. - '-....--'-'.'. - . - r- iY i tjx Advance, -: ' Wilson. X. C, Mardli oO, 1833, Pay Yonr Subscription On the first of April we shrill revise our hooks and ..11 ..11 1,.,. ..7.A ire tail uj(u (ut tur Auuxcrc- hers to come, fori heard HOW , , ; ail (I nail JITJ. Ill '( ' shall he compel! ed to cut off deiin- ffUents which iff shall do -prompt! u unless th e m oner is forth coming oran-under- stand in 2 is haa wutt the editor, lie. n cen rue m oner ami nerd if now and we !i ope all who are in arrears rdl heed this not ice little w " Advertisements v (ifKl.- A I' Simpson "a" V. . ... wi,,miri IMIIoek. ii c Connor. CoinmifMoner .,1, ,Frrn.r-V'arm-r Si I lnvtntor Wilson hixtho mini ps l irm tM'll UOUSe. is w r j . defunct. Tlie SIlOW-storm slig tted Wilson. town election draveth nigh. Tli Tl.-c fall in "Xaskli was three now iliche." Coil lit V Commissioners meet Moii'lay. . Tlie farnu'i-s adly behind are with their crops. - . . t ' 1 Are vou a cautiHi ib; for Town Commissioner! 1 IIU ')- comes olT April loth. M'V.r. SlL- itlll'r IIIIIK mill 11.1. . ... . m : .- . . 11 l: . i.....t 1.' i). -1 1 an inn-. .i"i; Mavoi-'f A'ilMiinj?t(ii Ti.f.i-i. were over a dozen 1II1H- - .i.-rov-i liniiL'i'd Cood Friday; Dr. Jas, T. Leach, a well known . illI'll o i' Johnson, died Wednes- l:i v. t Mr. E. M.Slieppard is in town photograph a ud-will shortly open gallery. WriL'it Daniel e uivicted of burglary Pitt court, July it'h. W ill be hung It is reported that a uogro child was oilmen m Creek Sunday. v 1 ... death at P.lack The- ' Star" ha-' ei tered on its is the there at one thirty second volume. It best paper In the stati The Toisnot lloiiiii ays wt-ie 7.'5 wairoiis in Toisnot time lat week alter gi'iano. We have received tlie report' of th.. Kasterti North Carolina. In sane Asvlmn'tor 1SS1 and 1S82. Hereafter, it is sauil, -W llsoii 111 . u - . . . steail of (ioMshoio wiljl te the "la. v over" place tor the In ht trains, fountain is llargr ive.s new sot a be.intv, ami Mr. I )ewey h is paint- ed his counter 'pert' ctly exquis- itely " The young men lie; have organized the String l'.and." They did uniN'e. The E. City Falcon nil !ls tilth vollline. paper and one of olU e-tceineil exchanges. r Eariisboro "Moccasin make spleii" ; h- entered If is a good most highly .Master David Cok r, says' the accidentally I foot vhile Tarl m lo SoitthiyncY, shot himself in the l hunting rohius Saturday. The State Hoard of Education met in Kaletgh Wednesday and decided' -to hold the Nirm-.il Schools sit the same places as ast year. A Russian proverb says: t;Je- fore iroinir to war, pray once: bc- tore iroinir to sea, pia.v twice: he- fore "-citing married, (three time The greatest lieauty i thev sav, is si Belfast Ireland mill girl. Every day crowds null to get si look leaves'. .surround the her as she V" contractors place, have - Du vail. and Austin and builders, of thi been awarded the contract fo- building the new Nashville. brick jail in Two 11c roes near P.arefooCs Mill Saturday .night e 11 gaged 111. a liuht. One of them had si gun which fell to the tlooi , discharging of si colored bv. the load in the foot w onriii standing near Our popular surgeon dentist, Dr u. u . .lovner is uei busy; every times bv his. dav even in these d t:ll numerous pajiunts. ing services would do 'arties desbr well to write making an engagement with him before coining to towJ cut will veil The W. & W. P. K. round trip tickets at . to all who wish to he bles in Goldsboro Sa cents a mile ir Milton No iinhiv night. Mr. Uonitz, Opera House, Wilson party -." attend. .Proprietor of the seats for w iltreserve at To c nts, if 20 or Dr. Mayo,: the ct ebrated New" lecture, de ; Hie ()persv l-aiglaud educational liyered a lectuie at Utilise last night. e "was intro- bleed by II. (!. his. lecture-oil Conuor Esq., and American brains in Aiuericau ; hand'' 'and entertaining.- is instructive Aunt her -of the meii who niaktr si national reputation or so yesu-.s and never by living 70 having been having his the J "'papers. -v i.uiroaii ear, IS name circulated in e assume that the reason lie i lev- er was m a railroad cslr was that he couUl not got a tVt pass. The Georgia Convention to iK'iuoeratic State noinwiate a candi- uaie -ior iiovernor to 1 A' i 1 succeed the late Governor Stepli ens. meets at t" April. - So Atlanta u tlie 10th tar the candidates pinounced are A eting- Governor l'.oytou and Hons. A. O. Kacoii . and Henry I). Mc Daniel. 