T'vWiinx Advance. Wilson, Friday September Index to Hew Advertisements. Kcir Siili .--Sam. B, Waters; Ijui'l Salt-. T. .I..Miliain. (iMy' Steam Uiii.- James (Jay, White Irun Kroiil.-J O. l.tlinm-r. Wlmlesslle li"llor l-al :r. A. I'.. Simpson. Pitt KiiH'iii- ('unit next week. Tin' Wilson jiiil h;is not a single in iii;it-. Several of our merchants are in northern markets biiyiil";"" their fall sf.x k "f goods. ' j " Tlie K. City Falcon barring its IkkI t. lM,!ii':tliy, is one .of our must highly esti-eined exchanges. Col. Green's in ijority for C011 Mitss in the third district will In, it is predicted, 1,500.-: Why not make it.'SOOO? Deputy Slu-iill' Han-loot left for l'alcigli Tuesday morning, -with three colored prisoners for t he. jien-' ileMtiary, ; . The" Armstrong. IJros., Minstrel Show will give an entei tainineiit at thcO'icra Utilise -Septeiiilier2Dt.il,' ami :."tli. -.--.' The JiiMieal "Recorder'? no'tes fliiit Ifcv. .1. I - al ter, lornier-ly of 'this nlaee. now a resident of II n- lersi.n ille is tplite siek. John Mayo, f Rlack Creek Township, will, it is said, Ik an in ilepeiideiir candidate for Register of Deeds in this county. T he Kinstoii Free I'ress says that there is in Dr. A. It. Miller's yard,. in that place, a 'banana tree with bananas forming oh it. The democratic convention of Greene eoiinty to nominate county officers will be held at Snow Hill, Saturday September :Srd. ; Mr..l.d. Ii,;'' has formed si copart nership with .Mr. II I'., Ratt-s. They will continue tin grocery business at t he coi ner ol Nash aud T;irlMro .streets. A "thief broke in (ireenwool & Relsineyer's tailoring establish; ineiit .-Sal nrdav night and carried utf several costs and other wearing apparel, i ; ! lion. V. T. Dorteh and dipt. J. I'. Speight, will speak at Black Creek, S r ar Inv, September ?rd. ; Lett hern be a large crowd in at tendance. Hyuuiii, .Daniel iS: Co. have their store two beets raised Liny l'.jiel'oo'l which weigh at l.V re- spectivcTy seven and :t half and eight pounds. , ': -' !' 1 - - i We were shown last week at By , 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Daniel ; ( 'o's a squash raised. 1 hy Mr.G. W.SlanIoii,ol thiscounty, which weighed IS pounds. This is" the largest et. re ported. ; We shaft imbljsh next week the annual statement of the County ( 'oiiiiiiissioiiers, showing the re-.-eipts and disbursements, for the year i'lnling Sept fin her jlst.j Capt. W. W. CaiTawav, agent of the Xeirs-Olixerrer, who has trav eled overpietly much all the State -told us last week that he thought Bennett's ma jority would be fully l.OllO. - Some thief or thieves broke into' the dwelling of thelate S. I- Cox at Speights . .Bridge Monday night, Sept. .'rd, and succeeded in .'making ava. wit li booty to the amount of sixty dollars. . j , . It is currently reported here that .lames Criswold, Robert Stith and Henry Knight, all colored, formerly of Wilson, will be hung on the 2Dth iust., for lieiug engaged in ;i recent riot in ll.'orgia. - Durham will hold a Tobacco Ex position May ISth, . lS.'tt, it being just t vcle. ears since the first to ' bacea was sold thereat siuction, and when the new crop will lie in condi tion to exhibit. - - l'he franklin county radicals held a convention last Saturday at .bonisburg. It is said to have been better t han a circus. Nat Macon and 15. Bullock were .iioinin'ated for the House of Representatives. . Mr. W. (i. i:il is. who has had considerable expcijciicc in mer chandising will shortly embark in Imsiiifss on the comer 'of Nash and ;tldsboro streets-.. We trust that lie will meet wit h 1 lie success lieinei iis. ; , - , , , . , . ... e not iced while 111 (loldsboro this , , ill 1 Vi',1 , t " s , ..1'''', lM'.tto U J ! ; v TUn? : ' f ,K,t ,Mr; ' l,k 51; uen has In-en elected Secretary and Tlelsiuer i piswuiy uisit lie wiis imoueo. nun ' 4i- i:' the idesi of social equality, and Miv.l. W. Grainger, of Ivinston longed for the day when it should dealer in .machinery, buggies and he seen in North Carolina. The wagons, and who is the l'nost, liberal white iortioii of his audience hst advertiser in Hastern North Caro- the respect .they have hitherto eii- hna has sold, says t he Free Press, tertained for hiin by his sidvoc.;u;y g'Mds to the amount. ol'30,000 fiom ofsoc'ial intercourse by the Anglo lujv lth, to Sept. lib. . M . Saxon and negro race. We wVre in error last week in The Golibriioro Meenier records statin-that Mr. Nelson and bride, iVn unfortunate cutting sittair at were married in this place jsmjthtield last Saturday .evening, lucsday night, took the train for r0Sulting in the death of Mr. Dan N'ot land Neck. A friend informs:! Langhlin, an employ of the Midland .ns that they are now enjoying an i aiiwav It seems that Langhlin ,'Uemlcd northern bridal tour. . j iind DivGeo. J. Robinson, formerly Mr.. I. is. (la informs the -public j of that city, had some misunder that he is jwepared to gin