-w rt i .,- -.t I. . -i-so-To -T-ir a-S1" . - ... . I I - .' CAMPAIGN. 1 v- y Ji- rl the adva;:: THE ADVANCE FROM NOW UNTIL NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st. FOR ONE DOLLAR. FOR i- 'LET ALL, THE HMDS THOl' A I JI'ST . AT, U t TSl V COUJfTUVS, TUT UOD'H, AND TBLTIH'." campaign. -:o: wilson, anTn; iOAiioLiN a, 31 ay 17, m. 18 NUMBEK-1G. CAMPAIGN. v U. L; oik u r.- a i , 1 i 1 - -... I j ; , ; ; - : i . . ' . BILL Ai ; 1 still i lh. In! I; j Sll'( '!'!! I ''.' re '' -..; O-'h ri I am hare p a . ilerful town. . .: stree Jets K do v.'.: thousand inhabi! .; b-treet ought t i ha- tainly is .spr-aalP most lit it loo."!;,-; bright as ig.it Aladdin's lini,a.' ing town of vv. ". :. a and Las a in -in . fore it. It'wi'; ' ; sale deposiu-n , .- rivals nearer thru aiid.Metiuaus :',.! The Jndbu air. k feu yeOT.O, ;.; white mum, ;'m t,; destiny, to , ; gent, ediiiulf;; 1 n-. tresis ilt' -iru iu i's no r .' ' peuable, nat. ;: slttuUl H.ny 1 ir,', 'r ei'ciudoi'.. 'I'u ilation. fhey r but poor iii soi'i .: I met Co i o;u prominent lav.-y-i: a entleuiai: i.-;' t h aud lie favors t. ity aiul assr-tn races. He t. . inotkt r tlii-1 ii.. x an3 was burio ! Cave Sprhiif, a : tree ba-t grown o:; His lather v,a i. tribe at U:e -s.-. : Kidge,' iMi'aii treaty that i.'.av;-: to-the Sla it- yi, i '. rotidiiTot move- : circles here, . nine because i. and'enijal, l': I wa- impri's AnotliT it'asK't telliitoit 'I;i'.ii:ir , settlers, s b pe'rat . i. ir.l .f take ri.'fiij.i Iii r Test. V. nit i Luntiu-r the.u fi--v and taking U n-.i Fort yiuitl - 1 liundrt-d a:' : . confined an i lJiicle ,Saiu's r year round, p tfie docket nr. ( These prisoi.-; or black ni I:. ' Suave co.uris -l their own nli1; i these .criniiii u murderer.-, a !i I ; of the worst -ksi; Luiitr ycr'tv: . 'will be. .- .i..v.-:i) C.ti! am M the man pitifully, tla.niifM jou knew 1 . .v"s, A friend who htard Jeflerson tbe other night, told mei. two old men sat near bim t;e u-nrs lillea tueir eyes r,-u rv' and triclaled that and ana pages I was greeted! witli some loved and fa miliar faces, anions tliem mv own near dorii on them in a heia too, knt- r jo;-.es, ana as .one o" : d them away ke. said unions voice1, ''These trie iiiihts maikes my eyes w'iitr every time I gat j i' iu." I i'ormd old Ho mans Iwe, and from Cartersville amd 1" and Marietta aud iM- wtiufn 1 nsea to Know, or sifter and ween ile- t ; i'o :e tr.:--s l;;-d i.i xlley: i:e;- r .,i y :r ivc. v: ; i J - their.: fathers!; well, and tli.y yatliei-yd .xrotftrrl'-me with icaine suiiles, and made rae i m at hoine. Dr. oeais is one o?" tlie best known citizens, and delights to.metjt the Georgians who, are hunting for a home and business, and gives them aid and comfort. He is a broth er to the 'iSunuy youth." His lh ,u! if a I daughter came to the !h..trl after tre t take me to jth. armory ball that was given h-tur ot the State medical hssoc.iatiou that was in session r;, l. she reminded me'that it wis leap vear and she had c.:.iO:-on me in preference to all tlie ft'her boys. Well you pee I was embarrasea. io refuse a cha-ruiing- Kirl my company vi rude ana nnciviuzea, cut 1 :u regulation dress no i. ci.lcUe, except on top oi my ? ;: .?, sift then ! thought of the ..--i'.ieties of life and the scber d ; j-.iiiy of three score years and I tin night 'of Jtfrs.. Arp and the n-xy.-p sprrs that -i teli every t : v ; ; ;, ;:!.(! I thought 'of JSam .f jne's-' sermon on dancing. cattle aal 1 w.-.s tired and sleepy b.e--iidis, and I never did dance no- 'i..-.t- ynr! T wasn't, a. diir-.tor. nixi I Inpfl-'with 'as I'dflii tTflce le, and sl'e Teinctlant- I .-.-ii t'ht not i. bi,r :y s '.'r'd .n fter another fellow. calm ana serene nonow fat DutCIi in an had trod re toe in 'the cars and i blond out of it, and 7;!.sl at supper at' the some impecuni- neak took my hat and left and her children. Of-course I felt at house at Colonel Bruce's. These are all beautiful flourishintr towns bet Little Hock aud Fort Smith. Morriston is as clean and stylish as Marietta and is only eight years old. In that vicinity is a. German colony of about 200 families aud ihey are workers. All work,-men and women and children. - One of their leading men live in a. fine brick house surrounded with fruits and flowers and has two. daughters hired in towa as cooks. The good lady I stayed -vith has one of theru ami is pleasno. rue . says the prSbiem is polveu with her, and she has no further use for the negroes. - ' . All this region, from Little Hock to Fort Smith, 1G5 miles, is a white man's -country. They are about seven to one of the negroes. , A good portion is very much like middle Georgia in its rolling, undulating sur facelike Georgia was in her virgin youth and beauty. Tt is a trrftat. romitrv for fruit. I s;.w the exhibit in the chamber of commerce that has taken .the first premiums at all the great shows of fruit iroin iioston to San Francisco. Some of the apples measure twenty -one iiuference, ana 1 seedling used to mokehouse to as larke as a good aud have a big nipple ou the end. It has been so long a time since I saw them that I thought maybe their size and beauty was but the sweet, swelling fancy of iiiy child hood. ." Jlut no ; they are here just the same. By and by they, too, will be dwarfed, I reckon, and get rine'on one sIe and b; green on the other. - Eu.n Am. at'Sone Hay Jtist in Time - io yjin $500,000 For a Focr Farmer. a..