. : " . " ; , I sr-rr n tt v A 7 REMEMBEBl --THE ADVANCE-- I -lOKOI-V CEDOLL&RMD FIFTY CENTS -WlinPAIDI'OR- I Cash in Advance. DVANCE. tzz all rnrrscr Jon ivonix IEI AIX IDE ENDS THOU AWTST AT, BB Tilt COlTSTHrS. im GOD'I, AKD TIDTBr." sisDTocacrrji h"o T2is orrxcr-J VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, NOV. 14, 1889. NUMBER 42 the Wilson A ILL ARP'S LETTER :o:- (!i; THE WONDERFUL II 111 MS O WOMAN. Hi l ite? dt Make a Man JZws . l'(thiun or no Fashion. that tilrl yale needs a ni a oh, I did see i these womep, theae wo- they make me so tired, it is a sweet service. Here iven working in the liar ibr forty years and I don't on 1 would be happy if the , (v t u. r 1 1 r J was uu. i. nuuw i wouldn't for sometimes when Vr-. Arp goes off to spend th day I don't feel natura' ;,!, ,'it, the house. I want sotne . , ,y tn order me around in a - vtvt 'feminine way, '.'William t! ,.it stick that was between the , ii has fallen out and in down f . -re on the ground don't you i, '1 the Jcool air cominir in,' ,, itliam the clock needs cleau ;, very bad it stopped twice w.-tvrday hadn't you better i!- -it down to Mr. Baker's,"! V,',i!iam I wish you would get u itu lo paiut and give the old uuiM'.rflpiece a coat you have ..-r .ipd so many matches on it to li.rlit your old pipe, that it is . iirht. A little. can of prepar- coat of some of 'ovpiipqt. era t Aa irwn at the -,)otition and those tiles for :, births were exquisite. Idon't i an for you to buy any, but I n.i just telling you. Somehow ,r! '. nevor I tell you about the K'.tutiiul things I see you look Hk you didn't have a friend in t!i world. Of course I don't u na that I waut you to buy t'i. in." "William what am I to , vritu the flowers the gerani ums and verbenas and all the itted plants.", The winter is coining on, and I do wish we hul a little pit somewhere. It will be a pity ter loose them. JT 'ttie has had a pit dug and it I'lin't cost but two dollars and is 'going to cover it with' a (.th iraine." "Sam Pitts digs its,"' she continued "Sam i'itts digs pits," said I. And so .-ent for Uncle Sam and mark oil' tho placesix by ten, and s-jturod it according to rule and V had been digging a few min- v. wheu Mrs. Arp raised the wimlow and said she theught it v- - a. little too far that way, ,;tt so J moved the marks a . mpie of feet and began to dig cU'iin. In a little while she ci'je out and said it was too far t'.iis way and so I moved it back uht-v it was at first and the s'lid it was about right now .She thinks that I split the dif ference, but I didn't. The next !iy she asked me in a gentle v o.i'hi how much a brick wall aroundthe top would cost a IriikVvall about three feet hL'h on one side and a foot on the other. "And sash with da for a cover," said I j for I liv.rvr -ne was thinking about it. she smiled sweetly and said, ' Vfs.". I scratched a match mi tho mantle and lit my pipe .-,!, 1 ruminated. That was yes ;. ridy. Mr. White is making tha t sash to-day and the brick mi.:- 'a is building the wall and I urn still in the harness. Alex. .ht-hs said he wanted to die in th" harness and he did, but never knew anything about t.i.unmonial breeching, or he w .hi id have wanted to live and t rlie at all. What would be v,ii of a man if he didn't have man to keep him lively ? Vl . u we were in Atlanta the th-r day, my wife asked me 1 r f i ve dollars to buy a pair of Jr's. "Have shoes gone up," n l I, as I handed her the n iiit-y. "No, but I have," she i 1, "I want a fine pair shoes th t are as soft as kid gloves you owe me lots of shoe money, yon promised me before we w r married that yju wo-ild -'iw me thirteen pairs a y :vr, d"ti't you remember?" "Yi s," 'lid I, "and you have had them an i more too." How can a wo rn tn raise ten children on less th:ui thirteen pairs a year. But I wu'ild have promised you anything then. I would have '1 imbed the Chamborazo moun tain and fought a tiger for you th'Mi a small tiger but I '" I il l fiht a big one now. 'i r.j take another five and ''y you some fine stock-iu.;- to go with the shoes, but don't get black ones. I demn . . . . . a white wr-r ;.!. i, n -tucking:-, It is . Ma ;ti:: I ilad tVeV' us, I st i ii 1 ui glad of it. I .like .these unnatural a. on woman's bacB. i ive been in and out a "'i tiuui.s since I was a bov. f i ) hive hoop skirts. It is f'i;my to see a new fashion '' "n-; iri and go out. There are Wimmti in my town still wcar bustles. They feel sorter ''mied to leave them off all of ' ' l'l"ii. But they will fajl linn and slim down before ''"-'' The have done slimmed "! nouse. They keep up ;'r"' ty well. I saw lots of nice i h'is at the fair who were be !" l, and so were their bustles, " u tnt'y were from the country little town and hadent f-n-rlit up. It is a good deal of .;"""'le to alter a bustle-dress -" ' no-bustie dress, and all the ';' j Venous garments under- .rain I.U UO 0.1I.C1.CU, VUU is why it takes a faslT ng to run out. It costs money and work. Now, if 'the ladies will cut off about four inches of their skirts and. keep out of the winter's miyi, they will 'be all right. I Ait them show their ankles if they want to. There is nothing prettier than the poetry of motion that is in a lady's foot and ankle when