Jhe Wilson Advance i JOSEPH US mid C. C, DANIELS Editors and Proprietors. fVThe advance oniloavora to do an non i faithful and impartial chronicler of tho new devotltur special attention to the section In match it Is published. It la Democratic o tbeoore and will spare neither friend or foe who li in hostility to Demooiatio success. It t Iovcj the best .interest of the Na- 5 ion and the State imperatively demands he retention of the Domocratlo party in power and it will spare noefTort to accompl'sh laat result. It will. seek to promote the ) -dutrial dovelopinont of the Statu and section a ad will take pleasure in doln whatever II in Ua power to aid tho farmers and laborlrif atan fi their efforts to bettor their condition, verr honest eon of toll will find in the Ai Tanoi a alneero friend. Every eiTort looking to the establishment of more and better edu cational institutions will receive our hearty oo-operation and endorsement. The Adyancb circulates largely in every County East of Kuloiirh, and is therefore a plendid advertising medium. Kates liberal. . A first-class job ollleo is run in connection rlth the paper and wo will be pleased to re ceive ordoro- Ouroflloe is one of the best quipped In this section of the State for com mercial work and we will do as good, work and at as low figures as anybody. It os. F. M. Simmons has se- ; cured a daily mail route from ! Kiustbu via Glenfield la Hook-1 erton. Our Cougressman works for the welfare of Ms coostitu- eats as few members of that botlv do. I Although the i Republican party leaders regard Mr. Blaine as their strongest tariff speakei they are unwilling to let him meet Mr. Carlisle and have his protertion1 fallacies fully exposed. AT IT A SEVILLE- Vntered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. M second claw mall matter. 1 C. Wilson, N. 0., Sept," G, 1888. IATIOHAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, GROVER CLEVELAND, i Of New York. fFOE VICE-rRESIDENT, ALLEN G. TIIjjRMAN, Of Ohio. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE : ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK, of Orange. DISTRICT electors: lSl Dist. GEORGE H. BROWN, of Beaufort. 2 DIST.-JOIIN . WOODARD of Wilson.. 8KD DisT. CHARLES B. AY. COCK, of Wayne. 4TH DIST. EDWARD W, POU Jr., of Johnston. 3TH DlST. J, H. DOBSON, of Surry. 6lD DlST. SAMUEL J. TEM BERTOX, of Stanly. Tin DlST. L. CAMPBELL CALDWELL, of Iredell. 8Tn Dist. THOMAS M. VANCE ' of Caldwell. fiTHDiST. W. T. CRAWFOKD, of Haywood. ! he Stocky Mount Light Infantry Senatorial Convention Political Monday was a gala day i Nashville. The County Commissioners met in regular monthly meeting. The Rocky MounU Light Infantry were presented with a flag. The Democrats of the 7th Senator! al district met there for the durpose of nominating two Sano tnra f mm this district. A The National Republican Ex-nnBiber of political speeches ecutive Committee have a cam-, i-were made and the day all in paign fund ct a million dollars draw from. It is always money against labor ana it hold good in this instance for Democracy i the true representative of labor in the. United States. .... The improvement that .we see every day around us, iq. men, manners and material affairs had their rise and have made their progress ; under democratic rule. Will it be wise then will it be prudent for us to change that rule ? I Dq the people of North Caro lina want a man for xheir chief Executive who is so devoid of decency as to -. maliciously slander a pure woman ? That is exactly what Dockery has done and Mrs. Cleveland is the woman that he has slandered. Farmers do you know that Gen. Harrison voted against re-: ducing the tax on cotton bagg ingties? Well, his record says so. And now that the iniqui- tos 'Trust' 'is compelling you to pay such an exhorbitant price for them, we hope you won't forget his vote in this mater. Cjan you support him ? 1 1 is a pleasing indication of better times that the farmers are taking unusual interest in public 8 ff airs. 1 They are ex amining for themselves on national questions, and it is be lieved that there will be more farmers in the next Legislature or JNorth Carolina than in any previous L ;;isla are of the Old North State. New Berne Jour nal. IOB CONGRESS 2ND DISTRICT. F. M. SIMMONS.1 I of Craven. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR f . , DANIEL G.FOWLE, . of Wake, i FOR lieutenant-governor : THOMAS M. HOLT, : of Alamance. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : ' WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of New Hanover. FOB TREASURER : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR : GEORGE W. SANDERLIN, of Wayne. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : SIDNEY M. FINGER, . .... ... of Catawba. . , i FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL : THEODORE F. DAVIDSON. of Buncombe. T FOB 6UPBEME COURT BENCH Associate Justice, to fill vacancy caused by death of Tho3. S. Ashe, JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. Five Trusts Sugar, Coal Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Whiskey and Cotton Bagging Mr. Breckin ridge proposes to( knock into so many cocked hats by practical ly expunging from the tariff schedues the duties levied upon the articles produced by these combinations. 'Tis an excellent scheme, and well worth the trying. Phil. Record, Dern. This is the way the Asheville Citizen describes a Republican speaking up in the West where the colored population is very small as compared with the East : . 'Coons" to the right of them ; "Coons" in front of theui ; "Uoons" in rear of thein Who yelled like thunder. To listen to one of the Protec tion speakers you would think that the Mills bill was a terri ble dragon, with horns and spiked tail. Well the 'Mills Din proposes to lessen unnec essary taxation just a little ion neeon t be airaid or any thing that will take the taxes off you? Thuronan. It is the constant enbrt of our opponents to make out that the democratic party is in . some way opposed to the interests of the workinsrmen? Think a minute; as a matter of fact out of every hundred Democrats ninety are workingmen. It isn't possible that the Democrats are trying to hurt themselves is it? Thurman. all -was one long to be re wiamhered bv the people of Nash county.; Early Monday morning anecial train t illsd out from Rocky Mount with over forty members of the Rocky Mount Light Infantry on board, be sides a goodly number of peo ple who accompanied the com-' pany. The company was met at the depot by the reception committee and escorted , up town and into the Court House, where Mayor J. P. Arrington in .well chosen and appropriate words bade them welcome Geo. P. Hart, Esq., resporded, and handsomely did he acquit himself. W. H. Blount, Esq., the talented and versatile editor of the Wilson Mirror was next introduced. He had been selected to present the flag to the Company, and did so in his usual felicitous and graceful manner. His speech was a gem and heartily appreciated by all who heard it. On the part of the Company Capt. S. L. Hart accepted the flag and promised to ever defend it, to ever keep its folds unsullied from dishonor and to keep it waving high in defence of home, virtue and honor. Mr P. S. Pender then introduced Dossey Battle. In his usual happy strain he addressed the people as his people, for he was born and reared among the good people of Nash county. He pointed out the need of supporting military companies, showed the good they had accomplished in the past and urged the people of Nash to let no opportunity go by "without jnvjng substantial encourage ment to the Company. Mayor .rrlngton introduced Gen. W. .' Cox, who represented the fourth Congressional District in Congress so long and so ably, lien. Cox dwelt particularly upon the part the South took in the "late unpleasantness, tter valor, bravery and achieve ments. He referred to the cause of the war and said it was not slavery, but it was sim ply defense of principles that we believed to be our inaliena ble rights. He presented the Southern idea of the war in a strong and forcible speech. We felt glad that he made the manly declaration . that we should feel proud of the part we took in the war. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We made a gallant fight, but . when the arbitrament of the sword had decided against us, we went back to the Union in good faith, and are now its most faithful defenders. The peo pie of the South would be the first, he said, to repel the inva sion of a foreign foe, and we would ever be found in the path where duty leads. Gen. Cox but spoke the sentiments of dignified, proud men, and men who are not criuging, like fawning sycophants, at the feet of Northern powers platform and made the best speech on the tariff that we have heard this year. He said that the great question in this campaign was the taxing power of the National Government and f he way in which it was exercised. We will not do Mr. Cook, the injustice, of at empt- ing a synopsis of his sprech. s We wish every Democrat in the State could hear it, and we hope the Executive Committee of Wilson county will be able to secure his services for at least one speech during the present campaign. B. H. Bunn Esq., Nash coun ty's favorite son, the Democrat ic nominee for Congress, next spoke under the oak in front o the Court House. He is one of I the most vigorous and effective speakers in the estate and he was at his best. His speech was filled with argument and point was dressed in plain and forcible English and made a deep impression on the crowd He showed the many provis ions ot tne juuis Dili mat re lieves the people. He showed that John JN-chols, ms oppo nent voted against every one of those provisions voted in the interest of the Northern monop olist. Mr. Bunn's speech was a good one and made votes for him and the entire Democratic party. Mr. Dossey Battle was next called on and made a short speech in advocacy of pure Democracy. He is a good speaker. Gen. W. R. Cox was next call ed for and he made a strong speech. The crowd payed good attention and he gave them many thoughts to carry home with them. TIT . vv e never saw a crowd in our life who appeared hungrier for political light. The people want to know the issues of the campaign. They want to know how the present burdensome tariff affects their pockets. They were gratified to an unus ual degree.The day will bo pro ductive of good results to the cause of Democracy. We feel confident. Em BAD CHARACTER. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. To Berve if Constitutional Amendment is adopted,' JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort. ALPHONSO, C. AVERY, of Burke. The Republican party cannot come DacK. it is simply an Unrepentant prodigal, with an Abnormal appetite for roast VeaL N. Y. World Ind Dem, Here is a sample of the tem perate (?) talk of the Prohibi tion temperance papers. We take following sweet sample from the Prohibition Leader It says: Dr. Abernethy is impulsive and soon jumps io and soon lumps out like Peter who walked on the water to meet his Lord but when the waves Degan io rou around mm i uvamo iiicxitcur'U a.1 ill wanted to back but." He who is positive without real conviction is a tyrant; he who has real convictions with out being positive Is a craven. j It is Chinese maxim that foi every man that does not work and for every woman who is Idle, somebody must euffer cold ar d hunger. Here is a tariff pointer the people: No man ever rlched his purge by, taxing family and paying the himself. ior en- his tax An exchange says Col. Dock ery' voted for., a negro for. the Legislature. in Richmond coun--ty against a good white man. What do the white .people think of that ? Senator Voorhees declares that Gen. Harrison "never took tne plain people's side of any question and the records prove Voo Jiees to be correct. Put it down. Dockery expects to be elected ala -r a by means oi tne warmers ai Uance and the Missionary .Bap tist church. Such a suggestion is an insult to the Alliance and the church. He will be fooled once again. We learn that there are about 3,700 pensionrs this year or 2,00 more than last year and they will not get but about $8,00 . The number is very rtly in excess of the esti i as first made and n.stt ad linifihing are increasing j rear. - . . . 