Wilson Apvakce. ' i r 1 ' ; Wilson. C, September 7, ISS.'j. Index to Sc- 'Alvcrtisem-i G.i.v's Gin James Gay. Dyspepsia E KUeckwitb. Iron Front- .1 & I) Oettiuger. .li. at E.. il iifnt L. Edwards. t'llltOU t'lliS. . ljrlioir niiu i next week The telegraph to Snow Mil! ,:is Veil eoini-h a .i. Mr. M. T. .l.y lias movrd to the -lls lot on Niisli s:ieet. Mr. W. .1 . mn hwell is prepar i,, to build next to Dr. Moore's. - Warren eoint is in session this vi-ek. Our Mr. Hardy is on hand. T.liiitedToni I'.atlle is to address t1( 'lailoio (,i!il.l.Se.temlH'rl2th. V (Mi fair to ! held at Ileant'ort r'.'ew n,r...- talked of by .'eat ers. . Ml . II. 1 - Whitehead is join to improve street. his resilience I Ml JN.INII It is said to he a lixe u.,,...- Hill ix to have ('art that a Graded School. Good! Mi .1 C MaiHe.v has pnrehaseil i ,. I T W iui"' residence on GohNhoro street. 'roiii a piivate letter we learn that the prospects lor Trinity Col-U-r are Vel'.V bright. J),ssey I'.attle, we Kiuinise. will I;,; rihtxr of the Uu:ky Mount 'lie. poftcr" within a month. Mr. .1. A. Dnvall is building liim M'lt' a briek residence, on the corner of Spring and I'arnes street. Whitakcis is to have a newspa p, i called the '.lonrnal." Its edi tor will soon bo a millionaire. The I'eaulort ''Telephone" lias entered its third volume, with bright prospects. May it live long and prosper. The. ('minty Goininissioners met Monday. They will hold another meeting at the poor house next Monday. Mr. .1 T. Wiggins has bought Mr. A- 1. Simpson's stock of goods. He will continue the business at Mr. Simpson's stand. ". The Wilson Collegiate Institute opened Monday with a good attend ance. The prospects for a full school are flattering. Prof. G.'M. Lindsey has resigned his position as First Assistant in the G railed School. His successor has not yet been elected. The Mutual Savings Association will hold a meeting in the. Court House next Thursday night. Ev ery member is expected to be. pres ent. The Exchange Hotel, next to the Court House, 'which has just been opened by Mrs F. 1. Finch, was a popular place this week. It is a well kept hotel. Our young friends, W, W, .Har graveand II. II. '..Hutchinson have been appointed marshals it, the j State rair. Letter selections could j not have been made. " ! Mr. J. l Biz.et t, of Nash who brought a bale of cotton to town Saturday, says he wants to give the fanners a receipt for . prosperi ty it is '-plow deep.. Good ad vice. F. Nash, J. It. Mercer and W. II. Powell have been elccted presiuing .officers of Edgecombe Inferior Court. Frank Powell Clerk, and Tlios. II. llattle, Esq., Solicitor. Good olliccrs ! ; The Rockv Mount ."Pu'poiter" says that . Mr. J. T. Webb has liought the interest of 1. 1. "Arm-.1 strong in the" firm of Armstrong & Guptoi', and that the firm name no.v is Vebb iS: Guptoii. Mr. i)issey Ualtle lias willnlrawn IV. mi the "Guide'' and moved lo Rocky Mount to practice, law. . He will (lo well there, and will be amonjj an appreciat ivv peojile. A'e are', glad ti welcome him to Nash. A certain ouny:- iceut who was' asked ttlic a marshal at a Heil. boi injr fair was conceited enough to write: "Iain very -sorry. 1 can't stand it. I wouldn't feel right, The girls will miss a ivat deal, but probably. they ileseive some such. calamity." j. llev. C. A. .leiikins, the new pas tor of the Wilson Missionary lap tist church, has just closed a meet ing at Warsaw Which resulted in eight accessions to the church. The "P.ililical Ueconler' says, "He is destined tn become one of the great preachers of North Carolina." The first bale ol new eotton was brought to . VA ilson last Friday. It was raised by Mr. S. h. Moore, (if this county, ami was" sold to Koun tree, Barnes & Co. :ii i. Us weight was fiOO pounds and ' it classed strict low middling. It was raised on .1 . W. Cherry's fat m. Persons living at otlires can now send money order any ianiount up to hve dollars for three: cenfsi 11ns w ill enable our subscribers tci . i i .. . . leiiiu i ue amount tine at little ex-" pense- We hope they will niiike liberal use of this new way of send ing money. A colored toy n ,1. I). Wells' place, six miles from Toisnot, met with-a painful accident Wednes day. The 'gin gearing was being removed and the cog wheel fell on the boy breaking his thigh. Dr. E. G. Moore was Called in and the boy is now tiding well. From the r(".lH.r irri.ster Larnes to the Seeivtarv of State we glean that there ;U(. o.HC acres , i",; "' 'ornay. valued iit 1.4 U -Mr?, i he nersm,..i .".... in 1 1 1.. ... .in, ; . . ' . I ... .... , 'umii i vatued 2X2. and the town lots at .".U.i.7-2" at are 1.3 17.- valued I r- .UP.izett. of p er Dam -'""'M-ountv, met with ; latWN-k, U,e like of n accident whieh wei . - ..vH.o iK'ioie. lie corked no H tun,l.; . 