'! v t-v A 0 VANCE. Wilson. N. C, Jnly 25th, 1884 tl County Conicntlon. The Democratic voters of.Wilson county are requested to meet at e.icu township at z o'clock on Sat urdav Jaly 26th, 1884. for the par ve of electing delegates to attend the county convention, and to elect a township executive, committee to con-i-r. ui Uye members. - Each township may elect as .many dele gates as ii limy t,te fit, and will be eutitU il ti cat in the county con vention one vote fox everv twenty nve Democratic votes cast by eacn towiiHliiii in the last election for Goveuinr. The delegates so elect ed will meet, -.it rim flnnr TTnnnA in Wilson on Wednesday, July 30tb, 1884, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of .nominating candidates for Senator, f aember of the House of Re present ly ires ana an countv offimn ex , ' t Superior Court Clerk. The ceu nocrats of the county are ear- Dt'ily requested to attend: the neat Vmip meetings. tou redirection or the Executive Couiiu. F. A. Woodakd.CIi'ui. R KEN, tyft To Hei Advertisements! Piano -v e - Ml' Imiioi' 'it- Hats a H GivKor.v Un el land- Clmwali liapt J. 15. Brew Villi!. Lane. -. ( '. F. Griffin. '. . IS.it e A. G. Brooks. ,!:- Hodges & Hodges. ise uoiuies & South. njst .Female lustitute- s hell Convention .lay. will be Wilson is getting np considera- 1.1. aa ft and neonle from other States are spendingtheennon ne. inwn State two families from the 1, Moreheadvas never known summer resort, loieftead Citj Hotes. THE EDITOR "GATHERING TJP THE SHELLf "FBOM THK SKA-SHORE.) f I Old. Dominion ate and family of Xrhlu, and M . L twiner Jenkins ami tamil. n Richmond. . , Public Speaking. F. A. Woodard Esq. "'M"' Stantonsburg to-morrow.- umer Speakers will he proeur, aim -grand ratification nieetuig will be held. A tall Cleveland am Hend ricks pole will also be raised. Educational. v ir nvia Esn.. a bright young kJ. r Hip lesral nrofession, ol this place, will deliver an address in Spring Jlill township on the and trv to stir tlie Ul ilo".. . - . . i- ... ti.i imikiniiuio people up " ' . - general .education. Air. a graduate of Trinity College, with first honors, has considerable iu- fnrmt.ion. and WlU UO UUUi liver an instructive some address. a more gay- season m its. bistorv tnan ine present one, and the pres ent season has not lieen nearly so say at any time as at this date and whole- The O'Ud.V next Weil Tlie comity ' """"h, v YS ciineseA - lie county will meet on n" ""-" reconsider the jail ouestio Ti... New Berne Distric, nw will be held at Star diiL'sdiiv .in' in session on IV inngist rates Joiifer-Jrg, opeuiug Weil Work liiis commence! lresbvterniu. church, am-. pushed rapidly fovward. -'' 11 a neat stnu tiiie. M -' Warren Jr.-lias . i ..;i;..n .is .lueiit ol 11 ADVANCE, and is authorized receipt loi miie lne us. The Methodist Conference oft- Wiishiniiton Dislni-t is m sessij iit T.iisiK.t. He hope to n:ie .. i ti... tii-iii-feiliiiirs lie' week. Inslcal Concerts. On Wednesday and Thursday nio-htanf next week, July SOtli, and 81st, there will be held in the Oiiflra House at Golds Doro two musical concerts which promise to be notable in the history of music- d entertainments. We learn trom Mr. W. B. Lane, manager, that a uije number of the most taienieu noted men and women of the State II take oart in the rconcert, and that an opportunity of hearing so rich and rare a treat, oi music by North Carolinians has never before lteeu ottered in the State. We thuik all lovers of music ought to take advantage ot the cheap i xi ursioii rates wjiich will be of tered and at tend this entertainment ami at the same time visit the Fruit Fair which will be held in (roldsboro on the same dates. 'I lit ol'tl . Ill ill X OH UO t well kno ii S.e t'ic newiidveili em di. i:..i House, (iol.lMion other i-oliuiili, ami whdi (l.il.Ulioio stoo at tin hoiiM. tll-eeliville ini.clf.l xvilll thieves. Five Ir.iiises were broken l i .1 week, says I lie It niiv lie the same visited Wilson last winter in 1 1 1 out- my. .V "Ketitctor.' gang who f t w unci . - We have on our table a ealalo neof the Wilson Collegiate lnslt Jtiil Vain . i. tit.. t..ii...iii..r le. Il is a iitMi 'on ul 'we advise all pai1.es havin! dmmhlers to educate, to vnle. to iirof. Hassell for a eopv. rMr C. F. People and their Movemeits. Col. John W. Uiusdale, of Kal ei;'h. was in town this week on piiilessioiial business. -Prof. Jh- liu.s I.. Tomlinsoii lias been in town, this week. He has just closed his work at Chapel Hill, wheie he. was Superintendent of the Normal.- Mayor Hines and wile have returned from a visit to Seveu Springs. In the absence of Mr. Hines, M-. Atkinson presided) over the Mayor's Court as grace- j fully as ii he were an ol d baud at:; the business.