(l ill. it it u-;'S not wc a. -iv mote money in, sum' inches in circi found the sapne' old peaches that fee boy; climb an tin: get. They are sized orange la September, 1S71. Giifiirb Jntti S. a farmer of Forest p-rt, Oneida Co., N. Y., putehased at !;;x sale a trr.ct of 301) acres of liinil i i the I'urn of Alleghany, Cattarau- ns fomity. Th tract was wild i: barren, in an isolated region, its owner, J;iftn-s jilt!!, (nut ( navixiff t-ases n it airi had reii v- cd from it. Jones, who was a n u'i of limited means-, paid $150 for ''o nro'if t hut a' ter visiting it i;e. :ota''ii nu:rr.: paid i' more attenri n to th c:ii;iM' hevoiid titciiring his iax oa tne ;.)i oi csepreuioer, i?t , yt-.ttk S(tT- the 1,U Ot" I'lllc,': wide..! :avt him legal titl i laud. In 17!) petrthi-uui -;i cov-! d iu Al'eghanlv. Hill us.--.-, ed c-'irt-ol again of tl e tract he . a'viiid-'ii'ed, ind tr-in.-.!Vriel i t!;e Liadlord Oil Company. 1 com; u.y driiied wells on riii tr. and it proved to he a valuable : huge raoducer of oil- .bmei ignorant of the sudden great v. tin; trice ne ueiu rue oem oi riven by the oil dieov until i-SSi , it had'yieldel more i i?;;oo,ij!!u worth of oil, ami' was '. producer. Jones U.-on ;ainst the oil company in aligns County 3.u,t to h 4)sse-sion ot tlie -laci . for an account i tig lor the ot! t had lieen takeii from it and lor the prolit of the company. '-. company disputed Jane-.', tith- the .property a; ttnl clause tax tove law o! NJ-w Yorl, SEHAlda.-VANCE. ;S11 y woTiir.n ItRricLi-s ox rui: SEEDS OF TUK-NATIOK. The t;iniiitJt H'hlh Tlntlure Made i I'nUtr C'twYf'f law to rob the I pr '-nif Ifn 'rirU, Uir. Wealthy. -fit suit, a gatt;t gaiu in . . . t r , - . ',s iiu;!- maizes a r;fx oe'i: itiai: 'i the piirc!i;iM-r ifoes not strvo' -n t he )i cap -.nt of ;-iemibes bougl- .t tx s.de noiice to redenii tne s :e within twef-'vears. '111'.? ot! conn v asseifd iJikV lli'l was oceup;- -tg tl.e p'.vtuisrS wlien the died -. s ,):lsi d to tbsne, and rrreiv'it ;n tin iv orciip;i cv API S Old I'! tiling in its place, t estate :or oi TtTt i j pro.- a 1 f .t.! !.er so on and, ': ot them ti,;-, Uut a iii!-. Fort Smith l'hey Lav men, and i man or any f About half i'--- v! iatiou flrop da..; a-', or .Missouri, and i come from the : -L . Mississippi r i i; and Georgian ; Mississippa is 1.-L'r-. thau any Sou the ; ; of the boys s r- ; ; contented. I c.-Cfi because 1 am -i ; as the nrijoiit;.- grauts from ! . ten tinii's a--. Somebody itj'.i.- t equilibrium. All V .1 . )loney pours i:i e Changes ban a (i iio not regard-r-ri i gant nor wii i. played Hip Yi' a this week aad twelve thuii. n ; and left. He a very proiuirn.-..; estate, and i;i i. i as Mr. Jtli'.jivoi epal talk -about looked over u: a and tfaid he v. and ride romal ,i j property. ?I v. ii as he alway; "i-, i -Jefferson roso-t-a' said, ''well, v.-i:.i city, you :u;. ..' to hear Jo.i ,.i : Van Winkle i him." The gre;; and said : "I h i until I am tiro t. knew me. i am Mr. Heed says ho completely set .;.' barrassed in. his iii' he had not t;.,T:aa during tlio iiil. iv took it off so on irk it, and Mr. .J. ii';: again and ba-.v.-u i. Wlierij Ilurto;:, ! : median and , r. !:.' playing i ii Xev -Vi ed houses, many ; ! gentleman we'nt i' yaiic? "ilaKe- a. a. a! s o Ul ..:a.-c L. v. - i . tl out and buv me i a-'re was my friend f ;UftIn who is . in the "ousiness ana : aomg r-di ;' and tli'erej was Blount, of ao-.ni, and. Dill Johnston, who ;i a poor boy from .Home, a, ai.-.n . of Hoiinsaville, and i-'-ut as poor, ajiiu now tie; ana ouusaville are' ricli big .''rich -a.ai.l UTiS types of' the modern quthyrner. They 1 without the ieip ot anyuoiiy. iney are uui- t in bur:!nes; and self-reli-. They. are rich and will be ! ..i?r, anu have but one great ri L -to-encounter. .If they don't ail their children it will be a iracl. .Iu nine cases out of n. a '-father - was raised ird and poor and gets "rich - children,, and they the -very-ladder the fa'thet. dlimbed. . I assert this gereral principles, afar it is tiivi natural law of " action anii inaction, 'it is tho swing of the pendulum.. The father recalls vis youthful struggles and Says, .'my cjillurea sbaU not toil and sutf?r and struggle-- as I did." i'e.-id-F'.this iie ha.s the -pardon - pride -o! .success .ana jus children must rank with the best whether it be in school or ch.ii-ch or societv. I met Gate Wright in 'Fort 'Smith. What old iiomau dees not remember Gabe. How .ho 1 toile,d and struggled. v hat a good fellow he ayas. Well, Gabo is rich he has earned it all for -it earned with honest sweat t5 e trowel iu his honest ti:n Was G'aslltd rcoeaij qu :--.! was r:: ill 5 on puia;.! i-; "' ' a lata; Tias wi thJ f.'ian notice 'time, anil ::med as tlie n he! ;!! a altiaiagh H.ii v no' the true;, in ! iiad ia ? v ;.f h iy in a Shanty on w hen hi- moved i If ol gav l.i tin lef al domicile. as the entire deltaic ti.: .-nit, and the Cattaraugus e i!iC!.'."I that: if the simple fac. ptidoe fc .T r I ; ,.,"p . , . j A h.y n'QiHUi'jus tm the tendeii t'.c," tirri,'; 'ht tj't,:bt out of placv in c. 11111( 0! ioa. with these olv ervrit iuii'H.' on'' tariff taxation. No ni n a';VMhoehtful fum 'rnn wit tif t-ie'iY.iiiy 'cotrrJ f h'gihitjoi., Utth !3Mt t4-- FwU;ral." it'.iout t? e it currence of ahcjie L nfctions, aiid they will be of a lather melan clioly naturtf if he .wm Llnngs an tbey appear to nm. , i i he baste to gi t rich pervadeH e.very lucvemeut of societyami in so t.iras tliid de sire iiivohes a fair aud square cou- 'estjof individual gcnnii and energy.