1 hev Mormon eldei 1 continue to s ot sending City from do not nms but thev are farry on their busiue wonu ii to Salt Lak "M.tli Georgia. The tet; with a brass baud, tioing suine etl'eetive work. H ir.i i .i week niKiiw th iri some of their victuie i4re not l'onv: rded to tw late in , - d Convention i Carolina w ill The seeoml Music of Virginia and Xort oe Held in l - C it , - i-ourgon tnei'Jtnot ..jet-L ot inch is to ar range or concerts t,f a classic order in Kiehmond, Petersburg, Norfolk and Lynchburg, and in the leading cities ot onh Carolinswluring the "f.isou Ol 10,iS4. Iu connection wicu the convention -oneerts will be "-iveti two or three We agree with the GolfUboro 'Messenger" in the statement that the newspaper business over done in Eastern Carolina. If there were fewer papers they would eaeh receive a larger patronage and the ;' , papers would le of a higher order, j It is rumored that there is to be a young men's ticket in the field " "''''. U()t Let ,roo,i business men, f . .. .: ..i.i - t. :.. wiieiner youii-)rum, in.- ii.Muiimu-.i ami elected, and t he town f ill be : managed as it lias in uie .past wisely and economically. ! We are requsteu to state that j ! there will be no issue of the Daily Siftinrix to day (Friday) and to-uior-1 row, (Saturday). The office- is; I lK-ing "'moved in the rear of Car-1 i raway & Latham's lrug store and j the confusion incident to moving a j printing office will '..prevent,, its ap- pearance to-uay. j , - Speaking o the "dangerous classes" -of this country, the iJev, Dr. Crosby says the only class de serving that. name '-are. "those who are engaged in amassing (iollossal fortunes the giants who tread oiv dinary men under their heel, and care not how much the people sof ter." , Messrs. . I. A. Diivall and F. 15. Austin, have formed a co partner ship, as -Architects and Huilders, with lica'dqua iters in this pIae(B overC. A. Young is: liro's store. They are prepared -to furnish plans . and specifications on .short notice ! and invite the patronage. -of the public. -, . John F. Hawkins, j robbing the mails, I 'from IJ. S. Marshal charged with who escaped S'tragLns at I Goldsboro March 19th.. an account j of which appeared in the Advance, was arrested in- Petersburg Tues day, lie was brought here yester day and last night Was carried to lialeigh for trial. A Washington, item in the New berne "Journal" says, Mr. G. A, Spanow was . put in jail Friday about 12 M., on his refusalio give bond t keep thtf peace. Some of the irominent men of our town of fered to go 011 his bond, but he .pre ferred not to bond-! Mr. Warren is uon rut. Later Warren Jias re turned .and Sparrow is 'at large Georgia is such a; hard and fast Democratic 'State that the excite- ! nientwhich preceeds the noiniiia i tion of .Democratic candidates-' for State offices is greater than that which happens- afterward. After the nomination the struggle is prac tically ended. 'Hence the lively can vass already going on. for the Gov ernorship, which is to he decided April JO. . The Chances are that Acting Governor Iloynton will be nominated for the unexpired term, but lie will have a lively race for it. : ; ; The Fayetteville 'Observer" learns from E. W. Kerr, Esq., Vice President of Hie Point Caswell & Clinton road, that enough stock has been -taken to insure its construc tion. The company does not pro I pose to lay iron rails, jbut rails of I 'heart pine, six '"inches wide and of j the same thickness. To prevent the splintering and rapid destruc tion of the wooden, rails, the car wheels will be banded with india rubber tires. This plan has been siu-ce-siully tried in Canada, in Georgia and on a road 111 Perquim ans Co., North t -arolina. It is coni iiuted that the. rails will laf fifttcn ears. The cost of constructing the road will beiinly' about one thous and dollars per mile, and a speed i ot titteen to twenty miles an hour can he attained. Heavy freights csm.silso be transported. 1 he run ning of the cars on these roads is represented jis easy and smooth, on the account of the elastic char- acter of the tires, vent jarring. whi.e !i also pre- Fatal Accident. Mr. Samuel Hales, who lives about live miles from Fremont, was returning home from (loldsboro Tuesday evening and. his buggy run against a tree or a stump, throwing him out He fell on his head, ;ind his neck and skull were both broken'. He was sin old man sind was well known. Murderer Arrested. Josh 11:1 -Eat mon silisis John Gam sfer, silias. Win. Gamster, was ar rested -in Wake county tljis week on : requisition sent by Slieritf Farmer to the.Sherifl'of Wake and brought to Wilson smd lodged in jail Monday night. He murdered A bra m Wsird (cidored) near Black Creek about five years ago. Some Chickens. A short time ago si citizen of this '" place -.'dug a hole in the ground. bricked it u) and put twenty seven j eggs under a hen. Twenty three chickens .were hatched and in five weeks they were big enough to eat. We know this , is a . pretty tough 'chicken story" but we get it from si very reliable youngmaii and pubf lish it sis his stsrtemeht. Boiler Explosion. Grimes' saw inillboiler blew... up at Bethel, Pitt county, on the A. .S: II. K. K. Wednesday, says a speci il to the 'Xews-Obseryer." Frag ments of the boiler were blown over the tops of houses and trees some distance oil'. The railroad ti-uk, sixty feet from the mill, -was blown up by the. terrific explosion. One 'white man hsul his skull frac tured, aud one negro is mortally injured.'