a d el iiewspa.pi i 'repoi'lcr! Come dnvv'fi l i rs :n,,l have another chink!" " ' Im ,1 !iiis 1 rained Iiom inl';y.cv it w il) not he: 1 1 is ii inat til-id t li.ii a W;lll! to to go to p:i dji.v'i SI range to say, 1 started down, cj..T.;.nn j...;4-i....i- ti... I . . - . . t see- 1 1 1 Him ibii.'iu . ne .-,111:111 - ":.. tlie gauows was .; iiaeeei. ... . j - , , ... .. . . .' , I est ill will towfard human being. Giuteaii 111 the meanwhile Bazwl i.,aw pslrtJl When he had finished reading his prayer, he againj surveyed the crowd upon the crowd, looked up at the lieani over his head, and quickly iiuul.' a survey of all the dread paranlienalia. As sooni j as the crowd had gained access (leneral and said, still with a tiriu voice, ! am now going to read you some verses!, which ail intended to imli cate mv feeling.4 at the moment of t rocker waved to them to uncover leaving this world. If set to music Dr. t Sout hamptoii. f he' next morning wjit hout tprovic ling against the po,-' sjliility .pi - aiiot lier elax's-suffering. Tq the ex-Confederate iSoldij Sailors of K. C. ! 5 nd III the nun in.ii I we-iit ' out for a vtalk m ij li a iruinber nf the c lergy. I. I 1 ;..-'. 1 -; :.'.' .1 ... ...... ..'..I 1 1. ll . ne ill. 11 1 leiill lie. 1 1 leo taking a drink.. 'I he d.-sn e Hid became con! loll like itreiVV cili; Ille At 1:10 i. 111., the lid ejif the' coffin I i 1 my best to .liseover a 1.1 V was put in place, iiiid the .body was i ll"" vv Eieiv 1 ci.ui.j -salisly borne to the iail c-han.-l1 where the Ihirsl, but Ilie. seareli was again physicians, who wen, to make the autops, were assembled.' While the autopsy vyiis in prog ress Warden Crocker sap, as to a report that the manner and place of Guitean's burial' had' not hee u iletermini'd upon, . thci' liody, he; said, would remain in jail to night. Dr. I lick's, who left the jail soon after tin hanging, will rctiiru in '.i'i i: ah i;s.: As tliedtx aj. ;. pro.ich ('1 Iiuiselay -of Stale. I an , week') on whirl, we ale, b TcsmIi ? 1 t ion a.lopte-d at om Iil f I -o:n euf ion. i again to -assemble and exuati;:e I the grip of forii.el'fellwshipam re ' new eil I recollect ion s 'he uiiile. ! signed, in discharge of Ih.j ilu! (,. j yol'vecl upon t hein, J e.4ic-ei( l'iill ; iih I inifis Ihe following sujesjioiis j a iir. ve were going into ciiurc.i- nn tiie '!u! ol .Inly. 'i'... Ivieu orja loijig session, and thii.g-i were ! ty one ve. us will have; e-l,aji-.ei s . iu-- U.kiligiprcttV bad. At lenglh, as !''' ' rcat . f.aiiieiwa. t.u.ghl ... t ' S1 ' '' ill... ,,... fr iim.i Inniv' -.1 1' i o-, i a i in. i . i . r, i iii1 iiii. ,-.i i a ' ' ie o ,vc"wcr wa ku g. I iiie-1 a man who . . . .. . . ! j " recorded linn.- 1 )uruig thai In II oil OOKCMI IKe a well in no la. liier. I I ...... ranks have heen :U i,,o. l, . I, ijiottedi him at iM.ce. He had a j ted by natural .lissoli.l ion n ; j .'v oily, riitMt-ilfj.il face,;ai.d the lip of were ill war by the weapons ., U,',. . .'- . ..... lib.- . 'I iii-ri-aiior' - u il li i m. . i ... I nose gave Inn. away. 1 tell ; . .1 , , c-e-liailil.V as Ilie ear speed on. tin child should in ihe d.n k with. o.'her children..' The ;!csue; II. r conies -lllitrtl t he eii Id Jms begun!. i h,' c iVl'IIJif. Som;- uyi s. for iuiet. pareiiis Will a'lovv ilu ;. ehlMl'ell ( i go J-.Hr.cl ' li '' . ,;ci ' opJi Willi S'llnv- l llel hll'il , . '- - S mi, ! ii1 Ilu - I - :i:l i v i- I I i " I ; i i- t i e! -Ifi-O. We in-.