The Wirsp Advance. Wilson. X. C, October 12. 1SS3. nil. i nnAiiTmif ntrni UlbAiTUlMfflLlU. 1!Y oxe -of tiii: ;iki.s. For th sake of rpi rc-atiou uiitH- I a-iki-'l in explanation,. From h younif mail no relation;. What waM meant by "osi-iilation," While I shifted my loi-htion To invite the swit sensation. Well, imajriiif- my rxatiou When he (rave me the truncation And its Latin derivation. And a lot of fn format ijn. Like a pedagogue's oration. Just a if he were at filiool Wasn't li4-an aw ful fool Kissing. It must lie rather awkward and unpleasant to lie observed by pry ingeves when one indulges in a lOtl.. i ii ... ....... ... !..: te. ihii.t Miiiinnit ii.-m I nil 1 1 HI . lC have all laughed over Dickens' account of ho the tat boy .Foe caught Mr iiipmau in tJic act of kissing the spinUtcr aunt in the ailtoi at Dingley Dell; and many of our readers could no doubt, if I hey cared, recount equally liiimor ous episodes in l In-i i ow n experi ence, or at the expense of their friends. Apropos, here is rather a good story, which comes all the way from the antipodes. The eain eraobscura at the .Melbourne Ex liibitoii coijiinaiiiieij a view of the streets of Melbourne, and also of the steps leading up to tin; dome. On tho occasion in 'question the Exhibition w as not very full of is ' is, and while several persons ere looking at tin; camera they observed t in? reflex of a young gen tleman and lady coming Hp the stair towards the dome. Their looks told In.w far they were en tangled in the nieslie.s of love, but they need not betrayed' it ipiitc so openly as they did. Roth gazed anxiously ground, no one was looking; opportunity wa loo irood to ! l.t- .it.. i t.. " - - ' -', .iii.t .w I 111 languishing sw ain clasped Wisladys love in his arms and imprinted a kiss iipc.ii her lips. The sound could not have Iwt 1:1 oil il I.iO they had fbrgi tfon that 'unfortu nate camera: and amid the rather inconsiderate laughter 1 of those above they in hot confusion beat tiasrv rfrr!ir i m Mill roicSii ;in tJomoiU' Circulars Mail-. d on 'Application. Address. W . . C3Mijivt'. aug::tf Wilson, N. C. fair is II 'tsliiiB!Zioit llUILDINC, movh;. KlXSTOX, NoKTH C.VI.i'I.IXA. epa led t n Sl.l- I -' ' .i' o ii move 1 .uildia -s of ri notice All tl it; ea le d to. jl I'C.ii F. MI KKAV, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, WU.SOX, X. C. OHice mi door to Uni.' jiiii-L .'lino Panics Street next , lladlc & Co's. (X)NNOR W(K)DARl), - ATTtHtNKY AT LAW. : ll.SON. N" . t . re Circuit. Wilsmi, W.imi.'. Edge, combe, Creeji. I'itt and Nasli Counties. M;iv .". - 1 LYOtT.'&ZALY State & '.Von roe Sts. - Chicago. ill 'o! ym.-u-l l-Ay i-l.lrtnw 1m BAND tM'ALU-"t, fur lvi, i"t 1" t.e.-r -.!,! of .lB.Wttnr'.l-- 'itl-, . !-, lU'U. Sun.lrv hn f O Hit. lit -irtTl MttvftaK ii-n u. :t.-tr.i. v .w nt.n Dr. G. Deems- Bell Oilers his inofessional services to the people ot ilson and vicinity : in the various lirauchlis tf his pro- j . fession. Ollice over Rowland's! Drugstore. ' juiCJ tf W. K. ALI.l.N. .1. T. RORl'M. W. F. ALLEM & CO, ! Wholesalr- 1 voters, WI Water St. 18, 22, 2 & : Uothcry's Iin.'. ' 1 NORFOLK, VA. j I itiood supply of Meats. Flour. Suifar,. t'otlee. -Hutter. Cheese, Sips. Salt and Fish, always on ' hand Ordcro-fdicitcd.' S'p-'lif DAVIS GILES, . ATT(RNK! AXD roVXSKLOR.S AT law, Nashville, Ni C. Hon.. I.. I. Davis, of Louislmrg, has formed a partnership with E. S. F. j Giles 4'or the practice of law in Nash. Mr. Davis will attend the regular' tortus of Nash Siierior Court. , .Farm for Salr. I have a farm containing ;1 acres, about 10!) acres cleared and in a line state of cultivation, three miles from Enfield on Fishing Creek. It . has a very good dwelling, with 1 rooms and