t The W if. son Advance A WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPA PER DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL, EDUCATIONAL, POLITICAL. AND AG KICULTCKAL INTERESTS OK EASTERN XORTIT CAROLINA. j Published Every - Friday Morning. Wpks Itjuifls. Editor and Proprietor. Friday Mokxixo, Sep. 8, 1882, OUR KOIIIEES. For Congressman -abLarge. K. .Tj Bennett. i J For Supreme Court Judge. Thosj Puffin. , 4 1 Fob Supkuiok Covet Judges. First District. .las. E. Shepherd. j Second District. Fred Phillips. Third District. A. A. McKoy. . Fourth DistrictJas. O. McKae. Fifth District. Jno. A. Gilmer. Sixth District. W, 31. Sbipp. ' Foe Solicitob. Third District. Swift Galloway. j For the Senate Seventh Senatorial District H. G. Connor and Jas.j S.' Pattle. ! WILSON COUNTY TICKET. For the House ofltepresentativ " John L. liailey. For Clerk Suierior Court. A. U. Deans. For Itcgi ster of Deeds F. J . ijaines For Sheriff'. J. K. Farmer. ; For Tiesisurer..I. W. Farmer. For Surveyor. I. (1. Eatman. . For C-oroiier. II. W. Peele. The Nominees of the Seyenth Senatorial District, The Democratic Senatorial Convention which met at Nash ville last Saturday placed in nomination for Senators of the Seventh Senatorial District Mr. H. 0. Connor of IBlson, and Mr. Jas. S. Battle of Nash. Of Mr. Connor it is needless to speak to the people of Wil son among whom he lias .lived all his life and who know- him too well for us to say one word about him. But for the benefit of our democratic friends in other counties who will have the pleasure of voting forllim, we deem it not inappropriate to furnish them with a short sketch of the life of Wilson's choice for Senator. ' H. O. CONNOR, KSIJ. .; - ' Mr. Connor was born July 3fH .1852, and is now about 30 years old. With little aid from others he early acquired the : rudi ments of education and at an early age jtjegari the study of the law in the office of the late G. W. Whitfield, Esq. Admitted to the bar, he immediately secured a large practice and while- ai- plying himself closely to the study and practice of his pro fession, he entered largely into all questions of public interest in the broad and liberal spirit of a eood citizen. He -has al ways been an earnest and zeal ous advocate, of popular educa tion, and his influence aided largely in establishing the ex cellent Graded School in Wil son. He favors the broadest and most extensive education of the whole people, and his efforts in behalf of our Public School sys tem will be felt in our next Leg islature. In iolitics Mr.: Con- nor has always been a zealous and active democrat of "the anost straighest sect," and his voice has always been raised during the whole of his politi cal career on the side, of honcs ty, gV)d government and the truest and best principles of democracy. With no extrinsic help Mr. Connor has by his own honest efforts raised himself to a proud station in the esteem of his fellow citizens aud though still a young man, has made himself a wide reputation as an able lawyer and an honest puh lie spirited citizen. The peopl have always delighted to honor our self made men, for there is , -something in the success which a man wins for himself, that compels our admiration, and we believe that our able and 'popu lar county man will prove no ex ceptions to this rule. rAPTA IN JAMES S. RATTLE. Mr. Ikittle was born in Tar boro, May 30th, 1 8 4(J, educated - at the University of North Ca roliua which he left to go in the araiy. He enlisted'as a private in company G., 3rd N. C. Cava ry. Upon the promotion of Gen Cox, Mr. Battle became a mem ber of his staff as aide-cam; and was with his regiment at the surrender at Appomattox Court House. Returning home after the war he in connection with his father engaged in the business of cotton manufactur ing and farming, and he is now Secretary and Treasurer of the Rocky Mount Cotton Mills, one of the most flourishing factories in this State. From that time till 1880 when he was nomina ted to the State Senate, Mr, Battledflevoted himself assidu ously to this business. During the last campaign he made an active canvass and was elected by a large majority. During his term as Senator he served his district faithfully and well and his re-nomination at Nashville last Saturday