Tl 1 E W I T S( ) A D VANCE Wilson. N. C, September 7, 1883. " BLUE AKD GRAY. "Oh, mother, what lo they mean by lilu' '! And what il- they mean by trray ?" Was heard from the lipaof a little child As she Ixmnded in from play. The mot hers eyes flllel up with tear: She turned to her darling fair. And smoothed away from the sunny brow Its treasure of (rolden hair. ' -Why mother's eyes arc blue, my sweet. And grandpa' hair is gray, . ' Anl the love we b-ar our darlimr ehild Orowa rtrororer erery day." "But what did they mean?" persisted the child, j pv., i ..-,, i.dIo t-iay, And one of them said he fouirht for the Line. The other, he fought for the irmy- -Sow. he of the blue had lost a It. . : , And the other had hut one arm., And both Mjenuxl worn and weary and sail. Vet their er-ettinic was kind and warm. They toldof the Uttle. it. theday, Kone by. Tin it made my blood thrill: The l.irwasjt-.t in the Wilderness tlrtt. And the arm on Malvern Hill -They sat on the stone by the farm-yard ea'te And talked for an hour or more. Till their eyemrrew bright and their hearts wt incd warm With nghting their battlea o'er. And parting at last with a friendly gra-p. In a kindly, brotherly way.- . Kaeh calling pn od to speed the time- I'nitlng the blue and the gray." Then the mother thought of other days Twostalwart boys from her riven ; How they knelt at her side and. lisping, prayed "Our father, which art in Heaven ;" How one wore the gray and the other the blue : How they passed away from sight. And had gone to the land where gray and blue Are merged In colors of light. And she answered her darling wilh golden hair. While her heart was sadly wrung With the thotif hts awakened in that sad hour By hr innocent, prattling tongue: "TV blue and the gray are the colors nf Ood : " ";ey are snon in the sky at even, - ad uiany a noble, gallant soul Have found them passports to H.aven." JUST WHEH TO PROPOSE. HOW I.AIIIKS IN A MtSSfU'ltl TOWS VIKW I'ol'IMXU THK QI'ESTIOX. "How shall a man uohsc in ol der to be successful in his suit," repeated one of the most intelligent ladies whose silver locks only sei ve to enhance the leauty of her still youthful face. "In my ninioii, tlionirli till men know well cnollL'h ' how to make love, there U. not 'one in a thousand., who knows how to propose. My husband. sent six i months protesting ami con vim ing. f ine of his loe,ol which, by the way, I Was well aware of from the first, without asking the important pies tion, "will you marry nief" and finally one day he said tome, with it disheartened uir. "vou sire, like all ; M.s. r.t . H..c. ..t.i.ri.,:i I 'l,..v..; .siienf mouths trying to win vou, I do n..t I ;.nv impression upon vou"; vou are j ,s h,llsI'; ."'"1 not inlre.p.eiitlv a(' :t hard to unravel as the searf vou tePi H"' ,,Vv- Mr- H 1 ,li,s wear around .mr" -'ThiV ' ,,,s M"?". another preacher- I exclaime l in the most, innocent way: "why 'tis no difficult t k to unravel it, if vou onlv get hold of .1... .-i.ri.r -..i.i.r it.. ti, ,u,i,.i ! look oi M. frii.irJn.,lHis i arm took the plnctv of the searf! Well, neither of us have regretted it." l A bright eved girl, who is still u I ",u" ' "''l1 " "'"' " u.e.r Aiaienais, ana a complete as- i .""7. 1 " , ,, Ti. skil.n,. ang.,:,- Ibr hearts. tl.inU a j U il ' the,,, sortment of Iron Steel and Hard- J' '' ! young man, to Ik, successful, should ! uu, uV their house-, e. Manufacturers Agency ; Lrmtonrvt U pro,Mwe uftw a ven short'aeiniamt. h5',a ,MM,'S 4 Tl'ir Is 1i the best and cheapest -j ik,st' ,V,,.ale. school in the South; ' 1 1 . . 1 " . " A. 1 . - . ! 