been already prpi and any surplus BhooWbe paid into the , Treasnry. --yVo fjror an American COKTINENT AX, POLICY, '' based upon more intimate com mercial and political relations with the fifteen sister Republics of North. Central and South Ameri ca, bat entangling: alliances with none. We believe in HONEST MONET, the gold and silver coinage of the constitution, ana a circulating me dium convertible into such money without loss. Asserting the EQUALITY OK ALL MEN before the law, we hold that it is the duty of the Government in its dealings with the people, to mete out eqnal and exact justice to all citizens, of whatever nativity, race color or persuasion, religions or political. We believe iu a FREE BALLOT AND A FAIB COUNT, and we recall to the memory of the people the noble struggle of the Democrats in the Forty-fifth and Forth-sixth Congresses, by which a reluctant Republican opposition was compelled to assent to legis lation making everywhere illegal the presence of troops at the polls, as the conclusive proof that a Democratic administration will preserve liberty with order. The selection of Federal officers for the Territories should be re stricted to citizens previously resi dent therein. We oppose SUMPTUARY LAWS, which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty; we favor honest civil service reform, and the compensation of all United States officers by fixed salaries, the sepa ration of Church and State, and the diffusion of free education by common schools, so that every child in the lard the rights and zenship. may be taught duties of citi- BIOHTS OF PROPERTY AND LA- BOR. While we favor all legislation which will tend to the equitable distribution of property, to the pre-' vention of monopoly and to the strifct enforcement of individual rights against corporate abuses, we hold that the welfare of society de pends upon a scrupulous regard for the rights of property as define by law. We believe that labor is best rewarded where it is freest and most enlightened. It should there fore be fostered and cherished. We favor the repeal of all laws restrict ing the free action of labor, and the enactment of laws by which labor organizanizatious may be incorpo rated, and of all such legislation as will tend to enlighten the people as to the true relations ol capital and labor. We believe that the public land ought as far as possible to be kept as homesteads for actual set tlers; that all uucarned lands here tolore improvident ly granted to railroad coriforatious by the action of the Republican party, should be restored to the public domain, and tli at no more grants of land shall lie made to corporations or be al 1 lowed to fall into the ownership of alien absentees. We are opposed ' to all propositions which upon any pretext would convert the General Government into a machine for col lecting taxes to be distributed among the States or the citizens thereof. In reaffirming the declaration of the Democratic platform of 1856, that the liberal principles embod ied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence and sanctioned in the Constitution which make ours the land f liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of everv nation have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic laith. we never theless do not sanction the impor tation of foreign labor or the ad mission of servile races unfitted bv habits, framing, religion or kin ureu, lor absorption into tne great iKHry ot onr lieople, or lor the citi f.enship which onr laws confer American civilization demands that against the immigration or i in pore tiiium ol Mongolians to thes shores our gates lie closed. RIGHTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. The Democratic party insists that it is the duty of this Govern ment to protect witli equal fidelity and vigilance the rights of its citizens, native and naturalized, at home and abroad, and to the end that this protection may be assured. United States papers of naturalization issned by courts of '.competent jurisdiction must be respected by the executive and legislative departments of onr own Government and by all foreign Powers. It is an imperative duty of this Government to etliciently protect all the 1 ights of persons and property of every American citizen in foreign lands, and demand and enforce lull reparation lor any invasion thereof Au Amer ican citizen is only responsible to his own Government for any act done iu his own country or under her flag, and can only be tried therefor on her own soil and ac cording to her laws: and no power exists in this Government to ex patriate an American citizen to be tried in any foreign land for any 8ucu act. l lus country uas never had a well defined and executed foreign policy save under . Dem ocratic administration. That