1 1 RTTjiTi ARP'S LETTER people to the bad influence of him he was not doing the tii v i if K OltliilXAD AND ' IXTEUESTIXO LETTER. Views l'l'n Corporal 1' an-, i. . How "Devil Dill .linn s" (f Heli'jion. .Whether the bad boys should be whipped at .school or not aeeiiiM to have provoKed an interesting aiecuHsion all over the land. I have received -Hveral letters from teachers on that subject, and the sum of them all Is that home rule is a bicker thing than rule in .the school-room ; and if the buy ia iroverned at home by fear of the rod, nothing else will gov ern him at school. Prof. Boyd, of l-ell coun--', Texas, says : "1 taught one year in a com munity that warned me i-n ad vance that I would have to be 'mighty tight' on the boys, .for they were a bad lot and they were. I had so much whipp ing to do that 1 sought another field, and there I found, a good, atrertiouate relation between parents and children. ,1 had no trouble in governing the school. The parents are more respon uU.lfl than t-hu teacher. He mut, for a time at leat, follow I their lead, or he will have no government.'" The old way pro duced great men like Washing ton ar.d Jerfersou and. Madison, and it will not do to make a sweeping innovation. We are too apt to swing from one ex treme to another, and in de parting from the old iron rule to adotit a svstem softer than wax. We still need the ' firm ness of our fathers without their strong reserve. Ve need a closer companionship be tween parents, teachers and children. When this domes, then, and not till thenjcan the rod be safely abandoned at home or at school." " Another teacher refers to Lord's will, and whenever he thought of . the women and children living in darkness and growing up in infidelity, he would groan m spirit, and ex claim, 'What a pity! what a pity!' One night he played over it with great earnsstness, and vowed to do the Lord's will, if the Lord would give him light, and ii seemed to .hiim as he rose from his knees; that there was no longer any doabt he must go. Uncle Tom never dallied about anything when his mind was made up.! He went right at it like killing snakes; and so next morning as a nabor passed on his way to Bill Jones' shop, Uncle ; Tom said: 'uMy friend, win i you please to carry a message to Bill Jones for me'.' vo you ten him that if the Lord is wimn, Twill beat the cross roads to niv:irh next I Saturdav at eleven t , 1 1 o'clock; and 1 am snore) - me Lord iswillin'.. Tell hipi to Tilea.se uorate it in tne seuie- ment about and about, and1 ax the woman and childern to come. Tell Bill Jones 1 will stay aHiis. house, (rod willin,' and I'm shore he's willin,' aud tune and looked kindly upon the crowd. He was a massive man in frame, and had a heavy suit of dark brown hair; bat his face was clean shaved, and showed a no3e and lips and chin of firmuess and great determination. 'Look at him, boys, and m'nd your eye,' said the hoc s thief. "Where will I find my friend Bill Jones ?' inquired 'Old Sledge'. All round they pointed him to the man. Riding up close he said -'My friend and brother, the good Lord has sent me to you, and I ask your hospitality for myself and my b st,' and he slowly dismount ed and faced his foe as though expecling a kind reply. The crisis bad come, and Bill Jones met it. 'You infernal old hypocrite you cussed old shavedface scoundrel, don't you know that I had sworn an oath that I would make you sing and dance and whip you beside, if you ever dared to pizen these cross roads with your shoe tracks? Now, siug damn you sing ana aance as you sing and he emphasized his com mand with a ringing -slap with his open hand upon the parson's face. 'Old Sledge' recoiled with pain and surprise. Re git alo- When I'll preach Sunday, too, if things covering in a moment he said V elltbrother Jones, I did not expect so warm a welcome, but if this be ycur cross road 3 man ners I suppose I must s'ng,' and as Devil Bill gave him another slap on his other jaw he began with "My soul be oni th y guard." And with his long arm sud- denly and swiftly, gave -Devil Bill an open hander that nearly knocked him off his feet, while the parson, continued to sing in a splendid tenor voice harmonious Bill Jones got' the message he was, amazed, as toundedand his indignation knew no bounds,! lie ravtd at the 'ousult,' as I e called it the 'onsulting' metsa.e of j 'Old Sledge' and he swore that he would hunt him up and. jwhip him, for he know'd that be wouldn't dare to come to the cross roads. But the habors whispered at aro and that 'Old Sledge' would come for lie was never know,n to make an appointment and break it; and there was an old horse' thief who used to run with Murrel's gang, who said he used to know lorn Baker ween ne was a sinner and had -seed him fight, and he was much of a mai). So it trread like wildfire that Old Sledge was coming, and o)evil Bill was gwine to whmi him and make him