she walks. It pleases an old man mightly. But the men have passed through some very ridiculous fashions, too. When I was in my teens and had begun to no tice the girls and put oil on my hair and cinnamon drops on my handkerchief, the fashion was to wear short pants and straps leather straps about an inch wide that came, under the shoe and fastened to buttons sewed on the inside of the pants. When a feller bet down the whole" concern was drawn as tight as an eelpkin, and there was a continual strain on the straps at the bottom and the suspenders at the top. Some times a button broke or a strap bursted under peculiar circum stances, and then the pants crawled up amazingly. One day I was riding out with my sweetheart and the catastrophe happened as we were running a galloping race up a long hill, and my pants crawded up to my knee and carried the undergar ment along, and it was on her side "of the horse, and she laughed and laughed until she liked to have fell off, and I Had to get down and cut a skewer off of rail and fasten the scrap on again. The mischievous thing told it on me and i never got even with her until one day her bustle came untied and dropped off as she was passing my store and I picked it up and handed it to her as polite as a Frenchman, and said, "Miss Mary your shoe ; strap is broken." The bustles of that day were shaped like a new moon and staffed with bran. They were generally about as large as a hoe handle and taper ed out to a point at each end, but the more style the bigger the bustle. They were all home-made and were consider ed a very sacred and mysteri ous articla of feminine furni ture. Sometimes one of these big ones would rip from long wear and tare, and the bran would leak out as the woman wiggled along and you could track her all the way heme just like the hogs would track a mill boy when there -was a hole in his corn sack. 1 re member when the hoop-skirt of a high-flying woman was three feetacross at the bottom and when she stood up close agairst the counter, her dress didn't need any shortening behind It was a 1 sight of trouble to to squeeze them in the pews of the churehes. and sometimes they behaved in a very unseem lv manner when the wind was blowing in a shifty way. I re member when the college boys wore boots according to their politics. The toes were shaped like a duck's bill, and were turned up and over on the top of -he foot like a skate, and if the boy was a whig he had Clay printed on the toes in large letters, and if he was a demo crat he had Polk printed there. and so they walked about stick iug their politics in every body's faces. But, after all, I believe the women of this generation are more reasonable in their dress than from many generations past. Three thousand years ago they were fast, very f ast,f or Joelah itells about the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet and their cauls and their round tires like the mofti (bustles. I reckan,) their chains and bracelets and muf j tiers, the bonnets and orna mfint.ii nf the les and head bands, and tablets and earrings, a,Dd nose jewels and changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles and whimples, and crisping pins and hoods and veils. Oh, it took a sight to set up one of those high-flying Hebrew women, and the proph. et went for them as firecely as old Allen Turner used to go for our women a half century ago "If that young woman with the green bonnet on the back of her , head and the devil's martin gales around her neck and his tirrnps on her ears, don't quit . ggiing. I'll point her out to o- 6c::g relation." Yes, we are .ii doing better- except SGins. Hut 1 must stop : Mrs. Arp is calling me to come and pnt out 1 : .Ik. some more curysauiuemuiua, and I'u?: so tired. ijixl, arp. FOR THE FAEM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO TILLERS OF THE SOIL. Original, Horrovved, Stolen and Communicated Articles on Farming. THE MORTGAGE. He worked through the spring and winter, thiojgh the summer and through fall. But the mortgage worked the hard est and the steadiest of them all; It workwd on the nights and Sun days, it worked each holiday; t settled down among ns and it never went away. The weevil aud the cut-worm, tbey went as well as came, The mortgage stayed forever, eat ing heartily all the same. mailed up every window, stood gur ad at every door, Aud hppp ness and sunshine made tbeir place with us no ' more. Till with failing crops anil witb sicknees, we got stalled np the grade, And (there came a day among ns when the interest wasn't naid A.nd there came a sharp foreclosure and I kind o7 lost my hold, And the children left and scattered when tuey hardly yet were I v. J V 1J j My wife she pined and perished and I find myself alone. If to trace a hidden sorrow be with iu the doctor's art. Thev'u hud a mortgage lying on that poor woman's heart,, Worm or beetle, drought or temp est, on a tarmer s land may fall. Bat for first-class ruination, trust a mortgage 'gainst them all. p.nnnt.ir. Tenorts that on one measured acre of land ne pro duced sorghum to make 72 gal- ons. 33 bushels good corn, and gathered 20 bushels of Irish po tatoes, after 'grabbling- an that his family needed during the