ih Tue Wnsox ApvakceJ i WKKKIA' UEMOCUATIC XKWSpA-t Pit It DKVOTED TO T1IK MATfeRIAli EDITATIOXAL, POLITICAL. AND AGi B tt XT.TURA L IXTKRKSTS OF EASTER NOKTH CAROLINA. j Published Every. Friday Morniagj J(Hfib Danirk Editor aatl Propriety. U. P.. UaRUY.:; ::General Agent; Friday ' .Morning, October -4 V 1 'The5 First iiistnct.- j KKINNEK NOMINATED. . '.Now lieimyr. C. Oct, ,4th '3.! ' ' . , i Thomas (J. Skinner, of Per-, ciuimans, was nominated for Congress "inr the Finst District on the nixth ballot." There is no doubt of his election as he is popular with the followers of both Moore and Latham. The Demands of the Negro. - The National Convention of colored men which inet in IjOuiHville Sept. 24th., sur passed, if possible, in confu sion and disorder, the Republi can Congressional Convention? which met in Wilson last year. Jt was only by the vigorous action of tho Se rgeant at Arms, that several fights were pre vented. . After , eight hours of wrangling' Frederick Douglass wast chosen permanent- chair man in defiance of a pugnaci ous minority. Upon taking the chair, he delivered himself of a two hours speech, showing careful preparation, in which lie boldly advocated social equality. He complained that the "color line is raised in the schools, at the bar, in the pul pit, and in the hotels of the country," and demanded that; this tshall no longer be. "Now that wo are free," says he, "we must take the reins in our own hands and compel, the world to receive us as equals." This is not idiot gabble, but the utter ances of the' ablest living col ored man. That the uccoin plisment of this purpose is a long way olf we are quite sure but , that the "day will come when "the world will receive the negro as equals," is equally as certain, unless our children ard educated to treat them as a race inferior to'ours. In Europe this distinction has already passed away. A Christian minister of this State travelling in . England a short while ago was invited with other distinguished Americans to diue at the house Of a prom inent English gentleman. Up on entering the reception room, he was introduced to a negro from tliis 'State, who sat at his right at the table;' In Massa chusetts the governor elected by Democratic votes, has ap pointed a negro judge. A ne gro is liegister of the U. S. Treasury, a negro Is' Marshal of the District of Columbia, a negro onco occupied tho seat in the U. S. Senate which Jeff erson Davis dignified, and now they demand, through the ablest among them, that a ne gro shall be Vice President, and that the President shall admit it negro into his Cabinet. To our forefathers , the i:-e-diction of these results would have leen considered wild and visionary dreams. The de mands the negro now makes for absolute sooial equality seems more probable of fulfillment that the foretelling of the re sults above stated woiild .have appeared three quarters of a century ago. It is our duty to place every barrier possible to ihis amalgamation of society. Associate Justice Merrimon. ( kv. .larvii has made the a p pointment to fill the vacancy on the Supreme'- Court Bench, caused by the resignation of Judge Uuffin, and it is a good .one as we predicted it would be'. This distinguished h nor fall? upon JIou. A. S. Merrimon. j We are in no wise disgruntled 1 nor dissatisfied. We had oiur preference, it i true, but the -Advance has no complaints to make nor objections to urge to the bestowal of any houors upon thin distinguished gentle man. The selection ia a wise and ixditic one, and wi!