dance and; sing It Depends Top Huch. on 'the Ee- sources cf Other Sections Speaking of Southern pro gress. Henry W. Grady, of the Atlanta Constitution, says : "The other day there was a man buried in Pickens county. He was dead and they were putting him away. In digging the grave for him they dug through three feet of marble as pure as any Parian sculptor ever moulded, and yet the slab that went at the head of his grave was imported from Ver mont. Although pine forests were all around him, the pine cofiiu in which he lay was im ported from Philadelphia.. Al though iron was in the hills within a hundred feet of his grave, the nails in his coffin came from Pittsburg." Al though theie was hard wood in the same forest, the handles of the shovels and picks that dug his grave were imported from Cincinnati. The truth is that his own county, as rich or rich er in natural resources than any in the State, furnished nothing for that funeral but the hole in the ground and the corpse. He was clothed in shoes from Mas sachusetts, a suit from Chicago, a shirt from Cincinnati, a hat from Lynn, and his own county furnished nothing but the mar row in his bones and the blood in his veins." . REV. SAM. P. JONES. TUB GREAT REVIVALIST AS DTE LOOKS IX 1'RIXT. Words that haue Made 1'arrish's Warehouse Roar with Daughter and Weep in Tears Some Ut terances of Mr. Jones' in Dnr-ham. '1 AM A FOOL." Uncle Sieve . Holis a lleetin? Adepts a Resolution. and "Ten thousand foos arise." Aever was a lion more arous ed to frenzy than was Bill Jones. With his powerful arm he made at Old Sledge as if to annihilate him with one blow and many horrid oaths ; but the parson fended oif the stroke as easily as a practiced boxer and with his left hand dealt MaS f.-,r athnT- s e. ulU a settler on nis peepers as , ., , t. I i mime, anu ureal IU a, raiwu H,s crmtlniiPil tn m'mr ity, and says that even the h! '. -, . lw . e continued to sing- Savior used a scourge or whip auu u ru luo for he was a hardman, a 5 "5. way or another had gobbled up nfi one kOa watch, and fiht, and pray. The battle ne'er Kive o'er. ' the average teacher's unfitness to govern. . Fitness t teach is one thing, and fitness to govern is a very different thing. The discussion will do good. It is interesting the parents.all over the land ; but it will never settle down to perfection, for there are parents in every com munity who are not fit" to. be parents, and there are boys who I fear nothing but the law and its terrors. Old father Adam made a bad start in "raising Cain," and the race has not iin proved any to speak of. While rum'.nating over this question, my mind recurred to i a story that my father told us a long time ago. It may be an old story to old people ; but your young readers have not heard it, aud so I will relate it for their benefit: Uncle Tom Baker was much of a man. He had beea wild and ree'dess, and feared not God nor regarded man, but one day at a carrp meeting while Bishop Gascon was shaking up the sinners ad. tcorching them over the infernal pit, Tom got alarmed, and before the meet mg was over ne p'oiesseu re ligion and became a zealous, outspoken convert, and dec'ared his intention of f.oing forth into the world and p:eachlne the gospel. He was terribly in earn- est, lor ne saia ne naa lost a poTer of time and must make . it up. Tom was a rough talker, ; ut he was a .good one, and i new right smart of 'scripter, i- nd a good many of the old i tshioned hymns by heart. The inference tnougnt ne was a ! itty good fellow to send out I io the border country among t settlers ; and so Tom addled his old flea bitten i i v, and in due time was cir .:t riding in North Mississippi, i'i course of time Tom acquired t toriety, and from his strong 4! guage and stronger gestures, 1 his muscular eloquence, 'ley called him old 'sledge inmer' and after awhile old dge' for short. Away down u.oue corner pf his. territory lere was a blacksmith's shop, and a wagon shop, and a whisky t -liOX). and a. rmsfc nffioo at P.ill ? Iftrm.j' rnca rrkirlj. on1 "fiill j feept all of them and was known k far" aud wide as 'devil Bill ,0nes' so as to distinguish him rom Squire -Bill, the- magis toto. Devil Bill had sworn jh&t no preacher should ever 'ot a horn-or sing a hymn in Re settlement, and if any of tje cussed hypocrites ever ed to stop at the cross roads, -u maKe nim dance a horn f'Pe and sing avhime and whip besides. And Bill .Tnn "nt just what he said, forhe a mortal hate for the men 1 koa. It was reasonably sup '3h1 that Bill could and would u hat he said, for his trade . the anvil had made him ;.lroDfiTaud . everybody knew Le had as much brute ,?rage as necessary. And so "Cle Torn una oiooi n nv 'ouudance and never tackle the dv? , 3' IIe accepted this aviforatime,analeft the hood ; and these enemies had Icing hoped for sbnabody to come and turn him down. They, too, circulated; the astounding