The Wilson ; Advance j WlLSOx, N. C. ' . Nov. 8, 1888 ' How Doctors Conquer Death. Dr. Walter K. Hammond Bays : "After a long experience I have come to the conclusion that two thirds of all deaths from coughs, pneumonia and consumption, might be avokled if Pr. Acker's English Remedy lor 7 Consumption were only carefullyused ia .time." This wonderful Remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by Dr. W. S. Anderson..' There is a place in Pensvl- vania which is called Economy, imt n ia noi a summer resort. Texas Sif tings. E7 THE ONLY ',!..' Brilliant CL Durable Economical j Are Diamond Dyes. They excel ajl others in Strength, Turity and Fastness. None oftierg are just as good. Beware of imitatiops they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor,-weak, crocky colors. j ' j 36 colors j io cents eachj Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card; jjtirectlontf lor coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluia (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold hy Druggists orby WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, ft. Far Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS'' Cold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Caota, frame s I COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS t 'Paine'iCelyCwa Neuralgia pound cured my ncrv- otis sick headache. " Mr. L. A. Bum-ira, Nervous s"JadPt0-ul- Prostration ties of Pained Cekryl wmmimmm Compound, 1 in cored of rheumatism.' Rheumatism sXe"rrS,T5.. , "It has don me men KldneV good for kidney dieaj ' than any other medi- wSj&. Diseases erne." Gm.Aiian, Sioux City, Iowa. . AM - y l- "I"' Celery Com . - J-W. pound has been of great All Liver 7 K"6' i orfi ,liTer' v indigestion, and oillous- ' Disorders " L""rj.c Udall, Quechee, Vt. Terrible Forewarnings. Oongh in the morning, hurried or uimcuis orearning, raising pniegm, ugntness in the chest, quickened pulse, chillness in the evening or sweats at night, all. or any of these things are the first stages of Consumption. Dr. Acker's English Remedy ;-for consumption win cure inese iearlul symptoms J : t . 1 . .-. auu is-Boiu unuer a positive guar antee oy jur. w, o. Anderson, ; No lore Eye Glasses. NO MOKE WEAK EYE1S; ---Mitchell's Eye Salve- Advertising "doesn't pay. but eome how or other the firm who advertise most liber ally do the largest business. . A Harrow Escape. Col. TV. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one evening, feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring, he tried to draw a long breath but found it almost im possible. He suffered four days from pueunomia, and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Ackers English ltemedy for Consumption saved him and he Is well to-day. Granville county has now seventy-four miles of railroad. There was not an inch of track in the same territory less than ten years ago. A Certain, Safe a n d Effeeitive Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflam ed Ej es, Producing Long-Sighted-ness, and restoring the Sight of the old. Cures Tear Drops, Granula tion, t Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eyelashes, producing iuick relief and j j PERMANENT CURE.' Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tumors,, Salt Rheum. Burns, Piles, or wherever. applied. j R. ll JOY'JSER, j Surgeon Dentist, Wilson. N. C. ..I have become permanently identiSed with the people of Wilson have practiced here for the past ten jears and wish to return thanks to the generous people of the com munity lor the liberal patronage they have given me. EPI spare no money to procure instruments that will conduce to the comfort of my patients. For a continuation of the liberal patron-1 age heretofore bestowed on me I shall feel deeply grateful. Do Mot Suffer Any Longer." Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of cousumption in a week we nereoy guarantee Dr. Acker's jiingnsn iiemtMy for Consumption ana win reiund the money to all who bur, take it as per directions, and do not find our statemedt correct. TheTimes says there has not been a marriage ceremony perform ed in the Methodist church in Con cord in over six years. ' . l: L Terrible. Awo-mirus or au tne deaths in New York city are from consump , tion or pneumonia. The same propor tion holds for most other cities. De lays are dangerous. Dr. Acker's English Remedy lor Consumption will always relieve, and may save your life. THE 1 r 1 1 1 1 r ''.' lit I 111 wapes. E mm QQTTQH ; . . PRESS. Fill The Rocky Mount Fair this year will be 1 held MEMBER 14th; 15th, A5D 16th . And from every "Indication I will be the JBIG fa in Of the State. The officers of the FAIR are do- I lng all they possibly can to make It more at- I tractivei than ever. Several new features are wiuK suuea, among mem tne to unjr.ijtiEWT Which will be rode bv th lrli.. A fine display of live stock will be made and RACE8 Will be speciallj exciting: and interesting I HAMIJS Is the place to get Ture Corn -The celebrated bid Stewart - RYE WHISKEY Four year old Kash Countv Brandy Fine Imported Cigars, Beers. &c. Wines, BOTTOM HAS DROPPED OUT Of The Pool and Billiard Tables. 4 Norfolk Oysters Received .daily, and served in the very besj, style. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. First-class Restaurant where the best the market affords will be served by experienced cooks. NOV 17 DAWKINS & Br.IDGEES. DR. E. Iv. WRIGHT SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Central Hotel build ing, formerly Dr. Hi fice. Having permanently located in Wilson, I offer my professional services to the public. lOlf & STEVENS VRMU'EE PEALLRS .WD UNDtllTAKEE " WILSON, N. C. Vi'E SELI, AT LOWKST PRICES. Bed Room sets, Wardrobes Brackets, Folding Chair?, Camp Stools, Picture Frames. AND INDEED, EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF mn mm coots. COTTON And Ave propose to keep lip with the Thirty-four per cent, reciacrjon on Shoes, Mats and Clo thing. times Boots Men.', Yo-thV, B.,. ,,! CliMre.'. . U:,r.,J Core. CtM, ISVu made. AT 60 CENTS OX THE DOLL Alt. We have got too many aod they mnet b sold. We are selling onr 82j.OO our 15.00 Suits at ?3 3 Suits at 1S Oil, o-ir M m Suits at U.00, our fJ5.00 Saita at $10.00, oar 10.. Sulla at .75, our $i.wo Stut. .. 7' All we ask i a compariboa and we will save yoa 31 Ir ceot. .tw, nr 7JXI Sui: c;mn ir.ifir. winrlanr and Ilflmilfon's Latet Ftvlos m Calicoa at f. cnt, worth CI anu u oilcn Mixei Pant Goods at waw. cuion va-Min:re i -ui sw. iiijitilililitUiriiiTiiiiiiltiihi The hoe cholera is eettin? in ome good work against the far mers of Stokes county. 41 hogs have died in one neighborhood. Tare it in Time. "For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of'a shoe, a horse was lost; for want of a horse, a rider was lost;. Never neglect things. The first signs of pneumonia and con sumption can positively be checked by Dr. Acker's English Remedy lor Consumption. During the yellow fever epidem ic, Jacksonville received from sym pathizers $312,876.11, and expen ded 8210,054,24. Relief will have to be expended for six weeks yet. Promptness. . First a cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. -'I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption the moment I began to congb. and I believe it saved my jifo." Walter Wallace, , Washington. Patient old Lady (to elevator boy reading dime novel) How often does the elevator go up, boy! . Elevator Boy i toes up at the end of every . chapter, ma'am. Time. tony Women Fade. Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their .lives. Dr. Acker's English Remedy, for Con sumption is an absolute cure for colds. ' - ost Brillinnt. Pure and Terfect Leasts, In the World. Combined with Great Refracting Power. " They are astransparent and coloi less as light Itself. And for soituess of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without iatigue. In fact, they are ct Sight pee seeveus. osMtnonials iiom the leadin icians in the United Slates ca, given, who have had their sight impraved by their use. All eyes fitted aad the lit guar anteed at A. W. Bowl an d's Dedg Stoke. Where an -laimeiise assortment of these celebrated glasses can be found and properly adapted to .all conditions of the eye. ' These glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. , None genuine unless the name IIawkes is stamped on the frame. Wholesale Depots, Atlanta, Ga. Austin. Texas , manufactured; i$y , LUCIUS L TAYLOR. SEABOARD, N. C. AND S. E. HITE & BR0. NORFOLK, VA.J We desire to call the attention of cottn planters throughout the South as welf as the shippers of Hay to the following facta which we sincerely believe wil I pay you to carefully peruse and consider before you invent your money in a PRESS We claim for the Tavlor Press the' follow ing qualifications superior to any other now on the market. " - 1. It works by Lever Power without friction, to perfection!. 2. It will pack a bale of cotton in less time and with more.- ease than any'other Press manufactur ed. . ' 3. It will (with" two ordinary hands) pack a bale of cotton in one aud one-half minutes.- 4. In as mucn as there is abso mteiy no lriccon irom tne ropes, pulleys, chains, &c, it will cost nothing to keep the press in repair and requires no oil for lubrication For simplicty-in in constructions and- operation, as well as for durability, it cannot be excelled. This is a Press and owi ig to the facts above stated it does ;3s not require the addition of iteanr power. 'j For reasons already mentioned ir is not liable to get out of prder. This Press was patented in: 1885, and rnfs is the fourth season it not it has been in use. I desire to. ex tend my sincere thanfcs to the public for their veryjliberal patron age and with Reveral important improvement and superor facili ties for manufacturing them I hope to merit and receive their contin ued patronage. .1 will also; state that the rachets of those presses heretofore made of cast iron 'are now made of the very best wrought iron and with reasonable use I warrant " iid guarantee; the Taylor Press in every particular. For further, particulars I j refer to the fallowings getit1eme,n Wesley Deloacb Jackson; J. G. L. Crocker, Dr. J. X. Itamsev, A. B. Dpughtry, C. R. Coker Seaboard; Capt. S. N. Buxton Jacksoa, N C, and others that used them or. see them work. ! Special, attractions each day. A Good 1S1JD OF Jflh. FC In attendance. .Special trains will be ru" day over the different roads and very XOIT II.ZTES Have been secured for those who attend the I Every arrangement, will ha mulii th I wuuurimu convenience ot tnose who attend auu amy iu lown over nignt. For further particulars address . R.llERW0i, SECRETARY AND TREASURER, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ilFHID ROBIIOI FASHION ALLE BARBER, NAsn;ST.,H Wilson.'N .JO tyi have one of the neatest and most complete barber shops in the puare. univ nrst class artists employed FOB SALE MY FIVE ROOM DWELLING house,- at present occupied by me, wut De sold at a reason able figulre. The lot faces Tarborb-street, runs through to Pin& and one side faces Vance.1 There are Stables, a Double Room House and all Necessary Outhouses on the lot. ! SFor TERMS and PRICES call on or address We are still Slaughtering DRV GOODS, tory. Amaekeng Ginghams at 8;J, cents, else tu proportion. . Ten Thousand Dollars Worth of SIIOl.S. nil tWe wav trim tl.eTiuy Infant to the Big Brogaa that takes a No. 13 to fill up, mixed n : ., .il thing in Ladies' Patent Leather hii.1 tk-i-t.s' Handmade Dongolas at 25 to .TO ir cent. lnn Than anv Iloii in i.M,rj can goods aud qualitv at. We carrv n.hl:ijr but the best goods that money can make. A lull Lino of Bart &. I ackard, J. 1 at n. . s 3m Kirkham & Co., Hayes Muiray