cotton ; standing. On Saturday evening promptly and speedily. He has j Laughlin went to Dr. Robinson's two Kxcelsior Cotton Gins (110 : rni to demand reparation, when saws) and with Tyson's double Ux ; a quarrel ensued, during which he cotton press seenis in a condition to 1 was stablied in this side, death en- do just wJt-at he says he hiin al trial. ''' Give ( late Scott, the English! actress, apiK-ared at Willis' Upcra House Monday night in Lueretisi Borgia. Vie- have heard some who were present speak very highly of the entertainment., 1 here was not a very large crowd m attendance, tin weather being very inclement. A Greene county corresiKindent ', to the Goldsboro Messenger urges i the dejinocrsits't'o nominate Col. R, C. 1. Beainan for the House, Jol 111 . ! W. Blount, Esq.,. for -Clerk,- Mr. has. . Farmer, for Register .-of : Deeds, and Luby Harper for Sher itl. -It would make a strong team.. -.Col. John E. Liuds4-y and B. II. Y-ster will speak sit Bailey's town --hip, Nash county, Saturday, Sep: 1 ten, her ; B. n. p.,,,,,, w iilsjieak i sit 1 en el's .,n thessmie day :. and ' ('- t'oimor and J. S. Battle will speak at Cooper's Alle -.it the spine l nine, u-t there be :i':r..e ei owil 111 attendance. t -.-if 1. 1....... 1 . r ! . . - "-'- iioiieo iocnange IIIC lllllCOI lloldflfr ti initial ex- nun Kill 01 I He .. uiisi Stsite Agri- .... i. . . . ; H:ietv bomth, h,st w,ek in(Mob,, tuthe ti.st wek in o- in tier, and e..nst,,ently the Vir ginm .stsite Agn.uliural Fair will '.L"V,mthc lst' --,lad 3rd otoxeinbber, lrsSl. 1-1 1 . . r " J " ' ' ' " : i .- - - . - -,, --''''?',,'g''' : t Col. Jennings Pigott, formerly a resident of Wilson, died in Beau fort, Carteret county. Monday, Kepteinlier 10th." ' a A , new post office has been established in, this county -at Dr. Taylor's mills and will 1 known as "Taylors." Miss M. Ida Taylor is post mistress. We are glad to note that Mr. A. 15. Deans, onr jtopnlar candidate for Clerk id' the Superior Court, is well enough to lie out again. We trust that his health will enable him to make a vigorous campaign. The first bale of new cotton re ceived in Wilson this season was from Mr. Hiram Webb's place and was sold to Atkinson & Warren for twelve and a half cents a oitnd. Branch, dladlcy & Farmer also Inaight a bale the same day from r. Honry Walston, of Greene. Ilev.' X.M.Jurney passed through Wilson this week ea route to -Balti more wtnther he goes sis a delegate to the Sovereign C rand Lodge I.O. Of I1'., which meets in that city, Sept. lSth. Before returning to this State Mr. Jurney Mill visit New I'ork and Northern cities. Very little business of public iti terect was transacted at the meet ing of the County Commissioners Monday of last week. Itetail liquor licenses for one year were granted to Kobbins & Baker, Gardners' and to .Gray Kllis, Wilson, The annual statement required by hiw to le jmblished was ordered to le inserted j 11 the Wilson Advance twice. ... : S. W, Vick, Ksq., cd' Wilining'ton, N. C, is in town representing Messrs IiOreutz & liettler, of Baltimore, one of the largest and most reliable dealers in fertilizers in the country. Vick called to see us and informed us that he had ..already sold more of his popular brands of fertilizers than he exected to sell this whole season. He hsis traveled over si large section of the State and gives us cheering news for the dem-1 oeratie ticket. In reply to our sissertion that" no colored man need apply for a osi tion on the republican independent ticket, the Wilson New, the colored people's organ, says "that t here was a time when such an assertion w ould prove true, but that time may lie nninltered among the times that were" We know the men who run the republican independent machine in in this county, and we know they will not support a. colored man for any position, unless it may be for coroner, ami the Xeirs will find out. that we are right.. Wait and see. The Farmer and Mechanic says : "We could till an entire column with items about the circusses in their progress through the State. Rob. iK'ries, fights, etc., teem in the lo cal papers. -Thefts range in amount from io to '$1,000. The Asheville AVjcv tells how the farmers were ! swindled by false change. One J man lost 7. ' Another gave a 50 i bill, and got back L. At Charlotte ! there were half a dozen tights, and I several of the side show fellows are I now under arrest. One man walk i ed out of a window, and fell 20 teet, 111 his sleep. At Concord and Lin colnton there were many tights. At the latter place, lwo brothers named -Mull,' engsiged in a tight with Dr. Lockman. and Abraham Kirkses'. The Mulls used large knives and fatally- injured both their antagonist, Kirksey wits disem bowled. Tin fight was the result of a dispute nlioiit 'property. A man who interferred to stop the tight was fatally stablied. . ' llev. J. ( '. l'riee, colored who hits recently returned from England, lectured on