aud Business Cards. IEL8. . C. C. C DAKIK1. Wilson, N. C. A"' DANIELS & DANIELS, rORSEVS-AT-lAW, WILSON, N. C. 4vatice uutldlnjr. i. WOODAKD. TORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILSON. N.C. ri'ar of the Ilauk. ON. , ITOKNKY-AT-IAW, WILSON, N. C. or First National Hank. OODAUD, .TTOKNKY-AT-LAW, " WILSON, N.C. DIN. TTOKN'EY-AT-l.AW, WILSON. N.C. Court llouso. If Yod Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatjtan Dyspei tla, Biliousness, Mood Humors, Kidney Diseas. Constipation, Female Troubles, Fevci and Agu-. Sleeplessness, l'artial Paralysis, or Xferyous Pro- j tration, use Maine's Celery Compwjnd and t ' cured. In each of these the cause 4s mental physical overwork, anxiety, exposurfe or malari. the effect of which ia to weaken iheinerrons sy tern, resulting in one of these diseases. Remc . the cause with that great Nerve Tonic, and ti) RESULT will disappear.- : . j .. ' Paine's Celery Compounr Jas. L. Bowen. Fnrinsrfield. ta... writes : " Paine's Celery Compound cannot be excelled ; a Nerve Tonic. In my case a Jingle bof wrought a great chnnge. My nervousness entire disappeared, and with it the resulting affecti' of the stomach, heart and liver, arid the who tone of the Byslem was wonderfully! invigorate" 1 tell my friends, if sick as. I have teen, Pain Celery Compound . i' Will Cure You! Bold by drugirists. $1 ; six for $". Brepared OL py Wblls, lliCUAitosoM & Co., Jiuriuigtoa, vt. Warranted to color rare goods than any other vm ever made, an- tx eive more brilliant and durable colo. At lor tho Diamond, and tako j other. . A Dress Dyed ") ;1 Coat Colored V IO Garments Renewed J cents. ' A" Child can use them ! t 1 Dii, 'Jrtequalled for ail Fancy and Art Work. At rirntcrist nd Merchants. I)ve Book free. Fo the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated. Dwells, richardscn&co., props., Burlington, vt 4 ALBERT ANDERSON. CIANS ASM SCKGEONS, WILSON. N.C: t Anderson' Drug Storo, next 'ostoflico. - f RIGHT, t'KGEON DENTIST, WILSON, N.C. . rmanently located -In Wilson, I essional services to the public. Central Hotel Building. OYNER, JBGEON DENTIST, WILSON., N. C. , , mo permanently Identified with - Wilson, have practiced here for ears and wish to return thanks us people of tho community tor tronage they have given me. no money to procure lnstru ill conduce to the comfort of my r a continuation of the libera rctoforo bestowed on me I shall rateful. ; n fr.- Ts Living Age. v .i. -j 5 E LIVING AGE enters upon Its - th year. Approved in the outset . ry. Chancellor Kent, President : .,,- .. ians Sparks. Prescotl. Ticknor, - . many others, tt has met with monclatton and success. i . ' t. ,Y MAGAZINE, it gives more and a Quarter Thousand . n octavo pages of readin-mat-lt presenis in an inexpensive ring its great amount of matter; a. owing to its weekly issue, and iteness nowhere else attempted Cssays, Reviews, Criticisms, tehen ofTrav-el and Dlcv, .' y. Scientific, Biographical,, i;,' ,,(.!, and Political Informa- (.. ui the entire body ofFor ,., i erlodlcal L,iterture,; and t - io the pen of the Txii'Tr living: -toutebs 3-.. ol. - and most cultivate Intel . ' . ary department of Literature. , -. tics and Art, find expression in .1 Lltcraturu oi r-uiut., on o reat Britain. ,.(A(, forming four large i vol-i-.; furnishes, from the great and ' t". .1.1. ...... rf this 1 terarure. 