7 The AVir so Advance. Wilson, Friday September '15, 18-' LITERARY SELECTIONS. THE CHOICE. W liiih "hull i l Jr mother 'r To whirh home shall I ko ? The Kraml (ilj iHrft In beside the sea. Or t!i- litt.- brown cot be-low? . Which shall it be. clear mother .A plain white inunlln Kwn, i ir the rieheut anil rarest laee and "ilk To I font"'! i'l fnsleytown V 'Which shall It be, iw mother "r A tiny pfaiti (fold, rmtf, or w. -tilth of (rol'l and diamonds rare That would ranwim a ptie klmr t My ehlld. your heart mimt answer The (uetlon your lips have auked. Unt sowiutr in pi-Mo you sorrow. When thehan'-st inovi-rpaHt. Choose with your lirt. my darllriir: 'Uit pride be twepl away : Flowers are fai r:r I han Jewels. (lather them while you may. trften triitterifiif diamonds . Corn eal but an aehlnir bnrw And the i hi'Il hearts' bitter tlirrildjlntrs. Hear rit orl of falsehood's vow. .: Truth it Hie brightest Jewel . 'I lia' womanhood ean wear; ever a silken robe can cure I ; heart (frown sick with care. N This world Is not all sunshine. There'll many a stormy day. .Mid love, is the sweetest shelter, - When elouils olistmre the way. So choose from your hvart, my dauyhttrf iteinemberthia life of our Must have some thorns ami briars Among-its fairest flowers. Hut thorns, and -tears, and dark news Matter not so love is true ; Whilj.- you climb keep step together. With the hiirtier life In view, MABEL'S REVENGE. Will," said 'Squire Dermony to his eldest son, one morn ing, as tlie.y 'were seated at the breakfast alile "some one has been in that orchard again and broken the limbs of three of my choicest I'artletts and I want it stojiicd."i. ' v The 'Siiire'sMik'e very deeidetlly as he glanced at the Dermody heir, a handsome ytiing man of twenty t wo; for the 'Sriiiire was very angry at this 'moment, because of the depredations of some unknown young iiiiscrealit among the "fruit which Ik- valued so .highly. "I've done my lest, .father,"--replied the son, "to catch them at . it, but I can ntVr ttnd any one near ilu orchard. It's a mystery to me. where thc.v come f rom, unless it's .1 tin himself who does the stealing." .Inn was the hired man living in a tenement-house 011 the place; but the 'Squire did not think he would have' the teriiicrity to steal his fruit ami damage his. pet trees, tor he had more'-than once known to his sorrow what it was to offend his employer. So lie gave an impa tient sniff', anil bade his son keep 1.;.......... ......!. 4.1... .1 him t- wM-ii ,11111 t iiii ii me itmi oflender, adding that if he caught him he was giiing to .give him a severe Hogging. '. - "It's some ot those young mis ereaiits '.from town that are shooting all my s(piirrels,Uiud they-1. deserve to be hanged," said he. Late in the i alteriKmit of this V '.I II lis ill-ll' !1W tilts I 111! It'tlU Al'.ll I II ir 1 m , II-' r lis. It H llil CtllVl II near the orchard, oblivious of every thing but tlie beauty of the distant hindscaic, his ittention was .sud denly arrested 1. a crackling of the limbs near the. edge' of the orchard, and with., a- single hound he was over the .tenee, ;ind directly under the free wlieiice the sound came. Looking, up into the branches he discovered what caused. him to hes itate with surprise, and-, teruais, another sentiment. A young girl of about seventeen, black-haired, black eyes sparkling with the ex citement of mischief and fear -com-.. Iiined, sat on a large limb of the tree, grasping a smaller! hub above her head. and. evidently enjoying the 'Squire's choice fruit to the best of her abilil y. She was barefooted and .