WILSON. ADVANCE Supple ent J0HN mJ C0SiC0RBETT & CO'S IVllNERAL WUIfcH. BAR ROOU, I -Tarboro Strt, lioantret- s Oid M !!.- ! date you Avith a drink of any kinds j of ijunranri -a square meal Oys -ters in everv style . jan3 tf Foreitf 11 aud Domestic. Upvnrds of Filly Varieties Circulars Mailed on Application. Addre ;ss. BEST SI X - C OR von POXJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS aug3tf W. IV. Margrave. Wilson, N. C. ! J DAVIS & GILES, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, NASIIVILLE, 2L C. jiucuuif or Jiau i use : .,7- ,Jrntf bW& ! .,, .1. .1. f&istar has iiTf.Riii'i!m. tunes ior tne practice oiiawiu aau. milAlf I f " tllT MTM i 1 , it i'' i I'L'vTc" .''' e-'ter .a. tu- ont:ty ft ! jr. Davis wia attend tho regular ..lr AI-h- 1 rfrm tr,tr i-t r-nt c.ot male the ltu r Una J . . . . . tii ! ,-,! j lerms oi asii oupenor uuuiu ! KotitzV '.!' ri will ri:rer r rrst f.m--t intr i. - I for sAi.j;r.v Hines, Hadlcy & C, Ull.s:N. N. . 'I ri r? r j.r rst r1mi i v i: Ion.' I'liHii, c oivt, MT!rt"ri.jX. toll tu-r) iwre. DAVID T. rOTTTS, Proprietor. ocS THE- pGHTRUNNltJG ti j win JJU1MAJ hrv simple - ... - - f'ff LYON&HEALYf) State & Monroe Sts.. Chicago. 3. J BAMD) 6ATALOQUE. fl aA I I of iMtramenu, Suiu, Cm. BiM, V l J 1 UBU. mtbib !ot-i fun, mu, canary uua vniiuia '"T-'"! ifmte .. : tip n Deems Bell Clioivan Mppiist Female Instit ute MUEFREESBORO, X. C. One of the oldest and best equipped institutions in Korth Car obna. It offers facilities passed in tbe State, for moral, men tal and pbvsic&l. enltnw. Ph very moderate. Fall session begins on Wednesday, October 3rd. For catalogue or information r Address J. ll. BRRWRIJ jnl272m President.. SEWIMGMACHIIIECO. CHICAGO.ILL- "ORANGE. MASS. urn ATI A MT1 "-l'"ni 5 IT TALBOTT &SOKS Shockoe iVlachin e WO JEt E 1UCNM0N1). YA.. J PAYNE'S 10 Horse Soark-Arrestlnc Mjinu fact urt rs of Portable anil Stationary Portable Engine has cut 10,000 ft. of Michigan Pine Willis, V4rn ana j r:v"ua 1U w iiuure, uurnxiig eiaos irum uxa saw Hi OflTprs;' his iirnfossinnnl sorviees to the people of Wilson and vicinity in the various hraiiehhs of bis pro fession. Office over Rowland s jiin22 tf Druj; Store. Knjrinks am! Hoi tors Saw i Wh'oat Mills, Shafting, 1 1 angers and rulleys,' : Turltinc Wathr Whot-ls, Tobacco Faetury Ma- 1 1 i . t T . ii'. I k . a ' 1 ll UK ry, rputriii iron ik, uni.ss ana iron t'a.titjrs. Machinery of every Description Jl . ; I V A7.V,y TIIIIKSIIING MA CHINES a MM: iaLTY. I'f i :; i" .! Car ;';!! Don l.'ii M!r'i 'f ' i -ul iM l'l h Dissolution Notice. The mrtnershin bprptnfrtt 4 1 ..v.viviv lstins between O. II. Wain P. J. Royall and II. T. Coleman, under tbe firm name of Wainwrigbt Royall & Co., bas tins day been dissolved by mutual consent. All. parties holding claims against? and an parties luticDtea to tue old firm, will make settlement with tbe new firm. ;. i-V". Geo. II. Waixweight, P. J. ROYAXL, II. T. Coleman. Having purcbased tbo interest of II. T. Coleman in tbe Foundry and Plow Manufacturing business we desire to give notice tbat it will be continued as bereotfore under the firm name of Wainwrigbt & Royall, at tbe old stand. The payment of accouuts dae tbe bid firm should be made only to us. We solicit a con. tinuaiire of the public patronage. G. II. Wainwe