-.- k:re-. il I i. I Ml lo , ,, d.-aliOlll'.. Ve h ' ii. o.iti" r. ad . one o iii! . i i' : it1; i-.1 jn v, ,i!. h w i- ik in ' i ' Ii i v r I I"'-..!:.! lor i I i . . !' n I v !o, lli-i,-' i I. I'hl eU. an I .I,':', ii W li-'.l .j'X tlie h:l ! e'r I' lii' . ..'..; - i . -,, . (Mil 111 ;.. -.li.mld li - fi a i. ted il h ' !ln geli'leiies-. of lo.e al:d I . linn ' Ins oil ,ag o-j.'-i ail.; a-or.t -. hill wlii tlier ;iii-.i- ar.' al. I lie iv oi in. ill. I ol the pa, elli ol pot, tlli le li oil. rill,' a.bs.ih.f. Iv Hell -p;;i ra hi.- I i Ilie , sale. . it Ilie e.n lid a i l t'je iiof l. o'l I he l.in.lv a i'lnelVi lli.i1 w a I tli'' chllil K -in ill iv, s!iali liev e g.i,e1i' Ilu iot il i.onl his patent'', or :'i;e ol her prop."-' M.,r h.ri ;, and lli-'i',1 lieu he grow s 'o!i lei-, ll l'tl lie lii-iyiliii s.iil a;!e, hi p 1 1 en I I ; h I; i know where he i-evi i v iieeiient a,U IIS foe. . , Increasing - with i-el-l -.1 1 lit -.1-: I 111 vi.al'-k s;:.,..,. ii.: . ..::.i... a.:, n.i. .... ....I.- . ' -in- a- . ""'. .time is not far. distil in v. Fi. a l.ul . iii- i. i . . i i . . .... ... ISook I lie ciei-;- , -.1 u- ; ,;,nill.l will remain pi lell I lie ta! lie. I tlie morning ami then the quest ion I sj.iothcij way, and Ihcii ddvvii to the ci hallles . lo,t and u..n, ;:n !. rt . -' i 1 ... I ... 1 !....... John : "ain road, and again me! the ollv ; loxeo cans,-on.i i.i.owii. '"'" - i ' ' ' I I it II. .1 inei-l I !.:it i. .. I .... . miuh-,111, Hiii'ii iisKe.i ii i iii reia- j "",' ! - iCniod morning, sir, said 1. fives would not. ultimately remove the liody,- said, "I don"! wan't to , ; b-ocj.niornliig say what we will do. for if I do w. ; mg in will not be able to nrofect it. If 'and Ihcfu he stopjied alld nil l.o'tils vvpni bari'd ti;,.i , a- , i ;.. fi. , idea is that ol a child babbling to 1 licks made an mv oca turn , m f hese , , . . t iiKuiy i , i jls llia,nma anelfhis papa. I wrote words: "Father, out of the depths ; jf tIlis j,,,-,.,,, alout 10 o'c lock." we cry to thee. Hear Thou our-; ne then conmuiicecl to c hant these supplication for the sake of Jesus verses in a sad, jloleful style : ' Christ, the Savior, who has inacle i T ani going tci the IiCirely,; full propitiation for., ns. j Heboid ! I aid so glad, j this Ti,v servant. Wei humbly ! I ' fo tie Lordv, . l am so giaei I am going to the Lordv, ('lory' Halleluah! (llory 'Hallelu jah! 1. '''. I am going to tie Lordv ! thevinav Ih renaered eflec-tiVe. The isei.did not witness the ; exe c-utioii At hal.f j.ast 2 eclo.k Dr. I'. I!. of insanity will 1m settled I " ...!. e 1. 1 othe r, preserve on;-' ide.itiif col! i a lid cl igest the- storv, a ml i r. -l . ; m ir," said' he, lilt . to oui posterity that no shame I Inj-c old- haf, Thcii I stoppe d, by attac he s to tlie ir palenntv ? i r- ' -. .l'. . .. ...i-. i i ... '.' .-"I nee ilia. eeiniui ei.iy. me li.ioe i ..i - i ......i... ...... i....,- !.... i the 1km1-is taken aw ay iiobe.dy will i lheij.- are a good m,.nv strangers' jn ju inlj,! d.,wn. ha ai know it, at the time at least.'.' 