-' meet with general favor. We. be lieve it will strengthen the party in the State. t r The name of -A. S. Merrimon Is a familiar one to the ptple of JNorth Ca 1 olina He has oc cupied various positions of ' trust, in all of which he dis charged his duties faithfully and well. He was Solicitor of his district during the war, a judge of the Superior Court in 18GG, and 1872 the Democratrc , party chose him sm its candi date for Governor. He was defeated by a small majority by Hon. Tod. n. (iildrell. Upon the assembling othe Legisla ture he was elected to the U. S. Senate. Hope he met. in debate lie ablest leaders of the oppo sition. Those who have read the Congressional discugsions j of those times can say wnetner he was a feeble or timid ad vocate. He never consumed the valuable time of the Senate in speaking for "Buncombe." His speeches were mostly ar gumentative. He dealt in facts sand l?gicj and spoke with force and clearness. , " Judge "Merrimon is ?, '"good lawyer,he possesses strong com mon sense, a reflective mind, determination of character and a vigorous constitution, which will enable him to do his share of the arduous duties of the Supreme Bench. But that which most distinguishes him is his strict integrity which Bacon says, "is above all things the portion and proper virtue' of a judge. He is a worthy successor to the able and up right Ruffin. We . wish there were many such -.men in the State as Augustus S. Merrimon. Attend the Fairs. The Fair season will be fair ly under way the latter part of the month. Many fine herds and flocks will , start on a tour that will last until the last of the season. Tho owners of these find it profitable, not in the money -they jyrain from pre miums won, but in the reputa5 tion gained, acquaintances formed, Vales made. It has become so that the progressive farmer attends these exhibi tions regularly, to select ani mals, machinery, A.c, with which to stock his herds and farm, so that it is next to nec essary that breeders and man ufacturers should be on hand with their choicest .specimens, ready to show them up in pro per light. The farmer who wants to sell, or the producer who has to buy, can neither afford to stay away, but each is mutually in terested with the other. Local Fairs, of course thrive- mostly 011 local patronage, but the same is true of them in a de gree diminished in proportion to the extent of their exhibi tion. Many think they must attend the largest fairs to make their purchase. They may find a large variety 4'rom which to select, but outside of exceptional cases, the articles or animals' are no more choice than at the common district or county fairs. These institu tions are necessaries to the larger ones, and through theni it is that the latter receive much-of their nourishment. By all means you sliiild patronize your local fair. Take your choice products for exhibition and attend with your family. Then if you have means and leisure, go. to the State and more pretentious exhibitions. If there are shortcomings in the way that your local fjiiris conducted, use your influence against them, not by staying away, but by going and patron izing the commendable ones. Then by reason of your good will.your efforts against the bad will'deserve more " notice, and be more effectual. The First District. The discussion which has been going on in the iress of the State as to the propriety and legality of the election in the first district, as it is now formed, we onsidar --entirely unnecessary. The legislature changed the districts. The law went into effect immediate ly and the new district takes the place of the old one. If the legislature in enact ing the law had provided that it should go into effect at the next regular election, then the election to fill the vacancy would necessarily be held in the old. district, but as that provision was not made, - and the law fixing the old district was repealed, leaving no such district in existence, the elec tion must necessarily be held in the first district, as5 estab- - t lished by the last '..legislature. It is the only legal first dis trict in the. State and the only district in which an election could be held according to law. The .Democrats in Carteret in their county convention "went for" tJie Governor with both fists. They accuse him of fostering the Independent feeling in jtha county by choos ing 'as its only representative ni the .