'i-i'roptET .rtileh it embraces whatever is or aterest. or of solid, permanent ' t . No More Bye Glasses. NO MORE WEAK EYES- --Mitchell's Eye Salve. - A Certain Safe a n i E fleet i v Remedy fo Sore, Weat anD Inflan eil Ejes, Producing Longsighted ness, and restoring the Siht of tbt old. Cures Tear Drops, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes Matted Eyelasbps, producing qaicfc relief aud f , PERMANENT CURE. .Also, equally efficacious whet used iu other uiaUdies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores; Tumors, Salt Rheum, Bums, Piles, or wherever applied. j Mill i in ii in iJl HUM 1LUU111UU11 FASHION ABLE BARBER, ' JStash;St., WlLSON,1 lyi have oje oi the neatest and i ost cotnplett ba'ber shops in the niate. Oulv f.rst class artists employed -X INOT'S JUtl ElFMTIPRinF A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. J. R RAWLS, I have an especially pretty and wellseh ctetl stock of -Fine Cc'd Watches. Silvrware, Jewelry, Sewing SViachlnes, Pianos, Crejans, Etc Repair work promptly and factcnlv done. REAL ESTATE AGENT, Real Estate bought or sold, leased or rented for a SMALL COMMISSION. Parties having- Ileal Estate to dispose of will do well to place it with me. The following tracts are in my hands and they will t e sold at exceedingly LOW FIGURES, The Wilson Advance. Wilson, N. C. Jan. 24, 1S89 Ho's Tins. W otter One Hundred Dollars Reward lor any ea e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking nan s Catarrh Cure. F, J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toleno, O. We, the undersign ed have ki own F. J. Cheney fur kli .-r i; vears. ami believe him perltctlv hoiierable in all business transactions, and financially able to carv out any obligations made bv thir firm. West & Tunis, Wholesale Drug-tri-ts Ttiledu. On'o. W aiding, Kin & Marvin, WrtoIe- sale l)ruggtts. Toledo, Ohio. K. U Van Hoeeii, Casbitr, Toledo Vutimud Bauk. Toledo, K)MO. Hall's C.itari h Cure is taken in ternally, acting Uirecuy uoou iue blool and mucus surfaces of tbe system, l'uee, 1o pt-r bottle. SoUl by All Di uggi.-ts. Hon. JaLez L. M. Curry, D. D. Ti.Ii- 1-. late Minister to Spain, is fpokpn of as the rext Democrat candidate for Gov ernor of Virginia. no. i. Buildlncr Lot in Tolsnot. Oue vacant building lot in the bu ess portion of Toisnot will be sol for a small figure. A Harruw Escape. Col. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, hAma nnrt pvpninff. feel i ii a Sbfl Is "Cratefol." til S A XTBl i th life of my little Cirl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker'H ame home one evening. leeiin a , ..meiv for ConsumptK.n: peculiar tightness iu the chest. L-t- Habbimax, "ei ore retiring, he trie.', to diaw a. pei' t'oru inrr hrpaih but found it aliaost iin ihl. He suffered four days roin pneunomiar and the doctors 'ave him up Remedy for Consumption him and he Is well to day. ew The Board of Commissioners of Dr. Ackers English j P.laden county have lefased to crni license 10 reiau tpiiiiui-u; liquors to any one. saved "Mamma," inquired a litttle Kentucky boy, "what was A'a f,,n numb?" "He only had one name, rny dear, Mini Ij ht idam " Aud did Eve call him ... ( a Adam!" Certainly, wuai fi could she call him?" "She miht havecalled him Col'ii-el." sails1 OF ABSOLUTELY PURE INGREDIENTS. BEAUTIFIES THE TEETH. Jfash Street,ij-posite Court House. J R. RAWLS. PRESERVES THE GUMS. SWEETENS THE BREATH. NO INJURY TO THE ENAMEL. SAFE AND AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL' AS A TOILET PRE PA R A TI O N . i PRICE 2S CENTS PEfl BOTTLE. 1 ;.e : i r. VI. 1- J. H. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WINKELMANN i CO,, PROPj, BALTIMORE, M O; FOR SALE BV Ei,M. NADAL. Will take orders for Stem- iv Delivery at specially low .'sures.v Be?