iVILSO A' ADVANCE. i : - ' , , ,',! i:i FVEUY fUIUAY AT 1 V JHSU'lll 1U1S. - r..li.lr ami l'ririrr-: WTLSOW WILSON ADVANCE. , i-M i:irr iN BATES IX ADVANCE ffl """'.'.."!! , i uii V'.ir - , :ly()LUME 13.-- LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THf CQlTJfTRr'S, THY GOD'S, AND TBOTHS." ,,,.! InriA.i.. ; 1 1. in WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA. JUNE 15.1883. i JVANOE. - - - ' . , - " : - -;-:''J-'i-. :-r " " -v- ; : - . : : . V Kates of Advertising. Ot Inch, One tnvrtioo . ti i - .- v. ,... f " - m-.iv4ll . I , ; - Six Month. . 4. On You- .........- .is wi Liberal DUooucU vlU be ma fur lnn-r Jrertl moots anl for Contra, -t by ih- y. r Cb mast KMOrapany all AdwnLmn.-iit Baton food refeinc U riven. iirnnTr ; a Texas county is not necessari ly S 01' A W . i j L1V I ly a multitudinous affair. Yoakum ,-,.,.mii p' i'ts 'Howard seven, Hoslley five, i 'I' 1 1 I I'll) I- l. '1 A 1'1J I AU1M - ,F Hi: -WOULD. ! three, (laities five,' Dawson s . ' Cochran five, Subdock five, B j county, ly census oflSSOy has two inhabitants, Terry five, Lamb lour, ilale seven, ailey tliree ami Andrews six. A Jamestown hen has There arc ( 'hicago. ;.7.V drinking places sts i onteiiiplate build in Kaleigh. i: tv.ii t- o! Ion The I .apt H female ii,- making t establish eel oil factory in Tarboro. . . . i . :.. u. ...it.,.-,.,.f jl'rops ami eauie in iiimiiii-ni ! . . . IV. . i . . '.... it .liM.irlit r"illi;1 nil' simci n .mini nnint. Si. Augustine Normal School (-,,!. .i - 1 j '.at Raleigh, will be.-ro-in ill. "The Slate Teachers Association nijll meet at Chapel 1 1 ill Friday, .Inly fit.li. fouiyeai old girl, iu Gaines ville, .( kniNi 1:1,0:0 stitch 'tidy in t hrce d;i s. " I The first pea'cho h;ike imiih; tlicir W tminloii. Ion. Alinini S. llewit is looming ii ;n llic prohalile 1 ciiioci atic can dii..i1e lor President. .iiiile .1. I!. I'oraker was Hiiaui moiisly nominated (Jovernor of ( Milo liv tin- lli'i-iililicans. !r. Win. i:. Hunter, well known the t liildi-n s I iiend, ' a lioteit Suiliilav school 'lecturer, is dead. , colored choir sanii "Nearer (iod toThee"' at the opeiiiii;j;"ol Kentucky l."eiiillian coiiveu of t he season appearance in My th. I if i(i last week. tid I hat in New Hampshire 1 ula vol 111 :'J laid an encircled by a red band. On the band the word "devil" appears clear uml "distinct. The imprint is apparently on the inside of the shell, as scratching the outer shell dofs not efface it at all. Who can solve the mystery! "Patriot." An unmaVried daughter of lieu lirookens, of Baldwin county, Geor gia, yesterday gave birth to a child of wnieh a negro named York Cooper was the farther. Brookens used his shot gun on Cooper, and the coroner's jury rendered a ver dict of justifiable homicide. Mrs. Elizabeth Felt-on, the last of four sisters who were grand daughters of Gov. Caswell, died in lialeio-h on the 5th inst., in her 80th year. She was the daughter of Villiam White, : who was tor i.i:i!iv vears Secietarv of State for North Carolina. . Old rhymes reset for Massachu setts readers: I saw tin old man pass by, Savs, I, ''old man you're going to - ' die." Says lie, "if I ilo, they'll tan my skin ; If they don't I'll see you ag'in." Mrs. Malaprop was heard to remark apiopos of the weather; "I can't se into this Wiggins idee. Of course, .Juniper and Satan bein' in pedigree; would Iks rather like ter git up some sortef".storni, but it don't seem ter me. that the sun and inooh's bein' in ctllgy would raise any rumpus. THAT BAD BOY. -:o: IIE MAKES ANOTHER EFFORT TO REFORM HIS PA. THE OLD MAX SWEARS OFF bear that performsand I am goiug to find where he is showing, and feed the bear a cayenne pepper lozen- ger, and see him clean out the Pol lack settlement Good bye." And the boy went to look for the bear. THE MISSIONARIES r0"8 r T" uueu suieiy i-o tne ignorant, uueua ted class of people, and we are in some doubt as to whether or not the THE LABORS OF MOBMOX State "suffers macb loss from the ELDERS IN WESTERN N. C. depopulation caused by the )Ior- -:o:- Southern Yankees. on schoi thousand exercises it IS : re Ha- women have a right, to! While population doubles m this 1 .iiicslioiis, not fiie. i country, the nuuioer oi lunatics increases six fold.. Taking these bases of -calculation, the Toronto 'Cilobc"' readily deduces insane conclusions. It will not be long before the madmen will -run the country and build asylums for the sane. ' ' en. Grant express that r!aine and Lor i very strong men for ilic.in nomination lS.St. the Ojllll- ,an the are lie ( hot pa! A storm, Saturday night, in the neighborhood of Dallas Texas, destroyed many farms; hail stones of large size killed many small ani mals. M 'nder -Green Apple Houghs' is Helen Campbell's last novel. This seems to imply a small boy and a good ileal of t rouble and .ginger i audit'liiiigs. A;i.tiu' bab show in Uloaming. Hi., the name, of .Mrs. David is has been placed noon the board to be voted for as the most popular lady. in (lie city. ton, llav The latest snake storv: A col respondent of tile New Heme '.lour nal'lsays that Mr. Cad Koonce, of. Onslow, killed-a