CAMPAIGN. CAMPAIGN. THE ADVABCE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st pnt? ON DOLLAR. I THE ADVANCE FROM NOV UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AITO'ST 4T, BE THY COVNTRY'g. TUT OOD'I, AND TRUTHS' CAMPAIGN-, VOLUME 18.- WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 3, 1888, NUMBEtt-l-K; CAMPAIGN. ? : -mar . . .. x . : . ; f..t Hi av rs'-i tr n - i y . m V&U - - ' - .1 m :' s H' u is ml-.. ti n- si -w -w -n . - - r ' "t : ' 1 1 . . : t . -la 1 ' " " ' " ""' " ' 'I 1 I ... . 1 f ; : ',w , ; 1 1 : : BILL ARF'S LETTER I'll EACH ES A LITTLE s r. j: .lo.v os d$a th. isit to Memphis aiid the Sad Uvtionn Vailed io Memorg .nlm. He talks of Hotel I.l-j' In ni.uiv respects Memphis is th. must attractive city I Lave evv-r visited. It is hih and dry ant well laid off. The business lion. '--a are models of modern architecture and the residences nr lovely and inviting. Hun dreds of these have been estabt 1 i r 1 1 e (1 within the . last three ye-irs and tha population is -(iii rapidly increasing. There are seventy-live thousand now ami they confidently icount on anin Idition of ten per cent., per an'.n.i.i. Until recently men with families hesitated about , loVating in Memphis for the i!it ni'iry of the awful pestilence oi' '7S still lit-gered, but never di' l a people hedije and ditch an V lrain and fortify against th" .return of the dread monster these have done. Her sewer- a-e and, artesian water and Ken eial sanitary arrangement- now purpass any city in the souh, and there is the mighty river, the father '-of waters.l that" re ceives ond bears everything away that is noxious -jor pesti lential. What a feast, what a i luxury of thoaghi. anJ. emotion it is to stand unon the) bluff and survey the sceue. By day and by iiiht I have enjpyed it and my pleasure was ouly marred by my loneliness, thej absence of the dear ones at home, whose presence, wduld have i added a double charm to what nature ami rt have done. The inov i: ir of the wide waters so slow, p'.i r.'rund. so ditrnlfied. i.the sun- 'jiL'ht'daiicing upon tne glassy calm and serene, bjit it is hard work. The waiters are so abundantly polite i and genteel j that I am afraid they will find out that I am country fled.. They wear , swallow-tail regulation coats just like the fashionable men at a iancy dress ball. ' , I never see anybody wear those coats except the colored waiters in a hotel andjthe fine; geutle men who sling the light fantas tic toe in a ball roomand aa I am not familiar with those oc cupations, I still go about in my usual clothesr The bills or fare always bother ;nie. dome things I can make out, and so I always get enough, but I don t like to pay three of four dol lars a day for all the fine vittles thai other folks get, and I can't pronounce or call for, and don' know what kind of a new fancied thing it is no how. Now what in the name of Epl curas, is "uenu," the first thing on the list. It come? just ahead of the foup, and I reckon it is a kind of appetizer , to make a man feel hungry whether he is or not, though most people get that at the bar. And then after soup comes hachis & la Creole. Is that our common hash or the Chinese hashees, or; a mixture of both ? 1 I reckon it is some thing yaller.. Then there was spaulietti, and I . had to skip that, tor I was dubious about it. Then there was cracked wheat porridge . and barley mush and oiktmeal porridge, but as I wasent sick I let them all suae. 1 hey rare: lor poor folks, anyhow.. Chen there was fried uiantaise and nivernaise, which I' suppose was "injun," though they dideu't have any counehanyj which is injun, too, A NERVY E2IT0I Bstermined That .his Eshtsnca ."Shall Not be Ignored There is no use of attempting to disguise the fact that certain rings and factions in this gulch have for the last three mootht made desper ate attempts to ignore the exis teoce'of the. Kicker. Having failed to frighten or bribe us o tractsm wag their little game. Thev deter ujined to freeze us out. W", first be came avrare of this movement three month ago when Mrs. Judg! GUdersleeve gave her blowout. At that time we received the .follow ing caul: ' ' v '- ''A!l gentitmeu attending tbis re ception will be exj ected to wear a white shirr." . The inference was ?s plain as the pimples on Mrs GiUlerMe'Ve"s nose. They thought we hadn't a while hirt. They thought we would at tend with an army blanket thrown carelessly over our shoulders. The object was to let ns know that Mrs. Gildersleeve didn't loos njioa as as knowing what belonged to good manners. It was all right. We did not go. As to whether the Gilder sleeve ring came out ahead opin ions differ. Oar accoun'-of'the par ty headed "Gathering of the Yul turet," is still going the roui'd.