rv? Wilson Advance. 1SS.S. r all nuntv Bn'.x Nvn is well .-li this wool; irr court rvpi'il'itijtl '.at V : v V!. til.' ("i ; Bob Taylor, the negro who stab bed : Mr. G"eo. Kay, week before last, was caught last Sunday in Greene county and brought to jail at this' place. We ate glad to know that Mr. Kay is recovering rapidly now and will be well in a low days. We hear more talk about a fire engine, not to have one, than any thing we can think of. Ii that en gine started from tile manufactur ers when we were honestly assured that it did, it could have t gone all around Cape Ilorn, reached Wilson and put out a dozen fires six months ago. The questions being propounded to the "Captain" axe beginning to get him wrathv. . ' - The District Conference of the j pres?i(B on their minds. Methodist church that was held at Weldon week before last, elected A Shocking Crime. the following aeiegaces to me an-1 urftltAra from the Washineton luial conference : Dr W. & Ander. GaZette of horrible crime, which SOU, V. 11. UUrweil, U. A.UQQKanUI nliMfitann mnntv a. few lievO. M. Cook ; alterajta,tGeo. daT8 . Brace, A Very estimable IV II art, l roi. a. u: uagiey, L. J. onB? !ady teacher waa taken by a Farmer culls hundred and eightr dollars was grand saner- raised at the.8anij time for the pur pose of endowing Trinity College. We acknowledge the receipt of an -.uvuatiou to auona ine sa annual comtni'.noement of Greenville Insti- !if State Convention i,:h yesterday. c'viiwd of If ash' county vv$ this week. -.':, nviUe Ketiector. has , a new dress of body type .,.i u a Farmer of this place . . mends iu Kash county rwni will lw isent from '. ,'i .'.unary '1st t'or one dol W. J: Peol,Esii. W. J. Peel, Esq., of Kaleigh, who will deliver the annual address at the close of the Wilson Collegiate Institute, as was announced in last weeks issue, is an exceptionally brainy and talented man. There are few men in the State who have stronger, better trained minds than Mr. Feel. He thinks for himself and expresses himself with force and in an interesting and entertaining manner. The people of Wilson have a pleasure before them that it is seldom their pleasure to enjoy. We believe we can promise oar readers an ad dress from llil Peel that' will set them to thinking and make an ira- .m - " 1 - t!i! v Commissioners meet nHvi'lily meeting Mon- lce the ' The Iv C'.IVC ill t! us I i jno-.l' Tii c has oTn'iied an !rT(iif,ui junior in l.uiMing.. ! '.. !!; i o i , accompanied would rj well to IH ;r lots. -1 - ... , ; r: e;u'.li of Promise ,r. the- Opera House wrn Me.-ssencer Kind- . 1 Aijv vnck a granur-ons ; -,t v eck. luanka. iv nck hopes its friends '!:tortuc towns will do i .v.fr to send the news .V-'h.di'?t ehureb .at. Louis- :ai -: !,:' Times, is to oe re- ! and otherwise repaired inspissates meet Monday lert a new Board of County ,.-'.io:u'i's and to levy taxes, S-i-" - Fiiirclotii, of. iGreene i Monday lor ltichmond ' will stay for some time. ri"v nKiiibers. have been villain of a lieero, carried into the woods, and bound hand and foot, followine ud Lis vile deed with crime too shocking to mention Boastine that he would return after awhile and take her life, the fiend incarnate left herr-Friends, fnfo JuiiA ; s. nt irinr.r- i )nri i missine ner. searcneu .. w wuuirj MnnNe.Literarv iwlrtrefiS ' tv Kev. I in large namoera, n muu s M. Smith, rf Washinpton. N. discovered her bound to a tree n at, S. iv m. Also an invitation She stated the facts as given above tn nttflnoVa nif-nii a(. Pollarrt'a Mill and expressed the belief hat the 6n the Saturday following, ucder wretch would jBoon return. The th insnipn or the antinn . Manv Irienas COl sue uoruo uu jduovcu thanks, wish we could be present. The Gold