3 The Republican party nomi Bated a man who had no elaim to the Presidency except that his grandfather was a greAt inani They should remember i mat 'vvnoever serves his coun try well has no need of grand fathers.' Such a man 's ' Grover Cleveland and we are going to help our brother Democrats elect him by the biggest ma jority since GenWashington. This nugget of wisdom is from the Mobile Kegister: "A ! paper overflowing with advert tisements means a liva com munity. No better indication of a city's prosperity and progress-, iveness can be devised than a newspaper liberally supplied with the cards of the merchants and manufacturers of that city. vv e Know our merchants realize this tact and the Advance hopes to be the index of the live town in which it is pub lished. "the many whem Tiis Advance voices sentiments of a . great people of Wilson county it asks of the men nominated by the so-called Knights of La bor Convention who they will voie for as the next Governor ? Will they "cast their voteo for Fowle or Dockery. If they are not as Devereaux called them a set of 'sneaks- and traitors' they will enlighten the people upon. this. If they do not answer it shows that they are unfit to te trusted that they are ashamed of the men they j-roposee to vote ior. After Gen. Cox ceased speak ing and the Nash county dele gates held a caucus, the Sena torial Convention was called to order by Jacob Battle Esq., Chairman of the Executive Committee. J. B. Lewis, of the Phoenix, Paul Pender, of the Courier, and C. C. Daniels, of the Advance, were elected Sec retaries. On motion T. H. Battle, Esq., was chosen permanent Chair man. On taking the chair. Mr. Battle made a few remarks on the political situation of the county. He said the greatest danger that threatened us was the encroachment of monopo lies and corporations upon the liberties of the people. Nomi nations being next in order Mr. II. A. P. Cooley placed the name of J. G. Sills before the Convention as tiie choice of lash -county for the Democrat- i i nomination for the Senate. Mr. Cooley made a ringing speech. J. F. Bruton, Esq., next pre sented the name of Wileen remnty's choice, Dr. R. W. King, jtB Otteof the two Democratic t candidates for the Senate. Mr. fDruton made a strong and vig- jorous speech In presenting the name of Dr. King and spoke specially of the "interest he has always taken in the education of the people. . Charles M. Cook, Esq.. of Franklin, gracefully and forci bly seconded the nomination of both those gentlemen. They were nominated by ac clamation. The crowd called loudly for the nominees and a committee was appointed to escort them into the Conven tion. Dr. King arrived fist and he made a fervent and ringing speech accepting the nomination thrust upon him. He spoke in glowing terins of Democracy. Mr. Sills accepted the nomi nation in very few words. He :X XI & 1. t eaiu ma. i wiieu wanted an The Advance believes that it is almost impossible to accom plish anything to effect any measure of reform-1 except by well organized political parties We recognize the fact that the condition ot an airs in this re public are such that it i3 only by means of parties that the policies that control the gov ernment are given force. We recognize the further fact that the Democratic party in North Carolina is composed of white men wnose judgment it is nec essary to convince . before any party secures their votes. The reason tney are Democrats is that they simply follow the dictates of common sense and common prudence. The Re publican party is composed nine-tenths of negroes who are ignorant and are lead like so many sheep by the few white men who . control . them for their own selfish ends. One of the evidences of the character of men of who com pose the Republican party is the fact that it can sail under any Dame that its temporary interest appears to demand. At one time it was known as the Liberr1. party, at another as the Anti-Prohibition party." In different counties it assumes names to suit the locality. In some counties the euphonious name of Independents describes thece Radicals, while in an other (Wilson, for instance) they adopt the name of Knights of Labor and debauch that organization by making its lodges (what is contrary tp the fundamental principles of the order) political machines. a 1 1 X 1 m - . . aii inese anas' are Dut evi dences of the want of faith that the Republicans have in their own party. It shows that they recognize the fact that-the people are unwilling to trust that party again