"i VIL .v fpw weeks ago we mailed on our subscribers -who "were ' , 1.11 -. orTPars our annual love leuer intnrUnir them ol tne laci, -h.t wp. needed Imouey. Many of tbem have responded and tbprebv trained an everlasting place on the tablet of our grati tude. There are still many who have not yielded to our trentle entreaties and who have not sent an affectionate response in the shape of cash. To these ; r nrr To these we Dour i nnt our suDDlications. We need i monev. We are bound to have j if and we look to you for it. Shall we be disappointed ? - We have furnished you a good pa per at great expense and it re mains now for delinquents to chow their appreciation by promptly paying what they owe. No other kind of appre ciation will stand the test at our office. - Index to v AIverli.nem. Louisiana lottery. Sotlce A. U. Hro"k. Sotlco J. T.Kmith, notlc-K.H. Watson. Land for Balti-1-O. Klllctt. ytowa Waluwritfht & Hoyall. Important Halo J. M. Taylor. Important Hole W. II. Mercer. Cheap Uf.jd Simpson & Barefoot. KnftelJ H'tul ApoUtnt & Hcnclfle. Brick for Half. Uenfrow & Toinlinson- Cotton Ji cents. ' ' ' There are 342 pupils enrolled at .the Graded School. The Presbyter'.an synod is in ses Hion at WilimugtwnY Tlits Baptist State - Convention is iu session at Edenton. The total valuation of all proper ty In'Wil-on county is 83,403,745. The Colored (Jraded School will open the first Monday in Decem ber. 11. 11. Taylor of this county, has a copper in t which was made in 1705. - - Mr. Geo. M. Carr has retired from the Scotland Neck "Common wealth." Our thanks are due to Mr. O. LipM-ojiibe for a potato weighing . 12 pounds. . Rev. .1. H. Guinn will preach at Bait-loots Sunday morning and in WHmmi at night. . - Aaron Parks, ol'Wayue, caught 14 loxes last month with 7 hounds. ay.i the ''.Messenger. j Kid. J. J. Harper will occupy his pulpit at the l)is iples church Sunday, morning and night. , It is expected that Kev. Dr. Milburn. -tlie blind man eloquent" will lerfiir" in Wilson shortly. Work h.i eommeneed on life new Presbyterian church on .":ish street. It will be a neat edifice. W.T. ('alio Esq., retires from ' th J. 11. Hccton is sol editor ami pro--Ay". C. Gorham and Dr. NV B. Her prietor. 'ring are completed. Those i r .., ... v. r i i of -1- V- WelK Dr. K. W. King, I . C betzser & ( ., have oiHued r n- TT r i.. .... i Mis. oallie Harrison, Jonas Crowd a lr. good and grocery utore next v rI.:7)T. MrtJ Aforthfl door to Jackson & Biowi.lv on Tar- A , 1 1 V l ! 1 Adams, Mrs Rhodes, are in . the Kid. J. N. II. Siimniorell. Pies bytenan pastor, will preach at the! Baptist church ttunda at 11 A. M. ! and 7 V M. . Beginning .next" Snndav "the' .Noithern iiound- mail train wili leach Wilson at 12:."5H instead ol KtM.i as at present. .Mr. Jim .(ones, the bisigest man i iu trreene county, died on Wednes day of last week if. dropsy. He weighed 4"i0 poumls Tne office of the Show Hill 'Tel-: egraph" is In jail. The 'Free 1 riess" asks if that is not taking'! ttwuv the liberty of the presH. Mr. A. 15. .Mooie. of this eonntv ! has made eighteen bales f 'cotton huh uiiv oarieisoi corn on a one horse crop. Who can heat .it Milton Nobles, and his famous company oi comedians will present "l'lioenix" at the Messenger Opera House, at Goldsboro. NovemlHr !,. i ' Duplin' Superior Court convenes ! next Monday Judge Phillips will ! preside. Our agent Mr.- Hardy? will 1h on hand and will bo Hail to see delinquents. A delegation of I'ennsylx anians j u e visiting North Carolina with a i ie to encouriirinr iniiuin-rntinn (The Haleigh peo le are rivincr tiiein a grand reeeption. " Our young fiieiid, A. L. who was Professor of i:no-i.r,.,i.,.- I the Wilson Normal School is piepai in- himself for licensure ns Presbyterian minister. Our Mr. Hardy, who was in ;it. tendance on Wayne court last wAL- wrifes that Bonit is a mi hotoiisu aud that Mr. IT inv tl.. clever ; clerk, u hard to beat. Col. ll- Williani.s organizod linuieh .-hnljie of M". It. fc U. A t lllaek Creek Tuesday. Jesse M. Taylor w.is elected .Chairman; H. .1. Strickland. Collector; and B. V. Taylor, clerk. The Wilson Cotton Mills isdoino- leuilidy. President, Ilraneh nIiovt- vd ijs a statement of last week's rk when a dividend of 17 per cent made, and every week it is alH.nt the same way." , , Two of the bui-lars who' h.iv H'- intl-stinj. the State -were cap-' " Henderson AVednesdav out ! -aud caught them in i m 1 s -ind under houses Mi I. U. (ireeiio eon,.M- noHS0' v-'tton Which e- ' ,7 b!'l0S f 1(HM1 i - faireioth is. ""'Vlnid ., insurance." I ltW! U-lne hetd; Svna ;b'V - Jovarvis, p '"'"vi ouuge It. A. .Slot.,.. I). Sfol ... liuxton, j and the i . :iuent