season. All our lands need is an opportunity, intelligently and energetically directed." In the State of Texas the cul ture of the pecan nut is found to be very profitable. It would prove possibly quite as profit able in North Carolina, where the tree grows we'll. Wilming Star. Mr. W. ht. r oster has on ex hibition at BlacknalPs drug store a sample beet that beat? all the beets we have heretofore seen beaten. It weighs If pounds. He has also a radish hat weighs 3J pounds. lur- ham Sun. NOT IN NOBTH CAROLINA. In noting the fact that an ap peal for aid fuel, food and clothing is made in behalf of the people of Stevens, Kansas, where four successive failures of crops have left the farming population withont means of subsistence, the Henderson Gold Leaf remarks: 'You do not hear of anything like this in North Carolina. Our farm ers sometimes make a partial failure in crops, but they are seldom reduced to actual want.' This is true. North Carolina is not the place for tremendous results, but natnre is kindly in such a variety of ways that the average is good. If our people would occasionally think seri ously and intelligently on their surroundings, remembering the hardships undergone by people in other sections, especially in the INorthwest, thay would see cause xor contentment, in re ality, when failures occur here it is often more in the man than in the land.' Daily Work man. SAVE GOOD SEED. The rule of farmers and gardeners should be to eave the best for seed, not only of corn, but grains and vegetables. If you can save good seed of en perior varieties, it is preferable to purchasing. When soil, cli mite and cultivation are right, WASHINGTON NEWS :o: FROM in E NATIONAL CAT J TAL. What Harrison and tk Other Politicians rw Doing. WASHIRCUON, Nt. 8tb, 1889. President Harrison introduced an innovation in White House customs this week that is deeply regretted by conservative people, wno oeneve mat toe oigniiy or (be Presidential office i shook be increased instead of lessened. To sacb people it was a positive shock to find tbU the president bad bad himself interviewed by. a netspa. per, on the election - returns, in order to try , and counteract the dampeniag effect they had upon bis party associate, and also to furnish them with a cuito explain the crushing defeat awsy. If President Harrison really believes, as he says he does, that tbe result of the election held last Taesdav was not intended as a verdict upon his administration, then he has not tbe sense that he baa generally been credited with by even his appointments. A curious coinci aenoe id me same paper la an interview with Mr, Halford, tbe President's private S6oretary,which in sentiment is precisely tbe same as that with President Harrison. These interviews are regarded here even by Bepnblicans, as a very weak and undignified attempt to fool the country. Republicans prominence openly admit that Me result of the election is a stilling retmke to the admlniatrati'Q and its methods. Old soldir. quietly chuckle and whimper told you so" to one another. PSZSILENTIAL ST0VZPIPS3. Bra Earrisoa at Work Puttfag p Tho White House stovepipes. A pleasant odor of fried baoon pervaded the great Bine Boom, ia which sat tbe President or the United States, brooding sadly over tbe future. Oatslde the wind moaned sadly throogh the trees. and ' the dry leaves fell to the gronnd and were tossed hither and thitber by each fitful gugt. De missus wants yon.' said a colored servitor, bursting in upon tne presidential musing; 'dej's gwine ter pnt op dem stoves pipes, and dey wants you to help 'em.' Tbe president round the men. bere of bis immediate familv rapidly assembling on the scene of operations, for it was after four. and tbe departments were closed for the day. HOME CHAT. a TUOVGUT FROM OUR EXCUAKOhS. Com menu on rurrtut Events and Expression of Opinion. A FI5K PATH. Foraker and Mabone would mate drawing attraction in a dime mnseam. Charlotte Chronicle. AN HOJifcST pbess. ! As far as our observation go1-, the press of North Carolina foer ally speaks oat, and there. U no un certain sound about it. Durham San. aq Am TRUSTS. Trust ha been the bane of this wumrj, waeiDer ii nat been com ; NOMINATED ZEB. Tbe recent death of Jndge Logan recalls tbe fact that this noted man was tbe first in tbe State to nomi- ate Col. Zeb B. Vance for Govern or. Raleigh Signal. The rejoicin?imon8 Democrats 1 here is intent tbe7 can talk of nothing" el4 Dat lle tidal wave, aud thev-" 8ee ,u ,l aa auspicious sign f'the greater fighS in 1892. Th arne that u nine months oil jrrison's administration has farm and garden products wlP.i", tot run out or deteriorate. Pitt county should be fdded to the fine Eastern tcbacco counties. A colored man made $250 to the acre, realizing 1000 for the product of fouricres as we learn from the Grjenville Reflector. I of it will wipe the Rennhlioan nar. I ty oat of existence. The navy department baa accep. ted the cruiser Charleston, aud left tbe pen alt if a to be determined ;f you possess these requip-tes, and have a superior gra1 or vegetable, better contiue its cultivation unless certain that a change would prce proni- upon at tbe final settlement with able. Alludinir to aving seed, tbe contractors. The otalser Haiti. Mr. George Peek, a good farmer of French Brosd town- hip, this county, gathered a little over 100 bushels of corn to the acre this seison. The land was ridge land.'