V- LDVANCE. tzz all rnrrs c? i -JOH WOUK THE ADVANCE -tOlCOM.V ONE DOLLAR A5D FIFTY CENTS - III.N 1 1 D Hlt- Cash in Advance. 1 A i ' S!!5UT'l'BCBIrt3 j i J 4 -to Tnxs oprxcr.- 'IET ALL THE ENDS THOU Alld'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY UOD'S, AND TRUTHS. VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 11, 1889. NUMBER 21 c Wilson A :len( 7 r " m EYQ k 'lot ;YS utatti ICttt 4ar 5T 1GS That lUT FADE 5TS 7 ri i- 4t nail. I I 1'a, U BILL ARP'S LETTER :ck Tin: coo a quits and bill (1 1. I S II IS 'JV BREAKFAST. j,. i;. i .-. the Biscuit and Tells lie Does It. Ihe Family lltt- a lvlly Time. Other Notes ri,i?i uot thyself of to-inor-mw tor thou knowest not what .lav may bring forth." No. don't. 1 dident know last : -lit that Mrs. Angelina Pea- ..irk wouldent be here this innrniuu'. Nobody knew it un til tlit re was a tap at the door, ml a voice said Mrs. Peacock ifliit me to tell you she sick fnii't ivmifl no more for to cook till Lt-r kretwell." Pavid saith, .v...M'iiiu may endure lor a ni.'lrt, but joy cometh In the uioruiiiu'. lhat is so as a eneral thing, but right smart lei eu'is on wueiner me cook conn's in the morning. No cook, joy. Mrs. Arp waaent well, becalm and serene, and let me manage, tne DreaKiaat ; ana o .'-ailed Carl Jessie, and we i 1 : 9 if - j Uia ie regular . uuih; ui iw, auu had the best breakfast we hare lm.il for a month. Mrs. Angelina eacock can't compare with us when we take a notion to cook She does her best, but she is old and rheuniaty, and weighs about -"0 iounds, and got fat and greasy while cooking in old Yiiviniiy befo' de wftb. she is a a. not tne lovely niaiaen mat (iold.-unith wrote about in the Hermit, when he said: " 1'iirn Anifellna ever dear "Mt charmer, lurn to see. That was another Angelina. 1 n.-ed to cry over her and wish that 1 was Edwin " when he clawed her to his breast. r.ut we made a diviuon oi labor and got along splendid in preparing the morning meal. Carl bred up the stove and milked the cow and cooked the meat. 1 toted water and made up '-biscuit and stood around generally ' and talked while Jessie took charee of the hom iny and coffee and milk toast and scrambled eggs and pota toes' They always flatter me up to. making the biscuit and they d say that I can make better M-euits than anybody, though 1 never studied a cook book nor attended lectures on the culinary art. You see I use butter instead of lard : I dont lit? it in the ljour but I melt it m a tin cup ana alter it coois i little 1 pour it in the sweet milR. After the horsford has been t ut in the flour, then sift it twice or three times and pour in the milk and butter and mix thoroughly. Anybodyjcan maKe-i goou discuii mat- way. Kvery member of a family ou;litknow how to cook. There nor ner natural force abated. No; she shan't .cook. Our colored nabor, Mrs. Fletcher, always comes when she can, but she Is raising a crop her self and can't make a full h -,nd In our kitchen. But variety is the spice of life, and somehow 1 like for something to happen that changes the monotony of things and gets up a commotion and stimulates our energies. I like for the cook to quit, and the washerwoman to. strike once in a while. I like for the 1 1 A, a. a 1 aw -a uuckbi, to get into tne well or a young, cyclone to threaten us.'.- I like for my vest buttons to come off and my under gar ments to get ragged so that Mrs. Arp will be sorry for me i a m ana Deg me to Duy some usw clothes, and I can say with a sigh, I can't afford it, these will A KISSING BEE. LITTLE COMPULSION FORCED THE FINING. Some Good 7orf Carolina Wags in the Mountains. TH2 BEST PEOPLE." The Season for the Faith That is in Them. FOR THE FARM. do me very well: it does-n't matter how I look. I like to work in the garden while the sun is hot and hear Mrs, Arp calling from the window, '.'You had better come 'in the house; you iWill make yourself sick again working in that sun." I like for her to hear mysterious sounds away iu the night when deep sleep falleth upon" a man but not a woman, and when she punches me in the side with her elbow I get up and meander bravely all through and around the house hunting for robbers and ghosts just to show her what a protector she has got She is going to St. Simons next week and . I am gomg to stay at home. Some of her married children are going with her and she is to chaperone the chaps or malionize the party or whatever you call. I don't know whether the is goimw to lave in the salt sea wave or uot but I can see her rlow standing upon the beach and with extend edanu repeating the speech of her school days : Koll on, thou deep and dark bIueocean.r-.il "Ten thousand fleets s ween over thee in ' 'in. . "Thou glorious mirror where . the AluaiK-ty's lorm. "Glasses itself in tempests Oh, she was a speaker, e he was, and she is a speaker yet. She speaks to me sometimes. 