- of the press. In that article we proved Judge Gildersleeve to be an embez zler and aliors ttnef. and we ad duced positive proof that Mis. Judge was a broken down aud piajed out fortune teller who had been compelled to skip from. Sri Louis.iTbe Judge called at the Kicfcer office the next day with a shot gun, but whenwe brought out more letters proots r.teit he had srved time in three prisons and that Mrs. Judge still had the work house tut on her hair when she ar rived m Arizona the Judge did not shoot. RETURNED HOME. :0:- JOIK THE OLD PLACE LOOKED TO III3T. The old Folks and the. Surprise he Had for hi old Mother. The I-Jackass Hill .et next tried and means big hominy made of to make us sing small. They got corn cracKecl in a wooaen mor tar, and is good, jlliere was "frizz.ed-" beet" on tne prp mmiBe,ibut i wast afraid to' tackle it. I have seen frizzled chickens with theii feathers all turned wroiii side cut aud back wards, but I never saw a frizzled co.w or steer. Hut I got euough, yes, -.enough, tor there was "nriui-e, the beautiful packets chicken! and eggs, and potatoes, and toast, aim cofiee 'always on hand and according .to nature Most all the trentlemen fastened a towel up to their j neck just like my wife pins one up to the little children's net ks. They buttoned the top button of their coats, and tucked a corner of the towel in their collars, but my coat wouldn't Dutton, and so I had to Jay mine in my lap, jut like the ladies lid, and let my bosom and breast take their chances! I he waiters brought galvanized cans about a foot high and set them down by the chairs of some of the gentlemen. There was water and ica in them and 1. thought it was ice cream until I saw the gilded neck of a bottle sticking up, and soon I saw the spark iuid M.-i:',ll steamers that were l-tn.-iing or leaving ob dying up .and' (V'Wn, the sad, j solemn or;m -like tone ot steam 'whistles that gave warning of their coining, the hurried throng of passentfers! as they funght the t-hore and the busy life of draymen and? carts aa they loaded and unloaded. All 'this and more is a Continual pnorama spread out below you and far out and up add down the river, while the spring-like beauty of the Arkansas shore gives a lovely back-ground to the scene. I have fallen in love with Memphis. There is more commerce here than Jn any city ot its size and population. Her ' tra.dr is immense and is in oreaim: rapidiy. I visited Fort i'ickcring, one of her suburban towi.s, that within two years has added five thousand to her population. Every house is new, , ami nearly all have fire proof coverings and are of comfort able size and attractive finish I . aw no sitrns of poverty, and mad because- we wern't puffins them in every issue. Colonel Dock er bad-two' shillings' worth of re pairs done to bis old mule harness and the Kicker didn't notice it. Mrs, Professor. Frof liiusiham had an ohl fdlk dress -turned from top to bottom and the Ki -kei- didn't come out with a notice that she h id received a rive hundred d'dlar eross irom Wjorth. M ;jor Hot-jblow-er put a porcelain door kuobon the front door of his abode, and the Kicker didu't come out and lit it as one of the enterprises bound to bring in new settlers' and bourn real estatt. It was therefore detei- L'di m'ned to down u-. the red headed oiie legged county clerk. ling fluid poured outjl but they didn't brin me any. They said somethirur ab6ut Madam Cliquot, but I didu't see her. wtien the wai'.er askea me what I would Lave for desert, I looked unconcerned and said. 'Oh, anytbin yon please : I'm wondered where the poor folks not very particular." j That let lived. j me out of French, and Dutch Eliuwood is the ieautiful and Italian, and Injun and hiiiue.of the dead and !is thick- heathen Chinee. I am nearly lv. ierv thicklv. settled, for the &s unsophisticated as the conn confederate dead are there, aud trv ir- who fhe first time she also the victims of trie Desti- ever visited a' Care hotel, saw a lencf. It is shaded with elms fellow reach over and take 5ai;d forest trees, an&l acTorned some celery out of the tall glass with shrubberv and flowers 111111 ll) and the surfaca- rounded and curved by nature into hills and dells that give an evdr chang beauty to the place, lit is ' a sweet place to rest theBe weary fiatues, and wait, wait until there is another call 1 to life. '( V meteries and funeral process ions, and crape upon the door, and coffin warerooms all 9eem to have a living though silent voice, and they speak to us fitid say "stop stop just a imoment uuc : think." Then theije ia the solmnn sad peal of the! funeral kin-11 'that goes out from the hi'h latticed windows f God's tPi:i)les apd say to ail a "Stop, ; -'t"P -a moment and drop a tear, lor another one has gone. I 'niver hear it but what the first sympathetic ' thought! comes over me for tha living-i-not for t lie dead, for I know jthere is .rief somewhere there are u:arts almost broken. Ohl -,'rief that comes from love ; how sad, how sweet it is. Oh! gnei mat comes from sin and . V - - i m enme; now crueij nowt unre lenting. Friends) let is all be .wod aud loving and kind liut a laan does not wish to linger long around such places :le 1)119 not got time and it is not according to nature. 1 He must go to work andj move around liveljr and be 'cheerful aud look so and talk bo!, Man kind has but little patience with long faees or sad kmes. I have- known men whose very : lesence would throw ia loud ver all cheerfulness and all .hilarity. i 1 got along verv wellj at the eat it, and she wa's shocked and said to her feller : "Just look at that man eating up the bouquet. He hain't got any manners." Memphis handles six hund red thousand bales of cotton in a season. i J ust think of it ! I tell you there are lots of good piekings in that much cotton good picking.? for everybody but the poor farmerri who make it. But such is life and always will be I reckon. Bill Ari- De Lisle, ilaniiter of our made her debut. a.jd we were not invited- to the Howont. It was au action in tended to break our heart, and we promptly coautered. Ir was on our rip that the Sheriff went up about ten o'clock thatevenm, and gath ered iu two bigtmi.