V 7 J"laf'r -- The Wilson Advance. JOSEPIIl'Saud I'. t'.HASlKLSf, Editors nnl Proprietors. 9 'ITie ADVANTKi'ii li nvurs iii no an fm C8L, faithful anj impart ml fliruiii l r of i!k Down, devotiuu special attention to ttn wet top n which Ills iihlished. It I immoral io to the core aprtW!il spare neither, fi iin.l or foe who Is in hostility to Democratic! sum&. l i believes the best interest of the Na tion ati'l the State imperatively ilemaiiils the retention of the I)emo ratie party in power ttii'l it will spare noctTorf to aecomplish that result. It will seek to promote the in dustrial development of the Mute Bii'l section nd will take pleasure in doinv' whatever lies In Its power U. aid the farmers iin.il lalmrinir en fa their efforts tn ta-tter their eon. In ion. very honest son of toil will liiul in the Ai ANC a sincere friend. V.viry effort looking to the establishment of more and better edu cational institutions will receive our hearty -operation and endorsement. The Advance circulates largely in every county East of liulcit'h, md is therefore a plendiil advertising medium. Kates libeinl. A first-class job otll :c is run in connection with the paper and wo will be pleased to re aoive orders. DuroUico is one of tho hct equipped in this section of tho Pinto for com mercial work and wo will do as jtood work and at as low flKuri-s as anvbwly. Entered in the Tost oilleo at Wilson, N. C. at sooond class mail matter. Wilson x.ci, - July 2:, i8Si). Dk. Grissom, we'see it stated, will publisli a pliauiphlet con taining the evidence and llie speeches of his counsel. It will donbtlesi be read with a trreat deal of interest and pleasure, only equalled by1 that of perus ing his letter of resignation. The Commissioner of Immi gration, Mr. V. M; Wilson is making strenuous efforts to in duce good settlers to make their homes in this State. He will make a tour of the State this fall taking in all the fairs, for the benefit of exhibitors. Lord Tennyson, the poet lau reate of England, is to write a poem on the marriage of Queen .Victoria'a grand-daughter to the Earl of Fife. lie has been asked by the .Queen to do this. We imagine it must be a hard job to bottle the divine afflatus and pour it out at will. The spectacle, in the words of our esteemed contemporary, the Washington Post, is "enough to make Pegasus fly the' track and Its constituency weep." Indiana is getting to be a great place for tho negroes to move to. The race prejudice and color line are disappearing. So it Is in Butler University where a negro was elected pres ident of the literary society by the white members. One Ken tnckian at once retired, and siook the dust off his feet and returned to his "old Kentucky home." Wilmington Messen ger. If a white man thinks a negro is better than he is, the white man is right. Shall any law say what a man must tell and what he must not? Tarboro llanner. Why, certainly it shall. ' How else can we protect the fair name of our noble women against the slanderous tongues of evil minded men? The Advance would respectfully call the at tention of the T.anner to the case. of the 'young man in its sister town, Williamston, whom Judge Clark sentenced to six months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 50 if we remem ber correctly for slandering a Martin county lady. .Oh, yes, tho law shall say what a man must tell and what he must not, Brother King, but your point in regard to muzzling the " press was well made. The press will not be muzzled just yet. We ark glad to know that immigration such as it is to this country has materially de creased in he past year. It fell off more than 100,000 during the year ending with last June. It was confined to- no one coun try. Russia slightly increased the number of bar immigrants Russian Jews bnt she was the only exception. U strikes us that it is high time the stream of foreign trash and riffraff refuse of the great cities of all Europe to this country should be stopped. We don't need any such characters. They cannot possibly aid us, and as;citizens of a republic they are lamenta ble failures ; they are jncapable, for the most part, of earning a subsistence. During the past seven years there have been 122,40(J families in New York alone that one charitable organ ization has supported. This is but an idea of how bad the case is. . The race problem is assuming a new phase. Andrew Cornegie, the iron mill millionaire of Pennsylvania, who is having so much trouble with his white laborers over the 20 per cent, reduction in their wages, pro poses to discharge all of them and fill their places with ne groes from the South; We hope lie will succeed. His white" laborers are hard workers and will come South, naturally, and take the place of the ne groes he removes. North Car olina can give him 2-3,000 and more if he specially needs them. And in a year or two the howl that will arise from the North ern press will be angry enough to turn the negroes white through fear. Take all you want Andrew. Just get the ne gro preachers, give them ?2j a piece to work for you, and you will have no trouble in pursuad ing the duped negroes to come by the car load. Of course they are poor, illiterate, and ill-treated down here. You will open your front door and invite them in to see you. You will open the doors of