V: Co., and others. MundeU'a Childrens' School t-'hoes a rn-cialtv. We carry the Finest Stock of II ATS iu WilM.n and we are Veiling 92.50 and ?3.00 Ilata at t'l We do not ak yoa to tale our word Ht the Hats and If we do not do what we say the. Hat is yours Tor nothing. The cold wave is coming and we hav the most perfect stock of Flannel Underwear you ever aaw. Imported KagliMi Suit t f ." tt fat Wool Flannel Shirts at f.o rent. 1 lie Finest Stock ofllosiery, Gloves, Snirta and Drawers at half crop price. I WAOTED: 250,000 ItirsllEIi!" COTTON SEED, Shoe and Clothing Store. BY THE Tarboro Oil Mills. For which the HIGHEST CASH price will be paid, or MEALI given in exchange. , oct. 1st. J.T. mi NOTICE, xiavu-K- quannea as executor of the lajt wi.l ana testament of J. K. Whitley, deceased. No- V V K wmi pcr5ons inaeDted to the estate of said decHH tn mit. mmuti ate payment, and to n norarmc Ka.nnn i.. I arainst the deceased, to present them for pay-1 ment on or before the I6th day of July, 1889 or I utc , p,eaa ln Dar or tiieir recov JOHN P. BARDEN, Executor, J, D. Harden, Atty. Wilson, N.C. UINKELMANN'S For Sale. A new brick store in the town of Toisnot, 25x80 feet, on the corner Maine and Pender streets. The 'lot is ' 'OOvfeej;, and has au office fV. f leet' S J?iJ of room for a cottoa yard. Thk busi nesa stand m the townrnd will be um at a Bargain. U. C. DANTKT.S. Real Estate Ugent. J. R RAWLS, I have an especiallyjpretty and wellselected'stock of -Fine Cold Watches- Silverware, Jewelry, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, lie, ttepair work promptly and satis factorily done. l iinnilililiriiTiiiiiniiiuiiiniui AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC in cases of -CHOLERA, CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, Summer Complaint, j Dysentery j AND OTHER AFFECTIONS i OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. PRICE 25 CENTS. 1 H. WINKELMANN 4 CO. Sole Paopnicroaa, BALTIMORE, MD., U, S. A. FOR SALE BY A Ei M.NADAL. J. WIRE RAILING ORNAVI ENTAL E WORKS JDTTJPTTR &c CO 6 North Howard St., Baltimore. Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and:-Bal conies; Window Gnards.Tree Gward Wire Cloth. Sieves. Fenders. Cure? S and and Coal Screens, Iron Beds otnola nii.i.nt da11a. p.- -. vuMia, OQIibCOO. Qi2, 1 i sep26 12m , Nash Street, opposite Court House. J R. RAWLS. W ill take orders for S m- Der Delivery at specially low i "figures. Best hard Egg, . Stone and Nut. Hand in your orders early to - n A. w. ROW LA ND. oepi.jtl. Fall Miljinery. :o: CAUTION Beware of Fraud, as my name and the crtee are stamped on tlie buttoui vt all irir advertled shoes beftre leaving tlie fartry- wnlch protect the wearers airaiii't hih price? and ir.f trior oods. If adealt rofft rs V. I Ioiik1h hImk at a re duced pri-t or !?avs he his th ui without mv nan biiw pi iic atauiije' uu ura ihuuui, put uuu uuo u mm a fraud. MILLINERY GOODS, LOWEST POSSIBLE W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE, gent? - s r; Tbe onlv ralf S3 SKAMI.FSS S . .(. Inside. NO TACKS or WAX Tl. ' -: .!. hurt thf ft, easy as hand-ecwwi i 1 ll. KOTKIP. W. L. IMICOT.AS 4 SnOE. the orlKinal ana only h.irnl-M.'-l wt-lt $4 ,h. Euals cufr-torn-made Ihm ntine from $ifnf l. W. I.. IMH Ol.AS 3.r. I'OLICE SHOE. K.-Ulr'al Mm and I.ptt, r arrUTs all wear Hhto. feinnnth inilt a II amt-!"'wcd tboe. No Tacks or Wax Threa.1 t. llt llw fm. VV. I.. UOI'OL AS i.BO SHOE niMxreUcd for heavy wesr. I-,. alf Mi,.' for llu- iirlre. 'Y- IMTtiLjS n-i.vs -wurkino. MAN'S SHOK Is lt- b-t In Hm w.rl.l fnr roiiKb wear; one pair om'ht to w,-ar a man a Tear. W. I.. IXH'r.t.AS SIKIK JUK BOIS Is the Srhool Mi.m- in llie worl.l. W. 1.. noi OI.AS S1.75 VOI TH'S School Shofl ives the tniail Hitys a chan-;; tu wear Ute bvt shiM- ln the w,,rll. All mah In Congress. Button and I.nre. Tf not SOCTON'riaAs's:"0 W FOR SALE BY J.