Tmk Advance. .September lSi. Id verlas-e ",,s j;,X S'ntiei .1 K l'artiu r- ! ami lor .-.- v , Kstate Deans-AV icholson. i . .1.. I n ii i ill I'll li. l) lemons. .weak n on tl...xllM'-e. ilson v. . s ai-v Vr fuller o'fpeo- ,,. ili.iii estenl i.v. ri .. ...,r?.llmeiil at the Graded s-i I yesterday was -Mi.. ,;,t.('in' coin-t next week. ...1 i. il l V Deliu up. ' where lit- ;tC N f " 1"" .., 1 1... . 1 1 1 ! i ! 1 ir "ic s ,11 in' " Mia i"'--" 'ii' nixing rein. 11 iv V 'V lime; former pastor, at .lie Baptist !""!. Sunday. -fiit.v in ,,l,s, riheis last week r,t(.(l week for get - ,l!lH its. eit her. 1 1ll LT i,. IV .-.i i'1-' I woman and child in Every man 'Wilson ami ,i idiiiKlmg eon line. . .... i j.L; t nT'l I - I ' had hu-anev- ilv farmer' picket! 1:11 A I'd t eoan iU ui:;ii-i- "' ,,1.(1.11 from lOOseiccr- ,.a n! Hi' 1 nnvan cotton. III " . t Wli" " -., f. I Viiiiy. the distinguished ,..,.:M.,er of 111-usic and art attire Col-l.-iat.- lii-litule is to be the olgau- at tin- Ej'i-eopal chureli. Our thank; are due for a rmiipli- i ;.a .a i..ii,.. 'I'.ii Imio l air wll In. laid li toiiel :;oth,; .il-t ami N'tivember -d ami Mr. W; says the ' 1 il a new (laidii.j, of J-Mgecomjie, . Sonilieiiiei.'" lias invent - - .,,).,, j-it.niter wliich he.: claim lo lie in existence, d Sells' circus ! i" Caleulitfir " i " ' ' .'. The lii li't Miill is verify : '-flglllillll f. it..:.. II ,,iU- like a grea engine wit Ii t if) ol sleam. 1 here s not li !, ---.low ' ahoiit him. An iiulu.iti ions man is V. II. ililam. of l'itf. Master of the Slate ( b.iiige. 'A'-friend- tells us .that he has studied every word in W'elislris ritahridged I )iel ioriary. Kev. L..I. Itoideii, of Wrairenton, i ; evpeeted to reach Wilson Mon i iy to assist . Mr. G;ninu in the jiioiraeied meeting. Ileis . a good preacher and a successful revival i-l. - i the l llliel al . services of Col. K. B. j tirilliii will be preached' in Nash- j llli-. the Ihinl Sunday ill October li i.Vv. i '. M . Cimk. The Masonic j riateriiit is especially invited to j ,ii lend. -. i tnr young frien,! (,. - V7. Kille 'hrev, of Ealgecond e, jnade one' liiiiidied gallons, of - molasses this Mar lrom the crop of one-half acre el land. -That heats raisfng cut ton and beats it had : An cldeilv looking gen! lcinali, u it Ii sev en children, drawn up in' rink ami li'e. marehing llt'hind the riu aV pioiession was one. of the in i amusing feat ures lo' be seen in our streets yesterday. A tax payer w ho owed a b ilanee ut t io cents ou old . taxes w as ap IHMif lied by the collector last week am! .Imuicil for the amount due ;m I ,"; ittx for colh ctiiuj. Fifty fvnts for eollec.iiig two! Next! .. . ". . .- . . V i earlier iioiiimg up a oasUet. le fiire litt le hoy at Graded 'School, Is this your lunch f The rtoly nl tlie hoy was, "Xj sir, if is tny. Iini-iiu and faters," Teacher hur ries away to a tpiiet nook to laugh. On Monday Ex Sheriff- .Barnes, ami others were. out "possum"' limiting and tin- Only ''possum" llie.v caught was li:!(. jioniids of rut (on wliich had been stolen troni Mr. ,I.;K. Whitley and hid in the V,. ,ts A child of Col. W. T Black well, nfliiirham, died on Wednesday atleinoim, and Col. -"Black well him-., si ll, every hody in the. State will be Shi ry to hear, is so sick that it- has lieeii thought prndeiil not lo inform liiiii ot Ins severe loss. hen a boy on a sied slides ilown lull on life snow and gets clear through' a fence, that's gravity, but rtlu-ii the sled has to go up hill -.iain. that's lie- liov's muscle which pulU it 1 the rope. G,raity only travels one a on a sled. e are 1 eipiestetl to slate the p islt.r, lie'-...!. P. : Simp-on. as- -Sl-,!. t i "ny oi:;,',' ministers will I.. . i i a ineci iag at llilriirl's c ap l, the "ilh Siiml i ia Sei;emherat 11 A. M. The -ern-.'. wilt eon tniiii- al uigl.l ili;: iiig i lie Week. I. ilo.i" iii.k i.l i e oiM-ii i ..'l- t-'iephmentary to tic ti i : . I . .1 ! of I he (l.-.ul.-.i Srh !, .lii . 1" a i i:n ;iiv nivi.'ed ml can iii-. i.'e .ni-.i take in Willi ! !- In a',iy of t!i--r Irieuds, .i, euov.ilile o'eca .-loa is in stole lor the Jim,, folks. j he i -.i reals e.stel'dM V . w:is isUV I i l atlended v.w any similar - ii',oi!!o since t he Y:i ,,p ;lf i.-.i-i -iirii is Hie popular verdict. fin- genet'li ojiiuion. so I' as liiant it. is the exiiiiiit was i-i lirj,e. I'he Jie; 1' i uiaiic,- 'li no io 1 the average. l le-l'e is it cotton luai Id in vl.e . j il Silt. This aals iae :l', s per :U',!Hl for the S'.ii,. i,-;,-. : 1 il I l.ii.l c 'I f a.,, I 1(1 s "taple.