1 - IX 1 4-1.4. :i..... tnk H. .nil l.v mi if ' ... . storm, ! were, while she is pleased with a i new Ikmii, and liefore she has time to tire of him. then follow the pin-! Misal up with a vigorous courtship. ) lots of Howes an l bon bons, drives. ' theaters, p, etc., and, if she consents, insist upon a short en : gagement l.v a .mus.. Another : well known blonde beaut v, who has ' ' : erea'ed saj havoc has had much exie, ienee in this line, says the only successful way', is to pro pose when least c.iccted. Allow 110 liii, I- lor cousidei iUioii, and then insist I hat t he acceptance must be -w or in vcr." She. feels sure at is tin-on way that site will over be capture. 1 : but she thinks very few men ate bold enough to lev that uaiiie. A handsome vomitr widow, well known in s.K-ial circles. I wIm is not so rich as she was, , says tint the on I suceesxttd way to win her is to orler her a tine house, horses carriages, with plentv of money to keep t hem up. A dark-eyed girl, with a tangle til soft brow 11 hair shading her brow. says : "If a fellow is desperately in love willni girl and persistent in his. efforts. to 'win her he is sure to gain his suit. Widower understand this point and know how to make love and propose, and on w ill ol serve the are alw.ns successlul." She knows one cae where a wi.l- ower went in an 1 hung up his hat, ' aniioniicing his intent 1011 of remain-; itig,iintil hr w is accepted nd she! had to iirirry hint to get rill of him.1 A widower beau makes h. nervoii aliouf the result. ' y- One sweet, dreaniv eyed girl.h who is just onthe thieshol.lNif so - cety, sas: " nmst lie j So sweet that she would wish her ! lover to le a long time in making j the approaches, and she would not ! shorten the delights of an engage ineiit. if the tire of each other- it j would lie liotler liefore after: marriage. She is not particular as j to style, but he must be tall an " I handsome, and sing and dance' well, and. aliovc all. he must know how to make love." This girl's name must lie kept si Mvivt. A married lady, in whose- house iold the little gwl of love certainly makes his abode, says the only suc cessful proposition of which she knows anything was made "Without being spoken: "John and I sat looking at the tire a long time without saying anything, when all at once he put his arm -around me, drew me to him and kissed me When father came in a niomect later he said : "Major Pui going to steal your daughter." Virginia expets to raise 2,100, 000 luisliels iM'anuts this ' . ear. North Carolina is put down at on I mm in Sor taorluia' j The Indian formers in Western j North Carolina are located in Swain j Countv, fifty miles from" any rail- I mutl, and comprise ne thousand eight hundred men, women and j children. When the Cherokees were,j j removed to their new reservation, : these Indiaus, that is, this remnant i absolutely refused to ro and the j Government finally consented to ' ) their remaining. They are, most, of j them farmers. Their "fanns'Tun hi stze from one hundred i acres down to ten. 1 nev owns , tleir j.j Jjve pI(.ftv wfcn alu usi. . , ' i . the same implements as the whites t ' " . . ... . 'They raise Corn, wheat, Slliall tl HUs, I al vegetables, malting a specialty j -. . , ,. . - 1 't SWeOT JHitatoes. plow .gcli- erally the year round, "the winters , - Tl,.ir ,,,.. sent a fair -appearance, the fields leiug enclosed with the .Virginia; rail fence. They -do. their own ; hoise-shoeinp, and other work pcr taihTiig to the blacksmith shop. As a general thing they are moral, 'and do not use intoxicating drinks. They are iindcii the leadership of Chief . larrett Smith. Chwf Smith is altoiit forty 'ears of age. straight ,. asanariow, iinj ovr six feet i high. He has a wife and ciht children. The children have been taught Knglish. and two of them are able to teach in any school in the country. The. j.cople ; to; Chief Smith lor advice, and; oby him.' While ..they-" observe' the Legislative enact ineiit s of North Carolina, they make laws, ami regulations for themselves. They talk the Cherokee '.language. They have schools conducted by Quakers, of which the general su perintendent is a man nanie Urown. The children are taught Knglish,' Their 'school houses are built of logs, and - .partially covered"'-, with shingles. The Indians are now constructing a new building for educational purposes. School is : kept up 'he teai round. The cliil- j dren are. paid a cent a day Tor.