IS r J 1 :1 7t At-tbt .rN'T. , ii-vrr a i VVj' TIIE AD V AKCE : IUH1X THE CAlNIPAIGrN FIFTY CMS. CAMPAIGN --FOR-- .LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TIIUTBIS' FIFTY WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPT. 0, 1888. VOLUME 18. NUMBER 32 GENTS BILL ARFS LETTER iO y f.l RS HIS FIRST MOXEV. ' II- .""' Should he Rained. I't'ili-: lined in l'ub- . , ,'s. t'.l 111 ti OV .pro I'.iH t)i; lo-.i an w.i e-. .'i 1 fir-t money i. tli ft bent. that a boy Most every Las r.leasant memories of first reward he got for his n I tlior. ' I remember how u I was when I felt of and ii.1I.m1 the first silver dollar i man gave me ior two huf wood wood that I cut ,!.nuled myself. My father hiiviifg a new ground clear i 1 told me I might have i 1 would cut. So worked on ttie little saplings fY.-rv evening j after. I came from .school, and by . Saturday no m I liad two good loads. I hitriird up the team that even- nii,' and i.raaed pne wagon ana drove to town as proud as a kins:. My school teacher, Mr. Aii ierso'ii, saw me and bought tli w.iod and gave me eome 4;iad encouraging words that I Have never forgotten. My good mother watched me from the window as I went and as I came, and tdie .'yas proud too prou i o" her boy. I remember the love that was in her face and the watery glisten that was in her eyes as sue looked at my silver djWar, ai d how she kiss ed my ruddy cheek and stroked my hair, and told me that it was honest money and would laVt. Vr hat a v, inuo'-er'.t pride motherV-;' heart : cutting wood orld of fond and there ,1s in a pride in her children,, their -looks, their con duct, their success, I. kept on in that new ground, and made more money, tbiit the lirst waii the best. It is a good plan to. let a boy earn soma u-oney for h,imself. He feels iiis consequence, and he works with', more spirit than h-i 13 working for his i l'.;. r. Carl earned his first tie -ney last week by dragging a chain for the surveyors, and he su uis around like a 'capitalist,' as Co!)-- savs. lie has three dol lars ifi ar leather purse, and ta.l:e- it out of tine drawer every nL'ht and looks .at it and handles it and shows it to Jes sie, li. is not the same kind of money that I'hive been giving him. . lie will get some more this week and will soon be bothered what todo with it. Jly and by he will lend it to his mother, 1 reckon, and it will si; -1 i::to a carpet pr something thai wanted about the house, aul when Carl wants his money I will have to pay it, that's all 1 never have 'any trouble about Lu viiii- thrums my folks are init'hty kind to me about that. If 1 pay for tljem they say have done my (share, Carl is now- in the jieyday of his yo'ilk th4 consequential staue, and fe'-ls like le can do any- tluug. He llien around like youuj cyclone- aud makes much fuss as a. little dog hk'h grass. Hie is the butt end of all cnmpliiiiits. Everything that i lost or broken is laid on him. ' Rut he don't care. His ! voice 'hat almost quit splitting in twd in the middle and ha settled do will cotis )wn to He stands befo a regular terror ro the glass ties. his. cravat a long time he his clothes and hair and tips little on one si and and hint's his shoes and brushes parts his gk3sy his soft hat fle. He is going to sing in the choir very soon and that is all have luape of a in the choir, fol fight. I alway Doy who. sings ' music aud love run mighty . will together, 39 church. These fiue the manners They a bov 1 ? a peciiiny in inn a-ssociations re as yel,l as the thoughts, create self-respect, arid . 1 . ... - 1 .. .t , , "ot uej;raue uimse.u as lontr a.v lw respects himself. When he has jbehaved himself badly it is a good' sign if he wants somebody to take him behind the house and kick him. A teacher asked me not long ago what, was my opinion of corporal punishment in public fchools. That depends more upon the teacher than the bov. Some ten chefs command neith er iue respect imr the fear of the boys, and, of course, are not lit for their calling. Some are passionate and intemperate and whip when they are mad. Some have no mofe consideration for a dull, . .stupid boy than for a bright. 'smart one. whn lea.rnq his les--on without an effort or a strain; A snccessful teacher no ordinary man. lie has a combination of superior boy had 1- V, iicu'.ties. Kvery college 1 "it'-ws thisi, for they have i p irt unity to compare one ; : !e-mr with another. A boy .. 1. 