Mi ik metve rrww 5 n WW M MM m Mm m W W ' Celery and Coca, the prominent In- it ((bm irQfM nedients. are the best and safest f: Jierve Tonic. bound Fpr The NERVOUS' .The DEBILITATED' .The AGED. Si I Serve Tonics. It Btrenethens anil Sniets toe nervous eystera, curing lervous Weakness. Hysteria, Sleep lessness, &e. ., AM ALTERATIVE. it drives out the DOlBonota hnraore of . Lfr- the blood purifying and enriching it, ; i and so overcoming those diseases ' resulting from impure or impover ished blood. m -- A LAXATIVE. .' ' ActlngmildlybtitgnTclyonthebowels. 1 it cures habitual constipation, and promoteaaregular habit, ltstrength ena the stomach, and aids digestion. : A DIURETIC. ' In Its composition the best and mort V. ectivediureticsof the Materia Medico arecombinedscientiflcallywithothti ' effective remedies lor diseases of the . kidneys. It can be relied on;to give, quick relief and epcedy curei Hnndradaof toetinKmuUnhavebeonrpceiyea from peraona who have used this remedy with xamarkable benefit, bend for ciroulard, giving foil particulars. v - trie, ai.oo: BoM 1ST Dnggliti: i. .WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Prop' BUKLINtiTON. VX. - " f t. - Wilson,,. N. O., March 15 88 A halt-wlited. uero bo weat to a white maus bonse by tb name xi tt s whito r Kara Atxriiin .' oi roweii, near Kajeien. ana mim Nfi'Wb' OF A WEEK -:o:- WHAT IS HAPPENING IN 1UE WOULD ABOUND US. A condensed report of the news as gathered from the columns ot our contemporaries,. State ana National. SIS "Bin t n S3" . CD O CD v; 5 ft QiW H.1 a Vr3 B P 4 o 1-1 err J3 W tt P eg .l-dg pg-g: - s OS 00 CP "N 31 - B t. s o 0 S3 tVVe take T)leasnr in nnnn ne our appointmentl as Aeeiit of pleading Fire Insorance Oompanin World. 1 1 Boyal Insurance Go. LIVERPOOL, England. There is aa oW hotel in Salem that was bnilt in 1771, Bays the Sentinel. i Mr. Cilvin Wheeler, of Cnmber- laad coflntv dropped dead a fw weeks ago. 'Raleigh has closed contracts for twenty electric lights and one hun: dred gas lights. Reports have been received-of the discovery of valuable deposits of nickel in Jackson county. The friends of local option in Goldsbero propose voting on that question once again next June. Rev. J. S. Dill, of Tuscaloosa, A'a., is now pastor of the Mission ary Baptist church at Goldsboro; The First Baptist Church of Ral eigh has aceepted Ihe resignation of their pastor, Rev. J. L. White. Reidsville will vote on April 10th whether or not she will go in delt $75000 for internal improvements. Sorth Carolina has more cotton factories in operation than any State iu the South, we see it stated. As a result of Mr. Pearsons meeting at New Berne, about two hnudred and fifty people were converted. We see it statedthaS Joseph Ed wards, a few miles from Scotland Xeck, cut off two of his toes while catting wood. The Franklin County people are talking of a Railroad from llender- id,. had sufiered from rheumar matism in the right thoa!der fo sixteen years. The diea-e wa'd complicated with indigestion and dyspepsia.' lie consulted several physicians and used various patent medicines without permanent re lief. Relatives finally persuaded him to try a course of S. S. S. As to result he writes as follows: 4Af ter using six lafge bottles I was entirely well. The medicine got at the root of the disease and eradica ted it. With the disappearance ot the rheumatism.also went the indi gestion and dyspepsia. I have gladly recommended i yur S. S S. to my neighbors