- Cause of the explosion un known. . Postmaster at Whitaiers Arrested. On Thursday of last week Mr. 1). A. Taylor, postmaster sit Whit akers, was arrested on a charge of not sending letters belonging to M. W. Fdmuiids to the parties to whom they were addressed. A gentleman .-from Whitakers wsis 1 in town this week and we have the following statement of the atl'air from him. He is well i acquainted with the facts in the ' case and this sratement mav be -l accepted as true, rn onet it is as ! follows: Mr. Edmunds, the sender - . ol the letters, 'desired to luirchsise i uiimei p-oods in Peters bury, ami j.he had no standing in business I circles aud could not obtain credit, j I,. wL-pi1 Mr. Tavlor hvlio liveil in (Petersburg maiiv years) to give i him a letter of credit. This Mr. Taylor promised to do, adding, "I may go to Petersburg myself and if I do I will go around and buy the goods for you." To this Mr. Edmunds glsrdly assented and said, "I am goiug to write after fhe i ir.-A-lo l.nr ll .,-am ..k1-i.lillo t rtr do not mail the- letters, buy. the! cood.s and destroy tlie letters." i ,MT. Taylor went to Petersburg, transacted the business for Mr. Edmnnds, and burned the letters as he was requested, to do. Uioa his return Mr. Kdmuuds issued a warrant ir ins anesi. u u.nc never yet seen ueh base ingrati tude, but it is lit tie more than could have been' expected from a man .... . 1.1 ifiin tlio r:ulicI t:irtv " ....... j - --- i .. tJ n ls e of office, as Mr. Ed munds did last year. People in Whitakers believe that tlie charge was made to have Mr. Taylor re moved, and that -Mr.. Edmunds made it with the expectation of getting the office himself.. We have no doubt but that Mr. Taylor will le honorably discharged and that this niau Edmunds will receive,' as lie deserves, the con tempt of a II. good men. Later, Since the above was in type we learn that Mi. Taylor was honorably discharged and a warrant has been issued forM. W. Ed munds for perjury. Rocky Mount Fair Meeting Stockholders The Stockholders of the liocky Mount Fair met 'in'-; Pocky Mount last Saturday. 1 lie meeting was called to order by President Bat tle. The committee on the Prem ium List asked for further time which was granted. Mr. Jowephus Daniels, editor of the Advance was elected Chief Marshal of the next Fair and was emnowed to select twelve assistants. The necessary work was ordered to be done at tlie Fair grounds, and after the transaction of routine business the meeting adjourned to the 4th Saturday in April. T&e Cotton Factory Started. After many months of hard work tihe Cotton Factory has atlengi begun operations. Last Friday number of citizens, accompanied Iky tlie Directors,, were in atten nice to see "the big wheel make its. first revolution. At precisely eigne mmutes'to two o ciock Mrs. James E. Clark, wife of tbe popu lar a.nd efficient Secretary and Treasurer, turned the throttle valve and the heavy machinery - made its first start. The "big wheel," of which we .speak, weighs 18,000 pounds and makes 0 revolutions a minute. The putting up and starting this heavy machinery was the work of many days and the engineers John Morris and Geo. Stautl'er, deserves commendation from -the fact that there was not a detect about the w hole of "such an immense piece of machinery. Mr. IJroniniell, of York, Pa foreman 011 the Engine works at that place, was present and showed tlie workings of'the engine. Secretary Clark took Ii i lit over our town and lie expressed himself well pleased with its beautv and husi- 11 ess activity. On 'Wednesday smother large crowd was 111 attendance to see ol her -'parts of tlie inaeliiiierv at work and now every day find? numbers ot our citizens examining the workings of the biggest enter prize in our business little city. Only ;i part of the machinery is now. in operation but the working Superintendent is pushing the work ahead with all possible speed and in a few davs the Imsv hum of the thousands of spindles will make music in the entire building, Sunday in Wilson. L ist Sunday was Eiister.and wsi appropriately observed in Wilson Setyicjfs were held in all the churches and the. themes discussed by the preachers were in keeping with the event celebrated. Bishop Lyman officiated sit the -Episcopal church to the delight sind edification ot a large .congregation..- Hi 1" . 