'o.,nter, the n . . eutiing In tin UUU. .01(i is explosive ger oi-ie ;ii w iiiskcy 1 lo this oi'nv-.i it l -"'ll. Mr. Geo- P H ,, i i . j Ilocky Mouni-l .LS. ,',H'4 tired troni the checker.' , ,., n.... ie certain storm sea of jourJij ' . 0 devote all of his energio ,1 e practice of the law, ; wl.icK, ' ami" iin lession er long we hope toseeim a bright and shining light, ill ni Wilson this week court. Scene in court : Young unmarried man has been summoned on tlu special venire in the Uosh Eatman murder ease. Counsellor the de fense inquires whether or not he owns land. Answei's in the nega- t -a S5fat' A f (iil liev asks. "IJOCS voui wife own laud?'' LoikI, long, , continued, uproarious applause ami laughter. ' Exit voung mail, his ! XxtZ n(Tiised with blushes. . .- . . r(inr in nnnrr The aS';trate. House Monday a . 1 -letted Mes. J. . Lancaster. I). . Waid, , and -Simon Barwes, presiding ott - t cers of the Inferior Court, II... i' Woodard, Es(r., Solicitor, and A. II. Deans. Eso., Clerk. We congratu late the. peoplt' on these selections. Thev ar all good men and they will perform their duties -faithfully and well. On Friday night last as the Northern-bound.' train, which leaves Wilson at 11.40 was passing Old Joyners, a brick was thrown in the car window, with such force as to oreaK tlieln ick. it tiappeneil that ; .. . l .!.. i -i i ki in leiiian on i lie ii.uii iiitu, hoc two minutes before the throwing of the brick, moved, from the 'window which, was broken by the. brick. Had he not moved at the exact time he did he. would have received a painful if no,t serious blow. The rascal, whoever he is, ought to be captured and severely punished. It was our pleasure -te attend Mr. J, H. -'Lee's school exhibition, one mile from Barefoot's mill, la.-t Fri day. There was a large crowd pres ent estimated at too and the ex ercises were pleasant and profitable. We. regret that we have not space for the well-chosen ami well-rendered 'programme. Mr. Lee lias con sented to .conduct a subscript ion school-until December, lie is an energetic teacher and inspires his pupils with a desire to learn. Su perintendent of Schools Murray was present and was jinucli 'pleased with the exhihition and is loud in his praise. of both teacher- and pupils, i Mr. Bonn tree Watson of this j county has some ideas 'on the sub ject of the duties of overseers of the public roads which deserve the respectful attention of the overseers of t he roads elsewhere. Mr. Wat son, believing that he had been 'ap pointed overseer, proceeded to sum mon hands to work the road, and finding one; of them refractory and disposed to disobey his orders, tried upon him tin; ancient and highly effective mode of discipline so strongly recommended by Solo mon. ' The disobedient hand re ceived a good whipping and he and the supposed --overseer were tried in the Superior Court this week for an aJray- verdict, of not guilty entered as to both defendants by consent of the -..""Solicitor, the wit nesses having testified that the pre tended appointment of Watson was a . joke and that he had. a bona fide belief in his authority and his right to enforce .obedience' by a re sort, to the corrective rod. ItHAT IHUCS IT .!;.! A The last issue of the Durham Uecorder," edited by handsome E. C. Hackney, cimtains the following: The Senior cftitor is in luck. He received the pictures ol'Jtwo buxom lasses, hailing from Wilson, N. O, last week, with a request to make a selection if either suited. One gave her age to be 17 years, weight 150,' the other was 20, weight 1.50. We will have to give brother Joe Dan iels credit, for this piece of luck." We beg to be excused from receiv ing credit for this act of Wilson's "buxom lasses." We know noth ing of the transaction, and are loath to 'believe any of fur lasses would make so unladylike a request, of even -so handsome and captivating a young man as brjither Hackney. i:i y.iii ji ma h iii:s I'.ailey's township, - Nash count v, was the scene of another' old fash ioned run awav match mi Sunday, August. I'lth. Tic parties were Pharoah Marroii and Polly FatmaiK Z. It. l.izzetry Rsij., . helped tlic young party, onward in their jour ney by putting their head under the matrimonial noose. The marriage took place in the forest God's own temple with"-"the sky for v roof and mother earth for ilie floor. In the same 'township, September 1st., another eon pie ran a way from the old folks and were joined to gether for better or for worse, and will henceforth pull' to.net her in double harness. 