his trip at the Court House, Tuesday night. Trice 1ms a good voice, and ieaks well, and liecsiuse of this quite a number of our white citizens were out to hear linn: They rejort his speech to have lMen . full of the advticacv of social rights. One id' our mast in i telligent citizens rejiorts Price as saying that in England he was in cited to visit- the cream of society ; ! that he visited anddined with some ; of the most highly respectable peo ! pie. in that country ;he was met and I entertained by some of the most I fashionable white hulies":who were elegantly apparelled ; that no dis tinctioii was made on account of t he color of his skin or the texture of his hair ; thsit a man was Judged bv hischaracter only, &c., &c. He ..; , . ' - , urt her sa d that the colored peo de owed it to themselves to bring! about ?he same condition of j affairsin this country. He kwelt j on this part of his address showing i, , . 1 ' suing -luesday: morning. It is stated that the decesised after en tering Robinson's room locked'. the door himself and was in the act' of assailing Robinson when the latter seized si dissecting knife and de- , fended himself. Langhlin had charge of the Midland Road saw ; mills on the Smithtield extension. but was given to strong drink sind no doubt w hiskey csuisedthe trouble He was of Irish birth. Political Points. Ieuoir county endorsed for the Senate. ivausoiu Arkansas went -democratic by an overw helming majority. Wiley Bobbins will run for the House in Xsish this year. He was candidate last year, and was elect edto stsiy at home. The same thing w ill occur again. The latest ripple on the surfsice ! of the potitical sea is occasioned bv j the rumor that Col. Wm. Johnston 1 will le the candidsite of the coali- j tiohists forConarress. Vharlotte Ob i iterrer. llublw. and OTJara Inith spike at Warrenton one day last week. The . Home "says that llubbs hsul everv j thing his own wsiy, aud that the ; negroes listened to him very atten ; tivelv, ami cheered him vociferous i ly. O'llara made no impression. Charlotte drnmmer, who in a "Liberar7 in olitics ha-s just 1 -r-jT turned from a two week's tripj tue western part of the State, and says that during that. time he dii n't see a single ''Liberal" but TiiimVlf and a colored driver. Charlotte Journal. j Col. John X. Staples will id dresa the democratic voters J. of Duplin county at Magnolia. Mou day, the 18th inst.j and in Render county at Rocky Point, 011 Tues day the 19th- The speaking vill oegin at vz o'clock norm at each place. Leach to Doekery 'in 1SSJ An Ethiopian cannot change his cllr nor a leopard his skin, but, U y ( jod! fellow-citizens, how ouick a w man leconies a nigger whi-n hejiins me repuoiicau party I)H;kery to Leach in lSS-; "Now you know- how it is yourself, (Sen- erai. ' The editor of the Winston Refrub- iwun was over at ljexingtou w lien net t sjKjke there on Tnesi heu ay. Kverett also sjioke. The lUjtub- iwan says: "it proved a great tins z a. x k iKc in lulling up r.verett. tiaii- dor leiwl.s ns to say we never hejard a 'man sol utterly demolished." He adds that Col. Bennett '-was jMiwer ful" at Iji'xiiigtoii. This is ivj nb licairtiestimoiiy. The Greensboro A'orA StuU; khe leading republican paper in the State, says : "We are opposed! to giving anything to the lilierals wiien we know we can succeed with straight ticket." Yes, certainl; Tin.' republicans only make use the disgruntled dcmucijstts when ' I. A . i . . - 1 seems mar lliey cm deceive soine- tsMly. In a word, they virtujilly brand them as traitors before ceting their servic-es." At Xewton last Saturday, Leich, the liberal' cusNisf, rather ' outjilid himself, if the report we hear! Iwi true. He sjioke that day to si crowd of .'i0 whites sunl 1. iierr(M's. and so esiriiestly did he sling t he cuss wdrds that a magistrate of the town got out a warraut for his arrest for using profane ' language, but with w hat lenuiL we coiiki not learn, t ins is a rumor, but lears enough foundatjion 10 warrant i's lotte Obserrer. publication. ('Lit According to the Samilsoii county dictionary a radical is a re publican politician who is not ashamed of the name, and a"''ljle ral" is si radical who is ashamed of the name, and who denies being a radical ".when talking to a demo crat, but who sicknow ledges it t a republican. In other words a "liberal" is a cross ; letweeii a mean democrat and a bast ard republicsin, who is mfver resected- or trusted by '-either party, says the Sampson corjres- pdudeutol the Mettxenyer. KashYille. The Radical convention which was held in this place last Thurs dsiy nominated G. W. Stanton knd J. J. Sharp for the Senate. "vv"as som wsis endorsed, for Solicitoh J. J. Sharp was appointed - chair man and a colored man secretary. Leach, l'riee, Day and others; are billed for Nashville next Thnrsdav. Joel Matthews aged upwards of ho died in this county a week or two ago, silso Miss Eliza N. Whit