-bare-headed, and . looked-, a eritable little gypsy. ' l!nt Will h.i.l been told by . his lather that the thief was to be snm inapih dealt wjth, anil such bliud obedience had the father exacted of his son that he never once thought there was any extenuating circumstance's which would excuse him. The 'Squire's word to his son was his law, and sooner than diso bey him he would have undergone- any frightful ordeal. So, choking down the sentinieut the Switching picture had.' iiiomemtarily amused in his heart, he ihrdered the offender to descend. ! ' . Still defiant- the picturesque or chard robber slid deftly down from her iH'tvli, wheij her cap for seized her firmly by the arm. ' 'My father said 1 was to flog a thief;" said he. !. "I'm not a thief,; and you dare not flog me!" jVnd the pretty face flushed with anger. "Hut I caught you in the act 'of stealing my father's fruit, and I .must punish you. What's your name, and what made voir break the limb of those pear trees?" A glance of scorn was her only reply, j "Will you answer me or not?" he continued; and then, angered bv her persistent-silence and looks -'of deliance, aided jby the recollection of parental coin mauds, he struck her a slight blow across'- the shoul ders. , i ' The graceful; form quivered as the switch fell: but it was with pride, not pain, since the stroke could not have hurt a lly. The black eyes Hashed lightning as she wrested herself from Jiis grrsp. UI hate you, you mean coward" she gasped, "f'll make yon repent that, as sure as you live!'' And as she ran sobbing out into the road, WilL felt that her prophecy nai neen untitled with, the utter ing. .- j year passed. i - A Our young avenger of his father's stolen fruit had joined a party, one bright Oc tolier morning, for a hunting expe dition. They had gone to Cat Island, a large swampy island situ ated near the head of Hemlock Lake, w hicli liordered the Dermody estate. Tow" the day's sort was done, and they were returning home. As they neared the center of the treacherous little body of water sudden squall arose, and, striking the sail with full force, before they had time to shift it, their loat was upsets Two of the young men were for turiate enough to grasp the gun wale of the boat, where they flung, but the remaining three, being separated from it by the force of fall, and excellent swimmers, struck bcldlv for the shore," a distance of half a mile. One,, two, forms emerged from the waters of the lake and stood in safety on its shore, watching the fonu'of the third,, who seemed to le suffering f from some f Injury I r ceived by the upsetting of the boat, and making bnt slow progress, lx ing still over a qnarter of a - mile away. Suddenly a cry of horror broke from their lips as they saw Will throw Up His hands aild go down. , Stripping pff part of their clothing that their actions might be less imiHMled, they plunged again into the .waters" of the lake and struck out hi! the. direction of their drowning companion. At this moment 'young girl, a wild-faced, gypsy-like' maiden, rushed from a fisherman's hut utar the beach, and, without any ado,' plunged into the water, and com menced the race with her two male rivals for the rescue' of the. drown ing man. Her life had been spent on the water and in its bosom, and, she soon proved herself more than a match for her competitors. She reached the spot where the young man went down just in time to see a tuft of hair floatingon the surface. Seizing'this tirmlv in her left hand, she supported the senseless-body by almost superhuman exertions in one so young until the arrival of the tardy swimmers, and together they 'bore the drowning man ashore. T . . Will Dermody was lying in a weak condition iu his bed, recov ering from a severe fever which had resulted from a recent mishap;, for it was not without the greatest exertion on the part of the physi cians that he was restored to con- j sciousuess and life. His mother stootl by jiis bedside ! and had just finished telling him j the particulars ofliis rescue. It was Mabel Wheeloek, a rish- liian's daughter, who returned von ' . 7 ' . at the risk ofher life; and, tliinking .you might wish to thank her," sjiid Mrs. Dermody with a smile, "1 have sent for her to come to the house, 1 tndshe is waiting hi the sittinjrrootn I at this lllOint'Iltf" i I - I "in. niotiier. lnav no nor, Keen ' t me a moiaeut Iroin thiinkiny this " ailgel of tliO Wi)Ve for saving Iliy. worthless life, lor j He stopjied in surprise as the door opened and he beheld the j bright gypsy faee and .-' graceful i form of the girl who .