-its from New England, an embezzler from Ohio andalogitive from Chicago, all of whom were looked upon as the cream of socie'y anil ve:e airing their Irills ana scallops at the great debut, . I We are here to stay. W e put up our shanty with :nir osrr. baud We Itffcird and i-. d'v ourselves", and we have not only nor the cost ot liv lug flown true, our are get Mug our white paper o cheap that we can make mouey with a list of thirty subscribers and three page's of dead 'ads.' We arr going to ran the Kicker after oai own m-j !e. whether it uits the big hn-' of Jackass Hill or the half starved eovotes of Poverty Uollow. While we don't hanker alter invitrttious to euchre parties and church socials, we don't propose to take a snu'j from ahv set. While we are, willing to boom the town, we cou t propose to sit np all nights to let the outside world that some citizen has added a bathtub to his dugout, or that some merchant has just rec lived fresh wad oi bedtieking. There have been hints thrown out by the Court House ring tuat we are to bo starved out. Try it. oo, gentlemen ! We are now 15 ahead of the game, have paper enough on hand for ten weeks, and our living expenses for last week footed up only sixty-seven cents. He came to stick.--Arizona Kicker. A ' ' Life is Fearfully . Earnest. ittla Jimmy Slalae.. Kichrnond, Va., April 21. "If Blaine should land on these Shories and find himself- the Presidential nominee of the Republican party" -aud there was a , long pause then what! Will he decline!" "No, jjnll nrf. He is not the manjto imperil tbi- success of hia party.'' " Wnat will he do!" ; "He will issue the order 'Every man of you to the front with every dollar yon have and let it be a fight to the death. 1 will canvass everv stare from the 1 acinic to the At- Iautic. You have '-Dominated me now and every man must do his duty,'" These were the- expressions of Col. II. C. Parsons, of the Katnral undge, who is an intimate person al friend of xdr. Blame, to the Her aid correspondent.-AW lork Her ald, i . , )-' -- . -...., ThsrotLg'aly Equipped, Able Editor -Well sir? Callei L have called; to see if you want any help in the political department during the presidential lam jus l'eabody hotel, for it is campaigu. I think I can idealize a Orst-class house in i all re- the virtue of one party and exag fleets, but on my transient I gerate the faultttot 'tbe othor. about visits to these -fine taverns r-U well as any man liviog.Give me never will trt recnnilrJ to me euough, . space and-1 I'll make !-;ime things. I don't know how to behave myself according to The man irho believes, that this life, is a life of probation, that the gospel is trne and that death, with the dread ml alternatives to which it leads, approaches and does not L is constitutional fool, dud not responsible for his acts. We have serious doubts if such a ipase ever existed, mac stnpendnoDg mass of rlaiue and heat, the sun, would be a hiatus in natnre if its rays did not llash in every direc tion,-bearing to every orb within its system both heat aud light. If there is a piece ol created matter witbm the solar sxsteru which receives light from the sun, but no warmth, we have a natural parallel , to the piece of human clay which receives into an unresponsive soul the evi dences of Christianity. The soul that does not receive the heat from this great central orb of the moral universe lies in little danger of blindness fiom excessive light' 3am Jones says a man caunot be a thorough, earnest Christian these days without being called a crank or a lunatic. These good believers who see no cause for immediate action are among the number who discourage thoroughness in relig ion. luey srapiy reuect the aver age sentiment of the age. But the sentiment is wrong. If Christianity is true at all, it is tremendously true, and we must teach men so. Above all things, we muet discour aee a shallow laith. llichmond Advocate. 'Hejlo, Jim IWhere have vort !eeu l.tely ?' shouted a broker the oth er evening Vo a portly, finely-dressed man in -the corridor of the Si. Jauiec. The gentleman stopped, shook hands with his fiieml, an ! replied: 'I've been home to mt my old father and mother, the ti- st tune in sixteen years, and I -eP you, old man. I wouldn't have missed that visit for all my fort une.' ' i 'Kinder good to visit your boy hood home, ehf I 'You bet. Sit down. I was jut thinking about the old folks, ai.d felt talkative. If yon have a few moments to spare, sit down, li-h a cigar, and. listen to a story ot a rich man, who had almost forgot ten his lather and mother.' Tney sat down and the man told his s-orv. , 'How I aure to visit my home happened iu a curious way. Six weeks ago I went down to Fire Is land fishing 1 had a lunch put np at Crook & Nashe's, and u can imagiue my i astonishment when I opened the hamper to tin' a package oi crackers wrapped up in a piece ot newspaper. That newspaper was the little patent inside country weekly published at my . home in Wisconsin 1 re d every word of it, advertisement and a'i. There was George K-1-logg, who was a scbool- nate ot miue, advertising hams and; s It porK, ami another boy jras po t master. By George ! ft made me homesick, aud I determined ih n tad there to g- home, and m Loiiie I did. ' In the hist pUce I must tell ou how 1 came to New Yoik. I