- and l u k l c lieelt s..l itiaiitnb s of it ieie, by farmers I'-'.u .Nasi,. I'r.mkliii, Wake, dohu- -'II. I'ltt, and all Hi, i- 1111 ; ies. 1 neighboring W'iIsihi. N- "Sew ll -r ....1.1. .,,; Mt! congrat iii.iie tuir il I mintvii, triends on so valuable ot' complaiut U iv'iug j an . acqiiisitiou to '"their society, u i ;.: ev.j a'iMUif the M"r. A. I'.. 0''.!l b-, ; wit A i;ooil ic In id.- I iy col cut co; toi, 'i t he market . U is U'illg ort'ert'tl fie farmers should , u,p .nc.i a.ieiuuni. reijuire atteiuion..- retmire x io inn ai a iiioiUt-Oc snoe.I. ,t"i l ist rmiiining the saws- cut n 1 'no 01 1 lie cot on. ,,..,1-;,, g it - ' 1 ' ' lor and of 'ti-.Ukct. es vain,- on tJie W I1M.( "ill uio pioieiii:. I.,,. "Why don't voll nd a loving swain A I'He to ,lu.- '"in a dist m; town to the lady his 1 1 i 1 -: Ollc Hi l ist week. ! will t li'tober" was th.. an.-r the tirvt aud i! i.i..k.n, .t,,,,;,! 1.... lliu,lS It I t'lln lHu,.,. I l...f .1". .. day posta. two cents. 1 ii oit 1 11 a i will li,. nduced- to Our corresiion,!,., at Talor's as that the 1 breaking ui" ti'i county, wiit,.N s!' i dile n't the seho, :'i II iteher i.ihlg,. 011 . last Frkt.iy 1 atlll In fl, cA fv 11 ug was p. him M i l rhl.r.l ...1, - w -vtiv cv- en- '"'. A u we. was a ' " 'My ol confectioncrio ' In ;st nf plen and Loveiiiak- in L' I tl.n 1 I;;; and'si.h ' .' lilies as "Srealihg neVs " to -.v.i bin- amusements which The Lenoir -'Topic" has entered j ajMiit it.s -ninth year: It i.s a good i i. :unl de s. i'ves the large ,m'a- i sure of success it 'i. .receiving. asked ed a tenelier. -trying name so ast.i. enter ii on the regis ter. "Tap's little gal," was the re ply,, and. the ..teacher gave up in dcsp;HT. A oiin;: 'If tw" i V " . .- ,.. " Graded School . teacher of. a wry '" - K' . :V.' ln the afternoon and liftl.. .M.r I'ri'lav. t :,us' uu- '''"' "u u,e young ioIks engaged f 1 1 it l -nnr 1(vim ni. Soden Jr. Theo. Conyers, T. 111 dancing. Wc think evervlnxlv ''"V 'V, . IS Ii. Taylor, and perhaps others we j enjoyed themivi vYl 1 ! ,lo they can .u. - . - i . -- t ' ,.- - nose(1 the Rocky had a .l .il-.Jr. w the man in Greenville asks: .i'tnofc- in tlie eirc.ns vesterdav.- s meet three girls . and 1 all exehange kisses, how 1 1 1 a 1 ) v kisses (Iim-s it make in all Inso much as the kissing parties wen .iM "iris some 'mathematician. -may he alile to answer, -'list jf there '!a''i been two or three ooys in the kiss iiig frolic, t ho piestioii would have t 1--given up in desjair, 'because the arithmetic would be exhausted. A :rotracted ..meeting is being eonducted at the -Methodist churelu The pastor is ? assisted by Be v. i C. V.'l of .Scotland Neck, whose sermons have -been very highly aireeiated by. our people. We have heard :io ' preachev in maiiv montlis w hose style, the ar roiigemeiif of his sermon, and ii Iatrations pleased us so much. He is a good preacher, a young man of talentaml wc predict for him a bright future. The teachers for the colored Graded School art; Prof.' E. K. Green, of AVilriiington, Principal; E. C. Himms, 1st Assistant, and Mrs. Lucy Iiobin.son,--'nd--Assi.stant. a are requested to state that for children living outside of the dis trict 1.00 ncr month will be chargijir for those in the , lower j,,.;,, ;Ul(i si.r, j(.-r month for those in the higher grade, tuition payable in advance. Eulr ii.foi nia- tion had by applying "to C. . M. doncs. -" Pj-esitlent. u- A If r tl f !..!.; ....... vJ,.......f ...... : Iioliinson. Secret arv, .. tus Hals t'oj; tiu: A T l;OCKY MOI XT dosephus Daniels, of Wilson. Chief Marshal of the Rocky Mount Fair, has 'appointed the following assistants:- A. Jl. Ricks, Battle- l.nror W It (".rilliii l.'dclri- fiiiiit- t v ii r i.- ii 'i iit.'i . i t in. Ji. i. .uarriou, liaitieooro; i . W Tl, I'.w.l-,- i w.-w- v t. i null', urn n i ..irtiui, i .. ii...n.. i - rr lx , ; Hookcrton: II. V. Stuhbs. Wil-1 liamstou: T. T. Cherry, Bethel; R. ! Z. Bgertoii, Louisburg; W - i M Ward, Wilson: Geo. W. Raines. Stanhope; V. L." Murphrey; - Snovv I Hill; Jas. W. Hines, Wilson: E. : ('roniwellj dr., Tarboro. i.' vastern iaers please copy. . '; MARSHALS FOU TllK ItOUO I A HI. TAli- ' Mtwsrs. . C. M. Battle, B. C. Sliarpe.-L. D. Knighi, t;. L. Wini- i ly, Jr. ofTarhoro; Messrs. Harrv i W.