- it. is not oiily legttii:iat,1 but highly commendable. Out of such t liin4i grrn . wealth n1 prosperity aial all of which civilization is ca pAle. Uut when thcfn riches are li.'ht to ;w? obtained by wrestine the laws to iliu ter-ic of o.ie niau ur coiide.n ition of iiu ti, hy means of whir.h ai;ot!;er man or M-r of men is placvil 'pi Jho jMi-rer of the flit, iio pi .sr..3 jr thetn A", pleasure, this same l-,at;l ible. deMit; bfcnmes, by its i:ir hods and results, against i iet. It deprive one ortion of tjhe peoplrt of the .vqaal protection irt!ie lavi n; rentiers it lens oniiible aiainttia tlie struggle ir stialt of the public proK:rii., ami couven a govern ttoutui ir-i-. lv!ia a.':u cuuaatv into a depic.ib!" tianiiv. Xo liiali can deuy j fita- . Mich an interference W hereby the law tabes side;; be tween its' cicizens in what should be an Vqr:i contest, ii inevitahly followed 'by umh r.-'snltx. The- ni.iTn! -t tires "f onr country fii,n,h'ai! Vndisputable illustration t I ui'.s t,'ioi!i i icu oji . legiMiinion rl.-'t they ar not permitted to con-1 prospei ii veil ttn-i lieiieht8 into pc itive I thin tendency tM.s-ui morn urgent the, duty I tal to create .....Sir,ulrrii inroi i ue ner-1 reHa compectrioTi p '.nntna'ion : .-..tit.- i. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . r . i : . r . kllo lu iiirtsm, oi me 1 19 on top inn:iM, '''ttneiicv tioopie. Among the lew aud hih- onr lerislnMon ami immi..r.j!iV.i Iv intelligent, thene combinations I of tL lawn In to fTur tt.'.Taeir nre eauily efiected and this is seen Ifluence io the enactment atul the . t 1 a -V.t- Anlt. l. n I m . J v.ui i uc iruur- cieciuva oi our litn titniv tn. tious created for the same purpose I premu.. Thoe who favor thtur - conspire to -influence legislation or terpriws ar deori bed hs u tctic tl io control trau in the hhsenoe of taumeuk devoted t. t w b:iiiun legislation, but as a general role, interests 'of the' . cuOutrv nhili all other corporations whatsoever those who opjo-e H .-.r tM:o:uenu do the dame. The backs, the rail- dangerous atij i"l;"J Tan.s at:d roadu,. (steamship companies, the demagogue. tn inufactarers and trost compan. 8arely tbw Ktatn ' c,r tlir.Si re call make common canse, and qaircs rorreciiou. There in I con tlou cause . nuape legislation rvatire element In our business und puolic oll.;v in their interest, aociet? as in our potitiea!, miwI thU This sivea to t heir peculiar mterwt element sboald b- inroi.il. Ther , " ' i',..r..wi.Tii.,iinii iuv uretbosa wbowall nv s wU. as oe. - ;i ini n ix onen mistK-i tattw4iT,nVlal Urt f b.( lokiaa 7' rS'"reJ,'.wbi,'tPeP,e.La!' eti allowed but fmlcary on tb- ,.-t , a cap.- one reprentativ on tbel'em- eomiH-tirion vMwiLl??11? tat! l.ickfl trotvliout -t. ,or ,...b m mrerenU and leg.sla- beyond the pteM-t.t ,h:gs ef 8l .,. ors not seld.m, believe that fbl- Khlit)UJv Ul.,e. lowing their uggetioiiH tbey are comiHUiM.-. f i-:.rJ: whto Ot t!;e lavih; for iiicm i for their p;.i ii claifi won being !i;iy on- the d. could he e:itn"ubiheo he ample pioof of cecup of 'J -i Fo t.? bone Whit'l-'-'ck has exhU.i of insaoovdmatiati. T;.i i hi' oivvtng to the i.K-t r b : : t '') ;. a lottery and witts lish a c'.nb of his own; w;: 1; less fa; ra.i ia y and ma i-iii li war1 eviihj-iit from a e. :- a :- s s.a.i to i.t' a to t Hi x society re 1 iao;- j a. ia ii title li t;!a- . v.- i- l tons w i:ja !!: a he ! ..i tnt-et- i;. iisk; ti;i!i ; i-ci iy .a lickei! voice waen he feet id -Ai , an -as on ; atv-eae IHnh of oidin' i 'U v s !t- our'ofu'ilttt 'It d"ies. !).:: I of de i-.u.'r. 'Your aa H ..i o ',- Whir -plied rt).ar , att i U'ir. lai- It S'BS p thai a a:i th.ir h-.-. sv; i'-sue.. P-r him in a ' miflufe. a: 'Dees V, (1 it he is i to 'k-!eii t 'No sal' -,;- 't-erl I tl ).).- v s m.-j .-. - iif i(i t i si a o laa.an 0- r, s.a.r 1- e:.-a ; a:.,.-1 i.u.-ai';.'-! . a.-, r. and oe .-'ouie looked at av for - a the u ;.s.cu : Via-5i, (; :) ,i !Pe at a-! ii--::.::s : i kutiiv froai six wotiid detiA- .1 o the property. 'The trial in favor oithe oil whqi ''.. A new trial was -C ones proved by MX wilb'- i.l w 2od ot tsept. Illher. 1 "7 a- Lelo. e he, c ime i n title i.'.ertv under the tax ;-.-.- iliii's eoV ii,!d enri red the t--h ami tten a'i the hay that Iii ! f here. ; .ats d pi ivii: 11 sil of i dotsr.c ie. and leaving no one i.i e:a .-aiicy of the piemi--es on wf lew.. ;! i ai notice coii'al he s- i a a;;t of llili'-i cow .Jo to the property wa cstiii; ii.-.t'Jones tibtaitied a ve;ai .it :!-cf'.uiting far the vil. - Hinoiiaicd to neatly half :i yi'.'. doll-ars. j iii,-' al i-ompany obtaii:el onh-i dor .,' iew ti i;il, hut Jor.es atraai' succe.-sful, and his judgm was e.faneed by the General 1V and i a, (.-i:i!i n -.s jut been gt bv taa C'tift of Appe.il usta. all the points ui the cii.se in tav .ban--. 3. iiv lo-: i to kii 'I iateti'i'l to the const itusiititt I i ').- i. i jai i -le a 1' )!.'. 1,'. -. a : ;-Vi-''" X" I !-,; i Ihl .: ,' .1, -r- ajve iird ' i :.a . J . i . i:a,rd ailel - lain aud was with' hand. iio asked eagerly about his friends, beginning with ITenry Grady aud going through to old Joe'Aorrtss. Gabe has a thous and acres of land on the river iand that is- land- the creme e creme every acre of a;hicliw ill bring a six hundred jM tind tale of cotton or sixty bup'uelii i f corn. One of Ins na oois toal me that there was no better land in the world and no belter man to own it. , His daughters ate happily married and live near to him. Hurrah lor t Jabie. Nobody envies his prosperity,' for - he Is' .still the same humble j ... nnpreten'dir.g U'i.. aid aud envies nobody. I met a woman from Floyd county, and she said she had heard I was close about and a anted to see me and ask about alio folks on Spring Creek. 'T never ktiow'd you in GeorgyJ" sliQ said, "but I know'd yorir rotlier 'Knfr - inighty cruii. I hev 'u-.i cisiitin.' 