I V - r , p E.MOQKE, TUYS1CIAN AND SUHGEON. WILSON, N.C. . , irOfflco iicnnd door from Advance office, Tarboro Sint-t. Krli. 21, ly DANIELS, A YUOCK li DANIELS & ATTOKNKYS-AT-LAW, WILSON, N. C. om.:c In Advance nuildinii C. MCKlMMOX. JAS. A. MOSELEY 13 U3. W. S.&AU1EKT ANDEUSON, I'llYSICIANS A1 KVROKONS WILSON, N.C. "OITlce at Anderson 8 DniR More, next door to the Post Office. D U.E.K. WKIGHT StllOKON DKN 1ST, WILSON. N. C. .Having pvrmancnlly located in Wilson, I ffer my professional services to tho public. 4POfBce In Central Hotel Building. G KO. S. LLOYD M. I)., Limited to EYE, EAR, KOSE AUD -THROAT, jyOfflce, UltYAN HOTEL, NOV. S8-ly TAKBOKO.N.C JJB.R. W.JOY NEIt, St'KGEON DENTIST, WILSON, N. C. lhnreh)uomp Dcrmanentlv identifted: with the peop' of Wilson, h:ive practiced here for the paat ten-years and wish to return thanks to the generous people ol tho community for the liberal patronage they have given me. lyI'spare no money to procure instru ment that will conduce to the comfort of my patients. For a continuation of tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowod 6a me I shall joel deeply grateful. AYOOCK 4 DANIELS. Goldaboro. N. C. C. C. DAN1ELP, Wilson. N. C, & 8. A. WOODAKD, A 1 PllPVl'VdTl 1 W WTLSON. N.C. IVOOloe in rear o the Bank. J F. BKUTON, " AITORSIV-AT-LAW WILSON, N.C. tyOfflce over First National Bank. JNO.B.WOOD ATTOKSEV.AT-LAW, WILSON N.C. 131 Favettevle Street, ; UALEIGIl N. C. A STRICTLY ONE PRICE HOUSE. lioth members of this firm spent several weeks in the Northern mar kets, where they purchased an en tirely new stock for their store, which they opened ou Tuesday, Sept. 24th. It embraces the fol lowing departments: Black Goods and Silks In this department are exhibited all -tbe standard ard new weaves. Black Goods a Specialty Colored Silks and Dress Goods. The novelties in wool Dress Goods are innumerable. In suns tne ei fects are richer than ever before. Plushes and Velvets are extensive ly used, and they show them in ev ery colter ad quality. "Trimmings in black and colors suitable lor all costumes. Cloak Department. Such a handsome collection of wraps has never been shown ,jn this city. Newmarkets will be tne leading wraps, but shorter coals and jackets are "worn and will be shown in all desirable shades and length. Tbeir lines of While Goods, Hos ery, Notions, Handker8hiefs,j; etc., are .varied and complete. Indeed, in this ut'w store is displayed ev erything to be found in any I first class Drv Goods House. jTheir OliDEE DEPARTMENT receives especial attention, and they assure to purchasers out of the city the sameprio s and care in the filling of orders as could be obtained in person. Requests Tor samples promptly complied with, oct. IT. " miPft t mm 11. r. Ana Brs.nc.ies, CONDENSED The Wilson Advance. SCHEDULE. TUAINSf.OING SOUTH- Dated Nov. Wth, 1889. I? Qi3 "A Leave Wcldon,. 12 30 ArKocky Ml 1 4 p m 5 43 p m Ar Tarboro....... 40 P nr ..... 1 Lv Tarboro 10 J a m Ar Wilson.. j 2 17 p m'OO p mj Lv Wilson :J2 X " j Ar Selma., i 3 40 ' .-. Ar Fayettevilc! 00 " li 6 00am 7 10 " 43am L.v Goldsboro.... 3 10 " ,1 40 " 8 35am Lv Warsaw 4 07 " ! 9 40 " LvMasrnolia I 4 22 " 8 4') ,9.ri5" Ar Wiimiugton 5i) " 9 55 1130 " 1 ----- ' ' TKAIN3 GOING NOUTH. t . K . . S. jj 31 ol - o S j fi Lv. Wilmington 12 01 am!00am4 00pm Lv Magnolia 1 17 10 42 " .5 ; " Lv Warsaw : 10 55 ' . 15 53 " Ar Goldsboro 2 18 1145 " 6 M " Lv Fayetteville S 40 " ' A'Selma.- - -1100" j Ar Wilson .12 10 " Lv Wilson 2 f9 a m 12 37 p m:7 4" pm ArKocky Mt.. . 110 " 8 18 " Ar Tarboro..: - 3 40 p mj Lv Tarboro .. It) 20 a mj Ar Weldon 4 30 " ! 2 45 pm 9 30 pm i I The bold young Autumn came rid ing along One day where an elm tree crew. "You are fair," he said, as she bent ner bead Too fair yonr robe's dull hue; You are far too young for a garb so old;. Your beauty needs color and sheen. Oh, I would clotbe von iu scarlet and gold, Befitting thy grace of a queen. J D, BARDIN. j " ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, WILSON. N. C. aVOffice in Court House. f T B.TJZZELL, ATTORN EYrAT-LAW, WILSON, N. C. John E. Woodard, Wilson, N.C. B. F. Tatxor I'ashville.N. C jrrOODARD TAYLOU, ATIOKNEYS-AT-LAW, NASHVILLE, N. C. KVOtEce under Grand Jury Room. BRYAN'S BACK BID HIS BEST HOOKS MADE PRlCiJ ! GROSS. These Hook aro guaranteed