1 . - preacniug, 00111 in the. inorning and ar night, was wholessnne am editymg and no one who had the plcsisiire of hearing his remarkable sciiiions on tins occasion will soon b-.rget them, i hey were sound jJaiiu praetii-al, gospel serinons smd could not fail to have produced an impression. At the close of the sermon at. night the ordinance of continuation was administered to two young hidies. The Church wsis beautifully and artistically dec orated and the music by the' choir was surpassiiiiilv beautiful;. The exercises' t by the Sunday Schoolchildren at i o'clock were largely attei.dedand highly", enjoy ed. Arthe ''Methodist church Pew 1. II. Buuton, Presiding Elder, ofiiriatfd iiini preached two force ful sermons- full of thought. We have heard them highly compli mented by thoughtful hearers. The communion of the Lord's sup per was administered at the morn ing serviue. The music was appro priate to the occasion,:, and the preacher referred very beautifully to the resurrection' of our Lord. -'I ast or Jones olficisitedat Missionary Baptist church preached two good practical nions. tlie and ser- It HIT A til: US MILL. Kmroit Advance: After a si lence of five years I again pencil a few remarks for vour very valuable pajier. ' The snow, the beautiful snow, which made its abearance Sunday iiight, only reiiiaiiied a short time, but did a' 'great "deal of damage to the peach crop. Farmers complain of being back ward with their farm work. There was a good crop of wheat seeded last fall atul I am g!sd t av it is 1 okin well. The new county question is be iiif: agitated through this vicinity, and a call has been made to mee st Whitakers Ajiril 7th. , Some fa vor this question, while others op pose. The health of our county is any thing but good; Chillsl aiid fevers are raging on all sides.' Judging from the nuinWr of "Smiths" widt h put. in their apiear auce in. your' city a ;iew days .ago, Wils:i 'iniist 1m a very" prolffic county v lhit, sir. give "Old Nash" some credit, for she is equally inter ested. It seems that no law cau, it mat ters not how strict it may -be. stop the stealing which is goiug on night ly in this vicinity and it seems im possible to bring the guilty parties to justice., .Will you please inform me through your valuable columns where I can purchase a thoroughbred Blood houud pup. I believe if there was a well trained Bloodhound in every community there would be but lit tle stealing. Point Lookout. JlILLIAItDSTOX. The farmers in tV" section are backward in their farming opera tions owing to the continued rainy and snowy weather. Now that thev have a few pleasant days i they are. pushing the work vigor- . " . . . .. l ously and are making satisfactory J '1 i Siven to ail arsons itnlebtel to progress. Farmers in this section " 00 'nlten' to lspense med- the estate.of said deceased to make are using verv little hired labor ! KiST. J? lw,lso.us' !cenf hS immediate payment, and to all per and are.tilling the. soil with their j i ' V1' J this depart- wn Laving claims against the de own haSnds. This will bring to ! "p"" m0tt0 sha11 "CAnE ased to pre.sent them for pay- them a measure of irosieritv thev ! never would receive with hired help. liev. G. 31. Duke addressed the school at Red '.Oak Academy, Fri day, March 23rd. lie had a large and intelligent congregation and delivered u verv instructive, lec ture. Mr. W. F. Leonard, who has moved back to old Xash from Franklin, where he has been liv ing, says that if you strike aud miss a rock in Franklin you strike a gold dollar. II. Rocky Mount Fair Premium List. Editok Wilson Advance: The premium list for the 3rd Annual Fair to be given by the Kocky Mount AgriculturalXand -utxiiauiuai vssociaiion on nieir r.,..t :..l 4 . 1 grounds in Pocky Mount,fX. C, on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and L'Gth of Oo tid er, 1883 is nowjbeiug reiared. it eannot be issued in tune to give persons desiring tocompete for some of our special premiums, to jirepsire their lands for cultivation. We therefore take this method of announcing some of our premiums. others will follow from time to time: 1st. Forthe lsugest yield of cottou on one acre of laud, one bale to be exhibited, $10.00. 2nd. For . the largest yield of corn on one acre of lsmd,one bushel to be exhibited, $10.00. 3rd. lor the largest yield of field peas on one swe: of land, one bushel to be exhibited, $10.00. 4th. i or the hvrgest yield of oats oiAme acre of land," one bushel to be exhibited, $10.00. 5th. lor the largest yield of wheat on one acre of land, one bushel to be exhibited, $10.00. Oth. or the largest yield of rye on one acre of land, one bushel to be exhibited, $10.00. , ' 1 7th. For the largest yield of na tive grass on one acre of laud, one bale to be exhibited, $10.00, 8th. For the largest yield of culti vated grass 011 one acre of land, one bale to be exhibited, $10.00. Oth. For the largest yield ol rice on one acre of laud, one bushel to be exhibited. $10.00. 