rattlesnake- with,. :'.7 i.ittlea'it measured l fect.X-. inches, i . ' ; f i ', 'l'he ticgro charged with rape at I lie : ate term f t ';uswell Court on the person of a little negro girl eight. years old ijas found guilty and sentenced to be hung on the l'-m of next moil' h. Om of the results -of the Salva-! tionlAiinv labors in I'eiiiisvlvaiiia wasjlhe inai i lage t he other day. of two of-the liuost, active workers, lleijjiy .lonescolormH and Annie Wilhans, a whiTe. girl. Thel ; CIS III ry. W Harris e are hi:! Conledoratf sohli eired hi Arlington Cemete isliiiigton eit v. . Mrs. C. W. thililis they ought to lie aiid ?is : witling toi receive' Ihi! ioiifi to That end. r I - ; -irgiiiia paper, in making inovei contii liieiitioii that an insect, Vxliibitiou win oc neid in rajas on the 1st of .bill. sa!s if, is not, too hue to as a specimen of the Viiicr.can Seed Tick. l'.eaulorl 'Telephone' tells of that is about twe!itylif ami h:ul stopped lay- eni sonic made her drunk on it-aches ami ever since she jell ; fining her duty towards egg consumers, . 1 Jnprc eff and lor an Kandlenian is a town in this Slate of about I'OOO inhabitants. It has a factory which employs about ;00 hands. It is not on a railroad.'" Manufacturing there pays, and they will soon have rail road facilities. There was no town there when the factory was projec ted. I. A colored woman in Charlotte named Sophia- Johnson, died last week abnost immediately after hav ing been baptized by the pastor of the Church Street Baptist (colored) church. ' She had been , sick for a long time and a few davs agobe- ea me great ly concerned about the future and insisted on being bap tized. General Grant being interviewed, expresses the opinion Hi at Logan is a very conspicuous and a highly probable'candidate lor President. ( onsiderating the devotion of Lo gan lo the political interest of Grant in times past, we do not see how his old commander could have said less. There is a tooth pick ,; faetorv at Scbee, Maine, that turusout a two- litft'se load daily, uses over a thou sand cords of poplar and ash year ly, employs 10. or 12 men, and gives employment to as'niany girls as can afford', to pack a liuudred boxes at cents ami feed them selves. ; , c held liilv. sas enier iuanotje i '.leal The a hen years 4 I (ig ing w brain ha, 1 , A schoolmistress in Philadelphia hameil Catherine P.urneson shot and killed a little school girl named Maggie Cnrtell. She was sen teneed to eighteen months m the penitent irv. Some of the chil dren appeared at her room window and called Tier names. She seized a pistol and fired irfto the crowd killrng little Iaggie. "If the dogs iu our neighbor hood hold out I guess I can do something that all the temperance societies in this town hare failed to do,", says the . bad boy to the grocery man, as he cut off a piece of cheese and took a handful of crackers out of a box. "Well lor Heaven's sake, what you been, doing now, you little rep robate," asked the grocery man, as he went to the desk and charged the boy's father with a pound and four ounces of cheese and two pounds of crackers. "It you was mvboy and played any of your tricks on me I would maul the ever lasting life out of you. Your fath er is a cussed fool that he dont send yon to the reform school. The hired girl was over this morn ing and said your father was sick and I should think he would be. What you done ! . Poisoned him 1 suppose." "No, I didn't joison him: I just scared the liver out of him , that's all." "How was it,'' asked the grocery man, as as he charged up a pound of prunes to the boy's father. "Well, I'll tell you, but if you ever tell pa I wont trade here anj-, more. You see, pa belongs to all the secret societies, and when there is agrand lodge or auythinghere, he ((rinks awfully. There was some thing last week, some sort of a leather apron affair, or a sash over his shoulder, and every night he was out till the next dav. and hi s breath snielled a 11 the-4jme like-in trout of ja vinegar store, where they keep yeast. Ever since Mil- took her hay fe er with her up to Lake Superior, pa hasbeeu a terror, and I thought something Ought to be done. Since that variegated dog trick was played on him he has been pretty sober till Ma went away, and I happened to think of a dog a boy in the Third Ward has ctit v Ar fYinlra TTn will illlnrh "i:, 1 ill iJ luaiji t J 1 up and take a man's hat off, and bring a handkerchief, and all that. So I got the boy to come up on our street, and Monday night, about dark, I got in the house and told the boy when pa came along to make the dog take his hat, and to pin a'handkerchief to his coat tail, and make the dog take that, and then for him and the dog to lite for home. Well you'd a dide. Pa panic up the street as dignified and important as though he had gone through bankruptcy, and tried to walk straight, and just as he got near the door the boy pointed to pa's hat and said, "Fetch it." The flog is a big Newfoundland, but he is a jumper, and doift you forget it. Pa is short and' thick, and when the dog struck him on the shoulder and took his hat pa al most fell over, and then he said