'.TlFTv A i vn I tJIE WlISON ADVANCE.! a wkEKLV democratic nkwspa' u iirviiTm TO TICK MATERIAL, mutation ai pomtical. am AO - ni( l'I.tLBALINTEKKST80F E ASTERS KbliMhed .livery Friday Moroing. .- . er ".j Uu UameU. EthMv II -Tj Hardy- :::Generaf Agent Morning,'. Septemut - Jndpe Baffin's Successor. - . mo ra The announceiHcuv . mo,uv i:. o.'ft Ibftf .Tude some iiiuc "ft". . t j m uiuti i.v.-- ..-- . , Thomas Ruftln would,, on ac- j brethren. The State counsel The Democratic party cannot rount of ill health, soon retire iloweyer, insisted that men with advocate the abolition of the from the Supreme Court Bench, j long beards were stronger than tax ou luxuries, and the plac ed which called forth such those who shaved frequently, j ing of the necessaries on the general and genuine regret, uvho was the strongest man ; tax list. It would be undemo was not it appears, premature in tjie WOrldfy he asked. Wit-j cratic. Or unfounded. Judge Ruffin's i.w.n h been tendered. and the responsibility now de- voiven upon the Governor to ap- loint his successor to discharge the dutie of that important office until the next election. Who among the distinguished j members of the legal profes- siun of the State Will be his , . -accessor ? Upfn whom will the judicial mantle of the i learned and upright Ruffin f all? j It has lonjf been the glory and pride of North Carolinians, that our highest judiciary tribunal has been presided over, with few exceptions, since its estab lishment, by men of the hiRhest literary culture, as well as the most profound legal at- tainments. lhe literary ai- taimnents of Taylor, Hender son, Gaston, Uuffln and Pearson, were of the highest order, while their profound legal learning was not excelled by any af their contemporaries, t on either side of. the Atlantic That their judicial opinions were frequently quoted with approbation in Westminster Hall, as well as in the courts of our sister states, affords abundant evidence of their pre eminent fitness for the elevated positions, which they dignified and adorned. To select a fit successor to them, and to the able and up right, pure and spotless Ruffln, becomes now the delicate but ; responsible duty of xmr CWef Kxecutive. That he will not act hastily or unadvisedly, and without due regard to the high character which or Supreme Judiciary tribunal has hitherto had and holds,' the selections heretofore made of such eminent jurists as Dillard and Jtuffln afford mifficient guar anty. Among the prominent legal gentlemen of the State, there are doubtless many who would prove worthy associates of Judges Smith and Ashe. Rut among these, there is one "n i mns inter pares" whose legal attainments, scholastic and lit erary culture,, high moral char ter, firmness of purpose, ener gy and industry, eminently fit hint for that distinguished po sition. That man is the Hon. Gkokok V. SruoNo late Jmlge oT the Criminal Court of Wake coun ty. In the opinion of hosts of his legal brethren in all 'parts of the State lie would well and worftiily fill a seat on the Su preme Court Rench. - There would be a peculiar fitness in his appointment, inde pendent of his legal and litera ry attainments. lit. was a lass-mate of Judge Ku (tin's and graduated at the same time. For several years, and until his elevation to the Su preme Court lieneh, Judge Strong was associated with Chief Justice Smith in the practice of law at Raleigh. He is now in the prime of life, and in the full vigor of his physical and intellectual powers and trained to legal study an i juri dical analysis and much be yond " Yiyiidi aiinorttm liivii hratiottes" of Lord Mansfield. Among his associates, he is known ever to have been a hard student and an acccurate and painstaking lawyer. As District Attorney during the Confederacy, member of the State