1 j ould learn willingly and :'i;i'nly under l'roessor McKay "I-Id be rebellious and sullen under another professor I could n;; me. ( ld Mack,' as we called 1 1 1 -1 Impressed .us with the ".lea that he felt a personal 1 -li'le in our advancement, as V M a our good behavior, and u :t he attachedbut little im 1 t:.iice to our transgressions . - viiee rules provided there )i. no malicious meanness in Jt- If the boys had a 'possum supper about midnight, or dis guised themselves and went to a circus he never wanted to know anything about it. A school boy is just like a horse- convince him that, you are his friend and you can manage him. The teacher must have some dignity of character as well as will power. I know one who went to sleep every day in his chair and a boy would slip out and throw a rook up and run back to his seat before it came down on the roof of the house and waked him up. He never did try to find out who threw that rock, for he felt ashamed of himself But about whipping. Most everybody wants a bad boy whipped that is, if he is somebody else's boy You may kick anybody's dog but mv dog.. If I was a teacher now I wouldn't whip at all ; but thirty years ago I would have threshed the bad boys right and left. As 'we grow older we grow kinder. My first boys got pretty much all the whipping, and I can now recall some pretty hard ones that were not deserved, and it grieves me still that 1 did not try a more loving treatment. I whipped two of them once for stealing some young mocking birds from a nest in a nabor's orch ard. He said they stole them, and I whipped them bad though they declared their in nocence, and it turned out af. terwards that he was mistaken iu the boys, and 1 never liked that man any more. The better man the father is the less the whipping he will have to do and so the better man the teacher is the less he will have to do. A weight of good solid character is of more conae quence to him than superior scholarship. It takes good generalship in the schoolroom just like it does in the army- Some men are born to com mand, and some are not. If a bad boy has no respect for his teacher the teacher Will have to whip him or expel him to enforce obedience. It is a bad sign when the teach,er has to walk around with his switch or his ferrule in hid " hand and keep it in threatening proximi ty. Solomon enjoyed the liber al use of the rod upon children and Solomon was a wise man; but a man who has a thousand children, and don't know them when he sees them, is a poor iudge of the parental relation. Of course such children nave to be . raised . by! machinery, for they have neither precept nor example. A close, loving com paniouship of a father with his hildren ia their best safeguard, and lasts the longest. The first born do not get a full share of this, for the young lather is ab sorbed in business and full of worldly ambition, and leaves everything at home to be man aged by the mother. As he grows older he has more sense and be comes mfTre thoughtful about the future of his children. He attaches less importance to wealth or fame and becomes more concerned about domestic peace and the good conduct of those who are either to bless or to curse his old age. , But about whipping In school. . The time was when there was flogging in the navy, but has been aoolisnea by law, and tnis re form has stood the test Of time and experience, lime was when the whipping-post was in every jail yard in Georgia. When I was a very little boy I peeped through the crack of the fence and saw the sheriff whip a man for stealing a hog. It scared me and I ran away. . In that day it was considered necessary to whip the bad boys at school. Indeed, the boys ex pected it and took their chances at being caught in their devil ment. It was a kind of bar gain au implied contract be tween the boy and the teacher. You catch me and you may whip me. It was like the old Mosaic law, 'An eye tor an eye and a tooth for a tooth ;' but in these times we are trying to elevate the toys to a higher plane to stimulate their pride, their self-respect, their ense of honor and propriety. With some teachecs this will succeed, with some it will lail for rea son's already given. As Sam Jones says, some are not fitten to teach, and are not fitten to get fitten. !Now, the idea of fixing an age limit, and to say that a boy must whipped after he is ten years old, i3 not founded in reason.. Some boys over ten deserve more than others under ten. Did you never hire a horse from the staoie and near tne owner say. 'Now, don't touch him with the whip, for he is high-strung and won't stand it' Just so it wim ooys. jot long ago 1 heard a mother say : 'I never had to putfish Clarence. He was always good and thought ful and obedient; but Will is just running over with mis chief all the time. He keeps me alarmed for fear he will get into trouble. The boy can't help it, for it is his nature.' While it would almost break one boy's heart to whip him, you can maul away on another just like he was a steer and with as little effort As parents know the difference in their children, so should the teachers learn the difference in their pupils, and govern them ac cordingly. I suppose that these public schools that are run like machinery must have uniform rules that fit all alike, the bad and the good, and so the ques tion still comes back unanswer ed ought corporal punishment in the public schools be abol ished, and to this I answer emphatically, I don't know. It is like the old question that we used to debate : 'Should capi ¬ tal punishment be abolished. That has never been settled yet, and what capital punishment is to a man a good whipping is to a boy. It almost kills him. It hurts mighty bad. 