-'Siubbs. V. Z. Morton: Henry I llardisou, Wheeler Mait'.n, d. T.j Whitaker. of Kntield; II. Spooner Harrison, of Uingwood; Chester II. i .lames Ih ihel: J'.' V. Braswell, : Whitakers: Eli as Carr, dr., Old Sparta; -lainle Bernani. Greenville .. Iticiiard Dillard.. C!io,waii; Oscar, Temple... E. City, have aceeped an ' invitatica to .'act .s Marshals lor; the Fair, dosiah Lawrenee, lien ; is Statoii, W M. Fippen. dr.. and ; Thomas lla.ughton', of Williamsfon," ; will be aids to the" C'uiet Marshal. ! HOM li'Ilii: .Y .V.I.S. On las: .Saaird iy night, at Ea soa's (.'ross roads, '-.about ( miles from this place, Richard Watson (col.) reeei ved a blow tin the head from a siiek in the hands of Ilen ticrsoii Parker,--talso colored) which resulted in deal ii Hii the following day. The particulars, far a we have -been able to learn them, arc as follows: Watson .was play in r a game of cards ith anot hev colored brother, antl they h;d gotten into a Hit nd!v ili'sputo about something when Parker ( who was under , the ihtlueiiee of liijiior) came up, and hearing the fwoi parties disputing, he thought, perhaps, that 1 la y we're about to tight, ami iniiuetliatclv IHckeil u;i a l ii '',e si iclv- iio.i si L- Watsfin (who v;ts nearest to him) overt he head, w hich. as we "sKited - - aooe, eaiiscil ins ieath. Parker ! Ht'd at once, and when la,- 1 lean from llie-oihccrs were on his track near Wei.lon. Bockv .Mount I.-.-p-.iter." a-suvli: A it l if in M KX I S. HU, 1'. Pit if. W i. S.II.irnes. .f Kiilreli.s lli-'h School, w - in Wif. son this week.- fi-ieml Fi-iink U. .Pender. youii" IS tnrueil to ; ;ie ( ei -oi ;,, Siaie and,(J .1 position ;i clerk at Iter Bryant House, Tarboro -Mrs ! bum A. Gilliam lias returned from a viit to n lat ivtvs in Warren-i ton. i-Miss Aiiiii.. .Thompson, of tiohlslioro and Miss IH-ttit i Wells of Toisnot-. ucie iii tow.i j this week.- !ev.. . B.K. B;on-- son retunied lrom A arreniou ami i ollieiafed at 1st. Timothy's' .-hurcli Sunday. Vhile i:i ai it nton. . lie assisted Rev. tiilbert . Higgs to tiir.te Mr. Frank P. IIuntcr.and Misslvatio Wilcox in the holv 'oonds of niati imonv- 111011 witli his- many. ft iends In com-! we .'re-' gret to see our vounir friend. P. W ii Hgrave,ieae us to accept a posi-J tion in Mun.Ts Drug Si ore. in Wil- i mmgton. U, is 11 capital tlrug-' . 1 i ." ' "" w oung O V 1 iKIl.llloi i,.r . .- I soil this week solieitin.'- injure ftr Wiiislow's sii,,,.. House.- Mrs. John 1". -Woadard has returned home from her North ern trip. Mr. WopiUnl is now in Boston and will he home in a few tlays. Ho has promised to tell the readers of the Advance something about the sights he s iw at the E.v position. Prof. Julius b. T,n- linson. Principal of .the Winston Graded Senool, is in town His .many friends are glad to note 'his improved health. Our voung friend Frank Roan tree is at J. T. Wiggins and Sam Parker is with Cone vS; Wiggins. ,Mr Willie Wiusiead is on a visit to iclatives in Wilson.-i Miss. Eilen Taylor, ol Castalia, is visiting IrslC. IL W instead, near ijsuii. Sheriff Farmer is suffering from a caibuu tie. -Mrs. O- U. Kennedy, of Greene, is visiting at Mr. R. L. Al ley's Mr. S. C. Wells left Wed nesday for the North to purchase his fall stocky Miss Eilie Martin, of Petersdmrg, Va., is visiting Mrsl Setz?r. Our your g friend, Ge . W. Warren, has resigned his posi tioii -with A. AY. Rowland to acce)t a place in Holt's Pharmacy, Jack scuville, Fla. lie has our best to see Rev. W. T. Jones, former pastor of the. Baptist Church, in town this week. Mrs. Andrew Ilobgbod, of Jjattleboro, is visiting le'atives in Wilson. Misses Annie ; Mount crowd who took in the cir- eus vesterdav.- Messrs. M. W. Edmunds, J. P. Ford, Wm. Kther idir'e. T. X. Hunter, and G, Parish composed the Whitakers crowd that ns rn-iffin of' Rockv ML is visitinc friends in Wilson. 'iMiss Lucy Wooteu has returned Home lrom a xisil to reiaueni T niwlr. Planciwt tr KPft OUT vounsr friend C. L. Murphrey, of Snow Hill in town at the circus yesterday, lie will represent Greene as one of the Marshals at the State Fair. Ourl young friend Will Cantwell, telegraph op erator, has returned from a trip to New York much improved in health. Messrs. W.T. Griflin, 13. S. F. GilCS, J. P. Arrington and others fom Nashville were in town yesterday. Mr. G. says he did not .come to the circus. He estimates that the crops will be 20 per cent Iess'than last year. Our friend Jumbo Carraway, of the "News-Observer" called to see us yesterday. We opine that he is fol lowing the circus up. Judge Futrell is in town this week" giving his ''opinion" . on cotton. Miss Kate Bryan, of Greene, -has received her appointment "'as judg'i in the Floral Department at the Kocky Mount Fair. A capital selection. -Mrs. W. II. Call i.s visiting Siiow Hill circuit to the delight of her many friends She is the guest of our -friend we had almost said old friend W. K. Bryan Est. Mr. 1). J. Aaron, the popular Si rummer" of A a' nn & Bheinstcin, Wilir.iuton. titvored us with a call ! vesterdav. i asiu 11,1.1: Mr. George Bass, "a get I about la vear; a young man met a horri ble death last Fridav! evening near Bethlehem chu'cit. in this county, lie vvilh his sister and aunt wis 111 t looking for cattle. While standing on a log with. -.the but of i - . - , his gun resting on the log it, RllD-i VY t V',U'n nr l"sr tlied within twenty minutes. .... ............ I . , .. 1 1, t.i I . 1 1 . v w luw !. I if.. :i I .1 G. It' III TAK EliS The cold rains for the past week have put a damper, over both fiu iner and merchant, but in spite j of the bad weather we have had, our luerenanrs are anticipating a ; largo fall trade. ..What do you think i T he duin- i bo ol Whitakers killed a deer last i Week. It was Fat. j Mr. W'. 11. Clark af .Nash, has bought two building lots of W. C. 1 l ayhavLs,,., and prt)i,ses to build thereon. Who next t Let the good work, go ,.n. . Mr, lliomas Antlerson, one of Ed trceom lie's well to do farmers. carried from our town this week a ! sixty horse power engine ft. liis I farm, where he will run a saw ami ! ,i-i;-t ...m i ..-' av ivii.i, .5ii I 1 4 ' t I II -I II 1 IC t i Via HMlf 111 preach in -Tuck's- Chapel Sunday 1 1 n'clock. -The' public invited. . Some. d' our young Americas left this morning for Tarboro to sec. the i ; eiejHiaut. ! Vou can seutl i . .... a letter' to your I sweetheart Monday for two cents. I ttiys ami -girls ain't you glad ? Miss Mollie Garrett, who his been" visiting friends in 'Toisnot, ' returned home Tuesday, A 'apt, Haywood (lark and J. Y. Paris of Tarboro, came up Sunday ; ami sient the day with us, glad to ses you, come again. j Mr. Editttr, '"you have about 75 subscribers to your valuable paper I ta1eu from 'our .-office,' but some how or another only about a dozen ! came -last week, so We .thought -we would tell yoii. Your patrons say d. not fail 'again to seutl them t he A1A:rK tor they had rather miss Uu'M - "lunoi- 1-ndays than to miss till'il' l''lM?1' jst Mr. Editor. Fizzy- . . i ck cji i:i:k. . For the last week the sun hath permitted the base, contagious clouds to sniolher up his hcniilv fitini the worhl, and tlie4 with frowning brows -have deluded the earth with al er, much to 1 lie sor 1 .w oi thee itioi pickers, who were thus unable 10 earn 'their circus money .i the usual 'way. Mi.. I. W. Hunt's gin Ii;rs i-oni-nieii. -ed operations, and that' ami Bard in, Whl ,'y - Co's. are hoth in tnil blast. Our new 'market house now keeps a l ull supply of heefaiitl fish and otiier e itables, which is ipiite a convenience to the town. The beer crate factory has a"ain umetl tj)erations for a short t inie. Anotlier .ouu shoemaker open ed his ees on tins world last nHit and Ben Edwards, -who in In'sca paeity as boss- VKmi einan and shoe. maker 01 our town, will arrest vou and walk vou up and down so as to wear our youi: shoes, ami thus v,.f luinselt more wort;, is happy, The belligerents have kimW n,,; ctcd down during the last week n two. Mr. Elisha Bass, of this townsliip was instantly killed last Thursday by a tree w hich he was cutting doyvii to dislodge an o'possum. falling dn him. New gomls have been comino- TO our town in tpiite large ,jua 11 1 ft ies during the last week or two. Our town is certainly small and has not the many charms which Wilson possesses, but, judging by the number of Wilson young men who visited here last Suuday ni'n-ht there is some attraction ! iiere" or hereabouts, and yve think there are ladies in the ease. . Madam", rumor says there is V young man in our town, who is not so very low, and thinks he can lay some, claims to good looks, who is doing a large business, who wishes to sail out tm the uncertain sea of matrimony, H any of the lady Headers of the Advance yvish such a husband they can find hini jn Black Creek, and (bye the bye) we forgot to say, that among other at tractions, he is a nice partner in a d iuce and is t lie very life of Black Creek balls, in his capacity of figure caller. Miss Maggie Woodard, the most beautiful specimen of wood that grows in our community, is absent attending the niarriage'of a friend at Salisbury. Quite a crowd collected together (xrove monr town last Thursday. Abe dinner was excellent, the fair sex, with its loveliest smile and most Iewitchin2 ways, craned th occasioj, :,r,d edded to the pleasures coring gentlemen and ladies present from Wilson and participa ted 111 the daneiujr 1 ' . Bex. Sept. 25th, ls.;. , The Thrur-Artuva f Truth. The success of merit when once recognized as a huccchs invariably excites detraction and stimulates envy, hatred malice and all mi charitableness. No man or enter prise is worthy of regard whose rep utation has not been sometime as sailed by the baffled rage of some disappointed one', whose attempt to defraud, defame or destroy a right eous cause has been defeated after detection. The panoply of truth honesty and fair dealing to all has caused The Louisiana State Lottery to be invincible to any attack upon the integrity of the management of its distributions by Gen'ls G. T. Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, of V a., and while, here and there, some disappointed one may grumble, public opinion is unani mous that everything is straight and; square. The next drawing (the 161st monthly) will take place on Oct. 9th, and any information desired will be given on application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. HOME ITEMS. Complete line of clothing of all qualities at Warren & Barnes. Warren & Barnes have a full me of the Burt & Packard Shoes. Warren & Barnes make Gents Furnising Goods a Specialty. ." Hats all styles, and qualities in endless variety at Warren & Barnes. Nice line of.ladies cloaks and walking jackets of all qualities at Warren & Barnes. A. Ay. Rowland can deliver coal at lowest market price. Send him your orders, " v v-1. v v. t lUijQ ilD&VJL LLUt. il v of fresh Cakes, Candy, Cheese, To bacco &c.,at John T. Ford & Co's. A fine line of pant patterns and cassimere suitings at Warren & Barnes Dr. J. M. Taylor says he has sold all his lands except 150 acres, em bracing the home and Mill tract and that somebody will make fifteen numlred dollars in the next two or three weeks by Durchasin- it. No I mistake! : al i u . , . - " .i. n. i uinivi isuusi open- ing the large stock of goods he bought at the north. It is a real pleasure to visit his store and see ' him oiientng, and to see him mark I them at very low prices. . Ni4;e- pine of dres8 goods" and j Hauuel Sllitings in all colors rtt .barren & Barnes. . I 100 Mens Rubber Coats and la- lios and misses Warron & Barnes. gossamers at A small ear ring has been found j and left at this office. The owner j can obtain b3T proving property and j paying for this notice. . ; ... .. . i Atrenrion. m, lies: lietoro oiivinrr i shoes call at Warren & Barnes your and examine Edwin C. Burt., T. Miles'Sons, and Warren & Barnes tine shoes. Brocaded and plain velvets, both in velveteen and silk velvet for trimmings and suiting at War ren & 'Barnes- . Mr. O. P. Shell's hack liue, from Warren Plains to Warreutou, is the old reliableline and when you i lir j. l. J ..,,11 goto w itrieiiiou oe uie in ran out for "Shell." ' Wood furnished at short notice j by Worrell. -.'-' . ' : Gootl buggy for sale at a bargain. ' Apply tt A. W. Rowland. Plaster, Hair and Cement, aiiy quantity desired, at Geo. in j D Green & Co's. Warren & Barnes .have received the largest and finest, line of shoes ever received in Wilson. Two houses ami lots for sale in the town 'of Wilson on Spring street. Terms made easy.- Ap ply to J. B. Clements.- We are Sole Agt's. foi the old relia ble Row -land -Cotton Gin. Cant be beat. .1. Ti':' Weaver. Co. After September 20th., Smith oi Rhodes will have oysters regularly at their saloon. They have things in fine style ami will be prepared tt) furnish' oysters any way desired. ; Warren & 1! u nes have just re- : ecived a large lot of Burt & Pack ; aid's Gents'. and Boys' fine Shoes. See them before buying. The Earl fc Wilson patent short ' band bead edged Collar and Culls at Warren d- Barnes. 1 For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Wilmington N. C. s. Ice House open on Sunday from S, 30 to 10 A. M. and 5 to 630 1. M. A fresh "supply of all kinds of turnip seed and cabbage for fall planting: at E. M. Nadal & Co's. The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine if sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. Wilmington N. C. -MeCraw Nurney have just, re ceived the latest patent Beef Chip- j per, bv which they are enauiea 10 furnish fresh chipped beef in any quantity, from the thickness of tis sue paper to one-eighth ot an inch. Eveiybodv is invited to call and see it. When such distinguished men as Martin Van Buren, George Badger, late Secretary of the Navv: Gov. Edward Stanley, of California; Gov. Iredell, of North Carolina; Senators Talmage, of New ork; Preston, of South -Carolina ; Hen derson, of Mississippi; Hon. Be verly Tucker, of Virginia; Bishop Green of Mississippi ; Freeman, of Texas; Gen. McComb, of Georgia; W. H. Appleton, of 2jew York; Rev. F. L. Hawks, of New York, and a host of other such men give strong certificates of the value of a medicine, it most have intrinsic worth. All this is trueof Beck with's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, and tn-dav thevareas good as they were when those certificates vrere xr Ti -f an CTTi' Lost. AgoW rin, with black cameo setting. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at , - " T -f X I". n ,.m Wilson mTetrlcet,- Reported Weekly by Byxcm Daniel- & Co. t.'otuin. . Maps-in?, i. liaoun....: Beeswax, :....... Hutter. Candles, .JUL. Cheese... Coffee Kio, Coffee Java. Coffee Lacruj-ra, ." tV.rn Meal, Oirn Chickens, " Cotton Ties, Dry Salted Meat, Domestics, . Err. i Flo r. Hides, "" Ir.l Molasses,..; ' Peanuts,-. . Potatoes Kiee, ; .' Kare,.. ""' Salt . Suirar, " Shingles, Turkeys, Tallow " ' UfifUV ! li.VWV ! ..-.tta) 1 Jdal , 12i.12S IS.IiM.MS I 1ii3 JUoJJJ ; Oa 1 .1 i j...8ma 1 Ol I iu " .......l twoi r Tit ; ' Ji inov mi . WaUS KMiUS - . 5mai.l ' 1 0Wt 1 intl SCa-1" ; l.falS ! lKa2 MU S .....A112S ! ..3 50(5 Sti ! SMa-r.1 ! - 8Sgm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm for Sale. I have a farm containing 3i0 acres, about 100 acres cleared and in a tine state of cultivation, three miles from En field on Fishing Creek. It has a very good dwelling, with 1 1 rooms antl kilcheu, :5 good tenant ; houses and barn, all new ; good 1 well of water, location healthy, a ; small orchard of young apple and i peach trees, some grapevines. Address, -JULIUS CCTCH IN, sep27-3t Pay om- Taxes. I shall ittend at the following tunes antl places in Wilson county for the purpose of cti.lecting the State and .County Taxes for the year 188:. All jersons are re spectfully requested to meet me at the several places and pay their taxes now due, to wit: Black Creek, at A. L. Bardin's Store, Monday, October 15th ; Cross Roads, at L. F. Lucas' Store, Tuesday, October ICth ; Spring Hill, at Jesse Kirby's, Store, Wednesday, October 17th; Old Fields, at School House near A. Nichols, Thursday, October 18th; Tavlors. At, A. Thnmnsrm'a Ktnra FrhlayOctober 19th ; at ,ny cdfice in me -aui i, nouse in v lison, Sat urday October 20th ; Toisnot, at Well's & Bailey's Store, Monday, October -'2d : Gardners, at Baker's Store, Tuesday, October -23d ; Sara toga, at H. T. Owen's StoreWed nesday, October 24th; Stautons- 1 .,f f,... IV 1. Cl ' u,uSi "-. w)v v iniiiis ,we,;n. , ,V(..,, Vopfoik""Va Thnrsday, October -25th. :K . ' HALDV s W HAK1-, .Nokhjlk, A. 1 can ie found in my office Ut all 1 Milk Liberal Cash Advances on times for the mirnose of receivino-1 Consignments. Prompt bales and t,,e Ti,xeS and shall expeet the . m i - - o tax-payers to come forward and pay them inomptly and w ith as lit- tie delay as possible. J. E. FARMER, Sheriff. Wilson, N. C, Sept. 2(i, L T. ASKEW & CO., (icneral Commission Merchants, Special attention given to the sale of Cotton, Peanuts, Virginia Bacon, Chickens. Eggs, and all couutry produce, sep-21 Ct Norfolk, Va. J..W. DEALER IN ! CzlJVMSg ZfMStiELiLo&S No. 148 Mam st. Norfolk, Va. , Ag't for Dunlap Hats. sep21.ini F. DURR. Driigit and Apoiliecary, -- DEALER IN Fancy and Toilet Articles. ; S. W.Cor. High & Mithlle Sts., s01,2l tf Portsmouth, Va. 1 7' i Latest Styles of Fall and Wint-sr Gocis Are now in and ready to be eouj verted into Fine ClothiDg, such as you may Order. Give us a call. Greenwood A Befsrrtycr. SV30TDCE. Pursuant to the povyer of sale contained in the mortgage execu ted to nje by T. II. Selby I shall, if not disposed ot at private sale be fore the first day of October, sell at public auction, at 1 P. M., of that date, the stock of Liqnois, bdliar d, pool tables ana other personal property in the store for cash. B. M. SELBY, Mortgagee, COSKOE & Woodard, Atty's, -'-..;.'.