get out, and he kicked and backed up toward the steps, and then turn ed around and the boy pointed to the handkerchief and said, "fetch it," and the dog gave one bark and went for it, and got hold of it and a part of pa's fluster, pa tried to climb up the steps on his hands and feet, and the dog pulled the other way, and it is an old last years dus ter anyway, and the whole back breadtli come out, and when I opened the door there pa stood with the froiit of of his coat and the sleeves on, but the back was coin Now, the people of Georgia have as sharp ah eye after the dollars as the people of Connecticut. The COKVEIt TS JBA FTIZED N UDE . - i vxeorgians are, inaeea, tne xan- Among the passengers who ar- kees of the South. So, when it was rived in eitv veHtrdav fto-finnn i - k - I J J I IUO UJUUlilJ, U U lull V. MIVA.UICU moa priests. But it is a shame to our civilization that such things are permitted In, our midst' and mis sionaries are needed. TheTs6rt of missionary, however," and the' one o suit the i ease best, m in the household of nearly every ian: in seen that there would be a large on the Richmond & Danville train, at any hardware . store. It is. a iicenaance at tne hanging, some were two smooth faced, keen- eyed, shot gun. Introduce a few of these enterprising citizens erected tiers middle aged men, whose peculiar missionaries and our couutr?wiU oi seats on tneir premises within dress and odd appearance attracted soon be effectively rid of them sigut oi me gaiiows anu rented general attention. They wore their "Charlotte Journal." them to spectators at a dollar a hair in long Saratoga bangy locks seat. This was a shrewd specula- that covered their ears and greased tion, and the seats sold like hot I their coat collars. Their dress con cakes. Then the mayor stepped in sisted of long black coats, or gowns, SHOOTING AFFRAY -:o:- WILLIS BARNES SHOOTS AND KILLS HIS BROTHER IN-LAW. JEALOUSY THE CAUSE. 1 Sensible Preacher.1 with platform spectators Perfidy of the Re?. Baxter. Whangdoodlel There is considerable feeling among the members of the colored Austin Blue Light 'Tabernacle. It is, as usual, about a woman, and the pastor, Rev. Whangdoodle Baxter, is mixed up in it also as usual. The widow Tripe t, who re cently lost her husband, is black, but comely. She is also very ignor ant. A few evenings ago a sensa tion was created in the Tabernacle criticism of a grammar bv New York another in I Tin (.editor's 'that city reminds '-a contemporary j of .old Sam Medarv, wji used to edit the Ohio -"Statesman." ' Some sol Austiia dines on j body on an opposition paper spoke cabbage. Not . bad J disparagingly of the grammar he I. m press; but if used. Old Sam reidied: "V nci imperial Highness would feed fh. COl ill It ll.f ! t" State Senator Nelson, of Wayne and shrewdly determined to secure that were buttoned down to .the county, Pennsylvania, is a good a share of the receipts for the city, knees, while -their lee's, or so much Methodist preacher. ; He ofliciates bo he decided that the hanging of them as could be seen, wero mi. as chaplain of the Senate. Last Was a ShOW, and called on .thel ve,loied in thPfimnlA fobla nfVimrnr week he assailed' President Ar . j. --bo; i ' . proprietors ot the seats to, pay a trousers. One wore a coon skin thur and said, that the accidental, regular license fee of $100 each, cap, while the other had head gear not providential, President of the which they did, making a good of a more civilized character, his United States, spreads his costly profit for themselves besides. eyes being shaded by an ordinary liquors before his guests at state The mayor and the citizens are slouch hat. Each one carried a dinners-with six wine-glasses to now looking anxiously for the next been-through-the-revolution look- every cover. "I have no apology hanging bee, and woe to the man I ing carpet-bag, and. waving the to make for advocating consti- who is charged with murder in seductive hackman aside, thev I tutional reform. Under the admin- - I- w t Macon for some time to come. The pushed out of the crowd and strode instration of Messrs.1- Hayes and jury would be snre to bo packed up Trade street at a brisk pace. I Garfield reform began at head Arriving at a grocery store they I quarters. The bottles and jugs were purchased enough crackers and thrown into the Potomac' The cheese to make them a dinner, and national mansion was scrubbed then preceded to the vacant lot from cellar to garret and dedicated near the Carolina Central depot to to sobriety, purity ' and prayer, enjoy their lunch. They remained How changed the situation to-day! about there until a late hour Iu the It is enough to make every patri afternoon, and in the meantime I tic citizen blush and hide his faee were interviewed by several curi- withshame. Arthur in theNew York ous parties. The men appeared to custom-house is Arthur in the avoid coming iu contact with the White House. The Ethiopian cau- oeople on the streets, yet, when ap- not change his skin nor the leop proached by anybody, they showed ard his spots. Driven out of the no disposition to conceal their New York