Convention, member of the Legislature, and Judge of the Criminal Court of Wake county, he was always prompt and faithful in the discharge of every duty. And if it should be the pleasure of Gov..' Jarvis, to appoint him Judge-' Ruffin's successor, we hazard nothing in saying that he will fill the elevated position with honor to himself an i his native State. To Shave or not to Shave. ' ')l$ publish 011 first page a synopsis of the controversy be tween Brothers Mills of the "Friend" and Kingsbury of the mi" niiciun nit ins tCiS 1 ought to shave. And we see ',; that to shave or not to shave on Sunday is the question which lias been agitating a jury in a St, Louis court during . the past JeT days, and the arguments jpio and con have certainly been unique if not ..strong. J lie , forthe defense argued counsel iODg ani laboriously that shav ; . . .,, fnr thp TrO- :. e .. . - . i,f longaUOR 01 llIC ' ami uu, i .L.. u .r.,ia r,nt be re- .: A L'nnfllT Til up- stricted on Sunday, - g ,eclared t'hat a man: j d.d not ..shaVe could not hiVeevenan average lengtn ui j j x , v,.:i,tnJi,f,rlaW WovnAi., ,.nllArtnr i opinion mat, buavniM ed the mind as well as the lace and declared that n&wly shav- j i . .i-.tiT.ji ; : t.nf i en laces iiau lueir uraws i 1 U-..t. i,ii iiir Trinre Iiairv ! did not know. "weH,' ness ut.., ,iart.A tirnsecuOni' at- j torney, "it was Samson, and' j didn't he have a beard that ex- tended to the ground?" case is still on. The America ii Torn mo n wealths lloughton, Mifflin tV(, are publishing a series of volumes on " merican iommon- , ' - wealths. It is not proposed says the "American," give in detail the formal annals of each member of the Union, but to sketch rapidly arid forcibly the lives of those States which have marked influence upon the structure of the nation, or j jiave embodied in their forma- tion a nd growth principles of ; American polity. I j The Raleigh "Chronicle" asks ; i "Who will write "North Caro-j ! Una?" We rise to name the j ! man who by his knowledge of history and of men, his abilitvraises a le"al question 'uppn and" capacity, his talent as a writer anid his love of his Na tive state and its famous men, is pre-eminently qualified for the work. His name is T. 15. Kingsbury. Let "North Caro lina" be written and let the work be assigned to Mr. Kings bury. Those Cotsvvold Slice). Referring to those C'otswold j shep old Ren . B. gave to our ( (Gov. Jarvis the IiostoTi "Por-t" -V' . 1, . xx .. I charged that it "is an attempt 1. .. . x 1, x, x. x 1 uu uiejiari ui ine iormer 10 pull .wool over the eyes of Southern statesmen." The "Post" ought to know, our con temporary the "Star," wHl says, that North Carolina 'poli tic ians have no hankering after mutton chops or a saddle of mutton, but reserve all their smiles and favors for the dogs. 1 , ( "Coining events cast their shadows before." Judge I). G. Fowle is out in a letter in the Wilmington '.Post (Radfcal or gan) in Which he says that the election ordered to be held in! the first District will be illegal,! that as Poole was to represent the District as it was before the districting'. .so his Succes sor , must represent the same District. AVhile this sounds plausible it -seems to us that when a new district has been made according to law that the Governor has no riurht . t6" order an election in a district that does li t exist. The "milk in the cocoanut" is that the old district has a Republican ma jority ; the new a Democratic. J ndge Fowle agree with the Republicans and publishes his opinion in a Radical organ. It takes neither a 'prophet,', nor a son of a prophet to predict M'here he will laud ere many moons have waxed and waned in view of Ids faction in this matter. 