lVic.v were V Ol. the ""'occasion. ,st f speakers "i''U jiiocuri-,1 qn?aKers is is me oeat i that could have j ' -l the Wel.lo,, 1 XOunnr .v- i. Fair last week ro.. of Petersharir. v "ilwootl & Bro., and lan.U. " Ul -OI101K, IlsKl M'UIlg'j . "C Qisplavs of .Tewelrv reputation as a ieweler is HO ittoKi r ." -nn ,t ceier is name , Ve l,n this st'ction "is word wcome a household Messrs. A. F. Simpson and J. .1. Barefoot have bought ont '. Robbins & Dawes ana opened a grocery j and liquor store ;anl restaurant. They invite the patronage of j the public in an advertisement in " colamu. Satardav night November j . ilr. Geo. W. Eaton, of Nash 4y while walking with Mr. .a Finch along the road, fell sud- alv dead. The deceased- was j xut 50 years ohV.was a carpenter y trade, and had many friends, wbo?mourn his death. Kev. Mr. McManawji', the new Missionary Baptist pastor, filled his pnloit,. for the first time, last Snndav. lie is not only an J able and attractive preacher, combining well prepared sermon with an ex- cellent delivery, bat also a polished gentleman, lie will soon be a vorite with onr people and we fa ex tend to hrm a cordial welcome. t Two young men, Ben. Roberson and Charles Buun, stole two oxen from an old negro named Kueben Williamson, near Earpsboro Mon day and carried them to Raleigh and sold them. Rueben tracked the oxen and followed to Raleigh where he recovered one of the oxen and had both the men put in i jail. i - Ronntree, Barnes & Go's cotton buyer bought one bale of cotton ! from a negro yesterday and gave him a check, but before presenting it the negro changed , it to three i ; bales. , Mr, Strong noticed the attempted , forgery and upon in quiring of Mr. Davis, the cotton buyer, ascertained that the negro had changed 1 into 3. The negro will probably be required to pay the full penalty of the law. There was a man iu Wilson Mon day who claimed to be one of the men who did the shooting in the Danville riot. lie said it , was thought best that those engaged iu the affair should absent themselves from Danville' for a short while. He succeeded in making some ol our joople believe that he was a bona fide participator in that unfortunate a flair. Of course he asked for as sistance but how much he succeed ed in getting we cannot say. We think, however, the amount was small. OAS FIXTURES. - In order to fix up the gas fix tures in the bank Messrs. Geo. D. Green & ,Co., who had the contract, have had a gentleman '.from Balti- i more here this week putting up the fixtures. The three lower rooms of the Bank building will be lit j w ith gas which will be a great itn I provement. A friend of ours says ! that he saw the necessity of hav : ing the Bank lighted with gas, but he saw no reason why Connor & j ; Woodard' needed it in their law .office.-". Upon being asked the i reason he replied, "they can fur j ir.sh enough without help.',' ' IMPROVEMENTS. Improvement is the order of the bi.. .Fifteen nice residences are now being built an I others are in contemplation. The elegant losi- eurse and W of erection. A. B. Deans J. I larris contem pla te ex- tensive improvements to their res idenc.'s. Our contractors and builders. are kept constantly busy a,ld uwv" w,nklw" luv ''feded. .urcir .r i n 'I in bite this nail in twin pieve.-; who says 1 cant V said Hen- i ry II. Taylor of this county on Tar-; boro street Wetlnesday, as he look J ; a large nail from a bag. Nn one i .teemed to den his power. and to demonstrate the truth of his asser. i tion, he took the nail between his teeth ami in less than a minute the '.nail had been bitten in two pieces. As took thenail from his mouth l'owever, the blood followed 'This is the hfh nail five bitten to-dav : and can bite as many more if I ! want to'' said the man with almost iron teeth, as he started for home, i A man to bite so large a nail must ! necessarily have a big jaw although j it. does not always -follow that a I man with a great -ipiant ity ol jaw I can bite a nail. ; ' A O HOST. ' ! About midnight Saturday a uiul headed cow by the use of its head, neck and long tongue ellecteu an entrance into the residence of Jack Williamson, colored, in Wilson, aud 'after eating a bushel of collards aud turnips, half bushel of sweet pota toes, several pounds of soap, and kicking a hole in a barrel ir. which a-'possum was confined, -went to bed in good order. Later on in the night two men, who were out rather late, stopped at Jack's to get something to eat " when the cow made a rush for the, door, knocking oae of the men down ami frighten ing the other out of iris wits. They thought the old cow was a ghost that appeared before them i con sequence of