is but just recog nition of that faithful service, His efforts in the Legislature to increase the amount of tax le vied for the support of the Pub lic KchoQls and to aid our strug gling University in her efforts to extend her usefulness as well as his exertions in behalf 'of the Rocky Mount Graded School, which has been recently set to work; evidence his strong at tachment to the cause of educa tion. His devotion to Democra tic principles is sincere and ar dent and the interests of the Democracy of this district will not suffer in his hands. In conclusion we would urge upon the Democrats of Wilson, Nash and Franklin the necessi ty of harmony, unity and con. tinued activity in behalf of good government and the success of the Democratic ticket, which two are, in our view, synony mous. Campaign Notes. Notwithstanding the "heated term" through which we have been passing, there has been un usual activity of late among politicians of all denominations. and every shade of color. More public speeches have already been made than we ever remem ber to have noticed, this early in the campaign. And the peo ple as a general rule have turn ed out in such force, as to indi cate unusual interest in the political issues of the day.' Our distinguished Senators, Ransom and Vance, have taken the field, and have been receiv ed everywhere with marked demonstrations of pleasure and Satisfaction. No '. State in the tJnion is more highly favored than North Carolina, in her re presentation in the Senate of the United States, and the peo pie are proud of and appreciate he eminent services Of our gift ed Senators. . National politics have always maintained a prom inent place in the political dis cussions in this State, and the people have-never been more ortunate in having a flood of Ight turned upon this impor tant subject. The issues which the present State Canvass pre sents are also handled by our distinguished Senators with singular ability J and to the en tire satisfaction of the large au diences which greet them wher ever they speak. ( J The candidates for Congress for the State at large," Judge Bennett and Col. Dockery, are also making a thorough canvass. Our. candidate l.Tudge Bennett, 9 ' 7 according to our exchanges, con- tl nues to win new laurels at every encounter with his oppo nents. They have recently been cknyassing . the "debateable ground" in the West, and we have the most cheering accounts from that section. ji Soon, the candidates for the legislature and county offices will take the field, and the State wall Tie ablaze from the moun tains to the seaboard with "poll tical excitement. These bien idal discussions are calculated to impart a large amount of in formation upon political affairs tt the people; and should be largely attended. Free speech aijid a free press are the recog nized bulwarks of civil liberty, and no people who "properly ap predate these inestimable pri- jvjilegeswill ever be in danger of being enslaved of priceless value to froemen, they are formidable to tyrants and demagogues only. ho American people are honest ahd patriotic and prompt to re fefond to every sentiment of duty, $o Colored Man Need 'Apply. s The colored people, of Wilson county, through'their organ, the Wilson News, are demanding a place on the ticket for which ttey will be expected to vote in November. The colored people say, and their assertion remains unchallenged, that, they consti tute the Eepublican party of the cuuty ; that they have men among them who are as intelli gent and as capable of holding office as their, white brethren; aiid that they propose to have a new. order of things, and refuse to.; vote unless a colored man is placed oh the county ticket and supported by Kepublicans and Independents, who have hither to feu joyed the upoils of office by th favor and the votes of the colored man. ; , ' $ itiH ueiuaua ,siries us as a very reasonable one. Let's look at w and pee how it is. The In dependents who have held of- flcejin Wilson couiity during the last four years owe their elec tion, to the negro vote they re ceited. r or example in the election of 1880 the vote as t parties for Lieutenant Governor gav the Democratic candidate a majority of 202, which is about the full vote. Ii the same year Davis, dem ocratic