M) 'YV'iv l'r 1.-11 K.I I.VM'. uipay , At Wilson, .oi;-.: II C;.i:d. IN A JOSKI'IM S It NM I S. !tr :ih! I ririr!'tr. Sl'l:scillifTI'iV N A PV xNCi. ' T ' ' -. . ; ... '.-. ..111) ; ...1.'...!... .l.OO J year, ontli- SI I r- V :11'V call 111 inh-r ur k- ci-bre Ili-k. sent by Money j I j Letter it our i 111: ai . xri: ill1 K 'lm i The Democrat!. ni.iont y ni the j next cunui i--s will bout T'. 1 Mr. .J. S. 'ai r. ... I m hain. is sup- port ing three coloi d pri'aehers at 1 Shaw I'liivcisit v. llaleiiih. A nod woork. . ; - Said Senator- Kdi mitiids in l.ss ) : ! 'Aoiii: ul' us w id liv tosi e ii I'resi , eittial candidate iken from any ' State V.isf of the I! id.soii.' " Mr. Win. Tin!.. in-other ul'; ll.'lllll'lt C'lllllt, i hah' ali'l hearty, h; .grand children, am ciiildieii. 1 . - j .A cit izen ul' 1 got drunk uic nigi s 105 years 'old. is children. 4, j il .SS "ic.it uraiid I j j - I I ! lirhson' county t iately ami beat . a do to death. I every man who ets d-IUlik were I' likewise, it would In-a good t- 1 1 i;i Lt lor sneep. I'hi- .M;l. knil.il If also in Atianra is being sued fur 0L0DO damage li.v a liaptist pleat her whose wile was liil ten by a rati 111 th. bed in one of t in- best rooms 1 hotel. '.-She I lusti ly lust her arm I Tin unmarried editor of ' the I akcrs i i 1 i Voice Is of opinion that the young ladies ol I Ins town arc l like mules. Very likely he has reasons for think lii so. ami I lie young ladies ought, to keep up Ihe Vi'izrii. i 'm press ion. AshcVill The l-.xecntivi Committee are iravc.V at work, a id the- Tobacco Fair to he in Dull ham next May will he the til"' even t 'the Sjiri.'ig. skepi !f asked. I low is it pos sihle f-r an ass n t w hen an old 4 el don't see why' ii ail ,i-.s to I alk like '-. 11 ilk a mail?" replied. -I ;i for an VI t a in is it is fur a man t alk like air as The Southeri' 'I ra pii Wuinpa rly .reached . Tids wiie Wesivi n I 11- ljl s w lies; nave ne; Weldmi. coming Sil nil is in opposit ion to tun and is iindei st bv the lValtimoie di" uv ned i Kaih'oai We hope this will gi jis tele graphic coiiiniutinid I mi'i caper. ! The latest seiisat mi ' ii M'a soeiel Hint; and is t he falling in luv rich New Vol k l;ui y Iwith a "t IP.icsej dwarf now being. S'ortli.-i 11 cities, i-'annie II. ( oieni; b.te ill I lie V. .' s'a""' ls I j . . 1 . i. . . ! iillu,-il linn ,tu (' lilt i.go. - fsne is I'i'lit 011 liaviiitL-'lllit dear sweet, j I ov" all f V writer herse I in 11 harlutte !., .w'cm', sav inai- 10 U-cu l. llu luxurv hut a nei i' ' i s,J v to : lie -man who ri:l eulitraei it ! i: It U'H 01 i . 1 : it ehi'Wiii' ami sum lug. a mi 1 ineie- r - . jfri 111 taxatiet!. ivs the bexing ni- one to prove ices-,if for t lie fore should he exeli 1 1 is now in 01 uei s toll Disilrh for si thai whiski-y is :i ''P-r. Tlie ,i iei inan . ( iiivit 1 the Cnitei liiiiient lias atvsMo ar itional i'lxhi Cattle, tobe lieiuate in. and lutk i'n hitiuli of Domes held a: llamliur ii" .Inly ss:; and the Piesidi'lit I'eeuiii ineiub'd that ( 'undress' in;ike -tin :: pprop: "ul t ion lor t his pufpo V Kditor Wilk. ! he Sp'u ri ul' of legislation Ili' linns, is in Lit "i; - which w ill prev.c fioni aeeuniiilat m ()!M.()!)(l. . We o) -!art. It would It any one' man more than thi In. m the I n the wiioh'j be i i.nipi-ilet1 ediioiial fiatei.niiV iu suspend operai aeciiuiulated a bt t oiis ailei we Innl jn!e of (10. liai.Miee .-f our O and sjieiiil 1 1 lives tr t sot ml it . I i voii id wear i'n iiu! pre.ii A w h'.te gii i ii i en! Iv el e.e.l :r ; :.in. el ! . -.her -t! ! ! he result of i he 1 I ir'i n. I '" a ;-eg; i ;;s:t'.i-! v ;in re ii.f I e !rVl !!!': !.,.,.; j,,;r. She ii. - -.:! - that tin- Ke (iI imm! oh, .ill liu-iii .party is; j.,:,! (l;(i I.'' her i-oiir-'t ol in r-.-y Illg i ne Mii'gio will i"r. in 1 he i'tii ur siisiaine-'l oy pojiul.u appr IV. I she had the I- i -i ick'u". tioiii the atlnuiiis' ; . . willing '. o ;n'o e wife, but as her 'lidu: sed af t ':e Cllllibell! o: hi parental runt' jr meats a day."" An iiivita" io u Luv .,!,,. M ' i ! rite and devoted ! on ('si' ha-, not b"en oll he teeis :! lit el Mi ll to the td ! hi'ee- i!!.ll e t. Ie a M'eli i revived trom 1 1 1 .( .oN .'j io send ritpr'.'St .s:. to Caracas. 1 lie enteniial i-l oi i-iieiiela tai l vies in .liil . I,S- !i r. ai t ii ipatlng in a, fa: ion ol t lie 111 t ll ul I ) . i XI I- iniih", o "'on: ii Amer.y.M Mllte;; v'll'leili-e. Ill 1 hi- ie . :.t it tsjles ! - . ; olilieel -: v i-liat' 1 t ci at Caracas ton. and to ilelC'e I ue e:.-. !i.nt i ii ue 'of W.ri.'ng-lltti-: I an 1 iidii--! rial l.xhi! itioti iii -A.il oe ''o-ell lo Ann rieau mend that" i ept e -eiiTed ; Ision 1-e.ma . l'i:s'nl, :,t. .! o,liii- I l it Slates oat - be a; mi i".-- ''''J . WlVlT I Ati;i!i- 1 1 il. Xor'hivcsfer'ii "tribes' ut' lillliali" ii an: ing t he g ilii;.'essi(i!i cesicet is' a s m.ii ki d s jas ; heir eofir. .The at i ini- red, 'maiden it ie- not ent l Siiiu :i hiidi standard ol morality ;in error, tor she is 1 i ; lau,hf Hi r bli is. jire, ami grows U wit h- w ell iilopii'i! ideas of lite 'I - j . A' hie, and a tirni- respoiiib;lit resolution to s;c large them, l.du- eaied in tli mini tnat sue was ITIIK WiMY VOI, 12. oid.iim il to work, she trains In ,'to undergo hard lalxir, and ! teen- years ofi ae is sturdy ; s! f'. Inave against latiuij and : a Jii'lfeef hoilst'wife. ' She inav not possess .-noli. 11s of mt a eh-aiiliiiesss, 1ml she takes j little pride in her personl ap. pi';n iiiii-c, ami in the arran; ineiit some ,. her lodge Vhe displays elude ideas of taste and a tlrtain amount of neatness. It she 11 11 rie.s white man she makes him . gOOl 1 Jiiin. w ife as long as she lives wit His home is lier sole eomtift, ami his eumfurt her sole ambitioii Shi; flunks ol ihiui and ,tur ini, and makes it her study to ple:f him ami make him respect ajd love , She recognizes in hid one ol' J . ,..,.;,.,. iiv. i.,ji,itv 4. .... ............ 