'Does an v. pi 'peal !' asked tl. looked uti and iii No one did. The old man slowly j!.-i;tacics from his iv rhntestotie pin .from )i calnny uepo.oo tne approached t starlet! to p in alhgatofl jjocket, but o.t ia ";e.:a as ua '.' of vour .-SOU stl'Ot-U President, as ''ii the. aih;s il.it he l-ViKO- po eil his rook tiie oii, .: aa eeler. t . 's no poa i .a hive s -. tin 1 k'ep as a k;ad oi..' i v d is deaf ami dcmfi, " li-u'n in fieh ami 0. i '!;.' i.v.iik Af a so!': heal I, ouch, lhi! ; at love ho i vo'ce to tel: v t.d fi'i'lk and it is V ill the UiXhl t yoiii h and l.u ind d iv, at v. . aid I. i-e-i) :s v It a a MU one tiiing t!i . as a sweet ia tin is i-( net-, it in to get aud keep i 'tie- must stat t 1 1! the vatah nigh at p; iv. to et- cu id till ri. t'ait shall sp.-tk ;tt thought of a kind is the time 'a U i: a. most apt to he got. a: I jil'ies i i.- .rr.' Hut t s;::iip vote You ofi .'tt aae ia'i.-i i!l a bticJiiiat; w itipiieii t-km, from his hind before he could tret U out something happened, it seemed is hit the .ceiling and serious i. mm tne rqnortei-s desi as if his bet his head the floor iu rotation. One of his shties1 sailed into the pouth- we.st corner and struck. State ltJghtis Green in the Etomaeh. . and the ol':i r iiew in tna east and up set. Col. Pan ii-iraPe Jackson. But tons, l.::ek!e.--, broken .suspenders, hoot s'l. i.s and r-'ceipfs for mak ing :o t ;ieir J-:h-il the air and i.i.utav,n tovyarus ttie oner, wtn- the hisiMOtf v-iiuiiuis on rejed the grocer he ran. out and O ifl t Is II - Lis but iil : ?.o J:- i.! t'!a;e..l vb-a. ed Dr. Mott for a.' him he was aliiirte-l v,a aticholy, and iiial &V I asked the .doctor if h ot minister to a laiu . The doctor exaiaitvid h oughly, and fiiidisij;! ira trouble', i advised itfai an,, la. C!Ki Vwif ti ii- i ttIt' to iu-li fo- wcl 'Ilutr Ar- didn't -live afur off froia us,". Well, it took me ia good while to explain to her the diilei'iince between the Arps and tlie Smiths, and at last I left her in doubc about the whole btJt-iitt'Sd. I am. afraid she be- I'iaves that I arn a fraud, and hailing under false" colors. ; I fouu-d Abiier . Woodruff and a vh.le lot of his Georgia -kindred at Ozark. lie, too, 'has got tic.--. He lilts 2,000 acreaof land ami i two sets of children arid wants mure of both. At Con way I tumbled on Colonel jlruoe, of Dalton, another man Viio lias made a fortune iu uows- an the lioor- .so -A 'down stairs th it sought to tun in and by a deep-it u disc hall cd to hi put his COtlt UiHit pulverized man fragments sl6wiy tlm soieiiiii rtipht. All guveats lire ahum By i fell upon Para- P.rofher Gilrdner vetura- Give:datu Jones r the luy,u of the aid the floating Oliili'O our. into bo- s a'iti girls say woids at . w :f i ;i quick, .sharp Voice, ;,s ..Vf.;.. t!;.. sn ip of a Whip. V. s.-ae ni them gets vexed you hoar a voice that. ,sound.4 as : were made up of a snarl, a v- ana a Dark. iSncti a voice K;'..-a!.-..s worse than the heirt. Is sii.iws more ill will iu the than in the words. It is; oftc. in!rl Irthat one gets a vokte tone that i.s sharp and stick-, him through life, ;iiid stt's up v.aii and griJ f, and falls like a of p'i! on the svveet jays at' la tar. elicit as these cet a sham i. -n voice for use, ami keep their h-ot voice for those t hey meet clfcwl're. 1 would say to till hoys and ga is :. "IJ.si.- your best voica at ho; ,: Vatc.h it d;y by d iv as a pea; 1 ol great irice, for it will be worth to ou in days to come more than the best pearl hid in- the sea. A '; an! voice i a huk's song to' a he'tu-th iital home. It is to the heart waat light is to the eye. Jewish abes fcengcr. , liuv sahl t;;e a U3 -'by rule -by he toy i when 0' tiV'- i.16: ed with his J-aieotiicL-.-subjects defy, the ,iw i meat too, Je .guv'nient; should be ckal to de occashan. IJc.es any one else iu dis hall want to 'peal from de (iecishua of ilis eh.ar under do heuo of commfi;:ic:i-tioiifl V, Not a iiooi fi.i-w.i. j't,!oit ihe.-s. Ian An::li:r Sisauxioiiteient. Mas- bney, esc ti iitt d young man eageu :.s tlie ioveij ! 'f made room for bim to sit down iTiv'hcr side, "may I itsk yoa a nio ita.1iri.u. t .,t, am'f.!- ..iu, ' 1 tI-I think you-may,. Mr. II is a graduate of bhorter college j s.lUl ,u, v,ili:i,? hulv and i.t ia. whispered that a Lome I kVi bHt wilh her heart thiobb garde II a n- tim- iug bov Jd coding alter ner soon : wiltlly. nrrd ril1 .a.rrv her back to HO to ! ,r.l tho "rtifatn-.tted vrmnn' man cheerful company, 4nd espt,,aal 1 school to him,: .She: had a j asked '"ht-r the question about the beautiful album on tne parior n.t-u anu uan anu tue egg anu a ly to go every uighi-ior a' weak -and hear Burton play. "'Doctor," table and as I glanced over its half. Iy politics, this year will be memorable. The issue in nation al politics will be tariff reform, tax reduction, honest and ceo lioimcaa 'government, ana tiie vittdicatiou of Mr. Cleveland and his business, straightfor ward policy on the one hand ; ana protection and the continu ation of high war takes, a re turn to misrule, jobbery, and i renewal of 'the South-hating policy of IsorthernKepublican on tne other. Democrats ;;nd lovers of good government will c noose tlm former and is iheiT face3 against the spoils system. Alamance Gleaner. I have already dwelt anflicieiitly on thtime'oodrt by which they have lierelolnro thriveu niitlcr tariff lu-tie-, wah all of its inseparable evils and injustice to others, and hate al.