their midnight revelry, and left the place hurriedly, not standing ou the order of toeir de parture. Let us have more ghosts! A HIGHLY PRIZED PRESENT. ! Our readers will doubtless notice an improvement in the local and editorial departments this week. j It is due to the fact that the editor has been iloing his writing with an elegant ivory handled pen 'made in Jerusalem, aud presented to: him ! by Mrs, T. A. Woodard, who ob- taiued it while in Boston at the Ks- position. While writing our mind ! goes back as it were to the Holy Land and the inspired writers of the olden time and wo seem to j catch, with the Jerusalem pen, a'j more ready style and the words crfmc more veadilyrthau formerly, i We retni u our warmest thanks to I the donor. The pen makes us feel 1 as if we'd been to Jeiusalem smrt i Bethlehem ; bathed in Jordan;) gazed on the Dead Sea; ascended ! mount Sinai, llermon aud the i other saered mounts ; stootl by the i sea of Galilee in a storm ; entered into the city of Nazareth; viewed with awe the cursed ruins of Capernaum ; and traversed the ; sacred laud from Pan to Beersheba, A pen made in Jeiusalem. the : City of our King!v What pleas ant mnories are awakened by it ! For mountain butter and coun try meal go to Drake & High's. WATCHED. A few weeks ago, our readers will remember, burglars eutered the resideKce of Mr. II. G. Connor and stole not only hi money but a gold watch, which .he prized very highly as it was a tzift from -a- deceased relative. .Some of his friends, long desirous of giving expression of their high esteem, made this the occasion of presenting Mr. Connor with an elegant gold watch on which was inscribed "Presented to H. G. Connor by Friends in Wilson as a Token of their Friendship and warm Personal Estccnp Nov. 1. 1883." Wilson has no purer, more upright, public-spirited, iopuIar eit-. izen than Mr. Connor and it affords us pleasure to know that such a man is appreciated as he deserves. The jieople of Wilson have icatched his career with peculiar inter est and rejoiced with him in his success at the bar, on the hnstings and in every department of life and they will continue to icatch his career of usefulness as he grows in popularity, in statesmanship, and in practise. Would that we had many more.sueh mien ! VOORIIEES AT WELDON. Capt. Carraway, the special cor respondent ofthe "News-Observer" furnishes the following extract from Senator Voorhees, speech at the Weldon Fair, and says "we were particularly struck with some of Senator V's remarks." He said in substance, "if farming and farm-, ers are to assume a position com mensurate with their importance, tillers of the soil must take a broad and comprehensive view of their occupation and its relations to other indus-ries. We must re spect our calling and ourselves. We-must realize that prosperity to farmers means prosperity to all the busy forms of industry, and that a failure of crops brings in its train depression and ruin even to ap parently unconnected occupations just as the toppling of some huge cliff;', into the sea may by the .vaves throw n up in its fall over whelnrfrail craft floating quietly in distant waters. When the crops fail and the strong arm of the laborer -withers the looms cease to spin, railroads cease to' carry their burdens of freight, and com merce ceases upon the high sea. Agriculture, my countrymen, is the corner-stone, the foundation stone of all - prosperity, and country life is conducive to virtue and content. Orators ami statesmen have acquir ed new powers to serve their fellow men bv'comihuniug with nature in their rural homes. Xt country has shown inure powers of recup eration than you. my friends of the South, hae since t he war and re construction, or more properly de struction. And it is due to your immense resources of wealth and fertility in the cotton belt, the fos tering, care of agriculture and the bringing of science and skill to its aid. Farmers, the day has passed when you can merely drift along. I am proud , to see that you in North Carolina and the entire South, are bringing to bear intel lectual forces of the highest char acter, and grappling with the great questions of productions. Your exhibit here to-day shows yon to be men men of skill, intel ligence and farming indu try. I am proud to call you brothers. I am thrice, happy and proud to meet the friends and visit the home of the dearest friend I have ou earth Gen. Matt. "W. Ransom. Your wav is ever forward, courageous and noble sons of pedigreed stock of illustrious sires. I say to you as one who has ever battled for your constitutional rights, as one who loves your sunny clime, that the day is breaking full of glory and happiness '.for you and for the whole Southern people. If I have added anythingjto your enjoyment then I am happy. My part I con sider the least of the performance With many thanks for your kind ness, and wishing your' State a bright future, I bid you an affec tionate good afternoon. 