ha-' a tin wnh mv lather and left ho ue. finally turned' up iu New York wiih a dollar iu my rnicket. I : ajoo run tuny a Ireigu.t eleyntoi tu the Very house in which ! ru now a partner. Mv hasie to get ruu drove, the. thoughts of mv parents from me, and when I did tiiiuk of them the bard word that nfy ia'h er last sioke to me ruDttled io mv bosom. Well, I went home ;1 didn't see mucn change in Chica go, hat the magnificent u w dep r in Milwaukee I thought was an improvement on the old shed tu .7 they used to have. It was thnty miles from Milwauk to m home, and . I tell vou..I hn t train setme'l tocetp 1 was eq ually worse than a school bo going home for vacation. At last 4e neared the town. Familiar sijjii's met my eves, aud darn it all, thev failed with tears. There was B il Lv man's red barn, just the same; 'but great Scott ! what were all ihe other houses! Vie lode neaih a mile beiore coming to the d-;ot through houses were only 'cca!-iii-al!v 1 saw one that was famlb n. The towu had grown to ten t.:i;es its size when I knew it. The ii m stopped and 1 jumped off- No a face in sight that I kuew, an I I started jdown the platform to go home fu the office door stood tue station asent. I walked op anil said : ' Howdy, Mr. Collins!" '-He stared at me aud replieii : You've got the tieat ol me. sir.' '1 told him who I was and w-iat I had been doing in New York, and he didn't make any bones iu talking tome. Said he: 'It's about time yon came home You in X-w York rich, and your father scratch ing grael to get a ba.'j living.' "I tell you John it knocxed me all in a heap. I thought my father had enough to live upon eomlorta bly. Then a notion struck rr,e be fore going home I telegraphed to Chicago to one of our correspond ents there to send me 1 000 by first mail. Then I went into llr Collin's back office, got my trunk in there, and put on an old hand me down suit that I use for fishing ntd limiting. Jiy piug nac i re- pUctu bv a note bat. took my v ise iu my band, aud went home. Somehow the place didu't look right. The currant bushes had been dug np fmm the Iront yard, ml the fence was gone, All the old locust trees had beeu put down and vouug n aple trees were plant ed. The house looked smaller somehow, too. But 1 went up to the front door and rang the be'i. Mother came to the door aud said : We donif wib to bay anything to day, sir. "It didu't take me a minute to survey her trom head to loot. Neatly dressed, John, but a patch and a daru here and there, her hair streaked with gray, her face thin, drawn and wrinkled. Yet over her eyeglasses shone those good, honest, benevolent eves. I stood staricg at b,er afttl thei) she began to stare at me. i saw the blood rush to her face, aod wirh a great sob she threw heiself upon me, and uervously clasped me 'Then I suppose you don't live very high, lor I bear - tell o tb?m city cleiks what don't get enough money to keep body and sool to gether. So I'll just tell you 'Jlm m', we've got norhiu' bat roast sparenbs for supper. We ain't prot , Hii v money now, Jimmy. We're poorer nor Job's turkey ' 'I rold her I would be delighted with i iie spareribs, aad to tell the tui'h. John, 1 haveu't eaten a meal iu New loik that tasted as well as hose crisp roasted . spare- ribs did. I speut the evening playing checkers with .father. while mother sat by telling me all ahout lo-lr misfortunes' irom old hife ilooie's geifing drowned in the poud to I a the i 'a sigoios m i o i i lueud aa.l aud having io rnoi itfigw the plaeJtt pay it, Tite mititgage was due inside of a week and not a cent to meet it with just $800. (She supposed they would be turned out of house and home, but in my mind I sup posed they .wouldn't- At lat 9 o' -lock c ime and lathe? said: Jim, go out to the barn aud see if Kit is ail right. Bring iu an armful of ohl shingles that are just inside the door. tod fj.i U, th water pail. Then we'll go o- to bed aud get up eiirl.v and go a n.-hiug ' I didn't say a word, bat I went out to the barn, bed Med down the horse, broke up an armful of shiugles. pumped ui pail f - wa ter, tilled the wood hoi, aud tbeu we all went r lied. -'Father called me at 4:30 in the mrttiiiiitf, and while tie was getting a cup of coffee I skipped over to rhe d-p t cross lots nd go', my best brass rod. Father took noth ing but a trolling hue aud spoon hok. He rowed the boat with the tioliiug line in his month, while 1 r-too'l iu the stern with a a silvti t-hiuer liged on. New, J.diii, 1 never saw a tnau catch fisb like lie dnl. To make a long story short, ue can t:b i lo.r bass sud fire piokew I .ind I uevei got a bite. At t'Mn we went ashore and fit oe went home, wbile I ent to : ii-pos.,:tiee. I got a letf-rr Irom Ci-c it" i' h a clock for tl 000 in it. some trouble 1 got n ea-i'ied gettiti pii I iu $5 and 910 bids, m.ikmg quite a mil. I totn gor a rMst j.tiut of lefaad a lot f del" cjes and had them sent ioine. Ai'ter that I went visiting among mv old scti4Mtiuates for two iiou's air.l cut home. The joint was iu t.'.e oven. Mother bad pm on her only silk dress and father had doll? ed hi Sunda -go-to-tu et ing cloii-.