-Asheville Democrat. here is a highly approved pro cess for melen, pumpkin, "squash and cucumber - seed : Place the seed In a basih of water and wash them thorough ly, cleanse them and take a skimmer and lift out all the floating seeds and throw them away. Sometimes half the seeds in a melon will float, and they are not good. Put the good seed on a board and dry them n the shade.; .Never dry them in the sun. Alter they are thoioughly dry put them in a place safe from raice-aud. in sects. Independent. The cotton receipts at various points in the State show a con siderable decline. This is owing to one of two facis ; either the crop is extremely short, or the farmers are holding back for higher prices. It may be that both operate. Wil. Messenger. Mr. R. B. Joyner was exhibit ing around town the other day, with pardonable pride, a boll of cotton from out of his crop. It was as large a the fist of an ordinary man, as white as snow and in texture was as sott as silk. It requires 100 average bolls to weigh a pound ; 32 of the size of this would tip the scales at a pound. Statesville Landmark. One bale of cotton to the aorg will pay a good profit on the cultivation, while if you only make a bale to two acres you will do well to come out even, and a bale to three or four acres will brinir you in debt. It costs no more to cultivate an acre of fertile land than an acre of poor land. The system of intensive farming must be adoptad. Nashville Argonaut Geo. Sugg, of No. 10 town ship, brought to the office Sat urday splendid samples of en silage, 40,000 pounds of which he has cured in his silo above grounds He says his stock wil leave corn and fodder for the ensilage, and even the poultry ace fed on it. It is well cured and composed of crab grass, pea vines aud green corn. Hi's ensilage is a thorough success. Tarboro Southerner. A Bible Problem Can You Solve It ? more will have another trial next week, to see if she can develop the required horse power. She has already proven herself to be tbe finest war vessel afloat, bat there waa a encienoy in tbe horse' power, notwithstanding the great speed she attained, and her builders tbioktbev em make It np and thus get rid of tbe penalty provided in the contract for any deficiency, 155 designs have bten received by the Poatoffice department in an swer to advertisement inviting pro posals tor mrnisning a new design for poeta) cards. A committee t ill decide upon tbe most artis. tic. Delegates Dubois of Idaho, thinks that Territory will gain admission to the Union this winter. There seems no good reason why she should not. Secretary Rusk asks in annual report just published, that 300 acres of the Arlington estate be tnmed over to tbe Agricultural department. Tor an experimental fruit farm, He awo recommends a rigid Government inspection of cat tie mud dressed beef. Ez-Secratary Bayard was mar ried here yesterday at 1 o'clock. The ceremony was very quiet, be ing attended oidy by tne family aDd a few close fiiend of tbe bride, Miss Cljmer, and groom. The newly married couple left immedh ately after the ceremony for a short tonr. It ia expected that they will spend the winter in this city. Mahone and Foniker suan.$ sym pathy fiom Republicans here. They are charged wit h having in vited certain defeat rather than give up tbeir schemes for personal aggrandizement. It Is admitted by State depart ment officials that U. Si ' Consol Lewis, who was recently under investigation by the department, failed to clear himself of tbe charge of dishonorably raising money through bis official position. Tl. ia alfto admitted that Mr. A lady essayist is convinced, Levm was reprimanded by tbe rather in law Soott, who had leitl blnacloa or theaingalar individual bis aocutomed seat by the kitchen del'nqnent subscriber. Charlotte iuk5 iu Bupennieim mat impor-1 vjnromcie. tant household event, was favoring tbe company with reminiscence of stove pipe raising la the early history of Indiaua. 'In them days we never put up no ppes till bit gotter be putty nigh onto hog kill ing time. Now. Benjamin, when do you kalkortate to begin killing this fall 1' I didn't know I waa expected to dojary work when I came to Washington, muttered tne Broth ers Daughter's Husband, who had jnst lonnged in from his day's rest at tbe Public Crib.' Why don't you hire somebody to do tbe work V asked the Son-in-law's Ooaain, nnlkily. That's the way we do in the Manger De partment when there is anv to ba done. 