1 went to one teacher whose whippings did me no good, for he whipped mad and the madder he was the harder lie whipped. One day he whipped me for ringing the bell when I didn't ring it. I had a big boil just "FARMER DOCKERY" I :0:- 11 E IS A SUCCESSFUL, URE. , FAIL His Career M a Farmer Inter- sjtersed With Ills Political lie cord. AHrolcn Down l'olili. dan. The greatest fraud of the present day, so far as we know, makes to be a "plain farmer," "a horny handed son of toil,' who digs his living out of the ground. He tells tne people that he is nothing but a piain tarma-w -rOCTCrftd HWaV ffOlll behind me and he pulled it be- L nma ' ,t h:3 wili ttat iiad .j aii.i:-i. i 1 s -" Z ' . . lore 11 was ripe, auu n neu iu brother farmer. Captain Al have killed me and my mother too. But I had rung the bell several times before and had not been caught, so it was all right all around I recon. Old Dr. Patterson whipped me oniy once in two years, and it hurt him worse than it did me. lie almost cried and talked to me so kindly. He was a good man old Pat was, and we loved him. And so after all I don't exander, for instance, been nominated by the Democrats, nnthini? could nave induced him to be an opposing candi date. This is .the veriest twaddle in the world, and no man that did not have the cheek of a rhinocerou3 would be guilty of it. Instead of being a plain farmer, making a living from the soil, he is the worst aema- chance, who runs for Governor whenever he can get a ha-nc$ and stays at home onlyi when he can't go anywhere else, is absurd. Broken down ! politi cian is the right name for him, and that is just what Oliver Hart Dockery is. 1 And . that is the man who goes about tne oiaie pretending to be a farmer and trying to stir up strife among the ieople. It is not our purpose hare to make any defence of the! law yers; they area class 01 people quite well able to take full care of themselves and nave withstood many harder blows than Colonel Dockery,B-'rptray arm can give them, and need not fear anything that a broken down politician and broken down lawyer can ' do to their hurt. He loves farmers he says an hates lawyers. What are the facts? In 1 1884 the Democratic candidate ior the Legislature in the onipty of Richmond was a highlyi respected farmer, named J. Yv. bneed. lie was FEDERAL TAX. 1 DOCKEItl' ATTl-JIFTS TO DEFEND l'liOTECTIOS, Horn Can Ann Man Have the Clieek to A lie in t to Defetul the . Taxation vf our 1'eojtle unto Foverty. law, and maintenance of right. ' Surely the cause is worthy of our supreme?! efforts. The improvements that we see every " day around us. in men, manners, and material af fairs, had their rise and have made their progress under Dem ocratic rule. Will it be wise, then will It bo prudent for us to change that rule? Let conservative, thinking men throughout the I State consider thld question well. . . Colonel Dockery though a Southern born' mari.detends aud justifies, or rather atttempts to defend and justify, Uio Federal financial Policy of his party. Of course, he is one of theje Southern men with Northern principles that his friend Judge Russell, of civil rights odor speaks of. Coloned Dockery inist that the policy of his party is patri otic because the Northern manufacturers have flourished Harrison's EacJri Wuile a plaiu, steady, unassuming old J under such taxes. Yes i the farmer and a one-legged Con-J whole course 01 the liepublican federate soldier who was well party has been to favor the rich thought of by all his neighbors. J irfen of the North who control The liepublican candidate was! it. First the bond-holders, and know whether tiie teacher in th State and a thor ought to whip other people's onffl racea .broken-down liadl- children or not, but I don t i nnlitio.ian of the lowest think he ought to whip mine. Bill Akp. People Efeijiiere ' Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Kemedy is in every wav superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We oiler von a sample bottle free, liemember, this Kemedy ia sold on a positive guar antee. Dr. W. S. Anderson, Druggist. The New Berne Advocate says the Republicans of Bertie couu ty have endorsed Geo. A. Meb ane as the bona fide Republican candidate for Consrress in this dtstrict. a as in Pimples, en lis Face ' Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with sr.SsiciJC.'- Acktr'., 2luud Elixir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion sm ooth and clear. There is nothing that so thoroughly build up tbe ;itution, purify and strengthen the wlioie system . Sold and guar anteed by Dr. Vr. S, Anderson, Drutgist. The Democrats of Franklin county held their Convention last Mouday. Much enthusiasm was shown and Radicalism in Franklin will be 'wiped out in November. The following are the nominees : For the House of Representatives, Hon. Chas M. Cooke and Jno. T. Clifton, members of the Legislature of 1885; for Sheriff, iL'C. 