- 'V"""""'' . . " ... . . ... . . - y " ! :. . . n wT W'T -v v A Vamatpt7 I Waiter f. Pool, "congressman .; Death of Mr. Edward Waters. X. Gwded School Meeting. ?C iTOTiGEj m - ti .r,, Ts!a '.1.. ' HE H tU'? Vii" AINUEj. elect from the first district is dan- , ' X the undersigned have this day fCVr0fi r-l A)' CTlnf - . - ----- -Z --- gerousiv' ill. A report reached It is on r paintyl dutv to au- According to notice previously formed a co-partnership for the purpose of II nutim) II Si ifllHVP ' aaV)l llu-VV ' "'aai Wilson. N. C., lebruary2, 1.S8-.. here yesterday that' bis recovery i nonnce-the death of. Mr. Edward given the. citizens-met Friday OTA?YS?2rder.the,tirIen,lflnn; wSvCOZl GCliiiLvVV ' VGhiiSOuil - III I I R III A II A It 1711 HE lH I 7- was not expecteu. i v.ners, wuo uqianeu uh me ou uigni lor ine purpose 01 cousiuer-1 i ,li--otm' ! . " - -i II 1 II il ll ri'llll Ulan HI II IH1HI TO Ol It SVBH'lIUlEns Who Jiave not' Paul ui. We need Money had nerd it now. llldC yew Advertisements. Notice H. W. Privett. i j Notice T. .T. ltowe, Adm. Secure Bargains J.T. Wiggins. Card Waller, Maigne & Jordan. . : : ru . ' Coal has been more extensively used by our citizens during this winter than ever liefore. The attendance of the Graded School continues to increase and the -professors and; teachers pare happy- j The Trustees of the Wilson traded Si.-hool will hold a meeting at Connor &" Woodard's office to night.. - , The Small Pox has certainly dis appeared from our town and no further danger nce:l lie '-apprehend-' i-il from it. IJeport reaches us that our neigh boi in" town Toisnot is afflicted with mumps. We tender our sincerest condolence.- M The new. Hardware Store of G. ) Green & -Co opposite the Court House on Nash Street is rapidly; approachiiiir completion.- ' ,1 Cotton -lias -been 'coming in quite briskly this week. In addition to our resident buyers several from a distance have 1 teen here. -.j 'There will be a ball at Snow Iliil Feb. ' Kith. Our thanks are due our friend Owen V. Dail, one or the managers, for an invitation. '- - We learn that, there is a great deal of cotton still unfathered in the fields- in this county. Bad weather and scarcity of labor caus ed it. , ' i We are glad to be able to an nounce that we have secured the ' services of a correspondent at En field who will write regularly here after. ? Wood is and lias been for some time scarce and high. The little oxcart, with its ten or a dozen .sticks has been gladly welcomed on our streets. An old colored man by the name of Avers, of industrious habits, liv in" in Spring 'Hill Township, was found dead in his yard one day last week As there were no signs of violence, his death is supposed to h-ive resulted from natural causes. The Graded School. During the last ten days 23 new pupils have entered the Graded School, and more are registered to enter next week. Many of the little ones who have been deterred from school by the foul weather are now returning. ' .' It is onr painful duty to an nounce the death of Mr. Edward Waters, who departed this life on Wednesday last at his residence in Wilson. Mr. Waters had been a great sufferer tor the last six month's from a cancer on his tongue. lie was a native of New York, married in Washington N. C. lived several years in Areola 111., from whence he removed to this place about ten years ago. Ilis genial and amiable .disposition attracted to him a host of friends who sincerely sympathize with his afflicted family in their sad bereavement. SVE1GIITS bkidgt:: i Messrs Allen are Wilson. fir's w call ou llicin Frank Farmer and Dick the champion traders of If you want to buy, rent ip a house ami lot or buggy We live requested to announce' that .-Kev. IV. U. ltrutou will preach . at Mt. Pleasant February 17th and lsth.andat S'anhope on February lSth at nil-lit. ; Our streets continue muddy, mushy, miry, very much to thedis coiiilort of the fair pedestrians, who have been so lonj; dooirjed to keep within doors. .lerrv Washington, the house mover of Kinston, is in town again. He is at present engaged in raising the house of Dr. Ander son oil Nash street. (roods have been selling at cost, for sometime. Each carrying at general stock merchandise, and yet i the, rush has . not been i great. 