an' countrymen, because I am convi'i viiiced of its its efficacy. It having cured me in spite of prejudice." ' Rev. R- M. Pickens, the venera ble President of the Methodist Pro testant Church of Sonth Carolina, some years agot was attacked by neuralgic rheunlatisn', accompanied by erysipelas, s He suffered great pain. His appetite failed him and his heart became affected. The erysipelas broke out on his left arm and nana, lie used a great many kinds of medicines but DOthing gave relief. Finally he was persua ded to try the Swift Specific In a letter written 1 from Greenville, President Picking says: "I noticed a decided improvement while ta king the first bottle. 1 continued its use until I had taken abont one dozen bottles, when I found myself sound and well again, witti no sign of disease lift except a stiffness iu my left band, a result of the ery sipelas. While taking the medi cine I gained on an average two pounds.of flesh .per weet. I think y. S. S. a valuable medicine, and 1 frequently recommene it to my friends," i Rev. O. W. Winkfieid, of Union Point, Ga., buffered terribly for 12 years fioui articular and sciatic rheumatism. cousulted numer ous physicians and tried all sorU of medicine. Finally he began taking the Switt Specific as a forlorn hope and by its use was entirely restor ed. He writes: flI feel like a new Powell's wife for a drink of wxm which wa given him. H then i .. .1 ,va. r . ,i u . ..... when he violently abused Mrs. Powell and her children, Mr, Pow ell was absent, bat on his. return he took his gun and followed ' the boy, whom he shot and left ' lying in a ditch. A person passing- that way bad him conveyed to the county work-house, where he u now in a critical condition, roweu I has so far evaded arrest. ij There ia nothing in the world more beautiful than ft nn healthy baby. Keep it so by u- IngDr. Bull's B"ly Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. 1 The libel case of Cook A Co- of KiH8ton against H. CBowen-eoM respondent of the New Berne Jour nal, for slander, has been diamuMa and the plaintiff axed wittt tne 1 cost. DOES IT PAY TO US GUANO ? - , Which Brand is the Best? "Laws grind the poor and rich I men rule the law." Bat let u be thankful that anv poor sufferer can 1 - .... m I bur with only 25 cents Dotue ox i Salvation Oil. ', Dr R. W. King a pron inent citi zen of Louisbnrg, died on Tuesday of last week, in the 74th year of hi age. . HZ Has a capital of $10,000,000. u A Net Surplus of over M.oOO.OOO. This is the largest net surplus possessed by :any Fire InsuranceiCo. son to Nashville or Castalia, we Cash Assetts about 130,000,000. And . 11 ion is ai sob adjasted without the usual discount. We ean offer special Inducements in this'great Company. as deel 8m B. F. BRICCS VCC Agents. NORTH CAROLINA ome Insurance Co. RALEIGH, N. C- sB, F. BRI6GS & CO Agents, man, I cannot attribute my mirac ulous and perfect enre to anything but Swilt Specific. I know that it alone cured me, for nothing else had done me any good for twelve years. I owe my restoration and strength for labor and religious du ties alone to this grand remedy, and gladly make this statement for the benefit of ! all sufferers from this most tortunng disease rheu matism." f Mr. V- F. Daley, Advertising Ag nt of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, writes: "Inflammatory rheumatism swelled my legs and arms to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Your wonderful remedy made a com plete