-,'' . ' J jmmmmWmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- " e-TT 1 -T " " Zr -r iT.nmi Ttriiw SrnlvSMtl TflrtflTfia. I H I 1lnirr H' I I FUR R f flflffififH 111- - " Professional and Business ATOOCK DAHIKLS. - Qoldaboro, N. C, C. C. DA5IEL6, Wilson, N.C. yyTCOCK DANIELS & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILSON, N. C. lsT' Office In Advauoa Building-, J A. 4 B. A. WOODAKD. ' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILSON, N. C. tSHJfttce In rear of the Bank. J V. BRTJTON, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WILSON, N. C. IVOSce over First National Bank. JNO.B.WOODARD, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, WILSON, N.C, T D, BAKDIN, " ATTORNEY-At-LAWt WILSON, N. C. ( tOfflce In Court House. TB8. W. B. ft ALBEBT ANDERSON, PHYSICIANS AN1 SURGEONS, ' " WILSON. N.C. : wnfflmi t Anderson's Drur Store, next 4oor to the Post OfBoe. TJB.E.K. WEIGHT, BCBGEON DENTIST, WILSONrN.C. Baring permanently located In Wilson, I Ser my prof essiooar services to the public. lafOffloe In Central Hotel Building. TR B. W. JOY NEB, SURGEON DI5TIST, WILSON. N.C. I have become permanently Identified with the people of Wilson, have practiced here for the past tea years and wish to return tbanks to the renerous people of the community lor be liberal patronage they have given me. fWl spare no money to procure instru ments that will conduce to the comfort of my patients. For a continuation of the liberal Rtronag-e heretofore bestowed on bSW snail tl deeply grateful. - . Littell's Living Age P1B80 THE.IJVINO AGE entersupon Its fortr-sixth yoar. Approved In the outset by Judge Story. Adams, hlstorlai nhanooilnr Kent. President ns Sparks, PresootU Tlcknor, Bancroft, and many others, It has met wun onatant commendation and success. A WEEKLY MAGAZINE, It gives more Three and a Quarter Thousand double-oolumn octavo pages of reading-matter yearly. It presents in an Inexpensive torm. oonsldeflng Its great amount of mattor, with freshness, owing to Its weekly Issue, and with a completeness nowhere else attempted The Best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Tales, Sketches of Travel and DUcov, ry.Poetry, Scientific, Biographical,. Historical, and Political Informs- , tlon, from the entire body of For eign Periodical Llterture, and from the pens of the TOSEMOST LI7INQ WEITEES The ablest and most cultivated Intel- leets, in every department 01 "r 1-j " " ti..iX. mr,A Art. find ezOression H Iw- iSiir-i T.ttrturo of Europe, and es- aeially of Great Britain. ... . i tnnr luro-ft VOl TU UTini AKB IUI"""B . , ames a year, furnishes, from the grtat and " ,' i Jlw. . .. r.t thiK literature. f?00"' iw whl e within the choi.lU 1. UB'factor9 in the COMPLETE MBSS with which It embraces whatever is of ImmodUte Interest, or of solid, permanent valnau 1. 1. v.(ii'm iniHnnena&ble to everyone who wishes to keep pace with tbe evenU or .i-u...! mmwi nf the tune, or to culti vate In himself or his family gereral InteUi genoe and Uierary taste. r-i-pTTSXT03SrS- , ...wini hn worth and alue of this sterling publication would think nfdolnr without it. Nowhere else can be found such a comprehensive and perfect view iouto.uv K thouirht of our Umes."-Chri8tian at Work, New York. ;.7r thMA fnw rjubhcatlons. weekly or monthly, which seem Indispensable. There is nothing noteworthy In science, art, litera ture; biography, philosophy, or religion, that cannot be 1 5ud fi. It. It contains nearly a 1 S-Utiiiarature of the time. Such a publi cation exhausts our superlatives. - . 1. t .n Maw Vrirk. " tSplete with all the treasures of the best nrrent thought, the best fiction, andtl.e besf poeti Presl Af tna nftT. 11 HU 1UD UU1 1 . .'lv.. n VM.arlnlnhlA- 2.. ' i..!n. it-. ioalinir nnftitlnn in snite 01 u. ,iMTi,ri. of aaDlrants for public favor." I Mew York Observer. , . , M7.n.jL!l.nk. flntinn. actnnee. entlelsm. his tory, et?y,'tr.vels, .whatever -met 'arelnter- Mted In, al are rouna uom. " "By the careful and1 judicious work put into v rrnm T.TviNd Aor, it is made potable for the busy man to know something of what 18 going on wnn L"vrn X S JIiiThV world of letters. Without suci kelpie U lost."-Eplscopal Recorder, Phils, P-V?