'Cause, scarcity of money. j The Skating llink continues to! be patronized by "the beauty and . chivalry" of the town. "Tripping it on the light fantastic' roller seems to be a favorite amusement. SVe have had a few castas of erysipelas, but none have proved fatal. Only one. that of Mr. W. T. Clark who is still: quite jll, 'lias caused any serious -apprehensions. In Old Fields -Township, an aged white woman fell into the fire and was dreadfully burned last week. It is thought that she will Jooso the silit of one, if not both of her eyes. Enneld Hewsy Rotes. Dr.. Berry, the barber, is remov ing' his shop to the lot purchased by him sometime ago, in New Jerusa lem. The darkies have had a severe attack of the Georgia turpentine fever, and numbers have gone down there. Scarcity of labor is appre hended by some on that account. If it does not prove to be the case, the demand will be greater, and higher prices must be paid, there by adding another cause for grum bling. The whites have had a mild case of Florida, but are recovering, I believe. - Wrangling, growling, closing out mortgages and dispossessing, is the order of the day and unprecedented The all absorbing topic now is the marriage which did not take place. About a week ago it was generally known, that it would take place to-day; when it was declared offby the lady, 'and the would be groom notified. Not receiving the notification in time, he came, elated and happy relations and friends having been invited to tne utning at his house on to-morrow, and everything in readiness to receive and welcome the bride,' but, alas and alas, it "could not was," and being impossible to notify the1 aforesaid relations and friends ot the state of affairs, he alone will be recived by the expectant crowd awaiting his arrival. Who can fancy the feelings of that pan par ticularly under the -circumstances J widow and widower the hair of whose head is streaked with silver- both parties well known and supposed to know what is what? 'But that may be" "what's the matter with Hannah.'' The man who did not get mar ried was sadly "disfigured," and a considerable "change"" was put on a gentleman here, who, had given up his house and rented the widows because the situation was more desirable. That reminds me of the evidence we have that our- town would im prove if capital and enterprise were available. Every house is tenanted, and parties who desire to remove here cannot on that account. Bear in mind that he capital and en terprise usually found in a small town, are not the only things need ful to the advancement of that town. . - The Rink. Branch of the linn of iS: lladley who has for sometime is, we re in a critical condition. early to record his Mr. A. Branch, been sick gret to stat We hope right -convalescence. At Home and Abroad, the popular magazine edited by Miss Lisette E. Biiinlieim will hereafter be pub lished by Col. .Tones, of the Char lotte Obscnrr. who has assumed the proprietorship. j Mr. Farmer, ' the Agent of the Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad at this place, has, we learn,, pur ehsed the residence of dohn E. Woodard EsqM on Barnes street, 'and will soon take possession. We re'gret to learn that the Xeir South, frieid Oldham's bright and newsy paper has suspended. It was ahvaxisv. a welcome visitor to our sanctum and we shall miss it sadly from our list of exchanges. Wilson was visited by a thunder storm last Sunday , night, which shook' the houses and caused the windows to rattle. It happened about ll! o'clock and some i of our citiens did not hear it. Blessed be the inventor of sleep. The management of the Rink lias made arrangements with ; the talented voung artist Mr. Arthur I L. Butt to exhibit his Keic Paint infix in Wilson, for the benefi't of the Wilson Graded School. Mi. Butt exhibits them at the Wilming ton Opera House this week, and afjter several nights' entertainment in Wilmington will appear twiceUt the Goldsboro Opera House, whence he comes to Wilson, and ou Friday night of next week, February 9th, will exhibit his celebrated Paintiugs illustrative of the scenes described in the Book of Kevelations paint ings which have been exhibited with great success in 14 states, run ning as Jong as five weeks in some of the large cities north. Many of the Vilson people have seen the Revelation paintings, hut those who have seen them of'tenest are those who are most desirous of be holding them again. On Saturday night. February 10th, Mr. Butt "will exhibit his cele brated Xeir I'aintbiqs, illustrative of the stories of the Old Bible. These New Paintings are said to be even better than "Revelation," as showing maturer study, and more of real art. And while they are very beautiful and instructive, they are very entertaining and even amusing. The Charlotte Daily Ob serrer says : ' - : . Dkau Advance : Since . my last letter to your interesting pa per, the weather , down here has been quite cold. Snowy, sleety, rainy, "sloshy" and in fact, I might say awfully disagreeable. The roads leading from this place to your town have been almost im passable fbr several weeks. How ever for the past few days I am pleased to say, we have, had de lightful spring like weather, and ev erything, wears a more bril liant and pleasant smile. our .Legislators nave done one good and wise deed. That was to choose Matt W. Hansom for the third term to represent our State in the Senate. Matt Hansom is a man of good qualities, and pleas and manners. His purity of life a lit' character, his honesty and probity have never questioned. Everywhere he goes, and in all the relations of his life, especially in the Senate Chamber he gathers hosts of warm personal