1 wisn that every aspiring soul could go t St. Simons, or somewhere, and look upon the sea the ocean. If a man Las a soul how it expands it I Hjw diminutive he feels in the presence of this mighty w jrk of God ! But. hundreds go there just like tbey go to a circus. They have no new emotions, no increase of reverence and no decrease in their own conceit. "A primrose by the water's brim A yellow primrose was to him And it was nothing more." Some people go through this world just like they were sticks no love nor hate nor emotion nor ambition nor 'aim in life no nothing but to live and eat i? no tuner wav or ieeung in- anu sieep ami near, me news dependent. Let the cook quit and as I pas3 them I. .can't if nhe wants to. White folks help thinking of a stick. TLey ouyht to be ashamed to admit had just as well never been that they can't get along with- born. Tney never reflect that out negroes. It is no dipcredit I the sun shines for them by day to anybody to cook. If is about and the stars by night, and ior a.-j honorable as it is to eat, and them the moon gives her holy is more scientific ana taaes more bra'ns. A hog can eat, , bat he can't cook. Jiut I want it understood that I am not a 'taurliin: candidate for that business. I just want my family u teel independent, so mat when the cook quits it is not a 'a-e of utter despair. Our bildren have never rebelled gainst these domestic accom plishments. They can cook and milk the cow and make up U,e beds and make their own clothes, and are always willing u ao u when there is a neces sity. I saw Carl milking the other evenintr. and a sweet. r r Pretty girl, who was no kin to bim, wan standing, close by uolniii' the bucket for him, &u3 it did look so "confection ary," an Cobes ays, that I wanted 1 IilolojraTili nt t.li l.tpxn Thera wasaSavannah girl ip iier-i not long ago aad she bad lieM.r kii a cow milked and I.. I Hie t-roce-i hrvnr tl.or ftno fas for nv,t nYTtb- ourt - v I1I1IU Ull '4 Sir hiitteriniric and one rreamand one for the calf." light. For them there is st 3d time and harvest, and the birds sing and the flowers bloom, and the earth is clothed in beauty. Why, even the dog that lies at their door was created for their comfort and protection. Let a man commune with nature and cultivate those affections and emotions and aspirations that lead him to a higher life St. 1 aui says that man was made in the image of his Maker and but little lower than the angels. And Shakspeare says of him : "How noble in reasoD, how infinite 1 in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action how like an angel in apprehension how like a god." But those kind of men, are scarce. They don't go about iu droves. There are 'just enough to prove what a man can be if he will. Young man think of that and don't be clam- nor a stick. If you Back in the North Carolina mountains the student of cus toms may still find material for research. The most unique are the kissing games, which still cling to the soil. A lot of big limbed, powerful young men and apple-cheeked, buxom girls gather and select one of their number as master of . ceremon ies. He, takes his station in the center of the room, while the rest pair off and parade around him. -Suddenly, one young woman will throw up her hands auld say: "I'm a-pinin'." . j xhe master of ceremonies takes it up aad Jhe following dialogue and interlocution takes place : "Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she s a-pimn . What is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a- pinin' lur z" "I'm a pinin' fur a sweet kiss." "Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she's a-pinin' fur a sweet kiss. Who is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a-pinin' fur a sweet kiss f rum ?" "I'm a-pinin' fur a very sweet kissfrnm Mr. Hugh Waddle." (Blushes, convulsive giggles, and confusion on the part of Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp at this forced confession.) Mr. liugn wauaie waiKs up man fully and relieves the fair Ara bella's pinin' by a smack which sounds like a three-year old steer drawing his hoof out of the mud. Then a young man will be taken with a sndden and unac countable pinin', which, after the usual exchange of questions and volunteereed information, reveals the name of the maiden who causes the gnawin' and pinin'. She coyly retreats out doors only to be chased, over taken, captured, and forcibly compelled to relieve her cap tor's distress. At one of these entertain ments wmcn it was tne narra tor's fortune to attend there was a remarkably - beautiful young woman, who had been married 'about a month. Her husband was present a huge beetle browed, black eyed young mountaineer, with a fist like a ham. The boys fought shy of the bride for fear of in curring the anger of her hulk ing spouse. The game went on for some time, when symptoms of irritation developed in the giant. Striding into the middle of the room, he said : "My wife is ez pootty, 'n' ez nice 'n' sweet ez any gyurl hyah. lou uns has known her all her life. This game hez been a-goin' on half an hour an' nobody has pined fur her oncet. Ef some one doesn't pine for her pooty soon thar will be trouble." She was the belle of the ball after that. Everybody pined for her. Washington Post. Who are these "best people" that stare at one from the re port of every public or private gathering ; these best people who are advertised as drawing cards and upon whom the suc cess of the festival - seems to hang ? It may be a mistake, but from external evidence one is led to imagine it is the same old crowd of "best people" that wakened envy and ambition in the breast of the village boy that same old ' rich merchant and fat wife, the big manufac turer on the hill, who enter- ained so finely, and the young man who had come into his ather's estate. These best people, this select coterie who give tone to the earth, are so few in number that their precious substance is spun out in meager groups to satisfy the yearning in each in dividual village, town and city. Lven New York, with its 1,- 500,000, can only afford 400 oi these "best people." The "best people" whose saving grace made successful the village tea party and church social are identical with those who vol nntered to finish the centenni al ceremonies by managing the ball. It is true their names are changed and their features may present a more aristo cratic cast, but they represent just the same money and the power which money brings. In the list of the ''best peo ple" one will never miss the stingy old banker, the rich young stock broker, the mer chant prince, or the returned monopolist; . but who would think of looking for the names of , the quiet scholarly man, the benevolent old lady, or the pretty young girl, the poor re lation of somebody " In other words this current phrase is little else than a bit of snob bery the court society and trade and ambition pay to money and its possibilities. The "best paople" are not found in the newspaper files or elect ed to sich a title by a free ballot and fair count. The f'best people" are softly treading the byways of life. Not all of them have their own carriages, fine establishments, or gorgeous apparel, but they are good walkers, earnest workers, and the paths they follow, the work they do, and the benefic ent ideas they demonstrate each day is what makes this old world swing and lift itself a, little higher at each revolu tion. This is the back ground against which the "best peo ple" shine. These are the peoplb who read the morning account of last night's ball with a cheerful smile and an unen- vious heart. Atlanta Constitution. destructive work of chinch- .. . I o ii w mu uuucu kujib our MATTERS OF INTEREST TO I C0Qntry would be comparative- TBE TILLERS OF THE SOIL. Iree ,rom these pest9 this year, tmt Iu many sections of Original, Borrowed, Stolen and the country they are doing an vommunicatetl Articles on I immensA imnnnt nf rtmsoa t i. . -- ev Farming. KISS HEB AND TELL HER SO. You're a neat little wife at borne, John, As sweet as you wish to see ; As faithful and gentle-hearted, As fond as wile can be. A genuine, home-loving woman, Not caring for fuss and show : She's dearer to you than life, John; Then kiss her and tell her so. ioors as ir they had come to Htay, and the only way to pre vent their ravages is to kill as many as possible of the trouble some insects. Monroe Enquirer-Express. Your dinuers are promptly served, John, As, likewise, yonr bioakfaet and tea; Your wardrobe is always in order, With battons where buttons should be. Her bonne is a cosy home nest, . John, A heaven of rest below ; Yon think she's a rare little treas ure; ; Tben kiss her and tell her bo. She's a good wife and true to yon, John, Let fortune be f ul or fair; Of whatever comes to you, John, She cheerfully bears her share; Yon feel she's a brave, trne helper, And perhaps far more th'an you know, 'Twill lighten he,r end of the load, John, Just to kiss her and tell her so. NAUTICAL LIFE. :o:- TUR VIEW VP THE CHINA. SEA OF Sailing Through Oriental Wa ter. Caught in a Typhoon. At Hong Kong. Native Junks and Sam-Pans. Glimiwes of Lifs. ALLIANCE OFFICERS. The Raleigh Progressive Farmer talks good sense in re gard to the Farmers' Alliance and the election of its officers, when it says: The Alliance cannot be tod cautions J. a .n iecung its omcers ana repre sentatives. Let the first and paramount question be : Is he true is he loyal is he thor oughly imbued with a love fcr our order and Its principles? Has he the courage of his con victions? A man may be fluent and brilliant in debate, skilled coral Victoria, Uong Keg. -It U a long sail op the .Chinese sea, for the maps, as traced oat in the 1 1 ft. a ecuoui Doy-s geograpny, do not give correct imprt.-wion of dis tances in the eastern world. The sea washes the aboies of south eastern Asia tor more than two thousand miles. It borders the ooasttof Sim and lower Chins. in ee- 11 loucne uorneo, tb l'billippine ioihuuo aou ruruoM. I b lorms the guir, of 81am, at the head ot which stands ancient Bangkok. It merges itself into tht- gull or Too quin, where the French fleet snd arms a Tew jears since established a Gallic supremacy. luis studded with inlands of tropical raxonsnoe, and is marred wkh daneerons reeis. it is the scene tn parliamentary law. of great OI norms oi secular na- energy and working capacity lore tn1 ftre ktK)w typhoons, and yet be -sadly wanting in the "d. ,a notef ' navigation st more important virtues, of mor- ra wre.e orders from the .4 ouu uustMusii aevotion to prin ciple. The Alliance has enter ed the crucial era of its