- Mrs.. O. h. Wil liams and Mrs. Lat Williams are at Seven Springs. Miss Lillie (ray lias letiirned from a very pleasant. ; 'visit to Wilmington. Miss Kate jHiriies is visitingat Sinithville. r W. I'.. lines ami family, 1. Barnes r., ami wile, -ami aiism-s i.eiue llavis, ami Meua Branch, of Wilson L . I: 1. .... i-.i. .. I iifiti .miss l.izzie i oi ler n xarooro, iTinioseil the Moreliead party vVtirli lei! Wilson aturlav. IkJ F- A. WoiMlard and Miss Lee ker left for More head Monday. F. A Woodard Esq., has been i There are oyer Six hundred pnea tnhe Atlantic HoteL the chief stopping piace or the pleasure seetiers. ' THE ATLAKTIC HOTEL. This hotel, under the manage ment, ut i.r. i. is. jsanej, is well kept, and is a great improvement over last season. Jivery depart ment of the hotel Is admirably managed and Mr. lianey and his efficient corps of helpers spare no efforts that add to the enjoyment of the patron of the hotel. (We jtuiiunn uecause we ao not be lieve in the absnrd and ridiculous custom of referring to people who stop hi, a notei ana pay their bills, as "guesl s') . The part of the man agement of the hotel of which we can 1est speak and most highly praise, is the excellence of the bill of fare. We think we are not put ting it too strong to say that no hotel at a North Carolina summer resort is better managed. We are certain that few men have the tact to manage, to devise and exe cute in so large a degree as Mr. Kaney. Mr. .Raney is like a General in commaud of an army always cool ami couectea and his force is marshalled with true martial spir it. We propose that he be dab bed General in the future. "Gen" Kauey sounds well! THE YOUNG LADIES. Of the COO guests at the Atlan-! tic lully two hundred are young ladies. And while there are few dazzling beauties among this large number, yet as a whole, it may be irutniuny said, it is a crowd of nanosome, good-looking, attractive young women. We do pot think there is a yonng lady at the hotel who would be called homely they are all attractive, some in a great er degree, some in a less. They have a variety of charms. Some, and this is a large number are admired for their grace in the dance ; some for their conversation al powers j some tor their beauty; some--ami this is a very small class, we are glad to say are at tractive because of their flirting qualifications, which make them popular with some of the shallow pated young chaps whose brainy have from long contiuued disuse run down into their heels. Of the whole number, however, it may be said, they are representative Tar Heel women, and have the grace and charms which characterize the girls of Tarheeldoiu. j There are also ladies from South Caroli na, Georgia and Virginia who vie with our . 'home" girls in beauty and attractiveness. in costume, and although it vaa an impromptu affair,- it was one of ie events or the season. Miss euie Davis, of Wilson, represent ea "JJivernon," and Miss Mena urancn, of Wilson, "Patience," and there were not two prettier, more attractive ladies or more graceful dancers ou the floor. THE WILSON PARTY. Wilson has a good representa tion at Morehead and a Wilson man can feel at borne there. -And if we do say it and perhaps we "ought'nt," no town in the State has a handsomer, more jovial, or more pleasant party Wilson leads everywhere! AMUSEMENTS. mi. . . - xuere are a vanetv oi amuse ments, the most popular of which J. A. Clark's ice house will be open on. Sundays from 8 : 80 to 10:30 a.m., and from 5 to 6: SO p. m. Seveuty five dozen Webster spelling books at Rouutree, Barnes & Co's. .The very best ladie.4 hand-made shoes to be had cau lie found at Rouniree Barnes & CVs. Cad and examine them. Rouutree, Barnes & Co. have jnst received a fine line of cash meres, black and colored, Surges. wiuutctui, uiaua ciotns, l.,- rv twills, Flannel Suitings, black an colors, basket flannels, cloak cloths. &c. Someone has said indigestion was the cause of more than half the CHEAP FARMS in Warren Co., N. C. are dancing, ten pins, fishing, sail- j ailments of the present day. Had ing and card playing. Tie Stite EiniblUoo. r - ..... juit. cuiTOK : in a little more than sixty days the Exposition will be opened at Raleigh. Can it be that in this great industrial exhibi tion of our State, when all of the other counties will vie with each other in honorable rivalrv. that Wilson will be absentt We cannot are not willing to believe that a county whose citizens have ever been so true to the call of dntv to .1 rt. - tue otare can or will be derelict in this important matter. The citi zens ot the county will meet for other purposes in the Court House on Wednesday next. Let some or- they said four-fifths they would not nave missed it very far. One says he has heart disease, another ray liver is torpid, another I am trou bled with my kidneys, another I suffer with headache, another