kitchen, 3 good tenant houses and barn, all new ; goo-J well of water, location healtlry, a small orchard ot young apple a :d peach trees, some grape vines. Address. JULIUSCUTCIIIN, -m 1 M'p-'T-ot MA DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A HonwUold Antlcle for Universal - Family I'm. For Srarlet anil Eradicates Typhoid eri, IMphtheria, Sali vation, I l--rjt il If ALALIA. I SoreThrout, small 1'ox, Measles, til I ail Contagion OiseHses. Persons -.uiiiig on -the Sick should use u retly. Scarlet fever never bren known to &grca4 where the Kind was uvd. Yellow Kever h;. bten lured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of iJiphihcria vicid to it. Feveredand Sick Per- SMAIX-POX oni refreshed and and tied Bores prevent- PITT I NO of Small ed by bathing with pox PREVENTED Impure Air made . Amcmbertfmy &ni hirmleM and purified. ; 7? taJccn " Kor Sore Throat it is a i'P0,?- 1 Vied th: sure cure. . 1 lu,dr'.,he Pualt Contagion destroyed. ! WJt kl'"". lor Fronted Feet, i P"1"1' Chilblains. P e. ..u . uro ChafinaTK. etc. : weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Pakk- Rheumatism cured. Soft White Couiplex- lonii secured by its use; Ship Fever prevented. To purify the lireath. Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. F.ryidpeia cured. Burnt relieved instantly. Hears prevented. insun, Philadelphia. Eiphtiisria Prevented- The physicians here iyeniery cured. uscDarbvs Fluid very una healed raDTdiv. , ,c m...i..u-;- An Antidote for Animal or Vesetable Poisons. 1 A. Stollenwekck, Oreensboro, Ala. Stings.etc. Tetter dried up. I used Uie Fluid during C holera prevented, ourpresent affliction witii fleer purified aod Scarlet Fever wiih de- ; heale!, cided advantage. It is ; In caiMssof Iath it indispensahie to the sutk- shoutd be Used about room. Wm. F, Sand- 1 the corpse it will vomd. Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas ant fcmcu The eminent Phv- Scarlet Fever! l'&V:" m . 11 i York, says: "I am CUred. H i convinced J'rof Darbys I iojjuj laciic riuiu is a ' valuiUe disinf-ctant." . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenu. I jcst'iy to the most exceiicnt qualiites of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, As a disinfectant and detergent it is Ijoih tlieoreti.;aliy an i pr.u tically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lurrox, Pn.f. l.'aemistry, Iarby Fluid is Recommendp.1 by Hon. Albxandbk If. STaracNH, t UeorKiJ Kev. Ch as. I . Dttas, V.lK, Church of .the ' Strangers, N. Y.; ios. I.bCostr, Columbia, Prof .University S C lev. A. J. J atti.e, Prof. . Mercer University : Rev. Oeo. F PiKiiCE, fcishop M; E. Church INDISPENS.m.K TO EVKKV HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used.mtern.dly or externally for Man nr. Beast. The Hind hiis Ijeen thoroughly tested and we ' have abundant evidence that it hi donees -rythinjj here claimed. Kor iullcr information get of your i Onujjist a pamphlet or send to the proprietor,, J. II. ZKII.IX CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. JACOBI'S JIARDWAKK DEPOT We have now the moSr10 one ot te assortments the following liVhite Lead and Paints, Kalso- mine Colors, Linseed Oil, Paint and Wall Brushes, lhiilder's Hardware, Me chanic's Tools and sup plies, Farmers1 Imple ments, "Window Glass, Small and large. Coach Varnishes and Paints, Carriage Materials, and a complete as sortment of Iron Steel and Hard ware. Manufacturers Agency for the best and cheapest COOKING STOVES. in the State. Xcv Uek constantly arrivlntr. Send your orders ami you will fret lowest prices and save monev. All -correspondence liy muil promjitly attended to. . XA'niANlKL JAWMII. No. 10 South KJont St.. WilniitiLlon. X. C 'l ln- t