'How long do you think we are going to stay bere V exclaimed the President. Yoa seem to forget that this isn't a life office, and we must make bav while the sun shines. How jnst take hold or that stove pipe, or somebody will get a letter assuring him of my firm belief in his personal honesty, and then where will that aomebMy be.' This threat had n itaot effect, and tbe Preslr. ,(,..! Relatione sprang forward with an alacrity such as tbey bad not displayed since tbe inauguration. Sappose.'said Son-in-law McKee, -idai we woik ia blocks or TZ2 LA2CTS FOG Hrw It Vtlzx Upcn Cuet Before tj . Saprese Cczrt- The potency of a rabbit's foot for good luck Is well 'understood In North Carollri. Tha foot must be of & ra libit which has made a graveyard his home, and the particular limb la the left hind foot. Messrs. Charles M. Bustee and Samuel T.Mordecai, toof cur best lawyers and most popular young; men, are known to carry with them ev ery day the left hind foot of a graveyard rabbi L Mr. Bus be is a firm believer in the good luck which attends the posses sor of the kind of rabbit foot tfEWSjFAWEEK. MAT IH UAPI'KXIXa JJf 1IIE WORLD A ROUS D ry. A Condensed Report of th JTno From Our ConUmporarios, M. C. A, has 400 m budding of lie Charlotte Y. members and own. Evangelist Fife is conducting a very enoexwafat mteUnc at Waab ingtoo. W. P. Stanley has aaa-'medi liabilities f,(K. J.' S. Xelaom has assigned alao. lioLh of a ton. A man by tbe name of Tract iiaU Huffman dropped dead ia i w at - - - - - which we Lave described, but Ml rZ w 8uloe "J1 it remained for Mr. Mordecai to get the best of the Supreme Court with a rabbit foot. Tha other day Mr. Mordecal was before the court with his book's and papers In hand ready to make one of his brief and in cisive arguments. Chief Jus tice Smith was not exactly ready for Mr. Mordecal to pro- HOXK MANUFACTCRIES. Tbe great material Deed of the State ia tbe home manufacture of its raw products for home consump tion. In other words we need to make what we need, bat instead of aomg so, we hay from other folks what we need. Sanford Express. FEN SKETCH OF 3f 1D05F. Mahone was never mo ripe lo cor ruption. He in- an abcess in bis mother's side and be has come to a head. He is socially spit upon. He wears tbe glitter, malignancy and conning of a snake. Tbe sting of tbe man Is brilliant, and even with bis back broken but quick eye would not loe its evil glint. Death will be tbe only end of hiin. Char lotte Democrat. that is I mean, we'd better all WHAT FOOL8 THESE MORTALS BE" Tbe complaints now are that one of the great religiou denominations in tbe State has no representation io tne faculty of tbe College of Agrlcaltnre and lb Mechanics fire I Arts, and that there is a Catholic A young student was asked How many boys are there in your class ?" His reply was as follows : "Multiply tbe num ber of Jacob's song by the num ber of times the Israelites com passed Jericho , add the pro-i duct to the number of measures of barley which Boaz gave Ruth ; divide this by the num ber of days Noah was in the ark before the waters of the flood were upon the earth" ; sub tract the number of Lot s fam ily when tbey dwelt in a cave ; subtract the number of days iu the wek in which the Israel ites gathered manna j multiply by the number of men who went to seek Elijah after he was taken to heaven ; add Joseph's age at the time he stood before Pharoah ; divide by the number of atones in David's bag when he killed Go liah add thb number of fur long Bethany was distant from Jerusalem ; divide by the num ber of anchors cast out when Paul was shipwrecked j multi ply by the number of wives saved in the arK, and tbe pro duct will be the answer." Take Time to Eeai- , .J-J.-L out ?rHthat r-TGIFVlNO THE COLONEL. Before Col. Polk vrent to At lanta his name was - simply L. says a contemporary, tnat at least one quarter of the work performed by women is un necessary, and that the world would get on quite as well without it. It is like the otto man cover she once saw a lady work. The lady was all bent up, and was putting her eyes out counting stitches. "I don't get any time for reading" she said plaintively, as she picked up some beeds on a needle; "you must have a great deal of lei- take hold at once f and in order to cover np bis nnlortnnate Blip of tbe tongue, be seized the stove and dragged it by main force across the door. Each one of the twelve Re lations took a joint of pipe and mounted a chair, while the Presi dent, with tbe angle in his arms, mounted the centre table, and prepared to adjust it. Now, then, look alive, and re member you're not in the Manger office I' bo rhouted to tbe perspir ing Son-ln law's Cousin, who was vainly trying to fit a section of pipe into the angle in tbe Presi dents bands. 'I be a look in' alive,1 he retorted. 'but tbe pesky thing won t go in. You there. Obadiah ! Why in tarnation don't ye bold that j'int stiddy, so's folks kin work T' Ye don't none on ye know how to put np a stove pipe' began tbe Father-in-law j but tbe President poured some soot down his back and told him to hold bis tongne. Now then, all together V shout ed the Brother's Daughter's lias, band, and tbe twelve Relations stood on tiptoe, and tatted tbe joint into another till tbe strnctar waaalmoat as complteasan Indiana Colon z it ion Hureaa at election tinv ; but at this critical moment the Sifter in-Uw entered tho room raised two dough -encrusted hands in horror, and exclaimed : lien) am in Harrison, be yon a stauding on the settiu' room table without trikin' your shoes eff t Get right down this minute ! Down went the anglo on the Sou. in -lu 'a Cousius bead. Down went tbe rent of tho pipe, and the twelve Relations, in a long sooty line on tbe floor. Away scuttled the Fatberdn-law to his warm Kitchen-nook, and io came Postmaster Wanamaker and sur veyed the sorrowful group. 