rroin constipation, another from chronic diarrhoea, auother from nervous ness, another I have no appetite, and so on, and to sum np the whole indigestion, is at the bottom of it all, which a few bottles of the Sev en Springs Mass would core in a short time. NEW ADV KRTIHEMJ SNTS. Gregory House, Hoi.nsRnRn v. r StSb? HoLMES & SOUTHEELAND, Pro to exhibit the resources, &c, of our county. wealth, C. Sam Hodoes. H. Hoooks. DIED. in Rocky Mount, Thursday morning, July 24th, Dr. W. T. Danghtridge, aged about 24 years. Mrs. Mary E. Fuller, wife of rim late gifted Edwin W. Fuller, author of "Angel in the Cloud" and "Sea but", died in Louisburg, Saturday nism, jniy iziu. sue was a cul tured ,nob!e, Christian woman and her death carried sorrow to many ucaita. oiio was a reacner in Central Institute, Littleton, and was most emcieut and faithful in uer work. She was a consistent auct active member of the Meth odist chnrcb. Hodges & Hodges, Wholesale Dealers in Hats and Cans AND LADIES TRIMMED GOODS. 4 Commerce St.. Norfolk Va. jul25-lm DEPOT MA RHIJID. i V, i i ?will shortly open a I I the iKtst ollice. m (iriniu. ol GoldslMiro, news'. stamt in oiii- town. He was in towu yesu rday making ar rangemeiits See advei tiseinent in f thisrissne and give him a call. V - .. Last week in. naming over I lie parlies whs-have heeii nu niiouetl iu eoui'eetion with the le-i.-lalive nomination we oiuilte.l the names of two of the most oopnl ir. II. d. . THE BEHAVIOR. V Moreliead has gained an unenvi able reputation throughout the State, anil a great many good peo ple." have believed. that only fast girls "and rapid boys enjoyed the place. This reputation, however deserved in the past, ought not hlnger lie attached to the place. i.V, In the Edgerton Hotel at Macon, inl2i N. C. Wednesday, July 23rd., at -- - IN POST OFFICE BUILOING. C. F. GRIFFIN Will open on Tuesday, July 29th. a news stand at which will be fonnd at all times the latest newspapers, magazines and periodicals. ESA lull line of novels, in the diflent libraries. EP3 Agent for every newsnaner and magazine published in Ameri ca at publishers prices- Whitehead ami .lohn A. Lane.-. I I t.r the dates July ::lli and f . 31st in mind. On lliese il ivs the' ' IL North Carolina Fniit Iviir will be 7 I 0 hej.l ill (lot.Utioro. Speeiallv low excursion rates will he - riven ami even bodt Win! can do so ought to i.llt ml. aft .1 en kins J ol Richmond, with hitlainily aret Mrs.lH. B. Daniel's. Wl acknowleige the pleasure ol a till. Mrs.;. L. Weavi-r i.s on , a vlit to her si ter at Snow Hill. ' Mi.4 Bessie, Grilin of Rocky Mount " wasin town thifiweek.-Mis!ses Fan uie ind Annie lobiusou, who have ' bee i visiCJ at focky Mount, have : retimed home. Miss Georgia ; Adans is visiting in Wilson. 1 A. 11 o'clock a. m., Mr. J. W. Harrison a prominent young druggist of that town, to Miss M.-W. Edgerton of that place. Thanks are due for an invitation to the pleasant and joyous occasion. We wish the happy, couple a life full of hap piness, content and joy, Thursday, July 24th, at the rest deuce of W. H. Day Esq., in Wei don, Mr. W. S. O'B, Robinson, U S. District Attorney, to Miss Grace Important Notice. TO THE MAGISTRATES OF WILSON OOTTNTV. Pursuant to order of the Imard of commissioners, the magistrates of the county are requested to meet a the coprt house in W llson at 10 o'clock a. in., on Weduesday July 30th, for the purpose of taking fur ther acttou regarding the building Mosely, of Weldon. Shortly after or rePai,r,ng J'1" A the busi Considering the character and locality of these lauds tbev are the Cheapest Lands in the State. Tirtt ..r ..it r. . ..-. ' - ii.-w, ui tni njxen I mm OU IO ZUOU acres. Prices from to tot 12 ier acre. Lands which can he e.oilv made to produce a bale of cotton, or $200 worth of tobacco, or from 30 to 40 bushels of wheat to the acre, can lie bought at from $ 7 to 10 iter acre. ' Large farms for sale at less than the buildings on them cost. These lands are splendidly adap ted to the growth of tobacco, wheat, com, oats, clover, and grasses, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. On nearly every farm there is a variety of sod, suiting all the crops. Will produce the finest bright TOBACCO IN THE WORLD. Tobacco, grain, grass and stock are more profitable thau cotton and these we cau raise to perfection, but we can make as much cotton to the acre as elsewhere, and this eu- ables a farmer to divide his crop, which is the most profitable svs- teni of farming. . Warren c unity has from time immemorial, lteeu noted tor its health fulness. Persons' iu the eastern counties can sell their lauds aud buy better lauds in Warren for halftwbat they can get for theirs, be exempt from miasmatic diseases, drink pure cold water, live longer, and make more money. . '... . I have