your church and sit down and worship with them, and play the social equal ity racket down pat, to show how we people of the South should act. We are watching you and so you had better be careful. We have a kind of feeling that we have been giv ing them all they needed. Wo may have been wrong. If so, show us our mistake. Practice what you preach. Wi;ii yonr income of 5,000 evi iy iby. you can afford to teac'i u, whatever the lesson may cost. 13- IT eight: day i:i tovtanls a specialty. ii is apparent' in every walk of' life. Whatever a man's calling occupation or profession, fife succeed who '-bends. his entiro soul and mind and body to that calling and make every faculty of his being subservient to that special line; and specialists ar wanted everywhere men to just that one tiling for whStli liarly fitted and adapted. Anal man yields to the demand and devotes his whole life to oae. thing. A physician will make a special study of one disease; a lawyer will follow one branch of law; a scientist will follow one branch of science, and r.o on it goes, lhe result is we are growing. a one-idead. .one sided set of men. The strong, noble characters of a decade ago are dropping out" of sight and the specialists are takiu the places thus left vacant. Ji strikes us that such a course is detrimental to -any country or government. We need : full. well grounded, complete men men who are not lost if taken iroin their . special sphere men prepared to meet any emergency sensibly and succe? f ully. A man may be peculia r ly, constituted naturally to foi low a certain line. If so, aiiu he - gives himself up to that bent, he is called a genius. W hold lie should not allow him- If to become absorbed with one idea to the neglect of ev erything else that goes to maks a well rounded character. The San Francisco Chronicle puts it -At La... 1 . .... rtuner strongly, ana yet it is very near the truth when it says : 1 , "It is almost universally rec--oguized at the present day that transcendent genius is only an other name for abnormal intel lectual development, and that it is often very hard to tell where the genius leaves off and the lunacy or insanity begins. The specialized development of a particular portion or function of the intellect tends to destroy the symmetry of the whole, even it does not dwarf or bligiii the rest,, and this lack of meu tal or intellectual symmetry i?, in enect, insanity." It seems to us that morally man has no right to cultivate any talent with which he is eK)tke benefit of the doubt. In thi dowed to the exclusion of a!i others it is wronging himself and his CreatdsJ . Trifcits of Eespsct. At'a regular meetiug of .Toi--uot -Alliance held July 27th, tie following , resolutions wew unanimously adopted :, "Wherkas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove bjr the unsparing stroke of dearth, on theL'5tu. of July, IS.S9, our beloved brother, Wiley' G. Dixon, a most worthy member of onr.order, and while we feel keenly the loss of ;our brother, We '"recognize the Ideeper and greater affliction which lias fal len upon his's'orrowmgjfamilyj therefore be it '4 ' - Resolved, That we,' the mem bers ot Toisuot Alliance': '"sin cerely mourn his death' "as ;. friend and brother, and we will cherish, his memory, thouk dead, even as when living. I . was a good neighbor kicci' friend and au honest, indu? - trious farmer. 1 Resolved, That while we bo - i in humble submission to tl .- will of "Him who doeth f li things well" and mourn the lo- ; of our esteemed brother with! the deepest regret, and extei. 1 to the bereaved family our; heartfelt sympathies, we yr-i ; have the' comforting hope that j our urotuer is uqw enjoying tho beauties and glories of thct "better world" with the ran somed people of God, "Beyond the river, where the surges cease.. to roll, where in all the bright .forever, sorrow ne'er shall press the soul." Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to' the bereaved J'amrly. and to the Rural Home, Wilson Advance, and Progressive Farmer with the request that they be pub lished. A?so that : they be placed on file with the minutes. (). J. V instead, S . W. L. 'Grimmer ' Com. ' . T. B. WlNSTLAD. ) The qiestion now agitating1 the jmblio mine of North Car olina is : vViil Grissom resign? It is paramount- to all others. lie must ..go, is the opinion. geuer S ee u,iv rtisement of. Sal eas Female Afademy in this issm?. .1 ais popa iar institution still maintains its high standard ot ' Its merit is undia- excellence. puted ahd its iained by the work. claims are sui - character of it 3 1 The Advance is lad towel come to this State Prof. Edward E. Britton, one of the leading educators of South Carolina. He lias been elected Principal of Mount Olive High School and informed us yesterday that he uau ai-ccj'ieu. llie PUliaingS - are to renovated and changed to suit modern ideas and he will employ a competent corps of instructors to assist him iu his labors. He comes recom mended by such men high in authority as Col. Jas. IT . Rico, State Supt. of Education nf South Carolina, Prof Henry E. Sheopard formerly of this State but now President of College of Charleston, and Prof. Sylvester Ilassell, formerly of this place. Last year Prot. Uritton was. ; Secfetary and Treasurer of I the South Caroli ua State Teach- ; ers' Assocation. We cohgrat'i- i lace the f)eople of Mount : Olivsj upon their excellent; clioicw and I'rof. Britton upon : casting his lot with such a 1 refined and hospitable people, 3.1 IH3 CHISS0.'