'Taylor Katman, Ksi., was the officiating justice. It iseems that runaway matches arc getting to be fashionable in "Old Nash.'' . - v, it a in:ii sciuhh . . so.s. A T I A I- The enterprising Utile (own of! 1'aisons, I lujiliii county, has estab dished a Craded School. From a private letter froml a friend we glean that iii Se)tcmber lsr the tax payers met and elected the follow ing board of Tiustees: Col. Win. E. Hill, .1. S. West I nook, James F. Shine, Jesse Watkins, and Isham Taylor. At a meeting of the board Col. Hill was elected Presideiit, J. S. WestbnH)k, Sec. and Treas.j and Mr. Mr. Peter Mclntire, of Canada, Principal. 1 he school opened last Monday with sixty scholars. Pros pects are good for 100. The school" is now supported; by private sub scription, but a plet.il ii i rt vote -..for n tax will be juesented to the board of County Commissioners.'. It is expected to inn . the school under the provisions of the Dortch bill. i lie "people ot that progressive community are anxious to have a -good school and. belter than that, they are able to I support it. -.Obi Duplin is a gootrcounty and its in habitants are a hospitable and high toned people. This movement will give.'.t he educational interests of the whole county a boom. i:i.in:n mosi:s t. moyi: ci:son of Tin: ronx or n u sos. The unprovoked .ind uncharita ble attack made upon the editor ot this paper by KIder Moses T. Moyo. the Wilson correspondent, in the last issue of the 'foisnot "Sumiv Home," scarcely merits a reply. The head and front of our offending is that we published the following item from the Wilmington '-Star." ; ii'vW uicn ine nev. . ii. yioseley is ' c-.iiil r h-ii-. itin -i iii.i.,,i.... iw, imlv ..vim ll ('Hill Iin ll llll CampUdlite church : i: We see from the-Wilmington rStar that Rev. V. - ii. vioseiev. ol I lie 1 jiiiitilieliire - 1 Cluirch. is a tine look inn- in:m :io.il 'MK He has been tire pastor at Kl lenton, S. C. He turns out to lie a swindler and a convict from the Iowa penitentiary. He swindled s t one of in ni.niiui ,;r i.'ii.,.tm. itteudinVMoseley has given leg bail. We Hiiiderstand that he "is the same man who made Wilson Lis home about seven years ago." This Elder Moye construes into an insult to the body of christian people who are sometimes called by this name. lie thinks we were "moved a long wavs from christian euanty," wnen we quoteu uie aoove item trom the "star," wnere Aiaer Jloye's church is designated as the "Gauipbellito" church. We merely clipped the article as it appeared That's all. We y siil(.(. the 1)ablicatiou of bis ..,,,. Jclirl,Mi nmminPnt i . . 4- ..I . ... . 1 J. 1 w r 17; I .4iivt iiiuuEuuai uiiUiuv v ; -uoe s own cnurcu in iuu i"--, ; ; and they say, with one accord, that j : they saw nothing in our conduct in j quoting the item above reierrea to.i ' I " I , 111 A J vnA ft rt i iiiL'u couiu. De cousirueu uiw i attack upon their churcli. e ; have-a hizh regard and respect ior s ! many members of the Disciples ; church and have never written or sjoken a word with the intention of j ' insulting them. We endeavor to j i cnltivnte rhp Knirit of christian i chan'tv amonrr 'the ! several rehffious j , . o .... i ueuominations. e iuiuk. e, uac lumot uome- jiouuay. uur pop not been uncharitable. If Elder ttilar and handsome young druggist. . . l. rw-' li- tt . i .' 1 - . t -m ' j , i V. .vioye preiers to tninK oiuerwise c is at perfect liberty to do so. What he -thinks is.a matter of perfect -in difference... 'We hate newspapercou troversies and we do not propose to engage in one. We have just pub lished the facts so as to" let ,our readers know that we made no "covert attack" on any sect or peo ple." " . We let the. public judge which of the two, Elder .Move or the editor of this paper, '-has moved a long ways from christian, charity;'' is "inexcusable;'' or has made a "co vert attack." Which ? i; CO ." ; i ii .so a n i ':; on Superior Court has been in ses sion this week. Judge Fred Phil lips was the presiding otlicer. This is his iir.st appearance on the bench in Wilson," and we are glad to know he has made a good impres sion on our peple. His rulings have been firm,0 fair and impartial. It was not our pleasure to hear his charge to the 'Grand Jury- but we have heard competent judges pro nounce it a dear and forcible ex position of the law, "a .practical, common-sense charge. Mr. Lafc Williams is foreman of the Grand Jury and is a. model oflicer. Solic itor Galloway was at his post as prosecuting oflicer. There were !." .eases on the Civil and eighty on the State docket. The following are some of the more important cases disposed of and the disposi tion made of them: Mary Artis, a colored lady, for stealing from F. J.. Woodard cups, towels etc., was sent to the peni tentiary for two years. H. S. Whitley and Heck Barnes, for lighting, were each convicted and sentenced