- af- tendance, and at Christmas they . ! receive new clothing from the Quaker.-. Suit O.vl, the preii her Of t h. Indian farmers, is six feet two in ches, liifjji and ationt fifty years old He -preaches with great power, and his sermons are longer than white! people would Can;, to listen to. ! V 1 l'"'H.V he will tliseoiir.- for an 1 hour and a half at a time, the list- : ! em'rs '''"''' ""'t'l the sermon ! '"Ke.M,,e losiruu. an., uenveis a i. .... . .i .. t;ikes the rostrum and delivers ' ""!, ' "e peoiie leinaniing a. mi listening to the finish-. Tlie In 1 diaiis aie mainly ,,1,,!S aie mainly Methodists mid j H iptists, a ! srenerallv. IUtists, and are good eitizens They display a dood deal of ine- l cnaiueai iiigenuitv. A convenient 1 noe 1 lie e i reiue. i lie mil. entire, consists of a section", oft a section of) white oak, together with a donb le-end"r pesllc. very heavy at l..t!i ends. A man or woman, as tin- ' ,H'' I""""' the corn, ""U' Wo,,,, ' ,l,:,t heiv- , v, r tlii-.l.alVivilized tribes of """"" ''J'. "emeu wiry , ..impel """ ol :m 4 I -1 . 1 I .. . 1- in 1 ne "iiincii to periiii iii all the labor, but here the men do their share. , The Indian women are very ingenious at making b is kets of all kinds, though not so skillful in this line of labor as the Passaina,iio.hlies ol Maine. One of the interesting characteristics aniong the females is the Indian nurse.. She wraps Tier child in a white sheet, and carries it about 11 1M'" h"'K instead of h.iv..,. the infant straiiiieil closalv - to he to her back iu pa pose 'stylo. The settleinent is about sixty iniles from Asheville, N. C. A new rail-, road, w hen, completed, w ill 11111 within ten miles of here. "Aiueri can Agriculturist" for September MISCELLANEOUS. Or.Vorthiiigton's .Of ( HOLERA ( (RAMP j AND SCl fV,rLlffc-i7 ! i I AKKil UEAl IURE - VSSD 0TB ts mu t'ihaw f Mo, 4m j IntrHliKvd m tbc to.r. fcy SMrerti iert S . Kv.iuieDdcd It U n PrffMiwfl ; Hm. krtinetk KaTac-r. ' I S. Trt-airT. n4 hr rrw t-t. Std b Pruti: . n DMhrrs. OnH p-auir if nnr Bumrii. bi..ri in hottV. SvU- THE CHA1LCS A.VBStLtl CAM FAIT. SEND YOl'li ORDERS TO & Nurney, llR C.IXCJER ALE, SARSA PARILUV, AND LEMON POP. - 1 i The iiietwr Spring and Summer They aie manufactu drink oin". rers of that drink; and they guaran tee their prices and goods." mai-iott WILSON- N. C. WIRE RAILING AND ... ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, IDXJFXJTf & OO 26 North Howard St., Baltiniofi . ire Railing for Cemeteries, lawns, Gardens, , Oifices and Hal conies; Window nards,Tree tJuards Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Caues, Sand and Coal Screens. Iron 7ef steads, Chairs, Settees, Ac. sepJ Xtax. I I I I It 1 . Illl li McCraw MISCELLANEO US. DAEBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Honwhold Aatlcle for I'niTersal . Family l ae. For Searlet and I Typhoid Fee r, Diphtheria, Sali vation, ri.-rrated I SorThroiO, Sihall I Fox, Measles, anil all Contagioa liH-'-H. Pewm, iituiK"u the Sick should uw'it fteeiy. Sutrkt l-'ver has never been kn-mn in .pr. ad where the iluid was Uvd. Wiioa- Fe'er h.i'-. h--cn ti.rtd with it after bbsck vomit had tuka-n place. I 'he worst cases of Diphlhen-i vi'-n! to a Feveredar.dSiek I'er- SM AI.I.