4 The New York Herald, Phil adelphia Times and other Northern independent papers, so called, affect to believe that the Democratic party would be strengthened by the nomina tion of a Southerner for Vice President. The Republicans know that unless the Demo cratic party makes one of it:- iatai luunuers mai mere is no hope for them. And knowing that" certain Northern Demo crats will not vote for a 8outh: erner tor thus. - onice, they ask us to make the blunder of nom mating one. We beg to jbe ex cused from walking iiiro their trap..1,-'. There is no threatening evil of such- magnitude as that of oliscene literature, and we are glad to ,see that one Georgia Judge has had the manhood and courage to impose a fine of URK, or twelve month's ser vice on the chain gang to a man in Atlanta, Geo., who was offering the 'Police Gazette for sale: 1 1 is the most vultrar c and obscene paper published and it is a disgrace that we al- l'if. ,.!.1.in'"-TlUo. w w u.,m. JA;iumH Judges follow the example of I tlii3 upright Judge and we can stamp out such publications and their baleful effytts. i ae Y ' TXrnaT j the State platform on Internal . .... n T -.,,.. ninl lveniie. and Heads ... 11, "awa- ; Internal Revenue." lSil Hit Th nlatform savs "we are in W '. 'nt favor of tlie entire and imme- diate abolition of the internal revenue system with .its atten-j dant commons.''. It ;VIJ e. iavoruie auomiou 01. . u , vr . , gaugers. ve, uui we. aeire 10. , keep the .tax on whiskey and f n firi 0 nl 1Tot it a nntlifr i tuu, v..,,. -j w-.-'V." That's all there is of it. j i There is much talk otbhenns j wlio are behind in their ac- , counts. Hardly a single r?nerm j goes out of office who is not in j debt to the county. " Now, why in this ?' It is because, in the desire to retain their iopulari ty, they do not make the peo- I Pie pay their tax. A remedy ! and we commend it to the 'eration of our readers, i ,1 c.'i..:r. 4 -i.i nf fiut j t i. 1 m. - or six ycai-s ;md mane iiiem ineligible for re-eh-ftion. The Post Master General has ordered the P. M. at New ( )r leaus not hi deliver mail ad dressed to the New Orleans National Rank, and intended for the Louisiana Lottery Company. ' The State Court ef. Louisiana has ordered the P, M. to deliver mail thus ad dressed. j.W'hom ought the Post Master to obey ? This which there will be diversity of opinion. Gov. Jarvis has been making so many speeches in New Eng land and fraternizing so much with old Ren Butler, and other i kind of dissipations that he will i find it pretty dull when he re j turns to Raleigh. Unless he hur- ries home Acting .Gov.- Robin- son will have pardonded all the convicts, and the Governor's Mansion ''-.'cannot be built. - Tarboro - oitthenjer.: offers . to give one , , , , . ,. , . , , hundred dollars to establish a home for disabled Confederates soldiers. As always editors are first in war, first in.peace, and first' in-rel i e vi ug the s 1 llferi ngs of their unfortunate fellow citi zens. ' '."' '''':-' A dispatch from Raleigh to the New 'York'-7V.k it kti..i.ri.t t,,i , ' l is .l!10U2ht .JUOlife (iilnipr ai-.11 be appointed to succeed Judge Rullin on (he Supreme Court Bench, and that Maj. Jno. W. (iraliaiu w.i!I be ;ip)ointed as "npei-ior Court .Judge in 'place' ot ( . iimcr.. ' ; '' :" ' ' The stor does not see how any man of self-respect could associate with old Ben Butler. And yet Governor arvis js cheek by joui with him Hard lick on .Jarvis ! FENCILLllGS AND SCISSORIN&S. Ohio ml -Iowa- elect state Hi eers , Oct. I r It.. Ma -s M tinct Is - r!i- ilr.!. i.iv nominated Men lii;t"ler-. for Cover- nor, ' R.ih-iglj 'has-. log which 'dr'in a day. New uu it ! hi 1 1 1 i ! WO -M(lt'cill('C Judge D.svid Havis and i' Miss ISiiii) are visiting wife rcla- lives in N.h! ( .-(Ta roll uii ....'