WILSON ADYAM3E. Published Evekt Fkidai r at 'A," Wilson, North Carol I!Y - JOSEPUl S I) AM ELS. - Editnr an.1 -:o:- Sihsciuptiox Kates inAdIwck tine Year ,.' Six Months J" Woiifjr can lit? s-tit hy Monty Ui-irititertul l,tt!r at mir risk. 2 m ... I (HI ;1t or ADVANCE GLEANING lion. Lot Ji. Morrilh of .Me dead. Prof. Iv 1 ., State Geologist, is uas Wilson. Adit Ates. LET ALL THE EXDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE TUT COUXTKT'S, TUT OD'S"lA TRUTII.1 VOLlDIIv.ll-- WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 19. -.1883 A Faiih Cure. : Tin- quarrel itetwccn r.laine and ' Conkling has nauseated Hie entire';". v nation, greatly injured the good j A remarkable I'uili cure Las oc fiijne. of General (Want, killed Gen-! curred . near j Alexandria in Hunt eriil.GurficH and humiliated. 1'res:-1 ingdnii. county. The- subject of The State Senate contains tweihy- live law vers. Waleigir has eiioved her se vent h miow this winter. - TriiiiU CoIege. wjll h ive a in-inthly magazine soon "The 7chioci atic caucus comjili ineiittd Chairman Coke. Last ear the losses hy til c aggre-' seated 00 million dollars. The pension hill appidprates eighty-one million dollars. . Th: Goldsboro oil mills com menced work last Friday. Si At -seven out of the ninety-nix counties in North Carolina have railroads. V -.' A narrow-giiage, wooden rail road is t TTm' huilt from Clinton to Point Caswell.. The lobby at Washington is said to he as larirt; as ever, although its power has waned. The llapt ists are talkingof 'erect-. iui a inoniiinent to the memory of Elder Klias Dodson. Tie young -;t. member of the United States Senate is Pope lan-ow ofHcie-gia. - The Trailers National l!ank. of Charlotte, X. C. has gone into vol untary liquidation. The weight of postage 'stamps sold at 'he New York "post oflice was rrme tons last year. M.r. Vaiiderbili had a hard oUt last year, lie oulv math Oin.'OO in t fie stock markei. It is said th:'t fifteen.. Americans can he named whose combined Wealth amounts to s(i,000,W)6. Hon. John W. 5!iaeklefortl..iiiem her of Coiigr-s.s from the third district, is very low :u Washington city. . ; l)r. K. Wilson, a prominent eit 7cn of Marion. N.C. killed, himself dent Hayes, havoe with It is now playiu; President Arthur. One hundred dollars a dav for 1 1 - ,' ver aycar h is been paid to Geo, l'h.s for his services in the-Star l.'oute cases, besides lifty dollars a day each to two other attorneys. And still a hunt can get all the bets he wants that the piiucipnl defend ants will never b; convietetl. I '. 1 '' "''".' ; The Xcp South will in an early number present to its readers a bio graphical sketch of lion. .WhartoiJ Greene' accompanied by a line portrait of In in. Single copie lor two green stamps. In quantities of L." ami over three cents each. Orders should he sent. in early., Raleigh Furimr & Mechanic: urrah for Charlotte ! Hip I Hip I this restoration is John A. NefC, wlio for fourteen years has been incurably aiid hopelessly afflicted with rheumatism. Whuti ten years of age- he was engaged in c-'.rrying water to the men at work in the harvest field, and becoming over heated he laid down on the ground and ' con t rated a cold from which the -disease jiesultcd. lie has sought relief wherever there was the least hope of obtaining it, hav ing been under treatment at Hunt ington, Philadelphia and other placesuiid having visited Florida and the Magnetic Springs fn Mich igan, but with no beneficial result whatever. Jle may be described .as having heen utterly helpless, not being able to walk more than a few yards with crutches. His inotlwr hearing of faith cures, wrote to a Hooray !'Kau se why rslie has .j iUy i pochester, X. Y., through bud a tine of ") on all hotels porters' J whose insti umeiitility they had and I'.us-fussers"? who yell louder j been etVectcd, and after a brief cor thab an whisper, when the train respondonce an liour was fixed .at cometh in Let this righteous ) whielt relief was to'coine. liegrn, and immediately discovers four tacks at least, and as he roll over and sits down to extract thesis finds the rest of the paper directly under him, and then, unless he is a man accustomed to put up stoves and. join stove-pipes, the chances of la'yitig the carpet on that even ing are slight- In selecting tacks from 'a suacer he always inspects the points with his forefinger, as the tack instantly loses its head when they come to blows. In ar gument the tack is sharp amV points ed, but the display of either or both depends largely on the amount of pressure employed by its opponent- In