'Kearney; for Register of Deeds, P. A. Da vis ; for Treasurer, M. S. Davis; for Coroner, B. J. Blackley ; for Surveyor. Burwell Baker. The ticket is a strong one and will bring out the entire Democratic strength. Mr. Cook is one of the best and ablest men in the State and the only thing we re gret about his nomination is that it was not for the Senate, instead of the House, so that we might have had the pleasufe of voting for him. He will be a prominent and useful member of the Legislature, - Are You Sceptical ? It so we will convince you that Acker's English Remedy ior the ungs is superior 10 au otiier prep arations, ana is a positive cure for all Throat and Lune Troubles Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds We guarantee the preparation and will give you a sample bottle free at Dr. W. S. Anderson's Druer More. 1 . iWanted. A' young man, (Tar Heel) out suit is anywhere of employment by no fault his, and who is sober, enerireti and called a good salesman, fa miliar with onice work, long experience, popular turn, fair address and can give best of references, wants a job in city, town or country. Will work in any kind of harness. Address, D. W. E., Lock Box 1, Suffolk, Virginia. lsLU'8 Worlli LiYing? T i. - r" a . ., jxoi, u yon 1 turoun tne worm a dyspeptic: Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Flatulency and Constipa tion. Guaranteed aud sold by Dr. W. S. Arderyou, Druggist. The Progressive Farmer says: lIt is worthy of remark that, in a company of sixteen delegates to the State Farmers' Alliance, who happened in our oflice at tbe same time last week, seven of the num ber had lost an arm the right arm. Upon inquiry we were in formed that six of the seven had lost their arms m the cotton gin, while one met with his loss ' at the battle of Chaucellorsville. Oi.e of them remarked that '-the cotton gin since the war had made more one-armed men than were made in battle during the whole war." Can- iiwu buuih ingenious man invent a cotton gin that wiil be less destruct ive to the strong right arm. of the South I It does seem as though it mignc be done." kind. I If any one doubts this let him look at the man's record since the war. In 1868 he ran for Congress twice. Twice in one year is pretty fair for a plain farmer averse to politics and hannv onlv when watch- x t m m , - ine his growing crops: In lbh.i he showed his love for his crops- by staying in Washing ton City; and so in 1870, when he eased the bitterness of his erief at his absence from those same crops by another race for Congress. But that was not a c-obd vear for Radicals, and so Dockery was beaten, and in 1871 he went back to his beloved crops. And then the Demo crats changed the make-up of hia district so that he had no showing for Congress any more But for this little circumstance he would have been running for Congress .every two years from that dav to this. Not to be idle, however, in 187G!.e was a candidate for Elector from the State at large and was defeated. In 1882, when ! by accident as it were, there was a Congressman from the State at Large, and the election coming on in an off-year, he made the race and, as we all know, was beaten. Since then there has been no opening for him for Congress, his district beine overwhelmingly Demo cratic, and so, having run down on his farm, he now seeks to be Governor.. And this is the man who 10 parading the State as the war mer's friend! We know just the kind of farmer he is. There is at least one of the sort in ev ery neighborhood in the State, as the commission merchants know to their cost. They farm on supplies and advances from commission merchants, and make cotton and buy corn and work poor mules. This sort of farmers "know it all, but somehow their crops don't pan out well. They can tell a poor neighbor who drops in of a Sun day evening just all about it, but that same poor neighbor, who know nothing about scien tific farming, but plants right straight along in the o Id way, will sell twice as much cotton to the acre. You will hear a "farmer" like Colonel Dockery, ex-me ber of Congress, almost a day now calculating how much cotton he -will make. There are so many hills, says he, in an acre, so many stalks to the hill, so many matured bolls to the stalk, "certain " so manv bolls to the pound, and 400 pounds to the bale, and the re- from one to of two bales to the acre and when it Is all picked out the average will be about 12" pounds of lint to the acre! That's the kind of farmer Col onel Dockery is. His ali'ect eply shabby dress and appar ent want 01- attention to his person do not prove him to be a farmer by any means. If this sort of thing proves any thing at all it is the demagogu ery 01 the man or the want of soap and water. Jtiut what a low estimate he puts upon the sense of the peo ple 10 suppose that such things as these will win their esteem and regard! They may catch negro votes, but they wiil nev er catch white votes. Negroes may thinK a man is nearer their level because he is slov enly in his dress and regardless of the decencies of life, but white men see no special virt ue in a dirty shirt when a clean one can be conveniently had, or in dirty hands hands when soap and