-'.. hard Egg, Stone j .ud Nut. H .nd in your orders larly to, A. W. ROWLAND. .pt.3tf. Notice. I. I-...,. -ail I: OV, ... for lnillmeniiable to everyone .': okeop pneo with tbe events or . . If or his family gereral intelu , l.erary taste. M3STI03STS- . . ho understands the worth and ,, sterling publication would think j . 'hout it. Nownere else can be uc'i n comprehensive and perfect view literature and thought of our l.lstianai Work. New fork. , ,if these few publications, weekly It which seem indispensable. There i. teworthy in uscience, art, litera ir - 3hy, philosophy, or religion, that oindinit. It contains nearly nil , .' irtureof the.time. Such a pub.i . austg our superlatives. lne .. ... KTnur Vnrlf . vith all th i treasures of the best , aifht. the best tictlon, and the besf lie day. it stands unrivalled. The a. Philadelphia. , h lins Its leadinK position in spite tpt ' i io or aspirauvs iur jjuuiiv; '., j notion, science, criticism, his - . travels, whatever men areinter iv. ., ' are found here." Tho Watchman. . ireful and judicious work put into of Till Living Ao, it is made the busy man to know something t jlntr on wun ever uii;iciuk . ...,.i,ui inttmn. Without such i. ' iost."-Eplscopal Recorder, Phila- find the best productions of the tt upon all subjects ready to our V ladelphia Inquirer. '. ...i conr uttlR that Is lmpor- wTinnical domain." Boston Jour- I , bo truthfully and cordially said . r off ers a dry or valueless yon. . , i with great'skill and care, and Its v , ranoe gives it certain advantages t. . nthly rivals.'.' Albany Argus. -.r:- hes a complete compilation of an le literature, -mowu " matter contain- iription is extremely low."-Chris- u reekiy magazine the reader finds i orth knowing in the realm of cur- "nn.iln Presbyterian, To- .. . , ipensaWeto all who would keep , ,ir munifold Drogress. It is abso- , " t: jut a rival." Muntreal Gazette. wmuat J8.00 a year. EW SUBSCKIBEBS for the year i Tun lat the numbers - ' ., id after tho receipt of their sub- . : Till be sent gratis. AND ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 6 Xorth Howard .t., Bjiltiaiore ... Wire . Kailinw ; for Cemeterie Lawns, Gardens, OlHeei and Ba conies;Vindow Onards.Tree Guara Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Cage? Sand aud Coal Screens,. Iron Bed teads, Chairs, Settees, &c. ep26 12 ni ; t . - i .. '. Raving Qualified as Kxocutor of th ate of Polly lavis. Uct'cased, before Probate Judire i-f Wilson County, notice hereby given to &!1 persons indeltcd to the ;at; .f said (!u. asi.i to miake immediate nisnt and. to f persunsi having claims -u!nt the deceas; to piesent them for par ent on or before ie t;ih day tf Tec. lSO, or is notice will be ; . ad in bar of their recov- rv- N.i .'H I X BASS, Executor, f, A. A: S. A. WooDA kl). Attornevs. No. 2. Dwelling; in Wil son. A Town Lot in Wilson, on Barnet street, near Railroad depot. It is 200 feet front by 220 feet deep. Comfortable dwelling house with : rooms. Good well of water. Nict grove. Sit iatedin easy access of the business portion of the town. Terms reasonable. iH1 1 DYSPEPSIA free of 1 ' L ..i it. i 'Vi nr-5 for the best Home anil Foreign Literature.' 3d of Th Living Aob and one vivacious Amei Icaa monthlies, will rind him-ielf In command altuation. Philadelphia Eveni .This LivisrTAo and any one cf anjl monthlies (or Harper's Week--i will be sent for a year, postpaid ; iU, TH8 IjIVIWU AVE liu luw -. Bcribner's Magazine. LITTEL1. ft CO., Boston. IK'S BEADING FKEE ! I SIX GOOD FAMILIES. , name and tho name and address of . tlr nelifhbor or friends oa a pob 1 and (ret free for yourself and . jf them a specimen copy of am SOUTHERN WEEKLY, THE IT i to a few weeks aC'4T or.jiiilemi myself the champion .p-y.