-Beard' of Directors of a great public work, viz; the At lantic & Nor tt Carolina Rail road a man prominent and noted for Ills opposition te the regular Democratic ticket of this' county in the last cam paign, and his fearless support of a bolting candidate thus ignoring all Democrats who have never failed the party in its trials, and rewarding th In dependents." ' Benj. F. Butler is again the Democratic nominee for Gover nor of Massachusetts, and the probability are that he will be elected by a majority larger than that of last year. The Republicans have spewed this old reprobate out of their mouths and the Democrats take him up and swallow him with out straining. They have good stomachs in Puritan New Eng land. Butler - evidently hopes for the Presidential nomination but before he can get the vote of a single true Southerner he must erase from the memory of man his infamous order in sulting the ladies of New Or leans. The election in Virginia takes place. November Gth. A great warfare is being waged in that State by the contending parties. The Democrats are hopeful of victory. This is a result most devoutly to be wished by all Democrats as well as by the better element in the Republican party It is announced that Judge Tourgee is to lecture this win ter on the topics "Give us a Rest," "The Nation and Igno rance," and "The Mission of the Dude." We should call this another "Fool's Errand." The lioston "Herald" con cludes that this is a great coun try because theie are floods in Texas, drought in New York and New Enland, frost in Prai rie States, snow in the moun tains, yellow fever in Florida and Butler in Massachusetts- all at one time. ' A Nash correspondent of the Xewv-Obserrer suggests Capt. Jas. S. Battle j for State! Treasufer, and our neighbor the Mirror comes out for Donald W. Bain Esq. ( The negroes at Middletown, Staten Island, have dismissed an excellent white teacher -.--- 1 solely because of his color. Who's drawing the "color line" now Judge Merrimon was sworn in as Associate Justice Monday, An upright Judge. . Judge Black's, son will be come the biographer of his father. FENCILLINGS AND SCISSO RINGS. The (3 on federate Horn 3 Fund now miii liits In t?I, 515. 4Tlio telegraph hue betwreti Oiin ron a in.! AVarsaw is completed.. Tin; (k'ncral Convention ol tlie Episcopal c.liiir.'li is in . session at riiilailt-lpliia. Mr. (iris wold lias been elect ed cli'ikot the Inleiior Uourt of Wayne. Mr. .Klines Paul, of Orange coun ty, has lost all his children seven recently ly ditheria. V. V. White, Uegist-r of Dce.ls of Wake comity, is de,i..l. lie w.n ."' vcars oid. Was an cx-Di'intcr. , A 'fariiier near Charlotte, accord ing to the ".J ou ma 1," caught :,S0O eel in lliiee days and put them all in a compost, heap. There is a penitentiary convict at work on the W. X. C. It- 11., who likes his place sol well, that although his time has expired, he sticks to his post. The. Exposition bnildiugs at I'ittsbiirg l'a'., ' were .destroyed by L're Tuesday, with the exhibits, in cluding many relics; loss est una tail at 25,00,00. The kind of convention which nominated Hen LSntler may Iwft in ferred from the fact that while Key. Mr. iminous was offering a prayer, some delegate yelled k Louder ! Louder !" C)l. Lewis A. lates, a tire-tried IJepuhliean of (Juilt'ord county, has abandoned - the party. lie is "disgusted wi'h rei nblicaiiisni as it is now preached and practiced." Uichiiiond, Va, is taking steps to prevent the sale of the. H'oljce Ha, zette" and all such dirty papers in that city. Th! grand jury indicted several news dealers. Oxford snflered l.it week in the death of two of its best citizens Col. Ccorgc Wort'iam and Capt William l'.iggs. Mr. IMggs had real editorial ability, and had edit ed both t!ie,iii 1mpo . 'Sojitl. tinier"? ami VJxtortl "I' tee L;uiee.'