several properties for sale which would make, desirable loca tions for physicians who wish to combine farming with the practice of their profession.' Write me what size and kind of tract you want, or come and see me. B- F. LONG. WARRENTONyN. C. MUSIC GLASS. , Mrs. W.S. Barnes wiU take a few I music scholars in her private class, ; to commence August 1st. She will open a Primary .school for boys and girls Sept. 1st, if m many as ten j pupils are entered by first of Au . gust. For terms address, Mr. or Mas. W. S- Barnes. i Wilson, July '34rlin SEYEfl SPni"3S K3TEL Htt fifti f.r Tie Iwptwi f Tkika terms: Per day, tl.50; per week 6.00; per month t20.00. T. A, whithkld, 'Proprietor. Seven Springs P. O., - julll lm Horner SoJaooL ' o Oxford Nl C. The Fall Session 1884. begins the fourth Monday (28th) of July, Terms as heretofore. New Cat alogue jnst issued. july -11-1 mo. i J The (Jul Ii LIGHT DRAFT IAG-ITOIiIA COTTON MN And (Jonclenser. VISBUIUDICUEUY villeuijox ing the sa breeze. Mr..'. 11. Best fe in town.- .VTrs.Cliailie Fanne has returned to Gitlsboro. CW. Wesi In ook is iii lieenslioio ami we regret to hear hat he will -jrttbably locate there Miss MarKu Connor is ' I'i - Miss AhV Hines has fetureit to Marlljoia ; (i. W. Ai nail pasr rweive t ftiiiesnii.v iilouf Ks Uigur ,ll. -tesse ivu ot. nim in cs JJ 14 miles Ii cm n ii oil. i.t-r in st Ol inlir.mluiM ti vtt t r , IV.. . t lusLimti.i, iiimu vjicvud iuui t -s.i., aiier Keeiug our eves wit this -.week. Mr. E. Court- oneii and we rhint va r. ....'.J. - ,.-' Vi'lllllC inC Al P.nhmAli A nrif K 1 ; l . . . . 1 m"' io juugt mat there is no Miuimer resort where the people ate more eireiliniH.ef nr ivl,..ii. 1 1,. ywmg women are more maidenly j modest. That there are 'last"; ghls at the place is to be expected, bilf we saw ii.ine.. Mr. Raney is ilrtng bis utmost to make and keep bi house orderly. The gas is shut ort'iiighily at 12 o'clock, and all are exiieeletl tit eel ir. ;tf. tl.i.fr I..hh Iraiieh ami I'au ly sue at Smith- Tb music also eeases tit iwelvp ami no dancing is allowed after that hour. This is proper and is to be commended. I the ceremony Mr. Robinson and bride left for Asheville on their bridal tour. The Advance, in common with the many friends of this happy couple, wish them a long and prosperous voyage over the sea matrimonial. Columbia River Cannery. M r, George Heme, one of the larg est can ners of fish, on Columbia River, Oregon, says that lie suf- lereii witn rueumatisiu lor seven years, having 8eiit six mouths at Arkansas Hot Springs, and at Paso Ruble- Springs, Cal., four inoiilbs in every year, without ben efit. Finally he tried St. Jacobs Oil, the great, pain-cure, and iu a slant time all stiffness and sore ness of the joints disapieared. nes8 to.ne transacted is important . . . a mil attendance is earnestly de sired. jul25 A. G. Brooks, Ch'm CHO"WAN BAPTIST rEililE IMlTliTE MURFREESBORO, N. FOTTNOED 1848. T he location is singulailv natc in a nniet ionaiuis. ll(es i,-,.m iiii-.m. i.pr ins , wils Gr;m(, ;f (j Vrt B:l, ie ami stock ol goods l.y file, j , ibj,aml K, ..val AM, Chapter ' well s l,..s was .art.alh cover, ,1 by ut- N,, C5arli aud we know I at lilMiiaiiet cv heiiig tlie .iiii'iunt ol his Ka wis' three story brick build ing on the comer ol Nash and Guldshoro streets is quite an addi tion to that part of the town. We learn that the masons have leased the third story which they intend having fitted up in elegant style. Three negro men broke out of jail Thursday night t last week. Ot all the things Wilson county needs a new jail is first. There is no use to continue spending money ou I he old one as :t is but money wasted. We need a new jail anil we must have one. ""fTie Show Hill "Telegraph." says,. Capl. .las Speight, though over seventy eais (,f age, can read writing easily without the :ii,l of glasses; we saw him doing it the other day, a"nd there were two oth er gentlemen present, both well ..preset ten,, one ol tit. in tiftv two il the other ftl'tx -sev.-n -...,. .a. I II Her ol tlit'lii ...in 1. 1 the same wining under tl. id-j ht a- Capl. .-'p -i ;ht if,. I nrotlier nlo fit. , i.isr -eek ask,' I -'tf,, iw , .in.-eril was a Lievrtn. "u v heeled eotie -i n ,t lv',CVel yo.i . an one with tivi I ,11 . . J nu te. i,at .Iih-j. 'a li I I lead ante TIIK OHSF.RVANCK OF TUE SAB ;' BATH. - On Sunday inoriiius a sermon is preached in the ball room and services 'are held in I he churches has retimed from the j 111 t,,e place.- Kev. W. T. Jones, When in I.'aleigh he , formerly -of Wilson officiates at the Baptist church, and ltev. Mr. Byrd, known in Wilson a talented now i,u" piiiiniiig ., nuns uiait onici- that Inored mantle will ates at the Methodist 'church. It with jaoe ami dignity.