direct, contrast toa. good joke the amusement generally begins be. fore yon see the point, ant) this fart is easily demonstrated by walking the floor in your Rtockingfeet in a well-kept loom on such an occa sion averaging two tacks to the square foot. The future of the tack gives great promise of more extended usefulness' and unlimited possibili ties, as several of our most eminent eollego professor s, havingearelully studied the effect ot a sharp tack of reasonable length placed prop- What Killed Gambetta. PIED FROM A BULLET OF A WOMAX. its actual value. ' 1 -t. Mill Throughout his illniess his friends have sought to conceal the gravity of the situation, and above all the agency of woman in the tragedy. Xevertheless, no doubt is permissible that the shot which directly or indirect ly caused his death was fired hy a lady who is well known in Paris, and whose pseudonym? Leonie Leon, conceals the pa tronymic of one of the most honorable Tsnrelitish families of Bordeaux. She left her hus band, the Conseiller-General of the Gironde Department, to fol- ldw the fortunes of him by whose eloquence in the Baudin example 'enlarge or, in slnr -sprf its phylacteries'" id !" Henceforth let ho man say that v .... -.. ' women are extravagant. 1 lie l,en-s-us p.ureaii shows that men in the i'nited Sates spend more money in dress than women. Tiie figures jireS-lO'V'W.nooJor" 'Mt'" :l,d 9-3 17, ,h.)0,bl'0 tor women, T'"' average is si-t.l a ' y ear for men and l!7 for women. ear 'L'O,- ln . this case nothing was required erly'in n -chair or under a cot, are to !;. tlone liv the inv iiid but to1'! about to introduce tacks and. do have biith. The neighbors learn- j away with springboards in our col ing. what was .expected to occur I l.gyiniiasiiuns. gathered at! the house tjo tlit htiuse j r ' tothe number of sixty at the ap- j The NO-SweatS. pointeM time, for the, purpose-of j witnessing the cure. AYhen the. V ' The race of strong men for dig hour arrived the young man arose 1 ging the earth as God intended it of no subject likely to cote y more important or mnc favuU to deal with. It Uiivt ti.'.t under the present sys e vall ations are greatly llosr. cas v;:lue of the property &v vyV U11 t tjual in the various ctflIlth am townships. If some one Rvis a piaii tuai womit n mi- tiveiwinn oi an property ami uniu)i Mtv m it-1 valuation, lie would put Sieloh State under obligations. tll( ation necessary to support 8,B r il . ' . 41... ... 1 ernmeni is ine price tmi navs lor the in tirei-t ion ol h ..,1.1 i ' t " "t the benefits -of civil society, x burden of this taxation ought U- ntil. iivtitit !! t 1VO.fl UlllJOl III l(l I j 1 4 V J" ' Hi does not, owing to the great ant of iiniftirmity in assessing the (nop! ertv lor taxation. It retpiries about $")2,0U to earn, subscription and trial she was o;i the State government for eael. i 'flic young baker whom- Lady Gertrude Douglas married is barely t wen:y-oiie. ' Some sixty ear.s since a ganlner look .even a higher . was necessary to descend by. steps Ibghi. He married his employer, j ;md when i 'assistance', was ten t he Joiintess of Pothes hi her own j dered him he waved those away right, ami became father of an Earl, j whp offered it and descended alone. at Ualei .s.ilie. ;h, wli le teiupoiiily iii- A little more law ant a little levwie is wli:M is liei-tled molt th in anything el ;e -in I. tali just now -. I! ileigh Clirixtinii Al rmttlc: :The present Legislat ure, we think, is ii little -above the average in appear anee an'l abilit v. - " . I Ion. .lereinilih S P.hiek, ol Peiin sl ania, is spoken of in connection .with' the de a ti-satie presidential; lioitiiiiation in 'SL" 'fin' State press was -nearly unaii im m in demanding t he. re-elt'eiion-o Senator Pansoni. "Tlie press is: inigiiiy and will prevail." I'tahand lakotah knot-king for admission as Slates. The populaj tiouof both combined is smaller than that of some counties in the oil States. " v Southern States the In the frtm his seat, handed his eruthes I and making the bread by the sweat to liis mother, saying he no longer of - their brow, is dying out. A needed them, ami walked around 'drop of healthy sweat on a man's the 'room- unaided, shaking hands j face is seldom seen now-a- 'ays. with all present, He then went j I he earth is turned into a gamb to another aoartment; in which it ling board for cotton and tobacco. and speculation and fancy chican ery have run of the age. It can't last much longer. God's decrees are against, it. That bank is bound to break. The rail-roads are lull ! of travel, all running from hard work, and the country is'restless j from i.llenes.The result is where we used to have strong men we arc now df generating into dwarfs and frauds and smoothfaced fops. We are no-sweats. ..One -paper collar will last a swell a whole week by wearing it for three days on one side and turning it again on the Other. Everybody is giving about one- third of their time to a sort of make believe at work and the oth er two-thirds to sport and pleasure. Why, we know a, good wheelright, a farmer and it, carpenter, who have "moved toi 'town," ami are now keeping 'setter .