10th. Thomas & Hart, dealers in dry goods and general merchan dize, Rocky Mount, N. C, offer ten dollars cash for the largest yield of cotton from one aiire of land, where Whanu'.s Plow Brand Guano is used, one bale to be exhibited. 11th. Patapseo Guauo Company, Baltimore, Md., offers twent y dol lars to -youth under twenty years of age forthe largest yield of corn on one acre of land cultivated by h in self; yield to be uot less than fifty bushels. . 12th. The Narassa Guano Coin- psmy, umiugtoii, 2... V., through their agent, W. T. Muse, lloijkv Mount, X. C, oilers one half ton Xsivasssi Guano for the larg est yield of cotton On onesicre.of 1; upon which this guano is used. nd 13th. W. T. Muso silso offers h v dolhirs kssfsh -to supplement the premium just mentioned above. 14th The. Xsivassa GuanoCompany through the same sigent, offers one half ton ofNavassa Acid Phosphate' for the largest yield of cotton raised on one acre of hind upon which this phosphate is used. The amount must be certified smd quantity of land, accurately measured, and in the two last cases, one bale of cot ton must be exhibited. loth. Theodore Hobgood, editor aud proprietor of ''Sunny Ilome," Toisnot, X.. C, oners ten yeurly subscriptions to his'-paper to be given by the Association. All iefsons desiring to .offer special premiums are requested to com municate them to the undersigned so that notice 'may be given through the press, and said special premi ums will also appear in the. pre mium list when published. Very truly, B. II. Bi-nx, Cli'in Coin, on Premium List. IIAKKIED. Near Snow Hill, March loth., Goodman Owens to Miss Annie Whitley, both of Saratoga. Ku mor has it that the old folks ob jected to the match and the young couple' went over the line into Greene to have the knot tied, re turning home happy in the consum mation of their love. The AD VANCE hopes thsVt their inatrimoni la car will glide along without a jar. DIED. At her residence in this phice Saturdsiy, March 24th, Mrs. Caro line Poyett, aged 54 yesirs. She was a good woman, and a consist ent member of the Methodist church. At his home in Bailey's Town ship, Nash county, Mr. W. Ii. Wiii bourne, a well known and highly respected citizen, of consumption in the o3rd year of his age. lie leaves a wife, two children and many friends t o mourn their loss. He was an honest God-fearing man, a member of the Methodist, church. ' j. At her residence near Wilson, Monday, March 25th; Mrs George Branch, who leaves seven children. Only iv. few mouths ago we were called on to record the death of Mr. Branch and 'now his wife is called home, leaving their little, helpless orphan children. May the God of their parents protect, defend and care for the little ones. New Drug Store. Hswing bought and opened s firt class stock of Drugs, Chem icals, Patent medicines, Fancy & Toilet articles and Druggist sun dries, in the store on the North west cornerjj ot Nash & Tarboro streets, (lately occupied by Messrs. Geo. I). Green & Co.,) we desire to announce our resuiiness to wait upon our friends and the public generally. Our stock of Drugs and chemi cals are the purest fresh and void of adulterations of any kind. Our Patent Medicine, Faucy and Toil ettelarticle and druggist's sundry de- uartments are complete. While j we keep the best and only the best and purest we shall- be governed by the well tried principle of "quick ssiles and small profits." The Prescription Department will be under the personal sc- j ' pekvision of D. S. Can-away, who i is not only a Registeeed Phak- ' macist, but also a Licentiate i t-. - ":A Z '""'x;cease4thetim tbe Probate Judge p, "i,- ,l """ Ot l'liartnnv urn nrnnnnninil I ,-..7 Mi.,x.. . Feeling sure friends and the public who will kind ly give us a share of their patron age will be pleased and' will not re gret it we are, Very Resjiectfully, Cakraw ay & Latham. 0 luv.-.cui uui 1IOTIE ITE.HS. Cheap Whiskey by the qgantitv atSelby's. j " . Warren & Barnes' is headquarters for fine Shoes. Send your Job work to VANCE Job OflBce. Buy the ''Lucy Long" Tobacco at Selby's. Selby's is the place to liest Cigars in the city. the Ad- chewing get the Old newspapers for sale at this office at 50 cents a hundred. Billiard, Pool and Bagsitelle,' ta bles day and night at Selby's. The lateft style of Dress Scarf is the Lennox. At Warren & Barnes. Warren & Barnes have just re ceived a full line of Gents' Furnish-, ing Goods. Guano for gardens, by the retail, for sale at tlie guano house, bv J. A. Clark. . Go to Warren i Barnes and. get a Riir of those fine French Calf Lon don Toe Dress Shoes. Rochester imported Beer, keg Beer, Holland Gin and best old Ruin at Selby's. ' Twenty-five dozen of "the Indus Fillet Undershirts, the very latest, at Warren & Barnes. Hewitt Jack and & Sou's Gondolia, Old all kinds of the finest Cigsxrsat Selby's. The only place that the Earl and Wilson Collar and Cuff can be found is at Warren & Barues. "The King Pen" is the finest and best five cent cigar in Wilson. Buy it troiu W. W. Hargrave. 