. INVESTIGATION-! Prom th3 North. Carolina Press We do uot believe that the investigation should have been made public or that the evidence- should have been given t the public. But on the evi dence given to the public we believe the verdict of the pub- Hie is "guilty," and by a much MTPeater preponderance than is fA V- . 3 A A X. ' T" A me veraici oi me lioara acquit ting him. Goldsboro Argup. Those who know him best know that Tr. Grissom stands exonerated. Rut those who the know publicseiitiment must feel that the et5c.ercy oi theintitu tion trust be iupaired by his further correction with it. Acr- quittal carries with it personal vindication, but it does not carry- with it the restoration of that equilibrium in the public mind which will , restore to its old channel that, easy confi dence in Dr. Grissom the public once hald. Asheville Citizen We have i o spite against DrH Grissom, but. judging from the testimony givenwe have every reason to neueve tuat ne is a bad man, and is guilty of every charge. How any intelligent ana conscientious jury can ren 1 -! uer sucu a ermct - we are at a a loss to comprehend. Golds boro Headlight. We are simple enough to suppose that there was an un derstanding between the Board and Dr. Grissom that the Super intendent wt uld resign his po sition immediately, in view of what seemed inevitable, that public opinion, would demand a change in the management of the affairs of the Asylum. Greensboro Workman No man ki-ows what day God may deprive him of his reason, and he may have to take nn hi9 abode in that Asylum for treatment. 1 his thought comes to all of us, : nd none can con ceive of a gr ater hell on earth than the con-iuement in a mad house, tortured by the cruelty and brutality of au angry and badly tempered superintendent. Dr. Glissom's own evidence convicts him of "cruelty and an ungovernable temper. Sanford Express. It i$ not liiie a criminal pros- Leauuon where the prisoner has ase the people of North Caro lina are euti Jed to the benefit of the doui: t, and if this in vestigation has left a doubt npoo the miuds of the people as to ur. onssom s innocence hi reeigaation ought to be asked for by the same Board that acquitted him. New Berne Journal. : So, as we predicted, the eminent Doctor, who henceforth will doubtlt-i be known as the "Knight oi Oscillatory Sympa thy," has es- aped .conviction by tho tight - t .ind of a squeeze. But the people, sittiug in judg ment as a j a -y over and above all the pul 'ic servants of the State, as w ir as we can come at it, are r f .the opinion that Dr. Grissom Is at least tniiltv of immorality r ad should lose no c ume in reiiruig irom the posi tion he holdsi and which, for so many vt srs he so worthily ' Lulled. KocLaigham Spirit of the Soutn. lhis shows Dr. Grh Horn up . . in a very L ,d ligh illl,. ,u III till rhohld bH "1 lowed to occuuv the position .-that1 Dr. Grissom oes. wiuue character is not abovo repror h. If he has apy respect for t'":e feelings of the people of orth Carolina, or cares for the futuio prosperity of the Institution, he will resign at once, as h i must know that his presence at the Asylum is doing untold damage to that Institution t very day he re mains there. Warrenton Ga zette. So it is a fact that on the most serious charge the direc tors (the jury) were nearly divided. Tr.-e facts were testi fied to by several witnesses, who swore they saw the superintend dent commit the offences. The witnesses, both male and female established excellent' charac ters. They were fully con tradicted by Grissom, who swore that they were untrue. He admitted however, that he had given Mrs. Perkinson a sympathetic kiss. But guilty or not, the action of the direc tors themselves, three of them voting that he was guilty, has raised in the minds of the peo ple of the State such a grave doubt as to Dr. Grissnin's vrtene as should force the J fllrefr to ak for his resigna- ft arrenton Gazette. I I ?C0?w CHOPS- . The Alliaeee.The Only Flourishing Tiling is. Halifax County." Acbeltas Si dings. C- Jnl . 29. Editor .Axvanck; In response to .your invita' :oii t hrough the Ad- VANCE I t-.-r news from t u looking 'soniv 8 er 10 days. ' is drowhei! oi:. still lands. (. low i;ro!i!!!"i stiff, clayey 1 is tine. i yon a lew dots of place. Crops are Uctter for th last 'iton on sandy lands t;it is looking wellon jrn on high land and a failure,! but on ud and new ground Mr. W. i. Perkins, a ising and popular incichaut pi-ice. died on i 1 th. Mr. J. E Daniel.