-dogs and breech loading shot guns. We've ieaught thediseasc ourself. We're a no-sweat wit' the balance. And the idea! A poor country editor with a breech loading shot gun and . i ..f .... i i. i ' , , I'wtiiin uog lieu ;ie u :su ( got 1 arnu-rs V,:,; lawyers, j months, witli the intention of , brosuV to S,KU,, to ((.,,, ., go(M, conrmmating a marriage con-i ,!1S(.ovy drake., and has! n wife tract The young lady not be- ! and seven chihbeo to boot. We've manuf.etHrers.4: e.litt.rs. :!: archi, in a lmrry to enter int.y such j sat up two whole nights ' studying te,-ts, I: steamboat eaptau., ,l;ia- Jolinii an(1 lengthy contract, ! what use we iiad tor a shot 'gn T..t inn - 'I i ,r . I ITt Can't brother Olds n il us how The present Countess is his grau fllanater. An exchange very forcibly re Iniiirks, yeiing 'men. don't swear. Theie is no occasion for swearing outside of a newspaper office, where it is useiii! in proof-Ve;ding, and indispensably' necessary in getting forms to press.- It has been known !so to assist an editor in 'looking over the paper after it is printed. Hut. otherwise it-is a foolish habit. The Nort h Carolina Tobacco Fair Association has received thus far s!7,!-tin subscription to Hum r vapital stock hy- the sale ol' 1,4'X) si i axes at !?. per share. The. grounds ' will I be'negot iatetl lor this week,. and. t lie .erect Lou of -suitable buildings'! He is continuing to improve, lie says that he, can feel his health re turning and the strength' coming back into his limbs and that the flesh will soon be restored to his emaciated body. Dr. A. 15. Drnm baugh, of Huntingdon, who was familiar with the cast-.before the cure, say's that if one has. been ef fected, as has been reported to him throughehtirely trustworthy sources it. can be attributed to nothing else than a mivacle. The'-community in which this occurred is-one of the most intelligent in the State, ami young Nelt"s family connections are extensive and highly respectable. Short Metre. iiiiiiietliately commenced tor the I An aspirant for matrimonial North Carolina Tobacco Fair to be iiehl in J'ih haa'i in May. . I n i he i.reseir. l:-gilaf nit sours :uv: .Mi; inerchaiitsj 1."; physicians .agents. 7: t lerks, -ministers. vows from Lenoir county, has i been visiting a young lady of f Mis-1 this count v for the last- few the North Carolina legislature is 'divided !,s ro oeeiipation.-.f Ctoverno. lien P.utlei- looks ftu want to the time whiMi his children were 1,7."2 failures in 1SS2. About j now living shall be inhabitants of a one to every Slf persons in business!, p Cnited St ates .wliose southern btir In 1SS1 the iiumbtM- of failures ag- ; .It r shall be the Panama canal and viv'-.itd 1'!l.i.. i whose northern bonier shall be so far north that the wnirdei i inr Ks- f prouiaoie, and lie reluctantly There are :i.J -doctors in the Ten- ...... .'. .' ... .....i . stsirtpd hoiiiPwaWl WLilo till II ICt 11 Mia 11 IIIIMilM- 1IIC iiiici - I - ... ncsNce l .eg isia i n i c, nit u iiouiM-i the Cvurirr Jourmil to remark that ; evaded the Lenoir candidate on jautla pointer dog, but can't niakt sundry act asions, and ' finally 'j it -out 'save. that we are a no-sweat when he came with the engage- i nd have got the disease. Were ment riiisi. she made her exit to i 'v, ble'to.own the land we'd go the home of her relative, j The young candidate, availing- j himself of the company of an j engaged lady, 'started ' after his J love. The trip was not at all to working it to try ami make something to eat, but we'd laughed at by the no-sweats for a fool, and so we throw ourself into the. current ami are a gay little Indian with the rest. But it can't last. i heir unfortunate State is the sick est patient they ever had..' t ing stars that shine in the folds bf turning, he fell in love with the his ttag for the. (lashings ol he an-1 engaged lady and -popped- the rora -borcalix. 1 question. She accepted his "At St. Albans, Yci luontj a white j hand and heart and the 'Squire girl, iigett L5. 