Leaf says : "Have you seen a somewhat unaersize man wearin e a plaited bosom shirt, a big black nacktie and a huge wbite hat! Well, thafs "Jordan, xne Star man." Yon may take him for a newly arrived Texan at first, but there is no harm in him, as he does not carry his pistols and his bowie knives in his boot-legs. We have known him a long time, and com- fellow her otherwise, but requested that she remain in the same place while they eecreted themselves to await the return of tbj& negro. Ere long he stealthily approached, when see- ing a dozen rifle barrels leveled, at him he surrendered xne iaay pe ine asked what she wished done with him, replied that she wished him skinned alive, whereupon Le was flayed, living but a few min utes afterward. The tortures of Nero himself would be an insuf HOITIE ITEMS. , Just received, 1000 pair of shoes at New York cost.-. Young Bros. Just arrived. Immense stock parasols, fans and hosiery. Young Bros. -V':t v . They mnBt Tje sold. lOOO "pair of shoes &i wholesale pncoSj Young Bros. .: i Kemember Branch , & Co.. have reduced the price of .their satines to 12J cents. , The largest, most complete and cheapest line of hosiery in Wilson at Branch & Co. Kemember Branch & Go's., i the place to find all the novelties in boys clothing. Branch & Co. are headquarters on shoes of every variety , of style and quality, Gnaranted Shoes ! Shoes ! baby shoes, old folks shoes, dandy shoes any kind at cost. Young Bros. 1,500 ponnus ot JNorto uaroun hams just received atBoykina. Suspenders, handkerchiefs, cor sets, gloves and parasols at cost. YpjnfiLBjps., . . Brancfr A Qo wilt sell an elegant 5 battwtfmbroidered back kid glove for 83 cents. Branch & , Co's. 83 cent kid gloves are unsurpassed. . .- -1 ! Branch & Co. have just teceivd a large lot of the celebrated "Brother Johnathan" shirts which theyw'a selling at per doz en & Fob Sjjji A lot joI selected seed peanuts. Call at 'J. T.'Mc- Craws, or address . vi r Consutopion Surely Curil.'"' ; t To the Editor. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease.- By its time ly use thousands of bopelese cm have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two1 bottles of myremody FEE to every ooa-l snmption if they will send me their Express and P. U. address, 1 ' ' -! Y.ii?-BespeotftdV :' , T. A. Sloctitn, M. a tftl Pearl St OSr 3D .A. L ' s Br u s t o r e. .(!! . -. Ji ! i: :;.!- " Wated.'i ROSES A ' young xazn (Tar Heel) out of employment by no, fult of ms, ana who is soDer, energetic and called a good Balesman, far miliar with ofilce j work, j long experience, popuiai turn., fait address and can give - best of references, wants a Job In' city, towni or country: ' Will work In any kind of harness. - Address, D. W. E:, Lock Box 1, Suffolk, v lriuitt. , AT 25 cients Per Dozen AT D! WE HAVE j j Just Eeceived -U ! . -I A Full Une of Irenpjt anl lXimttic il i mm court. NADAL'S DRUG STORE. i 11 ; 1 fi FRESH GARDEN SEEDS; such a demon. mend mm as a very ciever uow pani8hment for the crime of and the reoresentative of:one ofl! K M ... . v -,? t. the best papers in the State and better advantage." Yes, we caught Wson Farming a glimpse of him, the other cay as Mr. Hamilton MeMjllan, principal I ,i to t''o Iv.tnal Benefit and l-ho passed through here and he cer-j tthe Wilson High -School, is the Wilson corresponaeui ui mo layettevllle Observer. He wrote tnat Darer the followine f which will be of interest, to tori- readers: If there ia a farmer who believes that famine does not pay, he would do well to gravel througn Wilson county daring the crop season. He would see many things here that would open his eyes , r'as wide as Miss Addie Earle. has returned the lot eate . The land, so far as past