not to rust. break, or tear the webbing, and are tho strongest and most durable back band hooka on tne market. I MM Woman la admired by all men. And women do not ob ject to the admiration of the stronger sex. hence they all want to bo beautiful. How to bcomo one is the question that MRS. ANNIE GRIFFIN, THE Rocky Mount Milliiierj wiil-help you solve. She has just retunpd Iroin thp Northern marketsand afterthorough in spec ion of the magnificeDt emporiums jf the -Milliners' Art. has purchased a Sfclilct iine of MILLINERY Daily except Sunday. Train on ?ciuland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax 2 ::0 r M. arrives Scotland Neck at 345 P M, ltiverton 10 i' M. Returning leaves Kiverton 7 20 A W, Scotland Acck at 10 20 U. daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro,.-N. C, via Albemarle & Ualeurh K. It. daily incept Sunday. 4 00 M. Sunday 3 0U P M, arrive W illiamston, N C. 6 30 P M, 4 2ii P M. Plymouth 8 00 P. M-. 5 40 r. At. Keturmntr leaves Plymouth, M. u Daily exceDt Sun lav. no A M. Sunday 8 : M, W uliamstou, " io- A M. 1 w A N, arrive Tarboro, N C, 90 A M. 11 30 AM. This t.-ain will not run bouth of .u ilhamston until 6PM November 2t. Train on Midland K C Branch leaves Golds boro, N C. daiiy except Sunday, BOO A M. ar rive Smithtield, N- '. 7 30 A M. Returning leaves Smithtield, NT, 8 00 A M, arrive Goldsboro. N C. 9 :30 AM Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rock Mount at 3 00 P M. arrives Nashville 3 40 P Spring Hope 4 15 P M. KeUirning leases Spring riopeiuuu a m. jNasnvuie iu & a m, arrive Kocby Mount, 11 15 A M. daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday, at 6 00 P M and 11 10 A M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8 20 M and 3 10 P M. connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41. 40, Si an J 7.i. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Majrnolia. Train No. ,8 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Wilson, N. C, - Dec. 12, 1889. EA1TD01I THOUGHTS- THE POOLED ELK Education Lleans ta Develop the Tal ents Each One Has- The true Idea of education is contained in the word itself a drawing oat, or educing. It hap a drawing forth, or bringing oat those powers within uj. The gifts which men have not attained in the school ; they are inherent, k&cn. mind; most De developed according to the laws of its own nature. A youth cannot be trained to a quick creative genius if he was not born to it. Training will make our faculties better, sharpen our perceptions, awa&en our dor mant, .inherent energies, and "For one little k's on your lips so sweet. For iust one kiss no more I will give yon, I swear, a robe more prepare us to use them to the tair best advantage ; but it can not Than ever a princess worn create in us what God did not One little kiss on those lips, my crnatft in our far nit ins when he . P1 . ... started them into life. Teach Ana 10 i you soau stand, l aay, Queen of the forest, and better yet, Queen of my heart always.'' iog is not to be a pouring in nor cramming process, nor an inflat ing process, but it is to be a drawing out; developing and She tos!-ed her head, but he took training work. the kiss. A bar of iron worth five dol- ('Tis the way .oi lovers bold): iar3 mav be Bo maniDulated as . 1 f - A. I A I '- " AUU a gorgeous U.ess lor tliai tnha rtranrn Mit Intrti hnlanrf sweet caress He gae ere the morn was old. For a week and a day she ruled queen In benty and sp'eudid attire For a wees ana a day sue was loved, I ween With a love that is boru of de sire, I Richmond, Line. TrHius m iand daily except Sunday via Bay Ike close connect-, n lor all points N rth via Richmond and Wasiinsrt n. All trains run solid bet wed i Wilmington and Washington, and have 1 uilman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY. Supt. Traospot ation. . T. M. EM EKSON", Gcn'l Passi urer Agent. ELY'S rnrni nut! GOODS, R0TI0HS. ETC MANCFACTURED BY .