- find the best productions of the bast writers upon all subjects ready, to oar hand." Philadelphia Inquirer. TThB readers miss very little ithat Is impor tant In the periodical domaW-Boston Jour- "ft- v-....iif,iiiir and cordially said that it never offers a dry or valueless page.'- IWliTetedwbith Iroafsklll and care, and Its Weekly appearance gives it certain advantages aver iu ujuuuj n.o. r. " . It furnishes a complete compilation of an .7" Vt ut,T,ro " Thiosiro Evenin luawpouMui. - -For tke amount of readinr ; contain- j mA .. nhNnrintion la extremely low. cnris- In this weekly magazine the reader finds all that Is worth knowing in the realm of cur l.t iit.r.ti1r. Canada Presbyterian, To- "It it Indispensable to all who would keep sitniut nf our manliom nroirreBu. n 1.1. . riv.)-1' Montreal Gazette. Pnhii.hnd Wimlt at 18.00 a year, free of t-Fto NEW 8CBSCBXBEKS for the year 1S0. remitting before Jan. 1st, 1 fa aica HMlttinff Kofnrfl .IftTI. Ifltlv t of 1888 isaaed after the recelp acrlpUons, wUl be sent gratia. 1FW. ITJUUtMUn a.w - " . . - f 1888 isaaed after the receipt 01 tneir suu- XlsVPricM for; tie best Home and Foreign Literature. repossessed of Thb Livino Ao and one or MVrnf nnr vivacious Ameilcau monthlies, a .iik.wHhA Will find himself In command of the whole situation. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin." ' '" ' . For$loATir LtvtNO Aosandany one of the American fci.montblles (or Harper s W eek- ly or Bazar) will Desent ior a year, or, for aa.&0, Thb Liviho AOS and the St. jtionoias or cvnuuci . Address, . " UTTE1X,CO.,-Boston. . Notice. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Ccurt f Wilson County, wherein Alice- Brooks and there, were the Exparte Petitioners, I will ell at the Court Housl door. In Wilson, on Wnndav the 7th dav of January. 188, the fol lowing described property : One tract pf land la Wilson county, Black Creek Township, on .h ..1 miAo rt tha Wilmlnirlon ft Weldon Bail Itoad, near the town of Black Creek, adjoining the lands of F. J. Woodard. W. 8. Anderson and Joseph Holt, containing fifteen acres Mora or less, and known as tbe Bachael Bardin land. . Tenss 5 Cash. A. V. TAYLOR and W. A. BROOKS. Commissioners. T. A. B. A. WOODARD. Attorneys. Notice.. n... nualined'. Administrator of the r.f Cnflnld Htrlnland deceased, before the Prahate Judge of Wilson i;ouniy, nuo t. V. ion r .11 iwtNnnl indebted to tne u.t. n? uid dnnna wd to make Imntodiate payment and to all persons having claims (gainst the deceased to present them for pay ment on or before the 6th day of December. 18S8, or tWs notice will be plead in bar of their ecovory,j:ppT--HiTE Admlnlstrato . A. 48. A. WOODABD, V Att'ys. i.' A WEEK'S BEADING FKEE ! ros six good families'. Rand veur name and the name and address of I ' five of your neighbors or friends on a pos-. tal card and get free for yourself and eaoh of them, specimen copy of THE GREAT SOOTHERS WEEKLY, THE , . flTTU THB17P I UNOLBBElirS'S" World vuu iuuuu Famous Sketches of tbe FJaii I tatlnn Darkev. I s v nTTTnonTT'! I "BILL ART'S" -Htrmoroug UUauuvuu Letters (or ut Horns ana i Heart n titone. . tnntwrop "B KT8 T HAMILTON'S" ad- II HI 1 uAO ( renturet told In 'Cracker' Cis't WAR STORIES, SKETCH KS OF TRAVEL, NEWS. POEMS, FUN, AnVENTURES. THE FARM." THE H0U8B HOLD, CORRESPONDENCE. A World of Instruction and Entertainment ! Twelve Patrea. The Brightest and Best Wacklji Please every member of the Fan ilj. IrA i Postal for a SD&clmtn Cop? Free. . Address, Tn CeNSTrruTioBr, Ada Atlanta donstititioo rwi I 'I'TTP. WILSON iVU VAIMUii.. i i - - at nilH MMV V I Ttt Tf 1 I I 11 i i LI E3TTHE ONLY XJlllliaiXL Xv Durable Economical ; Are Diamond Dyes. They eflcel all others in Strength, Purity and FasUiess.! None others are just as good. Beware of imitations hey are made of cheap and inferior tnaterials and give poor, weak, ciocky colors.' ' 36 colors; xo cents each, ' Send postal for Dye Fool, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing (10 cu. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Qold, Silver, Bronie, Copper. Only XO Cents. I More Eye Glasses. -NO MO LIB WEAK EYES- --Mitchell's Eye Salve.