Teachers' The one opened last ;!'o! Association' within . .the aior.Uu Wayne- c-ranty holds a In', it.ute lor its teachers f.if ti:o w- Tue.S'.iav. c-A&vAfi: Job Office does as 1 vo:-k and'at as low figures as ... , . A - Cl 1 aii in. ill u:e oi;ub. puu. ua vva.r ricrs. r lVn-.:o li'titnte commenceinent e'Ciroi--oi take place at iialeigh next w.mIc. Wilspn will as nsual be well ri'prescntedi Strawberries Aire- nearly played on :n- ;h:a -section They have not in'.Mi wore' than half so plentiful las usii.i: this year. a n v j; roTcment in this weeks i .. t... t r tl.,-. tainly reminaedus of a cowboy "on the shoot. 7 However, that som- bero of ins covers as nice iv man as is found anywhere any day, t ' '1. ... PSSSONAIi MENTION. Mr. Ji. tL. Jordan ia son on Uiisiness '"'' 2 in Hender- i a. If your Watch will run irregular ly; or stop when' you least expect it, causing you to miss the trains send it to Bell the Tarboro, N. C. Jeweler, who will put it A 1 order for you, at reasonable expense. His facilities for doing first-class work are unsurpassed Try him I fT $7$ J3rge6fc stock of base ball bats and 'balls ever in Wilson at Boy kins: 'V Just arrived. Our second sum mer stock in white derbys, mack- tnnaws, etc. loung Bros. Go to . M. Nadal's drug store to buy a bottle of B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm (he great blood purifier ancLtonic. .A ? f Remember Branch & Co. have the largest and cheapest line of Manilla hats ever brought to this market. B. B at Na- cilitii Statf York vv'.i tives fi ii i cil i m. - ! , ! iir. .'. COliVl'li' 10 MriVt tin- TZ"nl .niilfss. G.v.-,.; Tla-(:tvi:u-bi I'i. '" yoii'i .i JJjileigh r rent ion. attending the i-.u Vi npi m',1 :.: Wi.'.'i . r;-i: the h: JJatchi.nson-of New u-' ocen visjune reiiv- ci-ds in this city return- t Monday, . Lane of-Stantonsburg, v for Iiichmocd and !:cn! art ended- the State ! ion:' at. Kaleigh;' V.tfs who was convicted of rdor of Pad! Lincko will haiig paidoiiiiig power of the intefiiopes. I, -iiiicuceiiieat exercises of ;!(4ii 1-Vihif.le College takes tod iv. One of Wilson's met: -ip in" attendance. i vsv uuaoie to get t lie pames the parties attending the Duventii u froir this .place, u well represented. i '.. ',-. Smith icol ), who was i .vi:iM--t.,-r to Liiocria', pas- ...i: Vvi;.-';n- one. day last !. . '.-;, to that couutrv, Mr. V :is;n :n, Mr. II. M. War- uanerously sick for wi-cks. hut 'ls conva-".-;,-. v.'e hope-to see him 'mis iH-en. well repreaent- i , :i 'hiring the past sev W wore j-ileased to re . li Moti'Uw morning from i). (J liter, of that place .a- or. aor a residence Is go--trig ii ; t.ipidlv-: ;uid a handsome one ;t wit! he. lie is spuririg no pains toii-p..je (lie old ono by even" a from a visit to Nashville. Mrs. Alex. Quails, has retorned from a visit to Goldsboro. Miss Ilillie Muse, of Fayetteville, spent a short while in Wilson last week. Miss May Edmun'dson.. of Nash county, is visiting Miss Annie Brewer. '- Miss Fannie Waters is in Wilson on a visit to the family of Dr. Jno. K. Kunir.. Miss Gennie Bernard, of Wil mington, is visiting the family of Mr. T. D. Gay. j Mr. E. Y. rerry, who teaches school, in Nash county called to see ns Tuesday. Miss Irene Tyson, of Chatham countv, has been on a visit to Miss - . i' annie Mcuonaiu. : J. F. ,Brnton, Esq , will be at Dunn a portion of this week on professional business. Dave Woodard, who has been at Hick's Ford, Vay omt months past has returned to Wilson. r Mr. B. F. Tavlor and his brtde are spending several daya in W son, with Mr. Tay loir parents. Miss llattie Gardner lelt Mon day last for Richmond, where she wiil spend sometime with friends. Mr. E. It. Gay is at Bingwood, Halifax county, where he has gone to attend the inatrfage of' : friend. Mrii.'