& D. OETTINCER. I have just received my Fall stock of which are offered the public at the PRICES. ' My Stock was relected with jrreat caro and with an eye to the I demands of this Market, I therefore feel confident that tho ladies will find it to tbeir interest to call an examine my strk before i purchasing their wiuter Millinery iVolions, Laci?.&c. 1 AM SOLE AGENT FOR- BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS. The usual sizes always on Land ; extra sizes furnished in 3 days. t-XEW LOTS RECEIVED EACH M0NTIIJ M. E. HACKNEY. YOUR PROPERTY FROM LOSS BY FIRE AND LICIITS3 In the Old Reliable Liverpool &, Indon fc Globe Iri?uriBCCi It is tho largest Fire Insurance ompany In the wcrU, lxoi omces in nearly every country ou the G obi. A ssets in U. S. January I, IC80. S6.793.5I5.8 Amount paid out in United States over 12 (X ";. . Iru as soon as eoon as proofs are received, will.', ut di-couiit. L. S. A. WOODABD, ACT. At Law Offices cf F. A. A S. A. WooJiri. FUESH GARDEH SEEDS. A FULL VARIETY OF Perfectly Tush . THE BEST IS THE MARKET. 1 GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS -O F DOT II- -:o-.- -:o: li A I I 32 S ! Do Tour Own Dyeiug, at Home, fl Peerless Dyes They will dye evervihin ti everywhere, price luc. a paokaire-40 colors They have no equal for Strenjrth, IlrlRircnessl Amount in Packairos or for FastneiT of Sto? DK. W. S. ANDERSON, march R-ly t. Wilson, N.C. FOR SALE, One vacant bnildi nor Inf. in tVo business oortion nf a --uuvl T 111 sold for a small figure. For furth er particulars and price address. Wilson, N.C, C. C. DANIELS Keal Estate Agent, OTICE. H.!lne 9?Lfied 88 secutor of the estate 01 Ester Webb, deceased, before the Pro bate Judfre of Wilson County notice is here by given to all persons indebted to the estate or said deceased to make immediate payment and to all persons ha vine; claims arainst the deceased to present thenffor payment on or before the 27, day of Sept 1888 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. KEDDICK WEBB, ' - . Executor, nTTTnmn i vrn III IV I V ,1111 L n A 1 iv I I Pf:fe; ' . "THEY ARE AU lgp3 1 AM SOLE JJ WARRANTED- WILSON AGENT FOK Fourteen different sizes and kinds. Five sizes with enam eled reservoirs. Adapted to all requirements, .and . priced to suit all purses. LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, patent wood grate, adjustable damper, interchangeable automatic shelf broiling door, swinging hearth plate, swinging' flue-stop, re versible gas-burning long cross piece, double short centers, heavy ring covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nickle panels etc', Uneqnaled in Material, in finish, and in operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., ' Baltimore, Md For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., Wilson, N.C. e; VSIEST WEARING RUSS IN THE WORLD D. HERRI , PH C. IRIJGIST AXD CIFE3IIST, ; Nash Street. WILSON, N. C. - Opposite Brigs Hotel, THE COMMON SENSE ROAD CART, . PATENT APPLIED FOR I have jnst perfected the test Road Cart evV r .fl-r''. J- 01 tins country. It Is the lightest, inot durable -u J cotreurf ana the CHEAPEST For further information address or call cm J. J. FARMER, Wilson, N. C J. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va. BRANCH , CO. ARE OFFERING A NICE LINK or 1 -V . H uresa Goods at reduced nric rr,t;-.: r-.n Sniinal f vt?k- au4d; color. ' "enri,ita Cb.iL,., Md'n-, Hif0ts StotaS4 nelfc' tall .n.len THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR & MUMS. LUTHER SHELDON, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, StairRa jNewelGBrackets, Hardware, Puttty 2nd Painters Paints, Oils, C 3X T E T ,V GENERAL COMMISSION, MERCHANTS NORFOLK, VA. General OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Aent for Waulswortti, M irtiocz & Longman PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. No. 1C W. side Market Sqaare and Roanoke Avenue, 1

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