news, and without committing themselves;, to either paTtv. said that hell would break loose on Saturday at the cross roads, ana that Old Sledge or the Devil would have to go under. On 1 riday the ettlers began to drop into the cross roads under preteace oi business, but really to det the bottom tacts ot the rumors that were afloat. Devil Billjknew full well what they came for, and he talked and cursed more furiously than usual, and swore that anybody wao would! come expecting to I see Old Sludge tomorrow was an infernal fool for he wasn't comin'. He laid bare his strong, arms and;shook his long hair, and said he wJshed the lyin', deceivin hypocrite would come', for it had been nigh onto fourteen years) since he had made a , preacher dance. " ."Saturday morning byj nine o clock the settlers began to gather, 'lhey came on foot and on horseback, and in earts men, woman and children, and before eleven o'clock, there were more people at the cross roads than had, ever been there before. Bill Jones was mad at their credulity but he had an eye to business, and kept behind his counter and sold I more whiskey in an hour than he had sold in a month. Asi the appointed hour drew near. 'the settlers began to look down the long, straight road that ; JDId Sledge would come, if he name at all, and f every man whose head came in sight just over the riseiof the .distant hill was closely scrutin'zed. More than once they said, 'Yonder he comes that's him shored But no, it wasn't him. Some half a dozen had old bull's eye silver watches, and they; com pared time, and just at five minutes before eleven - tne old horse thief exclaimed, 'I see Tom Baker a risin' of the hill I hain't seed him for eleven years, but, gintlemen, that ar him or I'm a liar. J And it was him. As he got nearer, and a voice seemea'to be coming with him, and some said; 'He's a lalkin' to himself.' another said, 'He's a talkm' to God Almighty,' and another said, 'I'll be durned if he ain't But Jones was plucky to des peration, and tne settlers were watching with bated breatb The crisis was at hand, and he squared himself, and his clinch ed fists flew thick and fast upon the parson's frame aud for awhile disturbed liis equilib ribum and his song. But he rallied quickly and began the offensive, as he sang : "Ne'er think the victory won. Nor lay thine armor down." He backed his adversary squarely to the wall .of his shop, and seized him by the throat, and mauled him as he sang: Fight on, my soul, till death." Well, the Ion? and the short of it was, that 'Old Sledtre' whipped him and humbled him, and then lifted him up and helped to restore him, and begged, a thousand pardons When Devil Bill had returned to his house and was being car ed for by his wife, 'Old Sledge' mounted a box in front of the grocery and preached righteous ness, and temperance, and judg ment to come, to that people ; and sure enough he stayed at Bill Jones' house that night and held family prayer, and preached next day a3 he had appointed ; and Devil Bill was converted aud joined the church and it was always said that 'Old Sledge' mauled I the grace into his unbelieving soul, ana it wouia never nave got in any other way. 'Bill Arp, Uncle Steve had sold his two bales of cotton and seated him self to figure out his profits on a piece of white pine board. After finishing he fixed his eye on the ground with a vacant staro and for several minutes seemed absorbed in serious thought. Grasping his pencil, he penned the follow ing on the board.: "Whereas, I raise cotton and sell it at a price that does not pay the cost of its production and buy from year to year my bread, meat, hay, guano, wagons, harness, . horse, plows ana all my clothes for myself and family; and whereas, I buy all this-'Ou credit and give a . -fl X . A A. mortgage 10 secure iue paymeu for the same, thereby giving from thirty to one hundred per cent, pront to enricu otners; and whereas, I see no peace of mind and my family of chil dren are growing up in ignorance and my wife is brok en down in health and in spirit ;and whereas, I am grow mg poorec and poorer every day of my life ; therefore be it Resolved, That I am a fool." Take Warning, Girls. It is getting to be quite a craze for girls to chew gum at night, and it is a most .ruinous habit. They lose their rest, tire their usually pretty jaws and wake up in the morning peevish, cross grained, with a sallow complextion, their di gestive organs impaired and their beauty and vivacity gone! It is a fact that girls who make a habit of chewing gum are sure to lose their plumpness and pretty cheeks, as it developes the masseter muscles that move the jaw, to detriment of the fatty substance that produces the plump cheeks. But this is not all. It is sure to stretch the mouth and spoil the beau tiful position of the lips, as well as to produce wrinkles. It is certainly disgusting; but it will soon play out, like the roller skating craze. A 'Warning. a prayin,' but very soon , it was decided that he was 'sihgin' of a hime'. Bill Jone3 wa soon advised of this, and, coming up to the front, said, 'Darned if he ain't singin' beforeIaxed him, but I'll make him sing another tune till he's tired. 