field and Miss Martha Doles ijoth iiged iiud respected ladies. ;' ProtrsM'-ted meeting in Nashville begins next Sunday. ; Rev. M. II. Mooie has been fail ed to Halifax tovisithis tatherjDr. John R. MtMre who is very sick. G. Flown Again. A telegram from Sheriff White of Perquimans was received jiere Saturday morning by 'Sheriff Mu llen, stating that Win. J. Mm den sind nve negroes, prisoners inltlu Hertford jail, had escaped on Ifc'ri- aay nigni. iney succeeded 111 breaking the nails oil" the locks and getting together in the hall and inside a hole in the wall in the front of the building through which they escaped. The names of the negroes were James Grant, Henry Johnson Mark Overton, Charles Burke land Willis Skinner. Sheriff White has spread the new of the eseaite in every direction, but nothing lieen heard from the fugitives has It is thought that they struck oiit in the direction of Nof'olk. E. Falcon . . . pity (ComiiiuilicaUd.) Concerning Hasb County Politics. XASH CotJNTV, N. C, Sept.. l.Uh, 18S2 EDiroii Wilson Advance: Dear Sin The demoeratii party of Xsish itounty will so oil put their candidates in the field. Iu placing a ticket Ik fore the people we should be careful t SI lect available men who will inonizethe various elements in party, sino insure success. Iisive heard time smd agitin the south side of the river 1 iiiar 0111 W. hat iiiii plained of injustice from the nin th side. That they were not spifti ciently represented on our t icketj,&c If they sire -not sutticiently rijprt sented on the ticket they: art ri sponsible for it. It is a well kniown tact that they-never conic to a k'oii vention siuiiit for their favorite hut are silwavs divided sunong tBeni selves 011 anv t-smdidate from their side, while they most always ifniti njion the candidsite if he is the uoith side. We ask of now to decide who you want rum you sind for whsit place on the ticket, and to come to the convention solid for your csuldidate, sunl we w ill vou enougli strength from 4iive the north side, to secure their noiuiua tion. In this connect i.011 I jirescnt th name of J no. S. Morgan from :Eer rels for the om-e ot Clerk of th LSuperior Court, lielieving as I do j that he will till theothee with cjedit tt lkl 111 WJl I I 111 tlliltl)il- lllil !flltif i , , ....... , lie t itii tr rin 1 u rp, ,i j-tr 3 111. 1 jority. V ery truly, A North Side. Tbe Graded School. The Graded School opened jloii-. day 'tinder Very Hattering suisjjuces and with silxuit 7o more pupils f han it did hist year." The iniinU-r now in attendance is alniut ."i)( inl-lud-ing 50 new jmpils, and it is thohght that this numlter will stHin 1h; in creased to 400. It is rery desirable that pupils puriHKsing to enter should do so sis soon as pos.sible thsit they msty commence- in pioper clsisses sind so eujy every udrvan-. tsige which an early entry will en sure. The chauges recently made in school rooms hsis proved ot' ad- vsuitage in maiiv ways, and the ya- lions scho ils are well equiped. ylrs. lv. YA . Adams has ehsirge of the lower division-of the first grade. Miss Mamie Adams has the up per division of the first grade. Mrs. W. E. Mercer has charge of sei-ond grade. v Miss Addie Marsh, of Raleigh, the. newly elected teacher, recent j giaduat" of Peace Institute, has harge of third grade. j Miss Maggie Hearne has the: fourth grade. Prof, Liudsey has the fifth and sixth grades. f -1 I'rof. Brutou has the seventh anil eighth grades. . " During the past' few days there has Iteeii a good deal id' happy self- ougratulatiou on the part of the pupils, owing to their promotion f rom the grade in which they stood 1st year to higher grades. This idvanceineiit occurred in all grades uid to nearly all the Old pupils,. ex cepting only a few who may have, entered very late last year; who 111:1 v have lieen very irregular in ittendance: who from some cause or other did not make sufficient ap plication and consequent advance ment ; or who may have been pro moted during the last term and were not yet ready for further pro motion. In all these cases the mat ter was carefully decided by the vanotis examinational data and tests, of the latter part of last year. It was quite gratifying to the teach ers as well as pupils, that snch sin unusually large percentage stood the tests. In grading the new pupils, it may have hapisMied that some were ilaced too high, and iterhaps a few too low, but. 111 such cases the true standing will le very quickly dis- overed, and .such pupils will lie as signed their pioper grades. Several new and important lea- tures will be introduced this year including additional appliances un practical instruction in the primary grades. In the line of the so often neglected physical culture, which gives exercise, health siud grsice some new appliances in the way of dumb Ik'IIs, wands, etc., will be ad ded. Vocal music will receive at tention throughout the. school. The ighth grade has