'J ..V J..-...., 1 a in 1 devotion endears -lu-iself to devotion endears - lu-iself t him; ami stru-gles to '.n-je him n:,l,i,.v- j j j At the agencies of tlij upper frontier thousands of men jare em- j l.loyed. ami it is not an aagjrerst.i tioii to say that the liiiinity of them have Indian wives find livt- happily. 'They are. not soijjht after 1. -i - - i i ri- bv I lie maidens, lor . luijiiiu gin s en-torn is to remain quiet filter the marriage contract is maiif and the marriage portion paid osier. The husband 'must have t!4 dowry, with which he must in vim his pro jected -mother in law lnjlore the ceremony takes place. TJie process j x ytVyM wm breathed her last at is a little out of the usuiij fun, and j,,.,. jlonu. j iJUii,i0se township, a description may be of interest. i ,lt.,ir ns pi-,,.,., iast Thursday, af The asjiiring bridegro mi must be .; hing iindliiainl'ul illness. She well known in the 1 1 ilu before he j W;S kja1 WOIVl!III Im-IovciI by all can h.He to win a wile. I.It,i people j W,M) kll(1,v S,e eilV(.s ;1 ms. want to thoroughly 1111d.fst.a11d hiiiH S(.v,.n,i hil.hen to mourn and know it he can support "t (L.-j,. (s.s wi,( l;tv,. the. spu.pathy only herbut also he. .elal ivi's i" - (, (,ln. vlt)i,. ,.lllll,Unity. Hit-fun , the event of 11 pinch. He must be ! a kind hea'tiid mail with a temper ' w ai reiited to,'keep in any domes) ic . .T 1 ; . -1 : . . .1 111 r I ii. 111 1 1 ..I li'ili :l "'il 11! mi he must Have a iro n! lodge, ..-and at least half a. dozen of Inn- -is. 1 1 lie be. .and f i ; '- all ! these, In- can a-Voilig go. iseleet ii..- 1 1 1 . . l-i.K- In. iii-iL-.': -Miiilii--.it inn to her mother, and at a council' t he. price is lixed upon. If. the 'girl be espcciall jrett, In i mot her will deiiiai'id a gun. two horses and a lot ol pruv i.-.io:i. ,,.mkH. ankels-' and. cloth'..' A gun h valued at sCMl, a' horse- at and hf must furnish niaJei ial o bving j tile 'amount U ;o;tVoill -lUfl in luii. .T ien- he tns to heat- I he dame dow 11, ,iinl ii he succeeds he know I In re is some reason lor letting the iii! go: il iiiot, tie iiinlers. aniH that ic is making a gouii choice. Tlie coin tsliip is li 'fi e:.ti;eh to the . inoi.ni . i- The Ambitious Farmer boy. Ti.e am bitioiis Fanner bo ii'iakes a gi-"at .'nistake when he disdain-, fully t urns from farnilife to the .pro-ie- si ;is as a step higher. There is a true sen. e im" ste. higher trom riiey.ihii, thought tul, niuepeiiaeut life of the intelligvutfariner. Agii euhurc is t hi- foundation oi the bus iness and prasperity of the country. The farmer is" the prime factor in commerce.. When his toil, is utterly lo ;!; when, after planting and ten ! iiig and wait ing, the harvest tim; brings no tiarve.-.t to him. every in-, dust ry, e.very interest instantly feels the loss, I low- completely a seri lies of crop failures or of short crops paralyzes the busiih-ss of the whole country. So a succession of good crops" stimulates 'every business i and revives every drooping lliilus" j jrv The railroad lilies bi igh! en, t he ! juiil factories atv"bnsv.. : i Y- : o!i:iig j ( . iii.i i - mine . i in- n at ill. i he !it;n.be i aniii. ai'e ;dl si-cues of ac- 1 t i Ve i e e: . instrli i;ea! o! (HI lliei ee i'-i ill us 'file luini oi machin l'l is tile Ii lilll. if : eeiupallilliellt I t.-llie- songs ol t :n- . harvest held i - 'ri,;,,',',)!,. ..,u;:..;.i i. .) .... ir.nn p-ms,.. , ....... 'I he moiiey cent re 'if t he, world is an ' .......-. 1 1.; i. ....' i.. .nit in-.. ii'" "os, mm,, ... ...in 1 l'vfty trust, every rain, every 1ms- Si..l,.iie- litile .insect, ' is noted ah chroni- i 1 ',s careiiiny .isiiie syiinoins el .ia patient are vatehiv! b,llie physi- i . . . cian. fstoi ks "o nit ami dow n Willi v.-h.-a Wall the "V.irxiug" reports as to a-i.l i oi ii aiid eoititii! The Ntieef gambler ..who' never heard a meadow lark a.b t he i news 1 1 ; liehls- a j friend. .country "in i lie grain ami cotton w oi.ild lUie tearing lor a Willi tin' growth of the increased ' prosp i ii and ; the mult iphed edncat local advau-fa-es,oir schools, colleges and Uiii- x ersit ief; are tilling with ambitious : I ai'Miei' pov iieiis in body and i i in itil. al il i':it;'i'i' and determined In leal ii. 'This i-i well anil is evi dence !ha! tin- lordly estate of' the 'ue b.iiidinait will not always lie eon ilomiicd. .for Piiose w hu engage iu 4.' become liiare inteiiigelii llie will perceive more clearly the real d!-!in of the calling and will -be Willing to give it up for no prole i mi kiiiMviij to men. ''-.' " ' ; A SusDicious .-Character. - - prominent Ausiiii politician - woke tijt his colored ' man a' few' nights ago. and lold him to search the house, as he was sure theie w as a ' luirgl.ir on .the p: etaises. TI.'v darkey hunted the house a.l over add leporied as follows: vCidonol; I has' hunted from top "to bottom, and ef d;ir is ;iny 'spish oiis character 'ceplin' "y.ou, in de house, I can't nd, liiin. Texas Mttniti-i. ' kx ii M 1 NEAIMJY NEWS NOTES. six- j . - .U,TIi- V'k Weal III of Sear evs atlifi'l by Our ICe- toilers and Seally Sipped- iioin our SumeroHs SeiRli- j hoi-. ; i I.' 1ST, -.HTRAVKI HI! ' S'1'OI.KX I kkatii or an kstimaislk Wo-; 1 it L A o K I MAX. 15 U U (M.Ai: Y ('Ol'M'IKS, 1 UK rnBSIUKNCY. SlIOUM lMItTY. MATKIMOXIAL Ti.IK Al')YAXCK. I'FUSOXAI., &C f-jofial to the Ad-an5e. What has become of your inter esting correspondent, "Sanky," from this place t He has uot been heard from in some time. I fear that he has been lost, strayed or Lti,. ,.ii,,t i, u,. i.,n