-.tole the j 'Sipiire's fruit. "Mabel, Mabel! Can you' ever forgive mef' he 'liegan, flushing with the reeolleetion and reiK'iit- anee ofTflre episode in the orehard. As his niother stole from the room the youtig girl came quickly to his side,suid, with a face from which all tlue wildness and defiance had lied, placed a soft, brovi hand over his pale lips, and asked liim if she did not promise to nmke him reieut the blow he struck her. retained it iu his own, and "lanced afjain with deep admiration at the pretty lace ol Mabel; but this tune lie hail DO COIlllliaild l'l-OIll tllC I . . ... ... CMIUire WlllCII lorllUle tllC adlllini- I ' - j tlOll. f .... ... ... i Ut course, alter this wis ret-overv i l.' . ' Was Vel'V V:llllll: UlUI. :l flU- iluv i , ' thereatter he imj'ht have been .-ecu -., -,. , .. . . . i Wltl) a lieaUtlllll K.VISy-lilfed gni wandering tlirouirh his father's or- , i. .i. i i i i i ; cliartl; lor lie luui- gone to hunt ior i liol- iwl ilonv.n.l li.n- -i-.i.l.. 5,. i "'-7 .v.. ....... ... , v m , desiHiilinjr that choleric old gentle man of his l'riut. The 'Stu'iire must have acquired a more forgiving disposition since we first met him, as the look which i lie cast on them was decidedly one of approval. As time went on, Will aiidMaM being so constantly together, dis pite their different social status, discovered that thay were in love, and so very naturally he asked her to lu'coine his wile, to which she responded by a kiss and a small word of throe letters; and the Dei -niody mansion had for its. mistress in after years a beautiful young "noiiiiiu who had first been caught in the act of plundering its orchard. MISCELLANEO US. 6. L Ms S hi .RICHMOND, VA. MAXUl'ACT V U K K 8 OF CARRIAGES OF All KIMI. Buggies, Phwtons, Six-sei.t Car riages, Jagger Wagons Tcr and no Top, c. Send for cin nlar fjHE OLDEST AND BEST. When at Xasliviile stop at the Griffin House, the oldest and best hotel in the place. Board and Lodging per tlayf 1.75. 1 J. I). MUSTIAX, june23-3in ( Manager, MISCELLANEO US. DAEBYS I PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. :' : A Household Article for Universal Family I'ae. t For Searlet and Typhoid Feers, Diphtheria, Sali vation. Ivicerated Sore Thot, Small Box, Measles, and all Contagions Dbriwui Per!waiting k. iW i fraitf SearitE rever has anrcr toes knBi ' ipr;ti where tbe Fluid was , . Hd. Ydiow ' k-t t"-cn uured with it after : black vomit a;ta place The woiat cut ofj)iiul4fcUiafc. . f t "I I FeveredandSickPer-j SMAliL-POX sons reircsftea ana ; nu Bed Sores prevent ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid, t Impure Air made harmless and purified. ? For Sore Throat it is ; sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted ', PITTINU of SnuUl Pox PBtVESTED Ajniniritf my ily was (taken with Smili-pn, used the Fluid i tbc ptiu was ixA .iliaViut, was not wite-ll Mill wa about the h Mic giin in three vniiDiaina, rites, wcekSi TO .othm 5rfiwWtromplex- i fWaddplua. ions secured by its use. J Ship Fever prevented. To purify t" Brratli, Cleanse uB Telli, it can't b suipasse Catavrrli - relieved -mid cured. Krvsinelaa cared. , Burns relieved instict! 7. j The physicians here Scars prevented. j Darbys Fluid very ijruirij tu.u. ? successtuit' in tne treai Wonnds healed rapidly. ; ment D( Diphtheria. Scurvy cured. ' A. STou-itKWHacic, - An Antidotefbr Animul j Ckttnsboro, Ala. I used the Piuia dufcg Chojrsw pmveated. -r.,r i,mM .affliction with ! L leers purified and Scarlet Fever with de- h;eJ. cided advantage. It is indispensable tt) tbe sit-k-room. Wm.'F. $anl ruio, Eyrie; Ala. In ease! of Death it shouiJ $e used about the oirjpse it will prevents any unpleas ant smcl. . TLe enUnent Phy fticiitn,.I.MAKION SIMS, M- 1., New York, says: am convince Prof. Darby Prophylactic Flaid is a valuable tiiiinfectant." Vanderbilt University,, faahvllle, Tmvru ? 