to pay a line of i?25 and costs. Wm. Holland, col. was fined $2 and costs for committing an assault on May Moore. Wm. Hays was lined ?10 aiid costs for carrying concealed weap ons and 11. S. Whitley put under a bond not to carry concealed weap ons. ..Who will now say this law is not enforced ? Green Williams was found guil ty of stealing money from Walston Baker & Co. He was sentenced to the penitentiary.' for three years. The case of State vs. Joshua Eatman (col) for killing a negro man on Dr. Woodard's p'antation in 1S7S was called yesterday at : o'clock. The prisoner was ar raigned and a jury selected. The ease will be -tried to-dav. FKOI'Li: sit tiii: in Mort: m i:. is. Court week has brought so many people to our town that it is abs fntely' impossible for a local report er, who is not ii'iiqmtous, to : see the.n all ami tell the leaders of 'the .AlVA'cn what they are doing-and where they are going. .Those we omit will take it that 'we -didn't know they were in town.: Odr. C. D. Hrowiiley is in town this week. He goes to Tarboro Mimdav tocom- ineiice work on the new brick ware-1 house which is to be, built bv the j W. & W. li. It. iii that llace . The j people of Tarboro, who have, so j long called lustily lor tins improve ment will give him a hearty wel come. They will lind him a tirst cl.iss workman and a clever man. - yiiss Ellen branch, who has HctMi visiting relatives in "Wilson several months, returned home Monday. Mr. S. M. Warren left Monday for Xew York to purchase the fall stock for Warren & Barnes. He 'informs us that he intends buy ing a large, fine and well selected stock for the fall trade, due notice of which will be given in the AD VANCE. Uur yming friend C. B. Fsinner left -for 'iw Vm-V an.i H-.1 -i i timore Mondav to purchase a fall! t shielr of croils (or nwnmi ! Udiandise store which he will obeu l in Goldslioro about the 1st of Octo- i ber. -Mrs. J. J. Thomas and Miss ! Annie Thomas, who have been liv iirgin Alabama, have returned to Wilson to make it their home. We are glad to welcome them.- Our young friend Sterling lluftin of Wil son, and Sidney Woodard, of Black Creek, left this week lor the Uni versity. Mr. IJuftiu is a "Soph." and Mr. Woodard a Senior. Mr. AY. T, Muse, ot Rocky Mount, the lucky man w ho drew'l'r,00i) iu the Louisiana lottery, is taking in Washington and other Xorfhern cities. J. II. Barnes, of liocky .Mount, lias accepted a position, as commercial evangelist for a Balti more firm. W. C. Tavlor. of ! Xash, smiled on his manv friends this week. Come again. Mrs. J. D. Portis, of Goldsboro. was in town to see our efficient dentist, Dr. Joyner, Tuesday. Miss Annie Moore returned to her home in Goldsboro last Friday. Miss Katie Cantwell, sisterSf our clever operator, who has Wen visiting friends in Wilson, left Tuesday evening for Atlanta, where she will attend school. Some of our boys told her good bye with much reluc tance. -Mis.s Bettie Graves is vis iting relatives in Johnson countv. Mr. A. Branch returned home Friday from his summer tour al most entirely restored to health. ; riiei in. ootiarti is, we re gret to know, confined with a pain-, ful carbuncle. We are glad to know that he is improving. Miss Florence Connor left us Satimlay for Edgecombe, where she gtws to "teach the. -young idea how to shoot."- A, II. Davis, Esq., a prominent citizen of Halifax, who was lor many years a memlier of the Legislature from that county, was iu town lasr week.- -Mrs. W. 11. Hancock, of Washington, is visiting at Dr. Joyners. Capt. J. II. Baker, than whom Wilson has 110 more popular citizen or suc cessful salesman, has accepted a position -with Branch & Hadlev We congratulate this firm on secur ing Capt. Baker's services. o. t ny" Oettinger has returned with a targe and well-selected stock of goods. See his advertisement L. Ed wards lias returned hoiuc with a uiaiuuiotJi stock of goods. See his attractive advertisement. i Judge Geo. V. Strong, Hon. W. T. ! Dortch, and Esq. B. H. Buun, F. s uanieis, w . j. iJauglitey, John W. Blount, E. T. Boykin, E. W. ! low, m auilition to our local bar. ntt - s. .1.1 1 . - 7 I, . " uiusmess oi hii.i cctv. L e I e ilOIll uothj jiouut, was hi town this week. .Miss Mollie 11. Ooodloe. of the Bocky Mount Graded School. is to take charge of Oak Hill Semi- 'wj ui -vsnevuie. fsne is 4 1 . II , . . an ac-; t compiisiied lady and superior ; teacner. e regret that our I popular telegraph' -operator, Will. Cantwell, is still sick. Mr. Jeffries, of Fremont, is in his place. lie is improving now and we Iiojkj soon to see him all ri?ht aL'ain .m;,. Mattie. Koimtree. of Kinstnn. j. . . - 7 ...... .1 1 . . . - 1 W. Harerave. has been amoint ed a delegate to the National Phar maceutical