1 Tfie Wiisox Advance. AViIsou! T.Tc., February 2, 1882. Since trifles make the sum of human . things. i Ami half our misery from our foibles springs, Since life's joys consist of peaee and care, Ami though but few can serve, ye all can please, ; ' Oh! let the ungentle spirit learn from hence, I A small nnkindnesH is a great oft'ene. - . : Hannah Moore, A Pleasant Surprise. My brother Johnny says he would do for a first-class bumblebee he's as hot all over as if he, had forty stings. We've been talking through the stove-hole to comfort each other. This hole is in the wall at the side of the bed; so, if I put a chair on the lied and then climb up and stand on tiptoe I can see iuto .Touu- riy's room, and we can hav a good talk. We're in trouble, ami this'is ' how it hapiKMied : One day last week our teacher . read us a story about a good little girl who had a sick father; and he was going to starve to death 'cause he hadn't auy money to j buy 'oranges ; and everything had gone wrong inside. Well, the good little " girl heard that the dentist. wanted some teeth, and world pa well for them. (I don't see why iu shonld pay money for teeth, when he could have his own ' for nothing). The little girl 'had-, fiue teeth, so she went to the dentist and asked him to take some out and pay her the j money they were worth, fori her poor lather. Then the dentist made her tell him all about her father, and he wouldn't take the teeth, but he gave her the money all the same, and went to see her father, and got a doctor for hi m, so he didu't jdie It was a beautiful story, and ,made me cry. Johny said it wasn't anything to cry about ; stories like that were for examples, and when wo had a chance we must go and do likewise. Well this morning, when father was putting on hia overcoat, John ny and I asked him for a penny. And father, he said we were always wanting pennies, and he wasn't made of money ; and then he went out. Sister Km. began to cry, 'cause fat her said she couldn't have a new -dress this easter. Everything was going wrong, and lie didn't know what would become of him, and he was sick of everything. ' Johnny and I didn't cry ; we only looked at each other. While we were, going to school Johnny said this was our chance Now we could do like the. good little grl, and be a suport to our par flit. Dentist always wanted teeth and vp'd go to the dentist j right after school and have it over.; "And then,'' says Johnny, "if we've inate $3 -for father, perhaps, he'll give n our jieniiy, 'cause it be sr.ch a pleasant surprise to him .We eouldn i hardly wait, for school to lie out. I got a blac ' mark in arithmetic, 'cause when Miss Stevens asked me if you 'hat an pirt,aiul il'Sainix.l Smith ate it up, what hatl you left?.- 1 said "your teeth." i After scIhmiI we walked ,iHut till we c.une to a dentist's, and we went in and asked him if he wanted some teeth. Ami he said: "Why f tu we want to loose some J" And we told him "yes.' 1 1 i ! Vo thought he would sit; down and ask us all alioiit it, just like the other dentist did with the good lit tle girl; but he only said:" 1 i "Let's look at Vm." ' j j . . Then he made Johnny climb up in the high chair, and tip his head hark ; and then he aid : -? You -want these two: out that . crowd tlu' rest !" Then he put an iron thing into .lohuin 's iiKMith and pulled out one! tooth, anil then he pulled out anoth er. And he said .Johnny was a brave liny, 'cause he didni't hallow. "1 asked iJohnny ll'.it hurt, ai'd he said, "N'ot imieh, u -'don't you' disgrace the' family, Kitty White, by howling." j "Now, my little lady;? says the dentist, "get into t'..e chair and I'll be as gentle as 1 t an." So he helped me up, and tipped back my head, and looked. "Your teeth are crowded just like . your brother's says he: and then he begins"to pull. j My, how it hurt ! Ami (idn't I make a noise ! I thought my head was coining orl. Hut it was over in a minute, and the dentist told John ny not to laugh at me, cause my teeth came harder than his aid. When our teeth were out we thought the dentist would pay us, He asked us whose little lioy ami girl we were and where we lived, and said this was pleasant weather for little folks. After a while he said : ' "It's ' We thought he had 4 for us, and held our hands; but he didn't give us anything. Instead of that he said ; "Haven't you got any money r Then Johnny il;iinwl tn Kim that lie thought he would pay us for o'ttr teeth, so that we could help we'd better wait till after dinner to give father his pleasant surprise. Ytid at first Iras glad we'd waited; for the Toast leef was too brown, andjfather