1 testify to the must xecBet paaiities of Po , Iarbys Pro!i iui.tic Klui'J. h a 4isanfeQtant an4 J detergent it w bth thaoretkally and practically ? superior to any preparation with wrtich I am ac quainted. N. X. LutTON Prof. Chemistry. Irby Fluid in Recommended by Ho Alhxanduk Jl. Stephkns, of Georgia; Re Ciias. F. BftiBMS, D.D., (jhurch of the Stranjrrs, N. Y.f i f s j iosrfUflC?TEUirla, Prof.,University,S.C. Leii A. J. Baitls, Pmf., WercerSUniversity; Kcw. Geo. b pitf iiisbop M. . Church. INDISPENHABLE TO KVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or The Fluid- has beea thoroughly tested, and we : have abundant fvi&nce that it nasdunaeTerythiTig excernany lor man or ieast. here ctairBjed - r tniier ifilormation get ot yeui- J nigg"st a pamphlet r send tq thf proprietors. J. II. ZEILIN ft CO. 9 : Mjiitfjcturirig Chtftiists. TALBOTT & S0NJ5 Shockoe IVIachine WO RE S, RICHMOND. V'A., ij.jij MamifactinTfrs kit i I'oi-tablo aiil Stationary Ensrinks and lloilcrs. Saw Miljs, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shafting, Hanjrers and Pulleys, Turbine Wathr WhJ, TilMwjot Kactury Ma chinery, Wrought Jnm Work; li-ass and Iren I'axtiotfH, Macbineryiif every Description, GINNTNGS,- Til II V G MA Oil I :.' A a CK lAI.'I Y.t ' J 'i ouiil ! y iiiil (.'arj-diHv Done Talbott's Patent Spark Ar-ftter1, i .'I'lK- t3v-nliol"ortll- t"4 1 1 jVlwSu.i,,. the tuu,. 1 i It (loos not rhokc up anil rciiinos eleanintr. ! It requires no ilircct !Hin)crs to In: opened j i when raising steam j ilamiei-s lieilijr ohjH-tion- i "parks to eseatc. It requires no wii ame, astney may lie lett ept-n and anov the j reiiuires no water to extinguish spai ks. ! which, by eonileusntion. tlestroysiijhe ilrah, bo- i siileswhen watea is used, it nVlei ted. the ef- ! fleiency is ilestroyed by eviiiiLlration of Ihe I water, and, the lioilrr is ept inui Hilhycon- dition. - ; rl 1 '- - j ' J It is siinnleiMnd tliirnble loid i-an. be relied i up,.m- , , . , .,-'.. 1 No planter shoui.i be wnhout. .i r ihom. where thcTallKTt Knines ond Spark Arrester aroused at same rate as eliai'Ked lor water or norse power. i iT'Send lor illustrated citvuinrs and price i list i i I!..,. ,...1, 1J. tl. .!. ....... . V I" 1 . 1I.. 1 "St.. (ieneral Mnntntcr. ' W. (ihinViV Local I .Manager. i . j nol4-ly ! - .4-'..- v ,-. I , . . . i THE ,t:ADIM4 CIEMTIKTSj F TO-DAY asiw thai irost dist-ast s arc cajisd hv disor 1tp1 Kidlip.vs or Liver If, theivft'liKitlnpyst mid Liver art-ki-pt in pi-rfcot ordi-r. pri't-cl hi-alth a short time rind for years people lult'eriMl prt-a win w i at- n-mi. i ins iruiii nasoiiu- iM-en known .iim v w tn ,in'!ii nine UJ lltltl rmi let- 1 tie ill leovei y ol V. :iriiei rsale Knl.iev mill I.iver 'lire mark.- i new:.era in the tre.-itint-lit tl,.... rmilili Mnde trom a simple lnipujal leaf ol are valnahle coiiiaiii- p:-t ilie elrmetiis neeessar v lo iionn-h ,aiid umoi-atr tmth ttu-e erv.tt I oricans. tm sllv rot.tn- and Weep Hiem in order, li .is a Cl SITI V I : liKM K1Y lor all the ii"-ai-es thai ran-e pains in tin-ovr part oftlie budy tor -i rpnt . i.iT.r iiiMdit-iit-ianuH-r IhamiifM lirai el lever:' A itn Malarial M-ver anil all ditli.nli ,t il,.. 1. il.,... ii and I vinarv tli'sans.. i . n is an .-xe.-iiem ami sale ivm.shj ior f,-,,i,. iiuvuij: r-rei.'naev. l t. win eonirol fvienstrnalion and is inval.ial.1.. lor leaionlio-a 01 jtallin- , ,i,e a" 'a iu.hi fi.hH.-rii is n,le,,1ai.i,i for lu-nr.- the organs i hat make the hlo.l a this reme.w, wiii.-u has ,i. .,, ii wuier "I? tl- I-MMi KM' M.F.D lil.Tri.F. .l any inisiiLiiie upon I in- market, anil 1-hri Driiir- irisis and all ileaer at U,K IXUI.AI; avii I TWENTY-F1VK fli.VTS K-r For I llials-les. empme lor WAKMWtfs I s A KK UIAltKTKSl CUK II is a l'MSI llVK. Keme,lv i 11. li. WAIiM'.KACO. Koehiiter N Y FRENCH'S ! I Superior Cologne ! Na fragrant and lading perfume for I the toilet ;and handkerchief, 25 ets a I vial. i i : i : ! FRENCH'S I ! Vllginia I OniC pllterSl cures Dyspepsia, nulls Aid Fever 1 ami an disorders ot tlie lijver and stoni ach, -")( cents per liiottle. FRENCH'S j Never fails to cure l)iarrheti,rholera ! Morluvs Pains and Craiiijik in the ! . stomach, o cents a vial. FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT! is the Vest for llheuniatisnl, Neural gia, Veadache,Pains,Bruise,&&, 50 cents per bottltj. r xvin utibj IndiaRubber Cement The best in the world for Unending broken Furniture, Toys, 1 Wood- " ware, Ac. Price 2- cents a vial. Manufactured only bv I WM. E. FRENCH, j , Wholesale DrtiRgwt, l2 Sycuniore Strtt-t. ' I I'elt'rslinrg, Va. Am-nt for ljiwr-n-- & Martin's TOl.r lKHK and 11 V E anil FOW EL'S PR EPA KElH'll KM I CALS for luaktnjrft-rtilizi-rs. mehl4-ly , WM. E. f BENCH. Eradicates MA LA Til A. m ".