'and tlaughter .of j soon pronounced them husband rteirles Alaisli. a resoeetab e and ' and wile. me groom tele Norf ( liua is tic j prospenuis farmer. in literacy , :iml ; ;l negro .named fur h motion.1' There i great i-xcitement and a ; reception. They reached home , At this juncture savs the vigorous pursuit is being-made. Safely an(1 the last news they 4ih.rret he w ho cause-" one dtg t Edwards, is ' making t.r (. anatla. were an weu and happy. The I has said Mr. Clmwau.' iiineniix-t d.iiio I si hearn. Mr. Cliaiinan," Sutton, (colored) from ;dat State Wilsox. Elder J. J. Harper, Pastor of the Disciples church in this place, writing to the WatcJi, Tower, says: "The church in this town is small, numbering, I think, about twen- completely fascinated, and uni ting with liirn in 18G8, she de serted her family. Their con nection has lasted ever since. He was impatient of the chain he could not break, especially as a child was horn the succeed ing year, wliose paternity he re fused to acknowledge. These refusals caused scenes of recri in itiation and often of positive vi olence between the lovers. The man wearied of the connection? and the woman clung devotedly to him for whom she had sacri ficed her honor. Gambetta dis liked the child, who was sickly, but intelligent, and lived as his nephew. He resembled Gam betta in character and features. Two years ago Leonie's husband died, and she summoned Gam betta to fulfil his promise of marriage, but received another refusal. He made an agree ment, however, to provide for young Leon, on the condition that he should be- educated in Germany. The mother hesitat ed, but finally consented, and accompanied the child and his father to Dresden. The connec tion was continued after their return, Leonie going every Sat urday evening to his villa, where she was accepted as mistress by the servants, and returning Mon day morning in his carriage. Their quarrels also continued. Within a week three discharged domestics revealed the myste ries of that ill-starred establish ment. Finally the dissensions culminated in the scene of the unhappy pistol shot. Gambet ta lost his temper, giving vent to abuse and coarse language, such as he was wont to employ in moments of passion. She was exasperated, seized a revol ver, and fired. lie raised his hand to turn aside the weapon, and received his death wound. Everything else i conjecture ; none but they know the truth, and Gambetta died, yet made no sign. T can vouch for the authenticity of this version of the unhappy story, and I as sume the - entire responsibility for it, no matter how different it may be from others .which may obtain publicity. Paris Special to Hew York Times. year, and this amount must herak! ed; whether, flie property lie vahitii at i its present low valuation 13167,000,000 or at something lik its; real value of :.00,OOi,0(K). 1 raise that amount on the present valuation, it is necessary to levy a tax of twenty-eight cents on the hundred dollars' worth of property; but if the property had its reason a.'- hie value of .()0,000,000 eighteen cents on the hundred dollars would be sufficient. So it is practically the same to the tax payer whether the valuation of the property be higher and the rate of taxation: lower and the rate higher. , But for the State, when these reports are sent abroad, it is infinitely prefer-, able that the value of the property of the. State should-appear as the facts justify, and the ; ate of taxa tion should appear as low as possi ble. Extinct from MexMiije of Got. J((rrix. mistake, ability is that instead the People Y'no Die in a Year. t bark where two dogs b irked be f.ne is a statesman and a friend to .the material interests of North Car olina. I i Jim Blaine, from Maine, t kinks of going info the newspaper, busi. uess. As lie lias plenty of noney ti live upon and could run ; (sprcy journal for tin- tnii of it. let flames pitch . 'j i I II -v. L. 11. -'Gibbons, has 'assumed 'etlitori.il control 'of the Orphan's Frit iiiJ. lie has ability ,lbrtie, an U above all. the good praeticaliknowl edge, necessary for the undertak-. ing. He Will do well. He went by the school ami pcrsiutti aay who manifested no ispo ed the gii 1 to take.':, sleigh ride j ; to marry and who evaded wuiinun,.