1 h'ei'c ,' sjiid I. , .. tained to inan's estate, and would1 Charles II. Ileed, (Juifeau's conn- H 'Yes,! ! n.nlt tal la. isliall lie learn It Iroiujo men t ll-aveii loll ml oi- lili .1 mi. ... ..i' . ..;.i i r.:...i.. i . .- . m so, llioe.-ii,. Mini i i. ii in m , ; ,j an cud .opi-s eil a eU'i.nk went .low n, We therefore rccomiueui sir,' said he: u iiriiigiiig riirisl Loring coiicliided his examination j i 'I hol of the eyes of the dead man. Uoth ;orniy eyes wen so indistinct that ho j opinion could he formed cil t heir j conditio:! or expression. ' ! A c-lose examination of the IkmIv 'I hope it vv ill ' fain knovv t he lneimiug of t he ie. I - ' , ; ;.. 1 l..,i.,l..., i i...t ii i. ....... i ;.. i.. . . iiianv sou s ; ' i" i" u, and sank still lower iis he added: Wc jire J. Miking to you ministc-r set Us ageMMlexainjile, ai fhere'll'-lie no ejiiarrc-lling,' lia urge you by every consider..! ion of ' country and self res peet to me.,t at ..( I . '. .1 ill I' li'.' n'linri'llllll lOWIISOII I II' i sr-f us a riMxl examnle. anil I Iioim . ' -. i t - i ilav llel'Ii:ite.l uiii .. i ,r . is our county I)ray that Thou wilt deliver him -at this siu,rpme moment." of his, life i ; Lt't Thy light descend upon Liberate his soul from prison lie 'appe.ir to You absolved by Te at nicrcv. From the I blew T, I ... ,,' , I nart of some of those nri'sent to eet i "i love tne jjoreiv wiin an , mv soui. .. " him. May Thy I d of Glory Halleluiah ! Guiteau deliver him and us. Christ And that is theeasoii havelm.v on us. Lamb of God, j ' I ain piiii g bfthe Iird, f,,.l( . .. .... (Jlorv Halleluiifh ! Glorv Hallelu Hiat .takest-away the sins of the '.,, 1 world, have mercy on us. Amen , ;!' :. J T v auuainen." . Ihiiiiigthe prayer Guiteau stood with lnjwed heiul. At its conchu inn. ii t id ... . ..ef i : . ; - - - ' i. , - ' ... ."i' v i, ."i-iii.i. showed that Guitean's neck was ! people peed a lesson in peace iaml by clecting-suitable ijflieei and en l.ioL-nn -.uiii tii it ti,,. r... 1....1 ,..,t harmoiiv ' . roiling your name.' 1 coiiicidi'ej and made a few deep' into the v flesh of 'his neck. There Was a dispositieiin on the mementoes oi.ine occasion ar any cost. The jail ollicers hok tlie rojie eom- icHiilai c remarks W hich I don't ie ijieiiiibc from the-- gallows and :-.ecreted it. As s.miii as the noose vv'as removed from the dead' man's j neck, Dr. ijpS cpui'age. .lust Jliel. the jo man lili UK ings, tore nji the originals. He had' icked.atiilas the Doctor the cell his dinner was Hid Guiteau ate it with . - - ' . At 5 miuut'es past 12 sion Dr . ieks niieiied the Bible and Guiteau, i linn tones, said, "I will read a- selection from the lth c hapter of .Mathew, j from the -Sth to the 41st verse, inclusive." He then read in voice and with good intonation, ' . iHickssajd, when askeel alniut the; -Here Gniteauis voice failed aiul j burial. tliat lie cliil not wan't to sav he iKiwed hishcid and buike into ; wh"MV the ImkIv would h- interreci. ilhed a little and !.Ti.., f,,,...'