'PEOPLE AND THEIR MO YE MENIS. Mr. Atigustus Bryant has built a j residence m JNash county and will shortly lnove there to live, Ed. A. Oldham, of the State Chronicle, was in Wilson Saturday and re ceived the greetings of his many friends.- Mr.iJoe. Carter has re signed his position at Mr. Corbett's ami acei-pted a jdaee with Simpson & I la re foot. Mr. O. L. Baker has resigned his place at the Brigis -ur. r. cstansett is : now clerk at this popular hotel. 1 Our oung friend B. B. Deans has resigned his position as book-keen, i er at J. 1). & S. C, Wells1, and has j accepted a position as traveling salesman with Jackson & Strother, tobacco dealers, Lynchburg, Va. We part with him regretfully. Mr. L. D-Toinlinson is now with J. D. & S.C. Wells. Mr. J.P. Clark succeeds 3Ir. Deans as book-keeper. -C. P. Varmer and wife, of Golds boro, have been visiting relatives this week. Our young friend, C. B. Taylor, of M. Cohen & Son., Petersburg, has been in town this week, Pleased to receire a call from the '-Prince of Commercial Evangelists," E. 1. Doyle, who was in town this week. . He says the apparent defeat in Xew York is due to bad 'management, and bad nominations. Capt. Sam llodg- i es and family are visiting relatives f in ilson.- .. M. Denning and wife, of Wayne, were ou a visit to relatives in town last week. Y. W. Barnes and family and Y. A. Woodard, E-sq., and wife have re turned from their northern tour. They visited Philadelphia, Boston and New York. They liked the j Boston Exposition, although Mr.i Woodard says that compared toi the Centennial it is a small affair. ! -Messrs. Wm. F. Mercer audi Geo. H. Wainw right left on Mon- j day to carry an insane person toi the Kaleigh Asylum. Our yonug! friend Moses Farmer, who is at-! tending school at Horner's was in Wilson few days last week. Mr. ! E. M. Xadal left, for Nashville yes terday to survey some disputed ' laud Theo. Hobgood. ol the 'Suuny Home" gladdened our sac- i turn by a call vesterdav. He. is! just returned from Ashville which j ne says is rue 4ivenest place in the ; State. INSCRE In view of the tact that Mr. Fair-i cloth lost 5,000 by the burning of j his gin house in Greene" couury last i week lecause he was not insured ' Deans & Nicholson desire, to re-i mind people of the necessity of iu- j sur&uce. A CARD OF Tit ASKS. Kim-j on Apvaxce: 1 desire, through your paper, to i return thanks to Bev. W. J. Gay i and Mr. S. M. Warren, Sr., aud ail ' who sismsiuu mem, lor a handsome suit of clothes. . J. H. Guixs, Pastor Methodist Church. Wilson, N. C, Nov. 15, '83. MARRIED. ' In Nash county, at the residence of Mr. Keddin Driver, Mr. Win. Woodruff to Miss Strickland, Eev. Eayford Driver officiating. In Scotland Keck Wednesday. Nov. 7th., Mr. Geo. C. Lamb, of Hamilton, to Miss Annie IZyman, Kev. Dr. J. D. Hufham officiating. In Norfolk, Va., Wednesday night Nov. 7th., Mr Massey of Nor folk, w as united in marriage to Miss Lola Tatum, who has friends in Wilson who will join us in con gratulations. . Iu St. Louis, Weduesday, Nov. 7; h., Mr. Henry A. Siegrist.to Miss Minnie Lawrence, daughter of Dr, J. J. Lawrence, a former res ident of Wilson, Many friends join us in best wishes. On Tuesday at Oxf. id, Hon. Joseph J. Davis was united iu uiarriagc to Miss Louisa Kittrell. The. ceremony took place at the residence of Mrs. Gilliam, widow of Judge Gilliam, a relative of the bride, and was performed bv Kev. Mr. Shields, of Newborn. The happy couple at once left for their home nti Louisburg. DIED. At his residence in Nash county, Saturdaj morning, Nov. 10th, Mr. 11. D. Wells, aged 72 yt ars. He was buried with Masonic honors Sunday evening, Bev. W. J. Crow son olliciatiug. He was the father of our esteemed townsman, S. C.4 Wells. He was a popular man and leaves many friends. Wilson InZL" street,- Reported Weekly by Bynum: Daxiel & Co. Cotton, llatrgiug, llaeon Heeswax, 11 utter , i Candles, ; Cheese, ... Cotfee Kio .... Coffee Java, Coffee Lagruyra, iXrn Meal, Corn, Chickens. Cotton rJ.'ies,.... DrySalttd Meat, Domestics, ; E(Tffs,... Flo r, .... Hides, Lard Molasses,... Peanuts,.. Potatoes.; ; Kieo, , , KatfS.Jt '. Salt Suffar :. ..... Shingles Turkeys, Tallow 9X illl.S i3HlQH ....--(KWM 26$V 121S wupm 10&20 30S -3 2i(o2" ..8K1 H0 ....SOfel 01 2J 1 T5 , 7(59 ..5(aU I ..J5'$.2') 5 H0(S9 00 . 1U&.12Y .WvV24 ...... .......... .5" ifeti I :....l O0Cf l 50 ; ..ui(fti .