- llr wa abiut40 years old. 1 s .Air. W. IL T.oiiitz, of tlie IJouitz Hotel, lias been 'offered, by a New York syndicate, eight thousand tloliars per year torn ten year's lease for his hotel, provided''. he will make an addition! of one hundred rooms and water pies ."sufficient to convey hot and etild water over the house. New Bei lie "Journal." i;.irmim's' show at Milwaukee h4 two sensation not down on the bill A chajrot-rider was seriously i jured during flu liippodroine race, and a tiger got 1hs from his 'cage and created great excite ment. He was finally persuaded to return to his cage. A ctdlision tie curie I U't i;-.'n two of the w.igons ami three persons. !rt-'-Mirioiily injuied. Knougli aeddeuis ioi one day. Iredell had an elopement last week. Mr. John 1. Goodnight wanted to tie to Miss Mary J. Good-1 uigljf. Her gu jrdi.ui first assent ed,andlUii after the wedding cakes were baked) tlissented, wheieuKn the ymmg t-ouple ab ssuted, in the direction of States ville Ji was a long vights ride of 35 miles, but the plump . apd plucky bride concluded .she could stand a bad night for thesake of the Goodnight she would g t next morning So the trip was made and Rev W A Latz gave them both nniorlit- Tohn ?ettinT his rt JWUWAu"f v -w ; 7 m.Tarv Jane." ! and she getting K-Tnl.n T? an il their smiles il llimed even a Wet sack Of Rail in the store of J S Leonard where the wedding occurred "Landmark Why they Call Him "Old Man" "Yes that's sadly so," said , Jen kins, "ray hair is tarring gray and falliii" out before its time. Lse sometliing T I would, bnt most hair restorers are dangerous." "True" answered his friend, "but Parker's Hair Balsam is as harm less as it is effective. I've tried it, ami know. Give the liaisaii a show and the boys will soon stop calling you 'Old Mau Jenkins'" It never tails to restore the original color to gray or faded hair. Kichly, ier l'tuned an elegant dressing.' MISCELLANEO US JTIITCIIELL'S EYE SALVE, A Certain, Safe and Lffective Kemedy for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, Producing: Long--Sig-htedness, and restoring; the MKhtol tneoia. unre iear urops. Oranulation, stye Tumors, itea Eyes, Matted Kye-iasnos, and Producing: Ouick tte.iet ' uni permanent CTJEE Also, equally efficacious wbnused in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tu mors, suit itheum. Burns, Piles, or wherever inflamation exists. Mitchell's Saltk may be used to advantaife. Sold by all drug&ita 25 eent. marS SONGS NEVER SUNG. "How does that verse run? Something-like this, isn't it?" "There are who touch the magic string-. And noisy fame is proud to win them: Alas ! for those who never sing-. But die with all their musio in them." "Ves, that's beautiful, patheUd and true','-' said your representative' "The poet alludes to people who are somehow suppressed, and never g-et their full allowance of Joy and air. Which reminds me of a letter shown me the other day hyHieoox Co of New York, sig-ned by Mr. E. C. Williams, of Chapman, Snyder & Co., Pa a prominent business man of that place. He writes : "I have suffered with aithma for over forty years, and had a terrible attack in December and January 1882. I hardly know what promp ted me to take Parker's Tonie. I dW so, and the first day I took four does. The tsffout as tonished me. ThatniKhtl slept as if nothing was the matter with me, and have ever since. I have had colds since, but no asthma. My breathing- U now as perfect as if I had n ver known that diaease. If you know of any one who has asthma tall him in my name that Par ker's Tonio will eureit even after forty years. There was a man who fcteaped the fate of those whom the poet lament This preparation, which ha heretofore been known as Parker's Oinirer Toniu, will hereaf ter be advertised and sold under the iianin of Parker's Ionic. Inasmuch as ginger is real ly an unimportant iufrredient, sad unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving their custom ers by substituting- inferior preparations under the iwuic of ginger, we drop the uiisltuding word. There Is an change, however, in the prepara tion itself, and all bottles remaining- in the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Parker's Oinger Tonic, contain the genuine medicine if thefac simiki aig-nature of lliscox tc Co., is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. sepUlm .9 S2 I C 3 3 g 0 The Exchange Hotel Is now in good repair, newiy fur nished, and I will be ready the 1st of September to accommodate per sons desirous of getting board and lodging, yon can. pll ajnl judge