candidate for Register of Deeds received 1407 votes, and Moore, Independent, received 153oj votes; a majority of 128 inw snows a chanjre of 430 ' democratic votes to Moore There are in the county, say, 50 j white Republicans who voted for Moore thus giving him 1055 negro votes, and 480 white votes over twice as many negro votes as white votes. Now it would seem that the Independ ents and white Republicans would be glad, in consideration of this partnership whereby the negroes furnish two thirds of the capital, to give them at least one eighth of the profits, in other words a nomination for one of the eight county offices. Such an arrangement would in business, be considered quite ad vantageous to persons occupy ing the position of our Indepen dent friends. We wonder why such an arrangement will not work in Wilson county politics. But what will we see ? The de mand of the negro, as in the past, will be treated with silent contempt, and he will remain as formerly a hewer - of wood and a drawer of water for his more fortunate white republican and ridependent friends, When all the pale faces shall have had their fill of office and the emolu ments pertaining thereto, then the colored man and brother may present his little bill. Now his attempts to serve his country will prove futile for the watchword is "Ought's a ought, And Agger's a Jigger All lor the white man And none for the nigger." County Government. Patrick Henry said in that great speech which has immor talized his memory, the "only lamp by which his feet were guided was the lamp of expe rience." For nearly a century the people of North Carolina en joyed peace and prosperity un der a system of county govern ment, displaced by the Canby Constitution. After ten years of Radical wastefulness and exr travagance it was reinstat ed by the Democratic Constitu uonal Contention of 1875. The question presented to the peo ple of North Carolina is whether they will be "guided by the lamp of experience" in regard to county government, or return to the Canby system, which means negro rule and extrava gant expenditures of the money wrung from overburdened tax payers; The present system is sub stantially that adopted by our forefathers, tried for nearly a century,! has worked well, and is believed to be absolutely ne cessary to the continued pros perity of North Carolina. It means the white man's rule and an of economics 1 administration ihe government. Can any one but a demayotrue and the dupe of a demagogue hesitate as to which system of government ought to be preferred ? Can the white people of North Carolina be so blind to their own inter est as to desire a return to the Canby Constitution? We think not. - Charles' R. Jones, editor Char lotte Observer, who sometime ago. announced himself an In dependent candidate for Con gress in the ixth district is but in a card in which he says that learning that a Republican can didate would be- placed in the a - 1 J3 i a i: . i neiu aim noi desiring to De a party to the defeat of the dem ocratic party he deems it best to withdraw from the canvass. lie fails however to mention the fact that the establish ment of the Journal had any thing to do with this change in his position. Truly it has been well said that Jones' indepen dency was of the Pickwickian sort. We are glad that he has seen the error of his way and returned to the fold, but we op pose killing any fatted calf for the return to the party of the prodigal who throughout has been actuated by none other than selfish and personal mo tives. It is immaterial to the Democratic party whether such men stay in its ranks or not ; it is very material to Jones that he remain in the ranks. He is the man who receives the benefit ; the Democratic party is certain ly is the donor. A new concern called the Liberal Democratic party. (Jod save the mark ! What is this new party ? It comes from the worst pedigree of any child ever born in the State. It was bego by a revenue officer, out of a ne gro and born in a still house. Vance at Charlotte. ' The liberal party and the rad ical party are the same. It's the same old coon with one more ring around his tail. Swift (ialloicay. Jim Ijeacli lias jone. If there is any more democratic timber of that kind the sooner it goes the better. Swift Galloway. ' I shall vote in the Senate against any Prohibition meas ure. . G. Connor. Concerning Politics tolas! Comity. The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Nash county met in Nash ville 'on the Lnd of Sept. 1881'. it was I KAmlved. 