- - f his presence, received the heart ; , Raleigh Xrics-Obxrrn r: A cor- j and hand of a Pamlico farmer respondent at Wadesboro says: 4,A j a few days afterwards. Watc7t , very sad accident- occuried nearj Tower . . vnsoiivuie.' in tins county, on yes i ferday. A son of Mr. John llobin- son, aged nine years, Nwas caught '.between the band wheel ami a beam of Ids -father's gin anil orush fed Srt."" death. No one was alout him when the - accident occ.irretl. and when found his -lifeless botly i was lying on the ground. was abducted bv graphed home that .he had his 1 commenced preaching .lohn Edward; ; bride land make ready for the j " seCOnd Lwd's in ituicmuw, since which time two have been added by com mendation Bro. Farmer, the Senator-elect from Wilson coun ty, and his wife. The church here, though small, has a sur prising amount of vitality in it. The members are upright in life, loyal to the truth, and zeal- i ous and liberal in the support !of it. The congregation has i been faithfnily taught,? txith by A Itaek is a unpretending sort ! precept and example - by breth of a voting nail, notetl for its keen jren P. E. limes and M. l,Moye, repartee when pressctl tor a reply, j who are efficient and faithful ami possessing the "peculiar power ! co-workers with me. The au- i diences are small, but attentive; the tone of sentiment good, and Tacks. Do you know how many people die every year hi. order to know this v e need only to examine the .statistics'ttf the world's population. Asia has sro,o00,COO inhabitants; Europe, 30.",000,o00 ; Africa, 204, OiV.i.ooo ; America, Srv.000,000 ; Oee- anica, o.00;),000. Tiiese, remember, are low estimates, which give a to tal of only 1,400,000,000. Allowing to the inhabitants of the earth an average life of 30 years we find that every year, 3.1.1.'5,00l people die, r which gives a Total of 00,720 deaths per day .'5.70 deaths per hour j u:3 deaths-'every minute, or more than one every second. Thus, ey, cry second, as a Freiieh author ex presses it, "a leaf falls from the vast tree of humanity, to be forth with replaced by a new one." DO NOT MaKUYA TO SAVK 4 t 1. um. Any gin who marries a man to "save" him makes a gieat Do not do it. The prob of ''savins: linn you win tnrow yoursjll away. That has been the almost universal experience in the past. But the case is very different with those who already . have husbands w ho drink, or who are becoming addict ed to this or any other had habits. ilea-, - uiiii as von would, vour brother in this respect. Labor wit h him. Show 'him you, are deep ly interested in his welfare and. how earnestly von desire to '-save-' him, from the evil consequences of hh course, i If he is half a man lit will be able, with 'your' assisfanet to overcome his appetite. Not easily however. It will require ai the manhood he e-in summon, 'and all tin-help you can possibly give him. P.ti;. if he is a man, ami out who respects himsell :h such, and wnoai you can lespecr,. lie will sue ceed at lasf. Such a h-ibit is ter rible, howe'ver, ami our .heat felt sympathy goes out to that wife win; has this trial to contend with. Rum Is truly '-an enemy liard to con tiuer,'' ami the worst of.it is that id is only half conquered when it seems to be flit irelv so. Many an appetite is oitlv sleeping,' and wili be awakened in all the tuigina activity and force by a single ghis olivine thoughtie.ly . giveii by ; friend. Do not marry a diunkart in hoje." that you will -save" him But if you are so unfortunate as t have a husband- who drinks, leavt no jtossible stone 'unturned, am shrink lrom no passible effort that w ill help him out of his evil termae habit f hrtxtwn at i : J . , . J . 11-kll com- 7,. r pamri I: is said thai the male- iuhabi- taatsof tlw Cnited States eon siime. I on an average seven gallons of w hiskey last year, ami yet we know lots of men who wmv'"'- so ber, all through the vear. when standing on its head of cans inirthe cold, shivers to run ' down A spasm of virt ue has seized the back of a man iujiiere antici- j think the outlook is encour Xew York juries lately. ' They gave pat ion of what might be. I j airing. The people are gener- AvirdictofwL'O.ooo against Bennett : lacks are in season all Hie year i social frank and hospita ble. Wilson is a thriving town, Valuation of Propertylor Taxation. for :i libelin the Ilcrahl, and rtmml, but the early spring is usual lv the time selected bv them tor a combined effort, and. their they tioiirish everywhere tor at least a month. Since the iiiauguratio.i of the time -honored cerenionit; hhiise-cleaning, every through i house keeper, with long experience Mr. Walter. Norman, of the ; in the line of tluty. st takes up the firm of X. D. S'orman i: Co., of i carpet as tt retain all the tacks in citiouof books' ..and the jobbing Plymouth, M. C, who recently j their original plaees, thus pre of books and stationery will be e.Ui- niarrit'd in lHchmond, shot him-1 venting it sliiqung fiom the shak- We learn tn it t lie tleatli ot Mi L. .1. Hale will not interfere with t he firm of K. .1. Hale Son, oo t'haihbcr strict. X. V.. The inlli: mod damages against the New York and Long Branch Kail lioatl ; ibrkil'ing-a man: and the other! day they gave to a woman ?7.i,nf0 damages against a broker who had betrayed ami refused to marry her: ; tinned as usual. with good schools, good water, a healthy, intelligent popula tion. 1 shall preach here in the forenoon and at night on the second and third Lord's davs in each month. ,ill ,lw, .',..c i" -..' 