cure." i Major Sidney Herbert, Editor of the Southern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer, Atlanta Ga., writes: "I hktrA fulle rAdtfrl tha virfnaa r,f a teasli, Door and BUed manufac- Swift's Specific both as a rheuma tism cure and jonic. it nas oone even more than its proprietors claim for it," The Northern Presbyterians are working to raise a f 1,000,000 en-i dowment fund to provide for aged ministers and widows- . The Greenville Standard has suspended. Mr. G. B. King will devote himself exclusively to the practice of his profession law. The General Convention of Young Men's Christian Associations, of North Carolina will be held at Charlotte, beginning April 16th. A stock company with a capital of $125,000 has been organized at Henderson for the establishment of Office over First National Bank.) nave a I factory. already an ex- We offer to jhose wanting Insurhnce against iUrs, policies in this old and reliable Home Institution. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY P AID Chas. Root, Sec'y. V. S. Primrose, Pres't. I 1 Pulaski Cowper, Adjuster. noVlO 3m BUY YOU AI1D n f r OTHER BUILDING MATERAL, FROM UVHITEHURST OWEN, QManulaoturers. I?TCHmODaA9, v THE BEST IN THE tViSSE'l . Fonrteen different sizes ar,d kiucls. - Fivi rim with Enameled Reaervoirr,. .'.apted t(; all requirements, aw" vric;e'l to otiit cM purses LEADING MATURES: Doable Wood poors, Patent Wcod Crau : Adjuatable Damper, VrrtarigetiHo Ao matie Shelf, Broiiint; Ei fwing'..., 'cani Plate, Bwingrnsi Flue-St. IUjv .i.-.;: u. :s- '; Bnrning Long Cross Piv :v, 3?-i-j;; i"iot. ; Centers, Heavy Ring Covers, 1 .1:jitaiW t'ii" Doors, Kicktl Knohs, Nickel Ptntls, etc. . TJnequaled In: Aateri:U, n Finii, cad ta i operation. . -j ' , Manufactured til WAAO A. 8HEPPARD A CO., Ba.tifr.c-e, - and 6 ale b UHO. it. UHEKX . CO.. V 'Usaw. v. tory. Greensboro expects to ten thousand dollar candy Seventy live shares' have been taken, we see from change. i ' j i Special trains will be ran over the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad this week to the Fish, Oyster and Game Fair to be held at New Berne. The Government will order the annual Encampment of the State Guard to be held at Wrightsville Sound, near Wilmington, on Jury ibtn. due thousand troops are expected to go into camp. pmposed road desires it to run frc:n Charlotte to Hamlet; from Hstnlet to Smithfield: from Smit- field to GoldsborO from Goldsboro to. 'Now Berne; from New Berne to everywhere or anywhere in the world. No trunk line to "coble up" this route, Coinmissioner John Robinson will be in Goldsboro on the 16th to assist in the organization of a County Farmers Institute and the establishment of a County Experi mental i arm. His Institutes are said to be accomplishing much good tnrougnoui me estate. The Wilmington Star says that a proposition has been made to the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail road ro mase another survey for the extension of that road to Wil- inington. The line proposed will run nearer to Uape Fear and across Black river below the mouth of Moore's Creek. Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. The Smithfield Herald says: "Wake county is dotted over with .tanners' Alliances and the rapru- ty with which ! the movement is spreading in our county will soon put Johnston .alongside of Wake. Indeed the movement is gaiumg strength au ovei- North Carolina. And, if understanding its aims and objects aright, as we have said be- lore, there is no reason why every farmer in the State should not go into tbe-oruer."; Personal- l f ; GOL0SBO11O, IHEMY KILLERS ? CO. Proprietors ORGANS Mrs. R. C. Beaman, wife of the beloved pastor of the M. E. Church at Chapel Hill had a stroke of par alysis last wees, we are informed. The. many friends of Mr. Beaman in this section sympathize with him in his wife's affliction. Mr Beama'j, we understand is doing good and effective work ia his new iu-M at Chapel Hill. He was pas tor of the Wayne circuit last year. We learn from the Weldon News that our friend Capt. Kitchen was stubbed in the back, but; aot seri oifsl.r. we are glad to know. The News says on Saturday last Capt. W. II. Kitchen got into an "alterca lion with Mr. Maddrey, which re sulted in blows, durirjsr whii;h a young boy, brother we believe, of ins. unitiurey, cut air. jsjicnen in tho back twice with a knife. Mr. Kitel en was painfully, but not se riously hurt. Yonng Maddrey was bound over to the court. - Wonderful ; Cures. Mr. N. H. Flolicbstein, of Mo bile, Ala., writes: 1 take great pleasure in recommeruliug Dr King's New iDiscovery fur Con- snmption, haviz used it for a se vere attack of 1 bronchitis and ca tarrh. It gave rfie instant relief and entirely cured ibe and I have not been amicted since. 1 also beg to state that I had tried other reme dies with no gobd resnH. Have also Electric Bitters and Dr. King's JSew Liie ruls,:both of which I can recommend, i Dr. King's. New Discovery for consumption oouahs and colds, is sold ou a positive guarantee Trial bottles it A. W. Rowland's drug store. : 1 1 Three men id the llillsboro jail knocked the jailor down a uen he went to feed them, dragged him in a cell and locked him in, and then made ttinr escape, taking the keys with tbem. Only one was recaptai ed. BIUOUCHEGG b an affection of the Hvar, n4 eaa be thoroughly cured try that Oranil -Begolator of ths liver ami Biliary Organs, SIMMONS UYER RE8ULATCS tUKVTACIUtXO rt J. H. ZEUJa k CO RQaAdfUt, Fa. I waa afflicted tot aerwal Tn with disordered liTer. which resulted In a ' erere attack or Janndica. I bad aa good medical attendance aa oat Mo tion affords, who failed utterly to ra-" atore me to the enjoyment f my former good health. 1 than triad tha favorite preacription of on of tha most renowned physicians of Louis ville, Ky., bat to no parpoatt where-' oron I was induced to try aisasasM Liver Rearwlator. I ftmnd ian diate benefit from its tm, and It nlti mately restored me to tha full enjoy ment of health. - A. H. BHTRUT, ' Bldunoed, X. HEADACHE; FrocMds from a Torpid Uvwr aad Is parities of the Htaanana. Usaato invarimbly cured by taH.a; SMBIONS LITER RESU11TC2 Let aQ who suffer remember (hat Eld AKD MRYOCS EliBlCHB Ou b. ntmoted b taklnc a torn aa ma m tM aymptoais Imlitat. th eoaUac af aa aoack, , - We Give You the Results of a Practical Held Test I5v Oncol the Messrs. C. A. Young & Bros: , , ... vjema. Lmiow i give you vue resuus oi a nciu i-r iux -j ... . .. ..... of Guano I used last year: . Wilson N. C. Feb. 8. 88 Matthews of the different brand -POOOMOKE. FARMER'S HOSE. . i 1 let picking 7 pounds. 1st picking 6 pound?. 2nd " ; 8 2nd " & u 3rd -S " 3rd u 2 " Total I 181 . 16J (iflUimt'i l i:oi.!i ;r drrros :i:VE'rt. (.111-3 HIGH CRAPE Iftj icklr 7 pounr!. l.t i!ckicK6( poundslft plckiog CJ i-ounJs 2nd " 8 ''-ud . " 81 - . 