friends, and m his own native State (Car olina) we love him dearly. North Carolina may well be proud of her pure, true and patriotic statesman, Matt W. Hansom. Contentnea Creek has' been higher down hern for the past few weeks, than i t has for several years. There is no reason why a steamer should not be put on the route from this place via. Snow Hill, and hence to Newbern N. C. The idea would be a capital one, and would add much to the- general conve nience of our people. Mr. C. F. Farmer, a very inter esting young man of this place has been absent for several days and I fear that he has recently located in Wilson. : Some of our eutei prising farmers have already commenced work in earnest and they are making pre parations for a new crop. The Kev. Mr. Jenkins, preached a very interesting sermon at Tab ernacle church near this place last Sunday evening. - The young men of Snow Hill propose to have a grand ball at that f'dace Feb. 13th. The mana gers are Messrs. Owen Dail, T. Harvey and others. Considerable moving is now go ing on through this neighborhood. Several families of this county speak of locating 4n your town at an earl v day, to enjoy the advan tage of your exceient Graded School. ' .Mr. Owen Dail "and a jolly old soul is he" paid our town a short visit on Sunday last. I am glad to know that the small pox has subsided iii your city and that business has resumed opera tions. I enclose you money for subscri bers, lue advance is very popu lar down here, may it live long and prosper, "say we." Will write again very soon. . "SANKY." Jan. 31st'83. Write "'early, and Often." Editor. According to notice previously given the citizens met Friday night for the purpose of consider ing the interests of the Graded School. Her: B. S. Bronson was called to the chair and Mr. M. T. Moye requested to act as Secretary. The chairman on taking his seat called, on 3ir. x. J. Mauley to ex plain the object of the meeting. Mr. Hadley responded in a few appro priate remarks relative to the limits of the Graded School District and to the election of permanent trustees by the citizens. The Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees to prepare a bill reported through its chairman, H. G. Connor Esq., which report was ordered to be transmitted it to our representatives at Ealeigh with the request that they submit it to the legislature. The bill provides that the tax shall not exceed J of one per cent on person al property and real estate and not to exceed 1.00 on the poll. The following were elected the perma nent trustees of the school : T. J. "Hadley, K. J. Taylor, Warren Woodard, G. D. Green,' G. W. Blount, H. G. Connor, H. C. Moss, M. Rountree, and M. T.Moye. On motion the Secretary was re quested to furnish a synopsis of the proceeding to the papers of the town. . B. S. Beonson. M. T. Moye, Ch'm. Secy. . The claims of W. S. . Anderson' Co. have been placed in our hands for collection. Par ties indebted to said firm are hereby requested w romo iurwara ana maxe immediate pay ment. . COXN'OHA WOODARD, N'ov-3tf Atteraeas FORSALE! Pure BED JERSEY Swine. For Particulars Apply to -O-I Pure BED JEBSEY Swine. S. B. FARMER, Wilson. N.C. JaStr MARRIED. At Saratoga in j this county, Wednesday January 10th Mr. Kobert Owens to Miss Pattie Har rell. both of this county. We ex tend congratulations; At the residence of the i bride's father, Mr. John Thigpen, Janua ry 10th, Mr. Jas. T. Speight was united in the holy bonds ot matri mony, Eld. K. M. Perkins offici- ting. DIED. BY VIBTCE OE A DECBEE OF THE Su perior Court of Wjilson county, I will sen at the Court House doov in Wilson on Monday.' Feb ruary 5th, 1883, the foUowing land: Onehalf mteresr in one tn ,ct of land in Wilson county, : Taylor's townshlj . adjoining the lands of Mrs. Edith Dew, Mrs. Martha Bobbins and others. contaming sevemy-nve acres. Terms Lasn. v F. A. WOODARD, anl2-4t Admin, ot Jesse D. Tomlinson. THOS.H. BATTLE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . j .,. TAEBOEO, Nf. C. Office next to Phillies fc Staton's Tjiw ntfic W'ill practice in the Federal and State Courts. Refers by express permission to : Judge Buffln of the Supreme Court, Citizens National Bank ofBaleigh, Battle, Bunn & Co., Norfolk, Jno. ArnuKWD dc Dons, reiersDurg. an;-im NOTICE. Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Harriet Barnes deceased, before the Probate Judge ot V llson county, notice is hereby given to ail persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make im mediate payment, and to all persons having claims against the deceased to present them for payment on or before the 23rd day of January 1884, or this notice will be plead m bar ot their recovery. H. G. Cojjnoe, Ad . Connor & Woodard, Att'ys. Jan 25.83-4t NOTICE We have jet on sortnient of Goods wl at band a full as- fa Dunns: the next sixtj days. a call. Just received ich we will sell Reduced Prices, CARPETS. RUGS. &c. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, (Successors to E. Rosenthal.) Give us a new Supply of J. & D. GSTTESGER, I, 1883 SIX GOLD :0: IVED4LS, 181 and 1 In this place, Thursday, January 18th, Peter Brown, infant sou of .Dr. John K. and Mrs. Sallie B. Huf- fin. " J. W. Harper Esq., Editor of the Newbern Journal is dead. He was (a man of ability, ; firmness and strong convictions and had taken an enviable rank among the edi tors of the State. We knew him and liked him. He was a true man. He was an honest and sin cere man. He was straight-forward and independent in all his actions. The press of the State had not a more frank, fearless; and-indepen dent writer. He : will be sadlv missed. He was buried in his old home, Kinston, ' and his remaius were followed to their last resting place bv a large concourse of bereaved friends. He was a good man and the bereaved ones weep not as they who have no hope. '. " HOME ITEMS. T ' the XASI1V1LLE Ad- this Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Simon Wat son. deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson county, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make im mediate payment, and to all per sons having claims against the de ceased to present them for pay ment on or before the 23rd day of Jany., 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Jacob A. Stancell, Adm. . Connor & Woodard, Atty's. ja-26-4r. . I :- Secure Bargains. J6P"Tlie following Goods will be sold out at and below Cost, for Cash, at C. B. Strickland's Old Stand, near Rountree, Barnes &Co's Sad Irons, Shovels, spades, Hoes, 1'itcn .Forks, Well Buckets Conee Mills, Carry Combs, Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Tacts, (jimlets, Bolts and Screws, Cotton Cards; Shears and Scissors, Fish Hooks and Lines, and Gun Caps. WILLOW WARE. Brooms, B B Buckets, Common Painted Buck ets, Lunch Baskets, Tubs, &c. JSOTIOJSS. Men and Boys Sus penders, Moroco Pocket Books, Wallets, Ladies Misses and Chil- drens Hose in great variety, in col or and quality, Mens and Boys Half Hose all sizes and colors, Ladies and Gents Gloves, Linen Collars, .Paper Collars, Ladies Collars and Cuns, Rubber doves, Brass Pins, Shawl Pins, Shoe Bnttoners, Book Straps, Rubber Rings, Nipples, Upsher Guano Co., Norfolk, Virginia. : '''-! i' . ' ; - Capacity 30,000 Tons Peri Annum. Manufactureis of Standard Fertilizers and Imnorters of Kainit and Chemicals. The Bone ancj Peruvian still ahead. Mote plant food in the Potash and Phosphate for the money than any kind in the market. BYNUM, DANIEL & CO, 'Agents, Wilson, N. C. D. Medaley,- &c, or - ' I - - -dec.22. ' Call and get circular containing formula. ofG. write us. iV THE OLD ORIGINAL uan uaaq -jljloj. -Jt -jus . . - . 1 ; - - - i -. f OFFERS HIS SERVICES l)o THE PUBLIC AS PUBLIC AUCTIONEER.:: 1882. f.(.f. !!! t. il.'M ' mWM WW pi Be Sure to See ( ':t!-' BYNUM, DAN i 13 DEALERS i;i GENERAL HER CHAIMDISE, Wilson, n!GS I ENTRAL INSTITUTE ! FOR YOUNQ AT C w.PiTl V" fSRln3 fon?"r- JnuT 22nd. 1883. and clwrathe seciid Thursday tn J.iw, For further information and catafoeuoa. aadrw. KBV. J. M. KHOOKS. PrinolDal! lTLETON. n. o. HHODKS, Principal. boi iin it All kinds of Machiuery iuad Are now in full successful operation to order. Kepalred at short noUoe. Airenta for the cnlohntnl a 1 We are nmnVi V,i.h ZZrY'. -l2.V.'r-n,ne, oi mi. vermtn lurai implements of nvnrv da.rr.tir.n rrv. "".7 T"" NEW KOCKY MO0NT TUKN fiW. aiid Ohio, Iron Works. tural implements of evei 1 he attention of f armor and dealer la lovltodi to.eur 5? lfcoelcy Mount Cotton Plo. BL ACKSniTHIIMC ft REP AIRING I n ma lrlwirlIa a . n . i . ' .uuuumuui we asa a anare or patronajre from our friend and the publio. 8. K. FOUNTAIN. IfanaoW. . . n.i.ruijniAin,i mar3l-ly ifrvwi 5?f lW,prioon' -:o:- -) A lone experience as Auctioneer justifies me in offering my services as Auctioneer in and arounn w uson. uneap commissions ana gooa prices always ootained. jan5-tf I i . BALT LAKE HARRIS. I The Tkn Guard House is fre finentlv Vitinpu'tl of late, especially at -night;,-when our kind-hearted police' relieve the weary ones from holding' on to lamp posts aiid brac-jni;- np brick walls, which somehow .'or other will gej in their way. Mmdt interest is manifested in tlic cont st --over the postofiice at this plac,.. The applicants arc the present incumbent, Mrs. i M. 0. Daniels, J. T. Sharp and W. II. G. Scott. The latter two are iiow in Washington urging their claims. ' A. IK J arincr. as -little Arthur,' Ticket Agent at iug a --residence. road, near Mr. Howard Edward's, 'vith the design of removing to it frhen completed, in order tonjov the ltcnetit .of the Graded School. ", We call the special attention of ur readers to tlieadvertiseiuent of jailer, Maigne & Jordan. Mr. .x - A. Maigue, the gentlemanly 'I'H-sentative ...fthis deservetHV popular house, spent several "days ni .Lson hist week and: we are gla.l to kiio.Nv,did a thriving bnsi ness. e cordially recommend the house to our business men.. - Prof. Hargrove of the ! Wilson Collegiate Institute, has, we learn, accepted-: a position in a- South Carolina institution, and will leave us next week for his new field of labor. By his iuiet and gentle manly deportments while residing among us, he haWle many friends who will, we are sure, unite with Jis in wishing him success and uappmess. generally known mi many years Wilson, is build on the .lolmston The exhibition of Mr Butts new Paintinirs nt the Opera House last niKht. was perhaps the first occasion in its history wh it was com- f pletely tilled. Edwin Booth once drew a packed house nut his crowd wa not so iarpeas was that which assembled last nipht to see this Panorama. It was scarcely dark before impa tient .groups bejran iratherinjt vraiting- for ad-; mittance and by the time the exhibition befrnn there were no seats to lie had, aud one was sat isfied to find trood comtortable standin? room. It is a wonderful work on canvass ami one must see it liefore its bcautv and its jrrandure can be comprehended or realized and where ever the talented younjr Artist froes. we Kiive him the most cordial rei-omnundation and can assure the public that, the nrnney they spend on his entertainment, will be happily and most profitably invested, ""d Jiot one of the vast crowd present last night would stay away if the exhibition were repeated'to-.niifht. The Puljiit as well as the Press, wherever these panoramas have been exhibited, speak in the high est of them. The following is from one of Char lotte's Ministers : : Mr. A. L. Butt exhibited h!s new Panorama Old Testament Scenes in the Opera-House in Charlotte on the night of Oct- Suth, to the largest audience ever assembli-d in the house. The scenes show the same art in conception and skill in execution dispiared in the other Panorama which has universally elicited favor- aoie criticism, ine puuuu win oe uoin in structed and delighted with the new Panorama It affords me great pleasure to speak of it in terms of praise, and most rdially to com mend it to the patronage of all lovers of the true and beautiful. J. T- BAGWELL. PastorTryon street. vnarioite, ix;.., xsov- i tss Some of the paintings present peculiarities that are novel and in teresting. A magnificent life-size white horse, a lifosize blood-red horse, a life-size black horse, a pale horse with death seated thereon. The Pearh- ; Gate, ' made of real pearls. . In the scene .where Klijah -calls down fire from Heaven, he appears to raise his hands heavenward, and a real ball on fire, fails 'down upon a real altar, and consumes it in view of the audience. In the picture representing the Ark and the Animals, the latter seems ;to move along in slow re tinue, while the Ark remains sta-tionarj-, and the procession headed by Noah and his -wife appear' to enter the Ark. At this juncture the delight of the young people knows no bound. It seems realis tic. ' ! The "Holy Place" and the Holy of "Holies'' are painted in real gold- One ticket will admit to both entertainments. , Admission, - - : - 50 cents- Children under 12 years, - - 25 " Pupils of the Grated School, - 20 . Rink Season Ticteu are good. Me. Editor: It has been so long since I wrote you I scarcely 'kuow what to say now, or where to begin. You, however, have lost but little by my silence, as nothing of special inter est to the general reader has trans pired in our place in some time. With the new year . have come changes in our population as usual. Kev. M. II. Moore, of the M, K. Church has left us having been ap pointed to Chapel Hill station at the last Conference. Quite a com pliment for so young a man and yet one he richly merited. .Kev. W. J. Crowson is his successor who has moved to town and-entered on his work in a true chris tian spirit with the promise of doing much good. The many friends of Kev. Jeremiah Johnson superannuated preacher of the X. C. Conference are pained to hear fit Tiis death which sad event ocurr iat the residence of his son at Pan- tegOjlieanfort county C, ou Mon day morning January 13th. Ho was born in ' Yadkin county, but had been a resident ot jNash coun ty and of Nashville the greater portion of his life. . Mrs. Unity Vick died at her residence in Nash county, January 10th 1883, aged 03 years 2 mouths and 0 days she was a daughter of William Joyner Sr. of Nash comity. She first mar ried Peter Pridgeoii who died at Norfolk a. in the war of 1812 15 leaving two daughters one of which died in early womanhood. The other still lives. She then marri ed Mathew Vick who died only a year or two ago. By him she had two sons and one daughter, Her vouugest'-. son died in Wilmington -'in 18152 in the Confederate army Her other son aim dauguter sur vive lier. site .was tire last ol a family of eleven chiidren eight of which lived beyond their sixtieth Though not a member ot any church she was a good woman and very fond of reading her Bible till her evesightfailed a few vears ago. She delighted toconveise ourelig ions subjects w ith professing