Ut. AVO(((ii,ine twineth." I send yon a few items of news in his stead, hA WC(.k 4Vom our thrifty little cirj .,t !u. . iage. Your many muU,Ksof this section were always delighted to peruse '-Sanky's newsy letters. And I truly, hope that my few items will prove none the less interesting to them. Should I fail tube newsy and interesting, how ever,. I am sure that you will not attach" very much blame tome, and as it is, I shall "'shoot my sheckle." To-day it is my sad' duty to an nounce I he death of 'Mrs. Robert era! took dace at the residence of iter husband on- Saturday, after which her remains were followed to their last resting place. l'dessed are tlie pure in heart for they shall see (iod. ! I ; have -just leai ned that some iiiiknown scoundrels broke into the :orehouse of Mr. .lohu Williams, of this 1 ouhfy;'oiie day last week, and carried oil' a whole : wagon load o! goods. No clue as to who the gr.ilty parties are. If they are eaiigiit they will be punish:1!! to the full extent of the law. No one was staving in the store the nigh' the good"-, were stolen. The cheering ni l glorious news from the - Democracy north assures 11- victory in 1SS S. With Majority Cleveland, of New York to head our itiekel we are bound to win. If it were :jiissible for us- t have a I S.iiitherii inan on 'the the ticket. 1 am sure that our distinguished Sen I a tor, our u-..L!e and patriot ic states-1 man,-Matt.- W. Pansoni, would be i the mail for the.. Vice Presidency, (.live us Cleveland ami .Ransom to .., uUI. rM,k(.r? ilIMi glorious victorp awaits us in ISst. Th(' young lneu of this section itropose to have a storm party near tliis. place on Monday night the :-?.".th i;ist. - select crowd will be j on hand, and a sple'idid time is mi ticipated. . An excellent string baud has been engaged to furnish music tor t hej occasion. Several invitations .will. "be- forwarded to some of t heifair sex (if your town, ami allow ne to present., a most cordial .invitation ' to the editor of the :Aivax.( E. Dancing will be in order during the evening. Tiie citizens of Speights Uridge town-hip are well idcasvd with tlTt inomotioii' of Charlie Pinkiiey Fanner to 1'osl Master at this place'. Mr. Fanner is a young man of ti hasincs qualities, -and i'litiiifiit fy litU'd in every way to till Hi.' nice with credit to himself and lo our whoM, people. (IimmI . luck to Vojl, oh! hoy I Mr. .lohu Dad pas.sed through, i these parts a lev. days ago acting j : n..,.,.i. ti.....;tr' ..I... .... l...,-";. ; ; ' : . tie : : L.it Wednesday" morning, Mr. i i-".ai i.ai icu, i.i i an ii'iiini, -i :'-! . -. I. i-i.:,-. united iu marriage '"fo 'Miss ilettie Woolen, a beau! iful young lady of 'bis county. Tin- happy young i couple ba e our best w ishes for a Unrz ami prosper us lite. ihe Any am i; is last winning its! way down in Ciieeiie county. There! is no rersoii w by it should not. It j is decidedU the largest and one of Ithe be.st papers in the State. All I have to say is. 1H it continue to advance and bat lie for the welfare aiid prosperity .of Ihejiood people i' the old . Noi l h State. ( ill. K. '. .v l.1. .1. reatn,in two woalhy planless of this section sent up f o V ils.iii. a few da v-. ago tti get hands' ;,' pick out .ilielr cotton. , I i-ey i; i-cci'.ied iii j;etling a lull . . .... four Ivor- -c wagon inan, ami on uieir retii' ii hoin,' one of the mules died trom o ej-st 1 ain o! the heavy load, l'hd 'crowd numbered about fort v..' j i;e price paui pi gei. 11 picKcu out is -sixty live cents per hundred eh - ri-1 1 . - 1 . . tirclv too much. Mr. lici t Harden, a very prymis- j proot on him fur stealin time, we in young man of this place, is teach- j hab got de circumstantial evidence ing. school at Mr. .1. 15. Faircloth's. ' agin him fur stealin' - money, fur Jlei t is a giod s ailar and a deveri don't "llossify say dat tune am bov. 1 wish him well . j'nioney ! Cot yer dar, jeoge." Severah families of this" comitvf And wlule the .jitdge and lawyers 1 .c.,k ... ,m ... , .. , iimiii, ai au early day, to en joy the advantages ', 1 ,ta iu.i..Ht-. xvii r:-iri.i LET Ak L THE ENDS WILSOX, X. S-liool. We would like to know what yonni; man it was that rode about 1 uiv mihw l'itin llitu l.aut Win .' 1 " ' d:l" to " ll,s isin, and liis horse jjot IKse amllie liadtofoot it home, a distanew of six miles. Too bad. ! wasn?t It ! There will be a big sale at the resiflence of the late "Wm. Tair- doth, deceased, on the L'Oth of De cember, near tins place. Our Farmers are taking advant age of the beautiful weather, and they are rapidly getting the cotton out of their field. It is reported that several new store houses will be bi'ilt at this place very soon. A big turkey raffling is on the tapis to come off Christmas day at this place. I would write more but have al ready made my letter too lengthy. ''Moody." The Premium List. I .send list of Premiums awarded at -nd Annual Fair of E. C. Ag ricultural & '. Mechanical) Associa tion. The awards are not perfect, and will not be in some time yet. Special Premium for Sweepstake not decided. DEPARTMENT K MACIIIXKKY, . II.' X. Smith & "Co. and Tappey & Steel, Rich mond, Ya., best porta ble steam engine Diploma. Note: Did not detect the mistake of the judges until too late to have it rectified will have to be rectified by the ex commissioner as also So. 5 on pre m . ium list for best .thresher and separa tor to ,1, W. Cardnell ."