cieoiale! hkv Gotten 1m. Vivsi in v, K.TrrT,',..:-j.6.'j rrt -: - Woiks by ILind, Steniii, Horse Water 'Power; "cr SEND FOP PPICES. PtH NTRKK, PARNKS, &.'C., .vgenls. jllll'J'i (ill WELLS, - PA I LEY & C( ). -j. are our agents at WILSON. N. C. 1! ai.ri ' j j a II HI PINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and SOLID SIL YER PLATED WARE in Aie lieing received every day anticipation of the approaching Chklstmas. Our stock is the larg- i est of any first-class establishiuent I in the city ami we guarantee' our ' o(HhIs at the lowest posible figures I Every article warranttnl to be strict- Iv as represented, i " 'II A PM AN & GALE Main St., Norfolk. ' Va. ' sop:.' l-12m n n h fT THE t I .1 AlUl 1 I in the SI lines :X 1 i I 144 I- .-.J..l ingl SFJjani learn how easily and cconomiealfy J .X you can order I PZZ'K'S !: ECYS CLOTHING. EOGEES, PEET & CO. ' X. -MAV-YoKK. 9 II III A I II lt i ii ii in ii i ii I'atapsco Flouring Mills,. K.t:l'.i-.lirl 1771. ' UUlIiis 1774. ROLLS 1882 SPiw VCA.EAMBRIL1I This; Company owns ami operate three Mills, as lbllowe : Tatai-sco Mill, A, at Kllit ott City,? ;i .Ml. I I i r.TAi'sco Mill, 15, at DattiinoreMd : Patafsco Iill, C, at Orange Grove, Mel. . l Having a daily cajiacity of 1500 ; barrels. I'l I LM BC4l.i.l:lC i i.mi i: ; Manutat'tnieit i'roni .Maryland and 1 Virginia Wheat, eelehrated lor Its ; purity and richness of (HuteriT : Pliosphates and other nutritious i properties. Ask your .Grocer for I l'ATA I'SCO feUPKRLATI VE, ! l'ATAPSCO FAMILY, s I'ATAl'SCO EXTllA, ! CAPE 1IEXKY FAMILY, ! XOliTII POINT FAMILY, ! CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, ! 5l!DFORD FAMILY, ORAXGE GROVE EXTRA. C- A. GftMBRILL IWFG- CO. ! ;U '(iminen tit., i I'.altimore, Md, Pcpre.eLtt d ly ALEX. GREENE, au-:;iy Wilson, X.C. I KstabtiKhed lfe Cohen &Son ' 213 Syfatnore St., IVtersbuiv, Va., '. IMl'OKfEKS AM) JOllIiEKS OF DRY GOODS. hOTIONS, CLOTH I KG. .Desire-to call attention of: the wholesa tiaile of North Carolina to their immense fa slock. Tlicv t'uurantee to sell iroihl.s a low h ii)' house in the coiintrr. ami their terms ars iieral to prompt merchants. North Carolini salesmen. .1. It. .Moruan, of W eldon. ami J'aylor. of Itlack Creek- tufTii Wf '""Utile, RALKKJ c i rmtN .tit vi.-. r. 1siil IlistllK-ti . . " '. " rr;tn in every, orancli usn iit in first-class Seiuinaries v .vouii j; i:tf lies. lor instruction in Music? Art. and Mod cm Languages unsurpassed. Ar r aiigeuients. lor vouugladies tiiking a spe i;tl course in any studiss. For circular and catalogue address ' Rkv. R. P.uuwell & Sox.,! .3m Raleigli, NT. C. Hkalkks in Liquors and Groceries I'rlmptirted Porter, Cincinnati Peer, and the Old Ranqnet Whis key. febl( tf k AiersBi, in ii.ii:scs a. covnsA'. to its Work "of any descriqtion in our line done nicely and "with dispatch We respect full. solicit a share of the publie patronage. I 'm eh 3 m ? , ALBERT YA BIfjfiB; takboco'st:. h.t hoiiil to um Wilson, N. C, 1 iealer in I oors,Wiiidovs,llinds, Lime, Hair, Plaster and Cement. All at r.ottom Prices, forCash or Pai tcr. Parties needing any goods in this line will please give m'e a call. octG-tf ta Ijrm. StMl Bmrinca, Bru Tilt If AM. joses. as pats tbs MLiLiSr: Pold ob trial. WarrmoU A JMta All i&m M low, Tor Um book, Mdreaa : JONES OF BIHGHAMTOM. SAM 1IODOKS. 