-'i-;: iu. '. America. During the sjeai-s tiia I have beeii afiiieti "j I: have triec1 almost everythit-K -laHaecl to te a speeirie. fv iJyspensi.a ih tlie l-rTe T : iUndinr so.'iiethhi thatrtvotildi ailVri c pennaiiur. relief. I had about ruadr up my muni to abandion all mer. cines when I noticed aruendorsemei't of Siminoiis Iiver liojiulator by prominent Georgian; a -jurist' who? a I knew, and couciudstel to try its fcffeets in my case. I nkve useel br. two bottles, and am s:Vtisflei that . have struek the "right hinc at last ' I felt its beneficial eifecps almost irn mediately. Vnlike ailVijther prepara tions of a similar kinid. no ' specia ' Instructions are required as to what one shall or shall not (at. - This fact alone ourht to comme'nd it to aij troubieA with Dyspepsia,. ' ' ' J. ST. HCJLMES, ineland, X. J COMSTIPAT lor To Secure a Kegolar Habit of Bod; without changing theliet or Dls - organizins the SyH'tem, tak SIMMONS LIVER toGULATOI. ONLY GENUINE MASCf ACTVRED BT J. H. ZEIUN & CO., Philadelphia YOU WM THE EARTH TAKE ' THE WORLD. U is Almost Tiie Same Thing ' Premiums, No Special Offers. So Cat Rates, ' THE BEST AUD: BIGGEST NEWSPAPER Ontlie Am-:ican Continent 12 LAEGE PAGES AND 84 LONG COLUMNS. A Popular Novel Published in nd givt n with each issue. of the . v.etkly edition. Be siuuiuK to-u; y :.ana continuing iiieieauer. i .je vvoria win print with each ls-.-ne complete novel by a popolar iuthor. Among the triers win be: VV alter Besact, Wilkie flhn Robt. Buchanan' R. T, stv I B. L. Farjeou, Thomas Hardv! j. man Hawthorne, Wui. Black, r. vv . xioomson. A Valza'ds Ssaeij- r.randivtl.'s I'ilN purify the Blood, sf nnu'.att; the liver, strength e-.i the Kidn..v. 'eiulate the Bow els. They introduced i" ''ie nl ted States in IST. Since that time over fifty mil'ious of boxes of Brandreth's lU l ive hi con sumed. 'litis, toj-ttVit-r with thousands of convincing testii!i,nial.s from all parts of the world, is positive evi dence to their value. Brandreth's Bills arpurely vegeta ble, absolutely harmless, aud safe to take at anytime. Si!d in every drn and medicine store, either, plain or suear. Originality i the faculty of adapting an old idea to a new occasion. . The electiorH for the past fow months m t.eorgia nav been disastrous to the caus of prohibition. At one time there were only thirty-eight "wet counties in (Jeonria to !00"dry." s it now stands frxty-fonr are 'wet" and seventy-four "dry," the prohibitionists having lost twenty-six counties. Advice To 11 others Mrs Windows Soothing Sjrup should alwas m usd wheu chil dren are cuttiutr teeth. It relieves i he bttle -sunvrcr at ouce ; it produces natural. quiet sleep U relieving the child from pain. iwl iho little elierub awakes as- "bricht as a button.7' It is very !le:sant to taste. It soothes the -;hild. sofreus the gums, allays all p-iin, relieves wind, regulates the ooweis and. is the Oest Kuown remedy for diarrhoea, whether arnsiug fro in trcthiug or othei causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle Eczema, ItoHy, Scaly Skin Tcrtares. The eimple application of Swa e Oiutment wltbout any hih-iii medicine "Will cure auv case Tetter, Salt Khenm, Kingworn. Piles, Itcb, Sores, Tlmples, hcz-ma all Scaly Itchy Skin Eruption no matter how obstinate or long landing. It is, potent, tIV.:tive and cost8 but a trifle. Teacher "Willie, what is the capital of Canada?" Willie "The money taken thera ly United States financiers and boodlers."