water is convenient. We venture to say, without the slighest fear of successful con tradiction, that Colonel Dock ery has not hoed a dozen rows of corn or chopped out a dozen rows of cotton since he was twenty-one years old. To talk about a man being a 'plain farmer" who goes to Congress whenever he can get a a young negro lawyer, named William II. Quick who had ob tained his law license in Feb ruary, 1884. Now here were the two candidate for the votes of the people of Richmond county one an old steady white farmer and the other a next the Northern manufac turers. He points with pride to him. He does no point with pride to the common people of the rxorth, or to the grangers of the Northwest. These are suffering under the burdens of the Republican measures. Nor in the United States Senato General Harrison voted against reducing the tariff on agricultural implements and tools of mechanics. See Con eressional Record, volume XIV, page 1,78 1, 47tli Congress. He also voted against reduc ing the tariff rate on cotton bagging. See Congressional uecoro, vomme aiv, page , He also voted against the re peal of the tobacco tax. .See Congressional Record, volume XIV, page 2.7U7. " He also voted against reduc ing the tax on tobacco from 12 to 8 cents a pound. See Con gre?sional Record, Tolume XIV, page 2,:J7(5. A warrurs- Jhe modes of death's approach are various and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from duteaeesof the Throat and Lungs than any other. It is prob able that everyone, without excep tion,! receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into tbe system and where these germs UU opoa suitable sou they start into life and develop, at first e'owlv, and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in tbe throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to tbe lungs producing Consumption, ard to the head, causing Catarrh. Now all this ia dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in tuna cause death At. tj- c .-; tHitnust act with pro.iiptnes.. allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nos trils, obtain a bottle of Ilosrbee'a German Syrup. It will give im mediate lehef. NEWS OF A WEEK Pa, paid Johnny, who is a persistent knowledge seeker what Is law giver? There isn't any such thing. Johnny replied the old gentle man, who had been involved in considerable litigation. But this book gays a man was a great law giver. It's a mistake. Law la never given. It'll always retailed in mighty einall quantities at He also voted against redac mighty high figures. ing the tax on brandv and I Traveler. whisky from IK) to W) cents. See Congressional Record, vol ume A IV. tage 2.i'M. young negro lawyer and Dock- doea he Point Wlth ,rido to tLe OuJEriday, the ICth of Feb ery voted for the negro lawyer! condition of our poeple of the rury, 1X8:;, Senator Brown, of lhit. thi tma mnr than th South, who have the oppressive Georgia, offered the following other Republican of Richmond and tyrannous yoke of moneyed aonendment to the bill then be-' uBspuuaiu iitesaiuK iuuiu uu u. lure the enaie: "Ana au laws could d for Sneed was elected although Richmond is a Re publican county. ow. when Dockery, who pretends to love farmers so much calls upon the poeple to vote ror him because he is farmer and against Judge Fowle because he is a lawyer, ought he not to be asked why he vot ed against a white farmer and for a negro lawyer? And will the people consider it ja good excuse that in this case the lawyer was a young negro buck and the farmer a white Con federate soldier, with' one lex shot off ? We think not. ane lact is Dockery is a perfect failure. He failed as a lawyer, failed as a plantar, lail e3 .s ?, soldier, failed as a politician, and now having fail ed at all these things, sets him self up as a farmer ! The won. der is he has never set up for a newspaper man. But It takes something more than sixty years of failures, ppent in ease and luxury, to make- either a farmer or a newspaper man ! As a slanderer of respectable, honest women, however, he is a success. The highest position that a man can occupy is that for which he is best fitted and in which he perfoms cheerfully best work: the lowest is the The Southern cotton crop has yielded in clear cash since the war 5.3,000,000,000; what has become of it? What has be come of this immons e turn? It Las gone in taxes ;-:id under the "depleting systtui' of the Re publican party to the North. Coloned Dockery cannot point with pride to the condition of our people here in North Caro lina, whose favor he no-s seeks. We are poor and havo made no money, notwithstanding the twenty-three year of honest toil and hard labor of the past. We axe crushed with poverty, which is due in large measure to the outrageous systam of tho Republican party a system waich'they refused to modify or change, although it is abso lutely destroying the people of the South. We assert that this system called by Colonel Dock ery "wise and beneficent, pursued so persistently by the Republican party, exacting as it does-, high taxes unneces