iqiit aug3i 83 P. J. Royall. TARBORO AHEAD in r : H ; I It Io pt r.ot ,!f-rroy tbe draft. It . tint interfere with fanninr tlie tules. ; ft d-Hjs not cbolcc i:p and requires eleanitifr. I 1 1 reiuir8 no ftireet ilaniptirs to oo opened i j whfti raisitiK'sn-aiii Idampers being- otjection-I s able. as. they may !e left oien and allow ttiei It ieniires no water to extinguish s parks, which, by condensation, dt-stroj-s the dratt, bo . siill-i when watoa U ikh! if n-.trlrr..i tim r.r tkieney is destroyed by evaporation of the' water, and the lKflcr is kept in a filthy eon- '' ' dit ion. 1 It is simple and durable and can ho relied : upon, j It can be attached to any boiler. ; No planter should be without one of ihem. ! I nsuranco enmnnni' wil l iwnii.r. iit,j. .... , i where the lalbert Knines end Spark Arrester j a reused at same rate as charged for vaer or t hor- powor. .."Send for illustrattd circulars and price liranch House Gol lsboro. X. C .1 Mnneni1 -Mana r' T. A. G ranker Local Manager. no!4-lv saw 8,000 feet of Hemlock Boards in 10 hours. Our j 15 fforse tcill cut 10,000 feet in same time. rvji i yur engines are otjjlbasteed to s s4. farnish a hnniA.rtntmr nn iz iu f acl and water than any other En- pine not fitted with an Antomatic n you want a stationary - lar Saw-MIU. Shaftmr or nllem. leither cast or Meddart's Patent Cnt- or Portable I 1 1 AYE hOUGHT OUT ( Doughty BOOT AND fVVr077ht.TmTi Pn11v cm1 f a . illustrated catalogue. No. 12, for information and prices. B. W. PAYNE & SONS, Corning. N. Y. Box J42?. J. L. STONE. Oex'l Agkxt, Hnlcigh, N, C. For sale ly W. A. IJ.iihii v, Wi son, X. C -1 KXGJNi: CO., CONNOR WOODARD, ATTOItXKY AT UV. WILSON. . C. - Cm-nit, Wilson, W;i ne. Edge- I'itt and 2i ash May 5, -yl combe, -.''.Green,- (counties. JIJGII R MURRAY, ATTOItXKY AT LAW, WILSON, N. C, Ollieo 011 Uarnes Street next aoor to J lines, Iladle v & -Go's. jun22 :nio St'l CKSOriS TO W.M.'E. TANNElt M'()., Jtii, 7th, anp (xal SriniKT, We will not weary you witl statistics telling how MESSRS. ' ..11.1.IWBV, ALEX STEEL, TAPPEY & STEEL, Manufacturers of Klines. Inltacffl, llav ami C11od Tresses, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Mill Irons. Pious, lion and Brass Casting auJ13m PETEUSHURG, VA. MA1IE THEIB BEST SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON --5.-?-, 1MC1IMON1), Va. Mnimfi.t to ' stationary, PORTABLE and LOCOM( )Tl YE ENG I NES, ROIEEUS, SAWMILLS, CASTINGS,ivc : ''''-- ' i ' ' ' wbu-b wore destroyed by tire lltb ! U OD m goods? oeinieri.ixr ami fjtiipjH-I them -i uit' most -. improved tools, we an piepaivd toTuriiisb Maebinery the same high 'rrade' bert-totore built by Win. E, Tanner - (. Farminjr and Saw Mill En-im-s are SiHHrialties with ns. Send in ynr onlt rs as far in ad- ancv ol ymir wants as HssibU'. i nn", Vlu TA NX El. Pres. Alex. DELAXEV, Snpt. RLIWIU woiiK SOLICITED AxrirnoMPTLY dd.xe. t"t;S-iii for lllnstmtetl eatalo-nes, vlm haiv ritrnUhtMl free The tinn asots oni,(4 iah. . ririr. bit fc Murmy h.u,. Um assigned o me intrust to pay the debu of beeneern. Tbo,e i,ltlH.ted will int must J:iihk lM It ueertiesmay eof,r ,V?