-s, n ue to goo I either. Tills is here 1 plaved joke on thoti ! lks' Mother was IU the ki'c'en vatcliinj the roast. F.sth er o it to tii ham, aud I ha-' a ele-ir co t. 1 dumiel the sugar out v i't oid blue K)wl, put the h 'is i dollars i,i ii itud placed Mieei-. .hi a;'ilu. At lat iup- (i-r w s eadv. Fa: iter asked a ii!esinj over it and he aotuallv EDITORIAL TALK. -:o:- OUK BROTHER QUILL DRI VERS ON P ASS I SO EVESIS. ur Comments. Mingled With Those of Other Editor, on Poli tics, Farming, and Other Things. Modern standards. I get "long pr-itty well with everything I ut the dinlugroom. " There I ieel like Borne folks are watch ing me on the sly, ando I, try to look composed and to feel your readers feet .like lynching eye y man on the opposition: ticket. Glorious! Had inucu experience in journalism? i Well, no, bat I was director gen eral of advertising ip a baking pow der war. - " ' j-.;. ;"' Take that desk, sir. Omaha World. ..'.''. i . A child of Sarah Woodrutf, color ed. was bumed to death ennes day evening. The mother said that she had gone to one of the neigh bora for soms fire, and was return ine when a spark flew out and fell upon the child, wh'.ch soon set tire to its clothing, burnins it to crisp before any assistance could be rendered.- Davie Times. O&tawba coant has instrnct ed her . delegates to voe for Btedman and Alexander for GoYeropr and Lieutenant Gov ernor.' " A correspondent of the News Observer Pays Durham county ia for Fowle ffr Governor. Other people say it is for Sted man. Which ? Durham To bicco Plant. i Pender county bas ir.stru for Stedinan for Governor and McClammy for Congress. Both of these gentlemen are evident ly strong where well kuo-vn. Goldsboro Argus. - The Winston Sentinel eays : JThey say that Capt. bid Alex ander will not accept the sec oud place on the raDernatorial ticket. One of his friends told us last week, that he must be for the first place or. none. . Slnee the withdrawal of Messrs. -Jarvls and Clark the contest for Governor seems to b narrowing down' between Mdssra. Fowle, Alexander and Stedman. Well, if we can't iret a Sampson county man give us Major Chas. M. Stedman for Governor. Clinton Caucasian. The Lumbert rt Rjbesonian well says: It is now assuredly diven out that Col. Rowland will have no opposition in the approaching Cougressionul Con vention. This ia as it should be. No man is more worthy, ana no district is more faith fully represented. Brother Barkhead must have become tired of politics. He nays in Ibe Tobacco Plant : "If there is anything Durham has in abundance Jmt now, it Is, or are, as tne case may be, poli tics. Conventions are almost as thick as autumn leaves in you know the rest." The name of D. K. Mclver, of Moore county, who represented his district with great ability in the last Senate, will be pre sented to the State Convention for the nomination for State Auditor. lie Is a farmer, a fine business man, thoroughly poa ted in public affair?-and popu lar. He will Lave, we presume, a strong following. Charlotte Chronicle. Every decent man In North Carolina admits that the Re publican party established for drew the treat itself a bad character in 18GS it io a well established rule that when' a certain fact is shown once to exist it is pre sumed to continue until the contrary is proven, In what way has that party supplied the necessary "proof y By pro fesaiou merely, and talk . is cheap. Ing wears away stones." The bleeding under the war tariff is sure to keep the poor poorer. iimlngton Star. James Taylor Jones, of Ala bama, is chairman of the)Deino cratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He was born in Richmond. Va.. In 1832. He vac di::aed at Princeton and University of Va. Represent ative Jones was a member of the- Forty-fifth Congress, alsoof the Forty-e!ghth and Forty ninth. He was elected to the Fiftieth Congress without od- position. Mr. Jones resides at Demopolis, and represents the First District of his State. Wll. mington Star. ' . ' The Democratic Dartv In North CaroHua should come be fore tho j eople at the next electiou with thebest men that can be obtained f'0T the respect ive oGce. The candidates should be known for' their in tegrity, their unblemished character, their perfect so briety, as well as other good qualities of head and heart. A great deal depends upon the nominations that are made. aud one of the first tl.inra necessary to insure success is to select the man best suited for the position to which he as pires. Kernersville News and I arm. , r. rahd when he struck his kniTe li l lit We haven't b :d a piece of meat ike tiM- so five veais. Jim,' he ald: and mo'der nu' iu with 'And w iaeii' nad any coffee iu a year, ulrw'i u we went a vinittnV Then -lie iMiliretl t.'Ut the co flee niot iii'i-d the oVer ofthesuirar ti a Liug as she did ho. 'How m in . -u i. hi-. Jkiiiuv !' 'Then 'he utimik something that wan i sugar. tbe picked up the bowl and nee red into it. Aha. laster Jiumy, plavin' . your old tricks us v our maniuv. eh: Well. boy a will he bovs.' Then she gasjed for breath. She saw it was money. Sb looked at me, men at lather, and then With tiembl ug fingers roll ot bills tin Ha! h i! ha! l ean see father now asbestoofc thre iben ou tlotoe. with his ki iie in one hand, fork in rhe other, and his eyes fairly bulg ing out of his head. But it was too much for mother. She raised her e es to heaven aud said slowly, Put your tm--. iu the Lord, for he wiil provije.' Then she fainted away. Well. John,' here's uot much more to tell. We ;biew water in her fsoe and brought her to, and then we demol ished that diuner, mother all the time saying, 'My boy Jimmy! My OO.V J nu 111 V! 1 t-tayed home a month, I fixed up the place, paid of all debts, had a good time aud came back again toj.ew York. I am going to send gfiO home every week. I tell you joun, it s mighty mce to bare a home.' " " John was tonkins' stearlilv at. tha head of his caue. When he ppoke j ready putting some money Into he took Jim by the hand and said: I this State and hi 3. workers are 'J:m. old friend, what yoq have J making claims $hat he is ahead toio qw uas enectea me greatly. I at hl dae. i iiaeni neuru irotq ry nqrae v.