exist ence, in which it will confront no greater perils than those to be found in its own ranks. there's a crossroad somewhere in life, John, Where a band on -stone Will signal her 4,over the river," And the other mast go on alone. Should she reach the last milestone first, Johu, Twill be a comfort amid yonr woe To know that while loving her here, John, You kissed her and told her so. Au exchange says : The only profitable business now is mon ey lending and organizing trusts SOME PRACTICAL THOUGHTS. Mr. Editor. I would that I a guiding could constantly ring it in the ears of every farmer and labor er this warning: Don't buy anything 'this year on time or with the money nnless you are bound to have it. Farmers, when you begin to think of things you need or you think you need, than turn and look equarely into the real condition of things that piifr tind you. Consider your suuou..dings in something like ILL: Am I able to pay for this thing? Will I be able in the Fall. The Durham San is told by a when my crop is housed and all Person county farmer that not sold?. Think how much you more than one third of last owe, calculate each field of cot years' tobacco crop has yet beeu ton at so many bales, and these old. at 8 cents ter lb. See how mnr h it all amounts to : subtract what The Wilmington Messenger you owe from this and see how says farmers who have heard much it leaves. In this going him are loud in their approval over of accounts, don't forget of Alliance Lecturer Tracy, of all the little accounts here and Texas. there, such as vonr Iat. hnn WHWJ- account, your church dues, vonr The Raleigh ('all says: "Capt. doctor's account, and think over B. P. Williamson has just stow- all the little accounts and ex ed away ninety-five tons of hay peuses that will come neon vou from his Fairview farm and fif- this Fall as it turns cold, such 1 " LT' "7" ty from Neuse River farm. The as shoes, clothes, cotton bag- an5f worK ging, paying ior picaing out cotton, and last, but not least, be sure you know what your ac count is with your -merchant. Ten years ago the people of I for nearly every one who runs m:ral in com mand of tba Asiatic station, our war ship was put to readine&s at Singapore, coaled and provisioned, and made baste to e'.esm op the sea. Like the conventional Arab who live in a test, an1 is supposed to retire from eight In a very short notice, our good ship one morning at daybreak lifted brr anchor, fired her guns, slipped pa" the shipping in the harbor afad pat to sea. For a lew days nnder the bright skies and through emerald waters, she Sed along like a lirii.g thing, a$d made good progress ?a the lace of the strong tide-winds that were blowing down the caU Every tbiog seemed aniH::oo. The is lands reefs that are iCrern at ran dom over the wateit, the bills of of Aoam, and the mountain crests of the Chinese shores marked oot the coastline. The Island of LI aim, with its green slopes and rocky beadlauds, owek.t pant In the train of the flowery k.jgdou. When we were in the upper part of the sea, the indications of months and years together whole amities, men, women and children, lire a purely nautical life aad know no other homes than their boat. In early days, as the story goer, wLen the Chinese antipathies saiost the ducaaiaa race were bitter and when law was unavail ing, a night-time passaags tn a impaa was a i-eriloas adrentare. Isnywere the travelers, setting "it for their ship at a Late hour, v. ho never reached their deatina 'on. The gntn boatman bad no tcrnples againat robbing his paa e jger and dropping him everboard ith a stone about bis neck. The c ime was concealed, and the bast teas of the ferryman seemed Vo ftMpex. la later years a greater .--parity has been assured. When a belated traveler enters a sampan a- sight, in returning to his ship at a JChor.a guard on the wharf reeords his asms and destination, together with tbe name and number of the roat, to enable tbe police aatbori t -a to trace o at a cae or robbery s.'d motdcr should it occur. Al ? .oogh comparatively safe, a soli. vry toamdoal aboard a satnpao, ".h datkneM about him. a sullen o,-re man at tbe bow, tba ghostly I hte from the grotesque junks noting over tbe wster, tbe shores r iding away and with his ship and I lends barely in tight io tbe f : om. most oonfeAs to a feeling of ujrest be stands on bis own deck id under tbe iUg of bis own oa I on. The sppearaoce of aa American t-an-of war in the oEiog of lloog Kong, before the city of Vtctotia, a signal to the borders of Chi rtne, whose boats put out from tbe 'jore ana cover tbe harbor. farms of wsKherwomea come cowding down npon ber from all k'des. Tbey scramble o ship burd la spite cf all opposition, o'er the rail and thrown tbe gun wrta. It fired from the fort oa tbe b affa, they could not torin tbe' iMod abut trote rutnpleirly. In a fi-T momenta IbeUerka are crowd el wiiu btvira ol good looking i'binese C'lK whose spel for ' abing is not lo be restated. Tbey know where lo find tbeir ml profitable customer, for teswls ci" no other nationality farniHb tbem with o much lauodry work, w'jicb is taken at prices that would .a tne any Jobo Chinaman io tbe 