111 . pay him for his onsulting message. I'm not a gwine to kill him, boys. I'll leave life in his rotten old carcass, but that's all. If any of you want to hear Old Sledge preach, you'll ha ve to go ten miles from the ! roads, to do it'. Slowly and solemnly the preacher came. As he; drew near he narrowed down - his The Modern English Girl. A rather severe writer in The Saturday Eeview condemns the modern English girl in the following terms: "Neither the moral no physical training of a modern' English girl is such as to justity the hope that she will be invariably above re proach. The lives they lead, the aim eet before them, all lead to ! degeneracy and de terioration. They are permit ted, as they grow up, to develop all the vainer elements, to study to show off, to traffic on their charms for charity, for popu larity, for notoriety, and their ambition is to become profes sional beauties or something equally poor and objectionable ultra fast and fashionable women." This is as severe as any thing that Bishop Coxe or Rev. .Morgan Dix could say. It all snows tnat ii morals are not bad, manners, certainly are. Mrs. W. E. Sherwood in Phila delphia Times. The modes of death's . approach are various, and statistics show conclus'-vely that more persons die from diseases of the Throat and Lungs than any other. It is prob able that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the sysiem and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first, s'owly, and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue heir ravages they extend to the nngs producing Consumption, and to the. head, causing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death At the onset you mast act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As sooi as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat, Lungs or Nos trils, obtain a bottle of Boschee'e German Syrup. It will give im mediate relief. j Will The Lesson Ever Es Learned ? Here is one man's experience He says : "I got more eggs last year from twelve pure Leg horns, than I did from eighteen common hens." And so it goes on and holds good with all poultry and breeds of stock. The best are the cheapest and most profitable. When will our farmers learn this lesson, It is a law of economics they cannot afford, to disregard. . A Sneak Thief's Nerve- If any one will read the say ings of Sam Jones below and then imagine just that sort of preaching beiug hurled at a1 crowd three times a day, they can see readily, why Durham is in such a state of religious ex citement. now HE TALKS. T never saw an intelligent person that would dance. The church that does not ob ject to dancing is in league with the devil and in a conspiracy with hell. You say your church don't object to dancing. Well, the little rotten thing, I wouldn't stay in it long enough to get my hat if it didn't. You will never empty your lewd houses until you stop ball rooms and theatres. Some of you old fellows sit back there and think this shouting-is horrible. Leniuie tell you, old fellow, you better not go to Heaven, or some of these good sisters might run you all around glory shouting. (iod pity your culture ! It is only whitewash aud is already pealing off in spots, and I tell you 1 see some of tne most un lovely human beings in Dur ham than any place I've ever visited. Some preachers say the Lord says open your mouth and I'll fill it. Yes, He'll fill it with air. And there are many old air-guns going around profess ing to be preachers. You have men in- Durham who, if their wives knew what they done and where they went in New York, tbey would quit them, in my candid opinion. 1 love that sort religion that will make a fellow tell the truth 100 times in a 100 Before I will cater to the wishes of any man, contrary to the word of God as 1 see it, for money, I'd 6ount cros-ties back home. I never call names, but every fellow knows when I strike hi number. If anybody here wants to cor rect my mistakes, I'm willing. Gentlemen you can have the floor whenever you call for it. If you want to fight go out side of the corporation and wait till I come. But you'd better carry about three week's rations with you : I misht be slow about coming, you know. An old fellow who wants to quit the church is either a mighty bad man or else part of him is missing. You Durham people have just as little to shout over as any gang I know. Thank God ! there are more hills behind me than in front of me and it is easier for me to go on than it is for me to go back. Brethren, sometimes I feel weak and want to lay down my gun and fight no more, but then angels from