2nd - 3rd " 21 " "rd " 21 " lCrd " 2S 17 1-i The patne atnonnt of Guano was used on each ro-x u. 1 It t tl rows lo tLe acre. Jonathan Tomlinson. Tern can see that Pocomoke made lOS round's of cotton to tl.acrv, v: j ! I .'t, more than Farmers lion. -0.1 Oati noldsboro Trolific Cotton Grower. 0G nounds more than Farmer l iica 1. an 1 o2 pounds more thn Uibbs Hih Crii mnt enonirh cotton to ray for the Kuauo used. So it would 1 e cheaper to buy l'ocninoke than to have anr of tha other brut l4wara Tanl because the excess it makes over othr standard bratidh o' :uano more than tuys the cost of Pocmoke. We alo re'e k Ike fallowing parties, who used Pocomoke Ja.?t yeai: Janies "W. Uall, of Wayne county, who made 1023 pounds of liritrutton rm one acre with the use of POCOMOKE alone. L. M. McLindon, of Matthews, N. C, made 1014 pounds lint icUn rjt: PCCOMOKE. B. J. Holden, Frankllnton, N. C, madelOOG pouads lint cotton, B. C. Carlett, of Franklin, made 877 pounds of lint cotton. . Jesse Klrby, of Wilson, made 872 pounds of lint cotton. Reddick Webb, of Edgecombe, made SGS pounds lint cotton. TTe defy any gnnuo tlint I.h made to allow does. (lie h:i!:ic rcsulls from itn tine a IMICOMQKl ') I MorB Ejb Glasses. -NO MORE WEAK EXES-- --Mitchell's Eye Salve.--' A Certain, Safe a a d Effeotlte Remedy for Sore, Weak land Inflam ed Ejes, Producing. Los g-SighUd- ness, and restoring the Highs or tke old. Cures Tear Drops, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, . Bed Eyea, Matted Eyelashes, producing qaick relief and PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally efficacious wkea nsed in other maladies.: sack as Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tamors, Salt Rheum, Barns, Pile", or wherever inflammation exists. - march 8-40t Sold by the Following Agents: laslWIRE MLUlfi AND-" :i t NAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. UTJ'UK. &5 CO 96 North Howard 8t Baltimore. Wire Ralline for Cemeterlea, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Bal conies; Window Gnards.Tree Oaarda Sand and Coal Screens, Iron B4- steaos, unairs, Settees, Ac. sep23 12m. ' I CURE FITS ! Wbra lmnIil.MMa ml, 4. Lrm 'f a Vj. a. uw mviZX. Ti i,5r radical eara. I ban .aada ih. m it Tri c JTT warrant Braaaadrta thswaaai, Mban bar failad ia mo i far B4 Cora, hend ai oeo. far a anaataaaaai mrallitila rudl. Oi-. fill aarf - f i KOOT. M.C18 fain MZhmitim. JL 8. WELLS, Toisnot N. C. ATCOCK BROS. & Ct)., Fremont X. C, RICKS BBOS. Nashville N. C. ! "YOUNG BROS. Dunn, N. U. ' J. H. EXUM, Whltakers, N. C. J. H. EXUM, Battleboro, N. C. WILSON, 1ST C- ' MsM Mexican r.lustang Liniment ILFHEI) MWWm FASHION AI LE DARUEK, i . NAsn ' STn Wilsox, N. C tlPl have one of the neatest and most complete batrber bhops in the State. Only first clas at Unto em ployed. I have added 1 lot of the l-st Cigarit on the market to my bu-i-nes for the convenience of tny customers. Try one of my ciiiar The next time you to down 'ah street. teU&at, . Lambaz, Eiraoatum, of mj In U.G.J Southern Antidote for Malaria- It is generally known that Sim mons Liver Regulator is relied up on, to secure io.inunity fromall ma larial disorders. This is proven by its popularity, anyone who has lived in the South has seen its cu rative effects and the protection it gives against this weakening and dangerous malady, it acts more promptly than calomel or quiuine witnout any 01 tneir lajurious con sequences. MMS k BRUMS'- is the place to get Pure Com . PIAN -1 rF'-J11 l l -J1 ij .: . BTBIrTWAT, I RIVERS &PUND, (used in New England . Conservatory ot Music Ueney F. Miller & Beos. Chas. m. Steipf, Weses & Co. Agents for Geo. Jardin & Son - Parties contemplating purchasing OEG fV3Sl Btjbdtt, WlLCO&;WUITE ! Briboepoet, .Tabee. . - : at-v -ir t i Mjripe vrgans. w H:cgue3- fiee, -Pano or Orean willflrtn ifoi. r.tit their interest tonlace their' orders with na. EF"Onr Mr. F. E. MORTON, is the only Tuner and Repairer pfco ronlzed by ns, and whoBework we recommend. Respectfully, 700. HENRY MILLER& CO. fv - . . 