& Co., and II. X. Smith & Co. ' Win. Sessums, colored, best specimen. of ine chaiiicid ingeiivity by a boy under IC years of age CO DISCIilTlOXARY -PREMIUMS, II. X. Smith & Co., well fixtures II. N. Smith i: 'o., fruit ' evaporator L. L. Polk .v Co., cotton seed and corn mill b. b. Polk i: Co., wood saw ,!. F. .tones x: I'o., cotton elevator Tappy vx: Steel, water ele vator T. .1. I'eainv, saw mill' feed " P ; - I) KP A RT M EX X -L. AlxR lO U LTU R. A I. IMPLEMENTS." L. L. Polk. Cov best har row Diploma. Cox, (Thomas & Hart . agent,) best cotton planter Diploma. L.T'oIk Co.Jvestcul- tivaiok- Diploma. A. P.. Xob es. best nianiire distVil uitor Diploma. J. X. Smith - jCo., best corn s lieller Dioh ma. II. X. Smitli ic Co., best , hay aiid straw cutter Diploma. C. T. ivimer & Co., best, potatoe digger - Diploma. Disi.' R F.T 1 1 )X A R Y PR KM I U MS. A. 1?. Xobh's. hay eleva- ' tor ' '' L. L. Polk i: Co.. aple mill liiehard Piottoms. new ground root cutter L. L. Polk oi Co.. wheat fan X)TE I1Y Jl'JXHTs OF )K partmhxt L: Disk Harrow and Deere's Cultivator, too late entry for rewards, think they are too val uable to be .passed without notice This report being made out hur riedly lor vim (printer),. 1 have no doubt contains errors, which will be corrected."' Mr. 15. II. Ilium of De partment K, ladies'--work, has not returned the award book to the I Secretary. Me uronnsed to send it isji,v Illsl l wjil stMid awards in ! 1 lepart uiejit K as soon as possible. -; .1 AS. I. .IKNKINS, Secretary (to he continued. )' Got Him Dar. There is an old negro in Austin w ho claims to have studied " 'tiosily j qutcn a book.'' lie propounds un- j answerable questions to the lawyers. ! whose rooms he cleans, and he dis-3 cusses "pints o" law" with the, justice of the peace of his precinct. ( Yesterday' he went into the justice i court ai d said : ".ledgej kin I git a 'dictinelit i writ au'iit'day w iillles -nigger, Pete .'"' 'What's he been doing.!" He's a proerastiuiator. lb bin a liiocrastimatin. di.'" Procrastinating !" . "Ves, sab. flat is .what he is been doin fin: a fact." "I'ltit there is no law ag'-iinst that." . -No law agin procrastiinai ion ! Den what's tiie law for! Ain't procrastimation de thief oh tintef" Certainly, I believe it has been so stilted." "Wen. den, ain't iVlea thief?" -Yes. you .might so construe it. ! but you cannot convict a man;, for : stealiii" time." ; "No., but when we have got de groanei . me oni man went out , .,hlIokinr t., llillls.lf. i-l 1..,. 1 l...l' v.im win. ,ttn. .....ii. .it 1 ii- ii. 1 1 'n.ciwi. . r.-w.t 4- THOU AIM'ST AT, BETHY C0UNTRY"S. U . C, FRIIAIECE1IBEH 15. tSH. THE TOET OF TIE SOUTH. 1 PAUL H. HAYXE AXDCfRPSE hill, where the muse bwELLs ix SWEET, pastoral CONTEXT the POET'S HOME 1 rare do- -Ut,Slll. 1 L Ji J. j ; Sixteen miles west 1'roillAugusta, " Ga., crowning a slight entnence on the north side anddistaut,oossiblv, forty rods from the trail of the Georgia railroad, is a; mode, white washed cottage nestling iui brush wood of oak and piue. Xi other h diitation is within) sight o.' it. The' monotone ot the breeze "tough ing in the tops of the tallest 'pines oftJie forest on the south siie of the road, is only varied by theteca sional whistle, roar and clatter of passing trains. Although then is no station house, nor even side-track ' i here, the Harlem accommodatbn, otherwise known as i he "PicayuiM," on its afternoon run trom Augusta, is observed to sto opposite tie foot of a path leading down t'roii the cottage, where is standing i slender inan'under a straw sombro ro, with a rifle in hand, held in the position of "ground arms." The baggage-master hands out a pack age to the man, who, as the train I moves On, turns into the footpath, with his face toward the little house at its other end. We will consti tute: ourselves, the j reader and the writer, detectives! step from the moving car and follow this denizen of the wild wood to his hiding-place We might pass him, even in this narrow walk, with a chance of es caping his observation, for a wrap per from some magazine has fallen in our way, and he is engrossed in the hitter's table of contents. From the wrapper which 'we pick up we get thu name of our highwayman; the address is Paul II. Hayne. So itisabard, and uot a, bandit, we have been pttrsuilig, and so aiiniable a bard, too, that even in tlie wood land solitude of ".Corpse Hill"', we may further follow this path, .tra versed by lew without a pass from Koderick Dim."' It is out of such secpiestration that the writings of Pa' id H. Hayne for fourteen years have conic. A descendant from along line of noted ancestry in South Carolina, the young poet had inherited comfor table wealth, a charming home in Charleston funning part of his es-j tate. A shell during the bombanb inent of the city in 1804 selecting the Hayne residence for its place of frery explosion, and the eventua tions ofyvar syveeping away yvhat ejver else he possessed, he found himself in 1SU5 cunt routed by polit . , , i -.. i- , ical turhuleiiee, social agitation and I-. in i lui'l-i-i a I cli:ioa:t :l st:lti lit' :ltV:lil'S , trvin to tlie strongest nerved, t , v!iJi"t( lu ,iii tt'i!':!1! i'i-iii riling ill he; 1th ... 4, 1,11 . Lnsuited torthebusiiwhack. injj method of lighting for subsis-, teiice, which had come wit li the de moralization of business, Mr. ll.yne made ipiest for some spot '-far from' the maildingcrowd's ignoble strife," where he might indulge his muse, and drink in health and h ippiness from country air and domestic quiet. I shall ever recall with peculiar pleasure a visit to Corpse Hill when "Will," the poet's only child, now a voung man, was a lad of twelve siiiu- . i . niers. I was residing for the spring months at Iierzlelia, twenty miles from Augusta,' trusting to the wholesome atmosphere to bring a bloom of health to Ihe cheeks of my baby oiii. ()n one of my, return trips from the city on .the "Pica yune,'' an engagement was made at tiie door of the baggage-car with Mr. Hayne, that my wife aiid 1 should call. It was early in the after noon of a fair day' of .as' fair a June as 'ever introduced springtime, to summer, that we alighted from our . little-carriage at the wooden-latched, rustic gate, op-ning into a small Slower garden fronting the house ; i the rock-bordered beds on eithei side of the white, sanded walk, were bushes of red and white roses of delicious i'r.igratice, with hum ming hiids and honeybees tiyinr ". '"-" . "MM""o """ .1 ..... 