2uiericancilie. Tne quarter deck besieged. Lach officer is takes HOME CHAT.. a, a THOUGHT FROM OFTt K.XLHAXGLS. What Iks Itmhren the )miU ars Thinking ami Saying, TABT HA ELY AN D 1T1CC If you go to the front as a young man. you will be fa tLs front rank an a midd1e-a;el mac ALevllle JouruaL i.rrf eu r&iMAUv km cattox. High education is the fal ju?t now; but more and better lower education, Li ILe crying need of tbe hoar. ChuloUo Chronicle. W OUK i a LICK. He that blow-elh Lis ova horn too lutlly to tie detri ment of his neighbor generally ban more wind than horn . Charlotte lietnorrat i:it Ait: iiEAEr am mimi Educate the luiud and e.Iu rate the L-arL That 1 the only way to lift up any xec;le ujQ a higher Laiie of being- Wilmington Messenger. HM MAIL -l.Ll t The attention of the IVwtof fice Department U called to the fact that It now lakes j act twice as long to get a letter frora Washington N. C to Newllerns, as it did forty year ago. New . rrne Journal. HIE"' .A1 liM.. mi: MAILS The "coon In the mail car ii jUyliig Maah with the trnmlcm ot the tua.il. Yot two week we Lave been trying to get ur paper to Llowlng I!txk, and only lLre copies have reached Ihetv. Charlotte New. aiiai ana cnangeu to every poim of tbe oompaHS. Is was clearly evident that the ship had entered the arena of tbe dreaded tjphoon. In few momenta tin storm was raging in all Its fury. A terrific gale, sweeping round md round in a circle, had burst upon us, before we were hardly prepared for tbe In beaviitgthe ship to ing ber toward the outer edge of the storm. Say the only rafety for the ves-'l. Kuough storm sail was set to hold ber head to the wind, her engines were rnn slowly, aud she was put on the a m I . I. T . our town would have laughed an account finds it much larger tracK, as inuicatea ty tue move- at the idea of having an ox than he expected it to be Now menu of th typhoon, that would team. Now they are becoming be sure you look closely Into tll tndtocarrT hrwJ fron the nnltA TmnnUr Than (a .miia. tid iihu .4.11,. v perilous vortex. (t twenty lour . v ..j vwuvr- I UQbailQ WI1CU Villi I T . i . , . . an approaching strta revealed r lMintr and ,rollrd oo tbe deliv themselfM. The barometer began . oI bU ,1Den lo lbe rtH tofall.aad keptralmu. Tbeskiee,,, tbe floweTy kingdom maidens, became threAteomg and sullen. , Uer tbe ofQcers succumb, tbe x uc eria unusucniLru Baa uarieu turougu tne air. lur winds grew farmer who raises grasses and stock is seldom forced to bor row money or mortgage. "SNOBBEEY AND SNOBS- We Should Respect Character and That Only. Mr. Thomas Nelson Page comments at large in his letter to the Richmond Timos upon the snobbery of the English people. He says this appears in all directions. The worship of Carl had to explain to her can't be gret, be good teat one for and 'lie wwt-t. ery word. Ik ut aliMiit this cooking busi- in1, iibbctiiifc: tucnuuu iiii.nf . ... . .... '7U1.M in .jrs. Arp, hlie ia con uiiti.inally opposed to get- "h eariy in tne morning. "io IS w illing tn nnnlr flintier Bill Arp. 4iller, but ha.s no liking Cannot be Eeputlicanized. Alabama is as solidly Demo cratic as any ot her boutnern sisters. The Improvement in her condition .began when the Republicans were ousted im power in the State, and it lias continued under; .Democratic rule ever since. Alabamans will not forget which party be- ,l)r Mokintr breakfast nor wa sh- friended and defended then? in "tfuiti dislies. She conscien noiisiy t)(Jii.ives th atth ed arkies I If r.. ""I'enally created for this I ainiiirer of L'ins HniUKtiliifiJ liinta flint ia I'tct for women and children m very limited, for he wanted j"'.M-sand thresh poles for I " W I V H 1 I 1 . I Irnnt t rnan r hundred wives to wait on and- his definltior I Vriu(,t.s ,., the dark days of reconstruc tion. Neither will they forget that the principles of the Democratic party are thjose which, if in the ascendency, will give good government to the whole country .Mobile Register. or a she What a Difference. An exchange says Raltigh has sold in Baltimore 4,3,000 lseth whilH it io s,,it arvA mnri h citw hnnrla. hearing 5 - 'V 1 I ' J u 1 mguV U IJ I. .vv.vu w V.J l. " " ) D ' ' "'(! ti Itur rionaolioli v Tivetl Ir -!-uiaiiy wanted" his wife up before day and gQ to thi wlliIe be slept until tl,ir ..ra' for breafast. . ...ennuim ror a eiKht f worry with raising She mother per cent, interest, at a premi um. We congratulate itaietgu In the days of Radical rule about 1869-70, they would nat have sold for 50 cents on the dollar. ,.or '""ilaren, and after The TOte Man's Eepuolican .. DH la'd by she is en- UmM0 'Ht, and Party, is en- think so to Unit HhiiUt cook if I can 1 j "Hie L'armonta WKMlH&nrl hnttnn Itnlaa 1" Iter xl hi.' but tbank the good prejudice against office. Wash mv UU UlUIIUCUIlUglOU rOBlr. lhe latest reports from the "white Iman's Republican rnrtv" in the South indicate that it is burning cork witli view to Drovins that it has no of place, of royalty, and nobility. Mr. Page says. "Indeed the spirit of toady ism appears to me prevalent be yond belief. It pervades all classess. It exudes from the rad.eman with every attitude, word, and look; it leaks