.M 1; Barnes, ot Eocky Mount, was in Wson last week, visiting her mother, Mrs.. B. H. Bardin.-r-v V jr v ; Misses Elethea and Maud .Gard ner, of Winton, N C, are I visiting the , family of their brother, Mr. Will Gardner, of this place. Mrs: O. W.;lMdJy, of Itlchmond who has been""ri8iting-ner-'parente and friends iir this lty for some time .4 paeW-left for 'her home on Saturday last. j' r. rT - Messrs. Fi AiWoodard Jno. E THE V A FULL. VARIETY OF r"-'" oJ. ,,iBiS ."f GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS F BOTH- t i .... ; t . ii . lr. t:t C A S E t:t- mm BUISTS AND ' ' -I.:.-. I , ; .... ..... . .."'..' . Also Nun's Veiling inBlack and deas, Aing SliEen mm rs. we have seen is rolling, with a clay subsoil and similar to land in the southern part of Robeson county Tar. pich and turpentine, lumber shingles and timber are things of the past. The country is thickly settled and the farms are in the highest state of cultivation. The Commissioner of Agriculture estab lished an experimental farm here recently. If the commissioner would travel through this county he might carry to Baleigb some new ideas about farming. There are a score of arms within a few miles of Wilson that will surpass the agricultural farm at the Capital. One fact In farming is worth a thousand theories. II good farm houses, on land made productive by intelligent farmers, if fine stock of every description, if comfort aud good living mean anything, then we must conclude that farming pays in Wilson.' I i Buy a bottle of B. dal's Drug Store. THE COUBT WILL OONVEN OX EVENING - HAT, Slit Willi the following officers U their rcpotlT places ' ' ' THEY ARE ALL WARRANTED I AM SOLE WILSON AGENT FOR OFFICERS: Branch & Co., have a few more of those satines at 12J cents. Cal Ck O T1 T7 HAfVTA tllQT? OPA Jill (rAfkO The most extensive anil cheap CHEK line of gloves in Wilson; ptBranch SnBBlPF & Co. ! r '" LAWYERS: laces and HamBari?' Idrfnirs in Wilson at BrtnCh & Co's. I plaintiff. A few more cJh elegant Avoir Sf' button kid gloteeatAS -oenti per pair left at IJra&qh c yg's, BrancniA -'Co. have taU the new shades in satines at 12 events Hold on L. 3dwards liaa ar rived again for 30 days only. He is overstocked with fin goods in Goldsboro and will sell them at any price. This is no sham. lie will be found at his. old stand op posite bank. L. Edwards EASIEST WEARING TRUSS IN Till: WORLD. . Oar stock Is replenished continually. TL lint f Y an4 Boys' Cheviot and C&Imere FuiU which sra have opened are conceded to be the treltleft of the e'A:-.o. Ite-iMTlfulIy, j 1 uthJ Jttft A. B. Deans, " " W; L.' Cantwell, J. W. Crowen. SKFXXDAKT. ' G.P.Hart, B. F. Taylor, J. A. Farmer, WITNESSES: Prof. Sidebottom, Mr. Bozzfnzz, Sambo. Mr. Jas McGurndy, Sam Weller, Sg'fc Johnson, Mr. Wm. Ferkin. -JURY: .......... . ' DRUG C4 1ST AWO CIIE35IT, , Nash Street. WILSON, N. C. Opposite Brigs Hotel, . J & D Oettinaer Coal Burning Locomotives- The Atlantic Coast Line will put coal burning locomotives on the W & W. Bailroad. next fall. Bix new engines to barn' coal have 'been ordered, and it "is intended, also, before the winter travel begins, to have all the locomotives now',- in use on the line changed from wood to ooal burners. The contempalted change is tf measure of ecoueniy. Coal, It is claimed, is cheaper than wood and time is saved in handling. It Is calculated that an engine will average ' fifty miles on" one ton ,of coaL and as the tender" will hold about five tons it will be easily seen where the economy in handling comes in. The ooal burners-will be put on, time for f winter' I travel and fre erht trafiic. which " tt "18 anticipated, will be much larger than the travel