1 ... :.. their sw eets. 1- lowering clematis test 0011- ed ran ireiii.M's on eiiner sioe i ne trelli-es on either side the iianow. 'overed stoop, and climbed il 1 . 1 ... tl... ocr 1 ue winnows ami roof of t lie house. Several young poplars with !. just foliage to suggest their gratetul-serv.ee 1 : .1 .1...1..1 1... grassy plats ; in other parts of -the 'yard. Mr. Hayne had; met us at the gate, and w ith his native admi ration tor line cipiine jblood. was soon pelting; my handsome Mani la inn mare, which he begged to be left to his care, w hile w e should pre cede him' to t he house. I insisted on taking hej- from the Carriage . iu person. I did' this from an anui.scd conviction that! he was as likely to begin the proposed service by re moving the bridle as by loosing 1 iie .traces. His twinkling, nervous, oves were more suggestive of the poet than the hostler. The gc nius which may successfully mount a Pegasus, was more apparent than the unpoetic skill for handling a Kentucky horse. And of all men ! 1,0.11 Ihavefever met, Hayne em- bodies the . most complete segrega- tiAir ii. i.1.x-i4..i t.,..,...44 f.u. 1 n r X '"l l l,J .s.,J,V-. . jil..:iUl i.s ... aii seppc. i n! t ie Tiiietiea .1111 irnm wncil largeri grown, .snaueu inei, ! Advance THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S . 1 ! the practical life. Nature planned i j him u:entally for an existence in a !realm of fancy, while his IkmIiIv j strength is entirely inadeqaute to j ti,e ;,j,ysical taxation iniHse.l b. a1- j tot auy one of the ordinary busi- ,... i.iit-iiif . ir .V..II l,v I'Vii-tilii' . and exciting iutercoiirse within ja appear over forty, while his affec large social circle. He chose wiselv j tioas and emotious lire those of de wheu he retired bom the scenes of ; lightful childhoo!. I busy life and devoted himself tjo j lla ne is a- songster of a South song ami love in this retreat, lie- J ern groe, and hayiing built a nest nign in restful quietude and healtlji- i in the wildwood, ht- is content in fill air. ; j thi. eonipaiiioiiship f his-niateiiid Atthe diM.nd thecoltage w'Ayere j Ids youyg to lever. atxmt it, met kby a cherry little woman with ; warbling to natuii'" and nature's a manner which would have retletf Clod. He fngiu the leafy bower ed rainbow hues of beauty .on tlie because he was "attained to sing. If homeliest surrounding-;. If ever 'his notes reach beyond his 'sylvan the angel of coiiieili meiiJ drew tlie hall, ami fail upoiW'urs- without its expression upon hiiMi i!' facej th drawing was for the wile an. ! niol ti er who here made 'us wclrome. 1 can imagine but one thing imuje charming than the delicacy of lull attentions to her guests, and : that exception l realized iii noticing her' affectionate courtesies to husbaiil and sou. A genuinely polite liste:: er when one of her visitors wa speaking, she was a delighted head er when her husband was eonveii lng. The detference thus shown In her was fully equalled, however, by ..... ..e.. m.c o,o oo,i,.,M, , is respectful to the intelligent ail ' Cioroughly well-bred son. They ap-. . 1 : i ' ii.. i. . .. .1 . . ; 1 . 1 ...... T;. . i .: i .1 1... .....1 -...(.. lami ,lK ll,iee MWU.,:,U,UM"U' r i bittern v time, without the lit 1 1. nilir wilt; trlii.ti oi'nn a 1 1 -tehill inv1!1- M.v- '""5 1 task was to tie done. It a motin- nuV playmates sometimes tail into, j was tu b(. iiit bel aud a road Thtykept no servant; yet had there w;y m:l(lc fIirollf;ll its iu.;lrt; if an beea a kerchieied maid tor each -f 0ail(1,u.ti(..ll)U ... ,md UnpostMS the four rooms, comprised m tlje-.f hr,gi. -:ls ; sp;lI1 !a ,.h.l!4ui or hou, they could not have been j , ,u, (uI)J ' llims,.lr H1, more tidy. The one into winch we - (vw ,u ,;s 1 , 1 I " j. 1 1 ....... . - -.-, nau ice., .i.tiouuceo, ..s a, u. v it. ii? ' ;. sittin-rooni ami iiorary.. -vu nil furnifcue' within its walls' had 'not cost so much money as did the lux urious chair in wliich a wealthier literatife of my ' iiciiuai!itauj.'e ii- dites hie effusions': hut i: was rieji- er in sentiment to me th in can ue-i lw. .....f '..no. ,tn,,.,il , iii,' :, wluol '" -lliil l 11. ,.-,U-.lltJI...,7.4.-.ii, ,,.4 i..4 ...... ; extra vaiMiitlv (Uu-oimUmI s :- n .si; I shall ever, look into. The !.i,-e. iii- of the. walls, tiie handiwork V t i-i" wife during an absence ol'Mr. I I ;yae ; from iioint for a month, is iiti ei bellished diploma to her iiuiii i fy " and witvly letfection. This ;is ;ir a I time when the .-poet's purse, like that of niauy another, ' erst while. , well-to-do Southern citizen of ie ! old reginie, eouh! illy afford expeiise. however light, for decorative u es ; and so with all his love of tire beysji. tit'ul, lie had w ritten for years . lie twee n bare walls of hard iviiie. In this room was a heap of ilhi ti-.i ud imblieations, American and foreigp. 1 , . . the accumulation of niuai el i i i l. 11 ,. ll.. V. .!.... .. ; C II . 