Convention at Washing ton, D, C. lie will leave to-dav to be present. Dr, G. M. Bell, of Franklin, has been in town this week shaking hands with his many f deads Miss Lou Daniel left Saturday to take her place as music teacher in La Grange Academy. Col. WY F. Greene, Franklin's Representative and upright citizen, was in town this week Fitzger ald, of the "Reporter," Ilobgood, of the "Home," and Johnston, ojf the "Messenger, ' smiled on us tins week. Jumbo Carraway, of the "News-Observer," was conspicuous by his absence. Senator jjas. S. Battle is in town. Aug. Belsmey- er has returned from a business trip to Washington, Greenville and Tarboro. Mr. Buck Carter of Nash, has returned to Philadelphia io nis arug Business 1FJ1ITAKEBS Our enterprising town is again on the improve. Prof. E. P. Tucke, lias bought from. W. T. Taylor two building lots, and is erecting a fine dwelling for his own use. He also contemplates building a seminary for boys and girls. Mr. T. F. Johnson has burnt a kiln of one hundred thousand bricks, which are all engaged for home building. When all the stores and residences now building, aud in contemplation, are complet ed, aud a bounteous supply of paint supplied both to new and old structures, Whitakers will take its 'rank -with any town on the W. & W. railroad. Her healthy location, good water, productive fields and gardens, and lastly her social, eu- rei prising, ami .intelligent people i must gain for her a proud distinc tion. Just here I would say the citizens would do well to' put the subject of building a good hotel in their pipe and smoke it. The funeral of the late J. IT. Car lisle was preached at his late home on last Saturday evening by Eev. W.H.Cobb. Mrs Andrew Joyner of Green ville is visiting relatives here. . Miss Mamie Pippen accompanied by Miss Stella Divine of Wilming ton left Monday to visit her cousin, Miss Saliie Pippen of Tarboro. The rain Tuesday morning was a welcome one to us. , " Fizzy. STAXTOXSBUJIG ITEMS The farmers took advantage of the beautiful weather last week and succeeded in saving .the most of; their fodder. Cf tton j picking has r commenced in earnest. Some have ' gotten out three or four bales. 1 Some of the farmers are complain-1 l ing heavily of rust. After-close i calculation it is reported that lViur- tilths -.of an average crop will bf j made in this section. In the upper ' ; edge of Greene the reports are very i llattei ing. There is an old gentle j man down there who is compelled i to visit his cotton lields at least! once a day to count the increase of! bolls. Xear him is a young' man ' who, with one horse, will make : eighteen or tw enty bales of cotton, and corn in p oiortion. Vlio can beat it The hog clu lera has made its ap- peaiauce in our midst again. We were sorely troubled with it last fall We are pleased to see that Mr. J. II. Applewhite, who has been confined to his room several weeks : with rheumatism, is able to be out, though he hasn't entirely recovered. Dr. F. M. Moye loft this week for the northern markets to purchase life fall troods.. Mr. W. J. Extthi, Jr., left Monday for Trinitv Colleire. ICd, a younger - brother, left the same day for La Grange There are sixteen marriageable young ladies in this neighborhood and, notwithstanding there are ten young men "anxious to marry, one of the girls, was heard to say, "We can't spare one of our numler." Boys, what are you going to do f There is a negro man living not manv miles from here who says he never has bought a pint of liquor in his life. Show us the second. Some of our young men will be pleased to learn that Miss Susie Gile's, a beautiful and accomplished young lady of Triuity, will shortly take a. school at Mr. John Yelver ton's. Miss Giles was graduated from Staunton, Va., last June. Some of our citizens will leave before many days for the Louisville Exposition. Among the number we mention the names of Messrs. W. LI. Applew hite, G. W. Stauton aud Daniel Whitley. W. II. Bagley, mail agent on the W. & W. 11. li., spent some time at home last week, lie returned to Lis work Thursday. Charlie Taylor, one of our clev erest boys, left a few weeks ago for South Carolina, where he will engage in the merchantile business "We shall miss Charlie very much,'' did'nt she say t X. DIED. At his residence in Nash county, Saturday night,- August 31st: Wm. Bizzett, agetl nineteen years. He was a bright and promising young man and we sympathize with the bereaved ones in their loss. Iu Old Fields township, Wilson county, Thursday, August 23rd, Mrs. Susan, wife of Wm. H. Harri son, ased about 35 years. She leaves a husband, many friends and two children, the younger only two weeks old.' We extend sympathies to the bereaved family. nARHIED. At St. Joseph's, Mo., Wednesdav, September oth. Mr. fhos. If. Gat; hn ofTarlH.ro.toMissLilaLSudis,; ui mill CUV. HOME ITEJIS. Wood furnished at short notice by Worrell. I Good buggy for sale at a bargain.