out of he professional men : it is a inmg American is astounding, A clever woman said to me My husband's tailor is a rich man, worm more man my husband; but if he thought he could get .one more suit of clothes a year out of him he would come here and lick my door-steps, clean from bottom to top.' " We have thought that Amen- a a i.1 cans wee not iree irom me same tendency. The man in office is sure to be much courted except by the proud, independ nnt. self-resDectine men that see no special honor in omce It takes a very "leetle" straw to tickle some men. Wilming- Messenger. Ohio's Man Foraker. Very Generous An exchange understands that, in deference to the con siderable number of friends of cold water developed by the recent elections in Pennsyl vania, several of the saloon keepers up there have resolved to mix an equal part of water with the whisky they offer for sale. In view of- the fact that the friends of cold water were overwhelmingly defeated at the polls, we must say we regard this as a very magnanimous concession on the ; part of the saloon-keepers. when von a. m a a I . a& . my in it. xueir ieea aoes not begin to mins about buvintr on cost as much as horses' and time. The fact Is, you must ilcu Bucuiu is miniver. vuu- eiuy uuyiu on time, or you sord Times. will be sold out Look at all your surronndlngs when vou More depends npon the hu- read this and see if you are as mor of the season of the next well to-do as you were five years two months than upon the tar- ago. Count up the difference iff, the number of trusts or the on time and cash prices for the supremacy of any political la3t ten years. Count np what party in this country. A good you would have saved during crop season in this section of the last ten years had you North Carolina will do more to made at home your meat, and redeem its prosperity than any- enough to furnish all the ten. thing else that can be had. The prospect is good. Sanford Express. ' .Their Business Booming- Probably no one thing has caused such a goueral revival of trade at A. W. Rowland's Drug The editor of the War renton Gazette has a ring ing editorial in his paper in which he expresses the wish that he could join the Alliance, have been bought for just half it only to am in the righteous that money, and such aa you resistance of trusts and com- could have raised for less than uiuca. uuii no maeiv tsn.v ku afc civs eacu. iiiiUK or inn ennr- hours tbd ship lay tossed on tbe waves, while the winds wereblowing luriously and the sea was running heavily. - A mountain lite sea swept over the deck, tearing one of the boats from tho davits and carrying away a sail,iad crushed in the pilots. Having spent their force, the winds quickly subsided, the rough waters wen: down, and a bright sky and a calm sea followed tbe wake of the storm and attend ed tbe Jantata all the rest of the way. In the light of tbe morning, as wa neared the remote bounds of Lhe ants on yonr farm at mer- sea tbe rest of the mountains of chants' prices, and yonr corn, llong Kong came in eight. It was wheat, cows and equal to any Victory Peak, the sigaal station of your horses and mules. Ihink the island from whose lookout tbe about the enormous prices that aPPrach or incomirg ve.wls is hava hon naM fnr hnKIA made known, that flrrt greeted our mnles! From ln tn stoon rM Vision. The islaud of llong Kong r - v aui . horses and mules that should Is a mere jumbling of suountaina of volcanic origin, lens than tea miles in length, some of tbe peaks tower in c two thousand f-et above the sea. It lies a leacue Iroia Ihe mainland, and stand guard over even those who are ineligible inous profit you pay the trader, the Chinese onwit. Tbe city of and society Store as their giving sway to their can greatly aid it, and he pro- whenever you buy anything at Victoria, its capital, h situated on which tn the customers of so many free trial pogeg to be a volunteer and all, and you will not be so will- tbe northern side at the base or tbe nrlimr bottles of Mr. King's iNew Discovery enlists for the war. inr to jrive such price for mountain. looking ont toward tbe : -rward part of lbe bip Is attach 1, aad not a man in the hole crew is allowed to eacape. 1 he waabing is returned by an old I bag, who alter wards ti armada all t'ie buuines, apparently using t cauty aa a decoy with tbe tnno , oey of bland orientals. When re u.nded by aomediiupiointed gal- -nt that a pretty mud took away l- s linen, tbe old dame aasnres . m that she is "my all samee a.irlee.'1 Since tbe Juniata left tbs pott of J.tw York, from which she set til on a long cruise around tbe world, a year has come aad gone i i which she has passed over many s- as, and visited many lands and t :oplea, having arrived at another metropolis on tbe opposite side or e globe. For long months -the .od ship cru!ned io ihe Asiatic atert, making ber oi-i-anceto tue cities or tbe eat, carry the scars and stipes into strange ports, rdbade tbe whole wotld know i bat tbe land beyond tbe ocean rtAires the friendship or all nations. Everywhere she has beea received tb respect and honor, even jong barbarous people, and ber h .g has been oniveraaJly greeted. Fiom llong Kong, the station ol .i -sialic 6iuadroo, she wilt proceed t tbe Chinese, Japanese and I'irean porta,and to tbe isles of tbe homeward bound. SAI.Isnt'uv. Krplcs, Seres, Aches azl Tilzz AVhen a bunurei bottles of aaraa P'irilla orotber pretentions specifics t.itl to eradicate io-boro scrofula or c nUgioas blood poisoo reoMobr t:jt 11. It. U. (Uouoic Iilood Ualm) ' is gained many thousand victories n aa taaor seemingly iu car able i-stancea. S-hd to tbe Ulood lUlm Atlauta. (la- for -Lkk of "onders,n and be convinced. It MJ1I H1III. .