with the affairs of the government. It shows that even its own ad herents believe the party cor ruptknow that the "general character" of Republicanism is bad very bad. We ask any honest white man how he can afford to cast his ballot for a party whose character is such that it fears to appeal to the people except under an assumed name. Rad icalism is doomed. BARGAINS : AT THE:--? ? The Cash Racket Store.. As the largest and -wiftest steamer consumes the r.reatest amourtof fuel so it : what the With values clean-cut against doUars, cutting first to the right and wien to the left, having no regard for any credit king w?th exhorbitant -harge.-, has found it difficult to obtain sufficient goods to meet the demand. With more in transit, and to arrive this wee':. TJ ere are sundry tmall articles in our stock tomcet the want of the fair sei: For instant Pins 2cts cost 5cts eke vh- . 3, en glish pins 4cts wortli lOets, safety pins Gets doz. cxd largs size at that, box hair p us, all sizes at Gets worth 10;- i, hat pins let, torchon lece, v i Jo and good, 12cts a piece, 12 yds in a piece, darning cottou usorted colors let, Then our LADIES CORSETS are far below value, examine our 44ct corset, worth 02 J, .wiite india linen 9ct., worth 20cts; bustles all prices. Just think 02' cents pure lur hats 44cts. In the maelstrom of mercaa tile life in the rush and pu?;-. and struggle for.supremacy.the battle is half won in the buy ing, and with ns a total VICTORY is obtained in- selling as we buy. Our, stock of Ladies Hose is especially attractive "lis week at prices from octs o 2-lcts. Would call your atten tion to our black hose i t llcts per pair, 5-4 table vl cloth 14cts a yard. See our last arrival of Gents and ladies shoes. yy mm i mi 09 ii J .11111 U Samples of Worsted. Cloths, Cas simcrcs.. Dfrgoihtls, Cheviots, Filot Cloihs Tricot's; For lift ess and Bus iness Sui s. To Order i vo n 2.00 to H).0(). Overcoatings, Ke-seys, Meltons, Wiile-Whule Dn.gou. U, Cliincilla' Nonpariel, Beaer, to on'or, fron LM.Ow to :).0. Piece Goods, Sam le iiotn a hi w iolnle lini-e ilnvniig their entire ehck. Yoi c. i iim :e a !. ! r s 1 c(ii:i Iroui theai t an Ironi any stock kepvin Wilsor. Ready-Made Olptliiiig, Samples of th -! Hn n(o k of the largit Oothiiij I ouse in the Uni ted StaU'8. It will I'" to the iote est of e.istomi-rs to t-ee these amp'e nxid le.irn pric.' biMo co.st uotiiiug to UvU. coats 1..10. $4 e iHiyi'ig oi. pwii-r. (Jntfinj; S'iii (' 'fin; and we then.. It will -' ., Pants 0 c Jt, Over- TmmpsI! f upmips!! ILTresli CroT) Just Receivd Ob Flt'i; ( ITliAL HOTEL, Opposite C. A. Young & Bro. 77 1": . ." ;. ; ' i -AT- 5 "DON"' is a beat'.iful r ark bay. with bl.ak mane and ta'L ::1 DHTJGS! DKUGS!! on him, wan sired by C'a !, lie by tlrapf-or, : matted Hon. Wm. O. Uiv. s. DO S dam was B.i l, uo wai I m oughbred ho-st owi e.l bv Milui White, 1. Wyii'lham IJoberi.-ou t"',v-Viid 11 -y, gia:i imported l'uzzle, one of I.aly Was'uingtoa, 'l of ar. Anibiau ma.i-. iJailV t iu w ilaMi Saliie Cbsu. by Mount iuee'; ue b l' le" Uie. lVact uiaker waa I.,- ian-oi t-.l Di , No white , on t ranee Dy r. td by a tho - Those in need ptock at of DRUGS cau Cud a larre, and well 15 --THE-- mmi: i je, be vi riiuoVoii, he i Ko-t 3, A.c. i::t t a l -... i 1 1... 1... : i i. . 1 1 t. - . the famous 20 Lille ntvv, vi hu-!i lie boat l)u cau Eclipse, that in-.U Win. II. Johno i lli-u dam was oj the impcrttd hoi.se Ut ilfoi S. C owned both bis dam hi ii ? aul daiu. Cut. h trottiug, and after ko:?i f nr or fi.e wt-tk.i rr Kef. A. S. 15. ALE.. KIV Opjxjsite Briggs note!. Nab St WILSON, X. C. 1HS Her daj wn sired by dam ly Puzzle, ue by b-old Wp-hiogtotj, out IJailey lVytou; Grand au.'kei. out of Krow . 1 te Sl.e ofSir J-ch-..uiii)i' daia was bv Sir .'.ed wan the w.uner ofA. full oc, the hire of the Aoieri y. Sallie Champ's trracl i '. was raied by me, aud I :t jiars johl, was put to I.- h.s mile in 3 m'liuen IS, t. b. District Jadje DR. W. S. ANDERSON'S llrnj Store ryEXT DOOi: TO POST OFKICF; And to ft-mm 4 tit we are prepared to furnish anythln in our lire at I ! Lowest Possible Liring Prices. assortment of tlic mi siiTiontv. Ma. Qi.Ut til faJijt fan. Tiff. fjllr'mjii lli res paisEHYir. asiv picklim GINGKIl, CLOVES, SPICI1 CT.LKIIY ANP MrSTARH SKl.ll 'DON' will mi ke l't.