1L1I .Ul. 1 , HI ' ,1', -'li tare, .Mrs. I lay he's .scissor-; . began ! . - ' ' . uepre-.iauniis among i.ie ncioi , n i , -. . : papers, i runs tu siaif.s:uei,i,..Hi! v.' ors and artists, vitwsol'noie ! ; I a -an. I of ileasing Liii lsv;!., i-.: nunierabli' happy conceit sot ' :-ii:-pencils, were clipped on! ?:od--r.iuged bv class and diiiic.usii.n - convenience in uiKUng' again. . nn j I paste and a brush t'nese e!i js;;ng-; ; were, one by one, transferred to ihe four walls of the room. T-herc is not a break or .seam : in.,r lie prettiness of the clVeet. Tiie i.ia ui !e and the doors share iu tin- injiiiiie dressing, while the st iu.liui ! -I isa jiortrait gallery of tlii'ji e:'s fa vorite authors. It was a ti'il i iiis task of more than lhi.-'e weeks" du ration, but 'lightened hy the p. -.nee her iaiicv was-ever paint ing !' his delighted surprise win-u i.-e. sa a:!.', lo.ik u;ioii the liii'di'M. wo.k. will wonder that he .prizes ir noire than he would the richest- ircs.K. mos.iic or arabesque adorumeut.! "I never tire of looking at it."' Ir. Hayne. "I think it a, really markable jiiece of decora.! ion. . have never seen any wiuk .if which so niucli deli"hfed me a ;d this, when on inv let urn .home my dear wife presented i! to5 nu . .vial it is wonderlul sh- made this writing desk, with lier ow n bands 1 from the ends of an oh! worn-bench and tops of old boxes, paper, d ii las ! you si".-, and upho'sti l ed this -ch.ldr i for nuidl i Ws than otic mobili." I would have preferred l'orei.i li ; ; . , , , ... , , - kjt , .f IllVparc . for-us ' r.'.fllcv I 1 ' ' '. I 1 i r 1111 1 rw 1 1-1111 iiiit-''iiv in if idii J than that she shordd have, niissi ,i I tl t.nthlsiasli (.V(. :uvl Nui(. as he coinpliuie.ited her work: ! ! v,.v,... f.in)l!v on .? f.,,,,,,.,. live more entirely unto it t If t htm did this mil' at ,I'i.!'im' llijlj Kven were t lu? - ill It l;v folk ';ili:.i ten miles of him, his near ncighb. i. Ibr, whatever of in!e et in e mi.iiV'ii there could be bet .v. en tii.-ai aiid tin poet, his home might 'pplK be on the opposite siileo: t':e gl"e. Mr. Hay ncs is tiie iusp--. ): 1 .Uii v nnxlestyV nay, .of tirp.l-t-y. ati't is; , never fully contented in other ci ii-. ; panioiiship than that ot t.is iainUy or hjs books. - i For oft door ierr.eaiion ;nyQ exer cise he goes gtiiiuiiig 1 for, ,j'iin el ami quail 'through the stdj eiii stretches of forests, and it is .--jiid that he is 110 mean Niuirod. : Mr. Hayne's qualities of hejut ,' may lie read letw'-eii his delectai-ie lines trauquil us the twiligbf, 1 gentle as its dew. Lwkirig irko - 4, l.i i" 1 .-.4-1 .itTT.ff- imvuli'in lil Vnlif V. , 114.? 1., V liuuv-'i . -.. ...... ... ... . . - - . , 1 Ini ptiii.ssioii. ; ami r.-inCliiDerillil the inaiiuer of his life, J fancied that the fab'ed founiaiii of jeriH'tual youth may not be all unreaC and that its source may jfte in attributes such as in his nature are blendetl. At lifty-one (he w ill W fitty-two imvt Vv-,V...j .li, 1... walls, and'plauditsof approval come in return, . he. trill-. resonsiveIy a grateful melody, and icsumes his solo, us he would dd had no encoie ;ieeted him. UUSSKLL. Tbe Mec 'ho - Win Success. The Xrir- &Htfh. never uttered truer Word '"than- these which we give ii place iirour -columns : "It is not the men of great talent often who do the g'reat work ol the world. It is'the men who have trained tluM. wol.kill ,M(W).,.S tiie l,fSt. The ti.M vlUlr. i England was ;i In.in ul-(HlIv Ii;l.,iimi) tiK-iita. s but ie was. a gia.it '.m . principle. 1 Io ga ve- himself -wholly to it. when a ... . . vy 4,h. .. Ai ,xWllc Uii.tm.UVil . . I jhe matter, over and oy;'er 'ill his mind. At tlie end he, would come out mailing, :m il Ii plans :-learlv laid ami his hand ready to set to work e.iiil carry-.litem "nut. ' Those yvho wish to he great men 'and women, in the true -f ene, ni.ust .learn to j ie -great ' wo! K ers, Im'th with brain iei h:ud. .The two must to- 'th.-r, or 'they '.vill jicroniplish nothing '.""!' importance to them selves or tlie world. Train the working power 'I o its utmost capa city ::' Voa de.-ir? to make yur iiiai k in the :i?e iii which von live." , T!i3 Solitary Coalitionist.' . :i Tiie lieids v.Ilc Titiim . has t Ids to sa-y of -1 he eoalit i in Kcjircscntative in -'this Dislriet: York who .heat llobbius in the t''ii!!i district for emigre's.- is ki.-eni-T than a razor's ! 'edge i-r In i, tun el! on ureal i sues with ! ie. lie has.a uawk s e.e io. Ini;. iletei-i ing the c. -'H'lore it, well liets popular i V t '.irobbihg;. in. .perMuial aopear- i ..lice 11 .).: griiiucd picture' (1, ,.I11V . . , ,y. liewav;; srn.'.l ur ; m imc i-ai eglsl;i! nr. and was o:ie ,.i.l t; sto . I.ise .few i a t h. -t iii!;."'-' : -.1 I! ; 'l' W ill a iif'ulv who ,.iu - sulimii 1 Ing in Miiu io:i io ria- .eo;.e,.,::r.i lie ft nil bei on tie 'people v. i!(,f'n'i i'liiii ilhe I 'enioer rtic p.ir;y. Me .v.-"-i rioine. raii i-n 1 1 -- re.-ord, o, T we've'- Iiaa. ir.-d m.ijontv- it: ' Wiik's. nu'v wh eh cl-ctei hf:j; h . Ul !i vote over ct.'Ou'- im - I), Mil ill !:if il. -I.' i"' I). i -- ! :.!t in- A !!! act with I ae ! : oaiv .. . it Mii.s i h'.ts aii.i'.i'i I'l'tii.' in a-m-e aiid ot.,1 !e he':; a it ' llt01.l:'te -i; d -ir- fUetr Somaarabulibt. in ni of l.l.i'i-.isoil. ciiiiiined. acj '.;!.. '. , diiiir a in' 111 'IV.. i-'i w!i L 1 111. 1 i nut. eii.!i''e i -i1 . in viUa tun lier. and r 4- - i- ie 1 y ,e so'imaiu Jmli '.t. 1 . h,i : -cl .'line f W -h-ieii i guiiy:. ! I-' 1 -. h'aving ' pee.;. .1 !'! 'initllUlllie the s:i ii i .-! t,. lie iioiii his bed. and di ait his cell and e- i lie r I irt; id'' i.-i-dcioi il" I .' ' ll- man. si't s 1 i;e ijg t a k 1 ' s. a. 1. biooiti' . 'iiililance of ii ie on a chair, oln the place where it i- ki'Pt.' 1 .uses 1 ir shollhler. uvii'S llii'i ll-il i . . ' 1 he 'motion i -' - I i . . , .Of dlscharglll'g a geil. cl'eeps st cat! 11 ivwip tn .tin' ImimU"' of. clothe. (j-HTle- it U o;i 1 corner of the eel! 1 . Ser;i;'e: af fj.e lljoor it' digging ho'e'4 ays ihiw'ji tlie bundle"-' and . j. - - , " 011 iiie jurm ) !iir.ing u earne. ''V.jie'ti,( j -. . ,sot wii li leaves. , - .' .