'Grand .opening of Dry Goods, Spring and Summer Clothing, and tine Hats aK Warren & Barnes, Thursday, April 5th. Go to Selby".s aud get the best Cig: irs Whitlock's Molel, Shel cent burns, Capitobi the best Cigar in the city. r ". All the latest styles in Slippers, Ok ford and 2fev Port Ties, Sandals and Embroidered . Operas at War ren & Barnes. Kentucky's best f'oijir year old Whiskey Teakettle, Monogram, Stuarts and Stanton's Wine and all kinds of old Brandy at Selby's. Just received smother lot of 30 dozen of those perfect fitting, tein forced "Brother Jonathan" Shirts, atWsw-ren& Barnes. Best brands of Cigars at Selby's. Try our Freeman Brps' & Co's., Little Sammy, Excelsior, Eureka, Baltimore Club, El Globe, and Sat isfactory brands. The most reliable agent for des troying and expelling wOrms from children and si'.ults is Shriners Indian Vermifuge, 25 cents a bot tle. Try it. Every bottle Guaran teed to give satisfaction. r Wilson Market COKRECTED WEEKLY BY' Bynrirn. Daniel 'z Co , COTTOX The innrket is' now active. Tt TATOKS (SweW.- ;.. ,50io 0 HA CON, N . C , thew round) IS Hams, " - 16 (di 18 C. R. Sides, Vfb ..U.t12 Uulk Shoulders l'OKK, : SALT 1 CO 1 10 (flne l"S(q) 2 175(3) aw I.IME.(Koek)..... l.T0't,lT5 5 l no 100 ffl 1 10 (a). 16 V 12 1HS HO Co 1 00 ..90 Cm 1 00 tift.o) 75 .5 00 CA 7 50 10 15 9 ca 13 ..40 (ol 60 .......40 ( 60 1 25 1 30 ; 15 30 g 22 15 (a) 30 90 (a) 100 cokn FODDER LARD, Country Northern MEAL WHE.iT, (new) OATS F LOU It, per bbl COFFEE. , SUGAR SYRUP MOLASSES, (Cuba,)-. HAY EGGS BEESWAX,...: CHICKENS PEaS. (coW) MIBCELLANEO US- o 'S. CO O P3 X- X o CO o GO CD. CO ii H TJURCELL HOUSE I WILMINGTON. X. , II ECENTL.Y refitted, and under en tire new management: Terms $2,50 toS.3,0 Per day. 1 B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. IHt. E. L,. HUNTER, SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE AT ENFIELD, N BIY-AJST HOUSE, TARBORO, N. C. A FTBST-CLASS HOTEL. Iarge Sample Rooms for Commer cial travelers. II. B.BRYAN, jeMy Proprietor. MISCELLANEO US NOTICE. Having qualified as Exeeutora of! vHuiv vi i . . t , 1 JiCULlllln. 11.--- or Wilson County, notice is hereby I - . .. T ... . J I ment on or before the Sth. dav of jiarcii. 1.S.S4 IP thW iw.tin.i ill 1 j plead in bar of their recovery. 11 III j John II. Rentfrow ) i Exect's. j "James T, Rentfroav ) j Connor & Woodard, Atty's ' Guano Certificate. Black Creek, X. C., Jan., 23i, 1S83. M u. Fv J. Woodaud : Dear Sir : In reply to your request, I will ssy that the S tons. Seal-' Lawson, Kesler& Go's, Aininotiiated Dis solved Bone Guano that I bought of you hist season did as well if not better than any standard brand that I have ever used. As you know, I have used large ly of the different gusuiox for the last 14 years, and last season Rest ed yours thoroughly and found it first class, and expect toeoutiuue to use it altogether sis far as ammoni ated guanos are concerned. Yours, ,x:e., J.C. PICE. A huge supply of this unexcelled guano always on hand. Call on me Ik fore purehsisiiii'. F. J. AVOODAPD,. Black Cre-k, X. C. fllil) ft NICHOLSON, INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE ' - AND . Loan Brokers- WILSON. X. C, Uave established a General In telligence Office and Agency for the Sale, Purchase or -Transfer of Ileal Estate, aud for the Lestse or Kent of Town Property. "We have now for sale some vers desirable farms in this aud the sid joiniug counties. .Also for Kent a number of residences and business houses in the Town of Wilson: Parties desiriug comfortable homes, and capitalists seeking pay ing investments will find it to their interest to consult us. ..We will in the near future issue H Keal Estate Journal, in which will lie advertised all property placed in our charge at nominal cost. ."'Information cheerfully given and all enquiries promptly smswered. Loans negotiated at short tfotiee on Keal Estate security. Correspondence solicited. sep2!)-3ui 8AM BODuKtt. H. HOIK1FS HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 A T , A PS, And Latlics Triinnied oots 49 'Commerce Street, aOUFOLK, VIRGINIA. leJ G. H. Walnwrlsrht, H. T. I'olc-uyin. P. J. Koyal, WAISWR15HT, mkl I H (Successors to Farmer & Vaiuvrirht.) Founders anil Manufacturers' of the Only Iran mm AND TURNING PLOW. WILSON, N, C-- Havinfcr bouirht the entire stock belong iiik to the oM firm of 1-Vrmer & Wainwrisrht we are now prepared to offer gpei-ifil irnlueements tti those in need of AGRICULTUUAL IMPLEMENTS. We will continue to manufacture the origi nal Wilson Plows and Caxtmtrs with some Im-provem-nts. ... . WAINWRKillT, KftTAM, & Co., mar2tf 1 At the old Stand.! CALL ON COBB & DAVIS, Harnes Street, Iletween Hines. Hadley &(''. and Edwards' Livery Stables, Wilson, X. C. Drai.biim tv ilis;h Grade Feqtiiiz era, tcid Phosphate, and Haiti il. Call and see them liefore buyinir your (ruauo. -IIAS. V PKTTIT. 