-ay un in Maine for tea years. gom The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says "The Shermauues are making desperate efforts to captura North Carolina. Blaine is the favorite among the Republi cans and the North Carolina The Republican nartv nn doubt has a plenty of "nerve and nap." Tlmv ha A tfc rve to lay ou North Carolina onu; years a.'o, when ihey Lad power, the burden of millions of dollars of special tax bonds. issueu ior uie purpose or build ing up a grand system of rail roads ; and. had nerr lft tn nap" up the bonds and Tjut them in their pocket as fatiis issued ; and though they had millions of money for the jui- pi s not a mile of railroad dia they build! The people of North Carolina have tried these railroad building Republicans once; they will never trust them a;ain : the and plund-rinir done by the Repub lican party when thev had the opportunity In this State was simply gigantic. That thecapi- toi was not etolen and carried away was probably mainiy dae io me iact tbat the carpet fa igL'ers did not have quite nerve enough to haul it off. rhe '"snip" a3 there in abun dance : but the nerve was not quite.umcieut. Asheville Sun It is pleasant to note that no unworthy names have been ad- vaticea i.r me various po sitions s.j tar. They are good and true men, all. Let us all go on as we have oegun ; auvocate.ui we please, lh claims of our favorites; iaul tbem to the skies; point out then eminent Qualifications Rut in doing this let us not dls- pn rage other.-), let it be a case of loving "Not Caesar less, but Kome more." L:t us strive in all honorable ways for the success of our cnoice ior nomination. II we have any, but go no whit f urth- : delegation will want him as the ! U lJ"3 candidate. The Republicans Rot as loud-mouthed and iabRhnt aa they were three monies ago. anerman is al- er. Then, the captains once plac ed, let us fiht for a funeral funeral of the enemy. Let the phalanx be solid at the sepul chre and the mound above be mounted high. With thip end iu prospective, let j irs pe of momentary dur ition and only surface smiting that our future path may be of pleasantness and psaee. Every shot in our locker will be needed for the enemy when tne comtiat is joined, l&l us not waste a scintilla ou friends. Again. we congratulate the Democratic papers and poll on tueir admirable temper. -Tarboro Southerner. NEWb OF A WEF ?T 1 vxzzizz. a: WHAT IS liAI'VFXixn t- 1UE WORLD A LOUSD US.' A condennl report of the neu-n a gatAereil from theeoiutmmm j North Carolina has lone- in the posses-hm or main lines raui through the State und rec.ujzj avenue of travel a'rr.s the State. The Wilming ton tna Wtldon completed in l"!"! tniles in L.n.v, -w - run f -iienin ymnereu ram theevlumm t , 4 w our contemporaries. Stare m ,;l I ' aS'!ina, f ViMnf I of t nival Kationnl. Greensboro fans nadn & hi.l through it Caamber or Commerce. for the location of the l'iriim,..i and l)nville irailroan Shoo it iey are removed from Maiirh..fct..i Va. The Baptist of Asheville r bnlHing a fine ehurrh in th ntr That denomination eibibits won. derfnl amount of perseverance aud zeal all over the State. Thev r ccouitilishint' irreat entxl in rr direction. The Kernersville Sew and Fai m gives the following evidence t bow well it pays to rmse clovrr. Mr. J. L. Stone has sold this Year's enm of clover, standing upon the field. hi irom ,o to ?loo per acre. The farmers would do well to tke nor of this. The libel suits of J. L. Siono. d Ilaleigb, have attract el cnusidcra ble attention II over the SLati.. One of the men indicted by Mr. Stone nan brought suit against him for false imprisonment. Mr. J. I. Clark, or Charlotl. K the man, and be claims $10,000 dm, ace. We see from Ihe Iliel that two Iwvs, aged ii and 14 Starr, were m ur to the iwnitrntwrv lor two veils iai hl.1- n.i.ii n-' u flv ll!. Mi-ll IIVl ) f.l n V.. to i-i r .i.mi',1 ,.. tuat iIm-v vit both unie out ,,t u. i.,.i-J,,i,Mt. bardeiitd criinin iU. That phut V first traiuiuc il tor riiunn-iU. A nnist unto:' u :.! difU.-nltw re. enrrrd a few t;mhr nnn i i::, Ik-manV M !!s. :u Kndi-ti U ronnrv "fii a "in-: limn iiMiiifd ll.lri" Iin-lH rry :md a i.t-gro. I.iij-Wrr v, who i OtdllialiK a mnn of noi.l eoiitfiaai-ut, uN .:in)t.r the in- fttiMice of injiior, :itn tK-iomirig ij. leciltil at Mme t-uianis made br the negro, tut so M-vely ha to re-tnler deatL inhlv protinbie. Une- tK'rty Crd, ai.d h.i- tiaiN Isr csca'i- oilfsptore. Tin Winstoi. Iai!v savhe IV- ... . . - . rer .Mining Mrmiiany tit Dauburv. . . . - . . . . nave mmh ineir i merest m the iron minen in Stokes eotiuty to a NVw York firm for ti it y thousand dol lars. The sale wut. make last w-ek. Some of the iaii::ny riMied VI nut eove with a view of examining lor the purpose ol establishing a melting furnace there and were well pleased with the specimen I hey aw. Work in the iron mines Ix-gius this week. " A letnarkahle thin' occurred on the train frcm Charlotte a nisht ot two ago. Im-1 