. Gen, tShcMiian will retire to n i v;ltc life Nov. lsf. r.'eti Slieridan will .succeed him in coininand of the :ii in . Senator "ancc is ;tt teii.li t lie Louisville J-Jxposit ioii, affe r .which he will visit rich Keiitocky liio! llcl'-il.',;iw, N "l th ( 'a roliua editors will, go to Poston next 'rueri'day. The edi tor of the ADVANCK is 'denied the pleasure -of beiiig one of the ,p;ui v. -Marriage ititcnt ioii,"v an. pnh-lis'-ed in llostou papers, o-jyiuo the names -of. the parties ."'to' he mai i led and theii ,ii;es. This is fuel; . . '.;'. . ' A Georgia cotton- prophet pre dicts that a ..0( 10,000 , hale crop will not he made this year. The estimate a month ago was 7,00o, I'dO hales. . Rev. K. f.. 1'eil, pa.sl.iof (he Marion Met .hodisf chtuch. h is bt-eii exciiscd fronV a live ..-.duty for the balance. -'-of' the yeair oti account Of impaired hcaith. ' ; The Ohio negroes ii;-LJ a conven tion at Cohiuilius, Ohio last week. Part of them tleclared for the Dem ocrats, and others holte'd and re solved tti..Siiiptrt the Republicans.' Tickets lo the JiostOn Mvposi tiou and return self io Not folk for ..i . 'in..-. :.. 1.. i -i .. . Tio,uo... mis tucjuues licitl ..ma state room and me;tls. Tht -steamer' 'eaves Norfolk .-' Tuesdays and Fridays. . The t liutou C.tueasiaii'sa.N , that a .barrel.. of tin peiitiue fell from a wagon ou a 18 year )Jd''. son of R. Wanen, and he waar found dead ...:l. tl... t;..l . .- nil iu- u.tiiri in mi ji? urni" n hisiu'ck ami shoiiluei . Aliuers prospecting near Concord N. discovered at the niouth of a long deserted shaft of a gold mine, the skeleton f u woman. xuc ami muh-s ere SWIM 011 tiu, uoueS) jVlui? Hum the fine quality of the cloth ami the- ines ence of a diamond nnjr of some value, it is thought that the hones were, tho.se of some !aly of posi tion aud meaus- :'V;:'''r-' ' WVv:' "- i '-"' "-' .times bul altogether degeu- f Georia furuisheS the last roof ot meanness ana uisauini . After higgling for months about the cost of it, her Representatives have absolutely refused to pay the funeral exiienses of Governor Stephens. The Greensboro -Patriot says weigtillg .onlv one pound md It was too small for anvthing but doll baby elothes, .nd u MOW ,.j-ged up after thafnian- n int lives to obtain" maturity it will Ik- one of the wonders of the JiTe. The monument to Z;uhaiy Tay lor .'was unveiled September 20th near Louisville Ky. Bishop Kav ariauffh and Dr. E. T. Perkins -con-.dticted the religious exercises. Gen. T. L. Crittenden was the orator of the day. As Taylor's intimate friend and companion in youth, Crittenden '. was appropriately i-hoseu. He made a warm, though not fulsome, eulogy of the dead President. The average negro is -weU'kuown as a melodious singer, but he is even more 'successful as a whistler. At a parade of colored troops in Charleston this fact was proved satisfactorilv, for when the band began to play "Wait till the Clouds Roll By," a whistling accompani ment 'from '.500 dusky musicians added so much to the performance that the strains from the instru ments of brass could scarcely be heard. Grandfather Thayer,' editor of the Indianapolis "Journal," and postmaster also, kiped a widow and it was productive, of much loss t him. He withdrew from the church, sold out his paper, his ; resignation as postmaster was ac cepted before it was. tendered, ad he has disposed of his -property with the intention of paving from the city. He says tlKic was nothing criminal in his "exchang ing a kiss with the widf'." Grand father Thaver ousht read "Pick wicksand take to hi .self the sage advice the elder Veller gave to Snmivel. TUif; louiiff men are so thoughtless: On Our Table. -. We have an elegant little vol ume this' week from -Mrs. .Sara Xeables Hunt, e.lifor "Christian Worker. It is the "Deems Rirth Day Book" and is a perfect gem as to its typographical appearance, binding and general get up. We do not know when we have seen . .1 - ' l . I . a mo; we so ii'iruiv nnzeo. nsi contents are choice selections from Dr. Deem's writings, admirably arranged. All of Dr. Deems friends (many of whom live in Wilson) te indebted to Mrs. Hunt for the service she has rendered in thus preserving our ; distinguished friend s words ot wisdom. The book should have a place on every centre table in the State. It can be had of Mrs. S. K. limit, 7"; P.roadway street New 'York, - plain pi ice 100; gilt edge l.