custom house by Hayes, identity, but conversed about them- as the master drove tho Scribes 6elves and their mission freely. Und Pharisees out of the temple when Mrs. Tripet got up and com- They were Mormon Missionaries, with the scourge; made Vice Presi- piaineu ot tne pernuy oi rarson two ofjl ban(l Df seventeen who are dent by the votes of the people and Baxter. nnve wm-Vintr for merii its in ' t.hft no less than six months after inau2- "What h as Our b'lovcd asture I counties adjoining Mecklenburg on I rated President by a crank, taking done to hurt yer lectins, Y iddy uue West. They gave their names the oath of office m his parlor in Tripetr asked Uncle Mose, who is as vfevs. Wm. Dorton and Jabel New York city in such indecent a steward in the church. nro,'ioViwoll and at.at.Ml that thov I haste, at one o'clock in the inorn "He is a triflin, onreliable pas- arrived in North Carolina last iug so soon after the death of Pres- ture. He may be as wise as de March from Utah, and since that ident Garfield at Long Branch, and sarpint, but he am not as harm- time uai jgn holding meetings then carrying into the temple of less as de dog mentioned in de am making converts in various virtue and purity his nasty, filth, scriptures an I pronouncehim befo' counties of the State. Themselves New York Custom-house and pot- dis heah distracted meetm, as ade- ami fifteen other bretheren work house practices of card playing, cebe'r. When my husband was alive separately, but meet at a certain treating, drinking, Sabath breaking dat ar b'loved pasture would come rint about once a month to com- and Sunday ffshiug excursions, he ter my house mos' ebery day, an pimrUotes and map out plans for gives all the public evils national hug and kiss me and tell me to fntnre action. So far thev have sanction and notoriety." As Mr. keep on walkin' in de narrer path, cauverted to the Mormon faith 37 Nelson described "the shameful ex- and then he'd tell me that if 1 men and women, about fifteen of hibition of drunkenness'' by the wasn't married he would lead me wllom have been sent to Utah, statesmen who went to Garfield's de altaw, an' now bred'ren, my Their bst Riiee.ess. according to funeral, tears moistened his cheeks husband has none been dead mos' their report has been in Rnther- and his voice was broken by efforts a month and de pasture hamt said for(j au(i ju Gaston counties. to repress emotion de first thing 'bout dat Iceremony, , . , - .nrh. ii 1 1 r- iiiivTi 1 1 if ii uouj cuu T it r. tk. in Cabarrus, Rowan or Mecklen burg counties, but do not know how long they may let these fields remain untouched. Their work is The Philadelphia "Times" thus donequeitly, and their presence in plin brook's side, lest babbling briefly presents a romance that a" utJI-l,uolIJUUU " scm"Ui c" lovers wake me from my dreams. IFoYel; Silt an' he don't neber come to see no mo'." Texas "Siftings" Hoi He Got His Wife. me A Sensible Yonn Lady.' A sensible young lady made the following request to her friends : "Lo not lay me down- by the rip . i I.... . r ...i. 1 kuowii exeepL u.v ouu a ict .uu lmokontof. A rattlesnake Iwas attend their meetings. The apos , inrftin- fanofthe. e.ilminat, tie first begins by riding about a ino- event in the romance bv which neighborhood, stopping houses lor a drink oi water or a a young woman was led to choose a husband from among many suit ors..:. A party of people, retiring from a basket picnic, stopped on the hill side to gather wild flowers. Two vounsr men and a young woman meal, until he has become pretty well acquainted with the women. the weaker ones of whom he se lects as his subjects, informs them of a meeting to be held at a certain time and place, and invites them to attend. After they go to the sat down on a large rock to rest In reaching out his hand to a bed of meetings the work is easy, and moss, oneof thev6aus men touch- they are soon persuaded to em ed something c4d. Instinctively brace the Mormon faith he knew that he had placed his nor in the beautitul cemeteries ' in the valleys, lest sightseers, conning epitaphs, distract me ; but let my last sleep be under the counter of the merchant and the business man generally Who never advertises. There is the peace which passeth all understanding, and a deep sleep on which neither the buovant foot fall of youth nor the wearv shuffle and drag of old age will ever in trude. Rules' of Riding. nrili s Nhe iu ust try Carolina -l. icon food and like 111 ol.l N greens . '-'' , .J. "i : Gmitord Soon, who committed oiithge on the person of Mrs .1 -.,"L i ; - jilo on his wax to AYilsoo ii, n;i jail. It was only by action.-. 'on the part of the ft hat he xvas not '.lx nclu-d nH niii, iieaiei" . oi dxcrtisiiig extensive he at.tcntiiai of a bur- got away with C.l0 Advertising' has even xv hen well led xv!i Is piompl ollieial - A 1.I.MIISV ly. a'.U glar, worth its dr I done. '.niiiig ilie. . U'led Vli. of. Uhi.ls. iw.baeks apt! may not be much on grainiiiar, but jvc are h 1 fin facts.'' A San Francisco professor spells jMitato as follows: "Ghoughphth cightreeau," and declares it to lie correct acconling to the following rulo : '(; h stands for p, as you will find from the last letter in hiccough. Ongh stands for o, as in dough.' Phth stands for t, as in phthisic. Eigh stands for a, as in neighbor. Ttc stands for t, as in gazette, and can stands for o, as iu U'au." Mr. win 1 1 p j Frank Clay, of -Caldwell was killetl at a saw mill at Icard station recently. He xvas somehttw thrown on the saxv, and the Hickory "Carolinian" says, was literally cut to pieces. His lesrs and 'I'Might up to that cit v a .