- Apply to A. W Rowland. E. A. Johnson, at Waireiiton, is always prepared to furnish good teams to parties desiring them. Mr. C. F. Finch is -prepared to whet gins in the Iwst style. Plaster, Hair ami Cement, in any quantity desired, at Geo. D. Green & Co's. - We are Sole Agt's. foi the old relia ble Rowland Cotr-n Gin. Cant W lcat. J. L. Weaver. & Co. A car load of fresh Rockland Lime, 140 to I'Go itouuds to thebar el. just received at Geo. I). Green & Co's. Warren & 15-irues ceived a lare lot of have jiiNt . re- r.urt vS: Tack aid's Gents m.l T,,.,-'' lino Oi.tjic 1 See thenijjefore buvinp;. For Kent. A house just complet ed on street. Apply. to 'J. T- Witfitfus. lee House open on Smida v l ioni 8,:30 to 10 A. .M. and 5 to 0:50 P. M. A tresh supply of all kinds of turnip seed ami cabbage for fall planting at K. Nadal & Co's. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, ro to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Wilmington C. The celebrated 'Fish liraiid' Gills Twine i1 sold only at Jacobi's. Hard ware Depot. , Wiln. in-ton N. C I have thr.-erood houses in the town of Wilson for s lie or rent, , . U 1 ! , . , ill give purchaser all the tune he wants; For terms apply to Silas Lucas. i ' - ' McCraw & Nurney have just re ; ceived the latest patent lleef Chip per, by which they are enabled to ; furuish fresh chipped beef in any ; quantity, from the thickness of tis- j sue paper to one-eighth ol an inch. J Eveiybody is invited to call and j see it. f i When such distinguished men as I Martin Van liuien, George Badger,.! late Secretary of the Navy: Gov.! Edward Stanley, Of California;! Gov. Iredell, of North Carolina ; j Senators Talmage, of Xew York; j Preston, of South Carolina;' Hen- i derson, . .f Mississippi: Hon. IV ! , ,,, , ,. i.1 ' '. ... , verly 1 ticker, ol irginta; Uishop ; r,rW.i, rriiini,iT Vreemnn ..n - 1 i 7 7 - - ; Texas; (Jen. McComb, of Georgia; W. II. Appletoni of Xew York;; I Jew F. L. Hawks, of Xew York, and a host of other such men give ! strong certificates of the value- of a j medicine, it must, have intrinsic j worth. All this is true of. Deck-! with's Anti Dyspeptic Pills, and to day they are as good as they ; were when those certificates were written. ' sep 7 4 MISCELLANEO, Latest Styles of Fall and Winter Sods Are now in and ready to be con verted into Fine Clothing, such as you may Order. Give us a call. Greenwood & Belsmeyer. The Exchange Is now in good repair, newly fur nished, and I will be ready the 1st of September to accommodate per sons desirous ol getting board and lodging. You can call and judge the fare aud price before engaging elsewhere. Mus. F. I." Finch, - Wilson, X. C. auglT 3m Goldsboro st., rear C. II. Chottan Baptist Female Instit ite MURFREESP.OIIO, N. C. One of the oldest and Itest etiuipped institutions in Xorth Car olina. It offers facilities, unsur passed in the State, for moral, men tal and physief.l culture. Charges very moderate. Fall session logins on Weduesday, October 3rd. For catalogue or information Address .1. 15. BREW.ER, jnI27 2m President. DAVIS & GIXE, S ATTOEXKYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, MASnVILLE, N. C. Hon. .T.J. Davis, of Louisburg, hs.fi formed a partnership with E. S. F, Giles for the practice ofla win Kash. Jr. Davis will attend the regular terms of Xash SHierjpr Court. GREENWOOD . BELSMEYER Mrtait Tailors." WJfl Hotel MISCELLANEO US. Ntw Oklkass, August 1st, ISSa. To TllC PuMlC. 1 X VESTlG ATK FOK TOCRPELVES Iwtitia.-tfr-ltntral " rvsham having pal lishtsl a wilful ana malkus falsehood in rev Vunl to thi i-haractfr of the Louisiana State Lottfrv Cnujiiany, tun followini? facts are irivcn to the public M print; his stau-mnt, that iti- arcenKTurfl in a frauiluk-nt busun.-. to Ih-1 fisc anl untrue: Amount of prizt-s paijby thp LfnLiana State Lottery Company from Jaauary 1. IfCS. to the prest-nt liato : , I'ail to Soutlit-rn Kxprv.! Co New Orleans" T M Wecoat, Mana)rer...t 11 3) ll.i.l l.t I i.nkLn. V.ll.ival lt.nl l.-l. , II Okrlesliy. Freillt-......- 451 !W l'ai'l to Louisiana State Nat. Hank S 11 Kenne.lv. President 135 lt Paul to New Orleans National liauk. A ltalilwin, I'resi.lent P 5Vi .lai-l ti I'nlim National llaai. t'har- lann. Cashier.......... ta i- l'ai'l to Citizens' Hank. E Lftmcre, President 57 0 l'ai'l to C.ermanla Nationar liatik. Jules Ca.ssar.1. 1'resiUent : (Ml : Paid t. HilK-rnia National Hank.Ctaas Pa frev. Cashier , . T. Pni.J i-. aual Itank. E.l Tolr.Cashi-r 1:1 M 1'anl i Mutual National ltank, Jti. yrteht-l. Cashier.. ...... S 3X) otal paid as above...:........ 