-i n a-Mni at oir farm uiib-a East of WUkoo. For terms aKlreH ELLIS & WHIUINS. Saratoeo. X O. ANCH ' CO. ARE OFFERING A NICE l.INE- Dress mere. TAYLOR COTTON I )1 V: Goods at reduced iirice?. ('onistinjj of all wool Cash black and color.-, Henrietta Cloths, Melrose. Tricots. Suitinizs, plain, ht-ippi;d and plaid Fiannela. Call and examine ! them before buv'ntr tine where. NOTICE, Havirir itualillcl a ' i anil it-MuiiK'tit of .1. l. w. tit-o is )u rutty -t ;-v.i . he ?-t:ite f rwuil -.Li-a? '. ate pavnu-rii. a-i. a-t m azainst Hit- ('.ih-.!-. il. 1 (! iiH-nt :ri or l-i'ftir IN- l-itli r .ril, lat-t will y. i -.-aMNl. - i- i- -i i. I.u-.l to i-.-.r i'li:ndli- i- i i -ii-t cluinLS .-tit ; In i:i fur . iy- i . I ju.y. I .. r r-.i- thi noi hu will lc pi 1 in tiar -f cry. J'jhx P. ::.i:ti;N. lUoi-utor, J. I). IfcPln. Atry. THE LADIES! Ui. Viiur()ii Kji-bf, it llonir. l(h Thi r wi rtyc cvprTihlmr. Thor are auld t-vi r -her.-. Hru- ! i-. a fwekae U colura, Th.-y ii ivi- t-ial lur Stn-nirm. ftrivntni-Ha, Am.'' mi tn I .n-kn- or fr Ka.oe ;olr, or ii. :!-fH'' OuIhkk. Tht-y do not crac or ram. r i't I'jr DK. W. 8. ANDERSON. Driu-irift, Wilson. N. ir&r ii H-lr Turnip. Collard. Winter Mustard and Curled Kaie teeds Warranted Fresh and cood. A large stock of almost all varieties of TU11NIP SEEIi . And Family Recipes filled accurately at reawmable j ricer, I'aT or MUIIT at Dr. W. S. Anderson's " r rom The Hocky Muunt hel.l Fair this jiar w:ll bo m IDE Democratic party, of Wilson connty will elect its ticket by the biggest majority oi any ticket elected in the county in many a day. The people Democrats and Repub licans will not vote for the bobtailed-anything-to-get-there ucKet put out by George Stan ton and his lieutenants. "Whit ley, reele, Moore, Finch, and me i wo nine LamDSins mav make their arrangements to at tend their regular business after the election. llave the people of North Carolina forgotten that George w . btanton the present Radical nominee for Secretary of State signed an address and published it inciting the negroes to arson and burglary ? Have they for gotten that In consequence of this address there was so much burning in the east and that the insurance companies were afraid to insure property? Have the people forgotten that this same Stanton was in the office that would pay him. the Legislature and helped to pass f people gave him what he asked tne "Shoffner Bill which for. Now that they wanted sasPfnded that civil law and him to Berve them in nn nffii deprived the citizens of Caswnll in which there was no pay, he Alamance, etc., of every vestige Talnr 1ress ia ever.v i it ioular could no, refuse. of liberty? Yet this same Stan- . boT ll"h Pa -' u,a- I refej MANUFACTURED LUCIUS L TAYLOR, SEABOARD, N. C. AND S. K. WHITE & BRO. NORFOLK, VA. XV t di'ire to call the attention of rait ton planters throughout tho South, ps weila- thi shipnerc of Hny to tho following fact which wcHincen-iy hoiiuve will pay you .0 curofaily peruse am! consiJer before you invest your tiiuiii- in a PRESS. We claim for the lavlorrrns tin. f.-..i. In oualitit-ai iins surierio- toanv ntii..r r...lu. on the market. 1. It works by Lever !iwLr wituout liiction, to perlection. It will lii.ck , baie of vuttm : i . : , : . m r- nine wuu lii.iiti than any other Prews iiiuiiiifacMir-ed. 3. Jt will (with two PiiliiMiv nanus) .p.ick a bale of ttotton in oue aud one-half miuate.. ' 4. In as mncn as thtie is ali.-tv lately uo li ii-tiou from tin roiii w.ll . .:. i. pyiiej.-, t:n;illis, CCC, II Vv III Cost . . I l - .. uiHiiiii tt Ktep ine prt-s m repair anti requires iiu oil Tor I:ili ica. im 1-or Miaipliety in in constructions . m operation, ax as r.r uurabiilitv, it caiM.ot be excelled J.U18 is a rr s ami owinz to tin. lacts alKive stated it does is no require tne aacition or Pte;tm iwwer. for reasons already uu-ntionod ir is uot liable to got out of order, lhw Tress was pateiiteti in 18,s.-i 1 . 