-o endc'-ivoretl show how ah nutd and sophistical were their ar guniep.ts, fieit when the pret-xt and ver for thee ibi'ies was rev eniie !'or thrt uovei ntnent. l'"lims ami unsuoxtautial as that veil wax. '.tils tow gone, ihe u venue is ' j-iM.' iuaai, ia:ii miliums in exce-.s d ttiu expenditure. Lcery possi ble txped cut h.is ficeu lesoifed to for keepina 'h tt, excess down; i-x-.'travagii-'i" appropriations, teftnid 'ing oi'dii'cct tax-'-, pi'r.sioiis with out iinot, t'tc iiKparn:. of the due dent hearing three per cent, inter ns!, with money which was worth six per cent, to the 'people f i . in whom it u-iis culh-ctei, and -veu leaching hi waia ami paying the iliibt no :'' 'lue v,tii a pieinuitu .oi" - per coat. ,Ueitiij,. aud stilt ;i;e riet-.-i ovi-i'. ti.r n-eds oftia' iiiiU'i u:m nl is i:-.tiitiig. Yet the j iii.it'ii:ti;ifM i'.uil thtiv a.lvocafes j ni Congre-s refuse to reduce tarilf jdufie-. Having obtained an ad- vataage over some foity or fifty '; mi'b'oii! ot their countrymen by tne i pi?text ot public levcuue, they p. ii, iusc-to coat itiue it after the D.eiext bus long s-nce disiipean'd, a,"H'iid if, divide among the Suae.--, take It off those foreign pi ciiiK." s which b) not compete i'ii .aiy thing made by n- remove the direct taxes, do anything rath cr than take from us this advant raie over our fellow citiMis, and compel usiofi jh'i an equal light, j and scratch isother people scratch! What does la He too much lit t he treasury ua.n-ri (Jar revenue M not too h'litc. Wecau spetid it all. Ill vim leutne tlie dullts to ouly wliat the uveiuuteut needs what will l:t come of us, who for a Iumi- dred years have been supported hy taxation!"' Alio-la r ineihod !' (.etting rich by the aid oT law H the cre.ition of moti.apolies.,' Monopolies are ere ated et'her by l;iw or by c im'nitia tt'.in which nrp1 fti.nl possible by the Uyv. -Thfy also exist sometime.- by Uuce of I3!rcumstaiices.- Iji i moiiopoi ie geuei oiij ajruiui: j i i no Mioipt iri-vol jwii ivii.s :i Ill i ls( I'll o) U-j;iMilUUUJl.H': i-nir.ni. It. is true that there is no set hunt to theMj chatters? In theory, if one i -inroad (compairv is incoriorated, another mnv lie between the same points. So of banks ml all other bnshiews" ;iitsociations. In good policy thev shonid always be mul tiplied, for the greater the number the less the monopoly; out iu lact uiauv corporations become suffi ciently powerful to prevent the es i.ablishutent of their rivals, liven v here the Legislature is true to its duty and charters enough compa nies to give alio people tho nenut of competition, they combine anions themselves and become to aH intents' and purposes a monopoly In this form they are more danger ous than when acting singly, for their poer to influence legislation is so much greater. a Jot ouiy so but Iteing cuiteu in mterest and uuder feiicii siiuple. executive man aoemeiit, they cau easily destroy ail competition by tho weight of their eomonieu capital alone, nth out regard to legislation." All thej; ask ot the law ' is to b; made a body-politic, by which a numbi-r of oersonscflil act with tlie elnciency nnd convenience- of a single man and that the law should then stand oft. The. monopoly loiiows as a tiiatrer of couim', and individuals. comiuuiiit'.es btilcs aud entire regions ofcountry' itrj- plundered Willi abs-lutu uupuhity. Iu this w? v the most powerful and heneti cial agent of modern progress is converted Into an engine of oj pTPssioii,' without conscience and without , lespousibilityj For it must be admitted that no coneep ....... . . . . i .. ... , , -. - - - - ... i u ,v n wr I.UU..V, -woen, in iaci, see onr C-tottrv JW ;ttauJ itsl.nr. iney a.c simply serving the corpor- M8 jaHt iu t-.b: ai t( a;., ia :.e. rv. There .rre'ci'izcnn b.- .t,tt- Herein imnti lor reform quite to encourage to rue uttnct .!! t!,,. as bally ueedeil as in tariff taxa-1 forms and combination j of c;if,it:il tion. The one is an oatrase by I by which its trot.t aud" benwheao.' commission and the other by the I powers can be innde tm erv- mr omission of the law The one race, and wbo vet 1m ti..v.. ft '..h plunders by the cin ct command of J wise aud patriotic . to rea'iaiu ii the law; the other plunders because I from, that extreme uu which wuk- tue law ooes not trp in and for- ea the weak, lunders the public i.;.i t' ..1 I 1 . . ,M .. . - , uiu. doijio tot-a can ie ourameu oi i ana nunucH tne 1 1 . the amount of onju-t taxation col lected Iron the itcople by protec tive tariffs, because thn statistics nerraiiiinrr to tliat narr, lneh coiuai iinu i. ne puuiic vreanury euaoiee ua to form an approximate estimate ol the vast remainder:. But who! It bad been, and is. the desire can give a reasonable estimate of and purpose of the undersigned tne uifoid iHtciuse nnkuown to maintain a liuudort and de- au uuut o mtqauoua z.ioo ley- coroU3 attitude iii tlm matter of led upou he Americaa jn-ople aud the noininatiu.i J...- .-Mate An collected by distress by the ereat . . . . transportation companien, rings ilobytlM iA-un ratie Stafo and trusts of tins coumnt Thv convention wblcu i .lcIs oti th keep no Iwoka open to the unblin. 30tu f y pr-.f mug that IiIm they furnish no statistics, they are! friend should present an 1 uw responsible to nobody, they are "9 ciaum ramer ih;i tuem m ai. tenable to official visitation. a public manner to bitnsd:. Yet they collect more taxes, and by The publication of this card, h- mcitliods more discriminating and hopes, will not be regarded h.- n..ju-i,year pj ear. man is col- Mn contravention ol inch v. !.