- E. II. j 's ;i deplorable fact, however, that, Davi-ii on a visit to Louisbuig. ; be observance of Sunday is not Helen B. Dauiel is visit-' Wuat t ought to lie. On last, Still ing bedaugiiier at lioeky Mount. : day and we record this fact with M W. J. Fitzgerald is ut ' regret- champagne ' dinner: was. Morehul city and not at Smith- j given by soino young men and at ville, a we stated last, week.-i tended. by some- rf the best and MessrsJas. K. Rouutree ami C. G. : most, .highly connected young ladies llutcht-a.u are at Moreliead. the State. We say this not to their credit, because it is not credi table, but deserves censure. The "best society" of our State ought to Joseph Da- 'ser a good example aud attending - r.ir . xuesdaj foi Baltimore.' cuauipague ninncrs on nunoay is - decidedly wrong ami in bad taste. iCunimuoited. e hope for the gctod name of our A New lase of Elcr.tinnp.p.riniJ Prn. Professional notice. As my business in Franklin coun ty will take quite all my rime Dr. J. G. Penniugton and myself have formed a partnership to practice medicine. 1 take pleasure in rec ommending Dr. Pennington to my friends. Tney will find him a good doctor, obliging, and always on hand at my old office. I hope all who are indebted to me will settle with Dr. Pennington, who is au thorized to receipt for me. Dr. P. will not attend parties who do not pay me, except in cases of charity Many thanks !0r past patronage. H, F. Freeman, M. D. jyn-st lortn i ud remarka bly healthy village on a site of rare beauty, aud within an enclos ure of 28 acres. It offers superior advantages for instruction in all departments, the faculty consisting ot turee gentlemen and seven la uics. i ne school n more prosper ons than it has lteeu for years. Charges are reasonable. Next se sum begins Wednesday, October 1 ror catalogue giving all necessary n format ion, address ju!25 J. B. Brewer. Pres When You Want a Good - F I A no. Whsn Yoy Want a Good mm iiomv ITEItlS. Air. ti. H. Wainwright has la'en i" Uakli this week, called" there I'.v thelness tt his wife's father, .-iie r. l ooke.- jected Id the political Campaign. ; North Carolina young people that this will not occur again. TIIK KEGIOITS FLEA AMONG TDK COLOln BKETHREN PLAYED W all itis worth. : i ' We leu that iu the Mi-iinii ; t lio Stale the colore pieaehel:ti-i. I,i,,,..,,r tl... rnl...V - im. ,.., A. THE SURF. Mil 1 1 nr. 'A heeled a l 'ir.-e . .Mild Hll-.f- a soei.'l v iim i uw- wne. f uia.lu one oi tne" m.t useful o the s.ni.,! eiiel. in. i. 'i. .1... t !... 1 1 row. Onei-v ic-N t lat of not have il'-. M hen llli'lliHeis Oil w '..-..I UoltpiltOns wh.,.,,... .ill'' ..ii -v i 1 . 1. . . ' ' ' .... i i ,u,i mu ii air Is y.h Vl.n-il' the State. ve ti,,l H I hi el.tsai. i. :,t ,,is lJlll( 'ir11'- .'pl'l MlldeH t W;,t. .-.nice in,. W;,r u. 4k.,,,,!, ,".i oiii is.iitir i,.,.. pl,e.K-IVl. lM--anse they lldllt- llllllllti.r lutt i . . " -"uon, ami nave lived extr.vagantiy. Now tl.ev raise the hnest tol,acc4, are ,.(u iiomical, and aw prospering. A is very cheap in the county, p., ties desiring to pnr.-h would d., ead the advettisnnit.nfr ..r Long in this Ve understand that Miss Lillie Gay, an accomplished musician and very hue vocalist, will take part in rise coucert iu Goldshoro tile evenings of the 30th aud 3lst and we predict for her a glorious sue- ouc m iiuuuuoredly one of ;r,-v uu1esi sgers ui.Xortb v"'u,,"a) " uer vou'eis capable of l he grandest results. There is a depth, and a volume ami a rich ness and a sweetness in her voice which few possess, and all Wilsoh feels proud of its gifted vocalist III;;- oret Cl.liv. i III!,. i, !lll;l ... 1 , t ...... MiutK. win wtiar i.ir said. ill all tlo tds of de bible. : dar he cum to vtve Diuimyenits ! l whiir, brC'i-en, no wliar ! Taint in dar! AilMi. ifmy o.'you jiuesde li.imine.v ,., ,,,.s ,,- j ',,.,. ,- '; 'K.i,!4 ,-an;,ot enter Mi I "in ol liti,.,, " e l."i Ibar a more accurate e;.Mtioi M-tiptu e will obtain a 'i."igti,t,V,i,.. brethren of Mm seei: !4 . Xoveinbe- c,e- "U. and t thev wol I.,. t .:... i.-.tu.e i,f tlierv ll ipe f Going to Morehead and not go in in the surf is like going to visit l hti .Holy, Land and not seeing Je- yniiilam An.1 r-n, r..nr ..v... - i i...nii-iui xvilil jn, icitj VAJIII pitl it- .Vlbeinarfc' ;tiveK-. : take dva,iir,:t$Te of Mii. health-giving pleasure. . TENNESSEE EDITORS. king- well to Mr. B. F. gi'eiit to bear on their en coin; '!,.. sciiptiiis de-. ()u Monday a party of Tennessee . ":fc.ieii, -. .it d,. iSavi.n- i-.uitt ji'ditiii-i by in vitatioli. visited Aluri-- oild t.. ave 'imliUcaus ,iu-ad aiVl I'eiitained I wo da vs. Tin. . i -. , laity as taiiniKXsetl maiuly of ! joung ufen liandsome and talent ed. Most of them had nevrr W I'we seen y lie ocean, and as they t",k in t lift beaut v aud inajesty and gr:iiidner id grind obi Neptune, lhe weie lH-ee , less with sirailge