sarily from the people, is a tyranny and a despotic use of power. It has been particularly hurtful to the South ever since the war but what is good for us the Republican party never cares to consider or regard. We insist that the Republi can party ough not to have im posed such heavy taxes on the people of the South in our i.nw in force assessing a tax or providing for the collection of a tx, known as inter nal revenue laws, on whisky and brandy are hereby repeal ed." On this amendment the yeas And nays were called, and Sen ator Harrison voted in the neg ative. See Congressional Re cord, volume XIV, rage 1.727, 47th Congress, 2d session. How does thid record of thV Radical candidate for President of the United States strike the eye of the average North Caro lina farmer? Kerlt Ylns. We deire to say to our citizens, that for years we hare been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption,, Dr. KiDR'a New Life rills. Buck leu' Arnica Balve and Kiectric Bittern, and hare never handled n-medics thai pell as welL or that h.ive given such universal iati faction. We do Dot hesitate to guarantee them every time, aud we stand re.vly to refand tbe pur chaw; price, ir satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great Kiularlty purely on tbeir merits. A. W. Kowlaud, Druggist. & SatQ lniestment Is ohm h cli is guaranteed to bri jg you ratiM'uctoty tesuttH, or in caj-e of failure a leturu of purchase piiv. Ou this fcafe plau you can bay fiom our advertised Drugcixt a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. It is guar anteed to bri lg rebel in every case, when used for auv affection of Turoiit, Luii;h or Chest, ucta as Consumption, Intlammation of Lungs, Brouchitis, Asthma, Wboop ing Cough. Croup, etc," etc. It is pleasant aud agreeable to taste, perlectly sale, and can .always be itjm-ihUmI u;ton. Tiul built; free at A. W. Row land's I Mug Store. Tramp.Imay as will be frank about ihe matter. Will you please give me fifteep cents to buy a driuk of whisky? Old Gentleman Can't yon buy a drink of whLjky for less than fifteen cents? Yes, I can buy it for ten and in some places as low as five; bat Great Scott! what kind of stuff is it? Texas Sittings. WHAT IS UAPrESIXa IX 1UB WORLD ARO USD US. A roNfeerI report of the nrt at gather&t from 1K0 ceftimM our contemporaries, &tUe and SationnL Tbre waa frost and Ice at Elc r ing Rock last Friday.' TartiM in KnoxviUe, Teau, have written to Ualeign, asking far a photograph of Walter liingham and details of his crime. ' Dunn's Weekly Circular report a general revival in all kiuds of business throughout the country a during tho past week. In Onslow county Sunday, Sask! , Thompson, two years ol.l, wm scalded to death in her Uth-r bouse. She turned over a kettle t.f boiling water, Mai K. 8. Tucker has cut Zi,2V, -poinds of hay from May Mh t j Angunt 20. This is ia addition to KDi-plying bis own stock. It wetnH an enormous yield. Tbe contract for erecting a new Z building for tbe Second l'ruMly terian church at Wilmington has been let, and tbe Messenger mii it will cost 17(H. Mr. Fletcher was accidental y shot and killed at Durham Usl week by tbe baggy In which he w-s riding falling apart, causing tie discbarge of bis gun. Mr. James, of Everett's is the champion watermelon grower f eastern larouna. From one vine be gathered twelve melons which averaged fifty pounds earn. Wilmington has a Fplder which ' writes tbe word "Wilmington' u bis web. Tbe Review has tueen it and pronounces the penmanship very good. Willi's Creek in Transylvania county, a the scene of a "teiTiffic waterspout last week. Several lives were lost. Property to the amount 01 f 300,000 w as destroyed. Tbe Laurinburg I'xchange says a man in tbat section rained 12 watermelons thaf weighed over 700 lbs. Two of them weighed lli pounds, or 72 and 71 pounds each. Mr. Solomon Dun baa contracted to carry tbe mail from Klnston t Trenton three times a week, a dis tance of 23 miles. He gets $;oo a year, ana proposes to walk. lis- that for which he is not adapt- impoverished condition a.- ea and iu wnich he is content J soon attar tne was mat it wa t roMve personal benefit for heartless to crush the life out mferi'-r performance. Society I of us in the way there beine! h ti fully learned in the no necessity; and if taxes could matter of work to 'pay honor always where honor is due to distinguish gold from dross, the true from the false, tiie noble from the mean. When it does, the energy now em ployed in pushing and striving for coveted positions will be turned into the endeavor to make the work that naturally falls to each one as perfect of its kind and its purpose as possible. Ccrsuspion Surely Curi. To tiie Rilitnr: 1 lease inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above earned disease. By its time ly use tiiousamld of boneless cases have been permanently cured. shall be glad to send two bottles of my remouy FRKK to every con snmption if they will send me their liiXpresH and r. O. address, Respectfully T. A. Slocura, M. (J. 181 Pearl Kt N.V. , lieTrndon; be