11. liCItiE HODGES HODGES WHOLKSALE DEAI.KH; 63 A T rt, OA 1 r AikI I.:ila4' 'i'lim.jaesS ot (!) ( 'oinmeice St., auglT lm Norfolk, Va.. GEO. W. DUVALL & COm ItIh 11 11 1 act 11 res of tniriiu's. Uoilcrs, Saw Mills, And all Kinds of Machinery OFFICE,. Norfolk iron Works. Corner "Wa ter an.l Nebraska Streets. , . "NORFOLK. VA. I" IH VAU.'s Improved Catent Tube Ferrule, Warrantecd to Ston Leaky Tubes, and can be inserted bv an Enirinecr. l'A It LI CI" l.Alt ATTENTION Tt. STEAMBOAT WollK. A u'--4-:'nn. , ! Wm- Sandevlin, X. C. .T..M. San Icrliu. N. V. iSanderim . Bros. ! GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j o 17 KoatTike Duck. orflk. Va. ! Consignments of Cotton, Feanuts. Corn, i Shiiiyies. Lumber. Staves and Country I'ro j'ducf of every description solicited. LilK-ral advances made on Coiisiiinuientsin hand, or on Hill Ijidinir: Special attention paid to i COl'.NTKV l'KOIU'C-H HKXKKALLV. ; Auir--'l-l2m. Carriagesv Wagons AND- H A R-N.E'S 4! UNION STREET, Norfolk, Va- Something new come and see i.s if you want any of the following: Harness, Halters. Whips. Saddles, P.ridlcs, &e., 'Open -Top" P.uggies, Side bar full-leathty Extension Top Phaetons. Juiii-seat Extension Tops, light and the best in the city: Village .digs, No-horse-motion Ladies Ph;:'fnu, a nice tchicle for cvei.m"f or morniiiir drives. , If you vant a bargain in kinv of ! the above, call on us at 41 and i3 : Union street. V j aug24 SmD. II. Ukil-kiiousfa- Co. W. H.TAPPEV, TAPPEY & AI.KXSEEL, STEEl Manufacturers of bjints. Toltacro, Hay and Ctln frvs, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Mill Irocs. Flows, Iron and lliass Ctistiugs i aiura 3m PETEHSBUKG, VA. Tank' nn 9. BmwtiIof La uuujiuuii a uiuiimuj f I M M I I I HTGIIESS i ASM PRICES PAID ? T FOB ALL KINDS OF OLD IRON METAIAsCOTTOX, ' AXD . WOIILEN LlAoS. JAMES PO WER & 00, 3(5 Rowianddn wharf. Norfolk. V a. Branch store corner Wi Water and Church treet. ctepl- S N. BRICKHDUSE & CO., . WHOLESALE Boots and Shoes. COE. COMMERCE & WATER STi5., au-21 Gt I XORFGLK, VA. FARMER & BUNN, Tarboro Street, Wilson, N. C. E"WE KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full line of choice Groceries ami Confection eries Which we arc Selling Cheap. Mr. John N. Wester, of Franklin, is with the firm and will be glad to see friends. Give us a call. dectf I IRE RAILII ' 1. . '" ANI j ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, i DUFUR Sc CO Hi North Howard St., Baltimore. t Wire Ra;lii,ig for Cemeteries, I Lawns. Gardens, Offices and Hal- conies; Window Gnartls.Tree (luartls Wire Cloth, Sieves, lenders, ;aj;s. Sand and Coal Screens, Iron steads, Chairs, Settees, k0 fen2K 12m. ; - J I have now on hand ii iifge nuni- ber of hard burnt brick for sale at j $7 per Thousand, delivered on lioard the cars free of charge, bid if payments are delay ed 30 days 27 wv cen'.. will lie added. I guarantee 80 to !)0 per ceii. v my brick to be burnt hard. ' ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Apply to W. G. DIXON, jiinl5-Gin Toisnot, X. C. INSTITUTE, dFORtl YOUNG IXUDIESI The Principal has decided, with the. .permission of Providence, to re open the Institute for females, and to make it equal to any female school in Aorth Carolina. Besides t he invaluable assistance of Mrs. S. D. Twitty, he lias already engagetl the services of Professor William II. Fenny,- of London, England, as-a teacher of vocal and instrumental music and drawing and painting. He lias taught, at an annual salary of two thousand dol lars, for Miss Mary J. Baldwin. Principal of Augusta Female Semi nary, Stauntou. Virginia, the cost liest female school in the. South; aud Miss Baldwin, in a recent let ter to the undersigned, reeom nieuds him as "a pleasant gentle man, of irreproachable moral char acter, and a gootl and thorough teacher." lie lias the highest rec ommendations from numerous American and European sources, among others from six Cathedral organists in England. His draw ings have lieen approved ly the Queen's Commissioners. His paint ings liars been on exhibition in London ami Edinburgh. Other competent teachers will be