1... ......... ;L resulting, lit int.-. iiir.iu i nut" "Bring the mills to the ;c,otton," is a most appropriate motto, and one which, from present apjiear ances, is likely. to le adpted qaite lie was supjiosed self throiurh the neck with a I ' s 1,;,mls' ""H'ss UWK weak . -. , ! ,,p li ncfir - ive . ullf . lillt the' stol Monday morning, ueaili! - - - . , ' I Wnernllv thron-hont the cotton i : inumpii oi i ne i.ick is not couqneie i 1 ' i .. . . ' .- .. -I nwn-ilir wf.itW A lliailllllOtll COt- u tins earl v stage, ir patiently a- ----- ton mill lias recently oeeu ntn-mi at Charleston, S. C, that will furn ish employ went to about four hun dred men, women and children. Speed the good work, for it means substantial prosperity to the South. In Hie Auditor's- Keport, there is a table! never lie fore published, to ; Chas. Smith, a known m tins comn mitted, suicide lA Saturday i riiglit by taking.nhine. He made an attg?ipt on ins mt some montlagowith laudnum but was sed by timely medi cal aidamily troubles prompt ed tlu deed, and from what we can hear, he is worthy of the i n..ot wnmathv. l or a Ion: time he had suspected t he nuei of his wife, and he made first attempt on his life wh he found that those suspicn were onlv too true. After recovery she promised refo and they lived together up few davs airo. when she eh with her former seducer, ta her three children with her. causing her husband the a tl -f i ... i .,. - -. v --JVUMBER 51. Wilson advance; Hates of Anvr.nTisiNo. One Inch, One Insertion. .. .... ni Month Thiw Month.- " stx Months... " One Ywr. .... ....'..ft 1 .. in . S (W oi .; ;.'.... w t m,imii will lu niftilii for Ijirtfvr AdrertlscmcnU ani for tVuilmoU hy lh Year Cash must accompany an fltwii.ra unlea good reference it (rivon.- Early Women Journalist A WOMAN THE EDITOK OK THK FIRST IiAILY SEWSPAPEB. P.eeeher predict -.i-v lotev- In. mi'. . . .. "'v .... . . .. i ili lUI,- l-itllt JMilJil.-, O lUllCUtlA i fhe taithful of lMvmnuth.ntu the relavin (P.eecher's concern) pay well; to having had an attact of feve0rthe eav,M;t issues forth in double 't.iea 'he great 'man talk from Sin.-; hist summer,' which unsettled j oTW, After searchinJr the entire day to Sunday . Pew SO was stdd j his mind somewhat. He was a hUise for a paper of tacks, with to II. 1. Clatliu for7-2o. The total : son of N. D. Xormau, a promi- i out success, the Hntortunate' man jiinount realized w its ;7,(X1. neiit merchant of Baltimore. drops on his hands and kneesjto ing and iove i m which I v.esire to direct your speci-; ending. Mr. Smith I was al attention. 1 icier to tne Tame jut forty-five years of aire, a showing the assessed Value of land ; gentleman by birth and inany per acre in the ditferent counties j resident of this citlvv He an.lofthe leading articles of lK'r- j served in the confederatearmy sonal property wincii apiear iiimui the tax list. It will le seen that these values in all the counties are surprisingly low, ami by comparing one county with another, they w ill be ibnnd to be very unequal, ji beg that each member will examine thistable and see how land, horses and mules are valued in his own couutv. A stranger hioking over few sticks and weeds, and she will give milk. There's milk in that hay, and she knows how to pret it out, albeit there mav be now and then a stick - or weed which she le:iW Tint if oho rafnsod to nt I TliA firvt. dailv lnW SHaiHr pl'in- and snent thetim seoldinff about! ted in the world was .established -t c I .... . , ... ithe fodder, she. too. would "grow l ami edited by a -.woman, Miwuhui lean 'and the milk w mid dry up. Malet in London', in 1702, almost , . ... . -. ust so with our pre.ichiug. Let 300 yeai-s ago. In her saiiuatorj, hh nhi onve tih von. let all she. said she bal estaimslu-u i the good vou can out of it and leave newspajnT to "spjue the public nan ti, Ya.. Ami u muti thA liniierttnetice which im.oh...., j l U V AU-Oc. M-. KA " f I I lof nourishment in it." A-little Oil City boy, whose father gave him a printing press