The Wilson Advance. J OS K P II IIS? and C. C. DA N II K LS, editors and Proprietors, I'he Advance endeavors to m in fieri est, faithful and impartial chronicler of the new, devoting snocial attention to the Bection n which it is -jbllshed. It is Democratic) to thecorpnn.l will spare neither friend or foe wtin Is in hostility to Democratic success. It noliey.-s the best interest of th Na tion an the State Imperatively demands the rvuntmn of the Democrat io party in power ii i I it will spare noetTort to accomplish that re.-. p. i. ft will seek to promote tlie in iliisrrinl d. vel.ij niont of the State and section aurl will t;l.e pleasurn in dolnir whatever lies lu its power u l tho farmers and laboring j.rti In their ell'orrs to bettor their condition. every honest son of toil will find in the Ai- -rM;E a sincere friend. Every effort looking to the establishment of more and better edu cational Institutions will receive our hearty Tn'inirnuitii aim uimorBemem. ino advance circulates lanfoly. m every vy;:iy in lutieifcrn, una is moreTore plen.lid advcrfismir medium. KaUw! A lii-st-cUiKS job olu c IS run In connection wnn me paper ami wo will De pleased to re- ooivo onicr. our olhce is one of the best equipped in thiS SOetion Of thO Rtntn tnr ,ir.r,W- mercial work and wo will do as good work and at as low iliruros as anybody. Knterod In the Post Office at Wilson, N. C. ovwuu tausa mail matter. "TEE COON -BRIGADE." r to con- j Some one who knows human nature has well said, "Political ratituae is an appreciation 01 The Advance desires gratulate the Republican party; favors yet to be received." Most men uttar the prayer, in tneir hearts at least, "Oh, Lord make thankful for the favors we ire about to receive.? It is an easy matter to de nounce and condemn a people tor doing an act that is wrong. The greatest scold'! we ever knew was an alleged minister of the gospel, but we doubt if tie ever went quietly to a man Wilson, X. C, .-.-'May 2, 1889. "A PRoniET is not without honor save in his own county." "Wenote with much pleasure, however, that many North Carolina boys are doing well in other States. The Advance believes Cheats ham is doing his level best for his race. . He requires a black ekin as a, certificate of. good character before he will recom mend a man. for an appoint ment. Verily the "Coon Brig ade" Las come to the front. The people along the line of the A. & N. C. It. R. are ex ceedingly anxious that Gov. lowle shall make some one else except Washington : Bryan, President of that piece of State property. That Gov. Fowle will regard their wishes we sin cerely hope and trust. upon vue iianasouie manner m which it Is stripping the mask from its face, and the openness with, which it proclaims the fakeness of the statement? made by its leade-s in this sec tion during the last campaign. The Democratic press and ora tors denounced the Republican party as the negro party ; they charged that our dusky hued fellow citizens would be placed in office if that cartv shonld1 gain control of the government. ! a.eavored. to persuade him to The Republicans denied the forsake his evil way and turn statement and their candidate . to the path of righteousness, for Governor appealed to white Many a man has been persuaded men to vote the Republican ! to do . right who could never ticket because Cleveland had1 have been scolded into leading appointed a negro as Register , a life of usefulness and piety, in the District of Columbia. Dockery made all manner of i The term "blue blood" was fun of the idea that the negroes ! applied by the Spaniards to the would be given positions of . descendants of the Jight com- honor aud trust. The whole , plexioned and fair-haired Goths crowd of Republican under-! as their veins appeared through strappers followed in his foot- their skin of a blue color. In steps as nearly as it was possi-! England it was anciently held ble for them to do. . that the thick and dark blood What do we had now ? We j was the best, tis said. The ere findthat the negroes are "snub-. dentials of "blue blood" are now bed in type. Ha rrison make : a big bank account. The only a big noise in' saying that the j necessary quality now to change negroes may stand back, for