-,' little died last w-fk and Mr. piom of this babv J. E. Di- :ens, of Saiith field broooht his bi by down here and buried it at the old homestead, last week. The fanners- ."Alliance in this ! county 1 tion. . iu ;t flonrishlng rondi- J. L. A. A gentlcv.an who was in rayetteviSle at the time tells us that a ci nd burst occurred at Fay ettev ile Saturday morn log. TheeLeets were deluged by water- creeks swollen and many bridges washed away. wash:::gtc:titsws. Political Chat a: The ITatiisal Catt tal ty Our Eegnlar Eeporter The Pension I'ureuu is enjoying a sensation oi the lugeta kiutl. Certain newspapers have been making charges of more or less importance against almost every brancu oi that omce ever since Commissioner Tan ner took " charge. Aud uow the action of Secretary Noble in appointing a committee to in vestigate there-rating of all pen eions during tie past twelve months, and the t h.irgen of favor itism in making the applications of a prominent pension attorney of this city special, has opened the eyes of good many people to the fact that there must be some basis for these charges. The committee investigating holds daily sittings in the Pension office. The ses sions are secret but enough has leaked out to make it certain that they have discovered a very loose way of doing business in the matter of re rating pensions; it has beeu learned to a certainty that many clerks in tho office have been largely benefitted by getting their pensions re-ratel, some of them getting an increase of as much as $10, a month. It is believed that many discharges will follow the investigation unless the thing is hashed up which is not at all probable now. If this committee should make a white washing re port there will be a Congressional ! investigation as soon as Con gress meets that will show up the real echidition of things. Com missioners Tanner is said to have received several letters from Gov. Foraker of Ohio urging him not to change his liberal policy toward the veterans, at least not daring the gubernatorial campaign. From what can be learned en the oat side almost ever pensioner employ ed in the Pension bureau has had his pension re-rated and increased during the last twelve months. It is said that it was thejamonat of money spent by certain Pension office officials that first aroused the suspicion of a wide awake news paper man as to where it came from. Smith the colored democrat, who was dismissed from the Sixth Auditors office bids fair to become a National issne. ' He says he will appeal his case to the civil service commission and demand reinstate ment on the ground that he was d: '.missed on account of his politics. He is indulging iii a great waste of time, and does not seem to realize that the civil service law was phbs ed for the special purpose of being violated. i The alleged combination of Southern republican Representa tives, who were to vote for Brower of North Carolina for Speaker of the House until he was elected or the administration had agreed to give thr n the patronage they claim is already going to pieces. Repre sentative Ewart, of Xorth Caro lina, having anrounced his inten tion of. voting for McKinley for Speaker, and in the event of his withdrawal for Burrough's or CaunoD. The Chief of the Secret Service of the Treasury department is a very impoitant position in more ways thau oae, and considerable talk has followed the sudden withdrawal ol the opposition' of Grand "Master Powtlerly and other labor leaders to the appoiutirent of Thomas Furlong, a St. Louisrailroad detec tive to the position. Eurlonc's principal hacker is Russell Harri son son of the President and it is genera'.Iyj believed, now that the labor opposition is removed that be will get-the place. The labor people oVposed him because of his work during the Western railroad strikes. Vhy they withdrew their opposition is a couunaruni that is too much for md-summer weather. Senator Barbour of Virginia who is aloo chairman of the democratic State committee has been inter viewed on the political situation in that State. lie say "Virginia is naturally democratic. It Js too e;iily to outline the issue on which the battle will be fought, but I presume Mahone will make the high protective tariff hia rallying cry. -ldo uot know how much of a figure Langstou, the negro would be Congressman will cut. He hates Mahone enough to give him trouble if he can, but he may be oought off with a good office by the administration before the cam paign opens. The campaign will excite national interest because the Republican National Committee propose to aid their party with money and speakers. I cannot name tho democratic nominee, but whoever he is he will ba the next Governor of Virginia." Senator IJampton has just re turned from an extensive Canadian tour. Lie says the people there are very seriously considering the annexation question, and he thinks a large majority are opposed to it at the present time. ATTENTION COMEADES. Your Presence is Desired in Nash ville Next Monday- Every ex Confederate soldier residing in, or visiting Nash coun ty, is earnestly requested to at tend the meeting to be held by the Xasu County Confederate Vet erans Association at the Conrt House in Nashville, N. C, on Monday, the 5th day of August, 188a. Gen. W. R. Cox and Hon. B. II. Bunn will be present and address the meeting. Let every one come as business of vital im portance will come before the As seciatiou. Ladies and others in terested in the erection of a North Carolina Confederate SoId;ers Home are invited to attend. Col. F. M. Parker, of Halitax. has promised to be present. P. S. Tender, Sec. J. ii. TnouPE, Pres. Nashville, N. C. July 29th, 1881). The sensation caused by the reported resignation of Secreta ry Blaine is very short lived. The executive committee of the State Insane Asylum met last Wednesday and elect ed VV . ll. Crawford, Jr., of Ral eigh, steward, and Weldon