-POX un refreshed and and 1 Sores prevent- PITTI4 of Small fit -by with Pox PKEVENTEI Oarbvs rluid . . . t harialess and purirVrd. Far Sore Throat it is a sure cure. 4 ontalun destroyed. tttr Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, hawigs. etc. Khenmatism curd i!y vss taken wiui SouH pox. 1 used the Fluid : the patient was not delirious, was boc pitted, and was aLout the house again in three weeks, and no other had it. - W. Pak insi.k, Philadelphia; - Soft White Complex ions secured by iU use Ship Fever prevented. To parify tie Breath, i'leanite the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and tured. Frysipelas cured. . liurnsreheved instantly. . Sars prevented. Oysenter cured. The physicians here use larbvs r luid verr Wounds healed rapidly. i i i.ihi successfuily inthctreat- Scurry cured. . A. broi.i.k.NwtacK. An A ntidote for Anitrul Ge ensboro. AU. or Vegetable Foisrus, Stings, etc. Tetter lirled up. I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented, cur present affliction with Vif-er purified and Scarlet Fever with de- heiiieii. t ided advantage. It is In case of Death it in-iispensablc to the sik- ' should be used about room. Wm. F". SanIj- the corpse it will Polto, Eyrie, AU. " prevent any unpleas ant smell. 1'ho eminent Pliy- . sician, ,J. M AUION SIMS, SL It., New Vork, isiys : "I am convinced 1'rof Darbys Propliv lactic t laid is a valuable di-.infci.taM." Vanderbilt Univentity, Nashville, Tcnn. I testify to the most excellent ini.ii.ui of Prui Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a uisiiiiectant ami detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted N. T. LupTos, Pruf Chemistry. Darby Fluid is lii coniuieiiileil by Hon. Alfxanouu H. Stephknh. ot Oeortna Kcv. Ch.m.-F llttMs 1)1)., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; . Jn. I.kO.nth, Columbia. Prof , University, S.C Krv. A. J lni i , I'n.f, Mcrrer University; v.:-ftev, ,k,.. F.-pn-KtH, Biho M. fe. Church. V l'SDISPKXsAltl.Ii TO I'.VKItV HOMK. Perfect,)- i.i irnil-ss. Used internally or tit. ruaily f,.r Man or Heast. 'Ihe Hul l has 1,-cn thoroiyi.Jy tested and we have it liis done everything here claimed, t jr tullr-r information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprittors, J. II. KIL1.V fo., Manufacturing t hemists, f' ll I LADFXPHIA. JACOBI'S HARDW AliE DEPOT We have now in stock one. of j the most : complete .assortments' in the State in the following ; lines: Sash, Doors EBlMs White Lead and Paints,! Kalso mine Colors, Linseed Oil, : Taint and Wall Brushes, Builder's Hardware, Me chanic's Tools and sup plies, Farmers' Imple ments, Window ' ! lass, Small and large, Coach Varnishes and Paints. Carriage ! tUilrTti i.-.ivimo v;iiv.j ivvi OlWi .I'iO. in tin' Slate. t .' ituck t'onslantlv airivinif. ; Siml your orrt.-rs anil vim will lnwi-st ! priia and sav- nwii-r. All i-oii-.Mp.ndeni-e ' !y iiiuil pm:nptly ntt.-nilitl to. XATn.WIKL .lACOIll. . No. ltl South KJunt St.. Wilininirton. N. (, l'3e t c ici.ruteil Brooks - Best in iisr Works by Hand. Steam, Water Power. II oise or ..SEND FOR PRICES. RorxTKKr., P.aknks, &r,. Agents. .jiin-' 4m . ! : WELLS, BAILEY & CO.,. are oar agents at W ILSOX. X. C. Bonitz Hotel- C..MburvX. C. WM. BOXITZ. Proprietor. MylioK-l is nw rca-ly tt m-cimni.oiat.-th Travfllmir Public with llri-,-las ro.ns and travelU-rs. miii- ibi-. .-iiiii..- -n miiis mr .-oinmenial t;ov-3-lv A 9 Tnn H j Siphtkeria u j Prerented. n - ' 1 l2ST4iA; -" -I L.1 .H(m :JC::ntk'x "" Write for our which tells how ' jfijy' ' TOORDErvy( Men's & oo-s ' ida Clotliing; v with safety. " &v WTOOK1V r S ' Uisnaicli . fli 9 . : ' k 7 d WO - 575 BEOADWAY, - '. NEW YORK. Ten ; Mj aetive, ieiv tie iii.nas ajrent, to i-anvussthis ami other mmties in North Car olina for a pleasant and lucrative business. Handsome nmimissioiis to the riirht men. Ki r i Partiimlars. al.lrs . ' J- A. I.o'.n iss. auiti; lm 212 I St.. X. V., ashinJrt..B. D. C. WILSON llll oooo oooooo ooob oooo oooooo oooooooo J oooooooooo ,f ooooooooooooo ooooo oooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo txioooooooooooooooto txioooooooooooooooooo tt oooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo OO000000O00X)0000OO0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtl OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HH OOOtXXXXrOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtX i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt llavintr purchased the Wilson IJeer ltottlinir Kslablishiuent 1 desire to rive notice that I am pretiartHl to furnish, in any iuiutity desir iil. the eeiehratxl il. Portlier lloer. I if naran tee to (five atisfaetion to all purchasers. All onlers from a distance promptly attended to. Parties in Wilson can have fresh beer at any tiine delivered at their home. ( Irders solicit ..,1 W. P.l'AHKAWAl . Wilson, X. ". Mr.lcra left with Uvnum. Daniel & 1 o.. will rts.-eive prompt attention. Mil OHN CLARK, JR. & CD'S BEST s i x c r o R D 3IiUliineorHan(l Use :: THOMAS RUrfSEI. A- I'll. Sdl.i, AtiKNTS FOU SAI.KI1V Hines, Hadloy & ('., wii,s:in. N. r. 1NST1TUTIV (FORCI YOUNG iXUDIESl The Principal has decided, with 'the permission of Providence, to Ire-oiHMi the Institute for Jrmnlcs. and to make it equal to any female school in Xorth Carolina. Besides the 'invaluable-assistance : of Mrs. S. 1). Twitt v, he has already enrared the services of Professor William 11. Fenny, of Lonilon, England, 'as a teacher of vocal and i instrumental music and drawing and painting. He lias taught, at an 1111U .Miss liiildWiii. 111 11 recent let- . .. . - ter to tlie unuersigneu rectini- menas 111111 as -a pieasaiu geiu.e- 11.... 1 .1 lllillKOI lirepioacililOie. IllOiai en.11- ;i..t,.r iinif :. nuu iilld tllOl'Ollirll j teacher." He has the highest rec ioniinendations from- numerous American and European - sources, among others from six Cathedral organists in England. His draw I ings have been approved by the j Queen's Commissioners. Ills paint lings have Imjoii 01, exhibition in i London and Edinburgh. Other competent teachers will be employ ed tfiieedod. Terms moderate. ! For further information, apply ! to S. llASSKLL, A. M-, : Principal. . Wilson. X. C. K.v W. JOYNEIt, 11 1 mil llrnlil fltaTHas permanently located in W ilson, N. C. All onnerations vi! 00 neatly and carefullv oerforii.eil I and on terms as reasonarue us jur sible. Teeth extracted withouv vain. ; ( )ttice Tarhoro street next .loo'r to i Post .office, , Nan :( 12 m.l F () i I have now on hand a large nuin i ber of hard burnt brick for sale at $7 per Thousand, i delivered 01, board the cars free of charge, but if payments are delay- ;ed oO days 2,1 per ceif. will U a.l.led. I guarantee So to !M per cent, o my brick to lie burnt hard. ORDERS PROMPTLY EILLED 1 I Apply to w. ;. Dixox, ijunlo thn ' - Toisnot, X. C. A LBK11T FAJtMEji, fi:iiiii:i st.. mxt iiooii to m,m Wilson, N. C, Dealcr ii. D.Hirs,Winilows,Rlinds, Lime, Hair, Plaster and Cement. ATI at Bottom Prices, fort 'ash or Barter. Parties neediug any goods in this line will please give me a call. ootti-tf BUILDING MOVER. Ktxsrox. North ('auolixa.''- Is irepaicd to move building of j du sie at suort notice. All or ders promptly attended to, aug. lv I XML fiff timAMTM Idu BRICK t r" MISCELLANEO US IH. K. L,. IIUXTKIt, SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE AT ENFIELD,N. Cl Dr. N. Anderson, Offers his jnofessioiial services to the people of Wilson and vicinity. Otlie. Tarhoro St. Wilson. N. '. juli:5tt L A N C A S T E R, ATTOIJNEY-A T-LAW AM) Uniti'il States Cmu utissiimer OFFICE: 'ourt House, Wilson N, C. CONXOK & WOODAKD, ATTOHXEY AT LAW. 'A'lL-SlX. X. t . tv'ircuir, Wilson, Way .i.e. Ede coinhe, (Jreeti. . Tift and Nash Counties. May o, -v I II ( Gil I". Ml'RUAY, ATXOKNKV AT LAW, WILSOX. Otlic- on Barnes Street x. . next ooor to Ilin.'s.'N C.i's. ' junliii :ino ; ' Dr. C. Deems Bell Offers his professional servieesto the people of Wilson and vieinity' in the various luanchhs Of his pro-; fession. ( Itlice . ocr Rowland's Drugstore. jmil'L' tf ,' I J . eooi.uv- HART & COOLEY A T T ( U N K Y S - A T - L A V. !t;. !v Mnarit ainl Nasii illi.