policy has ever been in respect to for eign nations, so long as they do no act detrimental to the interests of the conutry or hurtful to our citi zens, to let them alone. As the result of this policy we recall the acquisition of Louisiana, Florida, California, and of the adjacent Mexican territory by purchase aioue, and contrast these grand Acquisitions ot Democratic states- ship with the purchase of Alaska, the sole fruit of a Republican administration of nearly a quarter or a century. The Federal Government should care for and improve the Missis lppi river and other great water ways of the Republic, so as to secure for tne interior states easy and cheap transportation to tiqe water. AN AMERICAN POLICY DEMANDED, Under a long period of Demo cratic rule and policy our merchant marine was fast overtaking and on the point of of outstripping that of Groat Britain: under twpifr i v years or Kepubiican rule ana policy -m OQT commerce una uwii leic to snusfl oouoms ana aunosc oas the W&Y. &btrii!in flaw Iwmmi cvenr. 'off tlia as.- instaa ottneliepub- : fsa Pucy we de- yrrr -foe united States an American policy. Under Democratic rule and policy our merchants and sailors, flying the Stars and Stripes in every port, successfully searched out a market for f ha varied nrndactfl of Ameri can industry. Under a quarter of a century of Republican rule ana policy, despite lall our manifest ad vantages over all other nations in hich naid labor, -favorable climates and teeming soils; despite freedom of trade among all these United States; despite their popnlation by the foremost races of men and an annual immigratipn of the young, thrifty and adventurous of all na tions; despite our freedom here from the inherited burdens of life and industry in Old World mon archies, their costly, war navies, their vast taxonsnmic, non-pio-ducing standing armies; despite twenty years of pe. oe, that Repub lic: ii rule and po'scy have man aged to surrender to Great Britain along with oar commerce the con trol of the markets of the world. Ins' cad of lite Republican party's British policy we demand in behalf of the American Democracy , an American, policy.;-- Instead of the Republican party's discredited scheme and false pretence of friend ship for American labor, expressed by imposing taxes, we demand in behalf of the Democracy freedom for American labor by reducing taxes, to the end that these United States may compete with unhin dered powers for the primacy among nations in all the arts of peace and fruits of liberty. MR. TILDEN COMPLIMENTED. With profound regret we have been apprised by the venerable statesman through whose person was struck that blow at the vital principle of Republics, acquies cence in the will of the majority, that he "cannot t ermit us again to place in his hands ?!:e leadership of the Democraiic hosts, for the rea soa that the achievement of reform in the administration of the Feder al Government is an undertaking now too heavy for his age and fail ing strength. Rejoicing that his life has been prolonged until the general judgment of our fellow countrymen is united iu the wish that that wrong were rioted in his person, for thr Democracy of the United States we offer to him m his withdrawal from public cares not only our respcctiul symyathy and esteem, but also that best hom age of freemen the pledge of our devotion to the principles aud the cause now 'inseparable in the his tory of this Republic from the la bors and the name of Samuel J. Tiltlen. REFORM TjUE ISSUE. With this statement of the hopes, principles Hud purposes of the Democratic party the great is sue of reform and change in ad ministration is submitted to the people in calm confidence that the popular voice will pronounce in fa vor of new men and new and more favorable conditions for the growth of ludustiy, the extension ot trade, the employment and due reward oi labor and of capital, and the gen eral welfare of the whole country. TIME TO stop it. i's too bad, Sir or Madam, but don't get frigt ened. Your hair is falling off that's certain. A glauce iu the mirror or an investigating commit tee of fiugers tell the dismal story. We won't discuss the possible cause, jt is enough that Parker's Ilair salsam used now will prevent grther destruction. Is your hair jomewhat gray, too, and crisp! Alas, yes The Balsam will give back the original color, softness and gloss. Not a dye, not oily, ele gantly pei'tnined, a perfect dress ing. 3nintlisn Hon.' Edwards Stanley, of North Carolina, now of California, says: "I was induced, many years since, to use Beckwith's Tills to prevent bilious attacks, to which I wa sub ject. Since the; I have lieen entirely exempt. I know them to be sale, and may lie taken under any circumstances of rxpo snre." Sufferers with dyspepsia will be