T. Smith, of Raleigh, secretary of the Board. There were twenty-four applicants for the po sition of steward. NEI33B0BH00D NEWS mat The People in This Sectijn of, me State are Eoisg. Tarburo Banner. July ,th. G. Ii- IlarzrovA nf Vn Town ship, has one of the best crops that pe nas nau lor years. Ills corn P immense. Col. Carr has the finest cottoj and com crops the writer ha men ia'niauv a dav. Seldom can theie he fonnd crops iu such .fine grow ing conuuion. Lounbunr Tiinea, July Slh. Messrs. W. H. Pleasant and O. L. Ay cock cured a barn each of tobacco. The Franklin County Farmers Alliance will meet io Loaisbarg on Fridaj, August 9th, at 10 o'clock. Mr. It. F. Bunn, of Cypress creek, planted one bushel and J ittcla of wheat and it turned bim out 3:5 bushels. The best yield we have heard or in the county. Mr. Editor.: I will give a pro cess of curing tobacco, which I hope will be of some benefit to tbe farmers'. If yonr tobacco is yel low ran to 95 as soon as possible, go to 100 in 5 hours, to 105 in 5 hours, to 110 in 5 hours, to 1L in 4 hours, to 120 in 3 hours, then run 5 degrees every 2 or 3 hours until yon reach 130, then stand there nntil the leaf is nearly dry, then run 5 degrees every 3 bonrs nutil yoa reach 140, then run 3 or 4 degrees an hoar nntil you reach 100, stand 4 hoars, then to 10 in two hours, then stand 4 hours, then uron back to 1GU and then stand there until the stems are all killed. Five Years Exi eriknce Rocky Mount Phoenix, July SUh The factory building is nearing completion, lhe tinners have about finished putting on tbe roof. Elder P. D. Gold, of Wilson, filled his regular appointment at the Falls on Saturday and Sunday. His sermons ate always fraught with reason and truth. When it is slightly dark else where, under tbe bridge of lhe Falls is as dark as tar. We would suggest to the County Commission ers the advisability of furnishing lights for each end of the bridge. Let there be a "turning on of the light." A number of our farmers in this immediate section have been cur ing tobacco for the past two weeks and they have made some splendid cares. We have seen a sample of some from tbe farm of Mr. R. 1). Armstrong, and it is as fine as we ever saw, and by tbe way, it is said that Mr. Armstrong Las one of the prettiest crops oi the weed ever grown la this section. Work on the new tobacco ware house is being rapidly pushed, and Mr. Geo. W. Bobbins, the contrac tor nays that it will be completed by September tbe 15tb. Mr. A. P. Thorpe, tbe secretary and treas urer informs ns that there are a few more shares, yet not taken aud it is the duty of the business men and farmers to come forward promptly and take them. The followingis a list of those gentlemen who have already taken stock in it: Messrs- B. H. Bunn, Sorsby & Kicks, T. P. Braswell, S. E. Wes- tray, S. L. Hart, Jr., M. 1L Braswell, fi vr ii....,,n!i t w 1 1 ; W. If , UAUliUVUU, tf. it. jjiutn, J . P. Thorpe, 1). Abrain, Thomas 11. Battle, W. T. Mnse, Geo. W. Rob bing and Muse & Daughtry. tlrconville lU-flcetor, July 4th. Mr. Jesse Cannon,of Coutentnen, was in ur office Friday. lie says that in bis neighborhood the crop prospect are poorest they have bad in twenty years. We heard one ol the soldier boyn say that there was at least $5,000 lying erouad on poker tables in Camp Latimer every day. .Taking that as an index tbe encampment was as much of a gambling school as it was a military school. Mr. R. S. Neal, civil engineer for the railroad works, tet's us the examination of the bolt -.n t.f the river, last week, reveals a good foundation npon which to build the bridge. The bottom of the rivf r is sand underlaid with bine mnd. It was onr pleasure to visit the residence of Mr. M. R. Lng on Saturday night to see the beantirul night blooming cereus in all its glory. It was very large plant and on Saturhay night it had eight blooms and Sunday nigh making twelve in all. We were glad to bear 1 1, old friend and fellow citizen -nr, I on iu. Aioore, nas arrived at nis new home in Mitchell, Dakota. Mn. Moore writes to friends here that tbey enjoyed their ride westward very nincb, and were especi dly struck with thefine views often seeu while en route. They arrived at their destination on July 4tb, and speak of the inhabitants as kind, courteous and obliging. It ? a soon learned that Mr. Moore was a Confederate soldier aud this fact commanded their utmost w ma - . . . Kiuuueds a. nil respect. 1C was a great undertaking for persons of such advanced years to leave kin dred and mends aud make their home in the far West. Tarboro Southerner, July i'.tb A golden cross thirteen feet bigl; was pnt on the high steeple of the Episcopal church. It is not exact ly gold, but it is galvanized iron. covered with gold foil. Wffile Joseph Wynne was re taming home from Everett's Sta tiou his mule became frightened, running into a ditcu, turning hia cart over, a barrel of molasses fall ing on him, which caused his death in an hour after. The reporter has just been shown some oats and clover, both planted March lst.by Dr A. Ii. Nobles. The oats are good, headed well, but are said to have been more or less af A 3 I a.. leuieu oy me ciover wuicu was especially fine, being two and a half feet high. Capt. W. H. P. Ford, of Penny urn, report crom poor all except tue cmcken