your blood from that of the they will receive nothing at hie . most plebian hue is to secure hands. lie instructs Wanamaker ; the almighty dollar by either And Clarkson to turn the "Coor; -fair or foul means. "Money Brigade" in the post office crit : makes the mare go." as rapidly as possible. Efficient 1 i- - V white men are turned out and ' We may agrea with Papa Po incompetent negroes are made ! lonius that "the apparel oft route atrents and postmasters. ! proclaims the man." but he will JNo town stands still. There is either progress rr decline ii.on nas up to the present been progressive. Y hat she will be in the future depends i . . . . cumciy up'ju me spirit mani- lested by our people. Let the . spirit of progress that formerly characterized the town be resur rected. Shall be held as Dear as may be as I 1 Q RCf other elections. AUOvi Sec. 3.. That this act shall only apply to the year one thousand eight hundred' and eighty-nine, and the tax herein provided for shall be included In the lists made out for State and county purposes, and collected under the same regula tions, pains and penalties as are provided for the collection of other takes", and paid over by the Sheriff or collector to the Treasurer of the Board of Education of Wilson county for the use of District jso. 1. Sec. 4. Tbis act shall be in force from and alter its ratification. 1889 .TOISNOT 1EWS- Happenings in and nace If 11 ynfjoHpjiltiy Around That There were services in the Metho dist church last Tuesday in com memoration of the Centennial of the inauguration of the first President of the country. The devotional exercises were conducted by the pastorRev. W, E. Edmonson; the address was by Itev. J, T. B. Hoover; the Declaration of Inde pendence read by 11. A.i Hawkins, Esq., music by Miss Emma Averett, Duinmiicu ujr id Kino lepieseuieu by the orignal 13 States. The occa sion was pleasai.t, instructive and calculated to keep alive the fire of patriotism that bums in the hearts of our people. The Metbouists have boneht a fine organ, it pleases us to state. Rev. A. R. Raven is at New York attending the Centennial. Frof. W . S. Barnes is absent in Ka'dgh on business. Successor to HADLEY& BRICCS. I have just opened an Entirely New Stocko GOODS, At the old stand of Hadley & Brigjfs and extend a cordial invita tion to all whether they wish to buy or not to come to see me. My tock was bought for with a rapidity that is astonish ing. The negroes are "snubbed" in the Jsorth where the people profess to love them so greatly, have to return the compliment and agree with us and Miss Juliet that there is nothing in a name. W e remember that one The Rocky Mount Phoenix has entered upon its third vol ume. The trade issue of the Phcchix was one at the hand somest i pieces of newspaper v ork we have seen in the State and reflects much credit on the editor. We congratulate brbln- er Lewis and the people of Rdcky Mount. t AN IKG2AJTB. but they are placed in power in ! of the shortest men we ever the South. j knew was Mr. Long ; and now Well, but what better can we! comes the corroborative testi expect from a party which gain i raony.of Culpepper county, Va., ed its power by bribery and i where the county court has re corruption ' fused to grant a license to sell ' " - ; liquor at -Brandy Station. A GOOD SIGN- j Washington Post. . ' "What's in a name: A rose Since the editor of the Ad- ! by any other name would smell vance has been old enough to i as sweet." notice the newspapers publish ed in our State, we have never! seen as many papers so credita blydit'ed. Net that there are not many newspers now pub lished that simply -"cumber the ground" and prevent other newspapers from doing "better things" for their town and.sec tion. There is more real abilitv and more shown on Benjamin Harrison is occu-! pying the Presidential chair to-day because "W. W. Dudley's . plan of buying up the "floaters" In Indiana was put in opera tion. Dudley was not a mem ber of the Executive Committee but he was sent to New York t act as the special jepresenta tive of , Mr. Harrison on the Committee. He had often done political work for Harrison, who knew him well. He knew that Dudley would hesitate to do nothing that pniaed