relieved bv using these Tills. :i 14 1m GREAT RE . - CURES Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. B3c2che. Headache, Toothache. Rorf Thrttrtt. !w elllng. Kmf na, BrnlMS, Itm ni. Mt'nldw. I'riMl Kites, . AXtt ALL HTHhH I1U1MLT PAINS AMI ACHES. Eoli by Dnizei.t. sn-I Dralers everywhrre. Fifty.OeBU ft bottla. IMiwttxi, in II Lanffuftira. T1IK II Vltl.K A. VOIiKLKU CO. (r-u.Maora to A. ViM.ti.LU . o I KalUmtu, 3d., t. H. A. Spring Hotel, ; Kenansville, -North Carolina, THOS. ,T. FOR LAW, Proprietor. DAVIDSON COLLEGE Mkckleneukg Co., 2f. C, The next session 'opens Thursday, aepiemoer i ttu. t or catalogues' apply to the clerk of the Faculty. mavlC3m Watclics. Jewelry, SOL1B SILVEKi SILVEK-PLATED WAKE Arc beinpr received every day. Our stock is the larsrest of any tlrst class establish mont In the city, anil we guarantee our poods at the lowest possible ftpures. Every article warrant- ra 10 ueaxreprcsenauii. ,., CHAPMAN & GALE, apis Main Street, Norfolk. Va. Orders by mail will .receive prompt attention- J. G. Pennington. II. F. Freeman T)ENXINGTOX & -C FREEMAN, PKACTICIXG rHYSICIANS, Wilson County, X. C. ttOffice at Dr. 11. F. Freeman's okl stand, where Dr. Pennington can be found day or night. jnlll Icliieiit's School. The exercises of this school begin annually on the first day of September and close on the last Monday in May, Advantages healthful location, large and commodious building, mili tary discipline! thorough instruction, many religious ad vantAgos, and cheapness. The an nual expenses, tnoluding everything-, are onlf $130, orttio per sesaiQn. Prof. W. M. Shaw wi- nave cnargo or the military department and otherwise assist in tljrrsthol. The design o tne school 4s not tovlnmkeJSridiera onlv. hut to orepare young m'A JorTSLlege and too cti-e duties of Mfe. . SAMFE iv.clfv-ijit. iTtnclnal. juiyt im FINE DIAMONDS -rwauaof t county, N. C AYER'S Hair Vigor ratona, with ti' gloat and tnmhnem ot youth, faded or gray hair to atwal, risk Iwown eotor, or deep Mask, m may b oartnd. By it me light or ted hair may bo darkened, thin hair tt-""", and lulrtnm often, though not always, eared. It cheekf falling of tbe hair, and itima Utel a weak and tickly growth to Tigor. It prevents and enret aeurf and dandruff, and healf nearly every diwiim peculiar to the aealp. Aa a Ladlee' Hair Creasing, the Vioox la unequalled ; it contains neither oU nor dye, renders tbe hair soft, glossy, and aLLfcen in appearance, and lropaxta a delicate, agreeable, and latticg perfume. Mb. C. P. BaiCBxs writes from jnrby, O., July 3, 1(82 : "Last (all my hair commented falling out, 'and la a short time I became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of ' Aykk's Haik Vioob, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I . hare now a roll head of hair growing rigor-. onaly, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparation I should have been entirely bald." ; J. W. Bovra, proprietor of the JkfcArtknr (Ohio) Enquirer, says : ATSB'S Haib Vioob is a meet excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The Vioob is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever faUed to give entire satisfaction." Mr. Asocs Fatbbaikn, leader of the celebrated "Fair bairn Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, Maunrh. 1880: "Evr since my hair began to givesU very evideice of the change which fleeting time proenretb, I have used Aran's Haik Vioob, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youth! ulness a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives in the eyes ot the public." Mas. 0. A. Pbiscott, writing from 18 Elm SU Charlcttoum, Matt., Apr 14, 1882, says : " Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using AVER'S Hair Vioob the railing stopped and a new growth commenced, and in about a month my head - was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle of the Vioob, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." j. We have hundreds ot similar testimonials to the efficacy of Ayzk's Hair Vioob. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti cal of its valae. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Ma88. Sold by an Druggists. AYER'S Ague Cure contains 1 antidote for all fi'vM dis orders which, so far as known, is used In no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, and consequently produces no Injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as It was before the attack. 'l'WB VASSA5T AIEK'8 AGUE CUBE ' to" cure every case of Fever and Ague, Inter- mlttent or ChUl Fever, Bemlttent Fever, Dumb Aguo, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure,' after due trial, dealers are authorised, by our , circular dated July 1st, 1S82, to refund tha money. Dp. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mast. SoU by JU Druggists. ITHTCIIELl.'S EYE SALVE, A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, Froducins Long-Sightedness, and restoring tbe Bight of the old. Cure Tear Drops. Granulatic Stye Tumors, Red CURE Also, equal! v efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever. Sores. Tu mors. Salt Rheum, Hums, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists. Mitcneii s salve may ob used to advantage, sold by all druggists at 5 cents. i A t: Alt D To all who are suffering from errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaKness, eany aecay, toss oi mannooa. ace 1 will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered oy a missionary in soutn America, send sen addrcsscd envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inm an, Station D, New York. maris ly n o b p. house, J Nashville, N. C. Jefferson Cobb, Proprietor, i tPOprn to the Traveling Public, NEW FIRM-' (Successors to Farmer & Bunn.,) TarbomSt., - - Wilson, North Carolina. DEALERS IN Family Groceries, Confectioneries. Dry Goods. rocKery. t.iasBware, MODaeeo, (Jigars, rin ware, &e. Country Produce bought and sold. Giveusacall. We will make it pay you. febl JOHN E. WOO DAK I), ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILSON, N. C' Circuit Wilson, Nash, Greene, wayne ana ucigecorane. Prompt and siiecial attention given to the collection of claims in any part of the State. jun22 ly ing New! "W- Olierry & Bro. CARRIAGE MAKERS. . AND " REPAIRERS No. 146 Water Stbeet, Xorfblk, Va. SECOND-HAND BUGGIES AND WAGONS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sept-21.12m BURGLAR PROOF (SASH.lLOCKSjDOORSI AT GEO. 1). GREEN & CO'S., Hardware Store, Wilson, X. C FINE SHOES. e have just received a large iot oi naiHi-Miuie Liadies', Misses, Children, Men aud Boys Shoes. Rountkee, Barnes & Co RCTUERFORD COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA lhe isixtv First frm r fhia school will" open on 6th, day ot August, 1884. The Faculty is full; the Course ia thorough; the place, moral and very healthy; the socie ty is good; Board aud Tuition, cheap.i Come and try ns. For par ticnlars, address. Dr. R. L. Abernethy, Pres. Rutherford College, N. C. June 13th 1 mo. UIGIIEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR Old Iron, JTletals, Cotton nod Woolen Rasrs, Jas. Powers & Co., dec7 ly 26 Rowland's Wharf, , Norfolk, Va. . For Sale- A JflPQAV Kntl tUwu. .ii,Li. r- . WUi seliat asacriBe. Apply al , . NO '"7" 'SSV NO MORE j MOKE weak! !f- JWSJL ETKS. 'XjS: I TIF. Suet! on JAS. T. WIGGINS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Hats, , oots and Snoes, Confectioneries, Toys, fctauon ery, Blank Books, and Draft and Note books, Crockery, Tinware, Brooms, Bice Flour, Bran, ana everything usually keptMn a store of , any kind. . Garrett's Grape Brandy and Wine, Black berry wine, &c. 1 will pay For all kinds of mutilated sil ver coins, also trade, Mexican, and Spanish dollars, and Five France pieces. CASH paid for cotton rags. beeswax and tallow. will exchange bolted meal for good sound corn, red, white or mixed. PAPER BAGS At Baltimore or factory prices : lib manilla paper bags 10c per 100 bags; Jib. manilla 12c per 100; lib manilla 16c per 100; 21b manilla 20c per 100; 31b manil la 25c per 100; 41b manilla 29c per 100; 51b manilla 34c per 100; 61b manilla 40c per 100; 71b ma nilla 44c per 100; 81b manilla 48c per 100; J0lb manilla 52c per 100; 121b manilla 63c per 100; 141b manilla 83c per 100; 161b manilla 90c per 100; 201b manilla $1 per 100; 25lb manil la $1.10 per 100; 301h manilla $1.50 per 100. I am agent for Mott's Cham pagne Cider by the barrel at N, Y. prices, freight added. J. & P. Coats' Best Six Cord Spool Cotton at factory prices by the dozen. Horsford's Bread Powders by the case $6.25, by the pack age 20 cents. I keep for retail purposes P, T. George's best refined Lard and it has no water in it. Just arrived a lot of fresh Excelsior Creamery Butter. N. C. corned, and Easterii Herrings. , l nave three stores ana you will be served at either place with prices as low as can be bought in town. Mr. T. B. Gilliam has charge of the store over the railroad Billie Farmer and Sam Parker the store on Tarboro street, and i have a full, line of clerks at the store near the corner of Nash and Tarboro streets. I carry one of the largest stocks of goods in town. Give me a trial. JAMES T. WIGGINS. HOUSE FOR RENT Formely occupied byMrs. Thoin as. Apply to J. T.WIGGINS. C. B. Atcock, F. A. Daniel OfWaine. . Of Wilson. AYCOCK A DANIELS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. WOI.USBORO. N. V. EP Practice in tho Court of Wayne, Wilson, Greene, Lenoir and Johnston, and the Supreme Court of the State. COLLKCTIOKS A?SPBCIAX,TT . mayo-lv . OTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, have form ed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine in the town or Wilson ana adjoining country. Returning thanks notvAma wV s- rtl w 1 Vvva 1 Tvaf- ir lllfjii I'uti 1U1 tllvli s irA acatf- I mnaire. thev solioit continuance of the same. Office on Nash Street op- posite the Court House lately occu- Jl T C TIT 1 X T7 1 I pieuuy jus. o. w (, jvhi.., wnere one. or ftotn may be always louna when not professionally engaged. V. U. FEAtXJUK, M. IJ., W. S. ANDERSON, M D Jan282.