-Life. Ccnsanpticn Sorely Car:i. To the Editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedv for th above named disease. By its time ly use thousands of hopeless rax , have been permanently cured.! shall bfi glad to send two lottIes ol my remouy FHEK to every eon snmption if they will send nie then Express and P. O. address, Iiespccttully T. A. Slocum, M. O. 1S1 Pearl S X. Y. 1 -G-es Cic. Persons Iiinz in nnbealtbly locdiiew mav avoid all bilious attacks, bv t.ikinffa dose of Laxa- l.i' oi-'-asn.nallv to keen the liver ion. Price only . . i package. At an urug tri-ts. It is (he orilv medicine I would nive lo mv badv. a mother iaid speaking if !)r. P.uU's lUby Syroo. It is :e. At all drug Stores, 2o o-nts. , Th choice of Mr. J.S. Carrto pieide vt the Confederate Pen MioTierN' Couveniion was a hand some anJ leserved compliment- Tl. re C's Three are three C'i that m if the children and carrry ti-emoif. The three c are cold , n'li. and roup. Mothers ! I)r, 15i ls CongiV Syrup haves the little nt-s livi-s ! If in-!i are snffering tortures wirli trnfloic-he' they ffboahl not try t-i s;ri!i' and Iook cool and handsome. Now much wiser to ase th pain Salvation Oil. TIB f i J 1 with a bottle Price 2" cents. of 1 New I'.erne Journal pays the :he aj'j'io K'lihig Fa"r will go far iiejoiil auMhing of the kind ever -een in I his Stair. Itwill be f-r-tna;iy "pr-ned February l'.th, by ("lOvenor Fole. First Kentuckian "Say, Col onel, there's a Mormon elder down the road preachm' to a crowd o' young women, an' sinein' 'Would I were a bird!' " Second Kentuckian " A'all, I kin furnish the feathers. Y- u git some tar to suck em Philadelphia Record. on. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world fo Cuts, Biuises, Sores, Ulcers, Sai libeum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Ilands, Chilblaius Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positive cures Piles, or no pay nquiied 1' sguaranteed to give a .atif.i-tioii or money refunded. Price L'" ct per Iwttle. For sale by A. W Rowland. "Jack, please don't! You mut iny hair!" But Jack kept riht on, on the ground that if he mussed he must- Mercury. i What's in a i in Tenn. which week to play taken the name ame? A club meets once a checkers has of "The Sea- cost Fishimr aud Shooting Club." A company of wide- wakint;, rollickiug young fel lows in Alabama was called Ihe Sleeping eauties. For the blood use B- B. B. For scrofula, use B. B. B.' For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, use B. II. 1 For eruptions, use B. B. B. For all blood poison, use B. B. 1J Ask your neighbor wlio has re B. B. B. of its merits. Get onr hook free filled with certificates of won cures. I hivf bi.n a great RoflVrer f'otr ata:..i ; r ver ten year bad it veiy bad, c.uld hardly breathe, -Mime nil.f I nui Id no' bleep had . walk th- fl'nr. I purchased EU's Cr.iJii Balm and am using it :.e iy, it i.-s k:i g a cure surely. I have advjM-d several friends to it, and ! appy results in -ve: ca-e. p is the one medicine i!.ove a!! other made to cure cat iiili. an . it is worth its wvigbt io 4 hi. I thank God I have found ifineilv I cm u-e with safety aud !,;ii (Lie all that is claimed for it. I: i cuting my deafness. B. V. Spcrrv Ilartord. Conn. VJii D 1 3 Tii Enterprise wants a furni nie factory . in Newton. It sajs heie is enough walnut, poplar and isn in ihe county to keep a factory "iippln d lor many years to come. iloff Doctors Conqacr Deatb. Dr. Walter K. Hammond says -Ail'r a long eierience I have .one to ti e conclusion that two-r .hiitlscd all deaths from coughs, jiu. iimunia and consumption, might in.