-". . Kick's Ikccitalion and iealins, No. . 7, .from Dick & Fitzgerald, Publishers, New York, has more choice readings thaii any small hook we -have examined, it should !e in every school. MISCELLANEO US ITCIIKLL'S EVE SALVE, A Certain. Safe anil Ld'eetive Remedy for sore. W eak and Inflamed Eyes, Producing Lonjf-biKhtediiess, and restoring the SiM-htof thoohl. CnreTear Drops Oranulation. Stye Tumors, Re.l iyes, Matted Eye-!he3 anil I'roilueing Quiek Ue lei aad ;'rjianent CURE ?vi.o, equally etHeaeious when usl in other nialailies. sueli as C leers, Fever, Sores Tu mors, Salt Rheum. Ilurns. Piles, or whe'rever itiliaination e.nisU. AUTCHKi.t. s Sai.vk mnv be iise.l lo advantage. Sold by all Uruifirit at -' , mar:; SONGS NEVER SUNG. 'Uow does that verse run? Somethiii like tliis, isn t itV i . "There are who toueh the niajrie strain And noisy fame is proud to win them - A las ! for those who never sinjr, lint die with all their muaie in them." Ves, thnfs beautiful, jtathetie and true," said your representative- The poet alludes to people) who are somehow suppressed, and t'' their full allowanee of JoV and air W hich reminds meof a letter slunrg iiki the other day hr HiHeox 'o.. of New York' S'1?.-,,11- C U-iJ I !..., of Chapman; stij tier &(.(i.. Ph i., a prominent business man of that plaee. lie writes: -I have suffered with asthma for over forty years, and had a terrible attaek in Oeeembe'r ted me to take Parkers Tonic. 1 did , and the first day 1 took four does. The -effect as tonished me. That niKhtl slept as if nothiiifr as the matter with me, and have ever sinct I have had eolds since, but no asthma. Mv breathinjr isnowasiierfeet as if 1 had n-ver know-u lhat dist-ase. If you know of any one who has asthma tell him in my name that Par ker s 1 oiue will ture it even after forty years '"'re ;as '"an who os.-apCti the fate ofthose w nom the poet laments. ' This preiiaration, which has hiet.oore been known as 1 arker s Ginper Tpnie, will iiereaf terbeailvertistHl and sold under the name of earker s lomc. Inasmuch as irinirer is really art unupornut ingredient, and unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving their custom ers by substituting inferior preiwratiotis under the name of trinfror, we drop the mislealiiiff 1 here is no change, howe e. iu t he prepara tion itself, and all bottles reiiiaiuinir in the handu of .liwlera, wrappetl under the name of larkers (Ouster Tonic contain the trenuiue meilicine IT the fae simile tivnatuiv of H iseox 4 .. isat the bottom of the outside wrapper sepu lm ' o o c-t-trt O -t If.: vr tJ.v Z H 5 -0 "1 lid (5" . H : y fM O ; o o B 3 s- tJ i o g 2 JLetris Washington, BUILDING MOVKIJ, KlXSTO.N, NOETII CAKOLi.VA, Is preiared to move buildings of any size at short notice. All" or ders promptly attended to. ang3 ly , .'-:'- J -'-.' ""-V. ''"A MISCELLANEO US. i " New Oki.eakr, Aujrust 1st. To The Public. ! I X VESTIGATE KOK VOUllSELVES ! ' P(stmast"r-Oi. -H'rrO nrham havinjr pub 1 limbed a wilful awl iiuui-iui iaiseboot in rv j mtril to tht. charaoUT of the Louisiana State Lottery t.ouipany, tfie following facts are ' triren to the public to prove hi stK-tnent, that weareetiirai?.' 1 in a trauiuient "business. ! to be false anj untrue: Amount of pria paid by the Louisiana State Lottery loiuirfiny i:-jra January t. ib.:, " me present date : Paid to Southern Kxpref '.. Xe -. Orleans' X M W.