- iy examines - .his III' I :'.! C ,. .' Hot lies! as' jf lit 11,...!.;... ... l.l Ij '. Il I II f.-r ilood. washes -his h.Ku js. retires to his cot iii in I .- 'es sCt; 1 i j" -. " tlie les iiiiit i 1 ! lie iiiioriiing h all knowledge Jf the crime the fds-ha-ily , ''jf . - 1". a I fid" as iue himself; ,:,,'' '" U :,f ,,,r". ' ! , .'- ,. .-..I 'store. .Make 'it about the color id i. ierved. rod aip his , , ; .(...,.-i. 1.,.,..,, ...d . ' ' . 1 MH-hitntn ! Mtnrifc-ta ...... ' MirtsiHiit.-.: .M Preservation. .. T3zzz::.z: ;- N'ova'la. . .-NiMr.- Wallace: ILZ. C.ti l-.'llloli. Ohio. 1 "i-orth VwiiimZ. '.o .'eu ol.!' 1m,v in j :-:;::;:;" i l . I... . ',, in f Pinnyhaiiia. .. ni he has now just t(h),(-,,,,..,.,., maitk to-take thi-ii, i'""- ' iy.. and iinds ' tlie j ;;;;;;;;;; i Tweii'y V( ! , is V. ril I !l. 1 i. .;'. -.1 4 fit 1 ( hi,- ' can !cr i-x'iu.'o'-d tin' t.l l.li i!t lift. I'll h,;ks 4 ;jidor..l as the day W a b;ilied. A. bouquet -ol- choice! ttls,,"-: l! . - W "Cl'S. v. ill gives l,,i : ii l.;y in the cofli n. iii-if:i of. its' having lM'Cii ill the ii ll.de of the dead for uid each liower an 1 iveiixy yeaj sj. i natural. The flesh pe;!ls ire sh am oi t he child i ;the remains 1 1 natural color a ml tin ;gl.l!:ee by tlnhj one win a cut j uth. It is the most i- .;..,,..T-. .. ,-i.l.l' . .,-4.4.T--.-fi.r. i.-.r .. 1 ; " . 1 1,1 I ...LSI jffl 1 , ... ..... , v i . ?. occlll l .uz 111 I'ti-s seci inn. . 1 XO. 47 TWEKTY TEARS. Twenty yer: Sure tht not lon! My if e and I are lover yet; She ning to me the telf-aame mat That won m when 1 don't forret Thebll sful time but then you know. To name the happy date and place Would make It aeem aolonf And Martha wear the came fair face She wore when we tog-ether played A t some till mime by par Ur Urea ; When I wai bashful as the u al.l - Who fllled myheart with strang-e desires.' We're older now ; our dsunhu-r Jane Was turned eighteen some months an : 1 1 sou her walking In the lane With nelKhbor Allen's tail son, Joe : Uut yet despite the Krowlnir yuars. 1 cannot quite outlive those days. And oftimus turn with happy tears . To walk in dreams the same old ways . We walked when 'neath the June-use tree. We fondly liiururod.hand In hand : f And, borne upon a summer breexe. Came taint, sweet smells thr6' all the land And how in Karden paths we strayed- To irather flowers for you my dear ; Till safe within the hih walls shade , 1 whispered in your blushing ear-- ' Look 1 W here r What did you say 1 Our daughter Jane and tall young Jo ? "Yes, dear; he's telling- her to-day. What you told me, so long ago," The Origin of the Campaign Rooster. Away back iu the forties,, we Ih lieve uliout 18-14, so runs the story, the Democratic organ in Indiana vva.-. eouducted by Bird P. Chap- man, a 'politician of some rejuite. It was season of political activity and tin Democrat!) Were rather despouddeiil, as the tide seemeil against them. At some local elec - tiou preliminary to the general , , - , , electfoti iu the Mate, the Demo" crats unexpectedly scoojed the Whigs, and ii letter from an active Deiimcrat eommunieating the views totho editor, liegau with the in- ' junction : 'Crow Chapmau, crow." Sure enough, Chapmau did crow, and usjng thsi words in a head line in his lieU day's edition first introduced the Democratic rooster . . , .. . M.t.ouuceo tue e.uuctat.c ioos.ei as the harbinger of, victory. The idea was a. taking one, ami the symbol was quickly accepted and came into general use, at least when the Democrats gained something to crow Over. Vittabury 1'otit : Draft on the Imagination. -My father," said tJilhody, solmu ly, 4,vv;is more sensitive to colds than anybody I ever knew. The .diglite-t exposure gave, him a cold.'' 'That .must have leen very dis" agreeable. . . 1 i "Indeed it was. He could never sit near a draft for a luinute with out catching cold. T remember on one occasion he was sitting in tin office of a friend, i when all at once in V father began to sneeze. lie insisted that there was a draft in ii... is 4...,. ..trrt ... I '"'III. -ltf . Il"-H V U ' V to discover where the draft was lmt in vain. The doors and window we're closed, and there was iui tin, place, but my father kept on sneez- ing iiid insisting there must lu- a i . .... ir m Hie room. iindrO. there was. . t vWiiere was it "' In aa envelope on the tab'e, am , was i nlv a little drait far 3.4 '.)..' i Chicken Cholera. 1 A gentleman who is extensively r i'N'! erieiu eil in the management i amlj, raising: ot pHiltry. writes us I follows: For the Itenelii of Ihe : li iiiiti v and those that have the t i . i eoH ' chi! of them, 1 will sa I had the ken cholera in inVtlock last I'.dl; I h id abojj: otic hundred tine birds win!' tell n it his! appeared, lull it scion - sad liiiviK' ; there . would "I r fifteen die in one niirht, and ofte U 111 the -ilavtnne they would i fall Vlver and die. till ihev got ibova i to thirty in number A f lend of ; inile fold ,;iue to u'et some while ' oak bark and make a tea of it "and n-i v.. tla-m tn drinks if thi-v were - ( - .' too far Lyiitc 00 drink. . to fake them no and txnir it down their :.t In-. nts with a te.isiiooii. J did so and saved twenty-four out of thirty.. Ifyou have not got the bark on the : ,.u,,sts ilK, .,,,,( rive thenni ii Lcoat of !ime: wasit and plenty of .1 l Mlii 1 H. ( ' 1 III IM iiw.i Oli'l l-'sau'd to lieaa thclnselves il HI illlll 1 ;.fpec!i ;:f, ami you w til 11 1 ve neaiin , peciv : bi.1 I. .4. ... 1 711 1. ...... 1. ii-i.s - . again. The Next Congress. I'lie l'ollowinir is the relative 1 - st re i 1 g! h ofi he two parties' in Ihe ) next Co:!; I STATKS ; .iaiiiia ? : es , :" u. Artcanw : 'aiif.rti; ... 