1 fl l oauiuei otaion, a negro was arrested last week at New Berne for robbing the post office boxes. Uer was turned over to United States Deputy Marshall Street and will be taken before Commissioner Clark for a bearing. - t Bucklen'l Arnica Salve W. D. Iloyt & Co, wholesale and retail druggists of Rome, Ga., say:. We have been selling Dr. King's New. Discovery, ElecJLric i.meis iuiu cucKien's Arnica salve X'hebetn, salve in the world for for four years. Dave never handled Cots, Bruises. 1 Suies. Ulcers. Suit remedies that sell as well, or give Rheum, Fever sores, Tetter. Chan- mu I I 1 .1 ri .t. i . . " iucin puu uauos, uumams, uorns, and such' universal satisfaction have been some wonderful cores effected by these medeciues iu ibis city. Several cases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, takeu in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always.' Sold by A. W. Rowland. ' The enormous sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has developed many new remedies, but the people cling to the old reliable. The Scotland Necs Democrat tells of a negro a former slave wnohas within the past six or eight years, bought and paid for 250 acres of land. The negro's name is Henry Smith, and he is a work ing man proper. We wish that more of them devoted themselves ts work as this one has. all Skin Empties, and positively cures rnex, or jio pay required. It is guaranteed io give perfect satis factiou, or money refunded. - Price cents per bjx. For sale by W; Rowland, t uov. bcales lias pardoned D. H xruiove, oi ll rnett county, who was serving a erm for beating his wiie.me parnen was grafted h cause of the fSibn health of the man oee to it that Laxadof the "golden" remedy for all stom acnic disorders is always in ine.nouse.; Sold by all drug kisis ior -io cents a package IE! -The celebrated old Stewart- RYE WHISKEY, - Four yearjold Nash Coonty Br a.ndly Fine Imprted gars, Beers, &c Wines Pool and Billiard Tables. Norfolk Oysters Received daily, and served in the very oest Btyie. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. h irst-class Restaurant where the best, the market affords will be seired by experienced cooks. uovl7 Hawkins & B ii ciKs, it mm TillOR 195 MAIN STREET, rTi O a a - ' ks- ouiuj maae to order anp uoiauieuu. . e see it stated that the Salis- uury jvv aicnman turned off two coinmns of advertisements for want oi space. : 5 TOH WAGON SCALES. i!1" a.frta-a, a. aiaaa..t.i. ttUJs. BltM. . BrmlsM, Buio&s, Saras, THIS OTTXUll Senteoes. Sprains, Btraina, 8tite.es, MffJoiats, Saekacba, Galls, Sore Spavin Cracks. GOOD OLD Co&trtcted Xaasla Enptions, Hoof Ail. Serev Worms, Iwinnay, Saddle Galls, PUas. STAND-BY pushes fe evanrbodv esseUr what (.claimed fcrtt. Oaeat the rasa nas tor the treat pgpalarltTot is fi ma ilia Us aalverwal aaaUaahUltT. vervboay neaqi twrb a medicine. Tha Listberaiaa needs It la ease ot accident. The HsaeavrUa ae.as It for raoaralfunllj ua.. Tha Caaaler aaads tt for hie tarn, anil ala mea. Tha Mechaale aaads K alwaji oa