said: "There never could lie a piece of beef done right in this house, and Mrs. W'hite, my dear, if you could I only have a carving-knife that would cut ! Ilielieve your son uses thp carving-knife for a jack knife." We felt so sorry for poor father that we thought we'd give hi in his surprise then, so he'd feel better. Johnny took out the let ter and gave It to hiin. He sits next to father, and I sit next to. Johnny. Father took the letter, and said :: . "What's this sir!"' And Johnny said : '"Head it dear pa, and see. Then father read it and wrinkled his forehead all up, and we thought he was going to burst into tears. ike the sick man did when the good little girl brought him the oranges. iJut he uitiii t nursr into tears. He tlnewtlie paper across the table amLsaitl; "What's this, M is. White t Ha ve you been running nie into debt, af ter What I told you .this morning f" And mother said: "I'm sure I don't know 'what you mean, dear."-. Then she read the letter, and failed us naughty children, and said : "How dare you go and have sound teet taken out without 11 my con And father 'said that "what we had done wascatamoilnt to robbery; going and getting him into debt of our own accord, and you may go to your rooms and think about it till your mother and I come." "We've lieen in our rooms ever since, and both father and mother said they were under the necessity of Well, Johiinv says a switch is t he worst, but he doesn't know ' any thing about a skipper. Anyhow it's all over for this time. St. Nicholas A Duel With Razors Sitvlnf the Train. One of the most horrible crimes over iieriietrated in this city, promp ted by jealously, occurred today. Chas. Johnson, who had. been liv ing with Martha Johuson hi the re lation of husband and wife, suspec ted that the girl was receiving other visitors, and this morning charged lier with being uuture. The woman denied the charge, ami seizing a razor, made, a mur derous assault upon Johnson. He "retaliated, using a similar weapon, and both were terribly wounded. .Johnson received sixty distinct wounds, and will die. The woman- was wounded in twelve places, but not fatally. Baltimore tecM to St. Loicix Republican. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Allele for Universal Family Cae. For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers. Diphtheria, Sali vation, Operated Sore Throat, Small Fox, Measles, and all Contagions Diseases. Pmora wailing on the Sick should use it freely. Scsrirt Ferer has never been known to spread wnere mcr used. Yellow Ferer ia been cured with it alter black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. FeveredandSlckPer- j 8MAIX-POX ons refreshed and : J"1 . ited Sores prevent-, PITTING of Small ed by bathing with -J Pol PREVENTED Darbys Fluid. A member of my fam- Impure Air made ., WM wj, harmless ana pumicu. , j used the "Eradicates I MALA'RTA.. .1 niir J,vcoinotive. AIticomotive "is being built for the Erie'Kailroad in which Mr." Mai ltrtTrtlevice'ior consu m ing sinoke istocbe tested. In order .to give the invention a through trial a trip across the continent will lie made. There is to be no smokestack no this locomotive' and in its - place is to he a 'manhole merely. The air used to-condense the steam is em ployed for heating and ventilating cars, being delivered through a conduir which, with coupling ends, passes along behind the cars. This system does away.with coal stoves ir heaters, "and supplies the j ivitlh IV..1 .T.. i i" mirl Tc;ivin siir wit.lirmf danger of fire urease of a smase up. The divorce statistics of Maine for the wist- five years give an un pleasant picture of home life in that State. There has been about twenty-four hundred divorces de creed during the period in question, and thus nearly five thousand per sons have been released from the bonds which .were' assumed with at least, nominal solemnity. The ratio is probably one divorce to ten marriages in Maine. The ratio m Massachusetts in. .1870 was one to twenty-one. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Cootac-loa destroyed. For Frosted - Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafing, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex- i I V ... S ions SCVUltu uy i . Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Krysipelaa cured. Burns relieved instantly. Hears prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly.' Scurry cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage.- It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F: Sand roRO, Eyrie, Ala. Fluid': the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park- imsok, rhuadelpnia. Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians here use Darbvs Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollbnwerck, Greensboro, Ala. Scarlet Fever Corel .. The usual crowd of autumn liars were gathered together in the store, occupying all the grocery seats the only gross receipts that the pro. pritor took no pride in when alitT tie, blear-eyed, weazen-faced indi vidual sneaked in by thfj back door and slunk'into'a 'darkT'.coriier. "That's him,' said the nugrama- tb'al bummer with a green patch over hi hd't'eve. "Who is it V asked several at once. - "Why, the chap who saved the train from being wrecked," was the reply. I ''Come, tell us about it," they de manded, as the l, tall ; man 'crouched in the darkness, as if unwilling that his heroierdeed should be brought out under the glare of t he blazing kerosene lamp. After much persuasion he liegan. 'It Was just such a night as this bright and clear and I was going home down the track, when, right before me across: the rails, lay a great beam. There it was. T!ale and ghastly as a lifeless 1k)I.V, ami light as irappeared, 1 had 'not the power to move if. A sudden rum ble and roar told me that the night express was 'thundering dowii aud would-, soon, reach the fatal spot. Nearer and nearer it approached j I-Vt:-'S2-ly till, just as the cow-catcher was; about lifting me, and I sprang as'jde ' ' placed myself lietw'een the obstrue. tku and fhe track, ami the train flew on Unhanned. The silence was so 'dense for a, moment that one might have heardt a dew drop. Raitl : MISCELLANEO US. I0H CLARK, JR. & CO'S Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. D., Mew York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Vanderbtlt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it b both theoretically and practically . superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lufton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; . Jos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof. , University ,S.C. Rev. A. J. liATTLK, Prof., Mercer University; i Rev. Geo. F. Piekce, Bishop M. E. Church. tNDISPENSABLK TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. i The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. 1883. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. AD.3lfIISTRATf.RS' NOTICE r t.M r a Hminiatj-dtinn hrin(r been Issued to the undersigned by the Probate Judpe for Wilson County, upon tne esiai vi ker, deceased, notice is hereby given to all in debted to said deceased to make immediate payment, and to those holding claims against aid deceased to present them properly authen ticated, on or before the 11th day of November lKKi or this notice will be plead in bar of re covery DAXIEL BAKER, Admin, A B Deans., Att v dec.fMt, MlElW UlElWlElMRlYj 1$T10;RE R. B. BYNUM Watchmaker and Jeweler, Moye & Xadal'sOld Stand, TarbonSt Is now opening a choice stock of Jewelry of every description whieh has just lieeu jiurehased i!jK"orth- ern .Markets at the lowest figures, and which will lie 'sold low. .Call MISCHLLANEO US. J RE I D, Successor to Geonre Keid.' Dealer ix COME ONE, 0)ME ALL !;- :o: i " LIVERY STABLES' HAY, CORN. OATS, MILL FEED leas, &e. S e 1 Oats a 8 pec i al ty . lie Water Street, Norfolk, Va. sep-8-6m - and exaniine niv sttM-k and 1 ruar- B. F. MITCHELL & COMMISSION M KUCHA XTS Vor the sale of ("OBX, BACON AND OTHER MERCIIAXniSE. AXD PKOPRIETOKS OF THE Merchant Flour & Grist Mills; I)Ht.KKS.IX PEANUTS, GRA1S, ELOt'R, FEED, HAY, ivC. t.'insirnments of Corn, t'otton, -.Naval Stores ami other Merchandise J Solicited. Highest Prices ol)tainel." -' . No. ! and 10 N. Watek STKErr, N . Wilmington, X. C. si'It22-timos. antee to please von. sep2i-tf. ' If. V.. liYNTM. -WHOLESALE DEALKR-i H A RDW ARE' CUTLERY. f t ; I'NS, &e;, ('( ) llN l.'UMA I X ST. AXD MAHKKT SQl'AHK. X ( ) R FOLK , V I JIG I X I A . .March 10th, ( Brown STIIICTLl A FIRST (LASS illltlMI STAliUS. j mm m Village Carts, Tea iCarts, Park j riiictons, Top Plia'tiin .Ami 11. j W.iV.l.w- : ' l ! ments have re load Wa-tins, the Ljitcst Track j iiulae, and tlicy itarness, Cents' Koad lloi-ses; also i versally p r o- i . I J- -u ' T. A . . . Farm Horses and Muleis ' whieh we oc-m in tJie iins' Tcip Ihijr-i Tliese pns have L, .i I since 1 84:1. Sev- s, (jciitlemoiis 1 , , 1 7 I ' ments li:ivr tiller for sale t heap, or tin tinu it her. for cash jrivat .lids . been i that for 'the fast fc Hoanl .iiz- btahle com : has been imnos- i . . T J "Tie Transit Of Venus," " AXD . PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT John J. McIntyrk & Iuo., and l."7 Munch St. -Norfolk, Va Wholesale and Uetail Dealer1 In Furniture, Mattresses. Looking Glasses, Oil Cloths, &C. . The North Carolina trade respeet- fiillv fclirirol ' - ! dec.22-3ino. W. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS, GEORGE 0. STEVENS, -No. 49 Light Str eet,?-- oALT I ItIUREi pletelv kept in the licit style anil illy the most eiMricnced hands at hire lowest in ices ih.M: v,.y. ; " - " i i ! .'lhy will le oil hand jill the time, : i ii iixli t and day,, to attend to his! it - i iViends. Trv Jiini onceiuicnv , ! T. II. Sllbf.Y . '.j ' AVilson, N'. ('. t?-Yc are ' Iticated ( at Tysons j Old Stables on west side'ni kcof M I 1 louse ,i ; - . J ! . may 11' if i it. Forclescrip terins, tc, otton Uin. i i i j 1 1 1. : bet n in use oral improve--' cently b e e n are now uni nounced the . market. St , t li e demand. sibleto supply " tituv. circnlsirHi Atldres-s ., j 1 ;s tk m w m ... - .-j - . w i 1'U) UMTIiKE. lUJiNES & CO Illustrated- 1 BEST Si X - CO R D 3IiicliiiieorIand Use :():-- THOMAS liUSSEI.I A- .SOLK AGENTS '(). Ftii: SAI.K KY LiBsrHadloy & C, wtLsax. x. . "... Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-sixth volume with the Decem ber XTumber. It is not only the most popular illustrated periodical iii America and England, but also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful in its appearance, and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Major," by Constance Fenimore YVoolson, the author of "Anne," was begun in the November Number. In literary and artistic excellence the .Maga zine improves with each successive numlier. Special eflorts have been made for the lighter entertainment of its readers through humorous stories, sketches, &c. IIAllPFJl'S PEIHODICA LS. Per Year: Harper's Majrazine $4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar... 4 00 The three abovejublications 10 00 Any two above nametf 7 00 Harper's Youniy People 1 50 Harrjer's Matrazine . I 1 1 .. v ...... i. . . r - ' 1 " ' 11111 l i a uunft a v . , . , I HarDer'B Franklin Suuare Library. One i Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to ail subscrliers in the United States or Canada. ocK . The volnmes"of the Magazine be ! gin with the. Xumliers for June and A l December of each year. "When no time is specified, it will be nuclei stood that the subscribers wishes I to begin with the current Number. The lasteigh volumes of Harper's 1 ii tt1 i ii iv FIIHllllw. BlILDERS A COTU4( TOIt!j Work of any descriqtiou in our line done nicelv and with dispatch. We respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. linch 3 m ? . s. m SELDJVER, WHOLESALE Liquor Dealer, No. 21 Roanoke Square, Norfolk, Va. "ORDEBS PROMPTLY ATfENDEDTO AJSU SATISFACTION OCAKAKTEED. SOp29r4m FARMER & BUNN,to',,'iH - - . - . .... .. - I! Ill' I'M k 51 lit Ii I . Tarbbro Street, Wilson, N. C. -VE KREP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full line of. choice Ciroeei ics and Confcdinn- eries - . . ; M liieli we are Selling; C heap. ; SIr.'John N. Wester, of Franklin, is with the j firm and will be glad to see friends. Uive us a j call. ilec-l-Sm.j WALKER BHOS., 6 a e rs arm ri a n u f a c tur ing confectioner , ' AND WHOIJ-XALK DF.ALF.HS IX - TOBACCC), GIGA US, SNUFFS, FRUITS NUTS, VINEGAR. CIDER- TET SOAPS- &C- on Street, NORFOLK, VI HI J- JyJ Orders Stilit itetl and Satisfaetitin (itiarantctHl. I'i SlillElil 111' WITH Till I mi in 111 Id II Mb DAVIS & GILES ATTORNEYS AXD COUXSELLO KS AT LAW, NASHVILLE, X. C. Hon. J. J. Davis of Louisburjr has formed a partnership with E. S. V. Giles for the practice of law in Nash County. Mr. Darts will attend the regular terms of Nash Superior Court, , ' sep8-ly 'Jol(llmro Sr., Wilson. N. f. :i: i r P. rilussos" and savp eyesight. F1NK I'ATCHES, DIAMONDS, J1CWELKY. S1LVKU U AllK NICHOLSON, INSURANCE- REAL ESTATE A XI) Loan Brokers WILSON. X. ('.. Have estfiblislicd a General j I n telligeuee Ofiice and Ag'eney j for the Sale, Purchase tr Trans'fer tif Keal Lstate, and for the Lease or Rent of Town Property. j We have now for sale some ver j desirable farms in this ami the ad joining counties. Also for Kent a nainlierof residences and business houses in the Town of Wilson. I Manufacturers of Oarlriayes, ling eries. Carts. Waerons, Harness and all I, T, YOUng" & DfO. j;lesold a the lowest possible figures. We have now on hand a nice and I Select stock of work. Our prices are Hasi low as the lowest. J5e sure and icall on us before buying. Hatisfac- V. iivnfiictm er of all kinds .f :,,ainng neatly umt prtillSptlv tlone. Plain old Jewelry,Riiig;s, Rad?es.&c !