Heaven and God gives me renewed energy and I just feel like I can' clean up the whole shebaug. God grant that we poor white folks and negroes may get to heaven at last ! If everything told on Sam Jones was the truth, I'd be in the penitentiary .today I would. I know more about ma nology than I do about theology. The biggest prayer I ever heard was by an old Brother, who prayed : "O, Lord ! give us more common sense religion." Theology is a heartless old brute. When a married man gets re ligion he will pray in his family. Do you preachers know that many of your members have never been convicted much less converted ? If you preachers will only keep your eyes bpen you will learn something before these meetings close.' Just look at these old sisters you have been running after, thinking they couldn't get out to church Just watch 'em ; they come rak ing out here three times a day, Brethern, I wouldn't run to see them any more, they have just been playing off on you. I ain't got any respect for old Grandfather Adam. The first lick God struck him, down he tumbled, and I don't like him I don't. r --- juyimyi iou preachers ge to work among these sinners you'll sit there and back-slide right in the meeting. Young man, you may laugh at me and scoff at the Gospel but let say to you: be carefu how you tamper with God' Holy Spirit, be careful you nad better, now, sure. Old Brother Mad and old sis will let yon In heaven. He would be obliged to build ten rail fences to keep you separat ed. This is all a joke about you whipping these preachers for any thiug, I say. Sam Jones is able to tote his own tskillet. You people have voted whis key out of your town, and now allow these rascals to eell it right under your nose on the sly. God pity you little fellows!- You ain't got any back bone, and I can't pack your whole local option crowd in, a sirdine box, and ship you off with a two cent postage stamp oy male. I would rather be one lion than a thousand live dogs, l ou ask me w fools ? Why, because that is the name of more than half of every congregation.- Brethren, if I don't split old Durham the devil will get the whole town, and brother Yates, if you don't split Trinity church, tha devil is going to get the whole shebaug. You fellows whooping and howling 8rouud ou the streets at what Sam Jones says, are just putting on. It is not what I say that makes you holler ; its because your old system is all out of order and the licks near ly kill you. If you can't mix commonsense with your religion, you had bet ter swap it off. I never saw a boy proud of his dady, that his dady was not ashamed of him. Brethren let me tell you : When I was a sinner and went to balls and would see a church member there 1 would fay to myself : "This is no place for you church members this con cern belongs to the devil and we sinners," and I never had a bit of respect for a church member that I f nd at these places. Brethren, I fon't believe we all came from monkevs. but when I look some of you in the face, 1 think you aro headed that way. 7HAI?53r7nrG SAT. A Proclamation ty tt Predict c: . the United States- - row i? wesn Wa.shin(;tox, Nov 1. Con stant thanksgiving and gratl tnde are due from the Auieri- n v, A 4 ft 1 l .,1. . ! . vu iwid iu iiiuiuiy vjou ior i ixia access. His goodness and mercy which , trongest "ot H is Just as though there were a dozen men shut up In a room j o which outsiders could not ob- If four of the havu followed them since the Lonething which the others day he made them a nation and Uou.'d not do witTmnt it vouchsafed to them a free Gov-; 9 clear that, by acting ernment. With loving kind-j together they, could exact ness He has constantly led ns Tnat terms they pleased from in the way of prosperity and ( .he weaker ones. They would greatness. He has not visited : :,ave a most beautiful tnono with swift punishment our:i olv; thm "Tmt" dead BUt'" out wuugraciou- .lazzllDg success. NEWS OF A WEEK. H-liAT IS UAPPEXIXQ UI 111E WORLD A ROUS D VS. A Conkenmej Report 01 th Xer$ am OatAerrd Frvm (JU CWmi vf r Contrmpyrarte, and XaJi nni. A few dyi Mutter Vance Boult, of Iemoa SrritiM. twelre Now If due of 5trY, ld bw nd klUKl Pclw ia v v. . I of blae hero which met wared fire sauai.ve dogs, dependence upon His forbear- irU iV;ii .n ZZZZ r ' ", nd .ix ad . km uy i .10i ance, and that obedienc to His i m;. C fiLX Iwt r" UP UP ' holy law is the price of a con-1 -,t people outside who could tinuance of His precious girts. ! .-upply his wants, what would In acknowledgement of all that t become of the "Trust" God has doue for us as a nation, That is what we want to do- knock a few hoies in our hlh larlff wall; and that U what .a a,rt. .. .1.