--: W M. R N E w s rZmt I mil jar-.v'-n s i MISCELLANEOUS ?'y p reelain-liiwd Varr.p re rsi-k firturwl i A rlieue,ndbiiyirifiianted igMift io and all claim! from the Company holding tho patmt. Don't fail MJk T this poimt Carefulh made of Best Saloctod Timber. fZSSZZS. Tha B LATCH LEY PUMPS arafof Jl.bj th bwt bourn ia tno trad lam of my aaarett agwrt will be fvraished oa applicatiaa to C. Q. BUtTCHLEY . , Mtmttdbmr, 108 MARKET ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 111 f. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS uEORuE 0. 5TEYEITS, No. 49 Ligiit Street, lblllHUn Kii- JOHN CLARK, JR. & CO'S i I S I .Xv- C O R D -FOR Machine or Hand Use :Q: THOMAS RUSSELL & CO. I SOLE AGENTS. f FOR SALE BY Hines, Hadley & C, WILSON7. N. C. C. B. Aycock. K.A.Daniels Of Wayne. Of Wilson. AYCOCK & DANIELS,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GOLDSBORO. N. C. it" Practice in the. Courts of Wayne, Wilson, Greene, Lenoir and Johnston,: and the Supreme Court of the State. , : Collections a Specialty. mayo-ly . DURCELL HOUSE 1 WILMINGTON-. N. C, RECENTLY refitted and under en tire new management: 'Perms 2,?() toS:i,0 Per day. B. L. PERKY. Proprietor. V, ALL l C Iht moot ? V5l Vi ValyaWo V, Imp igv iwrto- mil s 1 1 p mm NO. 1 5 SYCAMORE STRKKT, TETERKIJUUG, VA., J- S. Cary 2MIa.x.a.ger. (ienuine Farmers Friend Plows, I lundter's Chilled Plows, Malta Double Shovel Plows, Iron Age Cultivators, Cotton Plows, Harrows, Stetim Engines, Threshing machines, Reapers and mov-rs, Straw Putters, Corn Shellers, Fanmills, Stoves, Tinware, Hollow Ware, Fire Iron-j, Plow Castings, Farm Wagons, Iron and Steel, Wholesale and Retail. 2t &;( Union Street, r MAXCKAOTliltlilW OK OARRI AOES,BUO(i I KS ANT) HAltXKSS OF KVKRVKIXD Extension Top Carriages,Junit Seat Side-Air Top Buggies, Panel Door carriages, Jump Sent Top y'uggies, Side-bar I K-1y Surry Wagons, W. V EDWAUDS SA.T. A.TT ' ir ni ret Cor (ioMsbom iihd Hariies Sts1 Wilson. N O. I H.vin, jft totiinieii wit., u hn. a,,,! vvell selcce,! lot ol STOCK 7 a in now prenared to fill anv order fr.nn $75 to $200 in the 7, tn fc9nn In tbo way of stock. Any person in ' t '1 . A I "'"" H1 "Oa FAGL1IK or mule will find itf to their ad vantage to examine m' stock U fore bnying elsewhere j Returning thanks f r past latrtmage and seeking a con I linuanee of the same. I I T 1 - i a 1 II.. ' im CV ivtJspecuunj,, W YV EDWARDS - ' At Sug. k Edward's old stand. Take Notice.! Any person ing horse, can buy him at my Stables under a guarantee. RANDOLPH MACON COLLEGE. Founded 1830.) The Forty -eighth Session will Ih gin September 21st, with a fnll fac ulty. Conrse Of instruction em braces the following school: Latin, Greek, English Modem Langtiages, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathe matics, Natural Science, Chemistry, Biblical -Literature and Theology. Degress conferred: Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. Location accessible, pleasant and healthy--expenses moderate. For catalogue'and full particulars, address W. W. BENNETT, lVes't. -.Inly 2m' W E. OIIAKA, ATTOBN E Y-AT-LAW, . ENFIELD. N, C Practices in the Countiw of Halifax. Edire- L.niml and Warren and the Supreme and Fed eral toumoi jorrn i arouna. mcniu BIT Clt EWI5I AT nf VX.Hti: ' umxanll foumd M urn ttktr T V1.TP.B mm t .rM . hl.r Hfll..tklMla VriA M TUAtLTHAVTAVUCt- lVLOIri EXCHMGE STABLES ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 , rrsf -4 -C-" - muuii We will not weary I you witi statistics telling how MESSRS. kUXS THKIB BEST SIX-COED SPOOL COTTON ; Or how much they make daily, neither will we presume to give an opinion as to its ciuality. It is more important for you to find out: Whether the thread is strong and will save you time and annoyance ? Whether it will run on your 3ewing Machine? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable shades, and work well on silk goods? , The only possible way to arrive at the truth is to USE THE THREAD YOURSELF ! u - ' lou will then know why it is called mm Mi 3LX-00RD SPOOL COTTON YOTJ CAN BUY W OP: ATKINSON & WA RREN, Cor. Nash and Qoldsboro Streets, WILSON, N.C. For Dyspepsia, K-rvousn&s, Bilious Attacks, H-adache, C s tiveness, and all Diseases of the Liver and Stjitiach. VRE UBCIPKril.T TH1! M08T POTENT E-IDY THAT CAN BJ5 USED. Tt 1p not nn tutoxiatini; hrvor: o. nn-t wrtninlv VViiUWl U!V(T lH UsM'iI US U pltuMUiL cU :l!lll' IT III rotiolfr. stfm;il'nta. tut It ts truly 11 vhIuh' '' PMiitl.1 ' Medicine. wbU-h lMan iim'iI t r t . r . o i-tits t , liii'iri: iiumlHM'rt iii (imt -i!l.'iis wi. 1 11 mo t iiutai.. lu hiicucnd In utl tii.t atvvt' (;ui!i i.iJi...s. 'I t j it. 5 Cents a Paper, or $1.00 a. Bottlu. ."M. I'.. TIIOK.VTO.V. t'.oi.rivtor. Baltimore, MurA 1 - Norfolk, Virginia. o iK!Kawiiys,uaiiopy I opi'titetons, ; Pony 1'hietons, Sitle-lmr O.ien , . ! Ruggies, Dexter Buggies. li .DEANS, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, lOlfice in reariif .Court House i Square May 5, l.v. : i CHOWAN BAPTIST I'E.IHIE 1XST1TITL , MtTltFKKHRIIOltO, N. (!. i- The Fall Session begins on Wed j nesday, October 1th. The curri- i nnliiin i ii-i jtvf..Liiv.. .....1 4-. h'l'arges are as moderate, as ..those I vvn-v female college ill the State. Ihe annual health record since its foundation shows an average in medical bills of 25 cents per pupil a record that challenges comparison with that, of any similar school in the l.rn it el States. '. For catalogue or information, ad dress. .1. . IHiKWEIt, July2S24m President. E. Battle, MD. Offers his professional services to the public. Office opposite Briggs Ho tel, Wilson, N. C. - April 7-fim STOP AT THE PEAR SALL HOUSE, COK. EAST CF.XTRE & MAIX STS., M O U N T O L I V E, N. (V. SAMPLE ROOMS FREE. Headquarters for i Commercial Tourists. EI). M.LOVE, - - - Proprietor AMERICAN HOUSE V-'i PORTSMOUTH, VA. MOST Convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landinex. Kates: First Floor ier day, $2,00; t Second Floor, per day, $l,"n. I -North Carolina Travel isResieet fullv Solicited. BROWNLEY SISTERS, Prop's. Feb3-'82-ly Iten Yonnr'8 P. P. GlatM' nrnl n v t?ye0ght. ymn J. T. Young & Bro. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE M-nufacturer of all kinds of PUiB Gold Jewelry, Wags, Badges, Jcc The best 10, castor, and ft5,00 clock ever sold. Anieri-n watched at the lowest prices. Sulid silver spoons, forks &c, clieaper than ever. rYour order are so licited and will be prompt Iv attended by J. IV YOUNG & RKO. Pkteksbuiu. Va, i0lk"9.-ll ' J. P. COATS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. it' - ; THE ROCKY! MOUNT I EG N WORK .8 Are now in full and successful oiteratioiiAH kind of machinery niiiilptn order. ton , Repaired at hIioii n tUv. A' cms (or ihe celebmiteil O. & ,C l!oier Kneincs, of Monn: Vernon Ohio, Iron Woikx. V e sre irriared to furnish raw.nnd (riii mi Is Cirm enijiin-n nnd agriciiltuml inyii iii( ntn of everv description. The nttentiun of farmers) anil ileal. r i invited to our New ROCKY MOUNT TURN PIX'HV, and ! liockv Mounl Cotlon Plow ... ... v ; H : ' '- ' ' ' - We make a specialty of tliewe. Our'lion I'lnw took first rreiiiiinu t he Eastern Carolina Fair of 1 S-8 1 . They are s:tid,!y jiules to le PKRFKCT. BLACKSrtllTHIIMC &REP AIRIIMG Of all kind? of niai liinei y done :nulor our own tnqM-rviimi, and our work i n'lnnintiiil. We keep in stork a full line oi :ll siztn of steam 'and water pi(iw and connection, aim brass fitting fortune. H'e :i1r run a PLANING MILl&c. Jn making iliix nnniMincenlent we ak a sliare of the pal routine from our friends and the imMlo; . Iv r UUXNTAIiV, JVian. March 31 ly K F IV P WITH TI mmi Print Dryers, Cider Mills, Apple f . i and Peach Parers, the Skinnerl Engines, the Birdsall, the Paxton - I and Kriebel Engines,' the Hall, the . Carver, the Van Winkle, atid i ' -Centennial Cotton (tins. I The ' ' Clark Seed Cotton CIe-iiiiej