- f TIm Ix'st 81 !), castor," and fc-V--' flock ever sold. American valdit at the iowcsl priiM-s. Sdhl silver spoons, foiUs Ac... j flu :imt i hail ever.. our onleis w su iiviii il :n;(l . wil! tie promptly ai 'ended hv ' J.T. YOUNO IU.O.; I - 1'l'TKWM.i i.e. Va. CJEO. M.CUAPON, formerly with -Geo. Meyers. K. ill PICKETT, fonnerly with W, P. Oldham A" Co; Fruit Dryers, fider Alill.., Apple and Peaeh Parers, the, Skinner -. Engines, the liirdsall, the L'atou n and Kricbel Engines, the Hall, the Carver, the Van Winkle, ami . (Vnteiinial Cotton Gins. The " Clark Seed Cotton Cleaners, Cotton Seed IM ills; 1 Torse Powers, ; Feed Cutters, lieltiug, Cane 3Iills, tin?! ' 'Queen of the South" and the MM)ie Ctuinty . " Portable ' Grain Mills, SawMills, the Acme, :the Thomas, the Iron Age and the, Ueiner Harrows, , Grain Drills, Water Trucks, Swing Churns Cultivattis,()ne and Two 1 lorse -Hiding ami WalkinglNiad Machines, Pumps. Mill l" ixtiues, " Uorse Po'wer. f ' Write us for ('irculers and;!'! ices. It w ill Pay von., Try it. rj t Address,. - . ' ' L. L. POLK CO., IAljEIGrli, 1ST. O. !.-'. I WililllllOll J4 ! C-OH--C ! MEUICAN HOUSE ; POtlTSMOL'TlI, VA. MOST Convenient tti all Railroad Denots and Steamboat Landings. Hatks: First Floor per day, ?2,(M); ! Magazine, in neat cloth Second Floor, per day, $1, ;"). will be, sent by mail, postpaid, on North Carolina Travel is lies poet- i receipt tif 3.00 per volume. Cloth fully Solicited. . , ! Cases, for binding, . 50 cents each OIXWVVl 1,'y k!TTl.'ll If,,t.' ! '. . . Index to Harpers Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, ami Class- , I ified, for Volumes 1 to 0, inclusive, ' , : : from June, 1850, to 1S.S0, one vol., HARPER'S" BAZAR, Heinittaiices should be made bv Post-Oftice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspajiers are not to copy this INFALLIBLE CHILL -CURE. The attention of Druggists and Dealers generally iscalled tolifs in st valuable1 medic'ie, which stun be fore the public ami mod Uf fa ultv undisputed as a cure 1 r,.,. l."ii,-ii- .mil A olio' Ikilii ms sinil Parties desiring comfortable ! ueimtting Fe; or. Duifib Chills, lioines, and capitalists seeking pay- Knlargotl Silicon, ami ill diseases ing investments will find it to their j arising from malarial otaniasniaeit interest, tti consult us,. Wt'-. will iii i iniistins. It is no. quae nostrum the near future issue, a Heal Estate or patent humbug claiming to cure Journal, in which will be advertised rtU disases, but only such a arise .,ii ..i i : ,..'.. i . from malarial poisons, i which are ,w.,,.;,.;,i .... : verv prevalent in KastcRi c aioUna.i ...u. ...... ... .... . . cW- nimravervvahmi.lerreviara - inioriiiarioiioiiceriiiily given nntl lion f ir,, it renovates the dUmkV all cniuines iiromptly answered. 4 nromotos the appetite and is a um-t;; . ... i. I. ..JTfl .A I. . 'l'aiivo. t oriincaies in itw Xo.-10' Souxn Front Stkkkt, WILMINGTONN.C. . Keep aTull and well Selected Stek of . GROCERIES, TOBACffl & (IUAHS, AT 1 . - - WHOLESALE fiSO RETAIL PRICES il"AKASTEEI AS LDIV.AS: THE UIWBSt! We sell Cotton, -Corn Naval Stores, Chick ens, Ktrirs ati'l other Proilueoifor our cusioin- ers ami charge them no commission, and ir.mr- antee tog'et them as much for their iniluci as any house in the city. Try us. CRAP0N iv PICK ETT. SCllCS-tiUKMt i Loans ne";otiatcl at short notice potent Alto on Ueal Kstate security. Corresjioiitlence solicit etl. seir't) :,,m ILLUSTRATED- l'his ixipiilar journal is a rare eomhination the highest artistieexeellenee: and in all mat- . ters iH'rtainitiir to fashion it is universally i "What dltl VOU tin With the ! acknowledged to be the leading authority in - . ! the land. The new volume will contain many. i beam f,? . ' i brilliant novelties. of literature, art, and fashion. Its stones, , !Wi..nl.f!11Illtlllf ,r;tlirll,f t,a Vi..-. Pl'Cseiltlv SOIIiebodv ! P' essays are by the In st writers of . '' " " " ' l aw nu. .simih ,-4..ur(1M, un,i America : its enirraviruw possess order ot Harper & UrotllCrs. Address, HAHPEK & liKOS. Xew York. HAlIPEirS PERIODICALS. Vl'Al YEAU: "I rtidn't, I ouch i t," he replitMl ; . 'but it tiiuclietl me," ..u'..n i . ..... .i" i. .. .... . .: -;cil, iieisisieo i ne tiiicsi itiucr, i. ,. ... ' Harpers Itezar........ '"if VOU COlVulu't lift it. and didn't t-Harper's Matazine- . I Ilariier's eekh- toUtUltit, llOW ill the lllckelHtlld the The three above publications ..$4 till .. 4 l .. 4 11 ..10 fltl .. 7 Wl .. 