Ithe other day, has already dia IJeitl pub. Virginia, papers cotilain." Woman-like, her paper was reformatory. The tirst ncwspaier puUlisiieti 111 America, of wiiictii we huh- any i ..o in Aliissachiisetts da j j 1 rerutii) ;overed the dangers and pitfalls U(? and neirn 'Istur. After the rtiich surround the path of the ,loath of the editor, tne et, ,rinter. He set ud and printed ted it iu the most npiiited manner x little gilt-edge cord, with the 1 for two or three years. It was the earning phrase, 'Taint! Look only iuer that'did not mt ! By some means this card erations wheij became fLtened to his sister's by the Ihitish. The .do s nam. Ut, and hung down just above w , rwnUfre l 1 ox 1 1.- l,n Kin I 1 o 1 - iter leu ear, wiiere """ ,,., ....i !t newsnaner in ould read, and When sh went favorinK the etdonial cause and lown street there was a grin gyjvending the royalists; and extending clear from Pearl av- two ours alter ant.ther was star enue to the Exchange, and that . , ( t, interests of the ci-own. night the boy traded off liis bv 5irs. h. JUiyle, iH.mnving.Uu (printing press for a yeuow aog and a pop-gun. The sucfircstion that on account j of "intellectual and physical flt- ness" women should lw employed 1 I as jiharmacists is not favoretl by medicai journals, une oi meni I states that as women .win raiK while doing business,' they are r.tte,l for oharmacv or other UIIUHUVU -jm. g- w I Yt JM. V- I - - p ; thought and mental isolation, imi 1 it should be borne in mind tmu wmnen are filling with credit to I themselves positions for wlncii, I ten years ago, they were presume! to be wholly unfitted. nai w.o- I man, after jail, ever talked more than the average baroeri Men and Women. Mthough both sexes are boud lv the same code of morals, tbti e Appears to tc two states of morality, for women and one for iie Inen; and wonren have histi'tnid these two states. In her ignora ce Ind blindness she tolerates lnnku hat which she condemns in er UvuHex. A man may go whejiv ir his passions or inclinations lad( im.yet he is 'coddled; nattfn, miled uptm and recognized Mjs" iefv. He may be addicted A .iil L.oi -ii.i vpt he finds no IV ill diet Lini :. ft Sfv mill i e ....- ,..i.. DCietytu pun- """i.. 1 1 , I . , il 1 t'" '" 'P' IIIHC I to tliu llOlOT 1 I IIHM'll M.r Iiinilies. P.ut roinanf If I I A .. .. I ..1. ..i- ritie, in- i;it 11 7 . . . I . . -..;rtftiiiu -ii,- iuw pugui, v ' , . ,.., Xtothe pan 01, Snakes, the fattl m jfthe first step t Ilia ,'thei ns gladly returns Irul- the atl- a com iH'en name ot Mrs. Keid's pain-r wi.icn wits the Virgin'ili Caette, but winch va short Uvh1. llothot the pa pers were pnbl.ished in the town 01 Willianisburg. The coionuu par' was the first paper m wmcn iw Veclaration of Independ 'iiee was printed. In 1773 KlizaVth Timothy. pub lished and editetl a. paper in t'har- lest.mS.C. Alter Hie revnumu.., Annie Timothy iH'eame its e.btr and was appointed State Printer, which place she held for ' w-veiilji'li . .. .,1 1, ....i.ni.i'fi n years. .Mary . mi"-" ii -i-pair in Charleston, alnrnt Jthe same time, in siKH-ial inJliou to the stamp act.; She aftcfivard I.er oaner to Salem spa." and continued its publication there for years after. J In KY2 lthotle Ishiml issuetl the ..t m-wsnanei. It as ownetl and edited by A"a Franklin. She and her two daughter did the printing, ay their servants wt.i ke.l the' prin"g press. History tells us that",r her quickness and cor recti-14 st'' wa" apjMiinted prinler toiie coleny, stiilying 'painphclts A' , to the colonial ollicers. She 'also printed an edition of the colo nial laws of 3 P pages. In 1770, Sarah (lothlaitl printed a paperin NwHi't, U. I., ably1-.conducting it, afterward associating withy her .ohn Carter. The firm was aiinoiiiiced Sarah (loddard S: Co., she taking Pie partnership precedence, as was piop-i anil right. 1 -. '; lead ret indef n ml tald biff jM'r- is e albwed ti iiiHiience -, Jk'er restor- jiai.iii- and is spoken of as a bra l e and dutiful soldier. 3Iesserter. It is said that Malxuie, I who is very anxious to have Paul. of Vir ginia, apiointed to thevaclmt Uni ted States Judgeship in Unfit State, is stnmgl.v antagtuiized fy fien. Grant, who wants Moby t have t he x. ...1.1 t.:..i- ti. inlace: ami that on iniiEsii.iv msi xui.s laoie Motnti lum. 111.11- 1 , , :j. . Grant and -Maiiouc -ui m ti,.. lantls in North Carolina were iant a.... r- - wretchedly poor and grave doubts j l'te House togemei f,o -e ar- will arise whether if is not better to j tlror, ami auer n.ctx suppress the table, unless its pnbli j remarked b. a friend. 