- lL W HU10B J. tifWD TM BU oucKii mat tuo w ay a I . ti. . . ana 10 me ena that on an ap pointed day the prayers and praise of a grateful country may reach tne throne of Grace, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thurs day, the twenty-ninth day of' November instant, as- a day of ! thauksgiving and prayer, to be j kept and observed throughout ' the land. On that day let all our people suspend their ordi nary work and occupation, and at their accustomed places of worship, and with prayer and songs of praise render thanks to God for all his mercies; for the abundant harvests which have rewarded the toilr? of the hus bandman during the year that has passed, for the rich rewards that havH followed the labors of our peode In their ehors and their marts of trade and traffic. Iet us givo thanks for peace and for social order and contentment within our border and for our advancement in all that adds to national greatuess, and mindful of the afflictive dis pensation with which a portion of our land has been visited. Iet us, while we humble our- Tbe Adeock innrder case,' which was to hare beea tried at thia term of the Vance Coanty court naa oeen poatoooed nnU Lh February term by mutual oonaent I of the Solicitor and attorneys (or ueienae. is right. OirCandiiatafPrediest. lie will be nominated by the con vention ami w.ll bi elected by the fp!e, Uc4ae be will came tie r eareet to Jil!ir their idea of a Chier Magistrate. Klectrto bitten Uah l-een given the bizhet place, ecautrt no otber medicine baa ao veil tilled the idea of a perfect ton ic and alteram e. The ople have endorsed EU'ctric liittera and re y npou thin rat remedy In all 'roubles or Liver, S'omache and Kldneya. For all Maurial Fevers uul di'MM-es caaed by Malarial Pot eon. K".-ctic bitters caanoC be 1 x) l.izhlr rtocitneMled. Also cotes Hmi1 irtu' Ti. C'otiftip:ion. Sat-i-f.ic:oti gti iratiteed, or monej re- iinit-.i. j't jt- iOc and 11 at A. W. Kow.au l' D.-ug S ore. Customer These pants won't !o; they are a mile too LI around ihe waist. De&lrr Mein frieudt, hu?t you leave l::n:ng Aa.s It. Z.ilalia, Fl.i., June 27, 18S7. X. 12. Vies able & Co.: I have bteu using B. Ii. B. in mv iJiuilv as a ulool nuriuer. 11 Av:ii never ns.-d any medicine to equ.-l it. ilsncctfu ly, MRS. U. M. Laws. I dot sheap boardlnv selves before the power of God, houre and get your meals at acknowledge his mercy in set-1 uitin brudder Isaac's fine res ting bounds to the deadly i turant, und dse bants fit yon march of pestilence, and let our J like a goort planter'. -l'hlladel-j hearts be chastened by eym phla liecord. pathy with our fellow country-, . men who have suffered and who mourn; and a we return thanV 1 for all the blessings wbicn we Lave of our ( Cifo zzi Ifjrira- llraorfrt th'H 1M1 are the aafest received from tha han ,ind n,0t remedy for In rece ,lrom 1 , ! digestion, IireguUty of 1 he Bow. : 1'eavenly father, let us no; cognation Biliousness, Cli XaaTass a' fKxtract from a 1'tterl 1. S.-l bought .T bottles of vour Uotanic Blood Iialui from my iriemi II. D. Ballard, at Csmpo-tK-llo, S. C. I have beea using it three weeks. It appears to give me new lite and new strength. If there is anything that will make an ol.l man young it is 15. B. B. I am willing to sell it. I earnestly and honestly recommend Botanic Blood Bairn. Blood Balm Co- forget that He Las enjoined upon us charity, and on thi day of thankgivin let n generously remember the pooi and needy V) that our tribute of praise and gratatude may be acceptable ie the sight of tlu Lord. Done at the city of Washington Be' Hasn't Heard cf Wilsca- "We have made comparisons with quotations from other markets and find that the Greenville merchants are pay ing just as high for cotton as can be had elsewhere. In sev eral instances we noticed they were paying more. You only have to try them to be convin ced of this. Greenville Reflec tor. Ueauach, Dizzine, Malaria, or any dijeaie rising from the impure state of the blood. Tbey hare been n use iu thia country for over fifty . 5earf, and the tbouoands or onim i -each able testimonials from tboe ' ho have used them, and their , constantly increasing sale, is incoa 1 ".rovertible evidence that they per- on the 1st day of .Nov., hcs. . HraD arelU.rt 1MU ar parely and in the year of independent , .al), ab-oIuleIy harmless aid safe of the United States the.ore . tlke at any tinje hundred and thirteenth 1 goM in every drug and medicine In witness whereof I have j store, either plain or tuar-coatei. hereunto the signed my nanr?' . . and Caused the Seal tf the Uni- i nnest fat an evenii.,' nartv tft (Signed) G rovJji Cleveulx d. By the I'resident: T. F. Bayaiid, . Secretary of State. beautiful young man) You i may order me an ice, waiter. Supposed Waiter (fiercely) i Sir! I'm no waiter, sir, and such a mistake demands an A Connecticut man tells this story of a remarkable exhibition of nerve by a professional sneak. thief: 'One day he walked quietly into a bank, took off Lis hat and coat, hung them on a nail , pnt on an office coat that hung there, and walked into the rear room which contained the