and trafiic last year. Branch & Co's. leader iu 5 cent lawn is the best in Wilson. ( The largest stock of Hats in the I Th chcaiiest Hate in jthol world If yoti want the latest' style in Hals go to. Young Bros. ij ..'1 ". ros. 3.00 shoe is better II. II. Ilutchuison, W. P.,Wooten, C A. Young, W. B. Young, . G. II. Wainwnght, J. L. N eaver, E. M, KadaL Geo. Hackney, Ii. L. Wyatt, J. T. Edwards, D. Oettinger, J. E, Bountree BOTTOril DROrPED OUT ADMISSION - General Admission Reserved Seats 25, 35. Young Ti than any 4.00 shoe in the city. The lates Younj: Bros styles in line shirts Thftlaiesf styles in fancy che'vi jRtt suitaJCqong Bros. Look at Young Bros. 90 cent I parasols. 1 Toe finest stock of parasols and umbrellas at Young Bros. PORTRAITS. !--: The Windsor sati nes at 10 cent OIL, life sized (bust) 25x30, $60. TTT7T . Lx Wilson, N. C, on Wednesday j May 23d, 1S88, Ben- MarksBrancbv in ine zza year oi ma age. : , i- "-ore lui-Il: ' -;T :- of fr.,iy I-"ay5Tt i h ajer.i' "chmV to meet several Le . Episcopal Diocese c:i their way home -viile. in which place iv was ield. Mr -Kranrh hud far manv months Woodard, Alex Green, Ed Barnes oeen connnea to nw oeawu&-o .Tr, and several . others, from this snmction. . ilotwithstanaing nis place attended the Congressional naturally ardent and, active , tem3 covention last wees. ? j 1 perameni, tuiniig an tuiatiuic no ATaori i rtr,i f Rit,mnnii I exhibited beautuui patience rarno . w,n,..i .1 . i tnus , constanii.v leaiiiucu- tu-nw : rt. 11. i'. Farmer's school gave a dfii:;"..ti'ai picnic l.ut Fridav,- at To;.i'uot. l.cryoii who went re p.it that - they -.had never spent lii.ufy reire liui-iiier days. .'ijro h'.-r l'.Vonnt of the Mirror will i Hvi-r the commencement jvldm-s -at. j unn Progressive ItiH-tlttiV iLis year and also at Ui.lv,: r wradeiny neur that place . Tliif campaign will be one of the hiHtest, ar.l hardest loucrut since the njeniornWe campaign of 1876 a. id i-verv tamilv should have at ic;: -t o:x. '.guoil Democratic news !;.;-- r, - Tii" Lti'iU-.n of i'romiso suit will V hear-l to-niht in Mamona Opera House. Tiio trial will be interest ing' anil -amusing. .We hope a ire lrairiberof our poople will be pic; cut, Tin- iiilvw oim th Carolina 1887 M-;-i,'ij,'nu.vs, in an- act to -amend . - ( tiMis 710 of the Code, that "a .hi.;r.c"of the Peace" ,is not eligible ! ) : li. ction as COuuty Com- 3:i;s!:;'i!;er. ; w.' n ct to anuonnco the .sen- oii-, of Miss 'KH.a Clements, t Tii!(ivison, N. C. .She is. a ! ruj :, i- of Mr. Jno. B. Clements, foiiiM-i-ivol this vtlace, and hi, .well iviown in Wilson. 'J i.'": . Method wU of Smithfield .'v iiMii xv.i excursion to Fayette- .'u.::e- ."ith, wc see from the K -i-wi. Fite'tcville is a popular i;. .' "!i,i i:i-:i:cs now. One was run Li. 1 wirk -from Raleigh. Vinir. tJignlMiard has been Mr. .1.1). Brooks. Mr, htoiie is local editor, c of Dunn ajipreciate the 1 Liiii' wts predict for it ;i:ul increased growth nt management. -i.ver'yJ.ody who' is 'interested in 'i'icaiiofw hiioula utteud the Kor- VMiH jonr. The gobd they can uv ji'niifi it will Hprely over h.it,i.:(i r,in -loss of tilio it may -i .m . Ri-utUH-d rates ur railroads. nicians, is ia Wilson,' in consalta- tion with Dr. W. S.. Anderson on a very sorious case of illness. Expression of Thanks. So many of the kind , people of Wilson have ministered to me dur ing my late affliction, that I des pair of befng ableo-' thank 'them all .personally. ,1 therefore adopt this method ot expressing my grati tude to them all, and assure them that in mwheart they are enshrined as individuals and will ever be re membered by me as I know they i a -w Tl a.1 : are remembered py onr awier u f him bevond, Young Bros. ILdeltt YdpBS liros-' , snitpat CRAYON, life eixe (bust) 25x30, .. ' . ". C : I . fi-. Portraits ' made from Photograplia,' 7 Daguerreotypes, Tln.Ttrnoa T Inttncra Trir1ncr , . riegam ainnaitrr uurujr mmi or any otner copy. LootTit Yodnff Brosr inackinaw haw 10 -cents, , Life, -OcentS Young Bros rLopk at.