-.:... SfalO li,i .1 Od&i Ou 8-1 12 .3 oOla.Sti .VKa 7-' ...8litolo iio.iei: ITEJIS. Fresh groceries received daily at J. T. Ford &IVs., cor Nfash & Pet- j igrew sts. .-'- .-j Go to J. T. Ford & Co's., " for ! cakes, crackers, confectionaries, j heavy ami fancy groceries &c. Turners X. C. Almaiiac s for 1884 at Bowland's Drug Store. Carpets and mattings at Bonn- j. tree, Barnes & Co's- The celebrated Ileiser Shoes lvountree, Harnes & Co's. JllSt received at Ford & Co. fine lot or ,,hiMW r,.,iH, Onions, ap-j pies and potatoes. ! You can get a good , harness saddle at liountree, . Barnes on Co's- - Fresh clover creamery butter at Moss, Green & Co's. Coinplete.linc of clothing of all qualities at Wai-ren & Barnes.' f Varren & Barnes have a ful line ofthe Burt & Packard Shoes. Warren & Barnes make Furnisiug Goods a Specialty Gents ! i Nice clothing Barnes S: C'o's. Hats all styles, in endless variety' at Vnut,. : and qualities at Warren & Barnes. Nice line of.Iadies cloaks and walking jackets of all qualities at Warren Barnes. A. W. Rowland can deliver coal at lowest market price. Send him your orders. Full sets shoemakers tools, calf' skins, kip and sole leather at Rouutree, Barnes ; & Co's. j A fine line d pant patterns and: cassinieie suitings at Wanen & Barnes Rubler belting at Bountree. Barnes & Co's. Nice line of d riaunel suitings in all Varreu & Barnes. ;tHxls colors uid at 100 Mens IfnbWr ("oats and la dies aud misses, gossamers a Warren & Barnes. Attention, ladies; Bcforo buying your shoes call at Warren & Barnes aud examine Edwin C. Burt., T. Miles'Sons, and AVarren ,v Barnes line shoes. Warren & Barnes have received the largest and finest line.f slioes ever received iu Wilson. lion o tree, Barnes & Co have ! just received a fine line of cash-1 meres, black and colored, surges, - corduretts, diana cloths. Langtry ! twills. Flannel Suitings, IJn-k and colors, basket flannels, cloak cloths &c. ' Brocaded and plain velvets. Imth in velveteen and silk velvet for trimmings and suiting at War-' ren & Barnes " i. ' Wood furnished at short iiotiep Vby Worrell. Warren & Birneshave just re- J ceiveu a large lot of Burt & Pack ard's Gents' and Boys' fine Shoes. See them before buying. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobl's Hardware Depot. Wilmington N. C. The celebrated 'FiJ Gill Twine if sold only at - C ware Depot. Wilm N John Minge,M. D., Berk ?v, Va-, June 2.5th, 1852, says: "I. is with pleasure that I assure you of the great benefit I have received per sonally from the nse of Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic j Pills; and their happy effect in my own person led me to use them in an extensive practice near Mobile, and always with decided benefit and with re peated application for more of them particularly in all cases proceeding indigestion." For sale by all drug gists at 25 cents per box- ENPIELD HOTEL ENFIELD. N. C. .' : i r ...... i o . x .lot ..iiwa nuivi. onmpiu Awm i ur v 0111- . mercial Travelers. Livery Stables. First 1 class ucard by the day, week or monthR APOLAXT & HEXCKET P novlS Manaren. BRICK FOR SALL Wo have forty five thousand g-oo our residence near Barnes' Cross lu we will sell on reasonable terms. them to be aseood as any put upon ket. J KESl'ROW TOM1 novlG 4t P. O. Black C brick at Ik, which warrant ho mar- .iSON. k. N. C. " IMPORTANT SALE. On Friday the Tth of December next. I shall sell at my bouse and mill all my property, consisting of 6J or 70 barrels corn. personal roaaer, snucKs. mules, cattle, hogs, bug-gy. wairon. carts, all my farming Implements, all my f urnituro, books, and a (freat variety of ar ticles too numerous to specify. Sale will bo continued on the 8th until all is sold. Terms, cash. i iovl63t J.M.TAYLOR. NOTICE 1 will sell on Wednesday, the 12th day of De cember 1883 at the late residence of Martha Watson, deceased, the followiujr personal property: About l'.i5 barrels txrn, -14 stacks of fodder. 1000 bushels cotton seed, 5 mules, one horse. 3 carts, one wa?on, two buggies, wheat, shucks, 90 or 60 hogs, 3 cattle, farming Imple ments, lopr wag-on, lot of lumber, household and kitchen f urriiture, &c. K. H. WATSON, Admin. Connor & Woodard, Att'ys. novltt tf LAND FOlTsALE. 