ween forty and nf- ty delegates to the Young Men's C'brintian Asux-iahon rfcvn'tv in M-Kioil at Charlotte were leiorniug to their homes, aud dr. rvtv Wi beld as the cats wen. .. inz long. Wben before wan frranu a sight seen vn a rsiln.u I tiairiT i hen before was the gotel of Jr- sua preached hen thei-ed wax thirty milea an hoar! When before was Christian wondiiti ever held un a train in full motion! . Ehelby fs a place notd for the preachers it has wnt out. Th- Au rora, of that p'sc-, aiVl- allot hel evidence ol i-aer to s-u.i ui preachers of pi- iil:r force: A Ltd ofs'xteeu biimmejo. Willie T. K. rrll Jr., on Friday liiUt ireac!iei his arst t er mm to an loimense au dience in the Methodist (Minrtb. Ilia former oratorical effort and bright Inte'.Ject ere omerm l tu tore Kuoecss in the pulpit and Lis tirsltermoii KurpasM-d the eiperta tiona of bia triei.iLv. All weie etuhu siastic in prame of I hi lioy pr? et er. bu is di-Kimed to make a brr lisnt revotd in I fe. extended Into South orired one main !in ! travel I.ttr..n 1. inl S.tnhJ iho llalelgh and Ja ton road, alsa ermpleted in Its"'i. was jontinuel also into South Carolina by favorable coaia-ction y the constrnc tions r ubM-qnently nf th Rl ar.rl Angttsta Air 'Lire. Tin- Ni-tih Cr-ro!:t.a road, 223 miles l. iu', rompletr.1 in by s-:ib-v-jtient coi.uect5on with th Ilirhmond and Danville y:wf' lwrame the third cf th .- important I'.nes following a g. :ural North and South cur-,.. Ttwo lires- follow the pa.-llcU of lati'nde, namely, the Atlantic and North Caroli na roud from IVnufort on the co::..-:, connectipg with the Norlh Carolina road at Golds boro. From Clold.-boro to Sal- . i-btiry, and thence from the letter point to Taint Hock Cn lh Tennessee line by one branch and to Hed Marble Gap by another, there is a line of . road from the oat to the mountains, and far into them. comprehending 07- miles of eaftand west line. To this Is to U added the 21 mile which wll Incomplete the line from Murphy, or from one end of the .state to the other. TImv other "f these lines is th" Carolina CVntral from Wil uiimrton to Hutberfordton, atut 2:i" miles In length, to be fdrtti'T extended across the mountains. Another important line, of vrljjMi 2v miles are In use is the Cipe Fear and Yaukln Val Iv r-a.1, from Mt. Airy vo l-eim. itsville, S. C with a branch front Fayettevllle to Wilmington, which wl'l add 100 miles to the length of the road. What is known as the Three Cs road, beginning at Camden, S. (".,-ivith ultimate terminus at Cinriunati, has t een construct ed a" fat as Kutherfordton in this state, and will be poshed t the Tennessee line as rapidly as possible. Y'est f the mountains, the Asheville and Spartanburg road is complete, forming & prac-. tiraland jopular connection be tween Louisville and Cincin nati arulj Charletn and all Southern iKiint?. JThe Carolina Knoxville and Ytestern from Knoxville, Tenn., to Greenville, S. C, is under corftrurtion ; the North Georgia ft. mi Marietta, Ga.. to Mtnphy, . C.. is com pU"4d, util the cxtfnsion from tin latter point ti Knoxville Is in : rogress. Vm home to-morrow.' How Hany. and uervously clasped about the neck, hysterically cry ing: 'It's Jimmy, it's Jimmy!' 'Then I cried, too, John, I inst broke down am; cried like a baby. She got tne into tlie house, hug ging and kissing me, and ' then she weut to the back door aud shout ed fGeorge!' 'Father come in in a momeut, and from the kitchen, asked. fVy hat do ypu want, Car'lme?' 'Then he came In. He knew me iu a moment. He struck imt his hand and grasped mine, and sain sternly; 'Weil? young man, do yon propose to behave yourself nowp 'He tried to put on a brave frout, but he broke down. There we three sb t like whipped school chil dren, all whimpering, iyt last per time came and mother went out to prepare it. I went into the kitniieu with, ber, 'Where do you live, Jiminr she asked. ''Id New York,' I replied. I jimmyr That Peoplea-Independent- Republlcan dodge of the Radi cals in this connty will not I UTT. 1V.4 1 - L M . wui. -no tuat. ia uni ior us is against us," and th,e political rengad.a fetraqdle who ex pecta o. nae mtp. omce on an ideppnden,t ticket, is going to get iugloriously left There is no middle or neutral grounds iu this campaigu : it is either Democracy or Republicanism: au nonest aud economical ad ministration of government or How many editors jn North Car ohna have held their tienuils back when their Argus eyes beheld men iu high plapes corflmltting blunders and depredations a?ainat the web fare of societjT How tuauy editors have looked at the telling of the trnth trom the stand poiut of getting bread! It is a lamentable fact that much high banded mean ness is permitted, because tuere is a return ip ft rri pi. prpuigacy uot moral character enough to ex-1 ana oppression of 18GS. poee it and make it od,ious. Many WaynesTille Courier. a scnue wiu rp nis tail reward. I not so much from what be writes. but from what he tails to write with j mn, Xf pay and does pay u.e imni oeioreuim. ve naye aeea. times M much tax under jorro .aronnc BHKea fln our the present indirect form as he taole lulsorne of tbe praises of men .