eiiMitious. Une of them told ns he IV-lt liillv leiiiid for bis Ion-' i.wtr- hey i.y a si-At ol tb,; Miignnj, tuar ing waters. T!i.y were inucli pleased with V.nvlieail and North hiongiit Carolina aille.n 1 1; .1 hiitn. with is even - more' thein tl,.. iiiiiirAssiini ih;,i this it:, , wllll.is:!. h.Minvj.,. . , ,,.,...11. i.... I ..l.....l .1 :. . .i ,,..1 ...,, 1 ,. . . ...... .... - l.lllll i, ll.lllll llttw lll W illi oiu votes he Democratic ticket, ihe --.muI ti.i....A,. ...ir..i w i....... -i i,t,ft.. ,,. ... North Carolina have an op portunity of welfiuing them again. OUR SENATOR. VlL'R GOVERNOR AKD : OTTR 6ENERAL. On Tuesday nikht the Keids- villo Military Ooumny, which was enjoying a trip to Vie sea shore, drilled iu the balll loom, after which upon repeatedealls Senator Vance made a short Vpeecb, char acteristic or the mam It was re ceived with much applause. Gov. Jarvis was called on and made, as he always does, a sensible, short and pithy speech. After the Gov ernor had finished GenL Robt. liausoni was calleil onHeex; cused himself jn a f f words. These three men are held lx high esteem at Morehead and tLejtre tin centre of an admiring, circle. THE MASQUERADE BALL. ; On Wednesday 4ight was a suc- une hundl neooiewere from Smith's s Get your ruta baga seed Margraves. Now is the time to give worm oil. Get your turnip seed from graves. Ruta baga and tnrnip seeds at Hargraves. Large lot, new crop, turnip seed, at wholesale and retail. Rowlands Drug store. Get your scythes to cut oats and wheat at Rouutree, Barnes &Co's. P When you want anything in the musical line from a Jew-sharp to a SI, 000 M Coacert hu, rnta baga seed at ..... t. ? at"ly in the line of du- ,s , "a "nnnig no repentnce"i (Politically: imn if he lie .wl.Qf i.. these degecate days are too often, ! las but in changeable terms) i ! (Ke) ,ul,li alV snmer -!. -. ..er uiey, the Gamali .1 of mat sectioned "mighty iu the Ware," ether with other Zt StSrsSuyrernfibe Shi o. i erDlty Oaughan, h ihani1 lrs)' take'i matte m hand amlve thecoloretl breth- 01 two,"the campaign.- ; , Sigma. Am'VV'' se.l or m niv rinriUa iu '.V family the relief ma e ru8,,t:ut Pn fc ties, tqnal. "oaitau.9 ami ;.. t..- I COIlAr ii n,i.i..r. T- - n ll.lllllll. M n cess. Tin nip and Hargraves. The celebrated Heiser Shoes at Kouiirree, Barnes & Co's. Trunks, brass kettles, fruit jars, at liountree, Barnes & Co's. All variety of turnip seeds at llargraes. 1 he tine -it line of soaps in tow lioughf at rock bottom cash prii at Rowland's. Drss silks, satins, and silk par. a sols cheap at Rouutree, Barnes & Co's. : ; ! . . A new and large lot of turnip ami i uta baga seed just revived at Hargraves. harness or Barues & Write or call upon Har- Will B. Lane. 7 . Manager Carolina House, Goldsboro, N. C, And he will save you from $15 to t20 on Organs and from $2.1 to $ 50 on Pianos. Everything fully war ranted. All freights paid to near est railroad or steam landing. No fraud. No deception, hverything as represented. Pianos and Organs sent on 1" days trial. No money required until pin chaser i.s satis fied. We can-v the largest stock ofSHKKT MUSIC and Hooks of any house iu the State. S. n,l for catalogues. Will B. Lank, .jul-2. l v Manager. " Barnes iSdiool You can get a gool saddle at liountree, Co's- Go to Nadals Drug Store fresh turnip and cabbage seed. Gents and boys manilla, macki naw aud leghorn' bats at Rouutree, Barnes & Co's. (HIGH GRADE.) FOR B O Y S Begins second session Sept. 1st, 1884, and continues twenty weeks. Boys prepared for col lege or business. Regular course of law lectures. Moral culture a specialty. Number of pupils limited to 30. No primary de- fori Dartment. Earlv entrance re- Wm. S. Barnes, Principal. Wilson, N. C.-jul 11 THE CHEAPEST CAMPAIGN Paper in the Slate. The Weekly "News-Observer" club rates from now until Decem ber are as follows : ..: ..s o 3 7a . - 7 oo 1....15 00 .i..38 00 Get up your clubs at o'uee. You should see that every voter in your county has a copy. ' Address, News and Observer Co. . Raleigh, N. C, 5 copies-.. M copies 20 copies 50 copies.... loo copies...... Scotland Neck, N. C. Fall sees Ion berins 1st of SeMember. Soriiur sessioo Detrins January inn. a utuon rrom 3&o to (550 per month. Board wiU be reduced and can be had with the Principal at the Acad emy Boarding House. New buildings are to be erected dv tne opening in September. Kvery effort will be made by the Principal to sustain the school as it Is and to Improve It. Special inducements offered to boys and young men preparing- for college. Send for catalogue. julv4 3m E. E. HILLIAUD, Principal, Scotland Neck, N. C JJOUSE FOR RENT. . A . desirable new residence on Nash street.: For terms apply to. V. F. Moss. 0TICE. Is hereby given that there is one first-class store of almost a general -merchandise below the railroad. We keep everything, in the best order, and tender due politeness to every cus tomer. Our goods, are sold at rock bottom prices for cash. Terms made easy by the week. We earnestly solicit a call from aU. may9 STTLI.BTV & WOOTKN. GIVES BETTER SATISFACTION THAN MARKET. .. :o: -. . ANT GIN ON THE The Magnolia Gin has eoim in comitition w.th uearlv everv othF gin on the market, at State Fairs, etc, ami in every instS bS Theater! gLTworr"' taken t,,e h0,1rS ,0r W iSt diKd In every cotton srrowitur St.ite tl... m ,.,..i... . . . , enviable name for Use.f, and may well lcalUhV-H SSJ5 ZVtl lfc t0 a" aud l W. Oin 'wil, LATE IMPROVEMKNTS. . tu i,uc iHimic iiiiH season U w r tt SSrf' tSCiany' t0 the imP'euts made" Tie iluring ?aS year, and which lmnrnvomoiifa i....li .. . . . 'i.it every party who waVso fortu ': . ? vuukbu uuuer rue severest tests. It is a well known fact, that in all other Gins particula CO m ZD H m H o 1 i3 P CD 5 mm seed. no Order just Received at N AD AL'S Drug Store. - - '-.?- Ju'lt Wilmington & Weldon, O. Co. Secretory and Treasurer's Ollice. Wilmington, N. C. July .".tl, 84. A dividence of four per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Wilming ton & Weldon R. R. Con will be paid to the Stockholders at this office on aud after the 15th inst. J. W. Thompson. Secretary & Treasurer. jnly-ll-2t. Kstablisbed J is the only in School for ' 17H3, Boys in the South with Gas Litrht. a first clss G nuu a unti emm m,n nuutw. I ne course is PreDaratorv or Finishing There is a thorouirhlv miiilnnMl Schnnl nf re.eifrapny. special terns to young men of smalt means. lfUst Session bgins July 30th. Km t ataiogue, address, Mtl.H. Rthiiii.h july4-lm Bingham School, N. C. Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods wntcn win neip ail. ol either sex. u maKe more money rignt away nr else in this world. F.irt.unno await the workers -abAnlntAlv Ann,. At nnn. aauress tbui x Co.. Augusta, Maine. Strayed or Stolen- From mv house iu Spring Hill township, about seven weeks ago a pale red ox, white spot between his lore legs. Mark, swallow fork in left ear, niche under ir. half moo u in right ear. Will give $5 for the delivery to me at home. JOHN HAWLEY. P. O. Meeksville, Wilson Co.. N. C. j tin 27 4t f lHAKLES -'OCKADE I Established I8C5 I AHBLK " OKKS. Aianuiacturers oi Monuments, Headstones; Tablets, dec. Sycamore St, opposite Halifax Petersburg, Va Ix-signs sent to any Address Free ENFIELD MOTEL ENFIELD. N. C. First Class H..H-I. SaulDie Konm for Coin' uu-nial TravcK-is. Livery Stables. First lass IfcHril l.y the .lay. week or month. APOLANT& HKNCKEL. ivl; anxer 5d 0 i : P r d ;M dr. i B s CD O 0 B eg . ft? Ii g (L trj , a B . O Oj P CD 9 Qi V5 CB P IB O 3 "- s ? CD EJ "z S S" a-" o - O S 52 ct, 1 S5 SBo 58 B' a rt. o a, t M Pi o I?5 C5 O o p -.4 0 2 tree C n en CO tc "5 2 & 13 N.Q tf? 5" CD J. mrjc, q IPP a i-s ji o - s Co o l-S . C5 o p p 5 5" CD 3 P C H 3 b Ha C given to feeding more freely at the ends of tta UotioV fix hau .y! where else. With the imnrove,! rt . iJvi? ... ,x . " . a.u7' ZSSSZ' ,ih"'"-"""" .SiS'AS WTe have also added an iittiu.i.iin.i.t-... r...i . enable.! tn in,.raua "."""-"".r "Ul Tuc0 "if W,,M Jm r bromrht r" .i." ' r 1,0 or feeding. This .vu j, v,wugiUii n lKju 111 ieeuer arm. which mS!v tok,?ProU:rSeUtinS -tton"to tldnim , m inediately takes it up and crives it. t, tt, ' - 1 - '--."' ' ' ' "' WILSON. N. C. tho mav23 Tornbull & Joyner, (Successors to Simpson & Barefoot.) ' Tarooro St., Wilson, N. C. -Keep a First-Class Grocery Store,- Bar & IteH tan rant, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac fSTWe solictit a share of the mtronajre uid guarantee to please. Give us a call. Janl8 3m TurkbullA- Joyiteb. CO a I I CD CD CD at ; O P Q H a cr. CD c C p at ct " " a ' 4 2S,I r ; h jo S3 ft x C r to (0 S e:.B. cc a 2 n v 1 g 5 3 SI 1 115 r c -j x . o S.C-? - a 2 S-r cT O E -I O trt- Sf!P 5 sir H or; b- s -5 ZD C5 ft t O S 2 1 4 8 III w :;:-:fW':''-Ul iii! ii. D R. J. G. PENNINGTON. I'EACTICING PHYSICIAN, WILSON. N. C. Office Over liow land's JJrng. Store, Has moved to Wilson and offers his nmfpwinn al services to the people of the town and ad. joining county, w ill make a specialty of the uucases 01 women aim emiarcn. T. J. & W, 1). UORNEU'S OL ASS1CAL, MATH EMAT1CAL, A1J COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Henderson, Van co Co., N. C. The Fall session opens 011 Monday, 01 iuiy next. Terms modcr ate; Send lor catalogue. jun'20 lm B USINESS FOR SALIi. Remember that yon will get no old seed at Nadars Drug Store. Fresh clover creamery butter at Moss, Green & Go's. - Now is the time to get matting, carpets, rugs &c, cheap at Boon tree, Barnes & Go's. - Nice clothing at Rouutree, Barnes & Co's. Full sets shoemakers' tools, calf skius, kip