- ..,., ; . sT't.?i. - GREENWOOD k RELSMEYF.R. 1 ; Mnnnhnnf rPnilfmn t ! MDlbUQUl IttllUlD, I Hill A 1 - w I llllo 1! II A i v Pianos BEST NOW MADE. Send for Catalogue. sep21-Cni DR. Y. A. WAI.KE. Walk k Williams DEALER in lni;s. laiiilj. ;.ils. A:. Corner Water Street sep21 Cm :o:- IT i ii n i n i j i n i ivaiuauie mmm lor sale. I ofler for sale on terms tt suit 10,000.' worth of Real estate in the Town of Wilson. For particulars appfv to an.!2-4t . F.' FARMER. ing New! W- Olierry & Bro- C A R R I A G E M A K . li U S. AND ItEP.HREltS No! 14G Watee Stueei . Norfolk, Va. Secoxd-IIand Buggies ami Wagons always on hand. Sept 21-li'm. GOltDON BROS., Cotton Factors and General Commis sion Merchants. NO. 34 WATER ST., NORFOLK , VA. Consignments of Cotton, Corn, Peanuts, Potatoes, Lumber, Shin gles, Staves, Poultry, Eggs, and Country Produce generally solicit ed. Sales with check sent same day goods are sold. Shippers kept "well posted In prices. sep21-iui HARDY & BROS., Established in182S.l COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the sale ol Coiton, Lumber, Peanuts antl other Merchandise, and dealers in Peruvian Guano and other Standard Fertilizers. i.eturns. sep21-tf Is not only the thief of time but the HI ii rd ere i- of Opporluiiily. , :o: Provide to-day for your families and creditors in case of your death, or tor yourself in old age by hik ing a LI FE or an ENDOWM ENT POLICY in the OLD RELIAALE OF NEW YORK i THE LARGEST, OLDEST, BEST ! and Cheapest of al! the LIFE DEANS & NICHOLSON, Agents. Wilson, N. C. NOTICE- The building of a house at the Poor House, to be used as an Asy lum, will be let out to the lowest bidder by the County Comniission- i ei-s at their meeting, the first Mon- day in October at 12 111.. IMans antl j specifications may be seen by ap i plying tt) W. F.MERCER, Chrm Ii tl l o. Cum rs. Sept. 21 sf, lxS;b-2t . .vo tmcm:. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Bayard M. Da vis, deceased, before the Probate .Judge of Wilson county, notice is hereby given to all persons indebt- ed to the estate of said "deceased to make immediate payment, anil to i all persons having claims against j j the deceased to present them for ; i iiayment on or before thfi ISth tlay.i j of Septelllb !- lsst, o.- tliis notice i will be plead in bar of their recov- ery. r. a. y juiJ.vni, "Administrator, Sept. ITtli, 1 s.s:.-(it AX. V. A I.l. K.N. J. T. BOKl'M. W. F. ALLEN & CO,. lf'hoh:sac Grttrrr, i Water St. 18, 22, Si i :i Uothery's Lane, N OK FOLK, VA. Goi.rsnp'v of Meats. Floor. Sujrar, Coffee, Hutter, t'litt-s'. Simtn. Salt and Fish, aiways iu hatij. Orilerss li.-iteil. sep21if ) Insurance We .have no t raveling agents. Par ties wanting their Gins Safely In hii red AGAINST Will please apply in person or by mail to LIEM L Someta PROCRASTINATION I lilll nlh l 10 and Oreans !! AT FACTOR Y PRICES, 1 1 UM F, PARKER & IIOI )GF.S, liiwksellers and Stationers, 10 1 Main St. Norfolk. Va. J. X. WILLIAMS. and Ruanoke Squire, Nokfolk.Va. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. Loans negotiated: fire and life insurance Placed i n the Best American and " English Companies. ;. BY ,1' Insurance, Real Estate, AND LOAN BROKERS, WILSON, N. ('. The Real Estate Register ol our oflice is at all timesopen to the pub lic. No charge for advertising ami registering property. Below is a selection for this week from our Register: One Hl'NDUKU" AND 1 ATRES. Eighteen In Wilson county, N. C., on tin East sitle of the W..& W. R. R., i one half mile North of the town ol i Black Creek. About $ -cleared, i and in cultivation, balance well; timbered. Land well adapted to cotton, corn and other crops, also ! to the raising of strawberries, gar-1 den peas, irish potatoes excel- lent location for a truck tarm. Price :(K)0. Terms-i cash, bal ance inline antl two.'years- Lot in -Town ok .Wilson. On the West side of Vance St., between Hill , and Pine, Contains one acre iuore or less.- Dwelling with two rooms.' Price sjll'O). Terms easy. TW'l) IIUNDllKI) At'Kl'S. In Pender county, N. on - the East side of the AV. - VV. R. P., 1) iniles from Wilmington antl:! miles South of Rocky Point. One of the most valuable tracts in I he State, will produce a0 to 7-V bush-. e!s corn per acre. High swamp of the richest kind, very little ditch ing required, growth, oak, hickory, popular, elm, gum, beech,.-, witch hazel, palmetto, ratan, 'myrtle, chinquepin &c-i 'Rich marl plenti ful. Price iViOd. Terms, S cash balance in twelve months.' Lot in Town of Black Cijkkk. Contains alHiut .'2 A acres, dwell ing. -yVith seven rooms. Kitchen antl ctniyeiiient out . buihliiigs. . beautiful grove, good waters-Very '. comfortable anil tlesirablo home. ' Fine locat ion for a physician, teach er or merchant. Hotel and school ! badly need, (his place could Ik eas- j ilv ar-nirgcd for either or both. j Price ?."iOO. lerniseas. . thkkk iii ndked and twkxtv acuks j Situate! in Halifax mnuty. N. t-, 7.V mi -s South of Littleton, a thrivinir twn on th- It, : 4: H. li. It., not far from larr:tt' Vinj ai'l. ! i and near the fnnious ' Panacea" SprineH. , 1 owniMl liy Thi. W. Harris. Kj. IjiihI fertile, 1 pnxlueiuir cotton, i-orn, toliaeeo ami 8iuall j Krai 11 well. Eminently alapte to the raisimr j of jjeaehes aiul other fruits for fhippinir pur poses. Half of the plaec clearest. Iialunii- in j vootl timtier. Section very .healthful. . Wati-r ! excellent. Vine riiails. with Kuperior MM-tai, ; 1 nl iirioiiK ami educational alvatitatr. 