vaults. The directors were holding a meeting, and one sat in front of a door blocking the passage. The thief politely asked him to move, and when the obliging director did so the man WPTlt. fTuvSncrh tTio Antw . . wuawuu UUUi , J " -' - ' ' picked up two of the largest ter Mad, they won't speak and bags of gold in sight, and thief belong to the same church, my and gold were - seen no more I "od tney W1" bring the devil there.' New York Sun. Ihereooof and horns. If God Ssiucii ti.3 uirplzs- The disunion of the Surplus in the U. S. Treasury engages tlu attention of our Statesman; but it more vital questionjias onr atten tion, and tnat is reducing of t'no Surplus Consumptives. Since th discovery and introduction of Dr. Kinc's New Discovery for Con "You wouldn't think," he said, sumntiou, there has been a marked indicating a irentleman across I decrease in the mortality troin this the street "that that ordinary dreaded dUe.vse, and it i iwssible I apology, sir. j Guest (covered with confus ion) Why 01 course it does. Where do you suppose I could fiod the waiter. Life. Boldly Pacins DsatL The Ss:i Ptriisr ITaia. commonplace looking person has many times stared death unflinchingly in the face." ''Why no. Is he a desperate character? Not very, he is an undei tak er." N. 1. Sun. 'And ye Editor Bears it all Next Tuesday the campaign iar will go in his hole aud re main for two years, and the man who is going to "come in a day or two and pay his sub scription," but never gets here to siill further reduce the number of Consumptives: . How By keep ing constantly at hand a bottle ofj l)r. Kinff's New Disuoverv and bv using accordingly to directions, upon the ax-aiauce of the first svKi'om, such as a Cough.'a Cold, a Soie Throat a Jhest, or. Side Pain. Takt n thus tarly a. cure i guaranteed. Trial bottles free at A. W. Row land's Drug Store. ucas, G June 23. 1S38 I have futlered with Catarrh for about four jears, and after ndng lour bottles ot Botanic Blood Balm I had my general health greatly im proved, and if I could keep oat of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. Very respect fully, L. W. Tnosipsox. "Clara!" shouted the old man from the head of the l'alatka, Fla., May 81, 1888. We have been selling B. B. B. lor two yearn, and it baa always ;iven satifaction in every case. Lowkt & Stare, Druggists. Zzx's This. We dflVr One Hundred called down ten minutes ago that It was time for that young will hold the companionship. man to go and I haven't heard Greenville Beflector. Be Net StirrriiCi the front door close yet.' "No, papa ; he left by the window." Harper's Bazaar. The Republican system of tariff robbery costs the farm ers of the country seven hun dred millions of dollars every year. No wonder their lands are declining in value, and be ing plastered over with mort gages. Goldsboro Argus. Zioaa Itchy, Ecaly Skin TcrttiiK. The eimple application ofSwayn'e Oiutment without anv internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm riles. Itch, Sores, rimples, Kezema all Scaly Itclyr. Skin Kruption no matter how 1 obstinate or long standing. It is poteut, effective and Costa but a trifle. Dollar stairs, "I j Ueward tor auy caeofCatar r b tn cannot be rureu ry taking II air Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props, Toledo, U. We, the undersign ed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him ! perfectly horn-ruble in all bosioeas ' " " j transactions, and financially able "When we two parted, I felt that j to cary out any obligations made 1 had taken cold," "Aid Thorn 1-I bv their firm. Takeintime, "and next morning 1 1 West & Tmax, Wholesale Drug- was r.oarse in need, nut a wc ho- statu, Ju!elo, Uhio. tie or Dr. Bull Congh Syrup fixe ' 1 Waiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wbole- me np." j sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Contentions women are slaves t.! B. II. Van Uoesen, Cashier, Toledo headache; but 23 ce nts spent for a j National Bank, Toledo, Ohio, bottle of Salvation Oil will restore- 11 air Catarrh Cure is taken in harmony in the household. ternally, acting directly upon the uioou and mucus nuriaces 01 toe . . .system." Price, 75c per bottle. lhe larooro toutuerner sav Sold bv all Drn jurists the oil mills at Shilob began work last week ami are now under falij u , tL h t headway. The managers exprec . ' . " . , " . . themselves as ratified at the miiiio maaea nis maia: id ceipts or seed Contractors i 1 the world. But life la full of build that portion of tbeChowau & 1 croeses to him if he has to sign Southern railroad between tLe j Ma name often. Boston CouT Roanoke & Tar Rive's arrived he'e ' ier. last week to begiu work. the widow of the late Jadce David Dana, onee acting Vice President or the United States. KSorts are In progress to locate a permanent camp lor the &tat Guard sear Wilmington, and to erect batteries there tor the treat