- D. T. BRYAN, Rocky Mount, N. C. A beautiful line of Silk Flush and Velvet, al I colors. Muffs, Boas, G ossamers and G loves, all kinds. - & STEMS. FUliMTURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, i WILSON, X. C. " We sell at lowest prices, Bed Rooin Sets, Wardrobts, Brack ets, Folding Chairs, Camp Stools, Picture Frames, and in deed everything in the way of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ShE HERE! H. F. KEEL & 00. GREENVILLE N.C. Have just received a line car load of Horses and Mules which they will sell cheap for cash, or on time at reasonable terms Call and examine before buying elsewhere. They also have fisst-class Livery and Feed stable in connection, rear of Skinner's Law Office. i She ha SILKS, all colors, at 25 cents per yard.- DRESS TRIMMINGS in ,all shades and designs. .Cleanses the Nasal Passages.' Allas P.iiii ud iiUUrmua Heals the Sore-t Restores the Senses of Tastt aud Sib. II. DatarrH KAYFEVtjRfl if if n Then bod eyed Autumn went ou his way, In quest of a tree more fair, Aud mob winds tattered tier gar ments and scattered Her finey here and there Poor and faded and cold She rocked and moaued in dis tress, Ana longed lor tbe dull green gown she bad sold For a lovers' fickle caress. i And the davs went by winter came: And his tyranuous tempests beat Ou theisbivering tree whose robes of shame lie had trampled under his feet saw her reach to tbe mocking skies Her arms bare and thin, Ah, weil-a-day, it is ever the way, With a woman who trades with sin. Llla Wueeler Wilcox in Once a Week. C. A. WASH h CO. Manufacturers And Dea crs In Sashes, Doors, Minds, Mantels, Moulding Stair Work, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, &c &c. West Market Square, Norfolk, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MAooTjAirrto with nrt ccosaAnrr cr the cccrtst. . i f 8 An unusually nice line of Hosiery and Cor sets now in stock. : HAY-FEVER TXTS cube. A particle is applied uito each nostril an agre -able. Price 50 ceni 3 at Druggists mall, retristereij. (iO cents. ELY BROTHERS 50. Warrenew york Tteautiful Silk ar.d Lace Handkerchiefs for ladles and gentlemen. In fact anything you desire wall be found in her Store in ROCKY MUUMT ,.N.cL 1 I II ilillllLUUi REAL ESTATE AGENT, - i -i sold, Real Estate bought leased or rented for a I or SMALL COMMISSION. Parties having Real Estate to dispose of will do well to place it with me. 1 he loiiowing tracts are in my hands and they will t e sold at exceedingly LOW FIGURES; The Carolina Banner, A "FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY PAPER, "PnbUsuea at Tarboro, H. C. $1.50 Per Ytar, 6 nu. 75 cts., 3 mos., 40c A live uewspaper, devoted to the interests of Educcombo County and tho Old North State. Circulation Laruo and Increasing. A plendld Advuriinilltf Medium. HF.VRY T K'lVn KntTnp Ofllce Corner Main and Pitt Sts- All kinds of Job Prihttni? done on short; no tice and at ttcasonablc Kates. HX-COBD SPOOL COTTON " i I II I" 'M OU CAN BUY IT OF For Sale hy J. & 1 . Oettinger, J. D." & S. O. Wells, .I.T.Wiggins. 110 MORE EYE-GLASSES t EYES. MITCHELL'S Eye-Salve A Otrtaln, Bafa. and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Siqhtedness, & Restor " - O ing the Sight of the Old. ?nre Tear Drcns, Granulations, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes.Matted Eye Lashes, m rMwn-s Qncx beuefixd fees;.i...t .trr. AIM, taKV.-f efllracloui when n.-- "i ".)'-? cnalad:.-i, .-.rh an l:lrera. Fci.r ::-;r,K. Tamora, KnIC Hham, Ilarnn, li- r wberrvvr Inilammailon exiv.s, JUMTCMtiLitiii BAU VtC muy b uaed to advantage. . Said by all Dracsiata at 'H Centa. No. I. Building Lot in Toisnot. One vacant building lot in the business portion of ToisLot will be sold ior a small figure, No. 2. Dwelling in Wil son. A Town Lot in Wilson, ou Barnes street, near KailroaJ depot. It is 200 ft front by 210 feet deep, Comfortable dwelliuj: bouse with ft rooms, (joou well of water. Nict grove, bit tiitet! in e.usv access ol the liuitH not i i;?u ol the town Teiuis v enable No. 3. A Smali Truck Farm ; A K-MXl le!iioj- nouse and five acres ol l.i';i. near; Wilson, for nU at a low baie. 