3 6.10 Pa; ' in sums of undorf l.fOJat the va ftni otliefo of the Company LIirouKllout the I'nited States 2 637 410 Total i-aid by all . , 4 hcl 0tJ Kor the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the officers of the above named corporations, aud for our iovality and stand ing to the Mayor and Officers of the City of New Orleans, to the State authorities of lxu-.' isiana. and also to the I. S. officials of Louisi- in till our transaction as much so as any busi ness in the country. Uur standing is com-ed-ed by all who will investigate, and our stock has for years been sold at our Board of llrok ers, and owned by many of our Ix-st known and respected citizens. M. A. DAUPHIN, President. tiT CAPITAL PKIZI- 75,K0.ia Tickets only -. Miur-i in I'roportum LOllSim STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. "We do hereby certify that we supervise the arranirement for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and In person manajre and con trol the .Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and In rood faith toward all parties, and we ' authorize the Company to use this certificate. ; wah facsimiles of our signatures attached in jits advertisements." 'ommiion;rk. Incorporated in IMS for 2." years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of ?l.0t0.000 to which a reserve fund of over -$550,000 has since been added. j - - Hy an overwhelming? popular vote its fran chise was made a part ol the present State t 'on- utittittrtn u.limtoil 1 tonornlwr 'M -V 11 . 1X7U The. only hottrry iter mted on and mdurstd ly Ui "'' '" It never scales or postpones. itsokand sinhle ni-mbeh drwingr take "' !"ra,,LV' Atn ' A SPI.KNDIII OPPORTUNITY TO WIS A KOR- tisf. sevf.xtii grand drawing, class u at nrwoklkans, Tuesday, sop. 11, lw IHOth Monthly Drawinir. Capital Prize, $75,000. llMt.tMM 'I'ickelM at Five Dnllant r.aclt Fractions. in Fifths in Proportion. LIST Ol' PRIZES. I Al'ITAL VKIZE ...$T5.ntX) ..... 35,1100 ,. 10,000 .. 12.000 10.000 .... 10,000 10,000 .... 20,000 .... no.ooo .... 25.000 .... 2.5,000 I do do 1 do ilo . 2 PRIZES OF $H0OO.. do do in . at : i hi ! :l oo ! .1 mi ' llum Kmo... rum... lin... 50... API F'ltOXIMATION PRIZES. ! Approximation Prizes of $750 y do do 500.. a do . do 350 6,730 4,500 3,350 11W7 l'ri.cs, amounting td... ,.$.I6o,50 Application far rates to clubs should bo made only to the office of-the Company in New Or leans. Kor further information write clearly, Rive inn full address. Make V. l. Money Orders payable and address Hejristered Letters to N EW OHLEANS NATIOXALBANK, ' New Orleans, La. Ordinary letters by Mail or Express (o Itl. A. DAI I'HIV ew Orleiins, I. a. Dru.i.nui'iin, t07 Seventh St., 'snliiirlu'i . T. Carriages AND- H AH N E S 41 UNION STREET, IsTorfolK, Vet- Something new come and see ks if you want any of the following : Harness, Halters, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, &c, " Open Top Buggies, Side bar full-leather Extension Top Phaetons. Jump-seat Extension Tops, light and the best in the cifv: Village Gigs No-horse-motion Ladies Phaetons,' a nice vehicle for evening or morning drives. Il'vou ant a bargain in any of the above, call on us at 41 and 13 Union street. aug2 1 CniD. B. BuiCKiiousE Co GEO. W. DUVALL & CO., M a mi fac tn res of Eniiacs, Fiili'r, Sa Mills And all Kinds of Machinery OFFICE; Norfolk Iron Works. Corni-r Wa ter ami N obrasiui Mreets. NORFOLK, VA. r"rL Tii.L's Improved Patent Tube Ferrule. WarrauOtil to Sti D Lky Tube, and ran lc in'rt.-l by an Kmrimtr. PA KI.ICL' LAK ATTKNTIO.V TO SltAMISIt.X r w Aug--4-3m. .Wn-SanJcrlin. S.-C. T. M. Sah-lcrlin, N. C- Sanderlm Bros. GE5ERAL COMMISSION MEECHA5TS. o 17 Roaaoke Dock, .Norfolk, Va. ronsigmiu-nts of Cotton. Pi-aatus. Corn. Shiniflcs, Lumber. Staves anil Country Pro duce of every description g..licitcil. Lilieral advances male on Consimments in han-1. cir on Hill Iji'linir. Special attention paid to fill'.NTUV PKODCCE GE.VEliALLV. Autr-4-UIm. - X s- 1 ' - cgs 1- ' . r- - Hp! ssaB. . . - 5 i CO SSH , Wagons MEDICAL COLLEGE. Q Virginia "'- KICUKOXT. The Lorty-Sixth Anntial Session will be(rin on MONIlAY. OCTOBEK 1st, ltvO. For an npuriccment Or further Information, addrtsa : M. L. JAMES, M. !., : ' "' -. " .'. Dean of the Faculty. - g-St-JUn. -' MISCELLANEO US. 11 HOM Jaler-Colciier. HARG RAVE S OLD STANft. OPPOSITE COURT HOCSE, WILSO-N, N.G, t3T"Fine French, Cnly, Cakes, Crackers Apile. Rreatl. Rolls. Pie. &c. - CQ cs o c o a: t n ? Hi m Hi O o iH 01 in r- a a. o O o o U 6 3 CO H a ;' -.' T -G8." si CO Cft " W CC' cs gm. m O O CO TRINITY COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. The session of 1883-S4 opens the 5th of September. Full corps of competent instructors. Location healthy and pleasant, and the mor al influence of the community the verv best. Charges moderate. F r catalogue send to Prof. W. II. Pe gram, Trinity College, N. C. .. . M.L. WOOD, jul27 6t " President. MINERAL WATER. Foreign and Ooiiirslir. Upwards of Tilly Vsn ilie.