-monstrous arms were broken, his head and turtle weighing loo p,,,,,,.! ...j,;,.!, lace broken and cut, one shoulder I . ; . ... ...v ne caught on the beach at 11. .b.hn Turn, i.ot Savannah, leys, near Ossab lccfxni ssaoaxv Sonu.i ti... r. i . l ... -.- ..... e nine na.ljust come up on the iK'ju-h to deiMisit her eggs. 1 he Captain sejii-ehfil imi "f!!'.i . .. - . ...... UIUUU the ncs . which -contained ISO e'"s. , and I tofik hold of h:s arm and he said. "Get . out," ami Jwas going to kick me, thinking I was a dog and I told him I was his own little boy, and asked him if anything xvas the matter, and hie said, M (hie) atter enough. Nexv-? (hie) lamp dog chawing nie last hour'n a half. Why 'didn't you come and k (hie) ill' em?' I told pa there "Was iio dog at all, and he must be care ful of his health or I wouldn't have no pa at all ne looked at me and asked me, is he felt for the place xvhe.re the hack of the linen duster f xvas, what had become of his coat tail and hat if there -was no dog and I told him he had probably caught his coat ou that barbed wire fence doxvo street, and he said he saw, the dog and a boy just as plain as could be, and for me to help him upstairs' and go for the dtx'tor. Pa said lie wanted to be canterised, so he wouldnt go mad. 1 told the doc the joke, and said he would keep it up, and he gave pa some poxvders, and told him if he drank any more Jbefor Christmas lie was a dead man. Pa says it has learned him a lesson and they can never get any more pizen down him, but don't you give me away, xvill you, cause he would go and complain to the jwlice about the dog, and they would shoot it. Ma will be back just as soon as she gets through sneezing, aud I will tell her, and she will give me a cho- hand upon a rattlesnake. At the same moment the snake was discovered by the oth- aw f-- ti.-n nti1 tlm - vrtiati CI JUUll lUiiu uuu i-uxj j vim woman. Both screamed and ran from the si ot. It was a critical moment, but the first young man proved equal to the ' emergency. Knowing that if he Iu mounting, face the near side of the horse. The near side Before receiving them into tne cnurcn, they are baptized, aud in order that it may be thoroughly done, is the nearest yourself. If you the converts are stripped entirely Utandou the right'side of the horses naked by the righteous old frauds, which is the wrong side, when you when they are immersed in the monnt, yon will face the crupper, water. The hour for these oap-1 Then everybody will know that tisms is generally set at 10 or 11 your name is Johan Gottlieb Ern- o'clock at nisht, and any conveni- sigeielger II you mount irom tne grounu Mvpi w ent creek or pond in the neighbor- i..i . nnt, wonhl - hi.,, to hood will answer the purpose of a lead the horse to a high lence, say . , . - , ' ,wi iima almost,' incredible "whoa" two or three times, and fltUtll, m - UO-'O.-itu in--' in uuim- ir -- .!. .. , , . i. . Tiinr 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i : 1 1 ill- 111 iiul ecu I " i . . uv. wv H at. me i "v....- , You same time reaching into his pocket here under our own eyes and in will light somewhere on. his neck, n i-;ra Rnivr i.a ..nnbi r.iior. this advanced age ot civilization, .Vmifit.i, i.;atth ii,p enau but these Mormon missionaries ad- adjust yourself while the horse is lurj rvii i iv m -- i i.,i it.cif arm,n,l hi arm nut that this is their mode oi bap- running awaj uuu nvuuu.mv' .......... ... .... . . . . , i i: , t,.. "Run and help him !" screamed tism, and express surprise tnat oi mounung, large., P . r i i.i .,.! r..n- n-itV. if I tli -rtiiiifr fM.ntlf.mpn from till" MIV. l.a nnT wrvioan to tho vniino- au one uuuiu uuu " " b . ' manbv her side. "Go kill the They held a baptism on Duncan's is to balkince yourself on one foot creek, in Kutherloru county, ana on me leuec, uuu iiunit, iuc uvufri the "Banner" reported it at the leg at the horse, in the general di- time. " rection of the saddle, saying "whoa' Speaking of incidents of their all the lime. . The horse, after this trip through Rutherford county, gesture has been repeated a few they stated that on one occasion times, backs away, pnllsjme alleged theV hailed two white women who "der off the fence, and walks up were hoeing cotton in a field, got and down the lane with him at a into a conversation with them, and "pid gallop. This gives the nder thv onit. thev had conver- " abont ten minutes, an tne exer -v " 7 The shooting of Clarence Boyd by his brother in law, Dr. W. W. Barnes, shortly after ten o'clock this morning - caused intense ex citement. loyd is a quiet-mannered, womanly sort of a man and the last person one would exieet to be engaged in a deadly quarrel. He has been regarded as ; one of the rising youg artists of the .country. Many ot his pictures have attract ed attention and been sold at high figures. For sometime he has com ducted an art class in his studio in the "Coiirier-Jonrnal" building, aud his pupils were much devoted to him, owing, in largfV part, to his quiet, genteel manner. Hence the siirpriso Avhen it was told that he had gone to Barnes oflice and anuounced that he had come there to kill him. Dr. Willis W. Barnes is a well knoxvn 1 and popular Fourth avenue dentist. About six vears ago he married Miss Jessie Boyd. Txvo childreu, a lxy antr a girl- were born to them.'