Cotton Seed M ills, Horse Towers, . -! , Feed Cutters, Pelting, Cane Mills, the f 1 "Queen of the South" and the Moore County " j . Portable (Irain Mills, Saw Mills, the Ac'ine, the i Thomas, the Iron Age and the Reiner Harrows, Grain Drills, Water Trucks, Swing Churns , Cultivators,()ne and Two Horse Riding and WalkingJRoad Machines, Pumps, Mill Fixtures, Horse Powers. Write us for Cireulcrs and-Prices. It will Pay you. Try . it., j Address, i PianosHHNOrgans Gol(lboro GENERAL AGENTS FOR . ; 1 llhickerinfr & Son. Steiff, Matlutsltek,' Arion mid .Soutlx-rn iicm Pianos, and .VasoiiiV Hamlin, Shonincrand Pclobot & CIo's., invi n. "W -A.. Barbrey. -A.g't- Wiisop ,! ST . O. BROWN'S A TRUE A PERFECT STrTHSMER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON BITTi:..., a certain and r.Lii.i,. i. Fevers,Wa,ntqfApjKiilc,Ui. jLj.,:, : strengthens the musck-s.and feives is. on the digestive organs, rr.auvlai Bdching,Heatin ike Stomack,IL-?.r:'jarn,c:sKrhe only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlie tee i a I r give headache. Sold lv all druggists. Write for th A T! C Bor r tl pp. of useful and amusiiif; rc::d ing) seat free. BKOTO CHEMICA1. CO., Baltimore Md. 8e that all Iron Bitters rem-deby Brow Chemical Co. and hare crowed red Hues em wrapper. DEWAKB OF IMITATION.S. ! ( o T show tlie finest Winter that has ever been in e.st style of Fancy Suitings. English and French Worsteads, snn.eres. Blue MHtlle.se x. Oxford Meltons. . Kl ga'nl ' "me -of goods , for Overcoats Fine , work, Fine . Triniiiiins, and prices reasonable. Give us n calL Hespeetfiilly, ,r i .. Greenwood & Belsmeyer. --. r ' ' ' L - J ' ' " ' " i.- - ' Coininission Merchant, j 140 Pearl Street, JVew York LilH'iiil advances made on coiisigniilicnts of Totton, Na val Stoics and Southern Produce. f ' . ' . - t Executes orders for. the pnreha ;e and sale of Future contiiicts in the I Cotton and Produce -Exchanges. ! !,. .Inly q lr I IMRMLM AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS TDTJTPTTR, Sc OO. 2t North IlowanI St., Baltimore. Wire Hailing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Ual-' conies; Window Gnards,Tree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Caes, Sand and Coal Screens. Iron Bed steads, Chairs, Settees, Arc. sep2 12m. POWELL & KOBINSOX, FASHIOXABLE BAKBERS. TARBORO ST., WIIOX, X. . Having opened a first-class Harler shop solicit the patronage of those . who wish good work done. Sat isfac tion Guaranteed. jj ulyi5 - te , -'.' si . K . K. FOUNTAIN. . K. FOUNTAIN. ) W. B. TAYLOR, I Troi. , C..DUNKLE, ) Pfl- hi -:0: L. L. POLK CO., -R.AlIEI3-I, 1ST. C. H0llS(!, TONIC . .....ir.icl ior all diseases jquiring . . i indigestion, Dyxpepgia, Intermittent I nf l '.nermi fir.. Knrihhes tlie lilrmd. . Mi:koJ'Eiitrgy,eie. Enriches tlie blood, f --' to the nerves. They act like a charm ul:',-;.''teaiik svmptom. such as Tasting c Food, of Piece (Jonds lr Kail an-l Wilson, consistiiisritf tluv lat ;s. ElPffant in I lesion aiid rol-oi lii'.'s Foreign and Domestics, Oas in consequence of the death of Geo.-' II.lirifHn it hecomes ncej'ssary toet-. tlethe business of Ihe firtn of firitlin i & .Murray. All personsjindehtetl to j said Ann will pleae ctill at their place of liusiness ami" -settle at once. ' WMf MU'KHAY, Surviving partner of Grinin & iiurrav. . IK-c. 9tf. . m. . a, nmiiuKu. CONNOR & WOODARD, ATTORNEY AT lj.AW. WILSOX.X.tV"- Ht Circuit, Wilson, Wiivne, Edge- eomlie, (ireen, Pitt land Nash i Counties. Mayo,-8L'ly. MISCEL LA NEO US FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Xasii IS'tkkkt, Wilson. N. C. r'Have a large stock of all kinds f .Fnniitiut and are receivtug ctmstantly nilditions thereto. Itaby carriages, lMcture frames, .mould ing and otliee cliairs, in endless variety. ' Repairing neatly and promptly done. inay.rtf NORFOLK AD JAYLOR gUOTT & yTTR,S W 1 1 ( LKS A 1. Iv I) E A 1 . K RS IN . HARD W ARE. CUTLERY. GUNS, Ac, CtUN"Eli MAIN ST., AND MARKET SQUARE. Uhm You go to Norfolk Slop at the Jordan House ' ltcstsi'iirant and Hotel NO 30 WEST MARKET SQUARE HOARDING & LODUINU $1.00, !.