'Why in the world,' be remarked 'didn't you buy that patent stove pipe persuader I tried to sell you 1 It's selling like hot cakes, and it will lat a dozen years' Yes' retorted tbe President, as he shook the soot out of bis ears with a vehemence that burst bis paper collar like a campaign prom ise 'and who will get the benefit of it for two-thirds of the time I'm la le faculty and that be holds a higher position than another tneui berof it who belongs to a Protect ant denomination, ibis is worse than childishness, it ia pure drivel. Statesville Landmark. Wasiaaler' Druaaer II at Success la Ctarletcn. Peer Press-Carolinian. The Ailington ia to be boOt at Blowing ltock, Watauga eoaaty, will coat I2G.0O0. It wlil be VSW feet above aea level. Congressmen Wiley waa robbed of 1700 at a hotel ia alo, N. T by a bell boy whom be allowed t9 go to vauss lor agar. Tbe brick masons at work oa ceed and during the lull which I the cotton factory at Raleigh, tart mis aetay caused Judge Merri- irncK- ineuoouewaa astetla mon leaned OTer the bench and litteof Torment of vafea, asked Mr. Mordecal If he was A rich pawnbroker uHichiaokA well prepared to argue his side named David IlarSsld fca La of the case. Mr. Mordecal re- tb c'nth of the law because, of plied that he was not prepared I och manrlar In the sense In which the learn. I A iu cf h:tk r"-r j o& Judge made the Inquiry, and 1 tw r J" cifc.i tna.r-4 tuai xor more inan a rear he I u 11 - -"'- . -v J. It wm had not prepared any case bT a I T.r- lT-riy ny;iy-i thorough study of the points at "i1- lasue and a search for preced- A negro at Sew lir v.u:-ukJ snts. to commit aeocide a few JLr The Judge then wanted to inoe- He will poMibiy recover know In what way Le was pre- trom tb cntbe Kre himself, aayt pared with his case. lbs Journal. Mr. Mordecal replied that up A chicken was born" la Chat to witniu a year ago and a little bM coonty with only one wta- more Le had steadily lost his Chatham coanty baa do wing at al cases before the Sapreme Court bal 11 eU ,Der Jl la spits of all the preparation 3uit,Tllle Landmark. Le could make, and at tbe nog- Tb Norfolk and Westera BaO gestion or his friend, Mr. Chan, road (which Mabone wrecked) If M. Busbee. he had procured tbe Coin to borow US, 000,00 " a4 left Lfnd foot of a rabbit whleh ,ooa M o'bt. It wlU snake had mads a graveyard his Lome, and Lad carried that limb of Brer Ilabbit in his pocket ever sluce, and that from tbe time he began to wear the foot he had gained al most every case before the Su preme Court without more preparation than such knowl edge as he possessed after read ing th papers In the cases lo which he appeared. Mr. Mordecal Li a wia and is CniBLKSTO.x, Oct. 31. Some tima ago a young man arrived in thla city, engaged aptrtmtols at a prominent hotel, and, biting a window of tbe etatdibmenr, ex posed a lot of samples. lie was an agent of John Wanamaker & C of Philadelpba, aod bis baai ness was to measure customers for suits ta be made op tn Philadelphia and to be delivered bere below cost. He spent some money in advertising, ,but tbe magic name of Wanamaker mined tbe bosineaa. He remained here for five days and didn't get a single order. Then be packed op bis samples and left for parts onknown. l'm not working for tbe Post master General," be sai I before leaving, "but everybody thinks 1 am. These popl down bere are not reoonstrncted.' of tbe road dnWe tract. Itahe Harrow s, tb Alabama desperado, baa aUiod off tbe poaase so far, aod has lately killed swrtral men aod a bloud-boa&d eves when be was sorroaaded. Hon. Thomas E. Bayard, ei Bee re tary of the State, aod il is Vary Willing Oymer, were aarrtod oat tbe Tib inat at the rmideaee el the bode, ta Waahiogtoa City. The Ualeigb Call aajs that Uers ia some talk comg on ia favor el full of keen wit and satire, and I kPe lb supreme Court la mo tne manner in which he got this joke off In the court con vulsed the grave and reverend men who sat upon the Supreme bench and caused nearly every awyer ana layman in the audi ence to be guilty of contempt of court, the mirth and laugh ter waa so great. The Chief Justice Is said to have intimated after the case at bar had been argued that the rabbit's foot would not avail Mr. Mordecal In that e, but o! and behold, wbot. the de cision was announced it was discovered ' that the rabbit's foot was potent again and that Mr. Mordecal had won the case. Raleigh Signal. ' The Pulpit and tha Stajs- Eev. F. M. Sbont, Pastor Uni ted Brethren Cborcb, Blue Mound, Kan., says : Ml feel it my dnty to tell what wonder Dr. King's New Discovery has done for tve. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parlshionets tbongbt 1 oonld live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. Kings New Discovery, and am sound and well, gaining, 26 lbs in weight." Anther Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes ; "After a thorough trial and coo vincing evidence, 1 am confident Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em oil. and cures when everything else fails Tbe gri'a'est klndneas I can do my many tbcasaud friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at A. W. Rowland's Drag Store. Begalar sizes 50c- aod tl-00. Up:a thaTCse Ilia Tiers Art Xe . ' niea. 8urQ." And yet sha had spent a rii L. Polk, now tLe State Chronicle innP(, timft embroidering has Mm Leonidas L. Polk. The djeulcas (W on a piecs of do; t Constitution, of Atlanta, caas than would have suficed t Outpulled Him- Yes, Dan is dead," said the Arizona man. ""You see, a lew days ago some o' the tellers strung a man up to a tree for stealing horses, an' Dan pulled too bard on tbe rope an' strain ed himself." "Why, what a pity !" "It war that: but it warn't war the surprising. You see, Dan the only man at his end o' rope, so they butpulled poor feller." Time. him, A Tailing of Age. Elderly gent "I am eighty years old, young man, and I don't recollect ever telling a lie," The young - man "Well, you can't expect your memory 1 to be reliable at that age." him 'magnificent in appearance and 'faultless' in dress. We do not want our friend to go down to posterity as Leonidas the magnificent or Leonidas the faultless. Brother Polk in our eyes 'is a dandy but ne's no dude.' To us he is yet only genial farmer Polk with a heart of homespun, mere is no aouDt aDout it u is a. rattling talker. Charlotte Dem ocrat. THE WAY TO MAKE FAKM1JNU i'Ai. The wav to make farming profitable is to diversify the crops and make everything on the farm that may be needed, as far as possible. It has been done often enough to prove that it will pay. The Ashevilie Democrat says: "Our young farmer friend. J. D. Carter, who resides on Hominy, this read twenty good toos. K. Colorado Corn. The son of a farmer living in the rain belt of eastern Color ado attempted to clipab a corn stalk on his father's place tne other day, but became dizzy and fell to the ground, break ing his arm. The boy's parents talk of bringing suit against the government .for allowing crops to grow to such abnormal dimensions. Exchange. Secretary of State, aod vet be has been allowed to return to his post at Tangiers, Morocco, as a United States Consul, with tbe vague understanding that he Is to resign in toe near future. va hard to u deratand such proceed ings. If the man was guilty he should have been dismissed. mm Tbe machinery of the Southern Exposition at Montgomery, Ala, was set in motion by telegraph by President Harrison last Tuesday at noon. Tbe sickest looking men in Wash ingtou today are tbe Republican clerks in the departments who went home to vote. TnU is particu larly applicable to tbe Ohio men. Corporal Tanner enjoyed reading the election returns much more than tbe President or Secretary Noble did. He would have been more than human not to have in. dnlged in "ghoulish glee'' as be surveyed the wreck. : Ptesident Harrison reminds one ot tbe man who told Noah to "go on with your old ark, it's ouly a shower anyway." not fixing this place John, I can tell yon Ford, in Puck. for a siege, tbat'-J. 1 A I'oyel Entertainment- Tfca Women Praise 2- B. B- Eucklen's Arnica Salve. "Business" Will Improve There is going to be lots of -bnsi-ness" about Keidsville this season. The Review says : Mr. Fife esti mated that three hundred persons The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, Brnises, Sores. Ulcers,' Baits Rheum, Fever, Sores Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skins Eruptions, and positively cures 1'iles, or no pay required. shook his hand pledging themselves It Is guaranteed to give perfect nfver to enter a bar-room, unless eatiBiaciion, or mouey reiunaeu, on business. 1 Price 25 cents per box. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy nf every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga., for proof. . H. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes : "Three bottles or B. B. B cured my wife of scrofula.'' Mrs. R. M. Laws, Zalaba, Fla writes: "I have never used any. thing to equal B. B. B." Mrs. C. II- Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C, writes : "Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache. B. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like another person.'' James W. Lancaster, Hawkins ville, Ga., writes . "My wife waa in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines bad done ber no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her." Miss S. Tomllnson, Atlanta, Ga-, says : "For years I suffered 'with rbenmatism, cansed by kidney trouble and indigestion, I also was feeble and nervous. Ii. B. B. re lieved me at once, althonjb several other medicines bad failed." Rev, J. M. RicbardAon, Clarke, ton, Ark., writes : faMy wife Buf fered twelve years i'li rben matism and female complaint. A lady member of my church bad been cared by 15. u. l. h . per suaded my wife to try it, who now A wealthy English batcHelor in vi tea a lew mends to an evening party last before his departure abroad, As the guests entered the the reception loom each received a handsomely encraved card ith tbe word Cuerie' at the top, aod th qootAtion from Paradise Lost 'With thee converging I forget all time.' It was explained thst ten subjects bad been selected for di.t ensston. and ten couplrs cboseo to do tbe work. lutend of spending tbe evening in dauctng each gen tleman was exjH-cted to fill oat bi