-ly. DR U. W. JOYNER, ftarinw permanently located m Wilson, N. C. All opperationp wll oe neatlyvnd carefully performed and on terms as reasonable as nos- sible. Teeth extracted without pain. umce rarboro street next dimr Post office. fJan 8 12m. Apothecary & Druggist; Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet, aud .tFancy ArtioleR. Paints,.' Ojls, Putty, Brashes antf e-Stntfs. Garden ' and Flovcr Seeds NO. 4 GRCE'S ROW, PORTSMOUTH, VA. anll-9m LUMBER FOR SALE. I have a large lot oi lumber for sale. It will lie delivered at anv jioint desired. Apph to ! F. A. WOODARD, nov23tf Wilson, N. C Dr. N. Anderson, Oilers his professional services to the tteoiile oi Wilson and vicinity Ofliw Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C j i n 1 3 r i JW. LANCASTER, ATTOENEY-AT-LA'W AND United Staffs Cotnmitusloncr, OFFTCKiCoui t House, Wilson N, O. A LEEET FAEMEE, TARBORO ST.. NEXT D00. TO WICGISS'. 1 Wilson, N. C, Dealer io Doors, Windovs,Blinds, Lime, Ilair, Plaster and Cement. All at Bottom Prices, forCash or Barter. Parties needing any goods in this line wilt nlease give me a call. oct6 tf BANK STREET HOUSE, Nos. 10 and 12 Bank St First Class Accommodations at Lowest ltat Clean and Comfortable Bed Chambers. Lodgings 50c a Night. Board by tho Day, Week or Month. Regular Meals 30c, at all Hours. Everything in its Season, cooked at the Shortest Notice. Bar supplied with Best and Cigars. W. H. SH ELTON ov231y Norfolk. Va Will be mailed CPTC to all i customer of last ThU year witBoatordennf it. IHI W I i A it contains umstratioos, prices, aesenpuons ana directions (or planting all Vegetable and Flower IM, PI..M V- invalnahlA to all. D.Mr FERRY & CO.ia!- r WILEY-CORBETT'S BIB R003, Tarboro Street, Rountrce's Old Stand. We are now ready to accom in o date vou with a drink of any kind of liquor and a square meal Oys , ters in every style v ;j ; anS-tf aT r.iltJEBLHi. -av PATENT iCJLEAMBRiUM.c.Ca. I'atapsco Flourinp M U E.mbliiihrd 17. BUHBS 1774. EOLLS 188 This Company ovr three Mills, as follow Patapsco Mill, A Md. C C Patapsco Mill, B, at-BaltimoreMd Patapsco Mill, C, at Orange Grove, Md. Haviug a daily capacity of 1500 barrels. v icoi.i.icic ii.i;k. Manutacturwl troni Maryland and virgiuia y neai, tieiraici tor its purity and richness' of Gluten. Phosphates and other nutritions properties. Ask your Grocer for PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE, FATArolAj r AM1LY, PATAPSCO EXTRA, CAPE HENRY FAMILY, NORTH POINT FAMILY, CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, BEDFORD FAMILY, V't ORANGE GROVE EXTRA. C A. GAMBRILL MFG. CO. 32 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. liepreseuted by ALEX. GREENE, Wilson, N.C. ' WOOTEX. T. C. WOOT1H WOOTEN & WOOTEN, SNOW HILL, N. C. CP Practice iu Greene and adjoin 1 ing counties. Will attend Wilson 5K i , n. jr rif CO FIX ! CA BPETS ! WIN OvV The largest and oldest Furniture I and Carpet establishment in East ern Virginia. " Our Eihibiton Jiooms are lm- men 8e, emoracing over w,ww 7 sauare feet of floor space Oar Uoods are nrst-Ciass ana embrace every article known in the - cjarpet or Furniture business. Our Prices are guaranteed as low as any first-class house iu the United btates. Our , Piano and Organ depart ment contains full assortment of Instruments of the very best mak ers, and we sell at lowest factory nrices. Our Snecial Asreucv is lor the Pianos of the celebrated manu facturers. CHICKERING & SONS, STINEWAY & SONS, EMEEISON PIANO CO., HENRY v. MTIjLER..' Every lnstiumeut warranted for five years, Correspoudence solicit ed. S. A.STEVENS. Norfolk, Va Sanderlin Bros. GENEIUU. C0HHISSI0X MSSCHAXT8 No 17 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Va. Consignments of Cotton. Peanuts. Corn. Shingles, Lumber, Staves and Country Pro- duce of every descrintion solicited la iberal advances made on Consignments in hand, or on mil loainir. B COUNTUY PKODITC Special attention paid to :e uknkhally. Aug-84-12m. CONNOR & WOODARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. wiLSf)x. ys.c. ty Circuit, Wilson, Wayne. Edge- (mbe, Green, Pitt and Nash Counties. Mayo, -Iv 6. H. Wainwngbt. p. J.Koyal 110)11. (Successors to Farmer & Wainwrlght.) Founders and Manufacturers Tof I the5 Only WILSON COTTON AND TURNING PLOW h :wilson,n.c.: Having