1 oil nv two alH.ve nameil..: .... Harper's Yountr I'eople:....' Harpers .MaKHzmc ' fm HarjM'r's Vmiiiif People i " " HariH-r's Krauklin Square Library, One Vcar(."2 XumlH'rs) ; 10 00 : Harper's . Weekly stands at the head (if American illustrated week- Tostiufe rreetoall subscrilKi-s in the United j Iv journals. liy its Ulipartisail J Kl- stat. s ..r Canada. - - . s'jrioll jn politics, its admirable il The volume ..r ihe Uazar lxin with the lustrations, its carefully chosen ser- flrst , N umlior for January for each year, i ials, sllOl t StOl ies, sketches, ailtl hen no time is mentioned, it will lie under-j ... . , stood that the .nibscriber wishes to commence i. IMieiUS, contributed by the toielllOSt with ihe mnnDt-r next after receipt or order. The last four .Annual volumes of Harper's Uazar. in iieat eloth bindinsr, will lie sent by mail postage paid, or by express free of ex pense i provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each voiuine, suitable for bind insr. will Ik-sent bv mail, oostrjaid. on receipt . of 1.00 each. Remittances should Ik- made by Post Office j Money ( irder or llraf t, to avoid chance of I N"ewsapcrs are not to copy this advertise I ment without the express order of Harper & 1 llrothcrs. ' Address IIAKPKU & UKOTHEKS, - . New York. train jet over it?" - "Why, don't- you see '" said the sad-faced man, us he, arose from his seat and sidled toward the door. "The obstruction was -,v moonbeam. and I. jumped so that the. shadow .j of my Innly took its place, ami" ifciftj; flew a ham ag.iru.st the door; audit had struck the botly oi' the retreating hero there would have been a much bigger grease spot frescoed on the panel. The Wonder of Paper At the Melbourne exhibition. held recently, there was a eomplet-i orli ed dwelling house made entirely, ofj tnu, TTNnE1I(;NEl), have form- pajitr, ami lurnished throughout toil a co-partnership for the practice of with the same material- There j nuHlicine in the town of Wilson and tiijoimng country. , Keturning tnaiiKs ins:. H A UPEES WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED artists and authors ot the clay, it carries instruction and entertain ment to thousands of American homes. It will always be the aim'of the publishers to make Harper's Week ly the most popular ami attractive family newspaper in the world. 7: N rr v 7 - t - ; !-. - S IS' " 5 , S inrallibilitv from some ct our liest citi.ens will he furnished ttptni aipli- catioii,untl if it fails togiv;- satisi i -A thus when Used aecordin to tlireH ...:n -I r. .... 1...1 llin. tin' iii'.nie.v in ne i -m ... n-.i I'lei-riil "iilv bv ! I EN KY ('. SIIAN'XOX, Druggist and Cliomist, (Hi West Cisitre St., Goldshuro, N. ( AA12l'.lllll HTli.'iVI7r lllnu I I U 1Mb W i When Thrv fan rto as wf II For You lirrill V. MriniAYltciirfscntHtlielaircs, 1 clitnet a. safest. and tildejt. awiUr-.Lil;; In surance Company doinsr Imsmes in i .-oil. tlive him your tiiisiuess,aim m- i" .V-T. nioncv here amonsr you. were paper walls, pa pt-r roofs, paper ceilings, paper r rltMiiings. nftper joist, paper -.stairways', papnr car- II A tl PEH'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAH : Harper's Weekly......... : $4 00 Harper's Mairazine- , 4 00 Harper's Bazar-.,. ,. 4 00 The three'above publications 10 00 Any two above named ..a. 7 00 Harper's Young People.... 1 SO 1 1 nna.:nA , i ini i jiofEUJiiv m - to their patrons for their liberal pat- i Harper s Fraklln T Suuare Libranv One i ear (os umnersi iu uu l'ostage Free' to -all subscribers in the L nited States and Canada CON'NOU W(K)l)Ani), ,-ATTHUSKY AT.I.AV WII.S(lN. N. ' ! . ! ' Circuir. Wilson, Wayn. Ed combe. (Ireeii, Titt am8. Nn. I'. .unties . MaV."i,l.V 4 .. " '1 ..iS ivnoi esui: ni.'i.F.R S MMliiLK MOM MKNTS. HKlST0K$. TO 511; 11 iTI.Ef. Iil.n mis. liv. ami nnl kast curia i si 1883 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ftN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY !6 PAGES, SCITEO TO BOYS AXIl fJIKIJSOF FK.IM SIX TO SIXTEEN; TEAKS tlFjAtiE. Volume IV. f omiueiicr s ov. 7. ISS2. ronage, they solicit a continuance of the same, (mice on Nash Street op- itiwitui tin. Imrt IlAna l.it.K ui.i liets, paper iHtltbng, paper chairs, phnlhy Jas. S.Woodard, Ksti., where paier solas, iiamr trvinsr nans ami ne. or ootn -may ne always fount i I even the stoves bri"ht tires were " m 11 uul prtuessronaiiy enpigeu. n e 01 nines oi rne oeKiyne- r " S" V ; "t'-C. PEACOCK, M.D., j gins with the first number for Jau- consuinuv ouriimg tiauy were ! w. S. ANDKltSOX, M I). ,UiH.v ot" eaoh vear. W,eu no time ot paiier inaclie,, and when the fa i Jan-s.-ly. ; ig ,nenti0ned, it will lie understood bricator of this mansion gave ban- j ! tbat the subscriber wishes to com- quet in this : dwell inr, the table-j w ".son count v-ix the ;srrEttioR 'fnience with the number next after cloths, the napkins, the plates and ; rNT lu.