cards with tbe names of tbe young ladies to whom Ledt-Hired to talk Five minotea were to be devoted to each topic, and at a signal from tbe host there was to bo a general swanking oi partners, and a corn- change in the subject. Court aL 2 2T0T A TOCL. The case, as slated by the Register Call, of Central City: lie sat in his door at noonday, oneiy and glum and sad : tbe flies were buzzing about him, ed by a blue-winged gad. Not a customer darkened his portal, not asign of business was there; but the flies kept on buzzing about the old man's hair. At last In misery he shouted: "Great Scott! I'm covered with flies," and the zephyr that toy ed with his whiskers said: "Why don't yon advertise T" So if you re inclined to success, and wish to be well to do, make yourself known in this world and there will be no flies on you. Cansia Sallie KHird. The Wilmington Messenger credits the authorship of the famous 'Cousin Sallie Dillard' to a Virginian, instead of to CoL IT. C Johes, Senior, who has hitherto enjoyed the honor. Ex. Isu't this a rather Dillard tory Sally on the part of Dr. Kingsbury ? That venerable editor has let probably half a century go by withont making this claim. The Statute of limitation is against Virginia, ana rsortn uarouna ciaims Cousin Bally by prescription. Charlotte Democrat. phi Fouroi ;odx Tbe transition from long, linger ing and painful sickues to roboit health marks an epoch in tbe life of tbe individual. Such a remark able event treasured in tbe memory and tbe agency where iy tbe good health baa been attained is grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so ranch ia beard in praise lof Dec trio Bitters. So many feel tbey owe their restoration to health, to the use of tbe Great Alterative an Tonic. If joa are troubled with aav disease of Kidnev. Liver or Stomach, of long or short stand ine TOU wilt snrelv find relief bv oaeof Electric Bitters. Sold at save, there is nothing lite It. B. B.I 50c and 11.00 per bottle at A. W as it quickly gave her relief." 1 Rowland's Drugstore. A Buy Km- atoa all tbe lime, fa order that ep Praia lo capital cas eaa be at ooce UWn op and dipuftr4 of. Wear glad to bear thai Rota- erford College baa bee a bere properous this fall taaa tt lee been before in the past tea years. May It oontinoe to grow ia pro. petity aod aWalDeaa.- Cftkilfc CbrUliai Advocate. At Carlbage a man indicted fete son for stealing bis clothes, eat tbe aoa indicted the fer for stealing a sheep. Tb '4 Baa was booed over for Lis . paraaee at court aod tbe eoa ws cai t JalL Joneoro Leader. It give ns pleate to bote the socoess'of our North CaroUne ta dostries ia whatever part of Ike State tbey may be, and beoee we are glad to learn that tbe eettea factories of Charlotte are balldlag op a big bastoefta, aod are la a nourishing oondilloo. WUataf ton Star. Frank Ratcliffa has a cow aad mole that have stalls Dear legale er. Not long ago ibe cow was licking the feed from, tbe assist trough through a crack aod fka male not relishing ibis prooeedlaf firoceeded to bile off a boat twe oxbea of ber tongneWadeabere Messenger. The State Chronicle bears thai at a meeting held noma lime age tbe Cherokee Isdians noanlmooaly agreed to eell tbeir lands to lb government for Geronimo aod ale band. They desire more lediaaa lo tbeir section because, asy tstv, it will make tbe Iodlaos stronger. There are now 1.20 Indians la Swain and Graham conn ties, Tbe High Poiot Entrrprta saya Mrs. Ricbardftoo, ao old lady from Randolph coonty, wbo want t -Indiana twenty ooe yeara agw, got off of tbe train bere Ian W4 oeaday morning on ber way le Randolph, where she will pad tbe rest of ber day. Sbe la eighty one years bid, aod walks oa a wooden leg which she made ktr self. Tbe ML Olive Telegram aayt Henry Wallace, a colored boy wke lived oear bere, was killed by the traio Mooday night at More' a croMiogJost South of Goldabora. He was supposed to have beta stealing a ride on the Shoo Fly nd fell or jumped off. lis stole a ride on the mail tram soma evea ingi ago to ibis place from Dad ley. i The Lesiugtoa Dispatch aaya a large con ere cat loo attended esr vices at Ibe Methodist cborcb Bss. clay morning, to bear Rev. J. B. G si's sermon on Irocb taw. Tae a eL. I If the most useful man is the T'Tr. ."V.!- happiest man a gentleman in ukJable ,mN Md Bade a pre bleep Fal Me-enjoys supreme . d imiKtmiOU ln fSToc of lettlag bliss. Besides keeping a general tbe Utr uke jU cmt trader aa store, In which he supplies the I circmstaooea. village with everything from saleratus to gum, from candy to co fins, from cold soda - to woolen stockings, he is also the village barber, sexton, and gravestone manufacturer, and keeps a livery stable. Tuberca'ar cocao BpUoo is eiav ply toog-ecrofola tbe active aad aaogeroos oevekipoeot A a tatat ia tb blood. Tb rsad MoedV deeming bounic principles eoe talaed to Ir. Pieror Golden Kadi- cal Diaoovrty jeaily fit 4t t Mill. Ik. tJwwl anil trit tkA FayetteTille is hustling to HJ"' ,7? Ti ti. Haw. get np the Centennial Celebra- aDd truccbi! tab. Urtt eoav lion, and everybody ought to ptaiot, skin diseases, aod sore, hustle to get there. Charlotte are also cared by it. AU draxgtst Chronicle. bare It, raytttavilla ZzXil v i 3