1U01. 280 and 282 Water .St., Noifoli,Va MANt'l'AC'i L IIEU4F . Engines Boilers Saw anil Grit Hills Shafting, Pulleys, Hmigers, FOUIil bS AMI ( ASTlMiS OF EVERY )ESCKI PTION. may-ly Pcofessioiml Not ice. I have returned to Wilson and will occupy my former office in front of the Briggs House, where I shall be pleased to serve all who may. fa vor me with their patronage. On Saturdsiys I shall be sit Tois not until further notice. X. B. IIKKHINU. M. D. Iv. IIIGHESS CASH PKICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF OLD I R0 N M KT A LS, COTTON, . AX I) WOOLEN liAtiS JAMES PO'WEIl & CO., ; 36 Rowlandds wharf. Norfolk. Va. Branch store comer Wi Water and Church treeu. . (-epi-l y SEX I ) YOUR OHDKIiS TO McCraw I fcey, FOR GINGER ALE, SARSA PARILLA, AND LEMON POP. The nicest Spring and Summer drink jroinc. Thev aie inaiinfacn- rers of that drink, and they ?;kwa n i tee their prices and poods. ImnHtttf WILSON, N. C. C. - -' ' . ' For Safe! The vacant corner lot adjoining i - - - - . - ithe lot occupietl bv Mrs. L. K nodes, ,.f lMlffft Street. For terms apply to inarrMVlm Mb. X. Rhoiies. izaM Iron WorKs MISGELLANEO US. i1arXbilliardXparlo ' 4SinpnYOia StanJ.) A NEW BAGATELLE TABLE. The nicest auj nicwt popu ar Saloon io WU Bon. The Finest Liquor and Clears and an experienced an.l. flr t-i.la.s lLr-kwper- BILLIARD A POOL TABLES THE FIN EST IX THE COCNTHY. 1 would Ik gla'd to take four school boys, to loard. . Apply to fedlCtf MPS. A. .!. BliOWX. GEO. M.CKArON, ftMTijerly with Geo. M yers. It. H. TICK ETT. : ' formerly with W. 1. OMham i Co. No. 10 Sorni FltOXT Strkkt, WILWINGTOff.N. C. Keopa'Full an.l woll Slx-t-l Stock" of if -,- AT . . WHOLESALE ISO RETAIL" PRICES , ni'AHANTI-EI) AS lAt-W AS TIIK UWFHT. r Cottim. Corn. Naval Stores, fliU-k-eus, Ejrt" ami othor l'roluis. for our custom ers and L-liaoce thi-m no siminisshTi, and tniar antetoint Ouun as uiiu-h for their prodiu-v as any house in flje c-itv. Trv us. CRAF0N-& PICKETT. St'PtSillHM i S3 t: c r c o H 32 e .' e 'j. jr. o 2 'J. at 3 3.3 m m 7 y. Navassa G vano, Navassa Acid Phosphate! Manufactured by NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, WILMINGTON. X. , None belter fo:- Wheat, Com, Cotton and 'l'l;ueo. The siImivc well known aii'd. popu lar Fertilizer liU'sh from tlie factory for sale in any U,uitities wanted, and prompt delivery in good order guaranteed. Branch, Hadley & Farmer, oet20-tf WILMINGtGX B JOHN" MAI'XnEI!, Pnoi-i!ivrr)R. ; IMl llox Vifi ts MAiUvfo omi:n. -flll .' lanl "Tie Transit fl Venas;' - AND " ;s ii srtr Tin: timks, '. AT-.; Jcmn .1. McIntykk iSr I'.Htt,, liVj i and 1"7 Chur - i Si . Noi solk, Va Wholesale and Kisiil Dealer In Furniture, 31;ittiess'. LHikin'g i.isse Oil flolle, &(.'. The North (Vrol in -itrsidc respect fully solicited. . . : . - . dec.22-.'iiio. i:vr i:i!.isiai:t 'is:w. ETH ER EDG E- & BfiOOKS, SuecesortoNe:meyer,Kthiii-e.V'eA: Itnatkc. 1 15," 1 IT ii i; ii & .'-i. Si .'127 WATF.U S I ".. i POirLSMOUTII, VA., COTT C UFA C TO ' am. , General Commission ' croi.ants For the salcyi f l'miiutK. l. ieil . t nut. a Southern l'rKkiet. ami l'-a ei.- id Huildi-rs' and Airrieultural Lime, am. i'IitUt. ;men and Hay. Wholesale ilealx-r- in. Ojal of all kinds. 'Utieral advancein' -nt - made-oii Con ..mentaor Tran.lt. ; V nlan LYON&HEALY Stata 4 Monroe Sts..Chicaa0. Vf1!ir4 pnT Xlm BAND CATALyuwki it tBtlruio''. .'i "l. H.U. So.. B."d WU. 4.U .l-attn-f-W l.W!J -t0l '" nm far A ni.i'" mwM, na j POR SALE. ltKI.OOO let't itiee. all li-Ji t wetilh I er iHiarilin aiiil flooring Terms: ! at'mill. six miles l'rnm Wilson .l,oo I per liuiulred. ' Delivered in Wil I son at 1,1( per hunilretl. Ai'i.V at this oflii-e or to .1. II. Wll.M AMS. Maixh.y U I mi NOTICE. Ilavinjr.jiialifirtl Kxi-cutonn.f tbe efjiie of Wiley Umin. de-eai.l. U fore the I'n.tnte Judire of WHr eMinty.r noti.e I herel.y Kiven to all r-rn lh.leMe.1 tr the etat. ..f ai decea.1 to make ditineliate janM-nt. an.l to at! fr8 havinir -latin mruuittu tht ilfX'Ml M pre!-t I hem $rr jeyirH.