-, $1,. HI, PER DAY MEALS AT ALE JIOCRH ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. -The Jor.lun lloiis is tvntmlly lmmuxl jMirtlon of the city, ami within a nhorl dlatano of tUf ptiliht- ImiMirurH anil lilait-s of mnust im'nt, Tim locution in tiH-lally tlonlrahle for thoslt hnvinir Iuisiik hi Norfolk, Hiuli an Karmors. MiTchant, Ominiervml TravWctra anil lrotcs8ioiuil iHHiplf. To th(K UoMirinira llotfl Th1Iii with homo oouifortH, thin houiMi ttipoct alt' retMintut'n(lH iiAtlf.- Tln housfhaa IxH'ii rollttrtl anil has now a autlielwlt nuinlNrof riMtiun to supply tile tkimuml. . i .. JORDAN HOUSE. Amos P Jordan, Prop. Norfolk. Va nlLL OF FARE: -a spi.knpi i ni.NXKUFiuiM 12t 3oViak-k- only:ct Frknl IkH'fstimk Fried ItovfsU-ak and Onions FmHi lUH'fnu ak Ouitna and l'otatot'S IlroiKMl liHtfMk Fry of 1'orksU-ak Fry of Ham ami Fts Fry, of Ojtutni : Fry of Sausage Fry of Sausaicti and Hominy Fry of Fish Fry of Noal Chora Fry of Mutton (.'hops Fry of Liver Fry of Tripp , Stvw of Oysters M Ilk Stsw of ( yst-rs llrciad and t'otfi Klts, Cakes anil Cofltx Fry of SoftCralnt ST. sr. Mi 10 hi sr ! 25 1 Hroueu iuki!ii All the atxivo nnlurs with Coff't .Vwita extra . AMOS P. JORDAN, No. HO, West Market Square, cvod every day from 11 to 1 o'clock. "i t a r tt" Ty BA ERS AND MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS . ! ANI WHOLESALE DKALKKS IN T()ACC0, CLOAKS, 8UFF8V FRUITS NUTS. VINEGAR. C OER- TET SOAPS- &C- on Street, "' " ' NORFOLK, VIRGINIA :12 lyj Orders Solicitetl and Satisfaction lluarantetMl. LaTHER SHELDOW ' , l" DEALER IX Rfshes, Doo'n and B5inVs.'Monld ngs. Bracket C:tair Rails," M weU Builder H i dware.Painls Oils Gla-s. Putty and Buihliug ftifiUrial of very Decriptio Nos. 1(1 WJ Side Market Square V 49 L'oanokc Ave., NORFOLK. jf A 1 (iENEUAL ACJENT V Ldfc-Wv-rtn, Mart, ne & Longnun's Pure Prepared Eea.cLy-MixocL Brown Cotton iiih. TI1E BRW.N FEEPEt Ull i These gins have i since 1-S 4"i. Scv- ments have i ,nt0 -tli tiw.v i versally pr o- very best in the great Las been tba t. for the D.i.st kr- JlcLD liCCIl llinnin- - it. For kleHcri p .terms, vc, K-OUNTREE, it Li -i'ri-1 f jrt f ' I BOOKS. A. L FRED WILLIAMS & CO.. . BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, JRA.I3EICI----. isr. c.V R'WlTH LA1IOKLT IXf'RKASRI) TION ' TO KKUVK .OCR Cl'SjTO.MK Kfi J." A III 1 FULLY ANp PKOMITLY, WE OFFER A . LARGH STOCK IN EACH DEPAirrMKNT AT VE11Y IVvt" P.HLCES. - SEND POll NEW JATAMJ(SUE.. 1 I'r'l - ii I I't U I 1 iH'i'li. ii i 11 I i 1 11 , , , 'JVIIIlD'vul1 Central Institute ! Situated hi Warren County, N. C, imnuMliiitely on the li. & (. 1 in one of the healthiest portions of the State.niiil within ten minutes ' walk of the telegraph and iKtst oflice, with two daily, mails. The i-;inV- ! pus contains alKiut twelve acres, English Literature ami Music i full graduate, of the Wesleyan Female College, hits seven years experi ence in teaching, and cmih-s with the. very highest endorsements. In struments, new and inferior to none nscd in any schotil. Near Panacea Springs: water furnished 1m carding puiels when desired. Char" vcrv low. Fall term liegins St'p. 4th., juI28-ni. J. M. AD VERTISEMENTS. VER TISELENl'S. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. March 10th, ( months. Aalf Fry of llot fsU'ak 111 Half Fry of llH'fsliik and Onions 15 Half Fry of tlcofKToak, Onions and Poiatooa. 1.1 Half Onlurof Hrollod suk Half Fry of Ham and Kmt Half Fry of OyHtura Half Fry of Siuixatni Half Fry of Sausiofvaint Honiiiiy HalT Fry of 1-tsh Half Fry of VohI Chora Half Ortlor of HroiliHl Mutton t'lioiw Half Frj- of I.lvrr. Half Fry of Trip. Half Stew of Oysters Half Milk SU-w of Oy sters liurk whi'Mt and t'otfue Half Frvoft4oft t'mlw All tho alxivc half order with t'offiw 6 cunt fXtra t w Mrn pro M,, fOMlE.SE. " b e e ii in use eral improve cently been are now uni nounced the m arke t. So the demand M mIIiIa 4a uii. tiiltr J tion, circulars. - - .A .1 AuureHS BARNES & (X) ' f , BODES, BOOKS! FACrLlTlKH AX A DETERMINA ForYoung Ladies. and is ltcautitiilly shaded. Siiecialties. Our Music Tea-lie.' is a For Catalogues Address, lUIOOJro, Piux., LittletoiN. C.