-Yoong, made suits aVl.W Heaven, f kVery gratefully. MjiS MAEY FEANCES BeANCH. thns, constantly -testified- to power and blessedness of her, gos- Af ...V. Zn hT.o.1 . ny died. In the early stages' of his last sickness he became fnlly; satis fied that he would-'soon oe -cailed away from earthy and every. f day his hope of a DleBsea immoEtanty became stronger and brighter. His last hours were scenes of; the gob- i stant triumph of a soul leaning upon-Christ pur bodily pain.. Many times he gladly affirmed the, solace he derived from the presence of his Savior, and finally, in a calm and undisturbed spirit, passed away to those who were waiting Jims. euBtem 1 r Changed will be made In pose, --- irlranerv. &c. when reonestea. and of any size or style desired. 1Gbok at.Yonng iros. cersefe, j" "Look at Yonnc Bros, scarfs. 1 fojb.cJ5 Ybnng Bro ;3.rA coats GllOUP PICTURES MADE AT vantT vests " warranted! all- wool J ' ... ! "' i Q i f rl n I r y' the"4 nicest H ; L- ..-V f I 1 - ' ' I .1 ( '. . . : ON -IT IS- 1 ruiQlO . A large dry goods firm has just closed out their entire stock of 22H Hats to me at l'2xx. each and 1 will hell them' almost at your OWN: -lilP R I O E FROM FIVE CENJ3 Ul. 1ST ID-. Don't You Forget It That I Have Arrived In Wilson With The Iaiidsoi.i-t I- mm me of Just". Think of a; Hat: for Five Cents. I i-lul n laain i ' We have no doubt tne mock trial which takes place Thursday even-! ing, May 31st, in the Opera House will be a very enjoyable anair. Messrs. Ilart and Farmer, f Rocky Mount,-and; Mr. Benj.F; Taylor, of Nashville, will be associ ated with some of our best home talent in the management of the case. it . s . t-1 1 1 1 s j i s The proceeds will be devoted to the building ; of the , Assembly Rooms near the cotton factory a most worthy object, f . , ; , Eaco allj" 1 ' j ' Wilaoni is, as usual, very late in starting liase ball, and the direct source of the delay is that no one cau be induced to take the lead. Everyone expects the town to play some good ball this 'season, and everyone expects someone' else to "open the ball." From what can be learned an amply sufficient cum of money can be secured to keep the amusement in motion through the summer. Billy is in better trim than he ever was. and can throw "The soul that on Jesus still" leans for repose " "' '" He will not He will not desert to . ;'! hiS foes," ,vw ; ; t-ul r.f above all to the last of. all foes, "tor he most reign till he hath ! pat all enemies under his feet, and the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.." -irer j a: L equal. U .50,,., " Young" Bro" tcarr; stock of notions, In Wilson. Iland-made opera slippers -1.00 -Young-Bros', "shoes' we ar-rietter1 tha,n .any othc house , , J. took at Young Bros! 1.25-parai Yonng Bros.-lrave the v nicest line of snit patterns in Wilson. Look at Young Bros. cent lawn. f Look at Young Bros, collars and cuffs. -., A large stock of fresh candy al ways on hand at Boykins. , The largeat stock of tobacco .and cigars in town at Boykins. Call and examine Branch & Co's line of genta ; inaldlla" hats' before The largest assortment, in Wil son of Dun lap Derbys at Branch & Cor -s. j t Branch & Co. have 'w complete line ,of colors in Tricots stictly all wool,'3G inche 'wkld at ! 50 : cents a yard- , t ill; ; ' ' A ll tkA -now nr1rMk in CORRESPONDING .PRICES. &S-A Perfect Likeness to the Original Gnaxanteed.S j- gjEfCorrespondence ; solicit ed for work In any part of the state. 