. DE. BAKNES JEALOI S. ;Ybout two months ago -.unfortu nate differences caused a separa tion. Whether there were Causes is not known, but it is stated, that Dr-Barnes grew jealous. His wile went to her father's and he to a boarding house; Out of this separ- ition grexv the - event of. to-day. Clarence Boyd, devoted to his sis ter, warmly espoused her cause and XTas indignant at Barnes treatment of - her. This indigna tion, it is said, led him to denounce Barnes in front of his oflice some time since in vigorous, terms. A friend of the latter says Boyd meeting Barnes on the street had several times addressed very strong terms to him. This morning Boyd . .went to Barnes office while the latter w as engaged professionally w ith a lady patient. Boyd called for Barnes, who went out in the hall-way. Mr. R. T. Fairman, brother of the lady patient referred to, says that Boyd took Barnes by the lapels of , the coat, using' very strong .terms to wards him. Mr. Fairman, who did not know Boyd, asked him to go away and have no disturbance, ad ding that there was a lady ' in the adjoining room. I HAVE COME TO KILE YOU. Boyd responded: "I have conic to kill him and am not going axvay until I do." A scuttle ensued and it is said that Boyd made, ii motion as if to draw a weapon. Barnes drexr a revolver and fired txxice, one ball taking effect in his left shoulder, the other striking him near the spinal column, pas.-ing en tirely through his body aiidViiie'rg ing froni the lower portion of the abdomen. The men. were' but a few feet anart when the tiling - be gan. Boyd rushed towards Barnes making an effort to tjiroxv up his pistol hand, which caused the first bullet to lodge in his shoulder, from which if. was extracted. He xvas assisted from the house to a milli nery store near by, where he- re. ceived prompt medical aid before being moved to his father's resi dence. THE WOUNDEll MAX I'SAKMEI). i It is a singular circumstance that Boyd should have used the intird erons threat imputed 'to him am yet have about hint no vcapoiis for its execution, hone being found on his person aftep the affair. He was eutirely sober and xvas a gen tie man who barely took a glass ot wine. Only a high state of men atl excitement elm explain the Ian guage life is said to have used, Dr. Barnes immediatelv after t he slutt ing left the house, and. meeting a police officer on the street, said to him that he hail shot a man ami A doctor named Roylston had sued reter Bennett forj his bills long overdue, for attending the wife of tho Litter. Alexander II. Stephens was on the Bennett side, aiid Robert Toombs, then Seator of the United States, ws for Dr. Roylston. Tho doctor proved the number of his visits, their value according to the local cistom, and his authority to do wiediical priK- t ice. Mr Stephens tohl his client that the physician had made out his case, and ; as there was nothing wherewith to rebut or! oflset the claim, the ouly thing left to do was to pay it. I "o. said Peter "1 Iiiml vou to speak in my case; now I speak." Mr. Stephens told him there was nothing to say; he had looked on out, and REV. DR.TALMAGlv, :o:- RELYRKS ON THE BROOK LYN KR1DGE DISASTER. - 'f TO LI TOU SO!" snake ! The young man hoxx'ever, had no desire to die, but remained at a safe distance aud shouted lustily for help. "I'll 20 nivself!" exclaimed the young woman, sjiringing forward. Her services were not needed. Pale to the hps with the pain to see that it was made it was. Peter was obstinate, and at last Mr. Stephns told liim to make a speech himself. if he thought one could be made. "I will, replied peter, "if Bobby Toomks won't le hard on me." Senator Toombs - promised, and Peter liegan. j "Gentleman of the .Iqiry: You ami I lspiaiu tarmers, aiul u we don't stick together these 'ere law yersand doctors xvill git the ad vantage of us. I ain't no lawyer nor doctor, and 1 ain't no turns to them in their projK' place, but they ain't farmers, gen tleman of the jury. Now this man Rojlstor xvas a new doctor, and went for him to come and doctor my wile s leg. And lie come, an put some salx-e truck oui it, and some rags; but never done one bit of good, gentleman of the jury I don't lielievc he is no doctor, no way. There is doctors as -i doctors sure enough, but this man dont earn his money; but if you send for him, as Mrs. Sarah Atkinson did, for a negro as was worth if I 000, he just kills him and wants pay for it." - r "I don't !" thundered j the doe tor. ' "Did you cure him !" asked Pe ter, with the sloxv accents of a judge with t hp black cap m. The doctor xvas .silent, and Peter proceeded: '- v. . 