1 have one-hundred and fifty-eight acres of number one farming land on which there is a throe-horse crop cleared, three tenant houses, a gin, gin-house and screw, situated within the Graded School district less than two miles from town which I offer for sale on reasonable terms. Pleasant place, directly on the road, good water. Apply at once to L- D. KILLETT, novle 3t Wilson, N. C. NOTICE. Hai-ing qualified as Administrator of the es" tate of Frist-ilia '1 omlinson, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson county, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the es- j tate of said deeeasod tomake immediate pay- inuui, utiu id an persona naviug claims aguiusi the deceased to present them for payment on or before the 13th day of November 1884, or this not ice will bo plead in bar of their recov ery. JOSEPH T. SMITH, Adm. Connor & Woodard, Att'ys. novl.S flt NOTICE. The Justices of the Peace of Wil son county are requested to meet in the Court house iu Wilson on Monday, Dec. 3rd, 1883, for the purpose of electing a County Com missioner to fill the vacancy caused by the death of James Boyette. A. G. Brooks, Ch'm. novlo 3t IMPORTANT SALE. On Tuesdav, the 4th day of De- ceniber 183, we will sell at the late residence of Wiley lint run, deceas ed, all the personal property of said deceased, not disposed of at the former sale, consisting of one steam engine boiler and saw. ill complete, oue small upright en- gine, two cotton gins, one wheat fan, and several head of horses and mules, oxen, carts, farmiug im - nleiuents, and a lot of corn, fodder, shucks, cotton seed, &c. Terms : Cash. W. U. Meuceu L, D. w. baunks, j ""; Wilson, N. C. nov 1G .".t i G. H. Wainwriffht. V. J. Itoyal. WAIMVRIGHT k ROYAL, . (Successor. to Farmer & Wainwrlght ) :o: Founders anl Manufacturers of the Only WILSON COTTON AND TURNING PLOW. : WILSON, N. C. : iiavimr bou&ht the entire stock beiomrin t theold firm of Farmer & WainwriKht. we are now prepared to offer social indiu-em nts to . , mosem nooior AcaucuLTUJJAL IMPI.KMKXTS. I : Wewiil ,,tinue to manufacture the oripi- nal Wilso" amoto and Canting, with someim - provements. WAlXWRHlHTi ItOYAU At the Old Stand.J nov!6-tf i Established A. I. 184. i iron forks, H. T. MORRISON & CO, Manufacturers of Steam Engines. Hnu 3 ills. Grist JI ills, royvEi: ,v hand C-ottox i-kessks, Tobacroand Cotton Factory Machinery, Iron and lirass lasting, rorgings, Ac. Steam Irelfxiiii; Istcliiiiery Sperially. ; i Locomotives ' ' ' ' ' ! j For Woodeu Tracks a Specialty. ' j novlf"-3t Petersburg, Va j NOTICE. I will sell at the late residence of i Jlartna Ann ioooius. ueceaseti, on of tne personal property lelonging j v , ""7', , ofthe personal protwrty belonging to the estate of said deceased, ecu- sisting of household and kitchen future, mule, H.g:CONNOR, uov24t Admiu NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the Su- pewor Court of Nash County, ren- dereu at Spring term 188-', I will sell at the Court House door in Nashville, Mondav the 3d day of December 1S83 the following land ; thelract in Xai county, Jackson township, adjoi ng the lands of Mrs. Mollielian s and others and bounded on the ist by Tar river, and north by Mrs. Barnes, aud containing 100 at: s more or less, ami known as the -Osborn St rick- ' 511,1 tracts II. G. COXjnOK, novl 4t wouimisaioner. "j I Cext 1)oor t0 It'ch. & lladley's.) . " Is at his same stand this Fall jWiTU a uegk stock, which he oilers to sell lean lui He Has Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, &c, &c. Call at his store, and if you doht :ee what vou want CALL FOR IT and he will furnish vou. 17' Store full of Goods, which t lie Sold. e.irlv and s.--iiie bar-iiovl)-?iti gains. I J. litis, wholesale: l ret.ul gkoteh AND (Old Stand) t to. .. I have on hand a full line of Groceries, which I am selling at prices to suit the times- Being the only Wholesale Liquor Dealer in town I am offering t I ts To dealers tu goods m unbroken packages. It will be to your intor st to give inti a call before buying elsewhere. hovD tf 8 DOLLARS Will secure a policy. for 8!, 000 in the Home Mutual Life Association of Pa., on condition that-tho insur ed pay annually, 95 for the next succeeding three years, and thereafter annually. 2 during life, together with the mortality assessments, graded ac cording to age and number of death losses per thousand- members. If you wish, to take out an insur ance policy on your life, or net as agent lor the above company, write tor, E. Y. PEliBY, LOfljee No. 1. Mahler Building, j oovlf-oni .:Baleigh, N. C- j ' ; - . . j j T .,rn -nn-n cirr LAND FOR SALE, j 1 orlcr for sale the - valuable -W illiam Taylor t met- t land, m ) jayiors iowiisni. u-nines e.M oi : Wilson, containing 300-acrss, on I which a five horse farm is cleared. I The land lies on Toisnot Swamp i and is a fertile tract. Good dwell j ing, kitchen and other Vutlibuses. For terms applv at once to i W. A. -TAYLOR, ri, 1 ..... a .1 i .1 ..V no-9-Gt Wilson, N. C. !S.ILMAESS&0.;, j Wholesale Confectioners & Fruiterers. j PETERSBURG, JVA., ' Would invite the attention of the trade to our large assortment plain and faucy Candies, Fruits I iind Nuts. te Annies. Orances. ! ...i n..,. ......... ,,,,i r.U T. . lainiuvx w ; bacco, Cigars, and -garcites. , Having determined to cose out "Ul " ." V'7""'t"'"! 