-. The rumor in Washington eoma time ag-o to the effect that Dr. 3. J. Mtt Lad beea tacitly recognised a the tons and dLpener of administration favors in North Carolina, La been abundantly confirmed ty recent event. I exingUn 1U patch. TUEY WANT NO l'l if H JA- TCKlAL. The good peorla 'f Hamil ton are taad as Lomet now. It Is reported John P.. Hooker, a white man who voted at the lal election the straight lnno critic ticket, but wm there after turned Republican or said he did, Las been spiolnled poetma."ter. Tarboro South -erner. 1 II KY LIKE 1ttA-Y. The brethren all along the track of Rro. Tracy, are writing for him to be cent Lack to them. They are 1 Uhted with him his purwetii i'Oint.s his iolid argument, L - oani seneaudhis xealvi.- tu-rotion to our cause. Word of tn thtLiajlie prale follow Lis foot-tteps. Progressive Farmer. AK1I.B THE LOAVU? AM I liilLH. As to ILe motives which actuated lieiuregird and Parly to become "decoy ducks' there in no tni.undertauditi them. Their motlve.i are exactly what a famous orator partisan IXsmo rrat used to declare the Whig principles were, llewai wa-ut to nay : 'I he principle of ILe Whig Jarty are eight Eve loaves and three C-Les. tJolis boro Argui. for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valu- ble article from the fact that it al ways cures and never disappoints, Conghs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup aud all throat and lung dis ease quickly cured. You can test it belore baying by getting a trial bottle free, large fiize 1.00 Every bottle warranted. A Johnstown Sufferer- The Ohio' Republicans have had to take the Hon. Joseph Banson Foraker again. None of the other candidates for Gov Pirnnr amounted to much, and they preferred that the Fire Alarm should be heard once more rather than tb-Yt any one of them should be preferred to the rest. The favorite beat the field; Exactly why Foraker should be the favorite of Ohio is perhaps nobody's business. He has a certain rude energy and savage ability, and his progress is not impeded by want of self-confidence. As Mr. Lincoln would put it, if Ohio likes that kind of a man, he is t Vi a Trind of a man that Ohio likes. New York Sun. "Please, ma'am, will you give me an old suit oi your Hus band's clothes ? I am one of the Johnstown sufferers." "Poor man ! Of course I will Come right in. So you were in that dreadful flood, were you ?" "No, ma'am, but my wife sent all my clothes to the peo I pie who were." The Kinston Free Press says : Our farmers ire complaining of wheat and oats rotting in the( shocd. Mr. John C. Woot- en, Sr., sold his last lot of pota toes at ?3 a barrel for the best. There were .fifty barrels in the lot. Our truckers made on po tatoes but lost heavily on beans. The crops throughout this section have been greatly dam aged by the heavy rains of the things that are worth less than half what you are required to give for them. Now, aa you are into the busi ness of calculating, just go a little fnrther and see how long you can live and own your home, if things go on as they have for the last five or ten years. I think it better for tba farm ers to stop baying on time at the present outrageous prices, and try by hard work and the mainland. After sounding the western side of the Wand, our ship passed through the broad road stead and into tbe-large harbor, tbat is flanked by rocky blocs and sheltered from wicds and storv:. Tbe city extend down to lbe wa Ut brink, and under the shadow ol the mountain peak presents charming M-eue. With it beat if u I street. ajaznitWut buildings and stirring marts, lbe city of Victoria become a t pe or an oriental tne triKlis arooHcd from ita alamber. last ten days. The wheat and oat crops were extraordinarily proper application of every dol- nne out, me rains nave almost lar, to pay or all their debts totally destroyed them. The and save their homes, than to corn crop is badly damaged, es- be turned out of their homes pecially early corn and that on and then have to start anew low lands. Cotton on sandy and try to bay attain. mm". i iinrmn .... I 'HlMl -OOIW jrri K a COU Jr Lk i ' --icted blood i-.i-on. 1 bad oo sp- i i i. . I.1- I '."umauKin urrw uii ut num o i "7"' - ' "oJ hardly walk, my throat w a interest at which I ra e ad trare.j i .. , a luici'im u.c iiiura. iivt fire me no benefit, and my ule am ooe oi torture ontil I gave 1L The Yadkin" Valley News enteredjupon its tenth year. has They Will Vote Anyway. The Cincinnati Enquirer gives it out fiat that "the next Governor of Ohio will be Democrat." We do not believe, however, that the male portion of that grand old State will be willing to forego the fun of having the unusual election, even if the result of it is thns foreordained and immutably fixed. Washington Post. land is thought to be almost destroyed. THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN FRUIT. If a man grows the right va rieties of fruit It will pay him a better interest on the money invested aud the time required for its cultivation- than any thing else on the farm. Louis ville Farm and Home. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp should always be used for children when teethine. It soothes the child, the gams, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. THREE MISTAKES. It's a mistake to be always grumbling and complaining. It's a mistake for a farmer to depend on others to do his thinking for him. It's a mistake to think those who live in towns and cities have an easy and happy life. THE DESTRUCTIVE CHDfCH-BUG, From various sections of the , country we hear reports of the There are two things the farmers can, not do and hold their homes. They cannot pay the present high interest on money, and they cannot bny anything at tbe present time prices. i armers, be sure you attend to toese three things in the fu ture : Bay rteht. sell rieht. and vote right. Occasionally. Too Many Rascals Left In. ineiNew xorK iribune re marks on the "rascally crowd" that Mr. Harrison found in of flee. V ery likely. Mr. Cleve land left about two thirds of the Republicans in that he found in. New Berne Journal Bargaw did a handsome thing at tbe veterans' meeting on the 4th, by raisidg one hundred and fitly dollars lor the soldiers' Home. seem to center. Tbe waters of tbe bay are alive ith tbe shipping of all nations. men-of war, merchant ships aod Chinese junks. Myriads of sam pans, aa lbe amalwr boats are call ed, are moving about leunrejy or waiting at tbe unoiug places, Tbe sampans are a notable feature in the orienUI harbors and nrea. Tbey are covered boats, twenty five or thirty leet itf length, to I ii..t.atr.n r..n ct.r,r.a i its President, has with- LI.L . I I . . . ... i ii ii ..in .iwiirr lis iin nia. . r . ;i . . 1 - 1 - -vl between tbe vessels and tbe shore. " - The home oi the famiiv u in th- Governor. He is rendering I.tVL u MiiilllN. Many weavers in the lilack tono (Ma-.) Mill- Lave quit work because of the low wage, oo which they Mi they couM not live. Men dout Deed waxes as long as they Lave t rotectlcm to live on. It only requires enQcient faith in the Kepulli can doctrine and the loaves and CLe will come without waxes eo long as the Land of protection Lover over the empty bread-ba-ket at Lome. Faith, men! Faith ! Charlotte Democratic. tuey r.tiiT nm ix. a oTntJt TATF5. JCorth Carol lua H a rural rus tic' Its towns and cities are small and are the centres for email corataunltie. All of Lerlleadiug male college are back la the country at fail I railroad tatlrns. Oor fathers bnilt them there with the be lt. It, a trial, and surprising as it ef that It was bet lo edorate nay seem, lbe ae ol ove liolUes lue To0t.h away from the cities, ored sne.' 1 1 f.rt North Carolina folks Lave never made much effort to In aifrtaTIttM 1 tmild cities In their own bor- - ldersany way aiid wLen the At the request of the trustees! que-t I on cf retaovlor a college f the Agricultural College of to a city 1 mentioned there i D. Uf courst. a natural j rolest by tbe ooly true blood iKiriOrr. O. W. Mesaer, HowplPa X Itoads Oe, writes: l was afflicted Bine y ars with sore. All tbe medietas 1 -uld take did me no good. I f en tried D. 1L Un sod 8 boillcs r i red me wood Mra. S. M. Wlisoo. Itoood Moon t'.n, Texas wriU-: -Aladv Ineod ot mine was troubled with bamps aod pimpl on her face sod seek, t-ae took three bottles of U. Ii. IL. and ber akin got soft aod smooth, rim plea duapteartd. aod ber eaJlh Improved greatly." las. !. Iioowt.it h, Atlanta, Cia, tea: -oome jears go i the ieople of the communltleK. I Sanford Kxpress, alter part oi tne uoar, wbere a large number of persons is some times crowded into dose quarters. The passengers are stowed away amidships, and lo the bow au un covered deck U extended, oa which the boatman stands in directing his coarse, Tbe wife, or some competent person in tbe family able to take an oar, helps la tbe propositions, standing with face to ward tbe bow. When two oars are used in tbe forward end of tbs boat, tbe rowers generally sit fac ing aft in tbe usual way. For i-iore service to the State in Lis present position than he could as Governor. clirged Snellen's Arzici Salvs The Best Salre in tbe world for Cots.Brnises, 8ore,Tettrr,Cbapped Hands, Chilblains, Corca n Fkin EronUoas. aod positively ! imres Illes, or do pay req aired. It s guaranteed to give periecl kaiiafactioo, or money refasded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. W.RowUnd. Jude. "You are with running a game .t chance. W hit Lave you to ray Ac cused. "It wa not a gine cf chance, yonr llooor. o ouv- sider Lad a possible cuance ci winning." Omaha World. togene Umery u aUll bd J ta Me diss, Y for kilhcg U-3r old sweetheart, Iwause tbs wo&Jd oot marry him-

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