his work Th Klaer Beads tt te esse of anerreacr. Tha PteaoeraasdaH cntralonswlUioit tt. Tha Tantr smos kU bis hooea, his stabia. aadhtsaaoekxard, Tha etaasaheat saaa ar the Baatsaaa Beads WiainaralsnpplraaoeterMleariore. Tha Hara-tmaeler needs U-tt Is his bast frlaadeaa estsst reliance. Tha Steek-CTewor aeeda It-It win save hlia ahooaaada ot dollars and a world of trouble. Tha aaUreadaaaa needs tt end wuiaaed It ae toac aa his Ute Is a toaad ot aeaadaats aad daasarav Tha aehwaedeaaaa na.rtitt. Thar.ainota tnf Uka tt aa ea anttdote tor the dsncers ta Ufa, tobeadeoarfortwhlehwiuniadtbepamiaer. Tha Hereaaat needs tt about his store amoac his sunitujiea Aeetdeuts will hsppan. aad wbaa Mas eoana the Kostang liniment Is wsnted at once. Keea Beetle lathe H.aee. TlstbebeMot LAW SCHOOL. Having already formed a nucleu-. of a Law School here, mainly to accommodate somu young towns men, I have concluded to adopt tl:t suggestion of some frlend-t and of fer my services at large to Tounsr j gentlemen desiring a legal tduc.i lion. 1 offer terms appropriate to our presrnt financial romhiir.ii f25 on the entry of the student uod 82o at the end of the course. Ud these terms students may profe cute their. Ktudien with me a lnne aa they please before applying lor license. Board can be had in Wil son (including rooms and lights) at tl5 per month. Circulars with icferencss will appear in a res days HcGn F. Mi-rbav. Wilson, N. 0., Sept. 6, 1877.-etl K.ee sTBetUe la the Taeterk . tta Immediate aa. la ease ot accident aavaa pain and ton of was Kees a Betle Always ta tha Stab.'a far Our Large Stock of J. FAUST&SON'S FINE SHOES, Just Received. r1. ROUNTREE & CO. to $300 MONTH wmi.. . . ue niaaa seniv prercrrej who can orSSr,,.'n,!3- ,SPre moments may be Ji.P'oyed - A few vacaneu a In aywu. WMt CXlieS. w ? JOHNSON a CO.. Uhj Main Street. Richmond, Va, WAATED Sick hogs to cure, in any locality where l oan reach them conven iently, with a celebrated Hog Chol era Cure and will prove to the pub lic that it will not only cere the worst cases, bnt prevent cholera io hogs and poultry. I have pnrcbas SJ .tt? oounty ria-ht for Wilson, Pitt, Greene and Edgecombe conn- rarm Eights sold. HV.C WOOTEN, MoyetonN.C. FOR HHE DIAMONDS:- Watehes. J.welrr. Hatlid Silverware. CHAPMAN & GALE 18S Mala St., Nonroi K, VA.. are the.Leaders, the itock U the largest and their prices for the U-st goods are much less than Noitl.em figures. N. B.-J-They have skii!k work men for the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. sepl ly r'rr " ELEGIT. e?.Gmr ' - -1 V ::Kis?rarucian li. -'il mT- - .pie.. I - - ' - - i I ' - - iimui. K. . I k '- .' - "- rr ... IrT f ' ' i a ".-- a. Ira, i,m w Yf 1 1 t. ..' . . 1 . ,a t. " I I r ,ca .mu- Ma I J - ... t Z- rj-m Colleiiaio' lnsumte Vt;-ss; Lvi)r:s- xun .-:;crAniAN SiBSJM G SESSIO.Y lU-cin MONDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1VW Hf-.l y I. o isin, I.rcr Commodi ous ai.'l toi.it..r:.i!. baildinga, puif w.tr,.r, KuM r"fp. t.r ripe-r-itirr I ai.d (.rrt iul teacher. PiriM U v, ru i'Ai:Ar.nr, .Colli- A1I-, rut;:- .Mi.l;T Jl:r AKTMKNTS.: mtn n iii.ilciin c'j.rt ofWrial at- Ctt-tioQ. I-.S-r-lli-Sit :dv tillage- au.l At:r. I' ' DlKC'tllM ii l Tor t:.t:a!.iTu atid circa iars. SILAS E. WARREN Principal. ! n Mcmc t tiu-:iiiJ.4 of iuliuction W 1..