1 r ... "T ' : BSylieferencea furnished np-j on' application. ,,(.... THE WSBXL I. P. E. EHHISS, WE WOULD CALL YOUU 'ATTENTION. TniS WEEK -.. i . TO A ... 1 RALEIGH. N. C. - tii. Henrietta clothes at Branch Co's. A une Notice., The magistrates of Wilson coun ty are hereby called to meet in the Court House in, .yvuson on (be- nwt . Monday ia Jane for the purpose of levying taxes and electing ( a , new Board of County Commissioners H ' j A. 6. BEQO8 C4'na. I : r - ' Is donsnjnjtion Inrerable , 1 Read the following: Mr, O. U. Morris, Newark, Ark,, says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable , Consumptive, Began taking ;pr. King's iNew 1 6tyled Hats iust received at Miss uisuovery lor vuiwuuiiiuauB-aui.i jh. ja.'tiacaney's. - nnn nn mv fhird hoft.lfl.and able to I t oversee the work on my farm. It !?raf ch & Co's. stock of Derbys Is the finest medicine ever made." 7'' nu- coioib. xtoie puce: ad eieganc white Derby $1.00, white beavers flioyou'.-'want "a: nice '.suit of ei Hit at cost eo to 'YouneBros. IjB'riWich " Col eelMfce1 celebrated Studio in. the Andrews Baild- lBg...JS-f ,!,.!.i..;j.t-' il 11SWU' BIG "BARGAIN ',,;'?': -in I MPOBTITIES ? - AND COMR EARLY l BEFORE THEY ARE ALL SOLD AND GET 1 That You Ever Clapped Your Two Eyes Uxkiu. I AND THE PRICES. AH YES, THE PRICES, - That's Where The Laiii Cms Id, They are so low they will make your head fwIih. here only-.- THIRTY , - i . t. SO THAT IK YOU WANT DAYS BARGAIN. i Don't Stand opon the order of your coming but Coice at Uac- EVERY DEPARTMENT IS FULL 1 11 EY MUST BE CLOSED JOUT t 1 AISO HAVE A t ULL LIS E OF - f t f I I . s 1 III of dress Grinfrhamft Am bracing all the latest novelties for 10 cents a yard aud upwards at Branch & Co's; 15"ew lot jof pretty and -attractive HERMIT Tinim triiuuii :o: CUlLDEKV,LADli- AND. OKXT Shcs .'. Dry Goods, Notions pnd Clothinc:; , 19T,MAIN STKEET, ' , r7Snits made to order guaranteed. , " , 1 1 1 FOR BOTH LADIES !;" '.'..! TLEMEN.' AND GEN- and Branch & Co, have 200 pairs of the "alieghany; qaiverf' in all the8Uk gocks at 13 cents a pair. TKeal iaMc i lva,ue 30 cents.l vrM enough catcher for anybody, sol 'What! drown Satufcs at'Ct2 let's havo some ball, and as soon as possible. cents. Where t . Co's. At Branch & Foster, Paul & Co's. gloves for ?1.00. warranted kid NOTICE. .....- I i A nalined u AdfatnteiBtrlx of tka U. WIIUIMII.HWMa, if of HTln qc MtAta ot Ii Wilson Uounty. u to oouir au penatm hnvinir ihlmi uuMt theMta f dHMWI IA exhibit them to the undenisBed mr ker attor- ney. on or before tr sta a j or Ani, in or this nonce win be Btead In bac of laair reanr err. All peraoua toileted to aaid eetate will pleane mako Immediate paymaDt. iMted April 4th, 1H88. j MRS. If ANDY WILLIAMSON, Adm. Jno. F. Brutom, Altoraer, UM a I . AND see ;tiim BEFORE THEY AKE ALL bOLD The Cash Racket Store, Opposite Briffgs Hotel. ' -; ' Nash St, WILSON, N. a Will Sell at F'are to AUni&h the NariTfR. WANT lO XAkK UO(M KOH.MT Spring Stock. COMK EACLT AVT OF.T A bargain: Dry Coods, Dress Goods, j Clothing, Boots and Shoes, .. . u Hats, Notionsrimmings, Etc. Through 7 he Whole Cnla.toguc! They arc Just "Too Lovely and Sweet, Jj7J . . !-' And Nutliing Shoddy in the Lo(.?; To & Wilson friendb for their favors In th lit. I solicit a critical examination of my Stock, flinsr confidant tliat I an meet all their wislies in regard to Quantity and liuillty, aud Prices such as were never BEFORE IIEVIU) OF ; lfanyoneranfeHyonanartirofor$l.Ml wiil .ll.it.Iur cenU, no matter what it in. ' Very llcspcctfully, aj JI J1CJIV l'OiiKsiteBranch t C- - . REMEMBER I VILL REMAIN ONLY THIRTY DAYS ! X Respectfully. 1 1 Old Hardware Store, Opposite the Bank W ilson, N. CM Ap U 2G, I8C0.