the fare and priep le6re ongaghi" eisewhere. " Mks.F. I. Finch, AYilsou, N. C. ffg!7 3ui Gcl lslK) ro st., rear C. II. Baker C onfe cti oner HAKGBAVE'S OLD STANf, OPPOSITE COTJKT HOCSE. WILSON. K.c, f&flne French Candy, Ctkee, Cracker llkf.la(',l!i.il .ii. MOKE ' "T MOBE vteakI Jh W EA K EVES. .V EY1 1 ; II. TD08BHM New Orluss, August 1st- 188?. f To The Public. INVESTIGATE FOR YOrBS ELVES! Poetmaster-Gcnerel Gresham haTinfr pub ftnri tbecharac-ter of the Uouiaiana State lished a wilful and mainiou tsisenooa in fivea to the public to prtve ms gtatement, that we are entoured in fraudulent business, to be false and untrue: . Amount of priites paid by the Louisiana State lottery Company from January 1, 1879. V the present date: Paid to Southern Express Co Xew Orleans' T M Wesooat. Manager.-41 300 Paid to Louisiana national Bans, Jot. H Ojrteeby, President Paid to Louisiana State Nat. Bank S H Kennedy, President Paid to New Orleans National Bauk. A Baldwin, President : . Paid to Union National Bank. S Char- laron. Cashie r . Paid to Citizens" Bank. E -L Carriere, President -.- - Paid to Germaoia National Bank. Jules Cassard. President- Paid to Hi hernia National Bank.Chas Palfrey, Cashier Paid toCaual Hunk. Ed Toby, Cashier Paid to Mutual National Bauk, Jos. Mitchel. Cashier 4K3 900 135 10J 88 556 ' 1 4-ri0 57 ono 30 000 37 ono 13 110 8 203 rotai paiu as aoove j j raid in sumsoi uoueriiwai me va rious offices of he Compaay throughout the Cnited States 1 627 410 Total paid by all.I..-.l -...'..'.........$ 881 0(W For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the ollioers of the above named corporations, and for our legality and standing- to the Mayor and Officers of the City of New Orleans, to tho S'ate authorities of Lou isiana, and also to the XI. S. officials of Louisi ana. We claim to 1 d legal, honest and correct in all our transactions, as mu-:h so as any busi ness In theeountiy. Our standing- is conced ed by all who will investigate, and our stock has for years been sold at our Board of Brok ers, and owned by many of our best known and respected citizens. . M. A. DAUl'H IX, President. -CAPITAL PUIZi; ?,IMM.3 Ticket only S3. NUaren iu Proportion LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COSPAXV. "We do hereby certify that we guperviso the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the iirnwings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in go I faith toward all iwrties, and we authorize the Cimpany to use this certificate, with facsimiles .f our signatures attached in its advertisements." Incorporated in 1868 for 23 years by J!e Leg islature for Edueationa! ami C'tiaritatiie pur poses irith a capital of $l,000.0u0-'to which a reserve fund of liver $.Vj0,0iI0 has since been added. Ry an overwhelming popular rote Its fran chise was made a part of the present State Con stitution adopted Dei-ember 2d. A. D 1T!I, Thi n1g htttn y rrer cutiut un nmi eailw t'1 by th ftf.Hil& of any S''rli II never scales or postpones. ITS GRAND SIN'Cil.K NUMBER DRWtNOS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. A SPI.fcSO)0 OPPORTCNITV TO WIN A POR- tune. 'fKK (i HAND OKA WING, CLASS K, AT NEW OhLKAN'S, TLTKSDAV, Oct. . lStIHIth Monthly OriiWinK-, Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 nr.,atlO I i.-'i, tis at Five ltollura Each Fra 3!i ns, iu Fifths in Proportion. . LIST Or PRIZES. I CAPITAL I'KIZE.. $75,000 j 25.000 1 - 10.000 i;,ooo 10,000 ; :. 10,000 ! I ti do ... 1 ilj tin 2 PitlZP.s oh 4mi.:. 5 do 'MM ,.... 10 do HXKI ,. ai d ).., I oo d am S 00 do 100 5 00 do SO 1000 do 25 10,000 ...,;, -.'o.ooo 30.000 25,000 25,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750 9 do , do i 5O0....,.. 4,500 do do Si 2,'ijO 1!7 Prizes, aiuointffyf to....... .$203,50 Application for rates to oiub should be made oniy to the office of. the Cgrapaijy iipw Or leans. .. " For further information write clearly, giy c ing-full address. Make P.O. Money (frders payable nd aiWresa lleinstered Letters to .NBff ORLEANS MATON VI, BANK, New Orleans, La. Ordinary lnttrs by Mail or xpreis t) jt. a o.it rici , 4rjea'', or n. a. i4i nan, 007 Seventh St. WaliiilM, . ', For Rent House and hit lor rent, situated on Jiast corner if Vance and Pen der sUtrrl -Vilsoii, wilh six com moilious tooiu.f ao'jt wo pantries, double kitchen, barn, sdrIt, and all necessary out houses. 