- N. '. TRY aa um tea M THE JEWEhm Tarboro.N.C, Df-al. r in Watches, Diamond., Jewelry, Clocks. Specs, Silver Ware. Moaical MerchaDdltf, Fancy Gc4 kC aJM lb Clie-atwaJ, trt asd laical I ta provrxl SEWING MACHINES ' f a la a m a . ' reprtiitel. LupiaviDg prwtrp." doce. Thirty j-ar practical rr rience ia oar guari"ntrre of tn CUM WOtkmaDKhlp, WANTED: Old Cole And Stiver. ljr-Uei,rby trMMt4oa ia Dai ueo. uoward, Tarboro, N. C. Il4ful'y, JA IOC. ro".r Ffll? wiw and twrt . v"!tvI.lainlr no "i-.A ivuUr Tni ,'" ,bo ' Kymata i an j r--.-. tv a ,,,,,r -.,!. Kt v' "1 cw oa M, t. & ji, Sale of Val-jcblo Real V Tirttie Of A ! rt.s f M. - pcrior Comt or Wion county. I aril) fcf.l! .1 .. .. J' luevtmii House jiwiiuay, jiart-h PJtb. at .7-. 1 . . - - on 12 a.o.a .,. reaie-tat of which Mie lain Tir.V. C. Peacock did -v.i--r u:cn in Wilson and l-rCr:b. d ut ftdl.iw: Ihe hon:e tract, s.tuat ma lowpRhip, m ami county, ?d in Wil- near the cor- A. jGv EAUER ARCHITECT AND MECIIAKICAI. D R A 17 fl TT T H t i' . J, r- "nits of the town of Wilson Wi.l furnish plans, designs and J0" the lui d .or Calvin Bpecihcations for public or private Barn'8 aI" s ::i wntainmi u..uiuKa, auapied m accommcxl i- I uue uuureu and t i;b uon, arrangement and style, to tl,- or.,e5a emhrae uirements oi those for m ! lracr "xcwpt t tney are built, ahd in iarm. containing y acres, mom '!lor the home f'lln.T a-l.i.1. a beenn,: ..:,,lt(,:s,:V .,'vu ijommg the and others with surrouuding scenery and c'i.1 ',;! ' ft ad jecU in the locality In which tlwv UfuU c' L:" ' ar lnttl(lBl tr. . . , l,UJ u,,.l ...... , . rr. vci.ru. aiuiu atlMjUt lrLtr New buildinps-ornif,,.: . acre, r.n -V w?tIy 'ghi I fti.i 1 a 11... f. 1 : auowo ' ueaigueu with refer ence to artistic proportion, I ', r.w..au(;iHri iual rnnrnim- .. . fft-r .,.,. PiimfArt or.,1 ,27 wul l ll-S V . -J " ' r OI ICS.. a u.amess on,ome. ! 1 b ii! be soM In h,u to and anprin-n..- .''lit t..-,..-. ...... .....w.. ' v.v.uua OI .. . . - !-. 1 liaJirS: line riMi, !,a.4Uv? payable Nor. wilh rizht rr i. ! . . . . I - IU froj rl:iy ofeaJo. ' pianrTnr,u'nrfn y - Address, i:t? 1.1 J a 'r-,,l ... - va iibu, vtca, ierr!,,:r. ia town of rf .. muun John A. craa'id coutaiiil-ir . uit May i: A. O Tl A Pt?n Box S85, Ealeigh, N. C. F. A r-jmentA, o. I. r.r.Kvv Admv A; S. A. Woodard, At"vi' ) AXXOII.c;k3II:T! av-a. Jti4 here fa- tnmi a rartwrtfl wader the Arm avame of . urrx 7 4 tt.l GENERAL MEKCDAXHISE BtMnea. In Vri'.mm. W. taVe itl. a-nlwt amicunt .hir at tba mUir tatrxwi. are "ii tnuinn. at the aar, f -m. , a. . -1 ooT r. i. w. Anrt y. .nj ii at a -and a Ireah aad wii at-iecUd alwk of las Ct i rectiotM-rV-a end an. We et m "".'..,",r'k Dar oiia,,rim.s. team ane rHOKS wbu-b aril, ul at k.. drairoua of rruciavc our stoia .4 tae en-xrassr. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Place in WiIou lo bnv mmtB iday goods, Toys, FirewoiLs &C H- M. ANDERSON'S, Tcrboro street, Kelt door to J. p. Karrw-i J oppoa.ite A. P.ranch & IV. I have a large and well rdrdf. atockofall kind of Tojs N Fancy at,d Plain Candies anJ t marked them down low to t-uit t hard timet. Give me a call aod 1 guarantee to plea joa in fn and quality orgoode. Doo't fcrf the place, Llt-nry II. Anderaor.", Tarboro street. I I also have on band a fn!l 1 Bf staple GrocHie, conMtinpof Si Ear, Coffee, Hour, (!! grad.S W Ur, (cooking and table) Prope Cnrrknta. Citron, Dmeti !" t rnits. Tobacco, 25 cl;ff rr ctlcn elect from, at Horn 25 to 7-Vtr prf ponnd. Ti aware. A large asaorl me tt whih I will rx-ll cheao as it to So. Smoke Pride of the Sonlktiff lK-6t tick!o c'ar oa tbe naikeW

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