1 wnl never cation is to lead to the adoption of some of plan by which the property cau be assessed at something like enter the White House again dur ing (his administration. Hilly seems to lie losing his grip. do so! Is she, b Home humane sisr to her friends, loeifv and the rldt No! the vtly men who ile upon tlie hiAleild libertine wii uiKi.i ins fimfpy viciim, .1 fclmt. ht-r oil M'vcr from a Ver. hapnier lil r 1 - 11 Laplafa, Wsoiu'i, tM-e lias a in tlriiikiiiAialt-oii for a year. ltM-al nai -says since ' that e seveiity-tr good houses have 11 bnlit. oW houses have U:eii uilt ami nf iretl, anil a general of thrift. Appiness ami pros ity alKuny, ad the iwipulation iiicreas'rein .00 to WW peo. Pour tJlis of the , iMople now the hofs in which they live, the ti' s without st habitual ukard.lt therelore opiMes protftion to establish a Lonatcn the lngh license oi 1 k) a vi 111 order to pay off a I of ijpod in two years, argn thafbe I increased expense of wl to sav nothing of the the reputation of the ' 1 1 I. ...!....... ...I UlU U117 UilliHIM; IIIC rt.t revenue. It is however, dif understand how a saloon at a license could live in kucIi Of itself the license would bitory. farmer & Mechanic hear of one Wayne 1 m . . 1 t . 1 ii i-Now, deacon, Pve-justone word j knoW nor c"e Y"g about tolsav. f can't lu.r-ir- pi-eaehing! Senator Ronsom's poUtical Igetm. gtHMh, There's sti much in course, and isn't interested in it I don't want that I grow .'lean on j "liailroads,' nor "corporation it.) I lose my time and jpains' 4-I5rother lnmhell,' come here. Tlcre's my cow. Thankful she trail teach you theology i' , "A cow teach theology ! What do i you mean ? - I -Now see, I have just thnvwn j her a .forkful! of hay. ' jJust witch I her. There now! She has found a stiik you know sticks will get into, the hay ami see how she toes it to one side and goes on to eat what is good. There again! She has fonnd a burdqek, and she throws it to omi side ami goes on eating- And there ! She does not relish that bunch of daisies, and leaves them ami .goes on eating. Refore momini she will have mie-tions : but one thing he ' - does know, namely tliat the dredging of Xeuse river by Gen liaiisom, lias drained tliree acres of his swamp lands so that he can raise thirty bushels of corn on it. The honest yeoman con founded Gen. Matt Ransom with Gen. Kobt. Ransom. J Says the Rocky Mount liejtor ter : "Lfttl Mary, daughter of 15. R. and Annie Arrington, of this place, aged 20 months, died of pneamonia, Tuesday evening-, Jan., lth. Our warmest sympa thies are tendered to the be reaved parents in the loss of 1K;IUH mvt uoi .'v; A cleared the manger ot all save a j their little girl. . County Hoads. j , Now is the scastm for a fair estimate and a proper apprecia tion of the advantage of good nminlv fniltl-t I1VIT tilt! tlisadv ill-' - tages of bad country roads, j' To say nothing of discomfort " and danger of the buigexpo-.ure .1 1 31 . 4 .... ..... 1. .. .L 1 on bad country roipls duri ng the winter months, the gains in time saved and in quantity--carried ought to be a sufllcieiit consid eration to induce 'every reflect ing man living in the-country to agree to unite in any reason able movement for the improve- i ment of the public road. of in county. . ! The same reason that bniught the railroads into existence ought to bring the county-road into the best ioss3bie condition that can be made cn?it'iit with the necessary cost. Tin railroad car is quicker, greater incapacity, and -cheaper as a means of transportation than the old wagon it has superseded: and so, too, a well graded, well drained, and if practicable, well graveled country road will be found similarly .superior to the old condition, with ruts, and" holes, and steep hills, requiring four horses to do the" work of . .. ... .1 OIie--",aiiu iinisuiiiiiin day when 'four or five hours, on a good road, would ,be aiii ple. This is a serious question of economy, in which the iiiteref.s of farmers are more deeply involved than all farmers may "suppose!. And, although men engage? in agriculture are ex ception; Lily slow in new move ments, they are neverthelexn TTiti nf rlr heads and imteti- cal intelligence, and the da y i- notrdLstlant, we hope, when, nf-. ter carefully estimating the costs and reasonably com pnting; the profits, they will set to work earnestly in- co-oieratio!i -'for improving their county roads wherever improvements are needed. WilliamstonlTVVwe v A Uani- er ofthe Roanoke, orf oik vj Raltimore Steamboat I Company is now makimr daily trips (Sun day excepted) between liamston ana MentOu. y 1 1