1st. That a convention of the Democratic party of Nash ounjty be held at the CourJ: House n XashviUe on Monuay, &epc t 1882! at 12 o'clock. M. for the pur- wse of nominating a candidate for the riext House of Representatives and plso for the various county oi ficesl to be elected by the people at . ' i i ... lvrt UaI.1 si ii tiie general eiecuuu iu ur ucm the 7th day of November 1882. 2nd. That there shall be an elec tion held uv the uemocrauc Kxecutive Committee of each town ship at the several voting places iu the county on Saturday Sept. 23rd, 1882 between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock, 1'. 31., lor tieiegaMM iu at tend said Convention. THe names of the delegates elect ed iri each township will be deliver m1 tk .Tno. T. Battle. Eso.. Secre tary of this Committee on Mouday mnrriinf? Sent. 25th. 1882, in Nash- viilei to the end that eacn towusuip shali be properly represented m said convention. For the information ol all con cernexL we here state that each town ship ban elect as many delegates as they desire, but in casting the vote in said convention eacn wwusmp will be entitled to one vote for every tweritv-flve votes, and one for every traction over fifteen votes case in the 'last Gubernatorial election. We give below the exact number of votes each township is entitled to. Castalia. 5: Griffins, 4; Whita keraL 10: Stonv Creek, 5: JNasn ville, 6 ; Mannings, 6 ; Coopers, 5 Rocky Mount, 7; jacsson s, Bailey's, 6 ; Ferrels, 2." We earnestly request the voters to turn out at these elections, ana see (that representative men who will reflect the wishes ot each town ship1 are elected to attend said con vention. This is a matter of too much importance to the whole peo ple to te left to a few of them only It should be done by the whole par ty or at least by a majority of them The evil growing out of remaining A. . 4-V. at nome cannot ue remeuiu aii-er me election is over. It can be avoided ouH by going to the polls, and ta king part in the election of dele gates. In this way, and this way only, we can get such candidates as the ;Whole party and not a smai portion of them desire. To the dele gates we desire to say that alter you have been elected it is your duty to attend the convention, and in casting your votes, be snre as near as von can ascertain that you reflect the wishes of your township. If your -duty is honestly performed we jwill doubtless hear no cries of packed convention or complaints lroili disappoiuted aspirants, bnt when the nomination are announc ed they will meet with a hearty sec ond from defeated candidates, and all jvill from that time work for the success of the ticket. B. II. Bunn, Ch'm. Dem. Ex. Com. Nash county. Jno. D. Battle, Sec'v. i 7 . . . A Card. Rooky Mount, N. C, ( '' Sept. 4th, 1882. ( " To llie Democratic vartu of Kash County : My name has been frennentlv used iu connection with the nomi nation for the House of Representa tives for this county, and I have heretofore, give no public answer to fjie numerous inquiries I have received. I have never been an as- iriniut for )olitical promotion, and never have seen the time aud hope that 1 never shall, when I would al low! my own promotion to stand iu thejway ot the success of inv nartv I have Itecn advised by many of in. v icounty-meii that it would be un safe for both the candidates for the Legislature to come from Rockv Moiint, and acting uimu their ad vic4 and solely tor the good of in v paity, 1 resjKictfullv withdraw inv name from further consideration. The Senatorial Convention which met in Nashville on the 2nd inst. nominated for the Senate from this couiity, Mr. James S. Battle, of thi ilace a geutleinan of character and staiidiuir, and who will represent theidistrict, with honor and credit alike, to himself aud the district. I can say lor tins section that the Convention having chosen him as its Standard liearer we are con tent, and will most cheerfully and glaSdly support a candidate for the House of Representatives, from a ni other section of county. I