'I he. house ha four pood rooniM, all iii-cessary out- tiouses, including barn and stables liie land is in a InghM,ite of culti vation and t he very place for a small truck larin. No. 4. Dweing in W son. An a room dwelling hnnse. in the business portion of Wilson opposite Advance office. A de sirable dwelling, goo l garden and well. No. 5. son. A comfortable 4 room dwelling odposite the-' Advance office. Barn and stablt-s and good gar-pen- , No. 6. A Good True Farm. j . For sale at a bargain, p good truck farm, one mile from tbe heart of Wilson, 'containing 18 acres a comfoi t ible 4 room house, a .good two ro (in kitchen,' barn and wtaliles. No. 7. Dwelling House in Wilson. An 8 room .house, in a good neighborhaoa in Wilson. Lot con tains half an acre. Avery desir able place. No. 8. Dwelling House in Wilson, A 4 i lot ii: !! tin afft; Tutts Fills springs of watches, and its value become two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. So education Is a process to brin out the finer and nobler qualities, and fit the student for more respon sible posts and greater useful ness in the world in its various callings and relationships. What pculDture Is to the block of marble, education is to I the soul. The philosopher, the saint, or the hero, tho wise and the tiood, or the great man, ragged and very often liehid and concealed in the plebean, which a proper education might have disinter red and have brought to light. W ilmington Messenger. .l EXCELSIOR COOK STATES! THE BEST IX THE IIRIET. r V.Vs f, di r-SsS' w. i r-- -r- ' Mil' rL..l The wise carry their kno-ege as and the they do their watches, not ior dis play but for tbeir own use. Sidney Smith. - i Merit "Wins- Brilliant. Par as! Ftrffft Lfiw In the World. Combined with Great Hcfracting Power. They are as transparent aud wdoileHs'as light itx-lf. And for Holiness of endurance to the eye lannot I exielle.1, enbliog the nearer to real lor houi without fatigue. In fa-r. tiny m TesMuiolii.tU fioui 11. ''ulipg phyficianH hi tbe oiuumi rjiu-escan be given, Mio.hnvi: inu ineir improved hy their use. All eye.H ntteU aaii me nv guar- anteetl a A. W. UOWI.AN D S !KtU -STOkK Where an immense assortment of thefe c-lebrated glasses can be found ana properly adapted to all conditions ol the e. These glasses are not applied to peddlers ac any price. None geuuine i unless the name IIawkks in statniH'd on the frame. Wholesale Dejwts, Atlanta Ga, Austin. Texa.s. Mothers, you can relieve your baby of its discomfort without adi ministering opium, that deadlv drug,' by using only ))r. Bull's Baby use. oyrop. The confidence of "womankind is thoroughly grounded on the ef ficacy of Laxador, which has prov ed a remedy of undoubted useful ness iu their peculiar ailments Price only 25 cents. We desire to say to our citizens, that lor years tre have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Ki gs uew Life 1'ills, Buck leu's Arnica Salve ami Electric Bittern, ami neve'r ha-idled remedies that would sell as well, or tnat have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to re lund the purceose price, if satis factory results do not follow their These remedies have, won their great popularity purely on their merits. ror sale at A W., Kowland'sDrugstore. FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver derange, the wholeays tem, and produces Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Saliow Skin and Piles. There is no bettor remedy forthese common ditoa.scs than luff 9 wver pills, as a trial -Kill prove. Price, 23e. Sold Everywhere. The Irvalid's Hope- Many seemingly incurable cases of blood poison, catairl, scrofula and rheumatism have been cured by B. B. made by The worst thing about suicide and this must always rank it be low political assassination it that its Interest purely personal. No mail ever kills himself for tbe good ol others W. D. Uowells. )t0fa't. t' THE GKICAGO, ROCK I5UE3 & PrJi .-C a&ILWiY, InchKlJcr mala !n, bran-br ' XT' v "A '. Liaacurl Rltar. To aJ pcrtnt K.t, 1-' r. , , c,V7rS?riaiid xwxo i- x-Y7- i-;v;. tom-n. Minnakcoli, fcu -aA. ail taf rtiort. dir-a-crt rout- ta conooit v-t Ltxiav;U. NwbrlU aod tM-U-ra Limm 1--11.T. it alaVO COtlUUlVn THE SHORT LINE TO DErlVEf. A? Jf T . WCCT. T the r.'iissouRi raven. . It, t AllVAMC J IJOBPEIMING DOISL Wllwn, S. C. JOB ORK. (II.VK BIT THE BEKT WORKMEN EMPLOYE!" g i v i: P R us 1M T I N C TRIAL We woul l call your attention U tho upo I ffacilitii-s of the .la nee Job Office for furnlah -Inir all desert ptlont of joii WOHK In ,lanrc or mnall quanlitiea. at pritt nl In tjle of , make-up an'l execution uncxcclleJ by any office In the South. Wo will furninh. letter Heala. Note ll.