- t', I Federal BnA ;,. r .... following explauatioiis resyect- v (.ft 1116 wno, i be 23 years lhat i'ci riino me war io that element, as well as to nni. Ile of other faiths who believe in fair rlay and da not construe the demand f or "the separation of church an l state" to mean f imply and exclusively the aep e.ranon or one nartirnUr ciiurcn from participation in me nonors ana mo nmint of the State; to the leaders and to me ran and fl'e of the Demo. rratic party of North fiamlfn. I present my mot respectful euuciiaiion ror nomination and election to the high and honor ,")Je once t which I a.Dlr . If elected 1 pledge every facul ty I ponsess to tLe faithful and efficient discharge of its dntles. ery truly, Ac. G. Y. Samjerux. Ee-ton, X. C, May let, 1883. State papers please copy. NKWb OF WEEIL what is HArrrxixo nt in e would a t: o r.v cs. .( mmm! rrjKtrl of the MW tut f-r ruHlrr i;iriiriri, Mu t- Mv4 -.Vnwi,' " - 2 VCiirS A r.r :V aAriclotya ITcrta Car- lecibd lor all pilHjio-ies ill I hese t, To ' all com til aiir States.- I.tr t Ii n. luihliA I VJ lUW iruuill, 1 V ai ...... thev ieplv b, simply inviting the u paai public to help itself. Things are two mn jqrie l.ave peretrated ilaily which if done by come in from all iection.s of th.i ollicials who were responsible id State as to whether the writer any way to the people nf depend.! desired the noiuinaVion for An-j f enr, on them, would tiui tho ierpe-l ditor, and tut.se inquiries have j trators Horn tueir places with a ve-1 Invariably been accompanied kcity w Inch would scarcely be ex-1 with the assurance v. 'Ware peinieii until it reached a couvea-l ror vo aira.iIISt tho fi.drl .;!. i: I 0r- " " if vn:i icu; nee wuu ouispreaulOZ I ,t-nr.t i.o. - ... m an , . I wau uo uuiuiuaii.iu. . L ii'ise . " let ua hear from you." Darin lnctlrst great illustration of a these same two mouths . I have monopoly which exists by the been kept closely confine l, and omis-ion c! the law to interfere, , , , which naturally suggests itself as a ?y attention ent re.y abrU. vilhonv of unrivaled proportions in tbe 8evere anf1' u',a,i'i ftl all tia-t earth, m the Standard Oil "Inees of a ineuii-r .f uiy ram Comjunyv Its history Is well 7- It has bfn niid i-, ",tht rv known to the public, though the fore, utterly iuipoa.-h.! "for ine qu uisfy and profundity of its in- to write to my lrttt.d. singly iquitun, like the divernitieil ruysti and make known Iheui my civms of the Talmud can only be desires and wishes in tho prem fat homed by the lifelong study of jg. Hence the nece-a.tv .for ' -. ---- - . ill tlp.l (orotic generation at least follow tll thA rnr.aav -i.,,.., .v,.nix - - ' J Attheiecent "Woman's Inter national Councit,' Lekl in Vah mgton City, Miss Mamie L. Uatch eit otitis State was present. She ban given quite a lengthy account or what she saw au1 heard; and amone valnabln observations ami remarks fdit has the following to say nD a topic of unnersal inter est and imjiortaiice in ice South: 'There was only w feature of the convention to wli .-u conhl really obi-ct, and that ras the' re peatel reference to r' .ery and tbe negt rac-. While 1 cj uot lie I eve the i rnic:;-:i w.-a light, and ..M no f..r -'.: r.--'orf an :n--i .. i.:.-.t : u, tlt tl.U.ul ' ' ' ' l:-.--ei- know u. t UI l . v.i.i!in J, u i-i a dee-.,M.t- .ul : .on lot my native I iud, i; alT.i s inak.-K m but blood Vlcrmciit to ii. ii ;.,.r i.eci le mnt- repfe :it -.1, or the suspicion .f a fhir t-.it tijsia her fair and Lotioted I'HIIM-. bil'.C) It W.IH thlOUi'Il thf Noni, tt,,,: ii j, Mis nice wa lu-.r iiiiia tvd upoti u, ami since ""'iHWHlm lire! at the tirut tieontbrek w.-te in tio wav 2i; lttMhle fir an :titiu'iou legal ized !v their Gthets, 1 coasider it i-x ae-MVeiy hid tast for tbe same V..r;h. ar tin- l.fe dav. to be ooo- u illy ::-ioi:i it ia onr teeth. it is njiei .-:oj. it is ui;kit.L The anti-Vavetj agitators have done a. The ripe lVar & Ya-ria "YiP.y Kailmad fOO me .. ' .. 11 Oil wd U t tuive a gt4.J tti'iC. '. co exi.. ;i"t '.'. at Ow'e'fV!' Sice I h Cist i f Dcrcrnber. ' Mott-heil Citv an-l l aufort bane fhtpjud neatly 1ir thoovsnit fcar- rel of oycier k, cl.ivis i.t I aHapa, Senator lla r. ti e aullur oT lie (anions l;Uir l it!. L.. t:...dn ?I3,Q'" I oat of a Itook ia aJvnv..cy T f ' male suffrage, wc pa- fji m tie VTSl- nil plan Mar. J.u-kiMin, M iss i- eta m d a tM:. ic eitc-iunter tK-tweiU (.ra.AuAioa and ajooug joamalM by thetiitrm of Martin. They ciet oa V.tn re t and hot rach other & aL lietU men Mood Inch. ' J , I some sort and measure, en til of territory is as complete as conhl : ... .,.i 1. . 1 1 nnlrnuA f nntw.n I I lrtcrfrnl crnrttr nr iccy. r. A man woo attempts to I 6 . " ' . to dl Oil 01.lv III... n.1,,,1,,,,, nmi,.,. r .k I ask the'publication f at tbe si.s-.H :md corruptions which the hands of tbe Ilemocrati.; pre.- laws ofa fue civilized republic throughout the State. t. have pcrmitteil it to commit on- Twelve years ago I was l il l tumbled. Their monopoly of the aside by overwork from th a . . . T 1 .. --I-.a ...li. 0.1 mine iiersiu itiuiton 01 ieo- tive dnties of ti riimstrr, pie ami lour millions winare miles mlt, -.,m.Brt,t -mh-r, against engaging again in thei- mlnl-'teriil ' on oi)iaine4i tnroueu anv other " " 1. u 1 ce ot at any other price than I wa7 lnt vitn lne ul- a?sur tie one tlx- d by themselves re-1 ance by eminent adrlrers that ives at once an iniqaistorial visit 1 1 could very ; wtdf en -race in, from the. Standard Oil Company, I and wa fnl!7 conipo'ent for. whose, apparitor notifies him to I any other sort of w?rk. This ryiit. It he b wise, ho obeys and I withdrawal from the active live-; ii he i fuses to obey, relying I ministry was, and is fu'.ly un- upoi me iawsoi nis country to derstood br mr brethren, who sustain htm in his rights as a man UnltAit no r-nv f.,r rfnnrp uid a citizen, I.e