-, X. '. tiiv unl sell iirat hstato on cominis- i of claims aii'l ih-; 'iHtioii i leans. I?; tut ami Ffllu-al tiiris. r4 Practice in the -TO UN E. W O O D A R I) , O .. :! ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wtl.SOX, X. r i CllJCl ir Wilson, 2sash. (Jreeue, ! Wayne and E.lgeeoiiihe. ' l'roniiit ami special at tent ion t given to the collection of elaiu.s in'tf any part of the State. jui.22 ly Professional Sai ice. 1 have refurned to Wilson and will occupy my former oflice in front of the Briggs House, -where I shall be pleased to serve all w ho may fa vor me with their patronage. I u 'Saturdays 1 shall be at Tois uol until further notice. X. B. HKBillX.; M. 1. l.v. I'llE rXDKItSK.XEK, have form ed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine in the town of Wilson an.l I'.djoiiii'.igcomitry. Returning thanks to iheir patrons lor their liberal pat ronage, they .-illicit a continuance of thesanie. "OiiitH- on Nash Street op posite tlie Court House-lately oceu piedby Jas. S.Woodard, Ksip, where one, or both may be a I way found when not professional! v engag.Hl. C.C. PKACCK,'M. 1)., W. S. ANDERSON, M 1). .lan!lS2.-l v. '. . A VCO. K. Ol'ttiiyn.. A JJAXIKI.S !' - i'soti AYCOCK & DANIELS, A T TO ITS E YS A T LA W,- ... i.Ol.Dsl'.OKO. N. C l-SF Practice in the. Courl., ol Wa. ne, Wilson, (rreeiie, Lenoir and Johnston, and the Supreme Court of the State. Coi.i.kctioxs A . inayr. 1 v Mcace Institute RALEIGH, N. C. OPKXS SIU'TKMIIKU KSS 'i, (i.osr.s li xK Instruction iu every branch usii ally taught in lirst-cl'iss Seminaries, for young ladies. Advantages lor Mist-ruction m Music. Art and Mod eric? Languages unsurpassed. Ar rangements for. voting ladies taking a special course in anv studiss. For circular and catalogue. address Rev. . Btiivi:n. & Son., July 0111 '"i "i Raleigh, . O. U881 M I. E O'lK: SycamiHu- 'ti'ii J(tulii ST()N:8 ol every description, made to ordci ranging in price from s.- up. Designs sent by mail ).ostag paid with stanipps enclosed for return. When orders are received they, are tilled and forwarded. If the ork is not satisfactory purchasers .are requested to return at MY EXi EJMSE. Xd j i ;i y ivn'ii, v'l.ii' p,irt of c I'eli 2.--:v 1 1. ili. w.ik is exn spii .I11 c,. vilicite.l from all .r 1 U II As t U ALSM. - Dkaukks IX Liquors ami Groceries rIinported lVuter, Cincinnati I Jeer, and the Old I'.anijiiet Whiskey.-, febltitf Kiflttsr & Araerson, BI A 4 0XTIS 4 TOISS Woikof an descri.ition in our line, done nicely iiii.l with di-pa'ch We respect fill iv solicit a share of the juiblic patronage. linchSm? .MS SUliLE VilMMKXTS. IIEAHSTOES. Tllll! ! iv .I .X 'I 'I.I. 1' At'., j sos. Mi anii ii k.vst curacii st.. .' p i St. I'aul'M Church.) N 0 H f OLK. V A . : :o: ' -TifTF STONE WORK EXECUTE" l' All Onlt-ni Cnniiptiy ami Satis ! i:ct ion Guaranteed, "ti:l-12iii Americ an House. Portsmouth. Va- I.K-ateil eonvenient to Itailroad Ilethit an.l aU Su-amtx at Indmirs. TKItMS M.iliKU- Ke t by, THE MISSKS HH'iW,:y. A HOIKiKS. H. HOIKiKS HODGES HODGES WHOLESALE DKAI.KR.S IX fil A T V A P S, And I.atli Triiuaied Good,1 VJ i Vnuiiu'n-t Sr.r augjrim Norfolk, Va. SALE ! Jackson & Brownley MISCELLANEO US. mi M BW E L R Y BfflO BEiTKIoi R. B. BYNUM WvATCp MAKER AND JEWELER, Move i Xadal's Old Stand: Tarhoro St,- Is iniw ojeniuo; a choice sttH-k of Jewelry of every description which has just leen purchased iu North ern .Markets at the lowest figures,. 1 an ill lie sold low. and exa-nine my &toek -inl I grnar- autee to please vou. sep29-tf. R. 15. BYNUM. IS f5 mm u iwm Pi SEWIHGMACHINECO' CHICAGOJLL- ORANGE. MASS. . Akin ATLANTA . P;4 J. L.. STONE. Gkn l Aoknt. Raleigh. N-. C. For sale by W. A. Barbrey. Wil son, X. ('. s. for th. e4 V ;&-i..i BteTHJICOHO - -ainxLkcaxxa We will not weary you wit statistics telling how MESSRS. ' MAKE THEIB BEST SII-COED SPOOL COTTON Ur How mucb they make iaily, neither will we presume to give an opinion as to ite quality. It is more important for you to find out: Whether the thread is strong and wil save you time and annoyance' Whether it. will run on your Sewing Machine? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable shades, and work well on silk goods? The only possible way tc irnve at the truth is to USE THE THREAD YOURSELF I Ton will then know why it is called SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON YOU CAN BUY IT OF: ATKINSON ,t WAUKKN, Cor. Nasli and (iohlslxiro Streets, 'ALSO JAM ICS T. AVI (KJ INS WILSON, N. ('. TARBORO AHEaO IN 1 , ilAVf, l'llililll (X T i f IL Doughty r.OQT AND Sltoe FT Manuf;. tory in Tarltoro , nd Jl am ire pa red to make all kinds of Shot s, Boots, and Gaiters of the very latest Sf.le. I have pro cured the services ol the cele AJ b r a r e d Pr.if. Jack Mowatt as hue C!n,an. as fore Q"J .lefler O We make the Low son. Imitation roton, Imth high and 'antwl.nnd tit ei.'.siic lusfen. A t work wnr- guarinteed. Ordeis will ion. ad'stain i attention. ,i,. ilrilijil4 B.P.HAW1VIELL. (Successor to C. IL Doughty.) Tarlxiro, N. C. r.w vv W.PINE & WALNUT MANTELS r V 0t W A . -o. 49 Light Street, "ALTl MO RE. 4 1 UGHnaWllllG , f ' SIMPLE o I CC mmm-. If .... i JSP. COAT II u sum III lll.l IN EVEBmBlETY TAKBOKO. X. C. To Builders ami others Goto- A fiestxass hotel. Jaeol.i's for Sash, uiid Doors, Glass ; LarjfeKamiile KMni for- CVjnimer &c. Youeaiiuet all sizes am at cial travelers. II. It. P.ltviv the lowest juices. MISCELLANEO US. ? i i a ai . 1 1 i a i ' A V . 1 -. . 1 ; JillW-a- IS THE PLACE IV Hii; The Hes(. NORFOLK. VA. 3 4tf. . ' eyesljrlit. I T Young & 8ro -l-l-.Al.KI. IN' . I-INK !rVIKS. DIAMONDS. ,1KV Kl.RY, SILVER W ARK M-ii iifiiistiin r of all kinds of riain 11 Jfwf Iry.UiiiRS Badses &f 'I'lie lies. SIU. ca"r, and "..I0 'mpI. v.-i o!il. A ni.'i iciin M.ili'l.o Ml ! tie llll'l -. .Sl'.UI S11M I : fM'"' fori. - . clu 1 ' r i linn vi r 1 .'I',' iiruer- no lli-il 1 :o il wir lf pv.impiiy :ii 'fii.iiii i .1. r, vouNti i'.ko. T.liSl.l HO 'A. - i ; It.: ' . if -.--.'. -x r TALBOTT & SONS Shockoe SVIachinc WORKS. lilCHMOND. A'A.. ManufactimTS if Vnrtablc ami Stationary Knifinks am', llnili'i-s. Saw Mills, Corn anj Wheat Mills, Shafting. Hantrers anil I'ulli-ys, Turbine Wathr Whiscls, Tobacco Factury Ma chinery, Wroupht Iron Work. Hrass atnl Iron 'atioin. Machinery of every Description.; GliWJNfiff TIM KSHISGMA VII IS A K IAI.1Y. Ilepairiiii! I'rii.epi Iv and . t.'a-rei'ulM li.m" Talbott's Patent Spark Arrester i In- iinrnlioii ofllic It does Bot destroy the rtraft It does not interfere with fanninir the tnl s. It does not choke up and requires cleaning. It. requires no direct dampers to be opened when raising steam dampers beinir objci-tion-able, as they may be left open and allow the sparksto escaiie. It requires no water to extinguish sparks, condensation, destroys the ilrall, 1m' sides when wateais used, -if neglected, the ef ficiency is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy con dition. It is simple and durable and'caii be relied upon. It can beattached to any boiler. No planter should be wit hout mm of them. Insurance companies will insure (tins ane barns where the Talbert Engines end Spark An-ester are used at same rate as charged lor water or horse power. fBSSend for illustrated circulars and price list r. " - ilranch House Goldsboro, N. , J. A. Han ser. General Manager, T. A. Granger Local Manager. " nolt-lv I1ANNER& PKLANEY 1 KNGJNK (.')