1 - auu mis is ine lourth sta-ou it not it has beeu in use. 1 dt !i to . .i . . . it-uu my hinc e luack. to l ne public 'or their very libt'.tl pi-ii.m age and with several iuiiio. an nproveineut and Hiiper.i. f.icili ties lor :uai ufacturii-L' tl n I hoiw " - ( to luer.t a'ui ivcolve Hu ned tronage. I wi that the racliets of thi. heretofore made or cast now made of th: v. wrought iron aud wiih i neo 1 warrant : nd X0TOB14ii:13ik,AXD 16th. An. I from eTrjr Inuk-auf-i it will be the m a F. in: Of the State. The ofllocrs of ti e V AIII mrf .liy ntf nil they lKis-il.lv mn t is.:ii.,- .1 nw.iu tractive than i-vt-r. -r, o w V-aiuretfai c buing a.l.K .1, aiuoif ilj.ni ih,- TO CTM. ftlE.YT i-i Whi.'h will 1h rwi,. l.y tl A luiD.lirpiuy if iic -10 v. il u- n a.lc ami thu guar r eoiii in o 8 at piehses iiou onab tee tle Will ! , J. R RAWLS, I have an eseciallvjretfy aui well'selected t-tock of Fine Cold Watches. Silverware, , Jewelry. Sewing Machines. Pianos, Organs, Etc . Repair work promptly and satl fctorily done. Fn-.-cir.ily o. iho ci.'i'.aiLt and .nti-n ..tins Nah Street, opposite Court House. J R. RAWLS. SrH-.-inl aiiru-lKMifl ca, h ': y. ;- . n.iA n or usic In attemlani e. Special tniin vill h- run -.wh uay over tue u:ll, run, r,.: an.j M-ry LiO If ELITES UavebcenM-cureJfortlK.se who utunl he Every arranifetncnt w II 1 n-t.l for .the cotnfonaii'l iM'ivi-iiien,-- of il,.,. ) ,nt..i,.l and stay in town over tn vh.. For furthi r parti, -iilarn al,lrt- li. mmm, SKt KETAHV AN D Tl!E.Sf UElt. ROCKY MOUNT, N. U. m mm LUTHER SHELDON. ' iiMi.i:it ix' Doors and Blinds. Mouldings. Brackets, Stc'.. R NewelS, Brackets, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Class, i T Puttty and Painters V T E X .V I. Ol r.YI.RY DlCItiniON'. ".nera! Agent Tor Wadworth, Martinn & LflntiW PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. Koa.lGV.uI Maiki-t Sinate aud Koaroke Arua. NORFOLK,VA. - I Iflf I ftl 1 n linutnn liti I N f r I IV1UNN X . Ill aafainnnn w i-1 - Raleigh, N.C. FOR GIRLS IKD I0DKG UDIES. Fall sension oik? first Wednen day in I j.t., 5th day, and clo&en nit vw-.iueMday in Jane 1883. l no: oozn insirnciion by ary-om-iiliNhed aud experienced teacbera in all bian es uxuallv taotrht in firat clas H .liuarien for Ynnntr l liuildiii oue or the largest and best equipped in the South. SU m lioat, Kin and Electric llht. Teruii as W as any Institution offering i i d a .-antages. De duction for u oor more f'om name family. Correnpondence aoliatei'. For circular aud catalogue address Rev. R. Burwell & Son. Uai.I'.ioh v n ... vy, l: :tn. PUBLIC SPEAKING. After the business of the Con tention was oyer, Chaa. M. Cook, Esq., of Fra-il;was called for. He ascended the ton s now1 on the ticket with Dockery. Dockery indorses) him and his devilish record. will the people indorse Dock ery and btanton ? Concord limes. to t ie followiug8 nan ed gentlem- i Wesley Deloach Jac' on; J. G. L Crocker, Dr. . N. Eamsev, A. B. Doughtry, O.K. Co' er aboard : Cap,, h. 2. Buxton Jackson, N C and others that used them or see theui work. AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC in cases or Cholera, cramps. Diarrhoea, Summer complaint. Dysentery - AND OTHCR AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN &. CO. Sole Propmictors, BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. I'Oli SALE UY E- M. NADAL. Ptao Cure for Con sumption U alao the best Congh Medicine. If you hare a Couth without diaeaM of th Lungs, a few doma ar ail y-u need. But if you ne nivt thia eaay meani of ;-f'Jty tbe 8hght Confch Uiy become a aerioua n rotor, and aevaral bol iKtt will bo required. KlOO in ftsnn pkhmoxth worklna- for ua. ATnt. .2n. furaWi tlmr own borm and aVthTJ Z J prodtblr employed alAfBw 11 7 toDi and citilfc w Tmncx la v P-f-JOHNPO! ft CO U3nYain Birwt. maimood, Va FRESH 'GARDES SEEDS. A FUL Is V A Ii I E T Y Berfectlv Fresh GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS F ROTH. -:0: mm m T HEY ARE ALv. WARRANTED LANDR Ol I AM SOLE WILSON AflENTI OU - JUT---, w.- 4 1 t. KASII'.nT WI'.AKIN TRUSS 1 -l in: W' D. HERRING, PH C. DKUGIST AM) ClfKMIST, : Nash Street. WILSON, N. C. Opposite Brlg Hotel, .IE f T! S ,'. T with Wi! L :r. - I '4 a It Mr. 1m bio. ' IU Auvi '.O U rOBt Tb Tb Vvlfcc stn ' Tb. oct I Mr call a ftiui tor oi M I 1-1) f UOCV Tt Td. J Lit T: ' ; !t b t.t ren bf ( .v.r ", c lit da; en i tl in i i M-l IB, Wl bi 1 1 Li

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