is doomed. Prof- k. 1- i it.ugby tb.s jiernicions example, Uonoring me whenever orr-or-- the Inooil ot vumtu haa mnttioKxl I v J . tunity presents, n I ain'still . ai . Si ed Oil Trust is another instance. ever iaa 10 ?erve ncm in any When It was found that this clori- &Qd every way 1 fan. I y? x ou. Southern plant, which not on-1 planatlon is made for thorte who l.v clothed the greater part of the I ars dispose! to adopt the cntl- woi id, but furnished rich food tor I ment of the n'.d prriverb that animals and fertilization for the I "the Rhoemaker should 5ck tields, contained also a rich and to Lh last." and wbo look with palatable oil, mills for its extrac- no favor, ai I do not, upon a c v I voluntarily secularized minis try. The explanation Is made. their an; l tbey have freed the t egro .itel c:ve:i him all the rights i c nzftiMiip. i hereby creating a s-M-ial and fioj-n-al problem which um a:oit.- c-.a miIvi. Having not otity mad.- b, a- p Tai tbey could, but set to m!e i:h us if not over u-. an igtior ii:t, depraved jieoj.le whom we cm never legard in any ngiii phi mat ol servants and in frir, i; d.Ms seem to as that tbey stiouiil be satikfied and let tho uaMer test. Aud I would warn tlioe uo 'd iter in all kindnt-KS r.n 1 charity, tht if they wiu the nien of the SoatU to join them. it l hey desire their sympfcthv and i-oeraiion. tht-y mn content lo i-t bv-goue ' by cones ana ii..p ibe negro queMu.-i - ce and rr-er. oouitiern p ...... j never can, and never wil!, win ite any thing approximating oc,.,l tqnal ity ; iin-y must ciioose lrlween us take one or the other, ami let the other iio." The Greenville Reflector s-iys : "Tv j negroes were arrested a I broiig'ht to Greenville Tne-'.'y night of last week, charged .h breaking into the store ol Dr. it, J. Caiiaes, committed Th Wt ldoa New g;v. tl- L J loniiiig remely for ins, t-t a -ali bage : Miet tsonic f.acly iwr-tcrt 1 rtwon, lieu ro'ia I. .-u urj'-u-tine list.t'-ry is te-t, anl sjnii.ltle ' CHti the pUii', eailr in the awn ing befote the dew is tL ' ; We us; it f-1 ed t',' '- TV LixA ' of North and Sn.'li a'-i.l'tii w-M Ltd I a meeting at l"'nrlci" n iLe 1.1th Uu-t. or. r pcoj. -,in , ( p'.ai.l gcn! is now lbe ir.i'.h anntig lactones, and it is pojo-4 lo curixil the niaanf uttite of dvc'j good for a h"f! lit.a. " tL , j Th t'jnc4.t .J Tlin nint tteir1! the burden the .'. Ilowinc l!r. 1 I. M. Faggnif l..:s a bi n l!vUlli Hot quite at valuable n ike o- , verbial oni h'm J.t.d th uil-n ej:g, but !l t i. I j;ist li e t anie- .sue lay an gg .a sty uv ami everv olh r d iv ' ! 'c-cr' ber master with twa rg . ' Tbe Tubai c ciation ta.m ruec :ulanv; YecotDmendcl everywhere curia;! HHr li"iicv(' crop, ralMugoc.lv a fn anlelelf' Kssible, and p.cnly f hra artv lies. This I V advi. . and ntoa the sami bn ue bae a ivised frequently. Th Lexat'irt'.ti I) -.,: b 1 !hn showit that fMi;:..r. mo tiot nl-iym carried thTiiutU :bis wo.ll cm liowery beds ,( , a--." Th cmIUmT of ihe Gmiub.ro yt !L.ii: News bat. bad a vt a d ur, i.iaj. Wo andertaul, ! Ua i .v i. i i l.i-.- i-j tor, nrved t-iufti.ul iti '4Uic asylutn, un :.:;c a- t oA'.rl timf, mt., b;. j. ip. r w;'oc' dott, liebo- 1 i, t. tr ii'y pre- tte wU..u r'-ceat'y '. . Va-, t.-.i-je!! tu.t '. l.'.tir.i'tc cute;, s a very M.lere.l I,-.- ait moved h;s u:: -caile h. du w man We-ttueu;. bailcil ont ! j ' tel i-r .Ay. . t. i: 1 ; ' co-j- I i I - tMlW .!y.re ! a: p-.au-. 1 1 o ' -e.i't ' V, lit i-t RUt .!iti' ry 1st lor .elLbelow Tho stubborn Alabam- with m fllU consent, as a o ui au's price so far as to leave &im didate for otate Auditor att .e tion wei6 established all South at once. Then tbe trust was iirn-iTiivtiil In mnn..nAlt9ii I Via Knai. " 1 VAMO IIA lII.11.,... . . . . , ness. A large combination of cap-I uc""'1t';ut m-a-w.... ... fa: enabled it to bnv a th mills I "ems uuuersiouu, mis iiarucu- that were willingly offered for sale I laf objection was used effect- iind t force, the sale of tbe rest. I lveiy last year io ueieaime lor A ttsfi i.i irtlil -r mill AwwiAa in I ail nfTl Tr1l1ili T Tiifxi-H l.iIr! L ... lilt tool M UJ V T 1IVI 111 U 0i VWMA'M A a m V . Alabama which is instructive, i He I and which would have been pen-fused to sell The vehtn geficht I culiarly congenial to my tastes warned him. He shipped ten I and training. After an enforc tnousaiid gatlous of oil from Mobile I ed withdrawal from the active to Ineste; the vessel which bore it I ministry in tho manner staled touched at, ew tort ror more t chose to be a faiiaer aud that cargo. The trust shipped by the has been, and Id, my only and same vessel ten thousand gallons e.xclusive occinu to dale. oi on lo me b.iiiio oiitce ttuu tuei., .,, , , , te , i with -,i0 tJJ name will bo pro.-ei.ted. se lati s m ice no profit. A dead loss to him was Democratic Slata C yuveulioti the result, -and he was notified which meets this nn.nth. I that it should be tbe same thing feel that lam fully couapat -nt every lime. -Not being able to for the ofilce and that it will be ke"p up the fight against so great a generally .o conceded.. If I combination, he surrendered and were not perfectly assured as to sold to it his mill. Can anything competency 1 woula mtb- er seek nor want loo position. TV tbo nlil rfoldier nf 11m fs'afu Then comes tbe Sugar Trust, im t t,f,tn, i r.i formed for depressing tbe price of , ,,, .