., SUCCESSORS TO WM. E. TANNER & ( )., ITH, 7TU, AND ( ;AN AI. STRKKT. .RICHMOND. A. Aianuhictuiers of , v ST A T I ( )N. Y, I'ORT.AI'.LK am. LOCOMOTI YE KM JINKS, ROILKRS, ' SAWMILLS, ; CASTJN;s,Ac. Having rebuilt, our Machi ne Shon which were, destroyed' l.v fir 11th Noyemner last and' -equipped- - (hem with the most improved tools, we are prepared to; furnish Machinery u the same hurl, 'rvade heietotnio 1'iiilt by AVni. V. I 'lliTutr A- I 'Farming and Saw Mill Engines tie Specialties witli ns Seiid in your orders as far in ad vance of your wants as jiossible. Wm. E. TANNI'.R. Pres. Vh . DELANEY. Supt. REPAIR V()im; s(i ii'iTi.11 AND PROMPTLY -T.OXK. LSend for illustrated catalogues. winch ;ue furnished free. "When in nw,l t.f o,.. i... .'......i.: - . , 1 . , ... ..... ... ma. inii-.-i v ,111 the market i-ali on Ilynum, lianiel & Co.. Atrts. lisoii. . g, ;:,: . - . 1 3 PAYNE'S lAU,..e...i. BrS b" Zut 10080 ft-of Michigan Puie wg 000 fcSTS h G?aee to farait Powr to Migiue are gituuhtezd to rarnuh a horse-pewer on less fuel and water than inv ti., f,?' V.ttd with Automatic - v,U ?ou WMlt Btationary r Coruble tncine. Boiler. Ctrcn- "f. w-MUl, Shaftmc or follev,. or- Meauirt eaten t ron?ht-Iron PnlUv ,a r illoatrated catalogue,' No. Vi, tnr iniormatuin and xiricee B. W. PATNB 80N8. Corning, n. Y. Box 342T. LYON&HEALY aiaie Monroe Sts.. Chicago. .mru tAIAtOCUC, 1 IraMirnU. )t. Co M-u-' T'- """" '"""Wl IBrVVUM o r. 1 SS."5T-A.isr HOUSE je-ly.. ' ' Ptoprletor. i 1K 1 'i 8! A f 9 i AY 1 MISCEL LANEO US Wilson Cotton Mills In now in lull operation am! is manufacturing a superior arfifie (t Yarns and Warps. Orders solicited. Ollicers:-A. Uk axch, Pics. F. W. T AYLOR LLIOTT W ATTER S ' " w iiiii.i;si,e ix HARD VV A R E ! .C O T t E R y ! (IUXS, &'.,' COIIXEK MAIN STi ; NO MARKET S()lTAlE, . 1 r voiunooi-'iuu 14(UVarI Street, j Liberal advances inade ui consign iiu nts of Co land Southern Produce. j . Executes 01 ders lor the pun h.ise ind sale of Pntine eonti v tiii, 0 ;.uii 1 jounce 1 ..ciia Uire L- .. V N..s. w. s,,.. 1,.,,.., sA, - - i 1 am a &aari SMPLn M M MM. fit b r:mmm&' ' SASH DOORS BLINDS t, :. .t-J"-! A'5is?ti P; ' . OKNEKAL AGENT ' Wadswortu, Maitie & Logma's Pure Prepared R.eaciy-Mixed New Stand! j BARNES STL'EET, WILSON, N. ('. Am now receiving my stoek of bles, Chairs, Safes, Loiui"c.s, Cradles. Maitrasscs, aud a ;cnerirl assort inent of Furniture. Cive me a olfered at low li?;iires. Nov., l.v " ' - KHRNi rnii;: iKALK: s :nd ijndkr i akki Nash Si i;r,:T. ii.stiN. N.. '. Miivc ii large slock ol'aii kiudsof Fur nifiiiiv and are leceivin.' constantly additions I heieto. Jaly eari iages. I'icli iVauies, "J'j ng and otlice t liairs, &c., in endless variety. Repairing neat l and promptly d;"-. i.i:i."'H Mm iOil ' I oiler fin- sale on fenns to. suit i own of Wilson. For itul.u anniMt li O C K Y M O II X T, ' -(Next Door to'Jhe l'ost Oflice.) Are otferiiig Mia iudueenieiits tocali line"rs. ( ioods only. 'Iliev hi, idle the best FLOI'j; on tl :i seci:iH , and cjiriy a lull line of First class Provisions and Groceries, Which t 1 Cl el 1 and firm .luring t!i weeM.x. Vot, warm weather. : c X. V. AND 'ANYASKF.ii felilti-iilll ' I ' i:.U id 1 S'a t offfus 111s si:kyh;ks to it if. itf.l-- as PUBLIC AUOTSCIVEER. .Ajnii. -i.t:- , IB M H I ! r J -1 i I H s-rounrl Wilson. :hfp conimis!fi5 anl srJ I ivNTU AL I 'STI c- ,,r..ur I.T.I. I-"! ' ".' luruit r tiiioriuatioti an.l L-atjoin-um. - AD VER TISEM EX 7.9; All 01 dors should be addressed to James II. ihitin, 7Vr, :o:- Baknks, V. Pres. .1 W. ll.wis.T" MORI OLK. IRtilMA. March lot li. 1 v I I 1 1 . 1 J I I , lUt On- 1 DEALKR IN. ,,; Vj New Store! o itTs which ctMisisfof lied Steads, Ta call and be convinced thai inv stink ;. .1. colli!. -::- :1U H0(. worth of Real estate m I ; il v iii .1. F. FA II M HK- Midi; or m A.TTLE & SON. -:(:- They, sell" Fir-t ie market and in.'' will liii.l KFTTIvI: at this st..if" ::s it is kept in a ,efrier;it. 11AM ALWAYS IN S' M K .- .! CM.! OtiHilN.'.L Lake Marns 7I lit till rlllj jf , -I pri alway.'4aFlc'a' . , ... khI TVs ! 1 AT LIT TLKTON, I Li..." i ti 1. 11. l .1 s.. eriOvlJ" ii- . . "'-

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