- avoided if Dr. Acker's English Kt-u.t.Iy tor 'Consumption were .lily cut-fully us-d iu time.' This Muiidt-riul Beuiedy is so.d under a positive guarantee by Dr. V. S. Aloiersbu. No. 3. A Small Truck Farm. A good dwelling house and five acres of land, near Wilson, for sab at a low figure. Tbe bouse ha four good rooms, all necessary out bouses, including barn and stables The land is in a high state of culti vation and the very place for s. small track farm. , Jules Verne, '.The Ducbess, Emilp Of) tmria n Jirs. Alexander John S. Winter, I?l HT . ' THE BEST IS THE MARKET. ' i ii Mi v.hP r v 1' httta Constitntion. nn i TTVnr.r. llKMrJS'S" World ' N M . . . t ' vuu x Famous Skotches or tne nan I iniioii iaincTi l . , -. jtiq I "niLL aup's" HamorouB requirements, and I lim its 1 1 1 r luu numn ouu 1 Hearth Stone. So . "IIETSY HAMILTON'S" ad- .ilu J venture told in 'Cracker' Dis't OKIES, 8KETCHE3 OF TRAVEL, POEMS, FUN, ADVENTURES. B FARM." THE HOUSB IOLD, CORK'ESPOJiDENCE. of Instruction and Entertainment ! Pages. The Brightest and Best Pleases every member of the Fanrll, (Mai for a Specimen Copy, Free. nnrrmrv llUULlllLi) ci j .tAT- YHOLESALE. 5la Flour all grades, Lt3 C. K. Sides, oils Bagging . males Ties, V ft Is Sugar all grad its Coffee " .iTc-r Tobacco, .. : - -d . Fourteen d-iffererii sizes an - ; kinds. Five sizes witli enaia- i eled reservoirs. Adapted to a? , priced tr suit all purses. . . LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doiors, patein wood grate, adjustable damper : interchangeable automatic sheli ' broiling door, swinging hearth- plate, swinging flue-stop, re-i versible gas-burning long cros! piece, double short . . centers , heavy ring covers, illuminate fire doors, nickel knobs, nickl i panels etc, Henry Wood. Florin Waninn Braddon, ilary Cecil Hay, ueiiua iU. iay, Antiie Edwai d, twioaa Brougbton, F. C. Phillips. iUe uoe; win ne the latest woiKsoitue l;?st writers as" thej "c piiuusnea tue books which avery one is talking about. JSoth ng but the very best will he ad mitted into the World's standard lurary olfaction. This library of ut-nou win o supplied tosubscrib e.sonly, 2fo ctra copies will be printed.- No back numbers can be urnished and no &iugle copies will soiu..'n yon i wish the series complete Subsrie at Once. ue Year' (.jl' im'mbers,) $1, G Jlonths (L'G numbers,) 50c. 3 Months (.is numbers,) 25c. Address THE WORLD, New York No. 4. Dwelling in Wil son. An 8 room dwelling house, in the business portion of Wilson opposite Advance office. A de sirable dwelling, good garden and well. Puriior Kale. ncas, G.r, June -2.1, 18.8 I have suflVifd with Catarrh for a'tout f ur years, aud alter osing four boitles oi Ilotanic I"!ood Balm I had mv general health meatly im- proved, and it' I could keep out ol 'lie bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the brst purifier made. ery respectfully, L. W. TlIOMPSOX. 'I expect to passthrouiih thi.- life but once; if, therefore. there be any kindnes I can" show, or any good thing 1 can do to my fellow humau beiiiLr-. let me do it now. let me no; defer or neglect it: for I Lali I net pass thin way again." l'alatka, Fla., May ai, 18S8. We have Wen selliug li. B. B. f r tTO veas, and it has alwuvs ijiven satisfaction in every case. Lowky & Starr, Druggists. It has been noted as a strange co-incident that Ellis Phelan, an ex-confederate soldier, wa. ejected Judge Probate "Water- bury, Ct., at last, e1- M m nd on the same day ; .; veteran was cuoseu a i; .iitei or tne Aiaoama in the same district where Phelan formerly Jived. Terrible Forewarning. Cough in tbe morning, hurrnd or dinicult breatlnii2, raiMnu phlegm, tightness in the rh: quickened pulce, chillucss in ;ln evening or sweats at niffhi, all any of these thing are the hri stajjesof tkinsumotiou. l)i. AckerV English Remedy for consumprion will cure these fearful hvmptoms and is sold under a positive gu aotee by Dr. W. S. Auder.