'rn- j f.iiju. Ti-niir' j, lialauce in one ari.l two ! years. Will 1 diviiled U suit purchasi-rs. Lot in .Tows of Black C'ukkk. .Contains altout two-fifths of an acre. Three bti hlings, coH.sti uct-. ed and conveniently arranged, for ! j buggy 'shops, can le changed how i e er antl matle useful for an aead- i I emy, store ! Pi iceOO. or tit her puriMise lei nis easy. i .Lot ix Ttwx . .- Platk: Cufi-k. i . -" . - . . . ,' ' f Coutains iib.iiit acre, tl willing with two riMiius, kitchen .and sta- ble. Pi ice if.'i'KI, Tt rms -asy. Lot ix Towx of Hlack pkekk rontains' aiMiut.v 01 an llMHlt 7 of acre, Price dwelling with two rotuns 3(ki. Tel ins easy. VAU AIU.E MILL PKOPEKTV Water Mill, cabin an.l six acre of lan'l on Bi Fiithinir Cr.'k. In Xash county', X. C5H miles west of WblUkere, on the w. W. K. li. The MU1 House f.S 1 feet, three stories hiirh. with rock dam and fine water power. Caraeitj-for irlnninir i lialtrscotuin per sea son, nl RTinilinv to It bushels corn per hour. All new. built in last few years. Price i.UU0. Terms Sj cash, balance in one and two yt-an. For further descfiptiori of above and other property call and see Real Estate Register of DEANS A: .NICHOLSON. J. & li. MalHinev, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS, POETSMOUTH, ta. We wish to call particular atten tion to onr special brands: Gib sons, Hanesvi He, and Mt. Vernon. JCUie II C )iuiteis, XLtaw iuu" kiis Brown THE EKOWN FEEDER AND TLese G ins Lave been in use since ' 1813. Several iraprovemen ts have recently been made and they are now universally pro--nounced the very best in the market. So great i it.ii w ui im h.ept as neretorore published. These price ucincicimt.- tut; iiearesi uepoi Carolina. With Self feed- With Self Feed Sizes. Prices of Gins. or or Con- cerand Con- - " denser. denser. " 7500 $100 w pj: ml 87 00 11(100 14 4 :m ' b " 100 00 l:V2.-.o l r,.- (H " " 112 50 I B! MY 17J0t r0 " i 12."i(Hl ItiO (Hi j.- iX) : " 140 00 180 (Hf li'JOtMt T " loOOOj 20GtH 'J.VitHt Ml " - "180 0t) 2.V2tO "SUM, For description, circulars, terms, c, Address ROUXTKKK, BARNES A CO., jun-10-.lm Wilson. N. C. r i iiiiiiii n in i w Are onler. noH in sneeesitti operation. Repaired at short notice. - Agents tor the Kiielte! A ilnating Vale Steam Engines which took the First Premium id the Siate Fair, ami Gold medal at the Alabama State Fair. Grist ami Saw Mills sold oi repaired. .Manufacturers of the ADVANCE COTTON PLOW, Ami ROCKY .MOUNT TURN PLOW. We make a sjecialt. ot these. We keep i if stock a full line, of all sizes, steam antl water "pipes ami connections." Also b;-ass fittings for same. , Our Fianing Mill is in full operation. Monldiugs, Biackcts, Bc-t kiln tlried flooring and ceiling furhis'.ied prouipt'y. W'e ret urn t h.tnks for past patronage and guarantee to merit acontinuant e of the same. S. Iv. FtiDNTAlx, , . ' " W IV Timvi,,. Propiietors. S. K. iMitiNTAiN. Manager m j ;7.;f - si ' Z .... -.v t. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SrtTPP )D ...iiVI -mm hv I.KII. II. Hi l l. . . l:L.'-:D:-V2LI toil. I 1 T OBACCO f in Blackwell's Durham ISTIIV: KlNKST, lUltrT,'l'KST, ANUMOST l.'XIKOUM 14i:AXIi,, TOIlACfO KVLUI'LT ll-oX Til K M A l:K l.T Durham Long-Cut and DurhamCigarittus. These Goods We offer nndfr an Absolnte fc'uraatee ml -1 J '1 hey are the finest and J 1 lit ti it t in illicit aiiu 1 ui iti ... ii. - j --- ' Thev are free from lrutrs or I'hemieals of btiymnti km , Thev ctinsi-t ofthefinot Wilson Isiiow in full ojieration aud is niauufacturing a fuieiiiii Yarns and Warps. Orders solicited. it .. t if iiiviw. Tmu, Cotton Gins COITON r.ix CONDENSER- has been the de mand that for the past three neasons it has been nlmot hu possible to sup ply it. -Not-, withstanding 4tho lnanv added hnpniv e in e n t s these -" are ia any point in Eastern i ,u kiini:Coi Aiiclnuery matle to - -- i (nar.'U .SJ 1 rs 1 ft it r ; i Ul I i. . ' ' 1 C, tifs . 'I. tl I ... , '. . . . . .). -:; -! ; . .:.;T ii.;-! i:: : . .i. i:;:.v:r r r :.;:':- ct tion, Vi'l! br..c '.. t'.e .fTci-ln;. 'Vntt j!r'.-iati I hii; bei " 6-11, 1 fit- triiJt-vw t t f O.t 7. Pure?t CiootN uinm the maryct Tilaceo, hikI purt-t riee paper. 11 article nf KM) I I u : I . I ' J'l .T ii .f.i .C-f, '1 .. .r,o,,y Cotton Mills All orders should lie addressed to ' Jame II. Daris, Treas :: :o . -