- . , . i ,..,rr raw sugar and increaamg that of wahip of service aud su.;r. the refined article. Every refinery in tLrougLout the four years in the United States but two, the of the war from tae begm newspapers tell us, has been sub- ning to the last day at ppo dtied in the same way and lorced mattox and who, having man to join the combination nnder pen- ifested their ' appr ciatidn of alty of bankruptcy and mm. Whis- one soldier by giving him an key Trust pursues much the same eighth-year term iu odce, now policy. One by one these oombina- 8eem disposed to give another tions conspiracies aga-uu tbe pub- oId 8oldier a c!iar.t.e; p, tM far ,'VJa!?i.5e,lre!dr?.tr!?e mersand iufluatrial cla,. ol are oeiui; 101 uieu 111 iw m-cii io lue ., of . , . ,, proiluetion and sale of ail the lead- State, for the ptamotiou o L V.'aniizs- 1 he tiiiHh-s of '.eaih- approach are various, iid Ktatintics show coMcluMVcly that more terirfns die front di.-e.t-tstf tl... Throat and Lntis itiHti miv other. It H irot HbJr lint t-very one, without excep tion, mv-ivs Vdhi numbers ol TuU xe.Ie Cm Tins into I be j stein and wheie these lcuiis fali upon Mutable iti;l ihey art into life and develop, ..i ur-i -'ilY ana is hown by a slight tickiiug sensation iu the throat nt.il a allowed to continue their ravs:es they extend to the lung pniduciu Consumption, and to the head, cauning Cttarrb. Now d,ii t'uts in dangerous aud if allowed to proceed will in timecaase death. At the etiset 30U must act with promptness; allowing a cold Togo without at teu'.ion is dangerous and may lose yon our lile. As mkhi as you fv-cl that something i wrong with your inioat. Lungs or No trib, obtain a bottle of lloscbee'i tJcrmaii Syiup. It will give ira tnedi.:- iri.ef. '-D.dyoar hti-liiil gl hurt in the rt-i', .it cl uuf" ' No, 001.', in the stomach, .Srr.r 1 :.t;1 a Do not throw away jour hard eained ea'i tr,r every new couch Syrup, w "ceit iitai stanard remedy for coab, lie, hairs Congh Syrup is -t t:iuU A N--w York lawyer lias wntten j an artte.c ;i -m fcahics ol IUpOI vucy. The whole Pusine cm iists 111 do.lgiug duiin on tbe tirht ' f the month tion of inode.ru tiuiea has done bo ing necessaries of life. Step by whose interests I have wrought much to promote aaiuan i.dvafice- ' step the evil genius of inouop .ly is I onK ana iailbiuiiy uoul y:iui ment iu all that pertains to the ac-1 nullifying that" freedom of trade tongue and pen; to that larg.a t cumulatiouot wealth as this assifci-1 among bur own people which the voting element iu the Deniz ation of, iudividual effort which policy of enr fathers estabbsned by I cratio rarty,' which, w!iil liav cnaruaa 01 tucui uoranoa auoru. Hlurrahr' ai : a btt'e ijiil " I'm not to bi kept in because or it, a horrid tieuta'gia. My n.atnma h bought a liottleor Sal vattou O.l." Taa U:cs cf Pajcr. If ot tos is king", as one of the p-ipcTn aed to te foud of saying, nrely p.iper as i-ii--u. for ;ts reign is spreading over all tLe earth, and when some of tbe new mveutions ate iierfected we shall find it tax ing tbe place of nearly every other material. Piano keys and knife handles are among tbe improbah.r nes of tun apparently inappro priate substance; and it M said that a man is atout to patent paper plates lor lalse ttetb. Tbe effect and qaality.of a fccfi! 1 1:11; tongue were known ages aco. -.-'.ter to C. well in a coiner ot the hi-n-e-tnp.1 raid So-omoo. tban : . . . 1 - . . . - 1 . ... - - . . 1 mecouMii.miou,auu wuicu an men, xng in lis raniia au arjurrianre j i-u a brawMn- woman iu a wide the gift Of the words aic cet to the soal."' at isetuel. They were ! but um .fereaiyr iuo oeucuts 01 u.e j 01 wnarever nnanciai opiniuua, aa-1 0f the best talent for thi CUing house;" ami again, -Pleasant lojau. itjjwiu, luofciro.iiiunummNc mn iuuciuc tuici wuii ui our of any oEce iu the gift of Hie Words a The Ahvav from now until One, ISoShu. Our f.bji-ct i't : aic-ajr this proposition I. 4 t'.s. propose bavitnr consider,'! ".ei . .y: to tbe peopl cltir.i. '11 ra qj paiini about tl.itao j ail, tile propose hhovin.' up ". 'atlr " rws ords as cb-rly r St s r Ible for us to do :n i fz-'-liu : air- selves to rcta'.n :.i ta,3 -at-f government tl i'tijcritic party. We tie. ire :. larger audi ence than we it,i i.ay .Lot we already briv a 1 ao r-ou latino a Ml wo !.": ry - 1 r of this i r"p-i-it; :i I "d -any uew tiaiaes t i oar ...... V.i ex pect fuilbeniara to rUiu many of the hub-cr;i i.rt' frouj the campaign an 1 .tby this means that wo a, ii to get our money. Tb Ai...iva ordinarily goca for . !x -i oiL for one dollar, but by vn: ; rri- OSltioU it gMS fabo'it ti.lr: fT the tamo money. Will oiir mrrt ; oi..4 .....s &ud friends every wb- .- , ia-- make thi fact gt ner; I'y b.. iit iu their respective i.w.a'A-Ji',,"'-? Will not all lh l: i. 1... every where, of the j -cause, now Inru little solid wo::; f r 1 Will not tho c :. masters every v '.. 2 tally rennrJ:, it';; thenj iu the licar'.i.r Tons of their ., Auvam 1: is cI ; a Trom now until the 1 uary? Will not I -:a tivc committee!:; " tot n -hip, nuva-s ry a little ca 1 . clubs? We waul a t!. paign iuhx rila-i lii intb. Wo v. il! the preeLt ;...!; -.. of the I'apr r w!il ? they? If anybody -r. of ten new .-;;! the cash, we wi'l per free to thsi 1 out tbe cami n-i-'ii . - - ' No name ill . -i.-r-'ll ,a odds wbos; it I" 'lot:!- th money !. prd l. V.'-- c, 'o vry little more th -n pny s;ni-4i under this .l'.--r if -. - --t th thousand f.." -rr ' . -vtv one pays iu r.. v. ' . m i! certainly cannot i:r -r l lo ba any deadhead Ia 1 .t ti" nor and of tl..i -.r-- in tb fall fraternity. ; ?. Now, then &Uo.-Ui! and let's see what -n be .?rMtr. jvi . . t 5. 1 .7 iud f p.-.t-t '.rj'.a- Irtrrr.'--. j;s rr " r" of a . tatl If :.. t-lri-.i . ... . a r!tb.f r r-. tritb . -u1 t pa. Ii J ;iTi'H'b-

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