employ ed if needed. Terms moderate. For further information,- apply to IS. IlASSKLL, A. M., I Principal. Wilson. X. C. TARBORO AHEhO IN S H I UAVE t ) LIGHT OUT C. TOOT AND Doughty Sho fT Maim fa tory in Tarboro a n d XX am prepared to make all kvntl Gaiters of Shoes, Lloots, and of V the verv larest Style. I have pro 1 ctiretlfthe ;s ol the cele 1 J U r a t e d services Prof. Jack Mowatt as fore man. Ve make the Low Jeffer O son, Imitation Boston, both high ami ow, elastic 'instep. All work war anted, and fits guaranteed. Orders rotn a distance will receive prompt attention. 'B.P.HAMMELL. (Successor to C. U. Doughty.) Tarboro. N. C. W. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS GEORGE 0. STEVEHS, SNo. 49 Ligit Street- "e 'Yonnj's PP. Olasss" and tare eyesljht. I. T. Young & Bro. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVER v A U E Manufacturer of all kinds ot S I'laiii Cold Jtwclry.Blass, Badges, A. e The In st 8U), c?tr, and i,X cloc'i tfviTMi'.d. An erii-an watel esat lliekwes. j jiricri.. Slwl silver spKiid, forks c, j thcaper iliaa ever. Your oroVn aresi- ' iieited and will be pnimpily aitcrnkd by i J. T. YOUNG & BKO. j I'ETEKfibCKG. VA. I . - i th Ttl.-t' PH. E. Lt. HUNTER, - SURGEOX DENTIST, OFFICE AT ENFIELDjN. C -inn i ih .n : JJlllUiL 1 UlkUU. -. t I! Illl I AMI IHJI IJII i STOR R. B. BYNUM ! Watcumakek axd Jewelek, ! Moye & Nadal'sOld Stau, TarboroSU. Is now ojteninp: a choice, stock o ! Jewelry f-t evei-y description which hasjust iit'eii purchased in Xorth ern Markets at the lowest figures, and which will be sold low. Cal and examine inv stock and I guar antee to please you. sep-29-tf. R. 15. DVNUM. READJUSTERS' IND Fnndtrs Only Friend. STTJTZ &z BBD., WHOLESALE fUTTBESS FACTORY 111 Halifax St., Petersbu Va. We are the txjsses for shuck Jl cotton top, ml (thnck ami cotton mattress 4 and ask you to (ret our wholesale prices More orderintr aiiB313m S JfTZ ft BKO. Vak M MM I now oflei for sale, able terms, two valuabl land, one situatel in t of the town of Wilson, ; ii reason-! tracts of er situated two miles f'iifi()Wii. The tract adjacent u- Wilson is l t t "1 r I very.aiii;.oie!iu.le is I!0 aonl)t l)Ut fe yjs u wil1 CO lip" , ,,......1 iiiii.a w fowl) llllK. 0 ,i.iiivi 1 .- - ;iieie iire 24li acres in this plot, iii-arlv al. ,,i winch is t leiretl. There aieon this land four thous and early bearing jieach trees of the earliest 'and" finest viiiiety. The shipping ot jeaches to northern markets, would in "a few years net enough to pay tor "the entire prop erty. There is not, anywhere-.' in Wilson countv. such a good chance for a man to invest in real estate. The otner tract is situated two miles from Wilson and .contains Ii7i acres of which- only twenty acres -are cleared. The balance is well timbered. For terms &c, Applv to s. p. farm vai, inula tf Wilson. X. C. Bomtz HCo-tel- (ioldsboro. N. C. WM. BONLTZ, Proprietor. My hotel is now ready tJ accommodate the Travelling Public with first-class rooms and talde fai-o. Sample rooms for commercial tracellers. nov-24-ly f". 15. A-iOt I-, H. A- i)A,lfeLS Of Wayne. Of vviiSI1,,. AYCOCK A DANIELS. ATTORNEYS A T I. A IV. UULIJNBOno. - C- Practice in the ('01111. oi Wayne, "Wilson, Greene, Lenoir and Johnston, and the Sujireme (ourt of the State.- ! COLLEOTIOJfSj A SpKOIALTY ! inayo-lv - ; j THE UNDERSIGNED, have form- ed a copartnership for the practice of medicine'in thetovvnof Wilson and 1 adjoining country. Returning tlianks to their patrons for their liberal pat ronage, they solicit a continuance of the same. Office on Nash Street op posite the Court House lately occu pied by Jas. S.Woodard, Esq., where one, or both may be always found when not professionally engaged. CO. PEACOCK, M. D., W. S. ANDERSON, M I). Jan2H2.