votes to his employer Harriaon. In keeping with the instructions and enjouragement of Harris sou, Dudley advised the pur chase of votes in "blocks of five," and his advice was taken, and as a consequence, Harrison is now President. As soon as Dudley had done his work and Harrison was elected, then "Ben" became so -exceedingly conscientious that he would not so much as allow Dudley to call at the White House. Me could not receive so corrupt a man after the election. He had receiyed the stolj,':'3, but he turned and bpurned the hand that accom plished the theft. Worse than that, even, is his attempt to pose as a "goody-goody" man wllo would not receive a man who had done so base a thing as buy votes. The "pious cuss" . as old Thurman called Wana maker is perfectly willing to receive the fruits of purchased votes but he is not willing to stick to his "pals." It has been said "there is honor among thieves" but surely this in stance disproves the old adage, for no man ever showed baser ingratitude than Harrison has exhibited towards Dudley. 'T.doubt not through the ag-os. One increasing purpose rung, And the thoughts of men are widen'd With the process of the auns. , Tennyson. We have no patience with the fellow who is continually croaking of the good old times or tne past, and of, the degener ate times of the present. Peo painstaking laboi I Ple OI one age enjoy one thing the North Carolin-. ! and at another age they have press to-day than there has beei ! other pleasures; The present siuce wel have known anvthin Ta?e the most glorious period of newspapers. There are moi iD tne history, of the world, and people are as good to-day as they ever were. Human nature is pretty much the same cir cumstances differ. The breadth of vision of men of to-day is greater than it ever has bjen, and they are capable of greater attainments either for good or evil. people who subscribe for newt papers, and the business mei patronize them more liberally than tl ey have ever done ani tbe improvement in the quality of the newspapers is a conse quence. There is, however, still room for improvement both it khe patronage bestowed and the work done on the newspapers The people who give newspa pers that encouragement thai they deserve show a spirit ci enterprise that will bring then1 rich returns. Let every bus iness man give his local news paper a liberal support. ' VOTE FOB THE SCHOOL. . ' EA!3LINGS. v - Interesting Information, Foolish Fan . ties and. Current Comasnts-- - J ' " We gorge our cerc'bcUum.trith hot supper, -And burn-, witti dram?, our v'.scera. ta cinder CtaotHin'ir our arrows from disease's quiver Ti'l inan in misery leaiiisto loathe his !iver. - - Excliange. And You Vsta to Build Up the ToMvn . and Put Education Within the Reach of the Needy. . And will b .sold lpw. Farmers would do well to call upon me be I yekr, J Country produce taken in ex ( change for ,oods. J.C. H DLEY, A JSet of selfish, greedy men (Janqary 10,19. ' and selfishness is the root of I every crimeHave formed a Hi H lllK I K VT VhKI . iLiAUiaJJUlUll UUUii UiUILiU. sail trust, as a natural conse quence our people may expect this necessary element in every edible to advance in price. It would be impossible to form such a trust but for the Repub lican tarili. When onr people have to pay more for salt, le.t them remember that this is one of the benefits of the "protect ive" tariff for which the Re publicans voted last year. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. 1 M f . j ! I W .v l i HMPLSJN HIM SOW. ' Bad .With Eczema. Hair all none.':.!,. covered with rnii;;,nis. Thought his hair would never trow. Cured bv Cuti cura Remedies. Hair splendid and not a pimple on him. I : V On Monday, the 6th day of May, the qualified voters of School i)istrict No. 1 Wilson county will "vote on a proposition to levy a -q.eoial tax of 15 cents on the hun ,i died dollars' worth of property and i 15 cents on each taxable ? oil, for j the purpose of erecting a I building for the white j of School District No. 1 : improving the building : colored people. That the Th3 man who abuses lawyer- most issually the fellow whe , JtpiSin ueeus one oiieuesu auu uu the adoDtlon of the act. It believes criminajjside of the