-scxat. Marjaper-! '' Paid to Ixjuisiana Nitiona! Ilank. J" H Otrlesby. Prescient..,.., - Paid to Louisiana SUte tat. Hank s H Kenm-ly. PraaeBt Pakl to Sew Orleans -National Ilauk. A- llaldwtn. Presi ient Paid to L'nion Xatiotiiil ISauh.Sl.liar- laron. t a-shier FaM to Citusens' Hank. E 1. Carriere, Pruleut - Pail to iermanla .Sfttional ltank. Jules Cassard, Pnideiit. Paid to Hlbernia Natit;tal lUuik.Clias lalfrey. Cashier...', - Paid to Canal Hank. Ed foby. Cashier Paid to Mutual Natioaxl. Hunk. Jos. Mitehel. Cashier...., vr. io lA & I 5T tilO I : 0 i j :rr oun i 13 V S S0J t Total paid as ulvi-. i S IZi tlW Paid in sums of under fl.UO at the va rious offices of tie Company throughout the Cni-d Stiites 2K.T.41') Total paid by all....... ?4 RSI 0i For the truth of the alnive faetd we rf fer the public to the ollieers of the above named corporations, and for our legality and stand ing to the Mayor and OHieers f the City of Xew Orleans, to the State authorities of Lou isiana, and also to the U.S. offloials of Louisi ana. We claim to Imj letral. honest and correet in all ourtransaelions. as niu-?h so as any busi ness in the country. Our standing is eonu"" ed by ull who will investigate, and our has for years teen sold at our Board of roK Cfs. and owned by many of our best Known and respected eitixeitfi. ... M. A.C ACPHIX, President. S-HITI Al. riti.i:,'-''H;M,--J l ie kcl ..! M. Sl.ur lTPrt... Louisiana mn mnw. w . Aereby certify that we supervise the ...fJiientt for all the Monthly and Semi- iient for all tne mommy aim mu' W)"iWSOf Ttio Louisiana State Lot lery . . ,,,; i, .... and that the i tre' .ml 111 tr HK il ' Mi'nniu ii I'll i . i. ... ...... 9. .' 1 i r..;., nil fiai'il.' uiiil w ,'tiri'iuuteu nun iii.mh.-c.,.,, inn authorize the Company to use this certitieate, ; with fac-simiies oi our sifrnai on s anucui u m its advertisements." oiiniiisKioiterH. Incorporated in 158 for 25 years by l.ie Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,0(10 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. Hy an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a art of the present Stat Cim- stitution adopted llecember 3dj A. I)., 1T9. The. tmhj lottery extr voted tni and ndnrtrd hy ih people of any State. ' - It never scales 01 postpones. ITS fi KAN O SIN'Ol.E NCMBER DRWINOS TAKE ' PLACE MONTHLY. A PPI.F.MiII) OPPOBTITNITY TO WIN A KWIl ti xk. Tkntii GRAND DRAWING, CLASS K, AT NKVV ORLKANS, TCESDAV, Oct. JHKt path Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize. $75,000. I ii,0:)! l iekets nt Five Hollar llaeli LOTTEBi 7 ' t LIST OF PHIZES. t CAPITAL PRIZE.. .-. $75,non I 12 do do - VU00 I li (lo do 10,000 I - PRIZES OK flKKK) 12,000 -,: o SUM 10,000 111' do Ilim 10,0110 do . 500 10,000 i oo do -m : - -'o.oiki ;$ on do 1 loo..: :,000 5 00 di Ml .-. . .Hum do a 2S.01U I API'HUXIMATIOS PHI.F.S. I pproximat ion Prizes of $750.. H.T'iO Hi do do 500 4.')00 Si ; ;. do -. do Sill 250 1 VMn Prizes, amountitifr to f JiTi.nO : Application for rates to clubs should lie made oniy tt) the otliee of the Company in New Or leans.;! For further information; write clearly, lve in;? full address. Make P.O. Money Orders payable ami address Registered Letters to i N EW OKLHA XS XATfON A I. H AX K, ! . . New Oi lcans, La. j Ordinary letters by Mail or Kxpres to i t H. . i ! 1III. j t Orlt'aii, I. a. ; or S. A . n il l'IHI, . t HOT Seventh St. tVH.liiiirlii, l. '. t .... Foot up I'akiiouo S I'iikk r. i '; Wilson. N. V. . '' ' j would lespect fully inform iny j fii'.nds and the public generally! t Nit my 'steam gin will he ready lol giii seed cotfoii, Monday, Sep. l(i',h. ! Ring in your cotton. Work done! nftnnptly and ' S:ii isVnvtitiii i ring me your si-ed fofton and l ivill o jpi ti suit you. I JAMKS i.AV, j sepT Iiiki. Wilson, N. '. ' For Rent House ami lot for rent, 'situated' on East corner ot Vance, and Pen der st reels. Wilson, with six cuui modious rooms and two paid ries. double kitchen, bar!!, stabler, and ad n ces.u ti:i hi u-.es The hit Cni i.