crop, lie is tbe beavi - a. 1 1 a. esi aeaier in poultry in seven counties. Ha seldom lets his stock ran below a thousand, and be al ways sells from 15 to 22 J per cent, cheaper than any one else. He keeps spring chickens all the year roan a. A few cases of tenants or renters abandoning crops, have been re ported. In every instance tbe reason given by the tenant is his crop is so poor that be cannot af ford to work it. This is true, but farther inquiry will elicit another lact mat the tenant bas done a little too much trading with the niercnant who has been ruuning him. The grading of ' the Not folk & Caoiina railroad is cuiplted and trs rklaytng is going rapidly. This siu 3 of the Roanoke r.ver nine r:l8 of track has teu laid : on I htt other Hide, rven more. The bridge building at the Roanoke in rc-ported ! be progiessmg now at'.sfai-torily. At Tar river, work is a little 8 low. Only tbirty-oue out ol the 101 pilf have been driven. Tbe bed of the river i iid to tx) tilled with logs and lumber. Tbe road will probably be complet ed by Oc.toter tbf 1st. Weldon Uooke New. July Sib. The Governor has offered a re ward of I0') for the arrest of Stonewall Jackson, who killed Warren Tillery at Cro wells X Roads in Novemler, With the preM-ut prospect for a crop, one would tbiuk that bard times are in store for ns all next year. It may he so for augbt we know, still there is no sense in getting intoxi cated w,itta the "spirits of wbine." It is with sincere regret that we announce tbe death of Willis Per kins wblcb occurred at bis home at Aurelian Springs Monday after noon, lie was taken ill about two weeks ago. of bilious fever wbicb developed into a typhoid form and resulted fataly as above stated. The corn crop will be short as a consequence there Is likely to le a scarcity of long feed for stock. It would be wise in the farmers to sow corn for fodder. 1 here :h plenty of time to do it and fodder made in this way is thought by many to be excellent feed for stock. Wilson flicks, colored, who was recently appointed Riilway postal clerk on tbe mute from Raleigh to Norfolk has been removed, and an other negro by tbe name of Peace has been.appointed in his place, ft is hoped that Peac will under stand histluties better than Hicks did. The vestry and congregation of Grace Kpiecopal church recently called to tbe pastorate tbe Rev. VV. L, Mellichampe, who bad been in charge of the parish of South Mills in tbe Diocese of East Carolina. Mr. Mellichampe, accepted the call and arrived here on Wednesday of la&t week with his familv. Wo have been informed that the young gentlemen of Littleton and vicinity contemplate organizing a cavalry com pa uy at an eatly day. It has beeu suggested by a gentle man of judgment and of military exierience that it might be better for .ll who wish to enter tbe State Guard to join the Scotland Neck Mounted Riflemen. This would avoid the exenso of two organiza tions and the Riflemen's ranks would thereby be largely iocreas ed. What do the pai ties interest ed think of this suggestion t Nashville Anronaui. July -ith. There will be a grand excursion on August sth from Springhoe, Nashville, Itocky Mount and Tois not to Wilmington. Mrs. W. L. Thorp is .visiting her mother at Fatsou's and the Judge looks like a man who "Treads alone some banquet hall deserted." R. II. "Ricks, Esq., cured five barns of primings last week which he says it is worth 1.000. Sheriff kicks says it is tue prettiest tobac co he every saw. Hon. I;. 11. I'.unn called in on Tuesday and said lie had the finest tobacco crop in bis neighborhood he ever saw and that the cares made last week were simply mag nificent. G. .W. HurneU, near Cast alia lost a horse . which lie composted anil put ffii- manore on six acres of land. The cotton on the land where he put his manure is said to be the best iu the neighborhood. Mrs. Parker, in Cooper's town ship, when on her way to church last Sunday, bad her mule to run away aud kick her iu the face, in flicting severe iu.jnry. Dr. Mann was called ami reudeied necessary aid. Ltm Ptidgeon, who stabbed Berry Powell sometime since and made his escape, surrendered himr self to tbe Sheriff last week and has been committed to.jiil to await the result or tle wouuri, the condition of the wounded mau being yet dangerous. A colored man named Dave Ilawkius came i town Friday with about :)0. which bo invested in merchandise aud started Lome. Uaving quite a heavy load to car ry and becoming tired he Btopped on the w.iy to rest, and -went to sleep. When be a woke he found some oue had stolen everything he had, even the aat from his head. Subsequently a halfgrown boy and two little girls were arrested for the theft, and Ciimmittoit tn jail, but afterwards discharged. A bold robbery was committed in town last night. .Sometime during the night the tear window of Messrs. Bod die Waul & Co's. store was forced and the store entered. This morning the store presented the appearance of a small cyclone having passed through i-, goods being scattered in evry diiection. They got the key from the store and went into the warehouse, but it could uot be discovered whether anything bad been taken. Mr. Ward thinks they got a thousand dollars worth of goods, but tbe firm is carrying a very large stock and It will never be known how much was