reduced in 1S1 the tax ought tn have been taken off the people and not off the in comes of the millionaires of the North who had amassed great wealth by plundering the people during the war. Aud we futher insist that if ten or fifteen years ago tne goveru. ment could get aloug with 258,000,000 it is tyrannical and unjust to take from tho people now 079,000,000, for one-fourth of which the gov ernment has no use. The rapid payment of the bonds, the shifting of taxation from the incomes of tho rich to the daily used and necessary articles of the poor, the degra dation of the poor man's mon silver, were heartless and des potic discrlmatious intended to kavor the powerful and oppress the poor. They have done everything that they should not have done and have everything that A T:un? Virginian's tircucns- - The City of New York brought back to America a young Vinduian of whom we may well feel proud, David Waton Talor's of the Green Sprimrs, Ioulsa county, Va., graduated at the United States naval academy. Annapolis, in the summer of i ss.j many points higher thsn any record ever made before at that h-chool. He was appointed to the scholar ship at the Knglish naval college- at Greenwich, .given by the r.rilish government to the best graduate of the United naval academy, .bach year tince he has taken a high stand at examination than any stud ent at Greenwich anl this summer completed the course anil graduated seven points lii::lier than the standrd requir ed for Gin fir?t grade, and was the only student in his class who obtained the Drst grade. Hisgraduating mark was next to the highe.-t ever made at this world renowned school. Caution to Koihtrs. The celebrated authoress, so hieMv esteemed by the women of America, says on pages . 103 and 41" of her popular work Eve.' Daughters - r, Common Sense for Maid, Wde and Mother :n "For the aching back should It be slow iu recovering its normal strength an Allcock'a Porous Plater is aa excellent comforter, combining the sensation of tbe sus tained pressure of a strong warm band with certain tonic qualities developed in tbe -nog. It (should be kept over the seat of un easiness for several day in obsti nate cases, for perhaps a lortnlgbt-" "For pain in tne back wear an Allcock'a Porous Plaster constant ly, renewing as it wears off. This is an invaluable support when tbe weight on the small of tbe back be comes heavy and tbe aching incessant.' There will be a grand flag ttcle raising at Pitlsboro Sept. 14th, wben tbe highest pole m tbe will be raised. Capt. Ilunn and I other speakers will be present.- Geo. Denning and sister, Abbie, are two Idiots wbo live in iSa'mpoa county. Abbie became enraged with George and swung him op to tbe joist with a rope. George died. At Morganton, N. a joint stocK company baa jusi -n-cn or ganized to build a sixty m LoU 4, to have all tbe raodei.. conveni ences. It will be located nne tniie northwest of Catawba river. Can a young man marry com fortable on $-VX a year? asks a corespondent. Yes, be can; but he will be denced un comfortable afterward. Bur lington Free Press. tney stiouia nave none, iii tin- iirt hale of cotton with uiirflchlel ause or depression in ii.i. baeiuz around it in ttuH money matters is the result of urates was giuned audi Radical legislation which Mr. Cleveland Is compelled by law Uuitcd pneked at Mr. M. M. McKinuon's gin last week and was raised this season. Ihe bagging was mawm factured by tuo Acme Maouiacta ing Company. So says rtie Lauris-A uurg i-xcnange. Syrap of Figs , is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known tp Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive ; to Dispel Headache, Colds and Fevers to Cure Habi tual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by4 the Caiiioruia k ig Syrup Company. San Francisco, Cal. Try it. Frr sale by L. M. .Nadu. ewtou and Catawba counties are making elaborate preparation for the fair at Newton, September 14th. It pren-ises to draw a yery largo crowd and to be a notable event. Senator Ransom and Capt. S. 15. Alexander will speak on the 12th. and Senator Vance and W. R. William?, Esq., of Pitt, on rke l.Jth, A young lady in Philadelphia is said to have had five lovers, all named Samuel. Her photo graph album must be a boofcoCi Sams. to see carried into effect. The only relief from its baneful effects, temporary, at best has come through the exercise of executive power in the pur chase of bonds and the issue of certificates by which panic and disaster was averted. Perma nent relief can'come only from the enforcement of th Demo cratic policy of reduction of taxes. That cuts evil up by the roots. lAeiy mother is cautioned agai ist giving her child -laudanum or paregoric : it creates an un natural craving ior stimulants which kill the miud or the child. .ckci8 llahy Soother is specially prenared to tH-iicfit children and cure their pains. ILih baimlcs and contains no Opium. -or Morphine. Soi l by lr. W. S. Anderson, Druggist. "cttir; Sals It Zalaha, Fla., June 27, 1&7. N. R. Visible & Co.: I have been using P. B. B. in