and sola leather at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. - Rubber belting' at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. TRINITY COLLEGE Fall term begins August th. and ends Dee. 23d. lisM, (IX months). Christmas vacation 3 weeks. Spring term begins Jan. 7th, and ends June 11th, 8S. (iX months). Tuition in Col lege classes, S&.50 per month; In Preparatory class, Ku per month. Board from ta to $12 permonth. Seoo for Catalogue and particu- Bkv. M. L. Wow, il. D., Pres. )uly4-tm Trinity College, Randolph Co N. C. -! Notice. - Having qualiflod as Administrator of James B. Simms, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson county, notice la hereby given to al. persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make Immediate payment, and to aU per sons having claims against tha deceased to pre sent them for payment 00 or before the Isth day of July or this notice wul be plead in bar of their recovery. F. W. BABKK9, Admin. Conor Woodard, Arty's. MyU-tt Wool Carding aad Spinnin?. :o: We are Agents for the PATTERSON WOOLEN MILLS And will forward to the mills all packages of wool left with us and Lave the wool carded, spun or made into any kind of Cassi mere, Jeans, Blankets, Linsey Flannels, &c, and guarantee its prompt return. No danger of loss when left with us. We make no charge for forwarding, but will settle when the wool is returned at factory rates. BRANCH & HAD LEY, Wilson, July 1, -2m Greensboro Female College. THE 57th Session of this well established and prosperous Institution will begin on the . 20th of AUGUST, 1884. Location accessible, heathful and pleasant. Faculty efficient aud faithful. Thorough work in all departments of instruction. Board (exclusive of washing and lights), and Tuition in full English Course, per seasioa of weeaa, a..uu. vnarges torenra atnntcs moderate. -. For catalogues apply to iuiT4-Sm , : I. r - . ' Vut An old well Established Busi ness lor sale, Itopomuc to enter nto a Jlannlacluriiiir business we oner for the next 15 ilays our busi iicss ami srocK consisting of a geueml fine of Iloiise-liiruisliing goous, slieec metals, stove, trraU's, mantels, tinware, tools, machines. and patterns. All staple clean and jitaioned. Capital reiiuiieil. about 85,000. Profits 83,500 eas v. Two months will Ik- devoted to ac quainting purchaser with the business. F. M. Kino &' Co. Wiliniiisrton, N. C. June-20-3t. KING'S MOUNTATX, N. C. Next session opens August 36th IK84. No. pupils last session ItST fnnn six StaU and from over 6i different counties iu North and South Carolina. Department ,,f practical chemistry and ruincrslry added, llusinoss college attached. Mountain scenery, climate and water unsurpassed. Strictly male with military feature. Seud for catalogue. '3to per year will coverall expenses, including two suits uniform. W.T. K.BELL. A.M., JulU-lmo Principal. Tape Worm. An eminent German Scientist, has recently discovered from a root extract, an absolute specific for Tape Worm. It is pleasant to take and is not distressing to the pa tient, bat U peculiarly sickening aud stujielj iug to the TajK- Worm, which Iimwiih its hold of its victim aud passes away in a natural and easy manner, entirely whole, with head, and while Hill alive. One physician Las used this spe cific in over 400 eases without a single failure to void worm entire. Success guaranteed. No pay re quired until removed with head. Send stamp for circular aud term. , !TTTiT7rfri Tz. C . jnx6 -10 Tc: . Leg Tew Y-'z. Over a generation has, passed since the Rountrees began business in Wilson, and they still continue to offer to the people of Wil son and tlie adjoining counties the most complete, assortment of goods in the Town at bottom prices.--Come one and all and ex amine for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. nnjiiiBiii Moss, Green & Co , : DEALERS IN : Grenerjxl Merchandise-" CORNER NASH AN D TAR BOKO STS., WirSON, N. CV Keep constantly on hand a large supply of everything a fanner vt-eds, which they sell aslosv as tir.st-clas ootN can lie sold anywhere. t'uch articles as Meat, Com, Flour, Meal, and Staple Dry-Goods can be tbad f rom us. at liviug prices. We do not claim to salt g'Hwls cheap hau anyone else. -Wezmerely ask .vou to calf and examine our stock' ud get our price liefore making your purenrsas. We guarantee to pleas? you. octl2-u WHCT S IT? ii one nr more oi ( Followio og i- Food- ation, Torpid lit He-ft'Mri, I tro. He 1 1 icim. Pt- Eating, Spitting np Your FooL Const er, Indigestion. Colic- Nervotis . lability, Dirzi ess, Jjusturoeii Dli'f Wltk JUtTeSSIBg i . . Dreams and un Suflrings. . Beclrmth'qyAnti-Dispeptic - Pi!1-; have cured, thonsan cine wa evef " ti i'i "l arwhs. 1-v "'- ' .e eviden-rv 'I S

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