docket. Miat in tne intelligent education of ' . J our children lias the secret of real She whipped mm upon his prosperity and enterprise. It is inl return. Hawkeye. favor of more education and better It wasn't that way. while wt j education. Ii gives power and in were passing through that in-, flaence to its possessor k and will teresting period:of life. always commaud arid control ig- ! noranee. Therefore we are heartily "Contentment iq ?reat i?a'in " ! in favor of tbe adoPtioa of tLe contentment is great gain, j position ah(1 the erection or the lhe Toet snoke that whici! i , .u: i: i, ,t , . , , uunuiut; as eiiriy as inauuuauie. We would urge every man in the District to couie out and show his uitable children and of lor t':e squarely favor of poet spoke that whic); should enter deep into every heart when he said : "Contentmort gi s a crown. Where fortune has denied it." . The tendency of the present acre is to get money. The ad vice of the old man to his son: i appreciation of the opportunity to help forward ' be great work of ed ucating the youth of our immediate vicinity. We hope aud believe t hat our people properly appreciate the efTott being made to- help them "My s(Jn gef money ; get it hon-! and their children along thi.s line EDITORIAL- COURTESY- estly if you cau, but, my son, j get money," is pretty generally followed. - ' , Josh Billinga-apoke words o" wisdom when he advised peoplr always- to tho nrt of 'ad- Vice de.-irHd. i'o.ple wa,nt ewn wishes coii firmed and thi they call advic-. Can it be, possible that the brilliant editorials of the editor or the " Wilmington Star origi nate anywhere else except in his own brain ? When such lit tle, fellows as the New York Herald, the Durham Plant, the Tribune, &c, rehasa from other' papers it is excusable, but no one would excuse a man of such brain nower as brother Kiiiirs -1 bury for uch deeds, fco, it ! there is ho one to contest tL . can't be possible. The Charlotte j honors with this champion iu Chronicle must be mistaken. ' terviewer. D'irham Tobacco Plant. i . '- IJrethrenwhere is the good ; Tf a nrst cias? cyclone woi.'i tliat such ilirnrs d.N? Evervbodv ' transfer a few North Carolina We feel sure our people are alive to the importance of carrying this measure, aud we firmly believe they will do it. We have confi. deuce in the reople of WTiIson. We Vlieve they will stand squarely for i the material advancement of our d section and this is I anoot sav cnouirh -n CL'KA KEJlliDJES, SJy boy. when one rear ol aj?e, was so bd w; h eczema that he lost al 1 otnmhar. lp was covered w .h erup tions, wh-ctt the doctors sad was sc H head, and tbath'shair wojtU ncvcrirrow a'.i n. l)c spairmKof a iure..nm -li sie r. I .M.-rari t ic useof the CI TICT'KA ..MEIH BS.m-o. Im happ to y. with the most pe feet success., Insuairtsuow spiend'd. aid there is not a pimpleonhiai- 1 recon-nicnd the CUTICl'KA ItKVlnDi ES to nioihcrs as the most sne dr ecoaom ca . and s.-re for all sk'n iseas. s of in antspnd child -p i. ad feel that ever-, moiln-r whu has an aittk-ted ehl'-l wii' i mui. nie for so doing. Mhs.M. K. WHOUSCNS. Norway, Me. & nm Soro Eight Years dured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who hns lecn cu-d by usinc the CUTIOUtlA i:EM EOI BS, of an old sore, caused by a lontr spe!l of s-cKness or fever eilfhtyearsaeo. l e was so b.u ho was fearful he wouid have to have h s lesr piuputated, but is happy tosryhe is nowemire!y well. sound asado'lar. ue requests me io use his uame, which is H. II. Cason. merchant of this piaee. JOHN V. MI Volt. Dru .irist. Ga nsooro, Tenn, j Severe Scalp Disease Cured. A few wee'ts afro my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and rece'Ved no relief from the va -ious retu dies she used until she tried CUT I CI' KA. TIk disease promptly yielded to this- treatment, and In a show w'nile she was enti ely weli. There has been do return of .he disease,' and CUTICl'KA un :s No. 1 in ourestimation fur diseases of the skin. Rev. J. PUESSLEY BAUKETT. T. 1.. Kale'Kh, N.C. . Cutlcara Remedies Are a positive cure for every forai of skin scalp, and blood ise, with loss of hair, i mm pimples to serofu'a. except pnssibly iehtoynM-;. Sold everywhere, l'rl-ie. Cl'TlCUKA. Sue.: SOAP, 25c-: It ES i LV EXT, 1. Prepared by the POTTER DRUG AXi) CHEMICAL COlt POKATIOX, Us;on,Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skin Tis-ases." 64ja?es, oil illustrations, and I ai testimonials. RIRY'R in aSd'Sea' -r. served and tieauti UaOl Ofied by CUT I LIU SOAP. Abso lutely pure. Fourteen different sizes and Kinad. live sized with enam- Adapted to all and priced to broiling door, plate, swingi versible iras-t eled reservoirs. requirements, suit all purses. LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, patent wood grate, adjustable damper, interchangeable automatic shelf swinging hearth ig flue-stop, re urning lonir croas piece, double short centers, heavy ring covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nickle panels etc, Luequaled in Material, in finish, aud in operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SIIEPPAKI) & CO ' Baltimore, Md For Sale by ' OEO. D. GREENE & CO., Wilson, N.C, Protect Your Eyes! (X EYEKY MUSCLE ACHES. Sharp Ac'ie3..I)u'l Pains Strains, and yeakoesf5 r-;r-d in .ne miM.reby the ( iienra Ann. I'a'u Flakier. -The Prst ami nnlr inslHiitneous puin-kiH'nB, Htretirthen;nf plaster. 23 cent'. t AOVAXt'K JOB rEIMlMI flOl'SE, Wilson, N. C. JOB WORK. JfOJTE BCT THE B";!T WORKMEN EMPLOYED j o SeiOOir , rho ni,wrtin That rhax- advice, they want their j r .Arnn,, to A nr.iner r.sft of th good Hehool rfdvautages o!' a without savins. 'The belt Las Leeu won and b; unanimous onseiit delivered t editor. RoKCir.ver, of the Gold.-, borO.. Ileadiitrlit. Since tit death of Darori Munchause-i goes Tbe mont'y taken from each man will be a small sum aod will t. ver be missel. I The lectio-; --v i 1 1 he ht-ld at, tlie n.nirt House. An entire new regis tration is necessary, W. F. Mercer is registrar a::;1, tiuless you register you cannot vote. Be sure your name is resi'xit-reil and when the feh comes g" to the Court llonse anl cast a vo: f ou will always, be Idoad of for the proposition. g i v Ei r i s TRIAL I I j Wo would call yuur i attention to the superior . : facilities of the Advance JobOiliee.for furnish- ing all descriptions of ! JOB WORK in large lor small quantities, at prices ml in style of make-up and execution unexcelled by any office in the South. We will, furnish, tjCtter Heads, ' .Note Heads, Hill Heads, I Statements, Envelopes, j Basiness Cards, Check Hooks. School Cata- lojrues. Programs, ic. ELYS CATAPRH I RE M BALM Knows tint Mr. Kint'sbury is a man of brains aud a conscieu 'mummies" to Oklahoma tht would be benefitted, for they tious editor, and what good can ' would then have to bustle, ani ... - -. ..i at." - ni.i . 1 1 " 1 . P r Dossit)lv come ol entrendermir inw oih,ih womi Kiim renei iror bad feeling between the editors AN ACT. Provide Fcr the voice of the eternal and ev- in the State. The "courtesy" I erlasting crnaKer.s. between the editors of North: Carolina is conspicuous only for j The ereat consideration of tl ? its absence. Let us one and all) railroads for the convenience of get on a higher plane. If a ; the public is noticeable in Nort i Drothvr editor says that with Carolina about once; every two which you. do not agvee meet years when the '" Leeislatm his argument if you can, but let j meets. At other times theysa. us not attempt to ridicule aud with Vanderbilt, "The peopt deride men who aie spending; be damned," and they nsuall their lives in doing what they i are. The Erectitn o r Tlia Corn- conceive their duty to wards the ' Slate. The press Vshould bo an educator and no pjht minded editor would de ation to instruct the rising gener- inen 4 in e ar' ' tettling Tha oOf brains and conscience. Everybody denounces slang and everybody uses it. 'The use of elans is 'perfectly hor rid,' and I'd be iin the soup' De fore I'd indulge in the 'dread ful' habit, I'll 'be iolly jump- 73 tooPmt or carping criticism i eri lir, if i wouldn't," remarked it devoyreaJU;nt in tne lxud a,1,i a maiden fair as she 'chanmed' t-tamp f .lvea uPn tne l'ros4 10 ! down on her 'chaw gum,' rollin? covrdvljjOut this spirit, not to on-1 jt to the leeward side of her "7 ,3it. ' ppa"bioi'3 and overworked jaws. Suitable Bui-dings F mSa School District No.