taken. Springhope items : The store bouse of W. C. liass, Ksq , was broken open Thursday night last atftl a great many goods and some money taken. Sod e arrests have been made but no proof established- R. T. Dodd, E-q.t has had roasting ears in his cornfield for ten days. He makes from 3o to 40 bushels of corn to the acre. Messrs. J. R Weathersby and Wiley Brantley have just nurchas ed a steam engine, cotton gin, single saw, &c, aud will put up a saw mill in a Tew days. i'rof Beckwitb, of W. F. O., bas been called to and accepted the pastoral care of Poplar Spring Baptist charcb. J. R. Weathersby, Esq., thinks bis cotton will average a bale to the acre. Mr. Weathersby is oue of our thorough-going farm ers, who says a n,an. can make money on a farm if lie will pnt forth the proper effort, He started in life nine years o with nothing at all, borrowing money to pay for bis marriage license ; to-day, he is well to do, good r.irin, well stocked, erected good buildings, Jfce. '.He bas made 2,:i0o oiind or seed cot ton to tbe acre on laud that would not have produced ix hundred pound eight years ago. A r.sl,in exchange says gobelin bin. is again rory popular. It ought to be very much worn bv ghosts. 3 C:3 :::'.e: cn Tie crk I:-3 rj warrentcn List Vm,j Tbf Warrentoo DiMifcl Confer euce.M. E. Cburcb. Sooth, rue I 14 the town of Warreotoo oo VJ; Beday, J 11 1 j 1'tlb, at J a. m. Oo iug trrv'cr were coodoetfd by Rev. .1. A. Cunoiiifgini. 1. V- 1 be roll of toe Coolerr or wm called and about forty minuter and delegate aorrrt to tbrir name. The Immiucim of tbn Co ferrnre is to look after tbe npirita al, rdocttioiial aud nuaorial Inter est of the cbnich. To inquire t to the condition of Louse of wor b i p. pardon .igea and other cburrb proerty. Reports 00 all tbee departments or charcb work wrte gratifying and care evidence of progress. I hemes 01 general in terest fo tbe church wi-r forcibly and eloquently dicuuwd by both ministers and laymen. lirw Dr. CroweM, Pres. of Trini ty College whs present and preach ed a good sermon beoidea firing at a stirring educational addre. Revs. J. D. Anold. of Henderson, and Rev1. J. M. K bodes, of Littleton Female College and Prof. Dred Peacock, of Groenboro Female College were present visitors tbey also took par: io tbe discus sion. " . i The preaching during tbe ea- sion was done by Revs. Canning- gim, Callahan. Wiley. Cnlbreth, liurton and Tattle. Tbe Confer ence passed resolutions endorsing tue removal or Trinity College to Raleigh one vote against. The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the next Bern slon or the Annual Conference which meets in Greensboro, N. C on tbe 27th of November next : II- C. Spiers, C. A- Cooke, E. A. Tbo-i-. Dr. A. Anderson. J. L. Finch, M. J. Rattle and W. W. White were elected alternate. Toisnnt was selected as tbe place lor the next Conference. Warrenton entertained tbe Con ference handfomely and we will not soon forget tbtir unbounded hos pitality, t. II. ITCHING AGONIES. Eiery Xi?M I Scritcttl Until tbe Silo Wis Bif. lo.ly ror4 uh w-alea ka .p.,. ,r nonar. An aafal .prtM,. liwUn UM-lr-. Cart kotH EiiIkI. j l.y thr Catirnr Kna4lM la wkm. I am row t.. 1 11 y, 0f ,h eirorllnarT hanir.- your CI TItt HA HEM KOI ES pcf. Doti-.inervlloplegc0!ninrout ,n ,.rf D y IxMy. i.im lliouvht D'Hbiaa- of It until ..hi- r.i.e lUCTon. wh.-n a bevaa to look lik ikitA nf mtiH.p ...... 1 . . . , - - "- toq wnim cac Vi T,rw cwttP"n M-d with Itralnr. Ti. .1. . ".-it nwni until i w raw. then th.-n.itniirhl the ki ,, belwr formal - - mrni on ajratiu la aiu I cnnMitt all tbe doctor la tho eouo- hop of n .-orery. I hanprni! to sen an a I. from my lrurif-.t aa. tuuol .i...ot - -iran io nottee toa lb xalv eruption rra.uailr 4r..tpml off and !. 7 1 i t . , V . " wro tuny eur- .... -w mirst-m month, (vf.. Ih.van takltur the CI TRLItA HfcMKlHK. My d -.. mew an.l pna. I rw jta-ii.en.U-1 thol l TM l II, HrfMKI.IKsVVali ray vielmiy. and I know of.rr., h taken tbem. and thank Die forthe know I i-iaiiy m.ttnera who bare haUf with x-mir ..r.. . .1 " 'T- - . bodioa. Uannot Min-u In w.,rO the 'hanki to run f . ,r M-i,-. . . ...... : . ' , " "J owy waa coverM ale, and was an awful p.-i tacle to tb Now my ikin I a mn an.l ..1.. . S. f.t.!.17. -emu v..s r 1 v-. . . . . .Wla. . . - .. irat-e or me dirae from cure ""Oered baa tbova lucif aiorvy uilcnra I(rr4ln C" Clin I't rrf .rwwlAa At . ' - . a . from ... i.ioic-n.-m. ervption. in. .l..and cruls heil,,-r4macn.rulu: ore..ina..-i...n. h n Dliv.irr,. -...1 ... reimsli,.. faii. " ' S.il.1 i-ti-n .lu-r. t; . -i .... .. . . . s.ii. -.. -'i."j..-v-:-v-jij. . .: '.!.!VJTHH I.KI'K ANlicilEMlFIirS.K iii ATIi. II. -on. Mai.. r.r ....... 1 Mi . . . ... M paea. j illu. rations and 1-41 fc-MimoW. It til T'5IT ; 1 ; - rlB .V 1" -'. r.-l. rouifh. . happ.: an.1 01 v tkin nn-t .ml .- -!-i-,r'7. t,. - - v. nvi aA .Iff ki,nyb Aatbroa. Heurtiy: - . ..i LiuiuHiiin rrimra la t ,.T71 - . Z .. " ' " e l.y ,t,e lirwrm ft'wkLuniiV. f"hn like ft tor fc;Ktttt Kriia la fejpti ! A Change in the Style ol tbe Gen eral rut-up or tbe Remedy. My lleincdy in now put up In Dlain rminrf - - -" mm nirmrriv. v r..r,-. r w7r, :"j.ruJm " kh-bm.- ncethat tbe new atTln la furnih..-dthem.aI will not KuanTntio' I usod Mrs. Joe Person Kerned? on a nwm KX-MS-T' fffa-- 'S time ho comment the R. me," r iSLilSll could live but a few day! He wii to'S'un? cu.'and il Z''Pr k-n- rorwi.