- A.. . i. .i.i. -. , -, s;uicci, me iHiiues aim tnnuiiers, ; . . t and even the knives ami - fork? were likewise made tif lianor. Journal Vhcmitrvi cor kt. Ajrainst -Summons for Kclief. I. I.OI ISA 111' RMS.. ' . UTtie State of X.uth Carolina, to the Sherifl uf Wilson County tiroetinp; by eoniliianlel. to Summon Iuis& Hi the IH-fendant above named, if she be found l. within your wunty. to le and appear Iwfore : the .ludgt? of our Superior Court, at a Court to . held for the County of Wilson, at the Court ; House in Wilson, on the 1st Mnmliv of Van.h ' and answer the complaint which "will bede- . . . : iKsit.l in the office of the Clerk of the Supe- It IS honoil tli-it: in ,,- i rior Court of said Countr. within tVw. Km ' " i hi ,k,., .1.,,- . r . . . ....v a,nu hi in, a.iu .ei ine Kaia i let en- i the receipt of order, The last four Annual Volumes of ' Harjier's Weekly, in ,ne;it' cloth ' binding, will lie ent by mail, jxist i age paid, or oy express, free ofex- . ir.- -11-1 . -1. m You ar here-: lcnse iirovitieci i ne ireigiir noes The Pres'dent al Succession Bill. The Y'oumr PtKiple has iKfn from the first successful beyond anticipation.- X. Y: K-en'-' ing Post, i 11 has a direx-t purpose. ti which it steadily adheres that, namely, of supplant imr the vic ioustpapers f or the youmr with a pat r mure attractive, as well as more jWIixh-m une. Hus ton Journal. i For I neatness, elegance of . iiL i avinsr. and contents generally, it is unsurp:iss,.l bv anj publication of the kind yet brought to our no tice. Pittrfmnrh (iazette. N St. Paul's Chur O L K . V -:o:- Fcr Dyspepsia,' Nervousness, Bilious Attacks, Headache, Cos tiveness, and all Diseases of , the Liver: and Stomach. iUtE DECIDEDLY TftE MOST POTENT REMEDY THAT CAN BE USED. Ttls not an Intpxiciitlna 'ci"r:--c iprt portalnlV Willi til never lie Useti as a plr;e.jtM rU-.IltUie luriil- n li'ilicstiinulents. Imt Itis tru j viiHiu'iile Family Medicine, which !i:s been um for n'uny years l.y lar't; numbers ;.f ur ri:ize;-.s W-ilii f'-.e nio-t mifaii- l!l bUCCea in liil tiie llliOVC Colli pi:.lilV4. Try it. 25 Cents a Paper, or Ql.oo a Bottle. ' W 31 . K. T II O It S T O , . JToiirletor; Baltimari), Mary) ; V . sllt)V tllC lillOf-t Lille" of Pp'ct gliiiartnT"! lor I'.ilJ ant I - ( tilorlngs. (lOIMl . ie.i . p.i. inter runt lias over lieoij m ii.-oti, . coiimsi i wjr oi ine tst stvl'-' ' I'iin;y tSiiitinos, Elcgaiit in ik'sjon and Ivniilisli mid 1' n'ucli U orstoads, i'ivign and I Mine's! it's, i,:is .sinieros. iiluo Mi'idlosox, Ovfont .Meltons. aul !ino til j;tio(ls tor Overcoats Kino -wo-k, Kino Triimiiiiif, atnl lirii-cs ro;vs(naIilo. . Gi.vv us a, call.. ' 1!o.j.im 1'nUy. . Greenwood & Eelsmeyer (Joimiiissioii Merchant, lO Pwirl Street, New York ;:oi ,voiiry you -Witt ?fxvti.-3.tie-B teng how ,'.n OF STONE WORK EXtOlTE '. :r- All Orders Promptly Killed arliSalis- iii.ii tiuaranteed. ' , , octtV12m . i Bonitz Hotel-' , (;.,i.isi;..r., x .-.. I - WM. 1H )MTZ, l'loiirietii. My hotel is now- vi-ady to aceommodlte tli.; Travelliiiir Public with first-class rfxns atrj table far.-. Sample rooms travellers. for .mn.'r'.-ial "! i WHOLES A I. K TERMS. m.itA. .rsn i. .I.-' ..' N .. .. .,. . '. . i """.m ...ii in; wiimi.s(mi oi ooiore ! , un, uiiski answer the Anr .uuVr l itl.or Tim .l..ntwt Iul. I . , . .. . sail complaint within that time. o viainoiw v'"' I"'"'X -.-.wo yv,- Ulf e,H. 0. , n-kspnt 1 I will aimlv to the fourt for rh. K.r Sail tO liUt2"Il, iUltl said ! lie rticlll't n vtmr. r ,v,:i l i ' . I .tn he complaint. Hertdn fail not. and of B v ' l SOII1W OI JlOSSlble llaiio-er to tlie 1 ,nl um'"0n make due return. pay for teetliX lnt he would give us COUIl(rv Wlimvf.(i " t&XriJ ' ofsM Court- - , "V - - - t - ' " - -, ' a letter that would make it all I ,1 ,5 , a. b. deans. v I . ' 1 .' Jr.r.k '?f J-i'l'enor Court Wilson. cunrv X.t n v i m A A . I'llWlllI f, ll'iuMttltk - - riirDt. so lie wiwe a jeiier ami .o-r.in,.Mn,nH.JTi .... . . . . dui ueu. - . r J" tieu It, itllU lUHI iTOllUUJ IU UC Ol.lt to give it to lather, lie kept laugh ing all the time he was writing it, and we thongUtf he was the pleas antest mau iuithe world. v Wheu we cit home, Johny said FUllCELI. HOUSE WIL3IINOTOX. V. JSASHVILLE, Jail. 2-2 Jurt, Quarles of the Criminal Court has t ltK 'KXTLY refitted and under .en not exeeetb one dollar per volume), lor if 4.W jer voliune. Cltitli Cascs for eaeli volume, suit ahle for binding, will lie sent liy mail. itstnaid, tin receipt .of 1.H) ; each. - Keinittanees should lie made by Post Office Money Order or Droit, to avoid chance of loss. . XewspaDers are not to copy this advertisement without the express ortler of Harer & llrothers. Address ' IIA1IPKU & I5EOTHEK, ',' Xew York. HAKPF.IfS YOrXi; i'KOPI.K.1 - Per Year. PostaOk Prepaid, i r M9W Sinfrle numliers, four cents each. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of thrt1 cents. The volunu-s for Harper's Vounir TV-ripie. for 11 and l!J. handsomely bounl in Illuminat ed Cloth, will tie sent liy mail, postage pre paid, on ret-eipt of .'l.im each, fovea for Vounir People for X, cents; postage, 13 i-ents additionnaL Iteniittanci-s should lie nia.Ie tiv Post l lfhee M.iney Order op lirart, to avoid chani-e of Uss. Xewspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Ifarperi In-other. Address HAHPEK i ItltOTHEHS. Xcw Vork. LI QU0R DEALER RECTIFIER S Keers constantly on hand the foiii isr brands: hiskeys John C.ititi, runMiiiy Whiskey. Harris' Pure Kj-e 4 y-ar old;iM Vieriutn Kye. Kentu.-k.-y Kye. leiisirt.-ri; Vine Wine's fl in and ' il (FRENCH BRANDIES1 Sold at Philadelphia ani lialtimore I'ri. Satisfaction Cluanintee.!. Kmnt two 1 Circe ihousand liarrelsof Whiskey on hand alal timc-s. s.-s-;t. Di li. V. .JOVaKK, iirs1!" !k-iifii fixetl Treisnrer Polk's appearance liond at 10,000. Journal. tire new inantigement: Terms S2.50 Hi 11. L. PKUUY, Proprietor. ' j house for rent. l OFFER FOB REST A VERT DESIRA ble residence on Tarboro street. Apply to jaa li-t J. A. CREWS BED SPRIITGS. If you want the et lied prins now in use, try those tiisule by .1. Cr. llawls & Ii-o. Tney are guaran teed to give entire Kitisfaction. Can refer you lo mAuOers in town who ai-e now oisjm: them. Try them and you -voultl not do- without them. Call for the Donble Twin lie Spr.g matle bv J. G. liAWLS & lMU)n mayl2 tf Wilson. '.X. C. feBrllas iiennanently locate.! llson, V.. All omieration- ivil De neatly and carefullv iierfurn'ietl and on terms as reasonable a-; i r sible.: Teeth extracted withouv vain. uruce larnoro ntrect next iioori to Post omce. Jan 3 12m. 3 S E J AKE TIIEIK i ' - ' ' m bix-cobd mi mm . i . . - . t Or liovv niucbf they make a.Uy, e either will we presume io ;-f,ive an. opinion aa to its quality. It is mcpe important Li.v y cu to find, otit : Whether bh.. thread is string and .will sa'To you timo and annoyance? whether -it will run on your i mg Kachinej? Whether colors will rpatch all the uih-cnabiD shades, and work wpil on silk goodp ? ' v "l.e only- possible, way to '-rx re at the truti is to i':bt32es4-tourselfi. -" , ' -1 i c".; will taen knovi why it is called Lilieial aihinu cs matle on coiisimiint nls t,l" t'ntton, Naval, and Southern Produce.. ' iOxiTiiles orders lor t lie purchase and sale of F ('otloii :unl Produce fiXchaiiu'es.. - c t out r.icl.s in (. Inly- 1 1 Lr.'i"gf,6.n.q Ij5t par- tea a tM, : t DKAl.Klt IN -' Sashes Doors and Blinds. Mouldings. Brackets, Stair RaiK Mewels. Bnilder H irdware.Paints Oils Gla's. Putty and Building Material of every Descnpuo Nos. Ui W. Sitle Market S(iiaie &M9 Koanoke Aye., NOK OUA , , . . . ., '. . j i III iSKM&i m i 1 1 srrn raw j -.lr H fl . St Xr Q I sTK'OOUD SPOOL COTTON VU CAN BITST IT OF: ' ATKINSON Si WARRK, '. ' ' j , . (r. Xa.-h and' (Jiild-ihoo Streets, ALSO .TAMES ' WILSON D I XT XG 11 OO .AVKKIINS X. C. IS, Xear Raiiruail JJejcet, r.NFiKi.ii, k.c.," Stop ami jret. a CoikI Dinner, Sjup per or Breakfast. 15uinl hy the Day or Month. Prices vfrv resisonalile. lUViectfu!lv. 1 i ' KIDD1CK BUltNETT, may5-lyt? ; j Proprietor. ;i:neual ACLM ' tihwertn, Martie & Lc,;ma's : ' ! ... I e Prepared. Tesuzb&i2ZGci IMF BBTAK ITICE To Ihe I i.rim is of Norili C arolina. lore koikI to'us Jor prices tilizers antl you will get 1 di.tifges tor freight. Scmh standard brands, with ius Call on or address In order lhal t.u, hlaiitiiig'liiviKls ll-iou-ii-nt I he Stale .nay 1m- cn ali!.il tti procure a,l use li.nt Haw SUmc Plmsphale, 1 are Dissolve Paw Don,- aiiI ..fl,( r ..Id estal!Ssl.t tl ln aiols i our uike. we are sellnm f hem direct to farm.-rs ..f North ( 'Kilini, ..i Tash, at Wholesale 1 ncres. W1h.ii ;ilu.i r..i-ll..r .i;,..iu hv i. sliin M gotrtt.-, and as they an- bought lor coiisu'iiii.ii.ni,' Jhe law is not .violated. This saving to Fai connlcialilc, iii!i o tiit-ii i iiii.i.in ami buying in quantity, flherc is als.i a gnat .-avingjn lreiglit, anil semi your oi tiers uircct m us iu v.o. icm withtiut any middle profit and at lowest iv... 1 1. ...,.. ;..! U I'irj'iilar "-ivincr uriccs oi cn iiiic-tioiis scriptive t'ircular giving prices oi our s for making home made ..-Fertilizers. . 1U3 South Street, liALTLMOKK, ; - ! -- i t f. ,eW ""'-a.