tmst that yon will find in some other per son a candidate for the House more iv hilable than myself, and who will lead the party to certain victory. In conclusion allow me to sav that should my services be desired asja canvasser within or out of the county I aix ready to obey any call that my ieople shall make. iWe cannot afford to lose the coun ty in this contest, and if my services wll lend to prevent it, I shall most gladly give them. ' Very respect fully v - B. H. BuNjfc A Card. Sept. Gth. 1SS2. Editor Advance: Having heard it reported that I would not vote tor Air. Connor on account of his Prohibition record, I deem it my duty uot oulv to 3Ir. Connor, but to myself also to sta,te emphatically and publicly that shall vote lor Mr. Connor, witji Very great satisfaction. Prohibi tion has been settled aud the at tempt to make it an issue in ttiis campaign is made by the Radical larty tor the purpose of again sret ting jMissession of the government This, is no time for false issues the ohe great issue is Democracy and gptHi government rx Riulicalisin and bad government. For mv nart. y life-long devotion totlemocratic principles cauuot le changed by an iisue which is boldly put forward by its mlvoc,ates as a bid for votes. Again I repeat that I shall vote for yr. Connor and for every one of the tteinoeratic nominees. Wm. Woooakd, Sr Notice. Members r the Township Execu tive Committees of Wilson county, afe requested to meet in Wilson Wednesday, Sept! 20th, to complete the organization and transact other ihiiKM-tarit business. A full attend ance is desired. F. A. Woodard, Ch'm. Dem. Ex, Com. Wilson county.. T. J. Hajjley, Sec'y. MISCELLANEO US. CiiliEDY. ' FOB Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout. Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings ana Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foa and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals t. Jacobs Oil a . !fr Vurr. timpU and cheap External Kemedy t fjTrT, Tinr-rMivplv triilillC OUt a' of 50 OnM, and every one suffering with au ?an nave eneap uiu i"" PirectioiM In Eleven tanguagea. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AHD DEALEES II MEDICIHE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., XT. S. :A AMUSEMENT. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday September 11 Engagement of the beautiful and successful young ENGLISH ACTRESS, CLAIRE SCOTT, Supported by the talented young Actor, And a powerful Dramatic Company of Metro politan Artists. MONDAY EVENING, Sep 11 Will be presented the Great Historical Dra ma of LDCRETIA BORGIA. ... ! , -. Asplayedby MISS St'OTT over 1,000 times. r"" A handsome Portrait Souvenir of MISS St'OTT will be presenti! to every laiiy aTieuu inif the performance. : AnllKNIOI ' Vtlls.. KESRRYEH SK.tlX:...: 75 Cell!. Now on Saleat Hatirrave's Drug Store. CAY LOIS II, lieu. Manager MISCELLANEO US. W H O LESALE LIQUOR DEALER & RECTIFIERS PORTSMOUTH. VA, Keeps constantly on hand the following brands: Whiskeys John Hrlison, Pure ltye Whiskey, narr:s' Pure liye 4 j-ears old, Mt. Vernon liye. Kentuekey Hye. Importers of Fine Wines, Oin and FRENCH BRANDIES: Sold at Philadelphia and linltimore Priees. Satisfaction Ouaranteed. From two to three thousand Itarrelsof Whiskey on hand at all times. 9ep8-m. ESTABLISHED Mil. W, F. Al.i.ES.' J.T. llOltlTM. W F ALLEN & CO, H9 Water St. fc 18, 22. 26 & 30 R( .thery s Lane. NORFOLK, VA. a Um UllGCldilU WIIIIHIIJI ' sepa-6m 100&102 WaterSt. NOltFOLK. VA. Receiver i & Of At.l Ki.vns Of Bl ILDIMi t FIMSIHMi LIMES SHELL LIMES. POTLANI), llOMAJf. KEENE-S,ANIROSENDAi.E CEMENTS: 1 CALCIN E. DENTAL. CASTINO. AND LAND PLASTERS. MARBLE 1)1. ST, LATHS, FIRE C'LAV: PRESS, ANGLE, CORNICE, FIRE, PAVING AND BUILDING BRICKS; TAR, ROSIN, SLATES, tec. Special Kates in Freights and , Prices for WHOLESALE LOTST" sep8-3m ! . ' ESTABLISH ED LStiH. M, L.T. DaviS. B. D. Davis M L v .DAVIS, A: CO WHOLESALE GROCERS AXO DEALERS IS Flour, Provision Fiwli anl Sail So. E. Cor. Water & 'onuneree Sts. 9ep8-3m." NOR Ft ILK. VA. PAVIS & GILES ATTOUXEVS AXO COUNSELLORS AT LAW. NASHVILLE, X. V. Hod. J. J. Davis of Louituiv has fornie.1 a partnership with E.S. F. tiiles for the practice of law in Nash County. M r. Daris will attend the reralartrni8 of Nash So perior Court. aepK-ly . I will sell on the Hth day of Septmlier. 