-..! vl.i, , it I. ai . sobs. lint he went on w ith hib chant : "I saved mv past v and mv land. Glory Ilallehf all ! ' Hut they have murdered me for it. And that is tlae reason be, will ,'take place to-morrow. - tuil-will.be ; as private as ossihh.. i A reiMirter of the ( Assix-iated ; Press was the only newspaiier man a clear strong I am going to the Ivordy, admitted to the cnapc-lj where the Glory Hallelujah ! Glory Hallelu - IxmIv was lieing clissectifd. The on . l..1 in toTc.it ion . . . r , l JAu ' I': ! erations of the thrce snr'eiiis fii. showing little if any nervonsuess. I am going to te Lordv,". aged in the autopsy wlere watched ieprehurh and rebuke. 1 1 ir. had for I was tiving to plue-iv liv ed his hati said 'good'tnorii- afid w:asa'out to go. I Saw chai.ee disappearing, and in'f desperation I'called him iliV last ih i tit hick. " 1 -s-.n i mv. 'friend.- - said 1, voil Seeilll VcjrV stlh t telllpe iance -peopl. ill this iovvn." j'i.Ye -cK,' said lie -local option pre-' iails hcjre-, you know .- i 'Factj is," said 1 "I've ln-eii use d to si' little ktiinulaiit do oii . know a omething phiee whe re I c ould get th drink f I The'old man fixed cm me ;t I.Mjk l:ilik, eoniiiaiiv and reginieiit in a hook provided l.ii the i jmrpose. Theu sejiul a cop of the-i rostcr to the se-i-ivtarv of i he Ststte Association, L. L. J'olk. J."a lergh, in order that it tuav U-e'ntei ed iu the general roll .f the- Stae At 'the, same time let ehdegat. s hc ;ipiMiinti-d to attend the next eon vent ion and iM'i fec t the general or IStaTe .organization. If aH eould 'there. .assemble so iiun-L the better. ; A distinguished c-ouiia.le will ',. j! yited there" to add less' 'von. kecolle-e t t he eja . t he-.hit v and the obje c t. Two ir three, or e-ven a single individual caij tsike the tiative in eac h e-oiiiijy. i .( lirotliers. jrive- .erne- eliiv at Ii eacn irciirring v.-;ir to "TI,,: 0v, Cause." dead coinrad.s, ' ni.r issues, si M-ial fellow ship and hi,t,,i v". I'iaternall. i ' W. J. (iKKKX , I'le-mleiit of the As.M j;,f j,,,, (111 .1-., east ol oi hi t iuu';, ami i-uhi-' I l.atv he is jn li.il lii'i.ilr I I i,M'i L. W 1,1'J i. - .1 ai -i l aniio' he lili- i'i'li' - 'il i't:ic ... I..' oh! lined h. ; ii i..-: i' . l'ia oi ciiil.l !n:i', ta i',el!'. l ot ii he Is kept in it, hi;! elehlie eiht ei?!e-u Ve .;. . ' J ! 1 v 1 1 1 1 l.-i ; . n a!- c t. I ec in . i- Wi-.il. my -t', ...e-allowe-f ! i l:, i! i h' rll.-i ol Mll'h" he it. than lo'liav.' that chil I I :i ne I, and alj ciftne family su!e.- t:e-'iig'i' I lie I e-.i i :n hs of hi V e ti , i . ! e ha V e -iMike.i o v 1- .iu no n ji of dec-li: " faliilii on -the'', streets alii- (i iii . XVl eii.lld enlore.' this 1 :'".. tin Ills of hal low in-; ea -ev. ,j 'fi -e w o.e iiec-e ;s ii y.' Wi.i'i. e.f :e-.-.: I . . lM-,eee!i parent s' w ho I ..:! . ! : a.i I ii-le to Ja v ii t he i: i. t. iitaki-'-.pl.e! oh 1, at ions: U.;o i ' tln-.i i 'Ihhlrcii at ni..'hl. I i liad win fi; lin v are, and lo prop ire' to aiis-.m-r to fhid. our tea veulV fa her lor 1 he pa.ltslah mg e-ale- w iiie.ilthe. i e r (heir cl.d he!.. ';'t ' I A Sa ni la iy C,h:. I.'.il,.. K, line loan, of New' Orlilihs;: vv-a e iii i i .. a seven- attaek eil rhe.im.it i-m In 'if - i. .lac-.-iis ( so w e see lis an ill I he 'oh.mbiis ', ia. I I 'mjHn; Death Distanced: Ai.ks mi: , a., Aug. I. fss). II: II. Wsiinei' " in.: r- I "hould h i- ht-' jir ill lii.v lit- to dav hj. .lit not Ih-c.-ii fol- .voiir Sale. Kidiii-y aiiibLiver ('nie. ' M rs. J J v it ; KS.S. i t -