-" A Certain, Safe a 0 J Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflam ed Eves, Producing Long-Sighted- ness, and restoring tbe Sight of the old. CuresTear Drops?, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes Matted Eyelashes, producing quick relief and -j . PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as- Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tumors, Salt Kheom, Burns, Piles, or wherever applied. I MANUFACTUREt) iJY -"I . LUCIUS' L. TAYLOR, SEABOARD, Ni 0. " AND 'I : .1 . S. E. WHITE & BRO. NORFOLK, YA. We desire to call the attention of cottcu planters throughout the Sonth as well as tr-a shippers pf Hay to the foltowtiiK facts whicV perU8eana consider before yoyi invest your money in a We claim for the Taylor Press the follow ingriualiiieatlona superior to any other now on the market. i " 1. It works by Lever Powei without friction, toertection. i. It will piick a balft. of cotton in less time and with more eaet than anv other Press manufactur ed." ' 3. It will (with two ordinary hands) pack a bale oT cotton iu one aud one-half minutes. 4. , In as mucn as thbie is abso lutely no friction from , the ropes. pulleys, chains, &c, it will cosr nothing to keep tbe preps in repaii and requires no oil for lubrication. For simplicty in in constructions and operation, as well as for durabillitv, iti- cannot be excelled. This is a Press and ovving to the facts above stated it does is uoi require the addition j of steam power, j. . - ! Fbt reasons .already j mentioned ir is not liable to get out; of order. This Press was patented in 1885, and this is the fourth season it not it has been in use. I desire to ex tend my sincere thanks to the public for their very liberal patron tj auu vvitu Meverai j lmnonan: Improvement and puperor facili ties for manufacturing rhem I hop to merit and receive ttieir contin ued patronage. I will? also stat that the rachets of those nresseb heretofore made, of cast iron are now made of the ivery besl wrought itou atid witlij reasonable use I warrant nd guarantee the Ta.vlor Press in every I particular, Jbor turtlK-r particulars I refer to the followiugs named gentlemen Wesley Deloach Jackson : J. G. L. Orooker, lr. J. IsT. Ramsey, A. B. Doughtry, C. It. Loker Seaboard ; Capt. S. N. Buxton Jackson, N" C, and others that used them or see them work. v .j- TRUE TOILET LUXURY. OF ABSOLUTELY PURE INGREDIENTS. BEAUTIFIES THE, TEETH." PRESERVES. THE Gb MS- SWEETENS TIE BREATH. NO INJURY TO THE. ENAMEL. SAFE AND AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET I PREPARATION. PRICE 25 CENTS PE BOTTLE. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i. H. WINKELMANN & CO., PROP'S, BALTIMORE, MO. FOR SALE BYT Ei 5V3. NADAL. ; y v AND ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORKS DUFTJTR. &c CO . 96 North Howard St., Baltimore. ... - v Wire Railing fV ! Cemeteries T,riwn3, Gardens, Offices and Bal Qies; Window GnaifdsiTree Guard 'Wire Cloth, Sieves, lenders, Cages, sanuanu uoai ocre Iron Bed -teads, Chairs, Setti - sep26 12m THE! 1 fflfeilS?' Ml C0TT0N1 : : 1PRSSSJ HOINOT'S 1 Wl DENTIFRICE A MIIMILII s u ens, sfes, &o. n - ( CELERY faM.: COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS Paines Celery Com NotirBlfilci pound cured my nerr- ous sick headaches." mm iirs. L. A. Brhnttjrr, Nervous " . "After using six bot- PrOStrailOn ties of Paine's Celery mmmmmmmmmwmmmmWmmmmmm Compound, I am cured of rheumatism. ' Rheumatism sScHoSs",,n&. It has done me more KidnCV , ' good for kidney disease than any other medi DISGSOS cine." Geo. Abbott, Sioux City, Iowa. -p. "Paine's Celery Com- - pound has been of great All Liver benefit for torpid liver, -a indigestion, and bilious- .. . UISO, t?r UpA1At Quechce, Vt. Mil BOH FASHION ALLE BARBER, NASH P.T., WlLSOH.1 N.C ' tyi have one. ot the neatest and rest complete- btfber shops in the ptate. Gulf rst class artists em ployed j. n RAWLS, o I have an especially pretty and well t9lected etock of -Fine Cold Watches.