'As I xvas sayin,' gentleman of the jury, wo farmers, when we. well our cotton, has got to give vally for the money we ask, and doctors ain't none too good to lie put to the same rule. And I dont' le lieve this Sam Roylston is no dfi. tor nohoxv," The physician again put iu with 'LM)k at my dioloma, if yttu think I am no doctor." - "His diploma!" "exclaimed the nexvTleilged orator, with great contempt-.: "His diploma'! Gentleman that is a big word for printed sheepskin; and it didn't make no doctor of the sheepis first xvore it nor ilfK's it 'of thejinan that now carries it. -A gmnl . newspaper has moie iu it, and I'll point out to y ! that 'he ain't no doctor at all." ' The man of' medicine was noxv in fury, and s;i earned out, "Ask my patients if Iain not a doctor!" "I asked my wife,'' retorted Pe ter, "an' she. said as how she thought you x iuiii't " . "Ask my .other patients," "aid Dr. Roylston. ; "This seemed to lie the traw that broke the citnePs back. Peter1 reilied with a look ami toue of imi utterable sailness- . "This is a hard sayin' genttcmeu of the jurvj and one that requires me to flic, fr have poxvers. as I've hearn tell ceased to be exercised since the Apostles. Dos he ex- 1 1 jiect nie'.to. bring tli iUigle (lab iel ;oxv to toot his horn Ulfne ins time, and cry aloud, 'Awake, ve dead, ami tell ' this court an d jury your opinfoa of Roylston'H practice? Am I to go to the lone ly church yard, ami rap on the silent tomb, and K.iy to Yin as is 'of rest from physic and doctor bills, 'Get. up here, y ou, ami state if you died a natural death,' or was hurried ii) some, j by doctors f lie The 4th chapter of James PUli and 14tn verses furnished the tab ernacle preaHier with his text Sim day. ,uGo to now, yo thit say, to-ilay or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell and get gain. x hereas ye know not what shall lie on the morrow, for what is your life? It is even a vaior that ap- peareth for a little time, and then vanisheth iiwuv." The eighth wonder of the world has been built. People who had been compelled to spend all their lives in this city, and who had never- seen many of the cities ami the wonders of the world, had the satis. faction of seicing the jfrcateift. Trajan's passage across the Dan ule, Darius passed the Bospluuus, Xerxes bridge across Hie. Ilelle Mint, seems to have 'been, cclipsetl by the gi-eatest wonder uniting the.se txvo great cities. The ohh lug ceremonies had just closed. i if.Mip"h nisli l wa- the m.il- says, 'Ask my patients,' and,"gen- goiug to jail. ' He 1.ifKeedel j tk'm(:U oftliu jury, they re all dead. ,e City nail with the officer (Where is .Mrs. Bcazley's man Kami Oo ask the .xrbrms. in the gnixe- he lies, Mr. Peak's was to the City nml fnidin? the Citv (knirt ill sess ion rf.n.iAstd the Chief of Police I J111'1 where t cn-l for Maiof Keiinev anl. rei- i w'jm;" ah was attanded by !rlresented bv that gentleman, appb ! ."''. ancl ner fuL,eral wa PIoint- i " . .. , t. . ..il ii.il Iia liuil tlif rx.riia w-.ulv. cation was made lor bail ix-iore j '-'' "" - . i ;.. wiere is inai oaoy gai tu iiarry where, dyi-tors aoove BiatemeiiiH aii'i j'iin'c mioau.il iririniT lwtmls in the sum fants are at rest V.-i'-v-., ' j of $1,000 Mr. lioyd, of course,.; "Gentlemen of tho jury, he has cannot talk of the afl'aijr in his des- f et chickens enough at my bouse perate condition. rKOBABLY DIE Pitx-.Indcrft Thomson. Mr. Fair- man detailed iu substance the i l wl, above statements an.l Barnes was , irom trou,iI,M in- BOYD WILL , saxved almost entirely from his ImuI.v, tAie eye sawed through, and a piece of the skull, and one - side of his head with one ear cut. .. tirely away. The ioor man liifruieo, canse she don't like to have jrered four davs aud died Tnesdfere 1 ". drink onlv between meals. Well about noon. 1 od day. There's a Italian got.a .1 t l... f Ilif Aiiinrr fVl.lc ?he snake, tte ungS cut off tefl the two women, took them to a the, snake's head with the knife neighboring creek and baptized which he had opened between his them after the usual lashion, when teeth. The snake was nearly six the womeu returned to tlfe field feet in length and was so , . Mormou missionaries" strong that tne young ,.;',. man's firm Tl" .as black and blue for proceeded on tueir wa, a mouth afterwards- two women joined a party the next The seaual need not be detailed. ,iav and left for Utah. The The young woman accepted the preacher3 stated that they were on Ulil3 UUU UiaWf cAi-lvi ivu u ? j The suakeiskin, cured and stuffed, to have left the city last night for nccnnies a shelf in the parlor. The Soa?tanburg. The other members other young man, driven desperate Df their band are scattered through by the young woman a i cuoiee, Eutherf ova Gaston, Polk and sev- LTservinronirrerm in the -al other counties, and are almost Kansas Lejrislatnre- I daily engaged in working for re- cise he wants for a week. If by some miracle you manage to get into the saddle, hold with both hands and say "whoa." The faster the horse goes the tighter you niusfi bold on, and the louder you. must "holler." If you are from New York or Phil adelphia, yon will shorten the stir nips until your knees are on a level with your chin. Then as yon ride yon will rise to your feet and stand in the attitude of a man . peering over a fence to look for his dog, and then suddenly fall in the sad dle like a man who has stopped on a banana skin. uer, ami n;m -cpi ; ci,arge lor curin7 or her, and l am latter, going to ! nij,, thaukfHi he ,1Cver gave growing excited; ., , , , , s, had doubtless ; Jt nothin' for inwards, as be did to pay for the salve, and I furnish ed the rags, and I don't suppose he His father stated this t-yeningj charges'.