been' extended so 1 to embrace-the study of Algebra, Geometry, Latin, Higher English, Physics and Physiology. The studies of an additional year, or the Dth grade will give pupils thorough preparation for and easy entrance, to the State University or my of the Colleges. '' The Board of Trustees and Prin ipal Tomlinson are determined that the school shall retain its high reputation and the enviable posi Hon it confessedly holds among the schools of the State, ,: and that its efficiency for the: coming year shall be fully equal to, or if possible, su passing that of last year. We learn from si private letter recently received by one of our schoolmen . from . Rev. Dr. ; Curry, that the Dr. says the Wilson school is his unanswerable and best sirgu ruent for the establishment of such schools elsewhere,. Dr. Mayo, of Boston, recently referred to our schools in the "Boston Journal of Education," in very high terms of commendation. Radical Tactics in Greene. We w ere pleased to meet. Col. R. 0. I). Bcainoii in town this week. The Colonel informed us that the Greene county radicals - held their nominating, convention at Snow Hill hist Ssiturdsiy. And tlmt the following ticket wsis- placed in the field: For the House, W. T. Dixon ; For Sheriff, Jas. T. Smith; For Clerk, D. W. Patrick ; For Regis ter, Jno. C. Dixon ; and Hyinbrick Harper a colored barber, tor - Coro ner. Poor "nigger" His white friends always throw him a bone withoiit siny meat. Harper tried to get the nomination for the House but his pale faced brother beat him sis usual. Alter the convention Jas. E. O'llara who' was endorsed for Con gress, made si spepeh, which filled the negroes with so much enthusi sism that they could not restrsiin themselves. Colonel Beamoii, who though a staunch democrat, is in a position to know, says that a large majority of the republicans iu Greene will vote for O'llara. A phase ofthe convention that inter ested independents, liberals or .what-nots was that John E. Sugg, who ran sis si democrat four yeajs ago and who now .is a liberal tried to get the nomination for Sheriff but the true blue radicals left the liberal brother out in the cold. This is but smother evidence that where there is any chance of elect- ; inga straighlout republican, nolili- ! eral need apply; but when their j chances ii re -hopeless, they are glad to have 'su liberal make the run. ; Such liberally, is worthy of such si.j party ! : ; Fred Loft'ui Esq., who it is said, was -the most bitter democrat !" Ijenoir county, sunl who now is most bitter in his denunciation of that party, wsi-s present sit this re publican meeting (Mr. Loftin is si Iiberal).and -inside a sjieeeh which Was- bitter-. -in the extreme. He spoke vindictively, though forceful ly and w 11. His s.peech took like wild tire with the colored man sind brother, who seemed to regard Mr. Iioftiii sis one ofthe memlters of the jtarty of 'Gid and great moral ideas." The Messenger reports that in concluding his speech Mr. Lof tin said "Let us all go to the ballot box in' November and vote the solid republican and coalition ticket w ithout regard to race, color or, previous condition of,servitude." Castalia. Dkar Advance: Thefarmers in this section are busy saving fodder. Owing to the lateness of the spring cotton picking has not yet commenced smd will lie all of fif teen or twenty days Liter than last year smd the yield will lie much lietter than was sit one time ex pected. A recent visit through a good portion of Edgecombe, via. P.sittleltoro found the crops' in the county to lie very inferior aud hardly one-hsdf crops w ill Ik housed which I regret to say yill i-esult, in- ut.iu.i, in n-. ...... u,lirw,uS 8tore for, tienu autl tbe,r iarge cir- tinsineial embamissuieiit being as !(.,e of rrieiul3 joill m in this wish, it is the chief power ot commerce..; - - - - - Also by invitation of B. Knight : 1 attended the annual picnic at I Pleasure Hill, a very lieautifnl and j desirable sKt wheie hsid as-! se m hied a large crowd of the- fair-, est of EdgeeiHiilie's charming lieau- ; ties and bright-eyed maidens from all parts ofthe county who grace-! fuly partieipsitedin ripping the fan ta'stietoe." -..But the biggest picnic of the season came ofl:' on Friday : List at the residence of that hosoit- able gentleman R. W. Stallings, Psq and at an early honr MopIe from sill directions began to roll in, and notwithstanding the weather was threatening, by eleven o'clock there was on the ground about three or four hundred people from the counties of Edgecombe, Halifax, Warren,; Franklin and Nash, among whom were the prettiest and most attractive attendance ot young ladies that could be produced. The dinner was sumptuous. The music furnished by , Port is' Band, of Rocky Monut, was rendered iu their usual style, and won many deserv ing compliments from sill. The dancing was good and freely and gracefully participated in by all until a late hour. The mauagf rs conduct ed it in a creditable way, and it was pronounced a grand and . decided success and will long be remem bered by those who were hit by cupid's arrows shot from the loving eyes of smiling damsels. " The health of the community is bad indeed, worse than in several years with chills and billions fever in almost every family. : -.?.