- Silverware, Jewelry, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, Etc Repair work promptly .and faetorily done. satli Nash Streetopposite Court Douse J. R; RAWLS-. Will take orders for Stem ber Delivery at specially low ligurea. best hard ' Egg, Stone and Nat. Hand in your orden early to A.W.ROWLAND Sept.3tf. ;. Notice. naving qual'tied as Executor of the estate of Pol - Davis, deceased, before the Probate JuuRd of Wilson County, notice given an persoos indebted toth esutie 01 saia eceased to make Immediate payment and 1t all persons having claims against the decs wed to present them for pay ment on or before the 6th day of Dec. 189 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov el?-A cc . 'ATH ff BASS, Executor, f , A. & S. A. V, UODARD, Attorneys. IF YOU WMT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD. It is Aim' . t The Same Thing Ho Preminms. So Special Offers. Ho Cat Rate:-, ' LUT THE BET AND BIGGEST iMEVVSPAPER On thel.4aierican Continent 12 LARGE PAGES AW 84 MG COLLINS. A Popular Novel Published in and giv. n with each is-ue of the -weekly edition. Be ginning to-day and continuing Lhereatter. The World wiil print with each issue a complete novel by a popular author. Among the wr-ters win De; . Walter Besanr, Wilkie Collins. Kobt. Buchan;ti, R. L. Stevenson, ii. Li. Farjeon, Thomas Hardy, Julian Hawthorne, Wm. Black, F. W. Robinson, Emile Gaborian, J nles Verne, Mrs. Alexander, The Duchess, John S. Winter, Henry Wood, Florence Warden, M. E. Braddon. . Mary Cecil Hay, Bertha M. Ciay, Annie Edwards, tsnoaa urou- iton, F. C. Phillips he8e novels will be the latest works of tor best writers as thej are pubiish-id. the books which every one ir talking about. Noth ing out tne very best will be ad mitted into the World's standard library of fiction. This library of notion whi b. supplied to subserih i ersonly. JN extra copies will be No back numbers can be i printed. furnished aud no single copies will .aU Tf, - , . 'u. ii jou wish tne series complete Snbscribe at Once. One Tear (oi numbers,) $1, 6 Moat lid (26 numbers.! 50c. 3 MoLtbs (13 numbers,) 25c, Address THE WCLD, New York TEil k STEVrF4S. FUliNIiiJEE DEALERS AXD- UNDERTAKERS, WILSON, N. C. We sell at lowest prices, Bed Rdom Sett-, Wardrobs, Brack ets, Folding Chairs, Camp Stools, Picture Frames, and in deed everything in the way of HOUSE FURNISHING iMODS F ISO's Cnrn for ri. sumption is also the best Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough without di-sase of the Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you ne glect this easy means of safety, the slight Cough may become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. Wilson, JN. u. . . " t ointment without anv internal II . I. 1 1 .1 M I .1 I i,m I LL. . Proof Better Than. Assertion. With such proof as the following letter from W. U. Dean, 01 no. tto Seventh street, New York, it is not necessary to make the bare asser tion that Allcock's Porous Plasters cure lumbago. Mr. Dean says: Some ten .days ago 1 was laueu with a very violent pain in me small of mv back. It ws so severe that I could haidly breathe; every movement caused great agony. I anally found out it v. aa lumbago Bemc entirely helpl-s8, a Iriend sent to a druggist and got two All cock's Porous Piasters ; these were well warmed aud applied to m.v back,one afcove the other. In half an hour, to my great uehght and surprise, I found the pain began to abate. In two hours l was ame to walk out and attend to my business, the pain being almost gone. Next day I was all right but continued wearing the plasters for a week. The suit in New York against the cotton seed oil trust h claimed to be speculative. Electric Bitters This Remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. . All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimplt-8, Boils, Salt Rheum, and other affections caused by impure blood, Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well at cure all Malarial Fevers- For cure of Headache. Constunition and Indegestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranleed or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at A, W. RovlandV Drugstore, The archdiocese of ISew York claims 800,000 Catholic popula tion. Is Consnmpti:n Incurable Read the following: Mr. C. H. 3ris, Newark, Ark., says : "Was down with Abcess of Lungs, and friends aud physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. Kings iNew Dis covery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and am able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jessie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr King;8 New Discovery for Con sumption I would have died ol Lungs Trouble, Was given up b doctorB. Am now in best of health.'' Try it. Sample bottles free at A. W Rowland's Drug Store, Minister Phelps' will not ac cept the Columbia College pres idency. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollar- Reward for any case of Catarrh tnat cannot be cured by taking Llall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the nndersisu- ed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perlectly honerable in all business transactions, and financially able to cary out any obligations made bv their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldmg, Kmnan & Marvin. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. nail's catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of tbe system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by ill Druggists. President and Mm. Cleveland received Christmas remem brances from friends in all parts of the country. Nothing Equals It, Zalaha, Fla., June 27, 1887. N. E. Venable & Co.; 1 have been using B. B. B. 'in my family as a blood purifier. Having never used any medicine to equal it'. Respectfu.Iy, Mrs. R. M. Laws. Makes An Old Han Young. fExtract from a Letter! P. 1 bought 3 bottles of your Botanic Blood Balm from my friend II. D. Ballard, at Campo bello, S. C. I have been using it three weeks. It appears to give me new lite and new strength. -Ii there is anything that will make an old man young it is B. B. B. I am willing to sell it. I earnestly and houestly recommend Botanic Blood Balm. Blood Balm Co., The name of Stephen B. El kins is mentioned for a place in Gen. Harrison's cabinet. Ths Best Purfiier Hade. ncus, Ga., June 29, 18S8 I have suffered with Catarrh for about four years, and alter using four bottles ot Botanic Blood Balm 1 had my general health greatly im proved, and i I could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. Very respectfully, L. W. Thompson. Palatka, Fla., May 31, 1888. We have been selling B. B. B. for two years, and it has always given satisfaction in every case. Lowev & Stark, Druggists. Ex-Gov. Abbett is after the next senatorship of New Jersey. Advice To Mothers Mrs Winslow-s Soothing Syrup should always be used whenchil dren are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once j it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, eoftens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arrlslng from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle Eczema, Itchy, Scaly Skin Tortures. The simple application of Swayn'e Oiutmeut . without any internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin Eruption no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective and costs but a trifle. The Argentine Republic has joined the teUgraph conven tion. Consumption Srcelv Cur!. To the Editor: "Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its time ly use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remouy 'FREE to every con sumption if they will send me their Express and P. C. address, Respectfully T. A. Slccum, M. C. 181 Pearl St X. T. 1 26-88 6 mo Another canceled bank note has crept into unlawful circu tion. Eacfclen's Arnica Salve. . The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Biuises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin- Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It sguaraateed to give a satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts per bottle. For sale by A. W Rowland. Republican politicians are excited over llussell Harrison's visit to Philadelphia. Wby Women Fade. Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their lives. Dr. Acker's English Remedv for Con sumption is an absolute cure fo colds. The next session of the otate Grange will be held in Newton, catawba county. Do Kot SulT r Apy Longer. Knowing that a couch can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consumption in a week, we herebv guarantee Dr. Acker's Eng!ih Remedy for Consumption, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statemedt cor reef. Talk is revived of Wharton Barker's bank and railroads in Terrible. iwo-tiiirus oi all the deaths in -ew iorK city are lrom consump tion or pneumonia. The same propor tion holds lor moct other cities. De lays are dangerous. Dr. Acker' English Remedy lor Consumption jwiii aiways relieve, aud may save yoar lue. A company has' been organ ized to woik the silvermineof Meriden, Conn. A Sid Story. The child coughed. Tbe mother ran. 2fo remedy was near. Before morning the poor 1 fle sufferer was lead. Moral: Always keep Dr. -Veker's Remedv at hand. The new Paragon Cotton Mills, Columbus, Ga., will make a trial start next week. How Doctors Conquer Death. Dr. Walter K. Hammond says "After a long experience I have come to the conclusion that two thirds of all deaths from cr.ugha. pneumonia and consumption, might be avoided if Dr. Acker's English nemeay nr consumption wete only carefully used in time." Thi woudt-rlul Remedy is so.d under i positive guarantee by Dr. W. S. Anderson. It is charged that line officers of the navy are taking a turn at cabinet making. For the blood use B- B. ' For Bcrofula, use B. B. B. For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. Fqr kidney troubles, use B. B. B For eruptions," use B. B. B. tor all blood poison, use B. B. B Ask your neighbor who has need B. B. B. of its merits. Get our book free filled with certificates of won derful cures. Positivenes is most absurd foible. If you are in the light it lessens your triumph; if in the wrong, :t adds shame to your defeat. ieuraiKia, rneumausm, sore , . throat, toothache and nil other paius and aches aie promptly cured oy salvation un. Price 25 cents Coughing Clara.- ComeIy,charm ing Clarissa Clendenning, careless ly catching cold; creepinz chills came i lara coughed continually ciuel croupy cough, that would nave Killed tier, bad she not u ed Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, costing 23 cts. Suppose Our Farmers Try it. lhe" Rockingham Spirit of the South has the following about "flour corn." Jenkins Covington, colored, has shown us a specimen of flour made from a variety of corn known as "flour corn," which very clcgaly resembles the finest grade of wheaten flour, From three fourths of a bushel of corn he obtained twenty one pounds oi white floor it grows very luxuriously on poor land and so must be a splend; variety for the poorer sections of our country. We think our farm era would do well to give it a trial It might prove a paying crop. A pretty picture Js a healthy looKing and well cared tor baby uy the use of Dr, Bull's Cough Sy rup you can keep the health of baby in good condition. Price 25 cents a bottle. xne "worn an.7 s friend is what iiaxauor may well .be termed, for every woman that has once used it win noi ao without. Price onlv f r. II 1 1 1 llllllPll1 i i Ui V. ii i . . - - REAL ESTATE AGENT, Real Estate bought leased or rented for a or sold, SMALL COMMISSION. Parties having Real Estate to dispose of will do well to place it with me. The following tracts are in my hands and they will be sold at exceedingly LOW FIGURES, No. 1. Duildlncr Lot in Tolsnot. One vacant buildiug lot in the business portion of Toisnot will be sold for a small figure. No. 2. Dwelling in Wil son. A Town Lot in Wilson, on Barnes street, near Railroad depot. It is 200 feet front by 220 feet deep. Comfortable dwelling house with 5 rooms. Good well of water. Nice grove. Sit lated in easy access of the business portion of the town. Terms reasonable. No. 3. A Small Truck Farm. A good dwelling bouse and five acres of Una. near Wilson, for sale at a low figure. Tbe hou-te Las four good rooms, all neegssary out- nonces, including Darn and stables. The land is in a high state of culti vation and tbe very. ilacefora small truck farm. No.4. son. Dwelling In Wil- An 8 room dwelling house, in the business portion of Wilson opposite Advance office, a de sirable dwelling, good garden and waII. k 1 ' t' i No. 5. son. Dwelling In Wil- . A comfortable 4 room dwelling opposite the Advance office. Barn and stables and good gar den. ( In writing In regard to any of theoe pieces or property state the "No." of the" property referred to. Partiea who de sire purchasing Real Estate can secure some exceedingly low property by calling on me. MILLINERY I have on hand a fall line of MILLINERY Which will be sold very cheap. 