-a K Hill HcaJa. . Slau-mi-nia, Envelope. . Djalness CarJa, Cbock '.Book. School Cala " lo(cun, Prog-rama, ac Fourteen different piles and kinds, l ive sizes with enam eled reservoirs. Adapted lo all .lairttinenta. and priced to suit ail pur.fsi. I. HADING FCA'l'URES: RviLl. vrt u.l doors, patent wood trrate, adjustable damper, lntercLaniL'f-al)!e automatic helf tr:! ; .i.i.r, "vciiirfinaT hearth- plate, iwiiiMiir Due up, re versible ira-buruing lonif cross piere, double rhort centers. lieavy ri: r..ver.-, illuminated Bro doors, nickel knobs, nicklel panels etc. Unentitled In Material, in I finish, and iu operation. Manufactured by isaac a. sin-:rrAiii& co Iialtimore, Md For Sale by . G ). IX G n i:ex E & CO, Wilson. N. U. It traTT raat ar-ava of tba ri-h-t t u-rr-? rr- totiu. tin i.tii km , ii- - - tranaportauon lo and from -l rta, V -" r Kanaaa City aod CldweJL hutfUi a. -I '''.. i f'aaac 61apitK Car to avod trow Wc U.L 4J 3.--' tunmusx. MACNiriCENT VESTIUULC LXH?SS TRA Laadlrur all eomiwauw In Tnior sj-.3:j-wnt. f'V ?"; ''.':' i ua toeotnouv la wra", " " - - .L. Kuuai CMtr and tu Jo-t.o !-) . T'T and Houlhawt, ariUi UcaDt Ir "a'. I t,ni a ; '- - a- a. a. m. as. 4 UaKln w-naa; ll-I? -t'.4 Cfl 1 1 ' tt-roiiur mMXtonm In K.anaa and (Wora ! i --rt I; ' waturat UUona WMtot Kwaw Cut and 1 1. Jaft ltiM U O. w. at aaaaooaota boura aad at taoCarava loooa. t:; rock island is the favorite tourist r.ut Piiv 14iSo honor, lb. mounuan r. n. J i? t . .. Ita Vaatlbula F.ipraMTralid ar;u:pp-d t i t ry nodra lit.: a - : . That alM maltacloa cotawrtwn. t imiti ou " baixiUI villi U UriTrf nod i-o (lrand, tVolora-a Midland, t t.n u . . Laorar Taaaa and h on . oCix. arvl aU lU iirrrto 4iLIi. ForTlckMa, Uapa.Tlru Tfctl.' fo'dr .jporif r.ftba V.it. flaaiitl mootUl1. or rurutef daairad lcJctafe&.os adorwaa E. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN, OaMralXaaafW C11ICAOO. ILU Oct. 10 iy. Oeal XmJUH A.-.-a. 1MIW1RE RAILIG A.N'U 0N AMENTA . MARBLE WORKS JDTJXSJR. Sc. OO 6 orth llna-jirl St., Ualtlmort. i Wire it't:liMi fur VmcU riea Lawns i:rl-n, Oi!hfJ and Dal I coni';Vi- l.iw (2nHrds,Tre (luard I Wire Cloth, Sieve, Fender-, Cate, Sand and Coal Screens, Iron lie.l. te.ul. Clt-ir-. V?e , Notice. On Monday the 6th day jof Jan. 18.)0, I will ofTT lorsa'i to the highest bidder for cah, I at the Court IIo:i-; door iu the Dwii ol Wilson. N. C , th-. entire i ;ere..t of K.-.X. Gorliam in the b'ise arid lot in the :owi of WiKon, N. 0. on tne corner formed by Goldsboro and Vance Streets, it being tbe lot on which Mr?. Faunie Goiham now ive. Al-o bis -iiiteiesr in a cer tain tract of lai.'d iu Toisnot town ship, adjoining the lands of Ilardy Farmer, the heirs of 11. G. White head and others, containing 96 (ninety-six) acres, more or less, to satisfy executions in my hands lor collection. J. W. Crowexx, dec. 5 Sheriff. To Hotners B. (Botanic BI.khI Halm), the Blood Balm Co.. At lanta, Ga. Write to them for book tilled wi: G. W, miles fr ti convincing pi oof. B. Raider, liriug seven did Athens, tia , writes: notice. By virtue of a decree of. the iSu- perior Court of Wilson county in an action wherein Mrs. F. A. Gor- ham is plaintiff and J. E. Gor haxn defendant, I will sell on Monday, I be 6th d:y of January, 1'J0, .'or c ish to the highest I itlder at the Com r.fJo'tse door iu Wilson the said i'rl:,ida;it's interest in and to that lo? or iract of land lying and being situate i:i tf:e, tovn of WiWon n tlie c'iiio r ot ijtOidslioro and Vance hlreet-, fidjomirfg the lots ot VV. C. Gorham, li F. Murray and l her, containing one-half acre, more or less Jno. F. Bruton, Uec. 3 d, '89 Commissioner, "For several years I suffered with mnuiugj ulcers, which doctors treated and pronounced iucurable. A single bottle ol B. 15. B did me uore good than all tbe doctors. I kept on using it and every ulcer healed,'1 U. C Kinard & Son, Towaliga, Ga., writes : -'We induced a neigh bor to try B. B. B. for catarrh, which be thought incurable, as it bad resisted all treatment. It de lighted him, and continuing its use he was cured sound and well.' It. M. Lawson, East Point. Ga , writes : ''My wife had scrofula lo years. She kept growing worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debilitv, emaciation and no appetite follow ed. Alter plitficiana aud uutner ors advertised medicines failed, I tried B. B. B,, and ber recoveiy was r apid and complete." Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md writes : '4I suffered from weak bakk and rheumatism. B. B. B. has proseu to be the only medicine that gave me reliof.'' For upwards of filly years "Mns Winslow's Soothing Syrit" has beeu used by millions of mothers lor then- children while teething with nererdailiug safety and sue cess, it i-ootiies the child, soitens the gums, allays all paiu, regulates IMPORTANT to YOU. ep26 l:?m I E. E. 1IILLIABD, REAL EST HE 1GEST. Scotland NECK. fJ. C. COOKE, CtARK&C Successors io LUTIIKI1 .SIIKLUUN. di:ai.i: s in Doors and Blinds, Mouldings rackets, St Jewels, Brackets, Hardware, . Puttty and Painters rV 12 IX I .V I . . OF F.VrUY MCIMI'TION UrDtt-1 Agent for Va-litb. M?lio- V lxusm.u PURE READV-MIKED PAINTS. Noa. 16 W. kide Market Sqoare aJ. l Uat Avrtoe, Norfolk ir" -:(); I'aniia. town ,i. a 1 h r tatua'.l. pr" Dweing In' WII-' Hn-e, with pantry iJo. 9. Three Vacant Lots. Three vacant lots for building i'urposes will be sold at low figures. Executor's notice. Jlaving tUdlilied as executor of the la-; will and testament of Hardy F. Barues,-d';cease.-l, sH pe sons in debted to eaiu i.eceased are hereby northed to mako immediate pay- mtnt, and iii"st' iiolding claims agaiust the estat-e of said deceased to present them. i r payment to us or to our attorney on or before the first day of Decem ber 1890, or this notice wilt be plead in bar of their recovery. Hickman I. Barnes, John 11. Barnes. Executors, John E. Wooimd, Att'y. ' Wilson, X. C, Nov. 30, '89. Boston Suitor And now may ass your iatner tor your liaud in marriage, dear f unicago uuu Better ask ma; what she says goes. At first a little, backing cough, "u 'Tis nothing but a cold," ineysav, '4. will verv ROim wear off." Alas, the story old J The hec'ic cheek, the failing strength, Tde grief that cannot save. And lifes wau name goes oat, at length, In a consumptive's grave. If persons would use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, when irritation ol the lungs is indicated by a cough, it would be au easy matter to avert consumption. Be wise in time. The "Discovery" is guaranteed to cure in all cases of diseases for which it is recommend ed, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. NOTICE, All notes and accounts du the firm tf By mini & Daniel must be paid at once, as longer time cannot aiui will not be givei- Save yoiuiitif trouble and ex pense by making immediate settlement -'.with A. X. Danikl, Wilson, N. C, or Dr. J. X. IIv.m m, Farmviile, X. (p. . ,TheB,ural H6me. The RURAL. HOMi; U an 8 page Alliance and Home journal, I'al'lisho.l weekly, an.l de voted to the uplim!cl;iii? of tho Southern Country Homes. AVair-t the MORTGAGE SYSTEM EXTORTION EKS AND TRUSTS, it "will wajro &u unceftseless war. Terms one dollarayear. t-Qoeiai lutes to Alliances. Ad vertialntf rates liw. Scml for copy. W. S. BARNES, Editor and l'rop'r. Toisnot, N. C. May aotf Irate Politician Look here, you published a lie about me this morn ing, an infamous lie. I won't stand it! Serene Editor But iust think where yon would be if we; were to publish the truth about you Terre Haute Express. I .Mi'ivninifl. MinniR'-iun'ra. I ' r, nun ' . ,-t, -., , . tiaKK. runiv nH.in and lluimn N .n.... Oem r.ll, who may wh I lrwU ,,. , ..n . PHINTING OU 1UNDING I of any I In, I. will find that wo hava thp la rir- I and beat i-.ui'.l bouM; vt tho kind la Oie j oiaiv. our 1 ty -il"l. ri-iit-l. t.r I. .d on i.rniiuiMi. Val- nm farm and ej ulV tM-wa taauda. s Wilson Iron Works, he boweN, cures wind col c and is jaiul,b. k for Iknistrates and lie 1M remedy f.r diarrlted. , ,ff iM us WinsuIw's SO..THINO tin"'l,J I he N. C. Manual of ljnr a:: A Fvrw:, Price S2 by Mai, SYBl t" ii for i ale by diutgist ly ever', pittoltlie world, nice zo cents i buttle. Pimples, blotches, scaly skip. ugly iMt-, noren hikI ulcers, ab- scessjis antl tumors, unhealthy dis. i.arirer-, sucli as catanh, erzema, ringworm, and otner lorms or Kin liseases, are cyrcptoma of blood mouiitv Take Dr. .1. 