-tw wiiann Druriruit Prlee perlxittie. a, p.-r half.i..Wah ix r , kaire. - : p. r La, f-Uoxen. n d Vt . MRS. JOE PEESOH, IlttreU, I. c. Commis&ioner's of vv'll.U TwV..JT. .' j neupen.ir Ca W,lJ'T Court art inn entitled lUneti Hook and T W 1 ilv i-Iiiii v. 1 11 1--. 7. m" -- '-'Min . r t'liruirr ixem luau i io-i JT . "I'e a t-ornraiaaHiner. C.t li.Vto.-7M mdaV -PU l ihTf Y' low... .1. mt,M tr..-. of 'J lTt2!Z!?lm. ...... hun.lro.1 and twenty aeVct" " ! i;V..."";. -th," and "hlai? a. iHtinninir at a pine mmA -i'I; nor t Arnold Vlra,-.' Wtth million NlWaW.m..'ai 1.. . a, . ! - 7t ,a Hwauin. thi-n tt... w...i. ..I . " "wraea or aa "f 1 "n '" ITe-k. then LNoTtb id with lehmbod IV arson i,ne irinnin. ? i. v ..'S wet u ike bv UX I tf 1.3. t m n iwMrn "A (YilUi-tlon of 1'opular Aire, a ar rat.,, and playM by M ra. Joe 'T mm. at the Southern Kincaal U'?.., A raraoiocUMi of old irrmiaand tarohna nieliMiics. invludiua-i Wlrrd WalU and Polka.' -li.i,.. .lutinVbr- ? "-" Hilly in tbo Low Ground." -ii.i.. - ONE DOLLAR. Kur Sale by ail ramie dealer, and by IRS. JOE PERSOI, Kttireil, I. c 5-Ton CotfonCin Scales, A Vrr- Beau Bo $60 f lBn8BTPttB 1 mmt "J0NE8HEPAY8THEFREiGHT, to. mi m Tr r T rw. IT1M BT JaaV -a 'A PURE DRUGS. - PERFUMERY OFTHmesT DRUG STOEIj: ! TUE CUK E jo eMI fcl Tilt I'UKIaST OF DRUGS, TDILCT AllTlCl.Ks. 1'KUKt Ml.uv TIIK VKRY MT.TRrsSKS.Ae Ar. t the lowrat prio at'wbifh tbe tltlBa raa kmhU!j 1- Supply of Proprietary Medicines f . . . . t f m . a ...I .. a i Do aurpaaMtHi in ioe uwn, ana e (it tue mciei auetiiioti t(, Injr ap our atorti Io meet tbe demands of Ibe nnat cpric4a. Our rRKsCKHTIOK 1K1AUTMKNT ! im carrfa! to4 band, and either Ir. W. 8. or Dr. AlU-rt Aodetaon ru aU. fuand aptibleodioe lbt department of oar baameaui. 80DA WATER FOUNTAIN. Oar Soda Water fountain ia bow la foil Wa Soda Waw. V Waters or all ki&da, Mill Shake. &C-.TTrd aoit tbe iarr .) tbinen to drink. OUR LINE OF BOOKS. Sncb ait the Seaside. Ixvell aod other Iitarari ia -31 alien. , . all the latent pabllcationa of tbia cbaraclrr kept in oUark. When ia need of aaytibof in oar line, cire aa a cll W. S. ANDKUSON. Wilson, X. ('. NEXT 1XX)R TO TUE TOSTOFKICE. CMC ITCHES fflE MllMS. IF YOU DON'T nELIEYK IT I UST I THE CASH RACKET STORE, --NASH STREET- - WILSON IM. C. 'j ANTS BXAMIME TjiE j . QlAI-irV ANU pniciw OPOTJR ; I NEW STOCK 1 JUST RECEIVED. 1389. 1889. Suc!KMor to HADLEY& BRICCS. 1 bare just opened an Entirely New Stocko GOODS. At tbe old aUnd of lUdlev & Brtgea and extend a cordial loviia tion to all whether thej wish to buy or not to come to ee me. M? tock was t lubt fir And will be sold low. Farmer would do well to call upon me be fore placing their trade roratiutbcr year. Country produce taleu In ei change for gootlM. J.C. HDLEY. January 10, 1&S9. OXTDRDFEMftLESEMINARY. OXFORD, 1ST- C The Ieit Session Ocens Sep. 4, 1!S9. br -l"l an- ia tk wiS. Z JT ln dipkanaa from auh .lTt;:T "r "f Vinnnia.tba Kaumr-TJ ... . ZZ" i 7 " ' ---i--. inaitiuia- .r M arT iar4 oialand loairummial R ' i! Jra ye.r. un.t, lo, u Nrw fufn fft Ami Jfili J Ifi fa,!. ttnanl. fori, lurila. waaaiar. full Llimrr riauU boa-half in adtaovv ,j u. If li4ooe-ha,f i a.lx.n. liaTai Juna a, at. . f. HoikkmjU. Vn. UORiMER SCHOOL Oxlorci, 2ST- O- ' BJ o-..r. Io! aaloa-1a,.H,-y,,"r, VESLEYAfl FEMALE INSTITUTE, Wt fills, Ig' i.t. I L.. TI..V . ' i.iivL7 ,'-Ti ' 1 aTai . n,.n.nrr.ia- aw-.... k ee(, ""'en; autl CALL AT- 1 XX JeLj Taylor Cotton Press, MAX U FACT!!!: Ill I'.V LUCIUS L TAYLOR, SEA IK) A RD. X. C. -AND - . S. R. lite & tiro., NORFOLK, VA. W kir Vi call IW- utmtxM .f plania-r. thi uvtuiui I b- fnt. . a - rt1 .h.p.mJ liar. UiIIm. foik.a-ia ! Nitom-li la-lHv will im y )..u .. ..i.T.i f "" auU xxtiu.l-f lai-fiarr f n -i M-f ia a I"lt.i?-. Wr claim Utr in Tajl-f Vtt- the following qialifi(-at lilll a1(i- I' to jiiT olhei noar oti !!. jimi : 1. It wotla hj U't-t !. witbMit friction, to jw-r l. t km . 2. It will Mck a Ii4lf ( ! in Im time and wnli m..- than any other l're mauuU 'ut ed. 1. It will (aitb tan tK.l a nj banda) pack a b!e of txrftuu ;.i i.k a ml une naff mitif.a. 4. Id a murb na tt-rf t lotelj to fiidioo frrora !l- f , palleja, chain, A.r it iU oottime to kri the .r-a im i f." and iejair-a oouil lr loi.i i. . i rr aimj'litilj in oiti'rui-.Mit and ojieralion, aa well aa ..r bilitr, it cannot la? eicel!.-!. Tbta ia a I'reaa vbu-n, air. W tbe facta above atated, ! reqaire tbe addition ( power. For reaaooa alrrady urtit ' t-1 A la oot liable to gel out f od i. Tbia lYeM waa patent-d ,u and thla ia tbe lourtb is weo in aite. 1 d'irr tortU uJ m idcere tbaoka to the put 1 r f their Very liberal patrona. nf with aereral iniM.raat im; roenta and urrior f4ri1irn ' manafactuilD thrm, I ft"; ' roeiitaud rmrir th-ir :ut-4 patronage. I will a!o t v t i the ratchet a of lhoe tofure raada of rial irou 'r "' made ol tbe very bet a;.--!''1 iroo, and with reason a M- ' warrant aud fuarante- the lllf Ireaa 10 every pan icuUr Kur flirt har lurl Imilira I I. l. f H tbe f l'oaing naoirj gttnunr: 1ey lloach, Jk.o. J ' 1-Crocki-i. Ur. J. X. Hiwma. A 1 Houjehtrr. C. U. ctrr. S. . Capt. S. X. Huston. J. l-i N ; W. ClKVnna-r Ial.fai. N. f "J I0KM af mOaaUCTOBiatuSa-w Otbena that Oaed I brio or - a WOtk,. r.T. r