-l.v. JOHN' E. WOOD All D, o ATTORNKY AT LAW, WILSON, N. C- Cikcitit Wilson, Nash, Greene, Wayne and Edgecombe. Prompt and special attention given to the collection of claims in any rartof the State. juir22 ly Tlp T'T" A T f Pt'Cnn OilVrs his professional services to the. people- of .Wilson and vicinity. Office- Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C. julWHf REDISTILLER, RECTIFIER AND -Wholesale Liquor Dealer, - 3!t Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Specialties Myers' -Sunnj- South' Malted Kye Whiskey, (.'opyrifrht ' Secured, "Peters bur CIulT' old Whiskev, Myers' "Oranjje "a - Oiilers solicited. SatL-taction posilivel , ffuaramecii. au3i2in SEND. YOUR ORDERS TO n FOR CiINOER AJjE, SARSA - PAPILLA, AND LEMON POP. The nicest I Spring soul Summer drink goingj Thev aie inanu!actu- ! rers of tiiat drink, and tli y guaran tee their prices and gootl . mai'2:;tf WILSON, "N. C ; 1TI rr M fiTTT 1 1 II If IV KW ' "& 11 U II W- Olierry & Bro C A 11 R I A G E MAK KM S. VXD ISEF.1IMSERS No.-14 W-ATER STBKK'I', Norfolk, Ya. AXD Sf.coxd-Hand Puggiks w'agoss always on ham). Sept-'il-irJlll. Cotton Factors and General j sion Merchants. '0. 34 WATEK ST., NORFOLK, VA. Consignments of Cotton, Corn, Peanuts, Potatoes, LuiuIht, Shin gles, Staves, Poultry, Eggs, and Country Produce generally solicit ed. Sales with check sent same lav goods are sold.. ' Sliipier.s kept well posted In j prices. sepJl-6m K. V. JOYNER, irrrvu D.iiiipki Sllas permanently located in: ! Wilson. N. C. All ODDerationf wii I nbT and carefully irforniwl ; and on terms as reasonable as vok- .sible. Teeth extracted withouv .,aiu sible, Otnee TarlMiro stm t next iioor to j Post office. fJan a 12 m. NEW UEVELRY IcCraw Sometli Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore ex isting between G. II. Wainwright, P. J. Royall and II. T. Coleman, under the firm name of Wainwright, Royall & Co., has this day Wen dissolved by mutual consent. All parties holding claims against, and all parties indebted to the old firm, will make settlement wfth the new firm. Geo. II. WAmvKiGUT, P. J. Royall, II. T. Colemax. Having purchased the interest of H. T-. Coleman in the Foundry and Plow Manufacturing business we desire to give notice that it will be continued as hereotfore under the firm name of Wainwright & Royall, at the old stand. The payment of accounts due the old firm should be made only to us. We solicit a con tinuance of the publie patronage. G. II. Wainwkight aug31 83 P. J. Royall. SEWING MACHI HE CO- CHiCAGa.ILL; ORANGE, MASS. and ATLANTA, GA.- r 1M J. L. STONE, Gen'l Agent. Paleigh, N, C. For sale by .W. A. Barbies , Wi son, N. C. ANNEll & HELANEY ENGINE CO., SCCCE8SOHS TO WM. E. TAN N Ell & CO., ' I 6th, 7th, , and Canal Strekt, KICIIM0N1). Va. Manufacturers of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, ; CASTINGS, &c Having rebuilt our Machine Shopj which were destroyed by fire lltii Novemi)er last and equipped- them with the most improved tools, we ate piepared to furnish Machinery of the same high grade heretofore built by Win. K. Tanner & Co. Farming and Saw .Mill Engines are Spocialries with us. i Send in your orders as far in ad- 7 vacce of yi air wants' as possible. Win. E. TANNER, Pres. Alex. DELANEV, Supt. RE PA 1 11 WORK SOLICITED AXD PROMPTLY DDNE. rSend for illustrated catalogues, which are furnislied free. JSWhen in need of the best machinery on tiiemarket call on Ilynum. Daniel i Co,, Agts, Wilson. N. C. sep'ii-ly i 2STOTIOE. The firm assets of the late Grif- I n " 111 1 ;1 liase heeil assigned f me in trust, to pay t lie debts of j the concern. Those indebted will j take notice that immediate :-ett le nient nnw be made. In inv al- sence parties may confer with Mr. .1. A. Tynes. who has the hooks and ? i nailers and anthorc'eil tn m-.'