bought the entire stock belomrinu to the old firm of Farmer ft Wainwright. we are now prepared to offer special inducements to mose in noea or AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We will continue to manufacture the oriiri nal Wilson Flows and Castings, with rae Im provements W AIW WRIGHT KOVAU novl6-tf At the Old Stand.) Jaler Oonfectioner. II AUG RAVE'S OLD STAND, OPPOSITE COUKT HOUSE, WILSON N. C lir? Fine French Candy, Apples &ts. Cakes, Crackers Alfred Robingon, FASHIONABLE BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. Tarboro Street, Wilson, N. C ESJNone but the best - barbers employed. Aiirit.ii House. Portsmouth. Va. Located convenient to Itailroad Denot ami all Steamboat Landing. TERMS. MODER- ATK. Kept by, THE MfSSES BKOWNLEY. AllE--t NORFOLKlSTEAUlDYElWORKS 113 Mala St, NuuroiK, Va. ' 5 C 1 VI 1 ( t I ED, DYED A 3 REPAIRED Q 4ui ies Dresses, Sha wis, &c. cleaned 1 la . uv ujcu eiiuni ui iKJW. yjur uye IS WHiT;intl) not to smut or rub off, branch Office, 235 High St. : i ' Portsmouth, anll'9m J. M- Marshall Pro. r. 15. AUSTIN. PijACTICAL AECniTECT AND IU BUILD E It. Office over Young's Store, onno- site Briggs' House, nov23tf Wilson. N. ... . 7 " PA1TEWTS Inventors, send model or sketch nf vni, in vention, when I wiU make careful preliminary with advice, circulars, etc freo of nhntm. a ii business before U. 8, Patent Office attended to for Moderate Fees, Information and reference sent on application" No charge unless patent is secured, J, R, LITTKLL, Wasbiturton, D, C dec21 Directly opposite Patent Office WHITAKEES ACADEMY, WHITAKEES, N. C. The 1 2th term and : Fall session of this school will open, the Lord willing, on the 2nd Monday in Julv and continue twenty weeks. Board can lie obtained at from 8 to 10 per month. Tuition from SS10 to 820 per session, according to grade ofnup'il; one half in advance, the oaiance in ten weeks. M. v ife, as heretoforeVVill give .instruction. iu music. For fnrther particulars iu quire of A. J. MOOEE. JuuzT 3t Principal. s TKAM KNG1HK FO& SALJ. One lo-horse power steam entrine with saw and grist mill, cotton gin, i press and shingle saw, and all the necessary belting and gearinsr. all of which is nearly new and in good couumou, ana will ne sola at very verv low prices, and on easy terms. j?or iurtner particulars apply to THOS. W. TAYLOR, At his home in Nash or address him at Wnson, N. C. may303m la hereby eiven that the' fi rm n High & Wooten did on the 25th day ot MarcU 1884, by mutual con sent, dissolve copartnership of re- oeaters or general merchandise. men naving ait accounts in hnri parties who are indebted to said firm will settle with him. All un-! paid accdunts sgainst said firm will t be presented to Hfgh for payment ' G.T. HIGH. "I SHADES! 1MWIIS AMI 0R I TQ0M1 WCWOOTEN. THE MOST SUCCEaSPnT.-HRVUnv KVKK discovered as it is certain in lis effects and does not blister. Bead proof below.. SAVED Hia IsCCO DOLUHS,! Adams, N. Y ' Jan. 30, lSH. Dr. B. J. Kendall A Oo (nt Hurimr now) 1 a rood deal of your Kendall's Spavin Cure with great sucoest. 1 thought I would let you know I what it has done for me. Two years ago I had ! as speedy a colt as was ever raised in Jefferson j county. When I was breaking him. ba kick.i over the cross bar and got fast and tore one of hind lees all to pieces. I employed the best far riers, but they ail said he was spoiled. He had a very large thorough-pin, and I used two bot tles of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, and it took the bunce enUrely off, and he sold afterwards for $1800. I have used it for bone spavins and wind galls, and it has always cured completely uu c. "- nu.vj 1-41. j It is a SDlendid medicitiA fur rtwnm.tium - ii have recommended it to a good many, aud they I aU say it does the work. J was in Witheriugtou & Kneeland s drug store, in Adams, tbe other oj w b icrj une piuiure you sent them. I tried to buy it. but couM not - th. would write to you that you wonld send me one. I wish you would, and I will do you all the good 1 can. Very Kespectfully, E. S. LYMAN. KENDALL'S SPA VIN CORE. Col ton. t'al., Oct. 3p, 1882. a. J. Kendall & Co Gents :-While in the em- t F U'"',c i r" lae weu known horse- I uwu, ui chui r nuiemeu, in roe year ending I88t'. ir .T; i s 1,1 w" year oia mat con tracted a bono spavin and seeing your liniment I known as Kendall's Spavin eure advertised ! upon mv own responsibility 1 commcuced uainr ! Ii ulrTCwitliin thirty days from that time and after having used only three bottles the spavin t was removed entirely, and therefore I naturally i have the utmost confidence in its merits. 