-!.-. el seieii acles,- all miller l"e;.ce. einbrai ino i'li,.,l :, cho re lut of li nit tiecs. lailer 1 I ton, lhe ;ie.-! j cciim,.i.: wiUL'.ke pleasure, i ii sho;vin ' t h place. I will sell or rent n r(asioabjef erms I'. W, fl)Ml:NI)SN, t'ld tf " taidoiisbiirg, X. (' G. V. I1AHT- . A. P. 1'ooi.icy HAiiT & COOLEY ' A T T O It N K V S - A T - I. A W. Rocky Mo.mt and Nnsliville, N. ( '. Wi'.l buy and sell Real Estate on commis sions, and If've especial attention to collection of e aims arid u.jC7ti-ition of loans. Practice in tin; State tu;d Federal conns I 'lti 2SJOTZOH3 Having .not died guardians, ad ministrators and executors, both by public notice and through the mail that they were required to renew their bonds and tile their accounts, this is, to inform those who have pot complied with the said notices, that unless they Oo so before lhe first day of October, 1.SS3. they will be subject to 'he cost of an attach ment to compel said returns ami re newal of Im.ihIs. Don't ask tor anv indulgenee. A. ii. DFANS. Clerk Sujierioi-Court. Sept. 14th, lss.!.-2t ; CHS. (JfKI.EV.1ir -V. S. S. HAK1HSOU, W. J. WOOillKB. OK v W. 11. JO.VKS lillilEI, IIlItlllSOY t (1 CX) I'TON- FACT()K.S, General Commission Merchants. I.l AIliKU AX1) .SHISGLKS. Camphors Yhtrf t(- Smitirs Wharf, Ssr'Ri.K, Va.'' LLiiiul advances' made on (-.oitsiguuifiits. sep-l-tf WILSfADiECHOQL" OiH-ned its thinf aunnal ses sion Monday, .eptemljer 17th I he lio;iid lias 4;otited the follow, ing schedule of prices f..r paving pupils: . 1, 2, and.1 tirade IJiO oer inonM,' -, it ano o w.OO 7 and 8, 3.00 ' Tuition payable inonthlv, MP 14 Jno. F. Britthv Frineipal. ' 1 Great Down With I LIKE OPPOSITION, 1 DEFY COMPETITION, AND UNDER NO CONDITION WILL 1 RUPGEFROM MY POSITION (AS THE BOSS DRY GOODS, I have just returned from Boston, New Vork, Philadelphia, ami other j j , . , 1 ...11 i I . 1 ....... iitieru mai kcis won rue largesi aim oesi seiecien sien u pwih ft ei luotight to Wilson, which I can sell oO per rent, cheaper than t an le sold anywhere else in North Carolina. My goods were all Itohght for cash, and therefore they are cheap. 1 will give my customers t he benefit ofit, lv giving von CicmkI (jlooils at Way Down Price I will be able to command a liberal share please notice a few of my prices : 20,000 yds gootl Calico at.' to 1c; Alamance Checks TcpcVyd: Urowii Homespun 4 to ac per yd; Lake George A A heavy Sheeting 7c per vd: Good lileaching 4c and upwards; j V ash Poplins o to he per yd; Uood Worsted good 7 to 10c ver vd; Nice , T.m.ls r... n,i noWJirds:' .'"! nice irdliilkere.liieik i'or In... T..i.li.w II.w.. pair and upwards; A tine assortmen of Lace lie yd and upward. My Hamburg's, I liought aO per cent, cheaper than ever, and will sell them accordingly. I also call your attention to my well selected stock of . . and other Ladies Wear, too numerous to mention, your attention to my choice and selected stock of CLOTHHsTG FOR- - ? '.' Mm. YdiiHis, Bovii im ( hilfircn. Which I will sell at astonishing low prices. Roys imd Men's Hats 2, and upwards. Men's Nice Suits ol ("lothing for 2.."0. Fine C'alf skin Boots at $-2. .