- All our people are, well pleased with J. S, Battle for the Senate from the 7th district. The political skies are much brighter than in the two preceding campaigns, and the good yeoman white men, not only of this county, but from throughout the Stsite are aroused fully to duty and will do honor to the cause of dem ocrsiey in North Carolina ; in the pending contest. Mr. Connor's nomination" also gives pleasure. -. He is known here as an able lawyer, and he will make a useful and distinguished Senator. Misses Mollio Battle, of Whi ta kers, and Dorah BrasWell, of Edgecombe, two attractive and ' in teresting young , ladies - who have lieen on a visit to relatives have re turned home. Mr. R. U. Brooks have just re turned with his store full of new goods. ; Several religious revivals have just closed in thiscounty with very flattering results of much good and will liegin again at Harmony next Sunday.1 ' Ex Sensitor N, W. Boddie hsis relsitives visiting him from Georgisi. Mess T. I Braswell and brot her who have been paying some atten tion to blooded horses expect to have several at the Rocky Mount Fair in October. One is a colt two weeks old named "Wade Hampton" sired by Cashier, dam Lnla, and she by "Bob Lee." -. Somebody Is going to get matched. Plain Tom. ; Sept. 11th, 1882; Sampson Democratic Convention. Thedetnocratsof Sampson county met in convention at Clinton,. Thursdsiy, September 7th. The convention was called to or der by E. T.' Bykin, 'chairman of the Executive Coiiimittee. Ishsini Royal was appointed tem- porsiry Secretary. A comuuttee ol one from - each' township was appointed on perma nent organization, who appointed thefollowingoflicers: For chairman, . 1 1 . 1- ennell; lor secretaries, Islisim Roval smd J. W. Powell. A similar committee was ap pointed on platforms and rules, and reported the following: Resulted, Thsit we. sulopt. the State plat form and affirm the prin ciples thsit. govern the democratic party ofthe State, with the follow ing exceptions: That each -township be; entitled to five votes, smd thsit two-thirds of sill the votes cast be neeesssiry to secure the liominsi- tion of any candidsite.. - In the .sibseuce of the commit tees Mr Edwin W. Kerr was called and made an able, 'eloquent and ef fective speech. A After the convention was perma nently organized, the follow ing nom .inat ions were made: For the Sensite Edwin T. Roy kin. For the House Win. S. Mathis and Charles H. Williams. For Clerk of the Superior Court James S. Bizzell. For Sheriff Biickner Hill. For Register .of Deeds Josiah Robinson. For Treasurer A in in v B. Ches- ii nt . : For Coroner Wm. K. Beainan. For County Surveyor Jacob C. Howard. I After the nominations were made' the candidates were' called and sic-; cepted their nominations. ' . The COll veiltioil "was Vel-V harniO- iiienmieniioii wasiei.y . lllOUS thrvtUglloUt, the best Ot feel-! ing prevailing, and it remained .in. session only a few hours. ; N. H. FknneiLl, President, I sham Royal, i .1. Y. Powell, I Seereisuies . ITIAHRIKD. Iii Pitt county, Tuesday morning, ; SepteilllM'l .-th, ISJsU, Mr. H. 0. Jackson, to Miss Maggie Edwards of that county. The Advance extends congratulations and liest wishes.; At the residence of the blade's father, iu Lanrinburg, X. C, on Wednesday, September tlth, 188l, Mr. (J. J. Rivenbsuk to Miss Julia j li. Edwards, formerly a resident "of Wilson. In this place, at the residence of: the bride's father, Mr. James AV: Davis, Wednesday night, Septem ber 13th, Mr. Latimer Williams tj Miss Estelle Davis, Rev. J. II.,: Gtiiini, ! Pastor of the Methodist) church officiating. Only the relatives j weie present, anil shortly after j the ceremony the hsippy .couple"' took the train for an extended i northern bridal tour. Mr. Williams is a meiulier of the lirni of Geo. D. Green & Co.. aud one of our most ! jiopulsir young men. Miss Davis is, to our; mind, in every respect, a model young lady, and we heartily congratulate Mr. Willianis on his ; success iu winning for a bride one j of Wilson's most attractive, ac- -comphshed and j-opular young : ladies.1 The presents given this; newly married couple were numer- ons, elegant and costly, and par-! tially evidenced the high esteem in which they are held by our ieo- ! phi. We wish them many years ot tha"t liappmeswhiliwebelieveis in DIED. Near Ililliardstou, Angust 29th infant son of Major E. aud Rosa Felt, aged eight months. In Cooper's township, Nash i couuty,; Rasa, Infant daughter Capt of R. D. and Mary A .Wells, aged one year and eleven months. Athis residence near this place Sunday, September 