. ,.t. 1 tlenient. (L W. Pi.oyvr, j IbOt fe Ti ustt'c. DUVALL I AUSTIN, -Practical An iiitectsand PnihleiM ri have located in Wilsoir ami tiu!lr se,vu's t' tliejmbLc. lM.m. ' pc;ificatioiis and 'Estimate.-, cxe- , ,-uted at short notice, in modern i style and taste. Parties desiring to build would do well to call and I get our Plans and Prices. With 15 years experience, we think we can guarantee satisfaction in all cases. We ma ke and keep on : hand at all times a large quantity i ot" Urick. which we will Sell at prices in keeping with tlie times. Office Over C. A. Young & Pro's. Store, opposite Priggs' Hotel. DC V ALL & AUSTIN, "Wilson. 'N. -(!. I Established A. O., 1S.M.J E Iron Works, , H T MORRISON & CO., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Naw MILLS, GRIST MILLS; , POWER & HAJtD COTTOX TRESSES, Tote.-o ami Cotton Fa.-tory Mac-hint. rv. Iron and lira's ( astlnmi. loiyimrs. Are. St. -am Drctlges and DredErliig Hacliinery S ec ui. JLocomolites Por Wooden Tracks a specialty. ang.Jl 3m Petersiturg, Va. L T- ASKEW & C0:, General Commissioa Merchant?, Siecial attention given totl-esale j I t t ii Tii ii ii f 'i x. i . Chickens am' .oV t, produce, SCp i ct i ' " . Xoi-rolk- Va ' t WtRUNNJ WT-r yj. -.SIMPLE" - -r 5 fSCA2 CORBETT & GO'S; BftB ROOM, j ,'arboro Street, Uountree'g Old i u i. - j We are now" ready to accoiuimv ; I -tic von wnu a urniK oiauy Kinns ; jiujuorand a square meal Oys teini eer sij ie- 1 POUTZ'S 0SE AND CATTLE POWDERS w F " -v nctes win rtle f rT or Lrxo Fi- ZT 4 Koimn I'oifr re iwil In time. gjV r ilirur.- an.l pryvrnl H "nf,XT.y. fcr' Cow.iere m ill .rriit liArr- IN F.u l.s. m.f Powrteni wjll in. riuf tlw qnnntilv of o ilk arm V W)' prr crnt- Hint make ttie In-.ttrr firm .!-, iiff 1'omilprs will rnrr nr rn-vent fltro-t Tvi;t t. whw-liitorw s ;:tl l ! fi'tlitr Wll.i t. - PTX' Pun'lil K WL1.1.-5.IVK SAT1KFAC"! p.ltl everywhere. . I ' PAVI3 r. rnT7T3. Proprietor. Jt-t.'sT- TALOTT & SOKS Shoe Roe iVlachine lUCH.MOND. VA., Manufacturers of I'ofablc nd Stationary Enirinks and noileri. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shafting, Hangers and l'ullcys. Turbine Wathr Wheels, Totiaeco Factury Ma chinery, Wrought Iron Work, llrasa and Iron CastiOKS, Machinery of every I)i-scription.'3 (7A'.W-Y?V TIWKSlttXVMA VllIXKS a .- ri:t i .t. i v. iCeoiiiviiiT I'loieplly iii 1 0!ciiil!v h" Talbo'tt's Patau Suaik Arrester - S'li 3iv-Mlitn"l t: .; i It does Hot destroy the draft. It does not interfere with fanninir the HiIm-s. It does not choKe up and requires cleamtiK. It. direct "dampers to .0 oieneAl when raisin;? steam darners boinir ibjc.-tion-able. as they may bo ieft opn and allow tho sparks to cscaK-. It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation. destroys the draft, be sides when watea is used, if nrJctcl. the ef ficiency is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a Withy con dition. It is simple and durable and can be relied upon. . It can lie attached to any boi:or. No planter should, lie without one of ihom. Insurance companies, will insure (fins ane barns where the Talliert Eng-lnes end Spark Arrester are used at same rate as charged for water or hirse power. t?"Scnd for illustrated circulars and price list . . nranch tlouse Goldsboro. N. C .1. A. Man ser, General Manager, T. A. tiraiiKer Lotral Manager. ' no!4-lv Jjsr 12te We will not weary you witt statistics telling how MESSRS. J. & P. COATS MAKE THEIB BEST SIX-COP SPOOL COTTON Or how much they make daily, neither will we presume to give an opinion ae to its quality. It is more important for you to find out : Whether the thread is strong and will save you time and annoyance? Whether it will run 6n your Sewing Machine? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable shades, and work well on silk goods ? The only possible way to arrive at the truth is to USE THE THREAD YOURSELF I fou will then know why it is called SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. ' von oaxt BuyTrr of: ATKINSON & WARREN Cor. Nash and Goldsboro Streets, ALSO JAMES T. VIGGINS WILSON, N. C. W. JE3L- H T .T . 2ua:j rusiii'Act i;:;:;!:, i-Aiid J)U-r In " Smoking & Ci.evving Tcbscc:,. End Smol-ers ; ' .-cis. 2)S Sycamore-St.; I'l-Irstiur.'. A n. . Ppt'flaltta Ifan'M 'lioice. City it.--!... HallV Jewels. l.ilv. Value Iti iaivcl, Tliv S-!;!. Hovii! lii'xiuet, key Wt-st i Unit, lVU-rs'liur Favoritp. Bujrill :ini JOHN T. FORD I II. M. LEK mn t. F03D & cc- DEALEK'S IN FANCY GROCERIES CONFEOTIOKERiES, j - Toliacco, Snitir, Oranges, Lemons. &c, vC. , East Side Tarboro St., AVil.'on, N.o rresti Stock of Canned rrni;r and Canned Meat. We keep . choice line of- FRESH iROf:i;u i L to which we make daily addition AVc solicit a share of the pull: patronage '.ami guarantee to plean those wjio favor, us with their pal onage. AmericanHon? e. Portsmouth, Va-, Lo-atl convenk-nt to Jiailroad Ix-p-it and all Steamboat Landings. TKIt.MS MoDKit ATE. Kupt by, THE MISSES BiloWXLEY. Aajr-'-fi . L A N C A S T E R, ATTOUXEV-AT-I.AW A " I) ; -U tilf il Slate Commissioner. Oi FicE:Court House, Wilson NC. I ens. GCEI.KV. or s. c. w. J- wonnAKB. op vA. 6. HAKDISO" (iiitiEi; COTTOX-FACTOIIS, General Commission Merchants, LPMPER AND SHINGLES, i mrt . nr .... ! I harJ " "arJ ; X r .-t t r ' .J - '!-"'"'P LilKl ' alvaii8 made on 1 Consiffumeuts. sep21-tf r fV .V ft - I M m m u m. MISGEL LANEO US 15 We offer for sale, at very low figures, a No. 1 Fifteen Ilors. i J Engine in goodlponditioii and excellent running order. w& TEIiMS TO SUIT PURCHASLRS. Sep 21, tf tiiopAnIaHMd puw -ppiom diURJj .i not t 4soSt:t.UlM A.U!Ato.w.i ojv pin! n.iuanun .T losnms n 10 ?i.H)is 1?ji:i I .!? ....... . i -- u "0 "X" 'kos'iiav J.xaaj.? hsvx HIT lirtill r I DEALER IN Sashes, Poors end Blind. Mouldings. Brackets. Stair Rail. Mwels B Krwa-Ti-Tats. Oils Glass-Pntty and Building Material of every Des fNos. If W Side Market Sipi are &49 Ilo;uioke Ave., X01 FOLK v - - : 1 : 1 " .'E.NERAL A(iKNT S vVadswria. Marti e &c Xora i's Purd Prepared Iea,ci3?--lv!rixed I It 0 HI III We have in ! m i s ir ills Uli onewall Maenolia GhiJ U K MAKH ASl'IXIIALTV Oh' fin: Btoiiewell And i l . v',. also have' i; ii Press, and ai e facliirtTs tin m on tin- most tnd liio: ks Presses, o ml the celebrated Peavle " rut in position to fuiuislt any. Gin and Piess made, at nun- SiiinnoEi & Elndlrv Cot foil Descriptive ci.culars mailed free aug:3tf (rhi Feeders and 8tant NewEIJJli PARNES STREET, WILSON, ". C. Ain now receiving mv Kiock of bles, Chairs, Sates, Lounges, Cradles, Mattrascs, and a general 4 ment of Fiiriiitute. Give mc a call and 1k convinced thai mv ! ollercd at low figures.." . N'orAly 0".!E3:.3 Commission Merchant, 140 Pearl Street, New Vf t m. ' ' Liberal advances made on - ; 'Hill Sinrtirn Pca iuia j Excute.s orders for the purchase iim1 fale of Fufuro Cotton aud Produce Exchanges. AD VER TISEM EJS ' & PO HUASCII & HA1,LEV v ilson, x -.Sijegu "nuiedajj inv;r -ojO-Kitii MiomniM.'?, J!1 '.1 ; : saj )! MA Al WER I shire now and will kit i sensen ihc lh"lnwiiir,. . .-j PRATT,' ett rown reasonahle anil satist'a.dorv terms. Condenser on 'application to Gin and Gins -fff?T Vv3 RmnUvce fames Agents. ViNo!iSJ I goods wlhicli consist of lied Sfciq f IJ..I.O0 conrignmentH of Cotton,

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