gun drill and practice. It la believ ed that the State Gord will go la to camp at Wrighlaritle next sum mer, and it Is dealt ed to locate a permanent camp at that place. The Kinston Free Press says that Mr. F- F. Moore accidentally aer. ered two toes by the as with which he was chopping wood glancing. Saturday night r lat week Mr. Ed ItooM wm attacked by a negro man and woman and robbed or Lis watch and nr dollar, on his way borne. The cegroea were commit ted to ji.iL The boose or Mr. Tbeopbilos Da venport was bornd dowa one night loot week, we learn from the Scotland Keck Democrat, lie lot all bis household ptoperty and wrariog appeal aL No insurance. A colored man working aroond a cotton press on tha CnCn tana fell among tbe wheels and was ae rioasly hurt. The New Bern Journal says: "With nine steamers per wees to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk and Elizabeth City, and eight steamboats on Neme and Trent rivers, oar docks present a lively appearance at Ibis season. New Berne should be tbe Norfolk of North Carolina and would be were the North Carolina railroad rightly managed. ' Tbe four yonng men of Kinston, who went ont to Montana Territory last July to seek their fortune, are all doing well there, getting good wagea and enjoying excellent health. But with the same amount or push and energy expended here we believe they would have suo ceeded just as well. Stay at borne, work bard and aave what yon make is tbe way to succeed. According to tbe N or Ox ford tobacco bas been tv...ing into that market freely the pt week and breaks several da re hea vy. The new crop, as a;t ctpated, shows np large quantities of inte rior stuff, which is selling low now and is likely to continue low the balance or tb season. Tbe better grades are bringing tbeir full value and are eagerly bought up. From 'tbe Goldsboro Headlight or last week we take tbe following : 'The Black Creek Association of tbe Primitive Baptist church were in Ke&sloa in this city on Friday, Saturday and Su Delay. Be v. WiN liam Woodard, or Wilson preached tbe introductory sermon, aud liev. John Scott, of WiInou county, acted aa Moderator. Some eminent preachers were tn attendance and a large and devont congregation were prent at each and every service, Tbe Weldon Fair was quite a success this year we are glad to learn.' Tbe attendance was pretty good and tbe exhibition above tbe ordinary. Tbe Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen and Rocky Mount Light Infantry were present two days. Mnsic was was furnish ed by Iardellasband, or Bicbmood, one of tbe best la tbe bouttu t ve ry body, who went were satisfied. This lair will only be excelled by the Rocky Mount Fair, which opens November 14th. Make yoor, ar rangements and be present, 1 Sil Storj. The child coughed. Tbe mother ran. No remedy was near. Before morning tbe poor little sufferer was dead. Moral: Always keep Dr. Acker's Remedy at band. There are five ladies In Manteo that weigh 1,10 pounds together. Mrs. I rank Uiven weighs 240 pounds, Mrs. Blsnch Forbes 230, Mr. Ward 2 GO. Mrs. J. T. Daniels -'JO and Mrs. Nany Dough 200. Consnjticn Sorely Coral. To the Editor: Please inform yonr readers that I have a positive ieuu riv for the above named disease. Is. i's time ly use thousand ot hi)eletis cases have been permanen: Iv ei:red. ' I ehall.be glad to seuU two Utttles of my remoav FUEj to every con snmption if they will end nie their Eipress and P. O. address, ; ReFp-"n!ly . T. A. SlocumJ M. O. JM Pearl St N.Y. 126-68 6mo Sit is "Criitru." "1 aaved tbe life of mj little girl by a prompt ose of Dr. Acker's Engliab Remedy for ConKumption;M Mrs- Wm. V. lluiuatix. New York. Very many of the healthiest I' pie keep themselves in Kuch condi tioti by .the occasional use of r reliable cathartic, and they give j tne preierence to jjaxaaor as inort fully Berving tbeir purpose tii. any other family remedy. Only-! cents. ' Sleepless nights and cheerle.- aaya win do preventea if yoa n Dr Bull s Baby Syrup to induct sleep and composure for the baby: lTice cents. Ozr Tszx Great Crcjs. North Carolina can raise f cur great crops cotton, wheat, corn, ana tobacco. It produces all sorts of vegetables. It has the right soli for fruits. To crown its fertility, Its climate enables the fanner to work in his fields nearly the whole year round. It is a grand State, with a grauiying present and a no ble future. Charlotte Chron icle. The State Woman'a Christian Temperance Union met in Win ston last week. A large atten dance was present and interesting meetings were held, Oratuylng re ports were made. For tbe blood ose B- B, B. For scrofula, use B. B. B. For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, use B. B. B . For eruptions, use B. B. B. For all blood poison, use B. B. B Ask your neighbor who bas ased B. B. B. of iu merits. Get oar book free filled with certificates of derfol cures. V 4 1 1 I. T