10th., Mr. Jesse D. Tomlinson, aged niuetcen years. We sympathize with the liereaved friends. x "-; At lier residence in Toisnot, Fri day morning, September 1st, Mrs. Rebecca Dixon, wife of G. W. Dix on, aged 42 years. She i leaves a husband, six children smd many friends to mourn their loss. . In this dace Moudaj morning, Septemlier 11th, of typbo-malarial fever, Douglas, little sou of Hugh F. and Minnie II. Murrayged four years. : '" Another little form asleep, - And a little spirit gone ; ' Another little voice is hushed. And a little angel born ; Two little feet are on the way, To the home beyond the skies. Anil our , hearts are like the void i that comes ;;' When a utrain ol mnsic dies. HOME ITEMS. Moye & NadaTs Drug Store will be open next Sunday. r. Dick -Allen seHs the best and cheapest - baggy. - -- r r . .." 4 . Just thiuk- of It, JJicJl Allen is selling buggies for f&O.OO, v I heard a man say the other day he had come 40 miles to buy a buggy from Dick Allen. Be sure to examine Dick Allen's baggies before baying elsewhere If you have not got the money to pay cash for a buggy Dick Allen will wait with you. - Musical instruments tuned ami repaired at Churchwell's, Insure your Gin Houses with , Deans & Nicholson, office resi'i Court TTnuuM : J. M. Laroque's Auti-Bilious Bit ters, for: dyspepsia; headache, &c. 2o cents a paper, J?! a bottle. Moye & Nadal have finished mov ing and have now a full stock of drugs, .stationary, school liooks, school supplies, blank books, &c, in their lower store. Mr. M. IV Moye will serve customers. 'A Biographical Sketch' and Por trait of the lit. Rev, Thos. Atkin son, lsite Bishop of North Carolina will appear iu Octolier lind issue of The New South, published at Wilmington N. C. Iiice, inqnau tities, 3 cents each, Cash With Or der. Single, post-paid, Scents. -As there is every reason for believing that there will be a great demand for this issue, Newsdealers will do well to secure a' good supply sit once and all others who revere the name ofthe jreat and good divine should not fail to secure a copy of this sketch, w hich comes from the talen ted pen of .Col. Jas. G. Burr. ' Ed. A. Oldham, - Publisher The New South, Wilmiugton, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. ; FOR SALE. I will sell my house and lot loca ted in the, most desirable part cf Wilson, N. C. House contains o rooms, with kitchen iind washroom. Everything in good repsiir. I. will also sell out my business in Wilson as I intend moving to smother point. SAM. B. WATERS- sep.l.l tf Wi T. SAUNDERS. J. P. JENKINS. SAUNDERS & JENKINS, 6ENL INSURANCE AGTS. BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES ASSETS OVER 70.000,000.00- We offer at 1 his ss-ason special inducements to owners of gins to insure their pro'ierty for any length of time. ' ; i PROMPT ADJUSTMENTS' I'UOMPT PAYMENTS. ! We solicit a share ofthe public I patronage. : siugH-Om : ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candi.latefor theofflce of Ke?i8tr of Iee.Uof Nash county subject to the action of the Democratic Nomf- &nvmtlon' n. h. vestek. - - : FOR RENT. 1 My brick stoni house tu NaMh Street, oppo- site the Hank. It is the most desirable place i for doing business iu Wilson. For terms ap ' ply to . i seitf JNO, T. BAKXES, . 1 ... . ; I ANNOUNCEMENT. I I hcreliv annouuee myself as an iiideDundent WilaonCounty subject only tothe voters of 0pTiSiSi. WM"UU V. mor puu"c"' JOSEPH 8. ELLIS. Stantonsbur?, N. C. Sep 8--.1. P P '-CD. CD. S 1' I N ii m l ' 2 IS Vi) L E i 13 u L. HEILBRONER & SJtO. i : ' ;j . " "H i :". I'. ; ..- i i . - ii ', 1,'JI ' W'LJ n ai m p m nil un mm LHeiloner&Hro AGENTS. ' if AND OTHER CjrOOlls'.-f !-; ' '.-.). .(;;. - j and Sik.' s Carjets, lis & Oil Clolls. CHILDHENSVMISSES aud LADIES . " 1 ' .'. I- " 1 AND Fur- Lined lie CHILDREN SUITS, BOYS SUIl YOUTHS' SljlTS, f MENS' SUITS E Of which we have the ..Largest Stock in Eastern Carolina. inc liaiKl-MacJi: Shoes n I and rs. We ppeseiifc the aliove advertise- - ri v; !- ineiit with our compliment to our customers of Wilson anil adjoiiiiiig counties, a tf t le same time thank ing them for their liberal patron- - "" - i age here toi)r given us' ami houc iti ng a continuance of the tame. i ;.- - I.-. -:. Respectfully, L. HEILBRONER & BRO.I Ag'ts. AYe wiJ lrward and. deliver all package; fee- of Express charges i i - . - i ' ' ' f : to our 4w.-tHBers iu Wilson and 5 . I Toisnot. rarboro ! ;ni am I'tilmti CASHiMERES. noiks JACKETS sriisii mil : ' - "p ..