-r.t to u or Tnourattf.rtM yo on .r lwfon the i:ith la .f Man-h- I". r thin r-'t ! mill U-k-a.l irr mt i th-ir rt.very, - ? . WILLIAM H. MKIM KI!.) r...v I.. 11. W. MAKXKK . "' MrBHAT Ai WofiAKI. Att'v. Wil,n. X. Man h 11. !ri. NOTICE. u-..ill will at the Lit IW-Jem-e of Wiiy T .rnn, .13UL III (ill FlfcM tOWTlhiP. , Wil- son county. onTuelay April L 13. a lot .f : - TwoHom. four Mu!e. lot of Wisbm aol M.t.ntfinip ti. cai.i deoeao. lo wirr -a,rta, one Top Huirjry, one uranuy nun uup Turpentine Still, two Cotton Gtna. one Whct ' Thrhrr. four (lira, one Ism Engine ar4 ; 4 dmaii Krurine wun Mailing uk:hi. crw. u.t of tVoat.tjowamiPi . I H.n ami wrtern meat. ,ut Bal ? rf Annie Brand V. lot of Cotton. C-otun IM and Farming Implement. TEKHg CaSIC WIIXrAM H. 7i E KCXK. t VrM-. I J.. 11. W. BARN KS. FT- MAR LE WORKS m Waor, N. C-March 13. lv-3t standard R0UNTREE, BARNES & CO. e have just received one thousand Ten9 of Standard (Juano,. WliaiHis; Kvndly vs, Vi U psc o, Pn We gnarnntee them to beJQrsWlass. Thev have 8U-1 the te,t in Wit son. NmIi and the adjoining eountie for seventeen van... I I . SatiSfatton in every respect. We bu quantit "? Va un I,aa u,e lStet grade. Call and aee ua Wfore purvhaMn can make it to your interest to bur from . 1 K' j Wri v v . , , KOUNTREE, ,v cx4 tixiy, C.febl6-3m f GUAfli Ci 8P He Sure in Srr nil til DEALERS IN 'GENERAL IV1ERCHAWDISE, M;rilscm, INT C. Jl ION T I A L i V srr ST l J T K I; FOR YOUNQ LA " The Spritur Term berln Momlay. January 23til. ,"r further Information and eatalotrmn, arMn-s. T 131 E re now in lull successful -oper.it lo order. . .-." ' - - It. unre.l at sin "iuo, iron Workft. AV e are prcmriMj to furnth vI i'IJ'L"1 l .JT?.ll?'JiYtHm' Th - t, I. 1 K ! I I 1.7 K N 11 A f W . mill e U y 31 . i l lit- We iiiMkea MMH-lnltv of these. hir1ITTOK olina Kuir of luM. They are said by ludireg to be BLACKSIVIITHIIMC&REPAIRIIMC Of all kind of itmehiiiery dono uoiler our pn'uperYllon, nA our work I truarantee.! W kt-i-p in Kfnek a full line of all sizes of Hlmm ailu hIj.p ....i ......... a.-.. . tinirs for same. We also run a l'lalilna Mill. i-e. In making this announcement we auk a share S. K. FOITXTAIN, Manatrer. - ... , t ' mai ll-ly . IKCELSIOR j, - V-E i'.Ij ff-fM:.. ....... rw nufactured by ISAAO A. 6HEPPARD A CO., Baltimore, Md. . Y" ..ii.l i.h mK- , UYA. U. UHEKW A. fO WIImih. . C. ,1 W. T. BLACKVELL & CO. Durham, H. C. MtafMturm of Ua Orlfiaat aa4 Oaly 8 ! TOBACCO Bla6kwell3s Durham I;- Till KIXKrtT, l'LHhiT, HKHT, ANI MOHT. fc'MHir.M. It It A X lt V l 'TOIlAtt'O KVKK I'l'T VHOS T''K MARKET - A I .SO ' ' MANUFACTiniRES OF1 Uurimm Long-Cut a" : Durham Cig; ;r Thfsr toods We Brii3Ior an M !iUr Knarj.itrr Pkei I Tlicvarc the tPieft andM'ure-t (ijimN noon the unirk -l. I naf They are free fin Drtir or 'heuiieuU of any ki;i I. m iuai ai .. it ..ri. nmi 1 111:11111 nun niire! niv p;u 'r i i j J l n'v - ,u-' ..." (, umw ; Tlwv it m-l-it ofthenm! lrorfolltt A. 1 -; - . - : S - ; t J MA ,, Upsh er Guano C o ., t ... ..r.., .t..... -if St jmlard Fertilizers ami Iniinl"ei ! K. i.iii .M.HI'i:." .. i'lieniieals tke Polasl The IUme and reruviau i'.M'l I phosjiIiatefiT the ' - .- - . J -""'-' UYSI M, DANIEL & ')-, Agenti', Wilwm, Ni C. Call an.l get 'circular contaiiiinR write us. SEEDS, VEGETABLE PLANTS. ALL VARIETIES FOR THE- FARM AND GARDEN. i ,iuirC,nb.ii 1'KEE br mail or tota.an4 ail kindi of rcetahl planU aent Tall M-a4ow t at ir. perennial Ky lover rrrl. r.-nara him, i inimnjr, PRICES ON THE REST QUALITY Correspondence Solicited. Guano! GUM 1 .V AT I.1TT1. Tll. V IV ISM, and -lmoa the won.l Thura.lar In Jun. HKV. J. V. HHODKs, frtneiil. il Ml ion." All kinds of Machinery made , r' ' - i - rrim hii1 raw milU fanu Ktmii. m. . i- frnum ami l-l.n. u thvitH lei our i i 1 1 1 1 D I -. 1'UiW l.u.b nerfptn. I'n-iuluiii at the Kaatern I ar. r' . w ni- lf truoir from wur frien.la and tho publle. H. K. KoUNTALV, 1 W 11.TAVLOU.V I'roprtetora. C. UI XKLK, j 01 COOII STOVES! THE BEST III THE MIRKEl. Tonrtwn dlfferont uliim arid ktn.t. n. with Eiuunt-le-l Hewrvolm. A.Ui trd to LtU requirement aif vric-d lo niiill pi -va LEADING EATURE8: Double - Wimd Door, attnt Wood tiriiiu Adjmtahle Iiamjx r. -r l.n;:t.'-l Am BiatlcHhelf, nrullliiK li wingi. . 'n.i-.h Plate. Hwlnifing Flue-Hi. Pevri.i1.ii. -i. Burning I.ii Crnw J I. .. lxmblo hlu.i. Ccnt.-rs, Heavy Klmt Covera, Illuuilnat.! H Ix.r. Nirkel KiioIm, Xl. kel I'aticU, rUt. ' riu-iuakd In fluU-rial, In l'.i.lli. and In opemtl.m, Our claim for merit U baaed npoa tbe fact that a chemical analyaU prorea that the tobacco Brown In oar section 1 better adapted to make a GOOD JU UK, aatiifactorj imoko than ANT OTITER tobacco grown In the world; and bcinjr situated Ir I lie IIEABT of thte fine tobacoo Mcctlon, WE have the PICK of the offcrlnga. The publkJ ap preciate this; hence oar aalea EXCEED the prodncM of KU the leading manufactories eon uined, H&rSaM omidnt vmlcM it bear On bnuUmmrl of At f& f e KUitieio, ami nt no "Virginia.. a viiimin. nd .... . , -,..-.... i . Miu aneau. .nre pi.ui; u i iu iiiimey than any Kinu in ine maiicet. tormiila. of G. D. ' Medalev, &c Jor ilec.22 KiprM ( .Miajre Planta. Tomatoea, Sweet Herd Orao. biriiah HI tie t.ra. hohnaon U by mall or "PrJ aa anI all vartetiee ot r aria iww. APPLICATION. AT- THE LOWEST PRICK. T. W. WOOD, S. el nun. Rkhmoml, V.i. -i 7 '