1k2, at the late resident of Iter. Wm. Clowg. de eeased. the following pereonal property: Two Horses, One Uutory. Two llors Wanm. a . Valuable Library and other personal property. Terms Cash W. C, CLOSS. aug5-3t Administrator, n WAV 1 UULUKi 1.1 Meaiasd Flour Shipper MISCELLANEO US. Savase, Son & Co., COTTON FACTO KS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS T. Water St. NORFOLK, VA. Liberal advances on all consign- ments in hand. , Prompt Remittances for sales Rendered. j Keep a full suplv ol Cotton Iag- ing and Ties. Correspondence and Patronage Solicited. sepS-4m It Successor to Georjre lieid, Dealer ik HAY, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED Teas. &. Seed (ntH.iuNpeeinlty. 132 Water Strw-t, Norfolk, Va. sep-8-6m L. G.GRADY Dealer in Fine Silver Jewelry and Gold Watch es. Send him your orders. sep8-tf . HALIFAX, N. C. &JEVJ11 HOUSE, TARBORO, N. C. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Large Sample Rooms, for Commer cial travelers. II. 15. BRYAN, jeMy Proprietor. M ANSION HOUSE NOllI-'OI.K, VA. M.S JAMES, Proprietress. ENLARGED, Remodeled, Re furnished, Centrally LtH-attnl, (iood Accoinniodations, ltates Reasonable. 2-2tf : THE UNDERSIGNED, have form ed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine in the town of Wilson and adjoining country. Returning thanks to their patrons for their liberal pat ronage, they solicit a continuance of the same. Office on Nash Street oj posite the Court House lately occu pied by Jas. S.Woodard, Esq., where one. or both may be always found when not professionally .engaged. C. C. PEACOCK, M. 1)., -W. S.ANDERSON, M. D. Jan82.-ly. RE 11 EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES! manuiacitirea oy isaac a. Sncf - . Ko. i). . it. THE ) ;' 1 'izing, every ounce . of their ;ioWer. To' apply this power to all ordinary Horse Gim requires two I inchesi to one inch -rods 5 feet long. Rent irons iue attached to the end of ' the lever in such a form, so as to utilize every inch of Jever jiower possible, thereby uimi; one to two feet at t!iat iinportiint point, ami is wort Ii the amount I charge for the right in gold, of the first water, in n'e season. I charge Ten Dollars for each Gin, or -will attach it ; to Gins, and furnish the -irons for Twenty Dollars the farmer furnishing Un necessary help and timbers; which in -most .alt ca.M-s consist of t wo levers 7 -inches by 4 J, taperingto 4 or ." at the (jither end, 1 S feet .long also a jiiece 10 inches by ;, ,"i feet long. "I Any liirtlieruitormatiou may be a.U::iY. STATi AMD For sale at. a 1 ow figure. AH J usl'(l iu t'1Hh iicighlKiihood, and its merits 1 do ni lilo,lt if Ke('"ni I'-Sli favor'Jhat my Grave worthily Imuiic in thousands of the -best 'farmers'! ; return in v thanks. ' I Respect fully auglM-L'ni J. H. Cutchin I I COTTO X FA'CiOllS AND (JEXERAL ' I - y j ' '''' :Ooiiiiiii2-isaoii 3Xei??lijiiil NO. WAT Ell STUEET. N IK FOLK, VA ' , Bagging anil Ties furnished at ments and correspondence solicited. ' 15 9 Successors to Savage, Jones & Ie. COnONl FACTORSI l&HDMCOMMISSIOHl MERCHANTS ! ' ' - - -' ' ' I - - I ' - - -j. . a IIOTHEKVS WHARF, NOUFOLK, VA. i ilKeep a large stM-k ami Full Ties, at Lowest Prices. ' I ' jfcg-TIake Liberal ADV.iX rs Vs? Solicit the Correspondence Services of a Cotton House, f Lxiienence. MISCELLANEOUS. BUY THE BEST! H A Li L' S flUPROVEfSElF-FEEDINGj COTTON GIN (OTTO! Gl. FEEDERS' AND- -:o:- i t Endorsed ij11'! i"ecommended by the l)C.st farmers in North Carolina, anion; whom! we. take pleasms in referring to Af.F.Parker, Entield; 1. Edmtiiidson, iScotland Neck; Jas Hodges, Dr. N. J. Pittmau, 11. L Staton and Ii. M.. Rrvan, Tarlioio W. 1). Harden mid W. E. lewis, GoldslKHo; Nt Cut-hin and' .T..1I.: Cutchin, "SVhitakers; A. J. llarrellj Fremont and many others who have used them. I Mr. J. J. Rattle, of Rocky Mountj. one of the best farm-! ers in . Edgecombe countv --says:; "The Hall's j Self-Feeding' Cotton Gin, manufactured at Sing Sing, N. Y., worked to my entire satis ! taction. In ginning my entire crop we averaged al.Hut 4,500 lbs. seed; cotton per day, with the; attend i ance of twof hands one to drive! the team and' one to attend to the: gin." I Send'ih your orders