1 Also a nice line of Gloves, Jewelry. Muffs &c Zenbyrs at 7ct ounce or 4 for 25cts. I have a nice 1 ,t of Christmas Good which I will sell cheap. It will pay joa to call and examine my stock before purchasing. , MRS. S. I. GRIFFIN, Next door to Hadley & Briggs. FOIS FINE DIAMONDS Walchra. Jrwrlry Solid kllvvrwar. - CHAPMAN & GALE 133 Mala St.. JiOBFOLK. VA aie the Leaders, the stock is tbe largest and their prices lor the oet goods are much less than Nottbern figures. . , N. B. Tbey bare skillet work men for the repairing of Watches aid Jewelry. epl lj m . n -.1 .tr.. i ..... i In the World. Combined with Great Refracting Power. Thev are as transparent a'ud colotless an light Itself. And for soilness of endurance to tbe eye i-innnt 1m. exrellfsJ. rnablintr tne eater to read for hours without tatizue. In fact, they are CT SlGIIT PEK SEEVEH8.I ch'in.0Lial8 ficm tbe leadin given, iio nuve naa lueir eigm ra avid by tbt iruse. All ejes fitted and the lit guar, antet-d a. A. W. ROWLAS D'S DBCO STOkE Where an immeoAe assortment of th-.se cf lebrated glasses can be found and properly adapted to all conditions of the eye. Tr.et-e glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. one genuine unless tbe name IIawkes isstamied on tbe frame blea!e Depots. Atlanta, Ga. Austin, lexas EXCELSIOR COOK STOYES! THE EES! 11 TEE XlElET. i v Iourten different sizes and kind. Five sizes with enam eled reservoirs. Adapted to all requirements, and priced to suit all purses. LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, patent wood grate, adjustable damper, interchangeable automatic shelf broiling door, swinging hearth- .t.a f . futte, swinging nue-siop, re versible gas-burning long; cross piece, double short centers, heavy ring covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nickle panels etc. unequalea In Material, in finish, and iu operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SIIEPPARD & CO. Baltimore, Md For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., "Wilson. N. C. -ATt WHOLESALE, 400 Bbls Flour all grades, 25C00 Lbs C. R. Sides, 300 Rolls Bagging, 500 Bundles Ties, 2o Bbls Sugar all grades, 25 Sacks Coffee " 1 00 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Cases Lard, 50 Kegs Nails. The above goods we offer low to merchants. C. A. YOUNG & BRO. 0TTIS DRAKE nas opened in tbe postofike. Ue wisbs to say to bia many friende auu i;uroim mat ne Las in stock the- fiuest varieties of.. Ciearn Smoking and Chewing Tobacco' rflso tbe Finest Confecnneripa' Fruits; Nuts, &Cm&c., tvtj,Ujjht' to this market. Don't fail to- visit him, ladies, before bujing else where. I a!w have all kinds of firework-, uch as suit tbe holi day trade. Resect Tullv, I . S.-I a ao have 25,000 Cigars : must be Fold aC wholesale and re- KsTosrOMD,,!.,,., Hni- w Tbey Amount in t-kl, tTl ' , ' ""rsuieas, smut, rori.i.1.. 1 ner oo aul crmo ! Smut. aotcrae I mareta Mr oa-JsASDEasoir. STlst, Wuaoa, " K. c. a 00 ASVAIOI JOB 57)1 Wilson, E C3 jo We would call vour aldiiiitjt the superior faculties oi the m. ADVANCE For furnishing In Inrcro firsninll I O . . , JOB tlllll 111 M)1U UI IlltVlvU-UU U)U IWCullt unexcelled by any OUT WE WIIaL. FUIlMStl BUSINE&S CO a LJ X LJ H O z CO a LJ X ml CO UJ H CO CO rr u a a o a .IIOTEI. BILLS OF FA III., o CL SCHOOL CATALOGUIIS, PROGRAMMES, AND ALL STYLES OF At Prices as Lw for tame clam of work an J st m-iw ' te obtained from any esUtli-! .vitul North We invite propositions for our line, which will be promptly furniLed either ty 3 personal visit from our reprefcentatlve, wLo mil .sLc-v s.: I of paper, styles of And nlve such advice as Lis may suggest. Our work will THIS SPACE Jo yn Gd MIIIIhi A U.' -(Peppy COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va. Tn SPACE BVAK & sold UENERAL COMMISSION MEKCHAH" ' -. . NORFOLK, VA. or 3E3EE JOB OFF IG all (lescriplinrMj 0RR,. (I II .1 tl i 1 1 1 1 til . , printing oiiice in I 1 CARDS, check rxOKs. WINE CARDS, PRINTED ST ATI ONES' or. estimates on any w.-rk t-' experience as a i rzclicJ 7'J be guaranteed ti give PIIOPRIKT0B IS RESERVED FOR IS RESERVED 1 K WILLUI. On!' O 2 mm r ' n' L 7 1 5 If LAW BRIEFS 0 r 3 : , a - i Soutn,

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