1 1. McLean's I Saisapa; illn. a the IxHit v. f tuhll'h-d. Our l.l.ti.Xt. BI.Kn,Mipi r In l rra arl Quality of par r and low in pnc-.. s n. (.ru-ra for a I iiaAsca or rrmtinic or Ltindn.tr. EDWARDS & BROUuBTOH, IIOV. 21. When a man has a cataract It is cruel to dam his eyes any further. Kalkioii THE Ki x.o gel Sample vpy Inr. A 1 5tx . E. K. HiLLtAun, S t.l!ai d Neck. N. C. 1MNCIIAI.I. V IIKCI.. I'roprlcfor'.. Iron There are times wbo a feeling ol lassitude will overcome the Most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to furnish the element a of health aud atrength. The best remedv .or tiuritTinsr the b'ood is Dr. J. II. McLean's SarsapmiTta. Placing a niece of zito- i- live coals iu a stove or g.ai i- ... easy wy to clean sooty chimaea Eveu. the most vigorous and hearty H?opb have at times a feel lnpof weaiiness and lassitude. T. dispel this feeling take Dr. J. 11. McLean's Sarsaparilla ; it will im part vigor and vitality. Bald heads never dye, TANNHAEUSER BEER Is Brewed of pure llojn and Malt, and lovers of Good Heel will Eet their mouex's value by calling for and.taking no other but FRY A US BEEU. Took first prize world ov er. Also finest AND OA U HON AT ED W ATEUS. Illottled in Wils-m Hiid Wei- don, S ('. by Ij. FltYAlt. Oct. 21- t . I . T " " VaLrr "Wtr '(Ul yoa awlal cn abmt til I only id Vr. ;Ua aaa a 7 nl Infcwmnl au, km! I aubed Ja aai4 f otavay artnun. . Ma Ui Tr.. an! tat wt ya mi yvm a-tbrd I CKill tar,j.- t ..k a. atil aa lira. ' --II lifT nr a 'cilia Baa ai. ta. a Ual I h.ra't MiLit - W tfci t" Maa L - .1. .h 'l of hrt M-rm-tUm f"fn th- V.-u n- i y Uk I atimtt Ua ah. kivH.. a':! tUat t r-'ifr oa at W arx-til a4 efit-natnifjt I71 c.T.r,, itf cxm aa rll aa U; i!'-- if I bad tba aaaaa aoarr of InionnaU.'OL i l ri aw ll laa aaatarr c4 kay Waruloc UK it ai.'l IrarrM-! tiuw . ol Of- day. t '..a w,.ai t a aa la ty my -... ti,l f jt, Cr-:. It nau,ly CuTrr. rri-ry i,p c -f lT.irt-t. raa tba ana 4 i day d .D l tlx. d.4: Of krna. anrptl f ; and rrru.!i- I. o U-astiially lllaaraia. lua. vrry liiw Mamia r ency to 1b Alarca aaa coaira t,wk il .,-- tnr lo r fa to laaa hiwifrrf family V-ax:iM. a. lh aaira a aa orooX K.-t. th- t. ai.icii f.r k evry aaoaia, a a l-tar-1. f.Knd f.v t'rm ato la n. arra: ai4 Mr. Alkn It K Ii I. yaiiy ucdrrfuJ trnw h aail. r rr ttea.V t i4 iff r.is.lj I Ma La. "tt.ll prrha:-! r d Wiirr ar4 f or a FramnK-nlVfy: f.. if u i.abiibinr likrakaa jo a M l. l aia ..au-r 4 lftruc: It a bntaof aa Maa l.ca. - -r tbat W. J-etur ra In aiiaay, lh- pal.halnT. lj I.m inli Hmt Nr-w Ywk. la crttf-no j ! arad a S(-CJtura I opy f iQcrata aa avcant Um- attthu.&'. a. cava aoaiHrr cnataiaa -l aHcrn tir .. r' . Hill t iba tvuMrr to aajr la!b-rn he tnr cb .. and ta antaUa - atka al-mc Buikc- th tij. a-na otua : aud I H aanl a )ak, p.t-.rn l:k Mix 4 lira a. Tba ntrrit'!n l'-i i cmiy mui year: a ad I an a at aay I can't a. b-'W ihry eaa MUlUfe M elegant a Maauu t-A au UXa saMary." tiavrog tiarcuaaasi of 31 array A; lta ti ViWq Iron . Uke jdeaaare in loforrolDg the pub u ttt , miv ,w .rri.ai woik aa wrll and m cheap m any M. u-tie Sfio u ib istat. now rea.lv to do all kiada ol Bn.tk . (-:' .u 1'iraKr.. c.rt..n . era, lluak Harkhog Macbiue, Saw M;,u and Mill i4a1.1ti-M. I. AH kindaol l iarr Wotk, lio.lrr. i rMl.-l nat.Ht.4a A lull line of Machiun' aop4iri altjju.t, l.atol. iluzme i. . nod all kiuda of Bridge lkilta f. aale. r la-i , . n,at MACHINE SHOPS that carAlo fimt-cU.. a.Hk at LIVING PnirilS. .;! U tb .l ol ibis otnaiaiilty aud e f..jii .j,. 4 Aa.aajbOly. and at o I t ta It i at ascha 11 & lroB BRANCH cm CO., JE1 -tj Jrit 3 n SILVERWARE. Fauits of I'lgestioo cause disor ders of the liver, aud the whole sys tem becomes deranged. Dr. J. 11, McLean's Sarsapanlht perfects the procetis of digestiou and assimila tion, aud thus makes pure blood. . a. Samuel Trust, of ltipley county, lvd., is seven feet tall aud is still growing. I Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. U. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pilletn .'little pills.) I VI have ju-t i.lu m-.l limn Iber! Nrtli and Imi M.e i.icft ine of Siverwme i vi i t r. night lo ti-is place. I a!