1 l;e lot coi sjsts of seven acres, all mid1!' fence, embracing garden and a j choice Jot tit fruit tiees. lOIder Fel tou, thtf present oc,;ajt tt'dl take pleasure m showing th(u pjacp,. 1 will sell or rent on reasonable terms. 1. W. EDMtmDSON, sepl tf IStantoiisburg, N. 0, C. P. HART K. A. P, COOLEY HAHT a COOLEY A O U ft tj H - A T - L A w. -Kocky Mi Jilt and JSas4i i!e, 1J. C. Wfit bqy and sell Koal Estate on epmmis-j sums, ana give especuo tu.-iiuon w cgiieciion of claim and neifowtitioq of loans. Practice in the State and Federal courts. f236 3STOTICE1- Ilaving notified guardians, ad ministrators and executors. loth by public nol itH and through the mail, that they were required to renew their biKd.s :iud file their accounts, this is to Hifoijjj th.ose who have cot complied with the haid notices, that unless they t'o so before 1 lie first day of October, bSS'i. they w ill be subject to Mie cost of an attach ment to coniptd sail returns and re newal of bonds. '-Don't ask lor auv indulgence. A. B. DEANS. " i Urk Sfjpprior Court. I Sejtt. 11th, l.Md.-2t. CH. OtTRLEV, OPS. ('. S. 8. HAKD1SOI1 " W. J. WOOBAHB, OP VA. W. H. JONKH GIRLEV, HlllDISIW i (0., COTTOX- FA CTORS, Genera Commission Merchants. LUMIiHK AND SHINGLES Campbell' Wharf d" Smith' Wharf, Norfolk, Va. lF Liberal advances made on Cmsiguments. sep-21-tf Opened its third aunnal ses sion Momlay, September 17t.li. The Board lias adPtvd t hp-follow, ing scheduk' of pntces for paving pupils: ' , 2, a:id 3 Or.ide l."0 per month. , 5 and t " 2.00 " and S, i 83.00 .' ' Tuition payable monthly, epU J-XO. F.Bbitxo, ; Frincial. JLetFis Washington, BUILDING MO VEtt, epand t o move bnjjdi ig s of i .VMZe Mloyit iruiirr. Ail r di pioiuptl.is,te.:e ,j t(J JrH F- MFBUAY. ATTOIINE V AT LAW. WlLsv w. Omci- 011 Barnes Street next ttoor tt Hines, lla.lley &.Co's. Jtr i23 .Jiuo COXXOIl & WOOPABD, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, ' 'vti.HJ S. N. '. v Circuit, WiU.u, Waii,i. Ed"e combe, tiree Pitt iiud Xa'sl, Counties. May Comiuikhiunerk, TaylorEt ,t i iottWatters WHOLESALE HARD 17 AR E GUXS, &C, COllNEK MAIN ST. AND MAEKET SQUARE, WATCHES, ..JEWELRY A FINE STOCK OF FIRST CLASS We guarantee you a good honest return for your money- Every one we sell is warranted 1 j to give satisfaction. Repairing- fine watches and Jewelry a specialty. Kcmemlic-r my store is i in Portsmouth, WHOLESALK Liquors, Tobacco, And Cigars. No. 3 Market Stjuare, Norfolk, Va. oct.j 3 m Chowan Baptist Female Instit ite MUEFEEKSBOKO, X. 0. One of the oldest1 ami lest equipjied institutions in North Car olina. It offers facilities unsur passed in the State, for moral, men- j tal and pbysicr.1 culture. -Charges j very moderate. Fall session begins j on Wednesday, October 3rd. ' j For catalogue or information Address J. B. BKEWEU, , jul27 2m , -President. , Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore ex-, isting 'between G. H. Waiiiwright, P. J. Hoy a 11 and II. T. Coleman, under the firm name of Waiiiwright, Eoyall & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties holding claims against, and all parties indebted to t lie old lirm, will make settlement with the new firm. Gko. H. Wainwkight, P. .1. llOYALJ., ; H. T. COLKMAX. Having purchased the interest of Hi T. Coleman iu the Foundry and Plow Manufacturing business we desire to give notice that it will lie continued as hereot.fore umler the firm name of Waiiiwright, & Eoyall, at the old stand. The - payment ol accounts due the old rirm should be made only to us. We solicit a con tinuance of the public, patronage. G. H. W4A 1 N W li 1 1 ll T aug31 83 P. J. Eoyall. TARBORO AHE..0 " IN lillilT k WBWA. I HAVE h')U(JHT OUT C. O II. Doughty BOOT AND Shoe I JT Manilla tory in Turbo ro ituil il am prepared to make all kinds of V Shoes, Boots, and Oairors of A the very latest Stvle. I have pro I cured the 1 services ol the' celo Xi b r ; tied Prof. Jack Mowatt as fore man. We make the Low Jeffer O son, Iniitatioi) Boston, both high and ow," elastic instep. All work war anted, anil $ts guaranteed. Orders rom a distance wil receive prompt attention. B.P.HAMELL. (Successor to 0. II. Doughty.) Tarboro. N. C. fTg .'Yfi;n(;'s P. P. Glasses" and save fyetiZht. i. T. Young & Bro. - DK.tl.l- 1. 