chris, tians. She was charitable even bevond her means and was' loved bytall who knew her. She sufferd much in body and mind in life but no doubt now rests in peace. May we all so live that we may meet dear old "Aunt TTncy" in a better world. Clerk Morgan and Register -of Deeds Sills have both moved to town and Sheriff Arlington expects to move in this week. Mr. JesseT Harper has moved to town jind is putting up a coach shop. Mr. C. E. Barnes is also putting up a coach shop. Mrs. Ward. and. her sister run the Griffin House and Mr. J. B. Far mer the Cobb Hotel. Ex-Clerk Sorsby is merchandising. The r. O. at Red Oak has been discontinued and the mail for that office Jnow has to lie stopped at Nashville. ' G Send your Job work to Vance Job Office. 0d newspapers for sale at office at 50 cents a hundred. For Onion Sets Go to Hargrave's - i For all kinds of Garden seed go j to Hargrave's. : Read notice of J. F. Farmer who offers some valuable real estate for sale, includina4jood building lots, all sizes, and several very desirable residences. It is well to begin the -new year right. If your teeth need filling, or it any ot them ought to be pulled, or it tuey-are irregular and you de sire them to look even and clean consult Dr. R. W. Joyner, Surgeon Dentist, Wilson, N. C. They never fail to have benefi- "amrou iips,xootn iirusnes, inuger cial effect ou the system. We re- in.s Bav,n5 J fer to J. M. Larooue's Antibillious strings, uioye u eauers, xjun lint liitters. 25 cents : a paper, $1 a bottle. W. E. Thornton, sole pro Kittrell Springs FEMALE HIGH SCOOLL KITTRELL, North Carolina. Spring session begins January 4th, 1883. Board, tuition and In strumental music not to exceed 8100.00. Send for Circular. W. S. BARNES, Prin. MANNER & DELANEY L ENGINE CO., SUCCESSORS TO WM. E. TANNER & CO., 0th, 7th, and Canal ; Street, Bingham School. j (ESTABLISHED IN 1793,) Is Pre-eminent among South ern boarding schools for lxvs,in age, in number, in area- of Patronage and in equipment for physical cul ture. .The only school jfor boys .in the South with gas light an d a gym nasium 3bx70 leet, presided over byjd skilled instructor. ! By Febru ary :1st hot and cold baths ' will be provided for. For catalogues giv ing full particulars, address . ' MAJ . R. .BING HAM, Sup't, Bingham School P. O., : Orange Co tin BEST IH TKc Ki l .?vrt.i.r;.. Cfc3.X-.'-- ro'J' ter' diirercit sire djvt ,tI'MTZTftSr r.nnm..-le 1 SfSuvmiPt" ,f?r"u fey,l)r"l't. an' Doub.e Wood Doors. V.m.t Wrod f!-.1 AdJufimMo DamrH..', rn'hatirtK'Mv nf matte Shelf. BmllinK ; i I t f.. '-i-.il. Plate. Swinging Flise h4 I., i-r- h;., Bnmiiiji Long Crow iu DolIIc c'hf . Ontors. Heavy Rln Coven., r.luo.ii.au . tin. iJoiirs. Nii'kel Knob. .Vick.'! IV.mU. via. I'm-aualod In Material, iu rmh. and Is openidou. . 1 3 5Rk V fsarnifactured by ISA AO A. 8HEPPARD A CO., Baltimore, Md. i!" ilc by UKO. U. IiUEE.V m WtUuu. . prietor, Baltimore. druggists. Md. Sold by l i .1 - " " 1 ii.cn litis great ememy is worms. Who can calculate the misery and suff ering a child has to endure who is infested with worms? Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel wormR from both children and adults. Only 2o cents a bottle -: jjv. . Valuable Information for tons, Lead Pencils, Infant Combs, Fine tooth Combs, Dressing Combs, Hoop Combs, Watch Keys, shirt studs, silk bows, Gents silk scarfs, sbcwls, balmorals, Misses and Chil- drens Hoods and Sacks, Newbias, Skirt Protectors, Rubber Bibs, Book Bags, Slates, Cotton Twine, Paper and Envelops, Ladies Belts, Ham burg Edging and Insertion, Torch on. Valences Laces, Lace .bibs, Lace Capes, veils, Copy Hooks, Blank Books, Spellers, Flax Thread, Spool Cotton, Floss, Ladies, Misses and every one who plants a single seed Childrcns' Merino Vest, Pen Hold- such as could not be obtained troin ers, oaiety mis, sewing Silk, Trim anv twentv asrricnltural text books mings of all kinds and in great va is to be found free in D. M. Ferry riety, Flesh Powder, Elastic, Hooks & Co's. Seed Annual for 1883, which is mailed to any one send ing his name and address to D. M Ferry & 05. Detroit, Mich. , The most reliable agent for des troying asd expelling worms from children ud ar.ults is Shriner's Indian' Vermifuge, ,25 cents a bot tle. Try it. Every bottle guaran teed to give satisfaction. xou make no mistake. 11 you have thedvspepsia, sick headache, or vour liver or stomach is out of order, take J. M. Laroque's Anti Billious ; Bitters. Only see that yon get f the genuine article, 25 cents a aper,' or $1 a bottle. W. E. Thoriton, proprietor, Baltimore, M. I). -Sold by Druggists How to preserve the teeth. -Au eminent physician gives this excel lent adtice concerning the preser. vationfthe teeth. "Wnen,decay RICHMOND, VA. Manufacturers of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, CASTINGS, &c Having rebuilt our Machine Shops destroyed by fire 11th andEyes, Fan Cords, Garters, Tape Novemper last and equipped them is first observed advice should be sought! It is the ! stopping in the small liole that is of the greatest servicei though not unfrequently a large filling preserves the teeth for years.'