-for' making her otse, had of late been talking about his j and even ne don't pretend to .a . I 11 1 I i. ' . wife ami ner urotuer, ami nafi kepi ; charge for curnr of her, and 1 am this up until the latter remonstrate ana f siirbt. nf Barnes. f-i.;na i, n-nnlil' otherwise not i his other patients, for sometliin Dam u i 1 - " .. s - .. - have said. It is probably that Boyd -, made 'cm all die mighty ud will die. The actors are young ; dl?n -men, each with a large circle of jiore the applause made the friends. Dr. Barnes this afternoon, j fi ak.r 8it ,Iown ju great wufus it is said, 'expressed an earnest i ion ah),? iu spite of a logical tate hope that Boyd would recover from f J))ent of the bv Senator his injuries. Toombs, the dmrtor kmt and Pe- Dr. Barnes is a native of Wilson j ter won. county and baa many friends who The roar of caiMiou had hardly ceased ita rcvei'lteration ; the two cities hardly taken off their coat of bunting, when all our hearts were shocked with' a great tragedy. 1.1 human lives sacrificed, 40 people reported us wounded; a King roll of casualities that xvill never In known. A woman stumbles and falls, and there is a an outcry, and people imagine there is something the matter with the bridge; ami Oohers iinjH-lled by a morbid curi osity rush ami others are trampled.' Bereavement of many households, fathers, mot hen and sisters pushed out of life in the rush ; a horrible One. Is there anything the marter with the bridge! No! that sf.iml as firm as the eternal hills. The next generation w ill have no power to weaken it. This generation wilt cross it and the next, and the next, ami the next. Asia that case jm in '.HHl out Ol a thousand, there xxns nothing the matter; absolutely not hing. ' When xvill people learn that in great excitement the safest and the best thing is to sit or stand still? What a sad thing it is that one fool or one ruffian can turn thousands of eople into ii herd of buffaloes. Our decie.t commiser ation is aroused for the victims and our flecju'st prayers for I he bereft. To go out on .u bright excursion aJid conic home with only ivpait of the family. Some of iirt know the horrorof the contrast. These peo ple wlio'wcie sacrificed xveie iu no wiso to blame, but they were tl c victims of a heedless crowd, victims of a -vast multitude of inir there to see what ter. Per.VMis crowded ftut a great crowd gathered around low-c what was the matter. A ixtsoii taken ill iu wuiie public assembly. Five hundred people, arising tf see what is the matter. I bu ses running away with the vehicle. Who gets hurtf .Those who junqu Who comes off w ith' the fe.vcst -aif Those who sit still. These people tifHldeii under Toot by a great crowd, heedless ones iiishingahead to see what is the, matter. There is to this great calamity a worldly side and a religious side. KiH-p CfMtl, never go to ce hat is the niaftor llides.s you au In- til' practical help. If there ls a iml oii Tweton street, doX n Seficr inerhorn street, if (M-opIc fall on the bridge walk the other wax, un less you can help them up. " Your curiosity will make matter wore. Some cay this was Hie work of pick pockets ami others cl arg.- it t the iiiconi'teiicy "I offici.Us. It nr:is a pun? accident, ami no pre-e-iition could have pn.U-ibiti l it. Aigood,s wise, and a- small men ua are in our cities mad.' the place ;ml gave it their entire time, and made every reasonable precaution-' C tjnfity to sec what xvas I he mat te.: broogtit ii a great multitude wh otiaiuplcd these poor victim to death. " Tu .tendency of Midi a tinnr W.toblaiue the bridge trustees. Your-blam iug the trustees at this time i unfair. Vor i xears they were lieai-d with f.ihuany. and thej iecl no imv installiuei't ot abuse- and they were uo more re. sjfnsiWe tor the disaster lhau you or I. Oh! how wise ".ple aie af ter any thing has hapjrf-ned. 1 told you ho! To hear u talk yon would think xt c wre greater engineer than Iti leWing, and feel that they made a mistake iu not calling u Into thciJ coutl'lciic. Dr. TVilmage continual-, by a -plving t be lesson of the accident i a refigio us and moral w ay"; B.N. sympathize with him in whatmnst c -be a very trying' sitnation-I'.D. J DeJK)t. Wilmington N. C. . A fine assortment of (Jun ami I'istolsat- JacolM's Hardware 1' jt. W ilmington, N. C. 1 lerv. got Jacobi's Hardware Depot - WilminetonN.C.