1 N 1 if , rnw pi.MoM.. ' JKUKI.liY Sll.VKK AI!K Isi.ifw,.lii-( j )f kimls of Nam uld Jeuplry, Kings, Bailses.Xc Tin- Im-ki 1(1, ca.M"-, illirf d".!l) el.-cl. evti-MjIil. An. ci . an ait'lii' lit llie lo-vi-sl prici . S- liil silver .-puuii.-, toik Ac. i-ii jier lli.-in ever. Ymir or'ier- iin licit, cl ami will lie iiup: I v ;tuc-iil. l J. f. YOU NO Hi 0 IJKTKltSLCIiO. V A ' - Ui :?t).jl ii, W; JOY N Kit, ffiairllas permanently located 10 Wilson, N. C. All opperationy wi! oe neatly and carefully 'performed and on terms an reasonable as ms sible. Teeth extracted without oain. Office Tarboro street next iiM.r to Post office. fJan '. II! m. I State A Monroe Sts. Chicago WiiUt rn"-l " -' Lit-, tt.r BAND CA ALOOUE, 1 for Mai, . pt. lit hurra. u, gi I ofTltutruiut-- !. tin, IVIu, w I'omMnt, Et ;!. Ciii l.inn , Staotis. DVuiu tMW Si.iff.. au-I DlC, Orl'ers his profesMlonnl tiervioe.s to the people of .Wilson and vicinity iu the various braiichlis of his pro fession. Office over Rowland's Drugstore. jun22 tf ' I have a farm containing -.110 acres, about 10: acres cleared and jn a line state of cultivation, three niilesfrom Eifieldou Fihing Creek. It has a vry g,,id dejling. with i rooms and kitchen, 3 good teii uit houses and barn, all new ; g.o.l well of water, location healthy, a small orchard of young apple :i::J leach trees, some graje vines. Address. Ji:MFtscLTrni-, w. F. ALbKy, . j. T. lioirt'M. W. F. ALLEN & CO, lf'holrnale GriM-rrn, SS WaterPt. 1S,22,2: Iti ery g Ijiue, VfZ?1 PiPP'r 'f Mlts. Flour. Suir. Toffee, L. T. AsEw L CC, General Commission Merchants, Sjecial attention given to the safe of Cotton, Peaimts. Virginia liHwl enwtens. Kggs, ana all xuntr.v pKMluce, Norfolk, Va. i MB DEALERS IN CUTLE R Y MOIJKOLK, VIRGINIA. -' March 10th. GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES C. S. SHERWOOD; 2-2G High Street, Portsmouth, Vji. & CO, DEAI.KKS IN Latest Styles ok Fall and Winter M Are now in and 'readj- to lie conj verted into Fine Clothing, such as you may Order, (live us a call. Greenwood & -ttfiitytr. YOTICE. Having qualified as administra toi of the estate of Bayard M. Da vis, deceased, before the J'robate Judge of Wilson county, notice is hereby given to allersous indebt ed to the estate of-sa id deceased to make immediate payment, ami to all persons having claims against the deceased to present theni- for payment -on or before the l!h day of 'Septeinljer J.884, or this notice will be jdeail in bar of their recov ery.. F. A. WOODAIID, ' Administrator. Sej)t. 17th, l.Ss.-S! ..Pursuant to. the powei ofsale contained in the mortgage execr ted to me by T. H. S.dby 1 shall, 'it not dispose lol at privat- sale be fore tie first day- of October, sell at public auction, at i B. M., of that tlatt the stock of Litpuns, b lliaid, pool -tables- ami other personal property jii tho store for ea b. B. M. KKI-,P.V, Mortgagee. C ).n so u W da 1: i). A 1 1 v 's, Se t-21- rOTICE- The buihjing of a house at the Poor House; to be u.ed as a:i Asy lum, will he let out othp lowest bidder by thfi'Cfiuiity 'Commission ers at their meeting," the iirst Mon day iu October at 12 in. Plans and specifications . may be seen bv ap plyingto YV. FMKBCKB, Chrm B'd'Co, ( om'rs. Sejit, 21. sf. l83..2t ' A li B j; A ( Q M AK KBS. AND ' N.. lid Wateu srniiKi, Norfolk, Va. SKfOSD-IlAMJ BU6GIKS ' AXI) Wagons always on hand. Septal 12m. GOltDO BROS., Cot'on Factors and General Commis sio.i Merchants. NO. :U M'AIKU ST., N IWI'OLK, VA. ('otsl-iiiiHm.t-, if Cotton; Covu, Peanuts, l'otatots, Lumber, Shin-gl.