(lood Sliocs 75c and upwards. Cood heavy ITndershirts ioi; iiiiu uiwiiiu. j- ice uiieii nun per pair and upwards. I also keep a large assortment of Roots, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks ami .Valises, ami all other goods usually kept in a first class store. Come one., coine all, and see for yourselves, - JLd IItoi. (is scp j WHAT IS IT? is oi r or morr of (h Following: II. Heartburn, Sick Stomach, Headache, Tasting Your Food .Alter Fating; Spitting lip Your Food, Constipation, Torpid Liv er, Indigestion, Colic. Nervous Iritahility, Dizzi ness, Disturbed Sleep, with Distressing ' J)reanis ami untold Sufferings. - Bec. Willi's Anff DysM'j)lic Pills Hae cured thoiisnmls of such siitlerers, and will lo it, again. o 'nie.li cine was ever sustained by such -undoubted testimony. Sold by druo-. gists o(.er;IK . send L'.lc to K' ii, lk lipid v. ills i . Variety (ion. 11 is ijm hss hotly, and will i&raite B ft II Hill 1 In Material and Price. A Call will w Aiicri;U'd. Hrsperlfnll J. fe D. OETTINGER, Successors R O C K Y M (Next Door to GROCERS Are otlering.xtra indtieements to cash buyers. They sell Kiist ri.. (ioolsojdy. Thev hamlle the he VLOVil on the marie ar , niake a specialty, and carry a full line of First class Provisions and Groceries, Which they Jeveive weekly. You will iind RITTTKIf. t ti... t j and firm during lhe warm weather, r-.v v-. . . ..." Jebte-Sm Exfcitement. High Prices! UJOL CLOTHING &HD SHOE house!) :o:- of your pat ronage. P.elow Fruit of the Loom, 4 4 !c per yard: especially call is 401 ami upward. ice pants mis, Old Hardware Store, opposite the. Rank. Wilson. X. C. n. them. krJlf.viiir druggist does not .keep them. HFCKWITII, l'etei-sbmg, Va.. for box by in.iil. sepT ly III .' of Goods hi dii us o p;H: ;j arid vwr v S 1 ' i I O U X t, N. C. the Post Olliee.)- as it is kept iu a nd rigerator.' ; " l-V10LKl MISCELLANEO US We tiller for sale, at very low .figures, a "o. 1 r'ifteen llort. pow 1 Kugine in good condition and excellent i mining order. r . TERMS TO Si:iTJPl'RCHASEi;S. Sep il.tt LUTHER SHELDOkt OKALKIl IN Sashe.T, Voon atii Blinds. IVIoiilduyr?. Brackets. Stair Pils, M3wei. B H;rdwa.r3. Points. Oils Glas.Putty snd Suilding Material of every D Nos. it; W Side Market S.piare.t WTJoanoko Ave., NOIilM) l.K. ' i ' I ,M Jlioji4"Li,:..-l if i !m M' ttvyiV -- IJKNKIIAL A(SKNT Wadsvortn. Martie & Logma's P3 yre Prepared a. cly-Minced Hi Wii liavi; ;ch Stonewall B "IEL Magnolia Oullett : Gin's.. WF MAKEASl'WMALTV OR T1IR 8toni well And will soil them on the most reasonable. ami sal isfaat.ory. terms. Wo also have Kail and Jlrooks 1'iesses,' ami the cehdirated-Heasley power Pics, and are in position lo I'm nish any Gin mid Press made, at manu facturers prices. -' (win beederx and I AfWtiiVyiiiiifc3L "" DescripliA-e ciitailars mailed free on application lo loutrtr(( llaniva aim:it' New Htand! New i:ai:m-:s stim-:kt, wil.son,'x. c. An, mm r.-ceivi.ig my stock ofoo,ls wbU.u (lJ ,Vl. , en, ,71'"' ! ' ,'0,,,,,'s:'dI'r'..M!iffriis.i..aH. a general a-soil-t ,1 l un.i lure, (i.ye me acall and be conMac.-d thai mv sloek m oiieied at low hollies, I ' ' x',v-' ' ii.j.eoiiii. I T i I X I 'II ; j ; DKALK S A XI) IJXI)KM'AKKKW N'4sn Stkkt, iVii.-iOj.". .V. i, I s-5 ff;ie ,i lai ire sfiw-k ol'ntl kiiidso'' Ftii-aint-e. :m I .m. i..1...ivt.r .-..iistantiyad lititms flu i-ett.. J5ib ng.ii.nu olliee ehaire.. in calico Jfepaiiing imai i. Ba Exchange Hotel Is now- in ";nl repair, newiv fur- nisheil. and i wi!I n' ready Die 1st of September to aect'iinmod-tte per sons desirous of getting board and lo.lginx. 'oti can eail and judge the f are and pi ice hctort engiiging elsewhere. " " Mbs. F. I. Fixcir, Wilson, N. C ""- T.a.. n-1 ii iril , ,!- AD VER TISBM EN 'IS POWER RRANCH & HADhKY Wilson, ( mm. V... , .aSa&L: fjiv-fe. ; yiM OTII )l) in KhiPHMiow ami hvill Uvvy thv st'iis(Mi lhe foiovvhiir i- i!l-kiiovn iiiii.s: rown PRATT, and Gins, ISi aiicli A. liadlrv. Conilfiisers Age i I? Wils..n,. i New Store! Brown FUKNITUKE 3 S1 a V.t i El ti a i mm cani.i-i-.. Fjcii li.tmeK. nii.tild v-iir't-fy. - atid p!4.!nl.v4tM.. tint. v. ft jater-Coiifeclipi fl.VKflUAVK'S U STAN !, OI'l'OlifTK t'Ol'KT HOUSE, WILW.V. K.C, t"Kino FrMich Ciiirr, Cake, CYvWjL, 1. Till!