-' '' I- ". ii - - V WHITE IRON FRONT. -:o:i- Our Shelves, Counters Jnd ith an immense stock of new Fall and Winter Goods. As usual we take the lead in DRESS GOODS. Our sI.n L . c .,r ..II .L - I . ... .. me laiesi varieties ol matensu, eousisting in part of Mohairs. Del eges, Lustres, BrilliantinesI Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, CumeU Hair w Flaid-sBrocsitels, Flannehv toadies Cloths, , i - ii ii ii - n ii ii m ii it i ii i i; ii I ' im i ii u 1 11 ii v 1. .U m. Ii II; IT I tlUil Satins Vvtvs' lliiol. j jt- 1 1 ) i luouto, IW, (M, vi mi urs" pnHis W ;E a full assortment of Shades and Grades. Domestic Jrv ihU .if all itinas. a lull line of materials for Cloaks, Sacks and Js kefs. We have an extraordinarily large line of wraps, consisting of sslisiw Is of all grades and sizes. Ladies and Misses Dolmans, Cloaks, Jackets. c. Of Ladies Furnishings, such as Knitted Underwear, 'Corsets, Hoshrv, iiauuicercnieis, Neck Wear, cce, We have the most complete Hue ever CLOTMG. We have suits and OvemtoU to fit tothe largest man. We have this season paid Eswi ial 'Attenti..u n this department, and can suit all from the laborer to tin nobby onie man. - ' Boots and Shoes. Of all the Leadinb aud Best makes. Hats, Trunks, Valises, 'rockci i. Glassware, &c. 33 Pieces of Carjtcting of grades, with Rugs to match! A visit from our friends will lie appreciated. ery Respectfully, . & D. Suouessors IIYNUM, DANIEL & CO. ICiglimis Hatent, Blii i- Ask for me, And a great curiosity you will see. For sale by Bynum, Daniel & Co. Try ineonee, Yon will.nse no other, j I will do as I agree; I'll stand by you like a brother. Not a wrinkle you will see, And prices are reduced ou me. The Finest ynd cheapest Dress WORLD. sure to call and ask I B YIMUr.l, W. T. BLACKWELL & CI?. f Ourli-un, ft C DURHAM TOBACCO Blackwell's Durham ; ; i . - '-.'' : - ! IS THE tr'ISKST, PUKKHT, ni"tT, AND MOST ITS1FOKM IJItAXIJSjl TOUACUO EVKR VVT UPON TH K MAIIKVT ALSO lAlSrTJ"FJOTXTTIES OF Long-Cut and Durham Cig lur.nm Thfse fidH We iffer ai-drr AWlnW tuarantff f They are the finest anil Purest (to oil upon the mmrkct . They are free from Drugs or Chemicals of any kind. They consist ofthe flnet Tobacco, and puresrice pa; r -n i ,u m Tbe public will notice that as one' of the old firm of Simpson & Smith, I have and will keep on hand a large stock of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, WINES, GROCEItlKS. ANIHIS, SNMFF, TOBACCO, CIGARS, -CANNED 'GOODS GLASS WrARK, CROCKERY, &c, for Which I will giye pri. es. v. r WHODESALE PHICES : ..lrom I1UU to . 2J lo SHI". ... - UD to WI. --'.- U lu 14. ' IU to 14. Whisker) . (aiidie. ... Coffee Orrera from 1.50 to tJBOpbT box. Tobcoo...... Snuff -. ...from r.ft V l to 4b tom. UILT BE Bl'TTtBB J... ... . ' r u : t-! itao'.en tmdea'of Uuixin over Br'unU-r'. Bum Garlm r. i Biuily Nc tar. I MHrim " w ' S.TSiS.t;B TootobiTrf Brh.ndl will try to.l- . . - " ineiKia. riws vi iuncm ........ - r ; . . -i itnuu noYSTI'-irS (UNDY II Rn eived Frenh Every Week at 11 junliMf tTotioe- Hmriiw quinodMAdmtatotnrtorof the eH On Tbiirdy Hint day of vl,frml-r tx it .-H.,!? WiiiSm Ti. deoeMed. before Uw i"ro-:t tbe bite rwlaiw ft Kowmrel V ,m. -Lite J ilS" (ToTu lry-o-toOrdn-. Towashlp. 1 hm H t StoSpBWDM indebted to Uw ertmU. of PuUtet. "r.t,'"J,h.""' ""i ,rWl idSZTuke immediate yrmtrt, mnd erty belonrinjr to the Ul of J. -. -a.. Tr.itZrj havinr claim aniuttt tbe do-lwjO.tstin jf houmholJ aivl kititi funnlur.-. Jl tTY or be- f.ralin,r utiK ,hU k, h; v. VSTdAM, feUorthto DotU; Admr with wni i ,,,. wUl bt plead in tr of tht-ir rfxxjverr. , Adm rwttn ill Anii" .. "v - ' AdmtofattatJor. . Cobkob Woobaeu, Atfym. -'i NOTICE- WiUoa.N.C. ... .,,,J..,,.f ih..(. i THE PAKTSEKSHIP HEtMSTOPX)HB KXJJ ,hirrVerr. tsttnc between bimpaon k Smith baa tola day." atKISN AduiinMrau. been d nlred by mutual eonaent. ParUu; v,1 Voird. Atty . having chum a against the Ira will present; "Hurray- .... thum to A. Y. Bin. peon, who will o collect On-; ,nnvT r.T aeoouDta,orUOurea and notes duUieflraa. O.; n0UwUU A. .,.Iuxmn M, eandi.Ute for , S-S ! Tables are now literally, overload. -d ... . . rll .1 1 . 1 offered hee. CLOTME. all. Ironi-the foiii-vi:n...i.i ..1..1.1 OETTINGER, to E. .Rosenthal. 1ST. G Shirt in the for it. We aro now agents lojone of the BEST anil CHEAPEST Lngin'es in the world. Now- is ther time to buy one for future delivery.- Threshers, Separators', :mi kinds of Machinery sold cheap. Call and see us. DAIMIE L CO. 1 i lop t lalnj for iurit in ImimcUj I uj tit th fact that a 1 ImmiiIchI 1 .LV.yolM proven lliar. tin litt'o f sT" wi ln"ur uoction Ii "v-'w-fi ! .u i;.trUiomni'ttUOOI),:,n.F..i1 im I .Itsctory iiyo'LJ i";..; ANV - . 0 l.T.Ii totacca Krii'.vl S 1 -.(:' w l !!-, ai(l LL-InT i:.t-.;i.-' in ' 1 in KRAUT of thlt Cnc it v.. ;tt Ion, "JVE have V.in VlC'-i nl On oflterluRs.f 'T!n ;)ii';.)r- a. nrclale tliln ii.ic' i-i- f :ile r?:rKF.i the rf ' ,,r !" the leftdla ns.n:.i. :.u loi i.'foiu- fi ibeurt the tntde-wurL of Ati. JV . ( t d Q WhuHkeyii.. ' Brmndtam. Win........ ChhIUm Cotf. KKTAI L 1UI KS: , .... .'...... : f'nmi 1 i lit n-ti L .;C to .i 1 - I . :3 . I:: - I' . , tit ; frum tt r 'jut .... fr..ui lo .Hi llrr.. ao. Tulnuxo. Snuff , h. Hmiiu-v 4k taruit r , iari--niri. n uih. t 11YUM, DAMKI. t li s. Notice .tobtod to mM etate a- hr ";" ' " Convention. W. T. .MlflFFIS. 7 mm !