1 'iil"i'!' , ( -.,,., ti,.t 1 0.-1. wart:,.. I Kluri'la:. ll 4 Inilmna I'lWH .I"i'4i I Kansas- 11 .l. s j K,.IltlJ,.ky Hid of! J '.""" '-" 2 1 4 2 H A S I ' 1 3 Z 4 H il : I. ' .1 1 t I ' 2' I 2 t -JHinc....-. -." ' ! Mnrylan'S it j r:ZZ T,a! ; .' , : ! ' It isn't a giKnl thing lor a young - 1 mini to undertake to nlnntt ' sweetheart and then kill himself. 1 such things must lie done, ami they be iii ogiiized at a are quite common, the plan of the who knew the little! vounff man in .Minuesofa is to lie i commended, lie cinm t linn uie vnillii' U'liltltlll much, but killed him 4 , J . s If . , I THE WILSON ADVANCE. :o:- j Rates of Anvhit iis; One Inch, One Insert ioiij - - Vl.o 1 " " One Month, - - .o l ' ." Thre Month-, - - .".' " " iix Months - - s.' " " One Year,- - - -i Liberal Discounts Wi I! ' M:l- i ""'Mr larger AdvertiM-iiioiits Mini fo Contract. by t luv Year. : Cash must accompany nil AHvei tisements uijess gtHnl icference i I Kivf"- ' TIIE QUIET HOUR. Selections for Sunday KMidin:; : BOCK OF AGES. The following iM'anfil'nl hue i will Im' t'ainilar to many o!" our ivat ers. We reprint them in tlie. le.V 'that some of mir Ninging' read.'! . will try their hands on tliein. giv . i ing to the Hist and last two wi c i I of each stanr.i 'that.-modulation e ; tone and exmv'in that is jndi . rated In the inlorvenling v.'ise . I which ought t le ivcited iiml mi, i sung huTlet the singing mid th ' ! ix'citatioit Im in the -style of imit " l tioii ; sing as a thoughtless inaale . j a sorr"ving ' woman, .is the a or : .sing, and as it is snug on lein-r, , ! (M'casions. We have v heard th ... piece .ttius rendered io aiinui tll. style and with charming etlri-. -Try it and sm-ces vill Im a Mmin of great pleasure to fricn.ls.-Kn .'t j ' ..''' ''- "Km-k of ages, cleft l.ii me" j Thoughtlessly the niMideji . su'n . j Fell the words imi'oiis.-iniisly . From her girlish tongue; i S ing us iirtle children sin. i Sang a. sing the birds in .lime , VH Ug '',U ,ik' 4 0 Vurreijt of the t une ; ",M-k of ages. deft f.r me. I't me hide inysell in Tliee" ! i "I;Vt ''V' h"lt' :", M""' h) J1';'' i i Felt her soul no need to hide : 1 Mw.0,.t (10 s,,,, as M,lg ,.,,,,1,1 iM. . And she had no thougi4 beside : ! All the wtirds uiiheedingU ' Kell ln.ni lis untuched by cue. ,, , ; .-,.?. : t)u some other lips a praer , .j.,K.k of ages, deft forme, " I . J-t me hide myself in Tliee." i l"1 "fNb'lt for n.., ' , l'lCililiiiii; inn iin- um u iiiim ur 1 Tl was a woman sang tliein in; ., g.,, . t(i1 s,ow ;lll wrai ily- AXX hand on her .aching hrow . i Kose the song assnow tossed bud 15eats with weary wing the iii, Kvery liote with sorrow stirred . Kvery syllable a prayer "Kock of ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee." "Kock of aires, cleft for me, laps grown aged sirtig ihe Trustingly and tenderly ; Voice grown weak and ec grown dim : "Ijct me hide my-elf in Thee.". T Tremltliiig IhonJi the voice -au..t low, Hun the sweet strain peacefully. Like a 'river iu itji How : ' .-' Suiig a only they n sing Who life-'s thorny paths hav pressed ; Sung as only tliey can sing , . Who behold the promised i. t "Kock of ages, ideft for me, Let me hide invseU in Thee." '-Hoi'kof ages, cleft for me" Sung above a coffin. lid : I 'liden.eath, all rest fully. All life's joys an 1 sort w hal. 3 Nevermore,' O storm los-ed id! Neveriuoie from wind o - tide. . Nevcriiiore from billow: " ni l. Wilt thou need to hide. ' -Could the sightless, si.ukcn e s. Closed ... beneath tt he -oil yci f hair ; , j f'ouhl the mute nnd ?t itlem-.l ii, . .lo e ii gui ll ni pie n!ii g praM i. Still, ae, still, tin- v.erds K.uld . -, "Ift me hide incll'in I'hi'e." Be.uti.l Ansvers. A. I'l'isian pu'.il of '. Iu Sicurd gave lit.' .' II winj',' din try aiisw it- : - 'What i ; -1.1: 1 11 b .'. il at ii tli i t !i" " nei a bV.3 l 1 a-1 - V .ft!: Lt tit." - . , .,. felt i iiii'ic "'dlopc h th- I 1.0 .-.illll lie "Wh it is f!i d..1 ' 1 h ipe and de in-- ' ' "Jlesire is a tree iiie tree in liow er: ail enj tree in iruii." What is eter.id , .' ' -. .. A day w it limit ' e .e vet 1 i V 1 1. ur In .morrow ; a line that h is im 'Wh it i - li !'' A -line 'h it h.iv tw "ii '. : l path w h ell hivii t i the -er.ri 0 and ends in t he tondi.' '-What is tb.d !" ;The ccj-essary Ih-iog, f ;-M. S.l of etcrnll.x , I he Mcrchiiiit. of N it 11 9 the K c 1 I .lust ;ce, thir- XV 1 t.-li na' er. of 1 he llldve! sc, ' he o il f " rj world." " .. - .' - j . ' ' V' :. J . Great Social Query. , !t The -oii;il(j it iotid!' a f i-.l,iniia!i"c ' !v New -Vork church is ju-d, al .. . . S ent eliet etirallv . I ens , i' tliB I question of "oughi We to 1 isi , her," ja hi'ge iuajoriH of?!,e n. -mbe s. 11 7 4 it is reported, inclining 1,, tlic.ueg. ative. The "In i'T in thi ease in Jt the. mother of" their p.islni u. w man of iir-;.i o.icti.' !il- m.ii-.d e!i; r- ' acter 'ainj. uiioiitntsive nii'ituis: a Although 11 f'-iutt can In- foil al "j ' with her manner 01 iM-iiiiioraN, s'te ;iw has iu tiie pa f be .1 gad ;y Jofthat which detei iiuiien -o-a ty lior Christ inns to w it hlietd Ti om her 12 1 he onlinary courlesies ..' social "J 1 life. Il'''- offense is liiai. iu fbrmar' 10 days, in orler to siipjMir'. h i s :If and a family of chihlrcjis she ,tir- '! sued the calling 1 a w ashei -jx tianau,. W and a people. which .xvorshqlLi s a 1 of a cariK-ntej icfuM-s ..extend yj- 4 cial recognition to a woririy.wo- hirtl man, who by the faithful ) iiVrrni If1 ance of Ioxt ly duties has aided her ; sou to attain his present honor.i'ila ' Ksitioii 'Art InUnhawje. r: . ' -v ni. v ' - ' next legislature think more ..1 1 than of shcejif . . I '-"'. U ' " . ..-C ... V IIV III. V UU JIO'MI. llOO 11 LI11IV. OHH 1 HM'I, U I 1 1 . 1 j 1 1