? This advice accords with the opinion of Dr. R. W. Joyner, our deitist, and you would do well to consult him when yon observe the slightest decay. 'Wilson Market- (CORRECTED WEEKLY BT Byiaum Daniel 3c Co., COTTON The market is now active here and shows an advance this week with larger reoeiptf. Middling cotton 9V POTATOES (Sweet)-. oOlo 80 HACON, N. C hoff round) J Han. " - 18J? T R-Sidfifi. V ft .10U BulkShoulders 10 U W 1 SAr.T4..- - -j joaiM " Hflne)...-.. T TUV. ! Hruti . laOlOil I 5 corn?. -il fodi:r looigiio LAKH Country : 15 ffi 16 " ' Knrlhem : 12 O 16 S MEAt .-.aofflioo W HKlT ln.wl 90a!100 OATS.....J1......1 0 0 FLOUU. per J)bl...... --5 00 7 50 COFFSE -. 10 , 5 SUGAR .. ;-9 13 SYRUP - 40 60 MOIU3SES, (cube.). HM EGGs. BEESWaX.. CHICKENS. PEAi (cow) 40 (S 60 .1 25 1 30 15 30 S 15 30 80 A 100 I MISCELLANEOUS. Xi. Or. GKR-AJ27 wItch-xakek and jewelek, Halifax, N.C. janl9 Star Braid, Corsets, Buttons of all kinds. Corset Steels, Velvet Ribbon, Silk Ribbon, Necklaces and Beeds, Cologne, Thimbles, Ladies Port Monaies, Ladies Scarfs, Lockets, Hair Crimpers, Crochet Needles, Hair nets, Ladies Under Sleeves, Childrens Under Bodies, Towels, &c CLOTHING. Coat, Pants and Vest for men and boys.. Gents and boys' suits, Linen bosom, Shirts, Morino shirts. Gauze shirts, Jean and knit Drawers, Shirt Fronts, &c BOOTS AND SHOES Mens' calf boots, Ditcher's boots, Boys' boots. Fine and coarsesMens' Con- -gress Gaiters, .wens' ami uoys' Brogan shoes, Ladies', Misses and Children' Button Foxed gaiters. Ladies' and Misses Morocco button gaiters, Children and Infants laced shoes, all prices, Ladies' Misses and Children's slippers and sandals, Old woman's snoes, blisses ana cnu- dren's Rubber shoes, &c Swiss Jaconet and dotted Muslin, Silk Berage, 10 Lsheeting bleached and unbleached, brown and bleach ed Domestics, Beilin, Poplin, os- ted different suades and prices, Cashmeres, black, brown, bronze and prune colors ; Sattins, black, brown, bronze and prune colors, Lin en and grass cloth, black, green and red Velvet, Pique, Linsey, Coat lining, table Damask, Flannel, white, red, blue, and pink ; Bed Ticking, Cambric, Jeans, Lonsdale cambric crape, Hickory shirting, brown Duck, Pants goods, Suitings Pacific and victoria Lawas, common Lawn Prints, Oil Calico. Ginghams, Mohair, Alpacca, Silk Poplin, Coat binding, Drilling, Ladies, gents, youths and boys hats Very Cheap. Crockery and Glassware, Tinware, Tin Buckets, Milk Buckets, Pie Pans, Lard Stands, Coffee Pots, Selves, &c. Sugar and Coffee, Hour, Cakes, Giuger Snaps, Crack ers, &c. Riding bridles, Buggy bridles, and many other articles which I positively offer AT AND BELOW COST! Parties who are disposed to doubt my selling at cost, will find the cost mark tacked up in the center of the store inlarge letters, so that they can see for themselves. Mr. T. D. Gay has charge of the store and will be pleased to wait on customers. Very Respectfully, JAS. T. WIGGINS. with the most improved tools, we are. nrenared to furnish Machinery of the same high grade heretofore built bv Wm. E. Tanner &Co. Farming and Saw Mill Engines are Specialties with us. Send in vour orders as far in ad vance of your wants as possible Wm. E. TANNER, Pres Alex. DELANEY, Supt REPAIR WORK SOLICITED AJfD PROMPTLY; BONK. CSend for illustrated catalogues which are furnished free, tWhen in need of the best machinery on the market call on Bvnum, Daniel & Co., Arts. Wilson. N. C. Bep2-ly U. iiiM Sons, RICHMOND, VA. M A N V F AC TU R E B S O F Carriages of all Kinds. Buggies, Photons, Six -sett Car riages, Jagger Wagons Tco andno Top, &e. ena lor em niar H 5. A I, SOI, ft' ' attoKney-at-law, Offices Enfield and Battleboro, m. C. Practices in the countsis of Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash, land in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Will be at tfattieborq on Fridays aim &at- uijdays and on other days at Enneld. mayo-1 y i f T SLA3&WELL & GO. I Durham, N.C. ,. r jr of tfc Original ni Coif Qcasls ) i Navassa G ano, Navassa j Acid ' Phosphate! "i ' - - '-- ..- Manufactured by ... f : ' NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, i 4- . . t 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, - V . - .o: ' None letter, for Wheat, Corn, Cotton and Tobacco. - f The aboveiwell known and popu lar Jbertilizer iresu Iromthe lactory ior saie in any quantities waniea, and prompt delivery in gool order guaranteed.;. JRHAR9 D2ACC0 Our claim for merit la baaed upon, the fact that a chemical analysis prove that the tohaoo grown fn oar acctlon U bcti adaitod to make aGOODJ'IlK, satisfactory imoko thau ANY OTHEU tobacco jcrown in the world; and being Hltaotcd In the IIEAItT of this fine tobo?co Root ion. VVE have the PICK of the ofTerlnfra. The publio ap preciate thia: henco our aalea EXCEED the product of AlXi