-J dirfict,T t .v',., ftrw1 he seems not to know it or ea re for It;. t is a great misfortune (hat toilers can be oppressed What Easturbea Sim. . and depleted by an indirect John, dear, called out th wif P'n Ot taxing. Iho taxpayer trom the head of the stairway, do oaJh know prealely ow j J " 3 sou know it's loug past tniflmghtl maoll they are paying. It is; rar,tlira is MusryQA work sa hard oq your only In that way that they wil , joU m. that no doubt oiight to he in the work bonne. Sand lord Express. The outcome of the Republi can war in Virginia may 'be three State Conventins. A dis patch in the Baltimore Ameri can, liep., from Richmond, fays: - 1 "The wrangle between Ma hone and ex-Congressman John S. ise increases in bitterness and is giving the canvass in irgiuia more than its usual amount of novelty. Fox in stance, John S. Wise i against Mahone, while Richard A, Wirfo is pupportlng Mahone. and in several like instances there are outer diuerences in thir Republican family. Xxr. John Wise's lon and bitter de fence of Mahone had the effect of making Mahone's enemies his own, and there is a third element among the Republi cans which is determinedly hostile io both Wise and Ma hone. This element Is tc get both of them out of 4h way. At present iCUht-ne and Wise are -ritiK bitter letters iu-aiust each other, ia which Wi.-e likens Mahone to a kitten tangled in a ball of twlna, and Mahon, likens Wise to a baby wbo baa sucaeu a sugar rag so long that he cries jrhen it is i proposed to take it from him. now endeavorlr ichmond. The out- vv ny rann l women timke gf i Uwyeikt aks an exchange. We bare never given the kobjet ronch thought, but we appmu it is V caii"e thev't kit n the fnimil o! I tbeir liarki", their l--t ou t I'.l w x ai ro:v- ble, spit L i in a bus lul ol Vadnr,;ind rhari:t- la a uimoie lor it. There may l aome uiimr tk .u, iu addition, but lhe 8j jH'ar to ns the rinrj. pal oltaeles in the way if l-er ur cefei at tte Imt. Th- AfVAMi: A.5l ! sent iiw until Jai.uary Itt tot Oiu Dollar. Our 'bje-t m i:iaki;:g this proposition is that we propose Iitvin ' ronsiderable to nay to tli j .'o-d " during the c&ra- p iL-n ubout the two parties. We prop.. showing up their rio r ls ns clearly as It is possible for us to do end' exerting cur ves t retain in the et of . M. A k :veniineni use I'emocrauc party. We desire a larger audi' encc than we now have though we r-.lrejdy have a large circu lation and we hope by means of this ; rpoitiou to tdd nany new iiano's to our li.-L We ex pt-: furthermore to retain mat y of the mbscrlbers we get fro::' tl.e campaign and it Is by this means that we ex;wct to cet iur money. The Aivascx ordinarily goes for ?lx months lor one dollar, but by this prop-.-;tion it gfws cbout nine for ib Kaui in. iiey. Will our correspondents and friend-' every where please make thi- fact t;vueraUy kuown la the tiKin tl.eir respective teighborhoo3s? One of the UiN urresNful featur' s ot a recent iiterary entertaiDiuent"1 . ma u li e o;ner evening was a "bbligwLittling cobte-t by Udiet." ilacb of th? cvo:fUinla iM-eived a sqaare bit f vicxmI from which to whittle a bung to tit a !-" stoue pig. They could all M' I lie lio'.e to be ailed, but none i-ould measure it. rriea were given lor the bt aud for the io4et bung and tLu tkey were mU1 at auction. (oe ! taem nearly fitted the horgbnV.- New York Suu. Fe 're t i i . ... - a JM next Sunday aernrou aa early in hold their oppressors respons- ! ilZ Tt MirZ the week as this 1 ' . ihU MA -m .r fsibly. thj;ee Republican con- Coiuiux iaa moment, my dear. i r t .1 . I UoQ? .ln Wn. a Dou.t bother me, replied, the hr- ar- t Z . u e delegation, a , .Mahone reverend spouse from his atudv I I.-T r , ' i delegation and a delegation i to both ot tnese, ilia For the bh-ixl ue 11. I'.. I'.. 'or fcr.ifn1, r.e II. 15. It., or cat an h, ue I:. U. IX For theumatifU, -u.-s V.. P.. P.. For kidu.y UoabJe ue U. li. I Fox rorluus, use Ii. li. R. For all blood poiaua, B. D. - Auk your neightior who bas r ! Ik B. li. of it merits. Get our Ir.:. free nlled with certificates of vo:. dertul eoe. , I Atlanta, Ci.a. Y.'il! not all the friends everr ;i re, of the pspr and the caiw-, now tuni iu and do a little t-f lid work for both? Will not the countTr pott-ui.-.'ters every where lncldn- ! tally remark, every now and li en, ia the hearing of the pat roiis of ttt ir of3-es, that the Ai v.w r. is goi-gata dollar from now until the lft of Jan uary? Will not Ietnocratlc Execu tive committeemen, county and tow n-hip, canvass their territo ry a little and H?nd us a few cln'.s? V,"e want a thousand can- I iiwti Mib-criters inside of a We will .get them if tli i resent iatrr.n ani friend .oi tn- will help ns. Hill ! tb-y? I - zt:yn.7 u a flab of of leu ne r Mii-rribera. with ! t!.. r. w. will t-et:d t'lie' 14- r tree t- tLt ta throagb- !1 Let me seewhere waa HIf ben Liir.r 'y?u"'. ,n A"0 autl i " i lnnaii ikiii nil wi n vr m iruwwini I'm WftrVlTl' in Arxr crrAm PVir. rrn. TriKntia rivn aa a via, cvwa vuivagu atiuuuoi anaahuiayaoeggaud a balf- AVv ' National Republican Coa7n- Ji1"-"1-- I L.lrrS .? decide telween ' Franklin said "continual dropp-" ihxe9y the o it tl. c?::spaU-ti. N'ii-t:m will b- t!ere3 no .:- wi.ivrt it l. nnlll ine . money is jrid. We can do very lil'.V t ir tb-rn pay exieaes , under tbJs rerifwe iret the . t. ird t -brcrib'-r atd every , i p.v. f 5; n ha ifp, and we ci rl.inly -.t..iot a Cord to have !a?;y !.-H.ilatls in the cnteprise ; nor an.! of the pay-ym-la th- 'Thoasanda of chiUrro fall fraternity, antiaally orihovt diea-c iuddect j ow, then alter th-r! and to early chihlbood, etld bv Uru j ,elV ?e) wLat Cxn u doQe aaved by Dr. Bul.'a Baby fcjrnp.