to . , BlIHEUCO., AGENTS C. julyT tf Wilson, N D EAXS'& NICllOLSON, GENERAL, INSUKANrE AGENTS, WILSON, No. , Fire, Life, Accident aud Live Stock Companies represented. .Aggre gate. Agaeta over !?300,()00,(M)0. ' :i TO WHEAT GROWERS Wheat growers everywhere now have an opj-I'i portunity to imnrbve their whent ernn fMm :, ! to per cent, by iisinirCldutrli's Patent Gniinii ! Sieves to prepare Jheir wheat for Rowing. Youii utniiiitaitoru w oe wunouc one. niall rrain!Vj produce small, weak plants and but Uttle jrraiii,, ! large irrains produce the lanrest yield. Theses sieves separate the two. leavinKlonly laivej' pliiinp grains to sow. 1'riee Uy Expressonly :J.(i tT Send Stamp for Testimonials. : Address all orders to f' J. K.j HUE, JK, Littleton, N.C. ' P.O.lloxNo. 4.j I aujrt-liww .: THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Fonrteen different sizes and kinds. Five dzea with Enameled Reservoirs. . Adaptedto all requirements, and priced to suit all purses. LEADtC FEATURES: DouLIe '.Vooii T) ,.rs. Patent Wood Crate, Adjustable Iai.. 4, Iiterel)an(ealile Aut matfo Slieir 1:: .r-i;; 3vir. f wiupinrf Jlenrth Hup: wiiigin;; ilite-fi- iv ru'TerslUc ias Snr.y.m Lo:ig 'r-s i i-e, Jtiml JeX Hhnit Cr-i; ITeavy il!i jloveiM, flleriij sited Kirc Dortr: Uel l.nohs Nlekel Pafh. .Hc'. Ctuiuuled In uUu-iiu;. i. 1'. Mif ,attd in opcmti.in. J. I' PftKu r. Li. This Power, j am con titlwit,. will till a long felt want,, that every Farmer has sadly tell. : it bmibines two of I lie . most powerful known powers, viz : ' ' PRIZE AXI) muiiiilk. And is Cheap and hi rable, and has been 'amply tested hi, driving the Gins of two of the nnist 'practical:! farmers :of the . State die for. three seasons. , Mr. Ed. ISai'Hes, Sr. haying gin ned at the ratej ol eight b lies jer day, with a 10:.; S iw Gin, with 4 mules; U in he other c.tse (lonl-4f ling the amount ,of cot-1 toij ginned. Eacli. lever works independently of f thtvothcr, thereby util- . i - had by addressing the undersigned, iNOIViDUAL 311 want is formic of the Powers to bej it fear, ami feel con s' Cotton I'l.mti r li..s fields, for which l'j Yours, WILSON, N. (', -:o:- resl Low Rates. I Consign-: st-ps-Cm M (So, 9 Assortment of ' Cotton Baggiiig and on 1 OTTO Orderril le be Held. and' Patronage if those desiring the Large Means, and Long, Succes-ifnl ! r scpSCnU MISCELLANEO US, Elizabeth Iron Ms CI I AS W. PKTTIT. PROP. 280 and p, Waer St., Norfolk, Va M A X V FA CT L 1 K B oV . Enjinfs. Mcrs Safc ami I Crist" Mills. - Sliaftinc:, Pulleys, Hangers, F 0 R G I X f. S AV D C A S T IS G S OF KVKRY DESCRIPTION. lnay ."My -t T- ;t -k J- . n a o crq o d aq Q o o pi CO ? a' -t - 3 3 5 2. - S f? i C -s 3 ' -i : :H AS S.r-lS 5 '2.2-2 2.3-S - c c ac z - x 3" tr- r a ' 3, c"S' K X ' 5 - 5 5 JV 05 X ' 2. i o - rs a . 5 - i5 . v i H V,. : !! r- --4.5. S' 14 r S3 '73' ST' g T T. 1 Q " S. ALSOP, '. j - ATTOliXEY-AT-LAW, . Ollices Enfield and Rattleboro, h.C. -Practices in the countsis of Halifax, Ktlgecombe and Nash, and in the Supreme and Federal' Conrts," Will he at Rattleboro on Fridays and Sat I unlays and on titlier dayat Enfield. J iimyO-t.y BD SP , l as. If you want the best Iicd'Springs now in use, try those made by J. (i. Rawls iK: Ib-o. They are guaran teed to give entire, satisfaction. Can refer you" to ninnlx-is in town who are now using them. Try them and you would not do .'without them, ('.til for the l)ouble Twin Fid -Spring- made by ; J.G. liAWLS X PRO., ' ma ll' tl Wilson. X. ( I I'ATKOXIZE HOIIE TOLKS hen They Van ! as well For You. J lll'till V. M I' It HA V Iti presents the largest i-!ii;ii!est a, safest and il(-st Keirular Lite In- yiiranee t'onipany dniiif business in Wilson, jtiive him your business and he will spend his inouev nere alining you. tnar.l.-tr 1H TIIES PLACE Din TUv Wvsl Nourui.K. VA. i ti- ; 4ir. SAM. B. WATERS, T A It HOI3 1 STREET. WILSON, X. C SI ON OK TH K '-.-.' "B1C3- IJXJ3ST," s ' 9Z EKi's n hau l, an.f is constantly in re-i-.-it of t.roeerie, Whiskii.-s, Krandies, Rum. iiii. Ale s. -ortr. IUfT, Wines, ic, A tine lim-of Tuliju i-o and Svars, Confectiitn erte, t'rttoH.