1 do t not hesitate to recommend it to all who have I occasion to use the medicine and shonld anyone desire to confer with me I shall be glad to an- k swer any communication relating to the case la i question. I Kespectfully yours, . JNO. ROADMAN, j KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. . Charleston, S. C, July 22, 1883. Dr. B. J. Kendall A Co.. TWr Kim-t nlr- chased at Louisville, Kyt, a very line bred colt, and in shipping he got hia hock badly hurt oa Lire uutoiw ui mo joiul wuicii causeu it to swell three or four times tbe natural size, whlcli made him very lame. I tried a great manv lini ments which failed to benefit tha Inlmwi At last when disgusted, and ready to give u j iiicvuiiuiuiuai, i uapuenea 10 see your ad uertisement of Kendall's Blister and Spavin Cure, and thought I would give it a trial. I first applied the Blister to the hock which by this time had become calloused, and to my sur- yi iwiuuuu ii wurneu line a cuarni. in twenty tour hours the part that was harp became soft and the lameness began to leave. 1 then got some of Kendall's Spavin Cure and applied it acoording to directions, i , which has made a per- I eel cure, ann the colt is now as sound as any as I think it a duty I owe to you, and also for UUI3UWITC. 1 UIIIIC1V WniH L1IIH IC1 IJT 11 1 II 11 1 me troou ox tne dudiio ai lanre. The foregoing statement I will make affidavit to, and can also have the sameveritiad by the best horsemen in our city who daw the colt be fore ana arwjr treatment. Very respectfully. 13 Chapel St. JOHN R. ARNOLD, Kendall's Spavin 4 lire ON HUMAN FLESH. Vevay, Ind., Aug. 12th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kendall A Co.. Rentu: Snmnln nf circulars received Please send me some witn my impnnt, pnnteu on one side onlv. The Kendall 8 Sdavin cure is in excellent demand with us, and not only for animals, but for hu. man ailments also. Mr. Jos. Voris, one of the -eading farmers in county, sprained an ankle badly, and knowing the value of the remedy for horses, tried it on himself, and it did far better than he had expected. Cured the anraiii in very short order. very respectfully, CO. T1IIEBAN1). Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 5. Al druggists have it or can set it for vou. or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Enos burgh Falls, VU Send for illustrated circular SOLD BY ALIiDRUGGISTS. jan 4 ly POTJTZ'S HORSE ANO CATtLE POWDERS No Hoaas will die of CoLln, BorsVr Lvna K tkr, ff Fniita'R Powders are used in lime. Koufi-a Powders will cure ami prevent Hun i roi.eka. Koutz'a Powders will prevent Gapk ik Fowls. Font' Powders will )m reae the qnantitv of niillc and cream twenty per real., itnd make Uie htitrer liun UUd sweet. Font1 Powders will cure or prevent slmrer kvkct Diseasr to which Horses and Cattle are sulitect. FOUTZ'S PoWDEKS WILL UITE 8ATI8FACT IOM. Sold everywhere. DAVID . FOUTZ, Proprietor. . SAI.TIKOaE.lID.. PETERSBURG RAILROAD SCHEDULE in effect November 18th, 1883. Trains leave Petersburg (Washington street depot) as follows : Passentrer trains, daily .12 42 and 3 48 p m Daily, except Sunday. 10 48 p in Freight trains daily, except Sunday 6 00 a m 9 40 p m LEAVE WKLDON. Passenger trains, daily 2 25 a m; 1 SI n in Uailv. except Sunday 6 .SO a m Frelph trains daily, except Monday 5 00 a m Freight trains daily except Sunday...! lilpc Train leaving Petersburg at 6 48 p m stops only at Belfleld Sleeping cars and first class coaches on night and day trains. No change of cars between Wilmington and Washington. . Through tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points, and baggage checked through. Passengers going South will purchase tickets and check baggage at Washington street depot. Passeygers going North and stooging at Pe tersburg will claim their bairgage at Washing ton street depot. Freight trains on this road are intended ex clusively for freight, and no provision is made on thein for the comfort or convenience of passengers. Persons who travel on theRo trains are specialty not! lied that they are liable to delays, iueon leniences, and risks ui't inci dent to passenger trains. Agents are not required to open their offices for the sale of tickets for freight trains. North bound Freight trains will stop at night at Mt. Airy, and all passengers will be discharged at that point. R. M. SULLY, Gen. Superintendent, W.J.BROWN, Disp'ch'r of Trains. The Seaside Resort of tie Southern People. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, IHOREHEAD CITY, t. '. Under new management. Fifty rooms just added and handsomely Huruisned a total of 3IW elegant rooms Electric beils, gas and water in every room. New bath houses, new wharves and rroine nades. Finest fishing in America ; finest beach on .the Atlantic coast. Wurm's Atlanta Orchestra engaged for the Season. Boat races, moonlight sails, drives-on the beach, pony pennings, ten pins, billiards, troll ing for Spanish Mackerel and Blucflsh. bathing and various other amusements. Excellent Cuisine, fine climate, no malaria, mosquitoes or sandflies. Moderate rates of board. Hates per day $2.50 to $3. Per Week $14 to $17.50. Children and colored servants half price. Special induce ments to families or large parties. House open i mm june ist to uetorier. Snccial season tickets secnml at all nolnta. For further particulars address proprietor' ui dune mi hi rmieign, n. u.; aiterwarus at Morehead City, N. C. aplilm R. B.RANEY4CO. WIRERAILUG . ANI ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS IDTJJb'U JbtL & CO 96 North Howard St., Baltimore. Wire Railing for Cemeteries, lawns, Gardens, OHices and Bal conies; Window O nards.Tree t ' uan Is Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fendeis Canes, Santl and Coal Screens, Iron BetJ-sti-ails, Chairs, Settees, Ac. si-6 12m. ... Tonng's PJP. r.laf.' eyes le 111. 7" I T Young Sc Bro. DBAL.KR IN-- FINK rVATCHES, DA MON IN, JEWELRY. SII-KK rt'ARK Manufacturer of all k'",ls nail Cld Jewelry.Bitgs, Batfge&fcc ; The best $10, casmr, anJ 4-".HJ vhx k i ever sold. American wttchelat the lowi j prices. Solid silver spoo"i fors cheaper than ever Tour orders are so licited and will be 'promptly attended' by I J. T. YO0G& BRO. j FETKBSBPKB, VA. " IOth'79.-tl ! STOP AT THE weaveehotel, Hicksfobd, Va. Mrs. Jl H. WEja'Vkb. Terms i By : aaa - iffl ?M . , '- L.: 3 V - I rtriE!-i,-. tilts : - ?. I ill? K m l!?M3-vtt- 7 k m si-1 mm'm n - . - , EXCELSIOR coon stoves; V "MT" r THF RFST II THF WlRknr Jl t rfv f i - Manufactured by IS A AO A. 8HEPPARD A CO., Bait! -. . mi.. i.r suit oy uku. U. UKEKN . CO.. Wllwa. I I! N V IT II! iiuuii muiin lit Are now iu successful tiit-r:itiou order. i ii:.viiir GJirv ' Iteituired at short notice.' ..vents iSteiini Engines which look tfjcFiist Cold medal at the Alabama State l repaired. Manufacturers ! the ADVANCE COTfOW PLOW And liOCKY- .MtMLNT TIJliN PLOW. e Keei in siock a inn line, ol ;i counections. Also Ir.ass littinys for sal Our Planing Mill is in full itioj kihi dried flooring and ceiling fiu nishi for past patronage and guarantee to J S. K. Fountain. Manager DURHARj TOBACCO Is the Finest, Piiresl, rcst, ail Tobacco ever pil f M&nuacturert tuly Gebaini I'" , " " ' ''IZLwii., in iii in i n i 1 in Blackwei ALSO M A NT KACTU H KIJS OF Durham l.oii Tliesi' Irood- v? offer Ji'ler I hi' lillivsr :lli (i - ii - i lht-v ;ii- ) TIll'V MIC free IViMii ill' or 'I'liv ...insist f tli.- fmJt Tb:i.'o,a!i.l purest riw .iMr. . ,' - ROCKY MOUNT, 'N.C (Next Dotito tlie :o: An offering xti;i ( Sends onlv. Thev mini rmei' tli ji specialty, a ii'l ;o i.v a lull li Provisions nLieh thev rereive w'fKi. 01 will an.1 r.n d'nriim the warm. W Ii3f, as i-blCliin SPRING AND spER OF I ' :0 i'.,ll uiul pxninillf '0' SIH , F'i and and nomotie Wonltl FANCY SUIl FITS GUABANll AN M FINEWOBEHWSHIP -:0:- (wedding' A SPECi4-TY. . -- j. : t 1 j . t Ml Fourteen different tim and kinds. M with Enameled Reacrroira. Adati all requlrcaenta. aw" nriced to suit all I ( LEADING i -EATURI 1 Doable Wood Doors. Patent Wo I Adjustable Damper. iuVrchar I matic Bhelf, BroUing IXv -.Swli Plate. Swinging Flaj-SU. . R cuiiiiijg Aiuug uw Centers, Heavy Ring Coven, 111 Doon, Kickcl Knobs. Nickel Fa' Uaequaled tu Material, In opeauioo. w I Jmr M kinds of Mai luiierv ft tie Kriebel Vibrati-Mr v..i. Pici iiiuin at the Slate f-w ... , air, irist and Saw AIilfH , We make a social! v of H,,.,,, S steam and water .i,M.s :i,..i 1 mJ ie. Mbiildii)rH Bi-jK-keju J: ." I . HU Iiy. We letlll U ilmnL "t a coiiiiiuiiii,, ,. 0f (IC NaMu. . K. Fountain, f W. Ii.TRAYI.oil, l rj ' I r rf.. ii U aB,, IIPOII til.- ..u , . ..I,,.-.,.. .iii.ilyNi-. pin., that lhe I..Im li'K.wii in ,. K,,.cn y i.,-- Jl;illel loin il. ,i (;()),I KR, .iii.slai lorr i .-'.! i. if. ... iw Olfir.i. t.i.;1 ...... ,. ,br "'rT" v '"'I l-in;r hiln.ii. il la n.e niin:T..rir :i nnet..bao M tl.m, Vt .J have the PICK of tho ofP riuirs. Tho nulilio no- 'nrwiloti. .1.1 .. 1 ' . 1 1 iiiir,, iie-nce our aaica I'SCT'. D the i-kxIik ih if AlXi the leailia;; niMLuluelories ioiu- i.ineU. BcVAim- .untitle vn i H ' bears the trtijtnark of the Bull. sDurham most uniform Brand of Smoking upon tne uiarKet.- A t mid ( izurvtlt'i. an Absolute ifiiKiront. st ouils upini thi' iii.uki-l. oln'iiiic;ils nl" anv knnl. Post OHitv.)- hs: m . .j ?7. fat": J Able ?h.. I Xuih, land ta T I- ' I A VIIIIIH V. nindi) in 21:- J 1 tocasli bn vers. They sell Fir.-t (!l i M'st FLOUU on Hie tnarlu t ami ink y of Fn-st elass and Groceries, ... .. it I Vli rL I J .. I I. ... L'tiira fin Mini I'" 1 r'u " ,v ' il is kept in a lelrijjerator. HAMS ALWAYS IX STOCK. i. - " i MEilAXT TA1LOBS, Tarboro St., Wiuon. v . THIS OFPICS 7V L .. i Court. may2 6mjaa27 4t jan 1 lj s ' l.50perdBy

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