-o ''are a li ie select iwi of CLOCKS, r.OI.D AND SILVEU WATCHES CIIMN.S, UINGS, BUACELEIS, GOLD PEvS, FOUNTAIN PENS. VASES AND TEA SETS. IM POUTED CHAMBER SETS, MUSICAL IN S f li U M E N T S. A Pull L:ne of Violin, Gu:tar Banjo Stiings. aud It is said that the city of Paris, when full, can accommadate nearly lour millions of people. Why continue the use of irrita ting powders, snuffs, or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of ap plication and a sure cure for ca tarrh and cold in bead, can be had for 50c It is easily applied iuto the nostrils, is sate and pleasant and is cunug tbe most obtinate cases. It gives relief at once. Tbe Proprietors or Ely's Cream Balm do not claim It, to lie a cure all, but a sure remedy for catairh colds iu the head and bay fever, It is not a liquid or a en u 11". but is easily applied into the nostrils. It gives relief at once. -lo lie l.iwn Awav January 1st. Call an 1 get oue of niy circulars and learn pjinculars J. R. RAWLS, Sick headache, biliousness, nau- Nash St., cnoosite Court House nr. ,na:A . I I ... oca, wMiiruirni1, a;t- iioiuyu uuu agreeably baniht(1 by Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Piilets (little pills.) R imiHR 1I1E DEAD. L in cnaracter, id manner, iu stjle. io all things tbe supreme excellency is in simplicity. Courtesies are reciprocal. Peo ple wh6 expect them should be wil ing to return them. 'x, - J "The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. li McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles. No need to lake I hose bin cat bar tic pills ; one of Dr. J. H. Mt Le rn's Liver and Kiduey Fillets is quite eiir.ioient and more agreeable. Justice raises the nation, but 6in makes a people miserable. For a safe at 1 certain remedy for fever and ague, ne Dr. J. H. McLean's Chilis and Fever Cure; it -s warranted to cure. Wilson, N. C SOLICIT XT ' iuiirtcr fully jsolic L lv cO individuals, Firms, Di I HE AC tiLNIS im Coric6."id Caraala. and Trada-Marka obtainad. aod ail 1-afc- ani oaaioraa Cooooctwl tor MoecaaTC FetB. Oua Ornct ia Oaaoa.Tt y a. ftrttrerntc and w. can arv-ara tasrni Ui laaa ifc. - renoia from naahmtaa. bend modd. draa m or pVHo . a!ta dwrln. Una. M . adrtaa. tf talmtal.la turn Im .j cnarpa. Oar not due UJ paim 1. imml. - FiaaMirt, "How ta Obtain Palaeta. wttk nantca of a. tuai ciH-ni. la Tosr blau eunstr aa C.A.SNOW&CO. Opt. Partar Orncc. WaaMiaarea, D. C f. I ay S ST y ci-h I Is. . - T I T I KVvPne (olorsThat .Vrv-V-WASH OUT X;- -.VS-fusing anks J ents Generally. Deposits Received Subject to Check at Si t Intere Allowed on Special Deposits if ' Left a Stipulated Time. Ex- c qnqe Bought and Sold. 4 1 Collections ModeJlon all Available PcmrL. 1XVJGSTJIKXT ii:ivitT?:i:T. ith an ex per knee of Tt-o.r Yrara in th wm,.. ., .a , we have tbe beat facilities for rnaking Safe and rrouUbl? In--for TniKtee. Adminiatrators Guanliana. A.c. de.irin2 tk uir-. Our iuukloe Uoa annnliM cub vanltUoneof Mai vin'a latent Iui.m! ri..:i, d -mi lialo Safes. tVAll business cot runted ith nn il! la. ,r. .r,.i .w-.r. . .1 1 Strict Confidence. TS. The Blattering man otten breaks bis words. Too well known to need lengthy advertisements Dr. Sage's Ca- tari h Remedy. 50 cents, by drug gists. C?er 500 Beantifal Designs. MANUFACTURED BY MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., i;riik;ei'oi:t, coxy. T. C. DAVI , A-rent. Wilson, .C. ' Notice. Norrti fan.l.na - Wil, rou,,i, J ph S. Holt 1 John K.Ur.ka. f N"UC f Thrd.-r. n.Janl alnrp n.t-, ,,,, Ihal a ..in.,,,..,,, ,n ih.. !.. rtiml. a.ltoa 7. .1 ... 7. ' Z-J- Ulxaalar, . 1-11 in,. ,--a rr wi a. Carolii.a. f. r Ihv .urn ut lhiriy-ilrw'd.iiaa ana lli.ny ,... ., !,, wh Int. Tt 7k mm tv.m ih day f (K U.I-r t-. dm tlZ mm plamufl y n- tr. 'which .id .umwJa, w ary ir.i. wh.-n and whrr- lh 4-r-odant la riC iTm. - I.. TI"" "! r or raiur lo lh imitii.i ""n ui-oianicl wiU Ti..i-l layof : . . Ivn J. W. LAXCAPTKH. f It Vf.a-ir ... ' Ol I Da Uvc i K' l Uia.:iO a At trn. y. FINEDIAIIOIiDS Wau-aaa.aaw.lrf Kli4 Kilaarwar. Mr CHAT II AN & GALE I tax Maia at.. MoRmi.at, ate thiLeadtra, it. a.t-fc i,r largeat and tbt.r i-ricr l.r it-- a. a f' are rooib 1mi ibaw xU-ii figure. N. B. Tb-j hive aiiil-d men f r . repalrirf; .f IVnii l and Jewtlry. jy 1NGINk8V MJI.1.S ' l i t OlTON PLl' FOR A GOOD AND EASY SHAVE Toallil C8ltn ioC.ll ca I 17 11rtt-,4. Uaawand try a. fr ,,. " ' tCoapartXul! n-um. II ..t. 1 II .,- ..-. ta ' 1..aMaal 'y i.-l.a " . ItHi.l .: n.i H,taa, ...1 M I ! .. !...,. . II..4 ttH !. . lHJt Ma att II. a u 11 '. 1 A I i II V t..'. li , k ' tat , I ty.,. a ,t :t I . ,;..- r ... I I II I -.4. a k Tt.r " I Hlf l.,.,-.a a'd If ' I H f - I 111 f - - I SHI - t A I larim frt '9 1 2 i I yx-um. iOtlH OABTON, It. T. KAJCSOMa VM. ILTAITJ cava fir )

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