1 &c, we will offer extra inducements to persons dealing iu that line. .Fire Crackers, Torpedoes and Fire Works at lowest prices. ! novlMJw j NOTICE. I I will sell on Wednesday, the 1 12th day of December, 1S83, at the j late residence of Martha Watson, j deceased, the following personal j property: Corn, cotton seed, fod der, shucks, .seven mules-and horses. i iot of cattle, household and kitchen f ' furniture, farming implements, &C, j Terms Cash. ' K.H. WATSOf, Atlm. Connor & Woodard, Att'ys. novU-tf Great Sale of ; gy. virtue of a Deed of Trust, : executed to us by . S. Battle, eieiu. i. ' on F1Uil T v i vember 18S3, at noon, we shall i Rocky Mount depot, if not posed of at private sale, me of the finest lands in Edge - combe county, consisting of the i TTAll-Trnnwri nlantations. SDrincr - j fi lfl California and Steam Mili j lying about 3 to 4 miles ! fA , -r.,r, T! ' x i Hiver, togeuier im u uw xaiiu 1 amounting to in all o.ouu acrc;s. Tracts of various sizes to suit ' purcliasers. Terms very liber- ; al, made known on day of sale, Geo. Howakd. 1 j - j DR R. H. Battle, j Trustees. j SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE AX ENFIELD, NT. C. Ml. Is LIQUOR DEALER Opposite Grea ndncemeu MOST LAND Barnes' Scliool For Boys, WILSON, X. C. The first session of this school swill open in the old Methodist t Churchill January 14th. 1884. "- 1 Boys prepared lor college or - given a TIIOEOCGH rKACTlCAL j coukse. Number of pnpils limit- ? ed to thirty. To enter a boy must read FA1BLY, and UNDERSTAND tUe fcxdamestal rnlesof Arithmetic as there will be no primary depart ment. No dissipated boy wauted. Tuition (including inciden tals) $3 1.50. NO EXTE A CHARGES. No discounts, except for fko TKACTED IIXN'ESS. " ' tTdTION rAYABLE IN An VAKCE. Early application desired. For cikcvlaks, address me at Kittrells, N. C, till Decemlier 15th, after which time, at Wilson, N. C W. S. BA1INES, Prin. novU '$m ' , On Wedliestlay December 12th, at the late residence of John Thorp, deceased, we will sell alljthe person al proierty (except household aud kitclieu furniture,- and other special lejraciesj leloning to the estate of said deceasel, consisting ol six j mules, 'one horse, one bugsy, three, wagons, eight carts and farming tools of every lescriptiuu; some very fine eat tie, fattening hogs, sow and pigs, a brandy still, about ten barrels o I good cider .vinegar, an j iron safe as good as new, and many other things not here: mentioned, Also a nice lot of baled lint cotton, cotton seed, corn, fodder and other! crops. Terms cash. . ; YV L. & 1). W. TIIOBIV I iiovtUf Executors. FIRSr-CLASS BAR, h-.iT S'nhiiiii. BILIil ARBS , "Whiskeys, Braudies, Bums, Gins, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco, &c, at SMITH & BIIODF.S, First-Class Bar and Hestaurant. ; 5-Drinks, of all kinds by acoinrl l)eteut and exiterii-need bar keejer. j Give us a call. j nov0-2m WILMISGTOB 5 WELDON R. B. CO Seckktauy's Office, ) Wiliaington. N. C, 1 ' Nov. lt, 188:J.y The f irty-eighth annual iiK-eting of the stoekholuersof the Wilming ton & Weldon B. K. C(t. wiil be held at the office of said compauy, in Wilmington, on Tuesday the 20th inst. J. W. THOMPSON, iiov9-2t Secret a-y. lb New Eigli ;n: Savis-. Maciine Takes the ineniinni over all oth ers wherever exhibit! d. It had the blue ribbon (first -premium) at the Tarboro Fair. ' It is the lightest run ning shuttle machine in the-world. Buv the. Davis. Take no other. ' J. M- LINDSEY,' Travelling Agent for M. E. Castex & Co., novtMJw Goldslniro, N. C. A OTICE. All persons having claims against me will please present them for collection at once, also those that are indebted to me will j' please eomq forward anil settle, as 1 am anxious to settle up in v business. . C. V. El NCI I. .Nov. 1st, lss:i.-ot . ISTOTICE Having qualified as Admin istra-! tor ofthe estate of Gritlin Watson deceaseil, 1 before the Probate Judge of Wilson county,' ..not ie i j hereby given to all persons indebt ed to the estate of said, deceased ! to make immediate payment, and ; to all .-iersons. having il-iimsj against the decea.-ed to present I them tor p.t. nient ou or before 8th i day of October 184, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovry K. II. WATSON, ' . Adin'r, i a a or & Woodard Att'-. j Get i2-;t ;.. ."'