-1. "Wilson Ccunty. T!ic General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact. : Section that the Board of x'ounty (JtokHiiissiobers, with the i oiicurrenie : the County Koard of Educitipli of Wilson county, aiiall provide for the erection of suitable buildings for the Common Schools of District No. 1, of WiL-on county. Sec. 2. To that end said Board of Commissioners of Wilsoo county challie.y a special tax ot fifteen cents on tie ; hundred dollars' worth ol taxable property in said District, -and forty-five cent on each taxable poll in said District. That this tax shall not be levied until appioved -by a majority of the voters in said District at an election to be held on the first Alaaday ;l Slay, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, which 'election Cleanses tht Xasal Passages' allays pain aiu Inrla m a t i o n Heal tin So'cs 11 s t o r .-s tin Senses of TasU and Smell. r iiAr r fctrt uj TRY THE CURE.HAY-.VER A particle is appled Into each and is apre able. Price fill cents at Druggists- bv mail, registered, BO cts. ELY BKOTHEHS 50 V. arron St.. Xc VorV. lutrs fGLASStS. PAT? JUtTllI 167S. MR. H. HIRSCHBERG, Tho woll-kiiown Optician of bC N. Fourth St (under rlantr llc.iici St. Itu's. ha r- poipted V.. M. X A l i L.of Wilson, as Airctit for his cvlcbrstcd liiaiimnd Spcctaclf-a and Kyt (rlassi . and also lor hi Dian.oiid N.iiiK hmnirt able Spectai ltTt and EyeirlaoM. Theiv ti ino.tca at-the (fn at i st invention i-vcr made iu hiM--- ii-ifn. i a proixT construction ot llta ln a person put-hasn? a pair of thes Non- t ramroatile .iHss n.-ver has to chamrp themj iimws jr.ini ine eyes, anil cTery iwir pur chased are jrnaranieed, so that if lh.-j- ever bavc the eyi -i (no matter r.ow rustel or scratched the Lenses are! they will f r:ilhtho party wun a new pair m Classes fre 'mrae Mr. K. M. xadal has a full asj md invites an wnn wnn to satisfy ; iudkhbi s:iHTiorHy ui inesuiil.- . ! ney anu an otneis now in use, to call u i : vimiiim ine same ai X nil si I'm Irng Store. If any dealer nn h has ttao W. I,. Dm Rhoes without mnn and prto bunptd ai tbe bottom, put Mm down a. a (rauo. ' W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the wbole sys tem, and produces Sick Headache. Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There Is no better remedy for these common diseases than Xutt's Liver rUls as trial will prove. Price, 25c. Sold Everywhere. MARVELOUS UORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine 8 y stem ef Memory Train. nc. Four Beks Learned in one readuiA Mind wandering cared. Every child and adnlt greatly benefitted. Great indacementa to Correspondence Ol&Me. Prorpecta, with Opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham mond, tne woriu-x&rnfK. epecium in ma Uifleuwg, FOR GENTLEMEN. Itent In thn Tcnrlil. VTfkTnlntf. f.1. 9!i.iHi OENI INK mSD-SKWl I) SHOE. :t.50 1'OI.ICE AND FAKMEKS SHOE. kxtka cai.f snoti. Si.5 WOKKINQMAN'S SHOE. SJ.OO und t1.7S BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All mad. in CoD?reM, Button mad TLac. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LADIES. Best Material. IIt Strle. Beat Flttln. 41 Dot iold bv Tour ili alpr. write W. L. DtL GLAS. UKOCKTOW. MA8a FOR SAliK m J. & D. OETTINGER. Daniel reenleaf Tfaammon. tbernMi Psvcin ocist, J. M. Bncklry, I. !., editor of the Christian Advocate . 1 Rirharil i'ronor, tha Scientii", lions. v rf . Aiior, j aajre t.iDHon. juau jr. ififtaAT.,N. Y. Llenjamiiit&iid others. Bent pot frm by lOlNOT'S a DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. of absolutely pure Ingredients. . 1 - jUT'riES THE TEETH. -HESERVES THE GUMS. ' SWESTf-NTHg BREATH. NO INJURY TO THE ENAMEL. FE ND AGREEABLE. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET " PREPARATION. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . H. WINXELMANN A CO.. PROP'S, BALTIMORE, MD. FOR SALE BY E. M. NADAL, T H E Negroes May Go 3 m i m I TO KANSAS If thoy war . to. Oklahoma may be Ollod with anxious spccjlators. - nti-nnlsl folc-tiratlons . mar take plmi'. AM thinirs mav rhang-c, but the OLD AND KtLIAllLE FIUM UK MOUNTREE & CO. oontlnm-s to supply the pi-oplo of Wilson, Nanh. Franklin. Ji-hnninn. firw w, Edrcwmhe anil othiTtiuntii- in this section with tiE.N EUAL BUM hi 1TL1K3. Thcymskfa'pecislty of the JITWtTER M FK.IKU, wUicli li-aila the world. Call and examine it. ' i i u- t -4' v - i ' -i i H.h W ttZiil-I Al i Thrlr PPHIXG stv k of irootls this j-rar was select'-.! with tho pri-sU-M piwihle c ntr)erm tion of the wiKhes of the pcf'pL-. and thr-y hare one of the fint-M anil nmt van1 assortments of (tim1s totn? founil snywhen;. anl oorupy a builoinir built eipnly to mwt the require ment of theirbuMnt-ss so that they have sev eral departments and can wait on tbc-ir cus tomers with convenience and pl-aure. They -all especial stt ntion to their k of Dltf! fiCMtKS. WICITK lifKH. niNCIIAMtf. LASHMEUES. SHAWLS AXD PA AUKS. Tbeir assortment of men's and l-.y. bats is J by ail twills the largest and must si-Uit eer ... U.-.1 V1UUIIUI IU ' II9.IU. PURE DRUGS. - PERFUMERY OFTHE BEST. DRUG- STORE IS THE I'LACE TO bEC-fKK THE PUREST OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, TERFUMEKY OF THE VERY BEST, TRUSSES, Ac, &c. At the lowest price at which these thingn t !n pootiblj be m!d. Our Supply of Proprietary Medicines is not surpassed io tbe town, and we p iv the strictest attention to keep ing up onr stock to meet the demands of the root caphcionii. v...Uu.uiiuj i)u.uiJih.M mm carefnl and competent hands, and either Dr. W. S. or Dr. Albert Andersgn can be toand snperlDtending thin depart nient of our bnsinesA. SODA WATER FOUNTAIN. Olir Snl Wal.r fnnl , : r..i l i ... . . Waters of all kinds, M.1K ShAke&c.,sen ,d to' oitThe llw of things to drink. " OUR LINE OF BOOKS, Such as the Seaside. Lovell and other libraries is well attended to and all the latest publications of this character kept in stock s " ucu iu uctsu in anyuunR m onr line, cive us a call W.S. AN1)III0N, Wilson, N. C. NEXT DOOR TO THE POSTOFFICE. THE SON for 1889 MD FOR DEMOCRACY. Tub 8c believes that the campaiim frtr the t.iv-tion of a Democratic t'onmw in and a ni.uiocratio President In ltS should beirin on or about tho fourth of next March. Inn BTN will bepi han.fat thebeifinninir ami until the end of the most Interestinir and iinporiant poliliial conHict since the war. iloinir its hon est utmost, as ever, to secure the triumph of tbe Uomocrat'o party and the permanent su premacy of the princ'oles held by Jefferson. Jackson, and Tildrn. The a-reat fact of the year Is the tv'urn to absolute power of the commoi enemy of all Rcjod Democrats-tho politn-al orirat.iuition for JIL- overthrow Thk m s fnwrlt at the front for nrteen years, the meimirable y-ars of Arthur rul nd t.arilcld and It is the same old enemy that Democrats now confront, and he will lutren. hiil in the same stronir position. It has lH-n carried once by brave and hopeful tlirlitinir. Io you iiot btUeve with Tint si n thai the thing cao be done avain t Writ and see! The hope of the Democracy Is In the loyal efforts of a united press, chi -rishimr no mem ork of past differenocs in non-essentials, for fcttlng eversthins; but the lesson of hd.i1 ncj. and that victory Is a duty. Probably you know Thk Sis already as a newspaper which kels all the news ai.d pr-'its It In incomparably lnterestinif shaiie : whic h chronlciA facta as they occur ami the truth aoout men and events with stwoluto ILne,,mklDTtnecom',,t"- "1 "" entertainlns- Journal published anywhere on earth . and which sells its opinions only to it subscribe-s and purchasers at twoctntss copy t22 S"2dayJ f"ur cpn,-, " T"U 1 rot kmlw f ..ihi'ifi1"? f?r '? n'' Urn ""' wonder ful thing it is to be in the sunshine Dally, per month ..$o 5n Iilj per year . 6isj Sunday per year 01 Dally and Sunday, per ycar. sod Dally and Sunday, per month 0 TO Weekly Sew, one year 1 ou Address THESV.N'. Xew Tork. The Alliance to the Front !i THE PROGRESSIVE FAmiKK, bold, vlt-l-lant. atnrresttive and pmrcssite. It bss opinions and expresses tni-io. K'-nr-eik-lit columns, eucht paives. All Home-Print- of ficial onran of North Carolina and Vinrima State Alliances. Tho Li vest paper m tne South! Goes to nearly l.'tl pn-in'Iii es iu North Cirolina and to i Stu'-s- i'SK Iioi. LA It A YEAH. Strictly Cash. ?VnJ fur sample copy. Address THK PROGRESSIVE KAUMER, ItaleiKh. N.C' ! L I Poi.K, Kdltor. J D. U. Duowou, IkulnoM Mr iap-r. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! ! The, "lUttle' lot ljine in tbe town at Wilson, bounded as fol low Heginniog at Sannder's cor ner ou Ltnlge St., thence with tbe line at said f-trect N. 52, E. 2C51 ft. to corner of Barnes St., thence i;h ti e lu:e ot sa d Barnes Street 171 3 5 ir. o' Railroad Street, thence wiih the lite to said Railroad StieetS.31. W. 453 ft. to corner Mreet, theiice. with ibe line of said st-tet X. Zf V. 16 ft, to corner of W. A. liarbrey lor, theac K. 0J E. ic." ft. to Faunder' corner, thuiitv with Lis line N. 40J W. lO'JJ ft. to the beginning, coutain inc 1 17 20 aires. T.iis .iit el of Und is divided in to uitie Io(k as' follows: Lots No 1 and 2 front on Lodge t.frM-t, Coxl32j ft each" It No 3 and 4 front oa Barnes street, 85 4-5x133 ft ech. Iotit No 5, 6 and 7 front on Kail lioad street, C!xH2 ft -ach. Lot No 8 fronts on tbe cornr t-tn er, Cf,xj9 f?et. Ixt No trout on the corner btrt-e, yJtj3 ret.t.- AIso a tract of land, ljing io the county of Wilson, about three milfs from said town, adjoining tho lands ot Jdo. G. Owens, Cebron Farmer, Mrs. Y. A. Gotham, Mrs. Mary J. Anderson, tbe children of Aich Kboiies and olbtr", contain ing 172 acres more or Js. Terms ot sal? cab, residue on acieditori, 2 and 3 rears witn 8 ier cest interest, with mortgage to M-cure deferred pajmeLts. l-'or lull particulars apply to Bcsn & Battle, Atty's - . Rociy.Monnt, N. C MERCHANDISE BROKER, AGENT KQIt H. S. MILLKll A 0) S. A MM ON I ATEO GUANOS, ALSO GLOIIGi: H. CUA1 FLIN S lllllll HUE Kill PHOSPHITES Ton cash on oa timf, v Meat, ' f Flour, ? Corn AND- ( GENERAL SUPPLIES ; In Large Qnantities will be o!d Ftrictlr on Comrriion. Jrfflfr,ttnS.VVE MONEY br caJlmg on me !f..r i.un-L.. Ihetr supplies. 1 .E- BARNES. I tiTAl T. J. Gardner's oM sUn4. CASH AT THE RACKET STORE: iroTJ will Firn A Regular Pic-nit IIV ' PRICES. Dress Gingham for 8cts. 3d worth lfj : ltirg IVtn.U i KVts. ; 15c Dres Knttons lor 7 cts. ; Kc Tut, i.i.n L(v ,.r .1 ct 25c, Gents' U. S. Hdkfs for l.SeU. : ?. 1..1 1. - i .r . , of Gents' Bine Crnh Hats for G7c worth el; -:iii lr Lfl' Buttoned Boots for f 1.70, n, -lMwb-te at r2 75 w wsrr-nT -vr-. pair of them ; 1 Ua(e C to ! Full Stwk half double ol. M ti Shoe, i ' 75c, worth l-5 : a NVw I'.t or J.w..r.r. Kar B .ls Ur-t Vtn, Tins and Cnff Baltonsjottt received, at Ii4!f j.jhv; y Vm-r sr. anu envelopes ro tnaicn. Uutidt r.! o! o!l, r BAKCAINS Ut t,. Don't mist them. cash catch i:s tiii: isAit;.iis. Casl) Racket Store, m:.i:ly onosiTi: i:i:iugs iicitu. .Asii .Tni:rri, wilso.v, BRANCH & CO., Wilson, N. C., " RKSri:CTl LLLY .SOLICIT HIE ACCOUNTS or Individuals, Firms, Banks and Corrnpcm cnts Generally. Deposits Received Subject to ChccU at Slgtr. Interest Allowed on Special Deposits if. Left for a Stipulated Time. Exv change Bought and Sold. Xloltections Made on all Available Points IX VHSTltl i:XT KIMitT.HKXT. With an exprrlence of Twenty Year in ti f Ss ut iti. f,t tb;s t.' we have Hie twt U.Ven for maliinir Saf aud I'u L't.!- Inrm,!': for Trustee", Administrator. Guardian. A.c. dritn. ibe moc Our IJanking Hoae is Mipplird with Fitf ri-f V u!t. Inid- f i vau't is one of Marvin's late!"l :n!fMj Bu'flir li Sb. - lt'AU bonine i-utruKtesl ith us wiU 1 tc -'. M-curt td b3d Strict Confidence. - .' 1 AM xOW UKV!V SPRING. TRADE,1 IVIIaing pmcbaoe.!. ai ii-oaI. a Kirt Ul iin of MI1.UNU GOf)DS that losi-ecialiy ad4p!-d Vt fill vur 1 A'l MAKING A hMTUUTV I - - EMBROIDKUY SILKS. FIUKSKLLE. ClIKM:.!.! A!:KS1-V Smyrnas. n.-. Tui-I WnoU. Ci-54, Frit, hn-t n. .i..(iu co!ori), Scotch Fkw. Kmb'oider.v C.itous (-li ..!..!), Sai;"' Lmens (indiidiiij: m. bvri.a m aif. ti v. i , n.t-s ' ' AIM, jiann-r ciaui!S KiiKf i-aM, i,rc..4U, ;-A LL THK LATEST KTYUji Ar TATTKI lOUCHON. llAMl'.CBti nd VALEXCIXK LAC1 ti t -o l. My line of WiUTK GOODd racnot be eq0 ilL C-:i ari l rm:t WIISS HI. E. HACKNEY. C. A. NASH & CO., Manufacturers And Dealers In Sashes, Doors, Minus, .Mantels Mouldin Ami Stair Work Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, ic, &c 8 West Market'Square, Norfolk, Va CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. r an a be w 101 it tb tb fo in tit tb U or J r i tt D( C 111 F J f" T k o V C r r o l li a' a C it w t r. o r e a I f i V w tt C r t 1 ) i i t