- Circular .Mailed on Application. Address. , W. XV. IIar;raive. Wilson, N. C- aug:tf I1IG11ESS CASH PKIClvS PAID j - - . f FOR AM. KINDS OF OLD 1 RON METALS,1 COTTON, '.-: AND -. -' .: WOOLKN HAoS. JAMES PO WER & CO., 26 Kowlandds wharf, Norfolk. V a. nranch store corner Wi Water and t.liureh treets. ' W'l1 Insurance We have no traveling agents, ties wanting their Par- CiiiiH "Safely Insured AGAINST Will please apply in person or mail for terms to Iy WILSON, N. C. ISTotioe- Having qualified an Axlmtiiistra tor of the estate of Mary Daniel, deceased, notice is herehy ffiven to all ersou8 indebted! to the deceas ed to eoine lorwaru ana make im mediate payment, and to all ier sons hainz claims against the de ceased to present them for payment on or before the 22d of Angus 1884, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. aug24 4t JACOB DANIEL, Adin. 01 P' W-' Brown Cotton THE BROWN FEEDER AD These Gins Lave been in use since 1843. Several improveru ents have - recently been made and they are now universally pro-' nouueed the very best in the market. So great - i iiivw wm i'c ivci, as iicrctoiore delivered at the .nearest depot to Carolina. III' I ( ' I I i I . . . .... A X- Is 7 ' j With Self feed- WitliSelf Fc.n1 Sizes. Prices of ( J ins. ' erorCou- or and Con - ' ' denser. denser. " r.O " ? 75 00 1(H (HI ' $V2' iHT- .V " 87W 1161M) llloO 40 " , HX100 132 50 1G5 00 45 " 112 50 l it! (H U'.i (n 50 " 125 00 1 GO 00 15 (Ml GO :. . 140 (X) 1S0 (H)' 220 (M TO " 100 00 2 G 00 252 Oo SO " lSO(H) 2 5 "2 !0 oi. i For description, circulars, terms, tVe., Address, HOUNTHEE, UAUNHS A (X)., jun-15-3m Wilson, N.C. T 131 IE3 Are now in successful operation.- order. ICepaired at short nol ice. Agents Steam Engines which took the First Premium at the State Pair, an. Gold medal at the Alabama State Fair. -Gi-ist'ml Saw Mills sold ol repaired. Manufacturers of the I ADVANCE COTTON PLOW, And KOCKY MOUNT TURN PLOW. We make a socially of these. We keep in stock a full line, of all sizes, steam and wafer "pipes and connections. Also brass fittings for samet - - -"-- Our Planing Mill is in full.ojeration. Mouldings, liia kcis, -Uwt . kiln dried llooringand ceiling furnished promptly. We return thanks for past patronage and guarantee to merit aVoiitinuaiuo of the same. r. jv. I'ouM AiA. iiiauagor-- ! ft lit i Al SI i il fny- ;.J ,!! Ift fflSff- r - : q hi . Manufacturer by ISAAC A. 8Hi" 1 l-V Kit. t . t;-. r BLAlttWELL & li:sw.., r: c. . ! - " - '.": V . .1,. 13 CO: - - it--iV'S' - W . i.' " "Nr-vU TOBACCO IDURHAWi Blackwell's Durham l-THU FIN KT, I'UHEST, BEST, AXI. Z '"J. '! " A V " TOllACCO KVKK I'CT:cIN T'- MAKKKT AISO - MANUFACTURERS Durham Long-Cut and DurhamCigaretts. Thftioods We offer under an Absolute tuarantef M ( They are the ftnst and Purest Go U uim 1 Thev are fn from Drug or C'liemieaU -f ini mu'i Thev con'L? of the finest Tolmwv. and pun-l ri l,-r. S N. BRUISE & GO., WHOLESALE lioois and Shoes COB. COMMEECE & WATER STS aug-24 Ct MOIll'GLK, VA FARMER & BUNN, TarUro SUvct, Wtljn,'. C. rrWE KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a!tuU line ol choice Groori and Couioction- erius Wbich we are SelllnK Cbeap 11. u. x- o.-Mg-r.dt Franklin, ia with the nrm and will beifiad to fmnd. Gins COTTON GIN CONPKNSEIi. has been the de mand that for the past three seasons it nas lMen almost im possible to suj ply it. Nbt wit h s t a n d i n g the many addMl' nnprovements r these ,1 , . m . piiDiisneu. inese prices are any point in Eastern North All kinds'of Miiehinerv made to for the Kricltcl Vihratiiiir Viihe 1 ol S. K. Fountain, ., . III :U. 11 Sl' 1 1 1 V. Iff. .1 T - ". J yi:r t l.i'ii. f.n st" 1 -ic : I.. 1 :- :.:..!yKi: jt x 'ii ,'.r: ii 111 r..r l-.' '.(I'ldliU'.".'".! ' ' i. '., S.:cxrr r ft:; '. ,:.1L1.V tn:-jJ:' : ; w. .-; an ! I , u.o iir;r.T o.-:::;.-. .- . f ti.ni, .'Z I:r.r t.-.i it ho ofTrint. Tlt- j.rvcluie tlili:; lici 1 i i I (l.-l ; al -' ' !i:xaxn th.- tr U-adl:i f . U i- I.":'. '-.- Jg - r. 11 4 U Ij M ,r f. 1 - 1 jf-ir th' trtrtlr-iit" A f t JOHN T. FOKIJ t t L JOHN T. FORD & CO- FANCY GROCERIES COXFECTIOHEBIES. TobiM-co, Snuff, Orai'-N Letnoii.. 4 &., K: East Side Tarlx.ro St., W'il.n. X. and Oannel Meat. AVe: keep clroiee line 01 tiiMii to which we make .failv ;wlditioii- i- .. . t..ir-,. .(' t ln lillillK ft KOI1CII 1 patronage and guarantee to I'lea. those who favorus wuii ineir j.n ft ronage