.i J S EL LiGM AN , Will pay t he highest cash prices for Furs, Hides, Deerskins, Esgs, j Beeswax, Wool, and all kinds oi j Country Produce- 30 Bollingbrook ! Street. Petersburg, Va. J l' 1 ItnnERTSOX. late with T. i ....... " 1 t - ... J. Jarratt & Son, can be found with , me. octo-ti lcy West Ignr Factory. if old it Jlottahan, ' Manufacturers, Job'.H'is and - PEA LEES IN - ' i lliimusi imil . Iomrllo ' : And all Smokers Articles.. -PORTSMOUTU, VA. . Office and Factory, 37 High street ; opposite Ocean House.' oct5 3m; RICE FLOUR! RI The CHEAPEST and BEST IkmI in the country for hogs, cows and horses. A fresh supply just receiv j ed. Send in your orders and give ! it a trial if you never have used it. I ALEX, GR KENE. .Wilson; N. C no)'3t r" .VOTE cm:. : Having qn.difi;d as Adiuinistra, 1 tor of the estate of James lloyett , i .t.. . T I 4 T .1 deceasen, ociore ine i -roumeuuugt- ; of wifcoi Count v, notice is hereby given to aH lH-rsons in.tei)tei to tne i ,w..,.,i t.. ,,.l- i,,.: ! , . r rvi., nt W to )l V r i mel.ate e nt ual to jl i ilitar ofyrKCOVm, , LARRY BOYBTT, l SIDNEY BO YETT, i Administrators, i Connoi: & Wcodaud, Att'ys. Nov. ! (it. NOTICE. , j wUj tLe 2ith day of Novem ( l(t.r ixt3,rent at Jhe C. II door, ; in Wilson, for the year lsi, the i dwelliug house and fy m of Nancy ! Edwards, deceased. The dwelling will be rented separately, and the f land in lots to suit persous desiring to rent. Terms : lxnd.s with good security. II. G. CONN UK, ! Announcement! Iu order to make a change in our business we must ask onr customers to come forward and wttle their accounts. : The business will be continued at the old stand where customers will be accommodated another year. But all NOTES ill ACCOUNTS X O W I)U E M U ST B K Settled at Once! YOURS TRULY, j , lyiiii. Diinii'l i I'ii. Nov G, '83. liUIH Over a generation lias passed since the Rountrees began business in "Wilson, and they still continue to offer to the people of Wil son and the adjoining counties the most complete assortment of goods in the Town at bottom prices. Come one and all and ex amine for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. inn vi fin mm i it IT WILL PA BUYERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS TO GALL ON:. TITMOIN IV. o.; For Fine and Heavy Go cedes. Meat Urea Meal, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Lunl, Butter, ClieeHe, Molasses, Ham-, Ilomkfast Bai-on, Fish ol all descriptions. Oatmeal, Buckwheat. Four, Pntainv, Fresh Cbipiwd Beet in any quantity, ;aitiaire, unions, -Irish Creatoes Salt. Bice, Dried Fruit, Fine Cakes anil Crackers of alll kind, 'ere ni Wafers, &c. &c. r Canned and Bottled Goods, ZL am. Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Duck, FRUITS. Coebanuts, liCmons, A upleK, Orange, Ilanaiins, I'm rent-. Citron, R-.riiH 4iiiolCi;i ApIk'Ion. Tobacco, SuutT, Cigars, Cigarettes. I'ipes, c. In inldition we iny an immense line of DRY-GOODS 1 1 ATS, CAPS, P.OOTS, SHOES GIANTS' FURNISHING GOOI IS. V( We have on hand a full line of MCSICAL INSTKUMKNTS-B.hi.ww, .Violins, Aecordeons, Ilarnionicaus and Music 1 Soxes. ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WOOD ami WILLOW WAR I : Coffee GrWid Free bf Charge. ' GooflslFVered Free in any part of the City. Call annfe us lefore bnviug. We guarantee to please ou. , . j McCUAW .S: Nl RM'.i. Also Bat tlers of Ginger Al", Leniou and Sarsaparill.i Pop. .Or ders fiui a dist ance 'olicited and promptly filled. ' II. j . VV I LLIAIS -1 ' t WIIOLE8ALK DEALERS IN-- Liquors, Tobacco, And Cigars. oct." 3 ill' Moss, Green & Co. 1 ' i DEALERS IN : - ''"-'.. ' - i G-eneral Merchaud C'OILVIJI NASH AND TARBORO STS., WILSON, N. Kcej constantly on hand a large supply of everything a lai uu r in-e4is, which they sell anlow as firt-class gmjilt can 1m. hoM any wh-i.. Such articles as Meat, Com, Flour, Meal, and Staple Pry-Good can !m had from us at living prices. We do not claim to iJI goods clu-ai than any one else. We merely ask you to call and examine our .sloek aud get our prices Itefore making your purchases. We guarantee t' please you. " K-H2-t WHAT S IT? Il is one or more of( lit? Following Heartburn, Sick Stomach, Headache, Tasting Your IWl.Utcr Eating, Spitting up Your Food, Constipation Torpid Us er. Indigestion, Colic, Nervous Intabihty, Pi.zi iiesi, Distarbel Sleep, with Distres-'iiig Drenms and nutold Suffering. heckwithV Anii Have cured thousands of Kuch aflerers, and will do it again. No medi cine -wa ever sustained by such ondoubtwl testimony. Sold Uy ilrnt. .ii- t. i.m rsir rtmr druL'ffist does not keep thcin, wnd he to E. R. BECKWITU. Petrbarg, Va., for o.t by mail. wp, I j WILSON, N. y 11 ! ftMURWEY, Gotse, Chow Chow, il'iekles Sauees. :o- No. 3 Market Spiare, Noifojk, 'a. Dyspeptie Pill s