mv family as a b'ood purifier. Having never used any medicine to equal it. Mas. IL M. Laws. Kxtract from a Letter P. S I boucht 3 bottles of your Ilotauic Dlood Palm from my frieud 11. D. Ballard, at Csmpo bello, S. C 1 bare been using it three weeks. It appears to rive me new lite and new strength. If there is anything tbat will make an old man young It is B. B. B am willing to sell iu I earnestly and honestly recommend Botanic Blond Balm. Blood Bauc Co., Atlanta,' Ga. edoa cr TyrazEy TTHci.! We cannot afford to destroy or weaken the Democratic par ty. It has rescued the State from Radical misrule; it has broken the alliance that exist ed so long between piwer and crime; it has checked the sys tem of public plin,(Vr which was drawing our people to bankruptcy and ruin, and it has finaPy restored t? control of tbe government t t!i intel ligence and virtue of the State. Its defeat is radical ml, and Radical rule i.s oppri'S.-inn plun- Htm assnran nf rniist imf Irm- oung Bros, have the nicet al government, enforcement of 1 hab of 8nit l)atu?ru8 ia XyiXa' What is this "nervous ttouble" with which so many seem now to .uliictedf If yon will remember a few years igo the word Malaria was comparatively unknown, to-day it as common as any word in tiiu Fiili.-b language, yet this woid covers ouly the meaning of iiiiother word used oy our fore lai lit is in limes past. So it is with nervous di seises, as they and Mil.irii ar- intended to cover our iTam'.fathiTs called Bil lioiisness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which In perlormiug ts functions fiuding it cauiiot disiose of the bile through tho ordinary cnannel is compelled to pass it ofT through the system causing n ;rvous troubles, Malaria Billious Fever, etc. You who are suilerine can , well appreciate a cine. W05 recomii-eud Green's August Flower. IU cures are marvelous. Can the Ethiopian change his skin? It is said that be can and yet John Nichols says he is not a Radical, but an Inepend ent. Can the Leoard change his spots ? The best opinion seenirf to be that he can't. Yet Renbow and Steele say they are not Radicals, but Prohibitionists Scratch a Russian and yon will find a Tartar. Scratch John Mr hols, scratch Benbow and scratch Steele, and out of the three you wont miss scratching a Radical a single time. State Democratic Hind-Book. 13 Elegact Sststltsti For Oils, Salt, Pills, and all kiv.l of bitter, naaseous Liver Medicines and Cathartics is tbe very agree able liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of figs, its advantages are evident it is nore easily taken, more ac ceptanie 10 tbe stomach, more pleasantly effective, and more truly ueneuciai to tbe system tbau any other remedy. Recommended by leading physicians. For sale by E- II Nadal. The first bale of cotton ra w d this year in this State waa 11 ia Wadesboro Friday August 17tb by an Anson county farmer for 10 cents per pound, and weighed I 'M pounds. Tbe Tarboro Southerner say s : lhe Swift Creek Manufacturing Company bas been incorporated and tbe cotton seed oil mills wiuea are being created ten miles from here on tbe BaUkboro road wr.i soon be ready to begin work. Wben tbe Convention to organ ize tbe third party tn Stanly oouty met in AlbermaTie lart wek only one man was present, and be t lect- ed himself president, nnr-pn-M-dent, aacretary, treasurer and executive committee. Mr. W. M. Lea, of Iemn riot:t y, 4 baa a pair Of spectacle that If longed to bil aunt, that are '-:e hundred years old. He b iron kettle that was made at tbe B-ws Iron Works in Campbell 00a uty, Va, over a hundred years ag. Tbe new compress in Charlotte it to coat fGO.OOO. It will be of the latest improved Morse patent, btx will have a capacity equal to the largest preaaee in tbe booth. It u expected to bare the new preta pal up aud in working order iu-u: 01 GO dirs. Goldsboro is miking a rrj-a:- tton for murderous an ray. Last Saturday evening a mau. nm-d Bivins split ooen tbe bead of a tuan named Ingram, bis son in-law. A quantity of brains run out but tie man is still bvinz and ILe altcud- ing physician thinks be may recov er. From Johnson's Mulis items In Kluston Free IYess we clip the fol lowing. Mr. L.B.C0X, who paid 2$ for a package of tbe irtoue. Zepb yr cotton seed," aavs Le w iC not go back on Stone until be Las picked the cotton and teteJ tie flut. He refuses to read the pro ceedings or tbe Stone and Ilesrne suit until after cotton picking. Grover Cleveland was 'born at Caldwell, Essex county. N. J., oa tut 16th day of March, 147. Hi father, Richard Y. Cleveland, as a Presbyterian m'nlsttr, tbe on of William Cleveland, a watchmaker, wbo lived at Norwich, Conn. His mother was Anna Seal, tbe daufh. ft-r of an Irishman, a books lic-r and pabliiibcr in Baltimore, Ml. Seta Green, tbe noted piccul tunst, died at Lis rsiiJetiv, Rochester, Y., on August i'-itli, Mr. Green was bora In Rochester March 13tb. ISI7. His entire l.fe waa devoted to the artificial propv gationoffisb, and siro? isCt !e had followed tbat pursuit at ii famous fish hatcheries at Ci".o-donia.