-on. T!ie Twin-City Daily, thinks tl m.itter or 2,oOi) raobitt hkin "hipped by one Winston firm tin winter, of sufficient importance l tnakja a blow of. 2To:ting Eals It. 1 Tale ir in Time. .WOQTEH & - STEVFNS, FUHNlItilE DEALERS AMP- No. 5. Dwelling in Wil son. A comfortable 4 room dwelling, opposite the Advance office. Barn and stables and good garden. c in. j uove goooa ,ve u y9 UNDERTAKERS, WILSON, N. C. We sell at lowest prices. Bed- . unequaiea m Material, i jooin bets, Wardrobes, Brack finish, and in operation. i ets, Folding Chairs, Camp Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., Baltimore, Mi For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., Wilson, N. C. . LAD I! E JS! Do Tour Own Dyeing, at Home, w n Peerless ; iyes- 1 r.: r 10 ,V ! air :r.. - . :- - li-.; -, -i .. ) " v ;. .. .- - . . r-" ;- si .-jib, !Mpi!.iftfij:s k -. ! .-. W. 6.?.','Di'.S Stools, Picture Frames, and in- deed everything in the way of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Piso's Cure for Con. sumption is also the best Cough Medicine. If yea hare a Cough without drsase of the Limes. few donas urn al 1 vu ii 1 ;i.; .f.i rt- "'"!'S - ' .i -.'.: .7 t 0 Tt writine in regard to anv Zabiha, Fla., Juue 27, 1887. X. E. V i.SAr.LE Co.: I hive, been usinj B. B. IJ. in my t.'.inilv as a blood nuriher. IJavius never ued any medicine ro it., Mes. R. 1. Li.vws. "For want of :i nail, a shoe wa lost; for want of a kIhk1, a hi--re wa lost; for want of a hoi sc. a rider w.t . . . . yt v- . i . . i .... "si. jorr um'ci uiiPBS. l iitr first signs of pneumonia and con sumption can positively hechecktM y "Dr. Ackei a English lleined lorConsnmption. I Makes in Cli Maa Yong. f Extract from a letter! r. S.-I bought 3 bottles ol your Botanic Blood Balm from m tiiend II. D. Ballard, at Campo- belio, S. C. I have been using it mree weeKs. it appears to give me new hie and new strength. II there is anything that will make in old man young it is B. B. B. I am willing to sell it. I earnestly ind houes ll.r recommend Botanic filood Balm. Blood Balm Co. Judge llnssell has been addt-c! ti the committee of live Kepubliea members to the hlty-hrst Con-u st., heretofore selected to look afn-i tbe interests oi the South the next administration. Uildei Jii: ln-i li't d College is to have a iiioiiililv papT called tbe Hather mid Cfl!i'e izette. Salvation () I routi and banishes -dl ioddy pa;n instantly: and costs .my twentj-nve c?nts a itottle. "A bull in a china shop' is out I rlia.-e. but a battle of Dr. Boll' J"ii!i Ssmoin tl.e china closet is a pi ici. l'or croup, bronchitis, on h.-:, and -oid it is a prompt iii.l t'i:i'".(.,lon. remedy. l.o Lounty Commissionem of S m.p-dii have ordered that the ex- cutiun ol Anu:i KMis tlie iat ricide. hn-'.i takei pl.e ou the 23tb lnt, be pat!:i;.' We contend the prac tice ih wrous and should be uit-Cou u-d. ' We would . call vour ;i(?Mnin lite superior facilities of (he ADYAHCE JOB 0FFIC2 For furnisliing all (lesrr-ifnsof JOB 01 In large or small quanlif and in sljlc of make-up unexcelled!) anj print ' sou we will rr.;- 4 CO tiC Ml H CO O Q. CO d: LJ a a o a CO Q " LJ X u H O z CO ! BUSINESS CARI. CIP. Q UJ z ml HOTKL BILLS Oi S SCHOOL TATA I ! n n r 0 v 98 . Hi i I. 2 I - i I'ROGUAMMF AND ALL STYLES OF ' At Prices as Low for same ch te obttined f North STATI0NEK ;guuu fU.i:Lrby!in vcl.u Vl ill tho 1 4 S'd Story. 