the leading mar.ufoctorlea com t inoil. ttyNov.e i nne unlet it heart the trruUnnrk nf the, Bull Branch, Hadley & Farmer, oct30-ttm Wtlxtn, N. C. DO NOT WAIT Blackwell's Durham 18 THE FINEST, PUREST, BrAT, AND MOST UNIFORM BHANPOK HMOS TOBACCO EVER PITT UPON THE MARKET aLso - L Durtiam Long-Cut and Durham Cigarettes Tbesc.Gestfs We fferBBder an AUso'.ate Guarantee ( They are the finest and Purest Go od upt the market. They are free from Drugs or Chemicals of any klnU. , They consist of the finest Tobacco, and purest rice paper ma r YOU MIGHT LOSE h BARGAIN. -:o:- YOC.iEED CHOICE NATIVE (NOT PENN- svlvania) Applet, Peaches, Plums, Grapes, 4c We have on hand for winter and spring plant ing attout 20,0(10 Apple, and 5.000 Peach Trees, 5.000 .Orape Vines, ITiO.UUO Strawberry Plants, 30,000 3yi-ar old Aspanurus Roots, and 2TjO0 Wild Goose Plums, Mulberries, Currants, Ever greens, Ac. We have some fine, larve Apple anl Peach Trees In bearing, which we cin set out and warrant for one year, for parties in Wilson or suburbs, at $1 each. We will sell at reasonable prices and furnish good stock. Call anil see us or send ror catalogue ana t rioe un ! f C. W. WESTBROOK & CO.. Iknilm Wilson, N.C. NO. 15 SYCAMORE STKEKT, 1'ETKK.SBUltfJ. VA. j. s.Cary Manager. Genuine Farmer. Friend PM1"""' IIh i Aee cuihvwp, V-;'. f I 1 f ll..-r lAn A CM novei i-iuwb, -- . a,i mnu-ru: f Engine, Threshing machine, tvea -, Shellew, Fanmills, btovee, V;:ho ft, ,j ju-tail. Castines, Farm Wagons, Iron and Meel. w hoiewiie Malta Jloult J rrowH, Hteu;r Htraw IJutter-, torn Kire Irona. !'! :K poutz'S HORSE ANO CATTLE POWDERS E. Battle", M D. Offers his professional services to the public. Office opposite Briggs Ho tel, Wilson, N. C. AprU7-m FOR RENT. My brick store boose on Nash Street, oppo site the Bank. It is the most deeirabl place for doing business in .Wilson. For terms ap- 5p6tf JNO. T. BARNES, RICHMOND TYPE FOUL PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE. Book, News and Job Type Cyl inder, Job and Hand Presses, Cab inets, Cases, Stands, Inks, Roller Composition, &c n L. Pelouze & Sonu, Richmond, Va. tTlift tvne on which this paper is printed was cast at the Foundry of H. It Pelooze es sson. maySly lit Hum win (Ikj of Conn. Bor or Lrxa T- TIK. jf Footz Powder mrr In time. onttl Powier will rnrr and prevent Hoo rsot.au. Tom, t Powders will prevent Grr. I Fowl. I rootrt Powder will io-ree Uie qnntur of nUk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm sad sweet. ' , , t Foaat Powder will enre or prevent almost tTarr IXrrsKASK to whw-tt Hone and Cattle are wtject. ! Fotrrz- Povnn wiu. bits Satfactjo. I bold everywhere. I DAVIS X. TOVTZ. roTUtor. - BAI.TIatOaK.KD. m hmiiiednii to au appucanta. and (o cua- laiiminf lai 1 rrr with Tt -H r " Ueootstna about IK pawrea. UtaMratuna. prtcea, aeenrei dasaistioos and Tamable direction foe ptancna jSlt varieties of Vegetable aod FVnrer Keeda. . KSrbZt Tress, etc tavalujbki to aU. a-pac tally to Market Gardeoera. Seadfarttl OTM. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. NOTICE. PTJBSCAST TO A JUDGSCEST OF THE Superior Court of WIIsob County, rendered In thecase of Sally Hon v Busbee Willlawiaand another, I shall sell at the Court House door In NashvtUe, on Monday. February lSth. W83. the interest of said Busbee Williams in the tract o. land in Nash county adjoin! nr the lands o1 Dorsey J. Boy kin, Butto FaUnan and other eontauiina; 0B sen more or leas. Terms Cash jgaO-tS H. G. COJtKOB. Com. 24 A 2ti Union Street, Norfolk, Virginia. MASUFACTUBEIUS OP "A''ljVrr 'lp liuE2hH' ' p:xtnsion Top CarriageMump Seat 1 JgJ' Top rorriaoo Tumt. Meat Tod i Jvoclawafi,t anop tuw Carriages, Jump Seat Top . uggies, Biaei-Dar -lyj Surry Wagoni, I Fony l'na-lon, oi'ru j . BuiTifies, lexter Bug H. F. Ml'HEAV. JOHN E. WOODAKD. MURRAY & WOODABD. ATTORXEVS AT LAW, . WIIX)X, X, C. Circuit, Wilson Wayne, Pitty Edgeeoml and Nash eonnties. I'ractice in State Supreme and Siinprior (VMirts. and in Feleral Courts. May 5 82 ly. : ESTABLIItHEP 183S. ETHEREDGE & BROOKS, Successor to Xeimeyer.Etheredffe Brook. 115, 117 HIGH & 322, S25 & 827 WATER ST., PORTSMOUTH, VA., C0TTC FACTO f General Commission Merchants For the sale of Peanut. DrtcA- rrult. all Southern Products, and deaJ i rfuilders and Airrtettltural lime and. W&tef, Oeroent and Hay. Wholesale doasors ia ot all kind. liberal advancement aoad oo Coo Hfomeafor Tranatt. . ElizalJBlli Iron Works CHAS.W. PKTTIT, PKOP. 2S0 and 282 Water St., Norfolk, Va. MAXt'FACTt'REKOF ...Ugati, IWilfrj Sji ui Gml lilk Shafting, Pulleyr, HanKer, F0RG1XGS AD tASTIJiiS OF ErERY DESCRIITION. mayWy 1 0 TIC In corweouence of the death of Geo. H.Griffln It becomes necessary to net tle the businem of the firm of Griffin & Murray. All pectoris Indebted to id firm will pJeaae call at their, place ot bnsinem and nettltt at once. y WM. MUERAY, Surviving partner of tiriCia t Murray. ,r' , Dee. vtt. I k . I

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