-s, HiavtM, iNHiIti, Es, and Country Produce generally , olicit el. S iles' with check -eiit san e dav jiootls are sold. Shipjcrs kept we I p ,sted In i)nc- ep21-i;m S5.T!?f 510 Hor$park-Arretlna 8m R till . to ranuu POVCF to wr J0 Hat m. r ... - . j'Mjif'1. hone-power en leas 13 BUM DOt fittAH with mm Cat-Off. If yon want a 8tticmArr Sf rarUWo Engin.. Boiler, Clrcti tar, Saw-MmTsbaftinc or PnlleTii. TOner cmM or Meddart's Patent UloaCrated cmtaloKne. No. 12, tor litfonnstioa aad prkea. Git. Some tiini iw R W. PAT3TS 803. CoRkioc a.fc Box Je. Great Excitement, Down With I (ftS THE BOSS DRY GOODS, 1 I have j nst i-euiri ed from lioston, New York, Philadelphia, and th'. 1 Nttrtheru ma-kets idh the largest and lest selected stin-k of goods J brought to WiImiii, which 1 can sell 50 per cent, cheaper, than can 141 i anywhere else in North ('arolina. My goods were all bought for cash' : and therefore they are cheap. I will give my customers the beui-fit or it i by giving you ' - . (mmmI (ioocls at I will be able to command a liberal share of your patronage, please notice a few of my prices : ! 20,000 yds good Calico at 3 to 4c; Alamance Checks 7c. per j d; Ihowi 4loniespun 4 to.M'peryd; LakeOeorge A A htiayy 'Sheeting 7c per l j (Jood llleaching 4c and upwards; Fruit of the! Loom, 4 Vc-pei s-irt M ash Poplins C. to 8c per yd; (3ood Worsted jrootls 7 to llle vei- a i- v;'' Towels ."k: and upwards; 3 nice Handkerchiefs for 10c; Ladies i i pair ami upwaiis; A nne assornnen ot hace lje yd ami "upwards." My Hamburgs, i - ;' .-. - -; - . - -' I iMUigiif .'f'i M'i- cent, cheaper than ever, and will eH them according j I also call your attention to my well selected stiH'k of . ' f and other Ladies Wear,, too numerous 10 mention, vtuir attention to mv choce and selected stiM-k ol .Mr:;. VnuKh, Wliich I will sell at astonisiiing ........i,l.' Al..,i' X'i.... .:..;.. .iiii -. - -. t w . nil.-, hoofs at fJ. ( io l Miops 7."c ami upwards. Oi.od heavy l'iuli-i.liiit. 4'w. .iii.l Him- ii.1j 'Vif... li ...... w!. ;..i.. in.. .....1 ...1 .. v:t - oii'i ii ' " ' ''i iiurii .Hli per pair and upwards. I also keep a large assortment Goods, Trunks and valises, and all class store. fVme one, come all, scp Old Hardware Ian II WHAT IS IT? Si is ik ir ..iLorr Heartburn, Siek Stomach, Headache, Tasting Your Food Alter Hating, -Spitting up Your Food, 'Constipation, Torpid Liv er, Indigestion, Onlie, Nervous I ritabilily, Di.zi- . , Hess, Disturbed. Sleep.;-wit -i Distressing Dreams and unfold SnH'erings, " - Ph! wUlvs Afiti liysppjMir fills Have .enred tlicius iids of such suH'erers, and will lo it again. No im-il I.IHU was i-u'i Misiaiucii py sucii gtsls generally. l r, (eiu, tSH' semi j.ic to l-,. if. l WITH. Petersburg. Va.. for box bv mail, sen! U uusllTE vv, i lit' lit ld nii i t Variety Tlrnu h s vi'j wvt a: Witt, li h UM'it'S- IIS hirizr, Vty. vin suit un w- hotly, anil will li li M BTfS P.h risk szm In Material and Price. A Call will Iin A)n , luivil, liespecihill v, J. & D. OETTINGEE, .Suc;essol's to F. HoseiHh.d 1 li (ji C K Y (Ni'Xf Do 1 to Aro offering xtra iuda. eini i.ts U c.t'u bi:ei,: '1 he m !I j ' ' ' 0MMlsonly. They li.imlle -the lx-t Fi O,! K cn the. market aii a sjH'cialty, and carr a full line of Fpst c'.i-s, Provisions in icT Gi ocer ios, Which they receive weekly. You will find BUTTKU at th ! n" and firm during the warm vvt at her, us it is ktq t in a lefrigerat ' NyASSLD bltVCia Hig li Prices! ! K OPPOSITION, FY COMPETITION, UNDER NO CONDITION L 1 BUDGE FROM MY POSITION CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUsT :o:- Waty Down Prins d'.el, m especial!, FOR hll: low prictss. JJoys ajjd .Men's I hits' i!.V ..i i 'l. . I.; .. t.... -. i i.- i l liillllll HM JIIU' I ; Sllj,; in 'I'M mill It m l ll .-. II I- li;illtM i.m of Ilools, Shoes, dents I'liinislnn other good usually kept iu a liisi and see for yourselves. Store, opposite the Hank. ilsoii. X. ('.. of (hi 7 1 m 1 1 lowing umiouPted testimony, sold V nnia your druggist. diK's not keep Hu ll' m - IS-Sl l l i 1 . I ' - I . I . a . 4 t ' m r . ' of Goods In jiiirllrU- aiui vxii)' Y MO UN T, till uy. - v, s- O b- -i -- 7 HAMS ALWAYS IV S'JOt ' .HIT OS. Fill