1 ..e coughed. The mother ran. o rni.edy was near, lkffore iu uni.ij ihe pnor little sufferer was Moral: Always keep Dr. Ackers IUinedy at band. The Xorth Carolina l'robibition-i-t. W. (i. Burkhead. editor, is now In-in publihed from IUIelgb. Teniae. Two.ti.irds ol all the deaths in NV.V Yoik city are from conMioin i ion oj pneumonia. Tbe same propor n.a lor most other cities. !. ;.s ;re dangerous. Dr. Acker' Kiibli Remedy lor Uousnmption will alwajs relieve, aud may save OUI life. .1. C. " 1 in itli at IUlcigh has !.!-a b.u:i.l guilty o(,raHi and in : np hi his 12 year old Uu -hter. Liviag ca.the Ecputaioa cf Oiors "lake everything that I have but my good name, leave tue that and 1 am content." S said the philosopher. So saj all mauuf.ictur. ers of jienuiue artiives to that horde of imitators w hich ihme upon the reputation of others. Tiie Rood name of Allcock's Torou Plasters has induced many advent urtrs to put in the market imita tious that are not only lackm. in The former expects to elevate tue. ,J8t elements of the genuine the machine shop. article, nut are often haihiiu in tucir cuecis. The public should iu inave neen a great suffer from gnard aeainst theN iran.u -ii-.i catarrah for nrm tn -.. - I vhon an v . .v. uati it i tiinuiii rrmeuy is nti-iieu .r.j udu, coma nanny breathe. le fiare to insist upon haviu" Ail- ..J..UJO uiHia i couia not sleep had cca'g rorous 1'iastei. wmn. iue niiiir. I Pa Sot Snff.T iry Loaier. Knowinjr that a coush can be che-ked in a day, and the first s.jigcs or consumption iu a week, vve h. iebv Ktiarantee Dr. Acker's KiigiUli K-uinly rur Consumption, and will refund the money to all no i.ui, take it as er directions, .inn no not mid our btatemedt cor net. James G. Blaine, Jr.. is jroimr into a machine shop and his wile is LOimr linon the stare . D of fcij f,!'- tot- -3 i pieces "n- ." of it a prop o Patties lL" ire r'tircW.r.;? lial F;:f.ii , "-;tr ty :. :.: .s Jii - me...' Ely's Cream Balm and freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to it. And with happy results in every case. It is the one medicine uoe an otners made to core ca tarrh, and it. is worth its weight in 'u. i maun trod I have louDd a remedy I cau use with safetj aud uut uoes an that is claimed for vv' i l!i cur,'.ng m deaftetis B W.feperry, Uaitford, Conn. The Burlington Kew8 tn8ofa ' Ji" J ' -"- .r;;,. ; ., One white man and four negroes escaped from thw jail at Wiudsoi last week. The were aided by par ties from tbe outside. Promptness. First a cold, tpeu cougb, then consumption, then death. -1 took Dr. Acker's 12"ilib Remedy lor Consumption th moitent I began to cougb. and I brbeve it saved mv life' Waltke .N. WalI-ack, Washington. ait J' var ! t H..,, i -1 :. ai.n A va 1 C i-J' l Brilliant par? iaJ Perfrd Lfists, In the World. Combined with Great Kcfracting Tower. They are a transparent and coloiless as light Itself. Aud for softness of endurance to the eve cannot ie exceuea, enabling the wearer to read Tor hours without fatigue. In fact, tbey are esMniObila fictn the U-aHq ' " '"D uihi slates ca- m oved by tbeiruse. K All eyes fitted and the at eur anteed al KUr" A. W. KowlaS D'S Dato STOkE. Where an imme.s a.vortroent .wuuu a properly adapted to all cooduionn.of theeje. -v -,. . i . e. We invite propositions our line, which will be j - persunal visit from onr it-; of paper, styles of 3:- iy I - j And give such advir t j may suggest. Our W"-k -.vil. I ce .ateed t giv ? tVi-''-1 tl a m: is iikskuvj:! ro:: 1 t J COfrM'SSION MERCHAF4TS. Norfolk, Va. h frACE isirri:uvi:i 1 03: & mam. r I f CCi".!.i:'i;0'( I- .Oi'.l-O? St

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