- luVV,,,,lKl tbe l uks and 1 and authorize,! to makei febOtf G. W. Ulouxt, Tinstee. Or how much , daily, neither wiU we presume givu an ODimon pa uf quahty. It is more 04 S-S"8?14 0Ut: Whether the thread is strong and will ave you tune and annoyance? Whether it wiU run on your sewing Machine? Whether tno colors will m-i, ... feshionable shades, and work cu un sine goods? The only possible rxmrr irnve at the truth is to , USE THE THREAD YOURSELF I Icu will then knoi7 why it is caJled e YoniS S P. P. Gl:isf.fs'':iiul.avf eyesight. . T Young" & Bro. UKALKK l. FIXE IfATCHES. 1)IaMOXI) 1 S 11 Shoe fT Mamira torv in Tarboro and XI am prepared to make, all kinds of Sboes, Bootsand Gai ters of J tbe very latest tyle. I have pro cured the services- ol the cele JCi brated Prof. Jack Mowatt as fore O man. We make tbo Low Jeffer O son, Imitation Boston, both bigb and ov, elastic instep. All work war anted, and flts guaranteed. Orders rom a distance will receive prompt attention. B.P.HAMHELL. (Successor to C. II. Dongbty.) ;! Tartwro, X. C. f JOIIN T. FORD ; j II. M. LEK JOHN T. FORD & CO., DEALERS IN FANCY GROCERIES co:iFEOTio:iEniES, Tobacco, Snuff, Oranges, Lemons, i &c, &c. East Side Tarboro St., Wilson, K.O x' resn ocock ot uannea bruit and Canned Meat. Wn keen cboice lino of fbesh GEOOERIK 4- 1 ' . . ... i JKWELUV, SILVER H AUB w Z JiB , Sda,t1???' M fa, ,r..( M !.!,., , SL.?? ' 91 the ppbl.C Plain Tftiii iri. oi. . , anu guarantee to pieatc I lam f-old Jeneiry.Rlngs, Badges,&c tbose who favoFns witb their pat- .... v..-, tiiiir, UUU JJ-,UU olOCk I UUiJ'r(;, ever soii Anitj wan vvatehe at the lowest prici . S.li.I silver . poorJjS forks Ac, cheaper il.an ever. Your orders are so lieirril ai.t! will lie prompt lv attended hv J.T. YOUNG A- liltO. y lKTKl;vrLUO, 'A. til 7!.U Pfiterslii Jt. W. JOYNKH, 3IX-00RD SPOOL C0TT01I. TOU ON BUY IT OF ATKINSON WAR REX (Vr. Na-h and Mlorn Ktreet.s AI.SO.IAMKS T. WKiGINS VVIIJON,N.C. W. HALL : 4 ic; .in ham FATrni:nf Ani icak-r in Smoking Chewing Tobacco. and Smokers Articles. r:r.seLi va. JetrcK Lake Lilr. Vatuf lu ifJl,' "U UoTt lk4Ut t, KVr West J1!' iout 3fllas ixnnantntlv lrwnUt v llson, A. All orrratwn o' .ncsitly and earefuilv irfrml.i v, laimMii Mrwi next loor to 4 I Jan 3 12 m. Established A. IX. Iron Ms, H T MORRISON & CO., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Sav MILLS, GRIST MILLS, POWER & HAND COTTON PRESSES, Tplvo an.1 Cotton Factory Mi, Drediren ani v Locomotives For Woolen Tracks a specialty. aug3i ;jni i i t k nmm tr American House. Portsmouth. Va-, ? DUVALL 1 AUSTIfJ, - l auMcai, yenueets and Builders, IVC located in ICii., . I have located in Wii tueir services tn tUnnu:. m bpeeifications and Estimatej pM. t . . . t rnrni 1 ... . : -aw.".! 'nvcnK?at to iuiir-a.t Tw, . , . "ri notice, ill mnriern .:r&?&1S style ami taste. Parties Sn -v-1 iks ituowxLEv. - UUI o well to call and gei uur Flans anil m m w Au;-i-i Professional ton i With 1 I bave returned to Wilson an,1 thinlr W1"8 lperience, we wilt occupy my former officeTn froU i all ce? n araPe satisfaction of tbe Brings Ik whi S nn 1a?u - W! ke and keep on be pleased to serve ill wbo 2! i??t i aI! times a lar Qity Wmc VitL tbrpaVagray ! Sj On Satuixlays I sball leit Tois fiS n thelmes- v not until Ttirtber noMcc V : Tw o?01, C- A. Young & N. 13. H EBBING AI n s-otore, opposite Briggs' Hotel. Iv. BUVALL& AUSTIN, 1 Wilson, N. C.

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