-r anl t'akfs. FUEiniti) imiis, F..r Mf.lieinal Purposes. warranttl pure and unailulterau-)!. , is with him and will lie iea-xe! tu see hig friends AuL'.liM f. 1 .. I rji n i x a h do m k ; i1-' Near Jiailroad Dejx-t, , EVKIELD, X.Cv, iUp and get a Good liinner. Sup per or Pnnikfa-t. l'.oard hy the Day jor Month. Priees very reasonable. lU-spectfuilv, " S , KIDDJCK PURNKTT, -'2. v. - o E.c ic - T" C -,.x 3 52e 3t mil a iijinrir mwk V - K ' K mayfly Proprietor. 'MISCELLANEOUS. WILLOW TO.Vic; if O OR-O - INFALLIBLE CHILL CURF '. The attention of Druggists1 am, ' Dealers,, generally iscalled tothi mist valuable medicine, -whicl stan Mibefore the public aud nied ical fa ulty undisputed as a cui for Fever tfind Ague, Bilious and Remitting Fever, Dumb Chilk Enlarged Splwn, and all diseasS arising; from malarial or miasmaeft : imbon. It is no quack nostrui" or pateht humbug claiming to cm all diseases, but only such a arisZ from nialarial iwisons, which Z ' very prevalent; in Eastern Carolina! Containing a very valuable prepare tion of Iron, it renovates the blood promotes the appetite and is a'nJ ; potent Alterative. Certificates of Its infallibility from some of our bent citizen will be furnished upon amli cationi iand if it fails to give 8atisia, tioirwhen used according to direc tions the money will le refunded -lrepaml only by Druggist aiul Chemixt, M V, est Centre St.. Augl9im Goldstwro, N. c RICHMOND Jl IV. 11 PHINTEIIS' WAREHOUSE. Rook, News aud Job Type Cyl inder, dob and Hand Praises, Cab inets, parses, ' Stands, Inks, Roller Comiosition, &c. .! . .111. L. RELOUZB& Sou' , , Richmond, Va. ' . b . - . . . .. ITlie t.vie on which this pajnr is printetl was cast at the Foundry ot II. L. Pelouze & Son. maySly Nkw jPlll.U I NEW . STYLK- I Nrw Prices GRIFF IX k M I R R 1, faliNln.ii Si .,Wilsin. N. O Miinufaettirers of ' Carriages, Biik- - kinds of rhling vehicles, which will le sold, at the lowest' jiossible liguTes. We hai'e now on hand a nice ami select stock of work. Our prices are as low as the lowest. He sure ami call on 'jus In-fore buying. Satisfac tion Kiiiiranteed in' every case. Ke- pairiug neatly and promptly done. . u V A lid rsoi i. i Atlantio Foundry, 2IKJ Water Street, Norfolk, Va. Manufacturer of Every Description Castings, Iron and Brass. At short notice and Baltimore prices No Extra Charge for Patterns on Hand of which I have quite an Extensive Variety. trHUjIxt Ciuh J 'rice paid for Met aix. Miir.li 3 I. 1865 cift;iktJAij iuu Hi 4 KBLi: H0KK8 1001 Sycamore Stree v , 1 tot 1 nit , KfWA V l M KS of every descriptionj made ti order ranging Iri price from $5 up. Designs sent by jniij.il inistage paid with stanipps encloswl for return. When orders ir0 m;eivel they are tilled and forwarded. If the work is not satisfactory purchasers are requested to return' at MY EXPENSE. No ay K-quiiTil iitui; id.- w-t k is ei. ami .il. (v'ii'i'c!siiiiiliuiee HoliuitiMl fniiu all pail- of lu eniiiitrv. . . '"-v.... f. li 2.4 : L'HAh. M. W AI.SM. i I COMFj ONE, 0IE ALL. IJ .(. ' LIVERY STABLES . 'isMSs.; :-: if -; . STIilCTLV A FIEST CLASS BIBEI M 8TABLL5.. i . - t.-.p..-',' . ...... ni i. ..4. H....I- ni.ij;r i .u iH, jc;i ,ti ii, iai PhlttOIIN Top Photons, Toi Pug gies, J l Wagons, tientleineiis Itoad Wagons, the Latest Track Harness, fdents' lioad Horses; also Farm llol. es ami Mules whii h we fifl'er for sbde cheap, 4 -ither lor cash tir on tinfe. IJoard' .ig Stable coin pletely liejit in' the lst style ami by the most exp ,ieiiwV bauds at the lowest ' prices 12.50. P. M. Selby will ! on hand all the time, night audi! day, to attend td hi friehds. - Try him once more '. j! T. II. HELIiV II Wilson, N. P. I V"Ve are lociitcd at Tyson h' OUt Stables on west side arkeot M House -j' . , may 12 H WSODKX, . Ilocky Mount, N.C. Deti-s the world in slioe-makiri).', in-prie-s are as follows: French Palf HrK,ts," SKi.(K) to $H.()0; French Calf Gaiters and Shoes of any shaix- ?:.'" to S(j.iM). Work warraiib-d'to.be hand-niale.j FronUnl IxmHs, l-t $5. .1 AV. HODKX, Jr. ( j B OARDERSTWAMTED The undersigned solicits the patronage of those desiring ta ble board. Terms : reasonable. R. L. ALLEY. ' II. F. MUERAii . JOnN K. X(HVAK l- - MUIiUAY & WOOD. VP P - r ' ' . ' ATTOUXEY8AT LAW, WIIIN, V, ( 1 Circuit; jWilsou Wayne, Iftt-Edgeeoml- and Xash counties. Pnicti-e in State Supreme Superior Cod its, and in I-Vh'ral Courts. ! May 5 82 by- Tl FOiD

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